#rick x Sam
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wrathfulmercy · 2 months ago
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moonxnite · 10 months ago
I smile like an idiot when I see my man, who’s not my man, on my television screen.
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natti-ice · 8 months ago
in another universe, your favorite characters are reading fanfic about you. Feel special.
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xspeter · 1 year ago
do yall ever think about the jaw dropping fics that are probably sitting collecting dust in someone’s drafts rn.
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wrathfulmercy · 4 months ago
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Bucktommy + Kisses
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wordsmithie · 2 years ago
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Sometimes, he thinks, almost short of breath, it’s as if Rick is offering devotion. A breath-stealing kind of notion. A case of do or die. Too dangerous for the likes of him. 
the fundamental things apply
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colmiillo · 6 months ago
I fear the day that my mom finds out that I don't read fantasy books on Tumblr/Wattpad/Ao3
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hanaridulsetcheese · 4 months ago
the boy at the library ~ sam winchester
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In a small town somewhere in America, you were at the local library completing your weekly shift. Sam Winchester was busy trying to do research on a case he and his brother were trying to crack but when he couldn't find a book he was looking for he decided to ask for help. 
"Excuse me," he said awkwardly, towering over you. "Do you know where I can find a book on demonology? It's for research purposes." he awkwardly smiles. 
You looked at the tall boy standing at the front of the desk, he seemed to be about your age, maybe a year or two older. Usually, you were not one to find attraction to people immediately but this boy was entirely captivating. 
His brown hair was slightly tousled and his shirt was untucked and messy. He had such a cute college boy look to him but his eyes told a different story, his eyes looked as if he had seen through the life of ten men at once. 
"Yes, it's in this aisle, what's the book name I'll help you look? " you walk out to him and lead him down the array of aisles. 
Sam was taken aback for a moment, his heart skipped a few beats as you agreed to help. He was used to having people be instantly intimidated by his tall built physique and cold demeanour and yet, you seemed different.
"Great," he said, clearing his throat and trying to remain cool. "The book is called 'Tales of Demonic Encounters.' It was written by a Reverend named Thomas Harries. Ever heard of it?"
"As a matter of fact I have. " you immediately lead him down the stream of books in the aisle and pick out the book he wanted. It was tucked amongst the mass of other religious and mythology series the library had in stock. 
The book you pull out was on a higher shelf but you were still able to reach it. It was a thick leather bound book with a collection of dust on it. Sam stands directly behind you and places a large hand atop of yours to help you remove the book. A slight blush flushes a little across your cheeks at the contact. 
Sam tries his best to stay calm as you retrieve the book. Your scent fills his nostrils, a mixture of sweet roses and something distinctly endearing. 
He feels your hand beneath his, smaller and more delicate than his own. His heart races as his fingers brush against your skin, the contact sending a spark through his entire body. He releases your hand before taking the book from you, your fingers lingering on each other for a few more seconds than necessary.
"Thanks," he says, looking at the book in his hands before looking back to you. "You're a lifesaver."
"Say, what's a boy like you doing studying about demons? " you lean against the shelves and cross your arms against your chest.
You eye Sam up and down and notice a slight pink tinge on his cheeks similar to that of yours. "You seem like a more law type of guy- " you raise an eyebrow waiting for his name. 
Sam feels a wave of nervousness wash over him as you ask the question. He knew he couldn't give you a straightforward answer, not without raising suspicion. He had to think fast. "Oh, you know," he says, forcing a convincing smile. "Just a hobby of mine. I'm interested in mythology and such. “
He glances down at your crossed arms, his eyes lingering on your figure for a moment before he looks back at your face. "The name's Sam Winchester. " he says, his voice a little quieter now.
"Sam, cute. " you stick a hand out at him, "Y/N. " you say, giving him a small smile. Sam takes your hand in his own, his grip firm but gentle.
"Y/N. " he repeats, savouring the way your name rolls off of his tongue. "That's a beautiful name. Suits you. " he lingers for a moment, not wanting to let go of your hand just yet.
"So, a demon hobby, huh? I dabble a little in mythology as well. " you shrugged, peeking at the stack of notes he had in his hand. 
Sam notices you glancing at the notes. They were mostly sketches of demonic symbols, and the occasional drawing of a grotesque demon head. He realises that he has to be careful, he couldn't let you see the truth. 
"Oh, yeah," he says, casually hiding the notes behind his back. "It's a fascinating subject, you know? Not for everyone, I suppose. But I find it intriguing."
"No, I understand. People think I'm crazy for wanting to major in mythology and dark arts. They look at me like I'm going to do some demonic thing to them. " you laugh slightly, gesturing to yourself, clad in a plain white shirt with a red flannel over it and some jeans. "Do I look demonic, Sam? " 
This was said as a joke but you noticed something changed in Sam's demeanour. He tried to remain calm, but your mention of demonic things puts him on edge. He knows that he has to play his cards right.
"Demonic? No, not at all," he responds, forcing a smirk. "Quite the opposite, actually. You look kind and friendly." He glances down at your outfit, trying to keep his expression neutral. "Besides, I think you'd make a terrible demon," he adds, his tone lighthearted.
"A terrible demon? Why'd you reckon? " you place your hands into your back pocket and look into his eyes. They were this pretty blue colour that you couldn't help but get sucked into. You notice him also observing you in the same way. 
"Well," Sam says, his gaze still fixed on yours. "Demons are cunning and manipulative. They prey on people's weaknesses and desires. But you seem different. More authentic, and honest." he takes a step closer to you, his tall frame towering over you. "It's refreshing, in a way. Almost, entangling... alluring."
"Oh. " you trail of feeling a little spark of excitement in your stomach as he steps closer. His smell wafts through your nose, very cinnamon centred with a hint of oak. He towered over you, your face barely peeking over his shoulder. 
Sam notices how much smaller you were than him. It was endearing, in a way. It made him feel protective, wanting to keep you safe. He leaned down closer to you, almost unconsciously. The air between you grew heavy with tension.
