#revenge of king piccolo
wiiroms · 1 year
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(via Dragon Ball: Revenge of King Piccolo)
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tobiasdrake · 5 months
Incidentally, we can't really talk about pragmatism without talking about Future Trunks.
Krillin is a devious and underhanded martial artist, but still a martial artist. Trunks is an assassin. He goes straight for the throat at every opportunity. He's not here to fight; He's here to kill.
Much like his father, Trunks is not a martial artist. Every bit Vegeta's son, he's naturally gifted and has already become a Super Saiyan by both of his first appearances - in the story, when he fights Frieza on Earth, and also chronologically in Trunks the Story: A Lone Warrior.
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I can't really say he's untrained. He was trained in the basics by Gohan. But Gohan is also not a martial artist; He's had one year and six months of proper martial arts training. One year from Piccolo and six months from Krillin.
Gohan's a fighter, guided by emotion moreso than technique. So there's a limit to how much Trunks can learn from him. Even Gohan admits that he's a poor substitute for his dad.
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This, I should note, is a meaningful admission from Gohan because this chapter was published at the very beginning of the Cell Games. Gohan outright saying "I wanted to follow in my dad's footsteps but the clothes aren't enough" sets up an important contrast to the Gohan of the present time who has had that time with Goku and is ready to take his place.
But his concession of inadequacy is important for how we interpret Trunks as well. Trunks knows the stuff. He can perform Bukujutsu. Throw ki blasts. Power up into a Super Saiyan. But he's not Goku or Krillin or Yamcha or Tenshinhan; Like Gohan and Vegeta, he is a fighter, not a martial artist.
His heart is in the right place, but he's reckless and foolhardy. Chomping at the bit for a piece of vengeance.
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This recklessness carries into his journey to the past. He never quite learns from his brief offscreen shitstomp by the Twins. He returns to a point in history just after Goku's return from space. Historically, this was a key moment in history where Goku showed up in the nick of time to save Earth from Frieza and his father King Cold. Which should technically be Great King Cold as it's Cold-Daio but he's far from the first king to have his Greatness dropped in translation, eh Piccolo?
But when Goku's late to the party, Trunks starts to worry and decides to step in himself.
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Look at him. The spitting image of his father, full of piss and vinegar.
It's here that we get to see Trunks as a fighter for the very first time. Even chronologically; In Trunks the Story, they skip most of the action; It's very brief.
I mean. It's an absolutely hilarious joke that we see Trunks flying off half-cocked to go get revenge and then he's waking up from a coma on the very next page. Amazing cutaway gag.
But we're here to talk about Trunks's DNA as a fighter, so Frieza offers us the first material we have to work with. And Trunks? He does not fuck around.
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Your soldiers are dead. Who's next?
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You're dead. Who's next?
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Your father's dead. We done here?
Trunks gives zero shits. In the span of two chapters, he massacres Frieza, Cold, and all of their soldiers without an ounce of hesitation. He is not playing.
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He was even paying attention to the part where Frieza can survive grievous amounts of harm and come back. He takes great care to thoroughly and utterly annihilate every last bit of Frieza. Taking no chances.
Trunks isn't here to fight. He's here to kill. He is not interested in a protracted martial arts bout.
This fight, incidentally, also gives us a moment to talk about Trunks's sword. Cold-Dumbass thinks Trunks's sword is the key to his power.
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He's an idiot. There's a reason he only exists for like three chapters and one page of a fourth. This man doesn't even understand how weapons work in anime.
Japan and the West have very different relationships with weapons. When Westerners think of weapons, we think of guns. Even when we write medieval weapons, we treat them like guns. Guns are disposable tools that bestow killing power upon their wielder. Any average Joe with a gun suddenly becomes a lethal warrior.
But Japan has a rich history and philosophy baked into their culture surrounding weapons and their role in martial arts. In anime, a weapon does not grant power; It manifests power. The weapon is an extension of its wielder. It's a means by which the wielder expresses their own strength.
In Trunks's hands, that sword can cut through Frieza. Because Trunks is powerful, and his might outshines Frieza's.
In Cold's hands, however, that sword is harmless. Because Cold is weak and cowardly. (Uh, relative to Trunks.) He has no power to express.
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But Goku is strong. Goku knows power intimately, far beyond Trunks's understanding. And so Trunk's sword, his expression of power, is useless against Goku.
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This is what Trunks's sword means, to him and to the story. It's an extension of his character and his strength; The means by which he delivers his killing force. Which is precisely what makes this moment so devastating.
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When 18 breaks Trunks's sword, she breaks Trunks. The damage to his blade is honestly not that severe. It could probably be reforged. But the damage to Trunks's self-image, to his psyche, is unshakable.
Trunks never uses his sword again. He leaves it on the plane here.
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And then we never see it again. Instead, Trunks decides to pursue greater martial arts training alongside his father, following in Vegeta's footsteps.
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But he never quite loses his assassin streak. Though he begins to develop his abilities as a fighter from this point forward, Trunks is goal-oriented. He wants to kill the Twins. He doesn't care how that happens.
In the original version of these events, before Cell further altered the timeline, those blueprints were the key to Trunks's victory against the Twins of his timeline.
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Though Cell has no idea how Trunks pulled off this victory despite being too weak to defend himself from Cell himself, the discovery of Gero's lab offers us a possible explanation.
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The Twins have shutdown switches built into their systems. Though 17 destroyed the remote Gero built, Bulma is able to use these blueprints to build a new one.
