#rewatched this scene and now I'm obsessed with this kiss
casmick-consequences · 11 months
i rewatched the finale just now, and I have some thoughts.
mainly, i want to thank taika and david for this wonderful show that's brought me immense joy this last month, and i'll always take it with me no matter if we manage to get a third season or not.
did i like the finale? yes, i really did. did i think it was very rushed, had weird scene placements and could've gone with another episode to even things out? also yes.
as far as izzy goes (and this is where it gets extremely controversial knowing how much this fandom loves him); i am actually glad his storyline ended here.
this entire season, we got to enjoy him and we got to see his redemption arc. from someone who is obsessed with this monster of a being, to someone who learns to come into his own, away from all the toxicity and poison. he gets to find out more about himself, and with that grow closer to the people around him and allow himself to have friends. a family, even. would i have loved to see him live a full life like this? definitely. but story-wise, this is a perfect ending for him. "you born alone, you die alone" he said, and then he passed peacefully surrounded by his family and in the arms of not blackbeard, but edward.
i need the people of this fandom to understand that just because your favorite character died, doesn't mean that it instantly turns into a bad show/season/whatever. you have to look outside of your bias, and instead of going "no fuck this show because i did not want him to die" you could go "i am incredibly sad that he died but i'm so happy to have known him and to have him in my life". it's a show, the character isn't going away simply because he died.
but then again, izzy didn't mean as much as he did to the majority of you and i don't wanna go around telling people how to feel, because feelings and emotions are real and if he meant a lot to you then yes, of course you're hurt. and that's 100% completely valid. just don't take it out on the rest of the show and the show writers (saw some ppl say that nasty things were being tweeted at djenkins and that's not ok. at all.)
idk, even after watching it twice i feel kinda... weird.... like too much happened in little time. but i am OVERJOYED that lucius and pete got to have their little wedding <3333 they're mateys!!!! i just wish it wasn't over in 30 seconds, as well as completely overshadowed by izzy's death 2 minutes before.
but i do think the finale had some GREAT bits in it. even if most of it felt rushed, there was comedy, emotion, romance, GREAT kisses (the way gentlebeard was handled in this episode made me very giddy!!)..... it just always delivers.... and watching this with everything else that happened in s2 I can safely say that this might be my favorite season of any show out there.
once again; THANK you taika and david <3 love youuu
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mylittleredgirl · 8 months
m*a*s*h reaction post released from my drafts!! i don't know why i have been worried about making a Good Post when legitimately everything that could ever be said about this show has been said.
so i will SHARE MY THOUGHTS ABOUT SEASON THREE currently in progress:
ooooh war got a sweet budget increase in the off-season. pyrotechnics! helicopters! ACTIONNN BAYBEEEE
i'm falling more in love with everyone, details to follow
top of the list: trapper my bestie has been promoted to trapper my legit fictional crush 💕
don't get me wrong, in real life i would slap his face, but i'm with hot lips on this one. the hair, the smile, every time he takes off his shirt... take me to the supply tent or lose me forever
HOWEVER, i happened to notice that he is not on the header pic on hulu* and none of you talk about him so i must regretfully conclude that he will eventually leave the show
anyway i am cherishing him as one cherishes an old dog not long for this world
*speaking of hulu: i have now joined the henry blake appreciation society thanks to this One Weird Trick (reupping my hulu account for a month because i lost my shit after the dvds cut out at the climax of an episode AGAIN)
i went back to rewatch the episodes that didn't play on the dvds, and turns out a lot of them were henry eps (including the trial of henry blake and the one where he is waiting for news about his new baby...) (and also the one where he fell in love with a cheerleader but you can’t win ‘em all)
just in time to appreciate that scene in "o.r." where he tells hawkeye he doesn't want to be discharged so that he can keep doing real doctoring 🥺
"o.r." had so many good character bits!! even frank got some depth?? or at least an explanation for why he's Like That...
other eps i liked:
"iron guts kelly" -- felt like a follow-up to the one last season where hot lips got wasted and broke up with frank and then hawkeye and trapper had to sober her up, which i also loved! "we hate her but she's OURS to hate" is such a good character dynamic.
also lmao every time she cheats on frank, GET YOURS GIRL 😘
the frank/margaret thing is strangely compelling actually? it's like an inverse ship for real. will-they-or-won't-they but for breaking up. same energy though, like i'm glued to the screen rooting for them to fight instead of kiss.
"check-up" i was sooooo brave you guys making peace with the situation BUT THEN TRAPPER STAYED!!! i feel like my crush has been given a stay of execution
i don't know if i ship it per se but i really hope he and margaret hook up exactly once and literally everyone regrets it
i've seen some more episodes and have more thoughts but i need to lie down a lot first
oh one more thing:
i realize "m*a*s*h actors amazing" is not breaking news, but i'm specifically obsessed right now with how they are always interacting with props. i don't even mean the o.r. tools or scripted things, but how in every scene they're doing comedy while also moving crap around, pouring things, drinking, shaving, changing clothes, handing (or THROWING) things to each other, just making a mess all the time while still hitting their lines and comic beats. it's a master class in whatever that is.
anyway it's so good!!! more to come 💕
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Why hello! I don’t see why we can’t keep the Top 5 trend alive in the new year so…
From one chronic rewatcher to another, what are your top 5 most rewatched scenes?
Sorry this took so long, @wen-kexing-apologist! I'm just now getting back to posting a bit more regularly after the holidays got me totally off track, and this question brought up a lot of Thoughts so I've been chipping away at it for weeks.
So, um, this is the best question ever. Except it’s the meanest question ever, because I'm terrible at choosing between things like this.
I am a massive rewatcher, whether you’re talking about whole series, episodes, or scenes. Scenes especially. Why watch an entire thing when you can go right for the best part/s and watch them over and over? This is also one of the reasons I have way too many gifs saved on my phone.
I thought about coming up with a list that was based more on what would make a good post, and/or what would make me look less uncool, than what I actually rewatch the most. But I couldn't bring myself to do it. I wanted to be honest instead. So at the risk of seeming even more like an Utsukare obsessive and overall one-trick pony, I'm going to talk about the five scenes I think I've actually rewatched the most, even though four of them are from my perennial obsession.
The four Utsukushii Kare scenes are in the order they occur in the series, not from most rewatched to least. Then I'll talk about a fifth scene from another series that I've been pretty vocal about appreciating, and I'll mention some runners-up.
“who do you like, him or me?”
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If gif posts are any indication—gifs are the smallest increment of rewatching, after all—some of my favorite scenes to rewatch aren’t that popular with other rewatchers. This one gets gif’ed, sure, as you can see. But it's not as popular a choice for this kind of treatment as a lot of other Utsukare scenes.
There are a few reasons this one is a favorite of mine. One is that I tend to like some jealousy in my romance. I have my theories about why it’s so appealing to me specifically, but I’m not entirely sure how to explain it. I also love a good aggressive shirt-grab. (Utsukare certainly delivers these regularly.) But the main reason I keep coming back to this moment is that in just a few sentences, a bunch of character development happens. Well, I guess it would be more correct to call it character revelation. This is the first time we really see this side of Kiyoi, and in that respect, it foreshadows the big perspective shift that’s just around the corner. The viewer picks up a lot of hints that Kiyoi has feelings for Hira prior to this point (even if Hira remains stubbornly oblivious to them). We’ve even seen Kiyoi kiss Hira already (even if he did push him to the ground a split second later). But this is the first time we see such direct evidence of the strength of his feelings for Hira. Kiyoi is so unguarded for this brief moment. The mask slips and what’s underneath is total desperation.
