#rise papyrus fans
nixii-sabre · 2 years
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momentomori24 · 4 months
Flowey and Papyrus have been one of my favourite Undertale relationships for years (even tho we never actually see them interact personally in the game don't ask me why) and I'm so fucking happy there's been a surge in art for these two sillies since the newsletter and Q&A. As well as just more official content of them interacting in general, FINALLY. To anyone who's made art for them-- thank you for your cooking services. You've kept a desperate, starving thing fed this month. To anyone who hasn't-- please consider cooking some food, please.
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scarlet97531 · 3 months
⭕️❗️we made flight rising fan dragons for Ink’s entire known family btw
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His uncles are WIP (baby pearlies) but the rest are pretty much done :3
If you have any ideas for undertop sans and papyrus’s outcode names please comment cause idk what to do with them lol
((Pictures of their profiles below))
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nyxchipz · 2 years
Alright, I'm pulling out the big guns for this battle. Mob is a formidable opponent, so I've put together my propaganda PowerPoint. Behold:
Abed fans, Donnie was directly inspired by him!
Jotaro fans, Donnie is canonically a Jojo fan!
And consider: if he makes it past Mob then I'll make a sequel to this post for his battle against the unstoppable force that is Papyrus! (Im sorry Shadow fans i dont think hes gonna make it)
Don't forget that if rise fans are known for anything, it's our unwavering hope, so don't forget we still got a ninja's greatest weapon
@autismswagsummit / @autismswagreblogs i hope you've enjoyed my post
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the-meme-monarch · 1 year
honestly i actually think that k_k deltarune is silly on purpose and not Just Like That bc god knows autistic people aren't treated as being capable of having a sense of humor. god knows k_k is treated like shit in fan content for being clearly autistic coded just like papyrus was. so i like to think he's silly on purpose. he knew full well that cap'n didn't mean 400 bagels for 80$ but it took everyone by surprise and what is he to do but Commit To The Bit. he knew exactly what capn Meant by "are we players?" but he was Not going to answer that. not when there was an opportunity to say something seemingly inane and also stop his siblings from fighting. his feelings about wishing he were a car are nuanced but he loves to just say it bc it tends to get him looks from strangers. he would tell customers in the shop "I love you" at the end of a conversation like it's a phone call and he slipped up but he Didn't bc he loves to just get a rise out of people bc he is silly on Purpose. he is a 'sharks are smooth as hell' kinda guy
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punsmaster69 · 6 months
"frisk. look."
i open my cupped hands to show them a little frog.
"Little dude..."
"So cool."
they hold up theirs to show me a couple of worms.
"so cool."
"So cool."
"so cool."
"So cool."
"What are you two 𝘥𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨??"
flowey shrieks when i hold the frog up to him.
"lookin' at critters."
"Get that thing AWAY FROM ME!!"
he hissed as i moved it closer to him again.
"not a fan of frogs, then?"
"Not a fan of you putting-"
frisk immediately shoves the worms up to his face.
he rapidly wheels backwards.
"That's it. I'm leaving again. Go bother someone else."
me and frisk stare at each other for a moment.
we look around.
there's toriel, who's trying to teach undyne how to skip rocks on the water.
alphys and napstablook are sitting in the shade on a blanket.
mettaton is watching papyrus try to fill up a water gun while standing calf-deep in it.
we nod in agreement.
frisk shouts for him as we walk over.
"Hey! Papyrus!"
passing the water gun to mtt, papyrus wades through the water over to us.
"check this out."
simultaneously, me and frisk raise our cupped hands to indicate what i was talking about. he crouches in front of me and frisk.
they reveal the worms.
he removes a glove to lightly pet the wriggling creatures.
"She doesn't?"
"Sounds like I've gotta go show her how cool worms are."
upon opening my hands, the frog immediately jumps onto my brother.
there's a loud splash as he shouts in surprise and tumbles backwards.
undyne can be heard cackling from behind me.
toriel shouts over with concern.
"Is he alright?"
a bony thumbs-up rises from the water. not long after rises the upper half of the skeleton.
i watch tori signal the thumbs up to alphys and napsta as well.
