#reverend preston
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blondebabebillie · 3 months
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wilhelm--fink · 11 months
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geekgirl78 · 1 year
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garretschuelke · 1 year
Record Store Day may have officially come and gone, but it's ALWAYS Record Store Day at Dodds Record Shop! Garret chats with its owner, Reverend Charles Preston Smith, about his personal history in music - from his obsession with 80's metal to the founding of the PotatoeBabies -, the various transitions and stages of the shop itself, including it's pre-World War II days to the shop and museum it is today, what he looks for in records and memorabilia, and Garret shows off his amazing negotiation skills by haggling with the good Reverend over the price of a Justin Bieber alarm clock!
NOTE: Because nothing can ever be perfect, there is a slight buzz in the background of the recording. I have tried my best to fix this. I have no idea how this happened, but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with all the cursed Neil Diamond albums that inhabit the shop - Love, Garret
Recorded at Dodds Record Shop in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on Saturday, April 29th, 2023.
Intro Song: “Summer Nights" by A Sunken Ship Irony
Outro Song: "Vinyl" by PotatoeBabies
All songs used with permission.
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lewmagoo · 2 years
before the devil comes for you | robert "bob" floyd
chapter one
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summary: the year is 1975. robert floyd is a young reverend haunted by demons from his past. fresh out of seminary, he is led to take up a backwoods church in a small mining town. there, he meets a woman who is in the midst of questioning the very foundation of her faith. as their worlds collide, robert soon finds himself tangled in a web of temptation and lies. with the past he’s spent so long trying to outrun quickly closing in, he is faced with a decision, in which he must either condemn the woman he loves, or turn his back on his faith.
listen to the playlist here
pairing: robert "bob" floyd x oc (fairlight mackall)
warnings: 18+ ONLY, this story will contain heavy religious themes, poverty, eventual smut, violence, mentions of death, religious trauma, mentions and/or depictions of abuse. specific warnings will be added to each part accordingly
note: i am no longer able to add anymore blogs to my taglist, as i've hit a tagging limit. please follow my tag #before the devil comes for you if you would like to keep up with this story
series masterlist
It was an unseasonably warm day in late May when Reverend Robert Floyd arrived in the backwoods village of Backforty Gap, smack dab in the middle of Preston County, West Virginia.
The heat of the day had already gotten to him, leaving his fair brow wet with sweat, and his cotton shirt, the one his mother had made him, soaked through. 
He was seated in the passenger’s seat of a rusty old Ford pickup, likely from the 1940s. The seats were worn and cracked. A pair of dirty, old fuzzy dice hung from the rearview mirror. The cab smelled like cigarettes and motor oil. The engine was loud. 
Bob tugged at the collar of his shirt, trying futilely to ease the heat around his neck.
The man driving, who’d introduced himself as Cricket, said nothing for most of the ride, except to make comments about certain landmarks they’d pass by. Bob wasn’t sure what he’d been expecting when he pictured Backforty Gap, but it certainly wasn’t this. 
There were seemingly unending stretches of highway, flanked by dense woods. Occasionally, they would pass by a dilapidated home that he was certain was abandoned, but Cricket would inform him that someone actually lived there.
“That’s the Renner place,” he gruffly informed Bob as they passed by what looked to be nothing more than a little shack.
Bob’s eyes widened. “Someone actually lives there?”
He hadn’t meant it to come across like he was casting judgment, but Cricket took it that way. “Don’t go dogging the way people live here, Reverend. It’ll do you well to keep them thoughts to yourself.”
“Oh, I-I wasn’t-” He tried, but suddenly, the truck took a sharp turn, and the words died on his lips as he lurched to the side, arms shooting out to steady himself. Suddenly, they were on a winding gravel road, and the truck rocked and rattled as they went. Bob was sure the ride knocked a rib or two loose.
Along that winding road, he caught sight of the church that would soon be his responsibility. A run-down country church, white paint peeling around the edges, arched windows furnished with stained glass. 
He almost opened his mouth to ask Cricket to stop for a moment to allow himself to get acquainted with the sanctuary, but thought better of it. The man seemed like he wanted to get this over with, so Bob remained quiet and instead let his eyes flicker away from the small church and onto the road ahead.
They passed by a few houses on the way up the mountain. A few that were just as dilapidated as the one he’d seen along the main road. Others were in better condition. Some were mere cabins. Others were actual houses. 
Many of the houses were littered with wandering chickens in the front yards. Hunting dogs howled as the truck passed. Cats dozed in the shade of old oak trees. Children played barefoot in their yards. 
Bob was a little stunned. This place seemed stuck in time, as if it was a time capsule from seventy years prior. The area was clearly very poor. If the poorly kept houses weren’t a dead giveaway, then the children’s tattered clothes and gaunt faces were. He was quickly beginning to realize why the Almighty had led him here.
He was hopeful about his mission here, but he wasn’t quite sure how the community would react to him. He’d been told numerous times that small-town, backwoods folks like this did not take well to drastic changes like this. He would surely have his work cut out for him.
“Mackall place is up here a ways,” Cricket’s gruff voice startled Bob from his reverie. “I’m gon’ drop you off at the end of their drive, because it’s a real bitch to turn this truck around up there.” Then, he cast a sheepish glance at the young reverend. “Excusin’ the language, Reverend.”
Bob waved a dismissive hand. “It’s quite alright.” He’d certainly been known to utter worse things during his own time away from the Lord.
As promised, Cricket pulled the truck to a stop at the end of a long, dirt driveway. Bob thanked the man and made a move to place money in his hand. But he refused to take it. “S’ the least I could do for the man of God.”
With a shrug, Bob climbed out of the truck and onto the dirt and gravel below. He thanked Cricket once more before he retrieved his tattered old suitcase from the truck bed, and turned to face the seemingly unending driveway.
Here goes nothing, he thought to himself. And away he went.
As he walked beneath the beating sun, guaranteed to turn his fair skin pink, he marveled at the circumstances that had brought him here. He had only just finished seminary, when an offer to take up a church in Backforty Gap had dropped into his lap.
He’d barely given it a second thought before accepting the offer. Admittedly, he probably should have whispered a prayer to ask for wisdom, but he was just so eager to get to work that he assumed this was a sign from God.
A week later, he was boarding a greyhound bus headed for Morgantown, West Virginia. From there, a man from Backforty Gap would be waiting at the station to drive him up to the village. Or, holler, as the locals called it.
That’s where he’d been greeted by Cricket, a man of few words. When Bob had asked if that was his given name, or a nickname, the only answer he’d received was a grunt. 
Cricket had driven thirty-five minutes to get to Backforty Gap. And that’s where Robert Floyd found himself now. 
He was brimming with anticipation over being in a new place. It was a chance for him to have a fresh start and make something out of himself. A chance to make his momma proud, for once. A chance to finally shed all those demons from his past and walk into the light. 
But before he could get on with his mission, he had to settle into the place he’d be living for the time being.
The church property did not have a pastor’s quarters. Instead, Bob would be staying up the road a ways, on the property of the church’s head deacon, Montgomery Mackall. 
He had no idea what to expect as he trod the dirt path. Would he come upon a home as poor and dilapidated as all the others? 
His questions were soon answered when he caught sight of a farmhouse in the distance. It was not grand, but it was no sunken shack, either. It looked big enough to house an entire family comfortably. 
The paint on the outside was sun-bleached and peeling. The screen on the front door was falling off. But that seemed to be the only cosmetic disrepair on the house. Other than that it was much nicer than all the other places he’d seen on the drive up here. 
