#kira ren x ben solo
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prose-on-prozac · 8 months ago
welcome 2 my rp blog! rules & info are under the cut
( = ⩊ = )ノ
if ur not interested in flowery writing, poetic detail, obscene use of italics n bold, or my really, really bad jokes, then scroll past this!
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→ no minors, 21+ preferred → nsfw n dead dove are okay w me, but they do not have to be okay w you → 3rd person, similar lengths (whether that be long or short), n a basic understanding and use of grammar in actual rp → i write almost every pairing as vers/switch, w few exceptions—that being said, if you are an "♡♡ uwu i only bottom bc im a soft subby boi/gorl n i infantilize the submissive chars ♡♡" person, get the fuck away from meeee → i will write f/f, f/m, and m/m (or things like f/f/m, m/m/f, etc.) → i will write cc x cc or oc x oc (no cc x oc) → if you want to write smthn i havent listed, just ask!
whom i wish to write / whom i wish you to write(*) (* canonically minor-aged characters will obvi be aged up, im a degen not a pdf.file)
bleach → bambietta basterbine / giselle gewelle → mayuri kurotsuchi / kisuke urahara → senjumaru shutara / mayuri kurotsuchi → shinji hirako / sosuke aizen chainsaw man → makima / denji (character study, vibes akin to harada's infamous nii-chan story) dead by daylight → rin yamaoka / any canon killer, esp f ones deathnote → misa amane, teru mikami / light "kira" yagami fullmetal alchemist → oc / oc homestuck → eridan ampora / sollux captor, karkat vantas, other m's hunter x hunter → illumi zoldyck / hisoka morow house of the dragon (game of thrones) → alicent hightower / rhaenyra targaryen → helaena targaryen / aegon, aemond targaryen → alys rivers / aemond targaryen → oc / oc jojo's bizarre adventure → yoshikage kira / jotaro "jojo" kujo my hero academia → himiko toga / ochaco "uravity" uraraka → shigaraki "tenko" shigaraki / touya "dabi" todoroki, bakugo katsuki → katsuki bakugo / shoto todoroki (giving birth alone—NO IM JK) naruto → sasori / kakuzu (let me cook, i will feed u SO well) → neji hyuga / shikamaru nara, sasuke uchiha, other rarepairs/crackships neon genesis evangelion → misato katsuragi / ryoji kaji & ritsuko akagi overwatch → ana amari / jesse mccree, cole cassidy → hana "d.va" song / genji shimada → angela "mercy" ziegler / amelie "widowmaker" lacroix / moira o'deorain (any combo of these omfg) → oc / oc prometheus (2012) → elizabeth shaw / david puella magi madoka magica → sayaka miki / kyoko sakura, homura akemi resident evil → ada wong / leon scott kennedy (PLS PLS PLS PLS—) star wars → armitage hux / kylo "crylo" ren, ben solo → oc / oc
ty for readin all of this if u did! like or DM if ur excited by what i wrote. i answer my dm's hella fast bc im a loser that bartends i.e. always on that damn phone, so i look forward to hearin from someone (if this ad is up, then i am still lookin!)
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angstywriterangst · 5 years ago
@a-nerd-obsessed it's your Kira and Kylo!
This incredible fan art looks like how I imagine Kira Ren and bounty hunter Kylo do in the canon-verse role reversal series Light Rises...and Darkness to Meet It
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DAY 2: ROLE REVERSAL @reylo-week-2019
Dark Rey & Ben Solo (with Han’s clothes😆)
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fanfictiondramione · 5 years ago
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You gave me a shoulder when I needed it You showed me love when I wasn't feeling it You helped me fight when I was giving in And you made me laugh when I was losing it 'Cause you are, you are The reason why I'm still hanging on 'Cause you are, you are The reason why my head is still above water And if I could I'd get you the moon, and give it to you And if death was coming for you, I'd give my life for you Cause you are, you are Oh, you are Oh, you are You are
(Get You The Moon by Kina Beats)
They deserved better!
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shewhospeakswiththunder · 4 years ago
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*cracks knuckles*
3-part series mirroring the events of TFA, TLJ, and then diverging completely and unapologetically from TROS 
Rated T/M, for canonical character death, violence toward an animal, well-identified brief dub-con, brief images of horror
beta’d by @happilyeveraftereveryday​, couldn’t have done it without her!
