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dailysaeran · 5 months ago
"The year I turned 20, Rika gave me a floppy disk without letting the agency know. Inside were pictures of you and what she wrote... I believed all of that."
"I believed that V and Rika saved you and that you were happy... But... I was a fool to believe that. I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you till the end."
Mystictober 2024 | Day 9: Fate / Lie
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rayroseu · 5 months ago
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mystictober day 2: domestic life 🍂
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awbublie · 5 months ago
chat will he take me home? (mystictober day 3)
i was thinking of doing zen bad ending BUT remembered the Christmas DLC ^0^ I LOVE SAERAN CHOI!!!
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i have school all day but I wanted to get out a cute lil drawing out!! I WILL DO MORE THAN 8 DAYS!!!! here's the doodle i wanted to finish but didn't have time ;-; first of zen n mc bc OMG THAT ENDING ISS SO SAD and bones:
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medu707 · 5 months ago
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<1.favourite character>
seven <3
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kumaclick · 5 months ago
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Mystictober 2024 Day 1 | Favorite Character
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thevoid404 · 5 months ago
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I'm attempting a prompt list this year, lets see how fast I crash and burn.
So heres the thing, I originally wasn't gonna post these here and was planning on keeping it just on my insta, however today that app finally pissed the shit out of me and I decided to just crosspost because literally what the fuck. I have been so goddamn upset with that app for a while now but I think today was my last straw, I might abadone that goddamn hellhole for good.
For my 2 followers on here pls ik you came here for the hoyotrash fanarts I promise I'll post more of those once I fail this promptlist lmfao
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patokascribbles · 5 months ago
Mystictober Day 4: Pirate/4th Wall
skipped day 3 because i accidentally drew day 4 yesterday and got really sad 😔🤡
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password-door-lock · 5 months ago
Mystictober Day 2-- Domestic life/Sweater weather
You visit Saeran in the garden (708 words)
You take care in balancing the warm mug in your hands as you open the back door and make your way out to the garden. The ends of your sweater sleeves serve as little potholders, protecting your skin from the hot ceramic as you walk over to Saeran. He’s clad in his gardening clothes, including a pair of moss-green overalls and a heavy gray sweater that he got second-hand. 
“What are you doing, baby?” You ask, settling yourself into the dry grass beside him. Your light-colored pants may suffer for it, but proximity to your husband far outweighs the cleanliness of your clothes on your list of priorities. 
Despite the weather, Saeran has torn up an entire flower bed, removing the foliage from the annuals that grew there over the summer. “I’m planting tulips,” he explains, holding up a small white orb. “The bulbs need to stay in the soil over the winter to bloom in the spring.”
You try to imagine the flowerbed overtaken by tulips. It’s a nice thought, though it occurs to you, from your limited knowledge, that different colored tulips have different meanings in the language of flowers. “What color are they going to be?” Knowing Saeran, he’s made considerations for floriography while planning his garden. 
“I’m not sure,” he admits, “I asked Mrs. Park at the garden store to give me a variety. That way, it’s like the tulips are talking to us  rather than me planning what they’re going to say.” While you’re processing the weight and implications of this very profound gardening philosophy, your husband takes notice of the mug in your hands. “Did you bring me something, my angel?”
“Hot apple cider,” you report, “I thought you’d like something warm, since it’s so chilly out here.”
Saeran strips off his gardening gloves and carefully takes the mug by the handle. “Yes, thank you, my love. You know me so well.”
You lean over to plant a kiss on his cheek. “Of course. I can’t wait to see what the tulips look like in the spring.” 
Saeran takes a sip of his drink. “It’s very good,” he assures you, before redirecting his attention back to the garden. “If they don’t get cold enough, they won’t be able to put in their roots. I hope I gave them enough time— but if not, we can plant something else here in the spring.”
“I’m sure it’ll be beautiful either way,” you assure him, “Plus, Mrs. Park helped you, and her garden is almost as good-looking as yours.  I know it’ll turn out well, since the two of you put your heads together.”
“That’s true,” Saeran agrees. Ever since the pair of you moved into your marital home, he’s been friendly with Mrs. Park, the owner of a nearby garden store. You and Saeran have gone over to dinner with Mrs. Park and her husband a few times, and once, you even hosted them at your place.
“Oh, honey, before I forget,” you cut through the moment to address your husband, “Did you have anything to put in the laundry? I’m going to do a load before I start on dinner.” You’ve spent much of the day poring over cookbooks in search of an appropriately festive fall recipe, and you plan to work on one while the clothes are in the machine. 
Saeran considers your question, cheeks heating as he admits, “My brown sweater got a bit muddy yesterday afternoon.” 
“That’s okay,” you assure him. “I’ll throw it in.” You don’t mind washing the mud out of Saeran’s gardening clothes when it’s your turn to do the laundry. After all, he’d do the same for you. “Okay, love— I’d better start dinner. I’ll come out and get you at the fifteen-minute mark.”
You know Saeran dislikes being abruptly dragged away from his hobbies almost as much as he dislikes missing the chance to artfully set the table. “Oh, okay.” He gives your hand a little squeeze, leaving a smudge of the dirt that always manages to collect when he works in the garden, regardless of his gloves. “Please do.” 
You catch his lips in a sweet kiss before rising and returning to the house, sending a flirtatious smile over your shoulder as you go.
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marshmallowprotection · 4 months ago
Mystictober Day 28
Mystictober 2024 | Day 28: JuminxMC/Elegance
"Jumin, you know the eloquent comments you post onto Elizabeth's Outstagram are public, right?"
Jumin paused, loosening his black tie, and glanced over his shoulder to meet your gaze, "Oh, they are?"
"Yes," you turned your phone over to show him the trending posts you'd noticed after checking her account for the day. "People are going wild over your comments now. It's turned into a meme since then, and people use it to talk about anything they love. It's mostly cat owners, but it's now bridged over into fandom spaces. I noticed a couple of the cat ones earlier, but Luciel just sent me examples of other ones."
"So, they're using my comments about Elizabeth and replacing her name to fit whatever they want to gush about?"