Inside the house was a young woman of twenty-one, humming a dreamy tune to herself as she set about doing her daily chores. She was in the kitchen, the windows open to let in the warm spring air as she swept the worn, wooden floor. 
When she glanced up from her work, eyes flickering to the open window over the sink, she caught sight of a figure approaching.
She didn’t recognize whoever it was, which led realization to dawn on her. She hastily shoved her broom against the nearest wall, rushing to untie her hand-sewn apron. 
“Daddy! The new preacher’s here!” She called to her father, who was in the back of the house, in the small shoebox of a room he called his study. 
She heard shuffling, and a moment later, Montgomery Mackall stepped into the hall. Standing at over six feet tall, he was a steady mountain of a man. Hard set jaw, striking blue eyes that had seen many things, and a handsome, ruddy face that was slightly weathered from years in the sun.
Montgomery, or, Mont, as his friends called him, walked steadily to the front door, pushing the screen open, but catching it before it could slam against the side of the house. His daughter followed close behind, brimming with curiosity as she tried to peer around his broad shoulders to catch a better glimpse of the reverend.
Down the path, Bob saw two people step out onto the front porch of the old farmhouse, and he lifted his hand in greeting. The cotton of his shirt shifted against his skin as he did so, reminding him of just how hot and sticky he really was, thanks to the warmth of the weather.
He might have preferred to wash up before he met his host family, but there would be time for that later. Instead, he squared his shoulders and walked determinedly. He wanted to make a good impression. Wanted these people to see him in a good light.
He supposed thinking that way was sinful. It wasn’t about him, after all. It was about showing the love of Christ to others. He had to remind himself of that as he finally caught up to the man and woman who’d just stepped off of the porch.
Bob came face to face with a man who stood at eye level with him. The man’s brow was set in a scowl, only because of the sun that shone on his face. Even so, he looked rather intimidating, but Bob tried not to let it bother him.
“Reverend Floyd,” Montgomery spoke, reaching out a firm, work-calloused hand.
Bob shook his hand, a little jarred by the rough grip, but he recovered quickly and returned the handshake with renewed enthusiasm. “You must be Mr. Mackall,” he mused.
Mont nodded. “Sure am. You can call me Mont, though. Don’t need to go by formalities.” Then, he turned, revealing the girl who’d been standing just behind him. “This here’s my daughter, Fairlight.”
As his eyes fell upon the young woman, Robert’s breath caught in his chest. There she stood, flaxen hair glimmering in the sun, the kindest smile he’d ever seen lighting up her face. But it was her eyes that stopped him dead in his tracks. They were unlike anything he’d ever seen before. A stormy, gray-blue that made him feel like he was staring into the sky in anticipation of a summer thunderstorm.
“It’s nice to finally meet you, sir.” She held her hand out, and he took it, gently shaking it.
She didn’t miss the way his hand quite literally swallowed her smaller one. He was not what she’d been expecting in the least. When her father told her of a new reverend by the name of Robert Floyd taking over Backforty Church of God, she’d imagined a much older man. Graying hair. Hunched shoulders. Belly rounded from the evidence of his own gluttony.
Her mind had never imagined him to look like this. Tall and lithe. Chestnut hair, the edges of which were curled around his forehead, glimmering with perspiration. His eyes were the clearest blue, even more so than her own father’s. His features were soft, but striking all at once. Little did she know that this very moment, this first meeting, would change the trajectory of her life forever.
But all too soon, the spell was broken, and Reverend Floyd pulled his hand from hers quickly. She noticed that he flexed his fingers, as if trying to rid himself of the feel of her touch. 
Her father started speaking again. “We got a lot to talk about. You’re gon’ need to be prepared before you walk through them church doors on Sunday morning. But first, I reckon you’re eager to get freshened up.” Mont motioned to his daughter. “Faitlight’ll show you where you’re staying.”
There it was again, that warm smile of hers. If Bob stared too long, his eyes burned. He thanked Mont, and quickly moved to follow the girl. When he looked down, he realized that her feet were bare. She walked surely, so familiar with every inch of land that she was not afraid of where her feet might fall. 
“You’ll be staying in our guest house,” she spoke up, her voice soft, “but don’t expect anything luxurious. It’s just an old shack my daddy fixed up.”
“Oh, I’m not picky. Just thankful the Lord provided a place for me to rest my head while I’m here,” Bob replied with a smile. 
Fairlight glanced over her shoulder at him and mirrored that smile. She moved her focus back to the path ahead, and Bob watched her, pretty floral dress swishing around her bare legs. But he quickly averted his gaze. What on earth was wrong with him? He’d been here all of five minutes and his mind was already wandering.
Father, forgive me.
Instead, he rehearsed Scripture in his mind. Verses he’d had to commit to memory in seminary. He was so wrapped up in repeating those verses that he didn’t even realized they’d reached the guest house. Fairlight stopped, but his head was so far in the clouds that he didn’t see, and he collided with her.
With a gasp of surprise, she stumbled forward from the force, and Bob’s arm shot out, catching her before she could fall. “Sorry! I’m sorry, I-I wasn’t paying attention,” he profusely apologized. 
But when she turned, there was laughter on her lips, flowing like sweet communion wine. “It’s okay,” she assured him. 
His hand was clasped around her forearm, and he quickly released her, posture straightening. He looked beyond her and took in the sight of the house. She hadn’t been exaggerating when she said it was a shack. It was rather small, built from simple wooden planks. But it appeared sturdy enough that the weather would not get to it.
Fairlight stepped forward to open the door, and she motioned for him to step inside. As he did, his eyes explored the space. The floor was also wooden. A twin bed was placed in the corner, furnished with a wooden frame. There was a small nightstand beside it. At its foot, a small chest for storing clothing.
On the other side, there was a small writing desk. In the middle of the room, there was a modest, well-worn couch. 
“Well, this is it. It’s not much, but…”
Bob shook his head. “No, it’s just right. Thank you, really. I appreciate that your father was willing to take me in like this.”
“Oh, he’s happy to do it. He’s just relieved we found a pastor to take on the church. He’s been preaching all the messages lately and it’s really wearing on him.”
Bob paused after he set his bag on the bed. “Can I ask what happened to the last reverend?”
Her face darkened slightly. “We had an outbreak of scarlet fever a while back. He visited all the families that were suffering from it. Then, he came down with it, and it killed him.”
Bob’s eyes widened. “O-oh. I had no idea. No one told me any details. Just that there was a congregation in need of a reverend.” Then, “but, surely he could've gotten help, right? There’s a hospital in Morgantown.”
Fairlight shook her head. “You don’t understand. People in this community don’t trust doctors. We have a local doctor, Doctor McHone. Our people barely even trust him as it is. Hospitals are out of the question.”
He was a little floored at her statement. People were still behaving like this, in 1975? He hadn’t realized just how stuck in time this place actually was. “Wow,” was all he could murmur.
“They don’t take well to new people, either. Some of them might give you a hard time. But with my daddy backing you, you should be fine. They trust his judgment. Besides, I’m glad you’re here. We could use someone to breathe new life into the church.”
Bob dipped his head forward. “I hope I can do that, then.”
Fairlight hummed, folding her arms across her middle. Tendrils of pale hair fell from her plait as she regarded him. “I’ve gotta say, you aren’t what I was expecting.”
He raised his brow. “Is that a good thing?”
“It is. I thought you’d be an old man with gray hair and wrinkles. But you’re not. I like the look of you. You have a kind face.”
Bob couldn’t ignore the odd feeling that spread through his chest. A prickling discomfort. His mind flickered to a moment from his past. A time in which he would never have thought of himself as kind. A time in which he was so entrenched in the pits of sin he thought he’d never escape.
