#richie toizer x eddie kaspbrak
bagerfluff · 1 year
Eddie: We should get you to a doctor for a check up immediately. What if it happens again, and there isn’t anyone around to help you? What if it’s congenital? Oh my God! Was it me? Did I hurt you?
Richie: …You realize any other person that made their partner pass out on bed would simply feel really proud of themselves, right?
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que3rduckling · 2 years
It is February 14, 1990-something and Richie and Eddie are spending their first Valentine’s Day as an official couple together. They have spent the whole day doing little romantic couple things around the town, well as romantic as a gay couple in the 90s who live in a small town can get.
They went to the movies together, went to a cafe with each other and even surprised one another with little chocolates and sweets.
As the time started to get later they decided it was best if they started to head back home. As they were walking back Richie could tell Eddie was a bit bummed out about something, worried about his boyfriend, he decided to figure out what was the matter.
“What’s up Ed’s? You look a little bummed out there. So sad to already see me go? Or are you worried that I might sneak out to hang out with Mrs K tonight, which I can assure you won’t happen since you’re the only man for me. Even if Mrs K is good in bed” Richie said with a smug grin, rapping his arm around Eddie’s shoulders.
“First off, fuck you and secondly, Beep Beep Richie.” Eddie said with his classic annoyed face but Richie knew he secretly loved it. but as the seconds flew by his facial expression turned into a much more softer one.
“I just-… I don’t know, I just wished we could do all those romantic things every other couple gets to do or just even be able at all to act like we’re a couple.” Eddie looked down as he talked, looking more upset as he talked “like deep down I was kinda hoping that we would do something like… I don’t know … a date?”
He said the last bit much more quietly and if Richie wasn’t listening so carefully to everything that Eddie was saying, he probably wouldn’t have heard him. Richie softly smiled to himself, he had planned for this exact moment.
“Why don’t you come back to my place? Spend some special time with me, if you know what I mean” Richie said winking and nudging Eddie with his elbow.
“BEEP. FUCKING. BEEP RICHIE” Eddie yelled, halting in his tracks.
“No but seriously Eds, why don’t you come to my place? My parents are out on a date right now so why don’t you come over and we can maybe have some romantic time, just the two of us.” Richie asked. Eddie thought about the offer for a minute but then simply replied 
“Why not”
As they finally arrived at the Tozier residence, Richie suddenly stopped in the driveway. Eddie, surprised by The sudden stop, turned around to see what was the matter.
“What? Did something happen?” Eddie questioned, worried about Richie.
“Oh no, nothings wrong! Just stay here for a second I need to check on something” Richie said quickly, running to the his house but stopping at the front door to turn around, “don’t worry, I won’t be doing anything too bad” he winked 
Eddie sighed as Richie entered his house wondering ‘what the hell was Richie doing in there?’ But not too long later Richie appears back at the door beckoning him to come in. As Eddie approached the front door he was hit with a wave of what smelt like some sort of pasta dish, he entered the house with Richie guiding him to the kitchen. When he peered into the kitchen he saw Richie’s kitchen table had two plates of spaghetti sitting on either side of the table with a vast of flowers and lighted candles set in the middle. It looked like one of those romantic dinners straight out of a movie. 
Eddie was shocked, he was amazed. When Richie invited him over he expected them to just hang out, watch a movie not have an amazing romantic dinner. Richie, obviously thinking he had done something wrong by Eddie’s reaction, started to panic.
“If you don’t like it, just say so. I mean we don’t even have to have dinner if you don’t want to. I-” before Richie could even finish, Eddie cut him off
“No, no, no Richie, This- oh my god, this is amazing! I love it” Richie smiled, looking relieved that Eddie actually did, in fact, like it.
“Well good, I worked my ass off preparing this meal and I know that you wouldn't want this ass to work so hard for nothing Eds.” Richie said, giving Eddie a smug grin “Now let’s eat, shall we? Don’t want stop you from committing cannibalism any longer, Eddie spaghetti”
“That’s not my name.” Eddie replied with a small smile as they sat down. The food was much better than what he had expected, probably since the last time Richie tried to cook anything he almost burned down the house. It felt like they were on an actual date, complete with soft romantic music playing in the background and the candles emitting some of the only light in the room. As they finished their meal Richie started to gain a small smile on his lips which was so infectious that Eddie couldn't stop himself from smiling more than he already was, which he didn’t even know was possible. 
“How do you feel about some dancing, Eds?” Richie asked as he got up and started to clear the dishes off the table “I know you can’t keep your hands off of me” 
“You wish” Eddie replied, though the idea of dancing was quite intriguing for Eddie. “Do you have a mixtape already or are we just gonna have to find some radio station for some music?” 
“I have something already don't you worry” Richie said, his smile getting bigger as he started moving around the kitchen appearing to be looking for something then all of a sudden he stopped “shit! I think I forgot it in my room. Give me a second!” then he ran up the stairs, running to his room.
