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leechhealer · 3 years ago
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asskickedbygirl · 2 years ago
Hello! Could I get a Steve o x fem reader friends to lovers smut where he and the reader grew up in the same town and used to be rlly close besties. Y/N rlly liked him but didn’t know how to tell him and she kinda gave up when he left the state to pursue his jackass career. They hadn’t talked in a while but Steve came back to town and they hand out in Y/Ns bedroom, get a lil drunk, eventually confess their love for each other and have passionate sex
I know this is specific I’ve thought about this a lot 💀
For the first time, again [Steve-o x F!Reader]
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gif @rhetter
Desc: Your teenage years were mostly spent hanging out with (and fancying) a rowdy American kid called Steve. That is until he moved back to the US and became a big MTV star. Once he returned to London for a while, you realised you may get to relight the spark that was once there.
A/n: Ok, ok, I know you said state but I decided to make this accurate to his life because I know an absurd amount about Steve-o. Also don’t cringe at the british slang I’m irish so it’s at least a little bit accurate. Hope you still enjoy!!! Awesome request btw
Warnings: Smut (18+), Alcohol, Smoking, p in v
4.2k words
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You always imagined losing your virginity to Steve. He was your weird neighbour that went to the posh private American school down the road. You always thought he was kind of cute but never had the balls to speak to him. That was until you stumbled home drunk from a house party one night when you were sixteen and spotted him outside his house, smoking a fag. Your drunken courage urged you to ask him for a puff. You walked up his steps wordlessly, him looking at you like you had two heads. “Can I bum some of that off you?” You pointed to his cigarette and he handed it to you silently. You took a long drag and exhaled. You introduced yourself and he replied with his name too, Steve. You nodded, “American.” He laughed at the bluntness. “That’s right.” You handed the fag back to him. “How d’ya like London?” He shrugged, “I’ve lived here three years now so, it’s cool I guess.” You chewed your lip. “I don’t want to go to bed yet and my parents are asleep so they won’t notice if I’m back late.” Steve smirked, waiting to see where you were going with this. “Do you want to go for a walk or something?” It had to be 1am at this point, but Steve smiled, “Sure.”
That night you spent hours walking around the streets where you lived, talking and laughing with your estranged neighbour. He brought his skateboard with him, such an american thing, and taught you how to ride it. You were pretty shit at it, partly because of your intoxication and partly because you just had a terrible balance. He was good, showing off some tricks, no doubt trying to impress you. You found out a lot about him. His parents were uber rich, of course, and he had lived in a bunch of different countries before he moved to the UK for secondary school. He was sixteen like you and was actually really funny. Your only impression of him was the kid who smoked outside his house late at night and skated around town. You were glad to have this night of breaking the ice even if you were kind of tipsy but the cold sobered you up and you realised you might be forming a crush on this kid. You walked home at 6am, before your parents could wake up and notice your absence. You didn’t kiss or anything though there was a bit of an awkward tension that left a lot open. Alas, you said your good nights and headed inside.
After this night, you started hanging out with Steve a lot. He always came up to your bedroom and listened to your records, him playing some stupid Mötley Crue ones you made fun of him for. He bragged about some elaborate story of how he met them, making you laugh. He was a very outgoing kid you found out and eventually you started bringing him along to the house parties you were invited to. He was a hit amongst your friends, he could chug beers like no tomorrow and would start doing ridiculous stunts and tricks to make everyone laugh. Girls were lining up asking if you guys were together but through gritted teeth you told them no. He snogged your friends as you sat and watched from the corner, unable to say a word. He started bringing you to the posh american parties, his friends attempting to flirt with you in their weird american ways. You shut them down, insisting you had a boyfriend. You felt like such a loser when he was getting with all these girls and you sat by waiting for him to come around, but he never did.
