destinysquared · 8 months
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Ryder/Reyes Together (COMMISSION)
Drawing I've made for @@Ashenlavellan of their Ryder and Reyes Vidal from Mass Effect Andromeda. 
Thank you for commissioning me! Commission Prices/Info Here
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eve-moon-ho · 5 years
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katarina-kat · 5 years
Sadness is near
I finally got there. I don’t know why they scolded  Mass Effect Andromeda. Yes, the rules, there are games where *** in every sense. The only thing - I didn’t have enough (like many) Reyes Vidal lines 😇😇😇 Cry, endure, strong male friendship is all that, yes. The game is generally more .. down to earth, or something. In the last parts there was Love from the Ideal Marines with a medal face and Flour of choice .. Here - passion, duty, gesheft. However, hungry - sweetie. Bless the gods who invented #ficbook 😊 .. nocomments I have not yet interrogated to the end, do not spoil! ) “The strongest survives, but the tumbler wins” (c) Well, I’ve come to listen to that, yeah
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gay-orcs · 7 years
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@skiesovertatooine will do @reyesvidal she does that every time I come home
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murphysannie · 7 years
hey, if you're feeling up for it i'd love to read your take on #19 for izzy/maia :)
thanks boo!! 💗
follower milestone & happy holidays fic giveaway - want one?
izzy and maia + “can i hold your hand?”
Going ice skating together might be the most cliche thing the two of them have ever done, but for the first time in a good few weeks they’ve both got an evening free for a date night, so they deserve it.
Every minute Maia’s had where she’s not been working or helping Luke run the pack, she’s been studying for her college exams, because apparently marine biology doesn’t learn itself. Izzy’s been dropping by to test her (which Izzy actually enjoys, because she’s a secret dork who finds anything science-y interesting. Sure, Maia loves the subject - that’s why she’s studying it - but exams are the bane of her existence right now) but her head’s still about to explode, so when Izzy suggests they take a study break, Maia jumps on the opportunity gratefully.
Even though they’ve both lived in New York City their whole lives, the Rockefeller Center ice rink is still a sight to behold. The queue is ridiculous as always but they’re both huddling to stay warm and Izzy looks adorable all bundled up in her coat and scarf, a beanie perching artfully atop her dark hair.
Her eyes shine brightly as she takes in the scene around them, and Maia can’t help wondering if Izzy’s ever done this before.
“You’ve been ice skating, right?” she asks.
Izzy badly hides a smile by looking out over the rink. “I fight demons in six inch heels everyday,” she says loftily. “This is basically the same thing, right?”
Maia can’t help laughing. “No,” she says, because it’s really not.
Izzy shrugs and taps her side. “Balance rune,” she says, not seeming phased. “Besides, I know you’ll be there to catch me if I fall.”
Maia rolls her eyes at the line but she’s smiling, and Izzy grins at her. Maia moves closer on the pretext of staying warm and slips an arm around Izzy’s waist.
“I can’t believe you’re gonna be bad at something for the first time in your life,” she muses. “I’m definitely filming this.”
Izzy swats her. “Have a little faith,” she admonishes, and Maia just laughs as they move up the queue.
After a while they’re both clomping to the gap in the barrier around the rink, ready to step onto the ice. Izzy looks totally confident and Maia watches her, a little wary but mostly just fond.
Izzy goes first, gripping onto the barrier with a gloved hand as she gets used to the feel of the ice under her skates. Maia’s more at ease on the ice, having been as a kid with her parents, so it doesn’t take her too long to acclimatise.
It’s so nice to just let everything go and lose herself in the crowd of people, weaving in and out and seeing the joy on everyone’s faces.
By the time she’s done two loops of the rink, Izzy’s about halfway round, still clutching onto the side. She catches sight of Maia and laughs self-deprecatingly.
“You were right,” she says, pulling a face. “This is impossible. Can I hold your hand?”
Maia grins and skates closer to Izzy, lacing their gloved fingers together and steadying her girlfriend. “You just had to ask,” she says, and the smile Izzy gives her as they start skating together melts her heart in the best way possible.
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elenachatnoir · 7 years
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Reyes, let me tell you, I’m sorry xD You look horrible in this piece ç__ç I already told you that I hate doing backgrounds? ^^” By the way, a bubble bath Reyes Vidal for you ;)
Want to support me? Buy me a ko-fi!
