meamiiikiii · 10 days ago
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some random reverse entry au [office + reverse isekai loop] drawings :thumbsup:
[mildly interested in this silly au? here is a link to scroll through for all the stuff i've made for it! i'll make a proper master post... someday.....]
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kikyoupdates · 3 months ago
For Tomorrow's Sake ⭑˚💫⭑ 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑢𝑒
various!jjk x f!reader
reverse harem, isekai, jujutsu kaisen x fem!reader, slowburn
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You never believed reincarnation was possible, least of all in the fictional world of Jujutsu Kaisen. However, from the moment you meet Gojo Satoru, it’s impossible to deny. Whether it’s a miracle or some kind of curse, you find yourself growing up alongside the strongest jujutsu sorcerer. Unfortunately, you know what the future holds in store. You know exactly what kind of tragedies await. Perhaps that’s why you were brought into this world. If it means saving people from a gruesome fate, you’ll gladly suffer in their place. You’ll do whatever it takes. All for the sake of a better tomorrow.
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You’re surrounded by darkness. 
It feels like you’re trapped in some kind of void. You don’t understand what’s happening, but this vast expanse of nothingness stretches out farther than the eye can see. It feels like you can’t breathe. It feels like you’re being smothered, choked, trapped—and you’re desperate to break free. 
Ironically, the moment you have that thought, your prayers are answered. 
Suddenly, it’s not dark anymore. It takes a few moments for you to adjust to your surroundings, but there’s light, and images come into view. They’re nothing more than blurry shapes at first, but slowly, you’re able to make sense of them.
The silence is gone, too. It’s been replaced by the sound of something harsh, the likes of which grates at your ears and is impossibly loud. 
It’s the sound of a baby wailing. 
A group of people are staring down at you. Adults, all of them, and their expressions are unmistakably stern. You can’t seem to figure out what’s going on. The baby’s cries overwhelm your senses, and you desperately wish they would stop, but regretfully, they continue. 
One of the people scowls. 
“The child is born weak. Her cursed energy is scarce.” 
Strange. For some reason, they’re looking down at you as they utter those words. They clearly just said, the child. 
…are you that child? 
The wailing makes sense now. You’re a baby. A helpless little infant. All you can do is cry. You’re incapable of expressing yourself any other way—despite your best efforts to do so—and thus, your wails continue to fill the room, on a seemingly endless loop. 
“What a disappointment,” another person sighs. 
“She will serve no purpose. We may as well pass her onto a non-sorcerer family. It saves us the trouble of having to—” 
Yet another person speaks up. It’s a woman, and although you can’t quite explain how you know, just by looking at her, it becomes clear. 
She is your mother. 
“My daughter will be raised here,” she insists, a glare crossing her brow. “I was forced into this life. Why should she have the kind of freedom that I was so unfairly denied? I don’t care if she’s weak. Put her to work. She can help out with menial errands, as a servant. It doesn’t matter. Do not let her leave.” 
Despite the fact that she is your biological mother, and you are her flesh and blood, her gaze is filled with nothing but hatred. She resents you, it seems, and while an ordinary baby wouldn’t be able to understand her words, for some reason, you do. 
All of these terms confuse you. Cursed energy, sorcerers… they make your brain itch. They evoke a strange sense of déjà vu, but you fail to comprehend why. Which only makes it that much more frustrating. 
Honestly, this scares you. It’s a scary feeling, to be so utterly helpless, but viscerally aware of what’s happening around you. You have the urge to run away from here, as fast as you possibly can, but your body is physically incapable of doing so.
Even though you escaped the darkness, you’re still trapped. 
Some time passes. 
You’re older now. You recently turned five years old. If nothing else, you’re thankful for the ability to be able to move normally. Having to live as an infant, while fully aware of everything around you, was absolute torture. It’s true that you didn’t have any responsibilities and you were able to lounge and sleep to your heart’s content, but still… ugh. You’re glad that uncomfortable period of your life is finally over with.
Although five years have passed, nothing particularly remarkable has happened. 
Your mother actively avoids you. She treats you coldly, and as far as you can remember, has never shown you any love. Your father, the head of the household, barely so much as glanced at you after you were born. You’re of no interest to him since you’re so weak. He’s had children with several other women apart from your mother, but your half-siblings have far more potential than you, and so, they ignore and look down on you the same way your parents do. 
The same goes for pretty much everyone else, too. No one ever pays attention to you, or comforts you when you’re sad, or lets you take a break when you’re tired. The second you started walking properly, they told you to help out with chores, and day in and day out, your weak, tiny little legs can hardly keep up. 
You suppose it could be worse. Nobody ever yells at you, or hurts you. Some children have the misfortune of being born into incredibly abusive homes. And while neglect is still a form of abuse, you always have a comfortable spot to sleep in at night, and several yummy, warm meals each day. 
You live in a big traditional Japanese-style home, along with many other people. Some of them are your close relatives, some of them are your distant relatives, and some are people that are unrelated to you but married into the family. There are also those who have been purely hired as workers, to help maintain the home, take care of cleaning, cooking, and so on and so forth. 
Anyways, there are lots of people here—most of whom are sorcerers. 
It’s been vaguely explained to you before. Sorcerers are those born with more cursed energy than most, and have the ability to see and fight cursed spirits. Apparently, cursed spirits are incredibly dangerous. They not only harm people, but can also kill them outright. Hence why sorcerers devote their lives to fighting them, in order to keep everyone else safe. 
You have to acknowledge, it’s a noble cause. Sorcerers actively risk their lives in order to fight curses. That’s the kind of family you’ve been born into. But since your cursed energy is so weak, it doesn’t sound like anyone has high hopes for you. Some people within your family occasionally go on missions to fight curses. They usually come back, but there have been a few instances where you’ve asked where certain people have disappeared to, only to be met with a cold, stone-faced expression in return. 
Death isn’t uncommon in this line of work. That’s why it’s probably for the best that you’re so weak. The stronger the sorcerer, the harder the missions they have to undertake. You would much rather stay home and do chores instead. You’re not strong enough to save anyone. You’re not strong enough to risk your life. And even after all this time, you have yet to see a cursed spirit with your own eyes. 
It’s okay if people ignore you. It’s okay if nobody thinks you have any worth. All you can do is make the most of the life you’ve been given. 
What you don’t yet realize, however, is that you’re destined for something much, much greater. 
One day, you’re sweeping outside the residence’s gates. The sky is clear, and the sun shines brightly overhead. Even though you’re not much older than five years old, people rarely concern themselves with you. They just give you chores to do, then let you be. It’s negligent, of course, since you’re still a young child, but you prefer it this way. You can appreciate the peace and quiet every now and then. Today, you even snuck out a popsicle, and you set your broom aside for a few moments as you unwrap your cold treat. 
Finally, it happens. For the first time since you were born.
A cursed spirit appears before you. 
Your eyes widen. Panicked and caught off guard by the frightening, unfamiliar sight, you stumble backwards, falling to the ground and dropping your popsicle. The curse is a gruesome-looking thing. It has several pairs of big, bulging eyes, a disturbingly wide mouth, with rows upon rows of jagged teeth. It’s bigger than you, too. You’re just a child. You have a tiny, weak frame, and right now, you’re so scared that you can’t even move. 
The cursed spirit approaches you, cackling in an ominous, distorted tone of voice. Tears well up into your eyes. You need to scream. You need to call out for help. Time and time again, you’ve been told that your cursed energy is weak. You’ve been told that you’re weak. Everyone views you as a hindrance. Pathetic. Dispensable. 
Doesn’t that mean… that you have no chance of winning against this thing? 
The cursed spirit lets out a shrill, high-pitched laugh and lunges towards you. It’s too close. You have no chance of escaping. Even if you’d called for help by now, nobody would have been able to get here in time. Even if you’d called for help…
Nobody would care if you died. 
You squeeze your eyes shut, preparing yourself for an onslaught of pain, which is sure to be unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. 
But the pain never comes.
When you open your eyes, the cursed spirit is gone. 
“...are you okay?” 
Someone is speaking to you. It takes a few moments for you to wipe away your tears and clear your blurry vision. You’re shaking from head to toe, unsure how you managed to survive, but once your gaze falls upon the boy now standing in front of you, suddenly, it all makes sense. 
Snow-white hair, paired with bright, piercing blue eyes. 
You don’t even need to wait for him to introduce himself. Already, you know who he is.
Gojo Satoru…? 
Just like that, it all comes back to you. His appearance sparks something inside your mind, and you’re hit with an abundance of knowledge, a wealth of information that was hiding beneath the surface until now. You remember everything. 
This isn’t the normal, ordinary world you believed it to be. 
This is the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. 
You wince. You must have had some kind of amnesia until now. It’s no wonder so many things sounded vaguely familiar, but you just couldn’t seem to place them. It makes sense now. It makes sense why you were so clearly aware of everything happening around you, despite being an infant. 
Somehow, you’ve been reincarnated. And into a fictional world, no less. 
You already died once. Back in the real world, as a teenager. There was a devastating earthquake, and you passed away, having suffocated under mounds of debris. You never knew that reincarnation was actually real. You always thought that even if people did reincarnate, they would lose all memories of their previous lives. 
You’re not sure how, or why, but by some miracle, all of the details of your past life have returned to you. 
“Are you okay?” Satoru asks again, frowning slightly. He’s only a child at this point. You’d say he’s about your age. Which means that only did you reincarnate into Jujutsu Kaisen, but you ended up in the same generation as none other than the strongest modern-day sorcerer. 
“I-I’m fine,” you nod. To be honest, you’re not really fine. You’re alive, but it feels like your head is spinning. This is a lot to process. Part of you can’t help but wonder if you’ve lost your damn mind. 
No, that wouldn’t make sense. You’ve been living in this world for several years now. It’s far too realistic, far too detailed to be a figment of your imagination, or some kind of long, drawn-out dream. 
This may not be the world you’re used to, but the fact that you’re here, living and breathing, means that it’s real. 
Which also means that all the horrible deaths that will occur are real, too.
Including Satoru’s. 
Your fists clench without you even realizing it. You’ve been told time and time again that you’re weak. You’ve been told that you’ll never amount to anything. But you’ve just discovered that you have a far greater weapon that you could ever have imagined. You have the kind of knowledge that could shake this world to its core. 
It’s not like you’re some kind of pretentious fool. What can someone like you do when faced with the likes of Sukuna? You shouldn’t get ahead of yourself. You shouldn’t get carried away. Even if you do your best to help, there’s no guarantee you’ll succeed. 
But… you’d like to at least try. 
Satoru stares at you for a few moments, just to make sure you’re actually alright, then he turns and starts walking away. He clearly only came here because he sensed the curse and knew someone was in trouble. Now that you’re safe, he has no more reason to stick around. 
He must not have been expecting you to chase after him, though.
You stumble, nearly tripping over your own feet as you call out to him. Satoru stops and turns towards you with a look of mild disinterest. 
“Yes?” he asks. 
“I just… I wanted to thank you properly. For saving me. So, thank you. Thank you so much.” You pause, lowering your head for a moment, but when your gaze finally lifts, you’re grinning ear-to-ear. “I’m [Name]. What’s your name?” 
Of course, you already know the answer to that question, but the fact that you even asked makes Satoru falter. By now, just about every sorcerer should be able to tell who he is. The day of his birth forever changed the world of jujutsu. The renowned Six Eyes are recognized by all. People instinctively know who he is, without having even met him. He’s never even had to introduce himself.
Until now, for the very first time. 
“...Satoru. Gojo Satoru.”
Neither shock nor realization colors your features. Perhaps you really haven’t heard of him after all. Perhaps that’s why your smile just grows wider, brighter, seemingly without end. He wonders why you’re looking at him with gentleness and warmth, rather than the cold, muted admiration he’s so used to. 
Oddly enough, though, he doesn’t mind.
In fact, he finds himself smiling as well. 
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lynnlovesthestars · 4 months ago
The veil.- Intro
Astarion x OC ( @wisterialynn )
Genre: reverse isekai.
Synopsis: Astarion falls in love with whoever is hiding behind the veil, and it hits him so hard that he can't forget him. Not even when Lynn starts a new save.
AN: hello this is the prologue of the reverse isekai story I've been working on for a while.. It's supposed to be a lighthearted story, mostly fluff and crack, low on drama, but low-key healing since both oc and Astarion have plenty of trauma. Basically domestic ff.
Also I think I will add some of the renders I made of Lynn and Astarion as I publish the chapters since I have so many - and are so cute.
Taglist: @spacebarbarianweird @sessils @roguishcat
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Lynn couldn't help it. When something caught his mind, it was hard to pull him away, so when a new game came out and he downloaded it, he knew he was up for sleepless nights.
It was a breath of fresh air in his monotonous and grey life. It had been ages since he allowed himself to feel something that was not sadness or anger. He sat in front of his screen and he came to life.
He didn't speak much in his day, neither with peers or family since he distanced himself from his roots, moving to a different town, focusing on his work, but once he was knees deep in his little and silly game? He'd comment, talk, sass even, he truly came out of his shell.
It was something Astarion had grown to adore, from the moment Lynn had first loaded his game, and Astarion felt something.. different. He felt out of place to say the least.
Gale blamed the necromancy of Thay, saying it probably connected him with something deeper, just like he was connected to his netherese orb, but Astarion knew it was something different.
And once he was freed of Cazador as well, he couldn't believe his ears.
Astarion could feel that connection becoming deeper, the veil between the two coming closer and thinner.
As he fell for his Tav, he couldn't help but fell harder for him. For his witty comments, his giggles at Astarion's compliment, his humming as he worked and forgot his side of the connection on- aka his PC.
