#rio nakamura x reader
tangyangie · 1 year
How would the assassination classroom characters react to a thief s/o
Thank you for reading this request I hope you have a wonderful day/night/afternoon 💖🤗
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stealing your heart 🎧
characters. chiba, itona, & rio
description. how do they react to having a thief s/o?
notes. the description of thief was a little vague so i'm sorry if this isn't what you were expecting!! i can redo it if you want, just ask 🫶
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— c h i b a 🦉
he's very quiet. he may raise an eyebrow or two at your antics, but chooses not to acknowledge them too much.
once he's gotten to know you more and sees how much thievery you actually engage in, he gets a little more involved.
"do you want me to buy it for your instead?"
you play dumb, but he's extremely observant. he saw you take whatever you did.
so, after denying it for quite some time, you eventually gave it up. he paid for it. "wasn't that easier than trying to sneak it out?"
"it would've cost $13.18 less—"
he's just there to make sure you don't accidentally do something stupid where there's no need to.
he loves you just the same, but is always silently offering to help with whatever you need.
except for help on stealing something. in that case—you're on your own.
— i t o n a 🦑
he's very straightforward and blunt.
he notices everything you take. there could be a seed missing from a bag and he'd ask you about it.
is a little confused why you do it.
he eventually gets convinced to try it more as well.
that wasn't a good idea, because now you're both stealing everything from each other.
your pairs of fuzzy socks are no longer just yours. say goodbye to having clothes to yourself now.
helps make sure you never get caught. he hates losing, he's said it before. he doesn't want to lose you because you stole something.
honestly, though, he doesn't really mind. he broke through a wall on his first day. i don't think he cares if you steal an apple from the grocery store.
he just wants to make sure you always stay safe when you do it. the last thing he'd want is for you to get hurt.
— r i o 🦜
she's always been a tease, as well as mischievous.
i believe that she would joke around about this kind of thing with you.
she knows that you do it. she assumes you have your reasoning.
as long as you and no one else gets injured, she's okay with it. a little concerned about why you choose to steal, but okay with it.
she teases you if she catches you trying to take something from her.
"my eraser?? oh, y/n, you naughty, naughty person." she says with a gasp but a mischievous glint in her eyes.
you just look at her blankly and slowly put it back (or take it if it's candy).
it's okay though, because she loves you 🩷
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notes: AGHH IM SO SORRY this took forever 😭😭 it was pretty unique and since i don't write for these characters that much it was a little hard but it was fun!!
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anzulvr · 3 months
Karma with a s/o who can't hold eye contact 😋😋😋
Tysm if u do have a wonderful day 🫶🫶🫶🫶
♥︎ ʚɞ Karma Akabane x Reader who can’t hold eye contact
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— It's your shy demeanor that catches Karmas' attention the first time you meet him. He notices how around other people such as Rio or Nagisa you’re much more extroverted and you seem more authentic. Every time he tries talking to you, you can’t look him straight in the eyes, and your personality becomes a lot tamer. He assumes it’s because you’re not as comfortable around him, and that you'll open up in time.
 He couldn’t have been more wrong.
The more time you spent in End Class, the less you could look at him. He’s never had a lot of friends and that never bothered him before. Except now it seemed like you were comfortable with everyone else in class. Even Terasaka and Itona were able to pull some conversation out of you.
You’d get all nervous and trip on your words; you’d look at your hands or shoes, but never directly at him.
Most people, once they get to know him, are scared off by his “jokes” and slightly violent tendencies.
That’s why, instead of assuming you’re into him, he assumes you’re scared because of some rumor that spread around campus. Which one? He couldn’t say for sure. Students would often make up stories about him.
 “He keyed the principal's car and sliced his tires.” (Never happened, good idea though.) 
“He pushed Koyama down the stairs, that's why he sprung his ankle.” (He didn’t, but he wishes he did.) 
“He snuck into the broadcasting room and sold some of Teppei’s personal belongings.” (That one did happen.)
You were hanging out with Rio outside, and he came up to you two out of boredom.
Midway through the conversation, he notices you picking at the grass, a little while after that, you make up a lame excuse to go talk to Okano, who’s on the opposite side of the mountain.
You’re a really bad liar.
Once he’s alone with Rio, he half-heartedly says, “I wonder what rumor [Name] heard about me that has them afraid of me.” 
“Afraid? Why do you think that?”  
“You haven’t noticed? Always getting quiet when I’m around, leaving randomly—it’s pretty obvious.”
 Rio just laughed. "Wow, you’re dumb. [Names] like that ‘cause they like you.”
 He let that new bit of information get into his head. Her conclusion makes more sense.
Now he’s being extra annoying. The more annoying and insistent he gets, the more comfortable you get. 
You get to the stage where you talk to him with excitement, you don’t get tripped up on your words anymore and you’re constantly hanging out, but you still can’t look at him.
He decides (with a lot of encouragement from Korosensei and a little help from his classmates) that the only way things will move forward is if he makes the first move.
When he lays out his feelings for you, he makes sure your eyes are on him. He tilts your head back at himself when your vision starts to wander.
 Even after you officially get together, the nerves don’t completely go away. Whenever he does something nice for you or when he makes you laugh, you hide your face behind your hands or on his shoulder. 
He’s starting to look away from you too; if you noticed how flustered he can get around you, he wouldn’t live it down.
♡ PS sorry It’s been so much time since my last post!!
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strawberry milk (akabane karma x reader)
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He likes it. It’s his favorite brand and you are so good at this ‘communicating’ thing. You’re pretty sure Karma said something after that, but currently, you are on cloud nine and you can barely process the words over your feelings of success.
You would have fist pumped and yelled ‘sublime’ too, had he not waved a hand in front of your face in concern.
“Hey, are you okay? You’re acting kinda- weird?”
Okay, you did not respond fast enough, what did he even say before that? You shake your head and prepare the fastest, most soundproof response you can muster.
“Sorry, I fell down the stairs this morning.” fandom: Assassination Classroom by Yûsei Matsui pairing: akabane karma x gender-neutral! reader warnings: none, unless you count second hand embarrassment notes: - cross posted on ao3 under the same name - first fic ever posted for me, i have more plans n drafts for this universe already but that depends on my motivation lmao - i hope you have as much fun reading as i had writing --- START ---
Mustering up the last bits of courage you can, you pull the two tetra packs from your bag and abruptly stand up.
Unfortunately for you, your chair screeches against the floorboard from the force, and all of your classmates look in your direction.
You could feel the heat creeping up your neck as you quietly mutter out an apology. Thankfully, no one makes a big issue of your disruption and they all return to their own activities.
Now to face the daunting task that’s been plaguing your mind ever since this morning at the train station, where your whimsical decision-making had you convinced that you should totally, definitely, get something for Karma.
You briskly walk across the room, over to where the aforementioned red-headed boy was conversing with Nagisa about some topic you couldn’t process at the moment.
All you want to do is to get to know him better, that’s it. No underlying motives, whatsoever.
“Hey, this is for you.”
You shoved the strawberry milk carton into his hand. A flash of innocent confusion crosses Karma’s face, and you almost let yourself think about how cute of a look it was for someone like him. Before you get to entertain that preposterous thought, he tilts his head in amusement, waiting for an explanation.
