#richard armitage headcanons
sotwk · 9 months
The idea of Thranduil getting jealous of Lindir and Durin 3 is so funny to me I know I'll love it. The idea of Lindir getting unwittingly dragged into Maereth's romantic life is hilarious and I would love meet Durin, dwarven kings (and dwarves in general) are always a win!
I know, right?? Thank you for sharing in my joy of this small, very slightly crack fic-y story idea!
It's so much fun when a proud, supremely confident Alpha Male gets thrown off by the emergence of (perceived) competition from the most unexpected of sources!
Sweet, anxious, unassuming, "ready-to-serve" Lindir.
And... a DWARF. (Even though it's a KING of the greatest clan of Dwarves!) Still a DWARF!
Speaking of Durin III, I am so very eager to finally bring him into the SotWK AU too! Although I am still several chapters away from it, he is set to play a significant role in "Sins of Our Fathers" (the story of Thranduil and Maereth's first meeting and early years of acquaintance).
Have I mentioned yet that my Durin III fancast is Hugh Jackman?
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The choice is greatly influenced by my headcanon that Durin III greatly resembles (inside and out) his descendant, Thorin Oakenshield. (You might remember this being referenced in Maereth's conversation with Thorin in "A Broken Shield".) Hugh and Richard happen to look similar to me, so I love it!
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ninjiniz · 2 years
How Bilbo gets his new coat in Lake-town
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fizzyxcustard · 2 years
Could I request HC or a short fic for Francis Dolarhyde with a flirty, protective and affectionate reader? Poor boy needs love and affection 🥺
Thank you!!
(I'll write this as a head canon, if you don't mind. Then I can add a bit more backstory to it. This one also might get a little bit sexual and dark due to the nature of the character)
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You and Francis work together and have done for about six months when you finally speak to each other. Or rather, you speak to him.
You're put together as part of a work project, and begin working closely together regularly.
You naturally inquisitive nature and affectionate nature means that you want to be friends with Francis, even though he seems to hold you at arms length for a little while.
Most of your conversations are you talking to him, but slowly he opens up and talks about his enjoyment of fine art and scrapbooking.
You notice that other colleagues sneer and mock Francis, so you are ready to defend him whenever you overhear any negative words said about him.
Sometimes you even bring snacks in for the two of you to share.
Francis begins having dreams about you. In his mind he is both himself and the Dragon. Sometimes he is making love to you. Other times he is possessing you.
When the two of you are together, you tend to be a little flirtatious and touchy. Once the dreams have started, Francis finds it harder to control himself when with you. A few times when you touch him, he finds himself having erections.
A colleague named Brad, an obnoxious prick, begins flirting with you on purpose. He knows that Francis likes you and does this purposefully to show off in the office.
A week after the flirting from Brad has started, he doesn't come into work. A few days pass and no one hears anything from him.
News comes in that Brad has been found dead, apparently murdered. It shakes the whole office.
By now and Francis is dropping you off from work and picking you up in the morning, as you're scared to go out alone.
A later news bulletin explains that the MO of his murderer appears to be that of the 'Tooth Fairy', a killer from two states over.
Francis secretly stalks you on social media.
You go to Francis' house for dinner one night.
After dinner, you ask for a tour of the house. It's large, dim and very eery, but you find it intriguing.
Francis takes you into each room and explains that it was his grandmother's house, but says no more and goes silent. There's a sudden bang from downstairs, so he goes off to investigate.
You see an open door with a flight of steps leading into the attic, so you follow it.
In the dim lighting of the attic, you find a strange painting on a stand. It's of a dragon, and it's something you vaguely recognise from somewhere.
Then you notice a work bench. A scrapbook has been left open. You peer over it, seeing newspaper clippings. As you turn the pages, you find all the newspaper clippings are in regards to the Tooth Fairy.
Your blood runs cold.
The door creaks open and you hear an angry whisper, "What are you doing?"