Astarion had heard everything, every comment for the elf, every sob he let out in front of the screen, and god only knows what other sounds coming from Lynn.
Only when Lynn started his second run Astarion became gloomy. The attentions he was so used to receive shifted, Tavgliatelle- or whatever name he gave his character that time- was different, so focused on Karlach.
It didn't mean Astarion couldn't hear Lynn, how he still commented on Astarion, how despite everything he was trying to resist the urge to romance him again. Astarion understood it was just a loop, the more he'd spend time at camp, the more he'd trying and break free of the loop, the more he'd fall for the person at the other side of the screen.
He prayed.
He attempted magic.
He tried to find that small door that could lead him to his lover, until he did find it.
Lynn wanted to say he loved Astarion a normal amount, just like how you love your favourite character, but there was something different.
Astarion had touched him differently than any other, he felt his chest clench, hurt, for a bundle of pixels, he had empathized so much with him. Astarion understood Lynn and Lynn understood Astarion. And yet whatever his heart was hatching was meant to stay there, just within him and his head. In his daydreams and his sweetest nights.
"Lynn?" A rough hand gently pressed against his back as the figure hidden in the dark kneeled next to him. "Love, let's move to the bed" The voice cooed as he gently lifted Lynn from his chair, admiring for a moment his features while they were enlightened only by the light of the screen.
Astarion was glad his vampiric strength didn't get lost, as he carried the man to the bed.
He couldn't help but admire how he laid peacefully. The serious smirk he had when he was hunched over the desk, was replaced with a soft smile as if he knew who was gently sliding under the cotton sheet with him, as if he knew whose arms were wrapping around his middle, as if he knew who cradled him to his chest.
His soulmate.
Astarion's fingertips gently grazed the exposed back, the new feeling spreading all over his body as everything was so new, so real.
All his life no man or woman he had bedded or kissed awoke in him what the man in his grasp was doing without effort.
"My sweet sweet love" He whispered as he kissed the man's temple gently, trying his best not to stir him awake.
He had truly made it, he had crossed the veil that separated him from his love, and now he was laying against his chest, soundly asleep.
The sigh that escaped the other's lips said it all, how peaceful he felt despite being unaware. Astarion liked to imagine that Lynn was feeling safe in his grasp as if his body knew he was being held and protected by him.
The man stirred awake, his body aching from the day before, hissing as he tried to turn, while his body was stiff from sleep.
"There there, sunshine" Astarion cooed as he gently guided him back to lay in his arms. "You need rest"
"I do.." Lynn hummed as his hand gently reached for Astarion's cheek to rest there.
It took him a moment to realize he was not alone, tangled to the cold yet oddly familiar body.
"What the fuck" Lynn jumped up on his seat, rubbing the sleep away from his eyes, as if the Astarion laying in his bed was just a remainder of his dream, still stuck in the inside of his eyes.
"Good morning to you too, darling" Astarion chuckled as he gently caressed him. "I suppose that's human's way of saying 'oh my god Astarion, it's so nice to finally hold you" He teased as if sitting in Lynn's bedroom was normal, as if he didn't come from a game, but simply from his window.
"You can't be-" Lynn placed his hand on Astarion's cheek, trying to gauge at reality, only to be met with the cold skin again.
"I very much am, love" The vampire nodded smirking proudly as he brushed back his hair with his fingers.
"I'm still dreaming, that's it" The human couldn't help but shake his head in disbelief, as if that could erase the pungent smell of bergamot that suddenly enveloped his room.
"No, you are awake" Astarion quipped smiling and itching to move closer to shut him up with his lips.
"Astarion you are not real" Lynn said out loud, spelling each word slowly.
"I'm clearly here aren't I" He asked raising an eyebrow.
"Astarion don't be an idiot" Lynn shook his head one step away from facepalming himself.
"What if you are the one not real" Astarion clapped his hands together as if that was his gotcha moment.
"Don't start this" the human, still skeptical crossed his arms together, yet before he could completely close them, Astarion grasped at his wrist and bit the soft flesh.
The sweet taste of his blood awoke something in him, the way it slowly went down his throat thick and warm, made him dizzy but most of all left him breathless for the other man.
"That felt real" Lynn sighed as he pulled away his wrist, massaging where Astarion's lips were a second prior. That was real.
Astarion laid back for a moment, trying his best to contain the euphoria spilling from his every pore, he had a taste of divinity. Completely different from the taste of blood he was used to.
The way it ran through his body, it was real.
"I was trapped in that thing, god knows for how long, I am just a poor vampire in need of a cuddle" He admitted as he caught his breath and opened his arms to invite Lynn in.
"That's it I'm going out of my mind"
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waterloggedsoliloquy · 2 months ago
i have a graphic novel outline for:
-a reverse isekai where a catgirl from a video game is transported into the body of her player, a depressed college age guy with DID
-a pulpy scooby doo style mystery about a monster attacking a paleontological dig site, and the grad student lesbians trying to stop it
-a magical girl time loop yuri with sicely and anthea
-a story about a girl who is struggling with being taken seriously and finds out she can talk to bugs
-a survivor of a nuclear apocalypse steps out of her bunker to find out the world has been overgrown by a massive garden of rhododendrons
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makethosenarratorsfight · 1 year ago
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Haruaki Fusaishi Propagnda:
He often hides facts or even entire events from the audience - he casually mentions a recent breakup a few times, and it isn't until late in the game it's revealed that his ex is a character we've already met, and they refused to acknowledge each other out of spite. He also rarely talks about his personal life, not revealing his profession until the very end - or that "Haruaki Fusaishi" is a pen name, and we'll never learn his real one.
Lee Hakhyun Propaganda:
He. Well, for one thing, he doesn’t even have all the facts about himself, let alone the world he’s isekai’d into (actual isekai, this time, not the reverse-isekai of ORV); there’s a giant-ass spoiler about him that provides a disturbing amount of context for everything he did that came before its reveal, which he himself doesn’t exactly remember. At all. Otherwise, though, he’s very much coloured by his biases in a manner close enough to rival Kim Dokja himself. ORV: Side Story is essentially acting as the SEQUEL to ORV rather than actual, technical side stories, but is named that way to fit its meta themes regarding stories and narratives. It is currently ongoing with the overall chapter count estimated to be around 300 chapters in the future, so there’s not as much proof as there could be - but considering what’s already happened so far, it is… Very much expected that this guy is going to blindside us again in the future.
in honor of tumblr user lee hakhyun. i haven’t actually read the side stories but i’ve read the summaries and I BELIEVE IT. pleasee
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anthyies · 1 year ago
esha i have a request. what is orv about? give me a sales pitch tell me why you are so bonkers insane about it ♥
HIII RIMI 🥹 Um. It’s a 551 chapter long webnovel. actually i’m just gonna link this post because im kind of massively bad at explaining it. it’s like. what if you were just some guy* who was the only reader of this very long kinda shitty webnovel, and as you read the last chapter the supernatural apocalyptic events in the novel start to happen in real life. and also, crucially, the protagonist of the novel time loops after his death, and when the reverse isekai happens, it’s ostensibly his third time loop. this is the basic premise. the thing about orv is it’s kind of difficult to explain why i love it without massive spoilers. but essentially it’s about the bond between the reader and the protagonist and the writer. it’s about loving a story it’s about stories being people and people being stories it’s three layers of narratives wrapped in a trenchcoat that is also a narrative. it has really fascinating worldbuilding that is all about the narrative/thematic purpose of things. it has a plot that just keeps escalating in stakes and never gets boring and i literally could not put it down. it has the worlds most unreliable narrator (and some really fun/devastating stuff with pov changes. it’s the omniscient reader’s viewpoint:]). it has incredible characters (and incredible women 👍 i started orv because my friend pitched jung heewon to me… it has women who wield the sword of judgement and are the king of no killing’s executioner. it has girls who meet their future self, forced into being a catastrophic harbinger of destruction. it has girls who had to kill their best friends to survive. it has women who say i guess i’ll just have to be the villain again and who do things for the people they love that are absolutely devastating to think about both selfish and incredibly selfless). it has incredible relationships between characters. it’s about there being an incommunicable wall separating you from other people but it’s still worth writing on the wall:). by the ending it has recontextualized the beginning so thoroughly you cannot be normal about it ever again. It’s good 👍
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mrsmarymorstan · 2 years ago
I find the discourse from actual teenagers around sex in media, and the notion of finding fictional characters sexually attractive, to be completely bizarre given that there is an entire genre of manga in Japan that's pretty much just "Porn Aimed At Teenagers".
Like yeah, "Yakuza Lover" might be seen as 18+ here in the West but it ran in a Shojo Magazine! It's published in English by Shojo Beat!
"Outbride: Beauty and the Beast" is legit a Fuck-Or-Die Reverse Harem Monster Fucker Isekai, and has the same Target Age Group as Fruits Basket.
They call it "Teen Love" for a reason, you know! Just because it's got dicks and boobs doesn't mean it's automatically for people in their 30s. (Although I do, of course, find the various ways in which genitalia are 'sensored' to be incredibly funny.)
And I say all of this as an Asexual, but once we embrace the notion of sexual liberation and turn the concept of sex into Just Another Activity the world will become a better place.
Not to say that things shouldn't still have age restrictions. But look at it like Rollercoasters! There are rollercoasters that are designed for children that look like dragons and go very slowly round a set track, and there are rollercoasters for teens that do loopy loops and crash land into water, and there are rollercoasters for adults that are designed specifically to make you throw up at the end.
If someone says "I don't want to go on a rollercoaster" we go "Hey that's fine! They're not for everyone!" or if they say "Oh man I go to the Theme Park EVERY WEEKEND because THAT'S HOW MUCH I LOVE THEM!" we go "Nice to see you're so passionate!" and if someone says "Actually I wanna save going to a Theme Park for my Honeymoon because I wanna make my first trip special" we go "Awwwh! That's sweet!"
Like... it's just a THING. It's just an ACT! Stop trying to put a moral code on it or whatever.
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versegm · 1 year ago
Also gimme the deets on Theatre AU!!
Oh BOY this is gonna be a long one. I am incapable of making a normal modern au i NEED these bitches to be freaks in some way I literally can't help it.
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The cape Castoria finds is meant to be Saber's cape! The relationship between Castoria & anime girl king arthur would be way too long to explain in thsi post, but they're connected so I figured it would make a cute easter egg.
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I considered having Castoria freeload below the deck instead, because I've personally never played in a theater that had storage rooms above deck, but I really wanted to keep the Phantom Of The Opera vibe so I just went fuck it.
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Love my girl Castoria who is a paranoid little rat constantly looking for the closest escape route <3
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I have no idea how to write Oberon I just imitated Herlock's speech pattern and crossed my fingers
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Gray is in fact a different Fate character! the tl;dr of Gray is that she's a regular-ass human, but unfortunately she was born in a weird arthuriana cult, which lead to her body slowly turning into that of king arthur. She has issues with her face a lot because like, if your face shifted to become that of a perfect stranger wouldn't that be fucked up. Coincidentally, Castoria also has king arthur's face, though for arguably less angsty reasons.
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The Night of Wallachia is another nasuverse character (technically from Melty Blood rather than any fate work tho.) I will redirect you to Lance's post as to whomst this man is though because I have yet to play Melty Blood myself.
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Moly is a plant from Homer's Odysseus btw
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Deep fucking sigh I fucking wish. I fucking wish we had more stories about the aftermath of isekai adventures, my man. I want to know what's it like to see someone with medieval wartime reflexes who just refuses to talk about shit. Anyways the entire Guda subplot is just me not being normal about isekais, as per usual.
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So this scene was originally a lot longer, with Guda tricking Castoria into giving a lot more personal information (exact date of birth, last name) and ending with them taking a group selfie- all info they can use later on to forge her ID. But it was kinda boring so I just went the "Guda forges papers by winging it and she can't call them out on it without admitting that her own living situation is garbage" route.
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Didn't put nearly as much foreshadowing as I would have liked, but it's meant to be a hint of "hey maybe Castoria straight-up created Oberon, cuz how else would he know so much about her?"
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Castoria is so fucking gender.
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You probably saw me posting about it, but Guda's canon age in fgo is kinda nebulous. At the beginning of the game they are definitely "below the drinking age," but it's mentioned/implied a couple times later on that no one knows how old they are now (I think Vritra? Has a voice line along the lines of "oh you don't drink because you don't know how old you are so you're just being safe by assuming it's below 21? ok") What time travel and time loops and being locked outside of time does to a mf.
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The Guda-Castoria-Oberon banter is a fucking joy to write. Bitches who keep teaming up to dunk on the third one.
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This bit was inspired by my sister, who has collected all six of her chairs on the streets.
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SO FUNNY STORY. I didn't actually ship Castoria/Oberon going in. But like. There was no reason for me not to include them having weird sexual tension, especially considering I was gonna do that with GudaCas and ObeGuda. So I was like whatever I'll keep it ambiguous but I'm not closing any doors. And then like a fool I tricked myself into liking it. I literally never fucking learn.
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Ultra mega shout out to my cosplayer friend for their extensive knowledge of how to make fantasy armor.
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The Luik festival is in fact a real-life music festival.
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Lance was the one to point out that in a way the theater au is a role reversal from canon. In canon, Castoria and Oberon are both painfully aware of what they are and what they need to do, while Guda is increasingly unsure as to what they want and why they want it. Meanwhile here Oberon and Castoria are desperately grasping at any hint as to what is wrong with them, while Guda is crystal-clear on their singular goal of "I need to get the fuck out of here."
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I keep forgetting that sexual attraction is a thing so I tried to pay attention to it for once. Hope I didn't overdo it.
