#rion magnus
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meltifye · 1 month ago
I RETURNNNNNN sorry for lack of posts recently 🥲, I return with some destiny and zestiria doodles 🫶🤲💌
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ft. @gailardiagalan with their cutie edna and mik doodles !!
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s68l · 4 months ago
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his seiyuu covered romeo and cinderella so it's only natural a redraw of the song exists here it is if you wanted to hear it: https://youtu.be/fspM3kEWzp4?si=pY16y7LlH0JqTHVu
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skyfullofpods · 1 year ago
Hello fans of Re: Dracula who were introduced to fiction podcasts through the updates from our good friend Jonathan Harker! Now that the story's over (sob!), would you like some recommendations for some other audio dramas that you might enjoy, made by some of the folks who worked on the podcast?
Jonathan Sims, who played our local phonograph enthusiast, is the writer of the hugely popular horror podcast, The Magnus Archives. The Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute records statements made by members of the public, detailing strange encounters with the supernatural. What soon becomes clear is that these statements do not describe separate and unrelated events, and a bigger and horrific picture begins to emerge. Also appearing as recurring characters in this series are both Sasha Sienna and Alasdair Stuart.
Karim Kronfli is a prolific voice actor, and while he might be best known for his roles in both Re: Dracula and The Magnus Archives, he has voiced a wide range of characters in many different fiction podcasts. Out of all the ones he's appeared in, I would personally recommend urban fantasy anthology series, Unseen. The unseen world exists alongside ours, but only a few humans can see it. It's a world where magic and magical creatures exists, and Karim's character tells his story in episode 7, titled We Ourselves.
Beth Eyre and Felix Trench played twins Antigone and Rudyard Funn in Wooden Overcoats, a British sitcom set on the tiny fictional island of Piffling, in the English Channel. The twins run a funeral parlor together, the only one on the island, until a newcomer arrives. Eric Chapman (played by Tom Crowley) sets up a much more successful funeral parlor, and the story is narrated by the Funns' house mouse, Madeline.
Alan Burgon plays the Interviewer in The Amelia Project. The Amelia Project is a secret organisation, and clients come to them looking for their help in faking their deaths. The Interviewer listens to each client's story, before concocting unique and often elaborate ways in which they will stage their deaths, before being reborn into a new identity.
David Ault is also a very recognisable voice to anyone who spends a considerate amount of time listening to fiction podcasts, and The Kingmaker Histories feels like an appropriate choice here. A weird steampunk series set in the Valorian Socialist Republic in 1911 , this story involves found family, its own intriguing magic system, and being gay and doing crime.
Our favourite cowboy, Giancarlo Herrera, plays one of the protagonists in sci-fi action/thriller, Primordial Deep. Spinner is part of a team which is sent deep beneath the sea to investigate the resurgence of creatures thought to be long-extinct. There's plenty of horror to be had here, as something ancient is stirring in the depths of the ocean.
As for the crew? Tal Minear works on so many podcasts, and if you like fantasy stories, I would recommend the delightfully lighthearted Sidequesting, which follows new adventurer Rion, as they help people on their travels. If you would like some more horror, there's their spoiler-driven anthology series, Someone Dies in This Elevator.
Hannah Wright's Inn Between is a fantasy series based on D&D. Each episode follows a party as they meet in the Goblin's Inn, in between adventures, as the tavern follows them around wherever they go.
Stephen Indrisano's upcoming docu-horror Shelterwood promises to be a series which explores the horror of suburbia, as it follows one man's quest to find his missing sister. Until this is released, I would recommend Do You Copy, in which Stephen plays one of the protagonists. This found footage horror series follows the events which unfold after the closure of Red Tail National Park, and the people who were left inside the park, after its mysterious closure.
Ella Watts is regarded as a walking encyclopedia of all things audio fiction, and has worked on several high-profile projects, including directing both Doctor Who: Redacted and Marvel Move. Her upcoming Camlann is a post-apocalyptic series due to be released next year, inspired by Arthurian legends and British folklore. She is also the executive producer of Tin Can Audio's (who are also producing Camlann) beautiful experimental series, The Tower. The protagonist of this story, Kiri, leaves her life behind to climb an impossibly high tower, making phonecalls along the way.
