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pigkitsch · 1 year ago
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Vintage 1994 Enesco This Little Piggy Figurine “Never A Boar With You”
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rubyyoulazycat · 2 years ago
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Mint Dust: King & Jestal
Couldn't sleep earlier, got the urge to scribble. It's been a long time since I've attempted such an intimate pose between two characters but I think it came out alright enough.
King and Jestal are a pairing I haven't given much thought to tbh. By the big story parts of Mint Dust, they're team mates just fine, but I've been wondering how they interact in the waking world? Early on, they've been living in the same house for years, but aren't really "friends". King is at the very least the most friendly and understanding of Jestal's sometimes-hard-to-understand boundaries, compared to Nilla's well-meaning naivete, and Alexa being a straight up bully. If Jacks never arrived to Fullbloom, I'd argue these two have the biggest potential to grow close.
I think of it like a "filler" episode of a TV show; shenanigans cause the two to wind up on an adventure on their own, and they learn they have more in common than being lapins.
King would admit to admiring Jestal's disregard of the judgement of others, doing what she wants and being who she is no matter what Dolly or Alexa think (as we know, King is a talented seamstress that keeps it a secret for fear of being seen as unmasculine) and praise her ability to pour her thoughts and feelings into her sketchbook when she can't actively speak them.
Jestal would admit a bit of jealousy at how King can make friends with anyone; besties with her bully Alexa, at least on "buddy" terms with that loon Nilla, the apple of the Fullbloom staff's eye. Hell, they even have living family! (King's father is alive but off fighting the war in Altadisca, hence why they're at Fullbloom despite not being an orphan). They know what they want out of life, only held back by fear of being seen attain it, and even then they try new things every day. Utter zeal for life.
The two would bond, fight the one-episode bad guy, we'd get a sick display of Jestal's wind manipulation and King's thread creation powers combining, they'd win, return home, and everything would tie back into the episode's theme. It'd be a "filler" episode, but one the fans loved in hindsight. It'd be the most we ever get of the two directly interacting, but they become noticeably more conversational to each other throughout the series, and maybe get one more team up during a big group fight.
Ah well, a cat can dream.
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kevin--of-desert-bluffs · 6 months ago
WTNV quick rundown - 160 - The Weather
I'm going to catch up if it kills me. Here's the rest of these~
No man is an island. Some men are fjords. Most men are oxbows. All men are ravines. Welcome to Night Vale.
A cold front is sweeping through NV, knocking out power and getting to as low as -30F as terrible winds gust through the town.
There is an emergency announcement which interupts Cecil (not that he seems to notice, apparently telling everyone what he saw in the mirror as a child that led him to not looking in mirrors ever again - and we miss it) from the National Weather Service who may also those who huddle in the vacant lot outside the Ralphs, having visions as they stare into the barrel filled with paper they've lit on fire.
Because we're already talking about the weather, it's instead called Sports: “Suspension of Disbelief” by Victory Soul Orchestra
John Peters, you know, the farmer? orange grove is full of giant oranges now and they no longer have any extradimensional properties. He's worried about his crop of invisible corn though and considers raising cattle for meat - but only in a way where they die naturally of old age first as JP has recently become a vegan.
Cecil thinks cold brew (coffee) is gross.
The Private Land Development company wants to start building houses in Radon Canyon to help with a sudden boom in NV's population. They want to call the development 'The Final Destination'.
This is strongly opposed by the EPA as the canyon is filled with topic blue coloured gases and they fear what could happen if the ground is broken for development purposes.
There is going to be a Holiday Fireworks Extravaganza at the NV Harbour and Waterfront Recreation Area which is going to involve blowing up cars that were impounded for having overdue state inspection stickers and a preformance by Michelle and Maureen's newly formed folk/trance band The Fun-tastics.
Bob Strum from Old Town states that no number can be below zero.
Reyna Guerrero asks what they can do to prepare for the cold and Cecil gives some advice, which is mostly sound till he suggests setting basically anything on fire to stay warm and panicking if the power goes out.
Cecil has a little space heater under his desk.
Mike Rhyner, director of operations for the NV power plant says he doesn't even know what kind of power the power plant produces and nothing is labelled either, so they can't get the power back on until they figure it out.
Just knowing you're listening somewhere out there in the cold dark has kept me warm. Stay safe, wherever you are. Good night, Night Vale. Good night. 
Proverb: What idiot called it Snowpiercer instead of Chris Evans’ Polar Express?
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glancieri · 7 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: “you’ll be just swine” by Enesco 1995 Designed by Mary Rhyner-Nadig .