"Do you need a hand, darling?"
he shakes his head as he stands up. papyrus sighs as he squeezes water out of his shirt.
water pours from his eyesockets when he leans forward to look at me. i barely dodge getting splashed.
". . ."
turning around, he makes sure to dump the rest of the water out; then rattling his bones for good measure.
spinning to face me again.
"𝘐'𝘮 not above it, though."
mettaton sprays me right in the face with the water gun.
putting my hands up to block the stream.
"hey. that's not nice."
"Neither was assault by frog."
"neither is this."
i push papyrus back into the water. an immediate "SANS!!!-" is shouted before being muffled.
"You're begging for it, now."
again, mettaton sprays the water gun. this time, i dodge the stream.
"can't keep attacking forever."
"you'll run out of water eventually."
he does, in fact, run out of water.
"see? there's nothing you can do now."
"might as well give up."
mettaton's defeated face cracks into a smirk.
a cold hand grabs my shoulder.
i'm suddenly lifted off of my feet and suplexed backwards into the lake.
the conversation outside the water sounds muffled.
"What on Earth is happening over here?"
toriel speaks with a hint of concern, but mostly amusement.
undyne laughs.
"Sans just got OWNED."
"Dunked on, even!"
adds flowey.
"No hugs until you're dried off, darling."
"I have a... hand-fan?"
"...He ever gonna get out of there?"
undyne's voice gets closer.
"Dude, did you drown him?"
alphys interjects.
"...You ARE aware that monsters can drown too, right?"
i'm lifted out of the water by undyne.
everyone watches water empty from my sockets the same way it did from papyrus'.
"It is much like seeing a water fountain."
"That was quite the ruckus."
papyrus sighs at tori's comment.
"THAT'S why you fell?!"
undyne snorted.
napstablook mumbles.
"that really came back and rib𝘣𝘪𝘵 me in the ass."
immediately, i got dropped back into the water with a 𝙨𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙝.
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stuffyflowers · 27 days
Masterpost of everything we learned from the Kissy Cutie AMA with Merengue on ACDS for those wondering
(Merengue is the creator I should probably mention that lol)
The game, particularly its theme of racism, derived from the rise of Trump in 2016, during which hatred towards Mexicans was popular. As a Mexican woman herself, she says this was a very personal source of inspiration and she considers Kissy Cutie a "healing journey."
Similarly, Sona is inspired by her personal experience living with a controlling parent. Her confusing motives and reactions take you off guard. She depicts a complex person who is full of regret but fails to be better.
The endings were were a criticism of dating sims, trying to follow Undertale's ending style and the fandom.
She regrets making the truest ending so hard to obtain. She is tempted to make TikToks showing people how to get all the endings to stop the suffering.
She would love to remake Kissy Cutie, but "ran out of budget on the intro." In all honesty, she would think about it if people are really interested.
The game has so many artstyles as no artist wanted to compromise to draw all the sprites. While the end product worked, she would have preferred a more homogenous artstyle.
If she were to remake the game, she would like to redraw everything herself.
The yellow soul was renamed to Clover as the demo of Undertale Yellow had released during development. There are also references to Flowerfell (such as in Sona's final transformation), which was another fan creation she loved.
Sona's powers had many changes during production. She was going to be a doll-like monster that absorbed human souls (and goes bald at the end?), then she was going to have Flowerfell reset powers, but in the end she was made to be a witch whose powers came from an ancient artifact. She is also able to turn the monsters human through "determination."
She wanted to explain every loose end left in Undertale, hence the focus on Chara's backstory and their upbringing with Sona. She says Chara is the main character, not Sona.
She was nervous about doing a Sans path due to his popularity at the time. So she made him "that way" on purpose.
She handles the Frisk/Chara/Player relationship "like the Catholic Church handles the Holy Trinity."
She has played Danganronpa, but has not read Homestuck or watched Glitchtale.
The characters with no sprites are a result of their artists abandoning the project.
Alphys, Mettaton and Toriel paths were planned, but never got far.
The Alphys route was being written by a friend who she began to distance from. She never got to see any of it.
She has not played Undertale Yellow, only the demo.
The disappearance of the 42 Ayotzinpa students is another source of inspiration (The scene in which you find Mettaton's body likely alludes to this).
She loves and encourages fan content of her game, including using the game's code as a base for projects.
