#reverse saeran
marshmallowprotection · 3 months
Haven't got time to check out the written blurb, but I don't remember if I ever said how much I love the ship name 'flowerpot'
That's adorable
I adore it
YEAH. OMG. I LOVE IT SO MUCH, TOO. @creator-kami and I have contained our CMCs in a flower pot with Saeran and Ray. Imagine if you will four flowers blossoming at the same time in a pot you didn't expect flowers to grow in. These flowers grow together to be strong and vibrant, and unlike the flower pot Ray held in Another Story with a direct allegory to his brother, there's no overwhelming fear in which the stalks need to be trimmed to survive.
It's not a question of survival.
It's allowing the flowers to sprout naturally and taking a chance on nature deciding how things will play out. Which, that's how we both figured out the inner-workings of the Flowerpot ship. They work to grow and be better together, and by finding strength together, they find the courage to face their problems head on. When one person struggles, they work together to find a solution, not because there's some kind of push to "fix" something—but because sometimes you need a loving hand to show you how to heal yourself.
I think that's the great thing about their dynamic. They don't force each other to be better for the sake of being better. They help the other realize that they're holding back, and what kind of life can you lead if you don't become your truest self? It's about vulnerability, too. It's about trusting someone to catch you when you're afraid you won't be able to jump at all.
Like, ah, in the roleplay, one of my favorite things so far has been Tsubaki and Saeran pushing each other to hold onto their dream, no matter how many times someone has tried to silence it. In doing so, they actually became each other's dream, and I cry every time I think about it. Their dreams evolved the more they allowed themselves to be honest with each other!
Ray and Lila indulge each other in their love of cute things and they never have to be insecure or afraid to be their truest selves. There's no shame or judgement when they're together, they don't have to sit there and think about what other people think of them, and that does inevitably help them feel better about sharing their art. There's no real reason to be afraid of critics. They learn how to have fun without that sense of: Am I allowed to express myself this way?
Tsubaki and Ray understand each other's deeply seeded fears. They fear not living up to who they want to be and if it's okay to challenge their perception of who their role models were versus what they were really like. They find peace and comfort in knowing there's someone in this world who can smile at them and say, "I don't think it's wrong to feel conflicted."
Saeran pulls Lila out of her slumps and put a fire under her belt. He pushes her to bite back, to be confidant, and to say what she means so people don't walk all over her. Lila encourages Saeran to be gentle even if he's afraid of being misunderstood. He learns how to slow his words down so he can think before he leaps so his heart can be seen as it truly is.
Tsubaki and Lila encourage each other to believe in their dreams, to have faith in this world and the people in it, even if it seems difficult to imagine. They see drive and purpose in each other's eyes, and it's nice to know even if you're afraid of getting close to another person because you admire them and you're afraid they may not like you, it's always worth offering your hand because you may never know what you're feeling until you allow yourself to feel it.
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password-door-lock · 10 months
“How the hell did you get out?” Saeran demands, standing in the doorway to the kitchen with all the imposing presence he can muster. After the morning he’s had, he is practically vibrating with rage.
He was already in a bad mood after talking to the believers, and when he noticed that his CCTV feed showed your room completely empty, he certainly didn’t cheer up. It only got worse when he discovered that you’d broken out— he was barely distracted for a few minutes, but in that short time, you managed to open the window and climb out into the garden. Now that he’s finally found you, after several frantic minutes wasted searching the grounds of Magenta, he’s beyond livid. He’s fuming, but the scary face he knows he’s making doesn’t seem to have much of an effect on you. 
“Oh, hey!” You greet him with a smile, like you don’t know who he is. Like you think he’s going to let this behavior slide— if that’s the case, you’re even dumber than he thought, which is really saying something. His expectations for you were charitably low to begin with, and your behavior thus far has only given him reason to lower them further. “You’re just in time.” 
He’s going to get you for this one. He doesn’t know how, but he’s sure that he’s going to— granted, he’s been trying for the past several days to break your spirit, and his efforts have remained entirely unsuccessful, but you are going to fucking pay. He’ll make sure of it. “Answer when I ask you a question, toy!” He screams. The sound of it is feral, nothing like the booming warning he was going for. 
Even that fails to impress the reality of your situation upon you. “Okay.” You aren’t even looking at him. Instead, you’re focused on the pan that you’re carefully tilting over a plate, onto which you drop some savory-looking concoction which smells… No. He doesn’t have time to worry about how it smells. He has to do something about your behavior. “I climbed out the window,” you explain, as if it’s nothing. Truth be told, Saeran didn’t think that particular escape route had occurred to you— did it really take you days to figure it out? Maybe it only took you days to grow desperate enough to actually do it. But if that’s the case…
“Why the hell did you come back?” Saeran demands. That’s the real question, after all: if your positions were reversed, if he were the type of fool who could actually survive away from Magenta, and if he got his feet on the ground outside— he’d never look back. Not that you could run very far in those pointy-toed shoes that Ray gave you, but anywhere would be better than here, especially for someone like you. 
Now, you do look at him, as if you’re amazed by how little he understands about the world. As if you feel sorry for him. How fucking dare you? Who gave you the right to pity him, when you’re the one trapped in such a shitty situation? Saeran is strong and doesn’t need the pity of someone who can’t even figure out how to escape properly. “Last night, I asked if you were eating well,” you remind him, “And you didn’t answer, so I got worried.” 
