#Dorks in love
foulwitchknight · 25 days
Eddie gives Steve a mood ring he bought at a Garage sale and Steve has considered them dating ever since. He immediately showed off the ring to everyone in town and made it crystal clear that he’s off the market. Eddies just happy that Steve seems to like it. He was worried it really wouldn’t be his style.
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vodkartoons · 3 months
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the fragrant flower blooms with dignity coded
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stargreen · 15 days
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Same scene but different situation - Lucilith
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002yb · 1 month
Dick and Jason fucking around, as they do. Only this time instead of sneaking off to some alley, for the first time they chase after one another to Dick's apartment.
It's them toppling in through the window, stumbling over each other and falling in a tangle on the floor. It's the snickering that follows, too loud for the late hour. And they hush each other between kisses, between breathless laughs caught between the press of lips to skin.
It's them tripping over themselves, knocking into furniture, falling into walls and each other.
They don't make it far. Too busy stealing each other's breath. Through banter. Through heated affections and the way Jason's knees give out and Dick slides down to the floor with him. Hand too hot on Jason's hip. Laughter too bright as Jason gripes at Dick over doing this on the floor
Dick leaving all manner of bites and hickeys along Jason's neck and chest and abdomen as he jokes about how the floor is a step up from alleys during patrol.
At which point Jason gets Dick's head caught between his thighs and flips him so that Jason is sat a top his chest, all tousled and triumphant and gorgeous
Dick's hands on Jason's hips, holding him steady. More than content with the turn of events until Jason says/offers something depraved and then all at once Dick is sitting up, knocking Jason back before Dick sweeps him up and carts him to bed
And Jason calls him a degenerate and lbr Dick can't deny it
Something something Jason bouncing on the bed when he's dropped and looking all sorts of alluring with his clothing askew and hair tousled—smile content, though a little sheepish because this is a lot. It feels like everything.
Jason losing a battle with undoing the buttons of Dick's shirt. Hands too shaky. Being called out and huffing because no, he's not nervous. Only Jason really sort of is.
Jason further losing the battle when Dick undoes the buttons himself because 1) sexy and 2) Jason is struck by the realization of what exactly is happening and hot damn and oh no but yes please but—
It’s different... to be in Dick’s bed as opposed to some alley.
Dick recognizing the panic and diffusing it in an instant, easy as anything
By kissing Jason senseless. By maneuvering Jason's hood on and then smiling something wicked and impish as he pulls the drawstring and the hood cinches closed and Jason barks a laugh because ffs, dick
Dick kissing Jason's forehead through the material of the hood
Pulling it loose enough to see that Jason is flushed and bright eyed and endlessly more at ease. Because it's Dick. Because it's them. That hasn’t changed. Even if, arguably, everything is changing between them.
And then they do the nasty and it's beautiful.
Based on @graytodd's beautifully saucy and cute art. Always so gorgeous, bb!! 😊
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staticquit · 1 month
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🧡 “I blinked and suddenly I had a Valentine.” 🤍
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emolionsrawr · 3 months
buck: *looks down at his hands, and then at tommy*
tommy: what's up baby?
buck: i uhm, i want, um
tommy: take your time sweetheart
buck: i wanna cuddle
tommy: *smiles and pulls buck so he's laying on his chest* better?
buck: *blushes and cuddles up close* better
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unremarkablehouse · 4 months
Of all the many things I love about Bad Blood, one of my favorites is that when Scully is retelling her account to Mulder and she includes the fact that Detective Hartwell was attractive and flirted with her. This has zero bearing on the case, I’m sure she wouldn’t have included this information for Skinner, but she was mad at Mulder so she included it to make him jealous. It was completely transparent, and yet it immediately worked on him. I love jealous Mulder, even at the end when he sees her wearing the sheriff’s coat it so clearly bugs him. God, they’re both idiots.