Eddie let out a small sigh, not because he was upset, actually on the contrary. He was amused. Richie was always forgetting things, his homework, his key to his house, he even once forgot his glasses, which Eddie still had no clue how that could have ever happened. It could be very annoying when Richie forgot something, especially if that something was important, but Eddie always found it a tiny bit funny. 
Eddie started to wander off, but was quickly whipped out of his thoughts as he heard the loud thud of Richie jumping over the last few steps of his stairs and landing on the floor. He turned around to see Richie holding up his arm, revealing that he had, in fact, found the mixtape and was holding it. Richie moved over to where the cassette player was located on the kitchen counter and popped the mixtape in. 
“This ones for you, Eddie my love” Richie said before he hit play on the player, moving away from the counter and towards Eddie as the lyrics of the song started to drift out of the player. Soon Eddie realized the reason why Richie’s big smile was for as he heard the first lyrics of the song.
‘Eddie my love, I love you so’
Eddie softly smiled to himself. Of course Richie had chosen that song, it was such a Richie thing to do. But Eddie found it romantic nonetheless. His smile only widened more as he heard Richie singing along to all the lyrics, putting his hands around Eddie's waist and starting to slow dance. They stayed like that for hours, slow dancing to whatever music Richie decided was romantic enough to put on his mixtape and it was as they slow dancing Eddie realised that even though they aren’t at some super fancy restaurant, displaying to the whole world their love for each other. This, this was the perfect valentine's day. Just him and Rich slow dancing together and eating the meal Richie had prepared for the two of them. Just them hanging out and having fun together. This was the valentine's day Eddie had always dreamed of and he wouldn't trade it for the world.
link for the song if anyone wants to listen to it
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leighbaylee · 1 month
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written by mina leigh 𝜗᭪ , losers club 𝔁 f! reader | wc 2300
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summary. spending time the your bestest friends in the world, in ben’s surprise hideout for the losers club. a stronger bond flourishing inside!
labels. feminine reader, happy go lucky girl, shy cute girly girl reader, no definite description of reader, she/her pronouns used, reader is closer to richie toizer & eddie kaspbrak.
‧₊˚ ୨୧ mina speaks. hey everyone! i was rewatching it 2019 and me being the self indulgent person i am, i started fantasizing about us (readers) being with the losers! lots of love.
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summer days in derry had a special kind of magic, one that was even stronger when you spent them with the losers club. today, ben had promised a surprise, and you couldn’t wait to see what he had in store. the air was thick with excitement as you all made your way through the woods, your heart fluttering with anticipation.
❝ are we there yet? ❞ richie’s voice rang out, filled with mock impatience. you were walking beside him, as usual, and his playful energy was contagious. you couldn’t help but smile.
❝ yeah, ben, how much further? ❞ eddie added, swatting away a mosquito with a grimace. you could tell eddie was getting antsy, but his curiosity kept him moving forward. you gave him a reassuring smile, hoping to ease his nerves. richie noticed and nudged you with his elbow, his grin wide.
❝ you know, eds, (y/n) here could probably carry you if you get too tired, ❞ richie teased, earning a light smack on the arm from eddie.
❝ shut up, richie, ❞ eddie muttered, but you could see the corners of his mouth twitching as he tried to hide a smile. you laughed softly, loving the way they always managed to make you feel at ease, even when they were bickering.
finally, ben stopped in front of a large thicket, and your curiosity peaked. he pushed aside some branches, revealing a hidden entrance. ❝ here it is, ❞ your eyes widened as you stepped through the opening. inside was a large, cozy space, bigger than you’d expected. there were shelves full of books, soft blankets, and a huge hammock strung up in one corner, large enough for several people. the place felt like a secret clubhouse, one that was just for you and your friends.
❝ ben, this is amazing! ❞ you exclaimed, your voice filled with awe. you turned to look at him, and he blushed slightly, clearly pleased with your reaction.
❝ yeah, ben, this is awesome, ❞ mike added, already exploring the different corners of the hideout. ❝ you really outdid yourself. ❞
❝ i thought it would be nice to have a place just for us, ❞ ben said, his voice warm with affection. ❝ a place where we can hang out and just be ourselves. ❞
richie immediately made a beeline for the hammock, his eyes lighting up with excitement. ❝ dibs on the hammock! ❞ he shouted, flopping down onto it with a dramatic sigh of contentment. you laughed and followed him over, sitting down on the edge of the hammock.
❝ you’re such an ass, ❞ eddie grumbled, but he couldn’t resist joining you both. he climbed onto the hammock, settling in beside you with a huff. you found yourself sandwiched between richie and eddie, feeling the gentle sway of the hammock as they playfully jostled each other.
❝ careful, you’re gonna tip us over, ❞ you warned, your voice filled with laughter. richie just grinned at you, his arm draping casually around your shoulders.
❝ don’t worry, (y/n), i’ve got you, ❞ he said, his tone teasing but affectionate. you leaned into him, feeling the warmth of his body against yours. on your other side, eddie was muttering under his breath about how richie was being annoying, but you could tell he was just as happy to be there.
as you lay there, the three of you fell into a comfortable rhythm. richie and eddie kept up their usual banter, tossing playful insults back and forth while you relaxed between them. their voices became a soothing background noise, and you found your eyelids growing heavy as the hammock rocked gently beneath you.