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Something something you have to let go of your past or you will only end up hurting the people who are in your life now.
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When you learn that your friend has been on a path of self-destruction and you are directly to blame bottom text.
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I think I already said it, but my original outline was for the three of them to have incredibly violent sex post fight, and then an extra chapter of "mh. Perhaps we should talk about things actually." I remember I wanted the dialogue to go along those lines:
Guda: ok so maybe we should talk about things actually
Oberon: not talking about things worked just fine for us until now
Castoria: it literally did not
Oberon: cranky because hatesex is so much better than regular sex aren't you
Castoria: I wouldn't know, only ever had one of those two
Guda: wait, shit, was that your first time? Oh my fucking god. what the fuck. let me give you an actual proper kiss instead of whatever the fuck this was. Oberon, you kiss her too.
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I rewatched a bit of lb6 for unrelated reasons recently and I'd. Completely forgotten that when they reunite with Mash at the end of part one they do in fact act like that.
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Quote from the lesson of the moth!
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Wanted to make it reminiscent of their first meetings, with Guda also dragging them through a door.
So yeah, that's my self indulgence! I had a lot of fun writing it :) I love... isekais.
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cospinol · 1 year ago
...actually this spring’s isekai pickings were a little bit better than usual, not even one 2/10 on my list! isenido just barely scraped by by sparing/pseudo-redeeming touma at the last second, but his plotline was SUCH a downer it made me despise the protagonist enough to knock the whole show down to a 3 when otherwise i’d have at least considered it for a low 4, accrued mainly from the excellent little romance with leviathan (of course her screentime is minimal and the rest of the harem is especially worthless to make up for it) (also, touma’s goofy yandere antics are genuinely a treat, but if i think about them for too long i remember that he literally actually did nothing wrong and my spirit of righteous vengeance starts thinking maybe this shit is a 2 after all). though i will soon have forgotten everything abt this show except for its wonderful myanimelist synopsis
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i can’t find a single other website that uses the phrase ‘isekai-normie’, all respect to the mad genius mal editor responsible. the double-isekai aspect is almost so stupid it’s worth talking about but it’s also not even in the damn show, the classmates he got isekai’d with do not even appear in the fucking plot, so i won’t waste more space in this post on it
anyways i was expecting to dole out more 3s this season but everything else managed to accrue enough random charm points to scrape by; fundamentally i’m most affected by tone and this particular set all trended towards the genuinely fluffy and forgiving, which is shocking considering yuusha ga shinda is on this list but i’m a sap so i loved the bullshit reverse body-swap resolution and was even kind of rooting for touka and yuna’s deeply stupid romance by the finale. tensei kizoku is probably the meanest of the bunch but it made up for it in other ways (first and foremost: wataru hatano catboy ojisan. the character he voiced in yuusha ga shinda was also the highlight of that show lol, a seasonal throughline), mostly literally by having great design sense and introducing a whole cast’s worth of new characters every single episode so even though the main harem was another viciously terrible one we essentially ended up spending no time with them at all, i’d mercifully completely forgotten about the elf girl by the time she popped in in the finale
on the flip-side of this is that ‘uncommonly garbage set of love interests’ is the other throughline of the season for some reason, with iseleve being the other main offender, but in that case it’s offset by obvious Main Girl Who Will Win kaori being more than charming enough to balance out the rest of them. i was disappointed that there were so many irritants and distractions in the real-world part of the plot because yuuya using his video game hacks to win at crane games and getting coerced into becoming a fashion model is WAY more interesting than any of the generic isekai antics on the other side of the door (it’s so pathetic it loops around to deeply compelling at points), though i ended up liking the latter half well enough too once the evil onii-sama plot made it to the redemption arc portion. it’s too brief to really write home about or to bump this show up to a 5 but it did remind me pleasantly of a speed-run version of seikoku no dragonar’s prince julius plot, which will always be the gold standard for those (don’t @ me)
and that leaves isesuma Season Two as the only one on the list i haven’t talked about yet but it’s an outlier that i feel like i have to treat a little differently just because it’s very funny as a case study; when the first season aired in 2017 it was genuinely the worst thing i’d ever seen and i didn’t hesitate to give it a 2/10, while this season felt pretty much as average as one of these can get, and there’s no doubt in my mind that they are of pretty much the exact same quality. the only thing that really stood out this season was how little of a shit touya gives about his harem, even with him being a clueless/reluctant-type protagonist i remember the previous season actually attempting to build (even being mostly dedicated to building...?) romance arcs with the sisters in particular but this season girls he’s JUST met just get added to the fiancé roster *by the other girls* without even consulting him and the show doesn’t even play it as a joke. the mal synopsis for this one presents the harem as the main hook but the only time touya seems to care about anything in this entire season is the mecha engineering plotline, if you close your eyes you can pretend it really is still summer 2017 and you’re watching knight’s & magic..................... anyways it still just barely snags a 4 by actually putting in the white-haired catboy rival (i guess he isn’t actually a catboy but i spent all of s1′s intro thinking he was so that’s ingrained as fact for me) who was in all of s1′s damn intro but did not appear in the show at any point. he’s here now!!!!
also, i did drop katsukami at episode 4. self-respect moments
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skyllion-uwu · 2 years ago
for the oc alphabet soup ask : b and s :3
B: Bailey! She's one of the main characters from my time loop story, introduced as a 7 year old that was the only survivor of her hometown being destroyed. In the first loop Jaxon tries to get her to travel with xim but she's like "I don't know you, I'm waiting for mom and dad" even after xe tries telling her that everyone else is gone. Eventually some government officials find her and she becomes a foster kid. Robin houses her and for the first few loops that same deal plays out until she starts subconsciously remembering who Jaxon is and travels with xim.
After breaking the loop, she gets adopted by Jaxon, Robin, and Holmes and then she has her own story where she's 17 and doesn't remember much about the time loops and she starts her own monster hunting podcast with her best friend Adrienne and faer brother Etienne. That story is mostly a monster of the week thing but there's character progression and a light plot, like she keeps having weird dreams that are actually events from the time loops, but everything's probably completely okay. Right?
Extra fun facts: She has dyslexia; she loves science and hops around between different subjects-- when she's 7 she's really into geology and specifically volcanology and when she's 17 she's into zoology and cryptozoology, but other types of science she's been interested in include food science, astronomy, and botany; she's the only survivor because she was at a sleep away camp and the bus stop was outside of town limits, so she's basically the equivalent of that meme where the dude walks in with the pizza smiling and sees everything is on fire
S: I've actually got three OCs that start with an S: Shiko, Sun King, and Sky! I'll do Shiko since he was the first one I thought of (if anyone's curious about the others just ask for another S). He's the main character of my reverse isekai story (I used to call it a parody but it's not really that anymore) where he used to be the hero that came to Phitania (the magic world). He doesn't remember anything about Earth and almost comes to believe he IS from Phitania, but anyways after he defeated the demon lord, he became an assassin for the Sun King and killed off "bad people" to prevent another demon lord from rising.
He gets killed by a rebel and he thinks that's the end EXCEPT he gets reincarnated back on Earth. He's told by a mysterious voice that if he sends 1000 people to Phitania, he can return there too and have his old life back. How is he supposed to send people? Well, he has a sentient truck that he has to work with, and by committing vehicular manslaughter together, uhh something something magic will send that person to the other world! He starts out really grumpy because he hates working with others, but they eventually start to bond. There's also a mysterious woman who keeps trying to sabotage their efforts, claiming that Shiko's being fooled by the Sun King. Also he discovers that yeah, he is from Earth originally, he has a sister, he's simply a pawn in a much bigger war and everything he's been doing has been for the benefit of the enemy, and he's not cis. Fun times!
Extra fun facts: His traveling party when he was a hero mostly consisted of women but it's not really a harem because nobody had any romantic interest in him; he has a pendant I always forget to draw on him but he can't take it off so he hides it under his shirt or cloak (which I also forget to draw him in); he and the truck eventually get in a queerplatonic relationship with each other
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lapucianprincess · 4 months ago
Okay, so I've been out of the romance anime loop for a couple years and I randomly picked one to watch. And the one I picked may as well be called Mary Sue the Isekai. And, I like projecting onto overly competent protagonists as much as the next girl who grew up reading '00, but I was not expecting the way it turned out.
Like, unsatisfied, overworked, and isolated, you get transported from a boring life to a magical realm where you specifically were called because only you can fix all the kingdom's problems? ✅️
Overlooked by the people who summoned you for the younger, prettier girl who accidentally got summoned with you specifically to cause conflict in the plot?✅️
Slowly find your way in this new world with the help of a large cast of overly attractive men?✅️✅️
Obviously be overly competent, over powered, and overly humble, with a specific knowledge and skill set that amazes those around you, not because you are overly qualified but because what you consider common knowledge (that anyone watching would also have) is severely lacking in that world?✅️
Like, this anime literally checks all of the tropes of Mary Sue the Isekai, but it flips them so subtly it took me a while to figure out wtf was different
The first thing I noticed, is while the protag doesn't interact with many women, she has good relationships with all of them. Every single other woman is cast as a friend or an ally, even the one sent for plot reasons. There was no animosity at all between the protag and other female characters.
And then I realized, while it 100% has a reverse harem vibe, it just a vibe. There is one, singular love interest who is obvious by the second episode. The rest of the bazillion attractive men in the cast.... Respect her as a person and value her for her abilities with out sexualizing or infantilizing her. They encourage her personal interests and push her to do her best with out patronizing her.
And all I could think was, damn Mary Sue grew up. She doesn't want to be the object of every man's affection, she wants to be seen as competent and trustworthy by men. And because mens' affection isn't her goal, she has no need to be at odds with other women and is finally able to make friends. She has a whole life outside of romance, but still has time to be romanced by the perfect guy who wants to slot into her life instead of forcing her to slot into his.
Was I out of the romance genre too long, is this who Mary Sue is now? If not, can we collectively decide that this is who she should be?
Anyway, the anime is called, 'The Saint's Magic Powers are Omnipotent.' 7/10 would watch again.
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meamiiikiii · 6 months ago
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siffrin deals with the woes of a frozen computer.
guest starring (hah) loop!
loop can just input text box dialogue onto tech within the reverse entry au for funsies, dont worry about it!
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regarding-stories · 2 years ago
Shows I've recently watched (and it's all anime...)
I guess I'm getting some use out of that Crunchroll subscription... though this phase started on Netflix. Shows with links I wrote more about elsewhere. Presented in no particular order.
Uncle From Another World: I love this show. Quirky characters, subverted expectations, lots of laughs. 17 year old obsessed with video games lives in a fantasy world while in a coma, wakes up 17 years later. The show plays the issues of all characters in a satisfying way. If the manga is anything to go by, will get more serious and heartfelt.
Re: Zero - Starting Life in Another World: Extremely good show, highly recommended. Plenty of gore, you're warned. But resolutions in this show are ever so rewarding. Great Isekai world building - with a time loop twist.
Handyman Saito: Funny in a cute way, rather inconsistent. Rather gimmicky and tends to make too many crude jokes.
Romantic Killer: Oh, that one really got me. This show made me laugh so hard! It has a unique style that it plays very well. Girl resists being forced into romance-sim plot. Lots of character development all around. When you're not laughing it gives you the feels. Definitely deserves another season.
The Quintessential Quintuplets: I liked it so much, I watched the two seasons twice in a row. Seeing the movie conclusion in the cinema soon. Funny that I pick it up right before the release of that movie. Great characters, tears, laughs, heartbreak. Whatever the conclusion will be, I will be sad. And probably mad.
Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash: It's a good Isekai story with a slower pace. The anime will not continue, though, and the books are an annoying disappointment. Who on Earth can stand Ranta?
In/Spectre: An unexpected show. Lots of talking - in fact, weaving of narratives, alibis, and coverups is the main theme of the show. If you like smartasses, you won't be able to resist the main character - a goddess of wisdom with a mouth and some issues. All stories feel like they have depth and logic to them, plus you get to meet some of Japan's outlandish spirits and monsters. If you make it through the Steel Lady Nanase arc that takes up so much space. Can be gory.
Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation: An extremely good fantasy story, but the show's depiction of an adult reborn as a child in another world can be sometimes very cringy to watch. Why? Because as adult he lived as shut-in (hikikomori) without human relations and developed some kinks he obsesses with. If you can see past that, you will find an actually extremely decent protagonist who grows a lot during the show - and away from that. Mostly. We also learn what traumatized him. His depiction is very honest in many ways, so the uncomfortable and weird is there for a reason. For the same reason, the humor can really hit home. Very detailed world that feels alive. Sudden dramatic reversals. I will write an article about the character arc of Eris (female love interest) soon because I think it is amazing, especially in the way it concludes. Started reading the books to continue, and it's definitely readable material.
SPY x FAMILY: This show is extremely funny, but it's also heart-warming. Telepathic child, woman with side job as assassin, and undercover spy form a fake family of convenience - and neither of the adults knows about the hidden side of the other, nor of the power of the child. And the family of course grows to be more liek the real thing. This show requires some suspension of disbelief, but it is just extremely enjoyable.
BOFURI: I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Max Out My Defense: A light-hearted show which can be fun. The humor worked quite well for 2-3 episodes, pretty harmless, then I started losing interest for lack of stakes. Still, might revisit it.
Cautious Hero: In many ways a good show and parody of the Isekai genre. Unfortunately full of boob jokes and really has a problem with depicting women. At least the behavior of the protagonist gets an explanation in the end - it recontextualizes a few things. That doesn't vindicate the rest, but it was... watchable. I definitely wanted to see it to end.
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime: It's fun, but somehow I lost interest within 2-3 episodes. It seemed predictable at that point, but maybe that would change...?