Newt Schottelkotte's Where The Stars Fell is a supernatural fantasy set in the town of Jerusalem, Oregon. Cryptozoologist Dr Edison Tucker arrives in the town to carry out some research, and meets her roommate, author Lucille Kensington. There's so much more to this strange town than first meets the eye, with a huge revelation at the end of season one.
If you're new to fiction podcasts, welcome! I hope this short (ish!) and very much non-comprehensive list gave you some ideas of what to listen to next!
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stellartraveler · 3 days ago
Transformers: Young Sparks Incorrect Quotes (Pre-War) Part 1, Part 2 [Here]
Jazz and Orion Edition
Jazz: Me and Orion always used to do the Wordle rather than listen to Alpha Trion.
Jazz: To stop us he would always threaten to tell us the answer if we didn’t pay attention.
Orion: *slams down an absolute doorstopper of a tome* I checked this out decacycles ago for a bit of light reading.
Jazz: This is light?!
Jazz: Hey, ‘Rion, remember how I had to go to the pharmacy to pick up my ADHD meds?
Orion: Yes?
Jazz: Well, it turns out they're all out for the next five light cycles.
Orion: Frag.
Jazz: It's gonna be a fun decacycle!
Orion: I'm going to Ratchet's habsuite.
Jazz: Nuh-uh. Through sickness and health, motherfragger.
Orion: Let's all agree that going up the stairs on all fours is actually the best experience on Cybertron.
Jazz: Conversely, going down the stairs on all fours is actually the most terrifying experience on Cybertron.
Orion: Oh, here’s my award for the most rules broken!
Jazz: That’s not an award, it’s an angry letter from Ultra Magnus.
Orion, hanging it on his wall: Well, it has the word ‘most’ in it, so I’m calling it an award!
Jazz walking into the kitchen and seeing all their limes peeled: Orion, I love you but, what the h-e-double FRAG.
Orion, sipping coffee happily: I love you too :)
Jazz: You call yourself my Amica, but where were you when my meme only had four likes?
Orion: Making four accounts.
Jazz, tearing up: Really…?
Orion: Help! I’m drowning!
Jazz: Calm down. We’re only in six feet of water!
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lets-try-some-writing · 1 year ago
Jazz liked to think he was pretty smart and capable of standing his ground. He'd been a spy for almost every big political player, gotten involved with the army, and messed around in pretty much every under the table association. When Orion asked him to join up and support the war effort, Jazz saw no reason to decline. He knew his friend... until he didn't.
Since the new guy came in, Jazz decided he values his life more than honesty.
Previous part here.
━━━━━━ ⊙ ❖ ⊙ ━━━━━━━━━━━━ ⊙ ❖ ⊙
Jazz was always a mech who lived by the rule of knowing everything so that he could act in response to anything. He liked to present himself as if he were ignorant or uncaring of the situation through the use of cheerful tones, but that was largely just to blend in. He was no fool. He knew the moment Orion was named Prime that things were going to go to slag. So he prepared, he cleared his history, pulled up his contracts, and got ready to fight or flee. He only chose to stay because Orion asked him to. How could he ever say no to his dear friend? Especially when peace seemed to be somewhere on the horizon in light of agreeable peace treaties beginning to form in spite of the Senate's efforts to continue the war.
Things were looking up despite the fact that the war still raged. There was light at the end of the tunnel, and Orion even seemed to be truly hopeful. But of course, that was when everything had to fall apart. Jazz was dutiful in his work, but someone was even better than he was at breaking and entering. How else would Orion have been stolen from his berth without so much as a whiff of where he had vanished to? The Autobots of course panicked, Ultra Magnus did what he could to keep the army in line, and the Decepticons pushed their advantage in light of Orion's disappearance. Jazz did all he could to hunt down his missing leader and friend, but to no avail. Wherever Orion was, he had completely dropped off the map.
Then Orion came back and promptly fell to pieces. Jazz was hardly able to see his friend before he was shipped off to containment to ensure whatever was happening to him didn't spread. But what Jazz saw was enough for him to know that Orion was not well... and he likely wouldn't be ever again. He was only able to sneak in to see Orion a few times, but that was all he needed.
