#ridiculous peacock of a man
siverwrites · 1 month
Ghost Trick ending spoilers.
I've seen the ending multiple times and never noticed that Cabanela TOSSES his fork up and catches. I thought he was just raising it high with the twirl. Sir, you keep finding more ways to be ridiculous.
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I looked up the ending again and it's there plain as day, twice; I just... somehow never noticed... Despite taking that screenshot.
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kupidachillea · 27 days
Olympians x You (hcs or imagines)
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Author note: Geez, it’s been awhile. Sorry, I’ve been in bit of a funk, got both writers block and art block but I just want to drop this. I still have a few things in my drafts, but for now I’ll feed you guys this.
TW (trigger warning):This may have a few Yandere themes in it. And while the Olympians themselves aren’t really yanderes- they do share similar tendencies considering their myths. Please note that this isn’t completely accurate to their mythology- but it’s just a bit of fun so please take no offence and be nice in the comments.
CW (content warning)⚠️: readers either 17-18+ (to read this I mean), light mentions of nudity, molesting and sexual harassment, toxic behaviour. General (hinted) Yandere behaviour. Reader’s discretion is advised.
🏺- You weren’t sure how you got here but somehow you ended up on mount Olympus of all places.
🪡- Your brain was fuzzy and you hadn’t yet registered the 12 + looming faces above you. When you did notice, they were bickering in a language you didn’t understand (or at the very least, understood a little). It was jarring and you were still trying to get your bearings.
-🏺 You noticed one of them, a woman, dressed in garments fit for royalty (in ancient times at least) and had somewhat of a peacock aesthetic to it, yelling and pointing accusingly at a man, presumably her husband. She didn’t seem happy. Hera. Queen of the Olympians..that means the other must’ve been Zeus..oh boy
🪡- Zeus looked as if he was trying to quell his wife’s anger before things got more out of hand. There were a few others in the back that looked bored of the situation- as if a similar thing has happened before, while others looked mildly amused.
🏺- Despite all that- the argument seemed to have turned completely to you. Hera turning her rage towards you. “You! Where did you come from, how did you arrive here!?” She’d ask in anger, it was evident she had very little patience if any at all, thankfully though she was now speaking a language you could understand. You scrambled to answer her, your body trembling slightly at how her voice shook the marble floor you were sat on.
🪡- You tried to explain to her that you didn’t know how you got here. Your brain still fuzzy with images that didn’t clear up or make sense. This obviously didn’t help the Queen’s anger and you could see her patience slipping. She would scoff and turn back towards the other gods, them discussing what they should do with you.
🏺 - Some suggestions were thrown around, some you weren’t so fond of. Multiple times did they suggest either killing you or throwing you off the mountain (which would kill you anyway). However those ideas were shut down immediately by more ‘kindhearted’ gods. This hasn’t happened in centuries- a human spawning on top of their mountain out of the blue..they aren’t really prepared for this.
🪡- They were almost all out of ideas, until one golden haired music deity bent down to your height and took a closer look at you. His eyes shining as he took in your appearance before a smile started to work its way on his lips. “How about we keep them..?” He suddenly asked, his gaze still set on the little (little to them anyway) human in front of him.
🏺- This made everyone pause and even you were shocked by the suggestion. You found it ridiculous and you argued that despite how flattering it was- you didn’t want to stay with them and you wanted to be returned back to your home. The gods only seemed to ignore you, as if you were a child having an unreasonable temper tantrum. They were all considering keeping you here!
🪡- “Well…” Hermes started. You could tell since he was a bit shorter than the others and he had his signature winged sandals. “It has been quite awhile since the gods have had a plaything..” he would mutter reluctantly. He wasn’t entirely sold on the idea, despite how his father and brothers (most anyway) were grinning like idiots. You, obviously , did not appreciate being referred to as a plaything.
🏺- “Then it is settled..this little one shall be our new plaything!” Zeus grinned, a little too happy for both yours and Hera’s taste. You were about to give them a piece of your mind but was swiftly silenced by a threatening gaze from Hera..to your surprise. And thus began your horrible life with the Olympians..
🪡- You were stripped of your modern clothing and given a chiton to wear instead. “It’s too modern for our liking..” Aphrodite would say as she felt up your body in ways that made you shiver in discomfort. “We’re use to our people…how should I say this? Showing a little more skin…” the goddess of love would chuckle sweetly, while you would stare at her in embarrassment and maybe even a hint of disgust. While you could understand where she was coming from- it still didn’t stop you personally from being uncomfortable with they way she was touching you.
🏺-You’d also be dressed up in fine jewellery, much to your surprise..anklets of gold, bangles made of bronze, necklaces etc. sweet smelling oil perfumes covering your body- anything to make seem more ‘appealing’ to the gods and goddess. You were their plaything after all, so it made sense for them to dress you how they liked..no matter how much you disliked it.
🪡- They’d occasionally have you pour them wine at banquets or sit on their laps to just sit there and look pretty. The main gods that did this were of course Zeus, Apollo, Poseidon, definitely Dionysus and at some point Hermes. You didn’t really appreciate this, but rejecting their request would result in a ‘punishment’ for you.
🏺- To your surprise..Ares rarely touched you without your permission, but he was a little mean here and there. He along with Athena and Demeter weren’t as…’touchy’ as the others. And Artemis …you appreciated that..though just because they didn’t touch you in inappropriate ways doesn’t mean they weren’t as ‘crazy’ as the rest.
🪡- For example, while Artemis wasn’t big on being a pest in terms of touching you, she did take you out on hunts..which..wasn’t so bad in your opinion. It was much better than being up on the mountain most days..she thought a little more rationally- but of course- her twin, Apollo, would see you hanging out with his sister and get a little possessive about it. Which you didn’t understand- you weren’t any of their lovers (even if they thought so), but even so..most hunting trips were cut short because of him.
🏺- When you finally got moments to breathe away from the gods..you’d spend it out in the garden..hidden away from everyone and thing..it was your quiet time up until one of the gods summoned you. You found out that you weren’t the first human to be in this position (and probably not the last)..according to one of the lesser known gods (maybe Hebe) you were told that centuries before, a young lad was taken into the heavens to serve Zeus but had been placed into the stars as the constellation known as Aquarius.
🪡- You shivered at the thought..you didn’t want that to happen to you. To be placed in the stars? Doomed to forever look down on earth and watch your family and friends grow? It may have been an honour back then but to you it was almost like a death sentence.
🏺- Either way, life with the Olympians got harder to cope with. Your privacy was always compromised and you were forced to many things you didn’t like. Sometimes the gods would be as bold to sneak up on you while you were bathing and either join you in the pool or touching up your nude body.
🪡-Often giving excuses for why they would do so, or simply ignoring your protest. It wasn’t hard to manhandle you after all..they were gods, and you were a puny human. Why should they care about your thoughts and feelings. It progressively got worse with them kissing your neck or cheek without your permission too- Apollo was the main culprit of that..
🏺- Sometimes you found yourself crying in a corner by yourself at the situation you were in. The only person willing to comfort you being Hestia. She obviously didn’t approve of this but she couldn’t do much besides being a safe space for you to turn to, which you appreciated.
🪡- But no matter how you protest, run, hide, or try to defy them; you are still theirs. That how they see it anyway, and they won’t change their mind..
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shunsuiken · 7 months
DON’T FORGET WHO’S TAKING YOU HOME (and in whose arms you’re gonna be).
pairing(s). kaeya, childe, ayato, kaveh, neuvillette x fem!reader
genre. fluff
wc. 200-400 for each character
an. AND SING WITH ME 🎤🎤 SO DARLING SAVE THE LAST DANCE FOR MEEE michael buble literally left no crumbs with this song i had to write about it omg + ALSO happy valentines day everyone !!! i may not have a valentine this year but im happy to post this for anybody feeling a little lonely today !! you are so so loved okay ?!!! come and collect a kiss from me before reading on 💋 MUAH have a lovely valentines day !!! <33
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kaeya alberich
you’re really good at hiding, kaeya thinks to himself with a huff and a smile on his lips. searching all over the plaza for you was making him break a sweat in his navy blue tuxedo. with another turn around the corner he decides to remove his tuxedo jacket for the time being, folding it over his arm to carry instead.
“no, no, no klee! stop it! you can’t play with your things here, if you blow things up-”
“-master jean will put me in solitary confinement…”
oho, kaeya recognises these two voices very well. he finds it so hilarious that at the end, his feet lead him right to you! not even a single thought was processed as he turned the corner two seconds ago but here you are.
he hides behind the large potted plant, listening to the conversation you and the beloved spark knight share. he stays there until it becomes quiet between you two.
“kaeya, you peacock, i know it’s you.”
kaeya lets out a baffled noise, finally showing himself from behind the plant, offended by the ridiculous nickname you gave him. “snowflake, how dare you?”
“klee, don’t eavesdrop on people like this man when you grow older, yeah?” you point animatedly at your lover, who’s folding his arms and scoffing at you.
klee only giggles, nodding her head. “i gotta go find albedo now!” you watch as she skips off towards the plaza, waving goodbye.
you then turn towards your next problem that stands behind you. “i thought you were out dancing?”
“i was, but they’ll start playing the last dance soon and how can my last dance not be with you?” your lover walks towards you, pulling you closer by your waist with his free arm. you immediately wrap your arms around his neck, smiling softly at his intentions.
you hear an announcement echoing from the plaza before you can reply, and you figure it might have been mika because of how timid the voice sounded.
“good evening everyone, please bring all your friends and company over for the last dance of the night!”
“sounds like our queue.” you slide your arms off his shoulder to grab his hand, pulling him with you without warning.
“oh snowflake, hold on-” kaeya almost trips on air and the sounds of your laughter bounce off the concrete floor and walls as you drag him down the staircase leading to the plaza.
you can never refuse ajax’s request for a dance, because he won’t take no for an answer. especially when it comes to dancing. your feet hurt so much. you’re so ready to just fall on top of your bed and go to sleep. but the only thing that keeps you wide awake, heart pumping and everything is the look on your lover's face.
his gaze usually has this inhumane and dull look to them, but you find that whenever he looks at you or when he participates in something he loves, his gaze finally twinkles. it works so miraculously too. like all of a sudden life was returned to him and he could see.
the smile on your lips grows when you think about this. you think it’s sweet how you’re one of the reasons that the life in his eyes returns.
ajax notices the tighter grip you hold on his forearm, making his lips curl in curiosity. “what’s going on in your head, baby?”
you zone in on the situation, you’re still dancing, and you shake your head in response. “nothing, ajax.” you want to keep your thoughts to yourself but when ajax smiles at you like that, with the most expectant look on his face, you can’t help yourself. “actually, i just thought about the dance.”
he twirls you around to the music before connecting arms with you again. “you just thought about the dance?” his brow quirks in amusement.
“no, no not like that,” you say with a sheepish chuckle before continuing, “i just thought that this number is the longest one so far.”
“well of course,” ajax responds with an eye smile. “it’s the last song.”
“it… is?” you look up at ajax while trying to fight the urge to look anywhere else.
if this is the last song… and you’re dancing with him… then that can only mean-
when the choreography allows ajax to pull you against his chest, he leans down so he can whisper in your ear, “you will be my final dance partner tonight.”
kamisato ayato
these few days at fontaine have been strumming the strings of your heart like a guitar—ayato has been spending so much time with you that you’re beginning to think of such ridiculous conclusions. his eyes that linger on your face, his hand that hovers on the small of your back when leading you out of a hall and it’s just these little things that he does with you that makes you want to claw an entire curtain off its rod. one time he even poured you a glass of wine before taking a sip with the same glass—it’s like he’s forgotten he’s the yashiro commissioner!
thoma and ayaka barely bat an eye. but also, they’ve known ayato for much longer than you have since you were a recent (and lovely) addition to the little family. so… perhaps this is just how he acts?
“uh-huh, when he’s courting someone that is.”
the sentence that thoma said offhandedly is the only thing that rings through your mind. but your thoughts must’ve shone through your expression because ayato is quick on his feet to smoothly guide you off the dance floor, gloved hand still holding yours as he brings you to a less crowded area—the balcony.
“you appeared to be distracted, that’s why i pulled us away,” ayato breaks the silence and your train of thoughts.
he’s still holding my hand—is what you’re repeating in your head. your eyes can barely focus on a single object within your field of vision. your bottom lip quivers at the revelation you’re carefully starting to uncover.
“i am not distracted,” you inhale sharply when you accidentally meet ayato’s gaze. “i…” your brows crease as you try to get words out of your mouth.
ayato brings your hand up to his lips, placing a chaste kiss on the back of your hand and you can physically feel the blood rush up to your fingertips. “would my lady like to return to the hotel?”
your voice leaves your throat in but a hoarse whisper, “what did you just call me?”
you hear a chuckle from ayato and it makes you snap your head around in embarrassment. this new term of endearment rolls off his tongue way too easily, the rascal must have been practicing!
“oh no, no, no, my lady, you must look at me,” a grin appears on ayato’s face at your attempts to hide your expression and when he finally gets you to look at him, you’re caged between his arms.
“why would you call me that?” you whine at his teasing.
“well i just couldn’t keep it to myself anymore,” ayato murmurs, a dust of pink decorating his cheeks. “will you allow me to call you that?”
three hours. it’s been three hours since you and kaveh decided to learn a cute couples dance routine ‘for funsies’. whose idea was this again? weren’t you two supposed to be just friends? doesn’t kaveh have a client meeting tomorrow that he should be preparing for?
“so we do this—then this and then we’re supposed to oh—!”
the silence is deafening. the song playing in the background fades as you both stare at each other, even mirroring the same expression. eyes as wide as saucers. lips just inches from connection.
kaveh’s breath fans over your lips and you can hear the audible gulp he makes at the closeness. he’s also entirely aware that the red in his cheeks has reached his ears by now. while you, on the other hand, have started hearing the percussion of your heart in your own eardrums.
“o-oh…” your legs are frozen in place and hang on a second, why haven’t either of you let go?
his hand is respectfully sat on your waist, while the other is occupied holding your hand. you hear him inhale and it grabs your attention before you can get anymore lost in his gaze. his gaze observes your lovely face, eyes flickering from one feature to another as he whispers, “has anybody ever told you you’re pretty up close?”
you shake your head ever so slightly. “no.”
kaveh likes this answer, humming as he ponders for a moment.
your eyes sparkle when that handsome smile of his appears on his lips. he chuckles shortly at your expression, your palm feels so warm when connected with his.
“i’m glad i’m the first to tell you.”
“oh dear, neuvillette,” you chuckle softly, walking towards him as he takes another sip of his water. he stands in a more secluded corner of the hall, briefly greeting guests with a nod of the head. which is why he stands out like a sore thumb—arctic white hair, designer blue suit and a piercing gaze.
but that gaze doesn’t fool you. the dragon sovereign is probably pondering on retiring for the night and is only still present to keep up with appearances.
“yes, lady y/n?” it’s to nobody’s surprise that he heard you from metres away.
when he turns around, your eyes immediately land on the problem you’ve sensed since you returned from the dancefloor.