Am I salty from the mess that was December 2019? Definitely. Am I channeling it into positive creative effort? HELL YEAH BABY  
Read the epilogue here.
Or, start from the very beginning here.
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aurorbis · 5 years ago
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In another life, I would make you stay...
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ashatry · 5 years ago
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никто: вообще никто, ни единой, блядь, души: Ашатри: а почему бы не написать продолжение “Лакуны”? И картиночек! Мне ведь больше нечем заняться! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Лакуна
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reylotrashrightherefolks · 6 years ago
By my count we've only had 3 glimpses of Kylo in all the TROS information we've been given. Clearly that must mean he's in so many plot important scenes that Disney doesn't want to show us any more than that.
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sagemcmae · 6 years ago
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A (Not So) Silent Night
 “That all you got, Solo?”
 “Oh, sweetheart, don’t worry. I’m just getting started with you.”
 It sounded more like a promise than a threat. And why did that thrill her so much?
Radio personalities and arch rivals Kira Kenobi and Kylo Ren have been fighting for number one status all year. To increase his ratings, Kylo challenges Kira live, claiming he can make her "sing" for him by New Year's Eve. Never one to shy away from a challenge, she accepts. Let the games begin!
Merry Christmas, Reylo Fam! Especially @reysexualkylo @polkadotdotdotreylo @asongforjonsa @albastargazer @kylotrashforever @kylorenvevo @gopherbroke @loveofescapism @ohwise1ne @newerconstellations@strawberrycupcakehuckleberrypie @storiesinmyheadblog @midnightbluefox @theporgsnest @riaria84 @mizuphoenix @vaader @rebelrebelreylo @greyforceuser @spiegatrixlestrange @atchamberlin @reylocalligraphy @ever-so-reylo @thereylowritingden
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starkylosolo · 7 years ago
Kylo brings out the dark in Rey
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And Rey brings out the light in Kylo
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lilithsaur · 7 years ago
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in lame Halloween costumes?  You got it!
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sh1zhu · 7 years ago
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So, I do free lance photography on my green Polaroid. ReyLo, Star Wars, Selfies, Aesthetics, etc. If you want me to make a Polaroid picture for you, DM and I will! Please note: I won’t send you the actual picture, because I don’t have a mailbox by my house, so I’ll just take it for fun purposes, and DM the Polaroid to you, or tag you in the post. Example: Endor Photo = Photos Of Trees, Leaves, etc. But, this is really fun to do. I’m actually studying Photography in my classes right now, and I travel across the globe in order to take different photos just by using a simple, inexpensive Polaroid. DM me your requests, and I’ll be happy to take them! I have a lot of photos right now, omfg😂
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carleyjayden · 5 years ago
This fits your fic very well, @a-nerd-obsessed!
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Love me like a killing.
— Bloodsport, Yves Olade
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thedarkestgreys · 3 years ago
My 5 Favorite Fics I've Ever Written
thank you @sarahcakes613 and you know this is going to be hard because we're both aware I'm not a fan of my own writing 👍🏻👍🏻
In No Particular Order!
since nothing has changed me quite like you - Star Wars Sequel Trilogy // Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren // rated T // 6 Chapters Complete // Sith Princess Kira Palpatine x Smuggler Turned Reluctant Jedi Ben Role Reversal AU
She smiles, a real, genuine thing that crinkles her eyes and nearly blinds him. Suddenly, it’s Rey back in front of him, finally. “You’re going to help me kill him, Ben, and then we can be done with all of this. The Sith, the Jedi. Everything.”
Ben grins back. “You’re serious.”
“I’m tired. Of war. Of missing you. Of being alone,” Rey tells him, tears welling up in her eyes as her voice cracks.
slow hands - Marvel Cinematic Universe - Eternals // Druig/Makkari // rated E // 11 Chapters Complete // Post Thanos Snap AU set prior to and during the events of Eternals (2021)
“Familiar?” Druig can’t help but needle at her, because he’s nothing if not a total asshole a majority of the time.
Makkari turns back at him with sad eyes. I’m sorry. She signs once, then twice, and she’s halfway through the motions a third time before he raises a hand to stop her.
“S’alright. You didn’t mean anything by it. For all you know, I would’ve made you leave.”