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nyxshadowhawk · 2 years
Trevor’s Singing
I learned from The Hobbit that Richard Armitage can really sing, so here’s my headcanon:
Trevor Belmont is secretly a good singer. He mostly only sings bar songs while very drunk, but if he wants to, he can sing very well. Alucard also has a lovely singing voice. Sypha cannot sing, at all. (Not that she doesn’t try.)
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The ultimate modern!Guy head-canons -brought to you by my obsessed mind
So, I’ve been thinking about Guy (yes I know, shut up) and how I would go about creating a modern!Guy version that is as loyal to the original as possible in every way that matters -history, personality, trauma, profession etc. Below you can find my self-indulgent fantasies:
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Guy and his little sister Isabella were brought up by a single mother, their dad being a deadbeat that left the picture early
Their mum was loving and affectionate, but she had her own issues -mild substance abuse and a violent on-again-of-again boyfriend. When boyfriend was not around, she was nurturing and attentive. When he was around, there were many issues with fights, drink, violence and so on.
One night there was yet another fight and young Guy tried to step in and protect his mum - in the scuffle, things were knocked down and kitchen fire started.
The fire brigade noticed the chaotic environment, drink and signs of domestic violence and called social services. Guy and Isabella were removed from home and found themselves in the foster care system.
After about a year of being moved around, Isabella was adopted by a couple, but Guy was deemed too old for adoption and stayed in foster care, being passed from pillar to post as various placements broke down. (Sweet little girls are much more likely to get adopted than hulking teenage boys with anger issues…)
Guy has a ton of issues as a result of his past. He has developed a disorganised attachment style. He idealises his mother, but also feel resentful that she didn’t prioritise them. He blames himself for starting the fire that got them removed from home. He has lost contact with Isabella after her adoption (He figured she was starting a new life, and didn’t feel like watching from the side lines… Brought up too many complex feelings.) Unfortunately, the couple who adopted Isabella turned out to be abusive assholes. As an adult, Isabella blames him for leaving her with them, not staying in touch, not trying to find out how she was…
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When Guy aged out of foster care, he was left without support… He considered joining the army but his temper issues prevented him. He ended up working for crime baron “The Sheriff” Vaisey, involved in drug trafficking, extortion, turf wars and so on. He doesn’t enjoy violence, but he doesn’t shy away from it either -that’s how the world works, as far as he’s concerned, and if he doesn’t do it, someone else will. And yes, his relationship with “The Sheriff” is as messed up and complicated as it is in the series. The man craves a family but can’t tell a toxic one from a healthy one.
He drives a Harley and has a Jack Russell terrier called Dale. He used to bite his nails, but stopped himself (with effort) because he thinks the habit makes him look worried and insecure. He chain-smokes roll-ups now (because they give him something to fiddle with, that doesn’t allow others to see he is stressed.)
He has worked as a bouncer, and knows Krav Maga. In his more optimistic moments, he dreams of leaving crime, having a family and starting a business as a self-defence instructor. But he doesn’t really think it will ever happen.
He looks like early Lucas North, complete with tattoos.
He loves getting a massage… (It feels intimate but is not seen as weakness. He really likes being touched, someone please love him…)
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acourtcfmuses · 1 year
That moment I realise I haven't done tag drops for my R.oP/L.otR muses.
Theoretically after this, everyone's tags drops should be done. Unless I add more.
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freyasigtryggrsdottir · 2 months
The Hobbit/LOTR
Taglist: @mrsdurin
- Imagines:
You are a human warrior and Thorin wants you to stay
You and Gandalf found the gravestone of Thorin
You are reborned in Middle Earth again pt. 1
You are reborned in Middle Earth again pt. 2
Thorin is helping you on a winter night
Thorin don’t know what you do
Thorin’s help
Thorin with you when you are done
The Wolf and the Princess (Thorin x reader Imagine series part 1)
Thorin is a gently alpha
Thorin is a shapeshifter
Thorin don’t believe in himself
Thorin comes back home
Thorin takes you to a lake
Thorin sees you, when you dance
You want a horse, but Thorin don’t
Thorin is too tired
Thorin thinks you bewitched him
Thorin speaks about you in your wedding
Thorin is your fiance and You're jealous
You are a fallen star part 1.