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thatmexisaurusrex · 2 months
Hill Country and Swamplands and Rodeos
Hey, people! This fic is inspired by @moeyoon's art, which you will see down below, or can see in its original post here. I meant for this to be a one-shot, but it's 😂 it's a multichapter fic now. It's very Texas, so I hope that's okay. I hope y'all enjoy it! 🥰
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Hill Country and Swamplands and Rodeos
| Pairing: BuckTommy | Rated: M | WC: 17.8K | Chapters: 5/5 |
Summary: Pilot Thomas "Tommy" Kinard hasn't been a ranch hand for seven years. However, a chance meeting with his old coworkers and some new cowboys, especially a certain Evan "Buck" Buckley, seems to be changing his life for the better.
“Evan!” Tommy. Turned his gaze back to the dirty blonde. And Tommy would say the man was a little sheepish, but it seemed as if something else overcame him once Tommy was looking straight at him again. Excitement? Nervousness? Awe? No. Couldn’t be any of those. Tommy wasn’t the kind of guy who inspired that. “Evan Buckley,” breathed Evan. And. And Tommy forgot that he should be shaking his hand too, right? Not that – not that Evan was offering. But. Tommy took the initiative, extending his own. “Wow. Uh. Big hands,” said Evan, maybe babbled, as he shook Tommy’s hand and looked so expectantly at Tommy. Tommy couldn’t say no to that face. He couldn’t say nothing. “You have a good handshake too, Evan,” offered Tommy, a little distracted by Evan’s adorable smile. The little laugh he was making. Wait. Were they still shaking hands? Was that weird?
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tachikoma-x · 11 months
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Let’s be real: if you harbor no special feelings for someone, the only reasonable response here would be ‘yeah I did, you hard on hearing or something bruh’
His denial is most delicious
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foulwitchknight · 4 months
A! Eddie NEEDS to scent or be close to Steve at all times. That’s a little difficult when they both have separate jobs. Eddie compensates by visiting Steve at the library during his lunch breaks. He doesn’t even eat. He spends the hour with his face buried in Steve’s neck and his arms tightly wrapped around his middle. Whenever Steve has to move to do Librarian things, Eddie is following right on his heels. He loves holding his hand waffle style as Steve leads him around the library. Steves coworkers and the library patrons are pretty chill so they never say anything. They refer to him as Steve’s boyfriend or mate. Steve rarely visits him at the garage. They found out pretty quickly that Steve is too much of a distraction for him. Eddie works with heavy machinery and being preoccupied by a pretty omega doesnt bode well for safety or business so Eddie visits Steve. The funniest thing to him is that not many people question their relationship or seem to realize they aren’t dating.
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mporium · 3 months
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melle-otterwise · 2 months
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@zissie's prompt "singing karoke" got a bit our of hand but here it is! Hope you'll like it ;)
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stargreen · 5 months
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A sweet bath made of cuddles -Luclith
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002yb · 4 months
Dick who keeps a picture of Robin Jason in his wallet, the corners weathered with age, his face smudged like a thumb has gently stroked over it over many years.
Over the years the coffee shop owner of his morning route has watched him pull out his wallet and stare at the plastic window for several seconds, a sad forlorn look on his face before taking out his change to give over.
Then one day he turns up with someone else by his side, rosy cheeked and a smile on his face. When he opens the wallet there’s a new picture, this one bearing a striking resemblance to the man next to him. With the wallet open the stranger sees what is inside and immediately his face blooms red, stutters falling out his mouth.
Dick laughs, a huge booming laugh and he looks the happiest he has ever been. The photo smiles back at him.
Everyone always goes on about Bruce keeping pictures of all his kids in his wallet, but fffffffffff Dick doing the same. ;/////; And it's something his siblings tease him about relentlessly because it's actually just one picture and that one photo happens to be Jason, hahaha. Just Jason assuming he's Dick's least favorite in the family while everyone else knows Jason is Dick's favorite.
