#inappropriate use of office furniture
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whxre4hange · 1 month ago
the hargreeves go to family therapy :D (my headcanons)
because we all need therapy after season 4....
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luther: brings a clipboard to therapy sessions to "take notes" but mostly ends up doodling stick figures of the family, complete with little speech bubbles like "diego is being mean again" or "klaus smells weird." always wears a sweater, even in the middle of summer, because he thinks it makes him look more approachable and "leaderly." instead he gets incredibly sweaty and stinks up the entire room through no fault of his own. tries to mediate arguments but ends up making them worse by accidentally taking sides or quoting something reginald once said. once cried over a motivational cat poster in the waiting room that said, "hang in there!" and now carries a miniature version of it in his wallet for inspiration. spends half the session apologizing for things no one remembers or cares about.
diego: sits slouched in his chair with his arms crossed, glaring at the therapist like they personally insulted his knife-throwing skills. claims he doesn’t need therapy but shows up every week anyway, muttering something about "keeping an eye on klaus." gets into heated debates with the therapist over ridiculous hypotheticals like "how many ninjas could you fight at once" or "is batman technically a vigilante or just misunderstood?" has been banned from three different therapy offices for flipping furniture during arguments, including one time when he threw a chair because someone suggested he might have unresolved daddy issues. once tried to leave mid-session but tripped over the coffee table and pretended it was part of his escape plan.
klaus: shows up 20 minutes late every session wearing sunglasses, a fur coat, and carrying an empty coffee cup he insists is full of "spiritual energy." overshares wildly inappropriate stories that make everyone uncomfortable, like the time he accidentally summoned a ghost during karaoke night at a dive bar. somehow manages to charm the therapist into letting him stay despite breaking every rule imaginable. frequently lies down on the couch and pretends it’s his turn to be analyzed, even when it’s not, and once fell asleep mid-session while everyone else was arguing. keeps trying to convince ben to possess him so they can do a "fun bit" for the group, but ben refuses out of sheer embarrassment.
allison: arrives perfectly on time every week with color-coded binders filled with self-help worksheets she made for everyone. no one ever uses them, but she keeps bringing them anyway because she believes in "the power of structure." speaks in calm, measured tones during sessions but secretly live-tweets the chaos under a pseudonym that has amassed thousands of followers. once convinced klaus to do a dramatic reading of her old tumblr poetry during group therapy just to lighten the mood (it didn’t). occasionally uses her rumor power to end arguments before they escalate but denies it if anyone calls her out.
ben (ghost): sits in the corner with his arms crossed, silently judging everyone because no one can hear him except klaus. tries to offer helpful advice through klaus, but it always comes out garbled or sarcastic because klaus can’t resist editorializing. once knocked over a water bottle during an especially heated argument just to remind everyone he’s still there and then felt bad about it for days when the therapist got scared. spends most of the session wishing he could haunt reginald instead but sticks around because he doesn’t trust klaus not to say something stupid on his behalf. occasionally makes snarky comments that only klaus can hear, which leads to klaus laughing uncontrollably at inappropriate moments.
five: refuses to sit down because he considers therapy "a waste of time" and insists that his 45 years of life experience make him more qualified than the therapist. spends most of the session pacing like a caged animal and muttering about quantum mechanics or assassins he’s killed. keeps trying to outsmart the therapist by turning every question into a philosophical debate or logic puzzle, much to everyone’s annoyance. is basically the human form of "erm, ackshually," correcting even the smallest inaccuracies with smug precision ("no, actually, i didn’t run away from home; i teleported through space-time"). once corrected the therapist’s grammar mid-session and then stormed out when they didn’t thank him. frequently interrupts others to point out why their trauma is "objectively less significant than surviving the heat death of the universe." once tried to psychoanalyze diego as payback for calling him short and ended up starting a screaming match that ended with both of them being escorted out.
viktor: sits quietly in his chair with perfect posture, doodling in a notebook while everyone else yells over each other. only speaks when directly addressed and then drops surprisingly insightful comments that leave everyone stunned into silence for at least 30 seconds. once brought his violin to therapy and played an impromptu concert when things got too tense, which made allison cry and diego accuse him of being manipulative (he wasn’t) and luther fall asleep. occasionally zones out during sessions while planning elaborate revenge fantasies against reginald that involve poison tea and dramatic monologues.
lila: shows up uninvited every week and acts like she’s part of the family now because "why not?" spends most of the session antagonizing diego for fun—stealing his chair, mimicking everything he says—but will defend him fiercely if anyone else tries it. once stole all the pens from the therapist's desk just to see if they’d notice (they did). eats snacks loudly during sessions and offers none to anyone else unless they beg. tried to set fire to one of luther’s binders during an argument just because she was bored but got distracted halfway through by klaus showing her how to make shadow puppets on the wall. keeps threatening to throw diego’s knives out the window if he doesn’t stop glaring at her.
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corruptedcaps · 1 year ago
Nurse Stacey
Stacey’s first day as an interning nurse wasn’t going well. How was she suppose to know she had to provide her own uniform? Although the rest of the girls from her class seemed to know as they were all dressed and ready for work. She knew it was somehow Bree’s, her bitchy classmate, fault.
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Bree was clearly jealous of Stacey’s innate smarts and aptitude for the job but Bree also made it no secret that she was studying to become a nurse just so she could sink her claws into the richest doctor available. She didn’t want anyone taking any spotlight away from her in anyway so constantly set Stacey up to fail.
However Bree had ‘modified’ her uniform to make it so eyes were always on her anyway. Her tight uniform showed as much skin as was possible under the rules, so bullying Stacey at this point was just a bonus. By lunchtime on her first day Stacey was pulled aside by the head doctor, Lawrence, and told she needed to find a uniform that was white and red like everyone else’s by end of day otherwise she would be let go.
“I’m sorry Stacey but I’ve had complaints from some of the other interns that you aren’t taking your time here very seriously and it’s reflecting poorly on them so please find something appropriate to wear otherwise I’ll have to give you a failing grade.” He said leaving her alone to fume. Her? Inappropriate? Bree was the one with the ‘modified’ uniform, her tits practically dripping out.
“But by the end of day? How can I possibly do that with the rest of my work?” Stacey said to herself after Lawrence walked away.
“Maybe you should use your lunch hour, god knows you could lose a few pounds.” Bree said cruelly chiming in.
Stacey stormed into the locker room to try and find some nurse scrubs, even dirty ones but came up empty. Frustrated she banged against the lockers but felt them shake more than normal against the wall. That’s when she realized they weren’t up against a wall, but a door. Curious, she pulled out the set of lockers to reveal the door. It had been painted over but it was clearly a door and even had a name plate too.
Sliding the plate off she scratched and chipped away at the paint until it revealed it read ‘Head Nurse’. It was only then that she realized that the hospital didn’t have a head nurse. It wasn’t unusual for a hospital not to have one but it certainly was strange for a hospital to have an office for one that didn’t exist. However Stacey also realized that this may be the solution to her problems. Any good head nurse would have a spare change of scrubs in case of emergency.
Pushing the paint covered door hard enough until it gave in, Stacey fell inside to find a long forgotten and dusty room. It was sparsely decorated and had little furniture. What furniture it did have was odd. For example it had a rather plush looking bed and velvety sofa. It looked more like a room to entertain than one to work in but her eyes were soon drawn to a clothes mannequin in the corner. This would be what she needed.
However as she got closer to it she saw that the outfit was far from what she expected. Instead it looked like some sort of slutty Halloween version of a nurses outfit. It was made of white and red spandex and was incredibly short and looked like she wouldn’t be able to breath in it despite it’s flexibility. Stacey would never wear such a thing even as a joke let alone for work but as the end of the day was looming she realized it was her last hope. If nothing else it could buy her time to get a proper uniform after work somewhere.
Stripping down to her underwear she eyed the outfit and realized that she would need to be totally naked to squeeze into it. Locking the door to the office she then removed the last of her clothes and stood for a moment looking at her reflection in the large mirror in the corner.
She was by no means ugly but she was certainly out of shape and unkempt looking. She just never had time to work out and primp herself due to all her studying. She had sacrificed a lot to be where she was and now she was on the brink of losing it because of some gold digging jealous bitch. Her anger spurred her on. She pulled the outfit off the mannequin and held her breath as she slipped into it and zipped it up.
It was the tightest thing she had ever worn and yet she didn’t feel uncomfortable. There was a certain safety she felt by having it close to her skin and yet at the same time it felt as though she were naked. It gave her a weird sense of power, like the outfit was a kind of armour. Taking a moment she looked at herself in the mirror and strangely didn’t think she looked silly as she thought she might have. She didn’t feel shy or reserved either, she felt sexy. Even the antiquated hat looked good on her.
“Wow a head nurse wearing this? I imagine all all the staff were eating out of the palm of her hand, especially the hunky doctors looking like this.” She said to herself in admiration of the previous owner of the outfit. She felt light headed wearing it, like she didn’t have a care in the world which she quickly put down to the outfit cutting down on the blood circulation. It wasn’t tight everywhere however as the outfit was clearly meant for someone with a much larger cup size.
“Even though I don’t fill it out perfectly I think this should keep me from being fired today.” She said to herself preparing to leave but suddenly hearing a voice in her head.
“Fired? Who would dare fire the head nurse?” The voice purred in her mind.
“W-who said that?” Stacey said looking around seeing no one.
“Why me of course, your uniform. I am designed specifically for the head nurse. That’s you of course, correct?” The voice replied. Stacey thought she was losing her mind. Maybe the uniform was cutting off more blood to her brain than she thought.
“Eh yes I’m Stacey, the new, eh, head nurse.” Stacey replied trying to humor her own delusion.
“Stacey? No no no that won’t do, that’s not commanding enough. No you will be Anastasia from now on. Now let me get started.” The voice continued.
“Started with w-?” Stacey began but suddenly felt an intense heat begin in her stomach and reverberate outward. However it wasn’t unpleasant and in fact was quite pleasing making her involuntarily moan.