Hira, of course, misses the real meaning of what Kiyoi is saying despite how obvious it is. Which means it's also the viewers’ first indication of how intensely Hira clings to his favored view of reality in the face of evidence to the contrary.
"sorry I like you"
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This is another scene where so much is happening in a short span, all because Kiyoi got desperate enough to talk about all of the unspoken bullshit between him and Hira. As usual, Hira doesn’t get it. But he might be starting to. 
This scene is pretty rough watching in some ways. When this episode first aired and it ended with this scene followed by each of them on their own and feeling terrible, I was a bit of a mess. It was silly of me to worry. There were plenty of favorable signs in the preview for the finale. I knew the novels had a happy ending. But it was just so sad and so real that it got to me anyway. But I also enjoyed it, because for an obsessive analyzer like myself, seeing these important relationship dynamics finally come to the surface in such concentrated form was fascinating. It was also a relief to see things out in the open.
Both leads turn in such great performances here. Yagi Yusei really steps up. It’s even more impressive given his relative lack of acting experience. His performance is so raw and affecting. If he had been less vulnerable, Kiyoi’s point about how contradictory Hira’s actions and statements are could seem like a kind of “gotcha” moment designed to win an argument--like he was pointing out that Hira was hypocritical in a bid to score points. Instead, Yagi shows viewers how deeply being caught in this double bind with Hira has hurt Kiyoi. 
Hagiwara Riku, in contrast, portrays Hira as so confused that he’s basically dissociated. Hira has a really strong tendency to see the world in whatever way suits him, regardless of the truth. Kiyoi’s words force Hira to set his usual narrative aside and see how much clinging to it is hurting the person he claims to love, and it throws him off to such an extent that he seems to be experiencing a form of psychomotor slowing. He looks like he’s moving through molasses. He can’t form sentences, or at times, even words. His normally expressive eyes seem like they’ve shrunk to half their normal size. He’s really come unmoored, and it shows. The more I think about Hagiwara’s work in this scene the more impressed I am by the insight and physical control he had to bring to bear in order for it to work. 
Of course, if I watched this scene on its own habitually, this level of blorbo distress might take a toll on my mental health. Which is why I usually follow it up with…
"I'm not going to kiss you for a while"
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I’m busting out the bullet points for this one because otherwise it might take me all day.
This scene works on so many levels!
Well, the main ones are:
Relationship progress! Character growth! 
The whole kiss fakeout thing is hot
Hira gets some payback and frankly, he deserves it
The other highlights for me are: 
Even after repeated viewings and knowing very well what happened in the story, I still feel kind of relieved to see that Kiyoi came back, especially right after rewatching the scene prior to this one. 
When Kiyoi asks Hira why he thinks he came home and he says, “to punch me?" he does it in the most weirdly cute way.
Kiyoi’s absolutely lethal snotty face/voice when he responds to the possibility of punching Hira with “maybe” is so perfect that it's hard not to think that Hira might have a point about this whole King deal. 
Hira apologizes and it’s actually sincere and not just some knee-jerk bullshit. 
The way Hira closes his eyes and waits for Kiyoi to smack him is a rare case of him actually letting go and putting himself in Kiyoi’s hands instead of his usual topping-from-the-bottom thing.
More about the kiss fakeout:
Hagiwara does a great job of telegraphing Hira’s expectant response. In scenes where two characters are going to kiss but get interrupted, it's not uncommon to see a kind of hesitation or other subtle signal that the actor knows the kiss isn't going to happen. But there's none of that here. Hagiwara even does this sort of gulp/swallow thing like he thinks the kiss is going to start any moment. When the kiss doesn't materialize, he nails an absolutely pitifiul sad puppy expression.
Kiyoi’s vulnerable voice and facial expression when he explains about the kissing boundary thing is so sincere and cute. Could he be any more different from season 1 episode 1 Kiyoi?
I’ve written about how the no-kissing-until-Hira-takes-Kiyoi-seriously policy might seem like a controlling move or an inappropriate ultimatum to some viewers but it actually better resembles what Harriet Lerner calls a “bottom line,” resulting in a boundary that is not only justifiable but downright healthy…or almost healthy, at least. It's a bit on the extreme side, and the fakeout part remains a little mean. But they're understandable given what Hira has put Kiyoi through. 
Here's my s2e4 writeup that includes that discussion:
“sorry, Kiyoi”
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So, I’ve already written quite a bit about this scene. In one instance, I wrote a propaganda blurb when it was in bl brackets’s kiss bracket.
Here's the original blurb I wrote for @bl-bracket when I nominated the scene, as used in the post where people voted:
Hira and Kiyoi Final Kiss: "It’s an important plot point (because Kiyoi has said he won’t kiss Hira until he stops putting him on a pedestal and now Hira is making progress on that front, and because Hira hasn’t initiated physical stuff in the past, and initiating is itself a way of treating Kiyoi more like an equal). It’s also just a really well-acted and effectively shot kiss, and as a result it communicates so much about the characters and shows a side of their relationship not portrayed elsewhere in the show. And of course, it’s super hot. That includes the kind of weird but suggestive details that are typical of the show, like Hira passing candy/candy spit to Kiyoi through the kiss and then switching into this really distinct sexy voice that makes it sound almost as if he’s changing personalities."
And here's an additional, longer propaganda post I wrote to lobby for votes:
One of the points I tried to make in that post about why this scene is special was that it really does represent a leap forward in how both leads portrayed intimacy in this series. Prior to this scene, viewers had seen a dead fish kiss on graduation day, a more intense makeout situation in the season 1 finale that was shot so impressionistically that it was often hard to tell exactly what the actors were doing, and some interrupted kisses earlier in season 2. And then this happened. Here's a quote from what I wrote previously:
Personally, despite being a fan of both actors and thinking they did amazing work on the series, until I saw this scene I really didn't know if they had it in them, if they could actually pull off something that felt real. But they brought it. They're not holding back. As opposed to more stylized kisses you see in BLs and other romance dramas sometimes, I found it very naturalistic, like the way a couple of real kids in their early 20s would kiss.
So, yeah. I thought it showed real growth on the part of the actors as individuals and as a pairing/team.
This scene also caused me to dig deeper, with the help of some very knowledgeable mutuals, into what “persistent” and “cute” mean in a sexual context in Japan. My main post about that is below.
Noticing Hagiwara's use of Hira's "persistent voice" also helped me to notice something else when I checked out his other work, and that is that he often uses his voice in very different ways in different roles. I recently watched a drama he did before Utsukare and I was struck by this all over again. Again, it shows a really impressive degree of control.
And now, for our one non-Utsukare scene in the top 5:
"I'm trying to seduce you"
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I also wrote a nomination blurb about this scene for the kiss bracket. (If you're seeing a pattern here, well, yeah, it's a pattern.) The original voting post here but I'll go ahead and quote it in its entirety since it's pretty short.
This kiss is ridiculously hot and is a culmination of so much that’s been simmering beneath the surface for the entire show up to that point. Togawa has been pining so hard for Nozue for so long that when Nozue gives him a glimmer of hope and then tries to leave, everything he’s been bottling up comes surging out. Kimura Tatsunari exudes a level of desperate lustfulness in this scene that’s as intense as anything I’ve seen in any genre. We’re all familiar with the idea that people look at a person’s mouth when they want to kiss them, but Togawa looks at Nozue’s mouth like he dreams about it every night and sees it every time he closes his eyes. No wonder he feels a need to stick his thumb in there. Takeda Kouhei also communicates so much in this scene. Nozue is shocked and confused but he can’t help but respond to Togawa’s kisses. You can see the gears turning—and refusing to turn—as he tries to make sense of what’s happening—and keeps kissing Togawa back even though he still can’t process it. Togawa’s declaration, “I’ve been trying to seduce you, with everything I have,” is the cherry on top.