“Ha!” Despite the situation, Saeran barks out a laugh. “You’re insane. Something is seriously wrong with you if you actually think—” 
“It’s going to get cold. Come sit down,” you try to coax him over to the small table in the corner of the kitchen, dusting off the seat of the hitherto unused chair with the corner of your apron. Who gave you an apron? For some reason, that makes him angrier than anything— not only did you come back here after leaving, not only do you claim that you did it for his sake, as if he needs it, but you didn’t even have the decency to pretend to be afraid of him. You’ve clearly taken your time with this, going out of your way to put on an apron to protect your clothes— how arrogant. In the scheme of things, maybe Saeran shouldn’t be surprised.
The dish you’ve prepared looks damn good. He doesn’t need to taste it to know that he’s never had anything so delicious… he can tell just by the smell of it, the fact that you poured so much dedication into it. The fact that you cared enough to cook for him, even after all he’s put you through. The fact that you care about him, even though he doesn’t deserve it, even though anybody with a lick of sense would see that he wasn’t worthy of such affection. You really do have a serious problem— and now Saeran has to retaliate, to make sure that this never happens again.
He has to make sure that you never, ever put him in a position where he needs to make a decision like this. He has to break your spirit so you stop telling him sweet things, stop trying to fill his head with pretty lies. He has to condition you to ensure that you don’t step out of line again, that you don’t end up in the basement; you’re lucky that the Savior doesn’t know about this yet, because if she found out, Saeran’s intervention would mean nothing. He has to make sure that she never learns of your latest petty transgression, because the mercy she would show you wouldn’t really look much like mercy, after all. What the hell kind of trick is this, anyway? You probably poisoned the food, Saeran assures himself, or spat in it, at least. That’s what he’d do to himself, in your position. His brain is screaming that you’re different, that you’d never do that, that you might be the only person on this planet he can really trust, Savior included— he attributes these thoughts to Ray, despite the fact that they come at him in his own voice. 
“You made this just for me?” He coos, mocking your affection. Anything to make you stop looking for the good in him. It’s none of your goddamn business, anyway— whether he’s a closet saint or a devil to his core, your fate will still be just the same. “Aw, thank you, prince(ss). I really appreciate your consideration.” 
Your face lights up. Can’t you tell that he’s making fun of you? “I didn't know what you would like, so I just made something simple, and I hope it's—” 
Saeran picks the plate up and throws it onto the ground. It shatters, sending little bits of rice and cut-up chicken everywhere, along with vegetables that look suspiciously like mushrooms and several bulky shards of porcelain, all of it covered in some kind of sauce. Of course you had to use one of the Savior’s good plates, too— it’s like you’re trying to do as much damage as possible, to cause as much trouble for Saeran as you possibly can. He couldn’t fucking care less, not about the mess and not about your motivations. The believers can clean up the former, and he will deal with the latter. “You’re going back into the toy room. This time, I’ll paint that window shut so you can’t get out. And if you were smart, prince(ss), you would take the hint that I’m so generously giving you and figure out how to stay put.” Hopefully, the juxtaposition between ferocious growling and sickly-sweet cooing will throw you off your rhythm enough to make you actually listen.
You stare at him with this pathetic, hurt expression on your face. For a moment, Saeran thinks he’s won. He allows himself to believe that this will be the end of it. Then, you open your mouth and ruin everything, as you always do. “Okay, I guess you don’t like mushrooms,” you laugh at your own lackluster joke. “Noted. Same time tomorrow?”
Saeran squeezes his eyes shut, not ready to contend with the thought of going through all of this again. Why do you keep trying to help him? Can’t you see that he doesn’t need your help? All he needs is for you to stop challenging him, to let him sit with his worldview and continue to believe that Magenta is a paradise for everyone but himself. Why do you insist on ruining things? “Let’s go,” he barks, pulling you across the room. He won’t even think about it, he decides. That’s the best way to resist your tricks. But his own voice keeps reminding him that if you wanted to trick him, surely you would find a smarter way to do it. If only Saeran were an airhead, like you— then he might be able to ignore the reality of his situation. 
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vieapuff · 5 months
Anti-clockwise: A mystic messenger Alternate Universe
Welcome to anti-clockwise, a somewhat reverse mystic messenger AU where instead of the choi twins living in the environment they did in canon, they lived with their politician father and step mother. Here are some simple character intros i made !
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More info about my AU is under this cut ✂️ !
Notes/ information:
1. Even if the twins are living a completely different life from canon, theyre still facing problems in life but a different set of problems from the canon story.
2. Step mom is not the same mom from canon story, I decided to not include her in this AU because I never want her to be near my babies. Saejoong may be present in this AU but he is still irredeemable, also Saeyoung doesn’t like his step mom too (will be explained in future art posts/ when i decide to drop more lore on this AU).
3. The characters here are younger because I want to see the twins live out their youth and high school days. Saeyoung and Maycee (MC) are lovers and have been together for almost 2 years.
4. Their personalities may be altered in this AU due to the fact that this AU basically takes away the situation which shaped Saeyoung’s and Saeran’s personality in canon. Saeyoung is at least 55% less jokester here, he’s more introverted and reserved, definitely is protective of Saeran still because he has a weak body. Meanwhile Saeran is carefree and friendly, is likable among his high school peers and obviously, has his red hair.