The Way of the House Husband: Well, I continued it. (I think they uploaded new episodes.) The show is fun and funny. Former Yakuza member turns into house husband, displays same intensity when it comes to chores. At times surreal, the art style is very interesting.
I wish another season of Dorohedoro were to be announced. Netflix will never become a mainstay for anime (most of the aforementioned stuff was on Crunchyroll) if it remains so inconsistent in releasing new seasons.
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queenrojpag · 2 years ago
Me again~🎅 Oh, that's wonderful news!! Will you spend time helping out with the wedding preparations? No need to worry about being late to reply. Take the time you need. I already sent more as one ask a week anyway, hope that's not bothersome to start with.
An interesting collection of characters. I know some of them. And time-loop stories are always interesting. I like the choice a lot. But now that I know some of your likes, I am also interested in your dislikes. So what is something in animanga in general (can be genre, tag, trope, etc.) that you dislike and/or hate.
🎄 Your Animanga Secret Santa! 🎁
yes! I'm helping with the preparations of the wedding! we went to buy some stuffs on friday and yesterday, when I came home I was really tired but I'm happy to help.
About stuff I don't like... I don't like when something in a story doesn't have a build up, like two characters getting together after meeting just once, or when a character in a battle get a new power that hasn't been hinted before just to defeat their opponent, or when a character dies just for shock value; sometimes I don't like the chosen one trope, I'm not fan of harem/reverse harem anime, idols or isekais (I have watched some isekais that I really liked but it's not something I actively search to watch) and I don't like when comedy is insulting, and.. that is everything I can think of right now XD hope you have a good week <3
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goji-pilled · 2 years ago
part 10 of "Tamura Makes a Friend!" this is the part where episode 10 of the anime would be adapted into the ficlet, but uh, kinda redundant. so parts 10 and 11 are gunna be POV switches! guess who's POV it is now nd you'll get a cookie!
There lies a small pocket dimension in between the many timelines and realities of the World, a small anomoly that is free from time's flow and unbidened by space's restrictions. It exists in a Void of Inbetween, and houses an establishment meant to cater and recuperate a specific clientele.
Akemi Homura was once an innocent little girl, plagued with health complications and misery. She finds herself here - under the misnomer of Akuma Tamura - along with many other versions of herself, all different yet all the same.
Tamura had been resting in the Bar with her other temporal-defying and spacial-rending friends, friends she has met before and never has nor ever will. They had found themselves here in a land ment only for Akemi Homura, when their own had given her life for them - or when one of them straight up murdered the time traveler.
They had been talking about everything and nothing, when the front doors slid open to another Akemi. This Akemi was very different from all the others, however, even more so than Tamura herself.
This Akemi was a girl who had always claimed to visit to and from realities in which they should not exist. She had claimed to see world's where Madoka and Sayaka had swapped roles, where Momoe Nagisa and Chitose Yuma raised Mami and Kyouko in a reversal of age, where friends lives where altered to become each other's.
She also claimed to live lives where their cause for fighting, for living, did not exist.
She was called Anomolous Homura, or Anomoly for short.
Anomoly had taken a seat next to Tamura, an often reserved seat for Put Together at 14 Homura, and ordered her usual cola and beer drink. No one ever asked her for her tales in the Multiverse for they never expected nor experienced what she claims to be real.
Only a certain Quartet ever did listen.
"Hey Noms, how'd it go this time? Was I a lead role in some sorta isekai timeline?" Kyouko always did her best to raise moral and levity, not wanting a Witch to hatch; Everyone agreed that Kriemhild Gretchen would pale to whatever Demon is born from an entire Multiverse of Akemis.
"Perhaps it was the one where Sakura-san's comedy routine finally picked up steam?" Mami kept an air of relaxation and reality around her, acting as the wisest Big Sister to exist. It helped whenever an Akemi needed a hug or be told they were doing good.
"Maybe she went back to the one where everyone was swapped again? How was I in that time, if you did go there?" Sayaka was more subdued than her usual self, an air of melenvholy and wearyness in her hunched shoulders and slouched frame.
"I... I went to..." Huh, usual Anomoly had looser lips after her first sip. "I went to... one of her timelines..."
Just as there was a Homura that Won, the Winner, there too was a Homura Who Always Lost. The Loser wasn't around often, throwing herself into the loops more often than any other Akemi. Whenever she did it was always the same story.
"She's gone... I can't find her... she's never there..."
One didn't need to guess what it meant for an Akemi to lose in the timeloops.
"Wait, so you saw someone else right? If there wasn't a Madoka then it was someone else, right?" Ah Kyouko, blunt force trauma against the lack of tact. To be fair she was really the only one with the sanity to think up possible failed timelines; she works minimum wage after all!
"Yeah, but it wasn't someone I recognized. Didn't know who she was, so I just ignored her until Walpurgisnacht arrived. But that's the worst thing about the timeline.
"Walpurgisnacht didn't show up either, she didn't even exist!"
Akemi Homura was hunched over her table, the bright white of her apartment set to glow a dull grey over the modern European interior. Many of the holo projectors would have information on the Witches currently known in this timeline's Magical Girl Watch, or any MGs willing to share intel, and the monitors did have data on them.
It was the lack of one specific Witch that led to Homura spiralling into a deep depression since March.
She had thought that in a world without Walpurgisnatch it would be easy to keep her beloved safe and happy, to prevent her from throwing her life away with a contract. Yet... everything that's happened, ever since she met Aingel...
This is certainly an odd development, Akemi Homura.
That creature...
Lifting herself up Homura saw the Incubator, Kyubey, perched on the couches that surrounded the center table. The albino feline fox sat on its haunches, playing into the role of a cat as it licked a front paw.
Your actions have been quite contradictory over these past five weeks. Ever since your arrival there have been a number of odd inexplicable outcomes to many of the past confrontations.
Your brief meetings with Tomoe Mami, Miki Sayaka, and the girl who desired that I refer to her as No Name had laid the foundation for quite a discovery. Despite your attempts to maintain your distance between the four children, your continued involvement with their affairs has exponentially increased the potential of those two candidates. The karmic destiny that ties themselves to each other had grown at an incredible rate, it still confounds me as to how such a possibility could occurr.
Do you have answer to explain such an anomoly, Akemi Homura?
This fucking rat...
Making a show of her rage Homura lunged towards the Incubator, strangling the windpipe of the vessel it used as a proxy. Letting all of her anger at this timeline, at the Incubator fuel her, the Time Traveler spoke one single word.
Akemi Homura sat alone in her bedroom, a spartan decor that consisted of nothing more than a bed and wardrobe. The past week's events have left her exhausted, the Tragedy of Sayaka having drained the bruenette of all her energy. Homura flooped back in her bed before shifting out of uniform. Before sleep called for her a black mass of fur curled up into her side, and she placed a hand on the little creature's hide.
April 30th. The day that Mitakihara would become nothing more than a crator on the coast of Japan. A typhoon would arrive off the ocean currents and buildings would topple over, the winds uplifting landmarks and entire chunks of the city.
Yet Akemi Homura found herself standing in the middle of the same bridge she's stood on many times before, waiting for Walpurgisnacht, or whatever monstrosity that will take its place to arrive. She stared out at the horizon as boats docked at the warfs, cars drove up and down the many streets, people walking with friends and families.
This city... this world will fall to the dark...
It wasn't often Homura humoured herself with trivial thoughts or desires, but after everything in this loop she's allowed herself one piece of freedom. The Time Traveler wore a purple button up - tastefully unbottoned at the ends - with a black jacket draped over her shoulders, a pair of jeans that hugged her legs but still breathed freely, and the pair of heeled combat boots she made herself.
She always wanted to see what the point was in throwing off jackets or shirts in dramas.
Footsteps approached her from aside, the bruenette already knowing who it was; they agreed to meet up in the morning, after a tense video call that was overseen by Kaname Junko.
Aingel was wearing a navy blue coat over a black turtleneck and a grey hakama styled skirt. Her face was near ashen, bags poorly covered up with a pair of sunglasses, her hair pulled back into a ponytail with her blue ribbon. Homura didn't need to see her eyes to know they were holding back tears.
"... There is so much that I want to say to you, so much that I want to ask from you. But I know... it's all pointless in the end. Just... were you ever going to tell us, tell me about everything? Anything at all?"
"... What exactly do you mean by 'anything' Aingel?"
"What do I mean- Maybe something about how Witches were created? How Soul Gems were actually souls in glass bottles? Just- anything, at all, to help them before they- before they..."
"If you truly wanted to save them Aingel, you would've mentioned somethinf yourself. Early in the month, Miki Sayaka and Tomoe Mami had rescued you from the Tv Witch. In her labyrinth the Witch forced you to endure your most lainful memories.
"Why were they of little girls, Magical Girls, killing each other and themselves?"
The foreigner gave out a sharp gasp, the tears flowing as a core memoru of her past resurfaced. Aingel had clenched her fists before slowly reaching up to her eyes, wiping away the tears.
"Those were... from years ago, yes. They were my friends, before they all learned from..." She couldn't say anything else, words escaping her as sobs wretched out of her throat. Homura merely stared as the blonde forced herself to lean on the bridge's railing.
"You are a pitiable girl, Aingel. You speak as if though you had expected me to try and come clean to fools whouldn't break from the truth." It was a thing that had bothered Homura actually. Over the course of this entire loop, the foreigner had rhe knowledge and experience to realize that this fate was inevitable. So why had she not said anything to the people she actually cared about.
Why did she try to pin the responsibility on Homura?
"What does it truly say about you, knowing what you remember and yet you refused to save your friends. Tell me why I should answer any of your questions if you continue to act as a hypocrite?" It's about time Homura got some answers about the anomoly. This was an awful loop, one with nothing to show for. There wasn't even anything useful from this timeline that she could make use of in future loops. All she had were constant reminders of Madoka's absence, of her immediate failure, and of the inevitable departure from this world.
"You... You want to know why I tried to get you to say something? Because believe it or not Homura, I know that also already knew, way before everything started at the mall!" Aingel had removed her sunglasses, blue eyes shining to a near violet with the large rings of pink coated in tears. "I knew that you knew, cause I've been having dreams- having memories that don't belong to me just fill my head!
"I thought it was a fluke when we first met, on that little street, but then they just kept coming! I kept seeing you, and Sayaka, and Mami, even Kyouko! And there was another girl wirh you-" What?! "that wore pink and white and had a bow. You were always standing before me and- and... It hurt. Those dreams hurt to have, because I knew there was only one way that could happen. So tell me Akemi Homura, who are you?!
"Who are you to me?! Who am I to you?!"
Aingel had took hard and deliberate steps towards the bruenette, eyes shaking as they searched for some hidden answer with Homura's own violets. She lunged her hands out grabbed the other girl by the collar, bringing Homura up close and on her toes. This girl... this anomoly...
"Who am I? Who am I?! If anyone has the right to ask that question, it is me, Aingel!" Homura grabbed onto the blonde's arms, forcing the girl to let go otherwise she'd lose them. "I have been trying to figure out just exactly who you are, and why you exist. You may not believe me, but that fifth girl? That is my best friend, and I have been spending the batter half of a decade trying to save her! But to my surprise in her place was you!
"I have lived through this same month and a half, these same six weeks in nearly the exact same way, with minor to unnoticable deviations. Then I wake up one day to find my beloved has disappeared, almost as if she had never existed at all! And in her place was you, someone who did not and should not exist!
"So tell me, who are you?! Who are you to demand I give answers to the person who has made my life's goal impossible?!" Homura had shoved the blonde back off of herself, punting the spot where Aingel's leg was still tender. The blonde staggered before falling to her good knee, head forced to look up at Homura by a hand around her neck.
The Time Traveler had lost herself in a rage that she thought was long dormant, thoughts she had locked away now left to run rampant in her mind. She stared down at the girl beneath her - eyes stared up at her with fear and despair, anticipating the end - before letting go of the neck she nearly rung. Homura planted her hands on the bridge's railing, metal bending underneath her grip. A low laugh brought her out of her fugue.
"He... Hehe... Heha ha ha! You're right... I'm nothing, I'm nobody... I don't have any right to butt in the lives of my friends. The friends I love and care for, who had thrown their lives away!" Aingel's face... Homura has seen an angrh and even furious Aingel before.
She's never seen so much concentratwd Wrath on her face before.
"I only tried to do the right thing... but I guess that's just not how things go around in the World. Fine then... keep your secrets Akemi Homura... I'll die with my own." The blonde had knocked her head back to look up and-
That smile. That wide, chesire manic smile...
It was like...
"Goodbye Homura. I'd say it was nice knowing you, but I don't really know you well enough to bonestly say that. Hope you have better luck next time... when I don't exist. At least you'll have people who'll miss you when you keep them alive, and fail!
"I won't have anyone, because of you!"
Akemi Homura merely stood back as Aingel ran down the bridge, the blue fading away into the city. The Time Traveler went back to lean on the rails, staring out at the rising sun.
"... You're wrong Aingel... I'd miss you..."
wowza I wrote that huh? also I know I left ir a bit pacifistic, but u can imagine whatever u think happened after Homura grabbed Kyubey's neck. anyways, tune in next time where we get a look at the Foreigner's POV of that day and previous night!
also we get a new character added in part 11! i may have given 'em a lil cameo here too...
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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vibestovibes · 2 years ago
time fuckery | fanfiction recommendations
time fuckery includes: time travel, time loops, dimension hopping / isekai, *character* being displaced in time, power au (wherein a power having to do with time is a major theme), etc
*heed the tags and warnings.
*list may be changed and/or updated.
