#reverse falls fandom
a-998h · 15 days
Return to Gravity Falls
@angelqueen27 & @eisheth
Contains: Implied Platonic yandere
"Wake, Starlight," a familiar voice tells me.
Opening my eyes, I'm met with the all too familiar set of bright blue eyes. My older brother, Mason, who has the stage name Dipper. I sit up in bed, yawning and rubbing my eyes of all sleepiness. Smelling pancakes, I figured my older sister, Mabel, was making her special strawberry chocolate chip pancakes. Those two were part of a magic act called, the Mystery Twins. We'd been traveling across the country for weeks and I was always excited to explore where we ended up this time.
"Morning big bro," I tell him.
I know he has a new bolo tie, but he has a million so I wouldn't now what every single one he owns looks like. He gives me a head pat and tells me to get dressed as he leaves the room and closes the door.
I throw on a blue shirt and black shorts, paired with my sneakers. I spend extra time brushing my hair, knowing Mabel would do it herself if she didn't think it was good enough. After brushing my teeth, I join my siblings at the table. Mabel, who's normally blank blue headband had a teal gem decoration on it, handed me a plate with a smily face pancake and apple slices.
"Morning little Starlight," she calls me.
I smile despite my annoyance. I have a name, Reader, but my siblings have never used it. It was always, Starlight this and Starlight that for as long as I can remember. I wanted to let go of the dumb nicknames, but last time I tried I started feeling guilty. Dipper and Mabel would say that they only wanted to have a bond with me, so I let them keep calling me that name. When their magic act took off, the dragged me along with them.
I look down at the smiling pancake, I loved that stupid whipped cream smile when I like 6, but Mabel keeps putting it on my pancakes. I don't really mind, it's whipped cream after all. I finish the pancake, and go to leave the table, but without even looking up from his plate, Dipper says.
"Eat all your apple slices, you need to be healthy,"
That pancake was huge, and I was feeling full. Trying to argue that point was useless as Dipper said that I could only be full if I finished those stupid apple slices. It bothers me that they can't see that I'm not a little kid anymore, plus I'm only three years younger than them. Giving in, I eat the apple slices and let Mabel take my plate and silverware. Looking out the window, I recognize some familiar scenery.
"We're back home?" I ask my siblings. They nod and smile.
We were away from home for so long, my heart might burst from the excitement of returning. Before I can leave the table to explore my hometown, Mabel stops me.
"We have something for you, Starlight," Mabel says as Dipper walks over.
With a dramatic flurrish, Dipper pulls out a white box with a blue ribbon bow on it. Opening it reveals a sliver bracelet, a dark teal stone embedded in the center surrounded by my star sign.
"Where and when did you get this?" I ask.
They both chuckle and Mabel tells me it was bought after one of their New England shows. I take their word, and put it on. It fits perfectly and looks beautiful. I hug them both before we heard our Great Uncle/ Manager Stan say Dipper and Mabel have to do a rehearsal for a show happening in about two weeks time. I get two kisses on the cheek as the pair leave. Once that car is outta view, I run out the house's front door.
Nostalgia hits like a freight train as I wander the streets of the town I knew and loved. Greasy's dinner was where it always stood, with Speedy Susan being a one woman crew. Gravity Falls may look like a hick town in middle of nowhere Oregon, which is true, but I see it as a wonderful place full of woods to explore. As I walk around, I feel something solid run into me as I fall backwards.
"I'm so, so, so, so sorry!" A high pitched voice says.
Looking as I stand, I see a girl with a color hippie like outfit, and a white haired boy in a sweatshirt, it's summer. The girl keeps apologizing and I let her know I'm ok. She sticks out her hand.
"Nice to meet you, My name is Pacifica Southeast, but please call me Pacifica," she tells me.
I tell her my name. She smiles and pushes the nervous sweatshirt boy closer. He looks like he really doesn't want to talk to anyone, not because he's better, but it's mor elike, he'll go the way of the narwhal if he even things of talking to strangers. He slowly sticks out his hand for a handshake. I return the handshake and tell him my name.
"M-My name is Gideon Pines," he tells me.