Thank you for reading :3 I hope one day i’ll be able to flesh out this AU because I think the concept of chaebol choi twins is cool :)
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natasha-in-space · 8 months
Hello Mia, if this is not too much to ask, I would like to request something from you... Maybe a comfort fic from GE Saeran? I've been chasing the deadlines for my countless assignments and presentations all month to the point of overworking myself to the ground. I know I can be such an overachiever but I also know that I really have to work on this tendency of not knowing when to stop and rest.
I actually collapsed two weeks ago since I had to do presentation everyday so... I suppose my body kinda give in to the extreme fatigue. It was partly my fault for trying to stay up all night and not taking care of myself properly for the past days :')) Although, I was a bit upset and anxious since I lost 10% of my overall grade because I had to skip the last presentation of that week (the same day I collapsed and sleep the whole day to recover).
I suppose Saeran would understand and relate completely to my situation. Or maybe even scold me gently for doing that to myself when we both know that I wouldn't allow him (or Ray) to do that. Anyways, I hope you take your time and been doing well so far! Much love ❤️
"My love... I thought we agreed that you would take it easy today."
Saeran's voice is gentle and sweet, like honey, even as he lets out a small disapproving sigh at the sight of you hunched over your desk, your eyes glued onto your monitor screen. Closing the door behind him, he places a tray of freshly prepared mid-afternoon snacks at your bedside table. The room is quickly filled with the enticing aroma of still warm baked pastries and peach tea.
The rumbling coming from your stomach quickly reminds you that you haven't eaten a thing since early morning.
You feel like a child that just got caught in the act of stealing from the cookie jar. Of course you knew that you should be resting... The fact that you collapsed from exhaustion the day earlier was more than enough proof of your desperate need to let your body relax and recover. Yet, while your body was utterly worn out, your mind was far too restless for you to remain still in your bed like you were supposed to. It was far too eager to push you to make sure that you were perfect. That you didn't miss out on any progress in your wasted time of sleep. Even though, rationally, you understood that sleep was anything but wasteful.
You feel a warm hand resting itself on top of your head, starting to gently caress your hair in a way that is so relaxing, you almost want to close your eyes and fall asleep right then and there. Saeran's touch was always too soothing for your own good. It was far too easy to just forget about everything in the world and melt into his warmth. You tried to hold back on that, though, shaking your head and rubbing your tired eyes with a somewhat sleepy groan.
Wouldn't want to pass out again.
"I know, I know... I'm taking it easy, I promise. I just got to read through this part one more time to make sure it's perfect. I already lost so much time yesterday, and-"
Saeran's voice becomes more determined, growing firmer, like a loving parent disciplining their child for playing outside in the cold for too long. He doesn't even need to say anything more for you to lower your head and sigh in defeat. You knew he was right, after all. What you were doing wasn't good for you. Of course, he was worried. If your roles were reversed, you would have done the same for him. In fact, that exact scenario happened more than you could count.
"...I'm being stupid, aren't I?"
Saeran hums softly, his hands now gently resting on your shoulders as he slowly and carefully starts to massage your aching muscles, easing the tension out of your tired body. His hands are so comforting that you can't help but sigh in content, leaning back into his touch. He leans down to murmur into your ear, his voice as soft as ever: "You are not being stupid, flower. You know how much I admire your hard work and dedication. There is nothing stupid about you putting your all into something. It makes me love you even more."
Gosh, does he have to praise you even now...? You almost feel like crying.
You are wondering if he will ever become truly angry or frustrated with you. Your hands are rubbing together as you gaze drifts between your work and your shaky fingers. You knew this shakiness was probably yet another proof of your body needing rest instead of even more work you were forcing yourself to go through. You tilt your head slightly in Saeran's direction, feeling his hair tickle your cheek. He smelled sweetly of peach, probably a result of him brewing that tea for you. "But...?"
"-But you also need to rest and take care if yourself for you to truly give it your all. I love seeing your eyes light up with joy when you get the results you wished for... And I love that determined and focused look on your face when you are working on something you want to do good at. I love hearing you talk to me about everything you are working on. I love seeing you enjoy yourself." He leans in to kiss your nose, which inadvertently makes you smile and giggle, even through your fatigue. He returns your smile with one of his own, before he continues, brushing a lock of hair behind your ear. "But I don't love seeing you tired, anxious and upset. I was so worried for you... I wouldn't want anything like that to happen to you ever again."
Ah... He was worried, wasn't he?
You purse your lips together, feeling a small dull ache in your chest, making you quickly raise a hand to his cheek. With a slight shaky sigh, he immediately leans into your touch. He was so patient and caring with you throughout this whole ordeal... You didn’t even think that it must have scared or stressed him out to see you collapse like that. In a way, it looks like you both kept some things bottled up. It's almost funny, in a way.
But, mostly ironic.
"I'm sorry I worried you, Saeran... I should've been more careful. It must have been scary for you to see me like that..."
Saeran chuckles slightly and shakes his head. He seems both amused and touched by your apology, his eyes twinkling as he looks down at you. "This isn't about me, love. But, I'll take your words to heart. Thank you."
He takes hold of your hand that was resting on his cheek, nuzzling it, and placing a few light kisses down the side of your wrist. A display of affection that causes your heart to flutter with fondness for him.
He was far too sweet sometimes...
