49 posts
I don’t want to delete my stuff so I‘m keeping it, however I won’t post anymore!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
kunugigaoka-headcanons · 5 years ago
Hey,may I request where karma,asano,and anyone else you’d like to add finds out that their s/o has an identical twin or something?
I picked Muramatsu because my boy doesn’t get enough recognition, but he‘d be such a great bf 🥺😔 Hope that‘s fine by you lmao~
Karma, Gakushu & Muramatsu x S/O with an identical twin
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-He would be so confused
-One day he came up to your twin, thinking it was you of course
-and then he tapped their shoulder and asked your name, still thinking you and your twin were the same person
-"Uhm.... I‘m not Y/N. I‘m her Twin." Your twin would say and just stare at him as if he was the dumbest person to ever exist in the entire timeline. At first he‘d think you‘d be pranking him
-"very Funny Y/N, let’s go, I’ve been waiting the whole time for you." He‘d grab your twin‘s wrist and try to get them to walk with him, but suddenly you would appear in front of him
-"Karma what are you doing with my Twin?" You would ask and start to laugh at the scenario in front of you
-He would be so embarrassed. He‘d probably never forgive himself for not telling the both of you apart
-He assures you that he only loves you and that he would never mix the two of you up ever again
-He even stops pranking you for a week straight, and he buys you flowers almost every day to make up for his dumb mistake
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-Gakushu ain’t dumb, he wouldn’t fall for any Pranks and he wouldn’t mix you up once
-This man knows your face like he knows the back of his hand, he knows every little detail about your face and thinks it’s super easy to tell you two apart
-at First he‘d be a Little confused tho, but he thinks it’s cute
-he only offers you help with homework tho. You don’t know why, but he seems a little jealous of your twin. Probably because Twin‘s are very close most of the time
-you cannot fool him, but you may be able to fool his father. He asks you and your sibling to play pranks on him very Often. Seeing his dad confused is amusing to him
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-When he first went to your home and saw your twin you could swear he wasn’t breathing for a little moment
-"Why didn’t you tell me you had a twin?! I wasn’t prepared!!"
-his soul would leave his body if he wouldn’t know how to tell the both of you apart
-He‘d hate himself so much for that
-sometimes you visit his ramen shop together and he‘s always happy to see the both of you
-hates it when you try to mess with him a little. He ends up feeling bad
-The whole Terasaka squad has sworn to protect you and your twin at all costs. No more talking necessary, your twin as a part of the group now
Short short short again T-T
And I took a month to write again, I‘m so sorry, I hope you still like it!
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kunugigaoka-headcanons · 5 years ago
I am Alive!!
Okay so I know I said I‘ll work harder on the requests and that I‘ll open the Ask Box soon again, but my mental Health and my school work was w r e c k i n g me, so I had to take a little break from writing. But I swear that I didn’t lose any of the requests and I‘m really working on them now! I‘m so sorry for just randomly leaving, I hope it’s a big deal to all of you ;^;
Stay healthy and have a nice remaining day!
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kunugigaoka-headcanons · 5 years ago
Oh how about some hcs where Gakushuu gets jealous bc he’s so hasnt been able to pay him any attention bc she’s helping other students?!
Sure thingie, I‘m getting a lot of Gakushu Headcanons, is everyone currently a fan of this boy or am I missing anything 👀
Jealous Gakushu
-Gakushu usually doesn’t get jealous much, but in the past few weeks you weren’t able to pay as much attention to him as he wanted you to
-You we’re giving tutoring lessons for other students that struggles in any subject what so ever
-and Gakushu understood that it was important to you. Helping others was always very important, especially with a School system like his dad has
-You wanted everyone to keep up. Nobody should drop out. Gakushu loved you for having such a big heart, but deep down he was Jealous 24/7
-He wouldn’t confront you at first, but if it becomes unbearable he would try to talk to you tho
-"I don’t like talking about feelings and you know I‘m bad with this, but I‘m... jealous. I understand you‘re helping other underli- students, but you‘re not giving any attention to me. I demand justice!" He‘d say and pout at you
-You would cancel all plans for the night and cuddle with him then. You would probably think the same if you were in his shoes, so you’re not mad at him at all
-you both watch a movie and just spend time together. He‘s so happy that he lays his Head on your lap and almost immediately falls asleep. He missed you a lot and is very happy that he has you back now
I wrote this at 1 AM or smth I‘m so sorry if it turned out bad or if there are any spelling errors-
I love Gakushu so much, I‘m wondering why everyone has requests about him HSHSHSH when I started this page I thought I‘d get bombed with Karma but it’s actually Gakushu wth
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kunugigaoka-headcanons · 5 years ago
Nice to see you up and running! May I request Nagisa and his s/o cuddling up to each other after watching a movie marathon when they are on the island. Like s/o just came to hang out in his hotel room and watch movies, but she’s too sleepy to go bad to her room so Nagisa offers her to sleep with him. And so they cuddle! Bonus points if Karma comes in to wake Nagisa up since he’s sleeping in, sees this whole display, and teases them both later! Thank you.