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So there's a solid implication that the weaker Trunks of Cell's timeline took Bulma's remote home with him and disabled the Twins that way. Again: He's not here to fight. He's here to kill. It doesn't matter how he does it.
...well, I guess it does matter 'cause that Trunks got wasted by Cell five minutes later.
Point is, Trunks wears his goal-oriented ruthlessness on his sleeve. He's not driven by pride of by love of the art. He has a job he's here to do.
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However that single-minded focus, that determination to get it done, also holds him back. Trunks has never had proper martial training. He's been taught by Future Gohan, who is not a martial artist. And he's... taught himself near Vegeta. His developed his abilities and increased his strength, but he doesn't know fighting the way Goku or Krillin or Yamcha or Ten do. Nor does he have Vegeta's natural brilliance and general understanding.
Trunks, for all his strength and all his determination and all his killing instinct, is an amateur. We all know what happened to him in the last fight he ever fought here in the present.
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Vegeta breaks the limits of the Super Saiyan and realizes that this power is good but comes at a cost, so he should only do it sparingly.
Goku breaks the limits of the Super Saiyan and realizes this form sucks and is stupid, and decides to go a different route entirely.
But Trunks breaks the limits of the Super Saiyan and goes "AWWW YEAH THIS IS THE SHIT GIMME THAT POWER" because he doesn't know. He has a killer's instinct, not a martial artist's. He's never been trained in technique.
We see, over the course of this series, both Trunks's strengths and his weaknesses as a fighter. In every altercation, he goes straight for the throat. Which is brutally effective when he has the power to back it up but Trunks, more than anyone, is vulnerable to a crushing defeat if he doesn't have the Power Level to back it up. He has nothing else.
Still, he gets to go out on a high note. His final chapter sees him return to the future, not with the remote but with the great strength he gained in the Room of Spirit and Time. And he gets to clean house his way - slaughtering the Twins efficiently and thoroughly, in true Trunks fashion.
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And also getting Cell for good measure.
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Godspeed, killer. You were the best your world had left to offer but you rose to the occasion, and that's the most that could be asked of anyone.
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bluehairlaunch · 4 months
Top 7 Dragon Ball characters that never met (but should have)
Honorable mention, Lord Frieza and Goku Black. Goku Black has the face of the man Frieza despises most, while Frieza's subjugation and genocide of the galaxy is exactly what Zamasu fears and abhors about mortals. They're basically each other's respective boogeymen.
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Launch & Vegeta
Like she'd shoot his ass, right? And then sneeze and suddenly Vegeta thinks all humans can do that.
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Gohan & King Piccolo
Lil' G got a small taste of what a bastard Piccolo used to be in the Saiyan Saga, but that paled in comparison to the genocidal freak that was the Demon King. I don't think it would be hard for them to meet either, because Piccolo is both the King and himself. Him regressing or being controlled somehow by his father would make for great stakes as well, way better than just bringing Cell back like a bunch of fucking hacks.
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Baby & Frieza
Basically the opposite of Zamasu and Frieza, these two would be natural allies if they could keep their smugness (and smirks) under control. Sure, they'd both be fitting the other for a dagger in the back from almost the moment they met, but they're gonna fail to kill Goku anyway, it's in their nature, so in the end it would never come to that. And then they'd be besties in Hell
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King Cold & Goku
C'mon, this is interesting. If some twink hadn't shown up to ruin their fun, we could've gotten the generic shonen rematch, followed by King Cold going whatever the Frieza-race equivalent of Super Saiyan is when Goku inevitably wastes his baby boy again. I'm glad twinks with lavender hair exist, but this wouldn't have been the worst timeline, would it?
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Good Buu & King Kai
Finally, someone who would laugh at King Kai's jokes. Korin and Puar were th|i|s close to snagging this slot btw. Because they're both cats you see
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Dr. Gero & Cell
The good Doctor Frankenstein has never even met his Frankenstein's Monster in any timeline. Would he be pleased? Cell definitely wouldn't obey him and would only incidentally kill Goku. Would Cell be thankful? Is Gero willing to sacrifice all of humanity for his revenge? Fanfiction writers, please
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Gohan & the Great Saiyaman
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deusvervewrites · 4 months
It’s funny how Asui, a being created by King Piccolo so that he could have his revenge against Icho, faces off against Icho in the finals.
Anyways how do Izuku and Asui fare against her? Because you have two Saiyans going all out and one Namekian who’s trying to survive.
Well, Asui is strong enough to teach another one of the 1-A powerhouses, so she's not that far away from them. But if we're being honest, this is an exam about escaping or outmaneuvering Icho, not beating her in a fight. And I think they'd do pretty well at that
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fanfic-lover-girl · 11 months
Most Horrible DBZ Fight?
Whenever I watch the Videl vs Spopovich fight, I see all these comments about how it is the most brutal fight in DBZ. I think people only say that because Videl is a girl. Because this fight
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Can't be compared to this fight
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As much as I feel sorry for Videl and as much as Vegeta was still a selfish jerk in the namek/frieza saga, the comparison is not even close.
Let me explain!
History between combatants
Videl has no history with Spopovich. He is almost a nobody to her. The dude hates her dad because Mr. Satan beat him in a fight. He hurt her to get sick revenge on her dad. Nothing deeper than that.
