#reykjavik m&g
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goldenpinof · 1 month ago
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with the power of Apollo's gift of prophecy and permission
(i did ask them to choose their favourite separately. Dan's heart – middle, Phil's heart – right)
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galacticlestell · 1 month ago
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these are too cutesy for me to not post i fear. FAWKKKK i miss them so bad
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pseudophan · 9 months ago
did u end up getting m&g and if so where for :3
i did, for reykjavik! which i felt bad about at first but judging by how long it took for m&g tickets to get sold out it's all good. now i just need them to not cancel the show fingers crossed
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terribleinfluence-tour · 7 months ago
Full Tag List!
Main Tags
☆ M&G - #meetdnp
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☆ Daniel Howell - #daniel howell
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☆ Oslo - #Oslo
☆ Helsinki - #Helsinki
☆ Seattle Day 1 - #Seattle N1
☆ Seattle Day 2 - #Seattle N2
☆ Portland - #Portland
☆ Vancouver - #Vancouver
☆ Oakland - #Oakland
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☆ Brighton Day 2 - #Brighton N2
☆ Birmingham Day 1 - #Birmingham N1
☆ Birmingham Day 2 - #Birmingham N2
☆ London Day 1 - #London N1
☆ London Day 2 - #London N2
☆ London Day 3 - #Matinee - #London N3
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☆ Manchester Day 2 - #Manchester N2
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☆ Belfast - #Belfast
☆ Glasgow Day 1 - #Glasgow N1
☆ Glasgow Day 2   - #Glasgow N2
☆ Amsterdam - #Amsterdam
☆ Reykjavik - #Reykjavik
☆ Unknown- #unknown location
Locations with multiple shows will also be tagged with the location tag without a N1 etc attached for example all London shows will also be tagged with #London
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danssttripedshirt · 9 months ago
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I came to know about Olafur through Netflix’s ‘Abstract: the art of design’ series. He and his studio feature in the first episode of season 2. A M A Z I N G!!! That’s all I can say.
His work is simple, yet sophisticated. Using light, colour, geometry AND perception as the main characters in his art, he draws inspiration from nature. In fact, he has replicated it many times in large-scale exhibitions such as Beauty, Waterfall and The Weather Project.
Essential to his work is also the viewer, their ability to interact with the artwork and become part of it. For Olafur, the viewer collaborates in the making of the meaning of his pieces: ‘when you leave the exhibition, if there’s nobody in the room, there’s also no art’.
But careful, Olafur’s art is not just art for art’s sake. He is involved in a series of projects which aim to ‘turn thinking into doing’. Thus, for example, Ice Watch is a public installation designed to raise awareness about the severity of climate change using icebergs from Greenland’s disappearing glacier and Little Sun is a social business project that aims to provide light to people deprived of clean, affordable and sustainable energy worldwide. He is also involved in architectural projects exploring more organic, energy efficient and sustainable design: enter Harpa Reykjavik Concert Hall and Conference Centre and Fjordenhus.
to know more about the artist and his work, check out the official website:https://olafureliasson.net/
I promise, you won’t be dissappointed :-)
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arthurs-wife · 6 years ago
tagged by @wildxwildxwest
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag some blogs!
tagging: @usweasil @writing-in-hell @notursdutch @strawberrymigraines
a - age: 30
b - birthplace: why not minot
c - current time: 2032
d - drink you last had: coffee unfortunately
e - easiest person to talk to: my mama :)
f - favourite song: right now its To You by Young Wonder
g - grossest memory: probably that time my ring dang do split in half
h - horror yes or horror no: usually!
i - in love: with a real person? two real people! polyamory forever
j - jealous of people: see above
l - love at first sight or should i walk by again: walk by again
m - middle name: wartooth
n - number of siblings: 5 half sisters
o - one wish: i wish i drank more water
p - person you last called: my mooommmm
q - question you’re always asked: what do u want for dinner
r - reading anything right now? Wiccapedia
s - song you last sang: For Shelley (Unheard) - A Lot Like Birds
t - time you woke up: 0630 cause that baby
u - underwear color: ohhoohohoohoh
v - vacation destination: Reykjavik 
w - when was the last time you really laughed?: probably earlier at work them dudes crazy
y - your favourite food: anything with a noodle in it
z - zodiac: aquarius!
