#rio ortiz x mc
moonstruck-writing · 5 months
The First Night [Rio Ortiz x MC]
Pairing: Rio Ortiz x Emma | Ikemen Prince CWs: fluff, wedding night, suggestive, mature themes, emotional first-time, canon divergence, Emma was never Belle in this so Rio's route didn't happen Summary: Rio and Emma’s first night together as a married couple Word count: 4k A/N: Happy Birthday Rio <3
Emma’s laugh reverberated through the room, even as the door to it was closed and she was behind it.
“Stop it, Rio! We’re both going to fall and get hurt!” She wiggled inside his sloppy hold until he let go of her.
“I said I’m not letting you get through that door unless you’re in a princess carry.” He repeated in a cheerful tone. “Come on now.” He bent down, trying to pick Emma up for the second time. And this time, he was a bit more successful in picking her up – both because she was willing and knew what was going on, and because he had a better idea of her weight now. That, however, didn’t stop Emma from laughing into his neck.
“Do I open the door?” She stopped giggling enough to ask the question, which made Rio snort. It felt good that they were having fun even with this silly ‘event’.
“Yes, please, that would actually help me.” Rio’s cheeks were coloured a rosy pink, but Emma couldn’t see it as she extended her arm enough to unlock the door and give it a little nudge that would open it completely.
Rio hoisted Emma up in his arms, which made her yelp, and finally crossed the door threshold. His steps were slow and deliberate, and even if anyone else could think it was because of having to lift Emma, it wasn’t. He was carrying a much different weight with himself inside that room.
It was their wedding night.
The day had passed in a whirlwind, and at times, Rio seriously believed it had all been a dream, that he was feverish, and his mind had created a twisted fantasy which would bring him to heaven only to crush him down. But it was reality, and having Emma’s body weight pulling down on his arms and making his muscles burn was the only remedy that told him the truth.
He let go of her on the centre of the king-size bed, but before he could stand up to close the door, she caught him by the forearms and left a quick peck on his cheek. It was shy and sweet, like the smile Emma offered him, illuminated by the light coming from the door.
“I am the luckiest man alive.” The words escaped Rio’s mouth by reflex, but the speed of his beating heart told him they sounded so different now.
“Then close the door and come make me the luckiest woman alive.” The corners of her mouth moved playfully, causing a delectable chill to run through Rio’s body. He obliged quickly, returning to her side with bated breath.
He climbed onto the bed, finding her busy unfastening the straps on her shoes. Those beautiful shoes she had saved up for months to buy. Those shoes Rio hadn’t been allowed to see properly until that moment. Those shoes were now coming undone, revealing her tender feet hidden by the stockings.
Rio felt like he was melting. How was he going to survive tonight?
The sound of the shoes hitting the ground brought him back to his senses, and he did the same with his own boots. Climbing back onto the mattress, he moved up to where she seemed to be waiting for him.
“Hey,” he greeted her in a whisper, so low and yet it could be heard so clearly in the silence of the room.
“Hi,” she replied, and her eyes glimmered in the light of the moon that entered through the light curtains of the window. “We’re now married.”
“Husband and wife,” he added, his intense gaze never leaving her eyes. Until the intensity of the moment pushed him to bury his face on the side of her neck, muffling a chuckle. Emma’s body tensed under the sudden and new proximity, only to relax after a few seconds. It was all new, and yet it felt almost familiar.
Rio lifted his face, tickling her ear with his hair, and looked at her, their faces closest they had ever been.
“This is new,” Emma interrupted the moment, nervous about what was happening, and what was to come.
“It is. Although I’ve been dreaming of this for so long, I think I’ve memorised it.” His words stole a giggle from her.
“Oh, Rio…” Her whisper was as gentle as her hand landing on his cheek. An invitation. And how could he refuse her? He’d be mad. So, he closed the distance between their lips slowly, not because he wanted her to have an opening, a way to run away, but because he wanted to savour every beat of this moment.
Their first kiss was soft and chaste. Just a brushing of warm skin against skin.
It was brief, even though both of their minds made it to last an eternity. And then came the gasping, like they were already running out of air. It would’ve made them laugh at any other moment, but not this time. Now, they were lost in the burning desire that spread in the deepest parts of their souls, only timidly peeking through their eyes.
They stared at each other, faces so close, light so dim, that they weren’t completely sure if they were seeing right, or if they were imagining the other’s face. Then, a little tentative. Emma grabbed the collar of Rio’s shirt, half to give him a hint, half to convince herself he was there, and everything was happening.
Rio didn’t hesitate, as he melted into the moment, moulding his lips to hers. This time, a little less chaste. Pecking at her lips gently, slowly, like he needed to put all his love into every small action to make sure that it reached her. And it did.
Trembling a little at first, Emma opened her lips and started mimicking Rio’s actions, softly gracing his lips with hers. His hand on her cheek moved to the back of her neck, cradling her head, and the comforting sensation made her gain a bit of confidence.
“You’re so good at this,” Rio whispered breaking the kiss. “How can you be so perfect?”
The comment wasn’t unfamiliar, but it still took Emma a few seconds to understand. His words seemed to have completely different meanings now. They were no longer close friends. Now they were kissing.
Emma had been so afraid she wouldn’t live up to Rio’s expectations. It was one thing being someone’s object of platonic affection, and it was another to test their physical affinity.
Could Emma survive Rio’s fantasies of her? She didn’t like being up on a pedestal, but she liked even less having to fall from it.
“What are you thinking?” Rio flicked her hair to the back of her neck and traced the shell of her ear. Emma realised she had been holding her breath when his caress brought her back to her body.
“Nothing,” she quickly replied, adding a strained giggle. She was sure Rio couldn’t see her face properly, but she also knew he was smarter than that. He knew her so well, that he didn’t need much to be able to read her.
It hurt when the absence of his touch on her materialised. He got up from the bed and went to the lamp by the window, on an old desk. He lit it and before Emma’s eyes were used to the new light, he was back at her side.
“Talk to me?” His eyes were hopeful and calm, but under that first layer, she could also see a hint of worry. A worry he was restraining. He took her hands in his.
“I am scared.” She wanted to sound simple, but her voice ended up being too airy for that.
“Of what?”
“Of everything. Of this.” Emma moved her head slightly, shifting her gaze to the curtains draping the canopy bed. “Everything is so new. It’s all new to me. I don’t know anything, and it’s scary. I don’t want to disappoint you.” She looked down, not feeling brave enough to meet his gaze.
“My sweet angel,” Rio spoke in a whisper and squeezed her hands, caressing so softly it almost tickled Emma. “This is all new to me, too. We’re discovering all this together. And there is no way, no way on Earth, that you’d ever disappoint me.” His voice got heavy with the pain he felt in his heart. The last thing he wanted was to put pressure on her. He would hate himself for that.
“But what if I do?” Emma dared to look into his eyes again.
“What if I disappoint you, then?” Rio’s face contorted in a sad smile.
“That’s impossible.” Her fast and loud response seemed to bounce off the walls, surprising her.
“See?” Rio kissed the back of her hands. “We feel the same. We’re already joined in mind, heart, and soul.” He showed her a radiant smile this time, and she felt her heart relaxing. “We don’t have to do anything else. And we don’t have to do anything you don’t want.”
“But we’re wife and husband now.”
“That doesn’t have to change anything.” Rio squeezed her hands, caressing the back of her hands. He had a soft smile, and he looked happy, content, satisfied even. But that didn’t please Emma.
“What if I want it to change?” She searched his eyes for a hint of his real feelings, not the care and protection that his love for her distilled. She wanted to know deep down, what were his real desires? Were they the same as hers?
“Then, we’ll also become one in spirit.” His lips parted into a warm smile, reaching his eyes. And there she saw; it was all the same to him. It was really, all the same. He loved her no matter what she was willing to give.
 And she wanted to give him everything. She wanted to become everything for him. And his gentle gaze and touch told her he would accept everything she had to give.
Her hands moved in his, twisting enough to interlace their fingers together. That was also a first.
“Your hands fit just perfectly into mine.” He whispered, and Emma felt the slow building of anticipation begin. Their eyes jumped from their joined hands to each other’s faces. Their bodies moved at the same time, closing the distance once more. When their lips reunited, the intertwining of their hands dissolved. Emma closed her lips around his bottom lip, and Rio opened his mouth to caress her upper lip with his tongue, so light that she felt a tickling sensation.
But her brain couldn’t focus on that for too long since his hands moved now to her body. One caressed the side of her ribcage, the other landing on one of her thighs. It was too much and not enough at all, and none of them knew what to do with the intoxicating feelings the other caused in them.
“Can I take your shirt off?” Emma broke the kiss and found herself asking the question before her brain was connected to her mouth. It seemed her body had decided to take the reins. He nodded, an adventurous smile and a cheeky glint adorning his face. It was an invitation. Maybe at some other time, he would’ve ignored the way she had asked and would’ve quickly disrobed himself. But not today. Not from now onwards, no. If she wanted to be the one to take his clothes off, he would grant her wishes with pleasure.
But Emma’s hands didn’t move, and neither did his. She had been surprised both by her boldness and by the fact that Rio hadn’t jumped to action as he usually did. He was waiting, waiting for her. It seemed to tell her ‘I’ll go at your own pace.’
When her fingertips reached his shirt’s collar, she hesitated to take this chance. She didn’t simply grab hold of the fabric. She instead decided to grace the warm skin of his neck with her fingers, caressing softly. Rio sighed at the touch, closing his eyes. Seeing him like that, completely still and yet so calm, so exposed to her, gave her a little more confidence. And a dance started.
She undid the first button and took advantage of the newly freed skin. She touched his collarbone, revelling in the sturdiness. Unbuttoning further, she marvelled at the firmness of his chest. Then came his ribs, and his abdomen. She had known Rio took good care of his physique, but she had never seen – much less touched – a man like this. She wanted to touch his back and explore the muscles there, but once the last button was released, it was as if something in him changed.
“Can I touch you too?” He charged forward, his exhale hitting her lips. Her whole body lit up, and she almost forgot to answer the question.
His shirt started slipping from his shoulders as he shifted on the bed. She bit her lip, nervous and excited to feel him travelling through her skin.
But Rio hadn’t exactly asked if he could take anything off her. Not yet. He mimicked her actions, and gently touched her neck, caressing so softly, she would’ve thought he had been using a feather. He reached the back of her neck and massaged, working her nape and shoulders lightly. And then his touch disappeared.
Before Emma opened her eyes, she felt him shifting on the bed again.
“I’ll take off your corset.” There was the hint of a question, and Emma moved her hair away in response, shifting her body sideways so that Rio didn’t have to move so much.
His movements were skilled and yet careful to free her of the restrictions with ease. It made her want to melt, and he hadn’t even begun touching her properly.
When the corset fell from her body, she turned towards him, taking it, and pushing the corset farther away on the bed. His eyes travelled down her body, and he licked his lips unconsciously. At the action, Emma felt that the anticipation was winning the battle against her nervousness.
He moved closer to her and played with the frills on the collar of her shirt. Then, one cautious finger caressed her shoulder, forming idle figures. Then, as he went down her arm, he brushed the outer part of his knuckles against her, earning a shudder from her.
Emma liked having his attention on her but didn’t want to fall behind in making use of this chance. She reached for his skin, tracing it with curious hands. His chest pushed up and down, and he shortened the distance between their bodies. She felt his breath on her ear as he spoke.
“I want to kiss all your body…can I?” The intensity of his desire made him sound almost desperate. Emma felt the fear and embarrassment give way to her desire like he was coaxing it out of her.
He placed a soft kiss on the shell of her ear and then descended her neck, kissing as much of her skin as he could. When he arrived at her collarbone, he stopped briefly to look at her. She had her eyes closed and lips parted in what seemed a pleased, albeit silent, gasp. Seeing her like that made him continue with renewed vigour. He kissed her chest over the shirt, not daring quite yet to do more than graze her nipples in passing. When he reached her stomach, he continued peppering her with kisses, a little more playful. She giggled as he pretended to chew on her.
She took his face between her hands and forced him to look at her. He smiled fondly at the amused and relaxed look on her face – there was no trace of her past nerves now.