Which is a headcanon neither here nor there because anoooooon!! This is such a gift, thank you! You write beautifully. (♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈) Dick's melancholy is so heartrending but touching and ahhhhhhh. This is just really sweet and made me smile. I love smitten/lovelorn!Dick!! Especially when the hurt ends with comfort and he's so brilliant and happy with Jason and ♡♡♡♡♡ !! Thank you for sharing this, anon~ //3///
Silly thoughts inspired by anon's post below the cut:
Where the day of the reveal (per above (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶)), Dick and Jason are waiting in line at that coffee shop. And it's casual; lighthearted and comfortable as they banter and bump shoulders.
And Dick is fighting back amusement because Jason is adamant about treating him. Only the card he proudly pulls out is pretentiously black and has Timothy Drake embossed across it.
Despite Dick halfheartedly telling Jason 'no', Jason pleads his case. It's the perfect crime! The banks won't suspect it because the purchase will be small and ordinary. If the account isn't flagged, just imagine what else they could get up to. A paid honeymoon vacation, maybe. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
Just Jason having zero faith in Tim checking his bank statements.
And Dick teasing Jason about how Tim at least has a bank account and a credit score to speak of.
Which Jason shoves Dick out of line for because wow, big bird. Jason has lines of credit everywhere. First and foremost: Tim.
'Not me?'
'It's based on net worth.' Jason would quip, which would earn him a shove this time and he'd cackle all the while.
Then Dick would get a call. From Tim. And it'd make them both snicker because the timing is perfect.
Dick taking the call outside, but not before handing off his wallet and telling Jason not to use Tim's card
Jason scoffs over it, but does as he's told (because he'll run this scam with Damian instead).
And it's as he's paying that he opens Dick's wallet and sees that photo. The old one which will be replaced with an updated one later. It's of them. Him.
It's from a lifetime ago. Worn and frayed at the edges in a way that tells of how often and carefully it's been handled. Jason swiping his thumb over it, mirroring all the times Dick would do the same. Jason would be able to tell. And his heart would ache and his breath would catch and--
When he looks out the window, wide eyed and with a pink stain warming his cheeks, Dick would already be looking at him. Just as wide eyed because he realizes he unintentionally exposed himself. It's a vulnerability that passes as quickly as it comes though because it's Jason.
Flustered as he is, Jason smiles. Sharp and brilliant. And he'd hold Dick's wallet up to flash the photo while pointing at it. Playing the menace although his cheeks are bright and flushed.
Even though Dick is on the other side of the window, Jason would still call, 'How embarrassing!’
And Dick can read lips. He laughs, incredulous as he shakes his head and calls back, 'We're dating!'
Jason loves to hear it.
But yeah, Jason cackling as he finishes up their order. Standing off to the side as they wait for their drinks and smiling the most biting of grins as he teases Dick for being a sap. Playing keep-away with his wallet.
Something something these two being in their own world. Crowded close as they flirt. Jason slipping Dick's wallet back into his pocket and being the most giddy/smiley boy because he's a romantic and Dick unwittingly romanced the fuck out of him.
Dick caressing his thumb over Jason's cheek and smiling this devastating grin because he doesn't need a photo anymore.
And then their moment is interrupted by the barista calling out, 'Loverboy!' because that's the name Jason told them to put down.
Dick laughs that big laugh. Loud and beautiful and contagious. The sort of laugh that makes even strangers smile and that makes Jason's heart sing. ;//////;
Dick taking Jason's hand as they go up to get their order. Bringing Jason's hand to his lips to brush a kiss over Jason's knuckles. And Jason is so soft about it because he can feel Dick's smile through it; his breath as he fails to bite back his laughter.
Just Dick feeling like the luckiest man in the world and it showing.
Jason being overwhelmed by that because he's not sure anyone has ever felt grateful for him. He gets it though -- to feel so lucky.
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thirstyvampyr · 4 months
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Ian & Mickey being smart-asses
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