#reylo role reversal
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Rating Mature
The Sequel Trilogy reimagined with smuggler Ben Solo reluctant to take on the family mantle of Jedi in the fight against the mysterious Kira Ren and the diabolical First Order...
Chapter Summary
After Finley and BB-8 escape the First Order on Jakku with the help of the mysterious Solo aboard the Millennium Falcon, they begin to get to know each other. However, they aren't out of danger yet...
Once they were safely speeding away from the Jakku orbit, Solo excitedly unbuckled his seatbelt and hurried back to meet Finley, racing past BB-8, who was retracting its safety restraint. Finley, adrenalized, climbed from the turret and met Solo in the lounge of the Falcon. "So, what's your name, sweetheart?" Solo asked Finley. "And why was the First Order after you?" Finley ignored the pet name. "My name is Finley. Finn if you like." "I like," Solo grinned, moving closer to her. "I'm with the Resistance," Finley continued, almost like a warning. She didn't like the way he was staring at her. BB-8 beeped at her questioningly. Solo cocked an eyebrow. He read her with his intense eyes, almost as if he was peering into her soul... "Sure you are," Solo finally said, stepping even closer to her. Finley sidestepped him before he could get any closer. "Okay... well... what's your name? Or do I just call you 'Solo'?" Solo leaned his arm against the wall where she just stood. "You can call me whatever you want." Finley tilted her head. The man was persistent. "How about 'Creepy'?" Solo blinked, and then laughed, stepping back from her, hands raised in mock surrender. "Okay! Okay! I get it! I'll stop, alright?" "Your name?" Finley pressed, raising her eyebrows. "My name is Ben. Ben Solo."
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#star wars#reylo#rey#ben solo#reylo fanfiction#reylo role reversal#reylo smut#dark rey#rey palpatine#sith rey#supreme leader rey#jedi ben solo#smuggler ben solo#finn star wars#female finn#poe dameron#bb 8#luke skywalker#leia organa#supreme leader snoke#armitage hux#chewbacca#han solo#rose tico#emperor palpatine#knights of ren#legacy of the force#force bond#force dyad#adam driver
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I love this ❤️❤️❤️
Aesthetic for You, Me and a Starlight Class Light Freighter written by toskaache
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20 Questions (for Fanfic Writers)
Thank you for the tag, @cindle-writes! 😍 I'll tag @duplicitywrites, @perhaps-sunlight, and @aglassroseneverfades! Feel free to ignore, of course. 😌
how many works do you have on ao3? 23 (14 are Tomarry)
what's your total ao3 word count? 890,894
what fandoms do you write for? Harry Potter, currently! I've written Reylo in the past (part of that wordcount, haha).
top five fics by kudos: Narrowing it down to just Tomarry, they are, in order: Love, Murder, Horcrux, Still Into You, In Our Bed of Ink, Pledged, and 7!
do you respond to comments? Yup! 🥰
what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Angstiest...? IDK, I don't write angsty endings, lmao. LMH? It had an open ending.
what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? A Sky Full of Stars! Man, it was fluffy, haha.
do you get hate on fics? lol
do you write smut? Ya, like, a lot of it, but not exclusively.
craziest crossover? I don't have one!
have you ever had a fic stolen? Nope!
have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! LMH has a translation. 😌
have you ever co-written a fic before? I am pleased to present War Prize, a Vee Wins AU co-write with @duplicitywrites!
all time favorite ship? Tomarry
what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Um. No comment.
what are your writing strengths? Dialogue/emotion (from what I've been told).
what are your writing weaknesses? Repetitive words/sentences is my biggest weakness. Pacing is another. I think the latter usually turns out okay, but it can be a bitch sometimes!
thoughts on dialogue in another language? Use it sparingly.
favorite fic you've written? Oh, it's so hard to decide. 😭I'll promote one I haven't mentioned here yet, which is Anytime, Anywhere, Always, a role reversal AU! 💕
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Have you seen the recent Adam driver interview re: redeemed Ben solo never being part of the original plans? Apparently JJs idea as pitched to Adam was 'reverse Vader' who begins the trilogy all uncertain and vulnerable and becomes super evil by the third film 😂 considering the mess that was duel of the fates, I'm not surprised. Adam said he was still 'focused' on JJs original arc even though it changed over shooting. Which is baffling to me, because even in TFA you can't seriously believe this character could go stone cold uber sinister. It's terrible how so many good things in the sequel trilogy are there in spite of tptb, not because of them!