The humanification arc was intended to explore how a racist would 'solve racism' without violence, by turning everyone into "someone like them."
The human designs have slightly pink hair to reflect Sona's influence. Human Papyrus was inspired by his in-game comments about wanting muscles and hair, human Sans was "the typical fandom approach," and everyone else became anime characters.
The music was the last thing worked on. It was rushed and they didn't know what they were doing.
Sona was not intentionally similar to Monika or Makima.
Sona is (supposedly?) wearing a black mourning dress (Likely mourning Chara hence the yellow flowers).
The cover of Waterfall is her favourite track.
The idea of Sona being a skeleton named Arial was tossed around briefly.
The truest ending was created after some staff requested the option to save Flowey and Sona. It also fulfilled her plan for Sans and Papyrus to take over the orphanage.
Sona's final transformation intended for her to be kept human "but not without her sins showing"
The glitchy text character was Flowey. The glitchiness showed the interference and Flowey being manipulated
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zu-is-here · 1 year
Oh my god Detroit Become Human + UTMV I love you so much Zu. Please tell us more about your ideas <3
Awww I'm happy to hear it, thanks a lot! (〃ω〃)
It was a spontaneous thought and I didn't think much, so feel free to share your ideas as well! ☆
Connor!Ink: he & Hank!Error were the first on my mind, they seem to fit these roles so well (人 •͈ᴗ•͈) From disgust towards an annoying partner to friendship... in the best scenario =)
Elijah!Nightmare does look like a rich genius who might "invent" feelings, and the test scene would prove if Ink can kill for the sake of the script, or show empathy like a living being.
Markus!Cross: Kao noticed that X!Gaster must be Carl, and that's right! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) Maybe he's not that evil (yet with no legs in pain), so he has Cross (with no "scar" yet) to help him around the house.
What if X!Papyrus is Leo?.. Well, Cross puts himself back together, piece by piece, including a new red eye... and finds Jericho, with North!Dream and others <3
Kara!Lust*: Fell may be Todd muhaha >:D Lust and [unknown child] run away and then find big Luther!Horror (//ówò//) (rise up HorrorLust fans <3)
I'm not sure about Zlatko though, it must be someone... kind yet suspicious :) So many characters and even more possibilities! ♪
* There are also other options for this route, like:
Kara!Dream, Zlatko!XGaster and Luther!Cross.
Kara!Outer, Zlatko!Nightmare and Luther!Killer.
In short, try and enjoy your favs! ;D
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Awww that would be so sad yet so good! (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)✧ Nightmare knowing that Neil loves Dream more than him... must be such a pain for him ♡_(:3 」∠)_
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Oh, any ship child would fit here imho, and maybe not only Cream ones <3 So it's up to you! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
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Heheh for real! (༶ૢ˃̵̑◡˂̵̑༶ૢ) Thank youuu <3
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dwellerinthelibrary · 9 months
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An unusual scene from the papyrus of Sesekh. Those wavy lines at left represent the mountains, and usually it's Hathor, in cow form, emerging from them. Here the artist's taken the liberty of painting a ram in her place (representing the sun god?).
(Late 21st / early 22nd Dynasty, now at the Neues Museum in Berlin.)
[A man in a white linen skirt offers a vessel to a ram wearing an elaborate atef-crown. A white fan rises behind the ram. A small figure of Maat, holding a large ankh, sits before the ram. Below sits the black jackal of Anubis with a flail and sekhem-symbol.]
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chaoswithcausation · 2 years
y’all please just humor me I love statistics and probabilities and stuff & need to share bc my brain commands me to do so.
statistically speaking, I don’t think Papyrus is going to win the final poll. we can safely infer that Donnie is going to kick open the door to the final and scream “I LIVED BITCH” which means it’s basically going to be another match between he and Mob, with Papyrus in there as a variable
no disrespect to Papyrus of course, I’m just saying that based on the voter turnout and margin of victory between Donnie and Mob last time, it seems as though we are either going to A) see all the Rise fans (of which, I should note, I am one) work harder than the devil himself to get Donnie across the finish line, or B) see all the Mob supporters fight tooth and nail to keep what little space there was between him and Donnie last time.
