#wordsmithie makes things
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wordsmithie · 8 months ago
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Her dark throat, lovely in the moonlight. Split open by his nail, open and spilling eager blood over her heaving breasts. He would have gathered her convulsing form into his arms and buried his face in her gushing heat. Begged her forgiveness as he explained his dutiful sins.
die as lovers may
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dahniwitchoflight · 7 years ago
So you were talking about "your sign" and how it could be interpreted by what sign you have most planets in, right? I didn't really identify with my sun sign's description so I looked at that but it turns out my sun sign and two other signs were tied for having the most planets. And then I have my moon sign and ascendant too. I can't figure out which to use :,)
welp, you gotta mull it over, maybe do a little bit more research into each planet and what they represent and that kind of thing, but honestly it sounds like you’ve got a very well rounded chart, so your probably fine picking either your sun sign or one of the other two signs or the ascendant
the moons not really an option unless emotions really control your life and have a major impact on your personality, most people you know if you describe all the different signs will probably tell you you seem like the ascendant the most (cuz thats what they see)
and then the other two signs depends on what planets are in them, and if what things they have dominion over have greater influence in your life
for instance if you very intellectual or chatty or wordsmithy, mercury has a big influence
love and relationships and friendships, comfort, beauty for venus
sports, athleticism, adrenaline, energy, physicality for mars etc
theres also if you can find out your chart ruler you could probably use that, but thats way more complicated to figure out
its basically that every planet naturally rules a certain sign anyway, like Mars rules Aries for example
and when another planet finds itself in Aries, its basically the equivalent of that Planet coming over to Mars’s house for dinner and being a guest, giving Mars a bit more influence/dominion over that planet like “my house my rules” kind of way
so finding the chart ruler is writing down all your planets, writing on top what sign they are in, and writing on top of that sign what planets rules that sign and making this weird complicated chart thing and seeing if any planet comes out on top or if a pair comes out on top
to give you an example of what that looks like, here’s mine lol
Sun in Saggitarius (Sag is ruled by Jupiter)Moon in Leo (Leo is ruled by Sun)Mercury in Scorpio (Scorpio is ruled by Pluto)Venus in Saggitarius (Sag is ruled by Jupiter)Mars in Saggitarius (Sag is ruled by Jupiter)Saturn in Aquarius (Aqua is ruled by Uranus)Uranus in Capricorn (Capri is ruled by Saturn)Neptune in Capricorn (Capri is ruled by Saturn)Pluto in Scorpio (Scorpio is ruled by Pluto)
so basically whats happening in my neighborhood, is Jupiter is throwing a major house party, and the Sun, Venus and Mars are chilling hanging out at Jupiter’s place, and the Sun dragged along his little brother the Moon, so Moon has to listen to both his big bro Sun and the House Owner Jupiter
Uranus and Saturn are having their own Cold War, chilling in eachother’s houses as a power move but being perfectly polite, and Neptune is stuck in an awkward position where he’s in Saturn house, and wants to play by Saturn’s rules, but he’s right next to Uranus and doesn’t wanna say anything
and then Mercury and Pluto are off doing their own thing at Pluto’s place
so basically in my chart the most popular kid at school is Jupiter, so Saggitarius would be my ruling sign anyway
and usually you wanna see whos on the top of the dogpile as a whole in chain reaction, like how my Moon is in the Sun’s house, but Sun is in Jupiter and etc, but Ive got quite a few hookups happening in my chart, and the only thing that makes Jupiter more dominant than the others is the number of planets in his sign overall (4 compared to Saturn’s and Pluto’s 2 each)
so yeah, my chart is REALLY Sagittarius lol
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yi-dashi-a · 8 years ago
// 5 is my favorite number
“|Praise the Divinity and their Guidance! The Wuji Balladeer himself arrives to us safely. Eyes of the Divine and all. I can see them from here.|”
“Wuju.” The man corrected, padding slowly up the steps of a shiny stone temple. Carvings were still freshly being applied by craftsman to its sheer surfaces, and said craftsman ensured they parted the way as the second generation Wuju Practitioner ascended with his packs of drums and parchment ballads, “|And please, call me Qiu.|”
“Master Qiu?” Replied the slightly rotund man. Well, the bard had to wonder if the man was fat, or he simply wore the layers of his robes so thick that they bolstered his form.