Once your friends started talking about shagging boys and losing their virginities you only had one person on your mind. Of course it was Steve, he was the perfect candidate! He was cute and you really fancied him, you were already comfortable with him. He basically lived in your room, as well as you living in his. You thought about it quite a bit, even mustered up a plan to ask him. There was a party on that weekend and you decided you were going to confess to him there that you liked him. You had been best friends for over a year at that point and almost all of your friends had had sex. You knew Steve hadn’t, he told you all about the girls he got with, even though it killed you, not that he noticed. He was pretty clueless in that department and you knew the only way he’d figure out you fancied him is if you just told him straight up. So it was decided, Saturday was the night you were to tell him.
The night rolled around and you were drinking in the kitchen, taking shots for courage and shooing off any guys that tried to talk to you. It occurred to you that you hadn’t seen Steve in a while and once you decided you were tipsy enough to let it spill you went looking for him. “Has anyone seen Steve?” You asked to every person you saw, they all shook their heads except one who mentioned they saw him go upstairs. You thanked them and headed up, opening all the doors and calling out his name. You turned the final door knob, “Ste-“. Your stomach dropped when you saw what was inside. Steve had his shirt off and was on top of your friend, Hannah, under the covers. Steve spun his head around but before you could see his expression you shouted “Sorry!” and slammed the door. Your head was reeling, the alcohol hitting you like a tonne of bricks, or else it was just the pure shock. You ran to the nearest bathroom and threw up in the toilet. You felt hot tears started to form in your eyes and knew you had to get out of there. You stormed out of the house, informing the host you just felt sick and needed to go home.
Once you got home you cried on the floor of your room, feeling so unbelievably stupid. All this time Steve showed almost no signs of interest in you, always talking about other girls who were much prettier than you. Why on earth would he want to have sex with you? You took your makeup off and crawled into bed after about an hour of sobbing when you heard taps at your window. You pulled the curtains open and looked outside. Steve was stood below, a huge grin on his face. He was throwing rocks at your window, something he often did when he wanted to come up late at night. You put on a fake smile to hide your upset and gestured that you’d be one minute. You desperately tried to cover up any signs that you had been crying in your mirror before heading downstairs to let him in.
Steve sat on your bedroom floor as you remained on your bed. He was completely radiant, talking animatedly about how he’d just lost his virginity. You apologised for walking in but he brushed you off, insisting it was fine. He was so happy, completely clueless that you were absolutely crushed, despite being a few metres away from him. “Hannah’s so hot too, god this was just the best night ever.” You faked your best smile, “I’m glad you had a good time.” Steve got up and hugged you tightly, not sensing how awkward and stiff you were being. “Sorry you had to go home, I missed you tonight.” You nodded, “Yeah, just wasn’t feeling the best.” Steve left a little while later, a practical skip in his step when heading out. You decided then and there that you were going to give up. Steve didn’t like you and that was final, you were to swallow any urges you once had and get over it.
This worked out fairly well for you, another year had passed and you and Steve were still best friends. Hannah was his girlfriend now and you both got on well. Hannah had no idea about your old crush on Steve so you never held anything against her. You still spent nights listening to records and watching stupid slashers and horror b movies. Nothing much had changed though you’d be lying if you said you didn’t still have feelings for Steve. Sometimes you’d stare at him for a prolonged amount of time, or leave accidental lasting touches. He, of course, didn’t think of these gestures as anything more than friendly but you knew your heart still felt for him. Graduation was nearing and Steve started acting a little different. When you confronted him about his awkward behaviour whenever you brought up leaving school he finally confessed. Steve told you he was going to move back to the US after he graduated and go live with his sister in Florida. Your heart sank like an anchor. “You’re leaving?!” He looked at you apologetically, great sadness in his eyes. You shook your head, “You can’t leave! What about our plans? We were supposed to get a flat and, and work in the pub!” Steve stopped your rambling and hugged you tightly. You were shocked, tears falling down your cheeks silently. You gave up and hugged him back, burying your face into his neck, letting the waterworks start. “You can’t leave.” You repeated in a whisper. He shushed you and rubbed your head, tears falling down his cheeks too. “I’ll see you again.”
