#rip hal holbrook
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duranduratulsa · 9 months ago
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Up next on my 80's Fest Movie 🎬 🎞 🎥 marathon...The Fog (1980) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #Movie #movies #horror #thefog #johncarpenter #tomatkins #jamieleecurtis #adriennebarbeau #HalHolbrook #riphalholbrook #janetleigh #ripjanetleigh #NANCYKYES #NancyLoomis #debrahill #ripdebrahill #TommyLeeWallace #robbottin #BuckFlower #JohnHouseman #CharlesCyphers #tymitchell #vintage #VHS #80s #80sfest #durandurantulsas6thannual80sfest
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albertserra · 2 years ago
What irritates me the most about my dvd of that certain summer (1972) isn’t that I had to buy a bootleg dvd which is just a tv rip burned onto a disc with a mock up dvd art printed for the case. Though that is pretty annoying. It’s that whoever did the fake dvd art thought the homophobic asshole son was an important enough character that his face is on the spine of the case art, not Martin sheen or Hal holbrook’s
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tvguidancecounselor · 1 year ago
TV Guidance Counselor Episode 603: Liz Barrett
  November 9-15, 1985
This week Ken welcomes comedian, and haver of a new album called "Gettin' By", Liz Barrett to the show.
Liz and Ken discuss the backroom of comedy clubs, CT, the invention of the hamburger, growing up in a Military Family, German Military Bases, having a much  younger sibling, 13 year olds, Lady Di, iconic sweaters, loveless royal marriages, Boy George, Ken's sister (RIP)'s Make a Wish, ferrets, fancy TV Guides, the greatness of Peter Scolari, 1985 SNL, NBC Saturdays, sensitive human portrayals of people with AIDS, Martin Sheen, creepy dolls, We Are the World, North and South, 227, Fred Dryer, noticing the intentional humor in things later in life, Touch of Class, sophistication, full page ads for Soap Operas, Lifetime, Dwarves, Dance of the Dwarves, Diane Cannon in a face based WWII drama Jenny's War, crushing on Hal Holbrook, Defiance with Jan Michael Vincent, vagueness, Kenny Rogers' acting career, when you "need the money", freeloaders in Boston, The Insiders, Hell Town, St. Elsewhere, Diff'rent Strokes, people Ken has had on the show, Astronauts, things that "keep you guessing", Haley's Comet, Donald Sutherland, hating loud noises, action movies, Cheers, Benson, Mr. Belvedere, Misfits of Science, evil Hovercrafts, not believing a dolphin about finding cocaine, USA Network's low budget, the perfection of Golden Girls, how people get their information, and finding out if its cake or not. 
Check out this episode!
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ivovynckier · 4 years ago
Hal Holbrook in Steven Spielberg's movie "Lincoln".
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proverbialschoolmarm · 4 years ago
Did I say ‘week’, I think I meant semester. These three are my go-to background, power, productive, happy triad! 🥯📞💎
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This week’s viewing on repeat
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inthemoodforportnawak · 4 years ago
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Hal Holbrook (1925-2021)
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doppleganger-rental · 4 years ago
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R.I.P. to one hell of an actor. When I heard he passed I thought of these two films first. I think it’s because in both he just shows up and grabs the viewer in such a visceral way. He had tremendous presence. And those eyes. And, by the way, he was 82 when he made Into The Wild in 2007. He was still working up to 2017 at age 92! I wish I could have seen him on stage as Mark Twain. I have heard more than one actor refer to that performance as one of the greatest to ever occur on stage.
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greensparty · 4 years ago
RIP Hal Holbrook 1925-2021
Actor Hal Holbrook has died at 95. He was excellent in countless movies, notably All the President's Men (he was Deep Throat), “The Crate” segment of Creepshow, a 2006 episode of The Sopranos, his Oscar-nominated turn in Into the Wild, and Lincoln’s advisor in Lincoln.
The link above is the obit from Hollywood Reporter. 
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lookwhereyagoing · 4 years ago
Hal Holbrook, prolific actor who played Twain, dies at 95
RIP, Mr. Holbrook. I’m sure you and Mark Twain have much to discuss.