"Essentially, yes. That's exactly what they're doing. It's made your name trend on Tripter, too. People are pouring through your history to see what else you've said about Elizabeth the 3rd because they're amazed to see how much love you have for her. Honestly, she goes everywhere with you, I'm surprised people didn't know how dear she is to your heart," you shook your head with a sigh.
You let Jumin flip through your phone to read the memes people had made with his likeness. You weren't sure how he would feel about the comments, since it could get out of hand fast, but when he began to chuckle, you couldn't help but laugh yourself. It was silly, but it was a good thing. People often thought of him as no different than a robot in shut-down mode, so to see his name trending because of the love in his heart felt like...
A relief.
He didn't thrive on other people's attention, not by any means, but you knew how hard it was for him to see people call him cold and outright unfeeling when he was the kindest man you knew. He could have his moments, but his heart was pure.
"I believe I should learn more about fandom culture," he told you once he returned your phone. "It seems there's an online culture I'm not yet aware of outside of what I see on my phone from time to time. I think there's potential to reach people who are often unheard."
You cocked your head, "Oh? What brought you to that conclusion, honey?"
"Many of those comments alluded to their desire to have someone speak about them in that manner because they don't experience a single compliment in their daily life. I can presume that's what draws others to these spaces online, like-minded individuals always meet, whether they're jesting about cat photos or their favorite characters. It seems my words resonated for a reason. Not simply because they were amused by my love for Elizabeth the 3rd."
"You're always quick to think of the big picture," you cupped his cheek. "And you never forget the little details in between. That's something I love about you."
He smiled. "However, some of these edits to Elizabeth are silly. Why would one need text covered in glitter on their picture to express how cute they are? Elizabeth needs no banner. She speaks without a 'caution: cute!' label. What is there to be cautious about? Her cuteness? Is that a new OSHA regulation?"
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bluejay-writes · 5 months ago
MysticTober 2024 Day 8/9: His Muse
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You can read this over on Ao3 if you’d prefer.
Rating: T
Prompt: Jihyun x MC / Painting || Fate / Lie
WordCount: 8028
Summary: Jihyun needs a muse for his new painting collection. Author's Notes: So, Day 8 got away from me and became both that and day 9. Sorry it's a day late... but not sorry it's over 8000 words.
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Hen knocked on the studio door, then stood and fidgeted nervously with the strings of her hoodie. She’d replied to this advertisement on the Art Department’s bulletin board for a model, specifically one who could stand for long periods of time without moving. Honestly, she was pretty sure that most people these days just took reference photos and painted from that, but if some student wanted to pay her an exorbitant-seeming amount of money to stand in one place with her clothes on (the ad had been very specific that while there would be an outfit provided, it was modest), she wasn’t about to complain.
Her friends had been on her case about applying. She’d always wanted to be a model, but she wasn’t model material. She was in that nebulous middle-point, Far too big to be a classic fashion model, but still too small to be an acceptable plus-size model. And she didn’t hate her body by any means. So she let them nag her into it. She’d sent what the flier asked for. Her name (preferred, even, not even her wallet name) and then a headshot and a full body shot. She’d tried to be as confident as she could while her friends took photos for her, but even now, having landed the job, she was nervous.
What if he was a creep? Art students could be anyone really, and…
The door opened to reveal a man in wire-frame glasses with teal hair and eyes and a warm smile. Wait a minute… 
“V?!” Hen had studied his pictures for one of her photography classes, they’d done a unit on current artists, and…
He chuckled looking chagrined. “Call me Jihyun, please.” He led her inside and shut the studio door again before continuing. “V did photos. I’m… well, I’ve moved on from that and I’m pursuing painting, which has been my passion far longer, though I didn’t have the guts to change mediums until recently.”
“Oh.” Hen said, just as awkwardly as she felt. “I didn’t mean to be rude, I…”
“Not rude.” Jihyun interrupted. “I was V. I am still, technically, that same man. I simply am using my given name now.” 
He sighed, and shook himself loose from whatever thought seemed to be plaguing him. “We got off on the wrong foot.” He held out his hand for her to shake. “Hi, I’m Jihyun Kim, the artist who will be painting you for the next few hours.”
She took his hand with a grin and a firm shake. “I’m Hen. And I’m very good at standing still.”
The outfit that he’d chosen for her to wear was very fantasy. Flowing skirts, a corseted belt over a lightweight top. She felt like a peasant girl in a magic world, and she loved it. He’d positioned her standing at a window, and she’d gotten to people-watch campus while he painted her. She’d expected a need to be quiet or mostly still, but he told her to go ahead and fidget if she needed to, and kept her engaged in a number of different light topics as he worked, almost as though he was trying to keep her entertained.
Eventually, as the light was waning, Jihyun stood. “Alright, that’s time. Thank you so much for all of your help today.” He smiled. “Do you need assistance with the belt or anything else getting back out of the costume?”
Hen waved him off. “Nah, I’m good. Give me two shakes and I’ll be out of your hair.”
Once she was back to her normal self, she was sad to see that Jihyun had already closed up his work, so that she couldn’t see it. He immediately spotted her looking, however.
“I’ll show you when it’s done. I was intending to invite you to whatever gallery it shows in, of course, as the model.”
Hen grinned. “It would be my honor!”
Jihyun handed her the envelope containing her payment, all smiles. “Honestly, Miss Hen, you’re an amazing model. May I call on you again for another piece? Same terms, but the next one likely won’t be standing.”
Hen nodded, she’d had a great time, and the pay was definitely worth it. “I’d love to.” She said, honestly. “I enjoyed today!”
Jihyun nodded, and they parted ways. Hen couldn’t help but smile, her friends were going to be so surprised when she told them she might even get a callback.
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The second time that Hen stood as a model for Jihyun had her sitting on a bench in an awkward position. It was uncomfortable at first, but she made it work. Eventually, Jihyun admitted to her that the piece involved the woman sitting in a tree, but he couldn’t justify making her sit somewhere ostensibly dangerous for hours on end, so he’d made the bench setup like the branch he had in mind. Once he explained that to her, she found it much easier to settle into a pose that was actually useful for him.
She may have caught him grumbling to himself about wasting less time if he could just trust her more. She didn’t blame him, of course, Artists were often secretive, and she knew it was hard to trust someone you didn’t really know. Goodness knows she’d only met this man twice and definitely didn’t trust him with anything personal, so she didn’t blame him. Not even a little.