But here he was, a new man, living a new life. A man who’d been given a second chance. He thanked Fairlight for her compliment, though he was certain his neck had turned pink from her words. 
“Well, I’ll let you get settled in. I’m sure you’re used to having running water in the city, but out here, you’d be hard-pressed to find a house with running water. We use an outhouse to do our business, it’s just behind the main house. There’s a tub we use for baths, but I usually just bathe in the river up the road, so it’s up to you as to what you’d like to do.”
“Thank you,” Bob said.
“I make all the meals ‘round here. Breakfast is at seven. Lunch is usually at noon. Dinner is at five.” She paused, as if going over something in her mind. “I think that’s all. Daddy will fill you in on the rest, I suppose. If you need anything, let me know.” She’d inched toward the door, but her body was still turned toward him, like she didn’t want to go.
“Thank you,” he said again, dumbly. Could he not think of a more creative thing to say? But his irritation at himself was forgotten as she turned to go, and he called out to her, his worry getting the best of him. “What…what should I expect, taking on this church?”
Fairlight hesitated, as if considering just how much she should tell him. But she didn’t think she was the right person to do so. Not when in her heart of hearts, she cared nothing for the church, and wanted to see it rot. But that was a story for another time, one she would not dare breathe to a man of God such as the one before her.
Instead, she put forth the all-too-familiar persona of the obedient little church mouse. She smiled and shook her head at the young reverend. “That’s something you should ask my daddy.”
Bob nodded. “You’re right. Sorry, didn’t mean to interrogate ya.”
But she shook her head. “It’s okay. You’re just curious, is all. I would be too. There’s lots to learn about this place. But you’ll come along just fine, I’m sure.” Finally, moved to step back outside.
He followed her, standing in the doorway while she stood on the earth. The sun hit her just right, and she appeared to be glowing. “It was nice to meet you, Reverend Floyd.”
“You as well, Miss Mackall,” he answered.
She waved him off. “Call me Fairlight, please.”
“Fairlight, then.”
She nodded, eyes soft. Lingering but for a moment, she turned away, making her way back to the main house. Bob watched her go, and he tried to push aside the strange sensation blooming to life within him. He wasn’t quite sure what it was. He blamed it on nerves.
Once the woman was out of sight, he turned around, scanning his surroundings again. It wasn’t much, but it was adequate for what he needed. It was time to get settled in. So, he set about unpacking his minimal belongings. 
Bob had gotten rid of many of his old possessions. At seminary, they had taught him that worldly possessions held little to no value. It was vitally important to lay up heavenly treasures, instead. 
So, he kept only what was necessary, and gave the rest away to charity. It had been freeing to do so, because many of his things reminded him of the man he was before. He didn’t want any reminders of him. 
Now, all he owned were some toiletries, a few changes of clothes, pajamas, the watch his grandfather had given him when he was seventeen, a moleskin journal and few pens, two pairs of shoes, a winter coat, a Sunday suit, underclothes, and, his most prized possession, his leatherbound Bible.
Those items were all he had in the world. But he was not in want of anything. He found that, in his travels, he was always taken care of somehow. A kind stranger offered him a place to lay his head. A church held a love offering for him. A sweet elderly woman made him a home-cooked meal. The Lord always took care of His own.
Bob was grateful for His provision.
As he set about unpacking, he was soon interrupted by a knock at the door. He stepped across the room, opening it to reveal Montgomery.
“All settled?” The man asked.
“Getting there,” Bob responded with a smile.
Mont nodded. “Don’t mean to pull you away, but I imagine you would like to see the church.”
Bob nodded. “I would, actually. Give me a moment to get freshened up, I’ve been sweating like a sinner in church.”
Mont didn’t seem to find that funny. “Don’t bother, you’ll just start sweatin’ again as soon as you come outside.”
Sensing he didn’t want to wait, Bob complied, stepping outside and closing the door behind him. He followed Mont back toward the house, where he was led to an old pickup truck. Those seemed to be all anyone drove around here.
The two men climbed into the cab of the truck, and soon, they were off. Mont drove back the way Bob had come from, taking the winding, rough, gravel road. It took about ten minutes to get to the church, and finally, the truck came to a stop, breaks squeaking as it did so.
Bob followed Mont’s lead, climbing out of the truck and onto the dirt. As the pair approached the small church, Bob marveled at its appearance. It was more run-down than he’d realized. It clearly had not been updated in quite some time. 
“Needs some work, as you can see for yourself,” Mont spoke up as he stepped up to the front doors, fishing a key out of his pocket and unlocking them. “Been meanin’ to work on it, but funds are tight, and these people are hurting. Haven’t had the heart to ask them to contribute more than they already do for Sunday offerings.”
“Just how bad off is this community?” Bob questioned. “So I know what I’m dealing with.”
Mont sighed as he led the young reverend into the building. “I’m afraid you ain’t been prepared properly for this, Reverend. This is one of the poorest communities in the area.” 
“And nobody has started a mission to help them?” 
“Nobody cares about backwoods folks like these. They’d rather let ‘em rot.” Mont stopped at one of the old, worn benches, knocking his fingers against the wood. “People ‘round here are dirt poor. They won’t accept charity. Their livelihood is coal mining. Most of the men here are miners. They take providing for their families very seriously. And since the fighting in Vietnam started, there have been a lot of mining spots needing filled, with some of our boys off fighting. The people are hurting from the loss”
The war was over. At least, that’s what had been announced a month ago. But Bob figured most of the boys weren’t home yet. And, it was likely that many of them had died in action and would not return to their families in Backforty Gap. He didn’t ask more questions about it, however. He would learn what he needed to know once he got familiar with the community. 
“I didn’t realize how…stuck in time this place would be. I wasn’t expecting something like this in America, of all places. When you think of poor areas like this, you picture a village in Africa somewhere.”
Mont raised a brow. “Shows how privileged a life you’ve led, Reverend. No disrespect.”
“None taken,” Bob replied.
“These people, they don’t do well with change. They like things the way they are. It took a mighty bit of convincing for them to agree to bring on a new pastor.” His eyes held a serious stare as he stepped closer to Bob. “You’d best not let them down.”
The weight of this responsibility hit Robert like a ton of bricks. How was he going to shepherd and care for this impoverished community? Was he cut out for such a thing? Could he be the pastor they needed? Worry bubbled to life within his chest, but he forced himself to swallow it down.
This was what God had called him to do. He had to trust His plan. Bob had been led to Backforty Gap for a reason. It would do him well to get to work and quit worrying about all the little details. Everything would fall into place soon enough.
“So what do you say, Reverend? Think you’re cut out for this?” 
Bob pulled his shoulders back confidently and smiled. “These people need me. I can’t turn my back on them.”
Montgomery returned his smile. “That’s what I was hopin’ you’d say.” Then, he turned. “Follow me. There’s lots for you to see.”
And so it began. 
Although the task at hand seemed overwhelming, Bob knew this was where he was meant to be. He was grateful he’d even been considered for this opportunity. 
He had worked hard to clean his life up, and it was finally paying off. But past demons always have a way of rearing their ugly heads when one least expects it, and those demons were about to give Reverend Robert Floyd a run for his money. 
next chapter ⮕
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hannibalzero · 1 year
Things I would add to “Red Dead Redemption two”
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Cain! Cain will want to go hunting with Arthur if Arthur is kind to him. Cain will help sniff out small game and bring out kills. Cain will also be able to sniff out secrets in towns. If Arthur is mean to cain, cain will become mean and run off after a while. Arthur low honor will find Cain dead with a random raider
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2. Playing with Jack/ helping Jack learn to read! Playing with Jack will build your relationship with him and also make John jealous. Jack will love uncle Arthur and bring him herbs and little drawings. Maybe even colored pencils. Teaching Jack to read does the same thing but reading from the newspaper helps Arthur find new points of interest and even come with a pamphlet on how to make something.
