#rhea costa
stylestream · 6 days
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Gina Torres | Rhea Costa dress | Emmy Awards | 2024
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REBEL WILSON at the BFI London Film Festival Luminous Gala on September 29th 2022 wearing RHEA COSTA
Rebel looked great in this hot pink dress. I think the bright color looked amazing on her. I loved the draping of the top. It was a beautiful dress and looked amazing on Rebel. I loved the material of the dress and how it looked depending on how the light hit it. The shoes felt a little old and bland. However, I thought the handbag was gorgeous.
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Ana Stefanescu in beautiful white lace dress by Rhea Costa. #summervibe
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sophs-style · 8 months
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Giulia Latini (wearing Rhea Costa) at the 'Lubo' premiere at the 2023 Venice International Film Festival on Thursday (7th September) in Venice, Italy.
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herpsandbirds · 6 days
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Thicket Tinamou (Crypturellus cinnamomeus), family Tinamidae, order Tinamiformes, Costa Rica
The tinamous are an ancient group of birds, related to ratites (ostriches, rheas, emus, and cassowaries).
Though they are not strong flyers, they are capable of flight.
They are shy and secretive birds.
photograph by Gary Lowry
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at1nys-blog · 8 months
San Valentine
Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x Rhea Costa (OC)
Summary: Zoro is sure Sanji could help him find the perfect Valentine's gif for Rhea, turns out the cook doesn't really know what she likes or not
A/N: based on an idea while creating my very first op's OC; also this is kinda different from what I am used to write I hope you like it as much as the rest of my ffs; also I’ll put at the end a pic of the dagger because I described it poorly since I never had to describe a weapon before.
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Zoro didn't understand how Rhea Costa seemed so comfortable around him, I mean the swordman tried to kill her the first time they met.
Zoro remembered the events of that day as if it was just yesterday:
Shiki's palace on fire, him running to get to the laboratory to take down the enemy. He remembered pretty clearly when he turned the wrong corner and eneded up in the room she was working.
Due to a natural instinct, Rhea Costa jumped out her seat and in a second she threw one of her daggers to the pirate, Zoro dodged but he had to admit her tecnique was pretty impressive.
"Who are you?" Zoro made a note, the girl was the type to act first, ask later. He liked it. The pirate didn't answer, he just looked around to find the doctor of the enemy crew but nothing. "Cat got your tongue? Why are you not answering my question?" she added, tired of the lack of communication, but still…nothing.
She scoffed, rolling her eyes at the green haired guy, the girl thought it was going to be a waste of time, she had a job to do if she didn't want to get killed for not obbeying.
"Where is the damn lab?" the swordman said, a whisper but Rhea cought it still. Why on eart the ene... OOOOHHHH, probably he was there to kill him.
The Devil Fruit user pondered if she wanted to help him, she didn't knew anything about the intruder, she just knew he had green hair, black eyes and three swords... Wait, three swords? For real?
Curios about the pirate, Rhea decided to follow behind him. She knew she was going to be punished for that but under attack, Shiki could have thought she followed the enemy to try and save her captain, yeah as if.
The man found the doctor, and was engaged in a deep battle that he didn't notice the girl behind him, nor when the three of them ended up in the back yard of the castle due to a blast of wind created by the movements of a pair of wings.
Shit, Rhea thought, the timing was so wrong but all that chaos triggered her devil fruit power and now, she was a fucking white dragon with a pair of wings. Zoro looked at the animal for a moment, then when he noticed a frozen Chopper and Usopp he tried to bring his nakamas back to reality and asked for a little help.
"ARE YOU SERIOUS????" started Usopp, tears flooding down his cheeks. "Is a dragon we are talking about, what am I supposed to do?" the vice-captain scoffed, was it possible for the snipper to be more coward than that? Maybe yes.
"I guess I have to do it myself" he said and was about to slash the animal if Chooper didn't warn him about the enemy trying to escape the conflict, it was an instinct, or so Zoro hoped to be honest.
Rhea, charged her abuser, taking him from the collar of his shirt with her claws and throwing him back in front of the green haired pirate. Another curse word came to mind when the girl felt her power wearing off. She felt way more lighter, no pressure on her spine, meaning the wings were not there anymore.