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joelcoen · 6 years ago
a-z questions
i was tagged by @hladnakaoled (ty!!)
A// age — 19
B// birthplace — newcastle, england
C// current time — 00:11
D// drink you had last — tea
E// easiest person to talk to — my parents 
F// favorite songs (currently) — play god - sam fender
G// grossest memory — quite recent but vomiting 4 times on new years day in 2 different toilets in my friends house sure was something
H// horror yes or no — nah
I// in love — i wish i was :(
J// jealous of — people who dont have paralysing social anxiety 
K// kids — atm i dont want them. who knows if ill change my mind in 10 years
L// love at first sight or walk by again — walk by again prob but i wish it was love at first sight
M// middle name — eve
N// number of siblings — two younger sisters
O// one wish — for a labour government. also for my grades to be released in one of my units. they said wednesday :/
P// person you last called — my dad
R// random fact about you — im a very good singer i just choose not to sing ever bc im embarrassed of people hearing me sing lol. its the anxiety!
Q// question you always get asked — toss up between whats my degree, whats the lipstick shade, is your hair naturally curly?
S// song you last sang — shallow from a star is born
T// time you woke up — 9 am
U// underwear color — white and pink
V// vacation destination — oslo, reykjavik, nuuk, svalbard, berlin (💜)  
W// worst habit — picking at my skin
X// x ray — my foot when i sprained my ankle by falling down 1 step at uni
Y// your favorite food — seafood linguine that my dad makes and a lemon cheesecake which my dad cannot make
Z// zodiac sign — aries
i tag @soales @evanandisaac @isaknewtons
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gs0nk · 6 years ago
gs0nk ABCS
TAGGED BY : @oh-my-darlin-clementine (●>v<●)
TAGGING : Anyone!!
A — AGE : 20 (am I so old.....)
B — BIRTHPLACE : Kaunas, Lithuania
C — CURRENT TIME : 3:19 a.m
D — DRINK YOU HAD LAST : Coffee. Super hot.
E — EASIEST PERSON ( S ) TO TALK TO : my soulmate Jeremy (he is Vi in our rp hoehoe) ofc
F — FAVOURITE SONG ( S ) : Human kitten - I don't want to be sad (probably, nice Marlon music theme)
G — GHOSTS ; ARE THEY REAL ? Nope. Nopenopenopenopenope.
H — HORROR YES , OR HORROR NO ? bodY HORROR YES YES PLEASE. Brain damage, videodrome, eraser head.... (/◕ヮ◕)/
I — IN LOVE ? praise Marlon 25/8
J — JEALOUS OF PEOPLE ? sometimes cause I hate myself so fuckin much oof
K — KILLED SOMEONE ? Myselffffffff- And couple of WoW raid bosses.
L — LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT , OR SHOULD I WALK BY AGAIN ? Uh I dunno. Everything can happen-
M — MIDDLE NAME ( S ) : Andrew
N — NUMBER OF SIBLINGS : 10yo Sis and 3yo bro
O — ONE WISH : To make the whole world happy (ಥ_ಥ)
Q — QUESTION YOU’RE ALWAYS ASKED : "Are you real lithuanian/say smth in lithuanian"
R — REASONS TO SMILE : Marlon's soft cheeks, Jeremy, when I can draw something etc
S — SONG YOU SANG LAST : Plain White T's - Down the road (one more Marlon's theme)
T — TOP THREE FICTIONAL CHARACTERS : Marlon, Dirk, Nagisa Kaworu (nge ver.)
U — UNDERWEAR COLOR : Black. Blacky-black.
V — VACATION : Houston! Or Reykjavik. Or Copenhagen. Yaaaaaaas.
X — X - RAYS : In all my life, I broke my bones 27 times. Hoo-hoo.