I haven't and honestly at this point I don't even want to hear anything else about what a complete fucking shitshow of stupidity and sociopathy this whole production was.
The idea that TFA isn't setting up a redemption is so absurd to me that I'm not even going to entertain it. I don't believe that even JJ is that incompetent, and his commentary plus TROS indicates that he did absolutely understand that Ben must be reclaimed despite his total disregard for the themes and message of SW. So whatever Adam was talking about, I don't know, and I'm not going to listen to this interview to try to figure it out because I'm tired. Maybe he's referring to the earliest ideas where Kylo Ren wasn't the same person as Han and Leia's child?
But in that case I just cannot imagine why they wanted to cast him in that role.
Leaving aside that the entire concept of a 'reverse Vader' is the stupidest shit I've ever heard, because that was a) literally the prequel trilogy, b) antithetical to SW as anything other than a prelude to a subsequent redemption, and c) SO FUCKING BORING. I know this isn't the first time Adam has mentioned this, but it only sounds more stupid the more clear he makes it that they mean 'the opposite of the ending of RotJ'. Which is just 'the ending of every fucking American action movie fucking ever'. Like putting a 'spin' on Vader by having him NOT REDEEM HIMSELF is just called 'being like everyone else' and 'taking away literally the most compelling thing about Vader'.
I need these boring, unimaginative HACKS to fuck off. Like, the idea that JJ's pitch for TFA was 'worse, more boring, less visually creative, less meaingful, more shallow remake of ANH but also we will ruin the heart and soul of the story and make it like all the libertarian slop it literally existed in order to stand against'.
I saw someone say that it's also come out that the reylo connection was Kasdan's idea, which I feel vindicated by bc I've been saying I bet it was forever. But again, JJ was on board for it and knew what he was doing with the imagery in TFA. He is not so incompetent that he didn't understand he was creating romantic subtext. And text.
But like, I'm just so done with these fucking people. That ANYONE at that company much less apparently EVERYONE?? thought it was remotely acceptable to use SW to tell the story of any character whatsoever who was humanised and sympathetic and relatable to children falling into darkness and becoming ''''''irredeemable'''''' MUCH LESS the LAST SKYWALKER, the HOPE AND HAPPY ENDING OF ROTJ, HAN AND LEIA'S LOVE, PADMÉ'S LOVE, the atonement and reconciliation of Darth Vader is just FUCKING BANANAPANTS to me.
George Lucas should fight these people in an alley.
#sw#a tros ity#salt#the fact that they hired Rian by accident and he was the only person on the Disney lot who understood what SW was#the only person with basic reading comprehension#just put me out of my misery
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Gaslighting by definition in any dictionary means literally convincing an individual or group that something that does take place is all in the imagination of the person/group who witnessed it. The word was coined directly from the Hitchcock film of the same name. In the situation of DisneyLucasfilm and Ben Solo, gaslighting is absolutely taking place. To deny it is to be a gaslighter as well. The Reylo/Ben side of the fandom scattered to the four corners and never recovered after TROS was released and Disney unleashed their wrath on Ben Solo supporters. The original Reylo/Ben fandom on Tumblr is long gone, and the fan artists who migrated to Twitter are among the only people left and they don’t even acknowledge that the fandom still exists on Tumblr due to their own self importance.