When the time was up and Jihyun started cleaning up, Hen realized she was stiff as she changed back out of the costume. 
“Hey, Jihyun, do you mind if I do some stretches on the floor here before I head out? I’m a little bit stiff.”
“Ah. Go right ahead. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help. Your stiffness is the consequence of my art, after all.
Hen sank to the ground, grateful that she’d worn leggings today instead of jeans. She worked her way through some yoga poses, careful of the fact that she didn’t have a mat of any variety, only realizing she was humming as she finished the last of the stretches because of Jihyun’s quiet chuckle.
“I’m glad you’re so comfortable in my studio.” He said, chuckling. 
Hen blushed even as she nodded. “You make it easy, Jihyun. This is by far the highlight of my week.”
“Even with the odd held poses?” He was surprised.
“Even so.” Hen nodded. “I’d be honored if you wanted to call me in again.”
Jihyun smiled so brightly at that, Hen couldn’t help but smile in return.
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The next sitting was more stereotypical, and Hen couldn’t hold back her giggles as Jihyun helped her pose in a very Ancient Grecian looking gauzy dress while half-laying on a chaise lounge.
“What is it?”
“It’s just… if you told someone they were going to model for a painting, they’d probably imagine something like this.”
“Ah.” He nodded. “Yes, I suppose it might be. I hope that the outcome of the painting far exceeds my pedestrian posing layouts.
“I’m certain it will.” Hen had no doubts that the man had an impressive artistic eye - his photographs were stunning enough that she’d written an entire paper on them her freshman semester of college. Sure, her major had nothing to do with art, but one didn’t see one of V’s photos and not know the man was gifted. “If nothing else, Jihyun, it’s fine to have one simpler piece in a collection.”
He chuckled, and Hen settled in to hold her position. It was surprisingly comfortable, and she knew it wasn’t going to be too difficult, especially because he was good about giving her breaks.
For the first time in their sessions, Jihyun was quiet and focused on the painting, which gave Hen time to think about everything going on in her classes, in life, in that book she was reading… eventually she started to feel sleepy. She knew she should say something, get up and take a walk, get some water, anything so that she didn’t cause a problem for Jihyun.
Instead, she found herself drifting off to sleep while watching him paint with the most blissfully calm look on his face that she’d ever seen on another human being.
What felt like a blink and also an eternity later, Hen woke to the soft shake of a shoulder, Jihyun crouched down next to her.
“Hey, Miss Hen.”
She startled, coming to consciousness all at once. “Oh, no, Jihyun! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep!”
“It’s alright, you held the pose I needed, and you just looked so happy I couldn’t bear to wake you. Good dreams, I hope?”
Hen shook her head, holding a hand to her chest to will her heart to calm down from its momentary panic. “No dreams. One minute I was watching you paint, and the next you were waking me up. I feel insanely well rested though. Probably going to be up late tonight.” She chuckled.
“Hm, I should have been responsible and woken you.” He sighed, but continued before Hen could argue. “Would you let me take you to dinner as an apology?”
“What time is it?” Hen asked, sitting up properly so she could stretch the sleep out of her bones.
“Just about six.” Jihyun said, backing up to give her space.
“I could do dinner, I don’t have any other plans.” She said, and the smile that bloomed across his face warmed her soul. Yeah, she’d do a lot just to see that smile more.
Dinner was lovely. They went to a little hole-in-the-wall bibimbap restaurant that seemed to know Jihyun well, but wasn’t so expensive as to make Hen feel out of place. It was even on an easy bus route home again, so she wasn’t even particularly going out of her way, either.
They chatted over dinner about this and that, nothing important, the same calm, cheerful kinds of conversations that they usually had while he was painting. That just cemented for Hen that Jihyun was just like that and he wasn’t just chatting to keep her from getting bored. It made her wonder why he wasn’t chatty during their session today, but by the time they got to a break in conversation where she might have asked, she’d already forgotten.
When the bill came, Hen snatched it away before Jihyun could pick it up, and handed the whole bill to their waitress - a granny who she suspected was simply the owner of the place - with a smile. The granny even turned a look on Jihyun like she was surprised he was letting her pay. Jihyun looked stunned. “Hen, you don’t need to buy my dinner.”
“But I want to.” She smiled. “We’re friends, now, right?”
Jihyun smiled in that way that made her feel alight, and she blushed and fidgeted with her hoodie strings. By the time she realized it, the granny had gone and come back… and she was only paying for her half of dinner. Jihyun smirked at her, and Hen wondered if she’d been played. As they packed up to leave, Jihyun’s phone started ringing, and his face took on an ominous look.
“Sorry, you head on home, I have to take this… and it might be awhile.”
Hen nodded and waved, waving again to the granny on her way out.
That had been a fun dinner. She hoped his phone call wasn’t too painful.
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It had been a few months since Hen sat for Jihyun, and almost as long since she’d heard from the man. She’d thought it was Fate when they met and hit it off that well, even just professionally, but then he’d disappeared. Hen tried to convince herself that it was fine, but at this point even she would admit she was moping. She really enjoyed his company, and couldn’t help but feel like she’d done something wrong. Had accepting his dinner invitation been too forward? But she’d even paid for her own meal… Hen had been worrying about this, of course, for weeks now, with only her coursework to keep her mind occupied and off of her presumed faux pas, whatever it might be. And unfortunately, winter break had just started so she had an entire month to mope about and worry about a problem with no guarantee of resolution.
At least she had her favorite coffee shop to curl up and read in. She usually got tea, but today she splurged on an extra sugary coffee drink, and the woman behind the counter chuckled. “Am I celebrating with you or commiserating, Hen?”
“Ugh.” Hen grumbled. 
“Commiserating it is!” The woman behind the counter quietly put an extra pump of caramel into the drink - Hen didn’t comment, not sure if it was intentional, but she wasn’t going to turn down more caramel goodness.
An hour or so later, Hen’s reading was interrupted by someone sitting down across from her. She ignored them for a moment, but when they didn’t move she put her bookmark in and looked up, only to let out a surprised squeak as she realized the person sitting there was none other than Jihyun, patiently waiting for her to pause.