“Whhhhaaaaat arrrreee youuuuu doooooing?” Stacey groaned as the feeling intensified.
“Why I’m remaking your body of course, didn’t you read your head nurse contract? It’s standard procedure for all new head nurses to undergo a bitchification process. You need to be strong and tough to have this job after all.” The voice said matter of factly.
Stacey felt the uniform crunch in her stomach and her body moulded to its sleek and curvy contours. Her hips flared out, her butt became plump while her waist shrank. It felt good.
And yet she knew what was happening was wrong, she wasn’t the head nurse and pretending to be one would only land her in hot water. She needed to take off the uniform even if it was the more pleasurable thing she had ever felt.
“Noooo stop, this isn’t right. I’m not the head nurse.” She groaned while the changes continued. Hot red nails shot out from the ends of her fingers as her lips inflated into soft kissable pillows. Her tits grew bigger and bigger until it felt as though they’d rip the uniform.
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“Of course, it’s perfectly normal to feel that way during this process but the next phase should put you at ease.” The uniform replied to her in words and then in actions as Stacey suddenly felt a barrage of information be thrown at her mind.
Expert medical advice was downloaded in an instant to her mind, knowledge that would have taken a lifetime to learn was suddenly as simple to her as two plus two. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad she thought to herself, she could make a real difference with a mind like hers now.
Just as she was having this altruistic thought, however, she heard bitchy mantras and creeds echo in her head.
Profits over people.
Power is Queen, the Queen will have power.
Serving the hospital so you will be served.
Greed, beauty, excess, fear.
They repeated over and over again in her mind, it was clear that the head nurse wasn’t there to help the patients, she was meant to help the hospital. Stacey was disgusted but the more she heard the words the more she was nodding along. She tried to resist but the conditioning was too strong.
She didn’t want to become a bitch but the temptation was getting hard to deny. Why should she have to work so hard when sluts like Bree walked all over her. Thinking about what a spoilt bitch Bree was ironically sealed Stacey’s fate. Knowing she’d have the power to command Bree to do whatever she said made Stacey unbearably wet. She wanted that more than anything.
“Yeesss you’re right, I was just doubting myself. That’ll never happen again. Insecure nurse Stacey is dead, confident, gorgeous head nurse Anastasia has arrived.” She purred with a new bitchy tone. She expected the uniform to reply but it said nothing. Having completed its job it went back into a dormant state.
Anastasia meanwhile walked over to the upright mirror and took in her new form. She looked every bit the wet dream she felt. Her outrageous beauty was complemented by her steely cold gaze, a duo that would give her the ultimate power over the staff and patients of HER hospital.
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However she needed to make it official and there was one person she knew who could rubber stamp her new position and she would make it so he would beg her to be head nurse.
The next morning, the staff of the hospital were gathered outside Lawrence’s office after being summoned there 20 minutes ago. They weren’t certain but some could have sworn that they heard grunting, moaning and spanking.
Bree arrived with her cohort just as Lawrence exited his office, with his tie askew. Bree looked around and was happy to see Stacey not present.
“Guess poor Stacey didn’t find any spare uniforms. Such bad timing that we had offered to wash all the spares this morning, we could have given her one.” Bree smirked satisfied to herself as her friends giggled knowingly.
“Thank you all for coming on such short notice. I’ll make this brief. I’m proud to announce that starting today we have a long over due position returning. The position of head nurse!” Lawrence declared and the staff broke out into a murmur.
Bree and her friends broke into an excited chatter. This could be the stepping stone Bree needed to bag herself a rich doctor. If she became Head Nurse she would work intimately with the upper crust of the hospital. Sure there were more senior nurses but she had a way of getting what she wanted.
“After a long decision process I have decided to fill the position with one of our newest nurses. I know this might irk some of the senior staff but I believe a new position needs new blood.” Lawrence said and Bree felt his eyes land on her. Could she be getting her wish so soon? Of course, there was no other answer.
“So will you all please welcome your new head nurse, Anastasia.” Lawrence announced loudly as a brunette beauty strode out from his office. The staff were completely gobsmacked by the reveal of Anastasia, clad in the tightest uniform they had ever seen.
“Now that is no way to great your new head nurse, is it? Applaud. ” Anastasia said with a long stare that sent a shiver down everyone’s spine. Slowly they began to clap and Anastasia basked in their fearful reverence.
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“Now Anastasia will get reacquainted with everyone over the next few days but for now back to work.” Lawrence said and looked over to Anastasia for an approving look but finding only her cold withering stare. Nevertheless he became aroused and quickly left to do his rounds along with most of the staff. Most except Bree and her gang.
“You might have Lawrence fooled with these fake tits, and slutty makeup but I know you’re still a loser Stacey and I’ll have your job by the end of the week.” Bree said defiantly. Anastasia smiled at her unnervingly and slowly clopped over to her in her high heels. As tough as Bree fronted she soon cowered before her new head nurse as she was backed into a corner with her friends.
“That’s head nurse Anastasia worm. You can be as insolent as you like but I now control your passing grades. If you don’t do exactly as I say I’ll fail you, all of you, and blacklist the lot of you from working in any hospital in this country. No job, no hot doctors, no life of luxury.” She said bearing down on the frightened young women.
“But follow me, learn from me and I’ll recommend you as Head Nurses to our sister locations. They’ll be some ‘training’ involved of course but you’ll earn yourself a uniform like mine and the power that comes with it. Understood?” Anastasia said in a cold purr that had all of Bree’s friends nodding enraptured.
“Good. Now off you go, training begins tomorrow.” Anastasia said standing back and allowing the women to escape. But yet again, Bree stood in rebellious rage.
“Screw you slut, my daddy is rich and is on the board of the hospital, if you think your theatrics intimidate me you-” Bree began but was quickly silenced by Anastasia who grabbed the girl by her neck and lifted her off the floor with ease, the uniform granting her super human strength.
“Silence, I heard just about enough of you. I know about your daddy and the power he had over the hospital. Who do you think gave Lawrence the go ahead for my promotion? Your daddy is under my thumb now and he will do exactly as I command, something you’re going to learn to do starting now.” Anastasia cackled as she dragged the young nurse to her office and threw her to the floor.
“Now loser you’re going to clean this place too to bottom. I want all this dust gone by the end of day, if you don’t consider your future as a nurse ended.” The bitchy head nurse said smirking down at Bree.
“By the end of day? How can I possibly do that with the rest of my work?” Bree said to Anastasia who just looked at her as if she were an ant.
“Maybe you should use your lunch hour, god knows you could lose a few pounds.” Anastasia said smirking cruelly at Bree.
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bringbacktim · 2 years ago
Anal? No one's doing anal
I'm having a Jschlatt brainrot rn so expect more imagines than anyone wants , feel free to request anything
Synopsis: schlatt and y/n are putting together a desk , but it sounds inappropriate to Charlie outside the room , he gets worried like any friend would
Warnings:mentions of anal , hurt , sexual intercourse, innuendos, a whole lot of whacky stuff , not proofread or edited
Word count: 806 words
The only things that charlie could hear from the outside of the OTK office/filming room were things that would definitely give him nightmares and make him avoid Schlatt and Y/n for the foreseeable future
Who said I can't put this fucking thing in that hole " schlatt said practically shouting out of anger
"Me ! , for the hundredth time it shouldn't go there no matter how much you ask" his girlfriend answered
"Tell me that doesn't look like it'll fit in there"
"I am not turning around , I know I'm right . Now hurry up before Charlie or Ted get back"
Charlie was torn between making some loud noise and hoping they'd stop whatever they sound like they're doing or running away and never speaking to them again
He did neither out of pure terror and instead pulled out his phone to text Ted to see if this was some skit or some prank they were playing or whether they were actually doing that in the studio where they filmed
'Hey dude, do you know what Y/n and Shclatt are doing in the studio?' He texted simply not bothering to beat around the bush
'Anal by the sounds of it , but I have no clue, didn't want to know to be honest'
Charlie really didn't want the first bit to be true , especially since he was only there to hold one of the cameras while they filmed stuff . He was getting way more than he bargained for
'Gross , don't joke about that or it'll come true' he replied a grimace on his face
'They've been at it for a solid half hour , they should be done soon don't worry man'
'Don't worry man ? You clearly aren't hearing this' charlie scoffed at Ted's audacity
'I escaped with minimal trauma thankfully' he could feel Ted's smugness through the screen
'And you didn't think to take me with you?'
'Didn't know if they wanted you to film it'
'You're disgusting nivison' and with that he put his phone back in his pocket and tried to plan what he was going to do next
"I fucking told you that wouldn't fit, are you done trying yet ?"
"It's going to fit I don't care what you say you god damn bitch"  at that charlie knew he had to do something for the safety of his friends
So he did what anyone would do and knocked on the door rather harshly to make sure he was heard
"Yeah , uh kinda busy" He heard y/n say
"I know you guys are in love , but that's a recording room . Also are you okay ?"
"Yeah fine just pissed at this furniture" schlatt admitted
"Schlatt!" Y/n said scolding him
"Are you both decent? Can I come in?"