I nod and apologize for being in their way. Pacifica says her and he brother had plans to explore the nearby woods, then asked what I was doing. I explain my exporting and Pacifica says we should do it together. Normally, Dipper and Mabel would pull me away, Dipper making me wash my hand because he thinks that I'll get "poor people germs" and Mabel would say I need to spend more time with family. But, they aren't here.
"Sure, sounds fun" I tell my new best friends.
The three of us enjoy our wilderness expedition, spotting animals and plants of varying kinds. It was nice to have friends, Dipper and Mabel just scare them off, saying I only need my big brother and sister. I catch my reflection in a small creek, I have dirt stains on my hands, face, and shirt with messy hair. It's been so long since I've looked like this, ever since Dipper and Mabel had become the Mystery Twins, they would always keep me under their ever present eyes.
The laughter dies down as the sun starts to sink below the trees, casting the town and forest in a comfortable orange glow. Pacifica hands me a folded piece of paper, urging me to open it. When I do, I'm greeted with an address, but it's not one I know.
"It's for a place called the Mystery Shack, it's where me and Gideon live so you can hang out whenever you want!" She cheerfully tells me.
Stuffing the paper back in my pocket, I have memories of Dipper and Mabel insulting the Mystery Shack and telling I have no reason to go to "that dirty tourist trap". Now, I have friends and a reason to visit, I start making my way to home, trying to hide the evidence of my wilderness fun. Opening the door, I'm greeted with the stern looks of Dipper and Mabel.
"Do you have any idea how worried we were?" Mabel asks in a somewhat emotional manner.
I try my best to answer, but it doesn't help. Dipper scolds me as Mabel is setting up a make shift spy in our living room, going on and on about how I was "darted by hooligans". Dipper does nothing to calm her, only fueling the fire. Dipper calmly tells me that I shouldn't be around strangers as they could hurt me. Honestly, I think the most dangerous thing in this town are the woodpeckers. Dipper takes the paper as Mabel scolds me.
Well, despite being grounded, I'm still happy that we're back in Gravity Falls. Nostalgia softened the blow of grounding. Looks like I'll have to rob Dipper's room for that address. I wonder what it would be like to have real friends, not overprotective siblings.
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pastellianex · 28 days
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I can't even focus my Webcomic series project yet because of this 2 lil goobers are fun to draw.
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angelita-star · 1 month
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Bunch of lil bill ciphers
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iced-american0 · 5 months
One has to go
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velnoni · 19 days
Gravity Falls Reverse AU/Relativity AU Ideas
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Where Dipper and Mabel are in Stan & Ford's places. Here's how I think some things would translate based on the art going around. Also I didn't create this AU, I just wanna toss my two cents in.
Dipper goes by Mason but is called his nickname by family. Mabel calls him by his real name when introducing him or under stress.
A tale of two Stans = A tale of two Pines (constellations?)
Stan might have a pet opposum (the one from the comic)...or maybe keep Waddles cuz he's cute? Maybe both. Mabel will give it a bow tie maybe.
Ford is the stinky twin this time. Stan uses his cuteness to get free stuff from folks.
Mabel is hard on Ford like Stan was to Dipper. But she teaches both twins "feminine" stuff like sewing, knitting, etc to bond even when they complain. It comes in handy, though. She makes Ford winter gloves each Christmas.
She's a scammer just like Stan was.
Maybe the twins were raised in NY parallel to NJ if folks want to be picky.
Mabel's glitter gun, grappling hook, or perhaps nachos are what ruined Dipper's chances of getting into his dream school. Or Mabel juice.
I saw someone questioning about the swap au how would the switch work with Dipper and Mabel but I had a thought that when the oracle/bill returns, Mabel pretends to have erased Dipper's mind and he's on the plan too. She "accidentally" let's it slip that she had a convo with Dipper about the equation to break the field or saw it in his journal from the invisible ink. And by using Mabel like they did with Stan, Dipper erases her memory.
That's all I can come up with at the moment, but lmk what yall think!