Makkari, the most beautiful, wonderful, understanding human to grace this earth just shakes her head at him as he tells her that.
No you wouldn’t have. You missed me.
Stages - Game of Thrones - ASOIAF // Jon Snow/Sansa Stark // rated E // 6 Chapters Complete // Book/Show Canon Hybrid AU Six Different Titles Sansa Stark Carries Over The Course Of Jon Snows Life
“What are you staring at my lord?” Sansa asks him when she finally takes notice of his insistent stare through her looking glass. Setting down her brush, she turns to look at him fully, a small smile playing on her pink lips.
“Just my wife.”
“Is that all I am then? Just your wife? Should not a king shower his bride in compliments? Rave about my wits and keen mind, declare that I am the most beautiful lady in the whole realm?” Sansa eyebrows arch with a certain grace, a smirk blooming on her lips before her words turn into high, tinkling laugh.
“I'm only the king before the court San, while sitting on that blasted throne or in an endless meeting with mine and Dany's councilors. In here, in our chambers, I simply wish to be your husband, and for you to be my wife. Let the courtiers speak about your wits and political prowess.” 
but the wolves came and went (and we're still standing) - Game of Thrones - ASOIAF // Podrick Payne/Arya Stark // rated M // 9/14 WIP // Season 7 & 8 rewrite told from the perspective of Podrick Payne
“Stay alive,” the woman who against all odds he’s come to love urges one last time. He jerks his head in the direction of his lady in explanation and farewell.
“Anything for you,” he says with as much sincerity as he can put behind his words, not taking the time to watch for her reaction, knowing that whatever it is could shatter him completely one way or the other.
Moments before a battle that will seal the fate of the entire world isn’t exactly the time for all of this.
your violent overnight rush - Euphoria // Fezco/Lexi Howard // rated E // 14/42 WIP // Post S2E8 AU where the raid goes down differently and Fez and Lexi find their way back to each other
“Don’t,” she whispers, an accusing finger pointed at him. “I get it. I fucking get it, okay? Your line of work makes me a liability, I can understand that, and you’re afraid to lose me because of it. But don’t you think I’m afraid of losing you, too?”
Fez has started to look a little defensive, a bit angry even. He opens his mouth to speak, but Lexi cuts him off again because she’s not quite done. “Your feelings aren’t the only ones that matter here. I knew the risks before I even walked into your store for the first time. But I did it anyway. I let you in, I shared so much of myself with you because you made me feel seen for the very first time Fezco. Before you, no one really gave a shit about what I had to say, about my thoughts or feelings. And then you-”, she pauses, to master herself for a moment. “But then you spent all New Years Eve on a fucking couch with me actually engaged in a real conversation while a party raged around us. You saw me. How could I not fall for you after that?” She’s not yelling, not quite anyways. Frustration rolls off of her in waves as she yanks a hand through her unruly curls. “You done?” Fez asks evenly from the bed where he’s still watching her pace. “Depends on what you have to say,” she bites back, twirling on the spot to look at him.
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filhadoboto · 5 years ago
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Chapters: 11/? (M) - Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Relationships: Rey & Ben Solo, Rey/Ben Solo, Kylo Ren/Rey, Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Rey & Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Kylo Ren & Rey, Finn & Rey (Star Wars), Armitage Hux & Rey, Ben Solo & Han Solo, Leia Organa & Ben Solo, Chewbacca & Ben Solo, Ben Solo & Rose Tico, Ben Solo & Paige Tico, Ben Solo & Maz Kanata, Leia Organa & Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa/Han Solo, Rey & Snoke (Star Wars), Finn & Rose Tico, Finn/Rose Tico, Rey & Han Solo, Chewbacca & Rey, Leia Organa & Rey, Armitage Hux & Phasma
Characters: Rey (Star Wars), Ben Solo, Snoke (Star Wars), Armitage Hux, FN-2187, Leia Organa, Han Solo, Chewbacca (Star Wars), R2-D2 (Star Wars), C3-PO, Maz Kanata, Rose Tico, Paige Tico, Luke Skywalker, Poe Dameron, BB-9E (Star Wars), Unkar Plutt, Original Female Character(s), Amilyn Holdo, Admiral Gial Ackbar, Original Male Character(s), Phasma (Star Wars)
