#reverend driscoll
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havenfanrewatch · 10 months ago
s02e10 - Who, What, Where, Wendigo?
After spending most of the last episode inside the police station, this time we are out in the woods, as Audrey and Nathan search for a missing teenager and find three Wendigo sisters.
Somewhat unfortunately for him, the Rev decides to join the search and, somewhat unfortunately for Duke, lives long enough only to provide Duke with a tantalising glimpse of the answers he might have to Duke's many questions about his father.
Also joining the search is Dwight, who manages to save one girl even while dealing with his memories of the death of another.
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aworldofendlesswonder · 1 month ago
i've been rewatching sanctuary and i just started rewatching haven and im having a great time but man are they a tough watch in the current political climate
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coachbeards · 11 months ago
literally back to thinking how different haven would’ve been if crockers had immunity too. they were created by croatoan for the explicit purpose of collecting troubles doomed from the start so it’d make sense that they were immune to the troubles they needed to collect. it would’ve made them stronger, worse threats, heavily feared even more than before. it also adds to the weight of lucy and vince needing to murder simon, since he’s TOO strong. he, along with the rest of the crockers, are mara/lucy/sarah/audrey’s other halves. the other sides to their coins. the giver of the troubles, the takers of the troubles. it’d change the dynamics between the crockers, reverend driscoll, and the guards as well as…everyone. especially audrey and her past selves. (also of course. duke + nathan…)
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oocstephenkingtv · 2 years ago
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Evidence ‘Evi’ Crocker neé Ryan (Vinessa Antoine) Haven 2x7 The Tides That Bind (2011)
Evi Crocker: I thought you were gonna make me dinner.
Duke Crocker: Body washed up on the beach today. Guy with a tattoo.
Evi: Really? Did it say, “I heart Haven”? So, who was he?
Duke: I don’t know yet. But I do know that somehow he’s tied to Reverend Driscoll.
Evi:  Well, maybe he knows what that symbol means.
Duke:  Oh, I’m damn sure he does. The last time I asked him, he just got all cryptic with me.
Evi:  Like, religious cryptic?
Duke:  Jackass cryptic. We don’t exactly get along. But he hasn’t met you yet.
Evi:  Hey, Reverend.
Rev. Edmund Drischoll: Miss Ryan.
Evi:  I told you, call me Evi.
Rev: Evi.—Glendowers? I haven’t been anywhere near the Glendowers. I’ve been right here all morning.
Evi:  Actually, he has. The boat was late.
Duke:  Yeah, thanks for telling me.
Evi:  Thanks for checking your messages. Oh, right. See, my really good friends, they call me Evi Crocker.
Nathan Wuornos: Then Mary has them. Where is she?
Rev: I have no idea.
What’s happening?
Duke:  Evi! Evi, get off the dock!  
Rev: She deserved to know.
Nathan: So she took the children. Where?
Duke:  Well, I would be happy to punch him if you won’t.
Evi:  When I was talking with Mary earlier, she said there was a barn just outside town. The farmer there lets the food bank store supplies there.
Evi:  Are you sure we’re doing the right thing?
Rev: After everything you’ve seen, you can even ask me that?
Evi: I know.
Rev: You’re sure Duke doesn’t suspect anything?
Evi: No. He fell for me getting you away from the church, didn’t he? And now that he knows his father was murdered you’ve got him.
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callmebrycelee · 2 years ago
This reaction is for season 4, twelfth episode "Swipe Left '' which originally aired April 11, 2023. The episode was written by Carly Soteras and directed by Steve Danton. Spoiler's ahead!
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Hello, friend! Let's chat about the latest episode of Lone Star! Is it just me or is this season firing on all cylinders? Since the season four premiere on up to the latest episode, I have truly been enjoying the wild ride. We kicked things off with TK and Carlos' wedding planning but then things took a turn when it was revealed Carlos is married to Iris Blake. Then Carlos got kidnapped by a serial killer and held captive. Owen stopped a plot to blow up the capitol. Tommy wooed her minister and warred with his daughter. Marjan left the 126 and came back. We also got some much needed backstory on Marjan and Mateo. Oh, and Paul is dating now! Judd and Grace are going to be grandparents courtesy of Wyatt and his girlfriend. Like I said - it's been a wild ride!
In this episode, we get to major storylines involving TK, Carlos, and Marjan. Let's start with the Marjan storyline. We see Marjan at one of her physical therapy sessions. Her physical therapist is played by Natacha Karam's real life partner, John Clarence Stewart. John plays Joe and the chemistry Joe has with Marjan is palpable. However, Marjan needs to be with someone who is also Muslim.
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We get a montage of Marjan going on various dates with Muslim men with her teammates accompanying as chaperones. Each guy has some sort of fatal flaw that makes him undesirable in Marjan's eyes however there is one guy that both Marjan and Owen fall in love with. His name is Fauza (Keon Alexander) and he is an animal lover (a plus for Owen) and by all intents and purposes a pretty swell guy. Plus he's very easy on the eyes if you get what i'm saying. 