It will be interesting to see how Papyrus affects this rematch. There will some voters who initially voted for either Donnie or Mob in their 1v1 poll but are ultimately loyal to the skeleton, at which point it may just come down to who lost the least voters to him
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zanyzendraws · 2 years
undertale fandom things i randomly remembered around 1 am. Or insanely specific childhood memories I hold.
- Amino back then was so fucking funny because the UT amino had featured a post where some kid I guess found a hole in the ground and went “GUYS NO LOOK IT MATCHES THIS PICTURE OF MT EBOTT” and people were losing their minds. I was losing my mind. Okay amino isn’t funny- KIDS are funny.
- PTA Sans was a popular concept and i don’t see people do it anymore. It’s funny. I miss seeing him go ham when it came to putting Linda or something in her place
- Apparently Genshin Fans are starting to find out that Sean Chiplock is the one who made the “Papyrus Makes a Mixtape” audio and it kinda amuses me. I’m the opposite. Instead of “omg this is the guy that voices Diluc” I always see Sean Chiplock’s name and go “Papyrus?”
- omg the sans and papyrus vocaloids / utauloids. The Drop Pop Candy. The Childish War. The Kangerou Days Sans cover that was made by sTEEL FROM THE UNDERTALE MUSICAL
- The Echo animation for Gaster is legendary. Also gentle reminder that the UT community led me to the Vocaloid community. Anyone else? Just me? Okay.
- there was an undertale dating simulator that was in the works and it had auditions and everything but it got cancelled (i’m not referring to bonely hearts club btw but PLEASE CHECK THAT ONE OUT)
- Vannamelon was commissioned to play Undertale and THAT’S HOW BAD PEOPLE WANTED HER TO PLAY IT
- Has anyone noticed there’s an image of Jack Black wearing a Sans shirt. If you didn’t know, now you know.
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- There was a weird period of time where people drew Monika and Sans together and I guess it was due to the characters both being self aware of their respective games though it was weird looking back
- okay so idk if i’m tripping but I swore the channel pshattuckproductions had more undertale comic dubs than they do now. like they don’t do comic dubs anymore because it’s called Gaming for 2 now though the vids are still up. Though I swore there was a comic dub of Sans and Toriel at the store and Sans being a “cashmere-velvet candy cane” with what he’s treating himself with and then Papyrus is going to seemingly spoil the fun but then treats himself with a batman costume too. Where did that go. There was also a comic dub where Papyrus learns to use the gaster blasters and summons spaghetti
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grizzlyofthesea · 2 years
what do y'all have against mob, this is goofy.
Sorry if I came off as over-aggressive with my last post. I really don't mean any sort of offense or harm to members of Mob Nation.
I can't say that I really have anything against Mob specifically, since I haven't had the opportunity to watch MP100 in full (I tried to start, but the website I was directed to only shows you 5 minutes per episode before forcing you to become a premium member). At most, some of the comments on the poll feel a tad mean-spirited...but even then, that's a tiny, tiny minority. Every fandom has those people, too. So it's nothing about Mob. It just feels good to band together with others and rally against a common "enemy." Donnie, Mob, and Papyrus are all champs just for making it this far, and I hope this event does more unification of the fandoms than division between them, but I will still have my favorite of the lot.
I'm also very, very passionate about Donnie's entire existence. He's the first canon autism representation I've ever seen that I genuinely love; Entrapta from the She-Ra reboot feels kind of infantilizing to me, for example. Donnie's allowed to just...exist alongside the others not as a mere sideshow, but a feature presentation. And Nickelodeon ripped this beautiful, important representation from our hands through their abysmal handling of Rise. He isn't even real, but I feel bad for him and want him to have some success while he's down on his luck. This isn't an excuse for stirring the pot and getting overzealous, but maybe it's an explanation.
I can promise that I'll do my best to remain respectful to fans of the other competitors; there will be no name-calling, intentionally picking fights, etc. on my end. With that said, I will remain passionate to the end. I'll be rooting for my purple softshell boy and trying to recruit others to our side, no matter how impossible the odds may be.