Frieza and Vegeta have a rich and terrible history. Frieza is the monster who destroyed Vegeta's planet when he was 5. Still a kid. He worked in Frieza's planet trade organization, believing the lie that his home was destroyed by a meteor or asteroid or something like that. While Frieza humiliated him, he also had a kind of sick fondness for Vegeta. You can interpret this fight as Vegeta's attempt to overcome his abuser, in addition to proving himself as the super saiyan of legend. This gives the fight way more emotion and meaning compared to the Videl fight which basically just had shock value going for it.
Power Imbalance
Vegeta was doomed from the start, even with his Zenkai boost. Frieza toyed with him from beginning to end. Towards the end of the fight, Frieza drops all pretence of a battle and just wails on Vegeta like a punching bag.
With Videl, Spopovich was the underdog in the fight at the start. She was holding her own and she even landed a killing blow. She began to lose due to stamina. If Videl had fought smarter and tried to end the fight with a ring out, she would have won. If it was not for his Majin powers, he would be dead. But as the fight continued, she lost steam and Spopvich gained the upper hand and began pummelling her.
Pretty obvious. The fight with Frieza had galactic consequences. Kami, King Kai and Guru were involved. Planet Namek was destroyed. The fight with Frieza was life and death. Most people in the battle died or nearly died.
Videl's fight was an inconsequential tournament fight. Not even the semi-finals or finals. You can say that's why Spopovich's brutality is so horrible because the context has lower stakes. Which leads me to my final and most important point!
Escaping the Fight
There was no escaping Frieza unless you died or he died. Once Vegeta confronted Frieza, he had no avenue of escape. You can't simply tap out of this fight. Even if he ran away using a space pod before the enraged Frieza showed up, he would be on the run for the rest of his life. Piccolo, Gohan and Krillin literally watched Frieza play with Vegeta because they were totally powerless. All they could do was watch Vegeta's humiliation.
Ultimately, it is Videl's fault that she was beaten so badly. Yeah, I said it! All she had to do was say "I give up" and the fight would be over! But because of her stubbornness and pride, she willingly stayed in a losing fight. Even when Spopovich is literally crushing her skull, she won't give up.
I can admire her resolve but this reason alone is enough for me to say that Videl should not be pitied. And why this fight is NOT the most brutal DBZ fight. It only feels that way because Videl is a human girl and people naturally hate seeing men abuse women. But there are DBZ fights that outclass this one in brutality any day of the week (most Kid Gohan fights should top Videl vs Spopovich just on the basis that Gohan is a literal child!).
The Vegeta vs Frieza fight played a major role in Vegeta's arc. It helped Vegeta respect Goku and motivated him to achieve super saiyan. It also gave Vegeta emotional depth.
Can't say the same for Videl. Her personality did a total 180 after her fight. Almost like Spopovich beat the tomboy out of her. We also never see her confront her dad about all his lies, which partly influenced her somewhat unmerited pride as a fighter which led to her attitude in her fight. What a total waste of potential character development.
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theunkn0wn-0 · 6 months
The Gift of Immortality DRAGON BALL STORY: Insert Reader
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╰➤ ⌈ 𝑰𝑵𝑭𝑶𝑹𝑴𝑨𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵… ⌋ ╰┈┈➤ This is a FIRST PERSON POV story for the reader, Y/N, M/C. ╰┈┈➤ Instead of (Y/N), I use [First Name] for your name. ╰┈┈➤ Enjoy the story, have fun.
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003 | Fate's Gamble
❝Faith is a gamble, and against the odds, I'll bet on hope every time.❞
In the suffocating silence, with only the looming presence of Junior at my back. It took every ounce of willpower to break free from the paralysis of fear and turn on my heel, determined to escape the suffocating weight of his gaze. My path was abruptly blocked by Junior. I refused to meet his eyes, unwilling to give him the satisfaction of my fear. His voice, deep and rough-hewn, resonated through the building.
"Where do you think you're going?" His words cut through the silence like a knife, dripping with amusement. I clenched my jaw, refusing to dignify his question with a response; I remained silent, my lips pressed into a thin line of defiance against his taunts, but he persisted.
"Are you planning to run?" His voice danced with a twisted sense of pleasure, laced with bitterness, relishing in my discomfort. "I know how much you value these fragile humans. It won't be long before I snuff out their pathetic lives, for your sake. Or..." His voice trailed off; I met his gaze, a flicker of dread igniting within me. And then, the final blow, the revelation that sent a chill down my spine.
"Would you like me to reveal your secret to the world?"
My heart is pounding with a mixture of fear and fury. "You wouldn't dare," I retorted, my voice barely above a whisper, as I dared him to cross that line. Junior's smirk widened, a grotesque display of his power and arrogance.
"Oh, but I will," he ridiculed, a reminder of the chains that bound me to him, forged in the fires of past traumas and shared histories; he may be King Piccolo's son, but he was still him. I stood my ground, refusing to back down and let him see the cracks in my facade.
"Get to the point," I demanded. "What are you even here for, and what do you want from me?" His response was simple. "Revenge," he declared, his words dripping with harshness.
"But there's more. Son Goku is an obstacle in my path, and you... you are simply collateral damage. And perhaps a bit of sport. What's more entertaining than watching your enemies fall at your feet?"
His black eyes bore into mine; I listened, my brow furrowing in contemplation, as he outlined his reasons. As Junior mentioned Goku, a spark of intrigue ignited within me. If Goku stood in his way, then perhaps he was the key to defeating this tyrant permanently.
I could use that to my advantage.
I could glean valuable insight into his strengths and weaknesses. It was a risky gambit, but one—I was willing to take for my survival. I kept my expression neutral, refusing to betray any hint of amusement.