Additional Tags: Reylo AU Week, Reylo AU Week 2018, reylo au, Reylo Canon Divergence, Reylo, Dark!Rey, Light!Ben Solo, Rey is Snoke's apprentice, Ben is in the Resistance, Rey is known as Lady Kira, Rey wants revenge on Luke, Star Wars Canon Divergence, FN-2187 name's Sam, Duel with light sabers, Kiss in the forest, Hurt and comfort, Angst, Light Smut, virgin!rey, Virgin!Ben Solo, Redeemed Rey, spy rey, secret meeting, Pregnancy, Unplanned Pregnancy, devoted Hux, Stormflower - Freeform, finnrose - Freeform, mention of Paige x Poe, Minor Character Death, Protective Sam, Protective Ben Solo, Protective Hux, Major character death - Freeform, Mention of grooming, mention of manipulation, mind trick, Physical Torture, Psychological Torture, Force Lightning, Force Choking, Verbal Humiliation, threat, Intimidation, Decapitation, Force Healing
Summary: After failing to recruit Ben Solo to the dark side, Snoke finds himself forced to search for an apprentice elsewhere. In his quest through the galaxy, he finds someone as powerful as the heir to the Skywalker legacy, the orphan Rey. Years later, Rey and Ben's paths intersect and the two are forced to deal with the feelings they started to have by the other after their first meeting.
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snowie130 · 5 years ago
Chapter 16 is UP!
Relationships: Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Rey & Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Kylo Ren/Rey, Rey/Ben Solo, Matt & Stormtroopers, Reylo x Happiness (coming soon) Additional Tags: Time Travel AU, Alternative Universe - Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, Post TROS pre TFA, Grey Rey, Eventual Happy Ending, Save Ben Solo, past!Ben is Kylo, future!Rey is Kira, Kylo Ren is terrible flirt, anidala ain't proud, Kylo Denial Ren, there's only one TIE..., Mitaka totally arranged it, everyone on finalizer are reylos, TRoKR #1-#3 are canon here, Protective Kylo Ren, IT RAINS ON MUSTAFAR, consider it a metaphor, share your thoughts on that matter, is it "healing wounds caused by TROS"?, jealous!Rey, UST, dark reydar but it's matt who's innocent sunshine - implied, yellow optimism bashing, Kira is not as smart as she thought, is that time paradox i see?!, Angst, but fear not, hope is like a son, (TLJ gives it and TROS can't take away from us no matter what), Force mumbo-jumbo that sounds better in author's head, not a good day for Poe, Sorry!, did i mention that Kira is not as smart as she thought?, Force Ghost Family, they re watchin. they re judgin, Poor Stormtroopers, not a good day for Exegol, afterlife with the Skywalkers!, dreams are important, even if i won't describe them much, next stop - TLJ! Series: Part 1 of whoesoe Summary:
Ben may be dead, but someone is determined to change that. Someone being his wifey.
Rey travels in time to destroy Exegol so Ben has no planet to die on. (no exegol => no palps) As lady Kira Ren of Sith she'll have to play dirty to keep her soulmate safe and sound.
"Time travel is easy", the Jedi scrolls said. "It will be fun", they said.
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aftergloom · 4 years ago
About & Content Advisory
“nxctuary” is a person in the age of majority in her home country. All posts are considered to have some degree of adult content and are labelled with content advisories where necessary in the tags, often prefaced by “cw:” for “content warning” to facilitate filtering for potential triggers. “Nxctuary” is a pseudonym, but you're welcome to call her Kira, Luce, Lethe, or octobertown as she’s written (or currently writes) fanfic and original fic under any of these names.
She prefers she/her as a pronoun. 
By default, assume that this blog uses explicit language and shares explicit sexual content. Any fandom content created or shared on this blog should be presumed to be explicit in nature. In no uncertain terms: this is an adult blog, for other adults, curated by an adult, sharing adult content.
Where appropriate, tags are attached to posts to enable you to better control what you see. Included is a list of frequently occurring tags and content warnings that are used here. Given that this list is a living document, it may be updated or adjusted at any time. 
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Some things get posted here but the body of my work lives at Ao3.
This is a multi-ship, multi-fandom blog. Current interests are per the ships list, but you get a bit of everything in here. The greater focus of the content that I’m producing currently is centered around Star Wars film franchise, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars: Rebels, legends material, graphic novels, and whatever the hell else catches my fancy. 