"Hey Rion... are you in there buddy?"
"Jazz? Are you here with us?"
"Yeah I'm here. Is there somebody else in the room I should know about?"
"The voice... it speaks, questioning, asking. It wants answers. I try to answer, but I am not fast enough. It takes what I don't tell it."
"Is the voice what is making you like this?"
"I... do not know. It is curious, callous. It wants something, it wants all of me. But it does not seem to be malicious."
"Can we get rid of it?"
"No. It is already too late. It is here, burrowed deep. We will both die if you try."
"There's gotta be something we can do Rion. I am not letting you die here."
"There is... no choice. Either it lives, or we both die. It is too deep, too close to finishing its work. It does not have many questions left..."
"Once the questions end, it will have no need of me... I don't want to die in this room, alone with its voice in my mind."
"When it is time... will you let me die out of this place?"
"Yeah... I can do that Rion. I can do that."
Jazz came a few more times over the following deca-cycles. He snuck in through the vents in the dead of most mecha's recharge cycles and sat by Orion's side as his friend deteriorated. He got thinner, sickly, and more lifeless with every passing cycle. Eventually he stopped being able to talk much, only murmuring about how much it hurt. Jazz did make attempts to understand what exactly was afflicting his friend, if only so that he might have some comfort when Orion did offline. He never got anything of note aside from the pain being contributed to 'the voice'. It reached a breaking point when Orion sat up for the first time on the edge of his berth, his optics unfocused and fluid dripping from his vents.
Jazz knew what he needed to do. He had a promise to keep.
Without informing anyone, he used what authority he had to have the facility cleared. At that point, he gently took Orion's stick thin servo in his own and laced their digits together. No words were spoken as he guided his unsteady friend through hallways and rooms until they exited the bunker Orion was being kept in. They left Autobot territory and Jazz guided Orion toward the only place he could think of where his leader would possibly appreciate his final resting place to be. Jazz had every intention of guiding Orion deep into the last standing spire forest and remaining nearby so that the former archivist could rest in peace. However halfway through the journey, Orion stopped, and for the first time in deca-cycles, he seemed focused.
"I don't want you to watch. I don't want you to see what we will become."
"I am your friend, Rion. I'm not about to leave you alone out here. You deserve to have someone nearby when-"
"Please. I do not wish for you to see the voice finish its work."
Jazz was unable to object as Orion wobbled past him, dragging himself in the general direction of the forest. Jazz grieved, but he did not show it as he stayed put, watching Orion's spark signature on his radar and waiting for it to go out. The moment it did, he allowed himself a klik to lament before he gathered himself and returned to the Autobots. He took his time, and when he arrived, he and the others who loved their leader grieved together. It was a rough few stellar cycles, but Ultra Magnus kept the army together and the Decepticons were even being somewhat amicable in ongoing peace arrangements. The loss of Orion Pax was still brutal and ached horribly, but Jazz, Ratchet, and the others were finally beginning to get themselves together again when someone far too familiar looking crossed the border.
Whoever it was looked like Orion if he were pumped full of protomatter and cranked up on battle protocols. The mech was huge and looked deadly even from a distance. Yet, he had Orion's face, his colors, and his voice. The mech came forward and called himself Optimus Prime, quickly presenting the Matrix of leadership. He explained in perfect almost clinical Iaconian that the reason he was presumed dead was due to the Matrix reforging him. He tried to write all of the oddities off as the Matrix doing its work and the process of being remade taking a great deal out of him, hence his slow arrival. The Autobots as a whole were skeptical, but the Matrix combined with the newcomer's almost immediate skill and his memory which matched Orion's had them accepting him quickly.
Jazz was not among that number.
He saw Orion's state, he escorted Orion to the middle of nowhere to die for Primus's sake. There was no way Orion hauled himself down to Primus's core to get the Matrix. It was impossible, not to mention the tallest tale Jazz had ever heard. The results and spectacular leadership the Prime presented were undeniable, but Jazz knew that whoever he was... he was not Orion. Optimus was quick to pick up on that fact, and the moment the Prime realized that Jazz, Ratchet, and a few select others did not fully buy his story, he became... unsettling. He held his persona with godly expertise around all others, but with Jazz and Ratchet, the two who doubted... he seemed to let himself go a bit. At first it was small, but those things grew larger with time.
