#rip staniel
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thirty eight slutty, slutty years since mike hanlon called up his amnesiac mates and stan uris took a bath
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Kyle Week Day 4: Favorite Kyle Ship / Favorite Costume/Outfit (+ my 4th one-shot!)
Reasons to read it:
Full-on angst I'm not kidding
Happy ending :)
TSOT au !!!
Style being gay
Spent the whole day yesterday worldbuilding
Gay gay homosexual gay
Oopsie RIP Staniel
Mainly focused on Stan and Kyle because they're a mess
Stan "*literally bleeding out* "omg kyle are you ok??"" Marsh
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thecrimsondandelion · 2 years
posting this on its own, so it can actually be seen in tags. a more in-depth fic on my blond!eddie post
“What happened to the Blondie we all knew and loved?”
Richie grins and rests his cheeks in his hands, only half listening to Eddie as he rants on about the percentage of adults who continue to be blond, something about eumelanin increase. Nothing that begs for his attention.
The main focus is on the sharp angles of Eddie’s face, the worry lines, and huge brown doe eyes. Though he looks a lot stuffier than he was as a kid. Similar to the way Sonia used to do him up for the Sunday service he’d be dragged along to, or how she’d put him off to school, a huge difference to the disheveled, feral little gremlin he’d become when they walked out the barrens, or the day after a sleep over.
He was still so pretty, but Richie wonders what Eddie looks like when he first wakes up in the morning. Without all the hair gel, and the polo shirts. What would happen if Richie was to reach out and smooth over the crease between his eyebrows with a thumb, or to kiss away that perpetual frown.
Shit. Absolutely not.
Richie stops the thoughts as soon as they start, panic rising up in him like bile. The panic knowing that after 27 years his feelings haven’t changed. That he’s still so thoroughly eager for every piece of Eddie’s attention, so willing to give everything he has to a man he hasn’t seen since they were kids.
So he pretends to nod off, snoring loudly into his hands, let’s his head knock off the table as if he’s just been woken up when Eddie punches his arm,
“Woah, sorry, Ed’s! You lost me there.”
“You’re such an asshole, Richie!” He revels in the way Eddie crosses his arms and rolls his eyes, the way they eventually roam back to Richie.
They keep each other’s gaze until the hear a chair scrape across the floor,
“Looks like these two idiots haven’t changed a bit.” That familiar deadpan voice is the only thing that could rip away Richie’s attention from Eddie for a moment.
“Well I’ll be! It’s Staniel Uris in the flesh!”
Richie has Eddie over his shoulder, gripping onto him for dear life as they struggle and claw their way out of the sewers, out of 29 Neibolt Street, he barely notices as it crumbles into a heap in front of them,
It’s all been a flash since he dropped down from the deadlights, Eddie straddled over him excitedly talking about how he’d gotten It, the memories… or visions, or whatever it was he’d seen - Eddie being impaled, dying, the miserable and short life he’d live after.
He stays.
Eddie’s there for a month.
He charms nurses for extra pudding and jello cups. Deals with Myra’s antics when she storms into the hospital room with crocodile tears. Calms Eddie down when she’s escorted out. He holds Eddie’s hand, loves him. Though it’s not something he admits too quickly, not with all the stress already on his friend.
It’s 3 weeks in when he sees the the strip of blond right at Eddie’s roots.
“Holy shit!”
Eddie whips around to give him a questioning look, narrows his eyes suspiciously at Richie’s grin.
“You’re blond! You’re still blond!” He frowns, “Thought you said about the emu-whatcha-ma-call-it’s?”
Eddie rolls his eyes, “Eumelanin.”
“Uh huh, whatever. You dye your hair? Usually it’s the other way around, yknow? People having midlife’s crisises, ‘blonds have more fun’ type deal.”
“The plural for crisis is crises, actually.”
Eddie sighs when Richie doesn’t relent.
“I don’t know, Ma always hated it, Myra did too. They said it wasn’t professional enough, or whatever. I wanted to be taken seriously.”
Richie frowns, hates the way Eddie’s life has been controlled for so long.
“Maybe you could stand to take yourself a little less seriously. You should bleach it back, it was a good look on you, Blondie.”
He does
Beverly takes him to some swanky hairdressers, the kind of place that’s hands out mimosas to their clients. Eddie arrives back at Richie’s - well, actually, their apartment now. His cheeks are pink from the drinks and sun, and his hair is blond. Styled to sit soft, sweet, and wavy. Richie’s taken aback by how much younger it makes Eddie look, the way it contrasts and shows off those pretty brown eyes. He looks happier, and it makes Richie’s heart stutter.
“What do you think?”
He looks nervous, and it pisses Richie off that anybody ever made Eddie feel insecure. That somebody saw that sweet Blondie and asked him to change. He shouldn’t need Richie’s approval, but he obviously wants it. Wants to be told he looks good, and he does, Eddie looks fucking breathtaking.
Except Richie can’t seem to form any words, the wire connecting his brain to his mouth has been completely fried. What should have been a compliment wrapped in a joke, past his lips as:
“I’m in love with you.”
Eddie’s sun kissed cheeks darken, the blush spreads prettily down his neck. Richie stays stuck to the spot just staring helplessly at his best friend. Because damn it, why the hell did he say that?
“If you’re making fun of me, Rich. I’ll kick your ass… Do you mean that?”
Richie nods silently, barely hearing Eddie over the rushing in his ears and the pounding of his heart against his ribs.
“Oh.” A smile spreads across Eddie’s face, slowly steps towards the taller man. “I should have tipped the hairdresser more than I did, if it’s good enough to make you fall in love with me.”
He rolls his eyes and huffs, Eddie hasn’t reciprocated, but he isn’t angry or disgusted, so at least there’s that. He licks his lips and puts on a cocky half-grin, hoping that Eddie can’t see how desperately insecure he feels,
“I wouldn’t bother, since I’ve been in love with you since we were kids. And I kinda carved our initials into the kissing bridge. It never really went away, so it’s not down to the hair transformation.” He’s rambling, one minute he can’t get his stupid brain to get out words and the next he can’t get it to fucking stop. But he continues quickly with a southern drawl, “Might need to send them a lil ole tip myself though, because you’re lookin’ mighty fine. I—“
He doesn’t realise Eddie’s right in front of him and until he feels hands on his shoulders, it grounds him. Which is a blessing in the way that he’s no longer talking, but a curse in that he’s finally replaying all the crap he just spouted.
“Hey, take a breath, Trashmouth.” He looks down and is greeted by the softest expression. “If you’d given me a second I could have told you I loved you too, by now.”
“Nuh uh, for real?”
Eddie let’s put a bemused huff through his nose, leans forward to bring their lips together. It’s sweet, a soft brush and peck followed by a firm and chaste kiss. It’s everything Richie’s ever wanted, and more. But something nags at him,
“Don’t ever think I don’t want to be kissing you, Ed’s. But you haven’t actually said that you… y’know, with me?“
“I heavily implied it, read between the lines, Dumbass.”
Richie pulls Eddie firm against his chest, presses his face into soft blond hair. “Who do you think I am? Bestselling author Billiam Denbrough? Bookish ex librarian Micycle Hanlon? I was the math nerd, a movie-goer.” He yelps when Eddie pinches his side.
“Against my very best judgement,” He squirms back to steal another kiss, reaches up to hold Richie’s jaw in his hand, “I love you, Rich.”
“I love you too, Blondie.”
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skinks · 4 years
I see your “fake/pretend dating” scenarios and I ask instead of you: “we’re secretly together and desperately trying to hide it” scenarios
Richie and Eddie finally get their shit together a week before Bev and Ben’s wedding, and after a whole lot of arguing and contingency plans and naked, sweaty discussion, they decide that if they don’t wanna steal that hetero thunder, they have to try their hardest to act like they’re not a Thing
and it’s a mess. They spend the whole week of bachelor parties (Losers plus Patty sans Bev get sad drunk and wish Bev was there) and bachelorette parties (Losers plus Patty sans Ben wear feather boas and get sorority drunk with Bev’s fashion friends, gossip about Ben and sing karaoke) pretending they’re not sneaking off to bone in every unoccupied room they possibly can
It’s a MESS. Richie figures the years of practice at pathetic, secret longing mean they should be better at this than they are. Like yeah, they’re still hovering in this awkward limbo stage where it’s both terribly exciting and horribly embarrassing to be crossing meat swords with your long lost best bro, while knowing you’re both totally into it, but they already acted so couple-y beforehand that it’s probably WEIRDER if Eddie stops smiling all fond and fixing Richie’s hair, or if Richie stops slinging his arm around Eddie at every opportunity. But that’s letting their guard down, and they keep freezing and jumping apart in the middle of casual conversation. They’re standing with Bill and Audra and Patty and Mike in some hotel function room, discussing whether or not stealing Ben’s yacht is feasible when Richie oh-so-gently says “hey—c’mere,” and wipes a smudge of chocolate fondue (contains nuts!!) from Eddie’s mouth with his thumb. Everyone stops talking. Everyone stares. Eddie stares. And Richie needs to duck and cover so he sort of - slaps him? Not even hard enough to make a noise, it’s more of a tap-then-push. He pushes Eddie’s face. “Is that Staniel I hear,” Richie says, after a moment.
“I don’t hear anything,” Patty says.
“No no, that’s definitely Stan,” Richie says, backing swiftly to the door. Eddie’s eyes are on him accusing and hot, dark brown like the chocolate smeared on Richie’s thumb. Later, Eddie will suck the taste off where it’s stuffed in his mouth to keep quiet as they fuck below deck in Ben’s stolen yacht, Mike and Bill fighting overhead about who gets to wear the blue and white captain’s hat. Eddie’s pants are barely even pulled down. Richie does his Quint From Jaws Voice and goes duh-dun, duh-dun as Eddie pushes inside so Eddie will bite his thumb and fuck him harder. It’s all very undignified, and illicit, and stupid. Eddie loves it. “I have great ears, Pattycake, and Stanley makes this sort of, uh, echolocation type noise when he’s having issues with hotel staff. I should know, I went on vacation once with his family, to the Catskills? Stan spilled soup on a waiter and every bat in the fuckin’ place came right outta the forest and flew into the buffet. Don’t ask him about it though, one man’s vigilante origin story is another man’s traumatic childhood. Okay bye.” Richie definitely doesn’t run, but running away is more about aura than gait.
Audra frowns. “Did he just imply Batman didn’t have a traumatic childhood?”
“Haha,” Eddie deflects, stuffing his hand in his pocket, and missing. “He must’ve had the shrimp. Fucked up that he’s the one with the actual shellfish allergy, right? Isn’t that irony, or something?”
“That would be ironic, if you didn’t know everything we’re all allergic to by heart and would never let Richie eat shrimp,” Bill says, still staring.
“I would,” Eddie says immediately. He can’t find his fucking pocket. “I would totally let Richie eat shrimp.”
“You slapped his slice of pizza out of his hand last week because there was oyster sauce in the marinara,” Mike says, but Eddie is already actually running away. Wow, he’s fast.
Even with the Losers, Richie’s only out by implication, but it’d still be weird if he, for some reason, brought a woman as his date. He thinks about bringing Sven the Sound Guy because he’s as opposite to Eddie as it’s possible to find on short notice since Guy Fieri was unavailable, but he can’t decide whether this is genius cover or so on the nose as to be damning. He goes stag in the end, which is perhaps most damning of all. Eddie is in Schrodinger’s closet, because he doesn’t have to answer either way if nobody fucking asks him, and nobody does, because Eddie always starts doing whatever he’s currently doing to an incredibly intense level whenever the conversation turns to dating. One time at dinner when they were all in the same city for one of Richie’s tentative, low-key comeback shows, someone mentioned post-divorce dating apps, and then someone simply said the word Grindr not even in Eddie’s direction and Eddie cut his steak so hard he scratched the plate. This was an achievement in and of itself seeing as the clown took Eddie’s fork-arm, but Richie was spearing his steak for him while he cut it. He’s an enabler. An enabler to steak, and freakouts.
Anyway, even with all of this, it’s still weird that Eddie brings a woman. She’s Paula. From work. Stan sees her checking her phone so often that he figures out she’s one of the women in the matching white wedding dresses on her lock screen. Stan nudges Patty, who becomes very insistent that they should tell Eddie before he gets his heart broken, but Eddie is probably too busy periodically kicking out the backs of Richie’s knees to make him wobble and buckle against the bar to notice, or care.
Bev has great fucking aim, is the thing. There’s a lost catapult and a space-alien dead as a dodo can attest to it, but she’s still facing the opposite direction and could never predict that her bouquet toss would bounce off two different bridesmaids’ heads, straight into Richie’s hands. They’re so beautiful. White and orange and a rich, nautical blue that matches Eddie’s suit, tidily pinned up at the right shoulder and pressed hard into Richie’s side. Bev is laughing delightedly and Ben is taking a photo, and Eddie has been getting steadily drunker ever since he got back half an hour ago from gratefully sending Paula home to her wife in an Uber with some cake. He’s all pink across the bridge of his nose and he looks so fucking adorable with Ben’s blue and white yacht captain hat tilted on his head at a rakish angle, and the others are all catcalling so hard that Richie figures they might as well give up the pretense. He kicks out the back of Eddie’s knees so he’ll buckle into Richie’s flowery arms and fucking DIPS him like that old wartime photo even though Eddie’s the one with the sailor hat getting knocked off his head because they’re kissing so enthusiastically, clinging to the back of Richie’s neck and snortlaughing into his mouth, but suddenly everyone’s shouting, and they all sound - not pissed, exactly, but certainly indignant
“Are you guys serious,” Bill says, “you’re stealing their thunder right now? One major childhood romance realized isn’t enough, you’re gonna crash theirs?”
“Wait,” Richie says
Bev throws up her hands. Richie can’t see, because of her dress, but he’s pretty sure her foot is actually tapping. “Why didn’t you tell us!”
Eddie is still dangling off him like a monkey, all stunned-drunk limp with the bouquet shoved in his face. Richie hears what uh oh sounds like muffled by flowers, and Ben silently takes another photo, like he’s cataloguing a crime scene.
“You guys... didn’t know? We actually kept it a secret?”
“Until now, you jackasses!”
“What secret,” Audra asks, appearing with like eight plates of cake. “What’s happening? Oh wait, I’m caught up.”
“But—but—the fondue,” Eddie says, and seriously, it’s not like the clown ripped his legs off, he could try standing and facing this with Richie like a true bro, but Richie’s kind of enjoying the weight of him. Plus he’s pretty sure Bev won’t dare to go through Eddie to kill him, so. Human shield it is.
“What about the fondue?” Mike looks like he did after the end of The Usual Suspects. Like he’s re-evaluating every time Richie and Eddie left a room together, and wishes he wasn’t. “You guys are like that all the time.”
“Then why were you all staring!”
“Nobody was staring! It was a natural lull in conversation, we were weirded out that you were being weird about it! Have you always been this self-centered?”