He undid her skirt next, but as he took it off and revealed her petticoat, she reversed their positions, getting on top of him. Now it was his time to receive.
Emma explored his skin to her heart’s content, caressing the firm muscles, kissing any remains of the tension from the day away. Her tentative licking got a gasp out of him, and she pressed open-mouth kisses through his torso, lapping and gracing at his skin. When her hands stumbled on the waistband of his trousers, her excitement was burdened by anxiety once more.
Rio perceived the change in her face and demeanour and sat up.
“Hey,” he whispered, taking her face in his hands. She looked at him and her features relaxed into a small smile, but it still had a note of uneasiness. “It’s just me, there’s nothing to worry about.” She pressed her lips together. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”
She let out a shaky exhale and nodded against his touch. He kissed her nose, the space between her eyebrows, her eyelids, and her forehead. Then, he pressed his forehead to hers and they breathed together for a few seconds until her rhythm felt more relaxed.
“I want to touch you,” she started, pulling away to be able to look at his face properly. “But I don’t know how to, and…”
“Would it help if I guided your hand?”
She pondered his words before nodding slowly. He took one of her hands and kissed her palm and fingers gently, with his gaze still fixed on her. Then, slowly, he guided her hand to his trousers. He pressed down gently, and she felt the shape and hardness over his clothes.
“This is only for you.” Rio squeezed a little bit and she felt it twitch. “I am only yours, Emma. From now on—”
“Until death makes us part.” She completed, moving closer to Rio and straddling him to give him a quick peck on the lips. He chuckled at the lack of hesitation and removed his hand from over hers, to grab her hips and pull her closer against him.
She felt him grinding against her core and couldn’t hold back a pleased gasp. He groaned in return, his hands diving under her shirt to caress the skin on her back directly. She shook in his hold when his hips rolled against hers and they spoke at the same time.
“More—” the word escaped her mouth before her tongue could hold it back.
“Can I—” Rio cut himself when he heard her. “More?” The anticipation in his voice made her bite her lower lip. His hands travelled quickly to her hips, and he drove her into him, this time earning a timid moan from her. The sound drove him wild. “I want to lick you.” He panted against her chest, and she made an affirmative sound, holding onto his shoulders.
The next moment, none of their brains registered how her shirt ended up discarded on the floor. Her brain was too busy with the sensation of his tongue on one of her nipples. And his brain only paid attention to her breathing and her sounds.
He licked and sucked, rolling his tongue in all the possible ways his body could come up. When he felt her breathing become superficial, he continued his ministrations on her, holding her in place as his hips met hers. The moment she shook and her breathing stuttered, he fell over the edge with her.
Emma slumped on him, and he hugged her, his head buzzing with the recent high. She placed a hand over his heart and felt it beating madly, making her giggle. The sound of her laughter made him all mushy.
“This was amazing.” She sat up and looked at him with rosy cheeks.
“You look even more beautiful right now.” He caressed her cheek with one hand, slowly travelling down her neck. “You are so incredibly gorgeous, Emma.” She blushed under his gaze. “I am the luckiest man alive.” The familiar words sounded different now, more confident. “I want to explore more of your body, can I?”
“I love you, Rio,” she replied, and his chest swelled up.
“I love you, Emma.” He placed a hand behind her head, and she leaned towards him until they joined in a slow kiss. His other hand caressed her knee and sneaked under her petticoat, fondling the softness of her thighs. He opened his legs a little, creating space between their bodies. “Can I touch you?” After her affirmative, his hand moved to her core. He sighed when he felt her wetness.
He massaged her folds slowly and Emma closed her eyes. When he rubbed her sensitive bundle of nerves, her lips parted and the sweetest sigh tickled Rio’s ears.
He loved seeing her like that, vulnerable and abandoning herself to the pleasure he was giving her. And he wanted to give her so much more. Wanted to fill her to the brim, until all her nerve endings were on fire and her body was spent. He wanted to satisfy the neediness only he could see.
“Rio,” she whispered, leaning her forehead against the hand she had on his shoulder.
“Yes, love?” He moved the hand that rested on her back to her head, petting her hair. She turned towards his face and opened her eyes to look at him. In a moment, the distance between their lips was reduced and they kissed sloppily until Emma’s breathing became ragged. Rio felt her panting on his face and his fingers moved faster until her legs spasmed. She gasped for air and stopped his hand with hers.
Understanding the gesture, he removed his hand from her heat and caressed her inner thigh, not wanting to stop touching her completely. Emma giggled at the wetness he was spreading on her skin as he kept tracing idle figures. She sighed and looked at him, smiling.
“Emma, you—” Rio started saying but interrupted himself when he felt her hand sneaking down and start rubbing on the stiffness forming inside his trousers again. The confident smile she had on her face made him twitch. “Touch me?”
She bit her lip as she focused on undoing his trousers. When she hesitated, his hand found hers once more and guided her to stroke him. Her touch was soft and yet it was enough to make him blush deeply.
“You can go harder.” He squeezed her hand with his. Then, he had to fight to keep his eyes open, but he wouldn’t miss a second of looking at her like that. “Can I finger you?” He squeezed her thigh and started caressing her groin. She nodded and he removed his other hand from over hers, to caress her cheek and give a gentle peck to her lips. After that, he squeezed her hip and his hand rubbed her folds again, making his fingers slick with her wetness.
His finger pushed slowly at her entrance, and her body welcomed it. He buried his face on her chest as the movements of her hand on him mirrored his finger going in and out of her. When he felt her squeezing him, it became too much. He stopped her hand and leaned back to look at her.
“I want to make love to you, Emma.” When her walls squeezed again, a moan caught on his throat. He removed his finger as she nodded, excitement and nervousness travelling in the minimal space between them. “Shall we take these off?” He looked down at their clothes and they both giggled. She climbed off him and took off her petticoat while he did the same with his trousers.
Emma felt her heart beating wildly as Rio took her by the hand and guided her to his lap. In this new nakedness, she felt more exposed than before. She straddled him and he grabbed her hips to press against his. Then, he cupped her face and kissed her like that was the only thing that mattered.
Their lips moved and their tongues explored, and in that dance, their bodies rubbed against each other, creating a new flood of desire. When they broke the kiss, panting against each other, Emma raised her hips and Rio guided his member to her entrance.
She relaxed into him, welcoming the new sensation. And then, they were one.
Never breaking eye contact, they peered into each other’s hearts, like the limit between their souls had blurred. Rio’s tears fell to his cheeks. He was convinced, this time he would really die of happiness.
A/N: I took some liberties with their clothing (some to be “historically” accurate, some to adapt it to this 'AU') so if you noticed something different or missing, that’s it. Hope you enjoyed! Interactions, comments and reblogs are always highly appreciated <3
Masterlist | AO3
Please do NOT repost. Reblogging is okay! Characters belong to their rightful owners, the plot and content here belongs to @moonstruck-writing
23 notes · View notes
whatever-fanfics · 7 months
Growing pains
Tw: Contains children, traumatic past (light mention),
When you were pregnant with your first child you believed Silvio would be ecstatic. And he was, immediately you were surrounded by caretakers. The best of the best, not only including doctors and midwives, but also the best guards, and guard dogs Rio. He knew you would want to prepare for your baby as soon as possible, so he made all the arrangements of having the room next to you shared one cleared. And cleaned, he didn't want you touching dirt and dust, you're his queen for fucks sake. His pregnant queen. He learned not to underestimate you, pregnant or not, when you two chose out the furniture for the babies room and you asked him to help you rearrange it to your liking. He told you he would do it after his meeting and came back to you pushing a dresser from one end of the room to the other. Why couldn't you wait, he just-you know what never mind! It took him a while but he eventually was able to be on the same page as you. Soon enough when your second baby came around, you knew Silvio would have some reservations on them. He didn't say anything, of course, but he never heeded to not with you. Even as you saw the twisted nerves of his stomach evident on his face along with his knitted eyebrows as your now 5 year old son approached. Wriggling himself down from his uncles arms, to cautiously walking over to the bassinet next to your bed. You all watched, Silvio held his gaze in bated breath. As harsh memories flooded his mind. They swarmed harsh glares and harsher words, misunderstandings and miscommunication. As much as he was content with how he and his brother's relationship was at present. He doesn't want that for his children. He gets startled as his five year old son jumps back in surprise from his brother's newborn cries. Extending his arm to make sure he didn't fall, which the young boy didn't notice as he quickly made his way back over once the cries died down. You all leaned down and looked tentatively as he turned back around, eyes full of stars and wonder, as he whispered, "can I keep him?"
96 notes · View notes
omkookie · 1 year
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• ෆ "I want to get back at him" : After your fiance Silvio cheats on you, you come up with a revenge plan involving your sweet best friend. WC:5k
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• ⌈ ⚠️ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ⌉ • Smut, Cum swallowing, Light hair pulling, Semi-public sex, Oral (M&F receiving), fingering.
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Your dark-clad figure rushes through the palace's hallways, ragged footsteps echoing loudly throughout the deserted corridors while the birds outside chirped in terror at the invisible monsters hiding in the shadows.
Candles illuminate the corridor you're walking through, their flames aowing you easy sight of the large wooden doors held together by strong metal.
The moon is nowhere in sight, hidden by dark clouds signalling mother nature's displeasure and threatening to begin a storm outside as you fight your very own raging storm within your head.
You fumbled with a key trying to unlock the door when suddenly a hand clasped over your mouth, "They'll catch you if you do this." The man covering your mouth whispers into your ear, His whisper making the hair on the back of your neck stand as you shiver.
"Then what should I do, Rio?" you asked and tugged his hand off your mouth, "Let things play out and act later!" Rio chides you, slowly wrapping his hand around your arm and pulling you toward your room. "Rio! Now's the time to find out!" you complain, Your voice laced with annoyance. "Now is not the time to do anything. If you do anything, now you'll be caught following him!" He reminded you, his eyes narrowing. "I won't allow you to do that!"
Later, at around 4:AM.
You tucked yourself comfortably into bed, Tired of the day's events and happy to finally be relaxing. Much to your displeasure, your time to relax ends when you hear an unexpected knock at your door.
You get out of bed annoyed and wondering who would disturb you during these late hours. As you open the door your head peeks outside and you catch sight of a new maid that you haven’t seen before. She looked uneasy standing before you, her fingers fiddling with her long skirt as she took a deep breath to steady herself. She cleared her throat before she nervously spoke, "The King, erm... has requested your presence." She informed you.
You gave her a confused look, your eyebrows shooting up at the unexpected request. "Okay. I'll be there." despite your confusion you give her a quick nod, Then go back inside to change your clothes.
You put on a long dress, fasten your corset as quickly as possible and check yourself in the mirror to make sure your appearance is decent enough for you to make a public appearance.
You eventually exit the room and follow after the maid, leaving the door unlocked behind you.
She doesn't lead you to the throne room which sets off alarm bells in your head, but your worries quickly melt away when you see Rio. Oh, how happy you are to see him again this soon! Maybe he figured out something about Silvio. You stride towards him with a bounce in your step and then happily leap into his arms, He embraces you happily in return.
"I'm sorry for calling you here so late." He apologizes, But you quickly shush him, "No problem! But what did you call me for? The maid said the king wanted to talk to me. So, I'm guessing you had a good reason to make that up." You peered into his eyes curiously, "I didn't want Silvio to find out I called you here." He explained as he straightened himself up, his hand coming to rest on his hip. "So, what did you find out?" You ask, noticing how his eyes appear to be downcast and he averts his gaze from you.
"Well, I'm not really sure." Rio sighs, "He was with a woman the other day, but it's possible she was just a business patron and nothing more." He tells you, making your heart speed up as sudden nervousness makes its way into the back of your mind while you listen to him intently.
This is how bad your relationship with Silvio has become.
You had to ask your best friend, His own brother, to follow his whereabouts because you no longer trusted him.
After you found lipstick smudges on the collar of his shirt, you started growing suspicious of him. Sure, the first thing you told yourself is that it might have been done by a servant trying to separate you both or ordered by an aristocrat to cause strain in your relationship. But, after Silvio's abrupt change in schedule and his antsy demeanour you suspect he's guilty of something. Of course, You hope you're wrong, and it's just some paranoia that you may have causing you all this worry. But, it's taking a toll on you.