"Honesty is important," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "But I think demons can be a tad dishonest every now and then."
"You seem to speak from personal experience? " you tilt your head, looking up at him through your eyelashes. 
Sam freezes, realising that he said too much. He mentally scolds himself, cursing his slip-up. He steps back, creating a small distance between you. He tries to keep his face neutral as he laughs it off.
"No, not really," he said quickly, forcing a smile. "I just have a lot of experience talking to people, that's all." He glances down at the book he borrowed, then back up at you.
"Oh I understand Sam. " you peek out of the aisle to make sure no one saw you two.
"Sit. " you take a seat on the floor and gesture to Sam to sit beside you. He complies, the space just barely enough for his long legs. Sam feels a mixture of nerves and curiosity as he sits down next to you, his knee barely brushing against your leg, sending a small shiver down his spine.
Taking the book from his hands and laying it between you so you both could see, "What are you looking for in here? "
He glances down at the book and ponders your question. He couldn't tell you the truth, not about demons anyway. He had to come up with something plausible. "Just doing research," he says eventually. "Studying up on some demonic lore, nothing too fascinating."
"Come one Sammy, give me more than that. Maybe I can help. I do study these types of things. " you lightly bump his shoulder, giving him a smile. 
He looks at you, seeing the genuine offer to help. He knew he should keep you at arm's length, keep you safe. But he couldn't resist your smile, your kind eyes. "Okay, fine," he relents. "Honestly, I'm trying to find out more about demons and what they're capable of."
"Any specific type you're looking for? From my knowledge of the type of mythology I study there can be different types. " you continue to explain your studies to him. There was a warm feeling in you as you noticed him listening intently to you, his eyes never leaving your face. You were passionate about the subject, and your excitement about it was contagious.
He felt his heart beat faster as you spoke, hanging on to every word. It was endearing to see you so animated and knowledgeable. "Different types of demons? I never realised," he said, despite already knowing what you're saying. "I thought they were all the same, just evil creatures of the night."
"Well they are, but you see they all have different purposes. Some make deals with humans, you know selling your soul and stuff - " 
Sam's eyes widen as you mention demons making deals, a sudden jolt of adrenaline shooting through him. He tries to keep his composure, praying that his reaction didn't give anything away.
"Deals?" he asks, as casually as possible. "Like, making deals for people's souls? That kind of thing?"
"There's this myth that if you sell your soul to a crossroads demon, they kill you off after ten years. " you whisper.
Sam's heart  races at the mention of crossroads demons. He knew all too well the truth about them. "Crossroads demons," he says, his voice low. "They're tricky bastards, that's for sure. Do you believe that? The ten year deal, I mean."
"Well, it's a myth right? " you laugh but then notice the serious look on Sam's face. "Can I be honest with you Sam? "
Sam glances down at you, his face serious but also curious. He doesn't know what to expect from the question, but nods at you to continue. "What is it? "
"I do believe that there's something out there, like the supernatural. Ever since I was a kid I felt like that. I thought by studying about it in university, it would help me understand. "
Sam looks at you in disbelief, not knowing what to make of your confession. He had never met someone so open about this kind of thing. To be so willing to believe in the supernatural without much evidence was...refreshing.
He leaned in closer as you spoke, hanging on your every word. "You've always felt that way?" he asks. "Since you were a kid? You've never wondered if perhaps it's just your imagination?"
"I think it was maybe just my imagination but hey, it's still interesting to learn about I guess. "
Sam smiled at your response, finding your unwavering belief in the unknown fascinating. Your willingness to explore this world of shadows and demons without fear was admirable.
"Interesting is one word for it," he says, his tone slightly humorous. "Most people run for the hills at the mention of anything supernatural."
"True. " you agree, laying your head against the book shelf behind. "What got you interested? " 
Sam leans into the shelf as well, his body just barely touching yours. He tries to keep a level head, but it's becoming increasingly difficult.
He thinks for a moment, before replying. "Let's just say interest runs in the family. " he says. "There's so much out there in the shadows that people don't understand. It's like a mystery waiting to be unravelled."
"A mystery waiting to be unravelled. " you are unaware of the reality of his words. Sam chuckles as he watches you ponder.   
"What's funny? " you lift your head to look at him only to find him smiling at you. 
Sam shakes his head, his smile growing wider. "It's nothing, just a thought," he replies, his eyes never leaving yours. He can't help but stare at you, admiring the innocence in your gaze. It was refreshing to see someone so curious and open-minded, someone who wasn't aware of the dark secret he carried.
"Share your thoughts with the class, Sam. " you place your hand on his. 
Sam's heart skids in his chest as you place your hand on his. The feeling of your skin against his sends electricity coursing through his body. "Well - " he starts, his voice slightly more strained than usual. "It's just that I find it amusing that you're so interested in the supernatural, and yet you have no idea how close to the truth you actually are."
"The truth? What? Some demon is coming to get me? " you joke. 
Sam lets out a strained laugh, shaking his head. "No, no," he says. "Just...you've got a good eye. You're looking in the right places. You never know what you might find."
The irony is not lost on him. Here he was, a professional demon hunter, sitting with a girl who was oblivious to the monsters that lurk in the shadows.
"And why would I want to find it? Look I may be interested in these things but hey if a demon showed up on my doorstep I'd shit myself. "
Sam laughs heartily at your comment. He imagines your reaction.  "Well, I can't blame you there," he says, still chuckling. "Seeing a demon up close and personal is no joke. Most people would have a heart attack on the spot."
You noticed the honesty in his words and began to wonder, "Yeah, it must be scary. "
Sam nods at your response, his expression becoming a little more serious. "Yeah, it is," he says, his voice quieter now. "Demons are vicious creatures, dangerous and unpredictable. They'll stop at nothing to...well, let's just say they're not here to be your friend."
"Sam are you alright? " You turn fully towards him and take a hold of his hand. There is a tired look in his eyes that grows more prominent now in the dull light of the library. 