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newmusicweekly · 9 months ago
KEGL (97.1 The Freak)/Dallas Returns to Rock Format
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KEGL-FM (97.1 The Freak)/Dallas has reportedly jettisoned Sports/Talk and reverted back to its previous Rock format. The move comes less than two years after the station relaunched with much fanfare, led by radio veteran Mike Rhyner, who famously came out of retirement to spearhead The Freak's launch in 2022. He confirmed that he and his team were dismissed earlier this week. The iHeartMedia outlet had initially tried to carve out a niche in the competitive DFW market, directly challenging established Sports stations like The Ticket and 105.3 The Fan. Despite the buzz, The Freak struggled to make a significant impact on the ratings. The shift in programming was subtly announced through a sudden switch from its usual lineup to syndicated content. Rhyner wasn't shy about the writing on the wall. "I could be standing at the New Mexico border and still see this coming," he told the Dallas Observer. His social media posts echoed a similar sentiment, offering a "difficult goodbye" to followers and hinting at the station's uncertain future. The transition was felt across the station's programming, with regular shows like "The Downbeat" airing as scheduled, but other slots filled with Alternative content. The changeover has been a poignant moment for the station's personalities. "We are heartbroken that the station we worked so hard to help build is changing directions," stated the hosts of "The Ben and Skin Show," reflecting a shared sentiment among the team. Read the full article
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hpadrianstemmer · 1 year ago
Tägliche Rituale - Zahnpflege
Tägliche Rituale - Zahnpflege Vor ein paar Tagen erhielt ich auf Youtube das Video einen britischen Pärchen, das beim Zahnarzt ein neues Gebiß erhielt. Angst vor dem Zahnarzt, schlechte finanzielle Mittel und Vernachlässigung hatten dazu geführt, dass dieses Pärchen wenige schlechte sitzende Stumpen in Mund geblieben sind. Ein deutliches Bild mangelnder Zahnpflege. Die Frau konnte inzwischen nur noch pürierte Speisen zu sich nehmen, litt an Bluthochdruck und Adipositas. Wahrscheinlich war auch noch ein Mangelversorgung an Vitaminen, Mineralien und Spurenelementen gegeben. Bei dem Mann hatte die fehlenden Zähne zu einer sozialen Vereinsamung geführt. Einen festen Arbeitsplatz hatte dieser Mann nicht mehr und hielt sich nur noch mit schlecht bezahlten Gelegenheitsjobs über dem Wasser. Die jahrelange Vernachlässigung der Zähne haben hier vermutlich für einen gesellschaftlichen wie gesundheitlichen Abstieg gesorgt. Durch die Hilfe eines Zahnarztes und der guten Zurede der Tochter haben Beide  ein neues Gebiß erhalten und hoffentlich so die Möglichkeit des Ausstieges aus diesem Teufelskreis bekommen. Dieses drastische Beispiel hat mir deutlich vor Augen geführt wie wichtig diese täglichen Alltagsrituale sind. Ein tägliches Ritual Ein Ritual wie die tägliche Zahnpflege ist im Ayurveda fester Bestandteil der Dinacharya. Bei der Dinacharya handelt es sich um Empfehlungen für die tägliche Routine. Diese Empfehlungen für die tägliche Routine sind wie ein roter Leitfaden für eine gesunde Lebensgestaltung. Denn das oberste Ziel des Ayurveda ist es, die Gesundheit des Gesunden zu erhalten und die Krankheit des Kranken zu heilen: Gutes und schlechtes Leben, glückliches und unglückliches Leben, das was dem Leben (oder anderen Lebewesen) zu- bzw. abträglich ist; das Maß des Lebens und seiner Komponenten, und das Leben selbst - wo all dies erklärt wird, das nennt man Ayurveda. Charaka Samhita, Su 1.41 Zurück zur Dinacharya, der täglichen Routine. Gerne vergleiche ich diese Empfehlungen mit einem Ritual, einer "oft in gleicher Form wiederholte Handlung" (Wikipedia). Die Morgeroutine gehört zu den Eckpfeilern der ayurvedischen Gesundheitsempfehlungen und ist eine der wichtigsten Maßnahmen des Dinacharya. Das umfassende Reinigungsprogamm hat viel mehr Inhalte als das übliche Duschen und Zähneputzen.  Sie betreffen eine Verhaltensempfehlung für den ganzen Tagesablauf. Angefangen vom Aufstehen, über den Stuhlgang bis zum Schlafen gehen. Wenn man Gästen einer Ayurveda Kur die Dinacharya vorstellt, sind diese meistens vom Umfang dieser Empfehlungen wie erschlagen und fragen sich wie sie es in ihr tägliches Leben integrieren können. Dr. SN Gupta von der Europäischen Akademie für Ayurveda packt dies gerne in einen Scherz und sagte "80% Ayurveda sind völlig ausreichend." Gemeint ist damit, dass die Punkte der Dinacharya keine festgeschriebenen Gesetze sind und nicht in einer Art Selbstbestrafung oder Kasteiung enden sollen. Es sind hier Richtpunkte für die eigene Lebensgestaltung und zeigen den Weg, welchen man für gesundes Leben einschlagen soll. "Eine übermäßige Fixierung auf diese Prinzipien oder Selbstbestrafungsmaßnahmen bei einem Unvermögen des Einhalten könnens sind neurotische und nicht gesund Reaktionen. Sie sind aus ayurvedischer und moderner medizinischer Sicht völlig unerwünscht" (H.H. Rhyner Das Neue Ayurveda Praxis Handbuch Kapitel 10 Seite 311). Mein Fokus heute soll auf der Zahnpflege bzw. der Mundhygiene liegen. Zähne putzen mehr als eine lästige Pflicht Unsere Eltern haben uns als Kinder bereits beigebracht, dass man die Zähne spätestens vor dem Schlafen gehen zu putzen hat. Je nachdem wie aufmerksam unsere Eltern hierbei waren, umso intensiver gewann das Zähneputzen für uns an Wichtigkeit. Am Anfang meistens eine lästige Pflicht, die nicht immer