You need to ease your consciousness. Even if it's by stalking Silvio.
Rio snaps you out of your thoughts by placing his hand on your forehead and stroking it gently. His hand on your head feeling very sweet and comforting, and you relish in its warmth for a moment,
"I don't think he's having an affair. He's not that type of man." He tries to reassure you and ease your mind. But, you still feel unsettled. You bite your lip and turn away from him.
Rio knows Silvio better than anyone. So, you should give up and let it be. Silvio isn't cheating on you, It's most likely your insecurities playing with your head and making you believe he's ogling women wherever you go.
Yet, you can't get the bitter image of his heated gaze towards a lady on your last date, nor how she had taken an obvious interest in him. uncaring whether or not you were there and ignoring you. He even tipped her ridiculously much for your dinner. Though, doesn't he always do that to servers?
Your shoulders fall, your lips forming a pout as you heave out a heavy breath, "You're right, Rio. I must be getting insecure because of all the stress and how popular Silvio is," You continue, "I'm probably worried someone will steal him from me!" You voiced, your voice now more cheerful as you tried lightening the grim mood.
Rio looks glum before his eyes light up as he tells you, "Don't worry! You're the kindest, sweetest, and most adorable person I've ever met! I doubt anyone who may fancy Silvio can match up to you."
"Haha, you flatter me too much, Rio." You chuckled at his response.
Your voices faded into the luminous night as the clouds shielding the moon away from shining upon your figures disappeared.
Long days slowly pass by, each one spent without answers frustrating you further even as today you hang out with Rio in his room.
"I wonder where he is right now?" You ask for the umpteenth time that day, Making Rio clutch the pen in his hand harder.
'How much more annoying could this get?' He wondered as he stretched his arms out, his chair creaking beneath him when he went back to writing the letter on his desk during your chit-chat. "Could you please stop worrying for at least 3 minutes?" He asks as his eyes narrow exhaustedly and he somewhat glares at you. You only give him a sheepish smile and a nod in response. 'Sorry, Sorry. Rio can look quite serious when he's annoyed.' You hum teasingly and then peer at the ocean, hearing him sigh behind you but paying him no mind.
His room truly has one of the best views.
You can see wave after wave form in the water and a ship sail near the far-away coast from here. You flop down onto a sofa and lay your head onto the soft cushion before closing your eyes and allowing the sound of Rio's pen scribbling against paper to lull you to sleep.
By the time he's finished his long paragraph of a letter, The sun has hidden behind big clouds in the far distance, and the sky has darkened, signalling the fall of night. Rio straightened his back and stretched his fingers, allowing a tired sigh to escape him before his eyes wandered to your sleeping figure on the small sofa seated near the large windows of his room. His heart skips a beat when he sees your peaceful face, sleeping on the pillow you bought him because you thought it suited his room. He gets up from the chair, quietly tip-toeing towards you until he comes close enough to look down at your cute face, and then he reaches out to brush a stray hair away, his fingers smoothing it behind your ear.
Rio gently picks you up in a princess carry, careful to not wake you from your slumber while he brings you over to his bed. He tucks you in with utmost care and even orders his loyal maid to bring you a fresh fit of clothes for when you wake up.
Despite his more distant demeanour, he cares for you. Would you laugh at him if you saw the stupid lovestruck expression on his face as he gazes at you while you sleep?
Do you know he's still in love with you?
You spend time with Rio.
The two of you have been bonding even more since Silvio’s alleged affair.
But, as you remain close friends with Benitoite's 3rd prince, rumours of you being his mistress and a wicked woman toying with both him and his brother begin circulating the palace.
'Valerio, The sweetheart of everyone is in love with his brother Silvio's fiance and it's possible she's having a secret affair with him!' The gossip lovers say, making you cringe at their tale. Didn't they have anything better to do? As irked at them as you are, you know it's your fault these rumours even started. The hot topic between them is you sleeping in Rio's room. So, you have no one but yourself to blame here… by falling asleep in his room you made yourself the perfect conversation starter for people to gossip about.
As a result, everyone has now branded you your best friend's mistress and an unfaithful fiance to Silvio which makes you want to die of humiliation. You sulk in a corner, your mood worsening as you recall the maids' gossip.
As if on cue to add to your displeasure, you hear a rush of footsteps approach from behind you, accompanied by familiar jingling which you recognize far too well.
"There you are!" Silvio calls out, huffing a breath as he comes to a halt before you. He takes in your appearance, noticing the evident frown on your lips and sour expression on your face.
He then smirks, "I betcha heard the rumours about ya being Valerio's mistress floating around." He looks irritated, his handsome face clearly trying to hide a displeased grimace as he presses a hand against the wall behind you.
"Yes. I have!" You confirm his suspicion, slightly squirming at how he has you pressed up against the cold wall. "Despite what you've heard, you know Rio and I didn't do anything." You state calmly, then cup his cheeks in your hands. "Don't you think it's suspicious for an engaged woman to sleep in another man's room?" A nobleman you didn’t like, whose voice you easily recognize called out from somewhere behind Silvio. "Especially, His brother's room. It is quite suspicious."
you manage to peek past Silvio and right at him, throwing him your best glare.
Your grimace deepens, your brows knitting together as you reply, "It was my mistake to fall asleep in Rio's room... And I'm sorry for that, But still, Rio and I don't have that type of relationship, We're just friends. I would never cheat on Silvio too because I love him." You explain yourself, but the man clicks his tongue and stubbornly refuses to listen. He pesters you with questions, asking about what you did with Rio and trying to make you crack and say something that may get you into trouble. his words come at you like sharp daggers being thrown. He refuses to believe you don’t have a deeper relationship with Rio and tries to gaslight you into saying something that would make you look suspicious to Silvio.
You're annoyed by his interrogation, having all of your energy spent in explaining every little detail of your friendship with Rio until Silvio himself finally chides the man, making him relent. "Heh. Well, it ain't like prince Valerio would keep around some lady he doesn't like. Just remember, I'm keeping an eye on you." The Nobleman says snarkily, But Silvio curses a warning at him to watch his tongue. After the man leaves, you wonder what the f*** that interrogation was.
If anyone might be cheating here, it's SILVIO. You would rather die than be unfaithful considering you pride yourself for your loyalty to your partner.
Silvio, your suddenly caring and concerne lover who had been listening to everything you had said grabs your attention by stealing a kiss from your lips...eventually dragging you off to his room.
You go to his room, deciding to spend some time together after the long days you spent apart. Unfortunately for you, even as you sit together in his room your thoughts are a jumbled mess. Your head and your heart fighting as your heart tries to convince you that it's not what you think and you’re wrong about everything. Meanwhile, in your head, you know otherwise. Silvio has been acting strange. First, you noticed him being uncomfortable and fidgety around you. Then, he was withdrawing his affection while looking wary... Also overwhelming you with gifts and attention whenever you called him out for it. It's almost as if he's trying to make up for some sort of guilt he's feeling which he doesn’t want you to find out about.
You know he's having an affair.
All the signs are there.
You remember very well how you found lipstick stains on his shirt. The smell of female perfume on him.. And you’ve acknowledged his unneeded change in schedule.
You let out a sigh but enjoy the warm waft of sea air coming through the windows as Silvio drinks his favorite wine while his fingers brush through your hair, untangling some of the messed up strands. You hum for a while before impatience sinks into you and you ask him sharply, "Are you alright?"
You want to catch him lying and confirm his affair. You also want to find out who the woman he's been sleeping with is...You're desperate for answers. "What?" He's confused by your sudden cold tone but quickly recovers, "What’d ya ask like that?" He leans back into the sofa, his fingers tapping the soft pillowed space between you nervously. The sudden tension that appears in the air makes your fingers fiddle with your skirt anxiously, crinkling the soft fabric of your skirt before running over the creases to smoothen them out. "You've been acting strange and I'm worried about you." You explained, this time smoothing over your voice to question him more gently. "Yeah. I'm good." He ruffles your hair buoyantly whilst looking glum.
"How was your work? Who have you met with?"
"There was a new ore imported, And Business is doing well. Carlo was there during its arrival, along with a bunch of burly men reeking of alcohol." His chest rumbled a laugh, and he brushed his bangs out of his face. "What ore was imported?" you ask.
“Some new ore freshly mined from overseas." He says bluntly as if trying to end the conversation.
'Usually, he'd elaborate on what ore it was, but it doesn't look like he knows what it is anyway.. So I'll interrogate Carlo about his whereabouts.' Biting your lip, you decide not to question him any further.
You'll find out everything sooner or later.
Oh, how you regret once trying to convince yourself he wasn't cheating on you.
When you visit his room just a night later and open the door you catch him balls deep inside a woman with her legs thrown over his shoulders. The sight is so disgusting It makes your stomach churn and your face pale, The colour draining from it because of the gross display you found in the bedroom the two of you shared a kiss in just a couple of hours ago. You don't know how long you've been standing in the doorway frozen, But it's too long. Long enough for Silvio to notice you. He's visibly shaken to get caught by you, distress visibly washing over him as his eyes meet yours.
You feel repulsed when your eyes meet. So, you turn away and hurry out of the room. You can hear him calling after you, but you don't care.
He really betrayed you.
Put a knife in your back after all of the times you worried yourself sick about him.
How could he? When did he? Was it while he was at work?
He took your heart and shattered it into millions of bits and pieces with his affair.
How should you process this? Should you scream at him? Throw things at him? Shout until your throat hurts? You don't know. You mainly just want to get away for now…
You don't even know when your feet led you far away from the castle on until you see
ocean waves collide against rocks, and the salty smell of seawater hits your nostrils. It takes a while for you to realise that you've reached the beach before you sigh in relief,
At least you're alone now…
You climb over the rocks, careful not to slip as you take short, hurried steps, and It doesn't take you too long to reach your destination. A large rock hiding a secluded spot behind it. Your comfort spot. Nobody- Except Rio knew about this place, And you never told Silvio about it because you wanted your own little space to sulk in whenever you had a disagreement.
Now that you’re finally alone, you sit down and weep. Tears running down your cheeks like a waterfall showing and no sign of stopping until your eyes get red and puffy.
You've been gone from Benitoite's palace for at least 2 hours, Before you hear someone approaching. you sit up awkwardly and wipe your eyes, Feeling disgruntled someone is here.
As you straighten yourself out you catch sight of a familiar figure, It's Rio.
Thankfully, it's Rio.
he panted heavily, then let out a loud sigh. relief flooding into him to have found you, "MC!" He calls your name before engulfing you in his arms, and You hug him tightly, burying your face into his neck before you begin to cry again. He holds you tightly and strokes your head, Not knowing what happened or why you ran away. All he knows is that Silvio was searching for you like crazy, ordering every servant he saw to find you no matter what. And so, he started searching for you too.
Rio comforts you for a long time, whispering sweet nothings and telling you everything will be okay until you finally calm down…
After a good cry on his shoulder, and leaving a large wet stain of tears on his shirt you feel better. good enough to tell him what happened bluntly. Very bluntly, Silvio cheated on you.
Before any further words can leave your mouth, you catch a look of murder crossing his face, and moments later have to physically hold him down with all of your strength, begging him not to do anything Because you're sure he's going to kill. "I warned him!" Rio hisses, His voice oozing with anger but making you chuckle as you recall his threat to Silvio. You hug him closer while he seethes with rage. His brother betraying you hit him like a hard punch in the face. Being unfaithful is something he never expected from Silvio... His brother is truly the lowest of the low scum of the earth.
Rio presses a sweet kiss to your forehead, promising you everything will be alright as his soft, warm lips touch your skin. You blush unknowingly, your breath hitching in your throat as your mind sparks a new idea.
“I want to get back at him” You mutter quietly. your lips pursing into a thin line right afterwards, as you take a moment to think about what you just said.
Rio’s eyes widen, and he looks taken back before he caresses your cheek, “Are you sure about that?” He asks you in all seriousness, his usual lively and cheery tone nowhere to be found. You nod at him with firm resolve, “I do.” and something invisible seems to pass between the two of you, Making your lips crash against one another as you pull him in for a fiery kiss.