"I see you're still the same King Piccolo the last time we met," I spoke, my voice steady despite the turmoil brewing within me. "Still chasing after the same old dreams of world domination?"
"I am the reincarnation of him, of course, I'm him. And this time, you or that bastard Goku and his allies won't stop me." His reply dripped with arrogance; each word was a reminder of his insatiable thirst for power.
Reincarnation? Is... King Piccolo dead?
The revelation of his reincarnation sent a jolt of disbelief through me, quickly overshadowed by the grim realization of the threat he posed. If anything, Junior would be much stronger than the old demon himself centuries ago. But I couldn't dwell on the implications as Junior's presence here, in this tournament, indicated a more profound purpose. I probed, my tone measured.
"You're here to assess the fighters, aren't you? To see if they are a threat or not. Correct?"
A brief twitch of irritation crossed Junior's features, confirming my suspicions. But he quickly regained his demeanor, his tone laced with thinly veiled disdain. "You're smart enough to figure that out, always been quick on the uptake, for a mere human. But don't think for a moment that you can fool me."
I squared my shoulders. "So, how do you intend to defeat me then? You know well enough how difficult it is for me to stay down..."
My words were a challenge, a subtle ploy to glean information from him. I needed to know his strategy, to understand his next move, even if it meant playing into his ego. Junior maintained his smug demeanor, a smirk playing at his lips as he let out a derisive snort.
"As if I'd divulge my plans to you," he scoffed, his arrogance palpable.
"Unless, of course, you have no plan at all," I countered, hoping to exploit his overconfidence. But Junior remained resolute, refusing to yield to my manipulation, unlike King Piccolo, who had fallen into that tactic.
"Don't try to play games with me. Let's not forget, traitor or not, I own you. You're my weapon I have created to be."
Suppressing the rising ripple of emotion, I maintained my calm facade, pushing back against his words that struck a nerve; I swallowed hard, forcing the lump in my throat down. It fueled my determination to stand my ground.
"Very well," I replied coolly. "I'll take a stroll if you don't mind. Just exploring the surroundings, nothing more."
Junior's smirk faltered, replaced by a frown as he crossed his arms. "Is that so? I don't believe you. I'll keep watch. So you won't pull any tricks," he warned, stepping aside to let me pass. I hesitated, wary of the potential trap, but the need for space outweighed my caution. With a silent prayer for luck, I strode past him.
I wanted to be alone and think.
The sun enveloped me like a comforting embrace with its warmness as I emerged into the open air. The gentle breeze carried with it the faint scent of blooming flowers. I allowed myself to meander through the festival grounds, taking in the vibrant sights and sounds.
Laughter and chatter mingled with the melodic strains of music with the tantalizing aroma of street food. Yet, I couldn't shake the feeling of Junior's watchful gaze burning into my back. Paranoia gnawed at the edges of my mind, urging me to remain vigilant.
Think, [First Name].
My thoughts raced, a whirlwind of doubt and uncertainty swirling within me. Goku, Junior's supposed enemy, offered hope, a potential pawn in my desperate game of survival. My mind raced with possibilities.
What if my plan backfired? What if I somehow ended in the finals? What if I can't find anyone to match Junior's strength?
I weighed the risks and consequences, grappling with the uncertainty of what lay ahead. The mere thought of facing Junior that he may have found a way to defeat me filled me with a primal fear, a gnawing dread that threatened to consume me.
I wrestled with the dilemma, torn between the desire for self-preservation and the fear of facing Junior, not knowing what he planned to end me. As I settled my options, I couldn't afford to make a wrong move.
To kill Junior would be to condemn myself to a life of infamy, branded a murderer by society and begin hunted down by authorities and the issue with the government along BioThera Corporation.
To emerge victorious in the tournament would only invite unwanted attention, drawing the government's watch ever closer.
And to feign defeat, to hold back in the face of Junior's onslaught—no doubt he would kill me for fun—would risk exposing the truth of my immortality, branding me a monster in the eyes of the world.
There has to be a way. Something, anything!
I knew I couldn't afford to let my emotions cloud my judgment. I needed clarity. I passed by food stalls, the laughter of children ringing in my ears, each moment a fleeting distraction from the weight of my burdens. I forced myself to let go of my worries if only for a moment, to bask in the simple joys of the present.
But fate, it seemed, had other plans in store for me.
As I turned a corner, my path collided with that of a familiar face. The woman from the Preliminary Rounds, her black hair cascading in a neat ponytail, and her vibrant blue cheongsam. Our eyes met, a silent exchange of recognition.
Before I could utter an apology, her voice sliced through the air, sharp and accusatory, laced with pent-up anger. "It's you! You," she exclaimed, her finger jabbing in my direction with pointed accusation. My brow furrowed in confusion as she unleashed her frustration upon me; I cocked my head, struggling to comprehend the source of her ire.
"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be preparing to face Goku instead of wandering around like an idiot? I should have been the one facing him, not you!" She spat, her words dripping with resentment.
Ah, so that was it.
It was evident the woman harbored a grudge against Goku, and our encounter in the Preliminary Rounds had only fueled her ire. I sighed inwardly as I gently deflected her pointed finger, attempting to diffuse the escalating confrontation.
"And what of it, ma'am? I'm just trying to clear my head before the match," I spoke bluntly, but my words only seemed to stoke the flames of her anger, igniting a fierce blaze in her eyes, yet a glimmer of vulnerability shone through.