“So, uhm- The vending machine! I got lucky, cause it, uhm- it broke, so I got two instead of one- Not that it’s lucky that it broke of course! That’s bad, that has some very bad implications. Uh, you know?” you wave your hands around in an attempt to explain, gesturing to your milk carton as if it would suddenly start talking in your defense.
From the corner of your eye, you see Nagisa giving you a sympathetic smile before grabbing his notebook and gesturing to Karma of his intent to review for the next class.
You were thankful at first, until the realization sunk in that you now have to explain yourself to Karma.
No verbal or social support from your peers.
This will be fine. You convince yourself this before the urge to backflip out of the classroom window can overtake you.
“Thanks, I guess? Why the sudden gift, you like me or something?” He teases, because of course he does, and now you have to come up with the reply or he will know that you lied about the vending machine and that there’s some dubious reason as to why you got two strawberry milk cartons that just so happen to be his favorite brand.
Karma cannot know. He absolutely cannot.
“Huh? Psh! Of course not, I just wanted to thank you for helping me last week, you know? Math isn’t my strongest subject and I- what you told me, that shortcut? It just- it’s cool! It really helped me and I felt like I had to thank you. Yeah?” you ramble, and a part of you wishes the ground would collapse beneath your feet just so you could escape this tragedy of a conversation.
You stare awkwardly at Karma, anticipating his response. You swear he looks like he wants to ask what on earth is wrong with you, but maybe it’s just the nerves.
He shrugs, “No biggie. You didn’t need to go through the effort of buying me something just for that one tip.”
He hates it. He thinks you’re weird and over the top. It’s time for you to exile yourself.
“Thanks, though. How’d you know I like this brand anyway?”
He likes it. It’s his favorite brand and you are so good at this ‘communicating’ thing. You’re pretty sure Karma said something after that, but currently, you are on cloud nine and you can barely process the words over your feelings of success.
You would have fist pumped and yelled ‘sublime’ too, had he not waved a hand in front of your face in concern.
“Hey, are you okay? You’re acting kinda- weird?”
Okay, you did not respond fast enough, what did he even say before that? You shake your head and prepare the fastest, most soundproof response you can muster.
“Sorry, I fell down the stairs this morning.”
You need to pass out right now. Maybe if he thinks you have a concussion you can still salvage your reputation in his eyes. Karma’s eyes widen in concern and you can’t help the butterflies ricocheting in your gut.
“Woah, maybe you should go have that checked with the nurse? I can take you there, I wanna skip class anyway.”
In normal circumstances, you would have reprimanded him for even suggesting that he skip classes and use you as a reason. However, now it is different. Now it is very different when you feel these very dreadful, un-platonic feelings for the redhead.
‘Calm down butterflies, he just suggested a friendly gesture of good, normal, regular, concern.’ You reassure yourself, because if you don’t, you might just blast off into the stratosphere like you were Koro-sensei being complimented by a pretty barista lady.
Karma puts his hand on your shoulder.
You imagine swatting away the butterflies to keep yourself sane, and you try your best to collect an actual, reasonable response this time.
“No, no, it’s fine. Thanks for the concern. A lot of things just happened today, and I’m just a bit overwhelmed. I’m sorry if I’m acting strange.” you speak slower than you did prior, and you find yourself more composed.
Well, as composed as you can be considering Karma still has his hand on your shoulder. You bow your head in shame, not being able to meet his eyes.
He scoffs in amusement, “Hey, don’t worry about it, and really, thanks for the strawberry milk.”
You look up at him and sigh in relief, thankful that he doesn’t think you’re completely insane. He gives your shoulder another pat before moving his hand off to pry the straw from the back of his tetra pack.
“No problem! Thanks again too, for helping me last week.”
A big part of you is relieved that he took his hand off of your shoulder so your heart rate could normalize itself, but a tinier, more delusional part of your brain feels disappointed that he had to pull his hand away at all.
You move to turn and walk away, but Karma speaks again.
“Hey, if you’re still feeling overwhelmed, you can always skip class with me. We can just tell Koro-sensei you weren’t feeling well.” he offers, and it takes every ounce of sense in you to not just accept it then and there. Especially not when you meet his eyes and see them light up with mischief.
You have to be reasonable. Doing so just to entertain your silly little infatuation would disappoint Koro-sensei and tarnish your good record. You can find more excuses to spend time with him without breaking the school rules.
“No thank you, it’s okay. I think I’ll just go to the bathroom and wash my face. I appreciate the concern though.” You nod your head and flash Karma a light smile, to which he shrugs and moves to sit at his desk, drinking the strawberry milk you gave him.
You move to make your way out of the classroom, and you see Nakamura smirk at you. She was probably watching you make a fool out of yourself in front of Karma, and you know for a fact she will tease you about that horrid display of human interaction later. You squint your eyes at her, daring her to laugh or say something, to which she just smiles at you wider and you swear you can see devil horns form on her head.
Nakamura held her phone up while you were walking past. You gape slightly in frustration as you realize what she had shown you.
She had recorded your god awful attempt at giving Karma the strawberry milk. There was physical evidence of it for others to witness.
The worst part? There was physical evidence of it for Koro-sensei to witness.
You quickly stomp into the bathroom and turn on the sink, shoving your face into your hands before you let out an exasperated groan.
There was no living this down for you.
You just hoped Karma wouldn’t take the news so harshly if he found out.
Thanks for reading! :DDD
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akabanerio · 2 years
*Rio reading Gakushuu‘s diary*
Gakushuu: Nakamura- what are you doing on my room?!
Rio: Shhh be quiet I’m reading. It‘s a very good book. I love enemies to lovers
Gakushuu: It‘s not what you think-
Rio: Yeah sure, so you are in love with someone else named Akabane Karma? What are the odds? *grins*
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lilbrainbigheartz · 7 months
Karma Akabane x reader (dunnothenameyet)
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Chapter 2
Today we had in 5th period P.E.
Karasuma-sensei announced that he will take over the P.E lessons.
Seriously, I am glad that an actual HUMAN being will be our P.E teacher.
How should we keep up with a creature who has a speed of Mach 20.
After class, we were about to walk back to the 3-E building and Sugino whines:" A quiz in 6th period, eh?"
Nagisa agreed: "Shame we didn't get to home after all"
Rio and I were also walking back with the class. Rio: "naw we have now a math quiz"
Sometimes I just want rip my math book apart. What are these formulas?!
"I will just tell Karasuma sensei or Korosensei that I'm on my period and want to go home. Who do they think they are?! MATH QUIZ AFTER P.E?!" ,I complain.
In that moment we see a figure standing on the top of the stairs outside.
Nagisa says surprised: "Karma-kun...you're back?"
I raise an eyebrow and said to Rio: "How come I just mentioned my period and a guy with redhair shows up?"
Rio snorts and laughs at my comment.
The redhead in the meantime has a little smile and raises his eyebrows with curiousity: "Oh? So this is the infamous Korosensei? He really *does* look like an octopus"
The rest of the class observed Karma and Korosensei.
Korosensei: "You're Akabane Karma-kun right? I'd hear your suspension was up today. But that's no excuse to be late on your first day back."
Akabane stretched out his hand for a handshake: "It's nice to meet you, Sensei"
In the moment when Korosensei touched Akabane's hand, his tentacle got destroyed and as Akabane was trying to attack him with the Anti-Sensei knife but Korosensei dodged easily and fast.
The class was stunned since Karma was now the first one to damage Korosensei.