She was going to hit the floor if it wasn't for a blonde guy in a black suit (Rhea learned later on his name was Sanji) and heart shaped eyes? Rhea questioned if this crew had a normal member or if everyone were as particular as those two, not having left her place as the doctor assistant she couldn’t tell.
The two of them landed next to the compulsive liar and deer, Rhea trying to catch her breath and the the two new presences scared of her.
"Wasn't she beautiful even as a dragon?" said the blonde guy, still heart shaped eyes present on his features. She ignored him, she wanted to see how the battle downstair was going and for what she was able to see the nameless guy had the upper hand.
She was excited, finally someone strong enough to take him down, finally a free pass to run away from her abuser and that stupid crew Shiki had going on.
In the background the devil fruit user could hear, even though just as a whisper, the three guys arguing about something. Rhea didn't care, she was too much into knowing who was going to win.
A hand waved in front of Zoro's face, Rhea Costa had being trying to get his attention for the past five minutes but the second in command was too preoccupied remembering their encounter to notice.
"I swear you are always in your little world. Sanji wanted to talk to you" she added. Zoro didn't move, to focused on how her face tattoo-a symbol of her tribe-looked so sophisticated. The swordman couldn't understand it, they were just some lines and dots all over her face and yet they looked like the most beautiful thing he ever layed eyes on. "Are you listening? Sanji is calling for you, is urgent"
He scoffed, what was so urgent to get him called while resting from his endless training? He thanked her, and walked into the kitchen.
Zoro was met with a smocking Sanji, the man waved away the smoke of the cigarette annoyed of the smell. He didn't mind the cook smoking in his habitat, but is was pretty annoying for him.
"What" one word only, what else was he supposed to say?
"You know we are going to stay here for just three days, right?" okay, the information given to the swordman was not of help, why would he care about how many days they are staying on the island? "and you know that to get to the next one is going to take us, like a couple of weeks, right?" again, what was his point? Zoro couldn't undesrstand it. Black Leg Sanji scoffed, adressing his crew mate as an idiot.
"Ohi, just get to the point. I don't see one yet." he was growing impatiente, what was with Sanji and his beating around the bush? "you know if is not that important, I will be going back to my training" and it was here that Sanji kicked him in the back of the head. "OHI! What was that for?"
"St. Valentine is in 5 days. If you don't get Rhea something here, you are going to be weeks late" nothing, the notion was not getting into Zoro's thick skull at all. St. Valentine? Why would he buy her something? The two crew mates were not a thing and probably never would. "Oh so you got her something already?" the blondie hoped so, because if it wasn't like that Zoro was a total idiot. The most idiotic person the cook ever saw in his life.
"No I didn't and I don't see why I should" Sanji wanted to hit the pirate once more, just one more time to make him understand his point of view.
"So you are telling me, you are not going to give your crush anything for St. Valentine?" The pirate had to rub his face on his palms to keep calm or chaos was going to unleash in seconds. "I really don't understant what she sees in you, dumb marimo." the insult was free, or so Zoro thought. What was wrong in not doing a move on the most romantic day of the year? He really didn't want to do it.
"what if she doesn't feel the same?" it wasn't meant for the cook to hear but Zoro's doubts were now of public domain, shit.
"Ar... I am sorry, did you not understand what I just told you? Oh my god you are so dense." Sanji culdn't stand up no more, he was loosing his balance due to how stupid Zoro was being. "What part of 'I don't understand what she sees in you' do you not understand?" it took the green haired pirate some minutes to connect the dots, and when he did he started to panic.
His mind raced into milion of thoughts. Was he supposed to buy her flowers? No, he knew she couldn'y keep them alive. Maybe a book? Nah, it was just going to be a waste of money and he was already in huge debts with Nami. Chocolates? He remembered she didn't like sweets too much. What was the perfect gift for someone as simple as Rhea?
"Luckily for you, I have some ideas in mind." oh no, that was going to get ugly.
Zoro was right, choosing a present, with Sanji felt like a quest. The two pirates went into all the clothes shops but ended up kicked out of all of them due to the bickering: Sanji was sure that Rhea would love the dress he picked; Zoro wasn't sure. The color was neither her favorite nor a good choice with her skin or hair color.