There's another bit of subtle physical communication here that I find interesting, and I think you might too, @wen-kexing-apologist. Just recently I've been thinking about the meaning, in kissing scenes, of what for lack of a better term I'll call the head-bonk. By this I mean the thing where one person puts their forehead against the other person's, often with at least a tiny bit of an impact that renders it a bonk rather than, like, just touching them together. Togawa kisses Nozue once, then a second time, and then goes in for a third that Nozue avoids by sinking toward the floor. The third kiss doesn't happen, but when Togawa starts to initiate it he does an absolutely sublime head-bonk. I'm still figuring out what I think about the head-bonk thing. All I know is that, from my vantage point, that little move on Kimura's part practically screams "I've been holding this back for five goddamn years and I can't wait one more second to kiss this person."
Runners-up and honorable mentions:
Semantic Error:
Their first kiss in the restaurant after Jae Young calls Sang Woo "hyung" - I have watched this so much that if I had been asked for my top 6 this would have been #6.
Jae Young demonstrating the features of the "free trial"
Minato’s Laundromat (season 1, of course):
Shin freaking out about Minato being alone with Hanabusa
The washing machine kabedon
The “smelling the sheets” scene
Kiseki (I just watched this for the first time a week or so ago and I have already done so much scene-rewatching it's ridiculous):
That incredibly angsty sex scene with Ai Di and a drunk Chen Yi, you know the one
Chen Yi's confession to a physically restrained Ai Di
The scene at Ai Di's bar where Chen Yi puts him in a double kabedon
Ai Di and Chen Yi's conversation after Ai Di gets out of prison, where he says he fucked Chen Yi "just for fun" and offers to let him do stuff to him as "revenge"
Ai Di trying to scare Chen Yi by stroking his chest and asking him if he wants to "play" and then getting weirded out when Chen Yi asks, "What if I say yes?"
Jheruei and Zongyi's first real kiss and subsequent A+ lap-sitting moment
And as a bonus, here's my most-rewatched non-QL moment:
There's a scene I'm obsessed with in Something in the Rain where Jun Hui comes to Jin A's home and sees her ex-boyfriend there with her and her parents, lobbying to get back together and manhandling her, and he reacts exactly the way you'd expect as someone to who's in love with Jin A. It is tattooed on my brain. If I ever learn to make gifs I am gif'ing the fuck out of that scene.
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hopepaigeturner · 3 months
My review of Bridgerton S3: Part 1
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Ok, here we go...after rewatches, discussions and posturing. Here it is, a multi-part look at S3.
Disclaimer: These are my opinions, that does not make them right, nor am I posturing that they are the only opinion. Very up for discussion with y’all as long as it’s respectful.
Disclaimer: I do not stand for hate against any actors/actresses or writers. Please, please, do not send hate to them.
In a nutshell:
I loved moments, far more than the writing.
In this first post I'm going to highlight some of these moments before diving into the different storylines. So, in no particular order...
The family scenes. Part 2 gave us more family scenes and I adore them. They are the scenes that really keep me engaged in this universe. The bonds between this family, the different dynamics, the banter. *chefs kiss* .
THE BOYS IN THE CLUB. I adored the bromance between Benedict, Colin, John and Will. It is so rare in media to see wholesome, deep, male friendships that are just that—friendships. Both scenes with the four of them showed the genuine care and vulnerability they could be with each other. Colin revealing his worried about his writing? All of them supporting Will when his club closed? Benedict and Colin supporting John's worries with Bridgerton chaos? I LOVED IT AND WE NEED MORE.
Violet being the origin of her children’s obsession with their crushes eating.
The fact that Hyacinth and Gregory took Will and Alice’s son in as their friend without question? I loved.
The sets this season? The markets, the final ball, the balloon expedition—stunning.
Ginny Delacroix giving Pen great advice and a fun/enjoyable pre-wedding night get together. She is a queen.
Lady D staying behind when the queen threatened the Bridgertons… I grinned so much.
The charades game at the engagement party I ADORED. It was a good example of how writing can portray multiple things all at once.
The use of ‘light’ and ‘dark’ throughout the show. A really nice stylistic choice for Polin.
Bi Benedict? How did we? Huh? 2020 me could never realise my manifestations would come true.
Now…for the next post. Onto the main couple…
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absolutebl · 10 months
Hiii, I'm glad the ask box is open!
Idk if you already did a rec list on this, but can you recommend me old bls, like 90/2000s? I watched Seven days movies and its really good
Oh yay! Seven Days is the best. Actually, I have never done this. Here's a list of...
10+ BL's rated 7/10 or higher that aired prior to 2018
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Just Friends?
Korea 2009 Gaga
This is Korea's first (kinda) upbeat version of a BL featuring already established boyfriends, one of whom is on military leave, trying to decide on coming out, family life, and the future. All of these are themes Korea will pretty much never tackle again, retreating as they would to their bubble. But what a fun little offering this little show was and is to this day. You should watch it.
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Love Sick & Love Sick 2
Thai 2014 YouTube
This is one of those BLs that owes almost nothing to yaoi, although it started a number of tropes that are now endemic to Thai BL. What it is, instead, is a well scripted story of bisexual self-discovery and the inherent chaos of loving someone of the same gender for the first time, all wrapped up in hormones, existing relationships, and communication issues. It is high school queer angst at its messiest. Nothing is going to be easy for these boys because queer isn’t easy but also because life isn’t easy… welcome to adulthood sweethearts.
I'm actually considering a rewatch of these beginning of 2024 in honor of the 10 year anniversary if anyone wants to join.
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Seven Days
Japan 2015 grey
The asker already mentioned it but still, never doubt my ability to recommend this show. One of the best live action yaois ever made, with perfectly structured angst, fantastic characters and acting, and no problematic tropes (rare in Japanese BL). The leads have excellent chemistry although it’s low heat there’s still some really cute mutual kisses.
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Addicted: Heroin
China 2016 Viki
When Chinese BL was good it was very dirty good and when it was bad it was censored. This is the model for that statement: rich kid falls madly for the genius poor kid in his class, starts an aggressive pursuit, includes kidnapping for love, obsession, stepbrother trope, plus some cheating. I love this BL because of what I could have been. Just stop watching it after The Sex Scene. Okay?
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Thai 2016 YouTube
This is the BL that launched a hundred BLs. No literally, it was SOTUS’s international success that pretty much built the Thai BL industry into the juggernaut it is today. People have baggage around SOTUS, I have nostalgia. Trigger warning on bully hazing. Review and discussion here.
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Make it Right 1 & 2 (but not Beach)
Thai 2016 YouTube (Cheewin warning)
What to say about this show, the origin of the Thai BL pulps? It’s objectively terrible, and not just the leads but the side couple too - yet I love it. I tend to call myself the “world’s foremost Make It Right apologist.” I recognize the issues but I find it utterly charming, especially Tee’s utter devotion to Fuse the baby bi disaster.
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Long Time No See
Korea 2017 Gaga
Catfishing assassins on either side of a turf war who fall in love not knowing they are on opposite sides. Or do they? Good fight sequences, mature characters, high heat, very suspenseful, AND an HEA. If you like KinnPorsche or Kiseki you will LOVE this one.