“Just Qiu.” He said with a laugh on his tone, “I’m just a travelling purveyor of story, wordsmithy, dance, and lessons learned. I am little in the eyes of your lord but a fair commission paid for these things.” With that he reached the top of the stairs to face his host, and before he could dip his for deeply – albeit theatrically – he donned a sly smirk, “And forgive me that I don’t perform or travel alone. I’m not quite sure I can recall what the agreement was.”
Behind him, obscured by his many adornments until then, a small woman laughed as she dipped at the waist too, though not so far as he. With a skip to her step she took her place by Qiu’s side, the flourish of her light silk robes causing the man across from the pair to raise his eyebrows somewhat,
“Oh? And who is this… beautiful creature?” Not so subtly the man looked her up and down, “A study under you, Qiu?”
“My name is Lihn,” Her and Qiu gifted each other a knowing glance, “and I am but here to… entertain you. That is my purpose.”
“Entertain.” She purred, taking delicate steps forward, “With song, and dance, and merriment…” With a graceful wave like motion the performer offered her hand, and as if their host was entranced he knew to take it softly, “Do you like to be entertained, most esteemed host?”
“C… Certainly.” He replied on but a breath.
“Surely the celebration of this place is not for days. We’ll have plenty of time to become acquainted.”
“W-Well then. That’ll be… lovely.”
“Lovely indeed” Qiu interjected with mirth just as the woman began fluttering her eyelashes and the man in his heavy robes slowly brought his second hand upon hers. He made himself busy, walking by the pair and offering his comment as if it were but a passing triviality, “That is my wife and partner in song. I’m sure we’ll both entertain you, if you so prefer such things, and make the completion of this place a merry occasion.”
As if his lungs had been filled with smoke the man began to splutter nonsense, even more so when Lihn twirled around him and had her high ponytail sweep across his form. He spoke of not being informed of such matrimony, and perhaps wondering why the wife wasn’t at home, and that he was so terribly sorry… b-but for not anything he’d done. Either way it mattered little. The pair took each other hand in hand and Qiu simply replied, “I’ll find your lord myself, I suppose. Thank you for the warm introduction.”
Within the place there were more artisans busy with their gold trimming and stone polishing, but such things weren’t important to the pair as they cackled quietly amongst themselves.
“That was terrible, Lihn.” The Wuju Master said, “Though I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone so weak to your wiles. As if he thought I would gift you to him…”
“You’re the terrible one, Wuju Balladeer.” She snickered in reply, “I haven’t decided to be your wife yet. Why would you say I am?”
“Well, you’re my partner in life.” The words rolled off his tongue without a second of thought, as was his talent, “They might not let us share a room in this place otherwise. They don’t like to mix the ‘help.’”
“Oh shush!” The woman pushed him playfully, “I wouldn’t mind either way.”
“But maybe I want to entertain you at some point. Do you like to be entertained, my lady?”
And before he could even respond to the puffing up of her cheeks, the man had caught the eye of some well dressed somebody looking near a heart attack as he critiqued the masonry of his home, “You! You’re the Master of these lands, correct? I assume you to be the one who summoned me by letter. Your performers are here, and we seek a place to lay down our tools of balladry…”
“You’ve got such a cheeky tongue, Qiu.” Was the last thing he heard her say, and he was hard pressed not to quip something lewd in return right under the Lord’s nose…
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gala0apples · 7 years ago
November third
-We had a long conversation about how when you’re dead, it’s best that you’re REALLY REALLY dead. About what’s worse, waking up in a coffin, and suffocating to death, or waking up in a kiln, about to be burned alive. She thought burning would be quicker, but I have such a burning phobia I had to say no. I’m into organ donation, and I feel like waking up because someone dissecting me would be least awful. At least you’d go into shock and pass out again almost immediately.