“I guess so,” Richie shrugs. He looks down at Eddie, covered in pollen and thoroughly confused. He’s so drunk he’s looking kinda cross-eyed. “You hear that, dude? We were killing it, until we fucked it all up!”
Eddie grins up at him. “Good enough!” he slurs, and then lets go of Richie’s neck for a high five. Everyone’s gone back to ignoring them in favour of dancing to Journey, so at least nobody notices Richie’s so eager to return it that he drops Eddie on the floor instead
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the-sweetest-dragon · 4 years
A Summer Like Never Before
A Summer Job AU - No Pennywise - Georgie is alive - Mostly tomfoolery
Fandom: It
Characters: Stan, Richie, Mike, Bev, Ben, Bill, Eddie
Word Count: 1125
Ships: Eventual Benverly, Reddie, Stan x Patty
Warnings: Out of character behavior, mention of Ben’s encounter with Henry Bowers
AN:  haha I’m alive! well, barely but I still wrote.  I’m sorry these have become so sporadic but uh... I love this chapter, it’s completely unedited and written in about thirty minutes.
Tags: @nerdsarebetter @just-another-shipper-01 @audder17 @andykilldiot
Chapter One  Chapter Two  Chapter Three  Chapter Four  Chapter Five  Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
“Ya know Staniel…” The moment those words come out of Richie’s mouth, Stan’s attention shifts.  He hates the nicknames Richie would bestow upon him at random intervals in conversation.  He preferred people to call him his name, but Richie had never quite understood that and Stan had learned to tune him out when he used one. 
Richie had decided to bother him while he was at work, as most of the Loser’s did.  Someone was always dropping by to catch up or to give Stan news about what was happening in their lives.  No one ever asked what was happening in his life, or not very often that is.  To be fair, his life was not all that interesting.  Nothing ever really happened to Stan to cause him to want to talk about his life.  It was all boring and normal.  
As he was pondering the boriness of his life, Stan catches a glint of gold at the door.  He erupts out of his chair, interrupting whatever tangent Richie was on, to get to the door quickly.  Just as he suspected, it was his mystery girl, skating past on her way back from the pool.  Her hair hung in two limp braids on either side of her face.  A towel hung around her neck, covering her swimsuit top. 
Richie pushes past him to look out the door, a wicked gleam in his eyes.  Stan internally groans; his excitement gives away the secret he had been trying to conceal for a week.
“This the girl Stan?”  The urge to wipe the smirk of Richie’s face was immense but Stan held himself back from smacking his friend.
“Yeah, yeah it is,” he sighs, the sudden anger seeping out of him like a leaky balloon.  “I hadn’t seen her since last week.”  Stan watches the girl skate up the street a way and then turn back.  He feels the panic rise up in him, the worry that she’ll come into the shop in her bikini while Richie was there made his palms sweat uncontrollably.  
Before she made it back to the flower shop, one of her skates got stuck in a large crack in the sidewalk.  She went down in slow motion, landing squarely on her knees and with a look of utter embarrassment on her face.  Stan pushes past Richie, and out into the hot June air, rushing towards the girl.  
“Woah!  Are you ok?” he asks as he sits down next to her.  Her knees are ripped up from the fall, bleeding slightly.  She moves slightly to sit, her long legs thrown out in front of her.  “I have a first aid kit back in the shop.  I’ll be right back.”
Stan moves to go back to the flower shop and runs into something that makes an ‘oof’ sound as they connect.  Richie.  He hands Stan the first aid kit with a smile, which Stan returns as he turns back to the girl on the ground. 
“Thought you may need that mate.”  Stan cringes.  Now is not the time for an accent.  Richie turns his attention to the girl.  “You ok?  That was quite a fall.  Wish our friend Eddie was here, he’s a natural with a first aid kit.  Once he stitched up our friend Ben after a bully carved his initials into his belly.  It was quite a scene.”  Richie turns up the wattage on his smile, and the girl smiles back slightly.  Stan suddenly notices the tears in her eyes and knows that Richie was aiming for a laugh to calm her down.  
Stan soaks a cotton pad with alcohol and readies a few bandages for her knees and hands.  He looks up to catch her staring at him, a small smile on her face.  Stan is, once again, taken by how pretty she is.  He blushes and clears his throat.  
“This will sting a little, so I’m sorry in advance.”  He gently presses the cotton pad to her injuries, and each time he is met with a small wince after.  Stan applies a good amount of neosporin before carefully bandaging her knees and hands and helping her stand.  “There, as good as new.”
Richie elbows him in the ribs, and smiles charmingly at the girl.  The towel around her shoulders had fallen off and Stan is suddenly met with a sight he had only dreamt of.  Her bikini was bright blue and Stan had to force himself from drooling.  Listen, Stan is a great guy but he’s still a guy who’s very much attracted to this girl.  He manages to not make a fool of himself, and picks up her towel to hand to her.  She smiles in thanks and rewraps it around her neck.
“Well, now that you’re all patched up, I think it’s high time we introduce ourselves.  I’m Richie, and this is Stan.”  He leans in close, a hand next to his mouth so Stan can't see his lips move.  “He’s usually not so starry eyed.”  The girl smiles with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
“I’m Patty.  It was very kind of you to come to my rescue, I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to repay you.”  Stan swallows thickly, his tongue stuck in his mouth.
“My dear Patty, we do not require any such thing.  However, we are having a get together this weekend at the Barrens and I’m sure my friend here would love it if you were able to come.”  Patty looks at Stan with a smile and tilts her head slightly, as if questioning Richie’s statement.
“Yes!” he blurts.  “I mean, yeah that would be, uh, super cool of you.”  Stan clears his throat, his face heating up from embarrassment.  Her smile knocks the wind out of him; it’s all teeth and her eyes crinkle and shine like emeralds in the light. 
“Well then, I’ll be there.  Gimme your info and you can let me know when you’re gonna pick me up.”  She digs around in her bag for a pen, finding one almost immediately.  Patty holds out her hand as she gives the pen to Stan.  His hand shakes as he scrawls his number on the back of her hand.  She does the same to him, in much nicer handwriting.  Patty finishes with a heart next to the last number.  “Thanks for everything guys but I’d best be off.”
Stan and Richie watch as she skates away.  An idea dawns on him, though he isn’t sure if it’s wishful thinking or not.
“Do you think she turned around to come talk to me?”  Richie looks at him with an eyebrow raised.
“I think it’s safe to say that you’re not the only one who was struck by love that day mate.”
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stellar-alley · 4 years
•Chapter 9•
This is based off of the artwork by oceanteeeth on Instagram! Also shout out to my Beta super.rose.cosplays!
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
(Summary: Richie and Stan go buck wild while Eddie figures out his inner feelings. )
That day, after school, Richie waited for Eddie at his locker. The wolf only needed one sniff to realize that Eddie had already come and left. With a sigh, Richie left and made his way back to Roscoe. Where he was surprised to see none other than Stan the Man leaning up against the passenger side door.
“Staniel! To what do I owe the pleasure?” Richie exclaimed once he saw his best friend.
“Richie it’s Tuesday, it’s our day to go, as you say ‘buck wild’ and go to the convenience store” Stan begins to explain.
“Yes yes yes I remembered” Richie did not.
For the longest time Stan and Richie had a tradition of going to the corner store Tuesday after school to essentially go ‘buck wild’ and eat a bunch of junk food.
Richie clicked the unlock button on his car keys and Roscoe’s doors unlocked. Stan opened the side door, Richie walked around to the driver’s side. “It’s fine if you forgot, really. You like Eddie and he’s the main thing on your mind-”.
Richie cut in, “What? Eddie’s a good friend, but I do not like him like that” he huffed as the engine roared to life.
“Don’t lie to me Rich, I see the way you look at him. You care for him-”
“And that’s it, okay? I care for him. I care about you too but that doesn't mean we’re gonna start frenching in the back” Richie retorted, his voice filled with annoyance, his gaze never leaving the road.
“It’s not like that…” The dark haired teen’s voice trailed off, a hint of defeat filled his voice.
The friends sat in tense silence for a couple minutes as Richie’s mind went wild with thoughts. Feelings he always tried so hard to repress finally floating to the surface.
When he finally spoke, he was quiet, almost a whisper, “He’s the first Ancestor I’ve ever met. It just- It felt so good to finally have someone who shares my secret”.
“I know”
“No, Stanny, you don’t. I’ve lived my whole fucking life with this secret, eating away at me from the fucking inside out. Now I finally have someone who I can be myself around, my true self. And he’s so cute” He dragged out the O in So, it made the corner of Stan’s lip curly ever so slightly.
“You’re not wrong. I think he is pretty cute” Stan nodded in agreement.
Richie’s grip tensed under the steering wheel, “You what?!” he glared at Stan.
Stanley returned the stare before breaking out in a laugh, “You’re so whipped!” He slapped his thigh.
Richie didn’t need to ask what he meant. He felt it. His eyes had turned their signature yellow and his blood was burning from within his veins, just at the thought of someone else having feelings for Eddie.
“Sorry.” Richie whispered as if his feelings had somehow betrayed him.
“Aww does Wichie have a whittle cwush?” Stan teased.
Richie huffed and rolled his eyes, not a fan of this. “Yeah, shut it Staniel before I rip your throat out with my teeth” He threatened, but his voice had no anger, only amusement.
“Fine. But seriously. You know this is okay right? This crush?”
“It’s not a crush, okay? Just fucking drop it”
Stan rolled his eyes, “Whatever you say Wolfie”, this got a smirk out of Richie.
“At least I haven't been pinning over my best friend since the fucking third grade...” Richie mumbles under his breath.
“Hey! That's totally different from your situation” Stan turned on the defensive.
“Oh yeah, like your feelings for Bill are any different than my feelings for Eddie.” Richie rolled his eyes.
“So you admit you have feelings for Eddie?” Stan asks eagerly.
“Well yeah that's a given, he's adorable! But now we're talking about your love life.” Richie smirks deviously over at Stan.
“No we aren't” Stan shoots daggers at Richie. In response the werewolf just smiled a shit eating grin.
Eddie ran home after school. It’s not that he didn’t want to see Richie, he just wanted to figure out what he was feeling before he did see him again. His heart practically beat out of his chest when Richie touched him, his stomach would twist and his nerves would sky rocket. Deep down he knew what it was, but he didn’t want to face it, how could he? His entire life, his mother told him how wrong it was to be gay. Plus Richie probably doesn't even feel the same way, why would he? Eddie literally betrayed his own people after all.
I need to blow off some steam.
Eddie looked outside and noticed the sun was just setting, so he had some time before dark. Just enough time for a run. He changed into his new running gear and started on his way through the forest. The thick scent of evergreen and grass cleared his head by the time he reached the city. Once he reached the city he got down and shifted. He was not really in the mood to explain to anyone why he was out so late at night.
He started aimlessly exploring Derry, hopping around and doing some people watching. Eddie went around town, familiarizing himself with the area. He found the Subway Alley was talking about that one day, he even stumbled upon a comic book shop that he made a mental note to go to once he was human. The rabbit began making his way down the residential streets, admiring the architecture and seeing what the residents of Derry were doing this time of night.
He stopped when he reached a familiar house. Somehow he’d subconsciously made his way into a backyard he knew now as the Tozier’s. Nostalgia flooded his head as he recalled the day he first saw Richie, even then he thought the boy was cute…
A thought dawned on him, I won’t be able to outrun these feelings. Eddie recalled the various times his heart has skipped a beat or when it sped up, when butterflies are let loose in his stomach, when he blushes, all because of Richie.
Might as well deal with this shit before it fucking eats away at me from the inside. Plus, what’s the worst that could happen? I admit my feelings, he dosen’t feel the same, I loose the only person who’s ever made me feel safe and at home- Okay this could end pretty badly- fuck my life.
Eddie didn’t even notice that as he was monologuing in his head, he had edged his way up towards the Tozier residence. Though Richie’s bedroom was on the second floor, Eddie could just make out the vague outline of Richie, was he at the window? Or maybe standing at his desk? The rabbit wasn't sure. But what he was sure of was that the voice he heard was indeed Richie’s.
It was easy to hear the singing coming through his open window. Richie practically belting out the lyrics at the top of his lungs. “OHHHH EDDIE BABY WON’T YOU COME TO MY ARRRRRMS, TONNNIIGHT!” He sang out as he danced around his room.
Eddie couldn’t deny the feeling that spread through his body as his heart skipped a beat when he heard the lyrics.
What other Eddie does he know?
No matter what explanation he tried to come up with that would explain these current events could not cover up the feeling that Eddie had. Deep down inside he knew that song was for him. He listened until the song ended, that’s when Richie’s phone started ringing.
The bunny could just make out his voice as he talked with whoever was on the other end of the line, “Yeah, you’re here? Like outfront? Jesus Billiard I could’ve just texted you the pages of the textbook” There was a pause, “Okay give me a sec”. Eddie took that as his cue to leave.
He made his way towards the front of the house where he saw Bill who was standing beside his bike, Silver. Bill was one of the first of the Losers to get their license yet most times (unless he was driving the others) he opted to ride his bike.
Eddie watched as Richie ran out to meet him with a textbook in hand. He didn’t stay much longer, it was getting dark and he didn’t want to be out in the pitch black.
Eddie stayed in his rabbit form until he found a little tree covered area away from any possible wandering eyes. He shifted and walked the rest of the way home.
Being an Ancestor grants him some heightened senses, sight, scent, and hearing. That being said, as Eddie shifted, it was surprising that he didn’t hear the soft clicking of an iphone 8’s camera, nor did he hear the low, sudden gasp of Bill Denbrough.
Word Count: 1473
I know that this chapter is shorter but the next chapter is gonna be a long one as we get to see someone else's perspective... ANyways I hope you guys enjoyed!
Until next time
So Long and Goodnight.
@richietoaster @s-onora @that-weird-girl-blog @beproudtozier @ghostnebula @bellarosewrites @s-s-georgie @lermanslogan @iamcupcakefrosting @madidraw @gazebobullshit @thoughtfullyyoungduck @aangzukos @ambitiousskychild @reddieonwheels @breadheadscorpius
Let me know if you wanna be added to the tag list!
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sweetdreamling · 5 years
why you?
pairing; stanley uris x male!reader
words; 875
note; stan & the reader are 18!
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“Shit! Y/N’s coming this way!” Stan mumbled as he quickly turned the opposite way. “Hey Staniel, class is this way!” Richie called after him but he was ignored.
“He’s been avoiding Y/N for like three weeks. I’m surprised Y/N has let it go on for so long.” Ben says as the losers watch Y/N roll his eyes and follow Stan down the hall.
Truth was Stan was trying his hardest to avoid you. Every time he’d catch a glimpse of you, he’d head in an opposite direction. In class, he’d ignore you and when hanging out with the others, he’d avoid you like a plague.
He hated himself for avoiding you but honestly, you were better off. Hell, he was better off. Why set himself up for heartbreak? Over the past couple of months, he found himself having a crush on you but he knew you wouldn’t return his feelings. You’d probably spit in his face if you found out he liked you.