Before she could say anything, the woman behind the counter appeared and set a coffee down in front of him. “Don’t scare away my regulars, Jihyun.” She said sternly, then returned behind the counter.
Before Hen could say anything, Jihyun immediately spoke up.
“I’m so glad that I found you.” He winced. “I threw my phone in the ocean in a fit of temper. Did you know that there is such a thing as backing up your contacts? I… did not do this thing. And as such, I had to simply hope to run into you. It took some time.”
He slid a brand new phone across the table to her. “My friend set it up so I can’t do that again, even if I do something as stupid as throwing my phone into the ocean again. May I have your number again?”
Hen sighed, and immediately added herself as a contact. “So you’re saying you didn’t respond to my texts not because you were upset with me, but because you didn’t know who they were from?” She looked over at her phone as the message she sent herself pinged in as an unknown number.
Jihyun had the grace to look embarrassed. “I needed a new number.”
“Did something happen?” Hen added his new number to her contacts, and changed the old one to read “Davy Jones’ Locker”, just in case some fish tried to text her later.
Jihyun sighed. “The unreasonable unbelievable drama that is my life simply continues to happen.” He took a sip of his drink and sighed happily. Jaehee could really make a mean latte.
Hen chuckled. “Everyone’s got some weird rats in their closet, I swear. I’m glad you reappeared, I was worried.”
“You were?” His eyes lit up for a moment, but then dimmed. “I’m sorry, Miss Hen. I didn’t mean to worry you.”
“Hey, it’s fine, you reappeared before I could mope myself into a corner.”
“Why would you be moping?” Jihyun was clearly confused.
“Well, I mean, I bullied my way into paying for my own dinner and then you disappeared. I was sure I’d said something stupid, or maybe that I shouldn’t have gone to dinner.”
“God, no, Hen. That dinner was one of the best nights I’ve had in a long time, I just had to leave for a trip the next morning…”
“His not wanting you to pay is just some misplaced chivalry.” The counter lady said, stopping by to leave a to-go cup refill of Hen’s coffee. “This one’s on the house. For celebrating this time, and for putting up with him.” She winked, and Jihyun looked scandalized.
“Jaehee! Are you buying my… are you buying Hen’s loyalty with coffee now?”
The woman - Jaehee apparently - cackled. “Yes.” The look she was wearing told Hen that she had no idea what their relationship was, and was assuming all kinds of things that Hen didn’t want to have to be the one to dissuade her from.
“Listen…” Jihyun took a deep breath. “Between the trip and needing to find you back, I’m way behind on painting work, and the gallery’s already booked. You wouldn’t happen to be… staying in town for winter break? I could book you… a lot… if you had time.” He looked like he expected her to say no, like he was already letting himself down before she could.
“I’m so game.” she said, laughing awkwardly. “I have, well, nothing going on for the next month until classes start up again.”
“No family events, or friend things, or…” Jihyun looked surprised. 
“Nope. Just lil ol me and my TBR.”
“To Be Read. All the books I haven’t read this past semester because of classwork.”
Jihyun laughed at his own expense. “I should have known what that was. Fair, fair. Um.” He took a deep breath. “So, I can’t use my campus studio during break. Would you be okay coming to my apartment? It’s safe, I promise, and if you don’t feel safe you can leave, I won’t be upset.” Hen nodded, but winked at him before calling out to Jaehee behind the counter. “Hey Jaehee, can I trust this guy?”
Jihyun paled as though he had no idea what Jaehee would say.
“With your life.” Jaehee responded, without a pause. “But if you need an emergency text check-in hit me up before you leave.” Something relaxed in Jihyun, and Hen wondered if he’d let her give him a hug, but the moment was lost when he stood and bussed her empty mug.
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Jihyun’s apartment was the 79th floor of an 80-floor high rise building. The entire 79th floor. Well, apparently his apartment was half of it and the other half was studio space, but still. She went directly to the windows and looked out over downtown, her eyes shining when she looked back at him.
“Jihyun, we should have done that first painting here…. this is such a great view!!” The painter smiled. “I’m glad you think that, actually… because I was hoping to do a triptych of that one, and so I’d need you to stand for two more at windows, and, well…”
He looks so nervous! Hen thought, and smiled, shaking her head and then nodding.
“Listen, Jihyun. I will sit for you to paint as often as you need me this month, as long as I don’t starve to death, and get to sleep properly.”
“That’s a low bar. I’m still going to pay you. Same rates. Also, since we’re not on campus I’m covering at least one meal a sitting. No arguments or pulling what you did at Yu’s!”
Hen blushed. “I still think it was only fair.”
Jihyun laughed, and walked over to a closet. “So, this closet has the outfits for the other…” he winced. “Four paintings I have in mind.”
“That’s only like one a week, do you have other obligations? We both already know I don’t.”
Jihyun chuckled. “Well, I can get the part of the work I need you modeling for done in our usual 6-hour blocks, so we could do those, say… every other day? That should give me plenty of time for finishing work on all of them and still be able to get them to the gallery on time.”
“Do you want to start today, since I’m here?”
Jihyun looked at the clock. “Only if you let me buy lunch and take you to dinner after.”
“You drive a hard bargain, Mr. Kim.” He raised an eyebrow, and she relented. “Yes, okay, okay. I want to see your gallery look good. I don’t know why you’re not the one begging here.”
Jihyun blinked. “I… really should be, shouldn’t I? You’re too good to me, Miss Hen.”
“Just call me Hen. It’s already a nickname.”
“It is? No wonder I couldn’t find you.”
Hen laughed so hard she sat down abruptly on the floor. “Jihyun Kim. You seriously thought my given name was Hen. Like a chicken.”
“Yes. Why would I assume otherwise?”
Hen just made flustered hand motions while she laughed at him.
“It’s Henrietta.” She said, once she could breathe properly. “Henrietta Chatham.”
“I like Hen better.” Jihyun said through a pout.
“Me too! That’s why I introduce myself that way! If you start calling me Miss Henrietta, I’ll quit.”
“Please don’t.” Jihyun said, helping her up off the floor. “Hen.”
She blushed at their proximity, and turned toward the closet so he wouldn’t notice. “So, which outfit first?”