Nagisa told Kayano that Akabane and him were in the same class for the first and second year but he got suspended due to his violent tendencies. The periodhead- I mean Akabane kind of looked like that type of guy.
Nagisa continued explaining: "When it comes to deadly weapons and foul play Karma got us all beat" Yeah yeah don't exaggerate he is only 14/15 years old. Overrated.
During the math quiz... yeah I know I said I wanted to leave but then I remembered that Korosensei would probably bring some random medicine from other countries to make my "cramps" heal.
So now here I am sitting at my desk and writing that quiz... Honestly I am just freestyling ,the fuck. Math is annoying enough but do you all know what was more annoying?! Korosensei punching with his tentacles the wall and made some squishing sounds.
I hit with my hand my desk and raised my voice: "HEY WE ARE WRITING YOUR QUIZ HERE?! Stop the squishing!"
The class deadpan at my outburst and Korosensei flinches a little sweating "P-Pardon me!"
In the meantime Terasaka and his friends were teasing Akabane because him being the reason that Korosensei is mad. Korosensei then turned around even if his face looks the same you could sense that he is pretty pissed off right now. "You there! No noise during a test!" He sees now Karma eating Gelato or let's say...Korosensei's Gelato.
Korosensei: "Hey! I even flied a colder stratosphere to keep it from melting!" I saw many classmates roll their eyes and I just sighed quietly to myself aboit this whole fiasco. That redhead still has the audacity to be a pain in the ass when today was his first day back.
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 years
TW "sεwsεrslιdε" thoughts
Would you be comfortable to write this request? Girls of assassination classroom realizing and helping y/n about mental health problems?
You don't have too, I have feeling really bad recently but talking to you is making me feel better. Also thank you for taking my request about s/o with panic attacks❤️
Helping S/O with their mental health problems
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Kaede, Kanzaki, Kurahashi, Nakamura, Hazama ]
[ Assassination Classroom / Anatsu Kyoshitsu ]
⚠️ Mention of differents mental health problems
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I'm so happy that i'm able to help you feel better dear ❤️ and don't worry, I have any trouble to write this kind of things (also, don't be afraid to request something more specific like anxiety or depression). Hope you like it and that you feel better soon 🧡
Also, if you want someone I didn't wrote feel free to request it!
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Kaede Kayano
Kaede is someone who try to stay optimistic in life and, despite everything, she is really caring to those she apreciate, as a lover she gets a little clingy with her partner, wanting to share everything with them
Also, may doesn't seem like it, but Kaede is really observant and intelligent so at the smallest hint of you don't feeling too well she notice it, but she doesn't say anything at first, she prefer to wait and watch close in hopes to find out herself what is causing you troubles, she even start to rethink all that have been happening in the past in case is something that happened what cause you troubles
If you don't say anything she will be the one who confront you about it when she either find out what is bothering you (or at least have an idea) or when she notice that you start getting even more stressed for it
She will start for tell you that she noticed that something is bothering you and that makes her worried, she will like to know what is happening to be able to help you out, no matter how much you try to deny it she will insist on knowing it, in case you don't deny it then is a relief, that makes easier help you out
She will hear all you have to say paying a lot of attention, and she doesn't interrupt you, not ever once (just nod to make clear that she is hearing you), after she will make sure to reasure you that you doesn't have to try and handle all the problems all by yourself (you have her and a lot of people that cares about you) before offering you to try to find a solution for whatever you are struguling with
If is something like too much stress or anxiety she offer you to try something to help you relax and even search about techniques that will help you handle anxiety, if is something about your self-esteem (maybe having a bad imagine of yourself) she will give you a lot of compliments and remind you how everyone in the class cares about you too, also she can give you some tips about dressing and make up, she is actually into the world of fashion. In case is more like feeling depress, without energy or not wanting to do anything she tell you that is okay not feeling well, and its okay not wanting to do anything sometimes (if you want you can not do anything together, but if you want to be alone is fine too)
She will probably try to make a plan to hang out with all your friends to cheer you up
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Yukiko Kanzaki
Kanzaki is a really sweet and gentle person, and she is super supportive towards her partner, she wants you to know that you can always relay on her when you need it, even if is just to heard you vent of whatever you are having troubles with she is happy to do it
Whenever she sees you sad or worried she doesn't confront you about it right away, she likes to thing that if you have a problem you will tell her, or that if you don't say anything about it is becouse you don't feel ready or comfortable to talk about it, but if she is specially worried she will remember you that you can count with her for everything while hold your hand gently
If after a while you seems to still have some troubles but didn't say anything to her yet, then she will decide to confront you about it, but when she do she will prefer to be alone, just the two of you, that way she will make sure to have all her attention on you (one of her ways to show that she cares for you), and even if you where the one who bring it out she will prefer to talk in privite so she can focus on you
She will hear patiently and with a lot of attention all you have to say, you can take all the time you need to express yourself, and if you feel like you don't want to talk anymore is fine, you two can take a break, also if you start crying is okay too, she is here by your side to wip your tears
She is ready to comfort you anytime you need with a soft smile that never leaves her face
If you are suffering for a lot of stress, anxiety or even feeling depress she offer you to have some dates where you can relax and forget about the rest of the world (at least for a while). If you are suffering for self-esteem, dysphoria or someting across those lines she will give you some compliments mixed with soft kisses. In case you are feeling like you aren't doing enough or that your efforts are in vain, then she will remind you all the things that you have done for her, and not only to her but for others too
It doesn't matter what is bothering you so much, she wants to help you find a solution. She knows what is like having so much preassure in your shoulders and she wants to be able to help you with it
If you prefer don't talk about it she will offer you to try and do other things to distract yourself, maybe you two can play some videogames together, or maybe you to can go and eat your favorite food, whatever you want to
The only thing she doesn't want to do is leave you all alone, she wants to make sure your mind won't play you some tricks and makes you feel bad about yourself (not anymore) so she will give her best effort to help you, even if the only thing she can do is be by your side
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Hinano Kurahashi
Kurahashi is a really energetic and cheerful person, she is always going out in little adventures and she loves draging you into them
She may not be the most observant person but she is really caring and she will notice your change in your behavior. She notice how you seem more distracted and even decayed, even when you go out, or how you start making excuses for not to go in her adventures, she understand that you may not want to go all the time, but when is more frecuent she start to worries
She doesn't want to force you to talk but she can't help to worry, so she decide to wait until you bring it up while she gives you small hints of her worries, saying thing like "you know you can count with me, right?" or "if you have a problem you would say me, don't you?"