Moving to the libraries once again the two Mugiwaras argued about getting a book for the girl. Zoro reminded the cook Rhea was not into reading as much as he thought.
"But I always see her reading?" the man was confused, every time he passed by her she had her nose up into a different book.
"She uses Robin's books to fall asleep. How can you not notice?" that was a low blow, how could someone like Roronoa Zoro notice such small details about her and not him? Was this the side effect of love?
"Okay, then what would be a good present for her?" Zoro didn't had to think too hard, it was easy, very easy. "Daggers?"
"Daggers" he repetead, smiling.
Entering the shop, the two pirates went straight to the daggers section: Sanji was searching for something elegant, sophisticated and graceful; Zoro something practical for combat and that she would like.
"this is so nice" Zoro's left eye twiched, it was a nice dagger, but it wasn't right for her. Inspecting the object he just put it back and told Sanji to search better. "a hint of what should I pick?"
"Practical and with her favourite color" a moment of silence. "Blue. Blue is her favorite color"
"I know" Sanji said annoyed.
The blond pirate was grewing frustated, nothing that he picked was a good choice. He started to think Zoro was doing it on purpose but no. Everything was not good enough. Some were the right size but the colors? The worst one he saw on a dagger; if the color got his attention, the size and the shape weren't a fit for Rhea.
"Just pick anything already" the cook said, but Zoro didn't hear him, the verbal information flew over his head when he finally saw it. The perfect dagger was laying under his nose.
"Is this from Alabasta?" it was and he was so happy to know that. His mind went back to the conversation him and Rhea had some days ago, she told him how she really wanted one of those curved daggers from Alabasta, with fancy details and bright gems all over the handler and now he had one in his hands.
The size was perfect for her, it wasn't too small neither too big to look like a katana of his; the blade was lightly curved, he thought it wasn't a bad features, he recalled how she told him she was not used to the ones with a crescent form; the handler was blue and richly composed with gold patterns all over. What got his attention was the head of a tiger at the top of the handler.
"This is perfect" he was sure, 100% sure that was the best choice for a new dagger to gift her. Sanji was still not convinced.
"What does not convince you?" asked Zoro, he was so tired and the only thing he wanted to do was buying the dagger and go back on the Sunny.
"is just...Are you sure?"
"Look, this one has everything, is from Alabasta, is curved, has her favorite color and animal. I am 100% sure is the best choice" wow, Sanji never saw the green haired like this. He was really into Rhea. Sanji took a deep breath and let the friend do as he thought was the best.
The day was finally here but everyone acted as always, I mean it wasn't a big deal since there was not a single couple on the ship, but still, Zoro felt like something was going in the wrong way. He started to think if that was the best option at the market.
"I swear you are always in your little world. Why are you not celebrating with the others?" shit, he had to think of an excuse but nothing came to mind, he wanted to back down. The idea to gift her a dagger from Alabasta at the end sounded so stupid, maybe he had to listen to Sanji for once. "ah before I forget, here a little present. Is nothing special but.." the pirate snatched the box from her hands in a second and he wasted no time and opened it.
He was perplexed, why a blue bandana? He already had one and it was not in need to be replaced yet, so why? What was she thinking while buying it?
"I know, blue is not your color but" she stopped for a second, too embaraced maybe. "is stupid but, I wanted you to have something that reminds you of me, you know in case we are to be separated" he smiled, knowing he had won a little battle against the romantic gestures of Sanji.
Zoro reassured her it wasn't stupid at all, and then handed her a bigger box himself.
"When I saw it I thought it was the per..."
"Oh my god I love it. Thank you Zoro." she hugged him, not thinking if he felt comfortable or not about the physical contact, she was just too happy to realize what was happening. "I am totally gonna use this from now on." she added.
"Glad you liked it." he said and watched her jumping out the kitchen, all happy about the little weapon. Zoro tied the kerchief around Shusui with a proud smile on his face.
She was happy with the blade and he was happy for that.