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HIStory Obsessed
Taiwan 2017 Viki
I weirdly love this but you should know what you are in for: that title. It has a stalking theme meets fated mates and quite a bit of dubious consent. Uke obsessed with seme to the point of losing himself and his identity dies after being rejected, and then has a chance to reboot his life. He decides to save himself by never falling in love. But destiny is a bitch, and this time the seme becomes obsessed with him. This one owes a lot to dark Chinese and Japanese BL, but kind of corrects for the expected sad dead finale by ending happily and playing with a ton of BL tropes. The leads have good chemistry, it's higher heat and the first time Taiwan starts to push that, and VERY DRAMATIC.
Some Others you might consider
Candy and Kiss - Japan 2015
Silhouette of Your Voice (Hidamari ga Kikoeru) - Japan 2017
Red Balloon - Taiwan 2017
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richonnesbitch · 5 months
Oooh ok now we know your fav TOWL kiss(es) so the logical next question is what is/are you favorite TWD kiss(es) ???
And between your fav TOWL and fav TWD kiss… which one wins 😈
Just wanna start this off by saying I'm sorry I took so long to get to this! I've been busy lately but I wanted to give this question the time it deserved because I could really go on and on about every richonne kiss. But I am going to limit myself to my top 3. I would do more but currently I'm not in the hest headspace so its hard for me to think! This is in no particular order because it's hard as hell to pick favorites! Anywayyyy let's get started.
1. Have Your Mints
Okay so before richonne I wasn't really one of those people that shipped couples, okay? Of course I loved the chemistry between richonne but I wasn't as hardcore about it as I am now. I remember where I was when this moment happened. When I say it changed my life, it changed my entire DAMN life. Like, I was shell-shocked in the most amazing way possible. Never have I felt such euphoria in my life than I did when Rick and Michonne finally happened! I immediately became a VERY hard-core shipper. I would literally rewatch this kiss on repeat for HOURS for MONTHS straight. Obsessed was not even the word. Like it was straight up addiction the way I would watch it. Naturally it would have to be my favorite kiss! It's just so beautiful and romantic and sensual and tender, etc, etc, etc. I've never seen anything else like it. To quote Scott Gimple, "These are two people who have found kindred spirits in each other, strength, respect, support, loyalty. But the world has been screaming in their faces and clawing at them for a good part of their acquaintance. For all they’ve been through, when the world stopped screaming and clawing for them, they realized what they had." Wooooo! What a gorgeous quote. Basically, this kiss invented romance for me and changed the entire course of my life. I had to give it the #1 spot, I had to. I had to!!!
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2. The Triple Kiss
This kiss is just too damn cute. If I'm not mistaken, it's the only casual kiss we ever get between richonne. Most of the time they're making out lmao! But it just goes to show how life has slowed down a lot for them and now they're fully able to enjoy their time together and they can take time with their kisses. It's so domestic. Also find it cute how Rick knows Michonne likes too work hard but kinda softly tells her to take it easy for the night because he wants to cuddle her to sleep. This whole scene is too good.
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3. Hearts Still Beating
Well, this kiss was almost too dark to see but from what I did see it was sexy as fuck! And also very loving at the same time. Richonne is so good at that. I love love love LOVE Michonne's speech. She has such a way with words, her thinking about becoming a writer at one point in her life makes SO much sense. The way she talks about how she doesn't wanna do things her way. she wants to do it her AND Rick's way. She doesn't wanna do anything without her man by her side. The way she not only convines Rick to fight the saviors but also uplifts him in the process.... she is so one of a kind. And the way Rick listens intensely and values each and every word. This scene is also extra sweet because not only does it drive the narrative forward but it's also a makeup scene for Rick and Michonne who have been at odds! Whenever she starts crying and he cups her face and kisses her.... ughhhh you can just FEEL the yearning they've been experiencing over each other. They missed each other so bad and it feels so good for both of them to be back on the same page. This isn't an actual picture of the kiss but a still from the same scene. WHY IS THE STILL BRIGHTER THAN THE SCENE IN THE EPISODE!?!?! Lowkey I feel like someone on set was trying to sabotage them.
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Now.... how do these compare to TOWL kisses? Well, this is kind of like asking a parent to pick their favorite child. How can I choose when they're all so perfect?!?!?!?! But seriously if you really want me to choose.....I have to go with the "have your mints" scene. I'm sorry! I just do. I mean... it's where we all started. It's what turned me into a shipper and kicked off the greatest love story of all time. Did I mention it was all done in one take and Danai and Andy essentially took their own direction for the scene? Meaning everything they did was unscripted and yet it still came off as the most natural thing in the world.... how can it not win?!?!
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Are there any leosagi fics you recommend for a newbie? I am just now warming up to the ship it’s so cute.
*cracks knuckles* oh, this'll be fun!! welcome to the fold! this is in no particular order, even though i'm still going to plug my all time favourite one first:
Silk and Steel by katanashipping: This is the first leosagi fic I ever read and the one that has haunted me since I first read it in 2014. Rereading it is actually what kickstarted my latest round of tmnt obsession. It's an alternate retelling of s4 and oh, it is so good. The ending scene... *chefs kiss*
In Between Worlds by Koalagriton: I read this one recently and it was so good... A series of drabbles about them reuniting at the next Battle Nexus. The last chapter is my favourite - the fic is kinda bittersweet but I love it to death.
In Circles by Garden_Guardian: A really nice and sweet fix-it fic for the capril wedding where Leo and Usagi actually TALK to each other instead of ignoring each other like awkward exes following Samurai Tourist. Includes some really adorable fanart attached!
Approval by hostofhorus999: A classic 5 times + 1 times fic - this time Usagi getting blessings from Leo's family to propose!!! It's so fucking sweet.
Operation Matchmaker 2: Electric Boogaloo by GreenGoddessSmoothie: A classic 'brothers trying to get leosagi together' tale. Shenanigans ensue, it's great, I laughed super hard.
Operation Elopement 2: Electric Boogaloo by GreenGoddessSmoothie: A direct sequel but about them getting eloped!! It's really cute, made me really emotional.
Fewer Things Forgotten by kay_cricketed: I only recently found out about this one (livejournal was slightly before my time lol) but it's a leosagi fic in 50 sentences and ohh it's so good. I initially wasn't sure if I'd enjoy this style of one-sentence stories but it pulled some real emotions out of me!!
The next three are multi-chaptered and pretty wordy but I still recommend:
Dragon of the Sun by ForestWhisper3: Okay so technically this is a Mikey-centric fic but the leosagi in it is so good I had to include it. It's a retelling of the Ultimate Drako arc featuring mystic!Mikey and it's a lot of fun. The leosagi parts are in chapters 5+6 but PLEASE read the whole thing it's super good and I'm kinda obsessed.
The Tortoise and the Hare by AmevelloBlue: REQUIRED READING (/j). This fic is super good. It recontextualises all leosagi episodes in 2k3, adds in missing scenes and then spins off into a really cool climax featuring Jei and it's just - super good. Loved it. Reread it three times already.
No Room For Dying by Amevello Blue: Direct sequel to Tortoise and Hare. This is the Ninja Tribunal arc we deserved honestly. Really highlights how shitty the tribunal is, Usagi slots into the plot seamlessly, it explores Usagi's own trauma from UJ which I really appreciated, the relationship drama is perfect and... yep. Just a really solid read. I'm going to do my third reread once I hit season 5 on my rewatch.
finally, i am not above plugging my own fics... i recently wrote one for tmnttober from usagi's pov where he's celebrating tanabata with the hamato family and trying to keep his crush on leo under wraps: climb up to my view, see the world in my shoes
have fun!!!