He holds your cheek in his hand, then pulls back to press numerous chaste kisses against your lips and down your neck
His lips on yours make you melt as you learn just how sweet they are. You open your mouth and wrap your arms behind his neck tighter, pulling him even closer to deepen the kiss. He slides his tongue inside of your mouth to explore it and you reciprocate your tongue entangling with his to exchange heated kisses. Rio lets a sweet moan escape his lips, and his hand falls from the small of your back to your hip, His fingers squeezing your soft skin before he pulls back to breathe.
“Haah..” He inhales sharply, a sweet rosy blush adorning his cheeks as he panted. For him It was unexpected for your kiss to last for so long or be so passionate, He was not quite used to it…yet.
Your heart skips a beat at his heated gaze on you, and it's like he only sees you. You, and nobody or anything else in the world. His attention is solely on you…Your fingers move to his necktie, quickly undoing it and dropping it to the side, then pushing his overcoat off of his shoulders, wanting to strip him even faster so you could see more of that passionate gaze.
He shudders when you unbutton his shirt, the cool air hitting his skin and chilling him down enough for him to have a moment of clarity and think straight enough to stop you from unzipping his trousers. "Wait! We can't do it here!" He yelps, "Why not?" You ask, your face diving into his neck and your lips pressing open mouthed kisses against it. Your tongue runs over his Adam's apple, making him shiver and then down to his collarbone where you suck a light mark.
Rio is putty in your hands, unable to argue or deny you. Especially, when you're finally doing this together. His hands move to unbutton the top buttons of your blouse, and he undoes your corset, then throws it to the floor where his necktie and overcoat lie discarded. His hands cup your breasts, his fingers make you shudder at their colder temperature and he buries his face in the nape of your neck, Pressing sweet kisses against it.
"I didn't know you'd be up to doing something like this," he says, Biting his lip at your eagerness to strip and fuck him behind a rock on the beach. "Oh, But, It's not like I'm complaining!" He adds in a hurry, Worrying that you may stop.
"Does this count as some sort of exhibitionism though?" He asks, puffing his cheeks. He hopes no one will come here and catch you despite how secluded the area might be. Maybe there could be couples looking to get into some spicy frenzy while at the beach too?
"Maybe it does?" You peck his cheek, "Does it turn you on Rio? The thought of getting dirty in a public place where anybody could come any moment." You taunt him sweetly, your hand going down to grope his bulge, fully aware of how hard he's become and how flushed his face looks. "I think this may be your sort of thing..." He admits, shyly looking at your newly exposed skin as his eyes naughtily trail down.
Your hands rub his muscles, your hands exploring his body and building up his anticipation. You nip his earlobe, making his hips press against yours and slowly grind onto you, "Please, You're driving me mad… I'm about to lose what little self-control I have left right now." Rio’s heated breath tickles your ear, and his hands grab ahold of your breasts once more. He sucks on your nipples, his warm tongue soon rolling around them and making your soft peaks harden.
He lets out a pleased moan when you take his cock in your hand and you stroke him, "Mmh...just like that, Do that." Rio's hips thrust against your hand as he lets out another heated whimper, "I want more..." He practically purrs in your ear, "Then I'll give you more, Rio."
Truthfully, you feel nervous by the sheer size of him. Just how did he hide that in his pants..? His shaft was big in your hand, and it made you bite your lip as you felt a pang of nervous excitement pool in your abdomen.
You kiss him and then crouch down to get on your knees before him. Rio feels his heart skip a beat, excitement suddenly filling him even more and making his eyes widen in surprise at the erotic sight. "You know, if you don't want to do this, I won't pressure you-" He starts reminding you, But you cut him off "If I didn't want to do it, I wouldn't be getting on my knees Rio." Your tongue licks a stripe up his shaft before you slowly take as much of it as you could into your mouth. Even if you couldn’t possibly fit him in your mouth without your jaw getting tired you still wanted to suck him off. His hands make their way into your hair, gripping your soft locks as his back presses against the cold rock behind him. "Oh, fuck-" You hear him gasp, relishing in how warm your mouth feels with your lips wrapped steadily around him.
“Please keep going…”
You bobbed your head in a steady rhythm, taking in as much as you could, and stroked the rest of his shaft with your hands. Sweet words of praise escaped Rio's lips with every bob of your head, as his mind clouded because of the pleasure you gave him.
His eyes shut tightly and he impatiently encourages you to go faster, gently tugging on your hair and pushing your head down, feeling himself near his release. "Mmmh..You're making me feel so good." he rasped out, breathing unevenly with his chest rising then falling over and over again, until finally his hips shook lightly, his release hitting him abruptly as he stifled a loud moan with his hand.
You open your mouth and stick your tongue out, allowing him to finish on it. Rio’s face turns even redder in embarrassment, again, at your boldness as his cum hits your tongue. You make a show out of wiping his cum off of the edge of your lips then licking your finger seductively at him enjoying how riled up he looked.
"I'm not sure if I can do anything else... my heart is pounding so hard.." Rio’s back slides down the rock behind him, his knees feeling like jelly and his hands moving to cover his face. He rubbed his flushed cheeks, feeling just how hot they had gotten as the warmth of his face quickly seeped into his palms. You lean over him, your gentle frame towering over his and your lips ghost over his, as you steal a kiss. Rio's hands move to hold onto you, his fingers gripping the sides of your body firmly, “You’re so pretty…” He murmurs, “I love you so much.”
He then leans into your inner thigh, “Can I take this off?” he asks whilst his tongue runs over your pussy through your underwear, making you sigh as you put an arm up against the stone behind him to steady yourself. He looks up at you his pretty blue eyes filled with love seeking yours until your gazes finally meet and he gets cheeky.
“Rio~” You moan his name as you tug on his blonde strands “Fuck, you taste so sweet.” You hear him murmur. “Are you going to cum for me? On my tongue? Say yes…please, I want to make you do that.” He trails off, his fingers stroking your clit. “I want you to do it so badly…”
“I’ve been imagining doing this with you for years.”
He confesses as he kisses your thigh again, his fingernails digging into your soft flesh as he leans down to lap at your core, his tongue sliding through your soft folds and parting them before circling your clit. He moans quietly, feeling himself get aroused again as he laps up your juices, and his fingers make their way into your pretty cunt.
He fingers you skillfully, stretching your walls, and preparing you to take his cock. His fingers rub at your soft walls intently as he tries to find your good spot to make you feel even better, "Mmh… Rio, go faster" You urged him, your eyes glazed with pleasure and you felt yourself near your climax.
“I think this is the best revenge plot.” Rio grinned, and you chuckled while nodding in agreement.
When you returned, Silvio could not believe his eyes as he caught sight of his brother’s dishevelled state and your wrinkled clothes as Rio carried you back through the darkened halls of the castle. The blonde shot him a piercing glare as he walked past him and you pretended to be asleep within his arms as he gently carried you.
Surely a future with the one who’s longed for you will be a bright one?... You can’t help but feel a sense of calmness and relief now that you’re with your Rio.
He brings you back to his room, and sets you down on the bed before he kisses your forehead.
“I love you so much.”
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bakersgrief · 4 months
(Writing requests open. Rules here.)
My Writing
- Ikemen Prince
Rio Ortiz:
Cock ring and bondage (NSFW)
Wax play (NSFW) (Rio x Ciel) (Ciel is @floydsteeth 's oc)
Silvio Ricci:
Collaring Silvio (NSFW)
Reunion sex (NSFW)
Keith Howell:
Twins!Keith au pt 1 (original au by @ndoandou)
Twins!Keith au pt 2
Keith x Maeve (Maeve is @keithsandwich 's oc) (NSFW)
Teasing Keith (NSFW)
Vibrator thoughts (NSFW)
Miscellaneous/multiple characters:
Ikepri x ikevamp crossover (hc)
Ikepri with a lesbian mc (hc pt 1)
Ikepri with a lesbian mc (hc pt 2)
Ikepri with a lesbian mc (hc pt 3)
-Ikemen Sengoku
Kenshin Uesugi:
Pegging Kenshin (NSFW)
Angst with a happy ending
Spanking (NSFW)
-Ikemen Villains
Learning to type
- A3!
Juza Hyodo:
Bear Juza
(Comissioned from others, I'm just listing it here to show it off! Links to original posts by the artists.)
Keith Howell:
Bunnyboy Keith (suggestive)
Body harness (suggestive)
Keith bulge (suggestive)
Sleepy morning (nonsexual nudity)
Kenshin Uesugi:
Kenshin and his buns
Le Comte de Saint-Germain:
Long haired Comte
Julian Devorak:
Wedding charm
Scylla and Anisa
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ikemenlibrary · 10 months
Ikémen Prince Gift Exchange Masterlist
Thank you to everyone who chose to participate in this event and helped make it a success! Everyone is so talented, and I am in awe of all of you <3 Going through all your pieces have been truly enjoyable and I've loved every minute of it!
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Prove It To Me | Jin Grandet x Reader | by @nightghoul381 for xxsycamore
They Say Distance Makes The Heart Grow Fonder | Nokto Klein x Emma (MC) | by @xxsycamore for nightghoul381
Unaccepted Together | Clavis Lelouch x Reader | by @nightghoul381 for scummy-writes
Autumn Daze | Gilbert Von Obsidian x MC | by @scummy-writes for daegupaksu
A Starry Tryst (Artwork) | Nokto Klein x Noele (OC) | by @daegupaksu for drachonia
Sea at Sunrise (Artwork) | Silvio Ricci x MC | by @drachonia for nightghoul381
Bookmarked Dialogue | Keith Howell x Julie (OC) | by @ikemenlibrary for queengiuliettafirstlady
The Gentle Stag Rewrites The Stars | Keith Howell x MC | by @queengiuliettafirstlady for ridiculouslly-ridiculous
Princess Picnic Pick Me Up | Rio Ortiz, Clavis Lelouch, Silvio Ricci, Gilbert Von Obsidian, MC | by @ridiculouslly-ridiculous for misty-moth
Peter Clavis and the Lost Boys (Artwork) | Clavis Lelouch, Nokto Klein, Luke Randolph | by @misty-moth for pondlilies00
Take a Rest (Artwork) | Sariel Noir x MC | by @pondlilies00 for alydra (bluejay-writes)
This is fine. | Chevalier Michel x MC | by @bluejay-writes for randonauticrap
Ember Glows the Heart | Leon Dompteur x MC/Reader | by @randonauticrap for myonlyjknight
A Clavish Day Off | Clavis Lelouch x MC | by @myonlyjknight for claviscollections
Petrichor | Yves Kloss x MC/Reader | by @claviscollections for pillowpillowillow
The Voyager Prince (Artwork) | Silvio Ricci | by @pillowpillowillo for aquilapolariz
In Business, In Life | Silvio Ricci x Hyacinth (OC) | by @aquilapolariz for tacogawa
La Belle et la Bête (Artwork) | Leon Dompteur x MC | by @tacogawa for kokorokai
The Tyrant's New Wife (Artwork) | Silvio Ricci x Airin D'Avalos (OC) | by @kokorokai for airin-queenz
Chilly Morning's Date | Licht Klein x MC | by @airin-queenz for ikemenlibrary
Read to Me | Chevalier Michel x MC | by @ikeromantic for aquagirl1978
What Was I Made For | Gilbert Von Obsidian x Rosemary (OC) | by @aquagirl1978 for prisoniclover
Return | Leon Dompteur x Emma (MC) | by @prisoniclover for chirp-a-chirp
Cat-astrophe | Clavis Lelouch x MC | by @chirp-a-chirp (with art by @aide-falls) for katriniac (ohtomatotome)
Getting There is Half the Fun | Keith Howell x Emma (MC) | by @ohtomatotome for violettduchess
Practical Magic | Clavis Lelouch x Emma (MC) | by @violettduchess for ikeromantic
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finally finished remixing my first fighting game mix, EVERYONE EVERYTHING IS REMIXED!! I had a blast making this and I can't wait for MVC FIGHTING COLLECTION AAAAAAAAAAA thanks for listening!!