❝ hey, richie, do you ever shut up? ❞ eddie grumbled, though there was no real bite to his words. he was more focused on making sure you were comfortable, adjusting a blanket around you with a careful hand.
❝ only when i’m asleep, eds, ❞ richie shot back, his grin widening as he caught your eye. ❝ and even then, i’m sure i’m the most entertaining sleeper around. ❞
❝ if you say so, ❞ eddie muttered, but you could see the fondness in his eyes as he looked at you. ❝ (y/n), how do you put up with him? ❞ with an exaggerated sigh.
you just smiled, feeling the warmth of their friendship surrounding you like a protective shield. ❝ i guess i’m just lucky, ❞ you replied softly, your voice filled with contentment.
eventually, the steady rhythm of their voices and the gentle sway of the hammock lulled you into a peaceful nap. richie’s arm was still draped over your shoulders, and eddie’s presence beside you was a comforting anchor. as you drifted off to sleep, you felt completely safe, knowing that your best friends were right there with you.
when you woke up, the sun had shifted, casting a warm, golden light through the small windows of the hideout. you blinked sleepily, realizing that richie and eddie had fallen asleep too, their heads resting against yours. the hammock was still gently swaying, and for a moment, you just enjoyed the quiet peace of the moment.
after a while, you carefully extricated yourself from the hammock, trying not to wake richie and eddie. they both stirred slightly but didn’t wake up, so you quietly tiptoed away, leaving them to their nap. as you looked around the hideout, you noticed bill, stan, and mike sitting together on a pile of blankets, engrossed in their books.
❝ h-hey, (y/n), want to j-j-join us? ❞ bill asked, glancing up from his book with a welcoming smile. you nodded, making your way over to them. you sat down beside stan, who gave you a small, shy smile as he handed you one of the books from the shelf.
❝ thank you, stan, ❞ you said softly, returning his smile. he nodded, his eyes already back on his book.
you opened the book and quickly became absorbed in the story, losing yourself in the world of words. the four of you read in companionable silence, the only sounds being the rustle of pages turning and the occasional soft murmur as one of you reacted to something in the story.
after a while, you felt a gentle tap on your shoulder. looking up, you saw beverly smiling down at you. ❝ hey, (y/n), can i steal you for a bit? ❞ she asked, her voice warm.
❝ okay, ❞ you replied, closing your book and setting it aside. you stood up and followed bev over to where ben was working on some project with a hammer and nails.
❝ we could use some extra hands, ❞ bev said, handing you a hammer. ❝ ben’s been teaching me how to build stuff, and i thought you might want to join in. ❞
you smiled, feeling a surge of gratitude for beverly’s thoughtfulness. ❝ i’d love to help, ❞ you said, taking the hammer and kneeling down beside ben.
❝ thanks, (y/n), ❞ ben said, giving you a grateful smile. ❝ we’re just reinforcing some of the shelves and adding a few more. it’s a lot of work, but it’s worth it. ❞
❝ definitely, ❞ you agreed, already feeling a sense of accomplishment as you began hammering nails into place. as you worked, bev chatted with you about all sorts of things—clothes, movies, and boys. it was nice to have some girl time, and you found yourself opening up to her in a way you hadn’t before.
❝ you know, (y/n), ❞ bev said, her voice turning a bit more serious, ❝ i’m really glad you’re part of the losers club. you bring something special to the group, and i just want you to know that you’re really important to all of us. ❞
you felt your cheeks flush with warmth at her words, and you looked down at the hammer in your hands, suddenly feeling a bit shy. ❝ thanks, beverly, you said softly. ❝ that means a lot. ❞
she smiled at you, her eyes filled with kindness. ❝ it’s true. don’t ever doubt it, okay? ❞
you nodded, feeling a swell of affection for your friend. as the two of you continued working, you couldn’t help but feel grateful for the bond you shared with the losers club. they were more than just friends—they were family, and you knew that no matter what, you’d always have each other’s backs.
after finishing up with the shelves, you and bev stepped back to admire your work. ❝ not bad, ❞ ben said, clearly pleased with the results. ❝ this place is really coming together. ❞
❝ it really is, ❞ you agreed, feeling a sense of pride in what you’d accomplished. ❝ i’m glad i could help. ❞
❝ you did great, ❞ bev said, giving you a friendly nudge. ❝ now, how about we take a break? i think we’ve earned it. ❞
you nodded, feeling a bit tired but happy. as you made your way back to the main area of the hideout, you noticed that richie and eddie had finally woken up and were now bickering playfully as usual.