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twinhood-2dot0 · 2 years
A Shallow Dive Into: Leitmotifs
Good morning Alex. Another music quirk, yep. According to Wikipedia: A leitmotif or leitmotiv[1] (/ˌlaɪtmoʊˈtiːf/) is a "short, recurring musical phrase"[2] associated with a particular person, place, or idea. It’s German for “guiding motif”. Leitmotifs are prevalent in video games and movies alike. As you may know, I’m a huge fan of sound design and scoring and such of any piece of media, so today we’re gonna be dissecting leitmotifs.
Richard Wagner
The earliest usage of the leitmotif is attributed to this man, Richard Wagner. A song we’ve all probably heard, Rise of The Valkyries, from Der Ring des Nibeldungen is a leitmotif, as I found out while researching for this post. Der Ring des Nibeldungen contains hundreds of leitmotifs, apparently. I’m way too young for 1800s stuff like this so let’s move on to the modern age.
I was introduced to the concept of leitmotifs by my favorite game of all time, Undertale. Undertale is famous for its tracks. Toby Fox is a musical genius, and I’m not the only one who thinks so probably since he was also asked to make the soundtrack for the latest entries in one of the biggest franchises ever, Pokemon. I could sing praises of Toby Fox, but we’d be here forever, so let’s look into the music itself.
Undertale has a soundtrack of 101 songs, and a slew of characters.Every major character has a leitmotif that can be found in every track they’re related to. There’s an excellent video that I’m going to reference but won’t link to since I ***need*** you to play Undertale without the slightest hint of spoilage. (also i didnt know that was a word i just typed it and expected it to red underline but apparently it exists 💀). Thank you to Circlejourney on YouTube and the Undertale Fandom Wikia for compiling the songs so I won’t have to listen to the soundtrack for hours to find every single one. I am going to however compile a playlist with all the main songs and related songs featuring the leitmotif. The songs in the brackets are the songs denoting the starting of the tracks containing the leitmotif.
Undertale (First song: Once Upon A Time): This is the main leitmotif that appears in the Menu, intro, and main plot points. The title theme, Undertale is one of my favourite songs. I also included a Nora Van Elken cover of Undertale because it’s awesome :P
Flowey (Your Best Friend, Your Best Nightmare): This leitmotif is for an important character, Flowey, who appears throughout the game intermittently.
Toriel (Fallen Down, Heartache): Another character specific theme. Heartache is a track that also appears in ASGORE because goat. 
Underground (Ruins): This leitmotif appears in several areas in the underground, the main setting for the game, and also, curiously, for another character.
Monsters (Anticipation): This appears first in Anticipation and Enemy Approaching, but is also used in non-battle themes, so I’m just going to name this category Monsters.
Ghost (Ghost Fight): This is the leitmotif for a few related characters. I didn’t know they were related until I found out they were leitmotifs. Undertale has a ton of awesome tiny details.
Sans (sans.):  Leitmotif used in the tracks where Sans appears. Also, he talks in comic sans >:)
Papyrus (Nyeh Heh Heh!): Leitmotif for Papyrus. He talks in, you guessed it, Papyrus >:)
Snowdin (Snowy, Snowdin Town): Double leitmotif, the second appearance of Snowdin Town is the starting of the second leitmotif. This is the leitmotif for an area of the Underground named Snowdin Town.
Undyne (Undyne): The leitmotif for Undyne, my favourite character in the game. Can’t wait for you to meet her.
Hotland (Waterfall): Theme for the Hotland area of the game. Also appears in Mettaton’s themes, a character encountered here. (also, a funni note, the track CORE is marked explicit in Amazon Music. This song has no lyrics, and it’s marked explicit. It’s not the only one, but it’s the one I noticed first.)
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Alphys (Alphys): Alphys’s theme.
Mettaton (It’s Showtime!, Hotel, Metal Crusher): Theme for Mettaton, the hottest (and possibly trans) character.  The bassline for It’s Showtime! also appears in Hotel.
Asgore (Determination, Bergentrückung): Theme for Asgore
Asriel (Memory): Themes for Asriel.
Note: You’ll find Bring It In, Guys! contains like literally every leitmotif, that’s because it’s the credits song.
Some tracks contain leitmotifs sped up, reversed, slowed down, like every modification possible done to them, but they’re there. There are also many easter eggs concerning a character you may never meet and has been mentioned, like once, and he’s become a creepypasta in the community in the audio files.