If Cain is Arthur’s hunting dog, Cain will become stronger to go after bigger game.
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3. More character missions. Just wanna hang out with these characters more. Hunting with Charles, horse riding with Kieran, more time with the girls. Sean learning how to shoot. Idk helping Bill talk to someone he likes. It would be fun little character exploration
4. More camp upgrades, like cots and plate floors. More tents and maybe hoseas new idea of a moving garden. Feed and tend to the chickens, to be able to wash at camp. Maybe Mrs.Grimshaw could upgrade Arthur’s clothing.
5. Bringing Preston new game/food before Arthur eats it or sells it. Will add a cool buff and make the camps stew more palatable, making the mood in camp better.
6. Showing new tamed horses to Kieran will unlock new saddles and spers.
7. The reverend, If Arthur helps him off of morpheme he will become a camp doctor. Making tonics and other healing items. If you help him get more morpheme, he will give Arthur random items of various qualities.
8. Dutch’s music, find the man some more tunes. Just for fun
9. Mollys embroidery will show up slowly all over Dutch’s tent over time
10. More camp talk where Arthur tells the girls about his past a bit more. About his mama, sisters, father. What Dutch was like back in the day, maybe him ranting about what the fuck Tahiti is. Just blowing off steam
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shadowuponstorm · 1 month
Hi, Arvin Russell
A year after the incidents in Coal Creek, WV, and Meade, OH, Arvin is back in a small town after serving in the Vietnam War. He thought he had left the drama back home, but boy, he was wrong to assume such a thing. MENTIONS: ABUSE, FIGHTING, SMOKING, BLOOD
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"Anything else for you, sugar?" A lady asked as I stirred a spoon in my coffee to blend the creamer.
"No, thank you, ma'am, I'm fine," I respond with a drawl of my southern accent as she nods her head and moves on to handle another customer.
I've just gotten back from overseas. Fighting the war in Vietnam was no easy task, and since I've taken a seat, many people have come up to thank me for my service or give me God's blessing that I was able to come back home to my family. My grandma and uncle don't know I went to war, and I also haven't seen them since I left. What happened in the past year, I can never go back and face them, not after what I've done. I haven't prayed since my mama and daddy died or been in church since that day. Reverend Preston Teagardin was found dead in the pews with a bullet wound to the head. I take a sip of my coffee before I hear the bell on the door ring, catching my attention. I look over and see a couple walking in, a guy wearing coveralls with the name tag "Raymond" on the chest and a girl in tow behind him. I hunched that something was amiss when I saw the look on the girl's face; she was scared, and Raymond had quite a rough grip on her arm. They decided to sit at a table adjacent to my seat, and a waitress arrived to take their order when I heard Raymond start to flirt with her. The waitress decided to flirt back, which made me roll my eyes.
"Seriously?" As I took another sip, I thought, "If you're going to flirt with other women, why even bring your girlfriend?"
The waitress asked the girl for her order before she muttered, "Nothing, thank you."
"Speak up when you're spoken to, whore," Raymond said through gritted teeth as he slams a fist on the table, making everyone in the place jump, except for me.
"No, thank you, I don't want anything," The girl spoke louder as the waitress walked back behind the counter to get Raymond's order ready.
"It's good that you listened to me; you were getting fat anyways," Raymond said as I paused mid-sip at the audacity of this man to treat a woman as such.
As much as I wanted to punch him or smack him on the back of the head, I could hear my daddy telling me, "Wait for the right time." 30 minutes or so went by before they decided to head out. After watching them leave, I pulled out my wallet to grab a $10 bill to leave as a tip and headed out the door to make sure the girl was okay. I looked around for signs of her and thought I might've been too late until I heard a scream. I rushed over to where the sound was to see this Raymond guy has her pushed against a brick wall with one hand over her mouth and the other on her hip.
"You're going to do what I tell you to do," Raymond muttered as he reached his hand that was on her hip to go under her dress.
Before he could do anything else, I ran over and landed a punch square across the jaw. He groaned in pain before he turned his attention to me and wiped the blood from his lip. Raymond wielded his fist back to land a punch in my nose, hard. I then jump on top of him to continue throwing punches until I see him struggle.
"Now, stay away from her, or else I will find you again and do worse than this," I said as I leaned my face to Raymond's, "Got it?"
Raymond nodded weakly, and I moved off him to turn my attention to the shaking girl in front of me.
"Hey, hey, it's okay. He shouldn't hurt you again, is there anyone you need me to call or come get you?" I asked as she shook her head no, "Okay, come on, I'll give you a ride, and you can stay with me until you recover enough."
I started to walk to my car, expecting her to follow me, but before she did, she landed a hard kick to Raymond's ribs. I opened the passenger door for her to get in, then shut the door to go to the driver's side.
"Why did you do that?" I hear her ask before I told her I'll explain everything when we're back at my place.
After arriving, we got out of the car and before I could grab a cigarette to light, I see her walking up with a napkin in hand.
"Wha-" I was about to ask before she started wiping away the blood from my nose, "Why are you doing that?"
"You did something for me, so I thought I would do something for you," the girl responded as she tossed the bloody napkin in a nearby trash can, "I believe you said you'll explain everything when we arrived."
I pulled out a cigarette and lit it before I asked her for her name.
"My name is Y/N, and yours?" She asked back, making me chuckle.
"Arvin Russell, and well, no girl deserves to be treated like that, so I waited for the right time to beat up that dumbass," I said as I walked toward my porch and asked, "Are you sure there's no one to call?"
Y/N shook her head before saying, "My mama died when I was young, and my daddy was nowhere to be found. I've been on my own since I turned 18, but I lived with my aunt most of my life. She lives in the next town over. What made you think you needed to wait for the right time?"
"My daddy, he taught me that before he died," I responded as Y/N looked curious before she asked about how it happened.
"I was young when my mama got diagnosed with cancer. My daddy had it in his mind that God would remove the cancer from her body. So we would go to the praying log to pray, hoping that it would work, but when it didn't, my daddy sacrificed my dog, Jack. He committed suicide the day we buried my mama," I responded as I turned my head away, not wanting to see her reaction.
"Please tell me that dog isn't still hanging on the cross," Y/N said as I shook my head and told her how I went back years later to give him a proper burial that he deserved.
"So, what brought you to this small town of mine?" Y/N asked as I considered my answer before simplifying it to, "I've just finished fighting the war in Vietnam. Amongst other things, but I'm keeping those details to myself."
"I get that. You just met a total stranger after coming to her rescue," Y/N said as I laughed before I thought to ask if Raymond knew where she lived.
"Oh shit, I forgot about that. He's probably waiting at my front door for me to come home," Y/N responded, looking nervous, before I told her she could stay as long as she needed to feel safe, "Wait, you're okay with me staying? Even if you just met me?"
I nodded before saying, "I'm not a bad guy to live with, I can give you space when and if you need it."
"Okay, then I accept your offer, Arvin Russell," Y/N said with a smile as I smiled back at her.
Little did we know that decision would change both of our lives forever.
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banapsha · 1 year
The Devil All the Time- Movie Review
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The Devil All the Time, released in 2020, is a movie that will leave you both haunted and enthralled. This gripping film delves deep into the dark recesses of human nature, weaving together a web of interconnected stories that explore the depths of despair, faith, and the sinister consequences of unchecked obsession.