"I know what it's like to want to be perfect... How heavy it can feel to carry the weight of all these expectations on your shoulders. But, you're the one who taught me that I don't need to be perfect to be loved and worthy, my love. You taught me, that I am deserving of love simply for being born into this world. Nothing more. You freed me from those shackles of self-doubt I put myself in because of what I've been told my whole life. And I want to do the same for you. Whenever you feel like it's all too much, whenever it feels like you are about to be crushed under all the pressure and expectations that were put on you... Take a small moment to look up at the sky, and think of me. Think of how I'll love you in any form you take. Remember that I am always cheering for you, however far away from you I am. And that my heart is always there with you, wanting to envelop you in my tender love and care. So, treat yourself kindly. Like I would treat you."
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onlinekitsune · 2 years
Reactions to MC confessing their feelings first ◛ ♥︎
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tis the season for writing sweet confessions!!! i just wanted an excuse to write some cute stuff with some of the mysmes characters! might include a tad bit of angst but it’s worth it i promise!! also some minor route spoilers, nothing direct
JAEHEE KANG ◛⑅·˚ ༘ ♡
honestly was pretty hesitant to give an answer, not because she didn’t like you, but because she was completely enamored by you, was so shocked about her feelings and how you made her feel, it was a good feeling but so very new, after thinking on it she said yes, she didn’t want to lose you nor this feeling, she was a bit intimidated and timid about dating, but knew with you she’d be okay, she’d apologize for her delayed answer by gifting you flowers on your first date, you couldn’t help but noticed how bright she was with you
JUMIN HAN ◛⑅·˚ ༘ ♡
being a ceo of a multibillion dollar company it wasn’t odd to be confessed to, jumin had grown used to it and thought of them to be annoyances, however when you confessed and asked him on a date it was so very different, jumin couldn’t recall the other confessions leaving him this way, his heart fluttered and he felt the heat rise from his collar, the way your voice sounded saying his name echoed in his head, he was stunned and was lost in his thoughts, when you tilted your head he snapped back and immediately said yes, he planned your date for that very night
SAERAN CHOI ◛⑅·˚ ༘ ♡
thoroughly convinced that this was a dream, but after blinking three times you still were stood there smiling, his heart ached, on one hand he loved you dearly, you made him incredibly happy and made his world blossom, on the other he was still dealing with the guilt, he dragged you into a not so pleasant situation, that could of gone incredibly wrong, he didn’t deserve you, you knew him too well to know what was going on in his head, you added reassurance that you wanted to be with him and what happened was more complicated than what he thought, sorting out he feelings he decided on a yes, he wanted to make it up to you
when you confessed to him, he couldn’t help but to laugh and give you a little pout, he was planning to confess to you first, and was a little upset (in a funny/not serious way) that you done it first, accepted but pestered you to let him plan the date since you “ruined” his confession, he made sure the date was very dramatic and as extravagant as he could make it, it was clear on how much you meant to him just by that alone
V / KIM JIHYUN ◛⑅·˚ ༘ ♡
half surprised half filled with guilt, after everything that has happened he was convinced that he wasn’t worthy of love, but after meeting you, after getting closer to you he couldn’t help but fall hard for you, he admitted his mutual feelings but shared his feelings that he didn’t feel worthy enough, you of course told him he was absolutely worthy, you didn’t want anyone else, you wanted to show him what true love really was, and you did, he didn’t know how freeing and beautiful true love actually was
YOOSUNG KIM ◛⑅·˚ ༘ ♡
he couldn’t believe it, you actually shared the same feelings as him, it was like a miracle or a blessing, you couldn’t imagine someone who had more of a golden retriever energy than yoosung at that moment, you could almost see his imaginary tail wagging at incredible speed, he was very excited and eagerly wanted to plan your first date asap, would be the type to plaster the date you asked him everywhere he could, also would brag to the chat immediately, even though everyone but him had seen it coming
ZEN / HYUN RYU ◛⑅·˚ ༘ ♡
two words: reverse uno, it was quite ironic that you two confessed at the same time, but it was exactly on brand for the two of you, you both laughed it over and obviously said yes, it was a no brainer for either of you, you both brought out the brightest sides of each other, you two were bound to be together, soulmates one could say, zen would love to tell anyone who asked about how you two goth together, he thought the both of you confessing at the same time was incredibly adorable, you couldn’t help but agree
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patokascribbles · 10 months
art dump to start off. based on reverse au by @marshmallowprotection
characters are my MC Viola, reverse V, Camellia by @creator-kami, and Hyeon by @i-preen-for-oikawa
and Saeran in the corner yeah
im going to upload a whole bunch of art rn and then dip frfr
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mxsticmess · 2 years
reverse au? mint eye au? seven has been on my mind nonstop ever since i read @marshmallowprotection ‘s little blurb about him so here’s some of the brainrot !!! (srsly check out their excerpt about it, it’s what sparked my interest in making my blorbo evil :3c)
if u saw me repost this ignore it <3
Mint Eye 707 AU
lots of inverted cross jewelry (necklace and earrings). a. bc i think it looks cool and b. probably because he’ll have a lot of pent up resentment towards catholicism after feeling abandoned by the church after going to mint eye
about mint eye: run by v (rfa members are there too <3). seven is looked to as a second in command, or at least as being high ranking due to his hacking abilities, closeness to v, and knowledge of ~secrets~
instead of being angry at saeran, he’s angry at rika— seven’s mindset is that he’s trying to bring saeran to mint eye so they can both be happy “like they dreamed of being”
as for saeran? i like him as a sort of reverse au — in the rfa with rika. (maybe he’s an agent now? i hope he has a cool agent name)
plug in for my art 👉👈 headcanon he takes in a stray cat and makes it all edgy. names it after a flower for saeran <3
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m-ieleeh · 2 years
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⛅️As stunning as cloud, brighter than the sun ⛅️
I wanted to draw MC looking at Saeran but then I thought that a man falling in love is too charming so I reversed the roles.
