#sparks and recreation
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lixel-5 · 4 months ago
i am NOT accepting venom 3 i will simply continue my version of venom (no let there be carnage or the last dance. venom finds eddie post explosion and they live a domestic life. anne, dan, and mrs. chen are their besties)
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lynzishell · 8 months ago
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So here we are
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moe-broey · 3 months ago
Alfonse calling Lif a Bastard in the same way a sibling who holds an extreme level of resentment towards another sibling might
NOT a sibling coded interaction between them, despite the example. It's more about one denying the other of that shared family of origin due to feeling personally slighted and as a consequence of the other's personal failures. Your stupid ass ways have hurt both the family I feel a level of responsibility for (no matter how conflicted I am about that it's MY burden to bear ESPECIALLY because you fucked up as severely as you did) AND ME. Bonus points when directed at a full blooded sibling, legitimacy REVOKED you are NOTHING to me
... Writing all that out, initially starting out as an elaborate self-hatred bit (will never NOT be hilarious to me as a concept, and this one in particular has LAYERS to it) and having the dawning Realization. The core feeling this is coming from, maybe would be WAY more effective as a concept between SHARENA and Lif. Then getting achingly conflicted because that's just. NEVER the angle I take with them. I think she ABSOLUTELY has valid reasons to potentially get to that point but I. I want her to love him no matter what. Plus the unmatched comedy of her just accepting she has two older brothers now and she's going to subject BOTH of them to immense psychic damage through The Power of Love. Then I run a tumblr discourse simulation through my head like okay Misogynistic???? To expect the girl to "fix" a broken man through 💖 Love 💖 no matter what?????? A sentiment you do ideologically agree with (to specify -- it is a misogynistic trope and absolute fucking bullshit dogshit in real life), it should never be a woman's job to "fix" a man. You acknowledge the cisnormativity of that statement and take shrimp color damage from the fact that you're a trans man. Someone who was raised with this sentiment being a widely understood way of life especially from your mom's side in particular, and someone who, despite the epic new (not at all new at this point) gender identity, is often still bound by the expectations enforced upon you. Also what are you, still Christian???? You hear your mother's voice. "Family Forgiveness is Important -- I hope that one day you can see that. Like I Did 😇💖"
You have died. Badly.
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outofcontextpawnee · 2 years ago
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graciousdragon · 1 year ago
i've spent the better part of the last few years thinking that hlvrai was a game in the half-life series (i know literally nothing about half-life or hlvrai other than the fact that they exist) and i have only just now found out that hlvrai is not, in fact, a game, but rather a live improv recreation of the game in gmod made by wayneradiotv (who i only know as the "there is no fridge" guy) you learn something new every day i guess?
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pafyna · 13 days ago
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inspired by Marcus Warner's latest song, Midsummer Night, I couldn't help myself but to draw Michél and Mietta— seriously, this started on a file I keep for Xalsijon sketches
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demisexualnathanvuornos · 10 months ago
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Haven parallels: Person of (Love) Interest (1x6 Fur/ 2x4 Sparks and Recreation)
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emberglowfox · 2 years ago
@ people with mecha ocs that they draw regularly:
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kimtaegis · 6 months ago
What do you mean by "I keep prioritising the less important things"? 😕
e.g. running a blog is significantly less important to my future than writing my stupid thesis right now and doing my jobs 🥲 yet here I am constantly delaying or skipping work to make gifs on time, it’s not good. I just can’t seem to regulate this sense of obligation? I don’t know if it’s the right word for what I mean I’m sorry
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jade-efflorescence · 7 months ago
a fashionista i am not....
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endlessp0ssibilities · 8 months ago
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You have made me
You can't change me
You don't know me
This is who I am!
───────────── ✦ ⁺.
penned by Arcane/Archer (they/them; 26) Pfp made by SukajiSplats
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bloob-art · 1 year ago
Ok so I was inspired to make an extension to my Empire State building top that I made last year so I got to work and had a little craft day on Monday:
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I wanted to add the triangular windows in between like the actual building but cardboard wasn’t working out so I’m hoping to find a sturdier material at a later date.
This doesn’t really serve a specific purpose other than just being able to pose my Kong figures on it once in a while. And the fact that I just felt like doing some 3D art rather than digital 💙
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TOOK A FEW SHOTS FOR FUNSIES, my room/house isn’t exactly best equipped to have a nicer photo shoot so IT IS WHAT IT IS
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whatudottu · 2 years ago
Bare with me, I've got an idea that combines TFP Shockwave's invention of the cortical psychic patch, what motivation a Shattered Glass Shockwave might have made it, plus more broad cybertronian biology headcanons and how it lead to the invention of the cortical psychic patch in the first place-
Um... let's go!