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nancylou444 · 4 years ago
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duranduratulsa · 10 months ago
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Up next on my 80's Fest Movie 🎥 marathon...Creepshow (1982) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #movie #movies #horror #creepshow #stephenking #georgeromero #ripgeorgeromero #tomatkins #adriennebarbeau #LeslieNielsen #ripleslienielsen #teddanson #tomsavini #christineforrest #HalHolbrook #riphalholbrook #EdHarris #joehill #carrienye #GaylenRoss #vivecalindfors #ripvivecalindfors #egmarshall #ripegmarshall #vintage #vhs #80s #80sfest #durandurantulsas6thannual80sfest
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frankenpagie · 7 years ago
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8.6.18 This movie is almost perf and I cannot rate it.
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tvguidancecounselor · 1 year ago
TV Guidance Counselor Episode 603: Liz Barrett
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November 9-15, 1985
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This week Ken welcomes comedian, and haver of a new album called "Gettin' By", Liz Barrett to the show.
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Liz and Ken discuss the backroom of comedy clubs, CT, the invention of the hamburger, growing up in a Military Family, German Military Bases, having a much younger sibling, 13 year olds, Lady Di, iconic sweaters, loveless royal marriages, Boy George, Ken's sister (RIP)'s Make a Wish, ferrets, fancy TV Guides, the greatness of Peter Scolari, 1985 SNL, NBC Saturdays, sensitive human portrayals of people with AIDS, Martin Sheen, creepy dolls, We Are the World, North and South, 227, Fred Dryer, noticing the intentional humor in things later in life, Touch of Class, sophistication, full page ads for Soap Operas, Lifetime, Dwarves, Dance of the Dwarves, Diane Cannon in a face based WWII drama Jenny's War, crushing on Hal Holbrook, Defiance with Jan Michael Vincent, vagueness, Kenny Rogers' acting career, when you "need the money", freeloaders in Boston, The Insiders, Hell Town, St. Elsewhere, Diff'rent Strokes, people Ken has had on the show, Astronauts, things that "keep you guessing", Haley's Comet, Donald Sutherland, hating loud noises, action movies, Cheers, Benson, Mr. Belvedere, Misfits of Science, evil Hovercrafts, not believing a dolphin about finding cocaine, USA Network's low budget, the perfection of Golden Girls, how people get their information, and finding out if its cake or not.
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ivovynckier · 4 years ago
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Just learned that Hal Holbrook (95) died. Wonderful actor!
His last great role was Preston Blair in Steven Spielberg's movie "Lincoln".
(The Blair House is now the president's guest house.)
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bearfoottruck · 4 years ago
So today, I found out that actor Hal Holbrook had died, so in memoriam, I’m posting this video of the theme song of my favorite movie that he was in.
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kevrocksicehouse · 4 years ago
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Hal Holbrook 1925-2021
When you call up the image of Hal Holbrook’s face you see the essence of bland probity. It could be the face of liberal decency or the visage of what was once called the establishment, but if you were on trial and you saw that face presiding you would expect to get a fair shake. That face could be a hindrance for an actor relegating him to background scenes or down-credited supporting roles, and Holbrook had his greatest success hiding it behind a white wig and moustache in his career-spanning onstage performance as Mark Twain (over 2100 performances). But in the movies, it’s amazing what he could do with it.
I’m thinking of his Only Honest Trader in Wall Street (1987), the designated conscience of the movie but sadly realizing he’s as impotent as Jiminy Cricket; Francis Preston Blair the Presidential advisor to Lincoln (2012) sent to negotiate a cease-fire with the Confederacy and disgusted with having to “smile at and plead with traitors”; The widower who befriends a young inexperienced backpacker and seems to know he won’t see him again in “Into the Wild”; In comic turns as the Senator in Wild in the Streets (1968) - “We pour napalm on our own men. We do it because we’re drunk! Good old, patriotic drunk!” and Creepshow (1982) as the mild-mannered husband who hears about a monster in a crate and thinks it might be a good solution to his marital problems. The camera would pull in and we’d see disappointment, rage, regret or deviousness cross that imperturbable controlled face.
Mostly I think of his Deep Throat in All the President’s Men (1976), the source credited with keeping Woodward and Bernstein’s investigation going, a man whose cynicism, rage and paranoia (“It leads everywhere. Get out your notebook, there’s more. Your lives are in danger.”) lead him to help the reporters. You have to look hard at his bitter face to see the patriotism behind the self-regard of his disgust. But it’s there. Holbrook put it there. RIP.
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