Y — YOUR FAVOURITE FOOD : All of "sea things"
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immortalcockroach · 7 years ago
tagged by: @halfbloodduchess thanks Maddie! ♥️
A — age: 18
B — birthplace: Croatia
C — current time: 15:33
D — drink you last had: Water
E — easiest person to talk to: One of my friends, Lana
F — favorite songs: Home by Tom Rosenthal, Butterfly Culture by Benjamin Francis Leftwich, 102 by The 1975, I’ll Be Good by Jaymes Young, I’m In Love Without You by FINNEAS, If You Go Away by Terry Jacks, Hurt by Johnny Cash, Back to Her Man by Damien Rice, Mildenhall by The Shins, No. 1 Party Anthem by the Arctic Monkeys, Pictures of Girls by Wallows, Say My Name / Cry Me a River by The Neighbourhood, Sleep on the Floor by the Lumineers, Spare Change by Byron Langley, The Night We Met by Lord Huron, The Broken Hearts Club by Gnash, Asleep by The Smiths, Village Green by The Kooks, Waterloo Sunset by The Kooks (i’m sorry i just really love music)
G — grossest memory: Me falling into a swamp when I was 10.
H — horror, yes or no: Yes! Give me a good psychological horror over a romcom any day.
I — in love: Nope
J — jealous of people: Kind of? Not really, honestly. I’m still confused by what exactly jealousy is.
K — ?
L — love at first sight or walk by again? My head says walk by again, my heart says love at first sight.
M — middle name: I don’t have one. Ha.
N — number of siblings: 1
O — one wish: That I get into the uni I want to (less than two weeks till finding out!) and that it’s an amazing experience that really prepares me for life.
P — person you last called: One of my friends (but that was a week ago, I never call people)
Q — questions you are always asked: “Can I read something you wrote?” comes every time I say I’m a writer. Also, “Why don’t you study here instead of abroad?” Like thanks Susan, but other countries might just have a better education to give on what I care about.
S — song you last sang: 505 by Arctic Monkeys hah
T — time you woke up: 11:00
U — underwear color: White ayy
V — vacation destination: Ireland and Reykjavik. Hopefully I visit them one day.
W — worst habit: Being too prideful to admit I’m wrong.
X — x-rays: Yeah, I used to get migraines so I had that checked.
Y — your favorite food: Sunflower seeds. I could munch on that forever.
Z — zodiac sign: Capricorn
tagging: @clarkegriffintitties @clarkgriffon @emorikomspacekru @this-girl-is-some-kind-of-genius @diyozaa (and everyone who sees this)
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goldenpinof · 2 months ago
about Australian/NZ photo dump: official version – they didn't take enough photos, that's why they didn't post anything. Phil said we might get some photos at the end of the tour when they are gonna look through all of them. to which Dan said, "probably not".
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eltanguerowsm · 4 years ago
UEFA Europa League #33
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EUROPA | articolo di Mikalic - 6 maggio 2021 Si è svolto a Nyon il sorteggio per la fase a gironi di UEFA Europa League valida per la 33esima stagione di WSM. In allegato il poster ufficiale di tutti i gironi.
* * * Fase a gironi UEFA Europa League #33 Gruppo A: Middlesbrough, Willem II, AIK Solna, Maccabi Tel-Aviv Gruppo B: Rodopa, Cosmos, Poli Timisoara, FH Hafnarfjörður Gruppo C: Lens, Cracovia, Panionios, Dundalk Gruppo D: Celtic, Real Madrid, Víkingur Reykjavik, Dinaburg Gruppo E: Vasas, Dundee United, Gent, FKD Drnovice Gruppo F: Sigma Olomuc, Chelsea, Atalanta, Servette Gruppo G: Obilic, Diyarbakirspor, Honvéd, Dzvanagi Gruppo H: Lione, Pandurii Târgu-Jiu, Belgrado, Varazdin Gruppo I: Sturm Graz, Hajduk Split, Sparta Rotterdam, Lyn Oslo Gruppo J: Maccabi Herzliya, Göteborg, Karpaty Lviv, Inter Gruppo K: Lahti, Nafta, Cork City, Admira Wacker Gruppo L: Rudar, Çaykur Rizespor, Atlantis Helsinki, Copenhagen Gruppo M: Olympiakos, Bellinzona, Vorskla, Amburgo Gruppo N: Sporting Lisbona, Dinamo Mosca, Wolfsburg, Marek Gruppo O: Wisla Plock, Mallorca, Domagnano, Viking Gruppo P: Spartak Mosca, Nacional, Mons, AGF In allegato per i nostri lettori il tabellone ufficiale della fase a gironi. Poster ufficiale UEFA Europa League #33. __________
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i-am-the-bamf · 7 years ago
About the Mun A to Z
tagged by @blind-mutant​
tagging: @cyrokinetic-iceman​ @taybelletheprophetrp​ @blue-fluff-elf​
A - age:  19
B - birthplace:  Reykjavik
C - current time: 00:17 
D - drink you had last:  Water
E - easiest person to talk to: My friends honestly. And my girlfriend
F - favorite song: Right now it’s Volbeat’s For evigt
G - grossest memory: Falling into a ditch probably
H - horror yes or horror no:  Eh...maybe
I - in love?: YES
J - jealous of people:  Not really
K - killed someone: nope
L - love at first sight or should I walk back by again?: Keep walkin buddie
M - middle name: H
N - number of siblings:  Three : >
O - one wish: That I could go to Indiana 
P- Last person you called last: My friend
R - reason to smile: My amazing friends and loved ones.