My Second Life as an Anti-Heroine - Anommalcolm, Palhinhaea, mariagonerlj - 乙女ゲームの破滅フラグしかない悪役令嬢に転生してしまった… - 山口悟 | My Next Life as a Villainess - Yamaguchi Satoru (Light Novels) [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 43/44 Fandom: 乙女ゲームの破滅フラグしかない悪役令嬢に転生してしまった… - 山口悟 | My Next Life as a Villainess - Yamaguchi Satoru (Light Novels), 乙女ゲームの破滅フラグしかない悪役令嬢に転生してしまった… | My Next Life as a Villainess (Anime) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Katarina Claes/Jeord Stuart, Katarina Claes/Self Respect, Katarina Claes/Keith Claes, Katarina Claes/Sirius Deek, Katarina Claes/Rafael Walt, Maria Campbell & Katarina Claes, Mary Hunt/Alan Stuart Characters: Katarina Claes, Original Katarina Claes, Jeord Stuart, Maria Campbell (My Next Life as a Villainess), Keith Claes, Sirius Deek, Rafael Walt, Mary Hunt (My Next Life as a Villainess), Alan Stuart (My Next Life as a Villainess), Marchioness Deek, Luigi Claes, Miridiana Claes Additional Tags: Katarina Has No Effs Left to Give, darker than canon, Justice for OG Katarina!, Eventual Romance, But She'll Burn the Whole World Down First!, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Reverse Harem, More realistic than canon, Time Travel, Fix-It, Political Alliances, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Character Development, POV Female Character, Female Protagonist, Black Comedy, Comedy of Errors, Slow Burn, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Women Being Awesome, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Multiple Relationships, Multiple routes, Story Structured Like Otome Game, Story Structured Like Visual Novel, Multiple Endings, Maria Ending is Finished, Raphael Ending is Finished, Keith Ending is Finished, Jeord Ending is Being Written! Series: Part 1 of My Second Life as an Anti-Heroine - Extended Universe Summary:
Being murdered had a way of changing even the most stubborn person’s view of the world... and Lady Katarina Claes, for all her good breeding, was no exception. But now that she's been reborn a year before her first death, she's vowed to burn away her weaknesses, wrest control away from her dark-hearted fiancé, and finally become the mistress of her own fate!
...Now if only she could stop accidentally seducing her would-be pawns...
(Note: This story will act like an otome game and will begin with a common route that eventually branches into multiple routes, 1 per suitor that Katarina has. All of her suitors will eventually get their own solo paired ending with Katarina, with a few more endings thrown into the fray as well. You can ship all the ships here!)
see you yesterday - glyphic - 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 9/? Fandom: 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV), 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn Characters: Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī, Niè Huáisāng, Luó "Mián Mián" Qīngyáng, Lán Yuàn | Lán Sīzhuī, Wēn Níng | Wēn Qiónglín, Wēn Qíng, Mò Xuányǔ, Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén, Ā-Qìng (Módào Zǔshī) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, Ghost Hunters, Time Loop, Case Fic, Hurt/Comfort, Memory Loss, Angst with a Happy Ending, Slow Burn, time-loops as a metaphor for [waves hands] Summary:
On Halloween night, an exiled demonic cultivator and a Lan disciple get stuck in a time-loop, find each other, and try to figure it all out.
Living Memory, My Fate to Follow - Chapter 1 - elsa3beth - Star Wars - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 30/40 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003) - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: CC-2224 | Cody & Obi-Wan Kenobi, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Mace Windu, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Original Clone Trooper Character(s) Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda (Star Wars), CC-2224 | Cody, Original Clone Trooper Character(s), Clone Troopers (Star Wars), Original Jedi Character(s), Qui-Gon Jinn's ghost, Mace Windu, Jedi Council (Star Wars), Anakin Skywalker, Bail Organa, Garen Muln, CT-7567 | Rex, 212th Attack Battalion (Star Wars), Even Piell, Dooku | Darth Tyranus, Padmé Amidala Additional Tags: Politics, Military Background, News Media, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, The Force, Time Travel Fix-It, Fix-It, Obi-Wan Kenobi Needs a Hug, BAMF Obi-Wan Kenobi, Obi-Wan Kenobi is a Mess, Hurt Obi-Wan Kenobi, Slow Build, seriously the angst takes a while, but it's gonna be better for it, Protective Obi-Wan Kenobi, Protective Clone Troopers (Star Wars), Jedi Culture & Tradition (Star Wars), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Military Slice of Life, Grief/Mourning Series: Part 1 of Living Memory Summary:
Ben Kenobi expected his tutelage on Tatooine under the force spirit of Qui-Gon Jinn to yield a new perspective on the galaxy and his place within it. He just did not expect his last lesson to be so…literal.   Finding himself back in the early days of the Clone Wars, Ben, now once again General Obi-Wan Kenobi, must struggle with the failures of a past he has long suppressed, while others conspire to give him hope for a future that might yet be.
It is a road paved with military campaigns, media faux pas, too many OCs to name, good Jedi, and a very very slowly developed angst that will eventually come to a boil. An exploration of war and friendship, and the moral grays of the Star Wars universe.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Time-Travelers - blackkat - Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 16/27 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Mace Windu/CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives, Depa Billaba/CC-10/994 | Grey/Styles, CC-8826 | Neyo/CC-6454 | Ponds, CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo/Lando Calrissian Characters: Mace Windu, CT-27-5555 | Fives | ARC-5555, Depa Billaba, CC-6454 | Ponds, CC-10/994 | Grey, Styles (Star Wars), CC-8826 | Neyo, Spar (Star Wars), CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo, Lando Calrissian, Han Solo, Chirrut Îmwe, Baze Malbus, CT-782 | Hevy Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Humor, Action/Adventure, Fix-It, Kidnapping, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Time Loop, Temporary Character Death, Eventual Happy Ending Summary:
Mace's morning starts with far too much paperwork. Being kidnapped at blaster-point is honestly an improvement.
Unexpected Awakening (The Rewrite) - Rhiw - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 17/? Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Legends: Jedi Apprentice Series - Jude Watson & Dave Wolverton, Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Qui-Gon Jinn & Obi-Wan Kenobi, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker, Qui-Gon Jinn & Feemor, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Feemor, Qui-Gon Jinn & Xanatos (Star Wars), Bruck Chun & Obi-Wan Kenobi, Rael Averross & Qui-Gon Jinn, Dooku & Qui-Gon Jinn, Rael Averross & Dooku Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn, Feemor (Star Wars), Xanatos (Star Wars), Yoda (Star Wars), Bant Eerin, Garen Muln, Reeft (Star Wars), Bruck Chun, Quinlan Vos, Siri Tachi, Master Kant, Count Dooku, Ky Narec, Mace Windu, Depa Billaba, Cin Drallig, Rael Averross, Komari Vosa Additional Tags: Time Travel, Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Grief/Mourning, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Healing, Jedi Training, Jedi Culture, Jedi, Family Feels, Qui-Gon's Former Padawans, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Poor Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan Needs a Hug, Feemor Also Needs a Hug, Qui-Gon did a number on his padawan's okay?, But he's not a bad dude, Protective Feemor, Reluctant Protective Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan is Super Overwhelmed for a bit, Slow Build, No Real Romantic Relationship, Depression, Father-Son Relationship, Brotherly Bonding, Mandalorians (Star Wars), Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Forgiveness, no beta we die like men, No character bashing, Jedi Culture & Tradition (Star Wars), Mandalorian Culture (Star Wars), Stewjoni Obi-Wan Kenobi Series: Part 2 of Unexpected Awakening AU Summary:
The life of General Kenobi is cut short at the hands of his Padawan, but the sight that greets his eyes upon awakening is not that of blinding light of the Force, but the Jedi Temple he knew when he was still a youth. As he struggles to understand the path laid out before him, Obi-Wan unwittingly captures the attention of a singularly unusual Temple Guard, and that of a reluctant Qui-Gon Jinn.
Harry Potter and the Greatest Show - shadowscribe - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 24/? Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Harry Potter/Tom Riddle, Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort Characters: Harry Potter, Albus Dumbledore, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Severus Snape, Draco Malfoy, Neville Longbottom, Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones, Blaise Zabini, Mandy Brocklehurst Additional Tags: do not copy to another site, Time Travel, Master of Death Harry Potter, Slytherin Harry Potter, Harry living his own life, Harry has no idea what he is doing, but he tries, Moral Ambiguity, Gray Harry, Neutral Harry, Manipulative Albus Dumbledore, but he also tries, it just doesnt work out the way he wants, Slytherins are people too, Work In Progress, irregular updates, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Magically Powerful Harry Potter, Paganism, Pagan Festivals, papa snape, Slow Burn, But does it count as slow burn if we are just waiting for Harry to grow up, no beta we die like men, monstrously long fic, seriously, the sort of fic where you sink up to your eyeballs and marinate for a while, it is 120k words before Harry and Tom even talk, this started out as crack but then it got serious, The Author Regrets Nothing Series: Part 1 of Look At My Life Summary:
The last real thing Harry remembers is standing across from Voldemort and watching the killing curse fly at his face.
Then he visited a fluffy white limbo that somewhat resembles King Cross Station and instead of choosing to move on or go back he does something else entirely.
And wakes up in his cupboard on the morning of Dudley's eleventh birthday.
Because that makes sense.
(No. No it doesn't.)
But Harry is going to roll with it anyway.
A Spanner in the Clockworks - All_five_pieces_of_Exodia - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 37/? Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku & Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Midoriya Izuku & Uraraka Ochako, Midoriya Inko & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Izuku & Everyone, Class 1-A & Midoriya Izuku, Iida Tenya & Midoriya Izuku, Eri & Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Bakugou Katsuki, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Tsukauchi Naomasa, Shinsou Hitoshi, Uraraka Ochako, Iida Tenya, Eri (My Hero Academia), Nedzu (My Hero Academia), Shuuzenji Chiyo | Recovery Girl, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Todoroki Shouto, Asui Tsuyu, Kirishima Eijirou, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Akaguro Chizome | Stain, Chisaki Kai | Overhaul Additional Tags: Time Travel Fix-It, BAMF Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Has One for All Quirk, Midoriya Izuku Tries His Best, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug, Vigilante Midoriya Izuku, Secrets, Missing Persons, Good Parent Midoriya Inko, Worried Midoriya Inko, Midoriya Izuku never receives One for All, but he still has it, Time Travel, Misunderstandings, Izuku has to search for himself, Planner!Midoriya Izuku, Paranoid Midoriya Izuku, It's Not Paranoia If They're Really Out To Get You, Anxiety, Anxiety Attacks, Self-Doubt, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Bakugou Katsuki will eventually be a Good Friend, Bakugou Katsuki Redemption, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, but like, Not too much, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Parental Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Midoriya Izuku cries a lot, Midoriya Izuku is a Mess, Things Go Wrong, things go right, Time travel is hard, dimensional travel is harder, Dimension Travel, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Midoriya Izuku Goes to UA High School, Midoriya Izuku's Hair Is Fluffy Because It's Full Of Secrets, saw this tag and couldn't resist, Multiple Pov Summary:
When Izuku wakes up in the forest not far from his home, he isn't prepared for what's about to come next. Izuku's never dealt with time travel, after all, but that seems to be the least of his worries. He's not in his own timeline, for one, and he may or may not have been missing for the past few months.
With the threat of a future only Izuku knows about, a strange missing persons case, everyone around him getting suspicious, and a quirk he shouldn't have, Izuku has his work cut out for him.
Ouroboros - NovusArs - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 23/? Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Characters: Harry Potter, Salazar Slytherin, Petunia Evans Dursley, Arabella Figg, Vernon Dursley, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff, Godric Gryffindor, Neville Longbottom, Albus Dumbledore, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Hogwarts Founders, Hogwarts Ghosts, Helena Ravenclaw, Hogwarts Students, Hogwarts Staff, Draco Malfoy, Florean Fortescue, House-Elves (Harry Potter), Hedwig (Harry Potter), Tom Riddle | Voldemort Additional Tags: Harry Potter is Salazar Slytherin, Harry Potter is So Done, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, POV Neville Longbottom, POV Multiple, Kneazles, Hogwarts, Assuming Hogwarts was built before William the Conquerer, Founders were all born sometime between 1010-1025 ce, Original Character(s), Reincarnation, Time Travel, sort of time travel, Unreliable Narrator, POV Harry Potter, Harry might be a cat person, he doesn't understand how he became a cat person but blames Mrs. Figg, Magical world has a wizarding council which is like the house of lords - sort of, There is also a house of commons but that might not show up much, I guess that makes Harry sort of a lord, Harry is a Lord, Harry is Lord Slytherin, Execpt the lord title isn't used, Harry might come across as a grumpy old person some times, he just wants to tell people to get off his lawn (away from his school), Worldbuilding, Diagon Alley, druid magic, Hogsmeade, runic magic, Temporary Mental Issues, Neville Longbottom is a Good Friend, Why is everything constantly trying to kill Harry?, Scenes of child abuse and torture Series: Part 2 of Ouroboros Summary:
Salazar Slytherin woke up in the body of a three year old boy with the most ridiculous head of black hair & a runic scar craved into his forehead. The last thing he recalled was dying. Now it is over 900 years in the future. There are a million things to deal with between new inventions, lost knowledge, missing spirits, & parasitic dark lords.