“your tie,” you reply, standing in front of his figure, nonchalantly raising your hands in preparation to adjust the garment. “will you allow me to fix it?”
the gears in neuvillette’s mind pause abruptly at your question. he certainly has no problem readjusting his own tie. his hands aren’t holding anything else other than his cup of water—which he can definitely put down on a nearby table!
but why can’t he bring himself to say no?
the ‘of course’ leaves his lips faster than he would have liked, but that’s no matter, your expression shows no sign of displeasure. instead, he watches your sweet smile brighten.
when your fingers reach the tie, neuvillette notices how you tiptoe to reach him. so he does what any normal person would do—he leans down.
it catches you off guard, the tips of your fingers just slightly grazing against his neck in the process. you profusely apologise in whispers to which neuvillette can only chuckle at.
“it is no trouble lady y/n, i appreciate the kind gesture.” the corner of neuvillette’s lips curve, his hands neatly tucked behind him as he allows you to redo his tie.
neuvillette’s lips only seem to further break into a smile as he watches you pat on the tie in completion.
“there, all finished.” you look up at the iudex, chuckling, “you ought to learn how to do this yourself.”
neuvillette hums, “perhaps you could teach me.” he takes your hand, gently brushing his lips against your knuckles before kissing it. “but for now a dance shall suffice, would you care to join me?”
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schoenpepper · 2 months
This Love is Skin Tight
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Intro: Vil's love has arms and teeth, it latches onto you and never lets go.
Warnings: bad writing, awful grammar, proofread by quillbot, he's kinda nuts ngl, just like i like my men, death idk, yandere, curses and poisons and stuff, like one German word and a couple French but it's from google translate, swear words
A/N: Got overexcited and rushed through my first request. I hope you like it anon whose emoji I can't understand (worm? intestine? noodle? isaw anon what).
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The dominoes fall one by one, and it starts with a potionology exam.
One you fail, mind you, but Vil can't think of a more perfect entry point to your life. He's the Pomefiore housewarden after all; he got his position by virtue of his potionology (and poison brewing 💜) skills, so you would obviously come to him for help. He would scold you for failing in the first place, but he would reluctantly agree to tutor you. Alone. Behind locked doors. Well after curfew. He's so generous, really, should you be too scared to traverse campus in the middle of the night on your lonesome, he would even be willing to lend you a room in the dorm (but if it just so happens that the empty rooms are dusty, he's afraid he won't be able to use magic to clean them, and instead, he'll have to lend you his bed). The perfect plan leading to his perfect romance.
"So I got Riddle senpai to teach me!"
His head turns so fast towards your table in the cafeteria that he's sure his neck almost snaps, but he's too preoccupied with your words to care. You chose to have that hot-tempered redhead tutor you rather than him? He's clearly the best option. Sure, Rosehearts is smart, but book smart wouldn't give you the knowledge and ability that his hands-on teaching would give you. You've made a terrible decision; ergo, he must rectify it.
He makes his way over to you in confident strides, making sure to flash you his best side when he calls out to you. "Süßkartoffel, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation from my table. If you're struggling so much at potionology, I could gracefully lend you my time to teach you, even amidst my very busy schedule."
You'll say yes, of course. He's already offered himself to you; what more do you want? He inspects the expression on your face and thinks of how much lovelier it would look once he gained control over your skincare routine.
"Oh, no, thank you, Vil senpai." You reply.
Frowns bring wrinkles, anger brings wrinkles.
Vil has to repeat the sentence over and over again in his mind for him not to break then and there. Maybe you'll agree to his offer if he accidentally drops two cursed sugar cubes into Rosehearts' lemon tea? He can't find it in himself to verbalize the threat when you smile at him so innocently, your eyes sparkling as you spoke. "I wouldn't want to take up your time, I know you barely have enough time for yourself." He fails to reply before the bell rings, and you pat his shoulder twice before skipping away with your merry band of idiots.
He did not spend at least thirty minutes in his room after classes just burying his face into the part of the blazer you'd touched. That would be disgraceful.
The second domino tips over when you visit the Film Research club. He preens like a peacock at your arrival, making sure his beret is snug on his champagne locks and his camel trenchcoat is absolutely flawless—not a speck of dirt on it. He acts undeterred by your presence, crossing one leg over the other as he sits on the folding chair. Lilac eyes glance your way before going back to the set, and he gestures at the staff manning the clapperboard. Vil pretends that he's all too focused on the actors, though he keeps you in his peripheral. Thus, he's halfway to insanity when he notices you're giggling with Ortho by the curtains instead of fawning over his gorgeous figure. How dare you?
You're so annoying.
Why aren't you tripping over yourself for him the way that you should? This is ridiculous!
His hold on the megaphone slips, and the sound of it crashing to the floor stops the actors on the scene. "Apologies." Vil looks at them haughtily. "Your acting was so boring and uninspired that my hand fell asleep."
Ha, see if he doesn't curse that robot child to never be around five feet of you again.
The students scurry back to their original places and restart the scene. Now you're finally looking at him. He straightens his posture to an impeccable standard under your admiring gaze, and even now, he still can't find a way to concentrate on his club activities. No, he wants to drag you over to sit on his lap in the director's chair and have you play with the clapperboard in that adorable fidgety manner you do whenever you're anxious. The scene finishes with audible sighs of relief from the actors.
"Y/N. Come here."
You walk over to him. "Yes, senpai?"
"Did you learn anything from their performance or did you just come here to chatter with Ortho?" Vil's tone comes out perhaps a little more poisonous than he would have liked, but you don't seem to mind it as you chuckle sheepishly. "Sorry, I wasn't watching too closely." You don't sound sorry at all.
"Then don't waste your time here if you're just going to be unproductive." Before he could offer you a chance at being his (permanent) assistant director, you bow at a perfect 45-degree angle. "I'm so sorry, senpai. I'll leave, then. I'm very sorry to disturb you." You walk away faster than he can stop you, and it makes him wonder if perhaps he should just hex your shoes to stay in place every time he's saying something that you so love to conveniently cut off. Would it kill you to let him finish his sentences? The corner of his lip twitches. He takes another deep breath.
He's a little too close to just locking you away in a basement forever.
The last domino falls and shatters his resolve to be a normal person and court you like a normal person would (read: meticulously create a series of coincidences that will have you seeing him in a new light and making you fall for him).
On such a beautiful, brilliant sunny day, he finds storm clouds drawing above his head at the sight he catches in the botanical garden. Leona Kingscholar, of all people, seems so comfortable laying his head down on your lap as you sit against a tree with a book in your hands. At Vil's fuming, Rook drops down next to him (where the fuck did he come from) and gleefully asks a question, plucking the string of his bow. "Permission to hunt the roi des lions, mon roi?" For once, he's glad that his best friend is a freak. The word leaves his lips before he can even think about it.
Whoosh, an arrow flies through the air and pins a corner of Leona's vest to the ground when he makes a move to dodge. "Ah, you were awake!" Rook shouts as he runs over to the beastman with a wide smile. "This should make the hunt more fun."
Leona clicks his tongue and sits up before bolting right across the field.
"Get away, you fucking nutjob!"
"Non, non, this is a permitted hunt!"
Vil watches with a subtle smile playing on the curve of his lips. When he finally turns to you, he finds a numb expression on your pretty face. "My, süßkartoffel, I didn't think that you and that lion were so close." You shrug and close your book. "I was walking when he pulled me down and claimed me as his pillow, so I just went with it."
Sorry, you just went with it?
His smile feels a little too heavy to keep up.
You just went with it? Are you serious? Are you real? What if I knocked you out right now and chained you to my bed? Will you still go along with it, then? What about if I dose your food with love potions?
"I see. Y/N, walk with me." Vil commands, snapping his fingers. You oblige and follow him all the way back to the Pomefiore dormitory in a deadly silent stroll. He opens the door to his room for you and locks it, murmuring a quick curse on the doorknob before turning to face you. "I would like to preface this by saying that this is not the way I wished to confess to you."
"No problem. What would you like to confess?" You have the nerve to beam at him in this situation. Do you even know what he's saying?!
You sit down on the edge of his bed, looking up at him so innocently. So naive and guileless.
He thinks he'd like to ruin you.
He wants to break you down into pieces and rebuild you in a way where you would want him in this monstrous form, all envy and sharp claws unsheathed. He wants to piece you back together with his name in every shard of your being. He wants to engrave you into himself, and by doing so, never be apart ever again. The only thing he does is kneel at your feet.
"Please tell me why you're like this." Vil whispers softly, leaning his head on your knee.
"I'm not sure I follow..."
"I love you." There's relief when he finally gets the words out of his mouth. He should have stopped there. Instead, the rest of his misshapen adoration comes spilling from his lips, confessions of unholy yearning leaving him like a prayer. "Truly, I love you so much that I despise you. I love you like the world loves the sun; I wish to burn in flames to witness your splendor. I love you like the tides love the moon; my heart threatens to engulf shores in watery death should you choose to look away from me. I love you like no one else has ever loved before; they are all embers in comparison to this fiery hearth I've tended for you." He feels your fingers gently running through his hair.
"Do you not find me ugly like this? Despicable? A monster comparable to eldritch horrors?" Vil frowns, his eyes teary. He is not a man who weeps, but what he is is an actor of great renown. "My love for you is too intense; it threatens to kill everyone you care for in an attempt to keep you for myself. My love is too eternal; it wishes to isolate you from those dregs of society you call friends; it wishes to devour you in your entirety. My love for you whispers to me with bloodlust, and only your flesh will satisfy it." He takes your hand and kisses your knuckles gently.
"Er, pardon?"
You shrug, patting his head. "If you like me that much, let's be together. So, like, do we kiss now or...?"
Vil stares up at you wide-eyed.
"Isn't that what couples do?"
"Pardon? Are we," He blinks. "Are we a couple?"
"I thought you liked me? I like you too. So we're a couple now, right?" You lean down and kiss his lips. You're inexperienced, for sure, only awkwardly fitting your mouths together. Vil thinks he might be insane with the way he chases after your lips, regardless.
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ckneal · 3 months
We have so little information on Felix’s father, but it’s enough for me to decide for myself that this guy was clearly obsessed with Gabriel.
The real evidence came from Felix’s portrayal of his father in the little art performance art lore dump he did for Marinette in Representation, where it just seems so clear that whoever this man was clearly lost sleep over his brother in-law.
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You have to imagine that Felix must have listened to his father rant about Gabriel so many times to have come up with this image of what their relationship must have been like. If not him, then Amilie must have listened to the rants—about this dirt poor tailor who won over her sister through sheer charm and then proceeded to scale the ranks of the Paris fashion world until he was a global sensation—to the point where Felix couldn’t help but pick up on it when she eventually told him about his origins.
But what really solidified the idea for me was how it fit into why Adrien and Felix look so much alike. Genetically speaking, the children of identical twins might be more similar to siblings than cousins, but this level of similarity is just ridiculous. Finding out that they’re both sentimonsters certainly seems like it answers some questions, but not all of them. We don’t know exactly how this process works, whether any DNA is actually involved, or how much Emilie and Felix’s father opted to custom-design their children when using the peacock miraculous. But in season 3, Nathalie brought her duplicate of Ladybug into the world using only willpower and an image to aim for. What’s to say that Cowboy McNoName wasn’t just standing around thinking, “I want Gabriel’s son, but better, Gabriel’s son, but better!”
And thus brought into the world this socially awkward little prodigy, who looked just like his cousin, who he loved, despite the weird hostility from the mood that created him seeping into their interactions every now and then. 
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annwrites · 1 month
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—you shook me all night long
working double time on the seduction line. she's one of a kind, she's just mine, all mine. — student!billy x fwb!reader ; ❀.·:·
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He’d been what you had been waiting for. Egotistical, self-centered, and superficial. Not that everyone at school wasn’t. But there’d also been his reputation amongst the other girls that he’d so quickly garnered that had caught even your attention. It was after hearing that he’d made his way through three girls in as many weeks that you made your decision final.
Perhaps he would reject you. You’d, after all, not spoken to him even once since he’d come to Hawkins High. And he seemed to like attention. And you were certainly about to offer him some. But to give it to him so freely…perhaps he preferred a chase.
You have little patience for such meaningless social practices, however.
After…what happened, you now have a low tolerance for a great many things. Immaturity and juvenile antics chief among them.
You’d been watching him for the last few days, observing, thinking, fantasizing. It wasn’t about him, though. And that didn’t exactly make you feel good about what you were about to do—use him, essentially, which made you feel not entirely different from the man from last summer…
But, you had to remind yourself, that, so long as he consented, that made all the difference.
You’d both be getting what you wanted. Him another notch in his belt, which seems to be all he’s after, and you…a piece of yourself being taken back on your own terms.
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You’ve been rehearsing and re-rehearsing this conversation mentally during every waking hour for the last week, playing through the different scenarios. His predictable flirtatious replies and commentary—you cutting straight to the point, making clear what you want.
He can either take the offer, or leave it.
You calmly make your way over to Billy Hargrove, who’s standing at his locker, putting his things away, ready to head home and start his weekend. At least you’ll be helping him start it with a metaphorical ‘bang’, if nothing else.
Despite your best efforts to remain calm, your heart pounds and palms become sweaty at the simple prospect of him laughing in your face at what you’re about to ask of him. All your foolish planning and hoping…down the drain in an instant.
“Hello, Billy,” you say quietly, politely, clasping your hands behind you. Then wondering if such a position makes this seem too much like a business deal.
You tell yourself you’re just overthinking things.
Billy’s arm jerks as he goes to slide his last textbook onto the top shelf of his locker—surprised, if not also pleased, that you’re finally speaking your first words to him. He’s been waiting for this moment since he first came to Hawkins High. You’re the one girl in all the school that’s hardly had any amount of interaction with him since his first day, and he’d, initially, humored himself by brushing it off as you clearly playing hard-to-get, until the weeks went on and you still had yet to even glance in his general direction.
You seemed reluctant to notice him, but he had certainly noticed you. You were…quiet, lonely, but definitely attractive. Perhaps you needed just the right amount of male attention to get you to come out of your shell.
He’s certainly the man for the job.
He shuts his locker—screaming at himself to act casual—and leans a shoulder against it, other hand on his hip as a smirk crawls across his lips. He lets his eyes flit up and down your body before settling on your own that’re waiting patiently for him—for his ridiculous bit of peacocking to come to a close so you can address the matter at-hand.
“Hey yourself, sweetheart. Somethin’ you need? Maybe a ride home?” He asks with a raised brow, hoping you fucking say yes.
“Are you busy tonight?”
His lip twitches. Good. You’re finally coming around.
He shrugs. “Not as far as I know. You got something in mind you want to go do? Maybe hit the mall and—”
“Are your parents home?”
He blinks at you. Surely you aren’t about to make things that fucking easy on him.
“Not until later tonight. Both have work, then their usual date night. So, the house is all ours if you want to come over,” he states, leaning in toward you. Max had told him during lunch that she’s going to a friend’s for the night—which he now thanks God for.
You nod, smiling. “I’d like to.”
He grins—entirely surprised; him having thought you different. No work involved, huh? He could do with that. After all, sex is sex. Even better with a pretty girl.
He nods toward the end of the hall, which leads out of the school. “Let’s go then, doll.”
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You don’t pay your classmates any mind as you walk with Billy out to his car. They’ll think what they want about you being seen with him. Most likely that you’re another doe-eyed girl he’s suckered into his bed. As if you don’t have a mind of your own about you, and because he’s a man he’s calling all the shots while you follow along aimlessly.
As if this isn’t all your idea.