Even Adam said in various interviews that people deny exist but they are online for anyone to watch, that he hung up his Kylo costume and will not return. His red carpet interview from TRoS premiere was so successfully hidden by Disney that 99.9% of his fans don’t know he even has one. Unless someone is going to retcon Ben’s death and release the originally filmed version (what was shown in theaters and on dvd is actually reversed film for his final scene), there is no storyline that could possibly work to bring him back. The retcon of the franchise thanks to TROS erased all main points from as far back as The Phantom Menace. While there is a fan theory that he could be in the World Between Worlds, as was mentioned in the original storyboards and supplemental books, disenchanted angry people who left the fandom said that it isn’t possible for him to leave the World Between Worlds without Rey’a assistance when their precious Anakin can and did come and go at will with no consequences. If anyone brings up the possibility, they are ridiculed for not knowing anything about Ben or the Force or the Galaxy Far Far Away. And also that he is the most problematic character who deserved to die. Make it make sense. If Ben and Rey are the sacred Dyad that the movie and fans claim, then it is beyond disrespectful to treat Ben like literal feces under someone’s shoe because they think Anakin is superior. It only makes the fanboys win in the end.
I am one of people who believes in the WBW theory, but we'll just have to wait and see. Many actors have said they'd never return to roles, only to do just that. I hope Adam realizes that for every fan who hates Kylo/Ben there are much more who love the character and would love for him to return. I've seen several youtube videos saying that Ben's turn is the only thing that would save SW at this point and I agree. SW keeps revisiting the same areas in time over and over and it's starting to run thin. The only thing they haven't addressed yet is after TROS and a lot of fans have no interest in anything like that if Ben isn't in it.
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🚀 20 Questions 🚀
Tag game tag game! Thank you @mayarab, your timing is impeccible, for nano is right round the corner (eek!) 🤸♀️
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 words count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Inuyasha and the effervescent No Fandom!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. One Word 2. Homecoming 3. Evermore 4. Members Only 5. Two for the Show
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! Though sporadic, I do try (operative) and respond to all of them. It takes a certain set of variables for me to aquire the spoons, but I get there eventually. As for the why, I just like to say thanks :3
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hm. You caught me. I am a compulsive happy ending built writer.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably One Word? It's the most picket-fenced ending, at the very least.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No. Inuyasha is a drop in the fanfiction ocean, and hate in this realm tends to be an echo, rather than a rabble.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I do! All kinds! Sex positivity is nifty my dudes!
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I do not. Never say never though!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! The lovely @minakok translated One Word into Spanish, and I am eternally grateful for her and those who have had a chance to read it 😭
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Technically, yes! I joined in on an AU art challenge that resulted in InuKag as a Reylo role-reversal piece. One thang led to another and before you know it, @boflicker and I went from brainworming to actualising that into a fic, Irredeemable. I've done a fair few art collabs, but this one is extra special to me; not only is Bo an excellent writer, but a stellar collaborater, and we are very often haunted by this story and it's characters while they're out there in the big wild kicking ass and taking names (love you BoBo) :3
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Gosh. This one is so hard. How ever shall I pick? (deadpan, unserious)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
...lower your voice. I have every intention of finishing everything ever, prommy. Sharing is another question though :3
16. What are your writing strengths?
Characters (question mark) and The Hook(tm), possibly.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Momentum and retaining motivation via associated annoyances.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I mean. Yeah, why not? If it calls for it, it calls for it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Inuyasha! Dated November 2020!
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
One that I haven't posted 🦇
Weeheeeee this was a good finger stretch. I'm gonna tag @inussunflower @sin-and-punishment @moonnue @iam-jacks-redacted-information and anyone else that wants to join! ψ(`∇´)ψ
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Mm I saw your previous answers to the anon who was talking about gothic romance and gender roles. I don’t think that even with solid themes, a light/sun love interest and a dark/shadow female protagonist would do as well as the default. The shadow/darkness are tied to sexuality and the light/sun female protagonist is often an ingenue, sexually inexperienced and the dark/shadow male is a kind of sexual awakening (?). Even so, the woman still tends to be more passive in their sexual relationship…. Something something real women feel shame when it comes to sex, and the big man controlling everything allows them to not feel so guilty. This is sooo overwhelmingly popular in romance stories so I don’t see how the reverse could have something that appeals to women (generally) in a similar way. There’s also a general disgust for sunshine guys in fantasy romance circles. There’s more variation in contemp/romcom. I hope I don’t sound argumentative. I just wanted to share my irrelevant 2 cents
Re: these asks
I think it depends on what you consider success. If we’re only talking about appealing to the subset of people who are like “the female protagonist MUST be barefoot and pregnant by the end of the story otherwise the writers have personally betrayed me” then like… yeah you’re not getting anywhere with them. I’m aware of that though and referenced it in the tags, my suggestion would be to just not cater to that audience if you give a shit about female characters having any agency.