"Do you have any idea how long I've waited for this moment? I just want to make him pay after what he did to me!" she yelled, her voice cracking with emotion and her fists clenched at her sides.
"Revenge, is it?" I replied, my words tinged with bitter understanding. Her expression softened briefly, a flicker of vulnerability crossing her features.
"I just want to knock some sense into him! After everything he's done to me, after the promise he made... He didn't even recognize me when he saw me. I just want to make him see, to make him understand the pain he's caused."
Her words struck a chord deep within me, stirring memories buried beneath the weight of my struggles. Promises. The word echoed in the recesses of my mind, dredging up memories of vows made and broken, of obligations unfulfilled. As she poured out her anguish, I couldn't help but wonder if she, like me, sought solace in the echoes of past grievances.
The longing for closure, for retribution, resonated within her words. But I pushed aside the swell of emotions, adopting a facade of indifference to shield myself from my emotions and feelings raging within. With a dismissive scoff, I attempted to offer solace in my detached manner.
"Look, I get where you're coming from, but this isn't my issue. Holding onto that anger won't do you any favors and will only consume you. Dwelling on the past won't change a thing. You have to straighten up, take a deep breath, and clear that head of yours."
My words came out cool and detached, a stark reflection of the emotional walls I had erected over years of solitude. It had been ages since I engaged in anything resembling a normal conversation, yet here I was, dispensing advice like some reluctant sage.
"If you're hell-bent on confronting Goku, then talk to him. Maybe there's a reason he didn't recognize you. Not everyone has a memory like an elephant, you know. People forget stuff all the time; it's human nature. Promises are often broken, whether intentionally or not. Sometimes shit happens, people forget, or they mess up. It's life."
Despite my usual aloof or stoic demeanor, I couldn't help but intervene, offering what morsels of advice I could muster.
"Just... try to think things through before you go charging in. A brawl ain't always the answer. I want you to take a step back, assess the situation, and approach him like a rational human being. Have a damn conversation."
The woman bristled at my blunt words, her fiery glare softened, replaced by a flicker of pain and understanding at my harsh words. She stumbled over her response, caught between indignation and begrudging acceptance of the truth.
But to my surprise, she took a deep breath, her shoulders sagging as she exhaled, a newfound calm settling over her. Her voice, once sharp with fury, softened into something more measured, tinged with uncertainty.
"Yeah, you're... right," she finally conceded. "Maybe talking to Goku wouldn't be such a bad idea."
As she spoke, a small sense of relief washed over me. Maybe she'd heed my advice and avoid unnecessary trouble. With a nod of approval, I sidestepped her, eager to distance myself from her turmoil and collect my thoughts.
But before I could make my escape, a tap on my shoulder brought me to a halt. I turned to find the woman, her expression softened, guilt evident in her eyes.
"Hey, I'm sorry for dragging you into my mess. But at least stick around while I apologize!"
Her tone held a hint of irritation, though she quickly composed herself. I fought the urge to roll my eyes, silently accepting her apology. "No worries," I muttered, my tone gruff and steady but not unkind.
"Thanks for the advice. I'm Chi-chi, by the way. And you?"
I made a mental note of her name, though I doubted I'd remember it for long. After all, I was just a passing stranger in her world. When she asked for my name in return, I hesitated for a moment.
"Just... [First Name]."
I replied, a tinge of resignation coloring my words. It had been a long time since anyone had bothered to ask my name, and I knew it was unlikely she would remember it for long. After all this, the tournament, I would retreat to the solitude of my hidden base in the woods, fading into obscurity once more.
For me, anonymity was a comfort, a shield against the world; I wanted to be forgotten, to be left alone, so no one would even hurt me or even find me. No longer being hunted down, maybe if I lived in a world without fear, I would no longer hear those voices in my mind.
Although, that was a mere fantasy. I had to accept my harsh reality, whether I like it or not.
"Well, I should probably head out now," I muttered as I edged away; she didn't pursue me, which was a relief. After all, who in their right mind would chase down a stranger? But her brief distraction did wonders for easing the weight on my mind.
With renewed determination, I set about formulating a plan, a contingency for the worst-case scenario if things took a turn for the worse with Junior. As I mulled over options, a memory sparked to life in the pits of my mind.
The Containment Wave!
But as quickly as joy bloomed, a shadow of doubt crept in. I lacked the necessary components for the technique, and my recollection of it was hazy at best. I had no vessel for containment and no ink for the marking.
Still, I refused to be deterred.
With Junior's watchful gaze lingering on me, I scanned the festival grounds, searching for a solution, drifting towards a nearby food stand where colorful drinks were displayed.
Perhaps a bottle could serve as the vessel.
I mused to myself, my mind racing with possibilities. It was a gamble, but one worth taking. But I couldn't afford to raise Junior's suspicions. So, I decided to indulge my craving for food as well, opting for a bite to eat. It was a calculated move, just buying a snack and drink; it was nothing more.
As I approached the bustling food stands, a figure caught my eye. An average-height man that was quite overweight with his black hair disheveled cascading around his face, stood in line. His attire was a sleeveless yukata adorned with black stripes, a black obi, and black wristbands.
“Darn it…” His grumble cut through the chatter of the crowd; his voice was rough, scratchy, and tinged with a tone of frustration and fatigue. His hands fumbled in his pockets, searching for a few measly money to pay for his meal. But it seemed luck was not on his side today.