When you finally go to her to talk she is really happy, sitting down to talk she will hear you and even try to don't interrupt you. But if you don't go to her, she will end admiting that she had been really worried about you and she wants to know what is bothering you
She may not have a solution for whatever you are struguling with but that doesn't mean she will leave you all alone, she wants at least be able to be by your side
Her main solution will probably is talk about whatever you are struguling with and distracting you of it, also if your mind is make you think bad things about yourself she will inmediatly refute them, saying that you aren't actually like that and even will make a list of all the good things she sees on you
She will never stop inviting you in her adventures or in dates, mostly so the two of you can have some time just to distract yourself from everything else, especially if she had saw you more stressed or anxious than normal
Also, Kurahashi will never judge you neither underestimate your feelings, she can see how much this is affecting you, and she decided to approach this problem by giving you hope, she is always reassuring you that everything will be fine and that you can always rely in her, she isn't planning on leaving you anytime soon (she even jokes about you being stucked with her now)
She doesn't have any trouble to approach Koro-sensei to ask for help, either becouse you wanted his help or just because she wants advice of how to help you or what else she can do
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Rio Nakamura
Nakamura will be the kind of person that will be your partner and your best friend, she have a carefree and caotic personality, she loves to play around and is always cheerful, but she's really intelligent and observant too so she will notice when you start feeling not too well
Nakamura knows that life isn't exactly easy going, you can encounter some troubles or just feeling a little down some times so she prefer to not say anything about it and wait, either until you say something or you feel better, meanwhile she will try to cheer you up
Nakamura isn't exactly the type to talk about feelings, she is more caotic and direct, but still she will be gentle whenever she talk to you of that, she could tease you about a lot of things but she knows when she has to be more serious
When she confront you about it (in case you didn't tell her something already) she will be really straight foward and say that she knows something is bothering you, you can't hide it from her forever. She will force you to talk if you don't want to, but just because she worries about you
She will heard you vent if you want, and, maybe she doesn't have an answer for everything you are worring about but that doesn't mean she will let you all alone, Nakamura will remember you (while she rest her head in your shoulder and hold your hand) that you have her by your side and have a lot of friends in class 3-E who will happy to help you, you are not alone, if you feel like you can't continue you just have to rely in her, you two can rest together
She will help you fight against whatever your mind is tricking you with, if you are feeling too stressed or anxious she will makes you rest and distract your mind before go back to search for a solution to the problem you are struguling with. If you are feeling like you aren't achieving nothing or not doing enough then she will kinda scold you for devaluing your effortds and hard work. If you having problems with your self-esteem she will start telling you all the good things she sees in you, highlighting the ones she like the most, giving you a lot of compliments and praises too (if she had to do a written list so you never forget them she will)
She could go as far as asking the rest of the class about their opinion of you, and she will (is a double-edged sword since she can use it to tease you later when you feel better)
Whenever she help you she never lost her cheerful attitude, and when you start to feeling better (a least a little) she congratulate you, you see! everything will be okay! She may even offer you to go on a date to celebrate, mainly becouse she doesn't want you to forget that you are loved and apreciated but she won't say it at loud
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Kirara Hazama
She is seen as a weird and creepy person, but that never bother her, also she isn't too affectionate but that doesn't mean she doesn't love you, she do and a lot, she just express her love in her own way. Hazama isn't a clingy person neither cheesy, but she can pretty romantic in her own way
She is the type to express her love more by quality time, she likes spending time with you, so it will be on this moments that she start noticing that you aren't feeling well
The moment she notice you aren't feeling well she will ask you right away, she has no problem with it and doesn't see a point on waiting, if you decide to don't tell her about it (or even deny it) she will let you be for now but not without first telling you that if you have a problem you can count in her for everything, you are her partner after all, but if you decide to actually tell her what are you struguling with she will heard you out
She can wait until you feel more comfortable with the topic to talk about it, but when she notice that you start feeling even worst and still doesn't say nothing then she will confront you and make you talk about it, if she has to force you she will (will take advantage of her intimidating look), is her way to show her worries
She will heard carefuly all you say, she doesn't interrupt you and just let you vent all you need, also she isn't going to judge you for it, you are free to say all you want and need (except insult yourself, in that case she will stop you)
She will scold you for hidding this from her and trying to handle everything all by yourself, you don't have to do that since you aren't alone (she isn't mad, though)
When it come to help you she doesn't focus to much on what cause it but in how help you out, Hazama will invite you to try differents activities to handle all that stress and frustation. Venting and coping with all that feelings aren't the same for everyone, and it hasn't to be just talking about the problem, that is why she wants to try all kind of things to help you until you find what makes you feel better (you can try with talking about it, drawing, maybe some excersice or even just screaming)
Besides, she always can recommend a good book where they deal with a situation similar to the one you are going through
If you had problems with self-esteem she will remind you that everyone is different, you just have to find your own quirks and talents (she can help you with it too, don't worry), besides, you don't have to be a perfect person, you owe nothing to anyone so they don't have the right to demand nothing from you, and she loves you just the way you are
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Date ideas for them <3
(uh this isn't in the usual format and a lot of things were repeated but ye, hope u enjoy and if u have any ideas, u can leave them down and I can add them on :D)
-I feel like yall would go rollor skating, Rio just seems like the type to
-Maybe to a nice quiet little cafe that in more rural areas.
-Maybe yall went to a bookstore.
-Going to buy things for her pet tarantula
-Cat cafe ofc.
-Maybe one with rescue cats
-pet stores maybe? it would probably just be a chill day walking around the mall or smth like that
-Animal cafes, doesn't matter what animal just animal cafes.
-Would go shopping for things for all her pets together :)
-parks/bushwalks maybe?? Something nature themed, maybe the zoo
-Yall definitely went to an arcade
-She won some stuff for you as you watched her defeat everyone that dared oppose her
-Played lots of 2 player games together
-COOKING!!! Just spending time together cooking and making bento
-She would cook food for you as well as teach you how to cook
-Maybe taking a nice stroll at the mall :)
-Probably went somewhere cute, idk where, but it has a lot of cute stuff
-Maybe took you to the filming location she was shooting at.
-Fancy stuff because Kayano is just so <3
Fuwa: (my fav)
-MANGA CAFE!!! or maybe just themed cafes like pokemon ones (went to one in Tokyo, it was amazing)
-Maybe an arcade too
-Maybe to an anime con, she'd probably love that.
-She'd take you to the aquarium (idk but i feel like she would)
-Somewhere that's very chill :)
-Maybe like a movie night with like sweet wholesome movies
-Omg she is so sweet like she'll take you to the nicest places
-She plans out all the stuff and gets so excited over it :)
-To the mall maybe? or even a picnic in the park
Manami: (she's so sweet)
-She'd probably take you somewhere very chilled and relaxed
-walks in the park, cafes and I feel like bookstores/ book cafes.
-If your struggling with science she'd make a study date and help u :|)
-Yall would go somewhere outdoors, like a park or go for a hike
-Ofc if u don't wanna she wouldn't force u
-Movie dates/nights where yall are just snuggled up together watching (insert movie name here) with a bunch of snacks
-Well, basically anything can be turned into a date, just pull out your phone and there she is :) (but for this we're gonna assume she is real and human)
-Just about anywhere, like malls, parks, anywhere
-Maybe some chill time at home watching k-drama/j-drama
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mono-dot-jpeg · 4 years
3am texts w/k. akabane, r. nakamura, i. yuuma
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a/n: thank you for requesting hope you enjoy! i lowkey had fun doing isogai’s for some reason skdjfgk
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fxckitup-buttercup · 4 years
How Curious
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There was no way for you to realize what had happened. Your best friend was standing next to some punk. You didn’t know the guy and had no intention of getting to know him. He didn’t seem like her type. 
Shaking your head, you decided to just have fun. You walked over to some of your other friends, enjoying their company. It wasn’t your fault that Rio had decided to come with her new boy toy. By the glances you kept catching, you could tell that the blonde missed your company. 
How curious. 
The party was supposed to be a weekend thing. Two days of nonstop party, booze, and friends. It was the first day and people had already started to hook up. There were people skinny dipping in the pool. 
Those skinny dippers were your friends. Your very idiotic friends who forgot that you loved to blackmail them. Of course, you got videos and pictures, saving them in at least three different spots just in case they tried to delete the originals. 