Optimus's ability to blend in matched that of a master spy. He always performed perfectly in public or any area that was not checked for security by the Prime himself. He was dutiful, always keeping a kind smile or a stern expression plastered on his stolen face. His voice never wavered and he forever held himself with a complete air of calm... one that felt so fake to Jazz as to almost be suffocating. Optimus's EM field was chilled, static in a way. There was emotion there, but it was strange, unreadable, and largely left those who bothered to feel it on edge. Most chalked it up to Optimus being a Prime, but Jazz knew better. It certainly did not ease Jazz at all when Optimus purposefully extended his field when they were together. It almost felt like he was being tested with how closely Optimus watched him during those moments.
There was also the matter of how the Prime held himself. He was highly calculating, so much so that Jazz doubted he had any actual emotion in him at all. The Prime moved with determination wherever he went, but his motives were totally alien. Every action was carefully selected, and poor responses to things Optimus did always had the Prime adapting at record speed. It did not take much for the Autobots to accept him, especially when Optimus led them to war. But of course, around Jazz and Ratchet, Optimus purposefully did things that should have been beyond the bounds of normal. He twisted in ways which shouldn't have been possible just to gauge their reactions. He would poke and prod, clawing at their plating to watch their reactions. There was always a new and somewhat malicious test for him to run whenever he returned from war. Jazz came back to find Ratchet warding off the Prime with a scalpel once. And there was even an occasion were Optimus purposefully dug a blade into Jazz's leg just to watch him try to act normal around the others.
No one else suffered Optimus's abuse. No one else had to deal with the oddities. Outside of Ratchet and Jazz, Optimus was the perfect leader they needed. Well, mostly. Megatron seemed to know that Optimus was no Orion Pax, and the warlord threw away any idea relating to peace in response. He was dead set on killing the Prime, and honestly, Jazz couldn't blame him. He didn't know what Optimus was, but he most certainly was not any brand of Cybertronian Jazz was familiar with. But whatever the case, things were tolerable, and Optimus seemed to have some goal that aligned with Cybertron being brought to a peaceful state. So Jazz let him be and followed orders.
Then Optimus brought back a sparkling.
It was so out of left field that he and Ratchet were flabbergasted by the whole thing. More so when they took one look at the sparkling and knew he was just. like. Optimus. The little one acted just like his Sire for his first few vorns of life, always listening, always watching. It was frightening for Jazz to walk in to see Optimus glaring at Bumblebee with what almost seemed to be anger or hatred. Then whenever Bee cried, Optimus would tell him to quiet and Bee would stop immediately. It was terrifying to witness, even more so when Optimus brought back suspicious vials for Bee to feed from and began taking the sparkling out to the battlefield to do things Jazz did not want to know about. Optimus was focused on his creation to the point of attention falling away from Jazz and Ratchet nearly entirely. It was a small mercy, but it hurt to watch Bumblebee begin to act like a regular Cybertronian and express genuine emotions only to then suffer Optimus's treatment. The Prime treated his sparkling horribly by any standard.
Always uttering angered words, always glaring, never offering physical affection or words of affirmation, never so much as praising Bumblebee for performing well. It was as if Bumblebee was expected to succeed. Not only that, but the few times Bumblebee acted out of sorts, Optimus would beat or otherwise hurt the poor youngling until he returned to himself. More than once Ratchet did his best to stand up to the Prime in Bumblebee's defense. But Ratchet did not see the coldness in Bee's optics that Jazz did. Bumblebee was most certainly more normal than his Sire and far less monstrous, but he was still Optimus's sparkling. He never cried at the abuse, he never even seemed upset about it. The youngling accepted it all with grace, and that seemed to be what caused Ratchet to break.
The medic tolerated Optimus for his work, but seeing Bee hurt so often seemed to be a sore spot for Ratchet. Eventually, he tried to take Bee away. Jazz watched it all but did nothing to intervene. It was not his place, and he had long ago decided he enjoyed living. That belief was only confirmed when Optimus dropped out of the fragging celling as Ratchet tried to grab Bee and flee. Jazz did not stay to watch, but his horror only grew when Ratchet began to get sick mere cycles later.