Hearing you called out his name, made him quicken his pace and he hurried into the bathroom. Of all places and he chose to hide in the bathroom. He’s such an idiot.
He rushes into a stall, locking the door as he sits down. “Seriously Stanley? Hiding in the bathroom?” He hears you ask as you walked into the bathroom.
”Staaannnn?” He doesn't respond, leaning his head back against the wall.
”Why are you avoiding me? Did I do something?” Stan takes a deep breath, exhaling. He didn't respond. No, you didn’t do anything it was him that was the problem.
“Stan, c’mon. Please, just say something. It’s been weeks since you’ve said a word to me. Just tell me what I did so I can make it right.”
“There’s nothing you can do to make it right, Y/N.”
“At least tell me what I did?” You placed a hand against the door. “Please?”
Inside the stall, Stan ran a hand through his curls. A series of Why’s rang around his thoughts. Why was he such a fucking idiot. Why did he have to fall in love with one of his best friends?
“I-“ he cuts himself off. “Shit, this is hard.” He mumbles, running a hand over his face.
“Look, you don’t have to tell me, Stan. I just want you to stop avoiding me. Stop acting like I don’t exist. I miss you, Stan.”
“Why did it have to be you?” Stan questions, squeezing his eyes shut as he felt them fill with tears.
“Why’d I have to fall in love with you? All of the people in the world, it had to be you. My best friend. I didn’t even like guys. I thought I was straight until I met you, Y/N. You’re the reason why I lay awake questioning my sexuality at night.
And the funny thing is, I don't see anyone but you. It's like you're the only person that's worth my time.”
”Stan? Open the door.”
“And I know, you’d never love me back. I mean, I’m Stanley Uris, the losers resident tight ass. I’m the disgusting Je-“
You cut him off, “don’t fucking finish that sentence, Stan.”
“But, it’s true.”
“No, it’s not. You’re Stan The Man, one of the losers. Sure, sometimes you can be an ass but all of us are. You’re one of the brain cells of the losers, cause honestly we’d be fucked plenty of time if you weren’t with us.”
“Hell yeah, Stan. We wouldn’t be complete without you, man. Honestly, me and Richie would be a fucking mess if something would happen to you.”
Stan reaches up, wiping his eyes.
“I love you too, y’know. More than a friend.” Stan felt his eyes widen, he reached over to the lock of the stall.
“It’s been killing me, not speaking to you for the past couple of weeks. I thought I had slipped up and you found out. A-and you were...disgusted and hated me.”
Stan stands, nearly rips the door of the hinges as he opens it. “I would never hate you.”
You both take in your tear stained face and red eyes. “I know that now.”
“Can I kiss you?” You question, softly.
Stan nods as he stares up into your (e/c) eyes. He sees how much they’re filled with happiness and focused on him. His breathe hitches as he feels a warm hand on his lower back. You pull him closer, gaze never faltering.
You lean into him, hesitantly.
“How's this?"
He couldn’t find any words, soon there barely an inch of space between their lips. Stan's heart nearly stops.
“HEY GUYS!” The main bathroom door bursts open, Richie comes trailing in with the Losers sans Beverly behind him.
“WE’VE BEEN WA-“ Eddie slams a hand over Richie’s mouth. “Holy shit, you guys were making out in the bathroom? Do you know what’s floating around in the air? What’s on the toilet seats?! And you’re kissing in here?!”
Stan lets out a mournful sigh, burying his head in Y/N’s shoulder. So close but of course his asshole friends had to ruin it.
“Maybe next time, Stan?”
“Somewhere-far away from the cockblockers.”  
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astouract · 5 years
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12 Days of December | Day 7
Sharing is Caring
A/N: for those of you who don’t know, most of the fics I had scheduled to post for this challenge never posted and instead dropped off the face of the earth. I was able to get this one back, and my fingers are crossed that it’ll upload okay. I usually don’t write directly on tumblr for that exact reason, but I wanted to make the process more seamless 🙄 I’ll upload the fics as I recover them.
Stan lifted his mug of hot chocolate to his lips, leaning back contentedly against the countertop. It was a brisk 65 degrees, and finally cold enough to wear his favorite red and white sweater. Only once it got this cold could he justify drinking anything other than water--as long as the alternative was hot chocolate. Colorful lights sparkled in his eyes as he observed the Christmas decorations meticulously placed in his apartment--a project he had just finished the night before.
His gaze had just settled on the festive tree in the corner when his phone lit up beside him. Jimmy’s face flashed across the screen, and Stan smiled warmly as he lifted the phone to his ear.
“Jimothy,” he chirped, settling again into the countertop.
“Morning, Staniel,” Jimmy said with a yawn.
Stan raised his wrist to check his watch. “It’s four in the afternoon.”
“Is it?” Jimmy paused. “Well, it’s morning somewhere. Hey so I’m about to run to Burger Shot if you wanna come with?”
Stan pulled the curtain back from his kitchen window, peering outside as a draft blew in from the cracks. “Sure! I’d love to tag along, I’ll be there in approximately. . . fifteen seconds.”
“Alright, Stan.”
Stan ended the call, striding across the room to slide into his boat shoes and grab his fanny pack.
He was at Jimmy’s door in ten seconds, and the door swung open before he could even knock on the cheap wood. “Ready to go,” Stan announced, letting himself in with a smile that soon faded as he looked around the apartment.
“Wow, that sweater is. . . Festive. What’s wrong?” Jimmy shrugged his jacket on, looking over his shoulder to see the frown on Stan’s face.
Stan gestured in front of him. “This is your Christmas tree? Where are all the ornaments?”
Jimmy followed Stan’s gaze to the plastic tree standing in the corner. He smiled sheepishly, choking out an awkward laugh as his hand went up to rub the back of his neck. “Oh, uh, I got it yesterday. So I, um, don’t have any ornaments. Or lights. Or anything.”
Stan’s face lit up like. . . Well, like a Christmas tree. “I’ve got just the thing! Jimmy, follow me!”
He was out the door in a flash, with Jimmy on his trail shouting about Burger Shot.
“I’ll order delivery,” he called back, waving a hand dismissively.
In moments, Stan had guided Jimmy into his apartment, down the hallway, and into his bedroom closet. Pushing the clothes away, he clambered to the back of the dark room while murmuring incoherently.
“You did all of this yourself?” Jimmy asked, eyes jumping from knick knack to knick knack. He stepped into the closet, reaching up and tugging at the light pull.
Stan blinked in the bright light, setting boxes aside to get to the ones he was looking for. “I sure did, I decorate the house every year. And I. . .” He grunted, yanking a big red container from the corner of the closet, “happen to have some extra decorations!”
Turning the light off, Stan proudly carried his treasures out of the room.
“I-I don’t know about this, Stan. I don’t know anything about decorating. Hell, my apartment’s a disaster!”
“That’s what I’m here for!” Stan chirped, locking the front door behind them.
Jimmy rushed ahead to push his door open for Stan, who set the heavy box down in the middle of the living room. In moments, Christmas music was playing, food had been ordered, and Jimmy was seated by Stan on the floor. One by one they began pulling ornaments from the container, setting them carefully off to the side.
“Oh, it’s the reindeer!” Stan reached for the foam 2D reindeer ornament, straightening the folded antler as he smiled warmly down at it. “Roy made this for me at school in second grade.” He flipped it over, displaying the marker signature on the back. “I don’t know how I missed it when I was decorating my tree.”
“You should take that one back with you,” Jimmy suggested, peering down at the keepsake. He could only imagine how much it meant to Stan.
Stan’s gaze snapped to Jimmy’s, as if he’d just been ripped out of a daydream, then broke into a smile. “You could use a little sentimental atmosphere. . .” He placed the ornament in Jimmy’s hand. “I want you to have it.”
“Stan,” Jimmy chided, eyes meeting Stan’s distant blue ones.
“He doesn’t want to see me for Christmas.”
He hadn’t meant to say it out loud, it just came bubbling out and now Jimmy was giving him that look--the look that was a mixture of sadness and anger, and resentment. Jimmy usually only looked like that when Stan talked about Roy or Denise.
Jimmy sighed heavily, turning the ornament around in his hands. “I’m sorry, Stan.”
Stan nodded, willing the tears in his eyes to go away as strong arms wrapped around him.
“They’re the ones missing out,” Jimmy said, squeezing him as tightly as he could until he coaxed a chuckle out of him. “I mean, the way your place is decorated? How could anyone not want to spend Christmas with you? It’s like a museum in there.”
Stan broke into laughter, and Jimmy released his hold on the older man. “I’ve had a lot of time to collect things.”
They continued on with unpacking the ornaments, and Stan told stories about almost each one until they were all laid out on the carpet.
“Now,” Stan said, getting to his feet. “There are some rules.”
“Oh, God.”
“It’s not that hard!” Stan backtracked, grabbing a pair of wooden tie-ons, “It’s really simple. I always start with the types of ornaments that have the most pieces, that way it’s easier to distribute them.”
“O. . . Kay,” Jimmy nodded, grabbing another handful of tie-ons.
“And you always want to make sure that you place them far enough apart from each other. Also, try to save the strongest branches for the heavier ornaments--actually, ignore that rule because this isn’t a real tree.” Stan noticed the overwhelmed expression on Jimmy’s face, the way he stared at the tree with wide eyes as if it might jump out at him any second.
“Or. . . We can just stick the ornaments on without any kind of rules?”
“Great idea!”
Stan threw his ideals out the window, and started throwing ornaments onto the tree. It was almost fun, to just forget about all of the planning and just put the baubles wherever felt right. Between the dinner break, Christmas music solos, and haphazard decorating, the time flew by until the only thing left off of the tree was the big red bow.
Stan looked from the bow to the top of the tree in uncertainty. “You wouldn’t happen to have a step stool?”
Jimmy clicked his tongue. “Nope, but I do have a chair.” He left the living room to return with a rickety kitchen chair and a sheepish smile. “I’ll go up.”
Stan’s instinct was to insist that he go up himself, but after more consideration, he figured that he was much heavier than Jimmy. He handed the bow to the shorter man, who immediately climbed up onto the chair. It creaked and groaned underneath Jimmy’s weight, but stayed standing regardless.
“Make sure you fluff it up just a bit,” Stan said, “just bend the wires a little until it looks less smashed.”
“Can do.” Jimmy toyed with the ribbon until it looked satisfactory, and set himself to tying it to the treetop.
He had to stand on his toes just to reach, and the chair wobbled underneath him as he bent forward to wrap the twist tie around the top branch.
“Be careful!” Stan warned.
“Got it!” Jimmy exclaimed at the same time, just as he took too big of a step back.
He tried to steady himself once his foot hit the ground, but he continued to stumble over himself. Jimmy braced himself for the fall, but strong arms wrapped around his waist and pulled him close.
“Jesus,” Jimmy breathed, “thanks, Stan.”
“Sure thing, It--It was nothing.”
Stan caught Jimmy’s gaze, and he was wearing that look. The one where his lips rest ever so slightly apart, with his head tilted ever so slightly to the side. The one where he looks at Stan like he’s the sun, moon, and all of the stars--the one that makes Stan want to. . .
Suddenly his lips were on Jimmy’s, and Jimmy’s hands were cupping his face. Stan’s arms wound themselves tighter around him, pulling Jimmy as close as he could without being overbearing. He felt so fragile in Stan’s arms, and he felt the weight of Jimmy’s trust in him.
As quickly as the kiss had happened, it was over. Stan held Jimmy as close as possible, resting his chin on Jimmy’s shoulder.
“Will you stay with me for Christmas?”
The silence hung heavy in the air, and Stan’s heart dropped at the thought that he could’ve made a big mistake. What if he’d ruined their friendship by pushing his feelings into Jimmy? What if he’d destroyed all trust Jimmy had in him?
Stupid, Stan.
“Sure Stan, I’d like that.”
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#16 Stoizer
#16 ~ “Christmas is lame.” - “You’re lame! You, you Grinch!” - “Oh. Ow.”
Send me festive prompts
Festive Prompts
Woah, first time writing for Stozier, hope this is good.
Stan often thought long and hard about celebrating two holidays, Christmas and Hanukkah. Growing up, Christmas for him was just a few hours at one of his friend’s houses giving gifts and playing games. Now as an adult with a boyfriend who doesn’t really believe in any religion and just celebrates Christmas because of gift-giving, Stan sees it more of a nuisance. Richie has weird traditions during the days leading up to the holiday and Stan sees it being more of a big deal than he originally thought (even if it is still a nuisance). 
Before they started dating, Stan and Richie were “dormmates” for the first year of college and then moved into an off campus apartment for the rest of college. During the 3 years in an apartment, Richie took off with his celebrations of both Halloween and Christmas. The entire apartment was covered in the red, white and green (for Christmas) and black, white, orange and purple (for Halloween). Stan often watched the horror unfold before him, even when they started dating just before senior year of college.
“Staniel can you hand me the tape? I need to wrap this door frame.” Richie says holding the green tinsel right where he needs it to be.
“Fine but if any paint gets ripped off, you’re repainting it!” Stan says with a roll of his eyes.
Stan’s parents are flying from Derry to come to the Stozier household for the first time and Stan is absolutely beside himself since Richie will have the entire apartment covered in Christmas decorations. There are a few tables and benches with Hanukkah items and a copy of the Torah sitting proudly on the table beside the fireplace. But there’s more of the Christian holiday items placed around the dwelling.
Bells decorate the door handles, Christmas coloured ribbon are dangling from the kitchen drawers and tinsel lines the skirting of where the kitchen cabinets meet the ceiling. And with Stan’s parent being highly religious, Stan is starting to worry that Richie’s overboard excitement might tip his parents off. Sure they love Richie but they trash the idea of Christmas and the apartment is looking like the North Pole more and more by the minute.
“Richie, don’t you think you’re going a little overboard?” Stan asks finally after like an hour of watching his overly excited boyfriend. “Christmas is lame.” 
“You’re lame! You, you Grinch!” Richie squeals in shock and wacks Stan’s arm with a wooden box containing the star for the top of the tree.
“Oh. Ow.” Stan yelps and retreats into the second spare room to continue his study. 
His ‘office’ is touched up slightly with ribbon and tinsel either wrapped around the legs of the desk and chair or stuck to the trips of the bookshelf. The only untouched room in the entire apartment is the 1st spare room that the boys use as a guest room. Christmas often causes a mass amount of decorations to be placed on every inch of the apartment; unlike Halloween. Stan’s not claustrophobic but if he was he would make Richie take everything down in a heartbeat. The crisp snow-white walls now have tape marks, the amount of painting that they’d need to do ... If Stan was Eddie, he was sure he’d have a panic attack. But he isn’t, but in true Stanley fashion, he rolled his eyes at Richie’s childish behaviour.
Since Stan’s parents are coming, Stan wanted to make sure that it had zero correspondence to the holiday. Richie seemed okay with it and Stan still hopes he is. 
knock knock
Stan sighs and saves his documents.
“Stanny?” Richie’s voice sounds small, almost like a whisper.