I have background work in problematic ships and while I might not be actively pursuing or posting content for them, I do have WIPs that I’m trying to finish. When they go live, chap updates get posted. Don’t like it? Filter the tag or don’t follow.
My sideblogs are noted at the bottom of this page in the event that you’re searching for specific sliver of something that doesn’t get folded into this blog. 
#Darth Maul x Reader Star Wars, all universes  CW: F/M, all warnings apply Active: Reading/Writing
#Feral Opress x Reader Star Wars, all universes CW: F/M, all warnings apply Active: Reading/Writing
#Savage Opress x Reader Star Wars, all universes CW: F/M, all warnings apply Active: Reading/Writing
#Feral Opress x OC (Kai Dara Koth) Star Wars, all universes CW: F/M, all warnings apply Active: Reading/Writing
#Opress Bros x Reader Star Wars, all universes CW: F/M, all warnings apply Active: Reading/Writing
#mauldra Star Wars, Maul/Eldra Kaitis, AU CW: F/M, Enemies to lovers, power dynamics, explicit sexual content, violence, various kinks. NO underage. Active: Reading/Writing
#feralsoka Star Wars, Feral Opress/Ahsoka Tano, AU CW: F/M, character death Active: Reading/Writing
#reylo Star Wars, Rey/Kylo Ren, or Rey/Ben Solo CW: F/M, Enemies to lovers, power dynamics, explicit sexual content, violence, various kinks Active: Writing
#griddlehark  The Locked Tomb trilogy by Tamsyn Muir, Gideon/Harrow or Gideon Nav/Harrowhawk Nonagesimus CW: F/F, horror themes and gore Active: Reading
#ryro X-Men Movieverse, Rogue/Pyro or Anna Marie/John Allerdyce CW: F/M, Infidelity, power dynamics, friends to enemies to lovers, explicit sexual content Active: Reading
#romy X-Men (All verses), Rogue/Remy LeBeau CW: F/M, enemies to lovers (Evo) Active: Re-writing
#dramione Harry Potter, Draco/Hermione CW: F/M, enemies to lovers, explicit sexual content Active: Reading
#drarry Harry Potter, Draco/Harry CW: M/M, enemies to lovers, explicit sexual content Active: No
#ACOTAR (A Court of Thorns and Roses)
#ACOMAF (A Court of Mist and Fury)
#ACOWAR (A Court of Wings and Ruin)
#Crescent City
#The Locked Tomb (Gideon the Ninth, Harrow the Ninth)
#Lore Olympus
#Shadow & Bone
#Six of Crows
#Star Wars
#Star Wars: The Clone Wars
#Star Wars: Rebels
#Throne of Glass
#The Sandman
#X-Men: Evolution
I really had to think about this. It reads like the weirdest grocery list ever. For your convenience, I’ve compiled a collection of CW tags I’ve used before (and I will likely dabble in again) in the event that you need to parse what you see from me on your feed. I’ll try to stick to these tags as best I can when posting new work of my own, or when posting fic recs.
#cw: abo
#cw: abo tropes
#cw: BDSM
#cw: blood
#cw: bondage
#cw: breath play
#cw: character death
#cw: choking
#cw: cuckolding
#cw: cunnilingus
#cw: daddy kink
#cw: darkfic
#cw: degradation
#cw: depression
#cw: D/s
#cw: dub con OR #cw: dubious consent
#cw: explicit
#cw: explicit sexual content
#cw: explicit language
#cw: fellatio
#cw: group sex
#cw: gore
#cw: hair-pulling
#cw: hotwifing
#cw: horror
#cw: infidelity
#cw: knotting
#cw: masturbation
#cw: oral sex
#cw: praise kink
#cw: primal kink
#cw: spanking
#cw: suicidal ideation
#cw: violence
#cw: voyeurism
Obsessive adoration of Marvel's merry mutants from South of the Mason Dixie: Rogue & Gambit, fuck yeah. ROMY.
Low-key Sith simping sideblog: all Maul. Nothing done by halves. Curated Maul-centric reblogs and recs. NSFW/18+
@darthsomethingsomething Warm-up smutty sideblog for Opress Bros ficlets/drabbles/hcs. Nothing over 2k. Deeply NSFW.
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