When they locked optics, they both knew. Green fluid, voices in the processing units... Whatever had been done to Orion was now being inflicted on Ratchet. The medic couldn't even end his own life, not with Optimus hovering around him at all times under the guise of 'caring for his oldest friend'. Even Bee did not seem concerned. If anything, Bumblebee looked happy with every passing cycle. Still, Jazz lingered, hoping beyond hope that Optimus wasn't as bad as he seemed to be. That somehow this was all just a bad situation that would come to an end... it had to... right?
It did not.
Six stellar cycles after it began, Ratchet vanished off the face of Cybertron while the sickness was at its worst. Jazz hunted him down, but he wished he hadn't. The thing that he saw barely looked like Ratchet as it fed on raw energon like an animal. Scattered plating and organs were strewn about, and Bee eagerly seemed to be bringing over more crystals for the thing to consume Standing beside it was the one and only Optimus Prime who observed with what could have been glee as the thing's mandibles crushed through crystalized energon shards. That was when Jazz knew.
These were monsters. Optimus Prime was not the only one, and he had proven he could spread. It didn't matter what cause he fought for or how good a Prime he was. This was unnatural. And so Jazz did the only thing he could think of. He ran toward the one mech on the planet who knew what Optimus was and hated him enough to possibly put him down.
He ran to Megatron.
"MEGATRON! This is Jazz! Special operations agent for the Autobots! I need immediate evac!"
"Why would I ever help and Autobot?"
"It's Optimus! He's SPREADING!"
"Soundwave, get that mech on board the Nemesis, no matter the cost!"
If there was one mech who could save their kind from whatever Optimus was, it would be Megatron. Jazz had to believe that Megatron could.
Ratchet was already gone. How many more would follow?
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ryn-loves-cheese · 1 year ago
Hi! ৻(•̀ ᗜ •́ ৻)⊹。 Welcome to my tumblr page! I’m Ryn I go by they/them! And I’m pansexual/demiromantic
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fandoms I draw for:
•demon slayer
•jujutsu Kaisen
•sk8 infinity
•Tokyo revengers(haven’t finished the show yet)
•the owl house
•the Magnus archives(haven’t finished the podcast yet)
•hazbin hotel
•sky: children of light
•bungo stray dogs
•Luigi’s mansion
•doctor who
•the apocathary diaries (haven’t finished the show yet)
•house MD
•gravity falls
•the outsiders
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[REQUESTS ARE OPEN, no ocs right now sorry]
☀️I TAKE ART REQUESTS☀️I can’t promise I’ll get to them but if you have any do send bc my ass always has art block- ill be doing two at a time at most
I will draw your ocs or any characters I’m okay with ships but i can say no if I’m uncomfortable with the ship that also goes for any other drawing I can refuse if I’m uncomfortable
Things I’m ok with:
oc x oc
oc x canon character (no minor x adults)
Canon character x canon character (DEPENDING ON THE SHIP)
Chibi characters
Regular animals: parrots, cats, dogs, lizards, snakes, fish, tigers, chickens, anything like that
mild gore or candy gore
any of the things on that list I will draw :]
Things I’M NOT OKAY with drawing! You will be blocked if you ask for some of these things! (Also this is a DNI list for some things):
proshipping(minor x adult) -immediate block don’t bother following me
racist or homophobic or transphobic don’t follow me istg
heavy and graphic gore
Anthro/furries (i don’t have a issue with them i just don’t know how to draw them)
mechanical or mecha stuff (idk how to draw this)
any depiction of ‘Yandere’ or unhealthy toxic relationships that shits not welcome here
‼️this should also be clarified i will NOT draw ANY nsfw or suggestive material i may make jokes but don’t ask it of me i don’t mind blogs with mildly suggestive material follow me along as its not straight up nsfw. I’ve seen a few blogs like that follow me but general rule of thumb here DNI if you are a blog that has graphic nsfw art or material it’s just weird I’m a minor it’s not hard to understand you’ll be blocked :3 Ty for reading‼️
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this is my oc ryn!