“Yeah?” Stan replies, trying his best to mimic Richie’s softness. Richie cracks open the door and moves slowly to the seat in front of Stan’s desk. (Stan sometimes works from home so client occasionally come over)
“I know I went a bit overboard, I can take some - “
“Richard, you don’t have to. I made a compromise with you and my parents should understand. They love you, even if you do like Christmas and seem to be an atheist.” Richie smiles. 
“Of course birdman.” Richie gets up from the chair. “I’ll let you go back to your work, Mr Grinch.”
Stan laughs and walks Richie out, kissing him lightly before closing the door behind the tall comedian.
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gxenbev · 4 years
Reddie Prom AU
Based on this headcanon: https://gxenbev.tumblr.com/post/613860178007326720/hc-that-richie-and-bev-bond-over-reality-tv-and
Hope you enjoy!
“Richie, stop squirming,” Bev said around the pins in her mouth.
“I’m trying, Miss Scarlet,” Richie whined. When he suggested remaking Fashion Runway dresses, he hadn’t anticipated standing in front of Beverly for hours while she pinned layer after layer of fabric over him.
“Patience, Richard,” she mumbled as she stuck him with a pin for the fourth time in five minutes.
“Ouch! Watch it, Bevvie,” he screeched.
“Sorry,” she said, setting the pins down and stepping back to admire her work.
Richie looked down, but all he could see was a mass of ruffles surrounding his lower half. He looked up at her with curious eyes, but Beverly only smiled.
“We’re not even close to done, are we?” he asked.
“Nope,” she laughed, beginning to cut more crimson fabric.
“Maybe Eddie will finally think I’m hot,” Richie giggled. 
“He already thinks you’re hot, dumbass.”
“Is that what he says when he’s talking to you on the phone instead of cuddling with me?”
“Guess he loves me best,” Beverly shrugged.
Eddie wasn’t a fan of Fashion Runway. Richie thought he would love it, considering Eddie was the most judgmental person he knew, and that was ninety-eight percent of the show. Since Eddie wouldn’t indulge in his guilty pleasure show, he and Beverly watched it together.
“Will this eventually look like a dress?” Richie asked. Richie was confident in Beverly’s skills, but he wasn’t sure he would be able to move with the tight layer of fabric hugging his waist when she was finished,
“I sure hope so,” she mumbled.
“Next time, we’re doing this to Stan,” Richie whined.
Beverly laughed. Getting Stan to stand still and be patient wouldn’t be an issue like it was with Richie. Getting Stan to agree to wear something besides neat, pressed khakis and polos was the problem.
“That would be hilarious. I think we could wrestle Eddie into a mini skirt.”
Richie blushed. “Do I want to see Eddie in a mini skirt.”
“Oh, you definitely want to see Eddie in a mini skirt. Straighten your shoulders, I need to work on the bodice.”
“I think Tim Gunn would be proud, Bevvie,” he chuckled. 
Beverly took the red, lacy fabric and pinned it around Richie’s middle. There was a plain white, silky layer underneath the lace. She decided to pin it tight and leave it sleeveless.
“Open back or no?” Beverly asked.
“Damn, I don’t know. I just want it to stay on.”
Beverly called the boys earlier and told them to stop by for dinner just so she could show off her creation, but Richie was even more pumped than she was. 
Beverly continued to work for the next couple of hours while an antsy Richie wiggled around. She placed pins, took them out, sewed the pieces together, ripped seams, ruffled, ripped, and ironed fabric. By the time she was finished, she was exhausted and wiped a line of sweat from her brow.
“Alright, Richie, go look in the mirror.”
Richie carefully walked to the full-length mirror on the other side of the room, cautious of the mass of red layers surrounding his legs. He was absolutely stunned by his appearance. He looked amazing. Better than he ever thought he could look.
“Bevvie,” he started.
“You like it?” 
“I love it,” he told her, turning around to smile at her.
“Yeah, but I don’t know what we’re going to do with it after we show the boys.”
“Its worth just keeping around,” he said, twirling around in the mirror to watch the ruffles fly around him.
“Don’t rip it,” Beverly warned him.
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” he said, still dazed by the dress.
When the others arrived, Richie opted to stay upstairs and make a big entrance.
“Where the hell is Richie?” Eddie asked.
“Scheming,” Beverly deadpanned and Eddie rolled his eyes.
“Gentlemen,” they heard Richie yell from the top of the stairs. “You aren’t prepared for the beauty you’re about to witness.”
Richie walked down the stairs as properly as his lanky limbs would let him, holding his head high and keeping his shoulders as stiff as possible. He did a little wave as all the Losers stared.
“Beverly, how the fuck did you get him to stay still long enough to make that?” Ben exclaimed.
“It wasn’t easy.”
“Hey!” Richie squawked. “You’re supposed to be admiring my beauty right now.”
“It looks fantastic, Bev,” Mike said. 
“It looks great. Even better if it wasn’t on Richie,” Stan laughed and ruffled his hair when Richie gave him a mean look.
They all admired Bev’s handiwork for a little while longer before Bill said, “Its lovely. Such a shame Richie doesn’t have the balls to wear it in public.”
Eddie giggled and Richie glared. “Says who?”
“You wouldn’t,” Beverly laughed, making Richie frustrated.
“Sure I would,” Richie stated, not one to be insulted like this. Of course he had the balls to do it.
“Okay then, how about you wear that to prom?” Stan suggested.
Richie could feel the blood rushing to his cheeks. He couldn’t wear this to prom. He could only imagine all the horrid things Bowers would say, but he also couldn’t back down. He had a reputation to never back down from a dare, and he wouldn’t ruin it for shit.
Richie looked at Eddie. Prom was next week and he asked Eddie a month ago. He gladly accepted, but now Richie wasn’t so sure he even wanted to go. Eddie didn’t seem to care. He was laughing along with everyone else at the horrified look on Richie’s face.
“You won’t,” Stan said, crossing his arms.
Richie didn’t want to, but he would do anything to wipe that smug smile off Stan’s face.
“I will. I’m going to. Just help me out of this fucking thing so I can take it home.”
Richie tried to keep a steady face as Beverly helped him step out of the dress and handed him back his t-shirt and jeans, but he was feeling apprehensive as fuck. What would people say? Word spreads fast in Derry.
He took the dress home and hung it in the closet before going to bed, but it stared back at him through the open door. He couldn’t sleep. He got up and shut the closet door, but it didn’t help.
When Saturday rolled around, Richie knew he couldn’t procrastinate any longer. He had to look at the dreaded thing. He carefully pulled the dress out of his closet and laid it on the bed. He looked around for a pair of dress shoes, and really wish he went shopping earlier. He pulled his cleanest pair of chucks out from under his bed and decided they’d have to do. 
Richie cautiously stepped into the dress. It was mostly open back, so he could zip it up without any help. He turned around and looked in the mirror. He had to admit, he looked pretty nice, but his hands were shaking and his eyes look even bigger than usually behind his giant glasses.
Richie went straight for the hair gel once he stepped into the bathroom. He tried relentlessly to tame his mess of curls, but he didn’t have much luck. He parted it the best he could instead of leaving it in shaggy bangs across his forehead and called it good. It looked better than it usually did, which was the most he could ask for.
Eddie was picking Richie up before going to get their other friends. Richie didn’t have a car, which he whined about constantly, but Eddie bummed one off a family friend once he finally convinced Sonia he was a safe driver. 
When he heard the doorbell ring from upstairs, he rushed to get it, almost tripping on the crimson fabric falling to his ankles.
“Eds,” he grinned as he opened the door.
Richie was silent for the first time since he met Eddie. He looked stunning. His suit was neat and pressed and wore a little red bowtie that matched Richie’s dress. His hair was neatly combed and gelled and his wide smile made him look even better.
“You’re actually going to wear it,” Eddie laughed.
“Of course I fucking am,” Richie replied charismatically. “Ready to get the others?”
Eddie nodded and took Richie’s hand in his own. From inside the house, his mother called, “Richard! Your legs are gonna get cold!”
“I’ll be fine, Ma. Love you!” he called back before shutting the door and clambering into the passenger side of Eddie’s car.
Eddie looked over the console at Richie and frowned. He took Richie’s hand in his own and squeezed it tight.
“You look beautiful,” he reassured. Richie relaxed his shoulders a little, hoping Eddie wouldn’t worry about him. “What are you worried about, ‘Chee?”
Richie shrugged, but Eddie threw him a questioning look. He couldn’t get anything past Eddie, and he usually didn’t try. He trusted him with everything, and he could never lie to him.
“Bowers, I guess,” he whispered. 
“Oh ‘Chee, I don’t think Bowers will even show up to prom,” Eddie said.
Richie nodded. “But what if others tell him?”
Eddie squeezed his hand again. “If Bowers comes at you, I’ll beat his ass.”
Richie rolled his eyes. “Babe, you’re like, almost a midget.”
“Fine, I’ll get Mike to beat his ass. He has ‘farm muscles.’”
Richie laughed. He felt safer with Eddie. He always had. Eddie was never anywhere near calm until he had to be for someone else, and that was one of the many things he loved about him. 
When they reached Stan’s house, Stan walked out the door looking as proper as ever. His hair was gelled neatly and he wore a light blue tie with his simple gray suit.
“Goddamn, Richie. I never thought you would go through with it,” Stan smiled, climbing into the backseat.
“You underestimated me, Staniel. Maybe next time you’ll estimate me.” 
Stan rolled his eyes but continued, “I have to admit, you pull it off.”
They were headed to the dance after Eddie picked up Mike. Bill and Beverly were riding with Ben. Eddie held Richie's hand as they drove across Derry and didn’t let go until they reached the school.
Derry High School was never superly financially stable, but the decorations in the gymnasium looked nice. The room was flooded with blue and purple lights and silky looking drapery hung across the walls. It was more than Richie was expecting. The dark lights made it nearly impossible to pick people out of the crowd from a distance. Richie’s nerves started to evaporate.
Bev, Bill, and Ben arrived just after the others. Beverly’s fiery hair stood out even with the fancy lighting. She looked absolutely stunning. Richie knew she made her dress herself, too, and it was even more beautiful than any other outfit he’d seen that night.
“Wow Rich, I should make dresses for you more often,” she said, admiring how it looked, even with Richie’s beat-up converse.
Richie smiled. He forgot about worrying what people were going to think. He got a few compliments from random students, but he wasn’t truly listening. He was focused on his friends. 
Mike and Bill were dancing together. Richie saw Stan leave, and he thought he saw him on the other side of the gym with Patty Blum. He didn’t know her very well. She was in his calculus class, but they rarely talked. He didn’t even know Stan knew her.
Beverly and Ben were laughing as Beverly tried to convince her boyfriend to dance. Richie shook his head. Shy Ben would do anything to make Beverly smile.
“Whatcha thinking about?” Eddie asked, tugging Richie towards the center of the room to dance.
“How good you look in that suit,” Richie said, waggling his eyebrows. Eddie dropped his hand and turned away, but Richie caught his shoulder and turned him back around. He giggled and bent down on one knee. “May I please have this dance, my spaghetti?”
“You’re so goddamn dramatic,” Eddie responded, pulling Richie up and putting his arms around his neck. He pulled him in close as Richie settled his hands on Richie’s waist. More couples flooded to the dance floor as the songs got slower and slower.
“Remember when you said you would never go to prom in middle school because you thought it was stupid?” Richie teased.
Eddie blushed, looking down at his nice dress shoes next to Richie’s chucks. “Yeah, but I wasn’t expecting someone to go with me then.”
Richie leaned closer to press a kiss to Eddie’s forehead. “I was expecting it.”
He wasn’t lying. He imagined taking Eddie to prom with him for years. 
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Someone like you (Request)
Prompt: I really loved your last fanfic and the mention of Eddie's feelings to Bill made me happy so If you still take requests, I would like to read some Kaspbrough--Anonymous 
Summary: “You think I will find someone?” Eddie asked quietly, feeling that twist in his gut flare up like it always did whenever he’d think about growing older.
“Of cuh--course I do.” Bill offers him a warm smile that struck Eddie in ways he had never noticed before. 
Bill was beautiful.
Like actually beautiful, from his sleep muzzled hair to his dorky grin that made Eddie’s heart flutter rapidly. Apparently, it was too hot for a shirt since it was summer, but the way Bill’s body looked was… breath-taking. Now, he wasn’t overly muscular where it was gross to look at. He was perfectly shaped in ways that Eddie wanted to be in his arms--And whoa, wait a minute.
Eddie had never noticed it, but now, seeing Bill in a new light put a lot of things into perceptive for him. Now that he was actually looking at Bill, he knew immediately that he was never going to be able to see him again. That was rather eye-opening and almost terrifying because this was his best friend… he wasn’t supposed to like Bill like this, right?
Pairing: Bill Denbrough x Eddie Kaspbrak
Edward Kaspbrak is someone who never understood what people meant when they say that love is the most important feeling in the world. Maybe he hasn’t had that same epiphany that the rest of the others have, so he can’t truly understand what they mean. That being said, Eddie felt like for all of his friends because they were people who loved and accepted him for being the way he was.
“So, Eddie Spaghetti, is there anyone that has caught the eye of the ever-so-lovely Doctor K?” Richie asked, glancing up from the comic book he was reading. They were currently in Richie’s room since a lot of the other losers were out doing other things.
“What do you mean?” Eddie frowns softly, sitting up on the bed so he can look at Richie better.
“I mean is there anyone you love?” Richie snorts as Eddie’s face heats up gently.
“I-I don’t know! I mean do you have someone you like?” Eddie demanded when Richie shrugs.
“I asked you first. Come on, there’s no one that you are so happy to see?” Richie quirked an eyebrow at him.
“I… I really don’t know. I never thought about it, I guess.” Eddie shrugs when Richie immediately shot up from the bed.
“What? Are you kidding me?” Richie demanded as Eddie’s eyes widened.
“Why do you care so much?” Eddie huffed, crossing his arms.
“Because Eds, we’re about to be seniors this year! This is the year that you are supposed to go to the dance! Have fun! Enjoy the last year of public school before we are shipped off to who-knows-where to a college next fall!” Richie exclaims.
“First off, don’t call me Eds. Second off, why does it matter? As you said, it’s my senior year and I want to have fun. I can have fun without a lover.” Eddie comments before turning his attention back to his own comic book when Richie snatched and tossed it on to the other side of the bed. “Richie!” He screeched.
“Eddie! You can’t--You gotta do something! You’ve never had your first kiss--No, Bev doesn’t count we were playing spin the bottle!” Richie countered before Eddie could open his mouth. “Okay, tell me what you look for in a person.” Richie gestures to Eddie who groans.
“Dude, I don’t like anyone. Why is this such a big deal?” He huffed.
“Because I have Stan, Ben and Bev are dating, Mike has that girl named Kayla who helps out on the farm and Bill is just… Bill. We all have someone but you.” Richie points out, causing a scowl to spread across Eddie’s face.
“I wasn’t aware of that. Thanks.” He replied with sarcasm dripping in his tone.