Jihyun pulled out an outfit that was leggings and a leotard and a cropped leather jacket. “Cyberpunk? Or 80s Workout?” She asked, and as usual he gave her a shrug. No insight from the artist. No hints. No spoilers. She would get to see the paintings at the gallery opening with everyone else, and no sooner.
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Hen was changing back into her regular clothes when she heard a knock at the door. Grateful that this wasn’t her house and thus she was spared from needing to rush to get clothes on and the inevitable falling over that would come with it, Hen simply continued at her leisurely undressing and redressing pace… which also meant she was able to eavesdrop on the conversation.
“Ah, good evening, Jihyun.” A warm baritone that matched V’s friendly tenor practically sang into the apartment.
“Jumin. Good to see you well. What can I help you with?”
“Miss Kang told me you found your muse.”
“I did. At Jaehee’s coffee shop, no less. I owe her.”
Muse? Does he consider me his Muse?? Hen felt her cheeks heat as she considered what that meant, if it meant anything. She hurried a little bit faster to get herself put back together.
“Well, I suppose you shouldn’t have any problems getting five more pieces done in time for the gallery opening, assuming she’s amenable to sitting for more paintings?”
She heard Jihyun laugh as she opened the bathroom door and made her way over to the costume closet without even glancing at the door.
“I’d say she is, we already got one session in today.” His volume changed as he turned and called out to her. “Hen, come over here when you’re done there, would you?”
She turned, surprised to see that Jihyun’s guest was in a three-piece suit, albeit one decorated with white cat fur.
“Hi.” She said, holding out a hand. “I’m Hen.”
He shook her hand, professional to a T. “Jumin Han.” Then, he turned back to Jihyun. “You should tell Luciel you’ve found her so he stops sending photos of random chickens to the chat and asking if they’re her. He’s been at it for approximately two hours now.”
Hen couldn’t help it, she burst out laughing. “Seriously?! Will you show me? We can pick which chicken looks most like me.”
JIhyun smiled that smile she loved so much. “We can look over dinner.” He turned to Jumin. “Would you like to join us? We’re going out for barbecue.”
Jumin shook his head. “Elizabeth is waiting for me. But thank you. Maybe next time.”
They watched as he turned and went back to the elevator and rode it…up. “He lives above you?” Hen asked, as they waited for the elevator to return for them to take it down instead.
“Yes.” Jihyun said with a smile. “We were childhood friends, Jumin and I.”
“And now?”
“Still friends. Less so children.”
Hen giggled, and tried to keep herself from thinking of this dinner as a date. It was just.. a work dinner.
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The rest of the week flew by, and before Hen knew it she was back on her own, her sittings were all done and now she had all the free time in the world to get her reading done, but she couldn’t stop thinking of Jihyun. She hadn’t really been being honest with herself about him, it seemed, but now that she had some time to think clearly, it was plain as day. She was in love with the painter. He made her smile and laugh in a way no one else had. None of her previous partners even held a candle to the way he made her feel.
Sure, she might be his muse, not that he’d said as much to her even after she’d heard Jumin say it, but regardless… that was an art thing, not a personal thing. And now that this collection was done, other than the gallery opening he’d wanted her to come to, she may not ever see him again. Hen sighed, and like clockwork, her phone started ringing. Who called these days? Oh. It was Jihyun!
“Hey Jihyun!”
“Hi… I have… a selfish request.”
“I need your help. I’m trying to get all the finishing work done and for the life of me I cannot focus. I thought maybe getting someone to body double for me would help, but all of my friends are normal boring adults with day jobs. Jumin offered his cat, but she’s white and a mischief and I do not think that would be a good idea around all the paint…”
“Jihyun. Slow down. Calm down, it’s okay. What do you actually need from me?”
“Come and sit here and hang out? You can bring your books. I know you were eyeing that oversized chair, I’ll clear it out so you can relax. Maybe… get coffee from Jaehee’s on the way? I’ll pay you back, I swear, I… Hell, I’ll even pay your sitting fee just to chill with me for the day.”
“Jihyun! That’s not how friendship works! You don’t need to pay me to hang out with you. But you can take me to dinner. I’ll be there in 20 minutes.”
“Thank you. You’re a lifesaver.”
“Peppermint! Bye!” She hung up to the sound of his laughter, and if she wasn’t about to walk through his door with two coffees and a tote bag full of paperbacks to devour, she’d hate to end the call. Yeah. She had it bad.
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Hen knocked on Jihyun’s door in the most inelegant fashion possible: with her forehead. She’d considered kicking it, but that would have sloshed the coffees too much.
Of course, Jihyun opened by her third knock, and instead she stumbled forward a step when her head met air.
“Were you knocking with your head?”
“Nooo. Your poor face.”
“I said shhhhh.” She allowed him to take his coffee, and laughed when she spotted the oversized chair in her usual posing space. “I’m modeling my dumb reading faces for you today.”
“I told you I’d pay your sitting fee.” He winked at her when she blustered, and instead she blushed. “What? You’re going to be sitting!”
“You. Are a brat.”
“That’s what they tell me.”
“What, your RFA Friends?” She said, thinking back to the chatroom entirely full of chicken photos.
“Only ones I’ve got.”
“You’ve got me!” Hen argued, and Jihyun turned a look on her that she couldn’t decipher, not even paired with the radiant smile.
“You’re different. You’re my Muse, Hen.”
“Well, you’re my… artist… i guess.. there’s not a good word for that. I’m sticking with friend.” She grinned at him, and he laughed. 
“Well, get to reading, Muse, I better get myself actually working so you didn’t come here for no reason.”
Hen settled and then realized the scale of the canvas he was currently working on. 
“Damn, Jihyun, that’s huge. Is it the centerpiece?”
“It is!”
“And you still won’t let me sneak a peek?”
“Of course not! and ruin the effect of the collection as a whole on opening night? Never.”
“I’m still invited to that?”
“Of course. You’re my muse. You’re my plus one.”
Hen saw the chance and had to ask… to save herself heartbreak down the road.
“What, no boyfriend? I was sure you and Jumin had--”
“No.” He cut her off. “I’m single, Hen. Have been since… well. Everything.”