You are a fallen star part 2.
You are a fallen star part 3
You are hurts by an orc and Thorin with you
You want Thorin
You are with Thorin before a big war
You are a human princess from far away in Erebor part 1.
You are a human princess from far away in Erebor part 2
You are a human princess from far away in Erebor part 3.
You are lonely in Erebor
Thorin writes a loveletter to you
Thorin is your father
Thorin sees you first time and he knows you are his One part 1.
Thorin sees you first time and he knows you are his One part 2.
Thorin thinks you are a flower
You are scared from noises in Erebor
Thorin is jealous
You found a dog
Kili don’t know how to babies are made (Thorin is a dad part 1)
Thorin is a dad part 2
Thorin is a dad part 3
Thorin is a viking and he have good voice
You are afraid and Thorin calms you down
You think Thorin is the King of elves
Thorin have a toothache
You want to make a surprise meal for Thorin, but you can’t cook
Thorin thinks you don’t know how to fight
Thorin promises you, he’ll never forget you part 1.
Thorin teaches you how to ride on a horse
Thorin found a sick barn owl
Your daughter wants to hear how you met with Thorin
Your parents hate you and Thorin saves you
You are happy, because you found your favorite flowers and the company don’t understand
Dwarves are wolves and Thorin is the protective alpha, because you are his one
You are the tired Queen of Erebor
You are in those days and Thorin wants to help
Thorin have a daughter and you are the mother
You want to play with Thorin
Drunken Thorin wants to dance
For the dreaming - Chapter one
Under the moonlight (Thorin x reader fanfic) 1. chapter
The king’s walls (2/1)
I See Fire chapter 1.
I see fire chapter 2
I see fire chapter 3
I See Fire chapter 4.
I See Fire chapter 5
I see Fire chapter 6
I See Fire chapter 7.
Furybaby (Elf!reader x Thorin drabble)
Home (Thorin Oakenshield x Reader really short drabble)
Drabble: Little secret
The Beauty and the Dwarf chapter 1.  (Thorin x Reader x Richard Armitage)
The Beauty and the Dwarf (Thorin x Reader x Richard Armitage) chapter 2.
The Beauty and The Dwarf chapter 3. (Thorin x Reader x Richard Armitage)
Dear Dad
About Time
When the light comes part 1.
Ghost on the barrow
Thorin’s dreamcatcher minipart 2
That Summer Love chapter 1
- Headcanons:
Thorin take care of you, because you are pregnant with his child
Your first time with Thorin
Your first date with Thorin
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Hi! Welcome.
This is Generalallxsanjishipper's blog
(A long ass nick, I know.)
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*stares at the (not many) but 100% "Yes" votes that was in the poll* (How the hell am I supposed to introduce myself? I have no idea, but okay, whatever—)
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Killian here! It's not my real name, but it's my art name. I can be called Isa or Bibi as well. My real name is Barbara.
I'm from Italy and I'm a 2001 girl, She/her pronouns, bisexual, introverted, Virgo (too much of a perfectionist sometimes. Ops)
I am a Writer, a Screenwriter and an Artist. I even went to an art school, but the only thing that I learned there is anxiety. Yey.
I love reading. Like tons of books, but for whatever reason I stopped entirely reading books written in Italian and now I'm constantly binge-reading english stuff.
As a Writer, I create tons of Own Characters, yes. I have honestly so many OCs that it's hard to keep track of them between Original Works and Fanfiction. I have to admit that I never wrote as much fanfiction as I'm doing during those last years, mostly for bad experience with criticism in my first fics. But apparently I got over it after randomly starting to write little One Shots of a few different fandoms. It excalated, now.
To read my stuff, you can find me in AO3, Efp and Wattpad under Killian44peeta's nickname. Even as an Artist, you can find me with that nickname on Instagram. I DO NOT have TikTok and I DO NOT intend to have it. If I change my mind, it's gonna rain for months lol.
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I have many, many fandoms.
Listing them all is impossible, but my obsessions usually stuck the most when I have a "main crush" in said fandom. If not, they are fleeting at best... And usually the same main crush is the one that I ship with most people (Not always though).