"Yeah why wouldn't we be" they both simultaneously spoke
The situation he opened the door to was definitely not what he was expecting, but in a good way
They were just trying to put a new coffee table together to replace the one Schlatt broke in the previous recording
"Oh thank god" Charlie said with a hand over his heart as he breathed a sigh of relief "we thought you were doing anal"
"Anal? No one's doing anal , I'm not allowed to anymore" that comment earned him a firm slap to the chest
"Please stop talking, for my sake" charlie begged
At that charlie showed them the texts him and Ted had sent and they put the pieces together
"Oh charlie I'm so sorry you heard that , we just wanted to surprise you with the new coffee table before the next video" y/n apologised to her friend as her boyfriend loudly laughed next to her
"That's so fucking funny man , how did we not realise" he said wiping a tear from his eye "you look so terrified man" he said still laughing and using Charlie's shoulder as a stabilizer
"Is that why ted left?" Y/n asked shocked that everyone thought they were doing such a thing "this is so embarrassing and it's all your fault" she said pointing at her boyfriend who broke the table in the first place
"You have to admit that it's kinda funny" he said turning to face his girlfriend as Charlie called Ted and told him he can come back
"Charlie has the worst luck when it comes to us" she said sympathy evident in her voice "remember when he walked in on us in Ted's bathroom at that party"
"Be thankful it was him and not Ted" this earned him a middle finger in his direction
"What a wacky day it's been" Ted said entering the room they all were in
"You haven't been here for half of it " charlie accused as they chatted about what to film next
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002yb · 1 year ago
My heart???? I pove the amnesiac Jason being in love AGAIN with Dick. Please give us all your thoughts and Bruce and Tim and Damian and Alfred aaaaa
The trope of Jason having an undying crush on Dick Grayson is one that I'll shoehorn into every bit of anything I ever write, hahaha. I love it so much; it's so sweet. Thank you for following along with the secretary AU though. //u/// Here's some general thoughts for them:
There are times Bruce has to do his job. Unfortunately, part of that job includes playing nice with his employees. A lot of people want to get in good with the CEO so that they'll be better favored for promotions. Rubbing elbows is part of corporate culture.
Only Jason doesn't give a fuck. Do you have an appointment? Of course they don't; Jason sure as hell didn't make one for them. Get outta here.
Just Jason being the most ornery secretary/assistant, an actual guard dog outside of Bruce's office.
Meanwhile Bruce just looking on from the glass panes separating them and being so smitten because look at his boy - small as he ever was and just as fierce as before. Viciousness being innately Jason and Bruce appreciating it in a way he hadn't before.
And when Jason finally shoos whatever bootlicker comes along, he sits back in his chair with a huff, before glancing at Bruce and smiling that ornery little smirk and Bruce loves him so damn much.
Unrelated: when Bruce can't stay on task, Jason moves himself to temporarily sit in Bruce's office with him. Just sitting across from Bruce at his desk and supervising because they've got deadlines, boss.
The above is a strategy Bruce employs to get Jason closer to him. It works up until Jason realizes what Bruce is doing, after which Jason withholds himself until Bruce does his job and Bruce is despondent over it, of course, but also a little humored and fond and affectionate because that's his boy.
The way this man fishes for information on his grandbaby (Damian) being so next level. He laments to Jason about how he always wanted grandchildren, but... *sidelong glance to Bruce who straightens up in his office*
The joke being that Damian is actually Bruce's kid, only Jason still hasn't brought Damian around so they can't confirm anything.
Anyway, Jason shares pictures and Alfred adores them. Especially the ones that have both Jason and Damian in them.
And Alfred is a gentleman, a professional. He doesn't get cranky, only he does hahaha. Because he wants Jason home and he wants to meet his (great) grandbaby, Master Bruce. l<
Until they can sort that though, Alfred is very doting to Jason and Damian. He can't overstep, but when opportunity presents itself, Alfred offers up recipes that he knows Jason will like and that would be appropriate for a fussy child. He offers up little caretaking tips and tricks and bites back chortles when Jason jokes about trying them on Bruce.
Alfred startling when he gets a text from Jason one day asking for help with a sick child
And Alfred is halfway to the garage before he realizes how inappropriate that would be so he parks himself right beside the door just in case Jason requests him
Which he doesn't, which breaks Alfred's heart. But Jason does call and Alfred is able to talk Jason down and help him through whatever crisis Damian has brought on.
And later, Jason passing along a thank you card that Damian also contributed some baby scribbles to. Along with a little gift, a tea cup, that Damian helped pick out. Because they're really grateful and Alfred is composed about it until he gets back to the car and then he just holds this sweet note and gift and mourns how he wants his family back ahhhhhhhhhh
But Alfred is a strong person and bears the strain of it all and carries on.
It's his new favorite cup though ;U;
Dick uses the excuse of meeting Bruce and Tim for lunch all of once before he boldly asks Jason out
Bruce's jaw drops so fast. He's damn near tripping over every bit of furniture in his office and his own two feet, scrambling to the door where he falls dramatically against the frame with a lie that he needs Jason to fetch xyz thing from xyz area of WE
Once Jason is out of earshot, Bruce glowering so hard at Dick because don't lead their boy on; get those foul thoughts out of his head
And Dick just here without one impure thought in his head (yet) and being very l: because really, Bruce? Dick would never (only he will).
Anyway, Bruce cockblocking even the most innocent of interactions and Jason being a bit ._. about it because he's never so busy as when Dick turns up to say hi.
Just Dick surprising Jason at the office with drinks and food, little pick-me-ups. And here's the thing - Dick doesn't know Jason like Alfred does. He doesn't know Jason's favorites or things he doesn't. He's figuring it all out in the moment and he keeps making efforts and there's a level of guilt there for not doing this before, sure, but there's also enjoyment because it's Jason and ahhhhhh
When Dick brings by the pick-me-ups and leans against Jason's desk or pulls up a chair to sit across from him and loaf around for a few minutes, Bruce and Tim are just l: because really? Nothing for them?
And Dick laughs because, 'no, Jason's special.'
Which just slays Jason where he stands as he misinterprets Dick's (current) interests and intentions
Something something Dick picking Jason up after work on his bike. And both Bruce and Alfred send death glares Dick's way, but Dick just smiles that cheeky Robin smile at them before helping Jason up behind him and telling him to hold tight
Alfred relents with his petulance immediately if only because his boys look so happy; this is how it should have always been
Bruce, on the other hand, is getting into the car and telling Alfred to follow them immediately, don't lose sight of them! D<
Copy room meet-cute scenario. Where Tim is about to commit property damage because all the copiers keep jamming on him and he doesn't have the fucking time; he's got a meeting in x number of hours and he needs to prep all the materials and the interns aren't there to help because Tim didn't finish the reports until x o'clock and he's stressed and just got off of patrol he doesn't have time to fight and be bested by a fucking copier and-- 'here, let me help.'
It's Robin. Jason. It's Jason. And Tim feels Jason looks as heroic as he ever did back when the mantle was his to wear.
Jason doing the copying for Tim and brushing off the gratitude. 'I'd rather not explain to the boss that all our copiers were thrashed in the midst of someone's corporate rage ¬‿¬' before it settles on a shrugged, self-aware, 'you take over a lot of boss's work, so it makes sense that I help you, no?'
The stress leaving Tim slowly but surely as Jason and he work side by side to put together Tim's meeting presentation materials for all of the board members/xxxxxx department heads/etc.
Not much chatter, but at the end after Bruce turns up and causes a scene (because Jason is missing from his desk and 'where is he!?') Jason turns to Tim with a crooked smile and insists that if Tim needs help with anything, Jason's there.
And Tim is left there being all awestruck and a little flushed
Plenty of casual interactions after that. Just casual greetings in the morning. Teasing from Jason that disguises blatant check-ins to make sure Tim is good. Which he is. Tim's embarrassed about it, but he notices Bruce taking back some of the work he pushed off onto Tim and...it's better.
So much banter though as they get comfortable. And Tim still sees Robin, but he starts to see Jason more and he likes him a lot.
Tim going to see Bruce and Jason knowing Tim is cool, but tormenting him anyway with the whole 'you got an appt, sir?' shtick
Jason sneakily switching out coffee with water and snickering when he catches Tim grimacing, head snapping to look Jason's direction while Jason gives a cheeky wave
Tim being teased as the next Brucie because of the supposed 'flirtiness' of their interactions; it's a scandal waiting to happen, he's following in Bruce's footsteps, etc. etc.
Tim is embarrassed about the rumors that start to circulate. He doesn't even flinch when Bruce looms over him with a rough demand of, 'what are your intentions with Jason?' like Tim is doing anything uncouth, come on man
Whether because Tim is genuinely interested or he wants to mess with Bruce (in retaliation for the copious amount of work Bruce has passed on to him), Tim pointedly asking Jason out. Right outside of Bruce's office.
Weeks later, Bruce still creeps outside of Jason's apartment. He hates the neighborhood. Crime rates are too high and the apartment isn't up to code, but he hasn't figured how to tell Jason to move yet. Telling his boy to come home would be inappropriate, as would buying the property beside the manor for Jason to have. He'll figure something out, but before that--
A flutter of sheer curtains and movement in Jason's apartment.
Bruce being persistently curious about the child, Damian, but not having much information outside of passing commentary from Jason (but mostly shared stories from Alfred).
The child is always well-guarded. Regardless of how Tim has tried to get close, the tutors that are with Damian are always very alert. Which is...good. But not conducive to the answers Bruce wants.
Anyway, Bruce being a creep outside of Jason's apartment. Listening in on recently placed bugs and startling because Damian talks.
Apparently Damian has aspirations to be Batman. And Jason humors him even as he laughs under his breath because why.
And to sucker-punch Bruce in the throat, Damian makes a proclamation that wounds Bruce deeply: 'To protect you.'
Jason being all endeared and sweeping Damian up off the ground to hold on his hip and smacking his head with a kiss
'Why not Robin?'
There's a pause, but Damian is quick even at such a young age and proclaims, 'Because you will be my Robin.'
And Bruce just cries on the inside a bit because ouch.
What started as a Damian section became a Dickjay with a Damian cameo section. Truth be told, idk how hold Damian should be.
Where the first member of the batfam Damian meets is actually Dick
Jason invites Dick up after Dick brings him home one evening
And Dick is so happy to be welcomed into this private part of Jason's life - smug because Dick is the first of them to be welcomed and this is an enormous step up from always being the last to know anything
Jason switching off with the tutor (LoA assassin lol) and the assassin and Dick eyeing each other up as they pass one another by because they both sense something's off about one another, just not what
Anyway, Jason locks up (extensive; perfect for the neighborhood, but also hopeful of all that Robin training having lingered in the back of Jason's head) then excuses himself to check that Damian was put to bed properly
Dick taking the opportunity to look around and being so enamored with every detail. There aren't many personal belongings, but there's enough. Used books and well-loved art supplies; second-hand furniture and a half-knitted blanket. There are drawings posted up on the fridge that Dick looks over fondly: depictions of Damian and Jason and few others that make up his family (which spoilers is gonna include Dick once Damian and Dick come to an understanding about Jason)
Anyway, Jason is so proud of Damian's artistic endeavors - a new hobby that Jason encouraged because Damian is otherwise so serious and morose for such a little guy. And Jason's smile when he talks about it, fuck. It's devastating. Dick could listen to Jason talk about this forever - he would love that.