Set in a small town in post-World War II America, the movie introduces us to a cast of characters whose lives intertwine in unexpected and disturbing ways. From the tormented war veteran Willard Russell (played by Bill Skarsgård) to the sinister preacher Reverend Preston Teagardin (portrayed by Robert Pattinson), each character brings their own brand of darkness and complexity to the narrative.
The Devil All the Time excels in its ability to create an atmosphere of eerie tension. The cinematography is gritty and atmospheric, capturing the gloomy landscapes and decaying surroundings that mirror the characters' inner turmoil. The performances are stellar across the board, with standout portrayals by Tom Holland, Riley Keough, and Jason Clarke, who bring their characters to life with a haunting authenticity.
What sets this movie apart is its unflinching exploration of the darkness that resides within individuals. It tackles themes of religious fanaticism, corruption, and the cyclical nature of violence. The narrative unfolds at a deliberate pace, allowing the audience to unravel the layers of secrets and unveil the unsettling truths that lie beneath the surface. 
Spoiler alert: Sheriff Bodecker took the whole unraveling a little too hard.
The Devil All the Time doesn't shy away from the disturbing and unsettling aspects of its story. It forces viewers to confront the depths of human depravity and the consequences of unchecked obsessions. It's a movie that lingers in your mind long after the credits roll, challenging your perceptions and leaving you with a sense of unease.In conclusion, The Devil All the Time is not your average movie. Its haunting atmosphere, exceptional performances, and thought-provoking themes make it a unique and unforgettable cinematic experience. Prepare to be drawn into a world where darkness lurks around every corner and secrets have devastating consequences. If you're ready to embark on a gripping journey into the depths of the human psyche, The Devil All the Time is a must-watch.
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Moon neglected and beat his own children. How did it affect them?
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Hyo Jin Moon: “I know my Father. He made me, so we are just like each other. We can kill one another.”  
At Pledge Service, November 1994 at Belvedere (video link below)
Shamanism in the Unification Church While church members generally consider themselves to be Christian, the church’s rituals and practices share much with Korean shamanism. Practices such as ancestor veneration / liberation from evil spirits, spiritual channeling, sacrifices, songs, drumming, rhythmic movements and beatings are all common in Korean shamanism and culture.
The Master Speaks These questions and answers have been transcribed from tapes made during our Leader’s sessions with members and guests at Centers throughout the United States during his trip in March and April 1965.
Question: Should we keep our physical children with us?
Sun Myung Moon: Yes, of course. You cannot leave them on the street. You must protect them. If they do not obey you, you can even strike them. In the satanic world, if you beat children it is from your temper and is sin. But now you know the absolute good, and if they do not obey you can bring them by force. It will be good for them after all. In our group, some people have neglected their children and devoted themselves completely to witnessing. This has happened because, if you are not restored, your children will perish automatically. If you don’t find three spiritual children, how can your physical children benefit? In that sense, your problem is more urgent. For this reason, some parents have neglected their children. After they are blessed they … and take them back.
Sun Myung Moon: “From today on, if you meet anybody around you who criticizes or judges True Family because of what is happening right now, you can hit them in the mouth. If anyone writes a wrong letter to True Family you can break their arm.”  February 24, 1996, Sao Paolo, Brazil
Sun Myung Moon: “Your mission is only the territory of your relatives. How much easier it is for you compared to True Father’s course. You have absolutely no excuse. Those who have the confidence to fulfill your mission of accomplishing 3.6 [million] couples Blessing this year, show your hands. (Applause) Father wants Reverend Kwak to keep a baseball bat in his hand all the time and if he sees anyone neglecting their mission in this regard then he can freely use it. Particularly those who are sleeping and hiding, Reverend Kwak’s baseball bat will fall upon you at any time.”  February 13, 1997, New Yorker Hotel, New York
Hyun Jin Preston Moon interviewed in September 2010
Question: Do you have any episodes you remember while fishing with your father? Preston: “When I was a teenager, I remember fishing with my father one day on the cold Alaskan sea. I was in an accident. While my father was focused on fishing with other people at the stern of a small boat, I was fishing at the front of the boat and fell into the sea. The water temperature of the Alaskan sea is so cold that most people die from a heart attack after about 15 minutes in the water. But nobody noticed that I had fallen overboard! I tied the thick fishing line used for catching King Salmons around my arm and desperately moved toward the boat, barely surviving. At that time, my father continued fishing without batting an eye. I was shivering with cold but he kept me with him for the rest of the fishing trip and then we returned back to the harbor.”
Question: He was very strict in how he raised you. Preston: “(Laughter) Such training from my father made me who I am today. My father wanted his children to become better than him and wanted them to grow through challenges.”Trained during his youth on the rough sea, today when Hyun Jin Moon goes to the Alaska mountains to hunt, he will stay there for one or two weeks. Sometimes the guide becomes exhausted and goes back early. In the deep mountains, after hitting the target, he skins the animal himself, carves the meat and puts it all into his backpack. Then with a heavy load, he gladly completes the tough journey back that could cover several miles.”
Hyung Jin Sean Moon: “You know Father, he would slap me. Not only slap, he would smack me every day. Punch me. You know, he would smack these guys all the time. You know, and these guys took it every day… These guys have to be like ironman, they have to be superhuman, iron butt training. So don’t criticize them so quickly and easily. That’s not a sign of maturity… I saw them get smacked so many times… We got the most beatings.”  September 23, 2012, New York
In Jin Tatiana Moon (extract from Nansook Hong’s book, In The Shadow Of The Moons: My Life In The Reverend Sun Myung Moon’s Family, page 101) “In Jin disapproved of my friendship with her sister [Un Jin] but she could be nice to me herself when it suited her purpose. She came to me once, asking to borrow some clothes so she could sneak out that night. Her own room was next to her parents’ suite in the mansion and she did not want to risk running into Father. Why not? I asked. She told me that recently she had come into her room on tiptoe about 4:00 A.M. It was still dark. She thought she was in the clear, when she saw Father’s shadow in a chair across the room.
As Sun Myung Moon struck her over and over again, his daughter told me, he insisted he was hitting her out of love. It was not her first beating at Father’s hands. She said she wished she had the courage to go to the police and have Sun Myung Moon arrested for child abuse. I lent her my best blue jeans and a white angora sweater and tried to hide how shocked I was by her story.
As much as anything about my new life in the True Family, the antipathy between the Moon children and their parents stunned me. Early on, I was disabused of the idea that this was a warm and loving family.”
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In Jin Tatiana Moon spoke in 2014: 5:15 “So …as angry as my father was for the first ten years that I lived up in Boston. He would scream at me for 3 or 4 hours every time I came back home to wish him happy birthday, or to wish him happy God’s Day. You know, Father was extremely angry.  In a way I am hoping that my marriage, and the dissolution of my marriage thereafter, can be a good example of what not to do to our kids, and what not to do to the future blessed couples that aren’t …
“Forcing people into marriage is not right. Political marriages is not right, you know. What I’ve been pushed to do which is really simply nothing other than institutional rape is not right. With two people standing outside your door because they’re afraid you’re going to run away. That is not right. And not wanting to deal with the consequences of your actions of forcing two people into marriage is not right. And not having support and not being nurturing while your child is trying to deal with what you crammed down their throat is not right either…
7:00 “Shocking as it was for my mother to hear my story, the last 30 years of marriage which I have never spoken to her about. You know, she had to learn too. A lot of people think that, well In Jin was just acting on her own behalf and she is just doing whatever she wants. No, I am not doing whatever I want…”  LINK
In the early 1980’s there was a gym at East Garden where a martial arts expert came to teach karate to the older sons. One day Hak Ja Han came there when Heung Jin, Kook Jin and Hyun Jin were training. She said “Let two of them fight until they are bloody.” The martial arts teacher was not happy about this and resigned shortly afterwards.