I am always so conflicted between Saeran’s different hair colors. Red, white or his hair dye wearing off, I like them all and I always struggle when I have to choose for the coloring… which one do you prefer?
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aetirnum · 7 months
#AETIRNUM. a selective, private, low-activity multimuse featurng original characters, hoyoverse, reverse:1999 and etc. by saint. ( 21. they/vamp. ) no icon, minimal formatting, second-person prose. exploring the themes of love and its dangers, darkness of the human soul, lost of self, the importance of death and the like.
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i. i interact with all mutuals. i will post prompts, starter calls, etc etc if you wish to interact. i reply very slowly, as i run my own roleplay server and i have mental issues(tm) and can run out of battery. ooc wise, feel free to talk to me and whatnot! i can just be a bit slow, my apologies. you don't need to match my length: just put in the same effort as i do.
ii. i can write dark themes such as horror, gore, violence, cannibalism, toxic relationships etc. obvs i dont do taboo shit like incest, pedophilia, etc. go away. i don't mind shipping but prefer to do it with close friends. while i am fine with fade to black and suggestive themes i do not write smut with anyone other than my boyfriend. this is non-negotiable.
iii. i block who i want. i don't want prosh*ppers anywhere here. ideologies such as transmeds and being anti-self dx are also not welcome, esp if youre white youre very funny. idc about rp drama just dont be weird don't bring me into it and as long as you're not fucked up i gen dc. i won't always be here... i am a tired something-woman. please respect that.
other notes.
if i follow you, it means i want to interact with you, and i'd love to write with you! just please be patient with me. i study graphic design, but funnily enough im very tired of making tumblr gfx... not on anyone, just a preference! so i don't do heavy formatting or icons. if you write with me though, all i ask is to not make your text extremely small. i'm dyslexic, so it makes it very hard to read. thank you!
i write a lot of systems here, and i will mention if they ever switch, no worries. i am a system myself, so i really love them!
the writer.
hello! i am lucifer, or call me saint. i am a system host and multimedia student. i'm an artist and writer. i love slowpoke a lot. please show me slowpoke. i have been on the tumblr rpc for a loong time ( since i was... 12 at best... #veteran ) and i just recently came back, but only plan to do light activity. i'm 21 and i'm filipino. read more about me here! my discord tag is #loveits !
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some of these don't have a link/carrd; it's a wip. edited from time to time... sawry.
ayato. ⎯⎯⎯ genshin impact. 30. she/they. androsexual. isolde. ⎯⎯⎯ reverse:1999. 29. she/her. lesbian, did system. tartaglia. ⎯⎯⎯ genshin impact. she/he. 23. tmas butch lesbian. diluc. ⎯⎯⎯ genshin impact. he/him. 25. tmasc butch lesbian. ada mesmer. ⎯⎯⎯ identity v. 28. she/they. lesbian
arcana. ⎯⎯⎯ reverse:1999. ???. she/it. lesbian. mahiru. ⎯⎯⎯ milgram. 23. she/they. bisexual. johann. ⎯⎯⎯ eternal return. 28. he/him. butch. lumine. ⎯⎯⎯ genshin impact. ageless. she/he/they. bisexual. vertin. ⎯⎯⎯ reverse:1999. 16. he/they. lesbian. sonetto. ⎯⎯⎯ reverse:1999. 16. he/they. lesbian. ena shinonome. ⎯⎯⎯ project sekai. 18. she/he. lesbian. kevin kaslana. ⎯⎯⎯ honkai impact 3rd. ???. he/she. thing. kafka. ⎯⎯⎯ honkai:star rail. 28. she/her. bisexual. kaalaa baunaa. ⎯⎯⎯ reverse:1999. 28. she/her. heterosexual. kujou sara. ⎯⎯⎯ genshin impact. he/she. 25. bisexual transmasc. otto apocalypse. ⎯⎯⎯ honkai impact 3rd. she/they. nonbinary. hysteria. aromantic: saviorsexual.
blade. ⎯⎯⎯ honkai:star rail. ??. he/she. transmasc lesbian. emil. ⎯⎯⎯ identity v. 25. she/he. transfem lesbian. tooth fairy. ⎯⎯⎯ reverse:1999. 25. she/her. lesbian. saeran choi. ⎯⎯⎯ mystic messenger. 21. he/they. transmasc. did system.