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camelliagwerm · 3 years
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If all they got was the Herald stuff, the serious bit, you'd start to sound pretty scary. That works but not for long.
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satashiiwrites · 3 years
Andromeda 5-0
For @mreyder-week Day 3: Partners in Crime. Yes I could not think of a better title (I’m open to suggestions though!). Yes it is very very heavily influenced by H50. Am I still obsessed with the Idea? Yes. Yes I am.
Not quite ready for posting the first chapter this morning, so here’s the title/moodboard and a snippet.
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Title: Andromeda 5-0
Fandom: Mass Effect Andromeda (borrowing from H50/inspired by)
Pairing: MReyder, Sara/Vetra (background), past Reyes/Zia, Zia/Brecka
Tags: Alternative universe, Cop!Reyes, NavySeal!Scott, Dad!Reyes
From chapter 1: Standoff—cut for length
Today had gone to hell in a hand basket incredibly quick despite starting out with spending a few minutes with his son who was the light of his life. Keema was still sidelined from her injuries from their last case together three months ago and the lieutenant had given up on assigning Reyes temporary partners after he’d gone through three of them. He’d mostly been working on his own when he wasn’t attached to another unit to work as a UC. He’d taken a meeting with organized crime and the proposal they’d had for him would make his career if it wasn’t for the fact that it also made something go cold in his bones.
It was a risky assignment they’d offered him. Risky but someone needed to do it.
He was thinking about it—that’s what he’d told Kandros despite running the test this morning which had gone off perfectly.
They wanted someone like him—someone latino who could walk the walk and talk the talk. Reyes was known for being a chameleon when it was called for but if he screwed up on this assignment the chances of him ending up dead were pretty high.
On the other hand… Zia hadn’t let him see Mateo in three weeks other than for brief rides to school twice a week when the live in nanny she’d hired had the morning off for college classes. He’d had no time with his son. Just ten minutes twice a week.
Yesterday she’d threatened to cut him off entirely citing his inability to pay the hefty child support she was demanding from him when she was all but married to her currently much richer beau. She didn’t even need money from him—it was just a way of pushing him away from their son.
Reyes was working class—blue collar through and through. Brecka was inherited old money, Russian, and hadn’t yet made the mistake of marrying Zia even if he’d moved her halfway across the country and installed her in a mansion that was forever out of someone like Reyes’ price range.
The comparisons between himself and Brecka made Reyes very aware of his own shortcomings—financially as well as socially. The things Brecka could give his son were things that Reyes never would be capable of in a million years. Tennis lessons. A trilingual nanny who didn’t speak Spanish but did speak Mandarin, Russian and English. Why would his son learn anything about his own heritage that his mother was determined to replace with her new lover’s better one?
He was a cop, son of a firefighter. Public servant that had graduated college just not a fancy Ivy League one like Brecka. He was street smart, having to live by his wits out in the world every day. Reyes didn’t rub elbows with the same rich people that Brecka did—he wasn’t a member of the Fortune 500. He preferred home cooking to fine dining or diner food to caviar. He’d married Zia because she’d gotten pregnant and thought—foolishly—that love would grow with their family.
They’d had fun together until it suddenly became a lot less fun and more work.
Relationships were work as his abuela told him. He’d been willing to work for it.
Zia… hadn’t. She’d filed for divorce when Mateo was three and they’d spent the next year arguing through lawyers until she’d gotten a judge that had taken one look at Reyes’ dark tan skin and had instantly sided with his wife.
She’d cleaned him out almost entirely. House and half his pension gone as well as most of his savings that wasn’t set aside for Mateo’s college fund. He’d been living on his Abuela’s couch eating peanut butter and ramen noodles for months until he’d managed to scrap enough together to get a one bedroom apartment and apply for visitation rights as she’d been awarded full custody too.
Reyes had been raised to do the right thing when you got the girl pregnant so he’d done the responsible thing and gotten the true love of his life out of it even if the divorce had felt like it tore him apart. Mateo was the reason for him to get up in the morning. His son was the cutest kid ever. Smart and always happy with a smile on his face that made him look like Reyes’ much happier mini-me. Reyes tried to shelter him from the arguments Zia picked with him every time they were together more than two minutes but the way Mateo clung to him at every school drop off told him he wasn’t hiding anything from his little boy.