I almost pressed delete because I can’t see shit and it’s 2 AM but I‘m glad I didn’t do it because this request made my heart go uwu
Also I used they/them pronouns because I don’t want anyone to feel excluded, so I hope that‘s okay with you!
I will try to make this as good as I can, so I hope you‘ll enjoy it~
Nagisa & his S/O cuddling together
-It was a very Long day of trying to kill Korosensei, and yet you just wanted to spend time with your classmates
-well, infact you just wanted to spend time with your crush, Nagisa. The two of you planned on making a movie marathon, just because you wanted to
-just thinking about it made your heart flutter. You and Nagisa. Watching a Movie together and, who knows, maybe you two would even cuddle!
-everything about him made your heart skip a beat. His soft blue hair, his hypnotizing blue eyes, the way he talked and even just the way he was writing in his notebook were enough for you to fall for him
-when you arrived he had already prepared everything. Korosensei didn’t say no to any electronics, but he made it very clear that they wouldn’t be good for all you and that you should try to not use them as often. You brought your Laptop still, just for this little movie night
-You and Nagisa were sitting on his bed and starting watching the movies. You brought snacks from your room, and you couldn’t lie, it was pretty cool being near him
-you were in his room until like 1AM, and you began to feel a little sleepy. "Nagisa... I‘m very sleepy and I really don’t wanna go back... it’s already dark, and I‘m tired as hell.."
-Nagisa would only nod and blush a little "Y-you can sleep here... B-but only if you want to!! I mean, Isogai and Suginl are already asleep, and Karma is god knows where, so nobody will notice anything!" It wouldn’t be like him to say something like this, and yet he did, while wearing a bright red blush on his cheeks
-you would happily accept his offer and just hug him. He would be very embarrassed, but ofc course he‘d hug you back. After he realeased his long hair from his pigtails, he laid down and held you close to him
-no matter your height, your head would lay on his chest, and his hand would be tangled into your hair (If you’re bald I‘m sorry HHSJAHAH)
-slowly, listening to his calming heartbeat you‘d fall asleep, and a little later he would join you
-The next morning you guys got woken up by no other person than Karma. He was grinning mischievously, his phone in his left hand taking Photos of the two of you
-"Didnt know our Nagisa would be such a little womanizer~" he‘d say and poke his cheek "Get up and take your princess with you, we have to eat breakfast."
-Nagisa would be so embarrassed and wouldn’t talk to Karma for two days straight
I thought this was cute, it really made me sleepy -w-
I hope you like it, stay healthy out there!
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kunugigaoka-headcanons · 5 years ago
Oh boi I have more than 3 but I‘ll just add the best ones hehe~ >:3
1. I always wear two different socks because I‘m too lazy too pick out same ones and I think I pull them off well >:3
2. I love making earrings by myself and I started yesterday. I‘m invested, I‘m thinking about selling some of them after t Pandemic is over úwù
3. I can’t sleep without hugging something (and not without the plushie I got since birth!), I feel empty when there‘s nothing to hug 😔
I have no friends her so everyone who sees this is allowed to feel tagged~
Oh, I did not expect that, cus usually I just lurk, but ok. So->
1. I got 8 dogs (satan's spawns).
2. I am capable of finishing a book that is over 800 pages in one sitting (but only if I enjoy it).
3. I rather swaddle myself in 3 blankets if I am cold rather than put on some warm pants.
So I will tag: @wishem @wisttoawish @helly-watermelonsmellinfellon @hogwartshousefriends @reakeebz
I will tag only 5 people, cus I don't know if anyone else would be fine with me tagging them, so... Sorry for the inconvinience. 😅
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kunugigaoka-headcanons · 5 years ago
I remember my parents telling me that the flower I touched was poisonous so I would stop biting my nails 😔
Let's start a chain of probably not true things you heard when you where in kid and tag some friends
I'll start!