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iamfujoshiwe · 5 months
VegasPete Rambling
I usually only read Japanese Manga. I even filtered my search to strictly show only Japanese Manga. And out of nowhere I have this urge to try watching Live Action BL Drama I filtered them to Japanese too. But to be honest I'm not fond of Japanese BL Drama. Well maybe my taste is just different from others (I only watched a few of them so who knows). Sometimes the acting is weird. I guess a good comedy/gag in manga is just not translated well enough in live action.
Aaannndd in the middle of searching BL Drama I discovered the fckn "KINNPORSCHE THE SERIES". I saw them a few times on tumblr. Some gifs. Some fangirling posts. I was sceptic about Thai BL. I didn't even know Thai BL exist until now. But I decided to give it a try anyway. And boy do I fell hard. HARD!!! It altered the chemistry in my brain!! KPTS had aired two years ago and I just found it now???? Have I live in the cave all my life????
From ep 1 I immediately fell in love. The acting, the character's chemistry, and everything is so amazing. I didn't sense any awkward acting/dialogue I usually saw in Japanese BL Drama (No offense really, it was just me). I literally stopped reading all my followed BL/Non BL Manga and and even stopped reading the new ones too.
All the time my mind just screaming "WHAT A FINE MAN" everytime Porsche appeared. But for real Apo is soooooo good looking.
And when Kinn appeared I just got distracted by his chest. Sir, buttons exist for a reason you know. What grudge do you have with them? (Not that I mind of course). Mile is born to play Kinn.
Then I met VegasPete couple. Let me tell you, when I have obsesssion I really do obsess them to oblivion. Having tunnel vision about them. VegasPete takes the cake.
At first I have this thought: Every actor in KPTS is so good looking so why this vegas character is… not as good looking as them? (Yeah I want to kill my past self for that).
I have this funny feeling about thai actor's voice. Maybe because Thai language is a foreign language to me. I don't hear them often, as opposed to english and japanese (and my main language of course). That's one of the reason why I filtered my search to just Japanese BL Drama. But Vegas' voice OMG. I adore his voice so much. And Bible speaking english is just * CHEF'S KISS * I melted everytime I listen to his voice. BIBLE SPEAKING ENGLISH IS A GIFT TO HUMANITY!! AND THAT HUMANITY IS ME!!!
When VegasPete plot took off, my focus immediately shift to them (I am sorry Kinn and Porsche). I can't count how many times I rewatched their scenes.
I definitely have to include Pete's cry in Yok's bar (when he met vegas after he had ran away from safehouse) and swimming pool (after Vegas got shot). Such a raw emotion. 100 point for Build! I come to love him because his crying voice lol.
Vegas and Pete easily become my favorites. So naturally I have to search for their actor right? And thus began my search for Bible and Build…..
Build's scandal on his old socmed post? His scandal with Poi? I don't really mind. But Build talking bad about Bible? Yeah my heart couldn't take it. It's in pieces (In a way I'm glad because when all the chaos took place I haven't entered the fandom yet so I never encounter their fan's toxicity). But I respect their decision to go their own way. I know it's not healthy for them to continue working together. So yeah I am sad but their mental health is more important.
Soooooo now I'm still deep in VegasPete swamp (with occasional breaking down when I remember BibleBuild). I choose to sink in VegasPete fanfictions on ao3. And woah there are soooo many amazing author there. Their fics are spectacular! I can't thank them enough for doing God's work creating those holy VegasPete fics.
Oh and anyway I read VegasPete novel too. But I don't like it…. their character are too different from the show. Honestly fanfictions are waaay better…. KinnPorsche novel too. One chapter and I was like nope, I couldn't bring myself to read further. End of story.
And that's why as of now I still can't read manga or watch any other BL Drama. Damn VegasPete! (Affectionate). My waiting list are Not Me The Series and Last Twilight. I hope I'll collect enough braincell soon so I can start watching them. There are so many BL and Non BL manga I haven't continue reading.
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vivihar · 19 days
i have so much to say about tomerus so it’s going here
so first they’re the divorced couple who hate eachother and are mildly successful and have lives for themselves and mansions and cars and severus is eyeing young boys across the room at posh parties and tom is glaring at the back of his head daring him to even try and get anyone that is him and they’re dancing with two different people, kissing them, letting their hands trail while keeping full eye contact and smiling at each other JUST TO RUB IT IN
and they probably try and kill eachother and talk shit about each other to other party goers who are just wanting to chat abt like…rich people shit idk. and then they accidentally find each other in the bathroom and they’re like wild animals clawing and gripping and biting at each other and then walking out like it’s nothing just to go back to shit talking each other until tom gets a message that says ‘i’ll pay for your cab’ so yes he IS going to see his annoying but sexy ex husband
and they’re DEFINITELY the ‘you’re going to kill me?’ ‘i’ll do just that.’ ‘well, go ahead.’ ‘i’ll do this my own way.’ ‘you won’t do it. you can’t pull the trigger. you can’t do it because you love me. it takes a very brave and cold man to do that, sev. i don’t think you can. isn’t that true? isn’t that why you’re waiting?’ ‘that’s not true-’ ‘or is it because you want to watch your victim? you want my heart to constrict with agony, my hands to shake. you want me to plead for my life so you can make a generous gesture and spare me.’ while dressed like this
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i love a good jennifer’s body reference and especially loser sev, jennifer tom js bc of the whole plot of the film and the homoerotic friendship with a hint of ‘you’re killing people!!’ ‘no, i’m killing boys.’
tbh i LIKE tom being in charge but severus having a man that stays at home and does whatever he asks is also a very big thing for me with them…like severus makes him wear a cute dressing gown (i put below) and stay at home just being pretty and he just wants someone to bring along to his expensive parties to piss off his old ex husbands with his smile saying ‘look how cute my husband is’ with tom just nodding along to whatever he says.
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i think they definitely have each others names/initials carved into them somewhere and their bite marks tattooed (at most scarred) into their skin…btw…
(these are the fits for the first paragraph but i found of them too late)
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I was thinking about Fem Tomerus these few days and this kinda made me think about them more thanky.
Also I agree, they would be so petty and have bickerings a lot and other people just be tired of their shit😭 'go marry again leave us alone'
And I know Tom only divorced because he was like "I don't even care about you" lying to himself and now he's all pissed his ex husband is single and others could lay hand on him which comes the bathroom scene lol he would try leave marks as much as he can so other people wouldn't want to be together with Sev.
The dress are in point 😭they would wear all classy and act like toddlers fight always and do their whole dramatic talkings. They're so pathetic it's funny, I think I'm going to make few divorced Tomerus posts after this because it's so funny 😭😭.
I don't remember anything from Jen's body so I probably will rewatch it for only this,,
Btw that's literally canon. Voldemort was making plans and other things but like Lucius was the one in ministry, he makes his followers do the things while he spend time at home lol I like him being rich lover for Severus (because Sev is my fav and I need him get spoiled by someone) but this is canonish so I understand where you come from.
Ooh you're soooo right, Tom would 100% make Severus carry his initials and after being married Tom for a long time Severus would be more confident with what he wants and start to have same interests as Tom's (being obsessively and freaky). I think Tom has initials on Sev and Severus has his bite mark scared on Tom.