You play along to an extent with Billy as he shows off in his car—quickly reversing out of the lot, as if he can’t hurry you away to his house fast enough. Blaring music and shifting gears and generally being a guy all the while. You simply sit in the seat next to him with a pleasant smile and laugh accordingly at the appropriate times, eager to be alone with him in his room.
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Once the front door is shut behind you, you give him a pleasant smile, while he grins. “You uh—”
You interrupt. “Can I see your room?”
He raises a brow. “Y-Yeah, sure.”
You follow him back that way, admiring all his assests. His beautiful, curly blond hair, his broad shoulders, his muscled arms…his tight ass.
He really is very good-looking. Pretty, even.
He leads you into the requested room, awkwardly leaning back against his dresser, watching as you look the small space over.
His open closet that has a number of button-ups hanging within, a few pairs of jeans, some boots thrown onto the floor. His unmade twin-size bed—dark blue sheets stretched across it—a bookshelf with records and used novels organized crudely. And then there’s his dresser that has a couple hairbrushes, a comb, hairspray, a random men’s shaver, cologne strewn across an oakwood surface.
You pad toward him, smiling softly. “Do you want to have sex?”
His eyes widen and he shifts on his feet, gripping the edge of the dresser behind him in each of his palms. “You…you want to?”
He can’t believe how fucking forward you’re being. No guessing games, no flirtations, no forcing him to take the lead. Just…jumping right in.
Immediately into the deep-end he goes, he thinks.
You nod, stepping closer, taking one of his hands in yours. “Yes, I do.”
He clears his throat nervously. “Yeah, okay. Sure.”
You cock your head slightly to the side. “If you don’t want to it’s okay. You can tell me.”
He shakes his head, smiling slightly, looking down at his socked feet, soft curls falling forward—they really are very adorable.
“No, I do. I…I have for fuckin’ weeks. Most girls just aren’t so… I’m always the one who has to y’know…ask for it.”
He looks at you from under his golden head of hair.
“You haven’t talked to me since I came here and now you want me inside of you?”
You loop your index finger between two of the buttons in the middle of his shirt. “I’m sorry. I just…it has nothing to do with you. I just have a hard time making friends, I think. I can be shy. But I do really like you.”
You press the front of your body to his. “You’re really handsome.”
He smiles, shaking his head. “You know what the hell you want, don’t you?”
He tucks a lock of hair behind your ear, fighting against the way his hand shakes from nerves.
You nod, standing on tiptoes, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“I want you,” you whisper, pressing your lips to his.
His heart skips a beat , pounding painfully in his chest. He slides his arms around your waist, slipping his hands under the back of your shirt, moving higher and higher until he has the clasp of your bra in his fingertips. And, with one pinch, it comes undone.
He flicks his tongue against yours, teasing you, tasting you.
He grips either side of your shirt, easing it up, revealing your feminine curves, and the two of you break your kiss for only a moment as he tosses it onto the floor.
He reaches down, wanting to work on getting your shorts off next, until your hands overtake his, stilling them.
“Can I undress you?” You ask, looking up at him with flushed cheeks—your breasts entirely exposed now.
His lip twitches and he nods silently.
You take your time unbuttoning his shirt, tugging it out from where it’s tucked into his jeans.
You fold it, setting it atop his dresser, then moving to unbuckling his leather belt. You carefully unbutton and unzip his jeans next, Billy watching you all the while with bated breath.
You really…seem to know what you’re doing. Surprisingly calm, collected, every move measured, as if it’s been rehearsed.
Maybe you get around a lot, even if he’s seemingly witnessed otherwise.
But God if it doesn’t get his dick rock-fucking-hard: a girl taking the lead for once.
You get on your knees and his heart jumps into his throat as you ease his pants down his legs.
He steps out of them, and you fold them as well, reaching up, setting them atop his shirt before you meet his eyes, hooking your fingers under the waistband of his boxers.
“Can I?” You ask, blinking sweetly up at him.
He knows he’s not going to deny you anything this evening.
He nods.
You pull, and his boxers pool around his feet.
You begin kissing his muscled thighs, dragging the tip of your tongue through smatterings of dark hair, and his cock twitches at the heated feel.
You scoot closer, gripping his hips in either of your hands, rubbing soothing circles with your thumbs against them as you move your lips to his abdomen—kissing down, down, even the thick patch of hair above his cock. And then you take him in your hand and you begin to firmly stroke him.
He sucks in a sharp breath between his teeth and you look up at him, watching as he throws his head back, curls falling over his smooth shoulders, his eyes fluttering closed.
You kiss the velvety skin of his cock, gently licking along the length of it, kissing the tip, swiping your wet tongue along it before easing it into your waiting mouth inch-by-inch.
You start firmly sucking, looking up at him, feeling satisfaction when he slams one of his palms down against the dresser, muttering a quiet curse.
You release him with a ‘pop’. “Can you hold my hair? Just don’t yank it, please.”
He eases an eye open, then the other one and he smiles. “Sure thing, baby.”
He scoops your hair into a ponytail with both his hands, holding it in one, the other returning to gripping the dresser as you put him back in your mouth—not stopping until you feel him in the back of your throat.
You drool along the length of him and he moans.
“Fucking shit—”
You swirl your tongue around and around, bobbing your head contentedly before you release him once more, standing.
You twine your fingers between his, leading him over to his bed, which you lie back on comfortably.
He climbs on top of you, unbuttoning your shorts and removing both them and your panties in one fell swoop, tossing them across the room.
He reaches behind you, wanting a condom, until he freezes, watching as you run your fingertips down his chest, craning your neck upward as you press kisses along his pectorals, down his abs, back up his neck, which you wrap your arms around.
You grab his hips, rising up yourself, and he sits.
You seat yourself in his lap, kissing him passionately, your lips smacking together as you run your fingers through his hair, your tongue exploring his hot mouth, and you sigh softly against his lips.
You pull back slightly. “You’re a really good kisser,” you say quietly, returning your lips to his.
He pulls you closer, loving whatever the fuck it is that you’re doing. He’s never had foreplay like this before. Ever.
It’s always been right down to business. No ‘playing around’ involved.
You kiss down his chin, then his cheeks, his nose, his forehead, and then his neck.
He ignores the tears stinging his eyes at the tender gestures from you.
What the fuck is happening? He doesn’t…sex doesn’t stir any emotions within him. Fucking is fucking. It doesn’t mean shit. It’s just physical release.
But this isn’t fucking.
It’s making… No. It isn’t. He doesn’t know you. It’s nothing.
You place your lips next to his ear. “I want you inside of me.”
He reaches across the way, wrapping an arm around your waist as he lays you on your back, grabbing a silver wrapper from atop his bedstand.
He tears it open with his teeth, and then you gingerly take it from him.
“Can I put it on you?” You ask in a quiet whisper.
His lips twitches. “You know how?”
You glance down to his erection, then back to him. “I’d like to try, if that’s okay?”
It’s adorable how you keep asking permission for everything.
He takes himself in-hand and you place the rubber over his weeping tip, rolling it down the length of him, until it’s properly in-place.
And then he hesitates.
“Do you not—” You start, until he smirks.
“I should return the favor real quick. Just make sure you’re ready for me.”
Your brows furrow, until he cranes his neck downward, kissing each of your breasts, licking your nipples before gently rolling them between his teeth, causing your back to arch and a moan to escape your lips, which makes his cock twitch with want.
He grips your waist in his hands, holding you, and he presses wet kisses down your stomach, until he’s reached your dripping pussy.
And then he devours you.
He flicks his tongue against your clit, shoving the speared tip of it between your hot folds, lapping at you, kissing, sucking and you writhe under his tight grip, tangling your fingers in his hair.
“Oh, Billy,” you say, moaning and he does the same in return at the sound of his name spilling from your wanton lips.
And then he finally crawls back on top of you and you take him in your hand and he pushes his hips forward, slowly easing inside of you.
You lift your own hips to meet him, closing your eyes, throwing an arm around his neck, slipping your fingers into his hair.
Once he’s submerged himself between your tight walls, he lowers his chest to your own, kissing you once again, smoothing hair from your face.
You slide your calves along his own, humming in satisfaction in his arms.
He speaks against your lips. “That feel good?”
You nod, smiling. “It’s perfect. Everything is. Thank you, Billy.”
His brow twitches. That’s a first. Being thanked.
He kind of likes it, though.
He smirks, easing in and out of you pleasurably. “I’ve wanted to fuck you since the first day we met.”
You push your hips against his own, wanting as much of him inside of you as you can take. Can get. “Oh, yeah? You wanted this that badly?” You say, sighing, your voice breathy.
He kisses your lips. “Wanted you,” he mumbles, taking a nipple in his mouth.
You kiss the top of his head.
“Can I—” You swallow thickly. “Be on top. Like…in your lap?”
His eyes meet yours. “Show me, baby.”
You keep your hips connected to his as you sit up, straddling him, his back pressed to the wall behind him, feet hanging off the edge of the bed as you wrap your arms around his neck.
You start rocking your hips slowly against his own, sighing, smiling. “Feel so good,” you whimper, growing so wet you can hear it.
He slides his hands down your soft curves, making you shudder at his pleasing touch, and he grips your bottom in each his hands. “Fuck, tell me about it, sweetheart.”
You press your lips to his shoulder, whining against it. “Oh, God, Billy.”
He eases his head back against the wall. “You close, babydoll?”
You nod, kissing his neck, flicking the tip of your tongue against the soft tanned skin. “I am. Mm, yes.”
He goes to reach between your legs—to start playing with your clit—until you shake your head.
You pull back, staring into his hooded eyes, smoothing curls from his handsome face. “No. Just you.”
He bites his lower lip. “You want to come on my cock, baby? That it, honey?”
You nod. “Yes, please.”
He shakes his head lightly. “So fuckin’ polite, baby girl.”
You grin and kiss him again. “You’re so pretty.”
He snorts quietly. “Oh, yeah?”
You tenderly kiss his stubbled cheek. “Yeah.”
“Not too bad yourself,” he says, cupping the back of your head, pressing your forehead against his.
The two of you grow quiet then, only the sound of sheets shifting beneath him, the bed quietly squeaking, your ragged breaths, your wetness—his long cock between your thighs pleasuring you.
He twitches, then strains for a moment before his member calms again, but only briefly before twitching once more.
“I’m so fuckin’ close, baby.”
You nod, tears stinging your eyes. “I am, too. Mm, Billy.”
He wraps his arms around you, holding you close. “Come on. Come with, honey. C’mon. Good girl, c’mon. Come all over my cock. That’s it.”
You squeeze around him, liking the things he’s saying to you—that he’s encouraging your orgasm forward. Wants it.
 You start to bounce against his thighs, desperate for your release, which is continually growing with every thrust of his hips, bringing both of you closer and closer.
“Oh, Billy, please. I want it.”
He groans in the back of his throat. “Fuck. Fuck. Yeah, almost there. C’mon, baby. Come on. Come on it.”
You begin dragging in ragged breaths, your toes curling under your bottom, muscles tightening, eyes squeezing shut. “Yes, yes, Billy, al—almost. I want it so bad.”
He slaps your bottom gently. “Fuck, that’s it. Come with me.”
You bite down lightly on his shoulder, your body shuddering as you scream quietly against his warm skin, suddenly feeling lightheaded as your walls squeeze him tightly, urging him to follow you along, your ogasm washing over you with powerful force.
And then he does the same.
He throws his head back, slamming it into the wall, holding you in a vicelike grip against his chest, moaning your name loudly, slamming his cock into your soaked pussy repeatedly. “Oh, fuck, baby. So fucking good. Good fucking girl. Yes!”
Slowly, the two of you calm, his straining cock finishing with filling the condom, and you slump against his chest, desperate to catch your breath while your eyes flutter closed.
You fight back tears at finally having righted such a horrible, evil, revolting wrong.
You’ve taken back a part of yourself on your own terms—every moment had been absolutely perfect. Everything you’d ever wanted it to be. Had needed it to be the last few months.
You kiss him achingly slowly.
“Thank you,” you whisper. “Thank you, Billy. So much.”
You’re making it seem like he’s done you some unspoken favor, but he’ll take it anyway, gratefully.
“I think…” He starts, wondering if he should say it.
And then you cup his cheek, kissing his opposite one so sweetly. “What is it?”
He goes for it, living in the moment—wanting you to know how good a lay you are.
“That was the best sex I’ve ever had.”
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Once Billy has popped the VHS tape into the player, he flops back onto the couch, pressing fast-forward to get through all the previews, and once the main feature starts, he lets it play before glancing to you.
You scoot a bit further down, resting the back of your head atop the arm of the sofa, then rolling it to the side so you can watch something you’re sure will give you nightmares tonight.
And then you’re taken promptly by surprise when Billy lies down as well, wrapping his arms around your waist, resting his head between your breasts.
Yours eyes widen and your now-lifted arms hover over him.
“What’re you doing?”
He snuggles closer. “Trying to get comfortable. What’s it look like?”
You remain silent.
You’re sure that your pounding heart, which lies directly under his left ear, is doing all the talking for you, however. He says nothing about it, though.
“You going to lay your arms down, or is that some new exercise Fonda came up with?”
You rest them atop his back then, your palms splayed against it.
You don’t see the soft smile that spreads across his lips at the feel of you practically holding him.
“Got a bit of a headache comin’ on. Would you mind rubbing it for me?”
You hesitate for a moment, then slide your dominant hand higher, submerging your fingers in his thick curls, gently massaging his scalp.
If he were a cat, he’d be fucking purring in your lap right now, he’s sure.
His eyes flutter closed, and he falls asleep with a feeling of safety he hasn’t felt since he’s not sure when.
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Billy is woken almost two hours later by you gently shaking him and softly calling his name.
He groans, shutting his eyes again, and holding you impossibly tighter, burying his face between your breasts.
“The movie’s over,” you say quietly.
He doesn’t reply.
“You might want to head—”
“I’m sleeping here,” he grumbles.
You raise a brow.
“I don’t know—”
“I’m fuckin’ exhausted. I’m not driving.”
You grow quiet for a moment, wondering if maybe you should retrieve a Yellowpages and offer to call him a cab, then.
“We’ll just sleep in your bed,” he states.
You blink down at him in surprise. “We…what?”
He doesn’t repeat himself.
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The summer before senior year something unspeakable happens to you when leaving a video rental store one night. Afterward, you withdraw further and further into yourself until you’re all you have left.
And then Billy Hargrove comes to Hawkins High, and you, along with the rest of the female student population, quickly take notice of him. But for you, it’s not due to some juvenile crush. You see him as a way to gain back a part of yourself. A means to an end—no matter how insensitive that may sound.
And so you have a one-night stand. Or what was meant to be. Until he comes to you asking for more.
The two of you agree up-front that no commitment or feelings will be involved. That it’s about one thing and one thing only: mind-blowing sex.
And then he starts having movie-nights with you, afternoons at the arcade, evenings driving around town in his car, eating at local diners, among countless other interactions that most-certainly aren’t dates.
Because Billy doesn’t do feelings. Or so he thinks…
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billy is the first & only person reader tells what happened to her.
all the times they hang out is almost always at billy's invitation.
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sassypossumm · 4 months
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Thank you, @serpentqueenofwesteros for the request!!! I modified it a little, but I hope that you like it!