Yep. I'm a multishipper, pro LGBTQ+ and I love polyamorous relationships.
When I hate a ship, I just hate it. No matter how hard you try to change my mind. Still, I'm of the "live and let live policy" because, damn, ship wars are boring and if you dislike something, YOU BLOODY IGNORE IT.
*takes a deep breath*
A few examples of my main crushes:
Animated ones first.
Sanji, Corazon, Reiju and Vivi (One Piece), Douxie (Tales of Arcadia), Zuko (Avatar), Mika (Owari No Seraph), Levi, Jean and Yelena (Shingeki no Kyojin), Akashi and Kise(Kuroko no basket), Gwen (Total Drama), Megara (Hercules), Dark Bloom (Winx Club), Hijikata (Gintama), Hyoga, Eden, every Virgo Saint ever except Shun (Saint Seiya+), Shiro and Pidge (Voltron), Lust and Roy(Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood)
Not animated crushes (directly the person, not the role, because if not the list would be sooo much longer, ok)
Daniel Sharman, Danielle Campbell, Colin O'donoghue, Richard Armitage, Ian Somerhalder, Josh Hutcherson, Zoe Kravitz, Tom Ellis, Hayden Christensen, Bridgette Mendler
(am I forgetting someone? Probably. Sorry)
Welp. I dunno what else to say. Hope you have fun inside my blog? If you wanna be friends (chat here, on Discord, WhatsApp... ) and ask questions I'm okay with it? If you wanna talk with me about (my, yours) stories, I'm DEFINITELY okay with it.
:D I love to rant about fanfictions and original works. I love ranting about ocs and headcanon about characters. Yes.
(do not kill me if I don’t answer immediately, I have a life/I need time to draw/I need time to write)
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joyfulmagic · 2 months
Muse List
[Updated 08/12/2024]
Blue muses are primary Red muses are secondary Pink muses are by request only
Harley Quinn circa the Harley Quinn cartoon, The Suicide Squad, and Birds of Prey —> FC: Ma.rgot Ro.bbie Poison Ivy circa the Harley Quinn cartoon, and other various inspiration —> FC: J.essica Cha.stain Steven Grant Rogers circa Marvel/MCU —> FC: Ch.ris Ev.ans Clark Kent circa My Adventures With Superman —> FC: H.enry Ca.vill Diana Prince circa multiple media and headcanons —> FC: M.ay Calma.wy Atom Eve circa Amazon Prime’s Invincible —> FC: Ab.igail Co.wen
[Illya Kuryakin - Canon Divergent from The Man From Uncle 2015 with heavy MCU/616 influences]
[James “Bucky” Barnes - MCU + 616 Mix]
[Arina Bondar- MCU/616 + TMFU (2015) OC]
[Adeliana Bondar-Kuryakin - MCU/616 + TMFU (2015) OC]
[Farah - The Tower]
[Theodore - The Devil]
[Vasily - The Emperor]
[Jane - High Priestess]
[Rosie - Justice]
[Relta - The Empress]
[Aislin - The World]
[Keife - The Hanged Man] Disne.y/Fairytale/Folklore Based: 1. Hercules (Hercules 1997) —> Sa.m Heu.gan & Hen.ry Ca.vill fcs 2. Flynn Rider (Tangled 2010) —> Seb.astian St.an 3. Dmitri (Anastasia 1997) —> De.rek K.lena - Megara (Disney’s Hercules 1997) —> Elizabeth Gilles - Sir Guy of Gisborne (BBC’s Robin Hood 2006-09) —> Richard Armitage
Mythology: [Lord Ares — FC Lee Pace / Richard Amirtage ]
[Queen Persephone — FC Charlotte Hope] [ Only shipped with King Hades]
[Queen Hera — FC Simone Ashley] [Only shipped with King Zeus]
[Lord Apollon — FC Chris Evans]
[King Hades — FC Keanu Reeves ] [Lady Aphrodite — FC Keira Knightley] [Freyja — FC Freya Mavor]
[Catherine of Aragon’s Muse Bio & Verses] [Henry VIII — Verses & Bio]
[Mary I’s Muse Bio & Verses]
[Relta’s historical verses] * [Prince Alastair] * [Lady/Princess Madeline] *
[Lady Marguerite of Gisborne — BBC’S Robin Hood / Sherwood OC]
[Maid Marian of Knighton — BBC’s Robin Hood / Sherwood] * [Lady Jane Grey — Amazon’s My Lady Jane] * = modern verses available
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sotwk · 8 months
📖 Fic rec time! When you get this, reply with three fics that you've read and loved to pieces, then pass on to at least five other people who read fics. Let’s appreciate fic writers and their amazing stories 💖
Better late than never with this one! <3 I remain woefully behind on my reading, and I am SO sorry for that, writing fanfic and reading fanfic are often very hard for me to do simultaneously (focus issues), but I always love recommending the few things I've read and loved.