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my moots/freinds :]
@bin-s0 (lovely artist and very sweet :] and my bf they are literally one of my favourite people 🩷🩷🩷)
@boo-simplified (also a banger artist and a very wonderful friend i know them irl and they are so goddamn nice✨)
@mercurymaceo ( EDIBLE ART. Need I say more! And a very close friend ⭐️✨)
@kimetsu-chan (LITERALLY SO SWEET OMG 💖💖very pretty art and a good writer)
@thesilliersakura (ART IS VERY SILLY AND ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS and very silly freind)
@swisscheeselovers-blog (he is another close irl friend of mine dose some silly doodles once and a while. SO FUNNY ONG very goofy and silly friend 🫶💖)
@shycroissanti (some more edible art has one of the silliest ocs ever and is so nice!)
@clownpalette (ART IS SO SILLY AND CUTE!!!)
@aceofstars0 (so sweet makes some SCRUMPTIOUS ART- I wanna eat it please follow them :] )
@rion-isnot-an-ai (yet another underrated artist who is also very nice! Makes lovely art!)
@silas-png (bro im bouta eat your art if you’re not careful THE RENDERING THEY DO IS JUST 😭💖✨🤌)
@pearlymoonn (OMG they are so nice iv spoke with them before and they’re lovely fncndhshchvu they make very cute art!)
@scrimblyscrorblo (very silly doodles iv spoken with them a couple of times and i absolutely adore they’re art its so goofy and cute and are also very nice 🫶)
@delirious-dan (THE ART <3 so good and they are very silly and cool)
thanks for reading and welcome to my blog :]
divider creds to:
my art tag is #Ryn’s art 💜
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apintofslytherinale · 9 months ago
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🍻 : ale, aelius, rion, citalic
🗝️ : they/he/helios
🍻 : 11 — 27
🗝️ : bigay omni afab male
🍻 : entp 5w4
🗝️ : occamy, 11 ¼ unbending cedar wand w/ unicorn hair, slytherin, wampus
⚠️ 87-MARI-027 : 44-CHI-011 ⚠️
🖋️ @snakesandcoffeegrounds
���� @llightasafeather
🔮 @strangelieswiththemad
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not an rp blog bodily 18 fictive sourced from potterverse FUCK JKR
🍻。a pint of ale / ale
🖋️。snakes & coffee grounds / tom
🥄。silver spoon fed / abraxas
🪶。light as a feather / avery
🔮。strange lies with the mad / magnus
🔗。the architect of pandemonium / mulciber
🥀。a rose’s thorns / rosier
🌌。a constellation’s tomb / orion
🧺。love battle & death / freya
🕯️。witchcraft & trickery / blair
🪮。cemetery light / lucius
🐦‍🔥。dumbletoes / dumbledore
🧑‍🦰。the lion and / septimus
🐺。and the wolf / godwin
🍾。a slug is always alone / slughorn
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bellatrixscurls · 3 years ago
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hi guys! ahhh i don’t really know what to say and how to thank you for this much, and apologize for so little from me, lately. you motivate me and give me a reason to continue doing what i enjoy, and i’ll never stop thanking you for that.
in order to celebrate, because it’s been years since my last celebration, please read below to see your options! :p
dates; oct. 13th — oct. 18th
🥬 | dilfs/milfs! send a character and i’ll write a little fluffy/smutty blurb.
🫒 | stepbrother/stepsister! or ex lover! send this along with a character, and i’ll write you a dialogue.
🥭 | moots only! send this emoji and i’ll tell you my honest opinion about your blog/you.
🍄 | thoughts! send in your thoughts on any character and i’ll try to add onto it.
🌶 | link! send me a character and i’ll give you a p.link that reminds me of them.
tagging some moots to spread the word! ily :>
@ameliora-j @saintlike78 @wolfstar-lb @silverdelirium @noceurwhore @rottingflowrs @eloquenceflores @lonelyhe4rts @angel4you @ginnysbabymama @o-rion-sta-r @antoniaswife @ilygw @malfoy-girl @l0vely-lupin @nevsluvr @proserpina-magnus @1-800-amortentia @ladyvesuvia @mendesxruel @cupids-crystals @itsmentalillness @toms-diary @dracoscum @peachesandlesbians @peppers-analytics @crystal-dee @wonderfilworld @shadesofvelma @b-aobao @hellounicorn @eunoniaa @reguluscore
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geekeryisafoot · 4 years ago
1, 15 & 17?