I love you too darling 🧡
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teddybeartoji · 16 days
MICKEYYY I SAW THAT YOU LIKE CHALLENGERS AND LIKE CAN U IMAGINE SATOSUGU INSTEAD GHFJFDHKGGVJH i got excited!!! i'm sorry!!! but the churro scene and obviously OBVIOUSLY satoru is art and suguru is patrick I'M SO SHY RN
and the kissing scene .... i'm going to pass out actually i'm actually so like imagine them kissing reader like that they are being so ?!!!!!!!!'?!!(;/?' OKAY THAT'S IT BYEE
I LOOOOOVEEEE CHALLENGERSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WENT TO SEE IT THREE TIMES AT THE CINEMA LMAO but yes ohh my god i've thought abt this a lot.. like A LOT a lot.................... they're so perfect like satoru makes thee perfect art imo and i think suguru fits patrick's role so well too,, thoooough i do think that toji would make a good patrick too🤭🤭🤭🤭 THE KISSING SCENE IS ALWAYS ON MY MIND BTWWWW I AM STILL SO FUCKING OBSESSED WITH IT OH MY GODDDD IT'S SOO SO HOT the whole hotel scene is sooo so good imo i like all of their dynamics so much i like how they talk to and with each other yk? OH AND YES THE CHURRO SCENE TOO😵‍💫😵‍💫SO FUCKING HOT patrick is so obsessed with art mmmmmmm
aaand i think suguru being in love with satoru just like patrick is with art whiile satoru is in love with the reader and art is in love with tashi is so tasty🤭🤭🤭🤭ANYWAYYY I AM IN LOVE WITH THEM AND WITH THE MOVIE WAHHHH I WANNA REWATCH IT NOW LMAO
+ my beloved mara has actually written something based on them btww!!!!!
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williamrikers · 2 months
Favorite Kisses Poll
i was tagged by @lurkingshan a while ago, thank you for the tag darling 🥰
there are so many beautiful kisses in bl, but here are some that changed the timeline for me personally. also i'm realizing that krist managed to get on this list twice, so congratulations to him 😁💕
once again, i am making an unfair poll by including something vegas-related. this kiss is the one that truly changed my life. the tension, the desire, the sheer fucking desperation in the way pete gripped vegas... the way they're smiling during the kiss, while also being insatiable for each other... this is poetic cinema to me. why even put other kisses on this list, am i right 😮‍💨
i have rewatched this kiss an embarrassing amount of times. this is my happy place now. the chemistry is off the charts. there is so much tongue action. their hungry desire haunts me and soothes my soul in equal measure. also mut immediately going into dom mode and telling tongrak to open his mouth in the rudest possible way, only to stick his thumb in there?? i will never recover. never. this scene could kill me and i would thank it.
HEAR ME OUT. i know this is an outlier, this is a kiss from a mock trailer, after all, but oh my god. OH MY GOD. gmmtv has never done anything like this before, and i mean NEVER. we're getting bitter exes who are sleeping together?? in this economy?? for real??? this scene of them in bed together showed me that miracles are still possible in this world. the tension of both of them clearly still having feelings but not wanting to admit to it, while literally making out after sex... sorry but other bls could never. i've rewatched this trailer an unholy amount of times, specifically for this scene. i am obsessed.
this is, i think, the most aesthetically pleasing one on this list. the cigarette smoke obscuring their faces just a little bit while they're both breathing into the kiss... objectively terrible as an experience but it looks so damn beautiful. i literally have an art print of this scene hanging on my wall. it's so pleasing to me.
i had to put this one on the list so that i have one (1) kiss on here for emotional reasons instead of for horny reasons. this is the first time kawi is actually letting his guard down and being honest about the way he sees himself—as ugly, undeserving and unworthy of pisaeng's love. and after pisaeng gives him an irrefutable reason why he wants kawi (i have written about this elsewhere, but pisaeng naming a reason that is subjective and therefore can't be argued away by kawi is actually genius), this is the first time kawi allows himself to accept and act on his own desire for pisaeng. this isn't their first kiss, but this is the first one that is initiated by kawi, the first one where they're on the same page regarding what's happening, and the first one where they're starting to be honest about their feelings, both to themselves and to each other. this scene is so very dear to my heart.
i'm tagging @burnsuncomet @kinnbig @bisexualboysbroadcast @zhouxiangs @prapaiwife 😘
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negrowhat · 1 year
That box set came out of nowhere and blindsided me. I was just peacefully living my life. But then I saw Payu kiss down Rain's leg and lick his inner thigh while making eye contact. And even more moans! I had other things to do than obsess over these two chemistry kings.
FAM! YOU'RE TELLING ME????? I was finally letting my PayuRain obsession go! You can ask my moots! For a long ass time I was reblogging nothing but PayuRain and doing multiple rewatches! I'm sure they were tired of my ass and I was finally moving on and BAM! New love scene and extended love scene! Now I've been snatched right tf back up by them. I will never be over them! We just have to accept that PayuRain/BossNoeul are eternal.
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fbfh · 1 year
I recently rewatched dazed and confused, and mitch has ahold of me again. I love that little man, i will forever love that little man. Ive watched everything with wiley wiggins in it. Ive forced my friends to watch everything too. This could also be an obsession just resurfacing again for the 3rd time since last summer.
*Sighs and opens notes app*
huh. I just looked it up and I'm gonna have to find a slime tutorial somewhere. adds to my post top surgery movie list I looked up a scene pack and... hm. yeah I can see why you're obsessing. I love a good obscure blorbo Sean from dance academy is kinda.... yk.... and yeah you convinced me to watch it. full disclosure that I haven't actually seen the movie yet and my only knowledge about Mitch is a 4 minute scene pack with minimal dialogue, but this is my first impression (and all of this is subject to change after I actually watch and get to know him yk) is 1, he's fucking adorable and 2, the baseball outfit??????????? unnecessary.
Listen Mitch has the FATTEST crush on you. like big fat lays awake at night and thinks about you when he's stoned kinda crush. he seems pretty chill so you probably have no idea that when he's staring into space in your general direction he's thinking about you falling into his arms, what your lips taste like, what you smell like. he lights up when you talk to him, burning every interaction with you into his memory. he really does just love to look at you. no matter how long you've been together, he'll just stare at you and completley lose all sense of time. and oh my god you better believe his friends will tease him CONSTANTLY about his crush on you, about how out of his league you are, but is that gonna stop him from spacing out and thinking about you in class????? of course not. he's going to make the longest mental list of exaclty how he's going to treat you right if he ever, ever gets a chance with you. on the top of his high school bucket list of stuff to do before graduation is kiss you. just once. right next to that, tied for first place, is getting to dance with you. a party, homecoming, prom, he really doesn't care. he just wants one dance with you. three minutes up close with his hands on your waist and yours on his shoulders so he finally has a proper excuse to stare at you like he loves to do. and it feels like a pipe dream right now, but it's not one he's ever going to give up on.
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saturnaous · 5 months
I realize I'm not sure I saw, and I haven't asked: what got you into the FMA kick? Did you watch it for the first time recently, or was it a rewatch? What made you want to watch it? Gimme all the context of your obsession.
OKAY OKAY. so actually what made me BE like "holy shit fma? ohhhhh" was. uuhhhh one, one of my mooties (red-r0ver thank you) like not often posting about it but agreeeing when things about it happened or something. there's a media axis thing somewhere on this website that like was like :"well made art-udder dogshit" on Y and "ok.-I will never be the same again/made me eat glass" and ON THAT. in "wellmade art-neverbe the same/made me eat glass" side of it was Fullmetal alchemist. and like it got agreed with or something idk. anyways that's how it fell on my radar. as a like "hmm I don't know anything about it but I wouldn't be opposed to this. it seems like it'd be enjoyable." and yeah. also I should feel I should mention that in the vauge void of it not quite existing in this time period it conisitantly connected in my head with Doctor Stone for some reason. I've literally only seen doctor stone or whatever through crunchyroll adds when I was wtaching that time I got rencarnated as a slime but it somehow got mixed up with fma. wirse crossed or something. idk.
but what ACTUALLY made me watch it was a video that was talking about Disabilities and Queerness in the Owl House. and DURING that. The person who had made the video brought up FMA and Izumi and was going through scenes of stuff of it. I'm pretty sure they were talking about Izumi with her organ damage and not being able ot have kids(how having disability rep can become related in points of your life), but it was going through some scenes of the show.