Nansook Hong and Un Jin Moon were both beaten by their husbands: VIDEO of them being interviewed on ‘60 Minutes’ Mike Wallace: “Whenever she told Rev. and Mrs Moon about the beatings, Nansook says, they blamed her.” Nansook Hong: “I was not ideal wife for Hyo Jin that is why he would behave in a certain way towards me, and I was not a good member of their family… so also it was my fate…” MW: “Who told you that? Mrs Moon or …” NSH: “Both, both of them, yes. And it was my fate that I have to endure these things.” Un Jin Moon: “Sounds familiar” MW: “Nansook is getting support from a surprising source, one of Rev. Moon’s daughters, Un Jin Moon. She told me her parents blamed her too when she was abused by her husband [Jin-hun Park, son of ‘Tiger’ Park]. MW: Did he beat you?” UJM: “Yes” MW: “And you would tell your folks?” UJM: “Yes” MW: “And they would say…” UJM: “I deserved it” MW: “Un Jin Moon is estranged from her parents, but she has never criticized them in public before. …” [Apparently Jin-hun Park used to drink.]
Nansook Hong: “Sun Myung Moon seemed to take pleasure in the reports that filtered back to East Garden of the beatings being administered by the Black Heung Jin. He would laugh raucously if someone out of favor had been dealt an especially hard blow.” (pages 150-153)
MLP: “Having grown up around them, I can confirm that when the Moons wanted something, it was there. Thus, they learned to take and only to take. They learned to brow beat, insult, demean and ultimately to physically intimidate those around them. But they never learned to give and never learned basic empathy for those that provided them all their untold wealth.”
Sam Park: “My mother’s involvement with Rev. Moon started in 1953 when, at the age of 17 years old, he forced himself upon her and took her virginity. At the time [pause] my father said that because my mother was destined to be his eternal bride or the “True Mother” in UC parlance, he had to have sexual relations with her to reverse what the … Forgive me because I am going to bring up UC / Moonie terms. Some of you might know it if you follow the church, but a lot of you won’t – just indulge me because there are a lot of Unificationists out there who may see this and it will probably help them. My father said to my mother that – he basically raped her – that he had to have sexual relations with her to reverse what the Archangel Lucifer did to the young Eve. Rev. Moon taught that the biblical Eve was seduced by the Archangel Lucifer when she was 17 years old which was the real reason for the Fall of Man as described in the Bible. That is how Moonies think about the Fall of Man.” LINK
It has been rumored that Won-pil Kim was beaten up by Sun Myung Moon and hospitalized… Moon was rumored to have used a baseball bat at leader’s meetings at East Garden and in Korea. There are rumors of Moon violence at meetings in Alaska. There are many witnesses, but they are keeping quiet. Perhaps that explains some of Moon’s power over his minions.
Young-oon Kim: Washington, D.C.  After dinner Miss Kim began to speak: “Our Leader might be coming… If our preparation is not adequate it will take many years to clear from his mind our laxity. Our preparation must be thorough. Some of us remember his last visit when some were not completely prepared. We remember his anger at that time. If he comes and sees lack of preparation this time, his anger will be much greater and much longer-lasting.” New Age Frontiers  June 1967    pages 14 and 15    LINK
Nansook Hong: In 1992 she went on a fundraising trip to Japan with the True Mother. Before the return journey, she says: “I was given $20,000 in two packs of crisp new bills. I hid them beneath the tray in my make-up case. I knew that smuggling was illegal, but I believed that the followers of Sun Myung Moon answered to higher laws.” Much of the Moon money was given to Hyo Jin to fuel his cocaine and alcohol binges.  pages 171-175
Hyo Jin, she says, would frequently beat her. “I once tried to flush his cocaine down the toilet. He beat me so severely I thought he would kill the baby in my womb. He made me sweep up the spilled white powder from the bathroom floor even as he continued to beat me. Later Hyo Jin would offer a religious justification for beating half-senseless a woman seven months pregnant. He was teaching me to be humble in the presence of the son of the Messiah.” Her children, she says, were her only reason to live. “My main goal was to raise them decently.” Her children would ask her: “Why do we have a bad dad?”” pages 180, 184 and elsewhere
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Here is another description of Hyo Jin Moon: “Most of what I’ve been told comes from people who were around him earlier, like Floyd Christofferson at the Manhattan Center studios, Leon Harris who used to watch his back when he went into the bad parts of town to buy cocaine, and others. He injured a friend of mine with a karate kick to the ribs in the New Yorker in the late 80s, he beat up another student at UTS, he smacked Ben Lorentzen around when he first went to work with him in the studio, he beat up second gens who I could name because I know their parents, he held a loaded handgun to Peter Kim’s head at East Garden and threatened to pull the trigger, he shot up a passing freight train with an automatic weapon, and he threatened to kill numerous other people including Nansook (and her unborn child)…
At a meeting in Kodiak in 1986 Hyo Jin assaulted Joachim Becker who was in his 40s. Hyo Jin got up from his seat, flung the older church brother on to the ground and hit him in the ribs. You could literally hear his ribs crack. The bewildered brother lay on the ground wheezing and clutching the side of his rib cage. Needless to say the meeting ended abruptly. Later Joachim went to the hospital and had a wrap around beige bandage wrapped around his chest to mend a few of his fractured ribs.
Those are just some examples of his out-of-control behaviour. I have good friends who worked on the ground staff at Belvedere and East Garden who used to hide when he was in the vicinity, in case he was coked up and in a bad mood. Security staff were on duty to keep an eye on Nansook when he went into one of his periodic rages. It was True Father himself who said that Satan walked in and out of Hyo Jin freely. Yet there was no direct intervention to get him into rehab when all the indicators were there, and he wasn’t taken out of position until the damage was done. Nor did he get sent to Cheongpyeong to have his evil spirits removed like ordinary mortals.
These were all eye-witness reports from people who were around him daily. And this pattern of misbehaviour persisted from his teens, when he was expelled from Hackley High for shooting at other students with a BB gun, until Nansook called time on their marriage because she realised she might end up dead, or one of their kids might die in an accident while handling one of the sixty or more guns that he kept unsecured about the old house at East Garden, which included a cache under the bed in the master bedroom, some loaded and some of those with the safety off.” LINK
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Hak Ja Han wants followers to venerate Hyo Jin Moon who had many serious and well-known problems. Here his photo is seen on the altar in the main prayer hall at Cheongpyeong. Hak Ja Han also holds an annual music festival in honor of Hyo Jin.
It was 1989. The BCs used to gather every Sunday in Tarrytown. We loved being together. If Hyo Jin hyungnim was around we would follow him around and do whatever he wanted to do. He had a volatile temper and was often abusive but we were told that it was because we didn’t understand his and God’s heart. He was teaching us God’s heart. One day he had us lined up and he started raving and ranting waving his gun. Suddenly he stopped. We had our heads bowed but I looked up. He had his gun pointed at Jin Seung Eu’s head and pulled the trigger. The bullet went into the wall behind Jin Seung Eu, 2 inches from his head.  LINK
Hyo Jin was allowed to get away with his abusive behavior because there was no oversight and nobody but Reverend Moon himself had the authority to stop him. This was the type of dysfunctional and nepotistic system that Moon himself had set up.  LINK
VIDEO  Sunday November 1994 at 5am at Belvedere 0:05  Let’s welcome Hyo Jin Hyo Jin, the oldest son, is taking the place of his father this Sunday 0:40  Do you respect me? Fuck you!!! You don’t know me. … Don’t stop because I will kill you. I … Father and Mother and they know that …. miserable and I’m miserable. 1:44  “I know my Father. He made me, so we are just like each other. We can kill one another.” 3:26 “I don’t like this place, you know. I am standing here being judged by you motherfuckers. What the fuck do you judge me by?”