I paid him little heed as I focused on the dishes displayed before me. It had been too long since I indulged in a proper meal, my diet restricted to the bare essentials of sustenance.
"Damn... I don't think I have any money left." His words were a testament to his hunger and desperation. Despite my reserved demeanor, a pang of empathy stirred within me. Beneath the veneer of detachment, I was still human.
Stepping forward, I placed my order, selecting a dish that promised to delight my senses along with a drink that was suitable to be the vessel and another named Takoyaki. With a nod to the worker, I paid for the order; it was a small gesture.
Perhaps, in this sea of competition and rivalry, I could afford to extend a helping hand to remind myself of the humanity that is hanging by a thread within me. I stepped aside, waiting patiently for the meal to be prepared.
When my meal was ready, I accepted it with gratitude, exchanging a nod of thanks with the worker before turning to face the man beside me. I offered him a container of his dish, my voice betraying a hint of monotony despite my best efforts.
"Here, I thought you might enjoy this dish. I recommend it."
He looked up, surprised, painting his chubby features. His beady, black eyes widened with curiosity and skepticism as he accepted the offering with cautious gratitude. "Why... Why did you give this to me?" His voice, rough around the edges, betrayed his confusion as he searched for an explanation behind my gesture.
"Just wanted to help. No need for anything in return. Enjoy the dish," I replied with a calm demeanor; my words tinged with sincerity. He then took the dish of Takoyaki out of its container as he examined the food; his curiosity was piqued.
It was a dish made by deep-frying dough-like slices of octopus into small balls, which were then sprinkled with a sweet and savory sauce. The savory aroma teased his senses, drawing him in. With a hesitant glance in my direction, he took the first bite, savoring the burst of flavors that danced upon his palate.
I watched silently, a faint smile tugging at the corners of my lips behind my facemask as he savored the dish. With a small, imperceptible sigh, I turned to leave, knowing he enjoyed the food I had ordered for him. As I walked away, the weight of his gaze lingered on my back, but I decided to ignore it.
Making my way behind a nearby building, I retrieved the food container from my bag; my fingers lifted the lid of the food container. I removed my facemask, relishing the cool caress of the breeze against my skin as the captivating aroma of the dish enveloped me.
It was a moment of simple pleasure taking the first bite; I savored the familiar taste, finding solace in the familiar flavors. But my moment of comfort was short-lived, shattered by the booming announcement that echoed across the festival grounds.
“Tien emerges victorious and advances to the semi-finals! Next up, we have an exciting match between Goku, who nearly won the last championship, and a mysterious warrior known only as Anonymous!”
So much for enjoying my meal.
I hastily swallowed the last bite of my meal, the urgency of the upcoming match propelling me forward, overriding my desire for relaxation. With a quick adjustment of my face mask and hood, I hurried towards the arena, my steps quickening with each passing moment.
Junior's presence weighed heavily on my mind as I strategized. Holding back my true strength would be crucial, keeping Junior in the dark about my full potential while measuring Goku's abilities. It was a delicate balance, a tightrope walk between restraint and assertion. 
As I strode into the auditorium, anticipation rippled through my veins, mixing with the steady thrum of being agitated. I felt the weight of the moment bearing down upon me and my resolve unwavering in the face of uncertainty of the outcome of this match would be.
I squared my shoulders, my chin held high, and my footsteps echoed against the polished floor as I made my way to the entrance. The sun greeted me with its warm embrace as I stepped into the arena, the sky a vast expanse of azure splendor.
The atmosphere crackled with excitement, a symphony of eager murmurs, roars, and restless shuffling from the audience. As I entered the ring, the ground beneath my feet felt solid and sure, anchoring me to the present moment.
My gaze swept over the audience, a sea of expectant faces blurred by the haze of trepidation that clouded my vision. Despite the multitude of eyes fixed upon me, I found reassurance no cameras were recording this live on TV.
Across the expanse of the arena, Goku stood, his gaze locked with mine, his eyes shimmered with purity and excitement, a stark contrast to the storm raging within my own heart. The traditional tenor drums, their rhythmic beats echoing through the arena, added to the tension that coiled in the pit of my stomach. Each thump resonated with the pounding of my heart.
In that silent exchange, I glimpsed the raw power of his spirit. The referee's voice announced the commencement of the match, a gong chimed, its metallic echoed, signaling us to begin. As the crowd erupted into a frenzy of excitement, Goku and I stood there, our minds focused and our bodies primed for action.
With every fiber of my being, I remained alert, searching for any sign of weakness in my opponent's stance. But Goku kept his defenses tight. For moments that stretched into eternity, we remained locked in a silent standoff, each waiting for the other to make the first move.
During our silent standoff, I felt Junior's presence looming in the shadows, a silent observer of our impending clash, feeling the weight of Junior and Goku's gaze, I couldn't afford to hesitate. I needed to determine Goku's power and find a weakness to exploit.
I had to treat this battle fairly as much as I could.
Let’s get this over with.
Finished: April 03, 2024
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LINK TO THE BOOK [WATTPAD]: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐟𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐈𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 — 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚘𝚗 𝙱𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 If you're interested in stories like these, here is my 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓
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xangoshin · 5 months
Xan & Zizzi vs. Super Buu @bluemajingirl
Last Time on Dragon Ball Z: Majin Buu has killed the Supreme Kai Shin, the Z Fighters, and most of humanity. Xan an apprentice Supreme Kai, takes Shin’s place as Whis summons a blue Majin Time Patroller named Zizzi as Beerus’ replacement. Xan is distrusting of Zizzi as she is a Majin like Buu, they are unable to defeat Buu and resort to training in the Room of Spirit and Time.