His son didn’t deserve the problems Reyes had with his mother. He bit his tongue to not bad mouth Zia in front of him and just focused on the little scraps of time they had together.
Reyes regretted nothing that had given him Mateo and he’d fight for him with his last breath. Zia could try again and again to cut him out of his son’s life but he’d sooner die than let her. He’d moved halfway across the country away from all his family to be here for Mateo and he’d do it again if he had to.
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Day 6- A White Lie or A Hard Truth
He calls her in, asks her to meet him on Spirits Ledge. Alone.
Ana goes against her crew’s wishes. She trusts him, he won’t hurt her.
Reyes stands silhouetted against the sun. He holds something in his hand, taking sips.
She sits in the Nomad enjoying the sight in front of her. She exits the nomad, noise attracts his attention.
He turns, smiles and hands her the thermal. “Whiskey?” she asks.
“I can’t stay long. I’m meeting-”
“Sloane. I know.”
Ana stands there silently. She takes a sip of the coffee, choking back coughs as the strong drink slithers down her throat. She waits for him to speak. Gives him time to gather whatever he needs.
Reyes’ gold eyes reflect the setting sun for a moment. “I’m the Charlatan.”
Was it surprise? Ana barely gave the Charlatan the light of day. She assumed Sloane would keep Kadara city, and slowly, Ana would help her change it for the better.
But it shouldn’t surprise her.
Reyes to seem to have his fingers in more than just her during their short relationship. She takes another drink, something to combat the incoming cold.
Reyes stares at her with those eyes, waiting for her to say something.
“Oh.” That’s all she can manage. It’s not a big deal he’s the Charlatan. “Thank you for telling me.”
Ana plays with the side of the thermal, unsure of what to do. Was it just her or did something shift? She goes to him and stands there. Silent. The sun moves inches down, casting long shadows over the valley beneath them.
Reyes grabs her hand. She squeezes.
Kadara Port is ours tonight.
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nalimeria-blog · 7 years
Reyes Vidal, sexy man, don’t you think? 
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elegantn7 · 7 years
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Reyes keyboard? Me thinks, yes. So much yes.
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katarina-kat · 5 years
It's probably stupid to get so stressed out. This is just a game. But how do you explain this to yourself? I need support..
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fenharel-archived · 3 years
24 & 31 for morwen pls!
24. What smells bring back specific memories to your oc? What are those memories like?
Her favorites but also most nostalgic ones are the smell of freshly baked pie that instantly brings her back to her old life where she would bake and cook with her grandma. Sometimes she fondly remembers how half of their baked goods would be gone the next day because her granddad would sneak into the kitchen at night, too. The smell of flowers and herbs reminds her of her little garden she used to have. And then there is the smell of sweat and horse shit that reminds her of war camps, or the smell of smoke and burned down wood that reminds her of times she would rather forget. She did however develop a love for the smell of leather, horses and roses, because they are all linked to people or animals she loves dearly and knows she can always count on.
31. What time of day is your oc most awake? What about most tired? Do they get up at the same time every morning without need of an alarm, or is their sleep schedule all over the place?
She’s an early bird 😁 It’s such a habit that she doesn’t need an alarm either, she wakes up naturally and she gets quite sleepy late at night. In the early morning hours she’s super active and happy and gets so many things done, morning antis probably hate her for that 😅
40 OC Development Questions
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gay-orcs · 7 years
reyesvidal replied to your post “I have lost 5 followers since last night was it the orc porn?”
if it was u don't need that kind of negativity in your life anyway
I most definitely do not
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shellibisshe · 3 years
#77 for spotify wrapped!
wishful drinking / tessa violet
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katewalker · 3 years
# 17 for spotify wrapped!
omg..... i’m so sorry
#17 RPZ by Donut’s Gang
this needs context, it’s a song made for a temporary GTA V roleplay server (RPZ) that lasted for 2 weeks (bc it was a promise made following a donation goal during the most important online charity event in france) with lots of french streamers, it’s full of references and i listened to it a lot to come back down from the hype that were those 2 weeks
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