During an emergency involving a jilted wife who goes to the no tell/motel where her cheating husband is getting his rocks off, Marjan discovers that Fauza is not only married but his wife is super pregnant. Yikes! Looks like Marjan dodged a bullet. A very gorgeous, animal-loving bullet.
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While shopping for ingredients she plans on cooking for Paul and his girlfriend, Asha, Marjan runs into Joe in a Middle Eastern supermarket. Paul does a great job of playing wingman and encourages her to talk to him. Marjan has reservations about getting involved with Joe since he is not Muslim but Joe points out that he is Muslim. Just not the Middle Eastern variety. This moment was so funny to me because it's almost like Marjan couldn't fathom Joe (a black man) having the same faith as her. Marjan invites Joe to the dinner and he agrees. I hope we get to see more of these two in future episodes!
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Now, let's talk about everyone's favorite ship - Tarlos! TK and Carlos interview four faith leaders in hopes of picking one who will officiate their wedding. Rabbi Finkel (Harvey J. Alperin) is okay with the two of them being gay, however he thinks Carlos should convert to Judaism. Amethyst (Maureen Driscoll) likes the color of both their auras but won't be able to commit to a time and date because time is all relative to her. Reverend Tom (David Grant Wright) is a homophobe and tells TK and Carlos they will be together forever ... in hell. Yikes! Lastly, Pastor Nicole (Briana Lane) appears to be their best option but when she asks them if they want to have kids, both men are surprised by each other's answers.
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TK wants to have kids but Carlos doesn't. A part of me was surprised they were this far along in their relationship and neither of them had ever asked the other if they wanted kids or not. Then again, this is also the same couple where one of them was legally married to someone else for most of the relationship. This of course sends our two boys spiraling so they each go to their parents for advice.
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Kudos to Owen and Andrea Reyes (Roxana Brusso) for giving some solid advice to their sons. Andrea points out that Carlos has issues with avoidance which is spot on! She believes that Carlos never got around to asking TK if he wanted kids because he knew exactly what his answer would be. TK wonders if Carlos' hesitation to have kids is because he's an addict but Carlos dispels that by saying he believes wholly in TK's recovery. Andrea asks if Carlos is worried the child wouldn't have a mother figure and Carlos says he's worried if he's going to be a good dad. Carlos cites TK's relationship with Owen and how they've always been close but he and his dad are only just getting close. Carlos is afraid he won't measure up. Owen tells TK that any time he's prioritized someone else's needs over his own, things have always worked out for the better. Andrea tells Carlos he needs to be considerate of TK's feelings and he also needs to be honest. Because, at the end of the day, the only thing that matters, or should matter is that TK has Carlos and Carlos has TK. Periodt!
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We end the episode at TK and Carlos' apartment. TK cooks dinner and Carlos comes home with a cardboard box. Carlos opens the box and it's a bearded dragon! I guess if they don't have kids, at least they can have a lizard. Carlos tells TK he knows he will be a good father but he's not ready yet and he may not ever get there. TK tells him that's okay. I love this scene. Part of being in love is compromise. 
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Oh, and the bearded dragon escaped from the box.
So, this was a fun episode! I loved getting to see a different side of Marjan. We're so used to seeing her be a badass firefighter but this time we got to see the softer side of her. The dating montage was so hilarious. I love that TK, Carlos, Paul, Owen, Nancy, and Mateo served as her chaperones. I liked the different types of guys she encountered. I especially liked her scenes with Joe. One thing I like that both 9-1-1 shows involve the actors' real-life partners and family members into the show. We've seen Jennifer Love Hewitt's husband appear twice on the OG series. Rob Lowe's son John writes for the show and his brother Chad appeared last season as his half-brother. Next episode we will see Sierra McClain's sisters appear as her sisters. 
As for the TK and Carlos scenes. These two have such amazing chemistry and I think that's because Ronen and Rafael are such great friends off-camera. I love how the writers aren't afraid to show them struggle. Relationships aren't perfect. Another thing I like is how mature both parties were when dealing with the children/no children issue. TK doesn't run off and get upset. Carlos didn't shut down. They are getting so much better at communicating and I love to see it! It looks like we're getting closer and closer to the Tarlos wedding! I cannot wait! Until next time ...
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wonderlandmoonrose7 · 5 years ago
Peak sports fan culture is Nathan and the Rev refusing to fight because they both like the Sea Dogs
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cookiedoughmeagain · 7 years ago
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Simon: “Your friend killed your grandfather. Her name was Sarah then. She was Lucy when she killed me. Now she’s called Audrey, and she will kill you.”
Duke: “No, a tattooed man is supposed to kill me.”
Simon: “She doesn’t have to do it with her own hands.”
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dukecrocker-a · 4 years ago
would YOU let your child play w the son of the local serial killer please respond
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crockerarc · 3 years ago
thinking  abt  midnight  mass
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siouxsiebannion · 7 years ago
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Horror Hotel (1960)
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unscrxpted · 4 years ago
Driscoll blinked, but didn't let his smirk falter. He stood back on his heels. "Well, I see you've chosen your side in this war. You'll regret that, Mister Forrest." He slowly stepped past him, stopping beside Audrey just to glare at her for a moment before continuing on out of the house.