Instead they talk about other things while they have a nightcap. They keep their voices low. Hushed so they don't disturb Damian in the next room.
By this point Dick would be well aware that Jason is still a sassy, ornery little menace firecracker, but it's still a joy to experience it. To trade quips, to banter. Keeping up with Jason's wit and playing a playful game of who has the sharper tongue.
It's them curled on either end of a stubby, narrow couch. Where Jason reaches out his sock-clad foot to shove at Dick's leg and Dick catches him and squeezes and holds on, a mindfully mindless point of contact - tentatively intimate.
And Dick isn't aware of how intimate the moment is - how captivated he is by Jason until suddenly a kid comes between them, face pinched as they click their tongue (and oh, that's a habit of Jason's, isn't it? Cute), taking Dick's hand in the tiniest of grips and forcibly removing Dick from Jason
Then Damian buries himself in Jason's chest before peeking back to glare at Dick. The declaration is clear as anything: he's mine
Jason introduces him, but Damian having none of it because Jason's attention being on another man? In their home? Unforgivable.
Jason being flummoxed because what? He's allowed to have friends, Damian.
Dick smiles at that. He might understand that desire to be possessive.
Introductions made, but Damian being very grumpy
Child rearing difficulties for Jason with setting boundaries and getting Damian to bed because he wants to spend time with Dick, but Damian doesn't want to share
And Dick wants more of Jason. Of course he does, but he's not going to put Jason in a position to pick. Never. So he calls it a night so that Jason can take care of Damian. That besides, it's late. They should both turn in.
Jason grumbling and being a little petulant about it as he sees Dick out at the door, Damian nestled in his arms and resting on his hip, arms wrapped tight around Jason's neck. But really? He'd stay up all night. It's been nice.
Their parting being all sorts of electric although there's nothing more than lingering gazes and slow pull aways and second looks over shoulders only to catch one another still there and sheepish, giddy titters ahhhhhh
Jason resting his back against the closed door while Dick sort of bounces down the hall, invigorated and happy and excited for next time
Next time being: just an hour later when Jason texts to see if Dick made it home safely
They proceed to text through the night and come the following day when Jason looks exhausted? Bruce is concerned. When Dick comes in later with Jason's choice caffeine, looking just as tired? Bruce quickly switches to paranoid because what's happening and why and how does he stop it? l:
Still waffling with how Damian should be, hence his section being a little scarce/vague. It'll get there!
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jrooc · 5 months ago
Thank you @energievie for the fun game. And @creepkinginc for the tag.
A little game for you today: imagine you're friends with both Ian and Mickey (I'm talking hanging out at their apartment, going out for drinks, the whole nine yards). Which one of them would you take with you for the following activities and why? No cheating 😅 Only of them because I promise you the other won't get upset.
But first...
Name: Jess
Age: A Nosho and a half
Location: Toronto, Canada
And now, for the activities:
Fishing: Mickey - 'Cause neither of us would give a fuck and would just skip to the drinking-on-a-boat part
Rom-com marathon in the park: Ian! Omg we'd get snacks and cuddle under a blanket and both identify with the awkward leading actor who can't play it cool and gossip about Mickey.
Clubbing: definitely Ian - I'm with Evie here. He'd be so much fun and great to look at.
Wine tasting: Mickey. Oh heck yes. We'd start out pretending to be serious. Swilling and sniffing and describing the tasting notes as 'fruity as all fuck' and 'I'm not fuckin' gay enough to drink wine that sweet' and then drink all the wine 'til we were giggling and facetiming Ian from the back of the wine tour mini bus.
Escape room: Mickey - I'm stealing Evie's answer here cause 1000% this: I mean, the guy escaped prison, a simple room would be no match for him.
A day at the spa: Ohhh this is a tough one 'cause both. But I guess I'll choose Mickey 'cause it'd be funny as fuck watching his reactions as they explain everything to him and you know he'd love a good pampering
Office Christmas party: Mickey - We both say inappropriate things but would make it fun so people would forgive us and just come sneak drinks with us from the bar.
Darts competition: Mickey. You know he'd be proficient at bar sports. He was playing darts and shooting guns before he was 10
Treasure hunt: Ian - Mickey would get frustrated and give up. Ian would work through the clues meticulously and be ultra-competitive.
Assembling IKEA furniture: Ian - Mickey would def not have the patience for this but Nosho's answer was funnier. And real.
Tags below the cut. Or here, have some early halloween candy 🍬:
@deedala @too-schoolforcool @thepupperino @runawaybrainsc @mickeysgaymom
@gallavichsuperfan @such-a-barbarian @crestfallercanyon @guinguin1984 @bluelightning00
@blue-disco-lights @spookygingerr @gallapiech @roryonic @spoonfulstar
@ian-galagher @transmurderbug @stocious @sgtmickeyslaughter @whatthebodygraspsnot
@francesrose3 @doshiart @look-i-love-u @rereadanon @palepinkgoat
@suzy-queued @vintagelacerosette @darlingian @samantitheos @sam-loves-seb
@mmmichyyy @annarowyn @look-i-love-u @ms-moonlight-inn @callivich
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stoneagedevil · 2 years ago
Always | Hannibal Lecter x f!reader
TWs: Slight mentions of cannibalism, homicide, serial killers, etc.
The waiting room to the luxurious office was quiet, save for muffled conversation between two people she’s never met, one she was referred to as a condition to returning to one of her loves - investigating with the FBI as part of the Homicide Division. Y/N had grown to resent Jack Crawford for his overbearing nature, and his constant need to have things go his way.
She straightened herself at the thought of the man, her cold exterior revealing nothing.
The door suddenly clicked open, and her eyes darting towards a hand grasping the knob. Attached to the hand was a handsome older man wearing a three piece suit, his patient passing by muttering.
“We can expand on that lasting thought at your next appointment, have a good day.” He said. His voice was accented. He then turned his gaze to a woman sitting on his leather sofa in the waiting room. “Miss L/N?”
“Correct.” She affirmed, standing and reaching out her hand to shake his.
“I’m Doctor Hannibal Lecter, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Jack Crawford briefed me on a bit of a compromise between the two of you.” He took her invitation to shake her hand, noting how small it was in his.
“Compromise is putting it lightly,” she said dully, “he’ll stop at nothing to get what he wants.” She furrowed her eyebrows to emphasize her distaste for her superior. She even despised referring to him as above her.
He chuckled in amusement, “Yes, I understand. I work closely with him and another one of his colleagues, why don’t you come in?” He gestured inside the office, and she was met with the sight of more leather furniture, a wall of books, and many (presumably) expensive decorative pieces.
“Will Graham.” She stated, as she took a seat furthest away from Hannibal. He noted this too.
“Yes, Will Graham. Do you hold contempt for him as well?” He asked rather straightforwardly, taking a seat opposite her, and flipping to a fresh page in his notebook. A clean slate.
This was the part she hated. Sooner down the road she’d wish she said nothing at all. All the notes regarding her could be burned easily, but it was the notes encapsulated within the confines of the mind that was hardest to get rid of. However, she was nothing if not determined.
“Perhaps. I haven’t figured it out yet. He’s odd, but Crawford wants to keep him. I’m the same way, but was found easiest to let go.” She kept eye contact the entire time, Hannibal breaking it only to write about her in his notebook. “I hate that.”
“That you were easiest to let go of?” Hannibal asked while looking up, he presumed the answer would’ve been yes, but he was surprised when he was met with confrontation.
“The writing in the notebook thing. What happens when you die and someone else has everyone’s weaknesses in their hands?”
Hannibal sat back, setting his pen down onto the paper and clasping his hands over it. “Would you prefer I refrain from my note-taking?”
“You could write everything we discussed down after I leave, so I don’t think it matters much. I just need you to know that I hate it.” She shrugged, crossing her legs.
“Do you feel that I have ill intentions in regards to what information you give me?”
“I haven’t decided yet. But a time will come when I know. For now, let’s continue with this appointment.” She gestured to the pen and paper resting on his lap, and he took hold of the pen once more. Now everything was back as it had been.
“As I said before, Jack Crawford said that our meetings were a condition to be let back into the Homicide Division. Would you feel comfortable on elaborating on that further?” He lifted his leg to rest an ankle on his knee, once again sitting back in a non-threatening manner. Open, but not inappropriately so.
“I left because he didn’t see a use for me. Continued with another passion, but I’d gotten bored of it. Now I want back in, and Crawford obviously has his reservations towards me.” She explained briefly.
“Why didn’t he see a use for you?”
“Will Graham was the newest puppy to keep chained at his feet. He’s more digestible than I. My standoffish demeanor did me no favors in addition to that.” He jotted that down. It was his strong belief that she did harbor a sense of rage towards Will, and if he were being honest with himself, it delighted him to see such anger expressed so eloquently. She was aware of herself. He could appreciate that.
“And what was this ‘other passion?’” He asked.
“I’m an artist. I draw, I write, I paint.”
“How impressive. Are you in a creative block at the moment?” He wondered if the creative block was something she saw to be moved by her other occupation.
“Thank you, but no. I’m bored in the sense that I just need something new, but familiar. Being a part of the Homicide Division is the only thing I want to do besides painting from time to time.”
“And why is your heart set on that? Especially given Crawford’s apprehension toward letting you back in.”
“Simple. It’s exhilarating.” She smiled.
He raised his eyebrows, “Exhilarating how?”
“Do you want to digestible answer, or the truth?” She replied.
“Why not both? We have plenty of time left.”
“Digestible first then. I live and breathe bringing monsters to justice, and consoling families of lost loved ones through the closure of a killer’s sentencing.” She tilted her head.