❝ hey, sleepyheads, ❞ you called out, giggling as you approached them. ❝ have a nice nap? ❞
❝ the best, ❞ richie replied with a wink, stretching his arms above his head. ❝ but we missed you, (y/n). it’s not the same without our favorite girl around. ❞
❝ yeah, we woke up and you were gone, ❞ eddie added, his voice mock-petulant. ❝ don’t do that again. ❞
you laughed, feeling the warmth of their affection wrap around you like a cozy blanket. ❝ don’t worry, i’m not going anywhere. ❞
the rest of the day passed in a blur of laughter, stories, and moments that you knew you’d treasure forever. by the time the sun began to set, casting a warm golden light over the hideout, you felt completely at peace.
as you all gathered together in the hideout, huddled close on the blankets and bean bags, you couldn’t help but marvel at how lucky you were. the losers club wasn’t just a group of friends—they were your home, your family, your safe haven in a world that could be so full of darkness.
and as you sat there, surrounded by the people who meant the most to you, you knew that no matter what the future held, you’d always stick by their side as much as they stuck to yours.
© MINA LEIGH 2023 - 2024
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bunnyhoney111 · 1 year
i need someone else in the IT fandom to tell me exactly where these glorious, sexy, intimate, delectable, delicious and absolutely world changing smuts ive been rereading since summer have gone??? i just rewatched it and literally fell back in love with each and every character and the smuts are gone the moment i want to read them again, like they were amazing guys. there were poly!reddie x reader fics, poly!losers INCLUDING MIKE AND BEN fics and do you even know how hard it is to find mike and ben fics on here? HARD. there were god damned emo!eddie fics and they were so good so so so good. I DONT ONOW WHAT TO DO WITH MYSELF, i have been scouring this app for an hour and cannot find them, i scrolled through every liked fic i have- NOTHING.
someone who knows what im talking about PLEASE help me before i lose my mind. kk love yins <3333333
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katztails · 2 years
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the night after
no longer writing in bulletins
writing in third person now
tw: mentions of kidnapping/yandere behavior
note: i do NOT support these types of behaviors, this work is entirely fictional, do NOT read if these subjects are a sensitive topic for you
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(name) woke up the next morning, eddie and richie were on both of their sides. they thought the two would leave when they fell asleep, but they didn’t mind if they stayed or not. it was also warmer than it usually was, but they noticed it was because the two stayed.
they decided to get up, but gently and quietly. the blanket that covered (name), richie, and eddie was uncovered by (name), then they made sure to put it back on the two boys. they headed to the bathroom and brushed their teeth, standing on top of discarded clothes from the few days before. a voice had called from across the hall.
“(name)!” it was their mother, she walked into the bathroom. “honey, i’m off to work, your dad went to work before you woke up.”
“okay, mom.” they said, spitting out their toothpaste. “i’ll be here, or just hang with my friends.”
“alright, hon.” their mother grabbed the back of their head and tilted it down, kissing their forehead. “i love you, if you need anything, call me.”
they nodded and gave their mom a squeeze. “i love you too.” they said, she waved at (name) as she made her way downstairs and out the door.
the individual walked back to their room, where eddie and richie were just getting up. (name) turned on their light and greeted the duo with a good morning.
“morning, you two,” (name) smiled, “you sleep okay?”
“yeah, uh.. when was the last time your sheets were changed?” eddie asked in a panic mode.
“uh, a week or two ago.” (name) sais, eddie had a slight wave of relief pass him.
richie suddenly put his head on (name)’s shoulder. “thanks for the sleepover, babe.” they jumped at the boy’s sudden actions.
“n-no problem.” (name) said, trying to hide their embarrassment. eddie rolled his eyes at richie. “are we meeting up with the others today?”
richie nods, his head still on their head. he made a pouty lip. “too bad they missed out on-“ richie began speak, eddie bonked his head.
“let’s go.” eddie simply said, he took his hand into theirs, and turned back to richie. “c-catch up.”
“fuck you!” richie screams out before getting up and chasing eddie and (name) out of the (last name) house.
dear lord
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“well, how was your night?” bev asked (name), ignoring the screams of richie and eddie in the background. (name) gave her a thumbs up and a smile. “great, missed you, by the way.”
“s-same..” (name) said, their eyes widened, they felt embarrassment become their facial expression. “w-what are we doing today?”
beverly looked at the boys, smirking at the group before looking back at (name). “i was thinking, us to, leaving them behind.. let us have our own moment, just you.. and me~” the boys all yell at the redhead in protest.
“hey! that’s not what we agreed on!” richie yells out.
“i know, but i couldn’t help myself.” bev said, giving (name) a peck. “we gotta let you know who, they’re already taken.”
“b-beverly..” (name) said, covering their face.
“you want me to kiss you again, hon?” she smirked, before (name) could answer, ben came over and turned beverly’s switch down a bit.
“so-sorry..” ben said apologizing to (name), who said it was no problem, smiling with an flustered look on their face. “you know, i-if any if us make you uncomfortable, please tell us.”
“you guys aren’t, i just.. didn’t know that you guys had these types of feelings for me, besides i’ve never had this much attention on me, that’s why i react the way i do.” (name) said, looking at ben. “i love you all too, but i’m just not sure how to process this.”
“take your time, (name).” ben said, smiling.
stanley came walking up to (name), giving them a wave. “hey, heard you had quite the ride yesterday.” (name) laughs.