When I was a kid i was told if you sleep with your arm or leg off bed a man will cut it off and keep it
@wishem @smooththegoofyshark @masochist-incarnate @feral-pansexual
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kunugigaoka-headcanons · 5 years ago
Ooooh well if that's the case (from your Korosensei I mean), do you take angst requests? I have an idea for him but you know how sad it is to be with him TVT
I can’t promise anything, but I can at least try, so drop the request >:3
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kunugigaoka-headcanons · 5 years ago
It's not really a request lol but do you have a peesonal favourite of a character in Assassination classroom?
I don’t really have a favorite, because I think every character has good and bad characteristics. For example I really like Karma, but it bothers me that he constantly mocks Nagisa for his looks, but I also like Gakushu, but well, he’s mean to Class E so..
I actually find all of them interesting. The sad thing is I don’t kin anyone in this Anime 😔✌🏻But I somewhat relate to some characters a little
But If I had to pick favorites I‘d probably say Kirara, Itona, Karma & Gakushu :))
AND Korosensei. Very important úwù
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kunugigaoka-headcanons · 5 years ago
So, this is Not a request but something I really wanted to do for a long time, so I hope you enjoy this and sorry for everyone who‘s request I haven’t done yet, I didn’t lose them and I‘m working on em! Pinky promise uwu
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This boy has no Idea how to give other people hugs. He‘d awkwardly try and fail, but he wouldn’t really care. People are normally too creeped out by him so he doesn’t even try to hug people in the first place
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Karma doesn’t normally hug someone, but if he does it’s more of a casual type of hug. He normally just wraps his arm around the other person‘s shoulder and calls it a hug lmao
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Little mr. Playboy just loves hugging people from behind. Not in a sexual way, he‘s just a little creep and lowkey likes scaring people a little bit
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Poor Otaku boy. Has no fucking Idea how Hugs work. He‘s seen them in animes, sure, but he‘s too awkward to ever give someone a hug. He would reach for a handshake and then suddenly decide to hug them, it would lowkey look like the GIF above
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Isogai gives more 'bro' Type of hugs. They‘re not too short, not too long and they‘re not too awkward. He knows exactly the right amount of hug a person needs and is actually a very good hugger
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Rio loves to jump at people and yell at them to hug her. I mean what are they gonna do? Drop her? You will catch her, or else she‘ll never forgive you for rejecting her wonderful run&jump hug
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Nagisa‘s hugs are very warm and calming actually. If you look at him you‘d think that he‘d be an awkward hugger, but in fact Nagisa is one of the best. His hugs are very comforting and his classmates really love his hugs uwu
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when Megu gives out hugs everyone wants one. She mostly hugs from behind, and her hugs are very sweet and motherly. The only one she never hugs is Oikajima, but that’s self explanatory ;p
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Just like Rio Sugino also leaps at his Friends and jumps at them in order to hug them. He mostly does this after Baseball Games he won or when the person he‘s going to hug stands further away from him
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Terasaka‘s Hugs are also very Bro like. He also pats the back of the person he‘s hugging, and sometimes he takes a little too long, wich makes the hug lowkey awkward, but its fine, we love him still!
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kunugigaoka-headcanons · 5 years ago
I know there's a written work like this already somewhere (oneshot, ask, etc.) but oddly enough I wasn't able to find one yet XD Well there's a oneshot but I wanna see your work so... Is it alright for a request of Gakushu falling for an S/O who is in E Class? Like how is he gonna handle that?
This reminds me of a movie but I have no Idea wich one it was HHSHS
I hope you enjoy this writing uwu
Gakushu x E-Class Reader
-so at first Gakushu would deny all the feelings he would have for his potential S/O
-I mean, him? Falling for someone in Class E? Nah, that wouldn’t be possible. Or would it?