S - song you sang last: Abba’s Mamma Mia
T - top 3 fictional characters: Kurt Wagner. Lance Mcclain. Lyra Belacqua 
U - underwear color: Purple
V - vacation: America, Greece, Germany, Norway,
W - when’s your birthday: January
X - x-rays: My teeth?
Y - your favorite food: Lamb soup
Z - zodiac sign: Capricorn
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feministfocus · 5 years ago
Paid Parental Leave: Working Women Call for Working Policies
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by Divya Ganesan
Once upon a time in the 1970s lived a single version of a nuclear American family complete with a working dad and a stay-at-home mom who cared for the kids. The structure of an American family has changed but policies toward families have not. Today, the United States is the only developed country in the world that does not mandate paid maternity or paternity leave for working parents (Ingraham, 2018).
United States policies have not changed to address the increase of female participation in the workforce. Since the 20th century, the participation of women in the labor force has dramatically increased. From 1970 to 1990, participation increased by 25%. However, a lack of federally mandated maternity leave has meant that 40% of medium and large companies do not offer paid maternity leave to working mothers (Ingraham, 2018). As a result, there has been a trend in women working later into their pregnancies and returning soon after birth.  Laws like the Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 aim to prevent discrimination against women in the workforce. Despite this act, discrimination still ensues. The number of pregnancy discrimination charges increased by 50% between 1997 and 2011 (Elting, 2018). An estimated 250,000 additional women are not given proper accommodations at their workplace. Although the Family and Medical Leave Act passed in 1993, which mandated 12 weeks of unpaid leave, moved the United States in a more progressive direction, the policy failed to mandate paid leave.
While other countries have adapted systems like paid maternity and paternity leave to equalize the workforce, the United States lags behind in 17th place. United State economic growth has the potential for further improvement through paid maternity and paternity leave. A study in 2013 showed that pregnant women still face discrimination in the job search process (Morgan, Walker, Hebl, & King, 2013). Women are more likely to sacrifice their careers to take care of their families than male partners. A Pew Research study found that 27% of women have had to quit their jobs to care for a child in comparison to only 10% of men (Graf, Brown, & Patien, 2019). 
But how does the United States compare to other countries on paid maternity and paternity leave? What are the benefits of having paid paternity in addition to paid maternity leave? Pew Research conducted an analysis of the paid maternity leave policies of 41 different countries. The smallest amount of leave given among countries, besides the United States, was 2 months. In 19 of the 41 countries, paid leave was primarily allocated for mothers. However, the most effective leave systems mandate paid maternity and paternity leave. Studies have shown that fathers who take at least two weeks of paternity leave built a stronger bond with their children and participated more in other responsibilities like changing diapers and getting up in the night (Labor, n.d.). Furthermore, studies highlight that fathers who take childcare leave are more likely to participate in child related chores 9 months later (Nepomnyaschy & Waldfogel, 2007, p. 1)
For example, Iceland’s model gives parents a combined paid leave of 9 months where parents are given 80% of their normal salary, a stark comparison to America’s policies, or rather lack thereof (Act on Maternity/Paternity, 2000). A Gallup Survey shows that since the Icelandic policy has been instated, women have developed more positive attitudes towards promotions and management positions (Act on Maternity/Paternity, 2000).  