Street Fighter Alpha 3 EX (Hideki Okugawa) - Theme of Q Tekken 3 (Nobuyoshi Sano, Keiichi Okabe) - Eddy Gordo Darkstalkers 3 (Takayuki Iwai) - Deserted Chateau (Arranged Ver.) Super Street Fighter IV (Hideyuki Fukasawa) - Theme of Dan Super Street Fighter IV (Hideyuki Fukasawa) - Theme of Dudley Marvel Vs. Capcom (Masato Kouda) - Theme of Morrigan Ultra Street Fighter IV (Hideyuki Fukasawa) - Theme of Poison Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (Namco Sound Team*) - Eternal Paradise (Fiji) Super Street Fighter IV (Hideyuki Fukasawa) - Solar Eclipse (Africa) Street Fighter V (Keiki Kobayashi) - Kanzuki Beach (Malaysia) Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection (Akitaka Tohyama) - Estrada da Estrela (Meteor Shower) Street Fighter 6 (Shigeyuki Kameda) - zilra zilra (Blanka’s Theme) Street Fighter X Tekken (Hideyuki Fukasawa) - Jurassic Era Research Area Tekken 8 (mifumei) - Streak of Blue (Seaside Resort) Tekken Tag Tournament 2 - IT’S NOT A TUNA! (Bountiful Sea) Tekken 8 (mifumei) - Ortiz Farm (Golden Meadow) Street Fighter X Tekken - Cosmic Elevator Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (Namco Sound Team*) - Abyss of Time (Wayang Kulit) Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (Namco Sound Team*) - Siga (Tropical Rainforest) Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (Namco Sound Team*) - What You Will See (Heavenly Garden) (Benton Remix)
SAMPLES: *Akitaka Tohyama, Nobuyoshi Sano, Keiichi Okabe, Rio Hamamoto, Taku Inoue, and Go Shiina 1 9 0 5, Former City Records - Recorddeals 3BallMTY - Inténtalo Amor Satyr & Siu Mata - Nah Anitta - Lose Ya Breath Anitta - Funk Rave Azealia Banks - Anna Wintour BADSISTA ft. JUJULIETE - BAGUNÇA MINHA B***** Bianca Oblivion ft. Thai Chi Rosé & Dyer MC - Bad Gyal Capcom Vs. SNK 2 (Satoshi Ice) - True Love We’re Makin’ (London) Charli xcx - Everything is Romantic Da Brat ft Notorious BIG & JD - Da B Side Kali Uchis - Dame Beso//Muévete KiNK, Kei - Nagore (Original Mix) Lone - Approaching Rainbow Lone - Blue Moon Tree Major Lazer ft Nina Sky & Ricky Blaze - Keep It Goin’ Louder MC Juninho do Complexo - Olhou Sorriu Otira - Take Me Street Fighter III 3rd Strike (Capcom Sound Team) - Beats in My Head (Elena Stage) Tekken 2 (Yoshie Arakawa, Yoshie Takayanagi) - Almost Frozen (Antarctica) Tekken 4 (Yu Miyake) - Kitsch (Beach) Tkay Maids - 24k Zsela - Earlier Days (Sunship Remix)
Also on SoundCloud! Thanks for listening!
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toloveawarlord · 2 years
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Welcome to my first event of 2023! Please read over all the information below carefully! I will be posting over the whole of February for this event.
Pick your suitor/character x Reader/MC, pick your gift package, and a prompt! Example: Ran + Rose Petals + Smut prompt # 1
I am taking 1 requests per suitor/character listed below. They will be marked below and updated as I receive requests.
NSFW prompts will be written with characters aged up to over 18
You can suggest a specific kind of reader (i.e. someone’s sister *wink wink* or vampire reader etc) but please do not request any incest or the sort.
Requests will close on January 5th
Again: I am taking 1 Request per character listed HERE only. *EDITED WITH EXTRA CHARACTERS*
Tokyo Revengers: Ran Haitani, Chifuyu Matsuno, Hajime Kokonoi, Keisuke Baji, Shinichiro Sano, Rindou Haitani, Haruchiyo Sanzu. Kazutora Hanemiya Shuji Hanma, Seishu Inui, Ryusei Satou, Hishi Kojiro, Mikey Sano
Twisted Wonderland: Riddle Rosehearts, Jade Leech, Floyd Leech, Ruggie Bucchi, Jamil Viper, Kalim Al-Asim,
Ikemen Series: Rio Ortiz, Silvio Ricci, Charles Henri-Sanson, Fenrir Godspeed, Isaac Newton, Dean Tweedle, Clavis Lelouch,
Genshin Impact: Tighnari, Cyno, Chongyun, Ayato, Alhaitham , Heizou, Kazuha, Thoma, Aether
Blue Lock: Sae Itoshi, Meguru Bachira, Seishiro Nagi, Reo Mikage
Gift Package Selection:
Flowers (Platonic)
Chocolate (Romantic)
Rose Petals (Intimate 18+)
Fluff Prompts: List 1 ; List 2
*For platonic, some prompts will be reworded to be friends instead of lovers*
Intimate/Smut List
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norel-ravenclaw · 2 years
Masterlist & Taking writing requests!
Perpetual ask box open! I might not be able to get to everything, but ask anytime.
For all characters in:
• Ikemen Prince & Villain
• Court of Darkness
• One Piece Live Action (OPLA)
• Helluva Boss & Hazbin Hotel
• Princess in the Mirror, The Arcana, Last Legacy, Voltron
• Other major fandoms if I’m familiar
Will do:
those lists with multiple characters
Will not do:
lots of angst for angst’s sake, ya know?
abuse (however I am open to certain darker themes)
(I’m not great at writing or characterization, but I’ll do my best!)
Give me details of what you want so hopefully I can deliver what you have in mind!
(Minors, you know the drill. Don’t ask for nsfw)
Masterlist below the cut:
Find them all with the tag on my page 🔍 #norel writes
Ikemen Villains • Multi-character
* Aesthetics 1-2
Ikemen Prince • Multi-character
* Aesthetics 1-3
* Ikemen Prince Playlist
* Tattoo Headcanons 1 & 2
* Ikepri Routes as Dark Fairytales
* Ikepri Dark Fairytales 2
* Would You Rather Scenarios 🔥
* 21st Century Time Travel AU
* Naughty Dreams About Belle 🔥
* Belle Accidentally Makes A Harem
* Tarot Cards
* The Haunted Mansion AU - parts 1-3
* Ikepri LGBTQ Headcanons
* Modern Clothes AU - parts 1 & 2
* Ikepri Gems
* Profile Pic Art V1 (square)
* Profile Pic Art V2 (circle)
* Profile Pic Art V3 (animal)
Court of Darkness • Multi-character
* Aesthetics 1-4
* How Can I Say No To You?
* Meming it up in Saligia
* Memory Loss
* Captured Prey • Guy x Mc X Toa 🔥
One Piece (Live Action)
* Skinny Dipping • Nami 🔥
* (Welcome?) Interruption • Zoro 🔥
* Can’t Wait Anymore • Usopp 🔥
* Mine • Sanji 🔥
Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss
* Various Imagines
* Crossed Wires - Alastor x reader (platonic?)
* In My Web - Zestial x reader
* Friends W/ Unexpected Benefits - Angel Dust x reader
* Hazbin Hotel Aesthetics 1-3
* Helluva Boss Aesthetics 1-2
Princess In The Mirror
* Aesthetics 1-3
* NSFW Headcanons 🔥
* Just What You Wanted
Sariel Noir • Ikemen Prince
* To Catch A Thief parts 1-4 🔥
* Light & Shadow
* A Kitten for Christmas 🔥
* Take Care Of Me Master
Lou • Court of Darkness
* Maelstrom
* Playing in the Snow
Clavis Lelouch • Ikemen Prince
* Cuffed 🔥
Luke Randolph • Ikemen Prince
* Size Difference 🔥
Rio Ortiz • Ikemen Prince
* Cuddles & Comfort
Keith Howell • Ikemen Prince
* Antler & Fur 🔥
Roy Invidia • Court of Darkness
* Drowning
Toa Quelsum • Court of Darkness
* Confession
Coming soon! Maybe!
* Arranged Marriage AU Ikepri??
* lots of Hazbin stuff!
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newmysterygirl · 4 years
Imagine: Being in a locker room with them.
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Credit to @carriefisher
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My Heaven
I @ the one I know. If it's your let me know.
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xxsycamore · 3 years
Can i ask for rio x mc with the prompt for feb feb 14,smut?
Of course! Seeing that Rio's route in JP is just around the corner and has been teased, I got inspired to finish this piece. I can't wait to see more of him! Hope you like it and thanks for requesting ❤
Perfect For Me [ Rio x MC SMUT ]
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Rating: E
Word count: 1,642
Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence - Rio becomes Emma's boyfriend and co-worker in the store (they're either yet to get involved with the princes, or, simply won't - take it as you like!); Hurt/Comfort; Fluff and Smut; Fluff; Comfort; Thigh Fucking; Vaginal Sex; Lingerie; Creampie; Post sex cuddles; Food
Check my masterlist here! You can also find all my works on AO3 under user xsycamore.  In my profile you can find my Ko-fi if you would like to support me!
Part of Be my Valentine, a Content Creation Challenge hosted by me and @chaosangel767
DAY 14 - "No matter what anyone says, you're perfect for me."
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For Emma, a certified bookworm, working at a bookstore is a dream come true.
Recently her workload - that hasn't been all that troublesome in the first place - has been eased greatly.
Having Rio Ortiz as both her boyfriend and her co-worker means she barely lifts a finger around the place anymore. Bless the shop owner for being absent so much or she'd be welcomed to see herself out long since… it took enough pleading from Rio to even hire him in the first place. They aren't exactly short of customers, but the work is hardly meeting the necessary of two employees.
And truly, being happy with the lack of customers is a bad thing for which Emma feels guilt deep inside. Then the book she engrosses herself with becomes even more engrossing, and she forgets about the guilt…
The soft ringing of the door's bells pull her out of her world of ballgowns and princes, and she hurries to put her book aside and welcome the two women into the store. She doesn't mind it at all, a rare moment of her being without Rio, who's currently gone to buy the two of them lunch.
The brightness of her smile is hardly mirrored by the two customers' expressions. Their complaining among themselves about the weather only further confirms Emma's suspicion that they entered the store more to seek shelter from the rain than to browse books.
It becomes even more evident when they get annoyed at her offering to help. At last Emma is given a title to search for, only to leave her frowning upon realizing that exact book's location.
"Ah, I'm afraid that one is fairly new and it's still unpacked. Can I recommend something of the same genre? How about-"
"You could have done it already, you know… I bet noone has entered here in awhile with this heavy rain outside."
"Yeah and weren't you busy reading instead, when we entered? Talk about slacking…"
Emma's nails bite into the insides of her fist in an inner fight for maintaining her cool. If getting these two the book they asked for will fix this, then so be it. Let's hope it will be a quicker solution.
Emma excuses herself and goes to the back to search for the cardboard box with the newest titles yet to be placed on the shelves. Scanning the cramped space with her eyes, another grimace sets on her face as she finally spots it, right atop a particularly high shelf.
It's not her first time up a ladder, having to pick up books from the higher shelves more often than not, yet she knows for a fact books are too heavy to handle in stacks that way. Let alone a whole box of them. Yet still she manages to underestimate the weight of that box as she tests her luck and pulls it off the shelf, and, it sees her losing her grip on it right away.
The loud thud of the box meeting the floor is only followed in response by laugher, coming from inside. Emma closes her eyes for a second, wanting to scream.
Ensuring the wellbeing of the contents of the box comes first and the rude customers come second. At least that's what Emma tells herself, desperately needing that brief moment to collect herself. She could hear them talking, not whole words but enough to make her think she's still the topic of their conversation.
That's when another voice mixes in with their blabbing and Emma's eyes widen. Rio is back!
Maneuvering the situation skillfully, Rio tells them to wait just for another second before he enters the storage room. He finds Emma collecting books on the floor and connects the dots immediately.
She hurries to hand him what the customers were asking for, and before taking it from her, Rio caresses her hand. Their eyes meet and Rio's smile is like the sun. Driving the dark clouds away.
Those in her mind, at least. Outside, the rain quickly escalates into a storm. Rio is quick to make use of the situation and suggest to pay the carriage ride for the two women, selling them the book at last and seeing them out of the store with a smile that they finally can return. Emma stands at the storage's doorway in awe with her boyfriend.