-ever time he saw you his heart started to beat faster. Was he sick? No probably not. Gakushu wouldn‘t even dare to think that he‘d like you
-but if he‘d be really honest with himself, then he would actually realize that he has feelings for you
-he only saw the good things in you. Even your flaws looked alright to him. No matter how bad your grades were, he still couldn’t dislike you, for whatever reason that is. He found himself being oddly interested in you
-he wouldn’t tell anyone. Not even Ren or Natsuhiko. He would be too embarrassed with himself. They‘d probably make fun of him
-confessing wouldn’t be an option either. If he wanted to do that he might have to run up the mountain where every E student could see him, or he had to wait for you to home down after school, but his father would be waiting for him in their Car
-Gakushu Never really had feelings for anyone before, so it would be very confusing and stressful for him. His heartbeat didnt make sense, he wasn’t able to focus, and even the littlest things reminded him of you
-he‘d try to come up with a plan to confess his love to you, but there was just one problem. Would you love him back?
-If he confessed and you said no, you‘d probably tell a friend. The Friend would tell their other friends about it and then the news would spread until the whole school knew that Gakushu Asano fell for an E-Class student and they turned him down. How embarrassing would that possibly be?!
-Gakushu wouldn’t give up tho. He knows he‘s very well liked among the other students, so there was a high Chance of you liking him back. Who knows if he‘d actually risk his good reputation in order to be with you or if he‘d chicken out and never confess!
I hope you liked it, it was Fun writing this!
Poor Gakushu is Torn between his decisions! T^T Maybe Y/N will make the first move so he doesn’t have it that hard HAHAHAH
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kunugigaoka-headcanons · 5 years ago
Can I request for Asano gets the reader pregnant as a teenager and what would he do and how would he react thank you 😊 😍
His Dad would be so mad Jsjsjsjsjs
Gakushu gets reader pregnant
-he would get so silent once he finds it out
-Gakushu isn’t a man who wouldn’t use protection, so he‘d be very confused on how the hell it happened
-he wouldn’t be happy. Like at all. He‘d be so mad at himself
-he doesn’t want to force his S/O to do anything they don’t feel comfortable with, but he himself wouldn’t want to keep the baby
-I mean, he‘s 16 and his S/O probably around the same age. They still have so much in front of them, and he also wants to start a career somehow. Having a child would be his last thought at the moment
-auf the Reader wants to keep the child however, he wouldn’t be there for the kid as much as he wished he could
-he wants a job. He wants a life. He prays that you understand him
-of course that isn’t really a great thing of him to do, but that‘s how it goes
-he would get very stressed and depressed at the time his S/O was pregnant. His whole life was ruined
-maybe he‘d steal alcohol from his father. But just maybe
-all in all, Gakushu wouldn’t be very happy, but he‘d still try to be there for his S/O as much as he can. He accepts every choice his S/O makes, even if he doesn’t agree with it
-He would become so scared honestly. He doesn’t want to be like his own father, but he knows that he wouldn’t be able to give the child as much love in a situation like this
Teen pregnancy is a veeeeery difficult topic in my eyes
I hope this is fine tho, sorry it took so long ;w;
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kunugigaoka-headcanons · 5 years ago
You doing alright? Just wanted to make sure, because of these hard times. Sorry to bother.
That‘s nice, thank you! My health wasn‘t the best last week (again, I know, my body hates me T-T) and I had to go to the doctor three times, but I‘m better now, so thanks for asking!
I‘m currently also working on the request since I didn’t answer many of them in like... two weeks or so HSHSH
Oh also same question goes to you, is everything alright?
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kunugigaoka-headcanons · 5 years ago
Can I request for e class finding 3 year old reader walking in the main campus trying to find their big brother which is Asano Gakushu I really want to see the different reactions ; and how Gakuho did not notice the reader out of his sight Thank you 🙂
This is the cutest thing ever omg
I‘d go so far and say this is my favorite request, so I hope I can write it well, this literally made my whole day omg
-Gakuho had no other choice but take you with him to school, since the maid called in sick today, and he had no one who could take care of you when he was gone
-"Don‘t run away Y/N okay? Just keep holding my hand, you can play in my office later." He said, holding your small hand. You nodded, looking around a little bit
-The students were looking at you, and they were all so tall! But... you couldn’t see your big brother Gakushu anywhere. He had to be here somewhere, right?
-A teacher suddenly came up to Gakuho to discuss something you didn’t understand, but you saw this as your chance to look for your older brother
-you let go of his hand and started to walk around the Main Campus a little Bit. No sign of Gakushu. He wasn’t here
-The students were staring at you, being very much confused and started whispering a little bit
-"Why is there a little Kid in the main campus?" "Isn‘t she the principals Daughter?" "Lol, he has a Daughter?!"