Tywin Lannister hates excess, but that's exactly what this masquerade represents, excess. But the times are strange indeed, even more so when the ever elusive Petyr Baelish shows up with a decadently dress mysterious lady on his arm...
Tywin stood in the corner, arms folded,watching the dancers in derision.
"Father!" Tyrion trot up to his father, face flushed and eyes shining, wine cup in hand. Tywin clenched his jaw and kept his eyes trained on the festivities. Tyrions gaze followed his father's and he narrowed his eyes. "Enjoying the festivities?" He again smiled brightly up at his father, clearly the wine was good, or Tyrion would have had thr presence of mind to trod more carefully with his taciturn father.
"A masque is an egregious waste of money." His tone was hard and flat, his words measured. Tyrion mumbled something good naturedly and laughed loudly as a lady clad in bright yellow grabbed his wrists and swept him off.
Amongst the masked party goers there were two staunch outliers, but for very different reasons. Tywin Lannister, and his son Jaime.
Tywin simply detested such a disgusting waste of money. Why should he bother with a ridiculously expensive set of silly clothes he'd only wear once? No, his usual court attire suited him just fine. Jaime's reasoning was simple enough,  he was a king's guard. As such, he felt it was his place to set a standard, and so, watched the goings on with an alert eye.
And while Tyrion might not have noticed what his father had been so keenly focused on for the past hour, Jaime could help but take note.
Petyr Baelish, notorious bachelor,  so seldom known to be publicly in the company of a woman that rumors had swirled of his 'apetites', had appeared with a lady on his arm. An lady expensively bedecked in an outrageously ornate blue costume.
Unlike most of the ladies who favored the fashion of half madks which left thr bottom half of their faces exposed, this one had worn the more traditional full faced mask.
That, however, wasn't what had caught Tywin's notice. He could honestly care less about the fineries and fripperies of the fair sex. No, what caught his interest was the fact that Littlefinger had seldom left the lady alone.
Oh. She certainly swirled past him enough times for him to become familiar with her throaty laughter wafting on the breeze, but for those brief dances with this minor lord or that, she stayed firmly by Lord Baelish's side.
And it didn't seem as though they were on the friendliest of terms.
"You've been staring all evening."
"It's not polite to sneak up on your aging father, Jaime." Tywin responded dryly, not sparing his son a glance. Jaime merely smirked and leaned closer to his father.
"Why don't you ask her to dance?"
"She's quite familiar with Baelish."
"So?" Jaime shrugged a shoulder. Tywin looked over at his son knowingly.
"So, only an fool would blindly walk into one of that spider's webs."
"But a very lovely web." Jaime whispered almost teasingly, nudging his father's shoulder. Tywin scoffed.
"More peacock than lady if you ask me." He muttered derisively. Yet, no sooner had the words left his mouth that his feet carried him towards Petyr Baelish and his masked companion, you.
"Ah, Lord Lannister, I don't believe you've met my-"
"My lady, might I have your hand for this turn?" Tywin held out his hand, cutting off Lord Baelish. Petyr Baelish's eyebrow ticked, but his features remained schooled as he was royally ignored by both you and Tywin.
"You may." Without a second glance at Lord Baelish, you lay your hand atop Tywin's and followed his lead out onto the floor. The music began, the dance a slower minuet that allowed for conversation.
"You've been the talk of the evening, my lady."
"Have I, my lord?"
"Entering the hall in the finery of a queen, and on the arm of a notorious man? It seems you intend to make a statement, my lady." Tywin considers you sharply, as you circle each other. You incline your head, but say nothing. "Just what statement that is... remains to be seen."
"As you say, my lord."
"It is said that the Westerosi may write the music, but that the Bravosi invented the art of dance."
"I see the Lord Lannister is well informed." You say lightly, your palm pressed against his as you make a turn on the floor. Tywin hummed.
"Though, I must say, my lady, you affect the Bravos accent very well for someone who was doubtlessly raised elsewhere."
"Oh?" You tilted your face up a little to meet his eyes. "And you have a keen ear, my lord, to have picked up on the discrepancy." His lips tilted up at the corner.
"Still, I am having trouble placing your native accent, my lady, mayhaps you might assist me?" You smirk, grateful for the mask thst covers your expressions.
"I am native to wherever pleases you, Lord Lannister. Pentos, Essos, Bravos, Dorne, take your pick my lord." Your tone is laced with a surety, the smug smile on your lips evident, despite the mask and dim lighting. Tywins eyes narrowed in thought, and his piercing gaze sent a shiver down your spine.
"I've seen your eyes once before, my lady, on another face." He said quietly. Your blood ran cold at the steel behind his gaze. "And those aren't eyes likely to be forgotten." His grip on your hand tightened, as he ground to a halt. "You've been long away, my lady, welcome home." He raised your hand to his lips, and his next words sent your heart dropping to your feet.
"Lady Mormont."
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scenecipriano · 4 months
Lucifer: Alastor, I didn’t want it to come to this…but you have left me no choice but to turn into the most passionate and seductive bird known to man-
Lucifer: *turns into a peacock* BEHOLD!
Alastor: You are utterly ridiculous! *disappears into his shadows*
Lucifer: Fuck I thought that would work.
Alastor in his room: Fuck that was a close one-
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causeilikelix · 9 months
Rose Garden - Part One - Lee Know Smut
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↳Pairing: Prince!Lee Know x Maid!afab reader
↳Words: 7,800
↳Warnings: SMUT 18+ only!!!!! Minors DNI!!!!!, Lee Know has a dirty mouth, unprotected sex (we all know the drill), inexperienced virgin!reader, Lee Know also might be a virgin but idk, pretty vanilla stuff, power dynamics, creampie, multiple orgasms, multiple (2) positions, semi-public sex, they almost get caught but aren't, angst, a mention of throwing up but no one does
↳Summery:  You are a maid for one of the ladies eligible for a chance to see if they are the prince's soulmate. You join your lady and attend the tea party but you grow bored and wander off. After a while, you stumble across a beautiful rose garden and an even more beautiful man- though he's not very nice.
TAGLIST: @ohmy-moonlightx , @junebug032 , @giyusatorou , @skzfelixlove , @kittkat44 , @nap-of-a-starr, @ventitto , @blankdyean , @lethallyprotected , @poisonivy21 , @nobody3210 , @chuuswifereal , @hisokasimp1
(Strikethrough means unable to tag)
↳Notes: Long story short, I work a lot and I'm tired but I'm trying to get these written!!!
↳Ready on my AO3: Here
Part One
“MOTHER!”  JOY COMPLAINED loudly, “Do I really have to go to this ridiculous ball?” 
“Yes, darling,” Joy’s mother, Mrs. Park, flitted around the room and checked each of the offerings of the maids, “Tonight is vital.  You must catch the eye of the Prince!”
“What if he's not my soulmate, though?”  Joy pouted, which you caught through her vanity mirror as you carefully curled her hair. 
“Darling, when you’re this high up in society you can’t be concerned about all of that soulmate dribble!  You are a lady!  You are out in society and your position matters!”  Mrs Park insisted.  She made her way over to the vanity and gestured for you to move aside. 
Wordlessly and obediently, you stepped aside to let Joy’s mother take over your task of doing Joy’s hair.  You backed away to stand with the other maids who were holding various jewelry options for this afternoon’s tea party.  
Joy looked absolutely stunning, which was truly no surprise.  As one of the higher ladies of the court, she had to be.  Whenever she went to these tea parties or balls, it was part of your job to make sure she looked her best.  You did her hair, helped her into whichever gown was chosen for the event, and applied the perfect amount of rouge to her cheeks.  As her dedicated ladies maid, you also had to cater to her every whim.  
Technically, you weren’t allowed to be friends with the lady you served but you and Joy had gotten rid of that ages ago.  As her mother rambled on about the importance of holding the family’s position in society, Joy locked eyes with you through the vanity mirror and rolled her eyes.  You had to stifle your giggle into your hand and pretend it was a sneeze in order for the other maids to ignore you. 
“Mother, the prince does absolutely nothing for me.  We would be an awful match!”  Joy whined. 
“Joy, I won’t keep telling you why you have to attend this event.  This is your last chance to catch the Queen’s eye.  If you don’t then they will choose a bride for him this evening at the ball.”
“But every eligible girl in society will also be peacocking around!  There’s no way I could ever stand out.”
“Joy!”  Mrs Park scolded with a light smack to her shoulder.  She moved away and gestured for you to continue your task.  “Ms. Y/N, please do your best work.  You are serving the potential future princess of our fine country!”
“Mother!”  Joy screeched, but Mrs Park made her way out of the room before Joy could whine much more.  “Y/N, you’d better make me look like a monster!”  
“Ma’am, I’ve heard that the Prince is a fine young man!”  You chimed in as you went back to putting small crystals into Joy’s dramatic updo.
“Oh, come on, please don’t call me that when mother isn’t around.  It makes me feel like an old maid.”  Joy pouted. 
“Of course.  Which jewelry set do you want to go with your dress?”  You waved over the other maids, who hurried over to present their offerings.  Joy perused them for a moment before pointing at a silver and blue set to complement the rich navy she had on.
“I don’t know why mother insists on jewel tones.”  Joy sighed, “She knows I prefer pastels.  All the other girls will be wearing pastels to tea!”
“Or maybe they won’t!  This is the last chance to impress the Queen before she makes the decision for him.”
“I hope she’s decided already.  I think I’d hate being married to a prince.  What if he’s dull?”  Joy sighed.
“Honestly, they probably chose his intended ages ago and they’re doing all this for the sake of some social events and entertainment,” You suggested innocently.  
Joy gasped in horror and turned to look at you.
“How dare you insult the royal family!”  She exclaimed.  Her eyebrows furrowed and your heart dropped into your stomach.  You hadn’t meant to-
Joy cracked a smile.  She giggled openly, which helped your muscles relax.  She was just joking.
“Don’t frighten me so!”
“I will never reprimand you for voicing your opinions, even about the royal family.  I believe we are well past that, don’t you?”  Joy turned back to the mirror and you got back to work on her hair. 
You were able to breathe a little better. 
Once Joy had her hair done and her jewels put on, she got up and started towards the door.  You bowed as she left and mentally ran through the list of duties you had to attend to once she left.  Tidy the closet, dust the shelves, make her bed, wash her pillow cases and-
“Oh,” Joy sighed, her hand on the doorknob, “I do wish you could come with me.  You make much better company than any of the other ladies.”
“I wish I could go too, Miss.”  The formality slipped out, but she allowed it. 
“Maybe you could go.”  Joy mused, “I could demand you accompany me in case I have a fainting spell or something.  I suddenly feel one coming on.”
She shot you a mischievous grin.  
“You just want to paint all afternoon."
For almost ten years she’d been faking fainting spells in order to either get out of an event or get you to go with her.  You were surprised that she hadn’t faked one today.  Despite the dramatic navy gown and the sparkly jewelry, Joy preferred to spend her days with you in the greenhouse painting away.  Each year for your birthday she gifted you a blank sketchbook and some pencils and often invited you to paint with her.  You weren’t nearly as good as her, but it allowed for you to have something to do together.  An even playing field.  No titles. 
“You caught me.  What can I say?  I prefer painting with my best and only friend in the ton over mingling and pretending to hope for the Queen’s approval.”  Joy mused for a few long moments.  Then, terrifyingly, her eyes lit up.  She opened the door and called out into the house.  “Mother! Y/N is joining us to the ball today!  I shall require her assistance changing into my other gown for the ball.”
“What?”  You gawked.
Joy closed the door and turned to you triumphantly.
“Crystal,”  Joy turned to one of the other maids, “Please prepare my pink and blue gown with the flowers and sapphires on the bodice for the palace with the fullest underskirt you can find.  Oh, and the pink set of jewelry that Papa gave me for Christmas!  Y/N, go prepare your best dress!  You’re going to the royal ball!”
Joy’s scheming got you right where she wanted you.  If you had the chance, you definitely would have stayed home but you were in no position to refuse her.  Joy’s mother wasn’t thrilled that you were there but at this point she knew that there were some battles you just don’t win.  
It wasn’t as if there was much for you to do at this party anyway.  Joy made you change into your event uniform, which was really just a cleaner black-and-white version of what you normally wore.  Today you wore a long black dress with a white lace apron layered over the skirt, with a white collar and cuffs.  
All well and good if the tea party wasn’t outdoors.
By all means, the temperature outside was quite pleasant unless you had to stand off to the side with the other ladies maids in direct sunlight.  All of you had delicate sheens of sweat along the backs of your necks as you waited to be summoned by your respective ladies.  Some of the maids you’d seen before and had decent friendships with.  The great part about being a maid is that almost all of them were into gossip, as if they were reading a dramatic-real life romance novel. 
“Ryujin, you’ll never believe it!”  Yuna exclaimed, “Mr Lee proposed to Lady Shim last week!  They had a few moments together in the garden and he got down on one knee and he had a ring prepared and everything!”
“How romantic!”  Ryujin squealed, “Did she accept?”
“Honestly, I’m in disbelief!  She didn’t refuse him but she said she needed time to think.  It’s possible that she’s hoping to be chosen by the Queen but she can’t be selected if she’s betrothed.”
“Have any of you actually seen Prince Minho?”  Ryujin sighed, “I mean, Mr Lee is a catch.  Why would she turn him down?”
“I saw the prince once!”  Lia, another maid into all the gossip, chimed in eagerly, “He is unbelievably handsome.”
“Oh, shove it.  You only saw the back of his head once.” Yuna rolled her eyes, “I saw him once a few weeks ago.  He is, without a doubt, one of the most handsome men I’ve ever set my eyes on!”
“What about you, Y/N, have you seen the prince?”  Ryujin turned the attention onto you.
“No, I’ve only heard about him from Lady Joy.  She has no interest in him.”
“Well, I think he actually plans on attending this event alongside the Queen, so hopefully we should get a glimpse of him soon!”
“Why aren’t they searching for his soulmate?  I heard that a soulmate match makes for more successful breeding.”  You asked.
“That was the purpose of these parties all month!  They’ve been bringing in all the ladies and the princesses of neighboring countries to each try their hand at being his soulmate but no one suitable has been found,” Ryujin explained, “If he doesn’t find his soulmate tonight then the Queen will choose one of the offers submitted by various other royal or noble families.”
“This is all so dull,” you sighed, “Who cares about soulmates and politics.  All we can do is watch!  At this rate I’ll die an old maid.”
“If you find your soulmate I’m sure your lady will let you marry!”  
“Only if he’s someone of my rank.”  You rolled your eyes, “It looks like Lady Joy is enjoying herself so I think I might go for a walk, care to join me?”
“Goodness, no.  I would get in trouble if I ever left my lady’s sight!”
“Well, tell her I had to find the servant’s quarters if she asks about me.” 
You didn’t know why Joy wanted you along so badly if she was only going to get caught up in the other ladies she was friends with.  You figured a turn around the gardens wouldn’t be such a bad thing, especially since no one was paying any attention to you.  Also, this might be the only chance you ever got to see the royal garden.  
Quietly, you slipped away from the other maids and turned to venture deeper in the gardens.  The party was relatively localized so there were acres of untouched flora to explore.  Maybe, if you were lucky, there would be a pond or a fountain to sit by and watch.  Something about water always fascinated you. 