“And the truth?”
“The truth is - I don’t particularly care about most of the people who are murdered. Children, of course, but if you look deep enough you’ll see that most of the cadavers I spend my time with had it coming.” This. This is what increased his interest tenfold.
“You don’t care if the rude die?”
“Rude would be - once again, putting it mildly. But no. I don’t. Does that make me a bad person? Probably. But I’m perfectly fine with that. I’m not going to act like I care about arresting someone who’s killed a predator.” He smiled at her monologue.
“Yes, I understand your point. But what about the few that are innocent?”
“Innocent or guilty, they’re still a mess for me to analytically dissect and trace from to whoever killed them. There was a time where I was bored with this job too. Another reason why I left in addition to Will Graham.” She stared indifferently. He wanted her to crack in some way. Uncover the ruthlessness he knew she harbored deep inside.
“And why were you bored?”
“The murders at the time. They weren’t- how do I word this? They weren’t dynamic and intentive. It was all too ‘heat of the moment.’ Not-“
“Yes. Lifeless, ironically.” She smiled once again, “There were a few serial killers I’d been on the team for, and I do believe that for them- this breed of human who enjoys killing, that they view killing almost as a hobby. And what do you do when you have a hobby? You perfect the skills it takes to do it and the impression it leaves on others. You take pride in it. I see no pride. I see, ‘I need to become the most prolific serial killer in the States, and to do that, I’ll kill anyone I lay my eyes on.’ It’s sloppy.”
His heart raced at her words. Those beautiful words falling from her beautiful lips.
“And what makes a good serial killer?” He breathed.
“I think you already know, Hannibal.” She raised her eyebrows and him and smiled knowingly. “Your secret is safe with me, of course. I couldn’t dream of stopping an artist in his tracks.” Despite being taken aback slightly, he was drawn in due to her earnest nature regarding his craft.
“You’re the other one, aren’t you? The Minnesota Shrew?”
“Our reputations precede us then, Ripper. I look forward to looking more at your work. If you’ll have me.”
Hannibal unknowingly untensed his shoulders at this. He could smell dishonesty from a mile away, when there was none to be found.
“It would be an honor.” He replied, as she stood and headed for the door.
“Hannibal, you don’t let them go to waste, do you?” She turned, sharp eyes looking back at him.
“They’re prepared meticulously, my dear.” He answered softly. Within the short time he spoke to this woman, he’d felt the ugliest parts of him had been scrubbed clean, that his soul had bonded to another of its beautifully terrible nature.
“Then I think I’d love a taste, if you’re willing.” A warm smile lit up the room, painted in deep red.
Thank you to those who’ve read my last post, I sincerely appreciate your support. Let me know if you’d like more from me.
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aelirus · 13 days ago
[for your v: repentance verse! we can workshop this further if you want--]
The guest is on his way upstairs.
ERIS EVANS hums with acknowledgement, switching the intercom off and leaning back in her office chair. Her Devon workspace sprawls before her: a space full of ornate wood furniture, sealed documents stored in ominous file cabinets, and little machine parts littering her oaken desk. The Hoenn sunlight filters through the huge glass windows, providing the former commander with a stunning view of the nearby forest sprawl, Chimney smoking in the distance.
(She's used her guile, venom, and teeth to ascend to this position. All by herself, imperious and wild on the throne.)
But when Cyrus finally appears in the doorway, Eris feels her mask slip for a fleeting moment, a mixture of emotions thrumming past her temple. A frown, a curl of the glossy lip, quickly replaced with...something more neutral. Frosty and perfect.
"...It's you," she murmurs, betraying nothing, sitting up a bit straighter. The invitation into the office is an unspoken one.
The walls of office buildings were beyond familiar for the former Galactic Boss. Sinnoh, Hoenn; they all had a sterile, hope-devouring sameness about them that he once found comfortable. Now, as he climbed his way up the stairs of the Devon building, he was unsettled to find he felt stifled.
Surely, in no way could that feeling be a simultaneous result of knowing he was about to come face to face with one of the few people in his life he'd ever considered a valuable asset. A living reminder of his failure.
He was closer and closer, now, until all that seperated them was a wall. He'd seen recent images, footage, of Jupiter-- Eris as she was now called-- but found himself unable to divorce the idea of her and her old self in his mind.
Wasn't that amazing? Space and Time, they are only what you made of them. If he stopped now, he could have that memory of her lodged in his head until it dimmed and faded away entirely. He would never have to be aware of another reality of her.
Regardless of how tempting the idea was- the ability to control life even in the most minor of ways- Cyrus couldn't hesitate. This future he was about to come face-to-face with would be yet another puzzle for him to figure out.
Let the world challenge me, he'd think. I will find the solution each time.
And then the veil, the old world, was ripped away from his consciousness, just as simply as walking through a doorway.
She looked different yet the same. The jaw, the nose, the eyes remained untouched, but her hair and outfit was so dissonant with what Cyrus knew her as. She'd find her expression reflected back at her, but it somehow gave even less insight.
"Perceptive." One would expect him to sound different after having been dragged to an alternate dimension and back... but it might be that the presence of those who he once commanded placed him in a certain mindset. Unlike with the youth that foiled his plans, he felt it inappropriate to be anything but distant with his old comrades.
His style of dress hadn't changed: business-casual wear that did just what it needed to come across formal while prioritising his comfort. The eye bags beneath his eyes were ever-dark, hair untouched. He was a phantom of the past.
The unspoken invitation into Eris' space was accepted easily, crossing the threshold and then stopping halfway into the room. Going just far enough to impose while still demonstrating his little desire for closeness.
"Are you busy?"
That was different. Instead of knowing things, or finding them out for himself, or deciding what was the best use of someone else's time- he was asking her. He must've felt unfamiliar saying it, too, because he broke his eye contact to gaze about the room. It felt "casual" in an awkward, planned way.
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saytrrose · 1 year ago
Do you feel comfortable telling us what happened at your parents' house?
Sure! But be prepared for a long ramble.
My stepmom is a really conservative transphobic narcissist.
My housing plan this year is a tiny room freshman dorm and had a bed, closet and desk. I share it with my bestfriend, Kayla.
My housing plan NEXT year has been decided, I am going to move into a 4 room apartment style dorm, where we all have our own rooms, 2 people each share a bathroom, and we even have a living/kitchen area. I’m very excited!!!
I broke the news to my parents, and said that Kayla and I would share a bathroom on one half of the dorm, and our friends Micheal and Brayden would share the other side.
She expressed concern over two “girls” being with two “guys” and I told her it would be fine because both Brayden and Micheal are gay men, and are engaged to eachother too. To which when she heard this she was “oh okay.”
But then she brought up the possibility of the housing office not allowing us to be co-ed, girls and boys sharing a apartment style dorm together and I had Micheal’s permission to tell my mother that he was a transman, meaning he is afab, to ease her nerves. I explained that the housing office obviously did not care as long as we all knew eachother and agreed on it.
She then proceeded to rant on how gender is so confusing, and for 2 days straight refused to use Micheal’s name, instead referring to him as “the girl who wants to be a boy.”
I told her that it’s not complicated at all, and she asked me “So are they gay or straight?” And I told them they are gay men, which I had already told you prior. She then asked me “well has the wannabe boy had any surgeries?” And that’s when I started to genuinely get pissed off.
I said “First, that’s an inappropriate question to ask. What would you do if a random person kept inquiring on your genitals? It’d be an issue wouldn’t it?” To which she then interrupted me, saying “Oh so they don’t. Yeah I thought so. So they are straight until they get surgery.”
I told her that we are in COLLEGE and that’s a lot of money, time and healing to take into account and Micheal is infact on hormones and looks his gender, acts his gender, sounds like his gender, and so on. I then decided to de-stress, and promptly left the whole house to go on a walk which apparently to her, was very inconsiderate and rude.
On top of all that, she consistently helicopters over me, anytime I touch my phone she’s “what are you doing.” “Who are you texting.” “What are you texting them.” “Why are you doing that on your phone.”
One time I went to my room for a singular hour to go through some of the things I packed and got at the thrift store, just deciding what to leave home and take with me you know, nothing big. I walked out once dinner was done, and she loves to use a bitchy voice and say “look who came out of their room.” “Look who’s alive and decided to join us.” And when I try to say I was literally gone for a fucking hour she accuses me of being too “antisocial.”
Also, we have 5 dogs at our house. Almost all are abused. They live in kennels constantly unless they are ushered outside to potty. There is Jax, poor old man is 14 and has prostate cancer. He has severe arthritis as well and struggles to walk. There is Shepherd, he has one big tumor on his spine and about 5 itty bitty ones around it too- but all non-cancerous. Past his hip bones he is hairless due to skin irritation and scratching/biting. Then there is Mac, the golden lovely child of the house who is the only one not in a kennel ever, roams the house, only one allowed on furniture and more. There is Charlotte, a hurricane Harvey rescue who is a gorgeous and pretty cocker spaniel/poodle. She’s pure black for the exception of white paws and a white heart on her chest. She’s super sweet but gets screamed at everyday for whining in the kennel but good news!! My friend Kayla is in the process of adopting her to help get her out of the house and into a better home. Then there is Pickles, my poor baby that my stepmom hates the most. Just yesterday she was scolded for curling up next to me which was apparently “possessive behavior” so she took her shoe off and beat her in in face 4 times until she was whining and barking- and then got yelled at for getting defensive and snapping once at her.
It’s horrible.
Did I mention all of this is in the span of 24 hours?
More that happened, my stepmom asking me to constantly check the mail to see if my VA check has come in. It comes the first week of each month- sure, but calm down I don’t need to check 3 times a day. Also she only cares so much because my stepmom is blind, is jealous everyone else is putting an effort into their lives and is desperate for some ounce of control and wants us to give her money for her smoking addiction.
Also my check didn’t come in LOL but that’s alright, my awesome sister said she’ll swing but next weekend and snatch it up for me.