-Karma and Nagisa noticed you from afar and were visibly confused, but they decided to do nothing about it and just continue their way to the Class E-building
-So far Gakuho didn’t even notice that you were gone. You suddenly bumped into someone really tall. He had long black hair and wore some ugly glasses. It was Natsuhiko. He stared at you and raised his eyebrows "Uh... what the fu-"
-"Excuse me, I‘m looking for my big brother Shuu, have you seen him?" You‘d mumble, looking at the ground
-"Shuu?" "I think they mean Gakushu." Ren Said and looked down on you, smiling slightly "He‘s your Brother? Weird, I‘ve never seen you before. Anyways, I know where he is, so if you may follow me." He turned around and walked through the ocean of students
-you and Natsuhiko followed him, Teppei and Tomoya joining later, even tho they didn’t have any Idea of what was going on
-Bitch-sensei, who was in the Building with Karasuma at the time looked down at you and raised an eyebrow "Didn’t know the kids here had Children at such a young age." "I‘m pretty sure that that’s the kid of a teacher." Karasuma said and continued his way to the teachers lounge
-when Gakushu saw you with Ren he was basically flipping. He was so mad I can’t even describe it
-He stood up from his chair and leaned down to you "Y/N-Chan what are you doing here? Weren’t you supposed to be with Gakuho?" He asked, his voice sounding like he was very confused
-He picked you up after you did the grabby hands and hugged him. "I wanted to see Shuu! Daddy didn’t even notice!" You‘d say and giggle at the taller boy
-Gakushu sighed "You‘re cute Y/N-Chan, but Shuu has to study. Go back to Father okay?"
-you shook your head "No! I want to stay here with you!" You said and clinged onto his shirt
-he smiled slightly, and most girls in his classroom were literally melting because of him "He‘s such a good big brother!" "So adorable!" "He‘s so good with kids.."
-Gakushu would blush "You‘re not staying with me you little Riceball, I‘ll take you back to Gakuho-"
-suddenly someone slammed the door open. As if Gakushu summoned Gakuho with his words, he stood in the hallway, looking as if he just ran a marathon. "Oh god there they are." He said and put his Hands on his forehead
-"Y/N I told you to not run away!" "I wanted to visit Shuu!" You said with a small pout
-Gakushu ruffled your hair and gave you back to Gakuho "Kinda sad you can’t even look after your little kid, hm~" Gakushu said teasingly and crossed his arms, visibly amused at the situation his father was in right now
-Gakuho sighed "It won’t happen again." He looked at you, and all the anger from his face was suddenly gone "You can see him during break time again okay? But for now don’t run away ever again! I was so scared you might get hurt!"
-"Okay Daddy, it won’t happen again!" You said and smiled brightly at him
-After you were gone, Gakushu couldn’t help himself but laugh. It was the best thing that has ever happened to him during school time
-His friends also thought it was quite funny, and everyone wanted to play with you during break time uwu
-not to mention that Korosensei gave you some sweets while you were playing in Gakuho‘s office. Gakuho didn’t mind, you were little and nobody would believe you if you‘d tell them that a big yellow octopus-like being gave you candy. You thought it was just some random guy in a suit, so you didn’t complain at all
-When Gakuho decided to take you and Gakushu home, some students of Class E saw you and immediately "Awed" at you. Gakushu had to hide his face so Karma wouldn’t try to mock him, but he did it anyways
-Kayano jumped up and down and kept saying how cute you were
-You smiled and then drove back home with your dad and your big brother uwu
The longest thing I have every written, consider yourself lucky BSNSNSL
I loved writing this and it was so much fun, I hope you like it! Not sure if I really handled the request well, because I had no idea how to put the reactions of the others into this, but I hope you’re satisfied!
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kunugigaoka-headcanons · 5 years ago
Hellooo is it okay to request for gakuho and gakushu asano reacting to their wife/mother expecting another child hehe thanks
Of course it‘s okay, I have nothing to except watching Hunter x Hunter all day while eating Ice Cream sksnsldmen
A new child?!
-You were sitting at the dinner table, all three of you together
-It was oddly quiet, but in this household it was normal. Gakuho and Gakushu almost never talked anyways. You sighed, the silence almost being unbearable
-"Maybe this is a good time." You thought to yourself and put your Knife and Fork aside
-"Gakuho..." he raised his head to look at you and smiled slightly "What is it my dear?" Gakushu‘s slightly angry expression changed to a more confused one
-"I want a second child."