* * *
Almost ten years had passed since Steve left for the States and a lot had changed. You were living in a flat nearby to where you grew up and were working in a dull office job. Meanwhile, Steve was now going by Steve-o and was a famous MTV star, making a name for himself by being a total ‘jackass’. You hadn’t been in contact with Steve for years after he stopped calling. Well you hadn’t called either so I guess it was a fault on both parts. You came across him again while channel flicking on a random Sunday. Seeing the boy who used to sit on your bedroom floor every night drinking a goldfish and throwing it back up almost sent you into cardiac arrest. However it didn’t much surprise you that Steve managed to make a career out of doing the most idiotic stuff possible. You weren’t sure if you should call him or not but figured the number would no longer be his. There was no way he was still living in Florida what with this new found fame. Instead you opted to tuning in every Sunday to see your old best friend hurt himself in dumb ways.
Less than a year later you were in your local pub, having drinks with your old friends. It was your round next and so you went up to the bar to order for everyone. “Well, well, well.” You heard a familiar american voice say behind you. You spun around quickly, and there he was in all his glory. Stephen Fucking Glover. “Steve!” You shouted, lurching forward and bringing your old friend in for a tight hug. You were beaming from ear to ear, pulling away to take him in. “Or should I say Steve-o?!” he laughed. You shook your head in disbelief, “What are you doing back in London?! When did you fly in?” He scratched the back of his head nervously. “Last night, I’m here filming for-“ “Jackass!” You cut him off, holding his shoulders and smiling brightly. “You watch it?” Steve asked, slightly shocked. You nodded enthusiastically, “I tune in every Sunday for you! You’re fucking famous now!” You bashed his arm playfully. “I always knew you’d be famous for doing something stupid.” He smiled knowingly, nodding his head. “Well I’m here with some of the guys from the show if you wanna say hi.” Your eyes widened and you grinned.
You pointed Steve out to your friends as you were lead through the pub to where his friends were and they all gasped, you gesturing them over. Steve introduced you to the star of the show, Johnny Knoxville who shook your hand and called you sweetheart. You blushed at his attempt to flatter you, (it worked) but you figured one of your friends would flirt with him for the night instead, your only interest being catching up with your long lost best friend. Next Chris Pontius flashed his familiar smile at you and Jeff Tremaine nodded and smiled politely in your direction. There were a couple of other members of the crew with them. Steve told you they’d be filming there for the next week but before he could give you more information, your friends welcomed Steve and brought him in for a big hug. He was the major event at all of your teen parties anyhow.
You spent the night sharing a table with Steve’s Jackass friends who were more than happy to house some pretty girls you brought along. You didn’t care much to speak to the guys that were on your TV every weekend and instead talked to Steve the whole time about everything he’d been up to since he left for Florida. He told you about big brother magazine and clown school and eventually how he ended up on international television flipping onto elephant shit. When it got to talking about your life since, it became a bit bleak. You had a good job and a decent flat and were still in touch with your old friends, but you felt so inconsequential compared to what Steve made of himself. “I’m just so proud of you.” You spoke from your heart, Steve blushing and thanking you. Time went by fast when you were reminiscing and catching up with an old friend and eventually the pub was closing. The rest of the gang were going to head back to the hotel they were staying at to prolong the party a little longer but the idea didn’t appeal to you. “Hey Steve, my parents are away right now and I know where they hide their spare key… how bout it? For old times sake?” Steve flashed you the smile you waited so long to see again and so you spilt from the group, despite being the glue that actually held the two together but they already seemed pretty acquainted. You waved them off and headed in the direction of your old houses on foot, you were at the pub you used to go to in your teen years after all.
