satyrmagos · 1 year
Tagged by @alder-knight !
Rules: Fill out the questions, then tag 10 people you want to know better!
Relationship status: stable long-term relationship, polyamorous in theory but not in practice because meeting people is really hard and because i need way more therapy than i can currently afford
Favorite Color: short answer: purple; more accurately, everything from where purple is almost burgandy to where blue threatens to become sea-green
Song stuck in head: nothing. thank you, meditation practice
Last song I listened to: Graves by Whiskey Shivers
Three favorite foods: Reuben sandwiches, pasta with sausage and marinara sauce, phad thai
Last thing I googled: star trek original series uniform color meaning
Dream trip: there are almost too many to chose from, but let's go with a southwest to out west to canada to the east coast and back, featuring stops in Devner, the parks around Moab, Zion a return to Great Basin, Amador Valley and the Redwoods, Olympic National Forest, Bamf, Niagra Falls, Arcadia, a dozen places I've never even heard of, and enough budget to not only pit stop at decent hotels and nice restaurants in between the parks, but hire models for crazy wilderness photos along the way
Anything I want right now: a fully furnished loft art studio in some swank artist cooperative / incubator so that I can have a little better work/life balance
Tagging: 1. @alivannarose 2.@wanderingwomanwondering 3.@riotboi 4.@juniperrue 5.@rootandrock 6.@thegodwhocums 7. 8. 9. 10. while offering 1000% reassurance that I will not be hurt if you don't take up the torch, whether because we don't have that relationship or because you just don't feel like it
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ao3feed-janeausten · 1 year
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riotboylives · 6 years
blood, sweat, & tears
here’s the teaser for my new youtube channel
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alias-arc · 7 years
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Teenage Riot | 68 x 99 cm | Open Walls Gallery
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jasonsthunderthighs · 5 years
Your friendship with @nycterisarts it's amazing, but how did it start?
Our friendship started with a 2 a.m. post that I made saying that I'd be a terrible sidekick or superhero.
He then messages me this beautiful photo
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(Me as Robin G)
And thus, a wonderful friendship and a brand new OC DC universe with our OCs in a brand new AU cause the Riot Boys.
Based on Robin G (me as Robin) and Kidsuper named Jules (@nycterisarts as a super) who go around and fuck shit up.
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His art is so amazing 😭
Go follow him for his amazing art! (I've also reblogged, but you gotta scroll down my other bullshit to see it)
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achilleanarts · 5 years
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A tragic attempt at an angst comic.
Yeah i'm gonna leave the angst to the angst king thank you i'm gonna stick with fluff.
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Cruelster, Riot Boys (Lumpy, 2018)
Wherever you come from, whatever your culture is, there’s a strain of dumb in there somewhere. We all have that stupid gene, both personally and as communities. But there’s only one culture that elevated idiocy to an art form, and that’s the culture of the United States of America. Nobody is as good and fun and entertaining at being complete fucking morons as the Americans. Cruelster is a punk band from Cleveland, Ohio and with Riot Boys they distilled a perfect ode to American stupidity.
The album opens with a cold open, like a comedy show, with somebody reading a very detailed and disturbing death threat to the editor of a Captain America comic book. And then the circus starts. 18 minutes of perfect Cleveland punk, whose heritage can definitely be traced back to stalwarts of the Clevo sound like the Homostupids, the Darvocets, or Brainwashed Youth. But Cruelster aren’t just the latest band carrying on the tradition, they’re really giving it a personal spin.
Musically, they’re just fun as fuck. Sounding like a bunch of big macho hardcore guys trying to play spazzy art-punk, they often alternate childish singsong exploits with driving, grotesquely pissed-off KBD-style explosions. But the really interesting part is the lyrics. Using English in creatively basic, ignorant way, they paint little vignettes where stupidity travels to the verge of cruelty.
Far right enthusiasts, soldiers, conspiracy theorists, politicians and local radio nuts pop up on this record in an endless parade of nitwits, it’s like American Gladiators meets Black Mirror—but there’s no sense of superiority in these grooves, this ain’t no American Idiot. The butt of the joke, ultimately, is the heartless, ruthless system. This is like Crass or the Dead Kennedys, but in a world that has to deal with the existence of Alex Jones. Use Riot Boys as a seance to summon your inner dumbfuck through laughter and fight together against the powers that be.