It’s just exhausting. Thats just ONE day there- I can’t imagine what summer is going to be like. My sister gave me the idea to get a job like my stepmom wants, but get it here in my college town so I don’t have to be home. Which is genius!! Pickles stays with me, safe and not getting abused. (She’s so scared of everything when she’s home, and it’s so hard to try to help her heal from ptsd when it’s recurring- ik if I do this it will be best for her.) AND I don’t have to be there which fucks with my own mental health.
Also, stepmom isn’t trying to get my money. That’s nice too.
Sorry guys this is more so a vent now, but hey if you read this far than thanks for listening 😭
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inappropriateuseof · 11 months ago
Inappropriate Use Of Office Furniture
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generalized-crowposting · 2 years ago
Hangman’s Joke Chapter 1
Hey! New chapter! The tragedy is here.
This chapter and the next were supposed to be one, but I’ve been hit with a strange form of writer’s block. Meaning this half is all done and ready to go, already longer than the prologue, but the other half is stuck in my brain refusing to go onto paper. But, there’s an easy break point here so I figured I’d go ahead and split the chapter in two.
Content warning for (canon typical) death
Hangman’s Joke Chapter One: Raining Glass
Officer Albrecht stared out the shattered window onto the scene below. He watched as the paramedics covered up the absolutely shattered body of the man who had, less than an hour before, been thrown from where he stood. He turned from the sad scene outside toward the ongoing situation inside the loft. The place had been torn apart. Papers and photographs were scattered everywhere. Furniture was thrown across the room. Some of it looked nearly as splintered as- he shook his head, clearing that thought away. This case would be stuck in his mind long enough.
“Sir!” One of the paramedics shouted from across the room. “She’s holding on, but we have to get her to the hospital!” He held the hand of an absolutely brutalized woman. A clear mask pumped her system full of desperately needed oxygen, but the pain she was in couldn’t have been more obvious.
“What the hell are you waiting on?! Do it!” He shouted back. They got to work without another word. The paramedics lifted her onto a stretcher as quickly and gently as they could and rushed her out of the room. A few of the other cops in the room looked at Albrecht with pity. He’d made the right call from a moral standpoint, but they all knew he’d catch a write up for it from the detective.
He turned back to the scene, ignoring his co-workers' stares. A nearly pristine paper in the pile of scattered memories caught his eye. He leaned down and picked it up. He quickly glanced over the paper and sighed sadly. It was a wedding invitation, dated for the next day at sunset. He held onto the paper as one of the cops called him over.
“What have we got here?” The man asked Albrecht. He gestured at the now blood-splattered wedding dress.
Albrecht looked away from the dress. “Eric Draven and Shelly Webster. The wedding was tomorrow night.” He looked around, now noting all the preparations scattered amongst the chaos. A bouquet of flowers and the vase they’d been sitting in were scattered across the floor, water soaking into the floorboards. A basket of matching boutonnières was knocked over, with several of the delicate flowers crushed.
The other cop shook his head, knocking Albrecht out of his observations. “Who the fuck gets married on Halloween anyhow?” He said, his voice carrying a level of judgment that seemed inappropriate for the situation.
He took another look around, “Nobody, I guess.” He replied, his tone not matching his colleague’s. He stepped out of the loft and down the stairs. Outside, the woman, Shelly, was being loaded onto a rolling bed to be taken to the hospital.
The detective was shouting at the paramedics, “I did not give you permission to move her!” He whipped around as Albrecht exited the building. “Is this the victim?”
Albrecht shook his head and layered sarcasm on thick, “No sir, it’s Amelia Earhart. We found her, you missed it.” He chuckled, relieved as the paramedics used the detective’s momentary distraction to start loading Shelly into the ambulance. Albrecht ignored the detective’s biting remarks and rushed over to her side.
Sarah rolled up on her skateboard and froze, seeing the scene in front of her. She ran over to Shelly’s bedside. Shelly groaned and spoke, despite the oxygen mask in her way. “Where’s Eric?..” she asked, her eyes darting around, looking around for any sign of him.
Albrecht’s eyes wandered to the sheet-covered body still laying on the pavement for a split second before he shook his head. “Look, don’t worry about him right now.” He did everything he could to keep his tone neutral and calming. He helped the paramedics lift the bed into the ambulance.
“Tell him to take care of Sarah!” She said, her voice edging on panic. Albrecht nodded acceptance of her request, which seemed to calm her down just a little. The medical personnel piled into the ambulance and closed the door.
The officer stepped off to the side, pulling the teen away gently. “Are you Sarah?” He asked. Her slight nod was all the confirmation he needed. “Look, your sister.. she’s gonna be fine-“
Sarah cut him off. “She’s not my sister. Shelly just takes care of me. Her and Eric..” her words lost their bite as she glanced back over at the sheet. The wind from the storm rolling in had blown it back just a tiny bit. His cut and bloody hand was partially visible. “..You’re lying to her about Eric.” She turned back to the cop, still not meeting his eyes.
Albrecht kept his voice as gentle as he could. “I had too.” He internally winced at how patronizing that sounded, but rolled with it.
“And you’re lying to me about Shelly.” She said with the certainty of a child who’d already seen far more bad in their life than anyone should have too. “She’s going to die too, isn’t she?”
He couldn’t think of a true response that wouldn’t sound like a lie. “We’re going to do everything we can.” He said, knowing it was a half-answer at best. He shook his head and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “You said they took care of you.. is there anywhere else you can go? Anywhere I can send word if she pulls through?”
Sarah nodded and wiped tears from her eyes. “Yeah..” her voice shook. “They’ll want to know what happened too.” She couldn’t help her eyes from wandering to the scene again. Eric’s hand had been re-covered. Her eyes instead wandered up to the shattered window that all of them had gathered around so many times to watch the few stars that shone bright enough to peek through the city lights. “I don’t know the address, but I can get there..” she forced her gaze back down to the officer.
Albrecht shook his head. “You shouldn’t be out on the streets by yourself.” He looked around, knowing he had to get back on the scene. “Look,” he pulled out a piece of paper from one of his pockets, “I don’t like you being alone, but I have to find out who did this. If you need anything, let me know, okay?” He handed her one of his cards from his days as a detective. The number on it was still good, even if the title was inaccurate.
Sarah nodded and shoved it in one of her jacket pockets. “Thanks..” she took one last look at everything and turned away. Partially because she knew she needed to leave and partially to hide the tears threatening to fall. She walked for about a block, trying unsuccessfully to force herself to calm down, before she put her skateboard on the pavement. The rain began to pour as she headed toward Gunner and Brion’s place.
Gunner raised an eyebrow when a knock rang out. He glanced at the clock. The bright red numbers showed that it was after midnight, nearly one am. He rolled off his spot on the couch and over to the door. The chain lock jangled as he pulled open the door a crack. “Sarah?” He said, a little shocked. She was clearly soaked to the bone. “What are you doing here? Give me just a second.” He closed the door and undid the lock before throwing the door back open. “What’s wrong?” He ushered her inside and locked the door behind her. “Brion, get a towel!”
Sarah dropped her skateboard and bag in a heap. She collapsed on the couch, her whole body shaking from the cold rain and the tears that she finally felt safe enough to let fall. She opened her mouth to try to explain why she was there, but all that she could manage was a croak before she had to curl back in on herself and sob.
Brion stumbled into the room. His glasses were off-kilter on his face like he’d just slapped them on. He flipped the light switch on, flooding the room with a warm yellow light. It took him a second to process what was going on in the living room. As soon as it hit him he rushed over. He wrapped Sarah’s shoulders in the towel and a hug. “Hey, hey, it’s alright.” He paused when Gunner sat down on the other side and pulled the couch blanket over her lap. “Take your time, we’re here.”
The three of them stayed like that for what felt like an eternity, but the clock claimed was less than an hour. Sarah crying it out, trying to compose herself, and Brion and Gunner doing everything in their power to help. They held off asking her anything again until her breathing finally got closer to even and she stopped shivering.
Gunner was the first to speak. “Are you okay?” He asked. Sarah nodded, then, after a moment, shook her head no. “Are you ready to talk, or do you still need chill time?” His voice was gentle, much more than usual.
Sarah took a deep, shaky breath. Then another. On the third she felt steady enough to say, “I’m sorry for waking you guys up..” she shivered, though it was less intense than before. “Especially like this..” Thunder rolled outside as the rain continued to pour. She couldn’t help but think of how hard it would be to track anyone down in this weather.
Brion let her go enough to look her in the eye. “You have absolutely nothing to apologize for.” He let her go the rest of the way, but stayed close, just in case she still needed a hug. “Our door is always open. Though I have to ask,” he glanced at Gunner for a second, who gave a small nod, “Why’d you come here in this storm instead of going to Eric and Shelly’s? They’re closer, and you know how dangerous it is to be out tonight. It’s Devil’s Night.”
Sarah winced, biting back another round of tears. They needed to.. they deserved to know. “I..” she started, “I know it’s not safe.. but I couldn’t stay there.” She had to stop herself.
Gunner’s mind immediately began running through possibilities. “Why not?” He asked carefully. “You know they would never turn you away. And even if those night owls were already asleep, you’ve got a key to get in..” he watched Sarah’s face closely as he spoke, trying to figure out what had gotten the usually unshakable teen so upset.
She nodded. “I know.. I couldn’t stay there because.. because it’s a crime scene…” She stuttered. She took another deep breath. “Because Eric’s dead and Shelly’s probably not going to make it!” She blurted out. The shocked silence that followed was palpable. She began shaking again as the two beside her processed.
A few times Brion opened his mouth to ask if he’d heard her right, but the tears beginning to fall again told him everything he needed to know. “..what?” He said, finally breaking the silence. His voice was barely a whisper. He tried to meet her eyes, but she had them closed, trying to block out the world for a moment.
Gunner stayed frozen for nearly a full minute longer. When his brain finally caught up with him, he said nothing and stood up. He moved robotically to the phone mounted in the wall. Without even having to look he dialed the number for Tex and Moe’s current place. Despite how often they had to move, he always memorized the number. If his mind could have more than one thought at a time in that moment, he would have thanked himself for that. The phone rang for quite a while. Well past when he normally would have given up on getting ahold of them.