You could feel her presence around you. She was of course with someone new but that didn’t stop her. You felt her hand brush against yours, trying to interlock. 
She had her opportunity long ago. That didn’t stop you from being curious about how her relationship was going. With just a glance you could see that the blonde was getting frustrated. She wanted to come over and talk to you but you were distracted. 
A girl had caught your eye and you were now talking to her. You never got her name but all you knew was that she was hot and single. 
The night was going fine talking to the girl but then the blonde grabbed your hand and dragged you into another room of the house. 
Before you could fully comprehend it, she had pushed you against the wall, her lips connecting to yours. Of course, you kissed back, flipping positions. 
Her back was pinned against the wall as you began to make out. Your lips wandered, lowering to her jawline and moving to where her jawline and neck met. You knew she wanted to continue but you pulled away from her, lingering close to where you knew she could feel you. 
“What would he think, Rio? If he knew that my hands have been where he will never get?” You could feel the goosebumps rise on her skin as your breath hit her ear. “I’m just curious… is it serious?” 
Her breath hitched as you kissed her sweet spot before pulling away. You grinned at her the way you knew she loved. “Think about that, babe.” 
You left the room, leaving her and her thoughts alone.
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Can you do headcanons for Karma,Nagisa,Gakushu,Chiba,Isogai, Nakamura,Kanzaki and Kayano with a Silverspoon s/o is next CEO to their Parent's company.
Idk If you read the rules but I actually only do up to three characters, but since I have nothing to do I‘ll just randomly pick four, I hope that’s okay too!
These will be very short tho, hope you don’t mind!
Kanzaki, Nakamura, Kayano & Chiba x Silverspoon SO
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-would be very impressed
-"So, You’re gonna be the next CEO of the Company? Oh, I‘m sure you‘ll do a good job, Y/N!"
-wants to ask them to play Videogames with her, but then decides that that wouldn’t be suitable for the heir of the next CEO spot
-would be very proud, but she‘d also think she wouldn’t be enough for you anymore
-actually keeps quiet most of the time
-still loves their SO a lot and will still treat them as they did before
-"And I‘ve always wondered where all that jewelry you‘ve been wearing has come from."
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-Actually very surprised
-"You‘re a Rich kid, huh~"
-would mock them a little bit, but that would change nothing about their relationship
-would maybe try to get you to lend her a bit money, but if you refuse she won’t be mad at you
-"As The Next CEO you could terrorize all of the other workers in your place, here, Karma and I have made a little mind map for you, so you have a few Ideas~"
-won’t admit it but would absolutely adore it if you‘d suddenly start to spoil her (if you didn’t already do that before)
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-would lose her marbles
-wouldn‘t believe you at first, but If you‘d explain it to her multiple times she‘d almost faint
-is fascinated by the fact that you’re parents have such a big business running
-If you‘d press it in her face to often tho she‘ll get mad about it and stops talking to you
-would still be a very supportive gf
-after you told her about it she‘d be more comfortable with telling you about her past too
-If you ever decide to take her out to a fancy restaurant or to buy her some fancy pudding she‘d be absolutely down for it
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-". . . Ah, I see."
-would be very calm actually
-to him it wouldn’t matter if you‘re rich or poor, he started dating you because of your personality and not because of your money
-would appreciate it if you still had little and chill dates instead of eating in fancy restaurants or smth
-". . . Are you really sure you want to do this? "
-would be a bit concerned, but if that’s really what you want he‘d support you no matter what
-If you‘re someone who brags about their money tho, he‘ll get annoyed fast
So, these are pretty short, Bit that’s due to the fact that these were actually more than I would usually do. If you want to make another request for the other three tho that’s okay, I wouldn’t mind!
Hope you liked reading it!
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ethereal-blossom · 3 years
Assassination Classroom request! Asano Gakushuu, Karma and Rio Nakamura headcannons where they meet a new classmate in high school/college who flatly refuses the existence of Koro, even when it's obviously clear that they know Koro was real and cannon events happened. Basically a classmate who is (Probably) trolling them with a very serious face.
a/n: fewfin we both know this has been in my inbox for WAY TOO LONG. it's finally going to see the daylight though😭
🚨warning(s): none
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the yellow octopus would be mentioned during your first conversation with each other.
asano had volunteered to show the new students around through kunugigaoka high school; a group of students that included you.
now, it was safe to assume that every student had heard of the "monster" that was once a teacher at kunugigaoka junior high school. asano, for multiple reasons, took full responsibility to assure the new students of their safety with the intention to win over their trust and rule over the school.
however, asano bumped into an unexpected challenge named you, someone who denied every piece of evidence of the octopus' existence. the principal's son was stunned for exactly 0.05 seconds before he picked himself up again.
were you dense, joking, or were you refusing to believe a creature like korosensei existed? whatever it was, asano smoothly continued his speech of the student's safety.
"why would i be scared of an imaginary octopus that decided to become the death star 2.0?"
poor asano has to deal with your wittiness.
for now, asano decided to let it rest. as long as you wouldn't cause any commotion, you should be fine. although, you were worth keeping his eye on-
and oh did you love the way it seemed to piss off the ginger every time you fought his facts with nonsense.
those conversations would lead to ridiculous arguments with asano being sure of his rightfulness and you being absolutely amused by the way his jaw clenched whenever you called his facts conspiracy theories. (actually props to you because this man's debating skills are incredible.)
at some point, asano came in peace with the fact you were teasing him. asano tried to become more reserved at first but you had definitely caught his attention. after all, you were able to keep up with him in debates.
it probably ends up in a friendship where you're the feral gremlin and asano the reserved gremlin.
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karma immediately sees right through you.
actually starts teasing you instead, or maybe the better word is "challenging."
when you sit next to each other in math class, karma loves to see with whatever creative lies and denials you come up with to mess with everybody.
he's never bothered by it, though. it brings him much entertainment and it's the highlight of his day.
at some point, karma sides with you. what do you mean "he was a monster?" no that's obviously a costume created in art class, you idiotic sandwich. don't you see that's a yellow sprayed fishbowl with a face painted on it?
for fun, you end up debating about which theories are true. "pf, those are clearly robotic tentacles! how else do you explain the speed?" "no, it's a projection! it's an illusion!" "i beg you differ."
you're in for a surprise though once another student points out how karma was a student of the monster who blew up the moon.
when you try to talk to him about it, karma smoothly brushes it off. "hey, no hard feelings *nickname for you*. at least you don't scream about the same repetitive things over and over again like the others."
if your friendship develops further from teasing to something genuine, karma will explain some of the scientific explanations behind korosensei's body.
"so no robot arms or illusions?" "he put your class in a giant bag and yeeted you into the sky with those tentacles? that's badass." "his face was squishy? you sure it wasn't a fishbowl?" "so basically his skin worked as a mood ring? that's my biggest fear."
yup, you sure are fascinating to karma.