Sam's hand instinctively holds onto yours, his grip firm but gentle. He looks down at your intertwined hands, letting out a soft sigh. "I'm just tired," he confesses, his voice weary. "I haven't had a good night's sleep in ages. It's like I can't escape..."
He catches himself, realising he's said too much. He quickly tries to put on a smile, trying to hide his exhaustion.
You couldn't help but caress his cheek, feeling slightly bad for the boy in front of you. He seemed like a genuine person who has been through a lot.
"I know how that feels, I have ADHD and sometimes it doesn't let me sleep at night. " you say, trying to be vulnerable towards him to show him that you were genuine. 
Sam leans into your touch, the feeling of your hand against his cheek soothing. He glances at you, his expression a mixture of surprise and comfort.
"You have ADHD? I never would've guessed." he smiles at your attempt to relate to him, appreciating the gesture more than you could know.
"Was it all the fidgeting or the non-stop talking? " you laugh a little and so does he, a dimple popped out on his cheek that makes you look at him fondly. 
"Maybe a combination of both," he says. "You're surprisingly bouncy and talkative. It's cute."
"Thanks. " you shrugged, "Most think I'm annoying. " 
Sam looks at you, a look of disbelief on his face. "Annoying? Those people must be idiots." He shakes his head, still smiling at you. "You're not annoying. Far from it."
"You're nice Sam. " you brush your hands through his hair before your eyes land on the clock on the wall.  "I've got to get back to my shift. "
Sam helps you gather up the notes he had borrowed, feeling a pang of disappointment as you prepare to leave. "Okay, yeah, of course," he says, still a little reluctant to see you go.
He gazes down at you, his eyes lingering for a moment. "Before you go," he says suddenly, a flicker of courage sparking inside of him. "Can I ask you something?"
"What is it? " 
Sam's heart thumps loudly in his chest, his mind suddenly racing. He knew he was taking a risk here, but he had to ask.
"I was wondering if I could have your number," he says, his voice slightly shaky. "Just in case I need some more myth and lore advice sometime."
"Oh, yeah sure. " you smiled and pulled out a pen from a stack of the notes he had and wrote down your number on the top page of the stack before noticing a symbol he had scribbled down on it. 
"I know this symbol. " you gently pull out the page and examine it closely. Sam looks surprised at the fact that you had recognised it. 
"You know that symbol? " he asks, his tone a mixture of disbelief and caution.
"Hades. " you say, nodding your head. "Ancient Greek, I'm talking like really ancient. This was used as a summoning tool to get one of Hades' men to show up. People who had the means to call upon him used this to get a one way ticket to the underworld, kinda like skipping the whole dead line and passing all those judgement people. "
"That's what this is? A summoning tool? " he glanced back down at the paper. "How did you get that so fast? "
"I study this Sam, kind of my speciality. " you say. 
Eyes widen as you easily identify each symbol, one after the other. Sam can't help but feel a pang of worry mixed with fascination. Were you simply a mythology enthusiast, or was there something more to your vast knowledge?
"Okay, so all these symbols have something to do with summoning one one Hades’ men, Thanatos, but there's a piece missing. "
Sam's mind races as he takes in your words. He swallows hard, trying to keep his cool. "What piece is missing? " he inquires, keeping his voice steady. 
"I'm assuming that's what you're looking for? The missing piece? You're not going to find it in this book then. " you say. 
"Not in this book, why's that? “ he asks. 
"This book is filled with Christian lore. You're not going to find anything here. You need ancient Greek lore. "
He sighs, his shoulders slumping slightly. "Damn," he mutters. "Ancient Greek lore, huh? Any idea where I might find something like that? “
"Follow me mister, I do still work here after all. " you walk past the book aisles to the other side of the library where the ancient Greek and Roman books were situated. "Here they are. "
Sam’s mind was still racing from your earlier revelation. He takes in the unfamiliar titles surrounding him as you stop in front of a shelf filled with ancient Greek and Roman texts.
"I hope you can read ancient Greek. " you laugh. "I'll leave you to it though, my supervisor will kick my ass if she doesn't find me at the front desk. Let me know when you're done though. "
Sam chuckles at your joke and gives a nod as you prepare to leave. He watches you go, appreciating the help you've given him so far. "Hey, wait," he calls out suddenly, a thought crossing his mind.
You stop in your tracks and turn back to him, "Yes? "
Sam hesitates for a moment, wondering if he should ask his question. But then he decides to just go for it. "Since you're so knowledgeable about all this lore, can I ask you one more thing? " he inquires, his eyes searching yours for a response.
"Fire away. "
Sam chews on his lower lip as he considers how to phrase his question. He didn't want to sound crazy, but he had to ask. "Alright," he begins, his voice slightly shaky. "Hypothetically, if someone were to want to call upon Thanatos, how would they do it? “ 
"Summon Thanatos, seriously? " you wanted to laugh but then noticed the serious expression on Sam’s face. You cleared your throat and grabbed the pile of notes from his hand and assembled them onto the table.
It all formed pieces of a really weird puzzle and only the first piece was missing. "There you go, until you find the missing piece you can't do anything though. Whatever you have to do, it needs to be done in this order.  "
Sam watched intently as you arranged the notes into a makeshift puzzle. He was impressed with your ability to piece together seemingly unrelated information, forming a clearer picture. He reaches out to the table, his fingers brushing across the notes. "And if I find the missing piece? " he asks, a hint of anxiousness in his voice.
"You call upon Thanatos, I presume. " you confirm. "That's what these symbols are. All demons are trapped in hell which is the underworld for the ancient Greeks. Get the right piece and I guess it's like opening a door for them.  "
Sam nods slowly, absorbing your words.  
"I'm assuming this isn't some kind of project. " you look at Sam with a serious and concerned expression laced on your face.
Sam's eyes meet yours, and he hesitates for a moment. He could feel your concern, and it tugged at him. He knew he shouldn't keep you in the dark, that you deserved an explanation, but before he can form a response, he's interrupted by a ringing sound from his pocket. He pulls out his phone and glances at the screen, his expression hardening.