“Spaghetti man, come on. What do you look for in someone?” Richie asked, tilting his head as Eddie threw up his hands with a loud groan.
“I don’t know! Someone who doesn’t mind my mother? Because that’s gonna stupid show stopper! No one can handle her! I can’t even handle her sometimes!” He exclaims.
“Hey, I can handle her just fine.” Richie grins as Eddie hit him in the face with a pillow. “Hey! Don’t disrespect your Step-Daddy!” He countered.
“No one will ever call you that! How does Stan put up with your shit sometimes?” Eddie huffs when Richie laughs.
“Slowly and then all at once.” Richie grins as Eddie rolled his eyes. “However, this isn’t about Stan and me, it’s about you.” He explains.
“Look, I really don’t know. I guess I never thought about it since I knew with my mom… I’d probably never be with anyone. I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’ll live alone so lay off.” Eddie comments before snagging the comic book and ripping it open.
“Eds, you’re not gonna be alone forever. I mean… shit--If I was able to bag a cutie like Staniel then I’m sure you can get someone too.” Richie points out, making Eddie roll his eyes again.
The conversation was dropped, which Eddie was more than grateful for.
Now that Richie mentioned it, Eddie couldn’t stop thinking about it and it’s almost two months. His mind was racing and soon he found himself envisioning a faceless person who would love him and they’d grow old together. His dreams were becoming more realistic with a marriage, adopting pets, and other things you would normally do to grow up.
Soon, there was a hole blooming in his chest at the feeling of longing for that contact that his dreams were giving him. Some nights he’d wake up with tears in his eyes and a cold sweat breaking out across his body from the feeling. He wanted nothing more than to be loved and now he blamed Richie for making these feelings come to life.
The losers all decided to have a sleepover down in Bill’s basement since there were furniture and other items that others could sleep on. They had been watching movies and eating junk food just like they always did throughout the years. Eddie was the first one to pass out since his mother had him on a strict sleeping schedule that even through the summer held it’s value.
Eddie was laying across the love-seat, dreaming vividly of this faceless person who for the first time spoke--I love you--Causing Eddie to wake up a sharp gasp as he looked around the darkened room to see the others were asleep. The only light source was the little ray of moonlight that shined through the small window. He felt goose flesh spread across his arms and legs, making him shiver as tears flooded his eyes.
“Eddie?” Bill’s voice spoke softly as Eddie jolted before sitting up to see Bill on the recliner beside him. “Yuh--You okay?” He asked, taking in the flushed features on the younger one’s face.
“I’m fine,” Eddie assured, swiping at both his cheeks to make the tears stop.
“Eddie, duh--don’t lie to me. Come on, luh-let’s get you some water.” Bill stood up from the recliner before offering out a hand with a gentle smile spread across his lips.
Eddie looked from his hand up to Bill’s face, taking each feature the boy had with a photographic memory. He swallowed the hard lump in his throat before reaching out and snagging Bill’s hand as the latter helped him stand. Eddie’s legs felt slightly wobbly, but with Bill’s support, they were able to go upstairs without waking anyone else up.
“Suh--So, you gonna talk to me?” Bill asked, walking over to the cupboards to get some cups as Eddie sat at the small table.
“Just dreams.” Eddie shrugs, not wanting to really offer any more than that.
“Juh-Just dreams? Like nuh-nightmares?” Bill asked as Eddie shakes his head.
“No, they’re good dreams.” He assured, only further the crease in Bill’s brow.
“Oh-Okay, then what’s the pruh-problem?” Bill asked, getting them both a drink before setting a cup down in front of Eddie who gratefully gulped almost half the liquid down.
“Because they are dreams about being with someone. I never worried about this stuff before and then… then Richie asked me who I liked and who I was looking for in a person.” Eddie explains as Bill rolls his eyes.
“Ruh--Richie does that shit to get a rise out of yuh-you,” Bill comments softly. “If you duh--don’t like someone then don’t like sum-someone.” He explains as Eddie shrugs.
“It’s not that I don’t… I just… I never really thought about it before until now. I guess I had accepted that I’d probably never leave this dumb town.” Eddie sighed shakily when Bill frowns.
“Eddie, yuh--you’re a smart guy. You’ll go far… Fuh--Far away from here. And you’ll meet someone. You’re guh--going on eighteen this year. You have the--the rest of your life.” Bill points out before taking a drink.
“Is that what you do? Is that why you aren’t with anyone?” Eddie asked quietly when Bill snorts.
“I’ve juh-just been dealing wuh--with a lot of things. Puh--Parents up my ass. Buh--Baseball. I don’t huh--have time for those things, I guess. Buh--But that doesn’t mean I don’t wuh--want it.” He explains as Eddie nods.
“You think I will find someone?” Eddie asked quietly, feeling that twist in his gut flare up like it always did whenever he’d think about growing older.
“Of cuh--course I do.” Bill offers him a warm smile that struck Eddie in ways he had never noticed before.
Bill was beautiful.
Like actually beautiful, from his sleep muzzled hair to his dorky grin that made Eddie’s heart flutter rapidly. Apparently it was too hot for a shirt since it was summer, but the way Bill’s body looked was… breath-taking. Now, he wasn’t overly muscular where it was gross to look at. He was perfectly shaped in ways that Eddie wanted to be in his arms--And whoa, wait a minute.
Eddie had never noticed it, but now, seeing Bill in a new light put a lot of things into perceptive for him. Now that he was actually looking at Bill, he knew immediately that he was never going to be able to see him again. That was rather eye-opening and almost terrifying because this was his best friend… he wasn’t supposed to like Bill like this, right?
“Nuh--Now, how about we talk about sum--something else for a little bit.” Bill offers. “Get your muh--mind off everything.” He explains as Eddie nods dumbly.
The rest of the night, Bill talked to Eddie about a lot of things. Most things that Eddie had no idea was going on inside of Bill’s head. He’s never felt as close to someone until tonight and soon he found himself speaking about things he kept inside. It was the most liberating thing that Eddie has ever done aside from standing up against his mother. And that’s when it hit him… He realized he was in love with Bill… Because those feelings he had for the others were different when he thought about Bill…
He was royally screwed.
About a week after the sleepover, Eddie cornered Richie in the clubhouse before the others came so he could yell at him. Well, it was more like high-pitched squeaks as Richie tried to dissect what the poor frantic boy was trying to say. Between his flailing arms and face as red as a tomato, Richie pieced together that Eddie was in love.
“Who is it!” Richie exclaims excitedly as Eddie looks at him.
“That is not the point of this conversation you absolute goober!” He exclaims, beating on Richie’s chest with his fists.
“Whoa! Whoa, calm down! You look like you’re going to have an aneurism!” Riche cackles when Eddie’s eyes darkened in anger. “Alright, hold on you little demon. You short people get easily angered because you’re closer to Satan I swear.” He snorts.
“Richie!” He huffed as Richie’s hands shot up in surrender. “You are an asshole! Do you know that? This is all your fucking fault! I was fine until you had to open your dumbass Trashmouth like you always do!” He exclaims, tears forming in his eyes as Richie froze.
“Hey, what are you talking about? Is it--Holy shit, Eds is it me?” He asked as Eddie’s face twisted in disgusted.
“No! I’d rather lick a fucking stump!” Eddie barked, making Richie pout his lips.
“Okay, so… so what’s this about? Because you like someone? How bad can it be?” Richie quirked an eyebrow at him as Eddie scrubbed his hands through his hair.
“It’s very bad! It’s the worst and I can’t stop it! Make it stop!” He begged when Richie looked down at him in complete shock.
“Eddie, who the hell do you like?” He asked before a sob escapes Eddie’s trembling lips.
“I can’t love them… I can’t they won’t… They don’t like me.” He whispered before collapsing against Richie’s chest.
“Eds, I can’t help you if you don’t talk to me. Is it Stan?” Richie asked, tensing slightly as Eddie huffed and pulled away.
“No! It’s Bill! Okay! I think I might be in love with Bill!” He exclaims, yanking at his hair. “I mean my dreams started off with a faceless person and now they are all Bill! Bill this! Bill that! It’s all BILL!” He throws his hands up as Richie watches him explode.
“Whoa, wait… You got a crush on Billiam? Shit, my dude, this club really stays close huh?” He snorts, earning a murderous look from Eddie. “Why is it so bad that you like Bill? I mean, it is Bill and he’s got the brains of a walnut.” Richie points out.
“You are not helping me here,” Eddie comments back as Richie snorts before shaking his head.
“Hey, I’m not the one who is in love with him.” Richie resorts when Eddie groaned covering his face. “I actually find it adorable. I mean, I’m happy for you.” He grins as Eddie’s hands slowly scrape down his face.
“I can’t be though! I’m a boy and so is Bill!” He explains, making Richie quirk a brow.
“And? Stan and I are boys who are dating.” Richie points out. “Look, I know what your mom is like. She drilled it into your head that they are nasty disease filled people who worship the devil or some religious B-S like that. But I can assure you that it’s not anything like that. You can’t help who you love, Eds.” He shrugs when Eddie thumped down on the hammock.
“What do I do? I mean… Bill has only dated girls. What if… What if I tell him and suddenly everything falls apart. I’ll lose all my friends or he will and we won’t be able to be in a room together… and then--” Eddie starts to hyperventilate when Richie slapped a hand over his mouth.
“Oh-kay, we’re gonna need you to tone that shit down,” Richie comments with wide eyes. “Look, this is Bill we’re talking about here. The boy who can’t help but be nice to everyone. Even those who don’t deserve it. That being said, Bill has only dated girls and they’ve all ended in disaster. So maybe you are the beautiful angel he needs to have a good relationship! Besides, Mr. and Mrs. Denbrough love you!” He explains as Eddie’s face flushes.
“Shut up…” Eddie mumbles before they both sat in silence for a few moments. Just as he was about to ask Richie for help the hatch opened before the other losers finally came in and the conversation was dropped… again.
“Heh--Hey, Eddie.” Bill comments, walking home with him later that night as Eddie hums softly. “Do you… Did I do sum--something wrong?” He asked quietly as Eddie jerked his head up to meet Bill’s worried gaze.
“Wha--What? What do you mean?” Eddie’s voice cracked slightly as his heart pounded against his chest.
“Wuh--Well, it felt like you wuh--were avoiding me a lot lately. Tuh--Today just proved it. We were paired up fuh--for the Quarry and you looked up--upset. If I did something… I’m--I’m sorry.” He apologized as Eddie’s heart ceased tightly.
“Jesus, Bill, No! No, that’s not… Fuck--I’m the one who should be apologizing. I didn’t mean to act that way, I swear.” Eddie assures, waving his hands around as Bill shoved his hands into his jacket’s pockets.
“Thuh--Then why did you act like that?” Bill questioned with a gentle frown.
“Promise you won’t hate me. No matter what I say right now?” Eddie asked, stopping in the middle of the sidewalk as Bill almost bumped into him.
“Eddie--” He’s cut off.
“Promise me! Please, I need to know that you won’t hate me.” Eddie whispered as Bill blinked in shock before looking at Eddie.
“I pruh--promise, Eddie. Whatever it is.” He assured, motioning the ‘cross-my-heart’ before looking back to Eddie who let out a shaky breath.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me… I tried to make it go away, but I can’t. You’re so sweet to me and you listen to me. You’ve always been there for me.” Eddie explains as Bill nods, motioning for him to continue. “So… So it came to a little shocking when I realized that this warmth in my chest that I feel around you is love…” He laughs wetly, tears flooding down his face as he chokes on his breath. “I’m in love with you, Bill. I think I always have been, I just never had it at face value before.” He whispered.
Bill’s eyes widened as he looked at Eddie who was borderline sobbing at this point. His brain finally caught up to register that Eddie was in love with him. That’s why he was acting that way… He wanted to get rid of the feelings because he thought Bill would hate him.
Did he love Eddie? I mean he’s always been protective over the little hypochondriac… But was that feeling love? He thought he had feelings for Stan, but he believes that it was a crush for him to figure out that hey he liked boys too. But he wanted to hug Eddie, keep him from ever crying again because this look was the most heartbreaking thing he’s ever seen.
“Buh--Bill? Please, say something.” Eddie whispered, feeling his body growing cold as he flinched when Bill stepped forward. He opened his mouth to call out for him again onto to have his face buried against Bill’s chest, taking in the scent of cologne.
“Thuh--Thank you,” Bill whispered as Eddie’s face twisted in confusion before he looked up at Bill. “Yuh--You made me realize that it wuh--was love I felt for you. I--I didn’t understand it. Juh--Just like you. But it’s there. I never… I never explore thuh--this before.” Bill explains when Eddie shook his head.
“Wah--Wait a minute… Are you… You mean you love me, too?” Eddie asked quietly.
“I thuh--think so. I’d like to explore this muh--more if you are.” Bill offers.
“Holy shit, wait this is not what I thought was gonna happen. I need a moment.” Eddie’s breathing started to pick up when Bill wrapped his hands on Eddie’s shoulders before lowering them down to the curb.
“Bruh--Breathe with me.” He mimicked a slow inhale and exhale to help Eddie breathe normally. “Yuh--You okay?” He asked as Eddie nods, not yet trusting his voice when he started to shiver from the cold.
Bill immediately stood up, ripping off his jacket before placing it onto Eddie’s shoulders as the two boys shared a look. Bill offers him a sheepish smile as Eddie’s hands slowly curl around the fabric and hold it closer to him. He sat back down next to Eddie whose mind was racing before everything shouted the same thing.
Bill turned to Eddie, ready to ask if he was okay again when suddenly, Eddie’s lips had smashed against his own. Bill’s eyes widened more out of shock than anything before he immediately cupped Eddie’s face and deepened the kiss. Eddie’s dreams didn’t do Bill the justice that he deserved because this kiss was everything and more.
“Oh… Oh my god.” Eddie whispered as he pulled back when Bill snorted.
“Guh--Good, oh my god, ruh--right?” He asked, making Eddie nod dumbly.
“Perfect,” Eddie assured when Bill snorts before bumping their foreheads together. “I guess you’re right. I did find someone.” He whispered softly. “Someone like you.” He grins softly.
Bill smiles and pulls him into another kiss as Eddie tilts his head to the side, allowing Bill to take the lead again. Eddie would have to go home soon, but right here and right now, Eddie couldn’t care less that his mother was probably freaking out. Because he was exactly where he was supposed to be with the person of his dreams.
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uas-fics · 5 years
Title: Beer and Expectations
Rating: T
Summary: Stan’s birthday party is ruined so he goes behind the library to sulk
Ships: Stenny
Content warning: Underage drinking
Other: For @stenny-week​ prompts birthday and addiction
Read on one Ao3
Ever since he turned ten, Stan didn't like his birthday. Something always went wrong, and eight years after the first catastrophe, nothing had changed a bit.
His dad showed up, high as normal, and shoved a crudely wrapped box into his hands. In front of all his friends, Stan opened the box to find it empty save for a crumpled plastic wrapper.