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bitsmag · 1 year
Tracklist da trilha do filme Barbie estreia com Dua Lipa
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Veja o primeiro clipe das trilha do filme E já está disponível em todas as plataformas de streaming a tracklist da trilha do filme Barbie. A trilha vem com artistas da Atlantic Records, selo da gravadora Warner.  O primeiro single é Dance The Night, de Dua Lipa, com produção de Mark Ronson, Andrew Wyatt e os irmãos Picard.  O videoclipe tem participação da diretora de Barbie, Greta Gerwig. Além do hit de Dua Lipa, que também faz participação especial no filme, tem faixas de artistas como Lizzo, Nicki Minaj, Tame Impala, Haim, Charli XCX e muitos outros.  Uma das faixas tem vocais do ator Ryan Gosling que faz o Ken no filme. A trilha sonora do álbum foi produzida e supervisionada pelo presidente da Costa Oeste da Atlantic Records, Kevin Weaver, também produtor da trilha sonora de projetos de The Greatest Showman, Suicide Squad, Daisy Jones & The Six, Birds Of Prey, Furious 7, The Fault in Our Stars e The Fate of the Furious) e pelo EVP da Atlantic Records e co-chefe de Pop/Rock A&R, Brandon Davis. Nomeado pela Rolling Stone como um “guru da trilha sonora”, Weaver é vencedor do Grammy, além de ter também cinco indicações ao prêmio. Dirigido por Greta Gerwig, Barbie é estrelado por Margot Robbie, Ryan Gosling, America Ferrera, Kate McKinnon, Issa Rae, Rhea Perlman e Will Ferrell. O filme também é escrito por Greta Gerwig e por Noah Baumbach, baseado em Barbie da Mattel. O filme será distribuído mundialmente pela Warner Bros. Pictures e lançado nos cinemas internacionalmente a partir de 19 de julho de 2023.  https://youtu.be/OiC1rgCPmUQ Read the full article
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Name: Mx. Whit Da Costa Color: Pansy Purple #78184a Symbol: rooster Strife Specibus: woodwindkind Handle: catsCalibrator Animal: reptile Pronouns: it/its and they/them Age: 14 Birthday: 59th day of the year Sexuality: aromantic Interests: shoemaking and ticket collecting Dream Moon: derse Classpect: Mage of Breath Land: Land of Whispering and Melody, an elated place, with tasty Bibron's Gecko consorts. It is a place full of deserts and floating isles. Rhea knows despair. Instrument: sourdine via homestuck-human-generator https://ift.tt/7J0US2k
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ruched · 3 years
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Rhea Costa
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sneekpeekinspired · 5 years
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Rhea Costa MIDI WRAPPED DRESS-$651.78
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thefashioncomplex · 6 years
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Angela Sarafyan wears Rhea Costa at the 12th Women in Film Oscar Nominees Party in Los Angeles on February 22, 2019 (Getty)
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stylestream · 5 years
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Sophie Nelisse | Rhea Costa Pre-Fall 2019 dress | 47 Meters Down: Uncaged Los Angeles Premiere | 2019
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Rhea Costa
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crazy4tank · 4 years
Fantastic Globes After-Parties 2020: Sequins, Sheers, and Statement Masturbator sleeves
Fantastic Globes After-Parties 2020: Sequins, Sheers, and Statement Masturbator sleeves
Start Slideshow At least one EXTREMELY unexpected sartorial event is just around the corner within. Plus: Some AWFUL beading, some AMAZING beading, at least one cape, a serious caftan, probably more people through One Woods Hill compared to anticipated, and DEFINITELY more individuals from the CW  90210 than expected. [Photos:  Matt Baron/Shutterstock, John Salangsang/Shutterstock,…
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365dressestome · 7 years
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2017′s Best Red Carpet Dresses  355/365 
Chrissy Teigen In Rhea Costa -- GQ Party
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misslacito · 6 years
Jenna Dewan
Ya sabéis que me encanta el estilo de Jenna Dewan. Desde que finalizó el programa de baile la vemos más bien poco. Espero que dentro de nada tenga diferentes proyectos en los que trabajar. De momento, vamos a ver sus últimas apariciones!
Adriana Iglesias, Sophia Webster y Aurate.
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