Sam answers the call and turns away from you, his voice barely above a whisper as he speaks into the phone "What do you have, Dean? "
He listens for a few moments, his free hand running through his hair in a frustrated gesture. He glances over at you momentarily, making sure you weren't listening. After a brief moment Sam gets off the phone, his voice now hasty and laced with worry.
"I need to go," he says abruptly, his tone urgent. "Something's come up."
"Oh alright, well don't forget your stuff. " you help him gather the pages again and watch him stuff it into his bag.
Sam nods in thanks, his mind clearly elsewhere. He slings the bag over his shoulder and turns to look at you. "Sorry to cut this short," he apologises, his voice tinged with regret. "I'll make it up to you, I promise."
"Don't worry about it, whatever that was sounded important. " you smile and watch as he walks away fast from the library. You look out the window and watch him get into a black car with another guy as they drive away in a hurry leaving you to your shift. 
"Find anything? " Dean asks Sam as they speed through the road.
Sam shakes his head, his mind still on the conversation with you. He was frustrated that he didn't have the answer yet. "Not yet," he replies, his voice tight. "But there was this girl at the library, she was surprisingly familiar with the symbols. “
"A girl huh? She's pretty? " Dean smirks at Sam before returning his eyes to the road.
Sam scoffs and rolls his eyes at Dean. Trust him to focus on that aspect.
"She's...interesting," Sam replies, trying to downplay it. "She knew a lot about the symbols, more than most people. “
"You think she's a demon? " Dean asked seriously. 
Sam paused for a moment, considering the possibility. While it seemed far-fetched, it wasn't completely outside the realm of possibility. "No," he finally answers, shaking his head. "She seemed normal. Human."
"What'd she give you? Anything useful that would explain all these walking corpses around town? "
Sam reaches into his bag and pulls out the stack of pages filled with scribbled notes and symbols. "She was able to identify these," he says, shuffling through the pile. "And she explained what they were but we're still missing a piece. It’s like a puzzle. "
"Man, I hate puzzles. " Dean complained. 
Sam nods in agreement, especially when your life, and other people's lives, depended on them. "Yeah, tell me about it," he mutters, rubbing a hand over his tired eyes. "But we have to figure it out. People are dying, Dean. We have to stop it. "
"Yeah I know. She say anything about the missing piece? Where do we find it? “
Sam shakes his head, sighing in frustration. "No, but she did say something about ancient Greek and Roman lore. So we might need to dig through some of Bobby’s old history books."
"Oh yay, love me the Olympics. " Dean rolled his eyes and pulled up to the motel they were staying at. They both rush into the room and shut the doors and windows immediately. 
Sam sits down at the small desk, opening the laptop and immediately launching an online search for information on the mythology. He types in keywords related to their case and scans through page after page of search results, hoping to find something useful.
Dean cracks open a beer and begins looking through Bobby's old journals trying to find something useful to them. After about two and a half hours of searching they came up with nothing. "Damn it man. You're saying this library chick knew this stuff immediately? "
Sam shuts the laptop in frustration, rubbing a hand over his tired face. They had been at it for hours and still had nothing. "Yeah," he confirms. "She seemed to recognize the symbols right away, and knew what they were used for. It's like none of this was a surprise to her. "
"Sounds fishy man, are you sure she was human? " Dean takes a swig of his second beer. 
Sam sighs and shrugs, his mind still lingering on your knowledge of the symbols. It was impressive, but it did raise a few questions. "I don't know," he admits, a hint of uncertainty in his voice. 
"You said she studied these things? Like as a degree? "
Sam nods, recalling what you had told him at the library. "Yeah, she said she was interested in these things, and she had studied them extensively. "
"Look, I know you're developing some sort of attachment to this girl but we might need her help, Sammy. " Dean looks at his brother, Sam's face was conflicted. He too didn't want to drag an innocent girl into this.
Sam frowns,he knew Dean was right, but the thought of putting you in danger didn't sit well with him. "I don't want to put anyone in harm's way," he argues, his voice a mix of concern and determination. "But you're right. We need her help, she's the only lead we have right now."
Sam hesitates for a moment, but he finally pulls out his phone and dials your number and waits anxiously for you to pick up.
You were about to close up the library when your phone rang all of a sudden. Fishing it out of the bag you answered the call, waiting for the caller to speak first. 
As the call connects, Sam takes a deep breath, mentally preparing himself. "Hello?" he says into the phone, his tone laced with urgency.
"Hi, who is this? " you ask.
"It's Sam Winchester," he replies, his voice serious. "The guy from the library earlier today. Look, I need to talk to you about something important."
"Oh hi Sam, what can I do for you? " you asked, locking up the library and heading to the car.
Sam takes note of the sound of keys in the background. "Are you still at the library?" he asks. 
"Almost about to leave, why? Did you forget something here? " you asked, now in the car tossing your bag in the backseat. There was a slight ringing in your head followed by a sharp pain. You reached back to your bag and brought out your painkillers.
"No, no, it's nothing like that," Sam reassures you. "But there's something I need to talk to you about in person. It's pretty important. Can we meet? "
"Yeah sure, how far are you from the library? " you manage to say after swallowing the pills.
Sam looks out the motel window, his gaze fixed on the street outside. "Not too far. We're staying at the Starlight motel. Room 4B. Can you come over here?"
"Oh, alright. Who's 'we' by the way? " you ask, starting the engine and pulling out of the parking lot. 
Sam grimaces, realising that he hadn't really explained the situation fully to you yet. "Oh uh...my brother Dean's here with me," he admits, his voice slightly apologetic.
"Oh I see. I'll be on my way shortly Sam. " you say goodbye and make your way to the motel a little weary of why Sam sounded so urgent. For the sake of protection, you pulled pepper spray from the bag and walked up to the motel room, knocking on the door.
Sam and Dean hear the knock at the door, and Sam jumps up to answer it. He glances through the peephole and sees you standing outside. He opens the door and immediately his eyes widen at the sight of your pepper spray. "Whoa, easy there," he says, holding up his hands in a gesture of peace.