“something like that, haha.” (name)’s laughs went to chuckles.
“bill was worried about you, well, all of us were. but, seemed like he was worried the most.” stanley said, looking over at ben, who was talking to richie and eddie. “i feel bad for the poor guy.”
“how did he react when ben told you guys..?” (name) asked in a concerned tone.
“he snapped at every little thing, but it was understandable. you mean a lot him, (name), you mean a lot to all of us.” stan said, taking both of (name)’s hands in his. “but, bowers.. that bastard thinks he and his.. freakshow friends can just take you away. i won’t allow it, neither will the others..”
“uh, stan.. it’s okay.” (name) assured the boy.
suddenly, footsteps are heard, not so far from where the losers were. the losers all turn around and see that it was the devil’s kid himself, henry bowers and his goons.
stanley put his arm in front of (name), while mike came out of nowhere and grabbed their wrist and pulled them to the side. stan and mike nodded at each other in agreement. they all got in front of (name), trying to keep the bowers gang as far from (name) as possible.
“..where are they?” bowers said, hands on his hips.
“behind us, you greaser motherfucker!” richie yells.
“good, then i’ll make it easier for you little pussies.” henry said, taking step by step closer the the losers. “i’m gonna be nice and ask once, hand them over, no one gets hurt.”
“you only looked at them in the hallways, buddy. we were here first.” bev said, crossing her arms. “i could also show you how much they are head over heels for me~”
beverly walked over and hugged (name) from behind. “bev..” bill said, in a somewhat stern voice, but beverly didn’t listen.
“don’t worry, i don’t make advances on them of they don’t give me permission to, though i didn’t ask last time.. sorry, babe.” beverly said.
“y-you’re good” (name) murmured.
“anyways, where were we? oh yeah!” eddie said, he grabbed (name)’s hand and made a run for it. “TO-“
“—YOUR MOM’S HOUSE!” richie yelled as he and the other losers followed eddie and (name), which prompted bowers and his gang to follow, leaving belch’s blue car behind.
bro that took way too long to update 🧍‍♀️
also when i pressed return to start a new dialogue, it makes weird spaces, it bothers me more than it needs to be.
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tryingtofindava · 1 year
˗ˏˋ𝐈𝐓 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭´ˎ˗
: ̗̀➛Back to Main Masterlist
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“So I guess I’ll stay and wait, you don’t even know I’m waiting.”
Bill Denbrough
Stanley Uris.
Beverly Marsh
Richie Tozier
Eddie Kasprak
‧₊˚ MAIN ೃ⁀➷
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sweetpuffy12 · 2 years
Stuff I write for :
IT (2017 & 2019):
Richie toizer, Eddie kaspbarak, bill denbrough, mike hanlon, Beverly marsh, Ben Hanscom, Stanley uris.
Henry Bowers, Patrick Hockstetter, Victor criss, Belch huggins.
Vance hopper, Finney Blake, Robin arenello, billy Showalter, Bruce yamada.
Billy hargrove, Steve harrington, Eddie Munson, Nancy wheeler, Robin buckly, Gareth Emerson
Percy jackson, Annabeth Chase, Nico Di Angelo, Luke castellan.
Zeus, Poseidon, Ares, Dionysus, Hades, Athena, Aphrodite, Artemis, Apollo.
Jack Dylan Grazer, Finn Wolfhard, Wyatt Oleff, Jayden Martell, Owen Teague, Bill Hader, Nicholas Hamilton, Logan Thompson, Miguel Cazarez Mora, Brady Hepner, Mason Thames, Nijirô Murakami, Dori Sakarada.
Enemies to lovers
Enemies to friends to lovers
Strangers to enemies to lovers
Friends to lovers
And whatever y'all can think of!
I also do smut, fluff, angst and other things all y'all have to do is request and please don't be shy and also don't be shy to request any kinks in not uncomfortable with anything so don't be shy!
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thewolffearsher · 2 years
There is nothing worse than joining a fandom 3 years too late
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t4tkanera · 5 years
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i drew this like a month ago lol
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d0nt-g0-imagines · 7 years
you think you can do hcs for Eddie x reader x Richie? and/or a bill x reader x Stan ? where its kind of like a poly thing. unless ur uncomfortable with that which is fineee
Warnings- SAP, Language
Eddie x Reader x Richie
It’s all incredibly sappy. Lets just come out and say it.
Like holy shit, the PDA is strong with this one.