The sun warmed your skin as you walked through the hedges and trees.  The cobblestone paths crunched delicately beneath your shoes.  Flowers and shrubs lined the path, allowing for a delicate floral scent to fill the air.  You sighed happily when a light breeze helped the aroma into your nose.  
By all means, this was the perfect day for a tea party.  The only thing missing was the tea.  The more you thought about it the more a cup of tea sounded wonderful, but you would have to wait for a cup until you got back to the house and put Joy to bed.
As you walked you occasionally passed by other maids or servants of the palace but they paid you no mind.  Your finer uniform gave the impression that you belonged within the palace walls, but you knew you did not.  Your family was intimately entwined with the Park family.  From birth you were predestined to be Joy’s lady's maid.  You feared that you would never do anything else. 
When you were a little girl you used to dream of entering the palace.  As a child, it was as a woman of nobility who got to wear all of the pretty dresses that Lady Joy got to wear and dance at all the balls.  However, as you got older you figured that the more realistic track would be for you to enter the kitchen and work as a servant.  There was little to no chance of changing rank and now that you were a proper soulmate-seeking adult, you had to accept your reality.  Nothing would ever change for you.
Then the gardens began to change. 
The standard hedges turned into lofty lattice structures.  The wood was painted white and the structures created square arches over the path.  Lattice fences lined the walkway as well.  Vines snaked up the structures and overhead, creating lovely shadows that helped to soothe the sweat pearling at the back of your neck.  The white gravel turned to cobblestones under your feet.
Soon, however, flowers began to appear on the vines.  As you ventured deeper into the garden, roses of every color began to decorate the lattice and the arches.  There were several stripes of color.  Several feet of white roses, then orange, then red, then purple.  The soft aroma of the roses wafted into your nose and you sighed happily.  The occasional iron bench lined the path and you had half a mind to sit down and take a rest for a while. 
“Goddamn it!”  A voice carried from a crevice in the hedges and you jumped.  The exclamation was soon followed by a loud thump and a groan of pain. 
On instinct, you gasped and went to find the source of the noise.  The second groan of pain helped you navigate the maze of lattice fences with roses on them.  The path curved into a generous arch before an opening into the center of the garden appeared.  You dipped through a circular hedge gate until you emerged into probably the most beautiful place you’d ever seen in your life. 
In the center of a generous opening was a stone gazebo with lattice fences lining it.  Those, of course, had large rose bushes wound throughout making the gazebo feel like a proper enclosed building.  A delicate trickling stone fountain of a woman pouring water into a basin sat in front.  A plethora of garden trimming tools like shears and a basket of weeds sat at the stone woman’s feet.  Along the back wall were more fences lined with roses so you supposed you shouldn’t have been surprised to see the man on the ground near them. 
The man wore a pair of brown trousers and a white flowy top that hung off his shoulders and showed off his milky collarbones.  He wore a pair of black boots that went up just below his knees.  You couldn’t see his full face but you knew only from his profile that he would be beautiful.  He groaned and wiped his hands on his pants before standing back up.  He sighed and fixed his cuffs before turning and seeing you at the entrance to the small garden.  Instantly, his face morphed into one of horror and he backed away from you slowly.
“Leave immediately!”  The man commanded in a sweet and melodic voice that was a strong contrast to his barked orders, “And tell no one what you saw!”
“I… I’m sorry!”  You dipped down into a low curtsey, even though you couldn’t tell who he was.  Judging from the dirt on his pants and the trimming shears on the ground by your feet, you had something of an idea. 
“Didn’t I tell you to go?”  He asked again after you hesitated to move. 
“I do apologize but… I appear to have lost my way and-”
“You lost your way?  Isn’t it required of the help to know their way around this oppressive castle?”  The man rolled his handsome cat-like eyes and he tossed a hand through his rich brown locks. 
“I… Well, I am just visiting.”  Your throat closed as you spoke.  He glared at you, making you feel small under his intense gaze. 
“Ah, you’re just visiting then?  For the party?  Well, that makes you forgiven for your presence here.  You shouldn’t be away from your post.”  The man scoffed, making you doubt that he was serious about his words. 
“Sir, I’m truly sorry.  I got lost.  If you could tell me the way out then I will-”
“I will tell you.”  The man sighed in defeat, “but only if you tell no one where you were or what you saw.”
“Sir, no one would believe me anyway.  If you wish to escape then it’s none of my business.”  
“You are just a ladies maid, I suppose.  Fine, if you go back through the arch and turn left then-”  the man paused.  
He finally looked up at you and straight into your eyes.  You were shocked by how strangely warm his eyes were, despite the neverending glare.  The sunlight was hitting them just right and making his eyes a swirling exhibit of chestnut and gold.  The crease between his eyebrows softened after a moment before his entire face relaxed and he sighed.  
“Look, I’m…”  he winced before he forced out the next words, “I’m sorry.  I am under a lot of stress right now and I shouldn’t be taking it out on you.”
“What kind of stress?”  You blurted out your question before you could stop yourself.  You knew you had to get back to your duties but something about this man kept your feet glued to the ground. 
“Have you ever had a huge obligation?  Like, something that has been planned practically since your birth that you can’t get out of?”  He paused to gauge your reaction.  You shook your head.  “I suppose not.  Anyway, it’s like there’s all this theater to pretend like my life is up to me but I know that it’s not.  I will be the subject of command my entire life and I can’t take it anymore.  I need to get out of here before it’s too late.”
“And you’re trying to climb the rose bushes?”
“Not successfully, I might add.  Those bristles are sharp.  But it’s the only place in the garden that has any sort of structure that can get me out.”
“Do you need some assistance, sir?”  You took a bold step deeper into the garden and towards the beautiful man. 
“Assistance?”  he chuckled, “You mean you would help me try to get over this fence?”
���Well, if you truly don’t want the life that’s been planned for you, why go through with it?  I believe that everyone should have a chance to live the life they want.  Granted, that’s not completely realistic in this society…”  
“It’s not?”  The man blinked at you in surprise, as if he was genuinely learning of hierarchy for the first time.
“Well, no.  Everybody has their master.  There’s no room for dreaming.  So, I think that if you have the opportunity to escape and follow your dream then you should.  What is your dream, if not this?”  You gestured vaguely to the flowers.  
“I want to live a simple life.  I want to be in control of myself and who I love.  I don’t want anyone to decide for me who I’m supposed to be with.  I don’t want anyone looking over my shoulder all the time.”
“Then go!  I’m certainly not stopping you.  It looks like there’s a place to grip the fence up there, if you want me to give you a lift?”  You moved a little closer, tearing your eyes off of the beautiful stranger and up at the lattice fence.  
“You?  Want to give me a lift?  Are you sure you wouldn’t be crushed under my weight?”
“I am a ladies maid, sir, I would sooner be crushed under the laundry I must do after the ball this evening.”  
The man smiled at you.  The first warm gesture since you’d met.  For a moment, the smile almost seemed… endearing.  
You couldn’t deny that being under his gaze made you weak in the knees.  Whoever this escapist gardener was, he was handsome.  You enjoyed the sound of his voice as it wafted through the air.  It sounded sweeter than the scent of the bold blooms surrounding you.  Sunbeams that were cast through the flowers landed on his golden skin, making him practically glow.  Your time together was fleeting… and you wanted more of him.
“Come,”  he gestured with his hand for you to move closer.  You appreciated the contrast from only a few moments ago. 
You followed his command and floated closer to him.  Your feet practically moved on their own, as if you were being drawn to him like a magnet. 
“You’re so obedient when you want to be.”  He complimented.  He turned towards the wall and put his hands on his hips.  He scanned it until he found the patch of white wood that wasn’t covered in the thorny flowers or their leaves.  “I think that will work, like you said.  Why don’t you come stand right here and-”
He turned and suddenly put his hands on your shoulders.  You gasped at the contact but let him move you into position by the wall.  As he dropped his hands from your shoulders, the tips of his fingers grazed against the back of your hand.  The man stopped speaking at the skin-on-skin contact, but he also didn’t stop touching you.  His fingers lingered there for a few seconds before he pulled away entirely. 
“I’m sorry, do forgive me.  I know that was careless but-”  He began but he was cut short by a gasp.  
You both gasped at the same time when the tell-tale arousal ripped up your spine.  It was practically instantaneous how you went from completely normal to, in a matter of seconds, dripping and empty.  You watched as his trousers grew tighter as an erection swelled under the fabric.  Both of you stared at each other for a few horrible seconds.  Of all places to meet your soulmate, why here?  Why now?
Your gaze flickered from his eyes to his mouth and you almost audibly groaned.  His pretty pink lips were parted slightly and they looked shiny with spit.  All you wanted to do was taste him.  From the way his eyes flicked down to your lips, you could only assume he wanted the same.
“You?”  He breathed out. 
“I could go,” you offered, though you could barely recognize the sound of your own voice.  He stared at you for a few long seconds.
“Don’t you dare.”
Then his mouth was on yours.  No ceremony, no build-up, just pure urgency.  His hands circled your waist as he waited for you to respond to his kiss.  Your eyes were open for a second as you contemplated the new situation, but before you knew it your eyes closed and you kissed him back.  He wasted no time in twisting his head and deepening the kiss.  Your inexperience didn’t seem to bother him as he worked his mouth with yours.  
He kissed you as if his life was on the line, as if this was the last time you would ever see each other.  For a moment, you wondered if that was true.  
The thought left your mind the moment his tongue swiped at your lower lip, requesting entrance.  You wasted no time in parting your lips and pushing your tongue against his.  You wondered if he really did taste like honey or if that was the soulmate hormone talking.  Your hands curled into his hair and he moaned at the contact.  Gratefully, you swallowed every noise that came from him.  
“I need to have you now,” he mumbled against your lips, “Please, let me have you.”
“I’m yours for the taking.”  
He wasted no time at all.  
In an instant, he was pushing you into a corner of the rose garden that was just out of sight of the entrance.  There wasn’t a bench or anything to sit on and he didn’t have anything to cushion the ground, but it didn’t really matter to either of you.  The emptiness between your legs was probably going to kill you if you didn’t have him immediately, so you pulled him to the ground and straddled his lithe hips. 
He gasped in surprise when his back hit the ground, but he grinned at your enthusiasm.  The kiss broken, you worked together to get your skirts out of the way and he tugged at your undergarments.  He glared at them like they were offensive to him personally.  He shot you a quick smirk before the sound of tearing fabric met your ears.
“Hey!  I kind of need those.”  You protested.
“I want to see what’s mine.”  
He lifted his head off the ground to gaze at your dripping sex.  You wonder if he could tell how wet you were just by a little kissing.  He moved one of his hands towards your center, shooting you a quick glance as if to ask permission.  The moment you nodded, the tips of his fingers grazed your outer sex and you gasped at the touch.  The mere touch alone tasted sweet.  
His fingers explored further, slipping beneath your lips to prod at your drenched hole.  He sucked in a sharp breath when he pushed his index finger into the first knuckle. 
“Damn, angel, you’re so wet.  This is all for me, hm?”   He pulled his fingers away and you groaned at the lack of contact.  Your eyes widened when he slipped his pointer finger into his mouth and lapped at your essence.  His eyes rolled into the back of his head at your taste before he looked up at you with eyes clouded with lust.  “Angel, I wish we had time for you to sit on my face so I can drink you up but right now I think I’ll die if I’m not inside you soon.” 
Honestly, you shared the sentiment.  You reached for the laces on his britches and tugged at them.  He leaned back and watched you wrestle with his pants for a few minutes.  However, it didn’t take him long to get needy himself and soon his fingers were joining yours. 
Together, you freed the laces and pushed his pants down just enough for his cock to pop out and slap onto his lower belly.  You were thankful that his shirt had ridden up a little in your efforts.  His dick, while being the only real one you’d ever seen, looked perfect.  It was thick and long and the head was a gorgeous shape of pink that matched his kiss swollen lips.  Since turning twenty one and being told about some of what to do, you had an idea of what was about to happen.  
“Have you ever seen one before?”  He grasped his cock with one hand and stroked it a few times.  His other hand gripped your waist and maneuvered you into place above him. 
“No, I’ve only heard about them, sir.”  You gasped when something hot and wet glided through your lower lips.  
“They really don’t teach you girls anything, do they?”  He tsked and pressed the head against your dripping hole.  With how wet you were, it could have slipped right in with no resistance.  “I’m going to put it inside you now.  There might very well be some discomfort, but you’re so wet I think you’ll drown my cock, so I think you’ll be fine.”
“Please, put it in.”  You practically begged, lowering your hips and accepting him into you.
You let out an embarrassingly loud moan when the head breached your entrance and began pushing inside you.  Your swollen walls stretched to accommodate him readily.  Like he said, there was a little discomfort from the initial stretch but there was no pain.  He moved the hand that was on his dick to your waist and used both hands to help you descend onto him.  You squeezed your eyes shut and let it happen.
When your hips were flush with one another, your thighs were shaking with effort.  You dropped your hands to his chest and held on for stability.  You kept your weight off him as much as you could, aside from how your pussy was finally wrapped around his delicious cock.  
“Are you alright?”  His soft voice made your eyes snap open to look at him.  His eyebrows were furrowed in concern and his grip on you tightened.  “You need not hold yourself up.”
“I am quite heavy, sir.  I don't want to crush you.”
“Nonsense.”   He growled, pushing down on your hips hard enough for your legs to give out.  Your full weight descended onto his hips, shoving his cock deeper into you and causing you both to let out groans of satisfaction.  The pressure of him being fully sheathed inside you made you want to cry.  It was as if he’d split you open.
Instantly, he lifted a hand to press it over your mouth.  Effortlessly, he pushed his hips up, held you in the circle of his arms and rolled you so you were on your back.  He shifted his hips a little bit just to be sure he wouldn’t slip out of you while he changed your position.  Once he was over you, dick still lodged within your warm and wet walls, he leaned down to whisper against your ear. 
“We don’t want to get caught, do we?  Stay quiet while I ruin you, yeah?”  
He kept his hand across your mouth as he ground his hips into you.  You groaned against his skin as the friction sent sparks of pleasure up your spine.  All of the discomfort of being filled melted away until all you could feel was absolute pleasure.  His cock massaged your insides perfectly with every single thrust.  He was so deep you could practically feel him in the back of your throat.  
You gazed up at him through your eyelashes, watching his face as he fucked you.  Every time he pushed in, his face contorted into a beautiful picture of pleasure.  Droplets of sweat trickled down his face, giving his skin a glowing sheen.  He gazed right back down at you, locking your eyes together with every grind of his hips.  From this angle, his shirt dipped down and you could see the expanse of his collarbones and chest.  You wished you had a better angle without all these pesky clothes in the way so you could see his cock as it entered you.
You mumbled against his sweaty hand, tasting the addicting salt of him.  
“Can you stay quiet if I take my hand away, my angel?”  He moaned lowly as a particularly deep thrust made you clench around him.  You nodded rapidly and he slowly pulled his hand away.  “What is it?”
“Faster,”  you begged.  You slightly pulled your knees up and your skirts away to give him more room.  “Please, sir, want to feel you.”
“Do you think you can handle it, precious angel?”  He threw two quick, hard thrusts into your heat and you bit back a pitiful moan.  You nodded quickly at his question.
“Please, I want more.”  You parted your knees a little more and it was his turn to moan.  He buried his head in your neck so that he could not be heard outside of your bubble. 