"Sometimes I'm afraid of you, Rio…"
Not yet turning to face her, Rio giggles as she watches the carriage take off. Emma can see him turning the store's sign from "open"to "closed".
As soon as she parts her lips to ask what he is doing, Rio crosses the distance and claims her mouth in a kiss. It's so many things at once - a proper greeting at last, a soothing gesture to make her forget, and, it's also pure desire.
"Mmh…Rio… we're having way too much sex on our workplace…!"
"Hmm, and I say, we are not having enough. Let me?"
She can't say no to this pleading look accompanied with a hand on her belly that is gently but urgently pushing her to lie back on the desk. Thank god the view from outside the store is blocked by a bookshelf.
Emma obliges, wanting nothing more than to feel her boyfriend right now. She pushes her skirts out of the way, revealing Rio's favorite pair of underwear underneath.
His verbal excitement is just adorable paired with the kisses he rains on her skin - her cleavage, her neck, all over her cheeks. The tickling sensation of it makes her laugh from the bottom of her heart, stopping only to hiss at the sensation of the tip of his cock rubbing onto the wet spot at the apex of her thighs.
It's Rio's turn to chuckle, still bribing with excitement to enter her but taking a second to appreciate her lovely face. Flushed red and marked by evident wanton.
He decides to keep the flimsy, provocative piece of fabric on for a little longer, and opts for fucking her thighs for the time being. His swollen cock slides in just right in the gap of them, holding Emma's legs together and placing them over one of his shoulders for a better angle. Cushioned in their soft flesh and the thin fabric of the underwear, Rio gradually starts thrusting.
Emma groans and moans at the feeling when his cock brushes against her aroused mound. The hotness of it all is only rivaled by the sight of his cockhead peeking between her thighs on each thrust, leaking lasciviously with precome.
Noticing where Emma is looking, Rio leans his body over hers, pressing his forehead to hers and stealing a look at the same place she's concentrated on. The sight is utterly erotic, the time and place working their parts in heightening the levels of adrenalin, and they both know they won't last any longer.
"Rio…I want… inside… I need to feel you."
Groaning more at the vocalized plea than at the anticipation of making it true, Rio's fast hands are quick to push her underwear to the side, almost tearing it in the process. He pushes his cock inside her velvety walls just moments before he feels his peak getting to him, and when Emma clenches tight, so tight, welcoming him inside, he erupts. Warm spurts of come coat her insides as she is left moaning his name, again and again, hoping that the sound is getting lost in the heavy rain beyond these walls. Her own orgasm comes in with a hot rush of juices, conquering her all over, Rio's fierce kisses stealing the moans right off her lips.
He stays right where he is, forehead still pressed to hers as they catch their breaths in bliss. Emma's legs are now locked securely around Rio's waist, not wanting to let him go in the least, as she purrs against his lips.
When she goes quiet for a moment too long, Rio knows that the magic of distraction's done its part, but successfully so. There are no tears. Just Emma's pretty eyes looking away, at nothing in particular.
Rio smiles softly, clearing his tone of the sugar that naturally coats it when he's gotten his full of her. It's near impossible, but he needs to be serious in order for his words to get across.
"No matter what anyone says, you're perfect for me."
She returns her gaze, eyes fluttering in disbelief - even though, everything he does, he does according to these words. There are enough reasons to believe him. But he goes on, to make sure.
"I'm sure you were eager to help these customers, and you're perfectly capable of doing so! Gods Emma, you were in this store long before me! It was just tough luck on you with these two."
Placing a hand on Rio's cheek, a stray "oh Rio"leaving her lips as her eyes flutter shut, anticipating the connection of their mouths in another sweet kiss. But Rio delays it on purpose.
"You're perfect for me. Remember that."
Emma opens her eyes again and giggles, bringing him closer.
"I got it, I got it! Just as you are perfect for me."
At last, Rio giggles too, and presses his lips against hers, kissing her wetly, albeit short. Before his dear Emma can complain, he pushes himself upright and announces the surprise.
"You're perfect for me Emma, because I get to pamper you all I want! Just wait to hear what I got us for lunch!"
Aside from having way too much sex while on the job, they've adopted another bad habit along the way, involving one too many sweets in place of a proper meal. But, saying a word against that would oppose her boyfriend's ways of pampering her, and that is something Emma would very much not want to do…
Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @leonardoism @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran  @thehappycat123 @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @theuwuisunreal @ravenarld @kyokirigiri-22 @kimmy-banana @devonares @animeworldsposts @randomanimatedhusbandoseeker @galaxyprison @trishtori @sadshaxk @starshards26 @pro-cat-stination @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou @ikemenlover24 @themysticalbeing @canaria-blackwell @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @fun-ghoul-neela @salty-fed-up-bitch  @coornn @cilokgoang​ @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978​ @aceuuuuu let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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omkookie · 2 years
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⚠️•⟨WARNING⟩•⚠️ 15+ Spoilers for Rio's real name & brothers, Dark thoughts, murderous intent, mention of poisoning, forced kiss, Violence, Rio is quickly going insane | F!MC |
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Watching MC wander across the ballroom, greeting the guests, Rio feels disheartened as he observes her. He's failed. He's failed once again to protect something precious to him, someone precious to him, MC. Once again, his brother has stolen someone precious to him, his Belle.
His beloved MC has fallen in love with someone who only uses her as a means to an end.
Rio's gaze fixed solely on his older brother who slithered across the ballroom like a snake, chatting up every nobleman or noblewoman along the way.
He hated him, he hated everything about him. he wishes he was dead, he wishes he had killed Emidio when he had the opportunity to do so. he SHOULD have killed Emidio. if he had done that then he wouldn't have felt the way he feels now, he wouldn't have lost MC and he would have had his happily ever after with her.
Rio didn't lose his life to Emidio the last time the two fought, but subjectively he feels like he has lost his life to him, MC was his life. she was his reason to live. she saved him, she encouraged and supported him, she took care of him, she made him want to live.
feeling suffocated, Rio loosened his shirt's collar and inhaled a deep breath, trying to compose himself. the best he could do right now is plaster a fake smile across his face, a smile good enough to fool everyone around him and gain supporters as he plans a way to steal MC away from his older brother. If only MC had fallen in love with Silvio or one of the rhodolite princes, things would have been way better for Rio. he would have been able to breathe without feeling suffocated. But she fell in love with Emidio.
Rio feels mad- he's slowly losing his sanity, he's ready to throw any coherent thought away right now, and he can't stand to look at either MC or Emidio. All he can think of is wrapping his hands around the latter's neck and strangling him to death.
As if sensing the sudden dark change of atmosphere around Rio, Silvio roughly patted his head.
"Don't look so mad, it's a weird expression on you and people are watching." Silvio told him
Rio tensed up, people were indeed watching him with curiosity. Rio chuckled darkly to himself, "If the woman you loved more than anything, more than the world, more than life itself was in the arms of your biggest enemy how would you look?" he inquired. Silvio didn't reply, he only looked at MC before clicking his tongue in irritation.
Rio smiled at his oldest brother's silence then looked back at Emidio.
He dared to leave MC alone to wander around, Rio would have never left her alone.
Emidio didn't deserve her, and he never will. Rio will take his MC back sooner or later and he will get rid of Emidio, He vows to himself that he will. This time he won't let Emidio getaway.
The next day.
Early morning Rio is standing before MC's door, a tray with her favorite sweets and tea in hand. he's going to try and convince her to leave Emidio. if she doesn't... then so be it, he will try again tomorrow. inhaling a sharp breath, Rio knocks on MC's door and greets her with a big smile, "Good morning MC! you look as lovely and breathing as usual today!" MC tensed up as she saw the forced smile on Rio but did her best to smile and greet him in return.
When did things get so awkward between us? Rio wonders as he pours MC her tea. the distance between them feels like it's increasing day by day and it's crushing him. ever since Emidio returned, MC has been putting distance between her and Rio. why couldn't things just be like old times? MC used to smile and look at him lovingly, but now she's looking at him tense and wary.
it's not him she should be looking like this at... it's Emidio.
Everything is Emidio's fault.
"Listen, Rio," MC started, snapping Rio out of his thoughts, "If you're going to talk to me again about leaving Emidio, just know that's not going to happen. I love him and I choose to stay with him and help him change" She declared.
She loved him.
Rio can feel his smile crumbling away at her words, how could she love him? Emidio was a cruel cold-hearted monster, a psychopath just like his mother.
Rio stands up and grabs MC by the shoulders "What exactly do you love about him?" he questions her, "Can't you see he's only using you? he doesn't love you MC." A cold sweat runs down MC's back, the person standing in front of her isn't Rio. the person before her is a beast.
All MC can do is look into Rio's cold gaze and carefully think of what she can say next. "Rio-" She started but was cut off by him placing his hand behind her head and forcefully pulling her towards him, pressing her lips against his in a kiss.
MC slaps Rio and pulls back, pushing against his shoulders. Rio only smiles bitterly at her "Didn't you love me too?' he asks her. "Leave!" MC tells him, disgusted by what he's just done. Rio only strides towards her, forcefully grabbing her shoulders and slamming her against the wall. "Didn't you say that you love me?! Didn't you swear to me that we'll always be together no matter what?!" Rio's voice is hoarse and full of malice and hurt.
"Rio you're hurting me!" MC manages to yell at him, tears forming at the corners of her eyes. And the door to her room is suddenly kicked open
"The hell are you doing?!" Silvio yells as he rushes into the room and grabs his brother "Let her go you idiot, have you lost your damned mind?!" Silvio's brows furrowed as he pulled Rio away from MC. "Stay out of this," Rio warned him. "Stupid, you're doing dumb things, I'm not just going to ignore that you're hurting the woman. " Silvio retorted.
MC was the goodwill ambassador from rhodolite, if anything were to happen to her here it would turn sour the relationship between Benitoite and Rhodolite. and besides, what was the damned dog doing?! out of all people, Silvio would have never expected HIM to hurt MC.
Rio glared at Silvio like a madman before leaving without saying a word.
Once Rio had left, MC sits down on the bed and bursts into tears. Feeling awkward, Silvio ruffles her hair roughly. "I'll keep Valerio away from you if you'd like." Silvio offers.
Now might not be the appropriate time to let her know he came here to tell her Emidio has been poisoned quite badly and is being looked after by all the palace doctors but he'll have to break the news to her eventually...
there's one thing Silvio is convinced about now- Valerio has poisoned Emidio and lost his mind. he'll have to keep MC away from him at all times, Emidio too.