At first they don’t know how to tell the others
Because like, how’d they end up here
But Richie, being the trashmouth he is, just comes out and says it
Everyone’s pretty chill with it
Thats what triggered the mass fuckton of PDA
And they were all in
Like holding all the hands
Switching all the sweatshirts
Though You had most of them oops
Richie and Eddie often battle over you
But it just becomes one giant dog pile
Because love is bomb
And walking through the leaves with them during fall
Richie and You having competitions to see who can step on more leaves
Eddie just standing behind and smiling
“You guys are idiots”
“Oh shut up, you love us”
PDA again
You all getting jobs and saving up to all get an apartment together in the future
But you all give up after like a week
It’s okay, though. Because you all just stay at Your house
No ones ever home so why not
Its just so cozy and happy
And its a fucking hilarious relationship from an outsiders perspective
Bill x Reader x Stan
when alone
Out in public, the three usually silently flirt with each other
Or hide their held hands
Because they’re scared of judgment
But as soon as the rest of the losers find out
“Shut up, Richie”
As soon as the three are together in private, its so fucking cute
Like holy shit
Stan likes to sit inbetween Bill and You and read
And the two of you just smile and listen because Stan’s voice is just relaxing and great
Walks without the others are also common
Or bike rides
Or just being outside without the rest
They become slightly less associated with the losers
and sometimes Bev and Richie get salty
But it’s always resolved with You buying them food
Because you dont like people being mad at you
But when they are, holy shit are Stan and Bill on it
And its the same way if either of them are emotional
Because this couple is the sappiest when left to their vices
Hope these are good for ya hun!
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bagerfluff · 1 year
Eddie: I feel like doing something stupid.
Richie: I’m stupid, do me.
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que3rduckling · 2 years
Are you a:
Eddie ‘has a 25 step skincare routine he does ever night and has never had a single pimple before in his life’ Kaspbrak
Or a:
Richie ‘splash face with water and calls it a day’ Tozier
Type person?
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africareddie · 7 years
149, reddie❤️
“since when have we ever been friends?” - eddie kaspbrak and richie toizer 
it was just about dinnertime and eddie had managed to convince his mom to let him go over to richie’s for dinner. he had to be home by 8 o’clock, but hey it was  longer then she’d usually let him stay out. he had almost 3 hours to admire richie’s pretty little face. eddie was falling hard for richie, and he knew he shouldn’t because it’s weird to like your best friend if he’s a guy, well to the people of derry it was. but for eddie, his feelings for boys were normal. ever since he had gotten close with richie, his feelings just grew more and more. it was to the point where sometimes he’d get anxious because he was afraid richie was gonna find out. but little did he know his feelings for richie were mutual. 
richie soon heard a knock at his door, and his eyes lit up in joy as he heard it. eds finally here. he thought to himself as he rushed to the door. when he opened the door and eddie saw richie’s dorky smile he smiled back, and when he felt himself blush he looked away. 
“hiya eds!” richie greeted the boy with his smile turning into a smirk since he knew that nickname annoyed eddie. 
“hey richie, don’t call me that.” eddie said bluntly but he laughed a little after. 
“dinner’s ready!” they both heard richie’s mom call from the kitchen. they walked there together and eddie sat right down next to richie without realizing, but richie didn’t mind. 
eddie loved eating dinner at their place because richie’s parents were real nice, especially richie’s father. you could tell richie liked him more, he just understood him more then richie’s mother did. eddie even remembered that richie’s mom actually wished richie was a girl so she could understand him better. but eddie couldn’t imagine himself liking richie if he was a girl. he liked him much better as a boy. as they were all eating, richie was trying out his different voices that he had been working on which made eddie and richie’s father laugh. his mother wasn’t too amused but she was still nice about it. 
after they were done, richie and eddie went to hang out in richie’s room. eddie knew richie’s house in and out he had been there so many times. richie and eddie sat on richie’s bed and richie closed the door behind them. 
“you’re looking real cute today.” richie said with a teasing grin, even though he was being completely serious.
 “yeah right.” eddie quickly responded sarcastically and he had to look away again because he was blushing. 
“i’m serious eds.” richie mumbled, his cheeks flashing red because he didn’t mean to say that out loud. 
“wha-” eddie started but he was cut off by richie kissing his lips softly but sweetly. eddie sat their frozen but soon he realized that this was reality so he kissed back the best he could because this was his first kiss. richie knew that, and he wanted to be his first for a while now. 
a little while later richie pulled away and met eyes with a reddened eddie staring back at him. 
“why did you do that..” eddie breathed out, afraid that he was gonna need his inhaler. 
“because, i’ve wanted to, for a long time.”
 “but isn’t it weird? you’ve never been with a guy and besides we’re friends.” eddie blurted out, zipping and unzipping his fanny pack out of nervousness. richie laughed at what eddie said and he shook his head.
 “since when have we ever been friends?” richie asked, raising an eyebrow. “it’s obvious that you liked me the moment you met me, and i was the same way, so i don’t think we’ve ever been friends.” richie shrugged, planting a kiss on eddie’s cheek before laying back on his bed. 
“huh, i guess you’re right.” eddie said softly, a smile spread across his face and he laid back too, feeling richie’s arm drape around his shoulders. 
in that moment, they both were truly happy. 
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trickkombowerskru · 3 years
The Losers Club Dates A Former Theater Kid
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Request: No here is the 7th day -yes 7th the person who got day 6 never responded to my message-  of the 25 days of trickkombowerskru! which goes to @stanleyurususaliveandwell and they wanted hcs about the losers would be like (individually) dating a theater kid?