Spread your Wings - Araceil - 人渣反派自救系统 - 墨香铜臭 | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: 人渣反派自救系统 - 墨香铜臭 | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Original Shěn Qīngqiū/Tiānláng-jūn, Tiānláng-jūn & Zhúzhī-láng Characters: Original Shěn Qīngqiū, Tiānláng-jūn, Zhúzhī-láng Additional Tags: Slice of Life, Adventure, Drama, Humour, Romance, shen jiu happiness agenda, timetravel, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Rebirth and Reincarnation, alternative universe - everyone lives/nobody dies, This is not always a good thing, Everyone remembers SVSSS, Everyone remembers PIDW, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, mostly comfort, Shen Jiu Letting Go of Resentment, Moving On, Crafter Shen Jiu, Rogue Cultivator Shen Jiu, Historical Inaccuracies, but less than you'd think, Gremlin Tiānláng-jūn, Long Suffering Zhuzhi-lang, Himbo Tiānláng-jūn, Demon Lord Tianlang-Jun, (Not as dumb as he pretends to be) Summary:
When Shen Jiu opened his eyes, once again staring at the detestable ceiling of the woodshed within the Qiu Estate, he decided to live for himself. He got to his feet, shook off his shackles, and walked away from his nightmares, his hatreds, his resentments, and all the people who ever wronged him. He walked away from all of it. From promises broken, from people who betrayed him, from a life he had never wanted, and from a life that had never wanted him.
In one lifetime he had been a lowly, greedy, grasping creature. Consuming everything around him, ugly, small, and pathetic.
In his second lifetime his body had been stolen from him, and he lurked in the back of himself, watching as his body was puppeted, as his life was stolen.
In this life, he vowed not to make the same mistakes. In this life, he would be free. He would throw off the shell of Shen Qingqiu, Shen Jiu, and find freedom.
Resurrect The Living - fascinationex - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 34/? Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort Characters: Harry Potter, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Severus Snape, Peter Pettigrew, Quirinus Quirrell, Sirius Black, Dursley Family (Harry Potter) Additional Tags: Master of Death Harry Potter, Slow Burn, like very very slow burn, Violence, Necromancy, Mental Instability, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Book 1: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, dead things, A lot of dead things, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, It's au before we even get to the time travel, don't think I can't see you putting spoilers in the bookmarks smh, Minor Character Death, This fic is tagged for its pairing but pls note it is gen for a long time, Body Horror, Again this fic is very slow paced!!!, Time Travel Series: Part 2 of harry potter works by fascinationex Summary:
Circumstance makes Harry an offer he can't refuse.
“I can get you the Elixir of Life,” Harry says. “But I need your help with something else.”
“You,” says Voldemort, cautious now, wary now that this confrontation hasn’t gone at all like he expects, a little incredulous, “need Lord Voldemort to help you?”
Harry looks right past him for a second, jaw tense. “Yeah. You’re the only one who can, apparently.”
Burn Your Biographies, Rewrite Your History - phlintandsteel - Marvel Cinematic Universe [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 30/30 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark, Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers, Howard Stark/Maria Stark Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter, Howard Stark, Howling Commandos (mentions), Bucky's sisters (mentions), Steve & Peggy's kids (mentions), Edwin Jarvis (mentions), Maria Stark, Nick Fury, Phil Coulson, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov, Happy Hogan Additional Tags: Time Travel, Dimension Travel, canon divergence like whoa, tags to be updated as I go, depictions of ptsd, Peggy remains a badass, stay at home dad Steve Rogers, Bucky passes through the crucible, Peggy will always be a badass, Howard does not drink responsibly, warning for emotional Steve Rogers, some implied period typical homophobia, but no violence because of being gay, explicit 1960’s gay sex, Bucky Barnes/OMC - Freeform, but this is still very much a WinterIron endgame fic, OC death, Howard is an ass, Grieving Bucky, The Vietnam War, Bucky has empty nest syndrome, Army Ranger Bucky, Colonel Bucky Barnes, Familiar Faces, Coming Out, MAJOR INJURY TO A MAJOR CHARACTER, Marjie is a badass, Fate, passing the torch, Student Bucky, Bucky Barnes defender of drag queens, Tony Stark is a genius and don't forget it, Going Home, Lust at First Sight, Howard continues to be a drunk, Marjie feels like she should have seen this coming, Steve gives Bucky a flat look, Honesty is the best policy, Bucky is kind of a slut if you haven't noticed, canon Tony was a total slut at 20 and nothing about this fic changed that, my use of the term slut here is affectionate, Maria is fine with it, Jarvis ships it, who cares what Howard thinks nobody asks him, Rogers' family Christmas traditions, Developing Relationship, meeting each other's friends, Sex on the Beach, Bucky is a romantic sap, malfunctions, emergency surgery, Tony designs a new arm, the move for moon independence, Tony solves the gravity problem, relationship milestones, Edwin Jarvis will be missed in every universe, Howard fucks up, Tony pays the price, Uncle Steve is PISSED, welcome to the super family, confronting the past, Bucky's book tour, funerals are for the living, the wedding of the century, Portals, Emotions everywhere Summary:
This is a companion fic/sequel to syriala’s amazing work, The Looking Glass Self.  You should definitely check it out or reread it before starting this one ;)
The fall of the first domino, the flap of a butterfly’s wings, or James Buchanan Barnes.  Only a time traveler could hope to figure out which one of those things had the greatest cascade of impacts on history.  
Good thing this story has one.
Bucky survives HYDRA’s experimentation just to get stuck in the future (of an alternate dimension) for a week.  He’s supremely thankful for the warnings he got there, that prevented the ‘Winter Soldier’ from ever becoming one of his titles, and prevented Steve from earning the nickname “Cap-cicle”.  He’s pretty sure he’s dodged both those bullets. Now he just has to make it far enough into the future to meet his alternate-future-self’s fella, and maybe help out with an alien invasion or two along the way.  Piece of cake, right?
The Desert Storm - Chapter 1 - Blue_Sunshine - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 9/9 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Original Trilogy, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Shmi Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker, Shaak Ti, Mace Windu, Qui-Gon Jinn, Yoda (Star Wars), Tahl (Star Wars), Bant Eerin, Gardulla the Hutt, OC Healer Ni Hiella, OC Padawan Essja Chias, Quinlain Vos Additional Tags: Time Travel, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi, Master & Padawan Relationship(s), Tatooine Slave Culture, Tatooine (Star Wars), Jedi Temple (Star Wars), Jedi Council - Freeform, Jedi, Mandalorian Culture, Jedi Culture, Old Ben Kenobi, Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Young Obi-Wan Kenobi, Young Anakin Skywalker, pre-TPM, edited by Kurukami, Wordcount: Over 100.000, Wordcount: Over 500.000 Series: Part 1 of The Desert Storm Summary:
In Tatooine legend, the sandstorm is Lukka, the Fury, both cleansing and damning. Lukka, the slaves believed, was Justice, was he who remade the world, and remade the soul.
The storm screams at him, and Obi-Wan Kenobi screams back.
Lynchpin - ShanaStoryteller - 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 12/12 Fandom: 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV), 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng Wǎnyín & Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng Wǎnyín & Jiāng Yànlí, Jiāng Yànlí & Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng Wǎnyín & Jiāng Yànlí & Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng Wǎnyín/Wēn Qíng, but only at the end - Relationship Characters: Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng Wǎnyín, Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī, Jiāng Yànlí, Wēn Níng | Wēn Qiónglín, Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén, Niè Huáisāng, Niè Míngjué, Luó "Mián Mián" Qīngyáng, Jīn Zǐxuān, Mèng Yáo | Jīn Guāngyáo, Wēn Qíng (Módào Zǔshī) Additional Tags: Time Travel, Fix-It, jiang cheng fixes everything through the power of brotherly love, knowing everyone's secrets helps too Summary:
He can’t get Jin Guangyao’s words out of his head.
If he’d only believed in Wei Wuxian, if he’d only been willing to stand up for him, could it all have been avoided?
All of Tomorrow's Yesterdays - glimmerglanger - Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Padmé Amidala/Obi-Wan Kenobi Characters: Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Clone Wars Characters Additional Tags: Brief Physical Abuse, Canon-Typical Violence, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Time Travel of a Sorts, Fix-It, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Past Canonical Anidala, Trauma Related to Death, Mentions of Canonical Character Deaths That Don't Happen Summary:
Padmé had thought she was dying, but she was obviously still alive. And the pain in her stomach seemed to have gone. In fact, everything seemed to have gone. There was no stench of sweat and burned skin. No smears of blood to be found. And there were no medical droids.
OR, the one where Padmé wakes up in the past after the events of Mustafar and does her best to fix all that once went wrong.
Written for Star Wars Big Bang 2021!
Binary Star - esama - Star Wars - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 11/15 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Obi-Wan Kenobi Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Other Character Tags to Be Added, Dooku (Star Wars) Additional Tags: Torture, Character Death, Psychological Trauma, Time Travel, Self-cest, yep, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Out of Character, Soul Bond, Alternate Universe, Domestic, Family, Sexual Content, Do not repost, Don't copy to another site Summary:
In which a Master Kenobi and a General Kenobi emerge to replace a dying Knight Kenobi.
a lesson you should heed (try, try again) - aloneintherain - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Shinsou Hitoshi, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Additional Tags: Time Loop, Angst, Temporary Character Death, Suicidal Thoughts, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, izuku's issues with trust and sacrifice, Miscommunication, in that izuku doesn't think to tell the adults around him that he's going through the unthinkable, and tries to shoulder the burden on his own, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug Summary:
Izuku doesn't know why the day keeps resetting. He doesn't know why he's trapped on campus, or why there's no phone reception, or why Aizawa and Shinsou keep losing their memories of the Saturdays they've already lived, while Izuku remains constantly, painfully aware.
But he does know this: Aizawa and Shinsou keep dying, over and over again, in more brutal and creative ways. And it's his job to save them.
Morning Light - FallenBrie - 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Dazai Osamu & Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Kunikida Doppo & Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke & Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya & Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Armed Detective Agency Ensemble & Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Edogawa Ranpo & Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu & Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu & Kunikida Doppo (Bungou Stray Dogs) Characters: Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Kunikida Doppo (Bungou Stray Dogs), Edogawa Ranpo (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs) Additional Tags: Hurt Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Time Loop, Time Travel, Hurt/Comfort, Protective Armed Detective Agency (Bungou Stray Dogs), Armed Detective Agency as Family, Character Death, but obviously he keeps coming back because time loop, Suicide Attempt, Kunikida and Dazai are Atsushi's parents don't @ me, everyone loves and protects Atsushi, As it should be Summary:
Atsushi stares for a long moment, taking that in. “That’s it? I just have to die and I’ll be let go?”
“You’ll exit the loop. Sounds fairly simply but remember the time limit, your healing ability is going to be working against you here,” Ranpo corrects.
“I almost die all the time - “ He laughs, a weight in his chest lifting. “I’m going to get out of here!”
Atsushi gets stuck in a time loop and severely underestimates just how dedicated his family is to keeping him alive
moments from his grasp - lilithiumwords - Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime) [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 6/? Fandom: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Victor Nikiforov, Yuri!!! on Ice Ensemble Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Slow Burn, Romance, Angst with a Happy Ending, Vicchan Lives, Ice Skating, Past Relationship(s), POV Alternating, Mutual Pining, Friends to Lovers, Rivalry, Anxiety, Time Travel, Mild Sexual Content, Social Media, Texting, Depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Supernatural Elements Summary:
Yuuri dies in a tragic accident -- and wakes two years in the past. He can't go back home.
He has to decide whether he wants to live it all over again: Sochi, the Grand Prix Final, Viktor...
Viktor, who doesn't know him.
C'est La Vie - Chapter 1 - cywscross - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 9/? Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Minor or Background Relationship(s), Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter Characters: Harry Potter, Hadrian Evans, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Orion Black, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Fleur Delacour, Viktor Krum, Cedric Diggory, James Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Bathsheda Babbling, Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Gabrielle Delacour, Hogwarts Students, Hogwarts Staff Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Time Travel, Dimension Travel, Original Character(s), Language, Violence, canon only until end of fifth year with an extra six-year wartime period thrown in after that, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Don't copy to another site Summary:
The war ends on Harry's twenty-first Halloween, and, one year later, with nothing truly holding him in that world, Fate takes this opportunity to toss her favourite hero into a different dimension to repay her debt. A new, stress-free life in exchange for having fulfilled her prophecy. A life where Neville is the Boy-Who-Lived instead, James and Lily are still alive, and that Harry Potter is relatively normal but a downright arse. Dimension-travelling Harry just wants to know why he has no say in the matter. And why he's fourteen again. And why Fate thinks, in all her infinite wisdom, that his hero complex won't eventually kick in. Then again, that might be exactly why Fate dumped him there.
Again and Again - Athy - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 44/? Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Harry Potter/Voldemort, Harry Potter/Tom Riddle Characters: Harry Potter, Voldemort, Tom Riddle, Severus Snape, Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Do-Over, Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Dark!Harry, Slash, TM/HP, HP/TM, LV/HP - Freeform, HP/LV - Freeform, Time Travel Series: Part 1 of Again and Again Summary:
The Do-Over Fic - a chance to do things again, but this time-To Get it Right. But is it really such a blessing as it appears? A jaded, darker, bitter, and tired wizard who just wants to die; but can't. A chance to learn how to live, from the most unexpected source. Story is high on Political intrigue.  Dumbledore!bashing  slytherin!harry, dark!harry, eventual slash, lv/hp
If We Had More Time - FalconLux - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 5/? Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage Relationships: Harry Potter/Severus Snape, Harry Potter/Cedric Diggory(briefly) Characters: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Severus Snape, Cedric Diggory, Luna Lovegood, Albus Dumbledore, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Remus Lupin, Molly Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Other Weasleys Additional Tags: Snarry Final Pairing, Eventual Snarry, Time-Turners, fast pacing, Increasingly Dark Harry, Increasingly Dark Hermione, Homosexuality, Heterosexuality (not Harry), Work In Progress, Tags May Change, unfinished work, AU after Prisoner of Azkaban, slight ron bashing, Top Harry, Frottage, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Azkaban Series: Part 5 of W.I.P. Collection Summary:
Inspired by the existence of time-turners, Harry and Hermione conspire to always have one on hand, a fact that will change much as events unfold.