"Sorry, momma taught me to be safe. " you laugh and enter the room, pepper spray still in hand. There was another guy there you assumed to be Sam’s older brother. He was a little older than Sam, slightly shorter with green eyes.
Dean watches you as you enter the room, his expression a mix of curiosity and scepticism. He takes note of the pepper spray in your hand, silently assessing if you were a threat. But when you mention your mother, he barks a laugh. "Smart woman," he comments with a smirk. "Never hurts to be prepared. “ 
"I'm Y/N. "  you extend your hand to the guy and he shakes it, telling you his name. You then turn to Sam, "What is it that you called me for? " 
Sam motions for you to take a seat on the bed. He sits down next to you, while Dean stands by the window with his arms crossed. "Alright, this is going to sound a little strange," Sam begins, looking at you intently. "But there's something we need to ask you about. “
"Alright then, ask away. "
Sam glances at Dean, silently asking if he should reveal the truth fully. Dean just shrugs nonchalantly. Sam takes a deep breath and turns back to you. "Have you ever heard of demons before?" he asks, his voice measured and serious.
"Demons? " you laugh, looking back and forth between the brothers, "Like the ones in myths we were talking about today? "
Sam and Dean exchange a glance, amused by your scepticism. "No, not myths," Sam answers bluntly. "We mean real, authentic demons. Straight out of Hell."
"What? "
Dean leans against the wall, a cocky smirk on his face. "You think we're pulling your leg, don’t you?" he says, looking at your doubtful expression.
"We'll yeah, just little. " you eye Dean up and down.
"Look. demons are real and we need a way to stop them. " Dean blurts out, Sam gives Dean a warning glare. He had wanted to ease you into this revelation, not just dump it all on you at once.
"What he means is that we're hunters," Sam explains, his gaze fixed on you intently. "Hunters of supernatural creatures, like demons, monsters, and witches."
"Hunters? " you tilt your head, taking in the information.
Sam nods, his expression serious. "Yeah," he confirms. "We track and kill things that go bump in the night. We've been doing it our whole lives."
"Wait, this may sound crazy but do you know Bobby Singer? " you ask. 
Dean immediately averts his gaze from you to Sam. "You know Bobby? " Dean stares at me.
Sam pauses, a little taken aback by your question. He glances at Dean, who looks equally surprised. "Yeah," he answers slowly, his curiosity piqued. "We know Bobby. How do you know him?"
"Bobby is my uncle. Well my dad's family friend, I used to see him a lot when I was little. He used to tell me stories all the time about how he was a hunter and he used to kill monsters like what you’re saying now. Of course he was a drunk so nothing he said was real but it still made me interested in mythology. "
Dean looks at you quizzically, his mind racing with questions. "Why hasn't Bobby ever mentioned you? " he asks, his voice laced with suspicion.
"He and my dad had this fight when I was twelve, never saw him since. "
Sam's eyebrows furrowed, "What happened between them? If you don't mind me asking. " he asks, his tone softer now.
"Something about a hunting trip gone wrong? I think my dad must've messed up and Bobby got angry. They used to go deer hunting often. "
Sam and Dean exchange a knowing glance. They both knew about the disastrous hunting trip Bobby had gone on with John. They had heard it from Bobby many times over the years.
"Must have been one hell of a hunt," Dean mutters, more to himself than anyone else.
"Wait but what does that have to do with demons? My dad hunted deer with Bobby, not monsters or whatever. Those were just stories. "
Sam takes a deep breath, knowing that the explanation was about to get more complicated. "It's a little more than that," he begins. "Bobby was involved in a different type of hunting. Supernatural hunting and now I think that your dad was involved too. "
"You're joking, right? " you look between the brothers confused. 
Dean snorts with a sarcastic laugh. "Hell, I wish we were," he says, his expression serious. "But we've been hunting these things all our lives. Demons, ghosts, werewolves, you name it."
You swallowed hard, trying to hide the fear. "So what do you want from me? I'm not some type of demon or anything.  "
Sam quickly senses your fear and places a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "No, no, we know you're not a demon," he reassures you. "We just wanted to ask you about those symbols. "
"Oh. " you eased up a little. "Well those are to summon Thanatos from the underworld like I explained. "
Dean leans forward, intrigued. "How do you know so much about these symbols? "
"Mythology 101 at Harvard. " you say, shrugging as if it were nothing.
Dean raises an eyebrow, clearly impressed. "Harvard, huh? Brains and beauty."
You blush at his words and fail to notice the annoyed look Sam gives his brother. He didn't miss the way Dean was eyeing you up and down.
"So anyway, what do you need me for? I already explained what there was. " you asked.
Sam rubs the back of his neck, slightly hesitating before speaking. "Well, we're trying to figure out how this thing got to earth and why someone would have wanted to summon it."
"And you think that I could help? "
Sam rubs his forehead, the exhaustion from the long day catching up to him. "We don't have anyone else to ask right now," he admits. "You said you know a lot about this, so we thought you might be able to give us some answers. “
You notice the exhaustion on both Sam and Dean's face and nod, agreeing to help them.
"Can you read ancient Greek? " Dean asks, placing one of Bobby’s old journals in front of you. 
"Yes I can, a little rusty but I can do it. " you glance at this book and pull out a blank page to scribble down whatever you decipher. "This might take me a while, it's a lot and let's just say the grammar is terrible. “ 
Dean chuckles at your comment, his impatience showing. "Take all the time you need, sweetheart, we got all night. “ 
You continue pouring over the text, the brothers leave you at the table and do some research on the laptop. You were all busy for what felt like about three hours.
Sam and Dean had gotten so engrossed in their research that they lost track of time. Sam glances over at you at the small table and notices you diligently working on the ancient text. "How's it going over there? " he calls out. 
"I'm almost done. " you say, scribbling the last few words on the page.
"That was quick," Dean comments, a hint of surprise in his voice.
"Thanks, I was the top student. " you walk over to them at the coffee table and sit next to Sam, placing the page of translated Greek in the centre.
"Damn, that's some impressive writing skills you got there, sweetheart," Dean smirks.