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Masterlist Different Universe Same Love content creation challenge
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This is a masterlist for Different Universe, Same Love - a content creation challenge featuring Alternative Universe -themed prompts, originally held from June 13th till June 19th, 2022. All additional information can be found in the event post. 😊
Thank you so much to everyone who joined with amazing creation, we both are so glad to see it was so well received. 🥰
Please if you do not see your work listed do not hesitate to contact me or my cohoster @xxsycamore Have a nice time scrolling though these talented works we wish you a wonderful day. 😉
Smut  🔞 SFW 💝 Art 🎨 Angst 💔
Day 1 -June 13th- Modern AU|Historical AU
Ikemen Vampire
Promise of Love - Jean x OC 💝 @queengiuliettafirstlady
Ambition of Love - Napoleon x OC 💝 @queengiuliettafirstlady
Ikemen Revolution
Overtime - Ray Blackwell x Female Reader 🔞 @xxsycamore
Do not disturb - Ray Blackwell x Female Reader x Fenrir Godspeed 🔞 @xxsycamore
Another Round - Fenrir Godspeed x Female Reader 🔞 @chaosangel767
Sweeten the Deal - Lancelot Kingsley x Femal Reader x Ray Blackwell 🔞 @chaosangel767
Ikemen Prince
Cerise - Gilbert von Obsidian x OC 💔 @gilbertvonobsidian
Live Laugh Love - Gilbert von Obsidian x OC 🔞 @aquagirl1978
Things that go bump in the night - Gilbert von Obsidian x Reader 💝 @aquagirl1978
Tears of Themis
The King and His Knight - Marius von Hagen & Luke Pearce 🎨 @leafyturtle
Ikemen Sengoku
Day 1 - Mitsunari x OC 🎨 @krys-loves-otome
Cause Everything You Heard Is True - Nobunaga x OC 💝 @arsnovacadenza
Day 2 -June 14th-Celebrity AU|Person of the arts AU
Ikemen Vampire
Creations of Love - Dazai x OC 💝 @queengiuliettafirstlady
Ikemen Prince
Day 2 - Nokto x OC 🎨 @krys-loves-otome
Pas de deux - Chevalier Michel x Reader 💝 @aquagirl1978
Day 3 -June 15th- Enemies AU|Soulmates AU
Ikemen Vampire
Beauty of Love - Jean x OC 💝 @queengiuliettafirstlady
Yellow Lights - Leonardo x MC 💝 @kisara-16
Ikemen Prince
Destiny of Love - Luke x OC 💝 @queengiuliettafirstlady
Shades of Grey - Gilbert von Obsidian x Reader 💝 @aquagirl1978
A villain's love - Silvio Ricci x OC 💔 @ikemen-prince-writers-posts
What happens on earth, stays on earth - Nokto x OC 💔 @naresnani
THE STARCROSSED LOVER - Licht x MC 💔 @themysticalbeing
Tears of Themis
To touch a soulmate - Luke Pearce x MC 💝 @moonstruck-writing
Ikemen Revolution
Day 3 - MC 🎨 @krys-loves-otome
Blades and Blood - Luka x Edgar 🔞 @chaosangel767
Lover's Reprise - Luka Clemence x MC 💝 @chaosangel767
Day 4 -June 16th- Mythology AU|Fantasy AU
Ikemen Vampire
Wish of Love - Jean x OC 💝 @queengiuliettafirstlady
The first time I saw you - Dazai x OC 🎨 @klutzyroses
My Beautiful Secret - Dazai x OC 🔞 @klutzyroses
High Noon Persephone - Comte x MC 💔 @lorei-writes
Ikemen Prince
A vampire's favor - Gilbert von Obsidian x Female Reader 💔 @violettduchess
Magical malady - Leon Dompteur & Clavis Lelouch 💝 @scorchieart
Obey me
Day 4 - Lucifer x MC 🎨 @krys-loves-otome
Day 5 -June 17th- Academia AU|Small shop AU
Ikemen Vampire
Confession - Leonardo x Female Reader 💝 @violettduchess
C means Coffee | What coffee shop rinks can be associated with IkeVamp suitors - Various suitors 💝 @iphigeniainaulis
Ikemen Prince
Straight Eights - Leon Dompteur, Rio Ortiz & MC 💝 @scorchieart
A distracted lesson - Jin Grandet x Female Reader 🔞 @chaosangel767
Ikemen Revolution
Poisoned - Lancelot Kingsley x OC 💝 @chaosangel767
Ikemen Sengoku
Day 5 - Kennyo x OC 🎨 @krys-loves-otome
Day 6 -June 18th- Domestic/Family life AU|Role Reversal AU
Ikemen Vampire
Snowed in Love - Jean x OC 🔞 @queengiuliettafirstlady
Under the stars - Comte x Female Reader 💝 @violettduchess
Day 6 - Theo x OC 🎨 @krys-loves-otome
Ikemen Prince
An Everlasting Love - Leon Dompteur x MC 💝 @voltage-vixen
Day 7 - June 19th - FREE DAY (an AU of your choice)
Ikemen Vampire
Day 7 - Vincent x OC 🎨 @krys-loves-otome
Ikemen Prince
Cyclone - Chevalier Michel x MC 💝 @violettduchess
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ikemenlibrary · 7 months
My Ikémen Valentine Gift Exchange Masterlist
Thank you all once again for another great and successful exchange! I can't wait to see you all soon :) <3
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The Gentle Stag Spell of Love | Keith Howell x MC | by @queengiuliettafirstlady for keithsandwich
A Sweet Taste | Silvio Ricci x Emma (MC) | by @keithsandwich for goustmilk
Love Letters (Artwork) | Nokto Klein x Noele (OC) | by @goustmilk for drachonia
Chocolates & Cake (Artwork) | Jin Grandet x Lenore (OC) | by @drachonia for randonauticrap
Silent Letters to My Beloved | Rio Ortiz x Gender Neutral Reader | by @randonauticrap for coderealizes
A Chance Event | Clavis Lelouch x Female Reader | by @coderealizes for pondlilies00
A Trip Away (Artwork) | Nokto Klein x MC | by @pondlilies00 for maeko-kun
Give Me The Smile in Your Heart (Artwork) | Vlad x MC | by @maeko-kun for tacogawa
Under The Trees (Artwork) | Leon Dompteur x Julie (OC) | by @tacogawa for queengiuliettafirstlady
Together | Cyran Rose x AU Emma (MC) | by @violettduchess for readerinsertfiction
Fate | Comte de Saint Germain x MC | by readerinsertfiction for ikemenlibrary
Valentines in Wonderland | Luka Clemence x Alice (MC) | by @readerinsertfanfiction for bluejay-writes
Puppy Love Picnic | Silvio Ricci x Airin (OC) | by @bluejay-writes for airin-queenz
Sweet's Love (Artwork) | Keith Howell x Emma (MC) | by @airin-queenz for ridiculouslly-ridiculous
Finding Home Within You | Leon Dompteur x Emma (MC) | by @ridiculouslly-ridiculous for chirp-a-chirp
Revolve | Isaac Newton x Mitsuki (MC) | by @chirp-a-chirp for fang-and-feather
A Taste of Domesticity | Isaac Newton x Reader | by @fang-and-feather for bicayaya
How To Take Care of a Sick MC | Keith Howell x Emma (MC) | by @bicayaya for pillowpillowillow
Love Potion for Two | Clavis Lelouch x Emma (MC) | by @pillowpillowillo for kalims-pessimist-bestie
Take a Break | Jin Grandet x Oliver (OC) | by @kalims-pessimist-bestie for olivermorningstar
Evening Ride With You (Artwork) | Licht Klein x Emma (MC) | by @olivermorningstar for xbalayage
A Hidden Feeling | Silvio Ricci x Reader | by @xbalayage for violettduchess
It's You. You're My Kink | Clavis Lelouch x Emma (MC) | by @ohtomatotome for kokorokai
Sweeter Than Chocolate | Lancelot Kingsley x Alice (MC) | by @kokorokai for daegupaksu
Tempering Chocolate (Artwork) | Sebastian x Mitsuki (MC) | by @daegupaksu for ohtomatotome
Smarty Pants | Leonardo da Vinci x MC | by @sunnyikemen for technicolorbirds
Haunted Dreams | Licht Klein x Emma (MC) | by @technicolorbirds for midwinterrmomento
Flower Language | Leonardo da Vinci x MC | by @midwinterrmemento for sunnyikemen
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moonstruck-writing · 2 years
We could always elope [Rio Ortiz x MC]
Pairing: Rio Ortiz x MC | Ikemen Prince Rating: General C/Ws: fluff, written in the second person Summary: Rio visits you after your first day as Belle. Word count: 1k A/N: A bit late but I wanted to write something to celebrate Rio's birthday~ also his route being out in JP
Disclaimer: this is loosely based on the first chapters of the ENG released routes (so not based on Rio's).
You closed the door and let out a big sigh. Finally, you were in the “comfort” of your room. That room you had seen for the first time yesterday. And now, your first day as Belle was over. You couldn’t wait to take off your clothes and lie in bed. That bed still felt foreign, but being under the covers helped the anxiety fade away a little bit.
You moved from the door to the bed, and just as you kicked off your shoes, you heard a loud knock on the door. Your whole body froze in place, reacting faster than your brain could.
“MC, it’s me, Rio.”
Relief washed over you in a big wave, and for a second you thought that it wasn’t that bad being at the bottom of the ocean. Being swallowed by water was better than frantically paddling in an effort to find shore again. That shore, you knew you couldn’t go back to.
You almost ran to the door, opened it and took Rio’s hand to urge him inside your room. You weren’t sure if you were allowed to receive visitors in your room, much less at night, and you didn’t want to find out. He was the only remnant of the life you led until yesterday. You didn’t want them to take Rio from you.
“How are you feeling, my sweet MC?” Rio smiled that big smile that he always gave you, and you felt your throat closing. Yes, his clothes were different, but he was still the same Rio that you knew. The same Rio that cared for you.
You pulled your arms around his midsection, burying your face in his shoulder. He gasped and stiffened for a few seconds since it was the first time you had hugged him. However, when he got over the shock that his favourite person in the entire world was hugging him, he remembered what one was supposed to do in a hug. Rio caressed the back of your head with one hand, while the other pulled you closer to him.
Tears flowed from your tightly shut eyes into his work clothes, and as much as you didn’t want to cry in front of him and you didn’t want to wet his uniform, you couldn’t stop.
“It’s okay. I’m here with you. I won’t go anywhere,” he whispered while loosening his grip on your body to rub slow circles on your back.
You felt like a little child, or worse, a lost little child, but hadn’t you just lost the reality you were used to? You were allowed this much. You knew it wasn’t the end of the world, it could’ve been worse, that a lot of people had it indeed way worse. It was only a temporary change of place, a temporary job, but still, you hadn’t chosen any of this. Yes, you had agreed to it in the end, but only out of a sense of moral obligation. If Sariel thought you were the right Belle, then you thought you couldn’t let down your entire nation.
Still, right there in Rio’s arms, you weren’t Belle. You were just you. And for a few minutes, you started wondering if perhaps you had made a mistake accepting that role.
“Rio, do you think I’ll be able to do this?” You pulled away from him to say that, searching for a response in his expression before he even opened his mouth.
“Yes, I think you can do this and so much more.” He didn’t smile, but you saw support and determination in his serious expression. “But you don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
“I already signed the contract.” You looked away, cowardice taking hold of you.
“We could always elope. I think I’m good at that, considering we don’t who I am.”
You laughed, feeling the weight lifting off your chest. Even if he was only joking, the possibility of that happening offered you a sense of freedom you had thought lost. Just as your life had changed so tremendously, you could also create that same change. The consequences wouldn’t be the same, of course, but just knowing Rio was there by your side offering to take your hand and run away…
“Come, you must be tired.” He took your hand to guide you to the bed, and you sloppily climbed on top. He kneeled next to the bed, leaning his chin on the mattress.
A sudden fear and uneasiness made their way back into you.
“You’re not going to leave me, right?” You remembered last night. The crippling fear that ran through your spine every time you woke up amid darkness.
“I’ll never leave you, MC.” He extended his arms, his bare forearms and hands caressing the sheets.
“I mean, you’re not going to leave me tonight.” You lied down facing him and curled into a ball. Rio raised his eyebrows, startled.
“But… there’s only one bed… and this is your room…” Rio’s eyes darted away from yours, ashamed of the thoughts that were running through his head.
“You can sleep next to me in bed, it doesn’t matter.”
“But…” he wanted to object but didn’t know how to.
“I’ll be able to sleep much better if I know you’re here with me.”
He finally looked at you, something close to pride flickering in his eyes. He slowly started climbing on the bed, first the arms, his torso, then one leg, then he stopped to take off his shoes. You moved to make space for him.
At least this bed is big enough for the two of us, you thought. Your bed back home would’ve never been able to hold both of you – not that you had ever tried. Maybe this new situation had its advantages. Rio took one of your hands between his and looked into your eyes.
It seemed that he wanted to say something, but his lips never parted before you drifted off.
Tagging: @ikehoe | If you want to be tagged for future works feel free to dm me, send an ask or just reply to this post.
Interactions and comments are always highly appreciated <3
Masterlist | AO3
Please do NOT repost. Reblogging is okay! Characters belong to their rightful owners, the plot and content here belongs to @moonstruck-writing
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moonstruck-writing · 2 years
A new family member [Rio Ortiz x MC]
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Pairing: Rio Ortiz x MC (Emma) | Ikemen Prince
Rating: General
Event: Spring Bouquet Challenge hosted by @atelier-maroron
Prompt: nursing an abandoned baby chick back to health
Content: Fluff, light angst, friends to lovers
Warnings: non-graphic mentions of blood and injuries (animal)
Summary: Set before Emma was appointed as Belle.