WARNING: This is a W.I.P.  It is not completed and it may never be finished or even continued.  READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Beyond the Breaking Point - FalconLux - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 8/? Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage Relationships: Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Younger Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape/Lucius Malfoy, Remus Lupin/Sirius Black Characters: Harry Potter, Harry Potter 2.0, Albus Dumbledore, Lord Voldemort | Tom Riddle Jr., Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy, Draco Malfoy, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Weasleys - Character, Other canon characters, minor OC characters - Character Additional Tags: Tomarry/Harrymort, Drarry, wolfstar, snucius, Harry Adopts Harry, Powerful Harry, Intelligent Harry, Independent Harry, Slytherin Harry, Gray Harry, Slash, slight ron bashing, Slight Molly bashing, Manipulative Dumbledore, mentions of child abuse, Work In Progress, unfinished work, Tags May Change, rating will increase Series: Part 7 of W.I.P. Collection Summary:
Certain that he’d been about to die, Harry is mystified to find himself alive and healthy, and somehow in 1981.  Disillusioned to Dumbledore’s meddling in his life, when he discovers his fifteen-month-old self in a basket on the Dursleys’ doorstep, Harry does the only thing he can.  He takes the child with him.
WARNING: This story is a W.I.P.  It is not finished.  It may never be finished.  Updates will be sporadic.   READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.
The Difference A Soul Makes - FalconLux - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 7/? Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage Relationships: Harry Potter/Voldemort | Tom Riddle, Severus Snape/?, Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Malfoy Characters: Harry Potter, Remus Lupin, Lucius Malfoy, Severus Snape, Lord Voldemort | Tom Riddle, Narcissa Malfoy, Albus Dumbledore, Sirius Black, Draco Malfoy, Assorted Weasleys, Neville Longbottom, Augusta Longbottom, Abraxas Malfoy Additional Tags: Genius Harry, Ancient Harry, Sane Voldemort, Decent Malfoys, Reincarnation, Minimal Bashing of anyone, Possible Chan, But nothing below 15 or 16 at worst, And only physical age, Necromancy, Magical Theory, world building, Brief mentions of child abuse, Dursleys are awful, BAMF Harry, Work In Progress, Rating May Change, Tags May Change, Tags may be added, Dark Harry, Or maybe Dark Gray Harry, Slice of Life Series: Part 15 of W.I.P. Collection Summary:
Thanks to a ritual in his first life, he’s been reincarnating for millennia. Every death has resulted in being born anew nine months later. He’s always magical, always male, and always in possession of all his memories, but always in a different body and of a different family. This time, he has been born to a naive young couple with high ideals and little understanding but an enormous well of love for their son that he cannot fault. This time, he is called Harry Potter.
This story is a Work In Progress. It is not finished. It may never be finished. Updates will be sporadic. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Reverti Ad Praeteritum - Batsutousai - Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Manga [Archive of Our Own] 
Chapters: 30/30 Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Manga Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage Relationships: Edward Elric/Roy Mustang, Gracia Hughes/Maes Hughes, Mei Chan | May Chang/Alphonse Elric, past Edward Elric/Winry Rockbell Characters: Edward Elric, Alphonse Elric, Winry Rockbell, Mei Chan | May Chang, Roy Mustang, Maes Hughes, Gracia Hughes, Nina Tucker, Elicia Hughes, Basque Grand, Alex Louis Armstrong, Original Characters, Scar (Fullmetal Alchemist) Additional Tags: Series Spoilers, Explicit Language, Canon-Typical Violence, Mute Edward Elric, Original Character Death(s), Fluff and Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Adultery, Implied/Referenced Dubious Consent, Guilty Edward Elric, Edward Elric Swears, Time Travel Fix-It, Podfic Available Summary:
Unwillingly forced to serve as a human trial for a crazy alchemist experimenting with time travel, Edward Elric finds himself standing across from Truth in the moment it takes his leg from him. Armed with the knowledge of what's to come and burdened with guilt for the choices he'd made as an adult, Ed sets out to fix every mistake he ever made and save every life they ever lost, no matter what it takes.
Visionary - esama - Naruto [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 12/? Fandom: Naruto Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Uzumaki Naruto & Hatake Kakashi & Uchiha Obito, Uzumaki Naruto/Hatake Kakashi/Uchiha Obito, Uzumaki Naruto/Hatake Kakashi/Uchiha Obito/Orochimaru Characters: Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Obito, Hatake Kakashi, Other Character Tags to Be Added, Jiraiya (Naruto), Orochimaru (Naruto), Original Characters, Tsunade (Naruto) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Time Travel, Not Canon Compliant, Body Horror, Body Modification, multiple eyes, Sharing a Body, Crack, Ridiculously Over Powered Character, Out of Character, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, vitiligo, Sexual Content, Teacher-Student Relationship, Self-Esteem Issues, Body Image, Do not repost, Don't copy to another site Summary:
A last desperate measure, last foolish hope, last chance. Of course it went wrong.
(It's your usual time travel fic and then it just isn't.)
Sidelines - Chapter 1 - esama - Katekyou Hitman Reborn! [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 16/16 Fandom: Katekyou Hitman Reborn! Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Sawada Iemitsu/Sawada Nana Characters: Sawada Tsunayoshi, Hibari Kyouya, Sasagawa Kyouko, Kurokawa Hana, Sawada Nana, Sasagawa Ryouhei, Sawada Iemitsu, Kusakabe Tetsuya, Reborn, Yamamoto Takeshi Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Apocalypse, Time Travel, BAMF Sawada Tsunayoshi, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Angst, Do not repost, Don't copy to another site Summary:
The world ended and Tsuna survived.
Sailing the Stars - Chapter 1 - esama - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 32/32 Fandom: Assassin's Creed - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: Jedi: Fallen Order (Video Game), Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Desmond Miles, Eno Cordova, BD-1 (Star Wars), Original Clone Trooper Character(s), Original Droid Characters (Star Wars), Barriss Offee, Luminara Unduli, Shaak Ti Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Time Travel, Epistolary, Don't copy to another site, Droid Feels (Star Wars), Clone Feels (Star Wars), Brotherhood, Rebuilding, Trans Clone Troopers (Star Wars) Summary:
Desmond accidentally strands himself in distant future, where the Solar System has been long ago abandoned, and humans have spread themselves across the stars.
Rock Bottom - esama - Final Fantasy VII [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Final Fantasy VII, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, Compilation of Final Fantasy VII Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cloud Strife/Vincent Valentine Characters: Cloud Strife, Aerith Gainsborough, Vincent Valentine, Angeal Hewley, Genesis Rhapsodos, Sephiroth, Cid Highwind, Barret Wallace, Yuffie Kisaragi Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Time Travel, cross dressing, Makeovers, Destruction, Explosions, Human Trafficking, Crack, so much crack, Swearing, Do not repost, Don't copy to another site Summary:
In which Cloud is so not doing this again. Except then he is.
The Straight Path (Until The End Of My Days) - RayShippouUchiha - Marvel Cinematic Universe [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark/James "Bucky" Barnes Characters: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes, James "Rhodey" Rhodes Additional Tags: V Shaped Poly Stuckony, Stuckony endgame, Time Travel, Avengers: Endgame (Movie) Spoilers, Post-Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Angst, Murder, Dark Steve Rogers, Major Character Undeath, Character Death, Time Travel Fix-It, Sort Of, Obsessive Behavior, Steve Rogers Backflips Out Of Canon, Because Tony Stark Dies, honestly same, Angst with a Happy Ending, Mildly Dubious Consent, Because Of Identity Issues, Steve Commits A Few Murders For Reasons Summary:
“Buck,” Steve whispers then, voice low like a secret, “I don’t … I don’t think I want to live in a world without him.  I don’t think I can.”
“Ah hell Stevie,” Bucky laughs, soft and fond and just a bit sad.  “I always knew that.”
backslide - blackkat - Naruto [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 32/32 Fandom: Naruto Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto, Hatake Kakashi/future!Uzumaki Naruto, Namiashi Raidou/Shiranui Genma, Platonic Uzumaki Naruto/Uchiha Sasuke/Haruno Sakura Characters: Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, Hatake Kakashi, Shiranui Genma, Namiashi Raidou, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Uchiha Obito, Haruno Sakura, Mitarashi Anko, Yuuhi Kurenai, Dai-nana-han | Team 7 (Naruto), Uchiha Itachi, Tsunade (Naruto) Additional Tags: Time Travel, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, slow build romance, Angst, Humor, Fluff, Friendship, (Joking) Marriage Proposals, lots of them - Freeform, Gratuitous Fluff Story (Not Really Meant to Be Taken Seriously), You've been warned, Schmoop, Fox Summons!, Family Feels, Family Fluff, Families of Choice, Kurama adopts all the things, no really all of them, Genin Puppy Piles, team 7 fluff, Lots of that too, Kakashi is ridiculous, so is everyone else though, Self-Indulgent Ficcage Fluff Summary:
Naruto’s friends are gone, his lover is dying, Konoha is destroyed, and Madara’s second return has pushed the entire world to the brink. Hunted and harried, Naruto is sent back in time to upend Madara’s plan before it even starts, and sets about changing everything. Butterfly effect nothing: the world is at stake, and Naruto is hardly about to let it fall to ruin once more. Not while he’s still breathing.
Resurrection - Spork_in_the_Road - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 9/9 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape, Quirinus Quirrell, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, the various Hogwarts cast Additional Tags: technically a Time Travel AU, this fic is very Dumbledore critical, Hogwarts Redo with a Twist, Morally Grey Harry Potter, Harry is 3 mental disorders in a trenchcoat, like he is dissociating hardcore, memory loss may or may not be temporary, hints of PTSD, overpowered and badass Harry, but i like to think I balance him out pretty well, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, the story diverges from canon the more it goes along, Canon Typical Violence, Strong Language, do the deja-vu brain and the lizard brain count as characters, the relationship tag refers more to the rest of the series, because Harry is 11 here jfc, Golden Trio Friendship for the Win, no overt character bashing, slow slow slow burn btw, rating changed to mature for gratuitous language and some violence, better safe than sorry, tags to be added or changed at my discretion Series: Part 1 of A Dead Man's Guide to Reliving Your Youth Summary:
It was a bone-deep almost-ache when he opened his eyes and spotted the light flitting through the slats of his cupboard, both a familiar sight and at the same time distant like an old memory. It was a twist in his chest when he sat up, expecting—strangely—to hit his head on the sloped ceiling only to pause when he realized, of course, that he was far too short for that to happen.
Harry was struck with a strong sensation—which had no apparent reason at all—that he should not be here.
--- In which Harry Potter returns to his 11 year-old body after “dying” in the Forbidden Forest, given a second chance to change the ending of his story and the fate of the wizarding world. Except with the memories of his previous life buried deep in his subconscious, Harry must rely on his ever-present sense of deja-vu to guide him down a different path.
Changing Fate - Wix - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Iron Man (Movies), Iron Man - All Media Types, Captain America (Movies), Captain America - All Media Types, Thor (Movies), Thor - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Tony Stark, Loki/Tony Stark Characters: Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Pepper Potts, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Phil Coulson, Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff, Bruce Banner Additional Tags: Pre-Slash, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Time Travel, Healing, B.A.R.F. | Binarily Augmented Retro Framing, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Bucky Barnes Recovering, Winteriron Bang, One-Sided Attraction Series: Part 1 of Changing Fate Summary:
Tony dies in Siberia under the hands of Captain America, but fate doesn't leave it there. He opens his eyes several years earlier amidst the threat of Loki's invasion and the first assembling of the 'Avengers'. Tony may not understand why he got this second chance, but he's going to do better with it - and he's decided that he's going to share it. With a Winter Soldier who could really use a different hand than he was dealt.
Never let it be said that fate doesn't have a sense of humor.
Fuck the Apocalypse - Whispering_Sumire - Teen Wolf (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Isaac Lahey/Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale & Isaac Lahey & Stiles Stilinski, Allison Argent/Scott McCall, Lydia Martin/Jackson Whittemore, Allison Argent/Malia Tate, Malia Tate & Peter Hale, Vernon Boyd/Erica Reyes, Erica Reyes & Lydia Martin Characters: Derek Hale, Derek Hale's Pack, Stiles Stilinski, Isaac Lahey, Sheriff Stilinski, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Allison Argent, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Jackson Whittemore, Lydia Martin, Danny Mahealani, Malia Tate, Chris Argent, Victoria Argent, Gerard Argent, Peter Hale, The Alpha Pack (Teen Wolf), Stalghot (OC) Additional Tags: Time Travel, Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, Canon-Typical Violence, Alternate Season/Series 02, Established Relationship, Isaac Lahey is a Little Shit, Stiles Stilinski is a Little Shit, Stiles & Isaac are puppetmasters, Scott McCall is a Bad Friend, Good Alpha Derek Hale, Heartfelt Conversations, Pack Dynamics, Puppy Piles, Idiots in Love, Texting, Group Hugs, Molestation (off-screen mentioned), Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Cora doesn't exist, Light BDSM, Light Bondage, Spanking, Sensory Deprivation, Subspace, Aftercare, Cuddling & Snuggling, French Pet Names, BAMF Pack, Coming Out, Minor Character Death, Magical Stiles Stilinski, Spark Stiles Stilinski, Stiles Feels, Isaac Feels, Breathplay, Fluff and Angst, Humor, Happy Ending Series: Part 2 of Time Traveling TW Fics, Part 2 of TW Bingo♘ Summary:
"This is weird," Isaac says, and, yeah. Yeah, it fucking is.