To start, let's go in reverse order by talking cybertronian biology, or more specifically the more wire based functions of a more literal less sex version of interface panels. Because cybertronians are biomechanical aliens who's only method of 'reproduction' canonically (in most series) is through being birthed by the planet itself - on hold while Primus and Cybertron are dead - when I say 'interface panels' I mean panels housing plugs and ports that are typically there for medical stuff and otherwise data transfers or for use in hardware depending on the individual. The number of panels is relatively consistent and the number of in/out connections depends on the size of the bot (more for larger frames, less for smaller) and are kinda paired to whatever systems they are nearest location wise; two on either side of the hips or one each at the top of the legs, two on either side of the chest or one each at the top of the arms.
Depending on the location you can read the diagnostics of that part of the frame in more detail than if you tried investigating the same part in an entirely different panel; you're gonna get a more accurate read on damages to the left arm in the left arm panels then you are on the right leg. And for particular frames, the interface panels are used to control objects using the relevant limb or part - like a robotic arm to lift things heavier than your frame can handle - and probably even to have your frame be used AS a limb; combiner limbs would connect to whoever's the main body and interface with the relevant limb panel.
But there are panels that are explicitly medical use only, that being internal panels adjunct to the sparkchamber as well as another for specific monitoring of a cybertronian's organs, and paneling at the back of the helm or where it meets the neck for the processor and all the delicate software it holds. Bots with medical programing like Ratchet can interface with those panels directly in the event of a lack of resources (AKA the entirety of Transformers: Prime), and in fact the panel along the sparkchamber would be the easiest way to get a general systems check on a patient. Mecha like Knock Out who may or may not have actual history with being a medical doctor probably would have a harder time directly interfacing with the more delicate sparkchamber, organ, and processor panels, but he and Ratchet (and other bots with even the vaguest sense of medical training) can set up a line running to a monitor or sparkreader or any other medical hardware to fully take in a data analysis, even if it means more resources are used or that vulnerabilities could be introduced.
To the processor panel, much like brain surgery you kinda need a signal in the first place in order to get a read on it's damages, hardware or software. A spark read can let you know if the body is alive and all the damages that IT can diagnose for a general check, but operating on an offline or barely awake processor can lead to issues that you may not even be aware of at the time of procedure. It's why a direct connection (with appropriate medical coding) is better for processor diagnosis as the hardware bypass might have a signal delay between patient and doctor.
And here's where the cortical psychic patch comes in.
When Megan was otherwise comatose, the cortical psychic patch was able to allow access into his processor that had been percolating with activity (one described by Knock Out to be like 'a dream he may never wake from'), and though far from being an actual medical use of the patch it did allow for a non-medical bot to access the processor of a very much comatose patient. It was even Ratchet himself - resident medic of the Autobots - that knew how to create the patch even if it was banned for Autobot use.
Keeping in this reverse order, perhaps a SG Shockwave had invented the cortical psychic patch for an intended medical use, a tool meant for mecha who may not have been forged nor coded to BE medics but have enough training to be such (typically self-taught in the early stages of revolution, then mentored by forged medics when the war really picked up speed) in order to allow direct access to the processor interface panel. The design of it would be - rather than a plug that just magnetically sticks on to the back of a cybertronian's head - would be a series of plugs and ports of mostly universal design, adjustable to a degree for multiple frames, allowing the medic irrespective of coding to have full access to diagnose what the fuck is up with the processor.
Unfortuneately for SG Shockers (and fully intentional by TFP Shockwave) the patch isn't quite as synonymous as the medic's coding is to processor interfacing, being rather invasive of a connection even as it is, let alone the patch being more of a hardware connection which in of itself introduces vulnerabilities. Heck, it's not even safe for the operator themselves to use the patch, seeing as how Bumblebee got a head full of Megan; I mean, Bumblebee isn't a trained medic, but the fact that it happened at all is evidence to it's flaws. And that's to a patient who isn't of mind enough to struggle, Shockwave himself says that resisting the patch may cause damage to the patient/subject, combine that with the second option of 'let it happen and let them walk unabated in your head' and you're pretty much shit out of luck.
The base Shockwave would most certainly be fully aware of the intent, a direct hardline to an individual's processor is most definitely a connection to some very vulnerable software and thus information, the cortical psychic patch probably battling a lot of firewalls off with the ease of a medical interface. And in the base TFP universe, Autobots with only recent war-based medical training as opposed to previous education probably early on DID resort to using the patch as a crutch, Ratchet after all knew how to make one. It's probably a combination of Shockwave's brutal interrogation method USING the cortical psychic patch and the relatively inexperienced Autobot medics opting to use direct processor interface rather than the comparably safer hardware bypass that lead to it's banned status in the Autobot ranks, too many 'Bots were having trauma responses at the hands of young medic's servo's who didn't know any better and actively resisting the patch, which just so happened to lead to more Autobot casualties and thus probably shellshocking the medics in training to get them to fear the daunting prospect of actually losing a patient by THEIR OWN hands.