“Since you asked so nicely,”  He groaned and he began to pick up the pace.  Each thrust made an audible noise as your skin collided.  The burn between your legs grew and you reveled in the feeling.  
“S-so good,”  you reached for him to tangle your fingers in his hair, desperate for something to hold onto, “Don’t stop, sir.”
“Never, Angel.  Never.  You feel so fucking good.  So wet and tight for me.   Just wanna be inside you all the time, never wanna pull out.  You’re mine, yeah?  All mine, just mine.”  
His hands were everywhere.  He grabbed at your neck, your chest, reached below your skirts to grab your thighs before circling up towards a distinct target.  You weren’t sure what he was doing until his fingertips were collecting your slick and circling up your slit.  You didn’t think it could get much better until he circled a spot that had you biting his shoulder to keep from moaning loudly.  He grinned and kept his efforts focused on that spot.  
The pleasure began to mount.  Something pulled taut in your stomach and your legs began to shake.  A string in your belly tensed.  Your pussy ached from his constant rough thrusting but it sent sparks of pleasure all the way down to your toes.  
“Sir, please… please it feels-”  You weren’t sure what you were begging for but your soulmate seemed to double his efforts.  He thrust harder and pressed a little more on the swollen bundle of nerves at your center.  
“It’s okay, angel.  Just lay back and feel.  Don’t think of anything else.  Cum for me,”  He peppered kisses on your sweaty neck and collarbones.  
You focused on the pleasure building within you.  The peak approached you quicker than you would have liked, but before you knew it something wondrous washed over you.  Your thighs clenched around him and a choked moan caught in your throat.  You grabbed onto his shoulders and dug your nails into his skin, desperate for something to hold onto as a powerful orgasm washed over you.  
Your soulmate kept pushing his thick cock into you, but he slowed down to help you ride out your orgasm without overwhelming you.  Something sticky slipped out of you and he was sure that you’d left a gorgeous white ring of cum at the base of his cock.  
His angel had given him a halo.
He moved his hand away from your clit and anchored his elbows by your head.  He landed several soft kisses on your cheeks and lips but you were too far gone to respond.  Your ears were ringing and all you could think about was the avalanche of pleasure between your legs.  Waves of your orgasm made your thighs quiver a little.  You stared at the leaves above you and the golden streaks of light that stole in from the gaps.  The world slowly formed around you.  When you met his eyes, he smiled warmly.
“There you are.”  He whispered.
“That was… amazing.”  You sighed, but it turned into a gasp as your soulmate rocked his hips into yours a few times. 
“Angel, I still need to cum, too.  We can stop if you want but I need to-”
“Yes!  Please, keep going.”  You begged suddenly.  Your walls ached from the exertion but you also craved the feeling of him inside you even more. 
“Yeah?”  He groaned lowly as he pushed into you again.  He moaned into your neck as his pace began to increase more and more.  “Good.  Fuck, angel, I can’t wait to cum inside you.  Please can I cum inside you?”
“Yes, please!”  You begged.  
You knew what could happen if he came in you and you didn’t really want that right now, but the desire and the need to feel his release inside of you overpowered every other thing in the world.  You probably wouldn’t have cared if the prince walked in on you at this point.  
Your soulmate’s thrusts began to pick up speed.  The overstimulation in your pussy stung but you gritted your teeth through it.  His moans got higher in pitch and he panted wetly against your neck.
“I’m getting close, angel.”  He grunted above you.
His thick cock speared into you over and over again.  His heavy balls slapped against your ass and you just knew that he would have a lot of cum to give you. 
Your assumption was proven right only moments later.  He groaned loudly, shoved himself as deep into you as he could go, and his milky release coated your insides.  The pressure and the warmth against your cervix made your skin tingle at the base of your spine and you figured you could probably cum again.  You reached down between your legs and gasped to find your center slick and messy.  You rubbed your fingertips around until you hit your clit.  
It only took a few short rubs before your cunt clamped onto him.  He moaned at the feeling.
He thrusted shallowly into you a few times to ride out his high and every push resulted in another generous spurt of cum inside you.  It was as if your orgasm triggered his to last longer.
Finally, he slumped against you.  He did his best to keep his full weight off you but at this angle it couldn’t be helped.  You didn’t mind.  Despite the warmth of the day and the fact that your skin was sweat slicked, you needed him close.  
Together, you laid on the ground in each other’s arms for a few seconds.  The afterglow began to set in.  You craved his body close.  It must have only been seconds because a loud voice boomed through the garden, startling you both back into the real world. 
“Where is he!  He is going to be late to his own party!  I don’t care what he wants!  He’ll be an embarrassment to the royal family if he doesn’t make an appearance!  Search the grounds, go!  Now!”  A stern voice barked.
“Oh, shit.”  Your soulmate muttered. 
In an instant, he slid out of you, stood up and worked on redoing the laces on his pants.  His nimble fingers got the job done in almost no time.  It left you to quickly gather yourself.  Your undergarments were ripped but you could tie the scraps a little to keep yourself somewhat decent.  You fixed your skirts and started to get up, but your soulmate spoke again.
“Let me.”  His soft voice sounded sweet, like the roses.
He offered you his hand and he helped you rise to your feet and brush off the leaves and petals from your skirt.  When you met his eyes, you were shocked by the grief swimming in them.
“Are you okay?”  You reached out to cup his cheek in your hand but he flinched away from your touch.
“I’m sorry, I must go.”  He turned on his heel and started out of the garden. 
“Wait… what?”  You gasped out and followed him a few steps. 
“I must go.  I’m sorry, I wish I could stay but… I’ve waited too long and duty calls.” 
“But… wait, shouldn’t we talk about this?”  You followed him to the archway that led into the garden.  He stopped abruptly, his back to you for a few seconds.  His breath heaved.  When he turned to face you, his eyebrows were hardset.
“No.  I’m sorry, this shouldn’t have happened.  You can’t be my soulmate.  They would never allow it.  Let’s try to forget this ever happened, okay?  It’s for the best.”  His hard voice sent a shock down your spine.
You stared at him in surprise.  He didn’t give you the time to retort before he was stalking away and disappearing into the green.  You hurried after him but quickly found that you had no idea where you were going.  The turns and the bushes all looked identical.  
Tears welled in your eyes.  The more you searched for him, the more lost you became.  You ran blindly through the garden, your dress swirling at your ankles.  The sun beat down on you and a bead of sweat dripped down your temple.  Was it sweat on your face, or tears?  Was it sweat dripping down your legs, or cum? 
You ran until you bumped into a palace maid.  Both of you cried out in surprise and fell back.  You were unable to stop yourself from crying.  The other maid scolded you for making her drop her washing, but she stopped after a moment when she noticed your hysterical state. 
“Are you alright?”  She asked tentatively. 
“I don’t know… I… my soulmate… the party!  I’m lost!  What if… my mistress… she needs me.”  You wailed, dropping your head into your hands. 
“Are you a ladies maid for one of the ladies at the party?” 
“Yes.  I only stepped away for a moment but I got lost!”
“It’s okay!  It’ll be okay, I promise.”  The maid soothingly rubbed your arm.  “Let’s get you back to the party, okay?  You’re not far.”
The maid led you through the garden.  You followed blindly, not really paying any attention to where you were going.  The garden didn’t hold as much beauty as it did a few minutes ago.  You kept your eyes peeled for the gardener.  Your soulmate.  
Like she said, it wasn’t long before soft music filled the air.  A harp, by the light, airy sound of it.  Then the murmur the guests followed.  Before anyone could come into sight, the maid turned around and stopped you. 
“You look a mess, my dear.  Let’s clean you up first.  You don’t want your lady to see you in this state, do we?”  The palace maid gently wiped away your tears and smoothed your hair.  She pulled a few leaves out of the tangled strands. 
“Why are you being so nice to me?”  You sniffled.  The maid smiled sadly. 
“My soulmate is above my standing, too, love.” 
“What?  No, it’s the gardener… he just ran off and-”
“There.”  The maid smoothed your hair one last time.  “Go on!  You don’t want to keep your lady waiting.”  
Before you could think to ask what she meant, the maid hurried back into the garden, leaving you alone with your thoughts.  
Only moments ago, you were with the person you were meant to be with but now you were alone.  Your body ached and your eyes burned from crying.  You needed a drink.  
Instead, you held your head high and ventured back into the garden where the party was in full swing.  So to speak.  A few women danced in a clearing next to the pavilion where the musicians played.  Mostly, people milled about, sipped on drinks, and snacked on hors d'Oeuvres.  The girls wore various lightly colored pastel dresses that glittered and shimmered in the sunlight.  If you were sweating in your dress, you were certain that the girls in attendance would be feeling faint.  Luckily, there were several open-air tents pitched around the garden where the girls who weren’t partaking in the festivities could rest. 
It came to no surprise to you that Joy had set up underneath one of the tents.  You made your way over to her and she waved at you the second she saw you weaving through the crowd.  You hurried to her side and you curtsied deeply in apology.
“Miss, I apologize for slipping away without saying anything first, I-”
“You what?”  Joy blinked at you in surprise.  “You know what, it’s okay.  It’s no matter.  I called you over because the prince is about to make his entrance!  I wanted you to get a good look at him.  There’s a tiny chance he’ll be my soulmate, afterall.”
“It might be nice to live at the palace.”  You cleared your throat, hoping that she wouldn’t catch on to the fact that tears still brimmed in your eyes. 
“It is quite pretty, isn’t it?  I’m not sure if I could stomach all of the royal duties.  Waving at crowds, kissing babies, the politics within the court.  How exhausting!  Maybe if he’s handsome then this wouldn’t be so bad.”  Joy sighed, “Y/N, how I wish you were a lady.  I would rather sit with you, gossip, and share this food with you.  Maybe I should have dressed you up in one of my gowns and pretended you were my cousin from out of town.”
“I’m afraid I’d be useless at one of these parties.” 
“Nonsense!  Didn’t I teach you to dance when we were teenagers?  You know all the steps.”  Something clicked in Joy’s head and she jumped.  “A-ha!  Y/N!  I had Crystal pack an extra gown and corset in case I spilled tea on this one.  After the party, let’s dress you in that!  You can attend the ball with me!  Not as a maid, but as a friend.”
“Miss!  I don’t think that would be proper.  I am only a maid and-”
“No one will recognize you!  Once you put on a gown, no one will be the wiser.  What do you say?” 
“I’m not sure if that’s wise-”
“ALL RISE.”  A voice boomed over the party. 
The music and the murmur of the crowd lulled and faded out.  A butler stood up a few stairs on a path towards the palace.  He stood tall and held a cone in his hand in order to amplify his voice.  Those who were seated scrambled to their feet, Joy included. 
“I am here to announce the entrance of the Royal Prince Lee Minho!  All bow!”  The butler screamed into the cone.  A few birds squawked and flew out of their nest that was in a tree along the back wall of the garden.
The musicians played a fanfare.  You joined in bowing with all of the guests and maids at the party.  The music swelled and you peeked up to see if you could catch a glimpse of the prince. 
His footsteps echoed on the stone path.  His pants were blindingly white but it was offset by a blood red officer's coat, adorned with a sash and multiple medals of honor.  A golden circlet crown sat atop his head.  His stoic face- wait.
That face. 
That gait. 
His cat-like eyes surveyed the crowd, taking in his subjects.  Prince Minho’s shoulders were set and broad.  There was no happiness in his face and, in fact, his eyes looked a little puffy as if he’d just woken up or if… he’d been crying.  
His face was one you knew well.  You’d know him anywhere.  It would be impossible to forget the man whose cum was currently dripping down your legs. 
Your stomach lurched and you could have sworn that you were going to throw up.  
“Lady Joy?”  You whispered. 
“I’ll take you up on it.  I want to go to the ball.”  
You looked back up at the Prince to find him staring right back at you.  He showed no surprise on his face, only melancholy.  
Horror settled inside you when the realization washed over your senses.  Everything and nothing made sense all at once. 
Prince Minho was your soulmate.
Part Two ->
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rottenpumpkin13 · 3 months
Hey pumpkin, what do you think the zoos in ff7's world are like? Do they have behemoths, dragons and malboros or more like our world's zoos? We know they have cats and dogs and chocobos, but do they have cows, goats and other cattles too? WHERE DO THEIR MILK COME FROM
also, what's ASGZC's day at the zoo like? (Sorry if somebody has already asked this before)
I'm going to use the reasoning that if they have chickens, they also have cows and other cattle. Their zoos have regular animals, but also have creatures of their world, but in a controlled environment.
• Zack is so excited to see the tigers that he's wearing his tiger-print hoodie, and a baseball cap with I <3 tigers on it. He's SO HAPPY when a tiger runs up to the glass and starts scratching and jumping on it.
Zack: Look! Look! He likes me!
Sephiroth: Actually, the tiger might perceive you as a rival and is trying to engage in a confrontation to assert dominance within its territory.
Zack: .....
Sephiroth: Either that, or it's exhibiting predatory behavior with the intention of attacking and consuming you.
Zack: .....
Sephiroth: Or it could just be insulted by your hoodie.
Zack: Aww man.
• Cloud brought his camera with the intention to take as many pictures as possible to send back to his mom. Somehow he has the worst luck possible today.
Cloud, taking pictures: Look, these Nibel dragons are wrestling! That's so cool, I can't wait to show my mom. We've never seen them do that before.
Angeal: ......I don't think they're wrestling.
Cloud: ......dang it *lowers his camera sadly*
• Sephiroth is growing more and more concerned. Sure, he's killed a good portion of these animals in the wild before, but that was monster extermination and self defense. This is inhumane. These poor animals are locked in cages, stripped of their freedom, taken from their natural habitats, forced to perform and be a source of entertainment for a bunch of greedy onlookers.
• Genesis spends a good 30 minutes at the monkey exhibit trying to teach a flock of them (who were attracted by his red coat) how to put up their middle finger. He's pleased when one of the monkeys learn.
*The monkey sticks up his middle finger*
Genesis: Excellent!
*The flock of monkeys show their middle fingers to Genesis*
• Overall they had a pretty good time! Time to get in the car and go home now. Angeal is in charge of driving, so he does a head count—There's Genesis with his ice pack after he infuriated a peacock who attacked him, Zack with his giant komodo dragon plushie that he plans on gifting Lazard, Cloud having a mental breakdown as he realizes that in all of his pictures, his finger is in front of the lens, and.....
Angeal: H-How—when did you—WHY?
*Sephiroth has a meerkat in his lap*
Sephiroth: I couldn't leave her there to suffer. I plan on taking her home and preparing her for reintegration into her natural habitat.
Angeal: I'm actually surprised you took just one.
Sephiroth: Don't be ridiculous, Angeal.
*Sephiroth takes a baby meerkat from his pocket*
Sephiroth: She's a mother.
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aziraphales-library · 4 months
hello there! thank you so much for all the work you're doing, it's amazing:)
i was wondering (since i tried to search ao3 myself and found nothing), if you know about any pretty woman AUs? thank you so much and have a great day!
I do! Not a complete one unfortunately:
Pretty Boy by SerenityStargazer [E], WIP
Aziraphale Fell, real estate tycoon, finds himself in need of a companion during a business week in London. He meets Crowley in Soho and finds he enjoys the younger sex worker's company. They spend the week together and both are surprised to find themselves falling in love.