“You’ll have to tell me about that someday, you know? I hate walking into landmines that just hurt your feelings.”
“You’re right. I should. Maybe over dinner?”
They spent the day in quiet companionship. Every now and again Hen would laugh at something that happened in her book, or absolutely have to read part of something to Jihyun because it was just written way too well.
They took a break for lunch, Jihyun had ordered sandwiches while she was still wrapped up in the most recent book.
“Your reading speed is ridiculous.”
“Jihyun. I’m in law school. Of course it’s ridiculous.”
“…I keep forgetting that. You’re so nice.”
“Sometimes lawyers are nice.”
“My lived experience begs to differ.”
“Hm.” Time to change the subject so that he could get back to work and not just spill everything now. “You’re going to tell me about that over dinner you said. Any ideas where you want to take me?”
Jihyun blinked for a moment, and then shrugged. “I was thinking Sushi?”
“I do not know if I am dressed well enough to go out for sushi, but…”
“I was thinking about a local place that has all you can eat sushi. No dress code. Plenty of time to sit and talk about difficult subjects in an informal environment.”
“Oh. Well then. You will be surprised at how much sushi I can eat.”
“With my friends, I don’t get surprised by much anymore.”
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“And since then, she’s been in Alaska, at an inpatient rehabilitation center.”
“Jesus. That was… you? We discussed the situation in one of my classes while it was ongoing.” 
“Yes, I’m not surprised, it was a clusterfuck.”
Hen reached her hand out across the table to take Jihyun’s, heedless of how forward she was being. The man needed comfort.
“That’s a lot of stress, Jihyun.”
Jihyun sighed, but didn’t move his hand out from under hers, a choice that Hen chose to take as a positive sign.
“It was, but it’s over. Now I can move on and be better. To myself. To my friends.”
They paused to eat more of the sushi in front of them, when something he said suddenly connected for Hen.
“You said she’s in Alaska… is that when you ‘lost’ your phone?”
Jihyun chuckled. “When I threw it into the ocean. Yeah. We were still engaged when she was sentenced, and I hadn’t woken up at the hospital yet, so they put me down as one of her guardians. She was demanding to see me since I was on her paperwork… I had to go there in person to get my name removed.”
“Oh because that was safe and healthy for your trauma…” Hen muttered grumpily.
Jihyun nodded. “Exactly. Anyway, once I left, she started texting me begging me to come back, and… I just… I needed to be free of her. Of all that. I’d managed to put myself back together in the two years since and I couldn’t go back to that mental place. So I chucked my phone off of the side of the ferry. ‘Oops’. My only regret is losing your contact information in the process. Why did we never email?”
Hen shook her head with a low chuckle. “Hubris. I don’t know. I’m just glad you found me back. I was really worried I’d done something to upset you.”
“Well, I do wish you’d let me buy you dinner. Grandma Yu teases me to this day about ruining that date.”
Date? Hen must have thought about it for a minute too long, because Jihyun was rushing past the statement like he’d never made it.
“You’re not buying dinner tonight. This is my gift in return for you sharing your day with me.”
Hen nodded. “The chat with the chickens - that was those friends?”
“The very same.”
“I hope I get to meet them someday.”
“They’ll be at the gallery. Maybe… don’t wear feathers.”
Hen laughed so hard she aspirated her tea. “Jihyun!! What should I wear?!”
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Leaving the restaurant, Hen realized this would be a perfect time to tell Jihyun how she felt. He deserved to know. She deserved to be let down in a nice quiet parking lot, not in front of however many people at the gallery showing. And since that was the last time she was likely to see him, well, she chose now.
“Jihyun, I…”
He reached out and held a finger to her lips, stopping her from talking.
“I know what you’re going to say. Can you wait until after you see the paintings? Please?”
Hen blinked. He wanted her to wait to confess until after the gallery? That was exactly the opposite of what she wanted.
What she was thinking must have shown on her face.
“I promise I will hear you out. I will give you privacy if you want it. But I need you to see… what I see… first.”
Hen sighed and nodded, and only then did he move his finger.
As her bus pulled up to the stop, Jihyun smiled at her. “See you at the gallery.”
“Yeah.” she forced a smile onto her face. “See you Saturday.”
The entire ride home, Hen let the tears silently track down her cheeks. He was going to turn her down, she knew it. He’d known she was going to confess. How many people had fallen for him while modeling? How many women had he turned down? Had he known since he came back from Alaska? Had he known before she did?
He’d had probably the worst relationship experience on the planet, there was no way he’d be interested in trying something. It wasn’t even that there was anything wrong with her, just that with everything he’d been through…
Hen sighed. She was thinking in circles. She should have known better than to fall for anyone. It’s not like her dating history was stellar either. She wiped the tears from her face as her bus arrived at her stop and she started walking home. She would be the best possible muse at this gallery opening. The belle of the ball. Maybe they could stay friends, if she didn’t make a complete mess of everything. She’d like that.
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Hen had gone all-out for the gallery opening. She’d secretly talked to Jaehee at the cafe about what the dress code would actually be like, so she wouldn’t embarrass anyone, and the woman had actually volunteered to go shopping with her. Hen turned her down, but they exchanged numbers so Hen could send photos if she needed advice. She felt like she needed to do this herself.
Eventually she found what she needed. A navy blue and black jacquard dress, with an off-the shoulder sweetheart neckline and a subtle high low hem, from knees to tea length. The neckline showed a lot of skin, but a shawl would temper it, especially with her hair in loose curls over one shoulder.
Hair and makeup were easy. She knew how to put on a flawless face, it was practically a requirment with law school. Her favorite jewelry - understated sapphire earrings and a matching pendant on silver chain - finished the look. With a pair of short black suede ankle boots, a cashmere shawl, and her wool coat, she was prepared for a gallery opening in mid-January. Hopefully Jaehee hadn’t steered her wrong. She wouldn’t know what to do if she were dressed improperly. Both overdressed and underdressed were a possibility here, and she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t nervous.
“You’ve really outdone yourself, Jihyun, these pieces are magnificent.”