sehr sorgfältig ausgeübt wurde, wird im Laufe des Lebens immer wichtiger, dass man sich ohne seine Zahnpflege nicht mehr ganz wohl fühlt. Der Ayurveda hat hier eine gute Empfehlungen zur Verbesserung der Mundhygiene, die ohne viel Aufwand schnell und einfach umgesetzt werden können. Aus eigener Erfahrung bevorzuge ich folgende Reihenfolge: - Zungen schaben - Hier wird einem Schaber aus Kupfer, Silber oder Stahl der Belag und Schmutz von der Zunge entfernt. Es wird immer von der Zungenwurzel in Richtung der Zungenspitze geschabt. Wird der Schaber zu tief in die Mundhöhle geschoben, kann ein Würgereflex ausgelöst werden. Aus diesem Grund sollte die Zungenreinigung auch nur auf leeren Magen erfolgen. Das Schaben wird mit leichtem Druck ca. 1-3 Mal wiederholt. Die Ayurvedischen Schriften sagen, das es den Geschmacksinn verbessern soll und schützt vor Mund-, Zahn- und Halserkrankungen. Der Zungenschaber wird im Anschluss einfach nur mit Wasser gespült, gereinigt. Weitere Infos zum Zungenschaber findest Du >hierhierhier Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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jdgorey · 2 years ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage Mary’s Moo Moos Carved A Place In My Heart.
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secretalmondflowerathlete · 2 years ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Putt Are Friends For Mary's Moo Moo's Figurine 1998.
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rainforestgeek · 6 years ago
As on board as I am with the Stella and Leon twins headcanon
Can we consider Plance naming their daughter Ryner?
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She’s pretty important to Pidge.
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visummedium · 5 years ago
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Brand new Studio Time's released yesterday. Personally still gets a good chuckle out of me. never met a dragon-wolf before; let alone have this be their first impression. Rhyner has been a great addition to our team this month. Find this and more on our website: www.visummedium.net
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7rashstar · 3 years ago
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lindsay rhyner
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pigkitsch · 1 year ago
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Enesco This Little Piggy Figurine 1995 Ducky To Have A Friend Like You
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rubyyoulazycat · 3 years ago
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Mint Dust: Alexa Jaeger and King Rhyner
Last two Mint Dust MCs.
Name: Alexa Jaeger Species: Canis Nationality: Filte-Dustrian In Fullbloom For: Presumably for loss of parents. Refuses to talk about it. Usually an angel in front of Fullbloom's staff, Alexa is, in reality, a bitter cynic and a bit of a bully, even to her friends. She has her moments of kindness, even to her self-described "enemies”, but befriending her takes a herculean effort, even if she likes you. She has lofty aspirations of making a name for herself. Doing what is a mystery, as she seems to be trying something new every week (art, acting, singing). Her only consistent hobby is practicing Ard Gabbah, a martial art from her home country of Dustria. She is extremely hydrophobic, refusing to even get near a body of water larger than Fullbloom's bathtub and constantly reminding the other kids to stay safe if they go swimming in the lake or play around the river. Relationships within Fullbloom: -Her best friend is King Rhyner. They clicked due to their mutual habit of trying to be the best at whatever new thing interests them that week. They often draft up and perform "plays" for the other Fullbloom kids, with Alexa handling the scripting and King handling the costuming. -She tolerates Nilla Bee. She finds her a total creep, but appreciates how she found her niche and stuck to it. Often invites her to play a tertiary character in the plays. Nilla considers Alexa her bestie. -Mortal enemies with Jestal. Believes the rabbit was born unlucky for having never met her family and thinks she's crazy for making up The Black Fox.
Name: King Rhyner Species: Lapin Nationality: Filtetsch In Fullbloom For: No living family other than his father, who is off fighting the war in Altadisca.
-One of only two rabbits and the only boy at Fullbloom -Skilled seamstress (keeps this secret), adept stylist, decent (if egoistic) actor -Tries to be a showoff, claiming he's either great at everything or will be if it's his first time trying -Best friends with Alexa. Often participates in her "plays", helps with costuming (though he gives her the credit for it) -Friends with Nilla. He appreciates her "style", even if he doesn't fully understand it. -Acquainted with Tabby. Considers her a friend but keeps his distance due to her bug hobby. Has ratted her out to the staff in the past. -Gets along with Jestal. Occasionally attempts to bond with her over being the only other rabbit among them, but their interactions are short due to their contrasting personalities.
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shopgoodwillfriends · 4 years ago
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glancieri · 8 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: “you’ll be just swine” by Enesco 1995 Designed by Mary Rhyner-Nadig .
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goodstrongfm · 3 years ago
The Ticket - Under the Lights
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