"Hey, handsome," Crowley purred, "want a date?"
"Right now," the blond man replied in a very proper, educated accent, "what I need are directions to the Ritz. Got myself turned around, I'm afraid."
"Five pounds for directions, luv," Crowley said calmly.
"Five pounds? That's ridiculous!" the man sputtered indignantly.
"Ten pounds. The price just went up."
"You can't charge me for directions!"
Crowley grinned. "I can do whatever I want, angel. I'm not lost." He stood up and turned his back, letting his arse lean against the window frame.
"Oh, very well," the man said, pulling out his wallet. Crowley opened the door and climbed in.
"For a twenty, I'll take you there personally," he offered.
Aziraphale handed the twenty over silently then tried to find first gear.
Other fics with similar premise:
The (Half) Boyfriend Experience by ZehWulf [M]
The image on the monitor remained static for another minute or so, but then the door to the connected room opened, and the pale, curly-headed figure of Crowley's client—a man who went by Fell at the club—stepped through. As always, he stopped just after closing the door behind him to collect himself, gaze trained on where Crowley's lower half was splayed wide on lewd display. There was a whole ritual of straightening cuffs and waist coat and shifting his weight that he would go through before approaching.
Crowley felt their lingering scowl soften as they watched with vague fondness as he worked himself through the motions. At first, they'd wondered if the whole process was some sort of pre-sex psych-up, or a fussy-looking-middle-aged man version of reflexive peacocking. But, Fell had been requesting them for long enough by now that they'd been able to observe the way things evolved over time: the gestures loosening up, the amount of time spent shortening.
The poor bastard was just anxious.
Crowley works part time as a sex worker at a club, and one of their favorite, most baffling clients comes in looking like he's had just as bad a day as they have.
Dreaming of You by TawnyOwl95 [E]
AJ Crowley likes helping people discover and heal the neglected parts of themselves. Even if that's only for their scheduled session. He likes being a sex worker, although he's started to dream of some genuine intimacy.
Aziraphale Fell knows he isn't deserving of romance. As much as he might like the idea, a lifetime of neglect has left him insecure and afraid to reach for what he wants. He still dreams that one day he might be brave enough to take a chance.
Hired Heart (illustrated by many artists) by GayDemonicDisaster (scrapheapchallenge) [E]
As a result of his sheltered upbringing, Aziraphale made it to 50 without exploring his sexuality or coming out. After 50, all that changed - he's gay, he's out, and wants to find love. He also wants to have sex. He's a tad nervous about that. His friend Agnes suggests he consult a professional and get some no-strings practice and advice, and build some confidence. And her friend Tracy runs an agency…
Crowley has quite the breadth of sexual experience: he’s a high class escort. He’s been in his line of work for a long time, though in this industry, that’s not exactly an advantage. He likes his work, but the more he’s reminded that he’s not as young as he once was, the more he contemplates his exit strategy. When his bookings manager and friend Tracy gives him a new, nervous client, Crowley finds him unexpectedly captivating. In fact, Crowley can’t seem to get him out of his head.
A Smitten Crowley is also a very silly Crowley, so prepare for giggles and fluff along with your love story and smut...
Seirbheis by Kalimyre [E]
Human AU - Crowley is a sex worker, hired by the wealthy and eccentric Ezra Fell for a long weekend. He goes in expecting it to be just another job. But Ezra is not like other clients, and Crowley is soon in over his head.
In which our beloved ineffable husbands have clear, honest communication, a whirlwind romance, and tremendous amounts of soft, tender, kinky sex.
~Mod N
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yearningaces · 8 months
Nyx is a fun sized guy :3
How would he feel if another human was trying to court his s/o? Especially if compared to him, they are big, strong and would be ideal for providing?
What would happen if another rabbit person tried to yet his attention when he has his s/o??
I love this question cause I get to display Nyx like a peacock the way I haven't yet
The thing about Nyx, is that he's anxiety incarnated when it comes to anything NOT including himself.
When on the topic of himself however? He's so overly confident it's almost arrogance but the way he's confident isn't "you're dating the best partner because I'm me" it's more "of course we're together, the best of humans only deserves the best of inhumans." He'll lift you up in confidence while also praising himself. Package deal.
A big human coming to HIS human with intentions of courting or even flirting??? No. Not allowed. Absolutely not. Stop, turn around, do not pass go do not collect 200$.
To the point he almost seems like a different bun, but really he relies on throwing people off, he knows an actual fight gives him low odds against a human, he would fight another bun though. But mostly he aims to confuse and embarrass or make others nervous as opposed to going straight to an actual fight
More specifically
"What is this supposed to be?" Your little bunny boy questions in a surprisingly bold tone, stepping to your side with his eyes fixed on the guy that had asked about going out for drinks.
Nyx, even as small as he was, seemed larger somehow... Oh. He's standing as tall as his hind paws allow, ears perked up, head held high, shoulders back, chest out. What a confident little bun he seemed, and it was certainly enough to catch your fellow human off guard.
"Oh, sorry man, didn't see you there. I'm Jax, I'm a co-worker of-"
"-of my human. Yes I'm aware, we've talked about you over lunch before." Nyx waved Jax off with his hand, turning to look up at you instead. His tone shifting from hinted malice and morphing into the usual softer lovestruck tone. "Speaking of lunch, Honey- you said you wanted to try out that new Yakitori place, right? They have all sorts of cuts of meat and veggies for me too."
There's something about how Nyx is acting, as if Jax isn't even worth the effort of being polite with while simultaneously encouraging you to leave. You'll have to discuss exactly what's up later but don't want to purposely upset anyone, so you turn to Jax to at least say goodbye-
Until Jax steps forward with some gathered nerve that's far too easy for a big guy to have. "Actually, rabbit- I'm going to be taking my coworker here out for a drink."
Nyx doesn't hesitate and doesn't second guess his actions because he springs forward, landing with a quiet thud on the concrete directly in front of Jax, making the grown man stumble back slightly. "Excuse you? I think you actually tried telling this incredible person what to do. No, that's not how you should be speaking to the greatest human you'll ever meet."
To both your confusion and amusement, Jax is stumbling backwards from a bunny half his size just from Nyx's bolstering display, continuing his steps forward, forcing Jax backwards even further. "No, because they're my wonderful partner and I'm theirs. And we are going to have a lovely lunch at the new spot they've been talking about, and we'll maybe go shopping after, and then go home. Alone. Without your nonsensical attitude and demands that honestly don't hold any water."
Jax stumbles back further. Gripping over the curb behind him and landing on his ass with Nyx standing far too close to be a respectful distance, the white and brown fur hybrid glared down, leaning over slightly to make eye contact directly. His eyes hold a challenge to them. "Now where in those plans do you see yourself included? I certainly don't see such a ridiculous notion anywhere." His perked ears twitch back to you, remembering you're there as well, and his tone and demeanor draws back slightly.
When Jax is silent -most likely confused and embarrassed- Nyx turns to walk back to you. He turns with the familiar bright smile and spring in his step as he wanders towards you, raising his hands to take your arm and guide you away, a slight spring in his step. "Come on, honey! I think that's the best pre-meal entertainment we could possibly get."
What a bun, that Nyx.
Now, if another bun ever tried, he'd go all out- nvm on explaining you get a two for one scenario here we go!
It was certainly a strange situation.
You'd grown accustomed to the burrows being a place where you have to be overly cautious and watch your actions closely as most bunny Hybrid around here were so easily frightened.
But this one seemed... Not.
The dark brown fur ears and tail were fluffier than Nyx's, and she was a larger type of bunny... Were there different species of rabbit-hybrids? There were characteristics in Nyx's family that you didn't see for each bunny out and about... Regardless, the one in front of you had hopped over to the bench Nyx left you on while he darted off to find something he left in his families burrow. So you were alone... Trying not to be too loud or too quick in movements but also trying to get this bunny -Alira- to stop flirting so much.
She had hopped up onto the bench with you at this point, leaning over herself and placing her hands on the bench to prop herself up all while speaking. "Come on, a strong predator like yourself all alone out here? You can't convince me that you're here with some silly bun... I think you're here looking for somebunny to devour" her grin didn't diminish though, apparently she was writing her own narrative in her head despite your many denials.
"I don't know what to tell you, you don't have to believe me but I really just wanna be left alone until my partner comes back."
"Partner?" Her ears perk up as much as they can despite the natural droop to them. "Oh dear, what a flimsy relationship... Not even a mate yet?"
At that you're caught off guard, "A what?" At the feeling of her hand on your arm, you jolt back, almost ironically given your dispositions.
What you're not prepared for, is to have a very familiar white and brown fur bunny boy springing on you out of nowhere and depositing himself onto your lap. Nyx fills your vision, his eyes alert, his smile bright and his ears up. He looks like the epitomy of a parading peacock. "Honey!" His greeting seems overly sugary in tone, his hands pressing into your cheeks and pulling your face down to his for a kiss. One and another and another spanning from your lips to your nose, your cheeks, your forehead, your jaw- "I'm so sorry it took me so long, Grandma bun was just telling me how they wanted me to invite you to celebrate the harvest holidays with us, isn't that sweet?"
After a moment, it's clear he's intentionally ignoring your company but once he sees Alira's hand still on your arm he swats it away, raising your forearm and pressing a kiss where her hand was. "Oh, my poor honey. All of this unwanted attention from strangers that don't know their place must feel so uncomfortable. Why don't we go back to the burrow, hm? I can make us some sweet bread and spiced tea to relax with? And we can talk holiday plans whenever you'd like."
There's something familiar in how he's acting. How any time someone tries to take your attention he purposely acts as if they're not around, as if so unimportant they're not worth noticing...
With that, Nyx hops off the bench, guiding you along with a delighted expression and promises of sweets and soft blankets to cuddle under, promises he would absolutely deliver at that.
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greentrickster · 11 months
While Shady and Claw found out Hesperia's backstory pretty soon after joining the resistance, Chloe doesn't end up hearing about it and the Butterfly Miraculous until she's been with them for about three months. Her instant response?
"Yeah, sounds fake."
Which is a take absolutely no one was expecting, and Alya in particular takes exception to. "I beg your pardon, why, exactly, would Hesperia lie about that? His wife's death is public knowledge!"
"No, I believe that bit," Chloe waves a hand dismissively from where she's perched on a table she's not supposed to be sitting on (and which Claw is also lounging on), "But the rest doesn't make sense - if he could make a kamiko to heal sterility, why not make one that could just fix the Peacock?"
"Oh, he's actually told us that one!" Nino chimes in, "It's because Miraculous are really powerful already and it takes a lot of magic to effect them! So in order to make a kamiko strong enough, he'd have to kamikoize as Miraculous holder with a Miraculous at least on par with the Peacock or stronger!"
Chloe, fully filled in on the Miraculous power scale by now, "And the Miraculous that would qualify for that are...?"
Nino, listing off on his fingers, "Well the Butterfly's on the same level as the Peacock, but he can't Kamikoize himself, so that would leave the Turtle, the Fox, the Bee, the Ladybug, or the- ...Black Cat..."
Slowly Nino, Alya, Shady, and Claw's eyes all drift to where Hesperia is standing, while Chloe nods in satisfaction. "See? It's ridiculous! If he was telling the truth, he'd have asked one of us to help by now, and Shadybug and Claw Noir may be babies about kamikos, but I'm not!"
Claw, meanwhile, sits up, a slight threat to his movements. "Got something you wanna share with the class, Butterfly man?"
Hesperia, for his part, is looking shocked and has one hand to his forehead. "You're right, that's- why didn't I think of that sooner?"
"Because you've been busy reorganizing our plans to include the noobs and also training the noobs," Alya, ever-loyal second-in-command that she is, steps in, "Also, when was the last time you slept?"
"When do you sleep?" Nino adds, "Just, like, in general? You're doing this most nights and you have a day job."
Unfortunately for Hesperia, it genuinely takes him five minutes to remember that he has, in fact, slept in the past twenty-four hours. Well, fortunately in it convinces the skeptics that this really was something that just slipped his mind in the crush of everything else that's been happening, but unfortunately in that he's now got five teenagers judging him for having a crap sleep schedule, go home and get some sleep, fashion man, you're old.
Hesperia: (miffed) I'm not old, I'm forty-three.
The assortment of 14/15-year-olds: Oh gods, he's already halfway dead.
Long story short, Hesperia gets sent home for the night to get some sleep, and the next night he brings the Peacock with him, Shadybug gets kamikoized for the first time into Menderbug*, and the Peacock is finally fixed and safe to use again.
*(stares directly into the eyes of anyone reading this who has also played Hollow Knight)
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eldritch-spouse · 4 months
Seeing you new xenomorph OC reminded me of an old idea I had so long ago that I have never shared and I thought I've forgotten.
It was about a new rare species where there could be males and females unlike the original species where they were all females or asexual (i didn't check, correct me if I'm wrong) and looked like the drones except they have a simpler "crown" on their heads like the xenos queens. Like they are more like "princes" or "princesses".
The main differences are that they need another species to reproduce and the mature one can leave peacefully their hive to find their own mates and start their own. They prefer intelligent species as their mates (like humans! wink wonk).
Once they find their life mate (cuz they are monogamous too) they enter their "courting phase" where they are extra aggressive against everything specially those physically near their chosen mate. With their mate they try to show how attentive and capable to provide they are, like bringing trinkets similar to your belongings or something you seem to like (like that snack from that vending machine you seem to like, they swear they will learn how to get it from it like you do or rip it open and loot everything), other prey or some tough enemies like a yautja or a pile of marines.
Mostly, they would watch their mate from the shadows to learn their behavior and adopt it but sometimes they would approach and grope their body to learn about their anatomy and what make them tick. This last bit is important for the next phase, the "honeymoon".
Once they have learned enough and prepared a nice nesting spot, no matter if their mate is willing or not (although if they seem willing that would speed things up) they will knock them out and bring them to the nest. There they will seal the entry and start breeding their mate until "genetics decipher out". Once they are expecting they will start to grow in size until they are a xeno queen/king and being even more territorial. Don't expect them to stop trying for more offspring once they are kings/queens, the size difference won't deter them (maybe even encourage them). Btw, it's impossible for the offspring to be anything but xenos.
Also, I don't why I like to think if their mate dies for some reason or another they become depressed, like swans. They won't even be as aggressive as when they met their mate, maybe even passive to anything but not before getting revenge.
… Man, that was long. TL;DR: new species of monogamous xenos that need other species for reproduction and they are like xenos queen
I thought about something similar too years ago, but then I veered into a different scenario where a hive stricken by a virus that eliminated all females -Leaving none to become Queen- Had to adapt and pick another species' female to become their Queen. An old hive, with many a specimen from different hosts.
This is a grossly short summary of a rather complex idea that I'm freaky about, but naturally, you would be chosen. And part of the story I had concocted involved you coping with your new role, the new instincts and abilities you acquired, as well as managing to keep some of your creature comforts through it all (hilariously also watching xenomorphs of varied casts adapt to them). There was also a ridiculous amount of porn, because it wouldn't be my story otherwise. Since all males had to adapt to his new reproductive system, they would develop ruts and the hive would fall into chaos because hormones get in the way of their perfect routines. You come along and a selection process begins, wherein you must pick mates from all casts of xenomorphs present (they're all peacocking in efforts to get chosen) -To keep population levels stable- And those males will later enter your chambers to deposit the eggs within their painfully engorged ovipositors inside your adapted womb.