SotWK 3 Fic Recommendations: Multi-Chapter, Canon x OC Picks
Dwalin Has a Bad Day (Dwalin x OC) by @lathalea - I know there are Dwalin lovers out there--this fluffy rom-com is a MUST read for you! Apart from the (always) amazing writing, colorful worldbuilding, loveable OCs, and innovative headcanon concepts ("dwelf"!) abound. When it comes to Dwarves, Latha is one of my go-to experts.
A Shooting Star (Thorin x OC) by @linasofia - This is one of the few fics I had the privilege of following all the way through as it was being written, and that says a lot since that means it utterly captivated my pitiful attention span. Lina writes Thorin sooooo well, in the gorgeous manner Richard Armitage portrayed him, and that is what I love in my Thorin fics. Very lovely OC that you would absolutely cheer for, and you are treated to life in Erebor after its reclamation! (Dude, Thorin is alive, where have you been??)
Burn Like Cold Iron (Boromir x OC) by @scyllas-revenge - I almost feel silly putting this on a rec list because this fic is legend in the Boromir fandom. (Like, hi, hello, have you heard of this movie called "Star Wars"? It's kind of walking up to someone and asking them that.) I love fics that draw me in despite not falling into my usual preferences (Modern Girl OC in this case), and this defines that. Scylla also nails a fluffy, genuinely funny brand of humor that I have yet to see matched by any other writer, so if you like that sort of thing, browse her entire masterlist while you're at it. This fic has its own fandom, so if you don't want to take my word for it, take the word of all those other admirers!
Go forth and feast, my friends! And remember--please tip (reblog/comment/kudos) your writers! <3
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godbluds · 8 months
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♯ 𝐆𝐎𝐃𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐃𝐒 is an ɪɴᴅᴇᴘᴇɴᴅᴇɴᴛ multimuse featuring canon 🙲 original characters from an array of medias , all 𝔯𝔢𝔴𝔯𝔦𝔱𝔱𝔢𝔫 into the universe of rick riordan's 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐲 𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐨𝐧 🙲 the olympians . as treasured 🙲 hoarded by DRUID , minors do not interact .
𝒓𝒖𝒍𝒆𝒔 can be found here , 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬 can be found beneath the cut . disclaimer : this blog will be primarily show - based as i continue my reread of the books . currently (re-)reading : 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔰𝔢𝔞 𝔬𝔣 𝔪𝔬𝔫𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔰 .
IMPORTANT : there will be no ns/fw content featured here .
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... * ( 𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐒 ) :
▸ WAVERLY EARP , wearp , ( PRIMARY ) , child of ZEUS. ↳ 17 , to be announced . ( they / them ) conceived upon their mother's secretive affair with the high god zeus , waverly was always blatantly treated as different from their sisters . knowing they never truly belonged ; it wasn't until they were sent to camp by their aunt gus at 11 , after the passing of their father & disappearance of their mother , that they knew why . ▸ TRIS PRIOR , divergent , ( PRIMARY ) , child of ATHENA. ↳ 18 , quintessa swindell . ( they / them ) stayed in concealment with their father for many years until a fatal encounter with a beast in broad daylight resulted in his death . athena then led young tris to camp & safety , where they've been ever since . 'beatrice' quickly changed their name to 'tris' & took it as an opportunity to reshape their fate , determined to fit in amongst their peers .