But like liking villain and protagonist dynamics has existed before and beyond that particular audience.
Also I personally feel like Zoyalai and how people enjoy it in the fandom is like… basically only one step removed from the dynamic we’re talking about. Considering how successful that was, and the rip offs of it are, I think there’s a lot of room for similar dynamics with heightened ETL type conflict.
You’re right that the particular migratory DDLG fandom that went from like Reylo to Darklina to Haladriel to Daemyra aren’t going to be game. And I think you’re right in how engagement with these types of ships usually reads. But like there are other people out there who enjoy villains shfgf
Also, I think writing good stories creates trends, creates appeal for them.
#*writer’s cap*#man I don’t want this in any tags if tumblr search gets me istg#step into my office#dark stories of the north
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A Lightyear in your shoes
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/VxdGoqn
by Spiegatrix
A tall figure stops at the wrecked doorway of what’s left of the Tico living pod. For a moment Rose struggles to see. The air is thick with fog, smoke, and just their breaths. She squints as the stranger takes a few steps toward them, and when a tick, wooly great coat is draped around her and her sister’s little bodies, she can only grasp at it eagerly even though she can barely feel her hands anymore.
The face staring at her and Paige belongs to a man in an Imperial uniform. His features are not monstrous like Rose had imagined from the tales of the villagers. He’s a man, a common man with green eyes and a fiery red beard. She had never seen someone like him, and she just stares at him in awe and fear. There’s not an ounce of kindness in his eyes as he lifts Rose in his arms, still wrapped in his coat, and holds her firmly against his hip before offering his free, gloved hand for Paige to grab.
Words: 3586, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of The Citadel Cronicles
Fandoms: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Rose Tico, Armitage Hux, Paige Tico, Brendol Hux, Rey (Star Wars), Ben Solo, Phasma (Star Wars), Finn (Star Wars)
Relationships: Armitage Hux/Rose Tico, minor Rey/Rose - Relationship, Background Reylo - Relationship
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Role Reversal, Canonverse but all good guys are bad guys and (almost) all bad guys are good guys, First Order Rose Tico, First Order Paige Tico, Resistance Hux, Resistance Phasma, Dark!Rey, jedi!ben solo, Mention of Arranged Marriage, mention of breeding, mention of voluntary sterilization, things are pretty dark, Bisexual Rose Tico, Rose Tico Has Issues, Armitage Hux is actually kinda nice, Rough Upbringing, Daddy Issues, Smut, Heavy Angst, Hate Sex, well at least one-sided hate sex, Light Dom/sub, Soft Dom Man/Bratty Sub Woman, Praise Kink, Messy, Rose Tico needs a hug but she'll kill you if you try, GingerroseHub's Gingerrose Week 2023, no beta we die like Brendol, Minor Injuries, Blood
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/VxdGoqn
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(Young Ben Solo & Rey art by @dc9spot. Used with permission)
Rating Mature
The Sequel Trilogy reimagined with smuggler Ben Solo reluctant to take on the family mantle of Jedi in the fight against the mysterious Kira Ren and the diabolical First Order...
Chapter Summary
At Starkiller Base, Kira Ren interrogates Ben Solo for the whereabouts of BB-8's map. However, Ben resists, and in doing so uncovers more about her than he expected...