At the federal level, the Senate and the House have multiple bills on the table that could address paid maternity and paternity leave. One such bill is the Strong Families Act  proposed by Senators Angus King and Marco Rubio that gives a 25% tax credit to firms and small businesses that offer gender-neutral parental leave. The strategy of taxation and awareness gives employers and employees positive attitudes on the policy as they are not losing money, increases consistency between states and reinforces gender equity. 
Ultimately, a system of paid parental leave will demonstrate the merited role of women in American society: to drive the world forward.
Act on Maternity/Paternity Leave and Parental Leave. (2000). Retrieved May 14, 2019, from Government of Iceland website:  https://www.government.is/media/velferdarraduneyti-media/media/acrobat-enskar_sidur/Act-on-maternity-paternity-leave-95-2000-with-subsequent-amendments.pdf
Addati, L., Cassirer, N., & Gilchrist, K. (2014, May). Maternity and paternity at work: Law and practice across the world. Retrieved from International Labour Organization website: https://www.ilo.org/global/publications/ilo-bookstore/order-online/books/WCMS_242615/lang--en/index.htm
Blau, F. D., & Kahn, L. M. (2013, January). Female Labor Supply: Why is the US Falling Behind? Retrieved from http://ftp.iza.org/dp7140.pdf
Browne, J. (2013). The default model: Gender equality, fatherhood, and structural constraint. Politics & Gender, 9(2), 152-173. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1743923X13000020
Devlin, D. (2015, February 5). What would it cost to have mandatory, paid parental leave? Retrieved May 19, 2019, from Forbes website: http://fortune.com/2015/02/05/paid-parental-leave-costs/
Elting, L. (2018, October 30). Why Pregnancy Discrimination Still Matters. Retrieved May 19, 2019, from Forbes website: https://www.forbes.com/sites/lizelting/2018/10/30/why-pregnancy-discrimination-still-matters/#3ea1bd5f63c1
Gíslason, I. V. (2007). Parental Leave in Iceland Bringing the Fathers In. Retrieved from Center for Gender Equality website: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/315056296_Parental_Leave_Bringing_the_Fathers_in
Graf, N., Brown, A., & Patien, E. (2019, March 22). The narrowing, but persistent, gender gap in pay. Retrieved May 21, 2019, from Pew Research Center website: https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/03/22/gender-pay-gap-facts/
Ingraham, C. (2018, February 5). The world's richest countries guarantee mothers more than a year of paid maternity leave. The U.S. guarantees them nothing. The Washington Post. Retrieved from https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2018/02/05/the-worlds-richest-countries-guarantee-mothers-more-than-a-year-of-paid-maternity-leave-the-u-s-guarantees-them-nothing/?utm_term=.98d9ae930a0d
Johnson, E.-A. (n.d.). The effect of own and spousal parental leave on earnings. Retrieved from IFAU website: https://www.econstor.eu/bitstream/10419/45782/1/623752174.pdf
Labor, DOL Policy Brief: Paternity Leave, Doc. (). Retrieved from https://www.dol.gov/asp/policy-development/PaternityBrief.pdf
Livingston, G. (2016, September 26). Among 41 nations, U.S. is the outlier when it comes to paid parental leave. Retrieved May 19, 2019, from Pew Research Center website: https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/09/26/u-s-lacks-mandated-paid-parental-leave/
Marinósdóttir, M., & Erlingsdóttir, R. (2017, November 1). This is why Iceland ranks first for gender equality. Retrieved May 14, 2019, from World Economic Forum: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2017/11/why-iceland-ranks-first-gender-equality/