▸ HADES ( SECONDARY ) , god of the UNDERWORLD . ↳ immortal , ben barnes . ( he / him ) ruler of the dead . highly headcanon based , portrayal will differ from show canon though major plot points will be observed .
▸ PETER PARKER , marvel , ( TERTIARY ) , son of APOLLO. ↳ 17 , tba . ( he / him ) after the untimely death of his parents , peter was sent to live with this aunt may; one of the only people to know what he really was . she wasn't shy in sending him to camp once the dangers became clear , knowing peter would understand why it was necessary . on the trip to camp , they were followed by a beast that had caught his scent - may sacrificing herself to get peter safely over the border .
▸ POSEIDON ( TEST MUSE ) , god of the SEAS . ↳ immortal , richard armitage . ( he / him ) lord over the seas & earthquakes . highly headcanon - based , portrayal will differ from show canon though major plot points will be observed . ▸ PERCY JACKSON ( TEST MUSE ) , son of POSEIDON . ↳ 12 - 16 , walker scobell , lucas lynggaard tønnesen . ( he / him ) will be heavily influenced by headcanons & literature while based within show canon .
... * ( 𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐒 ) :
▸ CAIN COSWELL ( PRIMARY ) , child of HYPNOS. ↳ 17 - 19 , lorenzo zurzolo . ( they / he ) arrived at camp at 15 , after years of their mother trying to keep their heritage a secret to preserve their family . their father's death & a note left to them thereupon sent cain searching for the camp . unclaimed until he was 17 , cain continued to stay in hermes' cabin as hypnos did not have one established .
▸ JUNO PEARCE . ( PRIMARY ) , daughter of HECATE. ↳ 15 - 17 , milly alcock . ( she / her ) juno always felt out of place in the camp . without a proper cabin to call her own despite having been claimed , she would stay with hermes' children under their acceptance policy . feeling like an odd duckling among the others , this drove juno to outperform her peers . she's determined to be of use around camp , & someday on quests . ▸ LYRA HOWARD . ( PRIMARY ) , daughter of DEMETER. ↳ 17 - 19 , ashley moore . ( she / her ) lyra was raised at camp , her father unequipped to care for her out in the world . due to this she's very in touch with her mother - given abilities & has a deep , fond connection with nature & flora . she knows the woods like the back of her hand , & has proven herself to be a deeply loyal friend & ally . ▸ IRA ARETI . ( PRIMARY ) , child of DIONYSUS. ↳ 17 - 19 , timothee chalamet . ( they / he ) where there are spirits & good times to be had around camp , ira areti & his twin sister are always in the center of it . trouble seems to follow the two , who have been at camp since they were 12 . ira has been caught turning water into spirits & distributing it to their older peers on a few occasions .
▸ WELLS STUTLER . ( SECONDARY ) , son of ARES. ↳ 17 - 19 , benjamin wadsworth . ( he / him ) unclaimed until days before his 16th birthday , wells lives his life in spite of the gods rather than in their honor . life in shambles beyond the camp , he dreads the thought of leaving yet can't stand the presence of most people within .
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fizzyxcustard · 2 years
When You're Ill. 
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Masterlist of this series
Comments/Notes/Housekeeping: Thank you to everyone who reblogged and commented on my last of the RA Character Headcanon Series. I appreciate it very much. I know I sound like a broken record, but please do consider a reblog if you like a post, and if you wish to be added on to my tag lists, please let me know.
This head canon post is how the characters would react to you being ill. Enjoy!
GUY OF GISBORNE: Guy will visit you when he has free time away from his duties, and normally brings you gifts, such as fruit and a new piece of clothing that he wants you to wear to the next banquet. He doesn't always have the right words to make you feel better, but just his presence helps.
RAY LEVINE: Ray can be a little overbearing. He is constantly asking you if you've taken medication and won't allow you do anything for yourself. He makes you go back to bed so that he can dote on you and be on hand to help.