Click here to listen to Riot Boys on YouTube.
Follow GRRAWR on Instagram to get a weekly record review every Wednesday in your IG feed.
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johanssonprojects · 5 years
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To quote my art date Michelle @littlemagonline “this show makes me so happy!” Thanks @johansson_projects for continuing to show edgy work! Big love to @sethbogartofficial @jeffcheung1 and @brontezpurnell for making our day! On view until January 4th. . #Repost from @nataliemcartwright . . . #riotboi #sethbogart #brontezpurnell #jeffreycheung #johanssonprojects (at Johansson Projects) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5BWrmAhCXD/?igshid=1abehdjcdbvrr
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the-kouchfort · 3 years
In the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve? Does your character feel that they deserve to have what they want, whether it be material or abstract, or do they feel they must earn it first?
That really depends on the character.
@sev-the-blacksmith (now happily a mum, and out of the fighting) is a calm one, deliberate in her actions and speech, so she'd be willing to learn, and correct if the criticism is warranted.
@the-riotboy's first instinct is to get defensive, but sometimes he can think it through first. Sometimes.
@henry-randall is very slow to anger, slow to react to things like this. He thinks first, waiting for the response that will make the speaker feel heard, rather than dismissed.
There are a ton more, none RP'd anymore, but they all vary in their reactions. It's fun to have that variety between characters.
Most of my characters feel that they need to earn the good things, but also know that sometimes something good can just happen
Thanks, and sorry it's been a long time!
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wednesgay-addams · 7 years
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Hello Kitty #me #queer #gay #mirror #HelloKitty #HelloRoley #riotboy #punk #QueerPunk
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risrielthron · 6 years
your favorite fandom oc (or one of your favorites) and your favorite oc who isn’t yours (or one of your favorites)
One of my favorite OC’s from my personal characters, besides Risri *wink* is quickly becoming Gidget. She’s spunky, smart and knows how to have fun and when to be serious. I’ve liked the small little bits I’ve gotten to do with her and I’m looking forward to fleshing her out.
One of my favorite OCs who isn’t mine? There are so many, so one that is a favorite that goes with Gidget’s RP is Riot @the-riotboy, he’s been quiet and strong. She likes the relationship with @lethalanatomy and he’s more than proven his worth on the mission they are on currently (Still in the middle of the RP so its not posted yet) I hope the gang gets to grow really close and become this tightknit group :)
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eoleolhan-a · 6 years
nudge even if it's platonic I need these two ok
Send "Nudge" on anon if you want to ship with my muse but you're too shy to say it off anon | accepting
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hell yeah they go well together.... riotboys
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susancingari · 7 years
#MustLoveMMA.com's #SusanCingari http://twitter.com/SusanCingari goes backstage at #RiseOfAWarrior21 and talks to #middleweight #champ #JerrodPerry http://ift.tt/2AnM3CH following his huge 17-second #TKO victory over #ChadTyler! #Riotboi' was in a great mood after getting his first #KO of his career and shared some secrets about his #MMA style, "Japanese strong style Check out the interview now and tell me what you think in the comments. Could we soon see Perry #fighting in the #UFC?! Thanks to #JerrodPerry for taking the time to interview with me, and Rise of a Warrior for inviting #MLMMA backstage! Subscribe here: https://www.youtube.com/user/susancingariMMA Follow me on Instagram at https://www.youtube.com/user/susancingariMMA Follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/SusanCingari Follow me on Facebook here : http://ift.tt/2x8PoUj For more MMA news go to http://ift.tt/15x4zII
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alonysart · 8 years
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Ready for my first scene for the short film "Inferno" written and directed by Corey Harrell aka RiotBoy. Shooting in Pomona. It was supposed to be super cloudy but the sun has come out to play. Looking forward to shooting my scenes. One, a bar scene and then a dialogue scene as a disgruntled girlfriend. I have to channel my inner angry beast. Cheers to new opportunities 🎥😘💋
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deckoup · 8 years
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✌#sosalve! #instaboy #tattoo #piercing #riotboy
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the-kouchfort · 5 years
You are now roommates with your muse. What does that look like? Do you get along? Wild parties? Or will one of you move out in the end?