Hyo Jin Moon is rumored to have held a loaded handgun to Peter Kim’s head at East Garden and threatened to pull the trigger. Why?
Donna Orme Collins: “As I grew older, I witnessed frightening pre-marriage ceremonies in which the bride and groom-to-be beat each other with bats to rid themselves of evil. I had also learned that the lives of Moon’s followers were utterly controlled by him – and that he was the parent I was supposed to rely on.” LINK
Sun Myung Moon bullied Second Gen teenagers in New York
Testimony of a participant at Moon’s July 18, 2011 event in Nigeria: “I saw something I shouldn’t have seen during Hoondokhoe on the 18th July. Maybe Father sensed that the spiritual standard was not good enough, or for whatever reason it may have been, True Father slapped Hyung Jin Nim in his face in front of all the members. And after that he slapped Yeon Ah Nim, Hyung Jin Nim’s wife, in the face too. A very sudden unexpected situation. After that Father continued talking for 2 hours, but the African members were shocked to the core by what they had just witnessed. Some thought that Hyung Jin Nim’s couple paid indemnity for the failure of the members to properly attend True Parents.”
Mariah Blake: “Speaking on the Senate floor in July 1993, Sen. Trent Lott (R-Miss.) urged fellow lawmakers to celebrate True Parents Day—a holiday honoring the Moons—in the name of family values. “It is in the interest of society and government to adopt policies strengthening and sustaining fathers and mothers,” he said. The following year, Congress passed a bill designating Parents Day a national holiday.
While lawmakers were lauding Moon’s family values message, his own family was unraveling. In 1998, his ex-daughter-in-law, Nansook Hong, published a devastating expose of Moon family life, which claimed that her husband, Steve, blew huge sums of church money on cocaine and beat her during her pregnancy. Hong and Moon’s estranged daughter, Un Jin, went on 60 Minutes, where they presented a litany of allegations about drugs, sex, and corruption inside Moon’s church. They also disclosed that Moon had an illegitimate son named ‘Sammy.’”  from Mother Jones (November 2013)  LINK
Extra-Sacramental Rituals of the Family Federation for World Peace After the Blessing ceremony, for the First Generation there is an “Indemnity Stick ceremony” where the couples all have to beat their spouse’s buttocks as hard as they can with a baseball bat or a heavy stick. The purpose of this is to pay a price for the sin of Adam and Eve by hitting the sexual area. It is also meant as the one time a couple is allowed to physically assault one another, after which all disputes should be settled verbally. This ceremony is public, and is not a private experience. Members have been hospitalized with spinal injuries because of this ceremony. LINK
An open letter to In Jin Moon and the Unification Church By Thomas Cromwell    September 13, 2012
The Incident at the New Yorker Hotel: Hyun Jin stopped talking – there was a familiar uncomfortable silence…
Hyun Jin Moon’s assault on Tim Folzenlogen
Kook Jin Moon – an elder American second generation: “Later on, there was the fight club. It was [Kook Jin] Justin’s idea and he held sessions at his parents’ compound in Seoul. “There were five or six of us, and we’d fight without gloves until we were bloody,” Porter says. Justin officiated and fought, but he didn’t always play by the rules. As one fight was starting, he unleashed a head kick. “This guy Isaac was just waiting for the fight to begin, and Justin leaped up and did this crazy swinging kick,” Porter remembers. “It landed in the guy’s face, and it looked like the guy was airborne forever, like he was levitating, until he finally dropped to the floor. It was cool. But it wasn’t an emotional thing with [Justin]. He was very calculated about his violence. He had to be the best.” Portfolio magazine LINK
Hyung Jin Moon (August 7, 2016) 1:20:50 [Probably late 2012 or early 2013] “Literally when she screamed at us, and we have shared it now, when she screamed, when we were having that conversation in the TV room of the Palace, in the inner chambers of the Palace, and when Kook Jin said: “You have to be like the Queen Mother and honor the decision of True Father.” She blew up and said: “I have absolute power” with her eyes bugging out and her face red. Both of us looked like … and we looked at each other [thinking] “Are you seeing this?, Are you seeing this?”” “Han Mother did an occult ritual … She has become a pagan.”
Sun Myung Moon (May 17, 1973, USA)
“Good morning! Sit down! I am going to speak about the significance of a training session like this….
In your own way, you can organize your lecture. In order for you to be a dynamic lecturer, you must know the knack of holding and possessing the listeners’ hearts. If there appears a crack in the man’s personality, you wedge in a chisel, and split the person apart. For the first few lectures, you will just memorize. But after that, you will study the character of your audience, and adapt your lecture. If he is a scientist, you will approach him differently than a commercial man, artist, etc. The audience as a whole will have a nature, and you must be flexible.”   LINK
As a Unification Church member, I was taught to submit myself as a dutiful servant of God.
The ‘True Father’ who could not forgive: “I haven’t been able to release my grudge towards Japanese people yet.” November 2011
Compare life in the Moon family with the teachings of Jesus: Six Surprising Ways Jesus Changed The World
The seven deadly sins of narcissism
Sun Myung Moon was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002
The Unification Church and Shamanism
How “God’s Day” was established in 1968
The FFWPU is unequivocally not Christian
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radiomaxmusic · 17 days
Feature Artist / Billy Preston / September 4, 2024 / 11am ET
William Everett Preston (September 2, 1946 – June 6, 2006) was an American keyboardist, singer and songwriter whose work encompassed R&B, rock, soul, funk, and gospel. Preston was a top session keyboardist in the 1960s, backing Little Richard, Sam Cooke, Ray Charles, the Everly Brothers, Reverend James Cleveland, the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. He gained attention as a solo artist with hit…
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lboogie1906 · 19 days
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William Everett Preston (September 2, 1946 – June 6, 2006) was a keyboardist, singer, and songwriter whose work encompassed R&B, rock, soul, funk, and gospel. He was a top session keyboardist in the 1960s, during which he backed artists such as Little Richard, Sam Cooke, Ray Charles, the Everly Brothers, Reverend James Cleveland, the Beatles, and the Rolling Stones. He gained attention as a solo artist with hit singles such as “That’s the Way God Planned It”, the Grammy-winning “Outa-Space”, “Will It Go Round in Circles”, “Space Race”, “Nothing from Nothing”, and “With You I’m Born Again”. He co-wrote “You Are So Beautiful”, which became a #5 hit for Joe Cocker.
He is one of only two non-Beatle musicians to be given a credit on a Beatles recording at the band’s request; the group’s 1969 single “Get Back” was credited as “The Beatles with Billy Preston”. He continued to record and perform with George Harrison after the Beatles’ breakup, along with other artists such as Eric Clapton and the Rolling Stones on many of the group’s albums and tours. He was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in the Musical Excellence Award category. “Nothing from Nothing” was written by Billy Preston and Bruce Fisher and recorded by Billy Preston for his album The Kids & Me. The song reached #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart for one week, becoming his second solo chart-topper in the US.