Morgan, W. B., Walker, S. S., Hebl, M. R., & King, E. B. (2013). A field experiment: Reducing interpersonal discrimination toward pregnant job applicants. APA PsycNet. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/a0034040
Nepomnyaschy, L., & Waldfogel, J. (2007). Paternity Leave and Fathers' Involvement with their Young Children. Community, Work, and Family, 10(4). https://doi.org/10.1080/13668800701575077
Paid Family and Medical Leave. (2017, May). Retrieved from Brookings Working Group on Paid Family Leave website: https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/es_20170606_paidfamilyleave.pdf
Reykjavik. (2008, October 22). The Parental Leave System in Iceland. Retrieved May 19, 2019, from Focus Consultancy website: file:///Users/divyaganesan/Downloads/Parental%20Leave%20in%20Iceland-compilation%20of%20reports-FINAL.pdf
Sigmarsdóttir, S. (2018, January 5). Once more, Iceland has shown it is the best place in the world to be female. The Guardian. Retrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/jan/05/iceland-female-women-equal-pay-gender-equality
Van Glezen, R. W. (2013, August). Paid leave in private industry over the past 20 years. Retrieved May 19, 2019, from Bureau of Labor Statistics website: https://www.bls.gov/opub/btn/volume-2/paid-leave-in-private-industry-over-the-past-20-years.htm
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ladyannelister · 8 years ago
I was tagged by @billpottz. Many thanks! :-D
A — age: 29 B — birthplace: Cleveland, Ohio C — current time: 6:39pm D — drink you had last: coffee E — easiest person to talk to: my dearest friend, @speareshakes F — favourite song: Pennies from Heaven - Billie Holiday G — grossest memory: Taking out the trash and finding maggots crawling all over the dumpster. Yuck! I — in love: I can’t answer this ‘yes’ or ‘no’. J — jealous of people: Extroverts’ ability to talk so easily in front of large groups of people. L — love at first sight or should i walk by again: Couldn’t hurt to walk by me again. M — middle name: Marie N — number of siblings: two O — one wish: Move to either Iceland or England P — person you called last: A classmate/friend. Q — question you are always asked: How tall are you? (answer: 5′10″) R — reason to smile: My books...and the friends that share my passion for books. S — song you sang last: Dear Fellow Traveller - Sea Wolf T — time you woke up: 6:00am U — underwear colour: minty green V — vacation destination: Bath or Reykjavik  W — worst habit: Tearing my fingernails  X— x-rays: Uhh, sure. Y — your favourite food: apples Z — zodiac sign: taurus
I tag @speareshakes, @robertsadmission, @thefoxhuntingman, @expo63, @omarandjohnny, @classic-movies-and-series, @wilfredowens, @queersandcommies, @nellietrelawney and @glamorous-polyamorous. No pressure though! :-)
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unofficial-estonia · 8 years ago
Countries and their capitals in Estonian
Notice: all these names are listed according to Estonian translation and alphabet.
Notice 2: All these countries here are recognised countries. If you wish me to add any other states, then I’ll happily add them separately.
Afganistan - Kabul
Albaania - Tirana
Alžeeria - Alžiir
Ameerika Ühendriigid - Washington
Andorra - Andorra la Vella
Angola - Luanda
Antigua ja Barbuda - Saint John’s
Araabia Ühendemiraadid - Abu Dhabi
Argentina - Buenos Aires
Armeenia - Jerevan
Aserbaidžaan - Bakuu
Austraalia - Canberra
Austria - Viin
Bahama - Nassau
Bahrein - Manama
Bangladesh - Dhaka
Barbados - Bridgetown
Belau - Ngerulmud
Belgia - Brüssel