Hen stepped into the gallery, slightly early for the actual opening, but Jihyun had requested her to be early to meet his friends. The entrance to the room was slightly raised, and had an unimpeded view of the collection. She could hear people talking, but she had eyes only for the art on display. She recognized all of the pieces along the edges from her sittings. First the triptych, Three pieces, one looking left out a window toward a historical setting, one looking right out a window in a cyberpunk-esque future setting (she knew that’s what that outfit was!), and the third looking straight out a window into a modern wartorn landscape.
“I see why you wouldn’t show us any of them early.”
The one where she’d been posing on the bench like it was a tree seemed to be robin hood? Or maybe hunger games? Either way, very stealthy, she loved the look of it. Opposite that was the grecian chaise lounge scene… he’d actually painted her asleep?! Jihyun! She internally scolded him. He could have just asked her to pretend to be asleep. Brat.
“Imagine if he hadn’t found his muse back!”
Her favorite so far had been the hardest pose to hold for the time he’d needed - a sword-weilding maiden from chinese folklore. It actually showed her in three distinct poses, as though in motion, and she stared at it for a long time. The last had her crumpled on the floor in front of a grave, hair in her face, soaked by rain. She’d remembered that - he’d asked her if she’d be willing to go stand in the shower in the giant pile of organza. She’d gotten the entire studio wet. It had been a riot.
“You did five of these just this month? You’re a madman, V… I mean Jihyun.”
But it wasn’t until she focused on the centerpiece - the only one she hadn’t posed for - that she realzied that none of the women in the paintings were actually her. She’d posed for them, but they had different hairstyles, different facial features, like she was playing characters instead of being herself.
“Jihyun, this collection is radiant. If it’s this good, then your muse must be exquisite.”
The centerpiece was actually a painting of her, done the last day she’d been in his studio, sitting ridiculously sideways in that oversized chair engrossed in her book, but instead of it being in his studio it was in a vast library. She couldn’t help but laugh when she realized how many hints he’d tried to give her that she was in fact sitting for another painting. He’d clearly wanted her to be herself. God she loved him.
She looked down, then, to where Jihyun was standing surrounded by a small group of people… all of whom were looking up at her. Of them, she recognized Jaehee from the coffee shop and Jumin his upstairs neighbor / childhood friend. There were also two gingers who could be twins, a girl with long brown fringe and even longer hair, a blonde with dark roots, and a … was that Zen?! Huh. He wasn’t kidding about the eclectic group of friends he had.
Jihyun held out a hand to beckon her over, and she made her way down the stairs and over to the group. Jihyun took her around the group; Jaehee, the owner/operator of the coffee shop she frequented. Jumin, his best friend from childhood and Director of C&R International. Saeyoung and Saeran, the computer-savvy twins. MC, the insightful party planner. Yoosung, the newly-minted Veterinarian. Zen, also known as Hyun, the actor.
“And I’m the model.” She shook her head. “I mean law student.” She smirked at Jihyun who laughed. She didn’t miss the surprised looks from his friends at the sound of his laugh. She was right. This man needed to smile and laugh more. If she could give that to him, she would gladly — no, that was a lie - she would accept simply being his friend. “You sell yourself short.” Jihyun said, a soft smile flickering into place. “This is Hen. My muse. My friend. I hope you can all get along well.”
“Don’t worry, Jihyun. We’ll take care of your girl when you inevitably get pulled away by boring rich guys.” One of the twins - Saeyoung, she thought, gold eyes - said with a smirk. 
After the introductions, the RFA scattered around the room as other patrons of the arts started to filter in, the official start time having passed. Jihyun held his arm out for her like a proper gentleman. “You look absolutely stunning tonight, Hen.” He said with that smile she loved so much.
“Thank you.” She felt her cheeks heat and willed herself to calm down. This was his show. “I didn’t want to make you look bad. Not after you made me look so good.” She gestured to the biggest piece of art in the room, and he had the grace to look embarrassed.
“I should have been up front and asked for your permission, but I wanted to paint you naturally, not posing. I’m sorry I lied to you, Hen.”
Hen shook her head. “You didn’t lie to me, Jihyun. You left so many crumbs, I could have assembled an entire loaf of bread from how much you were afraid to surprise me with this. Hell, you even offered to pay me a sitting fee just to hang out with you. The fact that I was still surprised is more on me than it is on you!”
“I’m still going to pay you for that.”
Hen smirked. They’d had this back and forth so many times, she couldn’t help but kick it up a notch.
“You could pay me back with a kiss.” She said, raising an eyebrow at him.
Jihyun not only sputtered trying to respond to her in any fashion, he even stopped walking.
Hen turned to apologize to him, just in time to see Jihyun school his features and hold his arm out properly again. Great, now you’ve done it, Hen. If he wasn’t going to turn you down before, he definitely is now.
Moments later, a group of men walked up and started talking to Jihyun about his works, and Hen tuned in so that she could respond to any questions asked of her. There weren’t any, of course, she was arm candy and most of them probably hadn’t even noticed that she was the woman pictured in the art.
Eventually, the event was in full swing, and Jihyun went up to the landing to talk about the art a bit. He told a story about a woman who loved to read more than anything, and her trips of imagination through storybooks. He talked about how the collection was about escapism through fiction, and how the modern world has made even fictional war more glamorous than our day-to-day slog through capitalism. 
He introduced her to the assembled patrons as his muse, the beautiful law student who deigned to stand, sit and otherwise pose for long hours just so that he might put some paint on canvas. There was nothing in his description about their friendship, or the bond they’d formed, simply a focus on a beautiful woman who inspired his art. He even kept her name out of it, kept her away from being associated with his art in any way but visually.
Hen was more certain than ever that this would be the last night she would see Jihyun. Maybe she wouldn’t tell him how she felt. Maybe it would be better to pretend that she wasn’t feeling any of this. After his talk, Jihyun passed her off to Saeyoung to walk through the gallery while he was accosted by too many people all at once, just as they’d predicted. 
Hen looked around for the rest of his friends, and couldn’t help but notice MC snuggled up to the other twin. “Those two are cute together.” She said discreetly, and Saeyoung laughed. 
“They are. They’ve been dating for a few years now.”
“Aww, that’s just too sweet.”
“You mean like you and Jihyun?”
Hen laughed bitterly. “I wish.”