He was born in Houston and moved to Los Angeles as a child with his mother Robbie Lee Williams. He was self-taught and never had a music lesson. By the age of ten, he was playing organ onstage backing several gospel singers such as Mahalia Jackson. He appeared on an episode of Nat King Cole’s TV show singing the Fats Domino hit “Blueberry Hill” with Cole. He appeared in St. Louis Blues. He played the organ on Sam Cooke’s Night Beat album and released his debut album, 16 Yr. Old Soul. He released the album The Most Exciting Organ Ever and performed on the rock and roll show Shindig! He had a session with Little Richard and Jimi Hendrix, yielding the soul classic dirge “I Don’t Know What You’ve Got”. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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blondebabebillie · 1 year
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
A gangster, Nino, is in the Cash Money Brothers, making a million dollars every week selling crack. A cop, Scotty, discovers that the only way to infiltrate the gang is to become a dealer himself. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Nino Brown: Wesley Snipes Scotty Appleton: Ice-T Garald “Gee Money” Welles: Allen Payne Pookie: Chris Rock Stone: Mario Van Peebles Selina: Michael Michele Duh Duh Duh Man: Bill Nunn Park: Russell Wong Old Man: Bill Cobbs Kareem Akbar: Christopher Williams Nick Peretti: Judd Nelson Keisha: Vanessa Williams Uniqua: Tracy Camilla Johns Frankie Needles: Anthony DeSando Reverend Oates: Nick Ashford Prosecuting Attorney Hawkins: Phyllis Yvonne Stickney Police Commissioner: Thalmus Rasulala Don Armeteo: John Aprea Master of Ceremonies: Fab 5 Freddy D.J.: Flavor Flav Frazier: Clebert Ford Prom Queen: Laverne Hart Fat Smitty: Eek-A-Mouse Biff: Gregg Smrz Teacher: Erica McFarquhar Singer at Wedding: Keith Sweat Gigantor: Max Rabinowitz Woman in Hallway: Marcella Lowery Judge: Manuel E. Santiago Prosecuting Attorney: Ben Gotlieb Reporter: Thelma Louise Carter Reporter: Linda Froehlich Bailiff: Christopher Michael Recovering Addict: Kelly Jo Minter Recovering Addict: Tina Lifford Recovering Addict: Erik Kilpatrick Assistant DA: Ron Millkie Kid on Stoop: Harold Baines Kid on Stoop: Sekou Campbell Kid on Stoop: Garvin Holder New Year’s Eve Band – (Guy): Teddy Riley New Year’s Eve Band – (Guy): Aaron Hall New Year’s Eve Band – (Guy): Damion Hall Singers – Spring – (Troop): Rodney Benford Singers – Spring – (Troop): John Harrell Singers – Winter – (Levert): Gerald Levert Singers – Winter – (Levert): Sean Levert Butchie The Doorman: Jimmy Cummings Courtroom Spectator (uncredited): Akosua Busia Prostitute in The Pool (uncredited): Lia Chang Gangster Standing at Bar (uncredited): Jake LaMotta Barber (uncredited): Larry M. Cherry Brides Maid (uncredited): Cynthia Elane Girl in the Window (uncredited): Toni Ann Johnson Connie The Waitress (uncredited): Candece Tarpley C.M.B. Member (uncredited): Chris Thornton Film Crew: Director: Mario Van Peebles Story: Thomas Lee Wright Music Supervisor: Doug McHenry Screenplay: Barry Michael Cooper Casting: Pat Golden Production Design: Charles C. Bennett Director of Photography: Francis Kenny Casting: John McCabe Editor: Steven Kemper Unit Production Manager: Preston L. Holmes Costume Design: Bernard Johnson Original Music Composer: Michel Colombier Music Supervisor: George Jackson Associate Producer: Fab 5 Freddy Associate Producer: Suzanne Broderick Associate Producer: James Bigwood First Assistant Director: Dwight Williams Stunt Coordinator: Jery Hewitt Stunts: Danny Aiello III Stunts: G. A. Aguilar Second Assistant Director: Joseph Ray Production Supervisor: Brent Owens First Assistant Editor: Kevin Stitt Camera Operator: John Newby First Assistant Camera: Gregory Irwin Second Assistant Camera: Myra-Lee Cohen Additional Camera: Ed Hershberger Steadicam Operator: Ted Churchill Production Sound Mixer: Frank Stettner Boom Operator: Keith Gardner Cableman: Rosa Howell-Thornhill Art Direction: Barbra Matis Art Direction: Laura Brock Art Department Coordinator: Roberta J. Holinko Set Decoration: Elaine O’Donnell Script Supervisor: Cornelia ‘Nini’ Rogan Makeup Artist: Diane Hammond Assistant Makeup Artist: Ellie Winslow Hairstylist: Larry M. Cherry Hairstylist: Aaron F. Quarles Wardrobe Supervisor: Barbara Hause Wardrobe Supervisor: Jane E. Myers Wardrobe Assistant: Jill E. Anderson Gaffer: Charles Houston Rigging Gaffer: Martin Andrews Best Boy Electric: Val DeSalvo Key Grip: Robert M. Andres Best Boy Grip: Paul Wachter Dolly Grip: Tom Kudlek Property Master: Octavio Molina Assistant Property Master: Laura Jean West Assistant Property Master: Kevin Ladson Charge Scenic Artist: Jeffrey L. Glave Construction Coordinator: Raymond M. Samitz Special Effects Supervisor: Steven Kirshoff Special Effects Coordinator: Wilfred Caban Second Unit Director: Jeff Lengyel Second Unit Director of Photography: Jacek Laskus Second Unit First Assistant D...
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peaceresource · 4 months
Billy Preston...
Preston was a top session keyboardist in the 1960s, backing Little Richard, Sam Cooke, Ray Charles, the Everly Brothers, Reverend James Cleveland, the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. 
https://youtu.be/vn0BUrrkr0A The Beatles A Hard Day’s Night (Live At Hollywood Bowl 1964) https://youtu.be/eoK7GN5GrE4 The Beatles A Hard Day’s Night [Live At Sam Houston Coliseum] (Afternoon 1965) https://youtu.be/h6Y-3-91aYA The Beatles with Billy Preston – hero of Get Back and Let It Be https://youtu.be/4CyDo1M_xsE Billy Preston – A Change Is Gonna Come https://youtu.be/W1TmIhddn0c Will It Go…
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newsofthetimesnott · 9 months
Murder and Scandal in Oxfordshire - Frightful Fridays 
News of the Times Episode 222 | 1829 & 1851 
In today’s episode we are in Oxfordshire looking at a case of scandal and a case of murder. Our scandal case from 1851 we came across accidentally whilst researching a different case.  
The Reverend Mr Charles James is slapped with a court summons regarding a fraud case he is alleged to be involved in.  Mr James abandons his wife and family – an additional charge by the courts - and absconds to Preston.  Here, he seduces the gravedigger’s daughter and, with promises of marriage, runs off with her where she is seduced and ruined.  Much effort is put forward to chase him down and find him which is eventually successful but results in yet another scandalous surprise. 
Our second case from 1829, on the heels of the famous Red Barn murder which we covered earlier in Spectral Sleuths - Ghost Quest for Justice, involves a robbery and murder of a gardener and his cart in the dead of night - a type of car jacking at the time.   What made the case stand out is the supposed ethereal information experienced by the wife who was many miles away at the time of his death.  Her vision, at the time of his murder, includes the nature of his wounds and, most importantly, who did it.  The case was a real sensation in its day. Scandal and murder in Oxfordshire is today’s episode of Frightful Fridays. Hosted by Robin Coles.   
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