jolbalrok · 4 months
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| at first sight
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destinysquared · 8 months
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Ryder/Reyes Together (COMMISSION)
Drawing I've made for @@Ashenlavellan of their Ryder and Reyes Vidal from Mass Effect Andromeda. 
Thank you for commissioning me! Commission Prices/Info Here
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heroofshield · 10 months
Whumcember Day 20- Drugged (Mass Effect Reyes/Ryder)
Warnings: secretly drugged drink
The party was billed as a celebration of the Pathfinder resetting the Monoliths and dealing with the lingering Kett presence on Kadara. Although it was Kadara so they would use any excuse to throw a party.
Annabel Ryder watched everyone dance and drink in Tartarus, knowing that the party was going just as strong up in Kralla's. She was tired after a long day in the Badlands, but didn't want to be a wet blanket so she waited a few hours before getting up and starting towards the exit. "I'm ready for water that doesn't smell like sulfur." she thought, ignoring the whistles and cheers that rose up around her as people noticed.
She was halfway to the door when she heard the familiar smooth voice say, "Leaving before the party gets good? That's unlike you Ryder."
A half-smile appearing, Anna looked towards the voice and saw Reyes Vidal with his trademark flightsuit on and a smirk to match. "And how would you know what's unlike me? I'm complicated. Or at least that's what several ex's have said."
Reyes closed the distance between them, ignoring the rest of the partygoers that surrounded them. She had that effect on him, making his world shrink until it was just the two of them. "What do you say to one more drink...somewhere private?"
"Just the two of us?" Anna replied, inhaling softly at Reyes's feather light touch of his fingers against his arm. They might have to keep whatever this was between them a secret, but that didn't mean they couldn't have some fun with it.
Reyes leaned close to Anna before saying, "Get us some drinks and meet me up in my room."
Not waiting for an answer he left Anna and threaded his way through the crowd, up the stairs and into the VIP room that he'd 'rented' from Kian; a convenient way to launder credits when he needed to.
He wasn't alone very long, Anna showing up carrying a bottle of moonshine and two glasses. "I figured we could have more than one drink." she said as the door closed and the sounds of the party became muffled.
"I like the way you think." Reyes said, taking the bottle and giving them each a a hefty pour. Taking one of the glasses he raised it in a salute, "To the Pathfinder."
Anna raised an eyebrow but clinked her glass with his, "To me."
The moonshine wasn't Kadara's best, the bitter taste making Reyes grimace. "That's rough, even for this place." he coughed after downing almost the entire glass, wondering where Kian had gotten it.
A look of panic appeared on Anna's face and she started to say, "Reyes the drink-"
Then Reyes's vision became blurry and he blinked rapidly, trying to sharpen it. But it only increased and he started to feel wobbly. Turning towards the couch that was in the room, he was somewhat aware of Anna continuing to talk, but couldn't understand what she was saying. Black starting to creep around the edges of his vision, Reyes was somewhat aware of his legs giving out and falling towards the floor.
Then nothing.
The pounding headache told Reyes that he was still alive and slowly opening his eyes also told him that he was still in the rented room in Tartarus, albeit in the small side room that he used as quarters when he didn't want to make the long trek back to his apartment in the port proper.
His tongue feeling fuzzy, he struggled to sit up and found that his limbs felt like lead weights.
"Hey, don't move just yet. The drug is still in your system." Anna said,
"What?" Reyes asked in a gravely voice, slightly confused as to what Ryder had just said.
"The moonshine. It was drugged. That's what I was trying to tell you as you passed out." Anna let out a sigh, running a hand through her short red hair. "SAM detected it almost right away and told Doctor T'Perro. It...took awhile for her to get here and when she did, found both of us passed out." She licked her lips, trying to order her still reeling thoughts. "I only had some of the moonshine so I wasn't out for very long but you...why did you have to be a dumbass."
"To be fair, I wasn't-I was just really thirsty."
"Goddamn it Reyes, you scared me." Anna swallowed thickly, trying not to cry in front of whatever Reyes was to her.
"Hey." Reyes slowly reached for Anna's hand and took it, giving it a slight squeeze. "I'm okay. And when I'm better I'm going to ask why the fuck Kian wanted to drug me."
Anna shook her head, "It wasn't Kian. I forget who gave me the bottle, but I know it wasn't him."