The whole walk you reminisced on all the good memories, you pointing to the corner Steve taught you how to skate in the night you first spoke and him pointing out a bin you threw up in after a night out. You laughed and smiled, swearing you hadn’t grinned that wide since he left in the first place. Steve stood silently once you got to your house, placing his hand on the brick wall that split your gardens apart. Another family had moved in since Steve’s parents returned to the US and it all seemed pretty bittersweet, the nostalgia. You fished the spare key out of a plant pot and got to work unlocking the door. You let Steve in and followed after him. “God it all looks so different.” Steve touched your parent’s walls, admiring all the new pictures that decorated it, some childhood ones still remaining. He smiled sweetly before heading up the stairs. When you let him into your old bedroom he sighed, “Now this is exactly how I remember it.” You laughed and nodded. You didn’t touch any of your posters or records after Steve left, with you going to Uni and all. He sat on your bedroom floor and started flicking through your records again, well the ones you left behind. “Where’s all the Mötley Crue I left you?!” Steve couldn’t bring all of his records with him to Florida so handed you down all of his old ones, not that you particularly wanted them or anything. “They’re at my flat.” Sure you weren’t the biggest Mötley Crue fan, and Steve knew that, you just kept them because they reminded you of him. Steve turned around and gave you a knowing smile. “You know you don’t have to sit on my floor anymore, something tells me you’re too old for that now.” You gestured for Steve to sit with you on the bed before heading downstairs to rob some of your Dad’s beers. “Now it’s really the good old days!” He laughed when you handed him a can of lager.
The two of you drank beer after beer, still laughing and talking into the night. It was 3am now and you were drunker than earlier, feeling a bit risky. Steve was reminding you of all the stupid stunts he did to impress your crowd, confirming he had hardly changed since those days. Then he launched into stories of girls, saying it was funny to see your old friends at the pub seeing as he had snogged all of them. You bit back a laugh and shook your head. “What?” Steve asked, a little confused at your smirking. “No, no, it’s nothing.” Steve shook his head, moving closer to you on the bed. “What’s so funny?” You let your drunkenness take over. “You remember the night you lost your virginity to Hannah?” Steve narrowed his brows, trying to understand where you were going with this. “Well… yeah?” You downed the rest of your can anxiously. “That night, I was looking for you, that’s why I accidentally walked in.” Steve nodded but then shook his head, “I remember, but whats that got to do with anything?” You leaned in to whisper in Steve’s ear, “I was going to tell you I liked you that night.” You pulled away and plonked down on your bed, hiding your face in your hands and groaning in embarrassment. “What?!” Steve was bewildered, facing towards you and pushing you to tell him more. “I had this whole stupid plan, I was going to confess and then we’d head back to mine and take each other’s virginities or something. It’s humiliating I know.” Steve shook his head and pulled your hands away from your face, leaning over you and looking deep into you eyes. He spoke your name quietly, “If you had told me you liked me earlier, I would’ve dropped anyone for you.” Your cringe expression fell, your heart swelling and your cheeks turning scarlet. You sat up so Steve was still in front of you but so you weren’t in such an awkward position. “Are you serious?” Steve almost laughed, “I liked you the moment you asked to bum some of my cigarette. I just always thought you would never date someone like me.” You shook your head, “You got with every girl under the sun?” He smiled, “I only got with those girls to show you I was cool, the only girl I cared about was you.” You were in disbelief, shaking your head a little. “You wanted to lose your virginity to me?” He asked, his voice a low whisper. You nodded your head. “Well let’s do it.” You laughed, “Look Steve, I appreciate your romanticism but I have actually managed to have sex in the last decade.” He shook his head, a hint of a smile evident on his face. “No I mean let’s do it over, for the first time, again.” You looked at Steve so lovingly. It was beyond you that a guy like him could say something so profound and beautiful. But he was your Steve.