Sam gives Dean a warning glance, silently telling him to cut it out. "Dean," he says, his tone stern. "Give it a rest, will you? " Dean rolls his eyes and nods.
"Okay so from what was written the missing piece isn't a symbol but more of a chant that you say out loud as you assemble the pieces together. It’s a ritual. “ 
Sam rubs his chin thoughtfully, taking in your translation. “So if we do this, we summon whatever is bringing those corpses back? Thanatos, you said? “
You nod, confirming his words. "Yeah. it says you have to do it thirty minutes before the full moon rises and guess what moon it is tonight. "
"We have about an hour until we need to do this. " Dean says, looking at the time. 
"Damn, you're right," Sam mutters. 
You watch as the brothers scramble to get everything ready for the ritual. They pull out weird looking items in jars and bags with different types of smells. "You just casually have these things? "
Dean looks up from loading his shotgun with salt rounds and gives you a smirk. "We travel a lot," he says, his tone nonchalant. "We're always prepared."
Sam gathers the supplies and sets up a circle on the ground, carefully drawing symbols and diagrams around it. As they prepare the final items for the ritual you take a seat on the couch and rub your temples, trying to subside the oncoming headache. 
With fifteen minutes to spare before they start you pull Sam to the side while Dean is busy. "Hey, are you okay? " you ask him, noticing the fatigue on his face. 
Sam pauses, he can see the concern in your eyes, and appreciates your thoughtfulness. "Yeah, I'm okay," he replies, his voice a bit weary. "Just a little tired, and worried about what we're about to do."
He suddenly takes hold of your hand and intertwines your fingers, surprised by the comfort your touch brings him. 
"It must be scary? Having to deal with all of this. " 
“It is scary," he admits, his gaze meeting yours. "We've seen and faced things most people wouldn't believe exist. But we don't have a choice. We do this, or innocent people get hurt. Or worse."
"You're heroes. " you smile up at him.
Sam can't help but smile back, a hint of pride in his expression. "Thanks," he says, his voice softer now. "But we don't always feel like heroes. There's a lot of pain and suffering we've seen. Sometimes, we question if we're making any difference at all."
"One less demon on earth, I'd say that's a big difference. " you nod and place a soft kiss on his cheek. "It's almost time, you should join your brother. "
Sam's breath hitches and he savours the moment for a brief second, before nodding in agreement. "Yeah, you're right. " 
You watch as they wait for the right moment to begin the ritual. Sam effortlessly says the chant as Dean readies himself for whatever may come with a blade in his hand. You move behind the couch, away from them to be safe and out of the way. 
The room suddenly turned cold and the pain in your head grew more intense. Your vision clouds with green mist and as you make out a figure standing in the middle of the symbol that Sam drew. 
You blink to clear the mist from your eyes and notice the figure at Dean’s foot, dead. Confusion washes over you and you realise that the whole thing was over. 
Finally, Sam looks over at you and gives you a small nod. "It worked," he says, his voice filled with relief and exhaustion as if everything lasted a long time. 
You stare as the brothers clean out the mess. Dean drags the figure outside to bury its body before you could get a close look at it. 
You were left with Sam alone in the room. "I can't believe that just happened. " you say stunned.
"Yeah, believe me, it’s a lot to take in." Sam agrees. 
"Wait until you find out about the angels. " Dean shouts from outside. 
Sam chuckles at your astonishment. “Thank you for staying out of the way, it put up a good fight, you would’ve gotten hurt. “
You nod, having no idea what he was talking about. 
"You okay? " he asks, genuine concern in his eyes. "You holding up alright? " Sam closes the distance between the two of you. In the dim light of the room, he takes a moment to look at you, his gaze lingering on your face.
"I'm going to be honest Sam, that sacred me but I didn't shit myself so I think I'll be fine. " 
Sam throws his head back and lets out a hearty laugh at your unexpected response. There’s a hint of relief in his expression as he looks back at you. "I appreciate your honesty," he grins, still chuckling. "Most people wouldn’t be so calm after witnessing a demon exorcism."
"I'm definitely not going to be able to sleep tonight but that's nothing a little alcohol can't fix. " 
Sam's expression softens. He can only imagine the shock and adrenaline rushing through your body right now. "You sure you want to go the alcohol route? " he says, a hint of worry in his voice.
"What other route is there Sam? I just saw the supernatural in real life, found out everything my drunk uncle Bobby told me was real. I think I deserve a drink. Heck, you deserve like five for dealing with this all the time. "
Sam lets out a sigh, knowing that you had a point. He can't really blame you for wanting to drown out the traumatic events of the night. “Well I wish I could catch a drink with you but there is still a lot to do. “
"There's more? I thought it was over. "
Sam shakes his head with a weary sigh.
"I wish it was that simple. There's still a lot of work to be done. We have to figure out who summoned this thing in the first place. It wasn't just a random occurrence. Someone wanted that thing on earth, and we need to find out why. "
"I don't suppose you'll be needing my help then. " you smile sadly. 
Sam frowns at your assumption. He can't help but feel a pang of disappointment at the thought of you not being involved anymore. 
"Well then Sammy, you know where to find me should you find yourself needing any assistanc. " you pulled him in for a kiss. 
Sam is taken by surprise at your bold gesture, but he doesn't resist, letting himself be pulled in, his hand coming up to cup your face gently as your lips meet his. For a moment, all the chaos and danger of the world fade away.
"See you around. " you walk out the door leaving Sam staring.