With the dumbfounded expression that long ago became his norm, his dad demanded to know who ate Stan's gift and proceeded to blame every person there and several who weren't before Stan could usher him to the guest room and out of everyone's line of sight.
When he returned, faces of pity or mocking amusement locked on to him.
Most of the pity came from his friends, the people he'd actually invited to the party. The mocking amusement came from everyone else. He wasn't sure how the football team got wind of his party, but when they did, nothing he could say would stop them from showing up--and bring their romantic partners with them.
His embarrassment lasted until he waved goodbye to the last guest and well into the night.
Which was why he sat in the back corner behind the library, curled up into himself with tears in his eyes. He didn't try to blink them away or hide them. The light on that side of the building burnt out a while ago. No one could see him.
Stan looked up as a can rolled across the snow and hit his shoe.
Kenny held up a box in one hand and an open beer can in the other as he walked over.
"If I share, can I join you?" He asked, already taking a seat. He held his can to his mouth and spat his chewing tobacco into it before rolling it away. Some brown sloshed onto the snow. Stan wrinkled his nose in disgust. Kenny paid it no mind.
He settled the large box between them. The box had been torn open. Not along the perforated edged, but randomly at the top as if someone stabbed a knife into it then started ripping.
Stan took the can by his shoe and settled in it into the snow by his side before reaching for one that wasn't shaken up.
"Happy birthday, but," Kenny started, cracking open a beer can, "that party of yours..."
"It sucked." Stan wiped his eyes on the heel of his hand.
"I was going to say it had a good cake, but I guess that works too." Kenny took a drink, and they lapsed into silence.
Stan glanced at Kenny, who leaned back against the brick wall, the yellow glow of the streetlamp on that side of the building bathing him.
He'd acknowledged for years he had a crush on Kenny, but he wasn't sure if Kenny knew about it or not. Stan had confessed once, but he couldn't say if it was in real life or a dream.
They had been drinking at Kenny's house. His parents were out, Karen at a friend's, and Kevin was the one who got them the bottle in the first place before leaving with his girlfriend.
All Stan remembered was pinning Kenny down while wrestling over the remote, becoming flustered, kissing him on the neck, and admitting his feelings right then and there.
He blinked and the next thing he knew he was back in his room with a headache.
If he did confess and it wasn't a dream, Kenny didn't say anything about it, so he couldn't be sure.
Kenny took a long drink, tilting his head back. His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed. He didn't even hide the can's label.
No one cared if Kenny was drinking behind the library. He wasn't on any sports teams or in any extracurricular school activities, unlike Stan. If Stan got caught drinking beer at eleven at night, his coach would chew his ass out and he'd be benched for a couple of games. His scholarship chances couldn't risk that.
Kenny took another drink. Without turning his head, he said, "You're staring, Staniel."
Stan chuckled but didn't look away.
"How does it feel?" He asked without thinking. "How does it feel knowing no one cares what you do?"
Kenny started. He turned towards Stan with a frown.
"Did you really just ask me how it feels to have no one care about me?"
"What? No, I mean," Stan waved his hand at him, "no one cares that you're out here drinking when your underage."
"I'm not underage in Japan," Kenny pointed out. "Remember, I am a Japanese princess."
"You weren't of age when we started drinking together two years ago," Stan countered with a snort.
"Are you calling me an alcoholic?" Kenny laughed, gently punching Stan's arm.
"Takes one to know one." Stan raised his beer. "Now stop dodging the question."
Kenny looked down at his can and sighed. "It's nice to be invisible sometimes, but, it sucks, too. No one cares because they don't expect much from me more than a stupid hick to begin with."
"That's because they don't know you. Remember the score you got on the SATs? One point away from a full-ride scholarship."
Stan remembered how the high school counselor stared at Kenny when he told her what score he got with a shrug. He'd always done so-so on the practice tests, but when the actual test came around, he aced it. Stan was sure the counselor still thought Kenny must have cheated somehow. He didn't, of course. Kenny could excel if he applied himself.
"They don't know me, but they know my dad." Kenny screwed his beer down into the snow.
Stan flinched, taking his attention back to his can.
The embarrassment that his own dad brought him surged back to life. His ears burned hot.
"Dude, I'm scared."
"Scared? Of what, Stan?"
"Of being my dad." Stan squeezed his knees to his chest. "What if I turn out like him? We might joke about being alcoholics, but, we still have got together nearly every week since we were sixteen to drink and bitch." Stan didn't mention he'd been sneaking booze from his dad for longer than that, though he didn't know why. Kenny had done the same. He wouldn't judge.
"’Tegrity Farms might have cost him his marriage, but he'd still rolling in the dough. Your dad is successful." Kenny stretched out, hands slipping in his pockets. "My dad knocked up a teenager when he was in his late twenties and hasn't held a study job for more than a year."
He nestled down into his fluffy coat hood. "I'm scared I'll end up like him. Do something stupid and irresponsible and ruin two peoples' lives because I did something impulsive."
"You're not stupid enough to go down on a girl without protection," Stan offered. "And you're not really that irresponsible either."
Kenny gave him a half-smile. "Does it matter? It only takes one time, and, boom, I end up being just like my dad, and his dad, and his dad. A poor man in a shitty house with a wife that hates me because I took her future from her and saddled us with a kid we can't take care of."
In the light from the streetlamp, tears glinted in his eyes. He blinked them away, but they didn't stop. With a groan, he rubbed his eyes on his jacket. Even with the tears mostly gone, the whites of his eyes still remained pink.
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[Img description: the above scene of Stan and Kenny sitting side by side at a corner in the snow with a box between them]
"Better than a rich man in a big house with a whole family that hates you." Stan scooted the beer box aside before sitting next to Kenny. "My dad has no one. He just kept fucking everything up thinking it would make him happy and everyone else would rise above his mistakes and forgive him. I don't think he ever considered that he could lose Mom or me or Shelley like he did."
Kenny wrapped an arm around his shoulders.
"Let's just agree both our dads suck dick." Kenny laughed.
"Ah, yeah, dude," Stan agreed. He reached back around for his beer as Kenny stared at him. Something behind his eyes made his skin prickle, but not uncomfortably.
Kenny leaned over, setting a hand on his shoulder, close to the curve of his neck.
"You know," He breathed, the scent of beer and wintergreen on his breath, "it would be pretty hard to have a wife that hates you, if you don't have a wife at all."
"What are you...?"
Before Stan could finish, Kenny slipped his hand up to his cheek and leaned in. Both their lips were chapped from the cold air, but Stan didn't complain. It was nice. No expectations, no assumptions, just one of his closest friends kissing him.
Kenny jerked back suddenly, his face red from more than the chill in the air.
"Oh, God, I'm sorry. I didn't even think." He shook his head. "Fuck, dude, I'm really sorr--"
Stan grabbed his thick jacket and pulled him back into another kiss.
"Don't be," He panted, feeling better than he had all day. "I needed that. I, uh, I like you, dude. More than just a friend so, don't be sorry."
Kenny smiled wryly. "What? No Shakespearean monologue this time? This is one of your weaker confessions."
"One of them?" Stan wrinkled his brow. "I've confessed before? So it wasn't a dream?"
"You confess your love for me all the time, man. It's how I judge when you're at your limit since you get all clingy and kissy and shit before you puke and pass out."
Stan blushed. At least Kenny hadn’t had to turn him down thousands of times every time Stan confessed for the ‘first’ time.
I..." He glanced at the box beside them. "I think we should stop this. The, you know, all this."
"What?" Kenny blinked. "But we've been drinking for two years. Are you getting sober on me, Staniel?"
"Maybe we should? Get sober, I mean." Stan shrugged, "Your SAT scores will get you into any college you want. There are college scouts at almost every game anymore." He tightened his grasp on his jacket. "Maybe we can outdo our dads. Prove everyone wrong by being successful and happy."
"You know that'll be hard, right? Both college and getting sober?" Kenny coughed a laugh. "What are you even really suggesting? We work together towards a common goal as boyfriends?"
He laughed again, but there was an extra edge to it. A nervousness about the answer that Stan was happy to quell.
"Yeah. Exactly that." He nodded, jokingly batted his eyelashes at him. "Please, Kenny, for me? It is my birthday today."
Kenny craned his head down the street towards the electronic sign at the gas station.
"Actually, your birthday ended about five minutes ago," Kenny stated matter of factly then offered a crooked smile, "but I guess this could be a late present if you don't mind."
Stan couldn't help the smile that spread across his face.
"I don't mind at all."
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triptoedits · 5 years
Pleas e punk Richie headcannons im asking bc I need them...
Here! Have some punk headcanons written by a certified Anarcho-punk!
okay so when he was like ten he was on a family trip to San Francisco he saw some punks and immediately begged Maggie to give him a mohawk
she refused to shave any part of his head but when they got back to the hotel at night she gave him liberty spikes on the condition he washes out all the hairspray before leaving the room.
He continued to ask for leather jackets and band shirts for bands he has never listened to in his life, these were once again refused -a lot due to the obscene nature of the shirts- but he was given a denim jacket and a handful of patches for his birthday.
A couple months later Eddie pointed out a Hawaiian shirt that was “So loud it matched Richie perfectly” and so he abandoned his desire of punkness for the time being and centered his style on that.
“Funny that you started wearing those travesties as soon as Eddie mentioned they fit you.” “For your information, Staniel, I am simply warning the world of my wonderful personality before they even speak to me.”
When he’s fifteen he’s fully realized that he’s gay but has yet to tell anybody. He hears the news criticizing punks for openly embracing sexuality, and he wonders if that applies to homosexuality as well. The next time his mom sends him to the store, he buys Sex Pistol and The Ramones albums -the only two specifically punk bands he knows of-
He stops straightening his hair and lets the curls grow wild. His first paycheck is spent on bleaching the middle and tips of his hair blonde, but he does it himself and it’s yellow and not at all what he wanted so with Bev’s help he dyes it bright green. When the color starts to fade she helps him dye it other bright colors.
Richie paints his nails black. There is not a doubt in my mind. I will fight you on that.
I don’t like using the term poser, but Richie is totally someone who gets into is more for the style than belief. He realizes that he really loves the aesthetic of punk and some of the ideologies -anti racism, full freedom of expression, sexism can die in a hole, etc.- but he doesn’t really care much about most of the politics.
Stan has definitely called him out on it too like “Yeah yeah, ‘Anarchy in the UK’ right? Funny how you never mention Anarchy in America”
He doesn’t fully grasp Anarchism but he still tries to play it off like he does. (When he starts driving, he doesn’t go to riots but will definitely go to women’s marches and pride parades.)
For his sixteenth birthday he once again asks for a jacket and shirts and this time he gets his wish. Maggie doesn’t approve but her and Wentworth agree that he’s old enough to make his own decisions with fashion.
He has two jackets. One is leather and covered in band patches with a big Anarchy symbol on the back. The other is a black denim jacket with cut off sleeves, it doesn’t have as many patches but there are a few. He has a bunch of pins that he moves from jacket to jacket including a skull with a rainbow mohawk, an anarchy symbol, Sex Pistols, and Siouxsie Sioux.
With him wearing so much black, Eddie offhandedly mentions missing the bright flowery shirts so Richie buys a floral pin that is ALWAYS worn.
For a lot of people, alt is a phase -which is totally fine btw, you are always growing and always changing.- and i feel like that applies to him as well. He would slowly phase it out over time, wearing blue denim jackets at times, eventually redying his hair to his nat color, etc, but in general he keeps his ripped jeans, pins, and dark clothes.
When he goes away to college he doesn’t intend to change his style but he sees some Hawaiian shirts in a store and he needed to buy them. He didn’t know why, but something was pulling him to the bright floral prints.
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unpack-my-heart · 5 years
Above, Beneath, Betwixt, Between - Chapter Six
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@violetreddie @tinyarmedtrex @xandertheundead @constantreaderfool @mrs-vh @eds-trashmouth @burymestanding @annoyingtozier
Read on AO3 HERE
“This won’t hurt a bit”
Eddie flinches, face twisting in horror at Stan’s outstretched hand.
Richie scrunches his hands into fists, fingernails digging deep welts into the soft flesh of his palm.
He knows that Eddie’s scared. Even though his face looks as it always does, solid but not quite, flesh-coloured but not really, Richie can tell that he’s scared. He’d grown quite good at reading Eddie now, like an old paperback, dog-eared and over-read. Mike’s outside. He’s watching Mr. Chips frolic in the lake, chasing sticks and stones and his shiny red ball that Mike keeps chucking into the water. Richie watches the dog out of the corner of his eye, and, if just for a moment, he forgets.
But then Eddie makes a noise, a choked sort of noise, caught half-way between a whimper and a cough, and he remembers. Of course he remembers.
Eddie. Eddie. Eddie who had looked at Richie with pleading, insistent eyes, muttering “Rich? I -- I don’t know if I can do this without you” when they’d been sat outside on the decking, moon watching, stars listening.
Stan had erected what looked like a large metal tube in the centre of Richie’s living room. It was almost as tall as the ceiling, and Stan had babbled the whole time that it took him to build the device, hair swept off his face with a thick elastic headband, eyes sparkling. Eddie hadn’t moved for hours, just stood in the corner of the room, watching Stan like a rabbit watches a fox. Cautious, ready to skitter away into the safety of the undergrowth at a moment’s notice. Richie crouches down next to Stan, leaning close enough so that when they speak in hushed tones, Eddie won’t hear them.
“Are you sure this won’t hurt him?”
Stan didn’t look up, and continued fiddling with one of the cables.
“I told you. He can’t feel pain, at least, not yet”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean! Not yet,” Richie hissed, scandalized.
“Well, he might feel a, well, he might feel a tingling sensation if this works”
“What do you mean if!”
Stan looked at him, face a careful mask of cool indifference.
“I told you. This is never a guarantee. Energy is -- look, energy is complicated. It’s far more complicated than you could ever imagine. Manipulating it, it’s hard. It’s more than hard. It’s almost impossible. It doesn’t always work”
“What happens if it doesn’t work?”
“Do you really want to know?”
“Should I know?”
Stan put the cable he was holding down, and stood up, wiping his hands on his jeans before offering one to Richie. Richie accepted it, and let Stan haul him to his feet.
“Richie. I want you to be prepared, for … for the worst possible outcome. There are three outcomes, as I see it. Three outcomes I’ve seen before, anyway. The one we want, the one that will probably happen is that this process works and I can pull him through and he’ll be corporeal again. It could go a bit wrong, though. Bits of him might … not convert. He might be, missing things”
“Missing things?” Richie whispered, voice faint.
“Maybe. Maybe missing things. Probably not.”
“What’s the third outcome?”
“Well, the third outcome is that I lose him”
“Like, you misplace him?”
“Sort of. The worst outcome is that he gets absorbed into the reaction and I can’t stop it in time to pull him back out again, if that happens, we need to, you need to --”
A shrill beeping noise cut through Stan’s words.
Richie grabbed his phone off the table, and glanced at the screen.
From: Mike Hanlon (Plumber):
Calm the fuck down, Rich. Breathe. I can tell that you’re freaking him out from out here.