FATHER LORENZO QUART: Father Quart notices that you haven't been yourself and will ask if you're alright. He is a very observant man and will make time for you so he can come and sit at your bedside. He will pray for you and even bring you a little treat, such as chocolate (for when you're feeling better, of course) or flowers.
THORIN OAKENSHIELD: Thorin doesn't want to leave you despite having counsel meetings constantly. He will make someone else go in his stead, probably Fili. You are his priority and he will stay with you, keeping you company and being on hand if you need anything.
FRANCIS DOLARHYDE: Francis, being quite unsure of himself, notices that you're ill and will ask if you're alright. He then begins to ask you if you've taken your medication or if you need a drink. He's thoughtful, making sure that you're taking care of yourself. But he is quite scared of becoming too overbearing.
JOHN THORNTON: Mr Thornton is known for his big heart. As soon as he learns of you being ill, he will bring you a basket of special foods and a bouquet of flowers. Then he will sit at your bedside and read to you. As he leaves, he places a gentle kiss on your forehead, urging you to ask for him if you need anything.
RAYMOND DE MERVILLE: Raymond isn't the most outwardly loving of people, but he will at least make a bit of effort if he knows you're ill. He visits you, coming to your room before and after his training sessions. There are no grand gestures or gifts, but he makes sure that all the maids are on hand for you.
JOHN PORTER: John will cheer you up. He'll make sure you're wrapped up in a blanket and sit with you, watching films. He will tell you jokes, waiting to see that beautiful smile. To you, when you're ill, nothing is better than having John Porter next to you to make everything better.
LUCAS NORTH: Lucas can be quite attentive, and will make sure that you have what you need: food, drink, medications, warmth. Despite such a busy lifestyle, he will manages to come and see you. He will sit next to you, holding you.
Follow Forever tag list: @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @knitastically @middleearthpixie @linasofia @xxbyimm @asgardianhobbit98 @guardianofrivendell @meganlpie @luna-xial @spidergirla5 @sunflwrnsunnieshine @rachel1959 @msjava1972
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roosterbox · 1 year
It’s Done
I’ve finished watching Hannibal. And honestly idk how y’all survived that finale back in 2015. Goddamn.
Anyway, I took notes. Spoilers, obviously.
Notes on The Wrath of the Lamb
Oooooooh boy here we fucking goooooo. Idk if I’m ready for this, guys
Poor Chilton. Really.
And poor Reba! She’s so awesome.
Richard Armitage is really great as Dolarhyde.
He’s got such a deep fucking voice, damn son.
Go Reba go!
This is my last time seeing this intro. *sighs*
Side note: at least half of the ads I’ve gotten on Hulu since watching this show have been kind of queer themed. I’m not gonna say it was because of Hannibal, but I’m not not saying that either, lol.
Will and Reba, awww. These two.
Will is such a good, ugh. I love him.
Dig dat memory palace
Get you a man that looks at you like Hannibal Lecter looks at Will Graham.
“What a cunning boy you are.” HANNI you’re such a FLIRT, stahp.
Is he stopped? Is he really, Will?
All of Will and Hannibal’s scenes in the second half of season 3 are like two birds doing a matching pair of outrageous mating dances. While also shit-talking each other the whole time. Their courtship game is next level.
Will tries breaking Hannibal’s heart again, lol.
Oh shiiiiiiit. Told you he wasn’t stopped, Will.
Francis, if you hurt my baby boy…
Jimmy and Zeller! I’m gonna miss you guys when this ends. Even you, Zeller.
Bedelia! I’m sure I’ll see you again…
Also Will is sooooooo bitchy to her, lmao. He’s so jealous.
But Bedelia does know all.
“Meat’s back on the menu” FORESHADOWING, lmao. I love jealous, bitchy Will so much.
Yeeesh, poor Chilton. It’s kinda strange, because if this had happened to movie!Chilton? I wouldn’t have cared. Movie!Chilton is a true and irredeemable asshole of the highest order. But something (be it the writing or Raul Esparza) made series!Chilton into a more interesting, sympathetic, well-rounded character than his film counterpart. Never would have thought going in that I’d actually like Frederick Chilton, lol.