John Williams
The legend himself, he’s used a lot of leitmotifs in movies he’s scored. Music is a very important part of Star Wars. In fact, the inspiration for this post was the flute leitmotif for the Mandalorian that plays when Mando makes an entrance in The Book Of Boba Fett.
 The most famous track in Star Wars, The Imperial March, is the leitmotif that plays anytime Darth Vader is referenced or is in the scene, and also appears in the fight themes. I’m watching videos of how music is used in Star Wars and god, is John William a master. I’ve never seen scoring so masterfully used to tell a story. I’d share videos but you haven’t watched the movies yet :(. There’s also the Force theme, which is really important to signify the use of the Force in the movies. (Granted, I’ve only mostly watched superhero stuff BUT STILL) The main theme is also a leitmotif, used for triumphant and heroic and Luke stuff. 
I could talk about Harry Potter but now it just makes me sad, however, I will link this excellent video:
Man, why does everything I hold close to my heart get sullied? Anyways sorry, back to topic.
From Wikipedia:
In the Jaws franchise, the main "shark" theme, composed by John Williams in 1975, stands out as a suspenseful motif that is a simple alternating pattern of two notes, E and F.
I haven’t watched Jaws, and probably never will, but I watched the video, and according to it, the shark is not seen very much, so viewers are only alerted to the presence of the Shark by the music.
DC (this section was titled Batman but I wanna talk about Wonder Woman too and I’m too lazy to update the text below so I’m just gonna tell you this :P)
Batman has a lot, like exponentially more than any other superhero, so he has a lot of scoring that goes with it. One thing I’d like to mention is that repeated string melodies have inextricably linked to Batman music (Also, yes, everything I do has to do with Batman. Now, shut up and listen). Take a look at this:
According to Wikipedia, this is the track that possibly linked Batman to sweeping strings in the 1989 Batman movie:
Yes I haven;t watched it, yeah, I know, what kinda of batman fan am I if I haven’t even watched the Michael Keaton Batman movies I’m sorry 😭. Although, I just might have to, since The Flash movie 👀.
This is the theme for Wonder Woman composed by Junkie XL, Hans Zimmer and Tina Guo for Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice which became her leitmotif for every movie she appeared in since:
In Zack Snyder’s Justice League, however, the theme is almost the same, except with a different intro, which the subtitles call [ancient lamentation music] and I call OooooooOaaaaAAaaaAAaaaa. This change was heavily memed upon since it’s used so much and so frequently. So while BvS (even if she appeared for just one scene.) and Justice League used it as pretty much a leitmotif, in ZSJL it was relegated to a fight theme. (As for Wonder Woman, the movie, the theme was also used as a fight theme, the reasoning being in BvS she’s a pre-developed character, and WW is about her growing into the role.) Take this scene in Justice League for example:
And the same scene in ZSJL:
Except for the ZSJL one being almost painfully longer, the music is also different.
In the same scene at 1:42 we hear the music again, and its transition to the BvS theme when she starts fighting the henchmen, and in the 2017 movie, we hear it after she’s yeeted the bomb away and returns to stop the suicide bomber at 2:42. (Also, I checked, the 2017 movie checked out at 2:13, and ZSJL 4:57. Yeah. Zack Snyder looooooves slow-motion). Also, I guess this should be an Amazonian leitmotif, since it also plays in a scene where Amazonians are present, *sans* WW, but *sans* epic cello.
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Funny comment in a compilation of every time OooooooOaaaaAAaaaAAaaaa plays.
Also, I have something special for you:
This is apparently the leitmotif for Uma Thurman’s anger.
Signing off,
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0838102 · 8 months
You Better Believe It
Rating: Teen and Up
Category: General
Relationships: debatable
Characters: Edge, Rus (SF Papyrus), Red, OC
Intrepid shopper, Benedict, has a dream. A dream of purchasing coffee at the best shop in town. No Caps. A place of unspeakably good coffee and impeccable service, by the the up and comer business man, Edge.
Unfortunately, Benedict has extreme anxiety.
Can he rise to the challenge? Or will this go down as his worst visit-to-success order ratio yet?
I've been taking a break from my longer story Hound Dog Reverb to do this shorter fics. Build up that confidence. Flex my writing bones and show my anxiety whose boss!