Belize - Belmopan
Benin - Porto-Novo
Bhutan - Thimphu
Birma/Myanmar - Naypyidaw
Boliivia - Sucre/La Paz
Bosnia ja Hertsegoviina - Sarajevo
Botswana - Gaborone
Brasiilia - Brasilia
Brunei - Bandar Seri Begawan
Bulgaaria - Sofia
Burkina Faso - Ouagadougou
Burundi - Bujumbura
Colombia - Bogotá
Costa Rica -  San José
Djibouti - Djibouti
Dominica - Roseau
Dominikaani Vabariik - Santo Domingo
Ecuador - Quito
Eesti - Tallinn
Egiptus - Kairo
Ekvatoriaal-Guinea - Malabo
El Salvador - San Salvador
Elevandiluurannik - Yamoussoukro
Eritrea - Asmara
Etioopia - Addis Abeba
Fidži - Suva
Filipiinid - Manila
Gabon - Libreville
Gambia - Banjul
Ghana - Accra
Grenada - Saint George’s
Gruusia - Thbilisi
Guatemala - Guatemala
Guinea - Conakry
Guinea-Bissau - Bissau
Guyana - Georgetown
Haiti - Port-au-Prince
Hiina - Peking
Hispaania - Madrid
Holland - Amsterdam
Honduras - Tegucigalpa
Horvaatia - Zagreb
Ida-Timor - Dili
Iirimaa - Dublin
Iisrael - Jeruusalemm/Tel Aviv
India - New Delhi
Indoneesia - Jakarta
Iraak - Bagdad
Iraan - Teheran
Island - Reykjavik
Itaalia - Rooma
Jaapan - Tokyo
Jamaica - Kingston
Jeemen - Aden/Sanaa
Jordaania - Amman
Kambodža - Phnom Penh
Kamerun - Yaoundé
Kanada - Ottowa
Kasahstan - Astana
Katar - Doha
Keenia - Nairobi
Kesk-Aafrika Vabariik - Bangui
Kiribati - Tarawa South
Komoorid - Moroni
Kongo Demokraatlik Vabariik - Kinshasa
Kongo Vabariik - Brazzaville
Kosovo - Priština
Kreeka - Ateena
Kuuba - Havanna
Kuveit - Al-Kuwayt
Kõrgõzstan - Biškek
Küpros - Nikosia
Laos - Vientiane
Leedu - Vilnius
Lesotho - Maseru
Libeeria - Monrovia
Liechtenstein - Vaduz
Liibanon - Beirut
Liibüa - Tripoli
Luksemburg - Luxembourg
Lõuna-Aafrika Vabariik - Pretoria
Lõuna-Korea - Soul
Lõuna-Sudaan - Juba
Läti - Riia
Madagaskar - Antananarivo
Makedoonia - Skopje
Malaisia - Kuala Lumpur
Malawi - Lilongwe
Maldiivid - Male
Mali - Bamako
Malta - Valletta
Maroko - Rabat
Marshalli Saared - Majuro
Mauritaania - Nouakchott
Mauritius - Port Louis
Mehhiko - Mexico
Moldova - Chișinău
Monaco - Monaco
Mongoolia - Ulaanbaatar
Montenegro - Podgorica
Mosambiik -  Maputo
Namiibia - Windhoek
Nepal - Katmandu
Nicaragua - Managua
Nigeeria - Abuja
Niger - Niamey
Norra - Oslo
Omaan - Masqaţ
Paapua Uus-Guinea - Port Moresby
Pakistan - Isl��mābād
Panama - Panama
Paraguay - Asunción
Peruu - Lima
Poola - Varssavi
Portugal - Lissabon
Prantsusmaa - Pariis
Põhja-Korea - Pyongyang
Roheneemesaared - Praia
Rootsi - Stockholm
Rumeenia - Bukarest
Rwanda - Kigali
Saalomoni Saared - Honiara
Saint Kitts ja Nevis - Basseterre
Saint Lucia - Castries
Saint Vincent ja Grenadiinid - Kingstown
Saksamaa - Berliin
Sambia - Lusaka
Samoa - Apia
San Marino - San Marino
São Tomé ja Príncipe - São Tomé
Saudi Araabia -  Ar-Riyāḑ
Seišellid - Victoria
Senegal - Dakar
Serbia - Belgrad
Sierra Leone - Freetown
Singapur - Singapuri linn
Slovakkia - Bratislava
Sloveenia - Ljubljana
Somaalia - Muqdisho
Soome - Helsingi
Sri Lanka - Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte/Colobo
Sudaan - Hartum
Suriname - Paramaribo
Suurbritannia - London
Svaasimaa - Mbabane
Süüria - Damaskus
Šveits - Bern
Zimbabwe - Harare
Taani - Kopenhaagen
Tadžikistan - Dušanbe
Tai - Bangkok
Tansaania - Dodoma
Togo - Lomé
Tonga - Nuku‘alofa
Trinidad ja Tobago - Port of Spain
Tšaad - N'Djamena
Tšehhi - Praha
Tšiili - Santiago
Tuneesia - Tunis
Tuvalu - Funafuti
Türgi - Ankara
Türkmenistan - Aşgabat
Uganda - Kampala
Ukraina - Kiiev
Ungari - Budapest
Uruguay - Montevideo
Usbekistan - Taškent
Uus-Meremaa - Wellington
Valgevene - Minsk
Vanuatu - Port Vila
Vatikan - Vatikan
Venemaa - Moskva
Venezuela - Caracas
Vietnam - Hanoi
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