BASICALLY. I've seen Alphonse around very vaugely. I knew that he existed to an extent. I knew he was a lot of armor or a robot or something. But I had no clue where he was from and who he was. but he existed in a vague void of "cool character design that I want to kiss SO BAD" but nothing else really. did not know jack about him. not even his name. So I saw HIM in the scenes they were playing and I basically went
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so. knowing me. an absolute sucker for armor and robots and things of that sort.(stares at ultrakill longingly). I went into a gc with my friends(it's called monster fucker faggot central btw. mffc. it's great) and I. WAIT I can actually get my exact words hold on. FUCK my screenshots are broken on my computer hold on. I will remedy this.
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LIVE SPENXER REACTION.anyways. that's how my friend told me before his account got hacked that fullmetal alchemist is supposed ot be like thr greatest anime of all time. and then he told me to watch brotherhood and I DID and then I became OBSESSED and then I read the manga and now I'm watching 03. from literally the first 5 minutes I became obsessed with Alphonse. Alphonse. . . save me alphonse elric. . . alphonse elric saveme. . . anyways. yeah. I also have uerhmmmmm liveblogs somewhere skewed abount my servers and stuff of when I first watched it and when I read the manga. there's actually an image of me bawling my eyes out when I finished bh that my friend saved bc it's his favorite photo of me ever. teehee.
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aprillikesthings · 6 months
I think I finally have the energy for more rewatch
We're on the home stretch now folks
s5 ep9 An Ill Wind
Me when I started doing this nearly two months ago: oh my god I can't do this for every episode it'll take me MONTHS to watch them all I want is to refresh my memory of the show enough to write my damn fic
Me now, having done this for Yes, Every Fucking Episode: I'm not ready for the show to be over ;_; Also I am devastatingly obsessed with Catra and learned I have a specific kink I didn't know the name of before and I keep practicing eyeliner like every night so I can cosplay Catra :D
ahahahah oh god
also from here on out I am going to not read the synopses
(I didn't do that for most of the episodes anyway tbh)
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Glimmer can teleport relatively far distances with multiple people again but Catra is NOT a fan
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also they're toUCHING
Adora, looking into the woods: hey come look at this
Catra: *still suppressing puking from some form of motion sickness caused by teleportation*
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oh they find the empty torn up camp
Glimmer: maybe they went to Bright Moon or Mystacor? Catra: dude you know they could all be chipped so maybe we should be careful Glimmer: oh you don't trust princesses? Adora: Catra's right Catra: *grins in satisfaction*
just look at her
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the fuckin. lack of subtlety here. as always. *chef's kiss*
("ugh they didn't HAVE to be so obvious don't you think it's Too Much" listen I've literally seen people who've watched Arcane be surprised to find out that people are shipping Vi and Caitlyn. "Really? I didn't think that was romantic." You didn't? Did we watch the same fucking show??? The one where those two have romantic tension so thick you could carve it with a KNIFE? The one where they had an overdramatic breakup scene in the rain even tho they hadn't kissed or anything? The one where they lay on Caitlyn's bed and talked about Vi's past while making significant eye contact and holding hands and Caitlyn pet Vi's face? That scene where they hug on the bridge and Vi does that like, face pet thing before walking off and they're clearly both in AGONY at being separated?! Are you really that fucking oblivious??? Jesus H Christ. Yes She-Ra made it SUPER OBVIOUS because some people are BAD AT PICKING UP THIS SHIT also She-Ra is aimed at kids and they haven't learned subtlety. Arcane was aimed at adults.)
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no really I've seen people express surprise that people think they're going to be a couple. when that ^ was after they'd known each other like two hours
(seriously tho, if you can handle violence (there's a LOT ngl, it is not a show for kids) then you should watch Arcane, the people who make it have made it pretty clear that it's gonna be canon, and the next season is out in November; but also leaving shipping aside it's just REALLY, REALLY GOOD)
ANYWAY back to other animated lesbians
lol Glimmer teleports them all again without warning and Catra really does look like she's gonna hurl
And Erelandia ain't looking so good, oops
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(but also yes Adora helped Catra up again)
intro is the same as the last episode
AHAHAH a dozen planets are rebelling against Horde Prime he's so pissed. And they apparently all mention She-Ra
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yeah I am again surprised at how much of the actual plot I forgot lol (but I remembered that Glimmer liked to sneak into the kitchen to eat cake with her hands. Y'know. Important things.)
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given his tiny facial reactions I think that's Hordak-Hordak. Our Hordak. Not the Wrong Hordak. I think.
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once again I ask myself: where did y'all get those outfits
Entrapta teaches Wrong Hordak how to wink and it's so cute. I also love that she explains what it means--because I'm sure she had to consciously learn it, too: "It signals unspoken intent behind my words. In this case, our mutual deception of the Horde. Now you try."
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but yeah everyone in town is terrified and won't talk to them, and especially doesn't want to talk about any princesses
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"should I buy property here?"
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"...go team."
Also, note to self, Melog definitely understands human speech--they split up, Catra is told to stick with Entrapta and Melog (and Catra frowns at this, just barely) and Adora tells Melog to keep them safe and it does a little noise of affirmation. (wait is Melog a he or a she or a they?)(fan wiki says it's an it but dang I feel weird using "it")
Okay so the scene where Glimmer, Adora, and Bow hide in a shop and then end up arguing with the shopkeeper is like, fascinating on multiple levels
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Because on the one hand: I can't blame the townspeople for just keeping their head down and trying to get out alive. On the other hand, reporting them to the Horde isn't cool; they could just pretend not to be suspicious of these guys; there are in fact lots of places on the spectrum between "actively collaborating with one's oppressors" and "mounting a full-scale armed rebellion."
But on the other other hand I also think it's interesting that Adora's the only one of the three who's like "nah dude just let these people live their lives omg," something about Adora having lived in an oppressive environment for her whole childhood maybe
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poor Adora someone get her an ibuprofen
Anyway Spinerella found them ack
Also Melog steals an apple for Catra, just magically takes it from someone's basket and into Catra's hand, which implies they're communicating non-verbally more than just moods, though I suppose "hungry, that apple looks good" is a mood
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speaking of things that would make ANYone motion sick--
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(Adora is saying it) Catra's right there, dude. You spent the last four seasons fighting her. lol.
Oh I paused it too soon lol Catra says this line:
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Back on Horde Prime's ship, Hordak keeps looking at the chip thing Entrapta gave him and gets caught by Prime, whoopsie
oh hey, lore: Horde Prime can't access ALL the memories in his previous bodies without going into them, and he keeps his old bodies around in that green goo, that's fucking weird and gross, anyway he plugs a connection into his old body
Horde Prime: "The First Ones sought a new source of power of ancient worlds. Why? Why bend themselves to the whims of magic and myth?"
Poor Hordak has flashbacks to Entrapta and the Fright Zone. Mostly Entrapta. Including a moment of her looking at him fondly--I think it's the moment when she says "Imperfection is beautiful."
Horde Prime: "The fools took their secrets with them when they died. But I will find another way."
(I've seen a fan discussion suggest that there aren't actually any First Ones left--that when Light Hope made it so Adora came through the portal, the portal itself went back in time. I like that explanation in part because it means in my fic I don't have to figure out why Adora doesn't go looking for her birth family. Which tbh most fic-writers don't worry about anyway lol.)