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she first thought your joke was a one-time thing and that you would drop it soon..but no, you kept sticking to the idea that korosensei's existence was nothing more than a conspiracy theory.
it definitely sparked nakamura's curiosity. was it a joke or were you serious? well, there's one way to find out, and as we know, nakamura isn't afraid to get to the bottom of things.
with nakamura's intelligence, knowledge of korosensei, and her mischievous nature, she easily figured out you were joking.
to hear someone joke so lightheartedly over the whole situation instead of claiming korosensei's a monster... it was refreshing and soothing, especially for nakamura who cared more than she originally admitted.
in general, nakamura loves your energy and how it pisses some of your other classmates off. she definitely joins the game.
nakamura will ask about your theory on korosensei's anatomy at some point... which is definitely going to be an interesting conversation. it switches from scientific terms to the bath scene during 3-E's trip at a fascinating pace. anyone who would accidentally hear you talking gets confused and a little creeped out.
this one is a bit shorter but nakamura would love the fresh energy you have towards korosensei, play along with your joke, put out some tricks herself, and appreciate the quality time together.
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rainsoughtflowers · 3 years
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tw/cw - none.
a/n - customer, @szallejh.
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if there was one thing you had learned during your attendance in class e, it was that there was never a boring day to withstand.
not only because of your teacher, a strange yellow octopus with perverted tendencies, but any student in class e filled the day with a surprise. or maybe it was bad luck, since anywhere you went something peculiar seemed to happen. you thought back to the school trip to the city, and the day at the lake close by the building your classes were taught. both had definitely been an experience you’d much rather forget.
but there was another thing about your classmates that you quickly took notice of. perhaps because they were trained to be assassins, but each and every one of them, including nagisa, who was one of the sweetest people you knew, had some sort of glint filled with mischief at all times.
something you should’ve learned to stay away from when spotted.
class ended and the clocked hands clicked to show that lunch had finally arrived. at seeing the time all you had wanted to do was eat, having been hungry since the morning due to sleeping through your alarm and leaving little to no time to get ready. but unfortunately for you, your figure passing by the desks pushed together temporarily had brought you into a conversation, and you didn’t have much choice to make a quick escape when rio’s hands pulled on the sleeve of your uniform.
“(name)! just in time, we were about to play a game, would you like to join us?” she asked, and you scanned through the students who seemed eager to play.
at seeing those very mischievous glints everything in you was telling you to decline. despite rio being a sweet girl, there was a side to her that was just as scary as karma’s, and no doubt with the other students interested in this ‘game’, it wasn’t anything you’d want to be apart of.
you gave her an apologetic smile, reaching up and rubbing the back of your neck, “ah, sorry rio, maybe another time.”
she pouted, throwing her arms around your waist as she whined, “come on it’ll be fun!! there’s no harm in playing a game right?”
you yelped at the sudden feel of her arms around your torso, trying to push her off while longingly looking at your desk with your bento of food.
“leave them be rio, seems they’re too chicken to play one measly game. probably afraid of losing.”
your protesting stopped at hearing the voice, directing your attention to the red head who pulled up a chair and sat down beside nagisa. you glared at him, letting out a small huff before reaching over and bringing your own chair, sitting down next to the blond.
her eyes shone as you let out a small sigh in defeat, “just one round.” you’d be damned if you let karma call you a chicken.
she clapped her hands together in exictment, “sweet! this game is basically true or dare but without the truth part!”
nagisa’s eyes widened at the game reveal, opening his mouth to speak as a small edge of nervousness laced his tone, “is that really a game-“
she smiled as she slapped his back rather harshly, “haha of course it is! now let me finish explaining the rules.”
he visibly sweat dropped, “rules?”
“we’ll pick names out of a hat, and if your name is pulled everyone will collectively agree on a dare. if you don’t do it,” her eyes darkened, smirk spreading across her lips, “we can make you do whatever we want for a week.”
at that moment, you really wished you had left while you could, slowly getting up from your seat as a nervous laugh left your lips, “i don’t really like this game-“
“leaving already? we haven’t even started yet.” karma smiled straight at you, amused and sending chills down your spine.
“karma’s right, you said you’d play at least one round!” rio protested.
you really should’ve just left, anything would’ve been better than playing this type of game with your classmates. alas, your pride didn’t allow you to do that, so instead you numbly nodded, letting the game begin.
you’d learn to regret it later on.
but for now, things seemed to be going fine. each time a name was picked you were relieved it was never yours, and so far the dares weren’t too extreme. everyone was able to clear it easily without having to consider the punishment for backing out. even karma, who you’d deemed a sadist, went relatively easy on rio, who merely had to let him draw ridiculous figures on her face and leave it there for the rest of the day. really, it could’ve been worse.
you had spoken too soon.
your hands tightened on the fabric of your uniform at seeing rio pick your name from the hat, showing that your small pinch of luck had run out. and the look of pure excitement on her face only made your anxiousness grow, wishing she’d just get it over with. maybe you’d have enough luck left to receive something simple to do.
“can i have the honors of choosing this one guys?” rio asked, and you couldn’t help but once again think it was a really bad idea.
alas, everyone nodded eagerly and she matched their expressions as she turned to you, your heart skipping a beat at the dare she had chosen, perhaps before this game had even started with the ease in which it came to her.
“kiss karma.”
you stared at her in bewilderment, trying to let your brain figure out if she really had said those words. kiss karma akabane? the asshole sitting across from you? that karma?
your lips turned down into a frown, waving your hands in front of your face not only to show your complete resistance to this, but to also hide your blushing face, “no way.”
“aha! but if you don’t, you get to do my dirty work for a week,” another smirk stretched her lips, “wonder what it’ll be like to not have homework for that many days.”
your eyes widened further at the thought, knowing that you were already preoccupied enough on your own assignments. having to do double the work? you’d never see the light of day if you spent your time confined in your room and buried in textbooks and work.
slowly your eyes drifted over towards karma, who remained seated and unbothered by rio’s dare. instead he was staring straight at you, a similar smirk of amusement painting his lips. you hated it, it was like he was mocking you and counting on the fact that you’d take the work instead kissing him.
and with your pride and not wanting to admit that he was right, you lowered your hands, trying to stop the shaking as you gave a curt nod, “fine, i’ll do it.” rio never said where you had to kiss karma, so a quick peck on the cheek should suffice.
the rest of the students playing the game let out quick gasps, some of the boys nudging karma on the shoulders and teasing him. karma merely shrugged them off, and you really wished he had just kept his mouth shut.
“can i add onto this dare?” karma asked, and rio eagerly nodded, “2 weeks of dirty work with me if you don’t do it on the lips.”
oh that asshole. he really didn’t think you’d do it. and 2 weeks? with him ordering you around like some dog? you’d rather stick with rio.
the longer you remained seated the more karma’s amusement increased, until a bubble of laughter escaped his throat, “2 weeks hm? wonder what i should ask you to do-“
with as much courage as you could muster you quickly stood up. karma stopped talking at the sound of your chair scraping against the floor and watched you take several steps towards where he sat. even through this he figured you’d chicken out, falter before you could go through with what he asked. but at feeling your hands tighten around his collar and pull him forward, karma’s smile wiped clean off of his face.
it was a quick kiss, one you didn’t allow to last longer than necessary. although you did remain close to karma’s face when you pulled away, bothered at the close proximity and eyes staring at his flushed out cheeks, red as his hair. you’d be lying if you didn’t feel the own heat covering the apple of your cheeks, and how begrudgingly you had enjoyed the small pressure of the male’s appendage pressed against yours.
golden eyes blinked up at you in surprise as the rest of the students cheered, the girls gushing over your confidence and the guys congratulating karma on the kiss. feeling embarrassed at their teasing you released karma’s shirt, lowering yourself back into your seat.
karma’s face remained red, and nagisa was the first to point it out verbally, “wow karma, i didn’t think you could get so red.”