Xan and Zizzi finally exited from the Room of Spirit and Time, where two to three days had passed since on Earth. “What is this energy? Is that Buu?” Xan commented in shock at what he was sensing, his ki was somehow more sinister than before.
“After Buu killed most of humans by turning them into candy and eating them, he actually settled down in a home for himself and even adopted a dog. Unfortunately some survivors killed the dog out of revenge, and Buu somehow split into two. This new Buu ate the one you saw and transformed into what you’re sensing. He killed the rest of humanity with a single attack, you must stop him before he finds us here-“ Dende explained, soon seeing the new Buu arrive on the Lookout.
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“You two, have become stronger than last time…” Buu addressed Xan and Zizzi with a grin, ready for a rematch.
“Yeah, just like you have. But this time, we will destroy you!” Xan declared, then threw his hands in front of him to release a shockwave. Soon Buu was blasted off the Lookout, down back towards the ground below.  “Let’s go, Zizzi!”
As they raced after Buu to set the stage back down on Earth and away from the lookout, Xan established a mental link with Zizzi to speak through her mind with his telepathy.
“I realise now why I could not seal Buu with the Evil Containment Wave before, my heart was not in the right place to use it successfully. I was arrogant, believing the technique just by itself would work, there was no sacrifice on my part. Unlike the previous users that used it to save the Earth in their time, I brought shame to their legacy,” Xan admitted, talking about Master Mutaito and Master Roshi who used it on Demon King Piccolo at the cost of their lives. “That is why. If your finisher attack does not work Zizzi, that will be my last resort. I will sacrifice my life force to seal Majin Buu if I must.”
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xanderxciv · 5 months
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Part VIII - Gohan & Sym VS Omni-Cell
Andriod 21 is defeated by Tien & Lapis Lazuli, and retreats. She quickly gets back to Cell & lets him absorb her. All she wants is revenge, even if she doesn't get to witness the deaths of the Son family.
Time briefly stops & out emerges Omni-Cell, in his Perfect Ultra Id state. He doesn't rival the Omni-Kings, but he is vastly more powerful. In fact, he could see the entirety of Universe 7, and beings beyond that, then decided on that name.
Omni-Cell places a barrier to keep the Z Fighters out. Gohan & Sym do their best to keep up, while Videl, Pan & Piccolo are protected in a barrier Sym set.
Omni-Cell had the upperhand until his Perfect Ultra form started to give out. Similar to Goku & Vegeta uses their Ultra forms, that downside started to affect him. Plus it didn't help that Cell didn't train to get accustomed to all his new abilities.
Gohan kicks Cell in the air & readies his Heikou Kamesenko. Sym is above & readies his own Ki blast. The two fire with all they got left, Cell is obliterated again, but similing.
Sym sensed something & there's one last he has to face alone. He told Gohan than if something goes wrong, he knows what to do.
Next time, the conclusion...
Part IX: Evolution
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themattress · 5 months
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My Dragon Ball Sagas and Movies tier lists.
S Tier (Godly) - Vegeta, Freeza, Cell
A Tier (Wonderful) - King Piccolo, Piccolo Jr., Beerus, Future Trunks, Broly, Super Hero
B Tier (Good) - Pilaf, Tournament, Tien, Universe Survival
C Tier (Average) - Red Ribbon Army, Other World, Majin Buu, Universe 6, Granolah
D Tier (Bad) - Garlic Jr., Golden Freeza, Copy Vegeta, Galactic Patrol Prisoner
F Tier (Horrible) - Black Star Dragon Ball, Baby, Super 17, Shadow Dragon
S Tier (Godly) - Battle of Gods, Resurrection F, Broly, Super Hero
A Tier (Wonderful) - The Path to Power, The World's Strongest, The Tree of Might, Broly: The Legendary Super Saiyan, Fusion Reborn
B Tier (Good) - Mystical Adventure, The Dead Zone, Cooler's Revenge, Bojack Unbound, Wrath of the Dragon
C Tier (Average) - Sleeping Princess in Devil's Castle, Lord Slug, The Return of Cooler, Super Android 13, Broly: Second Coming
D Tier (Bad) - Curse of the Blood Rubies, Bio-Broly
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docgold13 · 1 year
Practically most of DB's villains have become good guys in some form or another. Tien Shinhan went from would be assassin to a more honorable warrior (that gets no respect), Piccolo went from the instrument of the his namesake's revenge (Demon King Piccolo is a different entity) to Goku's family babysitter, Android 17 & 18 went from destructive cyborgs to Park Ranger & Milf respectively, Majin Buu went from chaotic evil to A guy that sleeps on Hercule's couch & even the Pilaf Gang just kinda crash at Capsule Corp after they got turned into kids.
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sweetescapeartist · 2 years
What do you think of the bit in Movie 9 where it was stated that it was Goku's fault that the earth was attacked by Bojack? Because if you really think about it, he was the reason that the earth was attacked and that Gohan was nearly killed in the first place. If he didn't blow up King Kai's planet, none of this would have happened. Of course, this backs up Goku's reason for wanting to stay dead because he attracts danger at best and accidentally frees villains at worst. I dunno, what do you think of the events of the second half of Movie 9 being all Goku's fault.
The thing is that often time, the movies didnt understand Toriyama's writing.