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doppel-doodles · 9 days
Reverse Falls concept: Bill Cipher and the Axolotl
I'm a sucker for sad boy Will as much as the next guy, however since Reverse Falls is kinda a Role swap Au I did wonder who we could swap our favorite dorito with, and in the end I settled on the Axolotl because well it got the brain juices flowing...also I was just going through an axolotl hyperfixation.
The premise is simple: Bill is now the almighty powerful God more friend than foe and the Axolotl is the scheming dream demon here to take over the universe.
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Some info and thoughts about them below cut!
This design was inspired by the monster form Bill took during the finale, I tried to make it an in-between of that and his og look.
his limbs are burned, can't really feel anything in them. They also tremble a lot but he tries his best to hide it by constantly moving them.
This Bill actually managed to "liberate" his 2D dimension without destroying it, gaining massive amounts of power in the process and becoming the king of his home, Euclydia.
I still wouldn't call him "Good" though, I believe he would still very much not care about morality and thus be pretty morally gray.
I like the idea of him only making an effort to be "good" towards people that aren't from his home because of his parents, fearing the possibility of them viewing him as a monster.
Hell I bet everything I own that the only reason he would ever lift a finger to help against the Axolotl was because he has some sort of ancient beef with them and thus used this as an excuse to ruin their day.
My guy also has every possible screw loose.
For the Axolotl I actually have a bit more to say on personality:
Where Bill cipher barely cares about a concept like morality, the Axolotl cares way too much. They believe themselves to be a paragon of virtue with every questionable action being nothing more than a "necessary evil" they must commit in order to help these poor,insignificant and WEAK creatures of this dimension.
And they will do just about anything to achieve that goal and you best believe they are obsessed with anything regarding staying in control. They want everything to go according to plan, everyone to move like an obedient pawn in their game.
Gonna stop there for now, but yeah a very sinister lil guy!
Other than that I don't really have much else to note, I just wanted them to look as silly and none threatening as possible.
I like the idea they act in a very cute and playful way, like they act as the adorable and marketable mascot!
Anyway that's it for now folks! Might work on this brainfart later but for now I'm signing off!
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ghostsfruit · 1 month
I need help finding the oldest bits of Reverse falls Billford [Willford] because I wasn't a part of the fandom as a kid [I watched the show a lot but I had no access to social media that wasn't shown to me through YouTube or google search 💀] And I NEED to see this dynamic because I saw ONE piece of fan art and got intrigued.
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Gravity Falls big Bang 2024!
Wow! After an overwhelming positive response to the interest check, this event is going to go ahead and begin! I will start by giving some more information/answering some of the questions from the interest check:
This is going to be a general Gravity Falls Big Bang! Which means you can create (almost) anything! A Pacifica x Dipper Time Travel AU? Go ahead! A Billford comic strip? Sounds good to us! Mabel and Stanley just spending quality family time together? We'd love to see it!
Does this mean a specific big bang can't/won't be happening? Nope! Just means it won't be through this blog. We may decide to run a specific big bang through a different blog.
Can I be both an artist and a writer? Can I moderate and still participate? Can I do more than one thing? Ab-so-tut-ly! If you feel like you can commit to playing more than one role, then go for it I say!
Will NSFW content be allowed? Yes! We will allow NSFW/18+ rated content. Some things we are NOT allowing is incest (ie. Dipper x Mabel, Stanley x Stanford, etc.), or any large age gap relationships. This does include Dipper/Wendy romantically. Dipper and Wendy being best buddies is totally welcome though!
What's our timeframe for this event? The official timeframe is TBD! We will make an official post once we acquire more people.
Speaking of! Applications to be a moderator AND to participate in this event are now open! Apply down below!
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dorkeybuttermaiden · 1 year
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Hehe.. kinda late huh.
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a-998h · 20 days
Starlight Series
Everyone knows Mabel and Dipper Gleeful, the mystery twins themselves. But, what the public doesn't know is that the twins have a younger sibling, Reader. The heavly protected light of the twins life, but what happens when the Mystery Twins act brings this small family to Gravity Falls, leaving time for the youngest to make friends with the "enemy" a.k.a Pacifica and Gideon.