Richie looked up, and locked eyes with Mike, who was still outside with Mr. Chips but was now gesturing wildly at Eddie, who still hadn’t moved.
“I’m calm, Staniel. I’m calm as a fucking serene stream in Norway. Explain to me again how all this works?”
Stan huffed, “I’ve told you this about fifty times now. The accelerator is a large circular metal chute, sort of like a waterslide, or an inside athletics track. We fire electrons into this chute, and they accelerate around a magnetic field. So, once they reach around three-hundred thousand kilometres per second, they shoot out of a small opening, bounce off a small slab of gold, and smashes into Eddie and, hopefully, he’ll be recorporialised!”
“So it’s based on luck?”
“It’s not nothing to do with luck!” Stan snapped, stalking over to the control panel of the device, “it’s not anything to do with luck and everything to do with science. If my calculations are correct, and they almost always are, it’ll go without a hitch”
“And what if your calculations are wrong?”
“Well, I suppose the absolute worst case scenario is that I might accidentally create a very small black hole,” Stan said, breezily, as if he hadn’t just admitted that this process could cause the end of the world as they knew it.
“A black hole?!”
“Well, I’ve never created one before, so I have no reason to think I’ll create one now”
“So I assume you’ve done loads of these reanimation things before then?”
“Recorporealisations,” Stan corrects, “and I’ve done … enough. Enough to know I won’t create a black hole”
“How many is enough?”
“I have done six”
“SIX!” Richie practically screeches, a noise so high it scratches at the back of his throat.
“It’s six more than you’ve ever done! Look, I need you to stop second guessing me, Rich. I’m good at this. I know exactly what I’m doing. You’ve gotta trust me if you want this to work”
“I trust you”
Both Stan and Richie turn around in shock. It’s Eddie. Eddie who has barely spoken for the past seven hours, Eddie who Richie was half-expecting to disappear through the floorboards, his new favourite trick, and never appear again. Eddie, who Richie had grown … used to. Eddie had become a fixture of Richie’s life in a split second, swift enough that it was unnoticeable. As reliable and constant as the tide.
– x –
They’re standing outside Richie’s house. It’s dark. The house is silent and still, a statue in the fog. Stan’s stood next to the kitchen tapping away on a thing that looked like a circuit-board. Mike caught Richie’s hand in his as soon as they’d stepped out into the garden. Eddie was inside. Eddie was inside, alone, standing inside Stan’s homemade electron collider, and Richie wasn’t with him. Richie had allowed himself to be ushered outside, like a sheep, to await further instruction.
He’d left Eddie alone, inside what was for all intents and purposes a large metal box, waiting to have electrons slammed into his chest at hundreds of thousands of kilometres an hour.
“Are we doing the right thing?” he asked no one in particular. Only the wind responded.
Stan was shouting through the living room window, and Richie could hear Eddie’s replies, voice floating on the breeze like autumn leaves. Scared, shaky but sure.
“Now, when I yell ‘hold your breath’, that’s when you’ll know the machine has been turned on”
“Do I actually have to hold my breath?” Eddie responds, and Stan grins.
“Yeah, if you breathe out you might expel some energy and then you might wake up with no lungs!”
Richie’s stomach drops. “Stan?” He asks, voice and hands trembling.
“It was a joke! Eddie, Eddie, I’m joking, you don’t have to hold your breath, you’re going to be fine. We all good? We all ready? Alright then, gang, wagons roll! EDDIE! HOLD YOUR BREATH”
– x –
Nothing happened.
Richie expected a repeat of earlier, with the huge blooming mushroom of light, the fire in the sky, the noise. Instead, his nerves were rewarded with silence.
The silence stretched until it was thin and flabby, until it had wrapped its way around his throat multiple times, constricting, suffocating, until he could take it no longer.
“Did it work?”
“We haven’t been sucked into a black hole, so it worked in that respect”
Richie ripped a handful of grass out of the sodden earth and threw it at Stan’s head. A ridiculous display of rage.
“You know full fucking well that isn’t what I meant”
“We have to wait fifteen minutes. It needs to cool down, Eddie needs to … Eddie’s going to be in a lot of pain right now, his body is … unstable. He needs to fight it alone”
“He’s in pain?! If you don’t want more grass shoved down your fuckin’ oesophagus you’ll get the fuck out of my way”
Mike immediately yanked him back, a strong arm wrapped around Richie’s heaving chest.
“I know yer scared for him, kid. I know. You gotta trust Stan, okay, if he says we cannae’ go in, we cannae’ go in. He’s fine, it’s gonna be fine,” Mike muttered into Richie’s ear, low and steady.
“Richie, if you touch him, he’ll explode. His body isn’t stable. You’ll kill him,” Stan said, plainly.
Richie wrestled against Mike’s arm, occasionally yelling Eddie’s name fruitlessly into the night.
Fifteen minutes came and went. Stan didn’t move.
“What are we waiting for, Stan? I wanna go get my boy”
“Let him come to you, Richie,” Stan said, staring through the living room window, an odd expression on his face.
Richie was about to ask what was wrong, when the door swung open. A man stood in the door way. A man who was entirely naked, apart from a sheet he’d draped over himself in a sort of makeshift toga. A man with wild hair, strong shoulders and one arm.
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gay-spaghetti · 5 years
My Experience watching Stan the Water man + Favorite Moments
Okay! Everyone’s been talking about how great this is. Let’s binge it!! Time to see how @markiplier roleplays OwO
(Tags: @markired @dorkskittles @stanthewaterman)
oof. Love the immersion 👌 ️
okay so I already ship Stan and Jimmy.... dammit.
Characters with kids they’re not allowed to see anymore and divorced wives is a common trope with these types of characters, huh?
STAN’S SON IS NAMED ROY THE WATER BOY???? That is.... that is good, I love that.
Frankly, I would die for Alan. That sweetheart ❤
(THERE’s A LOT MORE. Click Keep Reading!) (This is a journey of emotion. watch the damn stream, it’s hilarious. Spoilers ahead!!)
Didn’t catch his name but that weird Italian/Asian guy with the long hair and black moustache is amazing 👌 Good wacky voice 👌 ️
DIDN’T GET HIS NAME EITHER BUT I LOVE THE BLACK GUY AT THE CAR PLACE;;;; Uber eats....Uber food.... the Uber driver eats half of the food and gives the rest to the customer...brilliant!!!
I love the fwoosh sound that happens every time Mark goes in and out of character.
FUCK!! I mean-- FUDGE;;;
Stan is the embodiment of typing: “;;;;;;;” and “ASDGHLIGF”.
rip parking meter.
*The back of the delivery truck slowly closes on Stan’s head* “AAH!! WAH!!! WOAHHH WAHHH! W-WAHH AHH!”.
That girl in the hospital hearing Mark’s mumbling to himself haha omfg. She’s like “what the fuck was that”.
Stan: *touches counter at the hospital* *teleports and death-drops onto a hospital bed*.
EMT Lady: Haha I like this guy! :3 | Stan: O///_///O
Stan: *panting and grunting angrily* | “Voice in Head”: It’s only game. Why you have to be mad?
Jimmy, To Stan: “I’m not selling you crack today. I’m getting you out of debt.” ASFKDFGJPPHF And then he goes on to say how he doesn’t want Stan getting involved with and addicted to crack!! ❤ That’s so fuckin’ cute.
Jimmy, to Stan: “Just don’t fuck me over, okay?” >:( (hmm cheesy headcanon: Jimmy once had a past partner that ratted on him or cheated him in some way!!!)
Jimmy lying to Stan to make him feel better, saying that the guy he stabbed was a “crazy murderer”, and Stan being like: “Oh, whew! Okay, haha”.
Jimmy: “You think I’m a narc? I just stabbed a guy” *laughs* (Jimmy is my favorite character;;;;)
Jimmy’s knife is nicknamed “Sharp and Pointy”.
Jimmy repeatedly not understanding Stan’s code words.
Jimmy, to Stan: “Y’know... I don’t like this call you got”. Friendly J worried about his bromantic friend Fanny Pack ;)
Jimmy, to Stan after his customer cancelled his order: *places hand on Stan’s shoulder* Stan? I’m sorry.
JIMMY’S A FORCED PROSTITUE WHO’S NOT GREAT IN SOCIAL SITUATIONS;;;; Aww Jimmyyyyy! Poor baby has little confidence 💔 (Also I love how they’re just opening up to each other so quickly).
Jimmy, to Stan after he told him about Brie, the pretty EMT: “It’s not about your looks, it’s about your personality”.
Stan: “Women don’t usually uh--say words in my direction UHM;;”  | Trooper Emma: “Hello, hi! Hello in your direction, sir UwU” | Stan: O///_///O
Stan, trying to impress Emma: “You... boots...good”. | Trooper Emma: “You... Fanny Pack... alright” | Stan: “Th-Thank;;;” | Trooper Emma: “Ayy, you’re welcome buddy!” :D
 Jimmy calls Stan’s moustache “Killer”.
Jimmy finds out that Stan’s son.....isn’t his biological son. Denice is a cheating bitch who had a son with another guy behind Stan’s back. Holy shit. Also, Stan’s a virgin.
Stan is a closeted homosexual, and Jimmy is 100% supportive of his “”straightness””.
Stan: “Maybe I should say that the next time I flirt with a woman. ‘Heyy, you want me to eat your ramen? *disgusting slurping sounds*” | Jimmy: “NO. NO. STAN, NO! STANIEL! No. Just don’t”.
I’m fuckign dying. Kiki: “I’m gonna go ahead and read you some of your rights, okay? You have the right to remain stylish, anything you wear can and will be used against you in the court of fashion, you have the right to an attorney...”.
Kiki getting KNOCKJED THE FUCK down “BLARBB! BUUHHH! AHH! OFFICER DOWN” *gross sobbing*
Okay, the weird Asian, Indian, Italian guy, whatever the heck he is, his name is “Lang Buddha” and I love him.
Mugger: “Look, the last thing I wanna fuckin’ do is pop a fuckin’ water boy and his boyfriend”.
Stan: *accidentally punches Jimmy* “OH MY GOD!! I’M SORRY. I’M SORRY!” … You can hit me... I’ll gladly take a hit | Jimmy: That’s the difference between you and me, Stan. *teary eyed, getting choked up* I don’t hit my friends! *sadly walks away* | Stan: “OHHH;;; JIM!! JIMOTHY!!💔  I’M GONNA MAKE THE PHONE CALL NOW... | Jimmy: AND I’M GONNA BE SOBBING IN THE CORNER!”.
Kiki’s constant garbling of words and screaming is amazing.
Kiki calling Jimmy “banana”.
Jimmy being terrified of Kiki.
Kiki, and a total complete fucking stranger pointing at Jimmy and saying “shame”. Stan joins in because he wants to be included.
Kiki screaming at the top of her lungs and Trooper Emma walking up to her and shushing her quietly and calmly “Kiki, Kiki. I need you to calm down, alright?”.
Kiki calling Jimmy “Mr. Happy Banana”.
Kiki: “Let me just tell you, Stan. I'm startin’ to feel real thirsty. I think I might need some Stan water right from the tap” *voice gets deeper and manlier*
Stan, to Kiki: “OH, UH! Stan the Water man; here to get you wet!” | Kiki: “Oh~ I’m already moister than an oyster~”  *disappears into the hospital*
Stan’s car wire song, omfg 💔
Stan, to Kiki: “Is this our date?” | Kiki: “Ohho ho heh.. you’ll know when our date is starting” *says in a manly voice* “Believe me~”.
Kiki: “Say ‘silk’ five times in a row” | Stan: silk, silk, silk, silk, silk | Kiki: What do cows drink? | Stan: …..water? | Kiki: GAAAAAAAHHHH!
Kiki calling Jimmy “Johnny Banana”.
yeah, stranger. you punch Stan. KARMA, BITCH.
(heartfelt moment while Kiki screams in the background fighting) Jimmy: “I’m getting you out of here”. | Stan: “I’m sorry I took out all my pent-up aggression on youuu! It wasn’t your fault! Just..mad at myself”. | Jimmy: *carries Stan out of the bar*.
Trooper Emma returns! :D
 Stan: *choking up tears* I’M A CRIMINAL!! I PUNCHED A MAN | Jimmy: “You’re anything but a criminal”.
Stan in the back of the cop car, getting driven to the hospital, crying to Emma about how he hurt his only friend Jimmy.
 Emma is so fuckin’ sweet omg. “You’re gonna be just fine, he’s gonna forgive you. We’re gonna get you medical assistance, okay?”.
*at the hospital* “Oh, the fanny pack guy! :D”
Stan calling Jimmy’s hair “a lovely teal”.
Trooper to Stan, who’s laying in a hospital bed: “Did you call him ‘Friendly J’?” | Stan: “Yeah! Friendly J! You know him?” | Trooper: “He’s here, he’s looking for you”. | Stan: “really??”.
Jimmy falling through his seat and then the floor.
❤ ❤ ❤ BRO HUG!!!!!! ❤ ❤ ❤
Jimmy: “Stan, you say hi to your son for me”. | Stan: “I will. I’ll tell Roy that I might the nicest crack dealer in all of Lo Santos” | Jimmy: “Ok may, ..keep the last part very..” | Stan, already walking away: “the nicest crack dealer in all of Lo Santos”.
HOLY SHIT THAT STREAM WAS AMAZING. It’s been a long time since I’ve laughed this hard while watching Mark’s stuff. What a fun ride all the way to the end! Definitely an emotional roller coaster.
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stellar-alley · 4 years
•Chapter 5•
This is based off of the artwork by oceanteeeth on Instagram! Also shout out to my Beta super.rose.cosplays!
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
(Summary: Eddie is officially introduced to the rest of the Losers club. Richie has difficulty controlling his powers as the full moon approaches)
The rabbit calmed down after a little. Richie stayed the whole time, comforting him and held him until he made sure that the other was okay. Once both boys settled, the wolf noticed the time and decided it would be best if he headed home. Eddie stood in the foyer with a blanket wrapped over his shoulders, while Richie stood by the door.
"I'll see you tomorrow okay, spaghetti?" Richie leaned in and hugged Eddie again. The shorter boy enjoyed the moment while it lasted, his skin felt colder once Richie released him. He almost didn't notice the nickname that he had been called, but he ignored the urge to call him out on it. Instead, he nodded.
Richie turned the doorknob and took a step outside, he turned back to face Eddie. "Wanna come over to my place for dinner tomorrow night?" He offered, a tinge of nervousness tainted his voice but only because he'd literally just met this guy and was already inviting him to meet his parents. He knew that Maggie and Went would wanna meet Eddie, plus, it's not like he didn't want to spend more time with Eddie.
The bunny's eyes softened as his lips curled into a smile, "R-Really?"
"Yeah! You know, like a thank you for saving my ass today, plus my parents would love to meet you. They'd think you're just as cute as I do" He winked before he turned to head out. Eddie stayed at the door, he leaned against it and used it for support as his knees went weak at the way Richie called him cute. He stood there and watched the werewolf walk away, he even turned and waved at the bunny before he disappeared back into the forest. Eddie's heart swelled when he closed the door. He leaned against it and slid to the floor and thought.