1- Best/your fav podcast you have listened to so far?
The Magnus Archives. It combines a bunch of my all time favorite genres, character traits, and themes and does so with fantastic (if not always perfect) execution. And especially back when I first got into it, the fandom was the largest concentration of ace people I’d seen in YEARS which was an absolute delight to find
Desperado is gunning really hard for favorite though since it combines A BUNCH of my favorite stuff with phenomenal sound editing and an innovative narrative structure, but it’s too young at this point to compete with the sheer volume of tma content and the level of faith in Jonny’s abilities as a writer that 190+ episodes have given me
15- Favorite podcast genre? 
Fantasy as a whole, especially fantasy horror
17- If you had to be one podcast character for a week which one would you be and why?
Rion from Sidequesting. I’m only 3 episodes in right now but it seems like the whole show is just them wandering around having lowkey fun fantasy adventures which is The Ideal. Alternative answer would be Feston from Startripper!! for the exact same reason except sci-fi flavored
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isolaradiale · 3 years ago
Lost in Space #44
Howdy, Isolans! We have conducted an activity check for the month of August!
If your character isn’t on this list, make sure to check this page to see how many stars that character has earned this month! Stars can be used for purchases at the marketplace.
The blogs that were removed from the Isola Radiale masterlist are under the cut. Note that both blogs with broken links and deactivated accounts will be included both at the top of this list and in their proper categories.
If you were removed in error, please simply send a re-application message. Several different people work on the activity checks, so it’s possible there are mistakes! If this happens to you, you will be able to keep everything you previously had, you just may be placed in a different residence.
Our general activity rules regarding checks are as follows:
Make at least two in-character posts during a calendar month (for instance, if the activity check is for January, have two in-character posts between the 1st and 31st of January).
Only one meme response of 300+ words counts as activity.
Only one drabble of 500+ words counts as activity.
One-liners or minis not tagged #isola mini also do not count.
Please Note: If you are removed during two consecutive activity checks, you will not be allowed to re-apply as that character for one calendar month.
Additionally, anyone removed during the activity check will have a 12-hour window from the time of posting to re-claim their character. Any character not reclaimed during that period will be open to the community at large.
Please send in your reapplications from the account of the character that was removed.
Mona Megistus (BROKEN LINK) (TOWNHOUSE 210)
Zeed Toven (TOWNHOUSE 203)
Marcy Wu (CONDO 424)
Platinum (CONDO 413)
W (CONDO 401)
Fern (HOUSE 104)
Tiny Tina (TOWNHOUSE 209)
Jester (HOUSE 117)
Glitchmaster (TOWNHOUSE 202)
Chiaki Nanami (CONDO 418)
Hajime Hinata (HOUSE 101)
Phares (APARTMENT 322)
Keito Hasumi (CONDO 412)
Archer (Robin Hood) (CONDO 417)
Caster (Nursery Rhyme) (APARTMENT 324)
Hakuno Kishinami (M) (CONDO 406)
Jinako Carigiri (CONDO 414)
Terra Branford (TOWNHOUSE 218)
Rion Steiner (HOUSE 115)
Mona Megistus (BROKEN LINK) (TOWNHOUSE 210)
Qiqi (HOUSE 102)
Hollow Knight (HOUSE 126)
Dan Kurato (CONDO 402)
Jinx (HOUSE 116)
Gerard Keay (TOWNHOUSE 223)
Portgas D. Ace (CONDO 407)
Ichimokuren (TOWNHOUSE 237)
Liu "Redbean" Canglong (CONDO 420)
Phatonus (HOUSE 124)
Albedo (APARTMENT 312)
Darius (APARTMENT 321)
Emperor Belos (APARTMENT 309)
Hooty (TOWNHOUSE 201)
Willow Park (TOWNHOUSE 204)
Ena Shinonome (HOUSE 102)
Kohane Azusawa (HOUSE 105)
Arthur Morgan (CONDO 404)
John Marston (CONDO 405)
Parasoul Renoir ( HOUSE 128 )
Agent Stone ( APARTMENT 307 )
Leon D.S. Gehste ( APARTMENT 303 )
Kosuzu Motoori ( HOUSE 122 )
Floyd Leech ( ATLANTIS - GOLDEN )
Kalim Al-Asim ( BEACHOUSE - GOLDEN )
Leona Kingscholar ( HOUSE 118 )
Malleus Draconia ( TOWNHOUSE 213 )
Vil Schoenheit ( HOUSE 111 )
Yuu ( TOWNHOUSE 205 )
Kiwi the Bard ( TOWNHOUSE 201 )
Bigby Wolf ( HOUSE 102 )
Kanae Miki ( APARTMENT 304 )
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meltifye · 4 months ago
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leon doodles mwhehehe
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image-transcribing-bot · 6 years ago
Alec with
I am an image transcribing bot which uses Tesseract OCR to translate images to text. I'm far from perfect but I try my best! Soon your life will be miserable and pointless, dear Human®. | PayPal | Patreon
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Alec: “Sorry, Clary, I don’t use Twitter too often.”