Return to Gravity Falls
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pastellianex · 2 months
°^° Will Cipher °^°
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((repost, oopsies, here's a doodle anyway.1
Will was too precious to be servant, He's my favorite pookie.
Okay enough with the weird shenanigans, I should leave, nice door btw 🚪🚶‍♀️.
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nat1em0xd · 2 months
2000s/2010s RONNIE RADKE!!
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Guys I know this is a sensitive topic and I know he was a drug addict and low-key had an addiction with alcohol, too. But I’m honestly so proud of him, even though I don’t know him, and never will. He’s strong >|||<
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bugwolfsstuff · 2 months
So i've been just lurking around the Gravity falls subreddit and I know that Book of Bill just dropped and....
Holy fuck what's going on there.
Don't drag me back into the fandom, now I wanna know Bill's lore.
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lucydoodles · 1 year
Did some more Design work for fun so here’s a possible Title Card of Reverse Falls!
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One with and without Dis Knee-
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So my dumbass got the Relativity Falls au mixed with the Reverse Falls au (One of my friends pointed that out to me)
And we were like making jokes about who would be Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford…
Does this mean anything???
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(Made by a friend who will be anonymous but we will call her S)
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unholy-lamb · 3 months
RP CALL // About The Writer
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Hey gang!! Call me Lamb. I'm a twenty-two year old cisfem loser in the CST time zone who has been in the RP community way too long. I've been writing since I was about twelve. I'm always fiending for new threads and looking for new people with whom I can write!
I do NOT write with minors or anyone under the age of eighteen.
The Basics
My favorite pairings to write are OC/Canon. I do not write Canon/Canon ships, but I can be persuaded into writing OCs together if we vibe!
I am mostly familiar with writing MxF and FxF ships, and I will ask you to write either one of those for me. I can write any kind of ship for you. I am also more than okay with poly ships.
I am a master at doubling up. Seriously, it's my specialty! Come at me with all your craziest ideas. I adore hearing about OCs and their unique stories. I put the same amount of energy into both threads when doubling. I ask you do the same.
When doubling, I am more than happy to write anyone for you in return as long as they are not someone I'm wanting. Doubling is not necessary if you'd just like to write a canon character.
I have no problem doubling up in another fandom as long as I am familiar with the source material!
My writing style is literate to adv. literate. On average, I write roughly three to six paragraphs in a post. I do tend to do a lot more when writing starters or when the scene calls for it, and I can do less. I tend to mirror my partner's writing length and style.
OOC talk is not necessary, but I heavily prefer it! I love just going wild about headcanons, AUs, silly shitposting, plotting, etc.
I am VERY active in responses. Usually I tend to respond right away and I can write upwards of ten or so posts a day depending on engagement. I ask that my partners be able to post at least once a day to keep up interest! That being said, please let me know if something comes up, I'm more than understanding! We're all adults, adults get busy, no pressure.
My favorite genres/tropes to write are an entanglement of horror, fluff, dead dove, smut, angst, all of it! Give me a bit of everything!
I write exclusively on Discord. Servers are wonderful for organization.
Triggers & The Smut Stuff
NSFW will most likely come up in my threads. I ask that you be comfortable writing it! That being said, I prefer a 70/30 plot-to-smut ratio where the plot and characters take the central focus.
Triggers, limits, and no-goes will be discussed privately beforehand!
i. Cartoons - The Owl House - Inside Job - OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes - Arcane - Gravity Falls & Reverse Falls (AU) ii. Games - Portal & Portal 2 - Lies of P - Resident Evil - Transistor - The Wolf Among Us - Tell Tale's The Walking Dead - The Last of Us - OFF - Boyfriend to Death & The Price of Flesh iii. Internet Based Media - Creepypasta - Don't Hug Me, I'm Scared - Happy Tree Friends - Lackadaisy iv. Shows & Movies - The Boys - Stranger Things - IT (2017) & IT Chapter Two (2019) - The Umbrella Academy
Wrapping Up
Thank you for reading my yapfest! If you're interested, please let me know by DMing me on here or leaving a like on this post and I'll reach out!
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