“yeah karma! did you enjoy it that much?” maehara teased, continuing to nudge karma with his elbow.
said boy glared at the smaller individual, “you think i’d enjoy a kiss with them? they’re a terrible kisser.”
you huffed, folding your arms over your chest, “i’m a bad kisser? at least im not the one who looks like a tomato right now!”
his face flushed even further, and he let out a small huff before getting up from his chair and leaving the small circle of desks, waving his hand over his shoulder, “whatever, game got boring. i’m going outside.”
you watched him leave, pride still hurting as you let your fingers brush against your lips. were you really that bad? but karma had been the one to change the dare, so why was he getting so upset that you had actually gone through with it?
“he totally has a crush on you!” rio gushed, also watching the red-head disappear.
you shifted your attention towards the girl, waving her off, “karma? no he just wanted to get a rise out of me that’s all.”
she laughed, patting your back much more gently than she had done with nagisa, “think what you want, i know a guy with a crush when i see one.”
“yeah! he’s always looking at you during class and during the school trip don’t you remember how he went to save you?” kaede quipped up, and although she was right, you were sure there was also an explanation for that event.
“it wasn’t just me who got kidnapped though, he was just being a decent person for once. plus karma teases me the most. i’m pretty sure he’s just thinking of more pranks to pull while i least expect it.” you muttered the last part, knowing full well out of all the students in the class you seemed to be his favorite victim.
rio shook her head and sighed, “ah, denial. you both have it bad. open your eyes!”
you glared at her hints pointing towards you liking the male in your class, “i’m not in denial-“
quickly she covered her ears, “can’t hear you!”
you pouted, letting out a small sigh in defeat. rio wouldn’t let this go, but as long as she didn’t try to pull anymore ‘coincidences’ you’d let her think what she wanted.
there was no way you’d like someone like karma akabane.
at least, that’s what you had thought.
as the class period went by you couldn’t help but let your eyes drift over towards the male far too many times to be considered accidental. it was like you were trying to spot him whenever you could, wanting to know if kaede was right about him staring at you in class, if there really was an indication to prove that he did in fact have a small liking to you.
‘but then what?’ you thought to yourself. if you did think it true, what would you do? confront him about it? did you even like karma like that? sure he was attractive, any girl in your class, including the guys could appreciate that the boy had looks. but normally the attraction would stop at that. karma was just too much of a handful and a jerk to consider anything different.
but of course, your heart betrayed you and you thought back to that kiss. how soft karma’s lips were against yours despite the pressure being fleeting and how that weird feeling in your stomach felt eerily similar to butterflies. you thought the idea of kissing someone was just making you nervous, but with how hot your face had gotten being so close to him, of seeing karma in a different way for just a second, you realized how nice it actually was.
and that deep down, you wished it could’ve lasted a little longer.
ah, you did like karma, the sadist in your class.
your face flushed heavily at the realization, sneaking another quick look at the boy. leaned back in his seat as his fingers twiddled with the pencil supposed to be used for taking notes. before he could notice you quickly turned away, butterflies erupting in your stomach at how attractive he had been in the moment.
rio was right. you really did have it bad.
but was she right about karma? he had seemed so against the idea of enjoying the kiss, was it really because he was embarrassed or did he just think of you as someone easy to tease just as you had said?
all too soon class ended, and you were quick to gather up your belongings and leave the school. sunny heat beat down onto your skin, and the endless chatter of the busy train station filled your ears, waiting to go home.
fate, or bad luck, seemed to be looming upon you as you recognized the locks of red standing a little ways away, scrolling mindlessly through his phone. normally karma would’ve been on his train already, but it seemed this time he came a little too early.
your hands tightened around the straps of your bag, willing yourself to take those few steps to stand right beside him. karma glanced over at you, surprised at first but expression quickly replaced with a smirk, “here for another kiss?”
your face flushed at his words, looking down as you fiddled with your fingers. was he teasing you again or did he secretly want another one too?
quickly you reached up and pressed your lips on his cheek, lingering for just a second longer before pulling back and trying to keep a neutral expression, “am i really a bad kisser?”
once again, just like before, karma seemed taken aback, face growing red as he pulled the collar of his shirt up to cover half of his face, “i didn’t think you’d actually do it.”
you ignored the embarrassment and swell of pride at hearing you proved karma wrong for once, “what would you need me for two weeks anyways?”
he glared at the ground before reaching into his pocket and pulling out two small tickets. you looked at the flimsy pieces of paper, recognizing them as the festival’s way of entry.
“the festival. i was going to have you go with me.” he muttered quietly, and your mouth hung open just slightly at his words.
you stared back up at him, “for two weeks..?”
he quickly cleared his throat, color returning back to normal as he smiled and shrugged, “well the rest is a secret. although since you did the dare there’s really no use now.”
he was trying to get out of it, brush of whatever it was he was clearly hiding. you were sure if that, “you didn’t even hear my answer.”
he hummed, “don’t need to.”
you let out a small breath, debating in your head for a quick second before just allowing yourself to speak your thoughts out loud, “karma. do you like me?”
he laughed, “what a ridiculous question. like, don’t like, i really don’t see the difference. as long as someone’s easy to mess with.”
you tried to ignore how much the sound gave you anxiety, not sure if he was once again mocking you or trying to mask his own nervousness, “and yet you mess with me the most. and here you are asking me on a date.”
“these tickets are from rio and koro-sensei. a gift, wouldn’t call it a date.” he explained, although you weren’t buying it one bit.
“you really are stubborn huh?”
“i’d say i’m pretty easy going.”
“then i’ll go to the festival with you. and,” you paused, looking away to hide your own blushing face, “when we watch the fireworks, tell me what you really think there. be honest with yourself for once.”
karma stared at you in silence, and you took the opportunity to take one ticket from his grasp. you quickly put it inside your pocket, giving the male one last look before swiftly turning around and disappearing through the doors of your train, the lingering warmth remaining on your fingertips when they had brushed against his.
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anzulvr · 10 months
Hello how are you doing today. May I request a E class x reader who runs a gossip page on their class and even the teacher and just likes to start chaos. And know one suspect it them (🤫)
End class x Reader w a Gossip page // small karma-reader moment but can be seen as platonic too.
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This account has to be private because the main campus are ruthless, so you do that and follow only class 3E.
Then when everyone starts talking about it Korosensei feels left out and desperately wants to be follow-accepted by the account, he made an Instagram just for it.
His username would be something like @user73637287363828 cause he doesn’t know how to work the app. (Irina teaches him after a while)
They all reply to your posts in the stupidest ways, half of the time they’re beefing in the replies.
@Maehara_Hiroto: My ass looks flat in that angle
@410Ryoma: (reply to Maehara_Hiroto) it looks like that irl wdym?
@Maehara_Hiroto: fuck you.
Your posts vary from:
“Rio has a crush on someone in class 🤫”
to “Korosensei caught following Kayano and Nagisa home.”
“[Name] can’t stop watching Josh Hutcherson edits.”
You reply on your main account to again lower suspicion
@[your user] Neither can the rest of the world.
@n9kamura.rio: (reply to you) same honestly
@user73637287363828 (aka Koro): [Name] please focus on your class work, this morning you mistakenly wrote his name on your math work, this Josh Hutcherson man can wait.