I think...
for once
I'm gonna be just fine
Tuesday morning Eddie got to school with lots of time to spare before homeroom. He left his bag in his locker and sat outside under one of the trees on the school's front lawn. This spot also had a good view of the bleachers where he first saw Richie, when he was coughing up a lounge yesterday. The memory brought a smirk to Eddie's face as he focused on his notebook in his lap, working on some last-minute biology homework.
He'd gotten most of it done by the time his ears tingled from underneath his beanie. He glanced up and noticed a pair of converses standing in front of him. Eddie looked up, after nearly being blinded by the glaring morning sun, recognizing the person before him as none other than Richie Tozier.
"Is that my Eddie spaghetti?" Richie asks, Eddie can practically hear the smile in his voice. The sun that rose from behind Richie caused the werewolf to appear only as a silhouette. Eddie squinted his eyes, trying to adjust to the light when he noticed how the sun's light shone through Richie's curls in a manner that made him look like he had a halo, and he was an angel.
"Hell yeah it is" Eddie set his notebook down on the grass then proceeded to stand up, finally he was able to get a good look at the wolf before him.
Today Richie had on a loose Hawaiian shirt, the shirt was covered in dark blue and white flowers, underneath he wore a black shirt with the words 'ALL TIME LOW' painted on it. Of course, his white converses and his black ripped jeans. Oh, and he also wore a dark blue beanie with a little peace symbol on it.
Richie smiled down at him, watching Eddie's eyes wander around and examine him, "Cute cute cute" he smiled warmly.
Eddie's cheeks went pink, "me?" he suddenly felt self-conscious about his outfit. Which was a simple pair of dark blue jeans and a light blue polo shirt.
"Yes, of course you" Richie's voice goes soft. He noticed one of Eddie's soft curls had fallen out of place, so he took it upon himself to tuck it back into place. The action received a blush from Eddie that created butterflies inside Richie's stomach. "Come on Mr. Tomato let’s head to class." He poked fun at Eddie's blush, which only made it worse. Nonetheless, once Richie began to walk towards the school, Eddie snatched his stuff off the ground and walked with him.
The morning went fairly well, I was only late to my second-period class by 3 minutes since I got lost... But other than that it was good!
Eddie recapped his morning while he struggled to open his lock. "Need a hand?" A familiar female voice asked from beside him. He turned and smiled when he saw Alley leaning up against the locker beside his, which was hers after all.
"I... Should... Be..." The lock clicked open, "Good!" he said happily.
She let out a happy puff of air through her nose, "Nice" She went and began to open her own locker, "Oh, by the way the girls and I are gonna go get subway for lunch, wanna join?" She offers.
Eddie tried to remember what Subway is, the image of a sandwich store in town comes to his mind, "Uh- Thank you! But maybe another day, have fun though." He wished as she grabbed something out of her locker before closing it.
"Okay! No worries, you'll be okay without me right Eddie?" Alley leaned against her locker again and tilted her head.
"Oh! Yeah, I'll be fine. No need to worry." Eddie tried not to make his smile look forced, but it was kind of hard due to the fact that it was indeed forced. Not only was he worried about what would happen if he saw Richie, but he was also worried about what he'd do at lunch, since he kinda assumed he'd sit with Alley. Looks like that plan went out the window.
They said their goodbyes then Alley was on her way, which left Eddie alone in the hallway. He grabbed his lunch and closed his locker. With no clue where to go, Eddie closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against his locker.
A tap on his shoulder brought him back to reality. He turned to see who it was and was surprised when he found no one beside him.
"Hey Cutie" a sly voice called out from behind him. Eddie spun around, he smiled at the sight of Derry's Resident Werewolf who was leaning up against the lockers beside his.
"Richie! hey!" Eddie couldn't hide the excitement that filled his voice.
"Hey Ed's, how's it hanging?"
The rabbit's face went blank, "H-How's what hanging?" he asked in confusion.
The wolf's cheeks went red as he realized what he'd done, "Oh- shit sorry... It means like, what's up?" Richie rubbed the back of his neck. He thinks fast and saves himself, "So what'd you got planned for lunch?".
"I-I was gonna eat with Alley, my friend, but she went to subwhich with her friends so-"
"Wanna come eat with me?" Richie asked a little too eagerly.
Eddie took a moment to think about the decision as if he hadn't already made up his mind, "Yeah, sure!" He piped up.
Richie led Eddie through the school and into the cafeteria. He was soon waived down by his usual group of friends. The two walked up to the table, "Ladies and gentlemen, we have a very special guest with us today. May I present to you Eddie Kaspbrak" Richie's voice turned into one of a TV announcer, he also held his arms out and waved them around Eddie as if he were showing him off.
Eddie's stomach filled with butterflies as he shyly waved to the group before him which consisted of 4 guys and 1 girl. They all happily welcomed him with hellos and greetings.
"Eds is new, so make him feel at home, alright guys?" He eyed them, almost threatened.
"N-Nice to meet yo-you" The boy closest to Eddie smiled.
"That's Bill, he might have a problem with speaking but this guy can rewrite the bible in under an hour. A natural-born writer" Bill rolled his eyes. Richie points to the boy to Bill's left, who Eddie vaguely remembered from English class, "That's Stan the Man Uris, he might look like a teen but he's got an old soul. Still love him though, right Urine?” he teased.
“Yeah, fuck you Tozier. Welcome to the family Eddie” Stan smiled.
“Beside Staniel is Mike! He’s both brains and brawn, book smart but also the quarterback of the football team. Ain’t that right Mikey?” Richie smirked and got a chuckle out of Mike as he waved to Eddie, which Eddie returned.
Richie moved to the other side of the table, “Here we have Ben, Haystack, purest heart in all the lands,” Richie slipped into a southern accent.
Lastly was the girl. Richie took a step forward and placed his hands on the back of her shoulders, “and of course Ms Beverly Marsh, a queen inside and out, Derry’s resident Badass.” She smirked and struck a small pose at the compliment.
“Welcome to the Losers Club!” Richie finished with arms open wide as he gestured to the group. “Now come! We shall feast” Richie insisted as he took a seat beside Ben, he patted the chair beside him, gesturing for Eddie to claim it. The bunny happily accepted and took a seat beside Richie.
Richie was about to take a bite out of his sandwich but instead he stopped and slapped it down on the table it grabbed everyone’s attention. “I almost forgot! Staniel, congratulations on the circumcision!” Richie practically exclaimed. Stan sighed, closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, almost as if it pained him to hear. Richie burst out in laughter, everyone else giggled along with him. Even Eddie, though he didn’t know what a circumcision was, everyone else’s laughter made him laugh.
The Circumcision Joke was created the day Stan, Bill and Richie were talking about Stan’s bar mitzvah on their last day of grade 6. Richie had gotten it mixed up with a circumcision. Ever since he made it a point to constantly congratulate Stan on having been circumcised, even if he had gotten it when he was a baby. Yet Richie always found it hilarious. Everyone found it decently funny, especially when Richie just randomly brings it up. Stan does as well, but he’ll never admit it.
The lunch was spent with the group getting to know Eddie and vice versa. Everyone was warm and welcoming. From time to time he got a couple odd glances from Bill, but aside from that everything went smoothly.
The warning bell rang and students began to pack up and head for class.
“Rich, I missed you this morning for our ritual chain smoking” Beverly stood up with Richie.
“Oh yeah, sorry about that darling. Speaking of our illicit activities, wanna go chain smoke under the bleachers?” Richie asked with raised eyebrows and a devilish grin.
“You know I’m always down for a good chain smoke. Let’s go” Beverly smirked deviously at Richie.
Eddie turned to Richie with a concerned look in his eye, “What about english class?” he asked in an almost quiet tone.
“Ah don’t worry about it Eds. I’m already like a week ahead of the class anyways. Just tell Brock it’s that time of the month for me or something” Richie made a joke but Eddie wasn't sure about what. He didn’t even mean to ask about Richie, he asked for his own sake as that was the only class the two shared. Instead of complaining, Eddie stayed quiet and opted to give a simple wave as Richie and Beverly linked arms and left the cafeteria.
The Ancestor let out a tired sigh and began to pack up his things, his smile faded into more of a resting bitch face.
Stan was suddenly by Eddie’s side, “Don’t let him get to you. He doesn't mean to.” he explained in a calm manner, as if this was nothing new to him. “It’s just the way he is….” His voice drifted off, “Sometimes he says things and he doesn't realize how others are gonna interpret it”.
“What’s your point?” Eddie cocked an eyebrow.
“He cares for you. I can see it in his eyes. So don’t think he’s blowing you off to go smoke his little cancer stick with Bev, those two are like siblings, so any flirting is purely for fun. Anyways, I’ve gotta go” Stan said.
Stan had taken one step away from Eddie when he asked “wait! Stan, what’s a circumcision?” He felt weird asking, since he had a feeling it was something dirty.
Without missing a beat, Stan replied with, “Oh, it’s when they chop the tip of your dick off”, his eyes were hooded and a sly smirk was plastered on his lips. Eddie’s cheeks went red as they parted ways and he waved goodbye to Stan.
Eddie went to english and caught up with Alley, she filled him in on what had happened with her group of friends over lunch, which wasn't much. But Eddie appreciated the gesture.
The rest of the day was uneventful, Eddie spent most of the class time just listening to what his teachers had to say and adding to his ever growing list of work that needed to be done.
Once the final bell rang, Eddie was up from his chair and out to his locker. He recalled the offer Richie had made to go over to the Tozier’s for dinner, but Richie hadn’t mentioned anything about it since and he hasn't seen the fellow Ancestor since lunch. By the time Eddie finished packing his bag he had accepted the fact that Richie had probably forgotten or something and instead prepared himself for his walk home.
He was two steps away from the main doors of the school when a voice rang out through the halls “Eddie!”.
Eddie has never turned around faster in his life. Richie ran up to him, with Stan in tow. “Hey! Still game for dinner tonight?” he gave Eddie the smile that creates butterflies in his stomach.
“I-I wasn’t sure-” Eddie began to ramble but he was cut off.
“Aw, isn’t this sweet. The fairies are all together again. What? Gonna go to some big gay gang bang in the back?” A solo Henry Bowers waltzed through the hallways.
“Oh go blow your dad” Richie growls, literally. Eddie notices immediately, so does Stan. What the two didn’t see was how hard Richie was clenching his fists, how his nails, his claws, had practically begun to draw blood.
“Can we please just g-” Stan tried to end it before it began but to no avail.
“Then they wonder why this town is going to fucking hell-” Now it was Henry who as cut off. Richie charged him, literally. He rushed towards him, grabbed his shoulders and threw him against the lockers.
Just as fast as Richie was on Henry, Stan was on Richie. “We need to go now” He pulled Richie by the arm out of the hallway and into the front yard of the school. Quickly Stan found a quiet corner and shoved Richie, “What the hell was that. You need to control yourself Rich”, his voice was stern and his stare was like daggers.
Eddie had watched the whole thing and carefully followed behind them. “Get out of here Eddie. This is private” Stan commanded, it sent a shiver down the other’s spine.
“Leave him alone Stan, he knows” Richie huffed, his eyes as yellow as glow sticks. Stan took one glance at this and immediately grabbed a pair of sunglasses from his bag and shoved them on the werewolf’s face. (on top of his normal glasses)
“What would you do without me…” He mumbled to himself as he served the rest of Richie, his eyes were now covered but his claws were out. “And how does he know. You literally just met him yesterday, can you seriously not keep your mouth shut for more then-”
“I’m a hybrid too” Eddie chimed in.
“What?” Stan turned to look at Eddie.
The bunny turned to make sure there were no wandering eyes, or any eyes matter a fact. There weren’t, which was good. With that, Eddie turned his attention back to Stan. It only took him a blink of his eyes for them to revert to their naturel magical state of ice blue.
His jaw dropped, “Shit…” Stan mumbled under his breath.
Their moment was disrupted by an agonized groan. The human and the Ancestor turned towards the werewolf who was now leaned up against the school. He closed his eyes and began to slide down the wall, to the ground.
“Richie, are you okay?” Eddie snapped out of his trance and went to kneel down beside him.
“It-It hurts” the wolf whispered, clutching his abdomen. “Full moon… 16 days. F-First change” Richie rolled his neck, eyes still closed.
“R-Really? You haven’t had your first shift yet?” Eddie realized with a nod of Richie’s head. “This is only gonna get worse…” The rabbit mumbled under his breath.
“What?” Stan was now beside Eddie, he stared at him, confusion filled his voice.
“This full moon is gonna be his first full shift. These are the symptoms, and they’re only gonna get worse” Eddie explained. He reached a hand out and put it on Richie’s shoulder. The werewolf moved his hand to cover Eddie’s. In response, Eddie squeezed his hand reassuringly.
Eddie took a moment to think about how he could help. After he leaned down and wrapped his arms around Richie, hugging him. Richie sucked in a breath at the sudden motion, “You’re okay” Eddie whispered.
Stan watched as Richie’s eyes slowly opened, the pain suddenly washed out of his eyes. The human squinted as he observed.
Eddie soon let go, happy to see Richie looked a little more put together. “What did you do?” Stan’s asked, his voice was calm yet curious.
“Well… Some Ancestors have healing powers. Sometimes they come in handy” Eddie said with a wink. He was about to continue to explain his powers when he noticed Richie had begun to stand up. Eddie rushed to help him up, his knees still a little weak.
“Thanks” He breathed as he put a lot of his weight on Eddie.
A car honked, three heads turned to see their friend Bill in his red 2005 Toyota Corolla. He waved at them impatiently.
No one moved their gaze away from the car, “What’s he doing here?” Richie asked.
“How long has he been watching?” Eddie’s stomach dropped at the thought of his secret, their secret getting out.
“Sorry, ugh. I forgot Bill was gonna drive me home today. I-I’ll see you guys later” Stan seemed rushed and unsure. He didn’t know whether to stay with The Ancestors and help Richie or go to his ride and make sure Bill didn’t see anything. He chose the latter, as he knew that if he made Bill wait any longer, the suspicion would only grow.
The two friends waved at the other in the car as it drove away. Eddie took that moment to push one more burst of energy into Richie. “Better?” He asked quietly.
“Better” Richie confirmed, a smile now painted over his face. With the sudden burst of energy that now flooded the wolf’s viens, he bravely took Eddie’s hand in his and began to skip back to his car. Eddie hesitated only for a moment. He watched the way Richie smiled and skipped and twirled, as if he had no care in the world and none of that had just happened. He couldn’t hold it back, so he joined in with him.
Word Count: 3282
I cannot believe we're already on chapter 5! If you think this is good, then get ready cause it's only gonna get better from here! So take a seat, stick around for a while, and join me on this journey.
Anyways that's all for me guys, I'll see y'all next week with chapter 6!
Until then
So Long and Goodnight.
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