And who wouldn't want to mate with the Queen, right? Especially this new Queen, affectionate and soft and warm as she is...
I never played too much with the concept of a xenomorph King, but if I had to pick a specimen to base the concept off of, it'd be a tie between these three.
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The "xenomorph King" figure, the "Chimera" from Aliens Rogue and the "Alpha" from Alien Bloodlines. I'm partial towards Alpha.
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m3r1m4r5u333 · 5 months
Btw I NEED TO ramble about the scene in which Buck comes out to Maddie and why it just makes me love her even more than I did before. Maddie is my freaking GOAT ❤️❤️❤️
Why? Well, because she already KNEW. She TOTALLY KNEW. And still pretended to be surprised!!
Why do I say she knew? Well. Because it's 100% canon that Buck rambles about his boy crushes, a lot. A LOT. To everyone!!!
I can't remember how much I've talked about this, but Buck totally had a crush on Albert at one point. There's an whole storyline about it, episodes 4x07 and 4x08.
Here's a recap of how it goes:
Buck goes on a date with Veronica. The date goes BADLY. It lasts for about 90 minutes and Buck leaves humiliated, never wanting to see her again.
Albert is Buck's room mate. Buck comes home, rants about the embarrassing date, announces that he never wants to see Veronica again... Goes to take out the trash, and runs across Veronica, realising that she's their neighbour, lives in the same building. Buck runs home and urgently tells Albert that they have to move!!
Then... Buck knocks on Veronica's door, trying to reconciliate. He does not want awkwardness between neighbours. They agree that the date was terrible, and then... Albert walks out of the shower in a towel.
Next... We see Buck and Taylor (she's a reporter) at work. They're watching a guy who's having a meltdown on a low roof. The emergency is taking forever, Taylor and Buck talk... Or rather.. Buck does!!
Not only does he rant about Albert and Veronica to Taylor, he also talks about them to a random first responder. Albert in a towel!!! has certainly left Buck reeling. It's super obvious that the one Buck actually fancies is Albert. The one date with Veronica was terrible, they definitely weren't ever in a relationship -- but Buck is sputtering about "breaking of bro code!!" and Albert in a towel?? Yeah.
They're not the only ones hearing about Albert. There's also a scene (can't recall which episode) where Chimney and Maddie enter a karaoke bar. Chimney says something about this being nice reprise because he's heard enough about Albert lately...
Anyway, back to Veronica/Buck/Albert/Taylor. Buck invites Taylor on a double date - without telling her it's a double date. Taylor arrives, takes in the queer love square she's been pulled into, very pointedly says that she's heard A LOT about Albert because Buck keeps talking about him... And then she's like "Actually I'm off, this is ridiculous.", and storms off (go queen 👑!)... (Then she and Buck reconciliate. Her capacity to forgive is unparalled, just saying.)
Anyway, back to WHY I LOVE MADDIE. (And Chimney!!!)
The crush on Albert isn't the only obvious boy crush Buck has, is it?
Eddie... The way they meet and Buck goes nuts trying to impress Eddie. The peacocking (mutual peacocking!!!!) is absolutely ridiculous. Chimney watches this mating display dance, shakes his head, rolls his eyes, chuckles to himself... Chimney can tell what's going on, for sure.
Then there's that famous scene in which Buck rambles about Eddie and Chris, is apparently elbows deep online researching for ways to help Eddie with Christopher... Maddie finally asks if the boy crush on Eddie means that Buck is over Abby.
... And there is of course also that scene where Buck assumes that when Maddie meets Chimney and says "he's so cute!", Maddie is talking about Eddie... Even though Maddie and Chimney are before line that seen talking and flirting like they're totally in their own bubble.
Anyway - then let's jump to season 7. Buck is rambling on and on about Eddie and Tommy, and how they've hit off. Apparently has for a good while. Buck is super bothered by their friendship, it's clear he's pressing Chris for intel, snooping around the Diaz home trying to find more information... Maddie listens to this absolutely ridiculous, clueless prattling. And she knows. She totally knows.
Buck is GLASS. He's absolutely transparent. This man isn't straight.
And she's not the only one who knows.
Chimney enters the room. Maddie looks at him "NO! Don't you dare say anything!!!" But Chimney can't resist indulging himself with some subtle teasing.
He jumps in, praising Tommy. "That Tommy's SO COOL 😍!!" Basically just adding fuel to the fire, getting under Buck's skin.
Maddie, in the background is making a face like:
"jdjdkkeke CHIMNEY 🤦 ...Ugh, thank you, darling. 🙄👌You've done it. I'll be here all day, listening to this absolutely brainless jealous meltdown. Fucking great!"
Why won't they say anything, talk to Buck about how ridiculous he's being? Sit him down and spell:
Well... Because they are being patient. Because they are being considerate, because they do not want to press him, because they're letting him take his time, figure it out at his own pace.
Because they know that confronting someone who isn't ready to face their queerness can go badly.
Forcing someone to confront their queerness can backlash, it can make that person retreat further inside the closet.
It can be embarrassing and traumatizing for the closeted person to be pressed about this inner conflict. The closet is a maze, it is scary, and confusing, and the denial can be powerful enough that the closeted person doesn't even have any idea that hey, I'm queer, I'm closeted.
So Maddie and Chimney are being sensitive. They see that Buck isn't ready to talk about his sexuality - he's obviously not even aware of it.
So Maddie and Chimney are giving him the time he needs to come to term with it. They may indulge in some gentle teasing, maybe try to give him the occasional hint to help him along, but mostly they're just waiting, listening, letting him be.
What about Maddie's (my GOAT, I love her ❤️) reaction to Buck coming out? Why did she pretend to be surprised by Buck's attraction to men?
Because she was being KIND. Considerate. Because she loves her brother and realises that this moment... It's not about her. It's about him. It's about the reaction Buck needs, to feel supported.
It's not the time to embarrass him. It's not the time to GLOAT about how smart she is, to have realised, ages ago, that Buck is clearly into into men, too.
She did see it coming, and because she is the BEST sister ever... She prepared. She researched this shit, how to react to someone's coming out in a positive way.
And if this is new to you - pay attention now...
Many queer people say this about their coming out;
It sucks if the person you're coming out goes "I KNEW IT! I CALLED IT! I SAW THIS COMING! YOU WERE SO OBVIOUS!!"
Because it totally belittles their struggle. It can be humiliating to learn that when you were scared, and stressed, and confused, and trying to hide your vulnerable underside... Someone was watching you, and thinking "Pffft. You're so freaking obvious. You're fooling nobody. Just come out already."
This gloating "I knew it" reaction isn't just bad because it makes you feel stupid, embarrassed, to learn that you were being transparent. It's like you have no privacy anymore. They saw your performance and gave it one star.
This "Oh I knew"... It makes you anxious because then you wonder... Who else already knows? Who else am I obvious to? What else am I obvious about?
Learning that they knew... It can be traumatizing. Embarrassing. Scary. Because nobody wants to learn that they're easy to read.
Maybe... you aren't ready to come out to everyone, and this reaction makes you terrified that you won't have the option to get ready, that they will realise what you're hiding, and force you to talk about it.
Because maybe... you're still freaked out abour people knowing you're queer. Maybe you fear people spotting it and lashing out.
Or maybe... You aren't afraid of a hateful reaction, but panic at the idea of even a supportive talk about your sexuality with someone. Sexuality is an universal taboo, talking about is awkward and stressful to almost everyone.
And also, when you come out and the person you told tells you they already knew, that your queerness was obvious, and they were expecting you to come out..?
It can be a shock in another way. Maybe your queerness was something you, at some point, were desperate to hide from others... And clearly, you failed that mission. What else are you failing to hide? Because everyone has something they're insecure about!!! Secrets, traumas, embarrassing moments, vulnerable parts. We all try to guard something.
So being told that your poker face sucks? It can make you feel totally paranoid. You think... Omg. I thought I was hiding this. I tried so hard to hide this.
But clearly I wasn't hiding. They saw right through me. Am I always so easy to read?
Do people know all my secrets, everything that makes me nervous and embarrassed, and scared? Do they just look at me and think "They're so dumb to put up that front, we can totally tell how you really think and feel."
Do people look at me and laugh? Do they joke about me behind my back?
And so on.
Basically, when someone comes out to you and you go "Thank god! ABOUT TIME!!"... You're being a prick.
They're opening up to you. They are being vulnerable. They are trusting you with something.
This moment... Your reaction is important. If you want to be a good ally, and support this person coming out to you.
Your job is to provide reassurance. Support. A listening ear. Your love.
Your job isn't to gloat, or dismiss their fears. Your job is not to induce panic, paranoia, or humiliate them by making them feel dumb.
They may be scared of your reaction. Respect that fear, however irrational it is. It doesn't matter if you're queer too, or think you're the best ally in the world, this moment can still be something they've been nervous about. Don't shit on it by smugly gloating about your excellent queerdar.
Yes, you can be honest, if they desperately want to know if you suspected anything. You can gently tell them that you saw some signs. But really, this moment isn't the time to humiliate them or freak them out. Be sensitive.
.... Oops sorry, got lost in the ramble 😅😅!!
Uh... Where was I? Yes.
Basically what I wanted to say with this post is that...
Maddie. Freaking. Buckley!!!! You are the love of my life, does not matter that you are fictional. You're my freaking GOAT anyway. I'm... weak.
Because her reaction to Buck's coming out?!!!
It actually makes me emotional. It was so perfect. It was so full of love!!!
Because yes, she totally knew, had known for years...
AND she kept that knowledge to herself!!!!
Because she'd seen Buck, the closet he was so lost inside in, and she loves Buck... So she wanted to be there for him.
And she knew that it's not easy to come to terms with one's queerness. That it can be tough and scary.
So she thought "What can I do to help? How can I do my best to support my queer brother?"...
And rolled up her sleeves. She researched this. She found out it's not helpful to press someone, that it's important to be patient. She looked up the experiences of queer people coming out. What is helpful! What isn't! She came up with a plan.
Yes, she totally did. I'm telling you, she fucking studied for this test. To make sure her reaction would be freaking perfect, and help Buck on this journey.
Because she did everything right. She realised that letting Buck know how obvious his bisexuality was to her... Might be detrimental to his well-being, and their relationship.
She understood that it wasn't important that she'd known.
That it wasn't her time to brag about how clever she was, to have seen this coming, but to be sensitive of this struggle, to respect this struggle.
So when the day finally came... She was surprised, yes, to realise Buck had been on a date with a man.
I mean, it came out of the blue, right? Buck had been so oblivious to his closet. She'd missed the moment Buck became aware of the closet, and immediately ran on a date.
She thought Buck was still in the dark, so him suddenly going on a date with a man never even entered her mind as an option.
Then she realised... OH. He IS there? He has figured this out. He's coming out to me, now?
Okay!!! Let's follow the game plan then.
Be sensitive. Don't act like you were totally expecting this day to come.
The identity of the date? That was the real surprise. I mean, just watch the previous scene in which Buck talks about Tommy and Eddie with her.
He does rant about Tommy, but c'mon... It's really Eddie's attention Buck craves.
It's basically a re-telling of Buck's love tangle with Veronica, Taylor and Albert. Buck told himself he wanted Veronica, and that's why it bothered him that Albert "broke the bro code".... In a towel! Except, the one who Buck wouldn't shut up about... Was Albert.
And Maddie sees that it's happening AGAIN. Wow... Her brother really has no idea WHO he is actually crushing on.
Okay, she thinks. Does not matter now! The coming out is the important part, so let's roll with it. Focus, Maddie! Get it right.
And she did. She was patient. She was supportive. She sae that Buck was trying to run from the topic of sexuality like it was a total nonevent that he'd been on a date with a man...
So she was like "Hey, let's just slow down a bit. Let's acknowledge this moment. I now know that you were on a date with a man. You don't need to continue this pronoun game.
Okay. Let's talk about it being a first date with a man, and what this step means to you. You can tell me."
Really, she was so lovely. She didn't gloat about already knowing, she didn't stress him out by being overly emotional - by acting like this was the biggest event to happen on Earth.
She calmed him down.
She made sure to let him know that this didn't scare her, or make her feel awkward.
That she wanted him to talk about this with her. That she was excited for him, and supportive, and wanted to know more, and that it was okay to date a man.
That she would want to know about Buck's relationships with men just like she'd wanted to know abour her relationships with women.
She let him know that she was there for him, ready to listen, and glad to hear he'd been on a date with a man.
That this didn't change a thing, that she would accept and welcome Buck's male partners just as she had always accepted the women he'd dated. The gender made no difference, she was fine with whoever Buck chose to date.
And she also made sure the mood didn't turn too heavy. She let him know that this was great news, something worth celebrating. That she was excited to see him enter this new chapter in his life, and experience new things.
And that she wanted to learn of it, she wanted him to share this new stuff, let her in his life. So tell me more about this hot pilot!
Really, she was fucking fantastic. This was such a lovely scene. I love Maddie, she's my favorite. I need a tissue, I'm crying.
Oh and also. It wasn't just great writing. The acting here just blew me away. I love them. So skilled, so lovely, so funny, so human. Brilliant, beautiful, both of them. Fucking impeccable.
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icycoldninja · 8 months
I need more cute wacky woohoo pizza man dante things. they cure my depression.
But of course, here you go, and remember that even in your lowest moments, there'll always be a fanfic about Dante being a goofball to cheer you up. 💜
New pajamas (Dante x reader)
You got home a little later than you planned, having been held up in traffic. When you came home, you expected to find Dante lazing around the house as he always did, probably buried up to his ears in empty pizza boxes and crushed beer cans. However, your predictions were found to be untrue--Dante was not lounging in the living room, surrounded by junk. In fact, the whole house was dark, the only visible lights were those from your appliances, and your bedroom.
Wait, your bedroom?
Curious, you flicked the lights on and slowly made your way towards your bedroom door. Sure enough, warm yellow light streamed through the crack at the bottom of the door, meaning that someone was in there.
Holding your breath, you turned the know and swung the door open, not sure what to expect.
It was a good thing you didn't make any assumptions, as what laid beyond that door was nothing short of bizarre.
Dante--or rather, a giant, fluffy, pink unicorn stood before your mirror, dancing around and giggling at himself. As soon as he turned to face the door, revealing the ridiculously large unicorn head that sat atop his shoulders, he gasped. A hooved arm reached up and pushed the unicorn head back, making you realize it was a hood. "Oh, hey babe!" He cried, grinning. You paused, not really sure what to start your greeting with. "Umm...what are you wearing?" Dante perked up like a peacock at your words, clearly happy that you noticed his new outfit. "These are my new pajamas," He proudly declared, spinning around and flipping the unicorn hood back up over his head. "That's great," You mumbled, watching him prance around the room, "But why a unicorn?" "Why not?" He responded, galloping over to you and scooping you up into his arms. "Ok, to be perfectly honest," He confessed, twirling you around a few times. "This was the cheapest one they had in my size. But who cares? It still rocks." You giggled, hooking your arms around Dante's shoulders as he twirled the two of you over to your bed and dumped the both of you onto it. "New pajamas gotta be rolled around in first before they feel really comfortable--wanna help me out with that?" You nodded, tugging the hood off of him with a grin before proceeding to pepper kisses all over his face.
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