Back with the rebellion, poor Catra is once again trying not to lose her lunch because they've all teleported.
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Melog doesn't like that
Adora: "It's a long story, but she's with us now" Netossa: "...really??" (Catra in the background: hisses)
BAHAHA and then Netossa spots Wrong Hordak and they have to explain, no that one's with us, too 😬
But yeah p much the entire rebellion has been chipped except like Netossa and Perfuma
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Adora and Bow have a guilt trip about having been gone for so long (...to rescue the queen! and also Catra)
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and Catra's remembering what it's like to be chipped :(
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Glimmer gives them all a ra-ra little speech
Adora just makes the sword appear in her hand without transforming lol that's cool
but they're doing the "I'm in" "yeah me too!" thing and
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like, on dates?
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Anyway the team heads back to Erelandia and starts kicking some ass
there's a great moment when Catra's like "you go deal with Spinnerella we'll take care of the bots" and Adora says "be careful" and Catra grins and says "always am!" like ma'am that is a LIE
Spinnerella is torturing some poor villager, and Netossa is worried her wife isn't still "in there"
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Adora would know. From literal, personal experience. ;_;
She transforms into She-Ra and Netossa literally does a whistle of appreciation and says, "New look?" and She-Ra grins back. And somehow that is, like. Super queer. Like literally just one lesbian to another, in a flirty-but-not kinda way. Like I have *had* those interactions, where the underlying meaning is "I know we're each in a relationship, so I'm not actually hitting on you; but as one queer woman to another I want you to know that I see what you're putting out there and I like it." It's one of the best things??????
Netossa gives a little speech to Spinnerella about how she loves her and Spinnerella actually comes back for a few seconds ;_; but then she's gone again, but She-Ra and Netossa convince her to disappear for a while at least? And the locals rejoice.
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And Catra would know. ;_; (She rubs the back of her neck after saying this.)
Anyway word gets back to Horde Prime that She-Ra is back on Etheria :D and he's so fucking pissed he's going to go there
...and Hordak spends a long moment looking at that chip from Entrapta again
They go to where the rebellion is actually hiding out, Glimmer and Catra recognize it
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and I'M BLANKING ON WHY THEY'RE REACTING THIS WAY HELP seriously I have spent like ten minutes trying to figure it out, I don't think they talked about it while on Horde Prime's ship? Fuck!! IF YOU KNOW PLZ TELL ME
Any Perfuma ties them up and makes sure they're not chipped and then it's Happy Reunion Time with everyone :D
Adora to Catra: it's time for you to meet everyone Catra: are you sure??
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I got that one without trying I didn't know it was coming lololol I was trying to get a shot of Catra looking hopeful
poor thing
Adora: long story but she's with us now!!!
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Adora (well, as She-Ra) gives them all a little pep talk
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and I don't have time to do another one tonight and I won't have time tomorrow until like after 6:30pm aaaaaaugh
ON THE UPSIDE I only work two days this upcoming week.
Because it's Holy Week. I'm going to be in church like every day starting Wednesday and twice a couple of days ahahaha including an hour in the middle of the night on Thursday.
It is DEEPLY HILARIOUS to me that I'm going to end up watching the last episodes of She-Ra mere days before Easter. Like I literally have four left. Assuming I watch one tomorrow, I could end up watching the next one Tuesday night and watching the last two BEFORE GOING TO CHURCH ON WEDNESDAY how tf am I gonna focus for SHIT lolol
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callmearcturus · 1 year
Okay here are the Mission Impossible grades now that I've seen them all
Mission Impossible 1: A-Tier
STILL LODGED IN MY FUCKING BRAIN. I did not go into this one expecting it to be that good. I only shouted at DePalma once I think and mostly I was staring in fascinated horror at the sexually-charged manipulative thriller unfolding. I am obsessed with the dynamic between Ethan, Phelps, and Claire, there is some SHIT going on there, the queer reading of this movie is off the charts. Would rewatch any day.
Mission Impossible 2 Silent Movie Recut: C-Tier
This is a bad fucking movie but Punct and I were screaming for 90% of the film, it was so fucking fun and stupid. Granted, I don't think we would have survived if we weren't watching the recut, BUT nothing will ever be funnier than Ethan doing a backflip and then mid-air changing to a down-kick. I was so shocked at the AUDACITY and the STUPIDITY I immediately rewound the scene to watch it again. Amazing. Totally batshit. Ethan why are you kicking everything you are a punchman.
Mission Impossible 3: Trash Tier
This movie was a nightmare. I feel actively bad for Cruise and Monaghan bringing their A game to a shit-tier script. This movie has MULTIPLE PROBLEMS. There were multiple sequences that were so poorly shot that I couldn't follow what the fuck was happening. The constant unnecessary cuts and the rapid tempo gave me a headache. JJA is incapable of letting a shot breathe at all, like if he doesn't cut every three to five seconds his head will explode. Also this script was ATROCIOUS. Fucking WHAT. There is no introducton to the team, making them feel completely tertiary. That line about sleeping with your sister catapulted me out of the movie like an ejection from a jet plane. The entire anti-god speech was peak 'take the keyboard away from JJA.' And WHAT was with the random bondage mask scene??? Was JJA like "sorry i have no idea how to keep the plot moving unless Ethan literally can't speak in this scene so here's the IMF-issued Unsexy Bondage Mask."
Also this Jack Bauerification of Ethan Hunt pisses me off. Ethan Hunt should not use assault rifles, that's not who he is, JJA meet me in the pit.
Ghost Protocol: A-Tier
Stupid and delightful and finally some good fucking food. The first of the McQuarrie Trilogy. After enduring MI3 I want to kiss McQuarrie on the fucking mouth for writing this. You actually get to know the team! There is time spent establishing each of their dynamics with Ethan! Finally Ethan is doing sneaky shit instead of just shooty shit! The Burj! The comedy! This is a 2 hour episode of Leverage and I fucking love it. Thank you, zero notes.
Rogue Nation: S-Tier
Oh babygirl here we fucking go. Not only McQuarrie on script (with help from good writers) but he's in the director chair, welcome to the party, hardy. I L O V E this movie. It has supplanted GP as my comfort watch of the series. Ilsa Faust is an excellent addition to the team with a lot of edge to her and the way she drives the plot thrills me chills me and fulfills me. And while she's kind of the love interest that is not even remotely the plot of the story, the story is crunchy with Solomon Lane serving such fuckin good vibes. He has actual motivation beyond "hello i am the baddie" he has thoughts and motivations and he also is STAGGERINGLY PETTY. Also I cannot tell what's my favorite bit of this one, the part where Ethan is fucking OUT OF IT after he gets resuscitated or when Ethan goes off the deep end.
This movie really said "Benji Dunn is 90% of Ethan's impulse control" and it was RIGHT! Thank you McQuarrie, I love you.
Fallout: S-Tier
I'm fucking unhinged about this movie. The batshit motorcycle chase in Paris, the HALO jump, the helicopter hijacking. Ethan's continued moral decay as his ethical compass begins to realign, and the way it fucks him over. Solomon fucking Lane back to haunt the shit out of everyone. That FUCKING bathroom brawl jesus fuck. Everyone is on their goddamn A game, they are giving everything. Watching the final act is like a prolonged heart attack. Also the cinematography and lighting is jawdroppingly gorgeous. Also Julia is AMAZING. HER SCENE WITH LUTHER MAKES ME EMOTIONAL.
Not only do I have no notes, I want McQuarrie to give me notes. Goddamn. Ethan Hunt is babygirl and his tired eyes give me feelings.
There it is, my lukewarm takes.
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