It's one thing to be using a tool made by someone who has been known to do lots of dubious shit, it's another to see a tool that you made to help be manipulated into an interrogation technique, made all the worse now that you have significantly more emotional capacity to not only feel guilty but feel solely responsible for the patch induced trauma of your own allies; the cortical psychic patch was banned by the Shattered Glass Decepticons for about similar reasons, but it's near worse for a lot of medics (even the experienced ones) had been relying on it solely for the fact that they weren't forged with the coding. The stagnated use of the cortical psychic patch in the base verse was mostly because Shockwave himself had been the inventor of it and main user of the patch, the Autobots avoiding it's use for the ban and the Decepticons not very experienced with the tool. In Shattered Glass however, the only real limit to it's perpetuity would be if the Autobots managed to learn how to create the patch at all, which if even in the base verse Ratchet knew how to make one, probably means that there's more than enough patch use in SG even if Shockwave gets caught in a spacebridge explosion or not.
And that's that I think- funny to talk about interface panels in a transformers post without doing it in a sex way haha- I just want these guys to be alien 😫
#shockwave#tfp shockwave#shattered glass#tfp shattered glass#transformers#tfp#maccadam#xenobiology#i like to conceptualise that there are 6-8 maybe interface panels at a minimum#with a number of ports and plugs that i haven't determined yet but maybe depending on what panel 4ish? idk#i would probably not count because the number might seem off so i'll just say that there's probably a few each#even though i mentioned interface panels in more of a machine or medical way i guess technically it can be used for recreation#those tend to be the external panels though or if 'intimate' aka low-key dangerous and definitely vulnerable#it would be through the sparkchamber panel/s that a doctor would not recommend you doing all willy nilly#even though ko actually goes ahead and implies 'interfacing' is akin to human sex (see 'plus one')#i do believe it's more 'how do i translate what i see to what words i know' plus 'this is a kids show we can't say sex'#the act of connecting one person to another? interfacing#because these bitches are alien they still have interfacing panels in altmode#it's wherever their limbs go and if their spark is anywhere near where the people go#since two wheelers and open four wheelers (like quad bikes and technically dune buggies) don't have a cabin#you're not gonna particularly find any paneling inside a cockpit or under a roof#you could probably have some 'technically' internal panels but functionally not not THE internal panels#internal panels would be actual organ and brain stuff not paneling that happens to reside inside a cockpit or in a dashboard#all these tags are talking about the details of interface panels i realise this post isn't completely about the panels#i would say in recreational interfacing between bots or through hardware you're not gonna be able to access a lot of stuff medics can#unless you're a super hacker like soundwave your firewalls prevent fuckers from reading your mind and can only really be described as#feeling what it's like to have another person's frame which is- technically intimate i suppose#sparkchamber to sparkchamber you might get some extra with the same stipulation that sparkchamber panels offer a global general check#still up to the behest of actual medical coding (or hacker mode) to get actually 'interactive' between systems but you get a bit more info#on the other through sparkchamber connections
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maiteo · 2 years ago
phock it I’m writing love letters💌🧸🌹
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agirlwholovesspe33d · 1 year ago
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My own take on Dudley the Vagrant Engine, or in this case, Dudley Gresley the Vagrant Driver. An OC created by TheBuriedTruck
Third image edited by my friend artu the the big engine
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yumenosakiacademy · 4 months ago
it feels so validating 2 see ppl yearning 4 the days of 3rd Iife bc I've felt tht way since seasons n seasons ago. the special thing abt 3L is tht it was so organic. they were new 2 the game n wary n unsure of how 2 go 2 do things other than usual survival tactics n they happened 2 naturally separate in2 diff factions (ft a couple loners) in a way tht was jus so good n natural.. the series progressing until it was 2 main sides going 2 war was just so Perfect. the coincidence of desert being the final 2 n each faction having a story arc bc they'd been working on it all season... ppl love it bc the chips fell in such a perfect way n every1 played their roles so perfectly... it can't b redone. but the best chance at having anything even remotely Resembling it is 2 return 2 the roots. mayb w a gimmick thts not 2 intrusive n is abt the alliances or the lives, like LL.
n the og 3 lives actually rly used 2 Mean smth. w so many lives per player w gimmicks 2 encourage deaths or slaughter, they don't feel as meaningful. when some1 died in 3L, it was a Huge Deal bc oh fuck! but now it's like.. well they can just get it back :)
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