You didn’t specify, so here, have a big ol list!
@ahi-rahnad:  Ahi is an interesting one. He’s got an ancient warrior in his head, and is effectively blind. The warrior in his head would probably advocate for him to put me through a punishing workout, but I think Ahi would temper that, and do the same, just more gently. I think we might get along okay.
@cacia-the-black: Ahhh, black dragon character from Classic WoW. We would absolutely not get along. I would be the first to move out, if I could, to get away from her manipulative, cruel, sadistic nature. Bitch.
@tarodrin: A sweet, young healer, Taro would be likely to be intent on healing me mentally (and physically as an afterthought). He cannot stand to see people in distress, or pain, and is mostly a healer of the mind and spirit, than the body. He is a sweet cinnamon roll who just wants people to be happy. I’d probably end up slapping some spine into him. After all, the desire to please people all the time leads to being abused, ignored, taken for granted, etc.
@twilight-rys: Ryska would, I think, be a good roommate if she didn’t let the Void overwhelm her. With her ability to see the future, it’d be much easier to avoid harm, find that one right job, etc. I think she would let me lean on her as much as she would lean on me for support. If neither of us overwhelmed the other, then it could be a really good two-way friendship. I know I’d love Mister Face, as he’s modeled on one of my deceased babies.
@void-dancer: This bitch. We’d either get along gangbusters, or rip out eachother’s throats. XD Either way, there’d be good food, and a quiet roommate.
@calling-gull: Daniel would be firm, but kind, he would be disappointed with my life choices, and likely silently shame me into treating myself kinder. He’d be a good roommate. Quiet, calm, neat, and would always be on time with his part of the rent, bills, and food. And, if we went into it fully, he’d come with an awesome wife, and the cutest baby.
@vaerinis: He would be aloof at first, then eventually relax into a warm, gentle friendship. Also, much like Daniel, he would bring a beautiful, gentle, loving wife (and perhaps others attached to them both!).
@thaniel-hunter: Thaniel would be the aloof, hard, and impenetrable man he’s been for a couple decades. He might unbend enough to become a friend, but who knows. Much like Daniel, Thaniel would always be on time with his half of the bills and such. He would be protective, and force me to hone, and perfect swording skills. I’d teach him how to cook, and how to cook /well/ on a campfire in all kinds of situations.
@her-dark-world: HOBOY. Mistress Lady. She would NOT make a good roommate for me. Her sadistic side would bring out mine, and it would be a fiasco as I am not a submissive at all.
@shadow-toxin: ZAHEDA. Oh, fun girl with a broken psyche! She would be fun. We’d drink too much, flirt with too many men, women, and everything between. I’d try to learn belly dance from her (far more than I currently know, which is not much, tbh). I’d pity her, and she’d probably move out because she hates that shit.
@henry-randall: Like Daniel, and Thaniel, Henry would be reliable, steady, supportive and protective. Also neat! A very good roommate. If brought with others, he’d bring a gorgeous wife, and three awesome kidlets.
@the-riotboy: Motorcycle boy. He’d be PISSED if @lethalanatomy hadn’t been brought through with him, and spend his time looking for a way to her. He’d throw a ton of cash at me just so he’d have a base of operations, and so I wouldn’t pester him when it came to bills/rent time. He wouldn’t want to be bothered, finding his own food and stuff when he needed it.
@sev-the-blacksmith: Sevia would not put up with my bullshit excuses, and laziness. She’d help me drive myself into the place I really need to be in order to help myself. She’d be another steady one to rely on, but she wouldn’t let me take her for granted. She’d be SUPER PISSED if she were brought through without her babies and her Liam. suuuuuuuuuuuuuuper pissed.
I think, all told, my best roommate options would be Ahi and Thaniel.
@lethalanatomy, @theengraver, @theshadowborn, @tirasiansails for mentions.
Thanks, @penvenomstarkstar
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