Reyes just nodded, not saying anything but mentally running down the list of enemies he'd made while on the planet. It was a short one and once he'd fully recovered there would be hell to pay. But for now he focused on Ryder and reassuring her. "I believe you. And it's okay, I"m here."
Anna wiped the not-quite tears away and leaned down to press a gentle kiss to Reyes's lips. "I'm here too."
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stevenrogered · 8 days
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This Wyatt, my newest dispatcher. He just got his stripes last month. Congratulations.
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911lsbts · 19 days
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iminloveedits · 3 months
Petition for S8 & S5 to have more dancing scenes : )
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anakliro · 5 months
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quadruple play
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lutavero · 2 years
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TK STRAND + terms of endearment I 9-1-1 : LONE STAR
#he’s so baby shaped to every single woman#they’ve all taken him under their wings 🥺🥺
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watmalik · 29 days
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guardian-angle22 · 2 years
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911 Lone Star | Talking about TK’s ~brushes with death~
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vorchagirl · 7 months
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The incredible @beemot drew Reyes Vidal and Cerys Ryder in a special moment from my fic Saints and Liars.
That height difference between them slays me!
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vaguely-concerned · 2 months
thinking about reyes vidal and the fact that if you turn down his offer of a drink in your first meeting with him, he just shrugs gamely and slams both drinks back himself before talking business. and crucially, magnificently, he still runs off leaving you with the bill at the end. hmngh. I miss him like one would air and sunlight
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heroofshield · 7 hours
Whumptober Day 1: Race Against the Clock (ME:A Reyes/mRyder)
Ryder pushed the Nomad as much as he dared, not wanting to bust an axle or destroy the only means of transportation on this god-forsaken planet but wanting to get to the location beacon as fast as he could; all the while, aware of how much time had passed since Ryder had been told that Reyes had gone missing.
The distress signal had reached Keema five minutes after being activated and Keema contacting the Tempest ten minutes after that. But Ryder had been unreachable for half a day, the downside of going deep into Meridian where all the Remnant technology made it hard for their comms to keep a signal. Only when he'd surfaced was SAM able to tell him what was going on, and he'd wanted to take off right away, but coming up with a plausible reason to head to Kadara had taken time.
Between convincing Tann to let him go and getting everyone back onto the ship had been more time burned, now he was bouncing through the Badlands hoping, hoping that he wasn't too late.
Approaching the location of the distress signal, Ryder.
SAM's AI voice in his eat snapped Ryder out of his thoughts as the Nomad crested the hill and sailed over the top, bouncing a bit harder than normal as it landed. Ryder wrenched the wheel so the rover went off the path and jostled over the small rocks as it drew closer to the mouth of the cave. Sliding to a stop, Ryder did a quick weapons check before all but jumping out and pulling his pistol, crouch walking towards the cave.
"SAM update." he whispered while pausing only to open his omni-tool to scan for lifeforms.
There is no one in the cave.
"What the fuck, I thought you said the locator beacon was coming from here."
It is still transmitting from this location. But there are no bio signs inside the cave.
Ryder's heart leapt into his throat as he rushed into the cave, pistol outstretched and ready to use in-case whomever had taken Reyes were using some kind of cloaking technology. But it soon became clear that SAM had been right, there was no one in the cave.
Entering the small pre-fab unit that was set up, he paused for a second to look around for any helpful clues. Spotting blood on the floor, he crouched and saw that it was still fresh looking, the small locator beacon in the middle of the small pool of blood. Sighing as he picked it up with gloved hands, Ryder straightened and saw that there was a datapad on the shelf. Mentally crossing his fingers that it was unlocked, Ryder woke it up but froze at the message that was on the screen.
You have twenty minutes Pathfinder. We know how much Vidal means to you. 37.7393N 10.333E
"SAM, input coordinates and transmit to my HUD." Ryder snapped, breaking into a run back the way he'd come. He had no idea how long ago that had been written and the time might have already expired.
Skittering to a stop, he paused only long enough to strap himself in before gunning the Nomad north of the cave.
He had to rescue Reyes in time, he had to.
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stevenrogered · 2 years
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Who’s here for Marjan Marwani?
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911lsbts · 4 months
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DramaClubFOX: Can never get enough #911LoneStar!
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91-1lover · 1 year
TK: Baby, are you coming to bed?
*Drunk* Carlos: No,thank you. I'm sure you're lovely but I have a husband
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