-And with that Gakushu almost choked on a potato "YOU WANT A WHAT?!"
-Gakuho remained calm, his smile vanishing "A second one? Are you sure?" It‘s not that he wouldn’t want one, but he knew very well that Gakushu would never talk to both of them ever again
-"You gotta be kidding." Gakushu said and stood up from the table "He isn’t even able to take care of me! You just want to replace me, right?!" He‘d say, his emotions controlling him
-he was angry. But if you were in his position, wouldn’t you be too? His father didn’t give a damn about him, and now you wanted a second child?! Just thinking about it made him sick
-"You know what. Whatever. Do whatever you want I don’t care." Gakushu turned around and walked away. He didn’t want his parents to see the tears slowly dripping down his cheek. It was unfair to him
-You were shocked. You knew Gakuho and Gakushu didn’t have the best relationship, but that this would hurt him so bad was something you didn’t see coming
-Gakuho sighed "My dearest Y/N... I understand you. I‘ve been thinking about it too, but it‘s not a good idea."
-"Well, we can talk about this with him! Maybe a second child will help you and Gakushu bond more!"
-"I‘m pretty sure it would be the exact opposite." He said and stood up as well "We can talk about this tomorrow. I have to think about this."
-and with that he just left you sitting on the kitchen table. The whole atmosphere completely destroyed. It wasn’t your intention and asked yourself why you thought that this was a good idea
-maybe tomorrow things would be different tho. You thought to yourself and left the Kitchen as well
Whoop Whoop~
They didn’t take it so well, poor Y/N!
Hope you liked it, stay safe and have a nice day!
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kunugigaoka-headcanons · 5 years ago
Hello friend I have came to remind you today is our precious Itona's birthday, stay safe and goodbye
I know, I‘ve already prepared something, so it‘s a good thing you reminded me!
So, since today is Itona‘s birthday I‘ve prepared some birthday headcanons for this best boy!
I hope you guys like them, enjoy!
Itona‘s Birthday 💫
-Itona usually doesn’t celebrate his birthday, so he kinda... forgot about it?
-The Terasaka Squad didn’t, and they’ve prepared something for him
-When Itona entered the classroom he was confused. Usually Isogai, Megu and some other students were there before him, but today he was the only one
-confused, Itona walked up to his table and found a note. "Meet me outside behind the E-Building Idiot." Probably Terasaka‘s Handwriting, Itona thought to himself and shrugged
-He took the Note and just went outside. What would possibly happen? It‘s just a dumb prank again, he thought
-When he went behind the old School building he thought he might be sleeping
-The whole Class gathered together and sang Happy Birthday to him. Even Karma sang a few notes but got so embarrassed that he just stopped after the first few Verses
-Terasaka‘s singing was horrible, but Itona appreciated it tho. He tried to act as if it didn’t bother him, but the slight blush on his face gave him away
-he only remembered his birthdays on the streets. No one sang to him. Nobody gave him gifts. It was a normal day, just like every other day before
-but here he was. Getting hugged by Muramatsu and Yoshida. And then almost squeezed to death by Terasaka. Kirara hugged him too, but she was way more gentle than the other three
-Itona felt happy. He finally had people he could enjoy his birthday with. People who cares about him
-This was the best birthday he ever had. They even made Cake for him
-He also got some gifts, Korosensei got a little too carried away and straight up gave him stuff from the fucking FBI just because he could
-Itona got very flustered when the girls gave him a small present, but that moment only lasted shortly
-Itona was happy to have such great Friends, and he was even more happy to be in Class E
It‘s short and not the best thing I‘be written, but we should love our baby no matter what!
Let‘s celebrate his birthday like this, I miss him🤧
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kunugigaoka-headcanons · 5 years ago
Hello K.H. I just came to tell you that your blog is amazing and you seem like a really cool person. I hope you feel any better from your sickness and I hope you live a awesome life. I love you (I don't mean to sound weird btw) stay safe out there ok
Ahhhhh thank you so much 🙏🏼
I‘m feeling better now and I‘m currently keeping up with all the requests I have right now! I mean, I‘ve got enough time now (hehehehe T^T)
I also think I should be the one to say thank you since everyone‘s always so patient with me even tho I keep messing stuff up and replying so late, so I’ll also thank you for that. I also have to thank you for requesting stuff here uwu!