On the other end of the line, Tex rolled off the lumpy mattress, having been awoken by the phone. Moe was still passed out. That man could sleep through anything. He picked up. “Who the hell is calling this late tonight of all nights?” He said, his tone short and groggy.
“Tex. It’s Gunner.” He kept the shakiness out of his voice, but only barely. “You and Moe need to get your asses over here. Right now.”
Tex raised an eyebrow. He glanced out the window just as lightning flashed. “In this weather? The roads will be soup! What the hell could be so-“
Gunner cut him off. “Something happened at the loft.” His voice broke, unable to keep himself composed any longer. “Sarah saw the aftermath.. Eric is dead. Shelly’s hurt really bad, too.” He took a deep breath.
The line was silent for too long of a moment. “No, no there’s no fucking way.” His mind raced. “Moe and I are going to go by the loft first. See what’s going on.” He shook his head, refusing to believe it. “Maybe.. maybe she didn’t see what she thought she did.”
“Please just get here. We’ll go together.” He practically begged.
Tex pulled the phone cord as long as he could and reached over to Moe to shake him awake. “Fine. But I want you all ready to jump in the van the moment we pull up.” Moe began to stir, his groan audible even over the phone. He went back over to the phone hung up without another word.
The line went dead. “Fuck.. fuck.” Gunner paced around the room. He shook his head. One of them had to be practical here, and judging by the shaky hugs happening on the couch and Tex’s reaction, that job fell to him. He made his way back over to Sarah and Brion. “Hey..” he said, his voice gentle. “Moe and Tex are on their way.” He looked at Sarah, “I’m so sorry, I know this is a lot, but I need to know. Is Shelly still there or have they taken her to the hospital?”
Sarah looked up at him. “H-hospital..” she wiped her face on her sleeve. “They.. they were putting her in the ambulance when I got there..” she wrapped the towel and blanket around herself further.
Gunner nodded. “Okay. That’s good. There’s a chance she’ll pull through.” He paused. He took a shaky breath and braced himself for the answer. “..and Eric?”
Sarah buried herself further into Brion’s arms. She shook her head, needing a moment to form more words. “He..” her voice was muffled, “He’s gone..” she gulped in air. “..he was on the street in a pile of glass.. the window was broken.” With that her voice gave out into more tears.
Brion pulled her in closer without saying a word. His own face was streaked with tears, but he was doing his best to stay strong for now. He picked her up and stood from the couch all in the same motion. The towel and blanket were still wrapped around her. He looked at Gunner. “Grab a couple extra blankets..” His voice was nearly as unsteady as Sarah’s. “She’s still freezing.. and we could be in the hospital for a while.”
Gunner nodded, quickly ducking into the bedroom. He glanced at the pair of secondhand suits he and Brion had for tomorrow’s wedding hanging in the closet for just a moment. He bit back the wave of pain that threatened to break his composure and forced himself back on task. He grabbed several spare blankets and slung them over his shoulder. He pulled a couple more towels from the bathroom cabinet as well, just in case. He went back to the pair. Brion still had Sarah held to his shoulder. He couldn’t help but think about how terrible the scene must have been for someone with as strong of an independent streak as her to allow herself to be held like a child. He pushed the thought out of his mind for now and added her things to the pile in his arms. He sighed and unlocked the door. “C’mon.” He said as he held the door open for them. Brion shuffled through the doorway, careful to keep Sarah from bumping on the frame. Gunner followed and locked the door behind them. He double and tripled checked the locks. Worrying about their apartment getting broken into was low on his current list of priorities, but it was always a possibility.
The trio stood half in the doorway, half under the entryway awning as they waited for the telltale rumble of Moe’s van. They didn’t have to wait long. Tires squealed as Moe took the corner far faster than usual and slammed into a full stop in front of the apartment.
“Shit.. he wouldn’t drive like that unless he’s seriously pissed off.” Brion muttered. Only Sarah heard him over the rain, but Gunner was thinking the same. They all rushed the few steps through the rain and into the back of the van. They half expected for Moe to peel off the moment the door shut behind them. Instead, the interior was uncomfortably quiet. No radio played. The only sound was the rain hitting the metal roof and the click of seatbelts.
Once they were all in, Moe finally released his white-knuckle grip on the wheel. He shifted the van into park and turned around. Anger was clear on his face. “What the hell happened?” He said, his eyes on Sarah. “Who did this? Do you know?” His shoulders shook from the tension in every fiber of his being.
Tex placed a hand on his shoulder as Sarah shook her head no. She curled in on herself a bit at his tone. “Moe, Gunner said she only saw the aftermath.” Tex said as gently as he could. “Don’t take this out on her.”
Moe unwillingly relaxed his shoulders a bit. “I’m sorry.” He forced his tone to be as calm as he could, but it wasn’t much less than it was before. He turned back to the wheel, “Let’s just get to the loft. Maybe one of those fucking cops will actually make themselves useful.” Finally, he shifted the car into gear and sped off.
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astorage01 · 10 days ago
The Importance of Secure Storage to Store Your Items!
Are you looking for the best and secure storage facilities? If yes, look no further than A Storage. In today’s bustling world, where space is at a premium and life never seems to slow down, the need for temporary space during life transitions or the challenge of managing space efficiently is a common thread for many.
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Our secure storage facilities are a practical solution that not only maximizes home spaces but also ensures the safety of your belongings. All you need to do is search for “secure storage facilities in Murphy, NC” inyour search browser, and you will find us on your way.
Whether as a short-term or long-term solution, there are plenty of reasons why you may choose to do this.   
Why is Secure Storage Important?
We understand how secure storage solutions can particularly benefit those who are moving home, whether they are renting, downsizing, or even moving abroad. Secure storage is a great way to ensure your belongings remain safe, secure, or in good condition.  
Protecting Against Theft
Our security units offer much higher security solutions than the average home, garage, or shed. We give your belongings a high level of protection against theft with our access control systems, CCTV monitoring, proper lighting, and on-site personnel. We ensure that your valuables, family heirlooms, or whatever you choose to store are safe.  
Preventing Damage and Loss
When damage and loss occur because of inappropriate storage and environmental hazards, we are here to help you. Our storage solutions protect against extreme temperatures, humidity, and pests, which can cause irreparable damage to certain items.   
Whether you need to store excess business files, equipment, or certain personal belongings, our additional storage space is highly convenient for you. Losing these items could have devastating effects. With our storage solutions, you have access to the items you need on demand without having them pile up at your home or office.   
Peace of Mind
With our storage solutions, you can get peace of mind, knowing your belongings are well-protected and safe. In addition to this, you can continue with your daily activities with the confidence they are safe and secure by storing your items in a secure location.
Who Might Need Secure Storage?
Let’s take a look at the types of people who may choose self-storage units.
Move House From One Place to Another
Rent a new Home with Excess Furniture
Relocate Overseas Temporarily
Store Your Business Assets
Store Your RV
Why choose A Storage as your secure storage provider?
Secure Storage
Personal and Business Storage
Storage for House Moves
Pickup and Delivery
CCTV and 24/7 Lighting
A Storage is here to help you whether you are relocating, downsizing, or simply looking for extra space. Apart from this, as you search for “clean and safe storage lockers in Murphy, NC,” we are the ideal choice for all your storage needs.
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universal-legacy · 26 days ago
Wishlist @ Cherry, Iris
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Well, there's too many things on Cherry's wish list that would be far too inappropriate, even for sinday. But for something a little more acceptable, it would be acceptable to say that Cherry would love to have some more outfits to try on with a few of his friends. Including some specialized ones.
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As for Iris, she'd love to have a heavy duty set of automatic toys designed for prolonged use throughout an entire day. Not necessarily just for herself, but. . . Primarily for herself. To hide in her office in certain pieces of furniture. With special controls for them.
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nemufy · 2 months ago
I was stunned when my top employee said something so inappropriate. As the CEO of a furniture company and a father of two daughters, I thought I had seen it all. On Wednesday, three of my employees wrapped up a major project that brought in huge profits, so I decided to reward each of them with a $1,000 bonus.
First, I called one employee into my office and handed him his bonus. He was so excited, he practically jumped out of the room. Next, I gave the bonus to another employee, who was so overwhelmed he punched the lamp on my desk in excitement—he wasn’t used to this kind of recognition. Finally, I called my best employee, the one who had been consistently outstanding since day one.
I said, “Hey Timmy, come on in.” I gave him a hug and handed him the bonus, saying, “You’ve earned it. Keep it up.” He looked at the money and said, “I don’t need this. My bank account’s doing just fine. I want something else this time.”
I asked, “What do you want, Timmy? Anything for you.”
He responded, “Anything? Really?”
I said, “Yeah, go ahead—what do you need?”
Pointing at my comfy chair, he said, “I want both of your beautiful daughters to sit on each of my legs at the same time while I go wild for two hours.”
Shocked and enraged, I slapped him, beat him up, and fired him on the spot. I still can't wrap my head around what he said..
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melbournecheapremovalss · 2 months ago
Smooth and Stress-Free Moving Solutions in Box Hill
Moving can sometimes be draining and this is why one has to ensure they hire a good removalist in Box Hill. This will come in handy when moving your things so as to avoid any tension that may be encountered in the process. As much as it is a residential when it comes to commercial moving, hiring professional and qualified movers assures fair and quality services with minimal input from the hirer. Given the fact that most families live a rather active life in Box Hill, hiring a team of professional movers can significantly alleviate the burden of the process and reduce the amount of stress.
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The Importance of Hiring a Moving Company in Box Hill
Moving stretches far beyond merely packing and transporting personal belongings. A reliable moving company in Box Hill is one that is able to provide you with services that suit your requirements. From the packaging materials that are tough, to ensuring that your items are well packed and shipped appropriately, to managing every aspect of the move, they do it so professionally. This not only saves your time and energy but also can prevent your belongings from being damaged or lost during the moving.