Hope y'all enjoy it. I've got some more stuff in the works starting Eggs Benedict (who I realized only after naming him that is also an alias in FNAF which brings me so much joy as a Sun and Moon fan ;) ).
Take care! Keep warm, my peeps!
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boyakishantriage · 1 year
Fun character explanation.
Beta: the question of "how many rules can I break with this character?"
Alpha: "Where do we stand in all this?"
Zeta: "Identity, at what point does it matter?"
Ceta: based off Charisk stories.
Delta: a child named after a teacher.
Chameleon: "how much can I fuck with genetics?"
Flama: "grief: losing a platonic love interest."
Charlie: "A hero's journey in truth."
Charley: "alcoholism, the true story."
Frisc: Frisk from undertale/AskMercyAU.
Chara: Chara from undertale/AskMercyAU.
Frisk: Frans storyline, living question for modern audience.
Sans: sins of our past.
Sans, son of Sans: Why not?
Papyrus: growing up. The legend.
Tina: The ground you stand on. (poverty and raising up from it.)
Triage: What if I were a girl?
Trio: How fucked up could I get?
Trinity: Trinity.
Foxtrot: The legend behind every story.
Bet@: accidentally turning into a historical fan fic. "How far is too far?"
0mega: Rising from the dirt you used to drag others into.
Alpha: Honour, how far does it go?
Del†a: Teaching honour.
Blade: weapon, human questions.
M4: honourable soldier among unhonourable
Blaze: First wild magic user, gaining control but at what cost?
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undertsums · 1 year
RoMay Horror
So given ideas aren't flowing well I decided why not discuss my Roman AU's as well. Give you guys details on all the AU's there is so far and what is to come :3.
Now I can't be exactly sure (I ain't double checking) But HorrorBlasterRoman is the very first Roman AU and I didn't even make it.
It all started with some fanart and I misinterpreted the fan art as they only drew a head that Roman was a blaster. Thus why HorrorRoman became a blaster XD.
HorrorBlasterRoman started over on my deviantart I used a VERY different program, paint.net. I haven't drawn much of it now as I couldn't support it and Roman's comic at the same time. Whether I will bring it back in the future I am not too sure.
HorrorJoyce takes the place of Aliza, unlike her however HorrorJoyce wants to escape, she doesn't want to stay down there. HorrorBlasterRoman is a blaster that was created NOT by Gaster but you guessed it WEBDINGS! Webdings is like dead though, Queen Undyne killed her as Webdings worked on a human soul and used it to bring life to HorrorBlasterRoman.
HorrorBlasterRoman was created to basically kill the Queen but when she was released by Webdings HorrorBlasterRoman went into hiding and hunting. Since teaching never happened HorrorBlasterRoman was free and had care for no one.
Until HorrorJoyce showed up. To be honest I am not too sure how I would have explained why HorrorBlasterRoman spares and cares for HorrorJoyce. Maybe because the human soul can sense HorrorJoyce's human soul and see's her as kin.
The comic would have reached Queen Undyne and HorrorBlasterRoman would have succeeded in killing the Queen. Sadly there are no souls to break the barrier (okay Toriel is a thing but let's say HorrorJoyce won't allow it). So HorrorJoyce is stuck, still in a world that is suffering, monsters would rejoice the death of the tyrant Queen. Of course that leaves power open, I have no clue who would rise to power (I'm thinking Papyrus maybe?).
Ah of course none of that matters, HorrorBlasterRoman is of course a monster+human soul. So it knows there is only one way for Joyce to leave. HorrorBlasterRoman would start to bash it's head on walls causing damage, HorrorJoyce can't stop it. Of course HorrorBlasterRoman won't be able to fully kill itself as it grows too weak, it's skull fractured and breaking.
At this point really I might have stopped the comic. Leave it up to people whether HorrorJoyce put down HorrorBlasterRoman or if she instead tried to help heal it. It's not the nicest end, either HorrorBlasterRoman dies for it's friend or becomes so broken that it no longer cares. Afterall HorrorJoyce isn't safe and HorrorBlasterRoman knows that sooner or later something WILL happen. It can't protect her forever.
Look forward to next time where I talk about the Fell AU.
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