Rio finds a wounded baby chick in the outskirts of town, and nursing it back to health brings him and Emma closer.
Word count: 1.7k
Tagging: @ikehoe | if you want to be tagged for future fics, send in a dm or ask!
A/N: First Rio fic~ In celebration of his route trailer <3
Emma was helping her father unload a few bundles of books from the carriage he had arrived in when Rio came back to the shop. She had found it odd how he wasn’t anywhere to be found at home when she woke up, and couldn’t help the sting of uneasiness that throbbed in her chest. What if he had gained his memory back and he had left without saying goodbye? Whenever these thoughts appeared, she could never dismiss them with a simple “Rio is not like that” because, who was Rio, really? What if the ever cheerful and considerate Rio was only a product of his amnesia? What if gaining his memories back meant he turned into a different person, his real self?
Emma also worried that his amnesia could get worse, and one day he’d wake up and not know where he was or who she and her father were. So when she heard her name spoken in that voice she had grown to love, the tightness in her chest finally melted away.
“Rio, where were you?” She turned in his direction while holding the heavy books, and he smiled in the distance.
“Emma,” he called out again, the name rolling off his tongue with the ease that their familiarity had granted him. “Did you miss me?” He spoke loud enough for the people nearby to hear, but it was nothing they weren’t used to. The only person who was new to Rio’s expressions of affection was the carriage driver, who looked at them with a mix of curiosity and nostalgia.
“You scared me! Usually, you’re always at home when I wake up…”
“Oh right! I forgot to say it. Good morning, my beautiful Emma. I’m grateful I get to spend another day with you.”
Emma’s pout deflated. She couldn’t stay mad at him when he said those things. She just… wished sometimes they really did spend the entire day together, but that wasn’t something she was ready to admit to herself, much less to Rio or even her father.
She suddenly realised Rio was carrying something in his hands. He realised her curiosity and quickly replied to an unasked question.
“I found a lost baby chick on my way back.” He pushed his hands towards her, and Emma quickly made her way towards him, books still heavy in her arms.
“Oh! Do you think it’s from one of the farms?”
“I don’t know. But it’s in a very bad state.”
Emma peered into Rio’s hands once he was next to her. What once would’ve been a little chick frantically moving to get away from a human being, was now a little heaving bundle that found respite in Rio’s warmth.
Emma felt a pang on her heart and was thankful that she still had to hug the books to her chest. Had she not had that weight to carry, she feared she would’ve broken into tears then and there.
“Go to the kitchen. I’ll be right there in a second,” she instructed him.
Emma quickly entered the bookshop and left the books in the back, where her father was already opening the bundles and readying the books for selling.
“Can you manage alone from here?” Her words made him turn to her in surprise. It wasn’t often that Emma slacked from work. “Rio brought back a lost baby chick. It looks really bad.”
“Sure, go ahead.” Her father saw her figure disappear again, and conflicted feelings arose in his heart. He was glad Rio was there to keep Emma company whenever he had to travel to do business, but there was something in the way they had grown used to each other that made him feel uneasy.
When Emma got to the kitchen, Rio had already found some old towel to cushion the chick. She went to one of the corners and found a little wooden rack that would be perfect to protect the chick from any breeze.
“It’s injured pretty badly. Maybe it fell or escaped from a predator,” Rio said while pointing to the bloodied wing. Emma grimaced, knowing that had to hurt. Maybe if it wasn’t too late, it could still heal. She observed the little body of the baby chick while Rio moved away. The animal was still warm, still breathing with its eyes closed. She wanted to take the pain away, but she also knew before that could happen, it would get worse.
Rio returned to her side with the bottle of alcohol they kept for emergencies.
“I know you’re not going to like this, but could you help me in case it tries to move?” Rio retrieved a spoon and towel to make the whole process of pouring the alcohol easier. He passed the towel to Emma, who folded it and placed it as gently as possible under the wing of the chick. Rio saw her hesitating hands and took the towel from her, moving carefully the wing, to which the body of the chick moved abruptly. Emma whimpered in reaction.
“It’s okay, our little friend will be fine. We need to do this,” Rio assured her. She found solace in his determination.
After they managed to clean the wound and confirmed that it seemed to be the only source of pain for the animal, Rio managed to give it a few drops of water. They took turns to look after the chick throughout the day, keeping it in the warmth of the kitchen.
When the working day finally drew to a close and Emma’s father went to his favourite inn, Emma found Rio’s upper body resting on the kitchen table, next to the baby chick, observing it intently.
“How is it doing?”
“It seems that its breath is not as fast, but I’m not sure if that’s a good or a bad thing,” Rio sat up, looking at her. “Good work today. Sorry I couldn’t be with you much today.”
“No, thank you for taking care of the baby chick.” Emma approached him and looked at the animal. “I really hope it can get well soon.”
“Me too.”
The following days were spent taking care of the chick, and fortunately, it started showing signs of improvement, until it started moving normally and could eat the food they prepared. They kept it inside the little rack, for it was still weak. But the question of what would happen in the future hang around them.
“It must be scary, right? Losing your family, your mummy and your siblings, being unable to find them… wondering if they’ve noticed your absence, if they still remember you…” Rio spoke softly to the chick. The emotion disarmed Emma, who was sitting next to him at the kitchen table.
Her hand flew to Rio’s shoulder before she could stop herself. The sadness in his words was thick and defined, the type of quality found in someone who speaks from experience, and it filled the kitchen completely.
“But that doesn’t mean you won’t find a family ever again. Rio found you, didn’t he? And he brought you back with him to this warm house, where he took such good care of you. And now you have this human daddy that thinks of you and loves you.” Emma spoke softly, trying to calm the fear in her heart.
“I think it probably prefers a daddy of its species.” He turned to her, eyes sparkling with emotion.
Emma stayed quiet for a little bit. It wasn’t frequently that Rio rejected her words. Did it mean… something else? That he’d rather be with someone who was his real family? She couldn’t blame him for that, but it still made her heart break. She took her hand away from him and tried to focus on the baby chick. It was healthy now, nothing to worry about, but then…
“Do you think the baby chick would be happy if we kept it?” She asked the question without looking at him, but there was no one but him that could answer.
“Forever?” He whispered, eyes fixed on the little animal.
“If it doesn’t run away.” Emma’s words betrayed her, the tone mismatching the heaviness of her insecurities.
Rio turned to her slowly in his chair. The silence was only broken by the crackling of the fire. He reached for her face, and in a few beats his palm was on her cheek, combing a few strands towards her ear.
“Maybe this baby chick doesn’t have it that bad after all,” Rio chuckled at the end, his strained smile making it through the tension in the air. “I would do anything to stay in this house with you forever.”
Tears welled up in her eyes. She wanted to ask if he really meant it, if she really could believe him. Instead, she placed her hand over his on her cheek and leaned a bit more into his touch.
“Emma.” Her heart was beating madly inside her chest. “Will you allow me to stay with you every day for the rest of our lives? Will you allow me to love you and take care of you?”
Emma tried to smile, but the tears fell from her eyes instead.
“I will prove my worth to you and your father, and ask your hand in marriage if you see me fit as a husband.”
Emma didn’t feel her fears immediately banishing with his words. Instead, a new hope, solid happiness, started forming inside her heart. It felt so real, so intense, that she found herself speechless, and could only nod.
Rio smiled and sighed with relief. For as much as he was used to showing her his affections, he also knew it would only take one word of rejection from her to destroy his world. He was fortunate enough that she allowed him to create a future with her, and the stirring of feelings inside of him moved him to tears.
They laughed seeing their predicament, both of them crying in what would be one of the days they’d remember fondly in the future. Rio took Emma’s hand with his free one and brought it to her lips, giving her a chaste kiss.
It was as much promise as confirmation.
Interactions and feedback are always highly appreciated <3
A/N: I did my best to write this in a realistic way for the time period Ikemen Prince is set in, but feel free to correct me if anything feels jarring.
Masterlist | AO3
Please do NOT repost. Reblogging is okay! Characters belong to their rightful owners, the plot and content here belongs to @moonstruck-writing
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xxsycamore · 3 years
'Tis the season for smut 2.0 MASTERLIST
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Challenge hosted by @voltage-vixen which can be found here!
Series crossposted on AO3 here.
General warnings for all featured works: smut content; F/M (suitor x MC) unless stated otherwise.
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Dec 1 - “All I want for Christmas is you.”
—The season for making wishes (and for cuddles) - Leonardo da Vinci - Tags:  Fluff & Smut; Cuddling & Snuggling; Cunnilingus; Come Eating
Dec 2 - Wrapped and bonded in holiday ribbon
—Christmas came earlier - Jean d'Arc - Tags:  Fluff & Smut; Humor; Christmas shenanigans
Dec 3 - “Kiss me under the mistletoe.”
—NOT what you do under a mistletoe - Rio Ortiz - Tags:  Kissing & Making out; Cunnilingus
Dec 4 - Snowed in during a holiday getaway
—Blizzard incoming - Mitsihide Akechi - Tags:  Modern AU; Not wearing underwear; Slight exhibitionism kink; Vaginal sex
Dec 5 - “You’ve been a very good _______(ex:boy/girl/kitten, ect) this year.”
—Well-behaved, sugar-sweet - Vlad - Tags:  Blow Jobs; Cock Worship; Praise Kink; Come Eating; Come Swallowing; Vaginal Fingering
Dec 6 - Wearing nothing but a Santa hat and bow around the neck
—Naughty surprises - Chevalier Michel - Tags: Smut; Vaginal Sex; Rough Sex; Multiple Orgasms; Creampie; Nipple Play; Soft Chev at the end
Dec 7 - “You’re the only gift I plan on unwrapping tonight.”
—Felicitations for the Obsidianite King - Gilbert von Obsidian - Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Secret Relationship; Porn With Plot; Mutual Pining; Slight Hate Sex; Vaginal Sex; Creampie
Dec 8 - Hot bodies = melted snow
—Make my wish come true - Comte de Saint Germain - Tags: Spoilers of Comte’s real name; Fluff and Smut; Cunnilingus; Squirting; (implied) Bathtub Sex; Vaginal Sex
Dec 9 - “Let’s do something that puts us on the naughty list.”
—Naughty or Nice? - Ray Blackwell and Lancelot Kingsley threesome - Tags:  Polyamory; Threesome - F/M/M; Alcohol; Making Out; Banter; SO MUCH BANTER; Nipple Play; Not Wearing Underwear; Vaginal Sex
Dec 10 - Toys are intended for playtime
—Christmas playtime - Edgar Bright - Tags:  Sex Toys; Light Bondage;  Exhibitionism; Object Penetration
Dec 11 - Santa Claus is cumming to town
—Santa, honey - Leon Dompteur - Tags:  Quickies; Dirty Talk; lots of dirty talk; Riding; Size Kink; Creampie; Come Eating
Dec 12 - Winter wonderbang body worship
—Methods of War - Napoleon x Wellington x Alexander I (OC) - Tags: Threesome - M/M/M; Polyamory; Humor; a very rare angry Napo; Light Bondage; Historical Inaccuracy (because we use xmas lights as a plot device); Nipple Play; Neck Kissing; Orgasm Denial; Riding; Anal Sex; Blow Jobs; Body Worship; Banter
Dec 13 - Touching under the table during a holiday dinner after downing a bit too much eggnog
—Blame it on the eggnog - Luka Clemence - Tags:  Minor Fenrir/Ray;  Holiday Dinners; Humor; Drunkenness; Drunken Shenanigans; Under the Table Touching; getting caught; Exhibitionism; Quickies; Vaginal Sex; Drunk Sex
Dec 14 - “Why sit on Santa’s lap when you can sit on mine?”
—Naughty suits you better - Arthur Conan Doyle - Tags:  Alcohol mention; Established Relationship; Vaginal Sex; Lap Sex; Creampie; Alcohol; Teasing
Dec 15 - Open prompt
—All the little reasons - Levie Castell - Tags:  Found Family; Light Angst; Emotional Hurt/Comfort; Fluff and Angst; Emotional Sex; Vaginal Sex; Creampie; Spooning; Cuddling & Snuggling
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