shaira tiriza. ⎯⎯⎯ 28. she/they. did system. fides. ⎯⎯⎯ ageless; billion. she/he. star. amon. ⎯⎯⎯ ageless; 21 billion. she/he/they/it. star. fallere.⎯⎯⎯ ageless; 21 billion. she/they. star. celeste.⎯⎯⎯ ageless; older than us. she/her. the concept of ‘devotion’
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k0kichiimagines · 2 years
sometimes i think how cute it would be to teach saeran phrases and petnames in ur language/s just so you could call him them and use them on him and he'd know what you mean
but u just know he'd uni reverse it and pull out a whole essay of love for you in ur native tongue just to watch you smile and your eyes light up
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gushingabtlove · 2 years
when ur bfs are all a little funny silly brain <33
this goes out to not even half of my fruity little oc boyfriends who i love very very much <33
lava lamp (+ briar), boombox, kaleidoscope, bathbomb, glowbi, jellyfish, daddy long legs, custard, retrogade, loomy, jewelry box, cream pie, butterbread, sparkler, nightlight, honeycake, campfire, gummyworm, discoball, paintbrush, 8-ball, firefly, artboard, slushie, beanbag, paintball, shutters, fortune teller, landmine, jewelmine, bombasm, magic marker, glitter pen, matchbox, funnyface, shadow mask, bubblecup, domino, axeman, jester, reverse, goggles, clock-out, tapestry, king, streets, crutches, discotheque, vhs, vm, quip, camera man, statiklis, hotline, cutcord, wiresaw, powerline, record, fillter, sey, logbook, researcher, delivery, mandyl, casting, orbee, milkyway, valan, herring, styxo, ruler, error, buttons, cryogen, daydream, ikbo, marbles, ozzy, zz, dollie, claw machine, carnival, sewing needle, gameboy, bendy, bowtie, starfish, firecracker, cotton candy, birthday, cupcake, portrait, fair, cakewalk, balloon, ocean eyes, goldie, smiles, post-it, blondie, wannabe, hushpuppy, pseudonym, drearie, softie, lockbox, memory, eternity, zenith, vigor, spider eyes, monday, tsunami, ragdoll, mixtape, dj, erase, zipper, newsie, cigar, knots, signal, analog, iq, broker, album, techy, radar, algorithm, candlestick, milkshake, raspberry sorbet, strawberry lemonade, honeycomb, whipped cream, bon-bon, cocoa, grape soda, fizz, cornbread, fruit punch, poprocks, pb&j, blackberry pie, popsicle, icing, gingerbread, peach crumble, teacake, sprinkles, cheesecake, peanut butter, rollcake, sugar cookie, toffee pudding, dropper, slim-jim, parka, nasty, paparazzi, oxy, dickie, party, seldom, noddles, needles, vodka, molly rose, infrared, coke, injection, re-al, pill, addict, mr. prescription, rubs, bandages, naughty, birthday candle, flamethrower, wind chimes, streamers, delicacy, quake, licorice, peach blush, frostbite, hyperthermia, sandglass, snakebite, bambi, vignette, waffle iron, somnophobia, viperpop, lightbulb, wallflower, ariel, cyanide, ghastor, peril, mirror shard, angelita, the doctor, lazuli, siderite, plasma, amnesia, pepper steak, anndy, neo, cat eye, apology, gumdrop, inkwell, think 101, aim, look at the stars.crp, twisted.exe, hedonism, lotus, phantasm, legacy, shivering, vil.exg, alzen, rose, bowie, mars, june, elzen, january, july, cake, lumi, neptune, alix, pyro, distortion, death, ecstasy, equity, wisp, determination, alastor, nate, zest, vinn, valarian, xest, vesper, marcy, k2, anonymous, anxiety, norman, adel, anna, xexter, oz, amon, azrael, brandon, cordon, chaim, camron, river, zap, sick, unknown, pumpkin head, ethan, damien, unstable, glitch, seren, kayan, core, spice, lisp, wisp, marsh, liam, logan, daniel, rylo, karl, cinder, kindle, break, saturn, gem, lonnie, eleven, thirteen, nine, twelve, vason, aster, toxicity, darling, pyromania, cross, infatuation, dis, angel, cobi, alice, bonnibel, ray, conifer, phantom, rot, teeth, cheezit, casino, twist, mania, bruxism, yohan, lucifer, chimes, morphine, foxglove, slumber, fear, pallid, gossamer, kenny, pepper, sour, sweet, quincey, jack (+jackl), phoenix, swiss, borealis, bicchiere, juno, pond, opium, eve, esque, petrichor, elysian, sheep, saeran, blue, thirtyfour, sea, gorge, corette, popgoes, nabu, penumbra, daffodil, remedy, silkra, polaris, nabbi, stitches, patchwork, sunkiss, spindle, uri, bride, evangelion, corpse, petunia, swan, melatonin, chorus, tempest, gold, heartwood, wyx, wik, chavell, hern, zin, sonna, esconder, oakley, jonquil, jules, kaz, valentine, savel, alifer, hexikiah, flair, orion, roman, aurelius, lio, supernova, hyperburst, xale, reino, karami, amaiera, vinnie, sylvester, ghost, amoxie, thyme, khai, leno, tyrian, amaranth, wish, valley, jockoline, knife, cubbie, keys, patchwork, clay, fran, ricky, starburst, matrix, richie, koen, fantasia, treasure, saint, rem, sunflower, law, dice, spade, brione, klahoma, klub, juxapose, shark, coast, pearl, fable, canopy, queen, fae, xyin, anomaly, december, november, t, haunterly, kiss, sixteen, five, veil, pom pom, laine, winlei, estan, raby, sachele, cj, null, ziggy, lanton, sannette
passion, masky, rosibene, nonsense, decay, salem, lockie, sugar, limin, spitts, everett, soda, fitz, bō, daughtry, hao, kastlane, afternoon, lucas, louise, mimmy, yusef, equinox, anthemion, três, viridian, celadon, faigan, radio, syrup, rise, elowen, veraine, axe, creep, vanity, yellow, boston, kain, riles, quick, hydraon, nessie, mousse, ecto, beastly, worship, cannibalism, stalking, abandon, ketamine, pretender, hypocrisy, quixotic, opulence, opportunity, sensuality, sobriety, rage, apocalypse, negligence, irrationality, cube
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marshmallowprotection · 10 months
...... ;_; alright fine, I'll clown myself, too. Reverse Ray with "we don’t have to talk, if you don’t want to. we can just sit here together until you feel up to anything else" and I guess I'll just cry 🫡😭
(hope you're doing okay Kait!! ❤️)
Ray struggled at his lowest moments. There were times when he felt as though there was no way to communicate the distress he felt in his heart, and there were times when that was true when he became so flustered his tongue wouldn't form the words he needed to say. It was frustrating, to say the least. He wanted to speak, he wanted the chance to say what was wrong!