Don‘t worry, you don’t sound weird, I love you too!(^ν^)
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kunugigaoka-headcanons · 5 years ago
How would Itona, Karma, and Asano react to their S/O breaking up with them because S/O is failing a class and their parents think its because their to focused on the relationship instead of grades (sorry if that's a bit confusing) please~ also I love you even if your not able to do the request
It’s not confusing at all, I will do it 😤
Also I‘m not sure if they should get back together in the end so I just wrote different endings, I hope that’s fine ^^
Breaking up with S/O
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-Karma would be mad mad
-You were breaking up with him only because of your grades?! Unacceptable
-"I don’t want this either, but my Parents say I have to focus more on my School work... maybe they‘re right..."
-"Y/N you only failed one class. One! This isn’t the end of the fucking world!"
-He‘d offer you some kind of Help. He‘s fairly smart anyways, so what’s the big deal? He helped you a lot in other subjects, so why shouldn’t he help you now?
-"Y/N this is our relationship not your parents'." He‘d be on the verge of flipping out. He‘d look completely crazy "Do you really want to break up with me?"
-he knows it may seem like he wants to manipulate you, but he‘s just very lonely and scared. He has no one else. You were the one who knew most of his secrets, you made him happy. And now you wanted to leave because of bad grades??
-"We can fix this. Don‘t leave me please. I can help you! I-I can be a good teacher, I promise!"
-You couldn’t resist. He’s such a dork, there was no way you‘d be able to break up with him
-After all, it was your Choice, and your Parents had nothing to do with this
-You accepted his offer, and your parents were mad at first, but your grades got better eventually, and they accepted it soon after
-after all, they just wanted you to be happy
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-"You‘ve been avoiding me for days. Did I do something wrong?" He’d ask, his face remaining a calm expression
-you wouldn’t cry. It would only make things worse
-"Itona my parents say we should break up."
-It wouldn’t hit him at first. He would just blankly stare at you without saying anything at all
-"Oh." Would he his response. He wanted to scream, cry and he angry at you, but he couldn’t "Is there any reason why?"
-"My parents day I should focus on my grades more.." you‘d mumble and kick away one of the stones on the sidewalk
-"That‘s it? That‘s why you’re leaving me?!" He’d be mad at you. Like, really mad
-He felt alone his whole life. Without you, he had nothing. Nowhere to go when he felt sad, angry, uncomfortable. He was all on his own again. And he hated it
-he seems like a calm person, but inside he’s just a very troubled boy
-you would start to cry "But that doesn’t mean we can’t get back together Itona.."
-". . . Just focus on your grades and forget about me. Seems like I‘m not important at all."
-his decisions are questionable, but he just couldn’t think for that moment. It was too much for him. He‘s been alone almost his whole life, and you’re leaving him because of grades. It bothered him, although he knew there was nothing he could do
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-He wouldn’t believe you at first "Tch. Funny Joke Y/N, we‘re not breaking up."
-"But-" "No listen. I‘m the smartest guy you‘ll ever meet in your life, trust me. I can help you with the subject you’re struggling with and it‘ll be fine."
-he could see that you were nervous. Your parents wouldn’t approve
-"I‘m scared that my parents might... force us.. to break up for real if we do that."
-"Don‘t worry they won’t." He‘d try to change your mind as best as he can. You mean a lot to him, after all
-Gakushu just wanted you to stay. He couldn’t be alone with his father for any longer. He needed someone. And that someone was you
-You leaving him because of a failed class wouldn’t be an option for him. Not at all. It was unacceptable to him
-Gakushu would try his hardest to convince your parents to not force you two to break up. He even swore that he wouldn’t have any sleepovers with you for next month, so you two could only study together
-You were so scared, but you really wanted to stay with him, and you also wanted to never fail a class again, so your parents saw it as a win win.
-You got to be happy, and your grades would also get better. Your parents couldn’t complain, so they didn’t do anything against it
Kinda short, I‘m not sure if I like it, it seems kinda rushed, but I think the result is fine!
I hope you enjoyed reading it, I didn’t have much time (I know, I always say this T^T) and I‘ve been sick again for the past week (I have no idea what‘s wrong with me sjsjksns)
Hope you like it ;-;
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