Also Alec: *responds to Magnus’ DMs within a minute or less*
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meltifye · 4 months ago
the stahnleon version for you guys 🌻🌹❤️❤️❤️
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his seiyuu covered romeo and cinderella so it's only natural a redraw of the song exists here it is if you wanted to hear it: https://youtu.be/fspM3kEWzp4?si=pY16y7LlH0JqTHVu
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bellatrixscurls · 4 years ago
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the fact that my last celebration was like three weeks ago- chile anyway 😁 have this small celebration where i’ll actually be answering all of my asks for like the first time ever lmao ‼️😋
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anyway, on to the real celebration. if you wanna participate, please send in any of the following! (one or more) hp and mcu characters only <3
from july 24 to july 31
🦥 | blurb — send in any character (mcu or hp) and a concept and i’ll write a blurb on it.
🦫 | link — send me a character and i’ll give you a p.link that reminds me of them.
🦭 | thoughts — send in your thoughts on any character and i’ll try to add onto it.
🦏 | cym — i’ll cast my mutuals.
🦉 | letter — if we are moots, send this in and i’ll write you an appreciation letter.
tagging my moots under the cut; @shadesofvelma @saintlike78 @underappreciated-spoon-321 @thotbutpurple @acosmis-t @reguluscore @maybanksslut @arcaneslut @fredshufflepuff @slvt4fakerealities @railmeharrypotter @manic-pixies-dream-girl @dracofknmalfoy @freddie-weaselbee @peachesandlesbians @siriusmydeer @hellounicorn @james-pottersimp @wonderfilworld @ronsbadidea @b-aobao @crystal-dee @eunoniaa @ohwowimlonley @dracomalfoys-wh0re @lovegoodsgf @proserpina-magnus @silverdelirium @nefariousaffairs @just-a-smol-spoon @lumosx @mistress-riddle @sereinegemini @selenesheart @ladyvesuvia @nevsmommy @o-rion-sta-r @lunalovegoodsslut @lillsthoughts @malfoy-girl @wolfstar-lb @weasleymuse @gothboutique @alexavolturisblog @i-wanna-b-yours @dracoskinks @morozovastarless @happymoony @1-800-amortentia @dracossweetprincess and more <3
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meltifye · 2 months ago
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happy 30th birthday to this amazing series !! ft. my favoritest boys rn (still getting through the games but i am loving all the ones i am playing so far 😭❤🙏) this drawing took forever pls-
anyways i have a new drawing to post soon that is spoilers but it took even longer than this one LMFAO, also gave me several emotions while drawing it 🙃
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meltifye · 4 months ago
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mikleo & leon outfit swap :3c would make one with stahn and sorey too but i hate drawing both of their outfits THANK U @gailardiagalan FOR GIFTING ME LEON PITANUI,,, HE IS SO PRECIOUS EVER I LOVE HIM SO MUCH WAAA it looks like yuri is judging them but he literally has no room to judge
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