Sam watches you walk out the door, his lips still tingling from the unexpected kiss. "Yeah, see you, sweetheart," he whispered, his voice laced with a hint of wistfulness.
spotify links -
soft boy dean
the winchesters
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lunajay33 · 9 months ago
Masterlist 2.0
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Fluff>☆ Angst>꩜ Spicy>ꨄ︎ Suggestive>❀
Masterlist 1.0
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Daryl Dixon🏹
{Quarry Era}
Soulmate> ☆
Searching for You> ☆꩜ pt.2
{Farm Era}
The Farmers Daughter> ꨄ︎
{Prison Era}
Future> ꩜☆
How to tell you I Love You> ☆
Despair> ꩜
Where’s My Wife> ꩜☆
New World->Part.15
Suppose to be You->Part.1 Part.2 Part.3
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Negan Smith
{Saviours Era}
The Bad Guy> ❀
Crave> ☆❀
Just a Taste> ☆ꨄ︎
{Friends Dad}
Desires> ☆ꨄ︎
Tumblr media
{Sam Winchester}
New Addition> ꩜☆
Surprise> ☆
Fated> ꩜☆
{Dean Winchester}
Help> ꩜☆
Secrets> ☆
Protect Me> ꩜
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{Paul Lahote}
Destiny> ☆꩜ Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.5 Pt.6
Pain> ꩜
The One> ☆
Why Me? Part.2
{Seth Clearwater}
My Beast> ☆
Valentines> ☆
Best Friend> ☆꩜
{Embry Call}
Desperate> ꩜☆
{Emmett Cullen}
Waiting> ☆꩜ Pt.2
{Felix Volturi}
It’s You> ☆꩜ꨄ︎ Pt.2
{Alec Volturi}
Am I Good Enough> ꩜☆
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Struggle> ꩜☆
All in my Head> ꩜
Hold me> ꩜☆
My Princess> ꨄ︎☆
Innocent> ꨄ︎☆
A Part of Me> ꩜☆
Wrong Outcome> ꩜☆
The Deer and the Fox> ☆
Afraid> ꩜☆
Drowning in your Love> ☆❀
{Eris & Azriel}⚔️🍂
Never the Right Time> ꩜☆
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{Jeremy Gilbert}
Target> ꩜☆
{Klaus Mikaelson}
Against the Group> ❀☆
549 notes · View notes
deans-yn · 3 months ago
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THIS is the power of commenting on a fic, even if it hasn’t been completed or updated.
i left the first comment after i read the whole thing without breathing.
i kept thinking about it. so i left a second, genuine, thirsty ass comment.
and look what they said.
bet your ass i���m re reading and leaving a long ass comment on every chapter.
❗️fanfics are “free,” but they’re not *free*❗️
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wrathfulmercy · 3 months ago
Love is blindness
I don't wanna see
Won't you wrap the night
Around me?
Oh my heart
Love is blindness
In a parked car
In a crowded street
You see your love
Made complete
Thread is ripping
The knot is slipping
Love is blindness
Love is clockworks
And cold steel
Fingers too numb to feel
Squeeze the handle
Blow out the candle
Oh my love
A little death
Without mourning
No call
And no warning
Baby, a dangerous idea
That almost makes sense
Love is drowning
In a deep well
All the secrets
And no one to tell
Take the money honey
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mystic-writings · 24 days ago
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visit the ARCHIVE
— jacklesverse
jensen ackles
beau arlen [big sky]
— supernatural
dean winchester
sam winchester
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soldier boy
billy butcher
hughie campbell
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daryl dixon
rick grimes
glenn rhee
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steve harrington
nancy wheeler
robin buckley
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james potter
sirius black
— misc
newt [the maze runner]
jess mariano [gilmore girls]
poe dameron [star wars]
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wrathfulmercy · 7 months ago
Sometimes it still felt like a dream. A distant dream of someone who would really stand by his side. Someone who looked at him with the same love someone would get without blood on their hands. Someone who was worthy to be seen and respected. Someone who was worth to fight for. And still he couldn’t help but wonder if all of this was the truth or just a trick his mind played on him because he yearned for it too long. A big plotting behind his back which would lead to a knife stabbed into his back if he got too careless. Of course he wanted to trust this. Wanted to hear sweet whispers and feel Sam’s hand in his, but could it really be the truth after all they had done? After everything they had become?
No matter of the cost, Rick couldn’t deny that it filled him with pride as Sam followed him and didn’t turn away when he noticed the modesty of his chosen home. It even brought a smile to his usual serious face when he mentioned the beignets. For a moment it didn’t matter if it was real. Why couldn’t he just lose himself in this dream a little longer? Just one more day, what would it matter? What he didn’t realize was that in the moment Sam entered his home, it had been settled that this was a point of no return. Rick wouldn’t invite someone here. Never did and never planned to. With Sam it felt so simple. It just casually happened out of the blue without regrets. It felt ordinary. As if it had always been this way and somehow that feeling brought him a comfort he long missed from his past life.
It was adorable. The way Sam spoke faster when he tried to hide something under a hard facade. Something soft that no one should see but Rick spotted right away and fell for. The casual chatting that should help to bury the fact that this was anything but usual for them. To let someone in. To share your only place of safety. It felt more intimate than what they had shared before in the sheets even if both of them would probably not admit that. “Thank you.” Rick replied in a mumble and closed the door behind them before he walked over to his desk to throw his key on top. And I like you, he wished to add but swallowed before he leaned against the table and crossed his arms, trying to maintain the needed control over this even when it was long gone whenever he looked too closely at him.
“I know it’s not impressive, but it’s enough. And it’s mostly…” Or better said up to this day. “…kept a secret. Even if I have a guess it never was one to you.” Or was it? Maybe Rick just wanted to hear if Sam really was as efficient as he had been by finding out about his recent apartment in Seattle. Something he wouldn’t bring up of course. “Vizla, hm?” Rick couldn’t help but mumble this in a low tone, a brow raised as he tilted his head at him. Was it a glimpse of jealousy that crossed his expressions here or was it just concern? Of course he had heard of the Keizer, who didn’t by now in their business? “Seems you really have a hand for picking the worst company.” He couldn’t help but scoff shortly before he was able to take a deep breath. “Of course. Why keeping secrets of a man I know is able to dig up any damn fucking information if he just wants to, even if I assume that this wouldn’t fall to your interests.” Or maybe it did? Hopefully it did.