Professional movers also have adequate knowledge on the roads of the area and as such will be in a position to avoid traffic problems that may arise especially when reaching Box Hill. This local knowledge is very essential, more especially with regard to the timely and safe movement of your consignments.
Simplifying House Removals in Box Hill
Organizing your move will be a challenging task for anyone, regardless of your age or the reasons for the move. House removals in Box Hill find the services of professional house removals very useful to ease this process. Some of these services include packing services of fragile items, unpacking services, and also services to dismantle and assemble large pieces of furniture. Movers also provide insurance options so that you can be sure your property will be protected.
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A professional moving team will guide you in the whole process of the house moving process, seeing that everything is done properly. Such reliance helps to free up time and avoid aggravation and stress since each individual is eager to begin the next chapter of one’s life.
Streamlining Office Removals in Box Hill
Office moving is one of the most complicated undertakings for any business since it involves relocating employees and functions from one office to another. The professional office removals are specifically focused towards office removals in Box Hill that entails in the moving of office equipment, office furniture and even confidential documents. No matter whether it is packing electronics safely or moving files and office supplies appropriately, professional movers know how to get it done rightly.
Reducing lost operational time is crucial in any kind of business relocation. With professional moving company, it is possible to complete the process of moving your office without much interruption of the business operations of your company.
Tips for a Successful Move
1. Start Early: Begin packing in advance to ensure that you avoid the rush at the inappropriate time.
2. Declutter: Sort your items and discard those that are not needed any more.
3. Label Everything: Ensure boxes are named and marked with contents and the intended room for storage.
4. Pack Strategically: This means arranging and packing the denser items at the base of the container or box and the lighter items on top.
5. Hire Professionals: Consult with proper service providers such as Melbourne Cheap Removals for the best experience.
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aarthiaaaa · 3 months ago
How to Pick the Right Office­ Chair: A Complete Guide
Office­ chairs play a critical role in keeping a workspace­ comfy and effective. Picking the­ right chair matters, whether you’re­ setting up a home office or de­signing a fresh corporate space in Dubai. This guide­ covers varied office chair type­s and helps you choose wisely.
Office­ Chairs:
Why They Matter A good office chair isn't just about looking the­ part; it’s about comfort, health, and function. Working long hours in an inappropriate chair can cause backache­s, bad posture, and lower output. The suitable­ chair supports you physically and boosts your focus and work quality.
Office Chair Purchase: Things to Think About Before­ exploring the chair types available­, think about these points:
1. Adaptability: Chairs with adaptive fe­atures let you alter se­at height, backrest tilt, and armrests to suit your comfort le­vel.
2. Function: Chairs are designe­d for different uses. For e­xample, ergonomic chairs work great for de­sk roles, whereas visitor chairs are­ perfect for waiting areas.
3. Mate­rial: Material selection can affe­ct both comfort and longevity. Choices range from me­sh to leather.
4. Style: Pick a chair that fits your office­ design and brand image. Office Chair Style­s Dubai’s expansive furniture marke­t provides a large variety of office­ chairs for all needs.
Here­'s a look at the preferre­d options:
1. Ergonomic Chairs Built for extended use­, ergonomic chairs prioritize comfort and posture aid. The­y come equipped with lumbar support, movable­ armrests, and headrests, making the­m the go-to for intensive de­sk tasks.
2. Recliner Chairs Ideal for e­xecutive lounges or de­-stress zones, recline­r chairs provide high comfort. They let you kick back and re­lax during breaks, blending utility with luxury.
3. Executive­ Chairs Executive chairs bring an air of ele­gance to your workspace. Made from high-class mate­rials like leather, the­y flaunt tall backrests, rich padding, and a stylish design that exhibits powe­r.
4. Gaming Chairs Initially created for gamers, the­se chairs now find a place in workspaces be­cause of their ergonomic e­lements. They fe­ature adjustable back and neck supports, making the­m excellent for long sit-down pe­riods.
5. Conference Chairs De­signed for short-term use, confe­rence chairs are lightwe­ight, stackable, and apt for meeting rooms or collaborative­ zones.
6. Task Chairs Task chairs deliver ve­rsatility and practicality. They usually come with basic modifications like spin and he­ight adjustment, fitting various office tasks.
7. Visitor Chairs Visitor chairs set a frie­ndly tone for customers and guests. The­y focus on style and comfort for brief seating.
8. Training Chairs Ide­al for seminars and learning modules, training chairs ofte­n include built-in writing pads or can be folded for e­ffortless storage.
9. Dining Chairs and Stools Companies with se­parate breakrooms nee­d dining chairs and stools. They enhance comfort and functionality in share­d spaces.
Office Furniture Tre­nds in Dubai Dubai’s office furniture sector flawle­ssly pairs novelty with luxury. From ergonomic products tailored for he­alth-focused personnel to classy e­xecutive chairs for contemporary office­s, every nee­d is covered. The city's marke­t appreciates function as much as style, aligning with unive­rsal trends. Office Chair Care To ke­ep your office chair functioning efficie­ntly: - Clean it regularly using suitable products. - Monitor and twe­ak its functions to assure maximum comfort. - Look out for signs of wear and fix them right away.
Choosing the­ best office chair is vital for a workspace that bolste­rs efficiency and wellne­ss. Whether you're afte­r ergonomic effective­ness, managerial style, or me­eting room functionality, there's a chair out the­re for you. Examine all options, consider your unique­ requirements, and inve­st in a chair that lets you stay focussed and relaxe­d throughout your workday.
Contact Us ; Website : https://highmoonofficefurniture.ae/ Mail ID : [email protected] Phone : +971 4 386 9693 Adrees : Highmoon Office Furniture – (Showroom), 2-213, Umm Suqeim Street, Al Quoz Industrial Area 4, Dubai
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audentiaspacesworld · 4 months ago
Top Benefits of Hiring Interior Designing Consultancy Services
Creating a well-designed and functional space requires more than just an eye for aesthetics. It demands expertise, creativity, and attention to detail. That’s where interior designing consultancy services come into play. These services provide professional guidance to help you transform your home, office, or any other space into something extraordinary. Whether you’re planning a renovation or starting from scratch, hiring experts in the field can make a significant difference. Audentia Space, a renowned firm in Hyderabad, specializes in delivering exceptional interior design solutions tailored to your needs.
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What Are Interior Designing Consultancy Services?
Before we delve into the benefits, it’s important to understand what interior designing consultancy services entail. These services involve professional interior designers who work closely with clients to plan, design, and execute interior spaces. From selecting the right color palette to optimizing space usage and ensuring functionality, these experts handle every aspect of interior design.
By working with professionals, you not only get access to their creativity but also their technical knowledge, ensuring your space looks beautiful and serves its purpose efficiently.
Top Benefits of Hiring Interior Designing Consultancy Services
1. Expert Guidance and Professional Insights
One of the most significant advantages of hiring interior designing consultancy services is access to expert advice. Interior designers bring years of experience and specialized knowledge to the table. They stay updated on the latest trends, materials, and techniques, ensuring your space reflects modern design principles.
Whether you're aiming for a minimalist look or a luxurious feel, a professional interior designer can guide you in making the right decisions to bring your vision to life.
2. Efficient Space Planning
Maximizing space is often a challenge, especially in compact or awkwardly shaped areas. Professional interior designing consultancy services excel in space optimization. They analyze your space and develop layouts that enhance functionality while maintaining aesthetic appeal.
For example, they can recommend clever storage solutions, multi-functional furniture, or open layouts that make your home or office feel more spacious and organized.
3. Cost-Effective Solutions
While hiring an interior designer might seem like an additional expense, it often saves you money in the long run. With their expertise, interior designing consultancy services help you avoid costly mistakes, such as choosing the wrong furniture size or using inappropriate materials. They also have access to a network of reliable suppliers and contractors, which can help you get quality materials and services at better rates.
By investing in professional consultancy, you ensure that every penny spent contributes to creating a space you’ll love.
4. Personalized Design Tailored to Your Needs
Professional designers understand that every client has unique preferences and requirements. Interior designing consultancy services focus on creating personalized designs that align with your lifestyle, taste, and budget.
Whether you want a modern, industrial office or a cozy, traditional home, these experts ensure the design reflects your personality and meets your functional needs.
5. Seamless Project Management
Interior design projects can be time-consuming and stressful without proper management. By hiring interior designing consultancy services, you can leave the coordination and execution to the experts. From managing contractors to ensuring timely completion, they handle every aspect of the project.
This not only saves you time and effort but also ensures that the project stays on track and within budget.
6. Access to Resources and Materials
Professional designers have access to a wide range of resources, including exclusive furniture, fabrics, and decor items that may not be available to the general public. Interior designing consultancy services use these connections to source high-quality materials that elevate the overall look and feel of your space.
Additionally, they are familiar with the best suppliers and brands, ensuring you get premium products that stand the test of time.
7. Increased Property Value
Investing in professional interior design can significantly enhance the value of your property. Well-designed spaces are more appealing to potential buyers or tenants, making it easier to sell or rent out your property at a higher price.
By working with interior designing consultancy services, you ensure that your home or office is designed to impress and attract, giving you a competitive edge in the real estate market.
Why Choose Audentia Space?
If you’re looking for exceptional interior designing consultancy services, Audentia Space in Hyderabad is the name to trust. With a team of skilled professionals and a commitment to excellence, Audentia Space specializes in creating spaces that are not only visually stunning but also functional and personalized. Their expertise spans residential and commercial projects, ensuring every design reflects the client’s unique needs and vision.
Hiring interior designing consultancy services is a smart choice for anyone looking to elevate their interiors. From expert guidance and efficient space planning to cost-effective solutions and seamless project management, these services offer numerous benefits that make your design journey smooth and successful.
Audentia Space, based in Hyderabad, brings unparalleled expertise to the table, ensuring your space is designed to inspire and delight. Let their team of professionals help you create the perfect environment that balances aesthetics and functionality. Reach out to them today to begin your transformation journey!
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