Yet, his fingers wouldn't stretch across the keys, nor would his lips spare the syllables he needed.
You knew how much it stung for him to be put into a position where he had no choice but to let other people speak for him. It wasn't so bad when his brother was still around, but Saeyoung wasn’t around anymore. Saeyoung knew what he wanted... and he missed that. He missed having his big brother in his life to be there for him when he felt lost.
Most people didn't know what was on his mind at the flip of a hat, and even though he appreciated how much work everyone around him put in to take care of him, he felt so small when everyone made assumptions about what he wanted. He knew his loved ones didn't have ill intentions when they did what they thought was best for him.
But, it still stung to feel ignored. 
He communicated that to you before, and after learning that, the only thing you wanted to do was allow him the opportunity to speak for himself. Well, he couldn't speak when he was upset, but he deserved the opportunity to communicate in a way that was not only comfy for him, but... made him feel in control of his environment instead of the other way around. 
Ray furiously swiped away at his tears with the sleeve of his sweater. You didn't know what set him off because you found him in a state of disarray, but you knew it would take a bit for him to feel comfortable again. Which was why you were more than happy to sit down next to him in the floor of his room, a plushie in your lap and one in his at the same time to help him feel grounded.
You didn't touch him. You knew he was frightened and the last thing he needed was discomfort. You gave him the space he needed and he didn't shy away from your proximity. If he wanted you out of the room, he would have told you so with a sob. 
You were gentle as you spoke, "We don’t have to talk, if you don’t want to. we can just sit here together until you feel up to anything else."
His bleary eyes met yours. He didn't force himself to say anything. All he did was offer you a weak smile and bury his head in the rabbit you gave him. It was a step in the right direction. You were proud of him for trusting you enough to not force himself to choke on his tears to explain. You didn't want him to push himself beyond what he could handle.
You could wait.
You would always wait. 
He didn't need words for you to understand him.
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password-door-lock · 1 year
Headcanons/Asks RFA wedding napkin preferences [1.7k words] What would Saeran’s career be like after the events of Gummy Worms [525 words] Sharing a bed with all Saerans [2k words] Video calling with SE Saeran [874 words] Sneak Peak at Gummy Worms 2 [872 words] Studying with GE Saeran [327 words]  Road trips with all Saerans [2.1k words] Comfort from all Saerans after a long day at work [1.1k words] Unknown’s complicated relationship with sleep [769 words]
Drabbles Far too much description of the pink room [1.8k words] Being Unknown’s assistant is 1000x better than my actual job [540 words] Giving Unknown a full length mirror so that he can see how weird his boots look [1.5k words] Calling Suit for the express purpose of telling dad jokes [1.2k words] Bothering Unknown until he tells you who he is lol [1.2k words] Introducing SE Saeran to match 3 games (and koalas) [954 words] Idol Unknown goes live (set during Gummy Worms) [1.2k words] You get a cold in the intelligence room as Unknown’s assistant [1.4k words] Suit dresses up as Ray and asks for a kiss [947 words] Saying “yes” to GE Saeran [884 words] Sneaking into the kitchen at Magenta to cook something for Suit [1.5k words] Unknown comforts you after you see a bug [1.1k words] Surprising Unknown with a “Christmas” gift [1.3k words] Giving Unknown one of those fancy promotional tea drinks that comes with a plushie [981 words] Indoor picnic with GE Saeran [723 words] Unknown sits on your lap (for control-based reasons, of course) [813 words] Asking Suit Saeran to stay after his apology [1.4k words] Trying to be a proper assistant for Unknown [1.6k words] The Mint Eye server crashes and you and Unknown banter about it lol [1k words] Ray accidentally steals your glove while “observing” you at work [1.5k words] You try and fail to input the password on the door lock (but at least you get to meet Unknown) [1.4k words] You and Saeran comfort one another on day 3 of his AE [944 words] Asking Unknown if he ever gets tired [1.2k words] Unknown watches you through your webcam [1.2k words] Telling Unknown that you’re bored of working [722 words] Contemplating your feelings for Unknown while he sleeps beside you [768 words] Unknown “comforts” (manipulates) you after bringing you to Magenta [858 words] Going out for ice cream with Unknown [1.2k words] Making ice cream from scratch with Saeyoung and GE Saeran [1.5k words] Catboy Unknown AU [800 words] GE Saeran in the maid dress [1.1k words] SE Saeran gets his driver’s license 1.3k words] Cooking dinner with GE Saeran [851 words] Unknown gets angry after Elizabeth the Third is taken from him [986 words]
Collections Mystictober 2023 Fake Chats