“One thing I wanna know though before you share that beer and those promising beignets with me.” His arms released and he pushed himself off the table to walk over to Sam, fingers curling around the man’s collar to slide along the shape of it while watching every move carefully to avoid his blues. “What would you have done if I left? If you wouldn’t have run so randomly into me as you claimed?” A playful smirk spread on his lips. A glare that could be meant in a flirty but also threatening way and was right now only reserved for Sam to receive.
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“Would you have found someone else for the night or would you have missed me?”
@wrathfulmercy - continued from x
Rick was already on his way out of the bar, his back turnt to Sam still sitting at the counter as he heard his words mumbled with that heartbreaking sad tone in his voice. It stopped him, his head slowly turning over his shoulder to look back to him trying to deliberate if it was worth the risk to take him back to his secret home. That night when Sam entered the bar and sat down next to him, Rick had already wondered if it was really just a coincidence of a mission bringing him to New Orleans or if he - just as Rick himself - did some research on his secret lover and already knew he would find him here. Whatever it was: Rick always tried to keep his place private. Never invited anyone over or mentioned his little side job as a guest tattooist in the tattoo shop just across the street of his apartment, but with Sam it felt like something he wanted to share and maybe he knew about it anyways if his obsession about Rick went as far as his own.
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“Then don’t be.” he replied in a soft voice with a smile on his face before approaching him back at the counter, leaning one arm on the wooden surface to catch the others gaze from below. “Come.” Rick gestured with his head to follow him before he threw a wink to the waiter who knew him already and could be certain he would pay the bills when he came back another day. “I have a place nearby.” This time it wouldn’t be a rusty hotel room. It wouldn’t be an improvised sleeping place where they had to find shelter, but it would be his little secret home which he only wanted to share with Sam ever since.
Rick waited for Sam to follow him and slipped his hands back into his black coat as he brought the man to the little street where he stopped at the stairs leading down to his door. “See that shop?” His hand pointed at the flower shop across the street right next to the tattoo shop while his other hand searched for the keys in his pocket. “The owner… an old lady called Marcy owns this complex and offered me her basement for lending her a hand now and then. Had to renovate some things to make it feel like an actual apartment but… at least I have a kitchen counter and hot running water. Sometimes.” Rick had to giggle to himself before he walked down the stairs and unlocked his door, his head turning back to Sam now with a serious glare as if he wanted to tell him to keep this a secret, but he surely knew that already so he didn’t mention it.
“Better than a hotel at least. But I warn you: no comments about my empty fridge.”
Sam has always loved New Orleans; the familiar scent of the Bayou, the smell of creole food wafting deliciously on the air and the people – this is friendly town, one that knows how to have a good time; is it any wonder this is where Rick chose down to settle? Sam knows Rick has a place nearby, of course he does, sourcing intelligence on your partner is something people in their business simply do, but he’s never been here – in truth he had expected Rick to suggest going back to Sam’s hotel. An invitation to his apartment is an unexpected and welcomed surprise.
Walking along the street, Sam stares up at the metal balconies draped with flowers blooming in colour; it’s a vibrant place, made even more so by the bright flower shop across the street. Samuel smiles as he hears Rick talk so bashfully about helping the owner out; it’s a side of Rick rarely seen, a side that Sam deeply loves to see.
As they enter via stone steps, Sam hears mention of Rick's empty fridge and smiles. Reaching into his backpack he pulls out a bag of freshly baked pastries.
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“I brought beer and beignets.”
Rick’s basement apartment is darker than Sam anticipated; most of the light doesn’t reach all the way down here, but somehow it suits the place, makes it feel more private and enclosed. It’s a studio, nothing ever far from reach and has a definite industrial vibe; it feels functional, but not in a cold way, it still has strange quirks and unique pieces of salvaged furniture. Sam can’t help but wonder if Rick did a lot of this work himself. Most of all, the place looks lived in and that’s what separates it most from Sam’s apartment back in Seattle. Sam’s place is much bigger admittedly but it still looks like it did when he moved in nearly a year ago - clean, clinical with most of his boxes remaining packed and sealed, ready for quick relocation. It is a place of necessity, it’s not a home; Sam never stays in any apartment for much more than a year, none of his neighbours even know his real name.
“I like your place.” He smiles, glancing around the room; it warms him to see that Rick has built a life here and what feels like a home; it’s cosy, concealed and the only place Sam wants to be right now. Seeing a nearby ashtray, Sam lights a cigarette.
“I used to have a place like this…I had to abandon it when the Black Keizer came for me…wrecked the place, nearly killed me…” Sam quickly holds his hands up, realising his mistake. “…but hey, hey, we’re friends now, don’t…Vizla’s okay, it’s okay. Old wounds.” Old wounds…it’s what Sam says when he means forgiveness, something he and Rick have offered each other many times now.
Sam breathes out an awkward laugh. “Fuck, I just mean I really like your place Rick…thanks for sharing this we with.”
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natti-ice · 9 months ago
speaking my truth guys
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snowluvvie · 1 month ago
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CHOCOLATE LAVA CAKE. send this in with between 1–3 letters of the nsfw alphabet + a character from my list for a blurb/drabble about them
CHERRY AMARETTO TART. send this in with a character + a prompt from the valentine’s day dialogue or scenario promp lists to get a blurb ( may be nsfw, specify otherwise )
STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE. send this in with a character for a moodboard/headcanons about how they celebrate Valentine’s Day
RED VELVET TRUFFLE. send this in along with a character + a concept ( y’know, trope, scenario, aesthetic, etc ) to get a moodboard
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— accepting req’s until Valentine’s Day !! — ONLY 18+ participation, no minors — all req’s should be sent to the inbox pls — you can choose any character from my character list, and keep an eye out—i do add new characters fairly often — ib @dixonsfawn and her 3k celly, plssss go check out her blog all of her work is amazing
happy Valentine’s Day and much love to everyone xoxo •ᴗ•
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wordsmithie · 2 years ago
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Sometimes, he thinks, almost short of breath, it’s as if Rick is offering devotion. A breath-stealing kind of notion. A case of do or die. Too dangerous for the likes of him. 
the fundamental things apply
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