It didn’t take long for you to close the gap between the two of you, smashing your lips against his for the first time. Although you hadn’t done it before, and you hadn’t even seen him for almost ten years, it all felt natural. You moved together in sync, soft and slow, wanting to take it all in. You could taste the lager and cigarettes in his mouth but you didn’t care. You just needed him to touch you. You brought Steve’s hands to hold your waist, him then moving to lay you down to get on top of you. He held your face as you kissed, the tenderness causing you to whimper. You pulled away from the kiss to tear your shirt off and you pulled at Steve’s to do the same. For the first time, Steve revealed all his new idiotic tattoos you had only seen on screen. You would’ve laughed if the moment didn’t seem so important, instead brushing the pads of your fingers over the ink and continuing to kiss him. You could feel Steve’s hands move down to undo your jeans and yours moved down too to mess with his buckle. Once he zipped yours down, he helped you shimmy them off, leaving you in your underwear in front of your best friend. Steve moved up and kissed your breasts, fondling them gently. He came up to your face and kissed you some more while attempting to zip his jeans down. He pulled away to kick them off. He took his wallet out of his pocket and removed a condom. Your breath hitched, your teenage dream was coming true before your eyes, even if it was ten years late. “Can i take these off?” Steve whispered, hooking his fingers around the band of your panties and you nodded, helping kick them off as well. You crossed your legs in embarrassment for being so exposed but Steve kissed your knees, insisting it was okay and he could stop at any time. You bit your lip as Steve pulled his cock out of his boxers, removing them too. You had heard rumours that Steve had a big dick through word of mouth and… they weren’t half wrong. Steve kneeled up on your bed, slotting between your legs, putting the condom on. You reached around your back and unclasped your bra without him even having to ask. Steve sighed before even entering you, taking your image in. “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to see you like this.” He whispers. “Me too.” You replied, unsure if that even made sense but you were too desperate for his touch to care.
Steve leaned over you and held his arm beside your head to support himself before pushing into you, slowly. You moaned at the sensation as Steve groaned, his breathing getting heavy already. After a moment of adjusting, Steve began thrusting at a steady pace. Your whimpers and whines becoming louder the faster he went. You couldn’t really believe Steve was having sex with you in your teen bedroom, a fantasy you hadn’t replayed in years. You know what they say, time makes the heart grow fonder and that rang true for you. Looking back, an awkward first time with Steve probably wouldn’t be half as enjoyable as it was now. You both knew what you were doing and the tipsiness heightened your senses. All that time apart seemed to manifest into the tenderness of the sex, like it was brewing up during those years. Your sounds were music to Steve’s ears, his heart swelling at the fact it was him making you do that. He kissed your neck softly and groaned into your ear as he came closer to the edge, your orgasm building with his. You brought Steve’s face back up and kissed him again, though it was hard now that you were moaning into his mouth. Soon enough, Steve began thrusting faster, his orgasm fast approaching as well as yours. His pants and grunts became quicker, in time with his movements, the speed causing you to grip onto his shoulders tightly. One more thrust and you were tumbling off, pleasure spreading through your whole body as you came, moaning Steve’s name as you did. You clenched around him sending Steve straight off the edge right after you. His hips stuttered and he grasped yours tightly, moaning properly as he finished.
You remained still for a moment, Steve still inside you, both of you trying to catch your breaths. Steve brushed your hair off your face and leaned in to kiss you again. “That was amazing.” He whispered, pulling away to kiss your face all over. You giggled, pushing Steve off of you. He pulled out and you both whimpered at the sensation. He dumped the condom in the bin and threw one of your old band t shirts at you along with an old pair of underwear you left behind. You muttered a thanks and put them on, Steve slipping his boxers back on to clamber into bed with you. He held you to his chest and kissed the top of your head sweetly. “So was that all you imagined it to be?” He asked, making you laugh. You turned your head and looked up at the boy you had dreamed of for years. “Better. Just a little late.” He laughed at that and planted a kiss to your temple. You drifted off in your teenage bedroom, your teenage dream holding you to his chest, all was well.
@jackussy420 @gnarkillknoxville @lovexjoe @ckygetsjobs @spoookyberry
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gocryaboutitt · 2 years ago
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Credit for 3 of the gifs: @rhetter
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leechhealer · 3 years ago
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leechhealer · 3 years ago
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leechhealer · 3 years ago
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leechhealer · 3 years ago
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Jeff Tremaine & Johnny Knoxille, 2005 Jackass: Where Are They Now?
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leechhealer · 3 years ago
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leechhealer · 3 years ago
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leechhealer · 3 years ago
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leechhealer · 3 years ago
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leechhealer · 3 years ago
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Belinda Carlisle, 1981 The Go-Go's - Our Lips Are Sealed
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leechhealer · 3 years ago
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leechhealer · 3 years ago
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leechhealer · 3 years ago
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leechhealer · 3 years ago
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