“Oh come on, Hen, I’ve only known you for a few hours and—“
“I didn’t realize I was that obvious.” She chuckled ruefully at her own hubris. “He stopped me from confessing, Saeyoung. I don’t stand a chance with someone like him.”
Saeyoung sighed. “I think you’re selling yourself short. You’re good for him, Hen. I haven’t heard him laugh like that in… a very long time.”
Saeyoung’s words stuck with Hen the rest of the night, even as she was bounced between the other members of the RFA. Just as she was thinking she’d hit her limit for socialization for one night, and thought she might try to find Jihyun to say goodbye before heading out, the man found her himself, a hand at her elbow leading her away from the crowd.
“I’m sorry we didn’t get much time together tonight.” He said, turning her to face him, his hands gently circling her, keeping her close enough that their quiet voices wouldn’t carry.
“All those hours with me in your studio, I’m sure you had more than enough of me.”
“Never!” He said with a laugh. “What you were going to say the other night…”
Hen blushed, and bit her lip. Her confidence was gone. Her willingess to have her heart trampled had gone with it. “Jihyun, I…”
“Hen, I’m in love with you.” Jihyun interrupted, and Hen was suddenly very aware of how he was shaking.
“I know, it’s inappropriate. I tried to be good, but I couldn’t have you end everything before you at least got to see the gallery and—“
Hen reached out and put her finger against his lips to silence him. “Jihyun. Me too.”
His eyes went wide, but she didn’t move her finger, and he didn’t attempt to say anything.
“I was so sure you were going to turn me down when I tried to confess after sushi.” She moved her hand away then, anxiously twisting her fingers together.
“Wait, you meant—“
She nodded, cursing the tears beading up in her eyes. “And then when you kept me out of your speech except the fact that I was standing there, I..”
“I wanted to keep your bright future from being tainted by my questionable past, is all.”
“We’re idiots, aren’t we? ”
He nodded. “Complete idiots, but at least we’re together.”
“We have got to learn to communicate better. No more throwing phones in the ocean.”
They shared a laugh, and Hen knew, then, that everything was finally going to be alright.
“Hey, let’s get out of here.” Jihyun said, that smile she loved so much lighting his face. “Jumin can handle the cleanup and closing.” He looked over her shoulder and she felt him shake with silent laughter.
Hen followed his line of sight to where Jumin was standing with Saeyoung, the former nodding discreetly while the latter made hand motions as if shooing them away. She giggled. “Okay, Jihyun Kim, I will allow you to drive me home.”
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The ride home was silent, but it was a calm introspective kind of silence, rather than an anxious uncomfortable one. Hen, of course, was warring with herself internally about what she wanted to do with her night. She was reminded, as they pulled into her parking area, that she didn’t have to make these choices alone anymore.
“Do you want to come up for tea?” Hen asked quietly, fidgeting with the ends of her shawl in lieu of her usual sweatshirt strings.
“I would love to.” Jihyun said, just as softly.
She led him through the building to her lofty third-floor apartment, where she stepped out of her shoes and set about getting tea started. She set the mugs on the counter and opened the tea cabinet. When she turned to ask Jihyun what kind of tea he wanted, he was right behind her, and she startled. 
“Oh, hello there.” She said with an awkward giggle.
“Hi, Hen.” He said, leaning into her space. “May I kiss you?”
She nodded even as she felt the blush on her cheeks, and moments later his lips were on hers, and her arms were looped around his neck, holding him close. When they broke for air, they both laughed before moving toward each other again.
“What about the tea?” She asked, softly, afraid to break the spell.
“I… don’t need tea.” 
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eleiyaumei · 5 months ago
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Mystictober 2024 Day 10: Saeyoung x MC
MC doing a low budget (fem) cosplay of Saeyoung ^-^
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dailysaeran · 5 months ago
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Mystictober 2024 | Day 1: Favourite Character / Hourglass
I would stop the time for you.
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rayroseu · 5 months ago
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mystictober 2024 day 1: favourite character
this is probably low effort but whatever lol i wanna draw saeran like how i used to draw him back in 2019 aljslaks maybe in other prompts i'll try my best to draw him properly ✨✨✨🙏🙏
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awbublie · 5 months ago
and they were roommates chat (mystictober day 2)
fellas what more domestic bliss than having a super girly house with another girl NOTHING
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i was thinking ab this the other day like yes i do like men, BUT DO I REALLY HAVE TO SHARE A HOUSE WITH ONE ToT WHAT IF HE KILLS MY VIBE ToT
i think jaehees and mcs house would look like thiss
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its just so THEM RIGHT? bones had saeran but like would he be doing there?
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dailysaeran · 6 months ago
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I may have been too busy last year to make one (and I must thank saeranz on Instagram again for making the 2023 Mystictober list) but this year WE ARE SO BACK!!!
Heads up that there's an art raffle related to this going on in my Instagram for those who are interested👀
If this is your first year, Mystictober is a silly little prompt list event for October that's become a yearly tradition since 2020. The list is filled with both MysMe and Halloween/fall related prompts to inspire you to create!!
Every day has two prompts to give you more freedom, and each day you can
1. choose either one of the prompts to inspire your work,
2. do both prompts separately if you're feeling crazy or
3. combine the prompts! 👀
So for example on day 25 you could make something about Jaehee x MC, something about an unrelated tea party without them or Jaehee and MC having a tea party!! Oh and "MC" includes any CMCs, OCs and self inserts of course😌
Even though this list is inspired by Inktober, it's not stricly for ink drawings or drawings for that matter. Be it drawing, writing, cosplay, memes, editing, any work of art counts!
When posting your work, please tag it with #MM_mystictober2024, so all the works can be found in one place!
You may start working on your pieces before October already (and I recommend that if you plan to post every or most days), but please don't post your work's before October and the prompt's date! And it's okay to miss some days or post your work a little late, this should be a fun stress-free event for everyone!🧡🍁🍂
🍁 A few other versions of the list with different backgrounds under the cut!
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awbublie · 5 months ago
holy chatroom (mystictober day 7 chatroom)
holy moly we just might be cooked
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jumin has no idea when to use those terms later mc and yoosung had to teach him what he couldn't say out in public im studying for midterms so this is all i got;;;;
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