Ben awoke, disoriented. He was in an angled, upright restraining rig, unable to move. The room he was in was brightly lit, he had to blink to adjust his eyes to the light. He looked around, and was startled to see a cloaked Kira Ren sitting in the corner, hood pulled low, her arms wrapped around her shins. "Where am I?" Ben demanded, straining against the shackles of the rig. "You're my guest," Kira said warmly after a few second's pause. "Where are the others?" Ben asked. "You mean the murderers, traitors and thieves you call friends and family?" Kira replied as Ben stared at her. "You'll be relieved to hear that I have no idea." Ben studied her. This... girl. It was bizarre. She was strong in the Force, and clearly an authority figure... but she sat and spoke like a rebellious, petulant teenager. "You still want to kill me," Kira observed. "I'm thinking about it," Ben admitted. "I typically don't take well to being held hostage, even by pretty young girls. Especially dangerous, pretty young girls." Kira grinned under her hood and stood up. She threw aside her cloak and did a turn for Ben to see. She wore all black: sleeveless turtleneck style shirt, pants, and boots, with a long, black, tunic-like scarf, held in place by a thick waistbelt. On her arms were black wrapping-like arm sleeves, going up about mid-bicep in length. What caught Ben's attention was the hair. Long and brunette, arranged in a distinctive triple bun style. There was no mistaking it. And her energy, that familiar energy... It couldn't be! "Rey?"
Likes ❤️ and Reblogs 🔁 are much appreciated!
#star wars#reylo#rey#ben solo#reylo fanfiction#legacy of the force#reylo role reversal#reylo smut#force bond#force dyad#smuggler ben solo#jedi ben solo#kira ren#dark rey#supreme leader rey#han solo#leia organa#luke skywalker#finn star wars#female finn#poe dameron#rose tico#chewbacca#bb 8#emperor palpatine#supreme leader snoke#knights of ren#armitage hux#daisy ridley#adam driver
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love~
Hi Mir!!
Oooooh okay.
Phantasm - proud of my worldbuilding, and it was my first attempt at horror (reylo)
When You Come Undone - my longest fic to date! (reylo)
Hey, Daughters - the last one-shot in a series. I haven't read it in years but I was so proud of it back then! (captain swan)
Gimme Shelter - okay, so, this is one I never finished and so I haven't posted. But I still like this one. I may post what I have finished at some point. (harringrove)
Tryst - One I wrote because I wanted a role reversal for Rey and Kylo. I had so much fun writing it. (reylo)
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Reylo Week - Role Reversal Mashup Willow
So, I, personally, don’t think there’s a better role reversal mashup for Reylo than Willow’s Sorsha and Madmartigan.
If you’re not familiar with the pairing, I’ll try to explain without spoiling too much!
I would call them a prime example of the enemies-to-lovers trope. In fact, back in the Reylo dark ages (pre-TLJ summer), I actually re-watched Willow with the thought, hey, if it worked for Sorsha and Madmartigan, then Reylo has a chance.
Sorsha is the evil Queen Bavmorda’s warrior daughter. I guess she’s technically a warrior princess, in the way Kylo is a warrior prince.

Queen Bavmorda always reminded of a female Palpatine (guess they’re both from George Lucas’ imagination, right?).

Anyways, Bavmorda sends Sorsha on the quest to find an escaped baby of prophecy that could spell her doom.
Sorta also reminds me of:
Madmartigan is a mercenary swordsman, but in the beginning, he’s only concerned with himself and getting back to what he wants to do.

It takes a little bit for him to step up and be a hero. He was also mostly shirtless before Swolo.

During the Bringing Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge to Life panel Warwick Davis mentioned possible work on Willow 2. I really hope it happens!
#reyloweek2019#reylo#reylo mashup#reylo role reversal#willow mashup#bad photoshop#my star wars diary
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This may be my favorite dark Rey yet...
#dark rey#rey art#star wars art#sith rey#rey of jakku#darth rey#kira ren#darkside rey#reylo role reversal
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@a-nerd-obsessed it's your Kira and Kylo!
This incredible fan art looks like how I imagine Kira Ren and bounty hunter Kylo do in the canon-verse role reversal series Light Rises...and Darkness to Meet It

DAY 2: ROLE REVERSAL @reylo-week-2019
Dark Rey & Ben Solo (with Han’s clothes😆)
#looks like how I imagined them in this fic#light rises and darkness to meet it#i love dark rey so much#ben is so cute here#kira ren#bounty hunter kylo#reylo#reylo role reversal#my favorite color is you#dark rey#burn the whole house down#mfciy#iliwifft#btwhd#reylo art#ben solo#kylo ren#kira ren x ben solo
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