Gotta say, I’m not super fond of Alana’s post time skip hairstyle. But that’s just me.
Hanni hopes Chilton won’t be very ugly. Nice reference to the Red Dragon book, though he was talking about Will in that.
I love it when Hannibal gets all menacing. I don’t actually find Mads that intimidating as a person, but when he gets like that? Almost.
“I’ll say pretty please.” Oh I’m sure you will, Will. I’m sure you will ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
All of their fucking scenes are supercharged with sexual tension, my god.
“I need you, Hannibal.” And just like that, all of Hanni’s fantasies are coming true. Well, almost all of them. We’ll get back to that…
The escape. Yessssss.
Oh hey Francis. Fancy seeing you here.
The way Will looks at Hannibal ASDFJKLBFJBLK I cannot.
btw I still remember that Bryan Fuller said that Will and Hannibal’s “lips were busy” while the time passed. Don’t think I’ve forgotten, lmao.
And they’ve changed clothes, hmmmmm
There’s the Goldberg Variations again.
“My compassion for you is inconvenient, Will” might as well have said he loves him, lol.
Hanni deliberately stood in front of the window (and Will) to take the bullet.
WILL! Francis, you touched his FACE! His beautiful FACE! How could you?!
Pull out that knife, Will.
They kill as a team. How romantic 🥰 And thus marks the moment when literally all of Hannibal’s deepest fantasies came true.
Damn, son. Daaaaamn.
I love to see my baby boy go so FERAL. It’s my favorite headcanon about how they kill together: Hanni is very clean, collected, almost elegant. Whereas Will will go straight savage on a motherfucker.
The blood spreads like wings. That’s cute.
Oh my goooooood it’s HAPPENING.
“This is all I ever wanted for you, Will. For both of us.” AHHHHHHHH!
I think I love this song tbh.
And then they went on the run. Also they got married. And fucked. A lot.
OH HEY Bedelia. Bon Appetit!
And with that… my first time Hannibal viewing journey comes to an end. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t very emotional about it. Also about that cliff scene, GODDAMN. I’ll see about doing a big write up about my thoughts tomorrow. It’s getting a bit late for that now.
Summary: I loved it.
I’m off to read more fanfics, lol.
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shadow13dickpistons · 2 years
thorin for the asks? :)
favorite thing about them
Tolkien's story in "Unfinished Tales," that was absolutely Gandalf setting him and Bilbo up; for the films, Richard Armitage's devotion to making him EXTREMELY GAY for Bilbo at absolutely all times. Nuff said.
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least favorite thing about them
The films' attempt to "Aragorn-ize" him. I guess you could say trying to throw Bilbo off the ramparts of Erebor, but that's, you know. His tragic character arc, so.
favorite line
The ENTIRETY of his "Whose on first" moment with Thranduil. Film made that way too serious, that shit was hilarious.
The common answer is Thwalin, I really don't know that I have one? I guess I would prefer Balin myself.
Literally anything else.
random headcanon
Thorin is held to a(n unsurprising) higher standard than Dis and Frerin and resents that.
unpopular opinion
song i associate with them
I mean. (But I grew up with the Rankin/Bass so that's kind of my personal fav.)
favorite picture of them
Basically anything @seadeepspaceontheside does, GREAT stuff!
Send me an ask about a character!!
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andywinter16 · 1 year
Do you remember the  predecessor of the Kingsglaive? The Royal Guard! You know, those guys we fought as Ardyn in his DLC. They also had captain, which was directly under Clarus Amicitia. Well, and since we don´t know how he looked like and I kinda imagined him like Richard Armitage.
And this is my personal headcanon but Titus knew him. Heck, Titus worked under him like a Royal Guard. Until the captain passed away in the Attack on the Insomnia instrumented by Ardyn.
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inkwolvesandcoffee · 1 year
Richard Armitage Masterlist
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Tom Hardy Masterlist
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Werewolf Bookshop Clerk!Richard
More Werewolf Bookshop Clerk!Richard
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Writer!William Farrow
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