A/N: So uh this is faaaaar overdue and I am so so sorry thank you for being patient with me. Also the reader here is mostly gender neutral except for Richie where it'll be male
Warnings: None
Ben being a former boyband fan can't really judge
Not that he would but it's kinda on the same level
And he does always take an interest in your own interests so sing away
He loves hearing you sing so much
It's one of his favorite things
He adores the way that you light up when talking about one of your favorite shows
And would definitely try his hardest to swipe tickets for the two of you for either a tour or even a revival if it's for a big occasion
Doesn't mind you putting on a one person show throughout the house
And would be so supportive if you wanted to take it to a path of a real career
Now Richie on the other hand...
He'll absolutely make jokes about his boyfriend being a theater nerd
He finds it hilarious
But still cute and how you geek out
He himself probably could've benefitted from doing theater with how over the top he is 
And all the being said
He'll let you jam out in the car anytime you want
And put on one man shows around the house
Would totally help you get into things if you'd wanna do it as a career
Or will take play roles he gets more often then he did before
Just to see the way your face lights up watching him and his costars
She finds it absolutely adorable
Will learn songs you love and sing them with you in the car
Absolutely jumps at the chance to design for shows
Using you as her model when she can
Just seeing your face at the final product
It's so worth it
She finds it the cutest thing ever tbh
Is probably a bit of a theater kid himself
Not that he ever actually did shows
But he's listened to a cast album here or there
Could easily listen to you sing or watch you put on shows forever
Like his interest is the sweetest thing
Only you can get that man to take a break from his boring ass job
And in those breaks you usually make him dance around the house with you 
He also probably knows a bit about theater
But more of the classics rather than the newer stuff
But he'll be down to listen to newer stuff with you
Watching you dance around and sing along always brings a smile to his face
And a glint in his eye
It's so cute the way he watches you
Looking just absolutely enthralled by your mini show
Mike doesn't know too much about theater
But he's more than willing to learn about it
Loves hearing you sing
You keep him entertained when the library is dead and you swing by
Will absolutely update you anytime they get in some new sheet music from a show
Absolutely loves your energy when you get down there all excited
Bill is also not to familiar with theater 
But will totally listen to you talk about it for as long as you please
Will sometimes have you act out some parts of manuscripts before he sends them over yo the publisher
Thinks it's so breath taking to watch you preform
And on the chance you wanna do things professionally...
Well he's got you covered
This man will let you audition for a bigger role in one of his movie adaptations
Or if it's already casted he'll be sure to get you in that movie
It'd be a smaller role but still
Exposure is exposure
He just wants to help his babe thrive
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bitches-who-write · 3 years
Playing Laser Tag with the Bower's Gang
How each guy plays the game / the tactics they use.
•For starters, Patrick would not be an aggressive player.  The way he views this game is like survival of the fittest.  He takes it seriously but relies on skills more than anything. 
•Patrick would basically carry you since he has long legs and it’s hard for you to keep up with his big stride
•His tactics/attack style would be to sneak/ambush the person.  
•He walks extremely quiet in a crouching way- Basically like an animal stalking his prey. 
•He is surprisingly really good at combat rolling, no one sees or hears him.
•Patrick always chooses the darkest corners to hide in. He likes to lurk in the shadows waiting to jump out at the nearest person.
•One of Patrick’s biggest strengths is how observant of a person he is.  Before even playing, he accesses the situation and takes into account each person, looking for their weaknesses. 
•His way of communicating with his teammates is not through actual words, but by gestures and facial expressions.
•When he finds you (because you know he will..) he isn’t the type to scream or aggressively ambush you, instead he would lean in and tauntingly whisper in your ear, “I found you.” ...cue instant fear
•This guy right here never ever gets caught.  He will never lose a game
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•Belch plays to win so he can be competitive but he is not nessacarily an aggressive player either. He would laugh it off if he got caught but be eager for the next round.
•In your group, Belch would take on the leader role.  Nodding his head left or right and waving you on/ telling you when to stop moving.
•He would attempt the combat roll but...fail miserably.  If you’ve seen Mall Cop, refer to the gif below where he has to slide and scoot himself the rest of the way.
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•Sometimes in the moment, he doesn’t think things through. He kind of just runs out into the ‘battlefield’ per se.  Risky move, but he likes the thrill.
•When he ambushes another player, he’s very loud.  Screaming in their face and smack talking. 
•100% is playing to win and is highly competitive and aggressive. Laser tag with Henry is intense. 
•His tactics and ambushes are aggressive, as well.  He would come charging at his competitor full speed and push them down to the ground. You wouldn't see it coming.
•If someone is about to shoot, he would take his teammate by the shirt and quickly throw them in front of him to save his ass.  You would be used as a human shield. 
•He attempts to communicate by hand gestures but if you don’t understand what he means, he would get upset and end up yelling.
•Which speaking of yelling, his loudness would just alert the players 
•If Henry gets caught, he would be so pissed off. Did you expect anything less? Two words… Poor Sport. 
•Sucks if you’re his teammate though because if he gets caught, he would make a scene and wouldn’t think twice about outting your hiding spot. ...asshole.
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•He actually enjoys playing so he isn’t competitive but still hopes to win.