"Hey," Stiles says, clapping his hand to the other man's- boys, they're young again, here- shoulder, "we've been through worse. Can't be that bad, right?"
"Dude," Isaac says, narrowing his eyes, "my dad's alive."
"Fair, but... No zombies?"
"Ugh, touche."
[Or, the one where Stiles and Isaac go back in time to stave off the apocalypse, only to end up solving everyone else's problems.]
Leon Potter - Chapter 1 - Lomonaaeren - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Harry Potter & Harry Potter, Sirius Black & Harry Potter, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter Characters: Harry Potter, Sirius Black, Albus Dumbledore, Bartemius Crouch Jr., Hermione Granger Additional Tags: Time Travel, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Book 4: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter Raises Himself, Harry Potter was Raised by Other(s), Angst, Drama, Humor, Present Tense, Horcruxes, Master of Death Harry Potter Series: Part 2 of From Samhain to the Solstice 2019 Summary:
The moment that Harry’s name comes out of the Goblet of Fire, a stranger appears—a Potter relative that Harry never knew he had. The stranger stands up for Harry, adopts him, and makes sure that no one can touch him. It’s only later that Harry knows why.
Earning His Notice - Lomonaaeren - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Harry Potter/Tom Riddle, Albus Dumbledore & Harry Potter Characters: Harry Potter, Albus Dumbledore, Tom Riddle, Abraxas Malfoy Additional Tags: Angst, Time Travel, Pre-Slash Series: Part 8 of July Celebration Fics 2018, Part 1 of Earning His Notice Summary:
Harry has almost accepted that he won’t be going back to his own time, and he’s working in a small apothecary in Diagon Alley to make ends meet. Then someone tries to blow up his employer’s shop, and that brings him face-to-face with Tom Riddle, who he successfully avoided during his time at Hogwarts.
The Family You Choose - Chapter 1 - TunaFishChris - Avatar: The Last Airbender [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 7/7 Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: The Gaang & Zuko (Avatar) Characters: Zuko (Avatar), Aang (Avatar), Katara (Avatar), Sokka (Avatar), Toph Beifong, Suki (Avatar), Ozai (Avatar) Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst, obligatory "gaang finds out about Zuko's scar" fic, love those fics, Soulmates, Soulmarks, Platonic Soulmates, kind of confusing though, Like, There's time travel, it's a thing, ozai's shitty parenting, Swearing Summary:
Some people are born with soulmarks. Zuko has them, but his grandfather burned them off because they "make you weak."
Team Avatar has a few things to say about that.
Love-Letters in the Form of Dresses - Whispering_Sumire - Teen Wolf (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Chris Argent/Stiles Stilinski, Chris Argent/Peter Hale, Chris Argent/Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Chris Argent & Stiles Stilinski & Peter Hale, Peter Hale & Talia Hale Characters: Chris Argent, Peter Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Talia Hale, Laura Hale, Derek Hale, Cora Hale, Cat Hale, Kate Argent, Gerard Argent, Victoria Argent, The Hale Pack Additional Tags: Time Travel, Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, Polyamory, OT3, Angst, Fluff, Happy Ending, Friends to Lovers, Crossdressing, Domestic, gratuitous dresses, Canon-Typical Violence, Minor Character Death, death of a child, Confinement, sorta - Freeform, Disabled Character, Scars, Burns, Magic, Magical Stiles Stilinski, Spark Stiles Stilinski, Werecreature Stiles, Dream Sharing, Chris Feels, Good Peter, Idiots in Love, BAMF Stiles, BAMF Peter, BAMF Chris Argent, No Smut, Peter is secretly a marshmallow, Laura is a little shit, Chris joins the Pack, And fuck the rest of the Argents, Alive Hale Family Series: Part 2 of Time Traveling TW Fics, Part 4 of TW Bingo♘ Summary:
"Ah!" Stiles cuts him off, scooting closer to the wooden bars that seemingly make up his prison, "No! You're both here for a reason, okay? Don't be a speciest bigot, Chris, you're the best of a bad lot, I expect you to act like it," Chris is shocked to actually feel chastened, he puts his gun back in his waistband, "And Peter, you are smart enough to ask questions first. Sane enough, too, might I add."
"Well, then," Peter says, still glaring, and Chris wonders how this boy all dolled up in a dress, knows all this about them. "I suppose my first question would be: Why did you invite a Hunter to join us, hmm?"
"Same reason I asked you to join me, Peter," Stiles answers, and doesn't even bother hiding how coy he's being, "I'm lonely. I wanted people to talk to, and I wanted said people, specifically, to be useful to a certain cause, later."
"And what cause would that be?" Chris asks, wary.
"That," Stiles beams, "is a secret."
[Or: The one where there's a boy in a dress, a werewolf, and a hunter. It sounds like the beginning of a joke, but it's all fairly serious business... Mostly.]
Beautiful Like Birds - Whispering_Sumire - Teen Wolf (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Underage Relationships: Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Sheriff Stilinski & Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall & Stiles Stilinski, Stiles Stilinski & Everyone Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Peter Hale, Sheriff Stilinski, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), The Hale Pack, Alan Deaton, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Isaac Lahey, Danny Mahealani, Jackson Whittemore, Lydia Martin, Allison Argent, Gerard Argent (dead), Kate Argent (dead) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Depression, Minor Character Death (Mentioned), friendships, Family, Domestic, Angst, Fluff, Overprotective Scott, Sheriff Stilinski's Name is John, Sheriff Stilinski Finds Out, Nightmares, Consensual Underage Sex, Falling In Love, Idiots in Love, Feeding, through the phone, because that is a thing, Pet Names, Frottage, Phone Sex, Heartfelt Conversations, talia is kind of a bitch, Cuddling & Snuggling, Dissociation, sorta - Freeform, Happy Ending, Getting Together Series: Part 1 of Time Traveling TW Fics Summary:
"Stiles?" he asks, turning on the light, and Stiles looks at him- eyes wide, a flicker of utter devotion and heartbreaking joy passing his features before his whole face crumples and-
John has never seen his son like this, or maybe he has, when Claudia died, but it's different somehow, more, and terrifying because he has no idea why. He's closed half the distance between them before he even has time to think it through, but it doesn't matter because Stiles has bridged the rest and flung himself into John's arms.
He falls apart like that, holding onto John so tightly that it's hard to breathe, but he can't care about that right now because his son is sobbing and chanting "Daddy," desperately into his shoulder.
[Or, the one where Stiles goes back in time to save the world, and surprisingly, survives to tell the tale.]
Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep - Rarae - The Umbrella Academy (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Umbrella Academy (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Ben Hargreeves & Klaus Hargreeves, Diego Hargreeves & Klaus Hargreeves, Ben Hargreeves & Diego Hargreeves & Klaus Hargreeves, Ben Hargreeves & Diego Hargreeves, Klaus Hargreeves & Everyone, Klaus Hargreeves & Reginald Hargreeves Characters: Klaus Hargreeves, Ben Hargreeves, Diego Hargreeves, Allison Hargreeves, Vanya Hargreeves, Number Five | The Boy (Umbrella Academy), Luther Hargreeves, Reginald Hargreeves Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Temporary Character Death, Reginald Hargreeves' A+ Parenting, Post-Canon Fix-It, Klaus Hargreeves Needs A Hug, Ben Hargreeves Needs A Hug, Family Bonding, Allusions to Suicide, the major character death is temporary and more or less follows canon, Klaus Hargreeves Whump, Time Travel, rated mature for language, Medical Inaccuracies, Medical Experimentation, Torture, No Incest, no smut either, Pansexual Klaus Hargreeves, though it's not really relevant here Series: Part 1 of I am not there, I do not sleep Summary:
What if when they had went back in time Reginald found out that Klaus couldn't die and, in true Hargreeves fashion, decided to test this new ability. Over and over and over again.
Klaus, determined not to let his siblings down again, goes along with it and submits to whatever new tortures Reggie comes up with. Cue concerned siblings and family bonding.
If You Had This Time Again - Chapter 1 - dls - Marvel Cinematic Universe [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 100/100 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Loki/Tony Stark Characters: Tony Stark, Loki (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel), Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Jarvis (Iron Man movies), Pepper Potts, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Jane Foster (Marvel), Darcy Lewis, James "Bucky" Barnes, Guardians of the Galaxy Team, T'Challa (Marvel), Shuri (Marvel), Thanos (Marvel), Stephen Strange Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, Fix-It of Sorts, Civil War Team Iron Man, Comic Book Science, Canon-Typical Violence, Tony Stark-centric, Slow Burn, Canon Divergence - Post-Avengers (2012), Translation Available, Podfic Available Series: Part 1 of Would You Do It All the Same? Summary:
Tony Stark closed his eyes in a wrecked Siberian bunker and woke up on a demolished New York street. Four years earlier.
 [Translated into Mandarin Chinese by Oxalis & Polish by Every_Moment_Matters & Russian by Isenbo and continued by MaliceCrash & Brazilian Portuguese by Thefoxandthewolf & Spanish by goldenhazz & Korean by uay1004.]
 [Text-to-speech podfic by saltyunicorn.]
Magic Fixes What Apologies Won't - Whispering_Sumire - Teen Wolf (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Peter Hale & Stiles Stilinski, Stiles Stilinski & The Hale Pack, Peter Hale & The Hale Pack Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Peter Hale, Talia Hale, The Hales (Teen Wolf), The Hale Pack Additional Tags: Time Travel, Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, Fluff and Angst, Guilt, Friendship, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, One Shot, Mistakes, Redemption, Heartfelt Conversations, POV Outsider, POV Multiple, Background Relationships, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, well- except for the bad guys, peace in our time, Age Regression/De-Aging, Sort Of, and it's temporary, First Kiss, Alive Hale Family Series: Part 4 of Time Traveling TW Fics, Part 6 of TW Bingo♘ Summary: "Uh huh, and you're an ass. Look, just- don't go killing anyone, okay?"That is an odd thing for a child to be- and, seriously, from what she can tell- asking an adult. Even odder asking it of Peter who, despite his interest in the macabre, is a fairly gentle soul by all accounts, at least, that she knows of, because he actually seems to be thinking about it."I make no promises," he finally says, softly, honestly, and Stiles just gives him a long hard look before sighing and nodding in understanding."Well, I guess it isn't fair to ask that of you, really, under the circumstances, so, how about... Don't kill anyone who doesn't deserve it- by my standards, not your own, you fucking psycho.""Hey, I'm not that bad," Peter sniffs, and Stiles narrows his eyes, "anymore."[Or: The one where Future Stiles and Future Peter astound everybody.]
Rise Up - Chapter 1 - Wix - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 15/15 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Daredevil (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Tony Stark & Avengers Team, Tony Stark & Vision, Stephen Strange/Tony Stark Characters: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Sam Wilson, Vision (Marvel), Nick Fury, Pepper Potts, Phil Coulson, Friday (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Wanda Maximoff, Christine Everhart, Christine Palmer, Matt Murdock, Franklin "Foggy" Nelson, Karen Page Additional Tags: Post-Avengers: Age of Ultron (Movie), Team Break Up, Team Dynamics, Toxic Team, Moving On, not team Cap friendly, Time Travel, Sort Of, Team Tony, Magic, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Pairings Subject To Change, Tony Stark Has A Heart, And People Need To Stop Breaking It, BAMF Tony Stark, BAMF Team Tony, not SHIELD friendly, Gen or Pre-Slash, Open Ending, Hints of Alternate World Relationships, Pre-Relationship Summary: Tony leaves the Avengers in the wake of Ultron when he refuses to standby and approve of their choices. Fate's quick to step in though and show that where one door closes, another one just might open.
The Best Laid Plans - Chapter 1 - Palhinhaea - 乙女ゲームの破滅フラグしかない悪役令嬢に転生してしまった… - 山口悟 | My Next Life as a Villainess - Yamaguchi Satoru (Light Novels) [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 9/? Fandom: 乙女ゲームの破滅フラグしかない悪役令嬢に転生してしまった… - 山口悟 | My Next Life as a Villainess - Yamaguchi Satoru (Light Novels), 乙女ゲームの破滅フラグしかない悪役令嬢に転生してしまった… | My Next Life as a Villainess (Anime) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Katarina Claes/Everyone, Katarina Claes & Anne Shelley Characters: Original Katarina Claes, Keith Claes, Jeord Stuart, Mary Hunt (My Next Life as a Villainess), Nicol Ascart, Sophia Ascart, Maria Campbell (My Next Life as a Villainess), Sirius Deek, Council of Katarinas, Katarina Claes, Alan Stuart (My Next Life as a Villainess), Anne Shelley (My Next Life as a Villainess) Additional Tags: Black Comedy, Polyamory, Non-Graphic Violence, Non-graphic Murder, Non-graphic suicide, PTSD, Pets, Minions, Attempted manipulation, Accidental BDSM, Villainess doing villainess things, Implications of past abuse and neglect, Family of Choice, Plans, So Many Plans, Some of them work?, maybe? - Freeform, How do you get people to not murder you?, Katarinasexuality, Lady Friends(TM), Feral Murder Children, Secret Babies, Suicidal Thoughts, Deliberate BDSM Series: Part 1 of Best Laid Plans Extended Universe Summary:
Sometimes people are given a second chance. Sometimes those people are Katarina Claes. There are lots of lessons a would-be villainess could learn from remembering all of the varied ways she could die. What if she learned all the wrong ones? Or… all the right ones?
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