@[your user] No he can’t.
@akabane_karma: (reply to you) but I can? I’ve been on delivered for 2 hours start typing.
At first they think it has to be a stalker, they go full seek mode
You won’t admit it because you cannot let Terasaka know you’re the one who posted the picture of him petting a stray cat.
Eventually they give up the stalker theory and start suspecting eachother.
“Alright who posted the picture of me getting my arm stuck in the vending machine??” Maehara is actually the biggest victim because he’s always doing stupid shit.
“Now that I think about it… Isogai you were the last person with me!”
“You know my phone was dead right? I told you- ‘hey I have to charge my phone’ and I turn around to see your hand jammed in the machine over a bag of Doritos.”
“…it was hot fries actually.”
You come clean at the end of the year but they got attached to the account and force you to continue :)
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akabanerio · 2 years
A sharp knife
Kayano: Oh boy… I wish I had the ability to make boys really nervous
Irina: Holding a really sharp knife to their neck usually does it for me
Rio: I advise you to wear something sexy instead-
Kayano: T-T
Karma: Wasabi and mustard makes a lot of people nervous *grins*
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lilbrainbigheartz · 7 months
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Karma Akabane x reader (dunnothenameyet)
Chapter 1
Well what the fuck.
Yep the first words that came on my mind after seeing my now yellow octopus teacher "Korosensei" in front of me.
Korosensei: "Alright students, let's get started"If you didn't know...Korosensei is a creature who destroyed the moon last year and now his ass is in our classroom in the 3-E building...Our mission is to save the earth and our target is our teacher.
But seriously, is the government that incompentent, so they give us MIDDLESCHOOLERS the task to eliminate Korosensei?
Mr Karasuma was standing next to him and his first words were:"Please understand what I'm about to say is a state secret"
Imagine, you are a special agent in the government and suddenly you get that task to watch over some octopus creature teaching a middleschool class who also are supposed to assassinate him.
Sucks I guess.
Just kidding.
After Mr Karasuma explained what the deal was about Korosensei (and that he is super fast in his Mach 20) we all actually had our first period of class with Korosensei. To be honest, he is actually pretty good at teaching. Way better than our principal Gakuhoe-
I MEAN! Gakuho Asano.
During my first days at school I actually was able to make some new 'friends'.The blonde girl Rio Nakamura was already my favourite, because her and I have the same sense of humor.
Nagisa and Kayano were also pretty fine to talk to.
But that was it honestly.
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eriace · 3 years
V o i c e R e c o r d / / Nagisa Shiota
Reader: Female Genre: Fluff Character: Nagisa Shiota // Assassination Classroom Requested: No
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Butterflies in my stomach. Being embarrassed in small little things you say. Making my heart skip a beat.
Your thoughts have been cut when you heard a familiar voice. “ (y/n)-chan ” you hear a familiar voice called you. You didn’t turn around for a second.
“ (y/n)-chan ” he calls you again. You turned around in your seat and gave him a soft smile.
“ Yes? ” you answered. It was Nagisa Shiota. The boy with blue hair and azure eyes.
“ You know it's lunchtime, don't you? ” he questioned.
“ Yep. ” you answered as you stood up.
Being in E Class is fun, being friends with the other students, having great teachers, learning new stuff, and lastly falling in love.
You walked to Nagisa as you were about to say something, someone suddenly entered the door.
“ (y/n), could you come with me, let’s eat lunch outside. ” Kayano said.
“Alright” (y/n) smiled as she approached Kayano.
“ Imma talk to you later, Nagisa. ” (y/n) said as she waved to him.
" Sure. ” Nagisa answered with a soft smile that made (y/n)’s heart go doki doki.
While eating with Kayano, I still can't get Nagisa out of my mind.
Do I really like him that much?
“ (y/n) ” Kayano shouted.
“ I’ve been calling you like 10 times in a row and didn’t answer. ” Kayano answered.
“What’s on your mind? Is this perhaps a blue-headed with blu-”
“Yes.” (y/n) cut Kayano.
Kayano's jaw dropped because of the very straightforward (y/n).
“ Need help confessing? ” Kayano questioned her friend and looked into her eyes. Then (y/n) suddenly laughed.
“ I-i really can’t understand why I ended up laughing when I'm looking into your eyes. ” (y/n) said between her laughter.
“ But yes I do need help, I was planning to confess later but don't have an actual plan how to confess.” (y/n) explained as Kayano mentally facepalmed.
“ You are going to confess but don't have a plan? ” Kayano repeated.
“ Sadly, yes.” (y/n) answered.
“ We should call Rio because she’s an expert at these things. ” Kayano suggested.
“ No, I don’t think so.” (y/n) answered knowing that Rio will tease her endlessly.
“ How about you just tell him your feelings?” Kayano questioned.
“ No shit sherlock, darling.” (y/n) answered.
“ Mind explaining how you feel about him?” Kayano questioned?
“ Well, I love everything about him, starting with his smile, his voice, his looks, how he thinks, how he fights, as much as I know I love everything about him, every inch of him.” (y/n) answered, Kayano listened and smiled at her friend.
“ So can yo-” (y/n) didn’t continue what she was about to say as the school bell cut her.
“ Talk to you later. ” Kayano said and ran somewhere. (y/n) looked at Kayano’s running figure as if she was looking suspicious.
It was the time that she will meet Nagisa. She was excited and nervous at the same time because this is also the time that she will confess to him.
They were still in the school (y/n)’s waiting outside. (y/n) saw Nagisa last time when he was talking to Karma and Kayano.
“ (y/n) ” someone called you, as you turned around.
You saw Nagisa but a flustered one.
“ Umm… why is your face red? ” you questioned as you approached him.
“ Do you have a fever? ” (y/n) questioned again as she laid the back of her hand on his forehead.
Nagisa tensed on the sudden touch and became redder than usual. (y/n) removed her hand and took Nagisa’s hands and dragged Nagisa to Koro-sensei.
“ Koro-sensei. ” (y/n) called.
“ Yes? ” Koro-sensei answered.
“ Do you think Nagisa’s fine? He’s so red but he isn’t warm. ” (y/n) said worriedly.
“ Don’t worry (y/n), he’s fine. ” Koro-sensei said to (y/n) and turned to Nagisa and questioned him.
“ Is it perhaps about the voice record that Kayano and Karma made you listen to?”
Kayano? Karma? Voice record?
“ H-h-how did you k-know that? You w-weren’t there. ” Nagisa questioned confused and embarrassed.
“ What voice record? ” (y/n) questioned.
“ Nurufufufufu~ it’s about the love that you stated about Nagisa. ” Koro-sensei answered.
As you understand what he means (y/n) face suddenly became the same as Nagisa's.
“ W-what?! But I only told Kaya- ” (y/n) stopped what she was about to say as she began to process the thing that is happening right now.
That made Nagisa jump a little because of the sudden outburst. (y/n) then face Koro-sensei
“ If you are gonna tell anyone about that voice record you will be so dead Koro-sensei. ” you said as you give him a death glare that made koro-sensei shiver.
Then (y/n) turned to Nagisa and smiled.
“ So what’s your answer?” (y/n) questioned with a soft smile, blushing a little.
Koro-sensei sweat dropped on the sudden change of mood.
“ W-well I like you too. ” Nagisa answered shyly then suddenly (y/n) brought him in a tight hug.
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© eriace ;; don’t repost my works.
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