Nathan backed down. He watched Stephanie and her dad, smiling a little. He leaned over to Audrey. "Another good day's work, right?"
Stephanie shifts uncomfortably when her dad is brought back up, shrugging. “I don’t know if it’s a good idea if dad ever finds out.”
“What do you mean?” Audrey’s brain kicks into overdrive.
“I mean… my dad’s not, like, a parishioner or anything that extreme. It’s just he… has a hard time with the existence of the troubles. With mom gone, he’s been talking about selling the shop and moving out of Haven. If he found out I was troubled…” Stephanie bites her lip and shrugs. “I don’t really know how he’d take it.”
“Stephanie,” Nathan said, putting a hand on the table but not touching her, “we can talk to him. Parker is… pretty good at helping people understand the troubles. Long as they’re not a Driscoll.” He smiled his lop-sided smile. “We can help convince him to stay.”
Because he could not fathom the outside world trying to deal with spontaneous Goatman. The fact that he could think that and have it make sense was enough to know it was too much for the outside. Stephanie and her father would be safer in Haven, surrounded by people like Stephanie who weren’t safe around outsiders until the troubles ended.
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havenfanrewatch · 11 months ago
s02e07 - The Ties That Bind
One of Haven's spookier episodes, the story this week follows what at first appears to be a sinister cult on the outskirts of town ...
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... the truth is soon revealed of course, about the 'cult' and also about the Rev's past. Meanwhile in the Rev's present the episode poses more questions than answers as Duke tries to find out about his father's past, and Evi seems to be more involved with the Rev and Haven's mysteries than expected.
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oocstephenkingtv · 3 years ago
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Haven 2x12 Sins of the Fathers (2011)
[Garland Wuornos: Reverend Driscoll's dead?]
Nathan Wuornos: Yeah. Parker shot him.
Garland Wuornos: Good for her. Good.
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ninewheels · 5 years ago
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DEADWOOD Characters By Screen Time
Al Swearengen - 396 Seth Bullock - 284:30 Alma Garret/Ellsworth - 186:45 Cy Tolliver - 140:15 Dan Dority - 129:30 E.B. Farnum - 125:45 Trixie - 125:30 “Calamity” Jane Canary - 123:15 Joanie Stubbs - 119:15 Charlie Utter - 118:30
Dr. Amos “Doc” Cochran - 117:45 Sol Starr - 114:30 George Hearst - 101:15 Johnny Burns - 82 A.W. Merrick - 68 Silas Adams - 64:30 Whitney Ellsworth - 58:15 Martha Bullock - 54:15 Francis Wolcott - 54 Sofia Metz/Ellsworth - 51:45 John Langrishe - 46:45 Tom Nuttall - 43:30 James “Wild Bill” Hickok - 36 Reverend H.W. Smith - 34:15 Steve - 33 Leon - 31 Commissioner Hugo Jarry - 30:30 Mr. Wu - 29:30 Con Stapleton - 29:30 “General” Samuel Fields - 29:30 Richardson - 24:15 Miss Isringhausen - 23:45 Andy Cramed - 21 Blazanov - 20:45 Jewel - 20 Aunt Lou Marchbanks - 20 William Bullock - 18:30 Flora Anderson - 18:30 Harry Manning - 17:30 Brom Garret - 17:30 Eddie Sawyer - 17:15 Hostetler - 16:30 Jack McCall - 15:15 Mose Manuel - 14:45 Maddie - 14 Odell Marchbanks - 13:30 Claudia - 13:15 Wyatt Earp - 12:45 Otis Russell - 12 Dolly - 10 Countess - 9:15 Captain Joe Turner - 9 Carrie - 9 Morgan Earp - 8:30 Barrett - 8 Chesterton - 7:45 Miles Anderson - 7:15 Jimmy Irons - 6:45 Jen - 6:30 Caroline Woolgarden - 6 Davey - 5:45 Lila - 5:30 Lee - 5:15 Jack Young - 5:15 Bellegarde - 5:15 Tess - 5:15 Persimmon Phil - 5 General Crook - 4:30 Tim Driscoll - 4:30 Hawkeye - 4:15 Rutherford - 4:15 James Smith - 3:45 Sarah Pachelli - 3:30 Clell Watson - 3:30 Milliner - 3:30 Doris - 3 Shaughnessy - 2:45 Mary - 2:45 Joey - 2:45 Seacrest - 2:30 Pasco Carwen - 2:15 Lou - 2 Josiane - 1:45 Mengyao - 1:15 Margaret Bullock - 1 Florence Bullock - 1 Stanley Bullock - 1
Includes all episodes of the TV series and the movie.
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wonderlandmoonrose7 · 5 years ago
The Rev needs to keep his nasty, wrinkly ass out of Haven’s business
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cookiedoughmeagain · 7 years ago
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Sometimes the pause button captures the best photos. There’s something about the composition of this that I really like.
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