Oneshots The Cheesiest (Introducing GE Saeran to boxed mac ‘n’ cheese) [3.2k words] Mischief Night (Unknown crashes the RFA Halloween Party) [3.6k words] Caramel Apple (Unknown contemplates his feelings for MC a year after crashing the RFA Halloween Party) [4.6k words] Puppet Show (Based on the iconic puppet show cg ofc) [4.4k words] Everything More Than a Dream (Role reversal: you are fictional and SE Saeran is very real) [5.4k words] Peach Blossoms & Banksia (Say hello to Danger Ray) [12.8k words] Just Like Any Normal Couple (Fake dating with Unknown) [11.4k words] Gummy Worms (Idol Unknown AU) [28.2k words]  Orange Roses (Vampire Ray and Vampire Suit) [2.6k words] Rose Leaf (Vampire Unknown x Reader) [2.6k words] Maybe (Choi twins Linguistics AU; no pairings as of now) [3k words] Secret Santa (Christmas with Unknown) [7.4k words] Be (anything but) my valentine (Valentines Day with Suit Saeran) [10.2k words] Bleach (Helping Unknown bleach his hair) [6k words] Birthday Gift (Choi Twins birthday angst set after Saeyoung’s BSE 1; Unknown x Reader and Saeyoung x reader) [4k words] Cake! (Based on Unknown’s 2024 Birthday CG) [11.1k words]
Multi-Chapter Blue Light (Assistant AU / Unknown redemption arc set on Yoosung’s route for some inexplicable reason, a creative decision which I question daily; 30/30 Chapters) [140k words] Glow-In-The-Dark (Fantasy AU, Unknown x MC, 14/14 Chapters) [66.8k words]
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rose-tinted-kalopsia · 2 months
who are your favs (number one only) from each fandom you are in?
OOH okok... im in like... a Lot of fandoms but hmmm! i'll list down the fandoms that i write and a few lil extras <3
from fandoms that i do write: lnds- xavier, ff16- joshua, haikyuu- kenma, blue lock- chigiri, tower of god- khun a.a., bungou stray dogs- chuuya, reverse 1999- six, stray kids- felix
also bonus: tgcf- quan yizhen, mdzs- wei wuxian, mystic messenger- saeran choi!
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lcnnypooha · 2 years
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@diverse-hearts​ sent an ask!! ::  🌞 – a good morning kiss (reverse - so Saeran giving the kiss :) ) 
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Lenny stands in the kitchen, putting freshly made breakfast onto two plates. Saeran was still asleep, so she’d decided to make breakfast for him. On each plate is homemade pancakes with a copped up banana and strawberry on the side. 
There is a plush cream colored bow wrapped around her head. It’s pushing her bangs out of her face and other hair is pushed behind her ears. She’s wearing a cream colored pajama top with little cats on it. There is a yellow collar around the neck. Paired with it is yellow pajama shorts. She also has on some kitty slippers.
She turns around, holding both plates in her hands. She smiles softly when she spots her boyfriend standing in the doorway. “H-How, how long --- have you been standing there?” she asks. The plates are placed onto the small table she has in her kitchen.
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“Good m-morning. Uh, I --- I made you b-breakfast.” There’s a tired look in her blue eyes. She hasn’t been awake for long. Just long enough to get part of her early morning routine done.
Lenny watches as her boyfriend makes his way over to her. She can feel his arms wrap around her waist, pulling her close to his body. Blue eyes stare into mint as he leans down and presses his lips softly against hers. Lenny hums appreciatively, moving her lips against his in soft movements. Her arms wrap around his neck as they kiss, pulling him closer. She’s loving being this close to him and feeling their lips touch. It’s a moment she wishes would last forever.
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mysme-rbb · 4 years
MysMe Reverse Big Bang
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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ Formally Announcing the 2021 Mystic Messenger Reverse Big Bang! ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Welcome! We see you’ve received our ~Mystic Invitation~ to the next big RFA event! This is a little different than our usual charity party. You see, while the RFA may be known by the coordinators, such as the famous actor ZEN or the photographer V, we have an amazing talent pool among our very own MCs as well! And we feel it’s high time to showcase their skills and give them the recognition they deserve! 
Introducing… The Mystic Messenger Reverse Big Bang! 
What is a Reverse Big Bang? In short, it’s a fandom event to bring artists and writers together to catalyze a massive boom of content! Artists will create works that writers can write a story to accompany. At the end of the event, there will be a story for every piece of art contributed! 
Still curious or still have questions? Check out our MysMe RBB FAQ Here and our Linktree Here!
The RBB Schedule
Artist Sign-Ups Open: February 19 Currently open! See this post to sign up!
Artist Sign-Ups Close: March 4
Writer Sign-Ups Open: March 6
Writer Sign-Ups Close: March 19
Pairs Announced: March 22
Check-In 1: March 29 - 25% Done
Check-In 2: April 5 - 50% Done
Final Check-In: April 12
Post-Dates: April 16 - April 23
I’m interested! What can I do now?
Check out our Discord server! This is by no means a requirement but the whole purpose is to bring the fandom together! Even if you don’t plan to participate as an artist or writer, you are encouraged to join! [Discord]
Spread the word! Reblog this post to let everyone know!
Check out our Twitter [Twitter], our Instagram [Instagram] and please feel free to follow and help us spread the word!
More details to come: Mod Introductions, Artist Sign-Ups, and Writer Sign-Ups!
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ We hope you’ll enjoy these Mystic Messages ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
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