-We also talked about how I dislike 80′s media, the camera quality and the hair and the casual sexist bullshit. I’d like to watch new!Twin Peaks, because it’s got the weird quality I like in shows, and Gavin and Geoff have said good things about it, but I’m wary of the old canon. I need a fan of both to tell me if I need to watch the 80′s version to understand the context.
-It was pretty rough though, she had kind of a breakdown about her chronic health issues. There were a lot of tears. I wanted to reply a bunch of times, but people don’t always want cheer up statements, or advice, they just want to vent, and I was too high to trust in my ability to not hurt her more. But finding out that sometimes she’s relieved when I leave because she puts up a face the whole time, that kinda sucked. But she did say that she doesn’t want me to stop coming over, that she looks forward to our talks.
-I really think Skins is my perfect fandom. Cute teenagers doing drugs, multiple queer characters, a nod to poly, best friend ships, and a manipulative character who’s good at tormenting his best friend. I wish it was more popular, like Teen Wolf sized.
-On the way home there was a woman on the bus talking into a bluetooth, or to herself. She was talking like there was gauze in her mouth. Her nipples were out and her thong was showing, and she had a high ponytail and a leather jacket. I was so ripped I half thought I was hallucinating it.
-My music felt so slooow. it didn’t even sound like real sentences, it was taking so long to get through a lyric. I know that getting stoned makes me very wordsmithy, sometimes frantically so, my handwriting gets so bad when I’m trying to write as fast as I can, but I didn’t think that flow of words would affect the music I listen to.
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wordsmithie · 1 year ago
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"We had our meet-cute.” “It was not a meet-cute. It was a meet-a-dick.”  He chortled. “Which turned out to be to your immense satisfaction.” 
Rose receives an unexpected visitor after the turn of the new year.
an unexpected visitor
part ii of a waltz for christmas and new year
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wordsmithie · 2 years ago
It is her fate, she knows. She will always hunt him. He dances just past her fingertips, sometimes with annoyingly impressive strategising, and sometimes with sheer luck. Either way, they will both have to walk that tightrope until one of them meets their end. 
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wordsmithie · 2 years ago
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Sometimes, he thinks, almost short of breath, it’s as if Rick is offering devotion. A breath-stealing kind of notion. A case of do or die. Too dangerous for the likes of him. 
the fundamental things apply
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wordsmithie · 2 years ago
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Sometimes, he thinks, almost short of breath, it’s as if Rick is offering devotion. A breath-stealing kind of notion. A case of do or die. Too dangerous for the likes of him. 
the fundamental things apply
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wordsmithie · 2 years ago
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the fundamental things still apply.
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wordsmithie · 3 years ago
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Bella’s pretty sure she’s just figured out who the Batman is and decides to check her hypothesis. What could a girl who’s just starting out in politics do with information like that? Not falling for the masked vigilante/tortured millionaire seems to be at the top of the list. A Gotham rom-com.
- a knight on his knees
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wordsmithie · 3 years ago
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"How the heavens collapse is first hand knowledge. How the heavens’ tears kiss the earth is first hand knowledge. Falls from the sky in a million instances, falls like unanswered prayers." A mother seeks revenge.
- in the winds over ayemenem (a fanfic)
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wordsmithie · 3 years ago
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hard-won award.
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wordsmithie · 3 years ago
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She peers around the corner to see Bruce Wayne with one foot over the windowsill, one hand trying to hold open the window. The other holds a bottle of wine. 
“Ah.” He freezes when he sees her. 
They stare at each other long enough for the moment to stretch beyond awkward. 
“If you help me, there’s a bottle of wine in it for you,” he says, tilting it at her. 
“The whole bottle, really?”
He huffs. 
“Alright, half.”
a knight on his knees, a gotham rom-com
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wordsmithie · 3 years ago
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"A queen's duty is to her people. "
"And a knight's lies with his queen. if I spill blood, it will be at your side."
The Knight & the Rose
Medieval AU
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wordsmithie · 3 years ago
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He decides to move onto more important things. He reaches out to grip her chin and tugs her down, as if she’s forbidden fruit that he’s been longing to taste.
won't go seek you, won't let you go - part 3
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wordsmithie · 3 years ago
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sick fic AU, but make it canon.
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