•Vic’s playing tactics are similar to Patrick where he is on the quiet side, but he doesn’t get all into it by crouching and combat rolling.
•The most Vic will do is stealthily walk to different hiding spots.
•To be honest, he’s not that observant. There’s many times he casually walks past a person hiding and doesn't notice them there.
•He’s on the fast side.  Again, wouldn’t run but he walks at a fast pace. 
•When he does find you, he would be pretty casual about it, just plainly saying, “found you.” 
•He would  be smiling but not in a mocking way. 
•If he’s in a really good mood that day, he might even break out into a little happy dance.
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-Best Bowers gang team pairing-
    Patrick and Belch
Laser Tag- Bowers Gang vs Losers Club
Who the Bower’s Gang would  target on the losers club / How they find them:
Patrick's Targets-
• We all know how overly confident Richie can be.  
•Richie would be walking and turn to his teammates saying, “I got this guys, Cocksetter won’t find us.” 
•Patrick, lurking in the shadows would over hear this and just jump out scaring the shit out of Richie
•Richies obviously screams, “HOLY SHIT!!”
•Patrick hits Richie off the head harshly, knocking him down for the insult.
•Poor Eddie doesn’t stand a chance 
•Needs both inhalers ready and in hand when he realizes who his opponents are. 
•Terrified to be touching the gun because of germs. “How often do these vests and guns get sanitized?” “I'm going to get a staph infection!"
•Drops his gun the moment he sees Patrick and gives up
He would be nervous but is able to keep his emotions under control
Constantly looking over his shoulder 
For the most part he would stay close to his teammates but would be shushing Eddie for being to talkative 
Patrick would jump out, making Stan freeze. His eyes wide but he can’t let out a scream. Literally  frozen in fear.
•Like Stan, she would be terrified knowing Patrick is looking for her but would kind of keep her emotions in check.
•She would be walking really cautiously and quietly, jumping at any little noise she hears.
•Patrick would know exactly where she is at all times but purposely be taking his time, enjoying the game of cat and mouse and smirking as he watches her. 
•When he does decide to sneak attack, unlike the other Losers, he wouldn’t jump out and scream.
•He would quietly come up behind her and tauntingly whisper, “I found you…”; making Bev scream and drop to the floor in fear / defeat. 
We rate Patrick finding Bev to be the scariest scenario. What do you think? Comment below!
Belch’s Targets-
•Slow moving ...think turtle. But very terrified and always wide-eyed.
•He would accidently get separated from the rest of his group.
•When this happens, he stumbles into the Bower’s terrority ...way to go Ben.
•Belch would be grinning ear to ear as he runs towards Ben, taking him out (of the game… not literally)
•The rest of the Losers just hear Ben’s distance screams 
•Mike is use to being pretty independent, so if it came down to it, he would be okay on his own but still clearly paranoid. 
•He would get pretty into the game and try to crouch and duck in order to hide.
•He saw Henry close by and was too focused on him, letting his guard down.
•Since he wasn’t aware of his surroundings, Belch snuck up and give him a shove from behind.  
•Once again, poor Eddie.
•It’s his constant talking and complaining that gets him caught 
•As he tries to run, his second fanny pack falls off, tripping him in the process.
•Eddie goes down...hard.
•Belch picks him up by the back of his shirt, actually feeling sort of bad? Like it’s kind of pathetic that one person can be this bad at laser tag.
We rate Ben’s scenario as the scariest.
Henry’s Targets-
•Bill plays laser tag pretty strategically. He ducks, covers, and keeps quiet.
•His biggest weakness is his stupidity… By this we mean Bill likes to walk off on his own and not stick with the group.
•This gets him into trouble when he’s too busy looking around and walks right into Henry Bowers.
•Henry would laugh but shove him down, then grab him by the shirt collar pulling him close to his face, uncomfortably. 
•Once again Mike would be alone, this time with back against the wall since he learned his lesson from the previous round with Belch.
•Before he was always on the move but this time, he’s basically a sitting duck.  Big mistake.
•Henry would be crawling towards him so quietly (like a ninja) grabbing his ankle.
•Mike would actually scream in terror at this… who wouldn’t?
•Henry is on a power trip when it comes to Bev so he would take this as an opportunity to scare the shit out of her.
•Knowing she’s being hunted by Henry, she’s terrified so is constantly on guard.
•Since Patrick is Henry’s right hand man, it only makes sense that he tries to distract her by banging on walls, etc. 
•Once her guard is down, he would sneak attack behind her, picking her up.
•Basically having a full on panic attack.
•He would try to run as much as possible but have to take little breaks to catch his breath.
•This poor kid has the worst luck. Once again he runs right into Bower’s terrority.
•He accidentally runs into Henry from behind which makes him fall down.
•Since Ben is already on the ground, Henry would literally drag Ben to the rest of his gang. 
We rate Mike’s situation as the scariest.
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1amluv · 3 years
𝟢͟𝟢 : 𝐢𝐭
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richie tozier
bill denbrough
stan uris
eddie kaspbrak
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