Goku felt like threats coming to Earth were due to him, but often times they weren't due to him. It was just coincidence or not anything connected to him at all.
Red Ribbon Army wasn't because of Goku.
King Piccolo wasn't because of Goku.
Raditz wasn't Goku's fault, but he came to Earth due to Goku.
Vegeta & Nappa didn't come to Earth due to Goku.
Freeza wasn't because of Goku. It was because of Vegeta's scouter relaying information & cause of Kami's Dragon Balls.
Freeza came to Earth for revenge against Goku.
The Androids & Cell were because of Goku as well as others. But they would have been made regardless if Goku was alive or not in order to take over the world as we see in the future timeline.
Cell becoming perfect was Vegeta's fault.
Buu was no fault of anyone except probably the Supreme Kai's incompetence & Vegeta's extreme arrogance that resulted in almost everyone on Earth being killed.
Its not Goku's fault all the time. Most of the time he has nothing to do with the threats. He's just there. Even in DBS, only Freeza coming back is his fault but that is shared with Future Trunks too. And the Earth being destoeyed by Freeza was both Goku & Vegeta's fault for getting too cocky in different ways. Goku Black was Zamasu's fault because Hit was obviously stronger than Goku was, but Zamasu chose to take Goku's body for some reason.
Do you want to know who's fault it usually was that all these dangers come to Earth? The Nameless Namekian.
He split and created King Piccolo who terrorized Earrh.
The Dragon Balls he made led the Red Ribbon Army on their search. (Along with other enemies.)
Vegeta came to Earth due to Piccolo talking about the Dragon Balls.
Freeza got involved because he heard about the Dragon Balls that Kami made and terrorized the Namekians.
Piccolo's cells are the reason why Cell was strategic and had regeneration that made him difficult to defeat.
Buu being revived was not the fault of Piccolo. Most of the fault falls upon Vegeta.
A lot of problems in DB are because of Piccolo/The Nameless Namekian. But at the same time, he is part of the reason the Earth and universe was saved. Different characters contribute to problems on accident (or on purpose for some) as well as contribute to solutions. But, everyone just blames Goku because he's the main character and cause he felt threats come to Earth cause of him. But he realized in the Buu Saga that he was wrong. It wasn't his fault. Dangers just appear.
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italianinjartist1992 · 4 months
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Name: Momo (桃 Momo) Gender: female Sexual orientation: aposexual (?) Alias: Android 9 (人造人間9号 Jinzōningen Ku-Gō) Race: android, mechanical type android Age Born: May 9th, age ??? Height: 158 cm (5'18") Weight: 60 kg (132 lb) Status: alive Affiliation: Red Ribbon Army (formerly), Dragon team, Team Universe 7 Occupation: martial artist, baby-sitter Saga Appeared: Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT Relatives: Dr. Gero (creator), Dr. Flappe (co-creator) Teachers: Dr. Gero (formerly), master Roshi Partners/Friends: Goku, Krillin, Bulma, Chichi, Lunch, master Roshi, Yamcha, Tenshinhan, Jiaozi, Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Videl, Vegeta, Pan, Piccolo Rivals: C-18 Enemies: Red Ribbon Army, King Piccolo, Raditz, Frieza, Cell, C-13, C-14 , C-15, C-16, C-17, Majin Bu, Broly (non-canon) Power Level: unknown Transformations (if any): none Appearance: Momo is an android with the appearance of a tall and slender girl, between 23-24 years old, hair the same as Bulma's when she was young but blond, big light blue eyes; the clothing is almost similar to that of General Blue except that she has a beige shirt with short cuffed sleeves, the Red Ribbon logo printed on the left shoulder, no tie, a black belt with a golden buckle, a pair of trousers blue and brown boots. In her first appearance on Dragon Ball, Momo had the logo hidden by a red handkerchief to prevent people from finding out that she belongs to the Red Ribbon despite having defected, then she removes it after decides to tell the truth to Goku, Krillin and Buma when they left looking for the dragon ball which was in the pirates cave and they were chased by the army. She continued to wear the uniform for all three sagas, on Dragon Ball Z we see her with a pair of blue cuffs identical to those Goku’s as they were a gift given by him; she is monotonous in dressing as has never changed her clothes (on rare occasions she has been seen wearing pajamas or a bathing suit) and this suggests that the android doesn’t have much taste in fashion. Equipment: fake dagger – it’s a toy dagger with a pink handle whose tip is retractable and fake blood comes out. She had only used the weapon in the first saga, then she no longer used it (it is not known whether still keeps it or has thrown it away) Personality: before the narrative arc, Momo was cold and ruthless by nature, only obeying her "masters"; but later when she acquired a will of her own, understood that all this was wrong by rebelling against her superiors and later managed to escape. She is now more kind, affectionate, altruistic and thoughtful, also showing a shy and sweet side. If she is pressured, pushed hard or annoyed, Momo can become vulgar. She can sometimes be revengeful if one of her friends were accidentally injured or killed during a fight. Momo has never shown a love interest in all three Dragon Ball sagas but perhaps a slight infatuation with non-canon Broly. If she were to meet Broly from Dragon Ball Super, she would become attached to him, noticing his tender, fragile and friendly personality. Likes: preparing delicious dishes for Goku, Gohan and Goten - mostly helping out in the kitchen with Chi-Chi -, training with her companions, playing and having fun with her companions, observing the animals, singing karaoke, helping out a lot occasionally at Capsule Corporation. Dislikes: bats, snakes, criminals, gender violence, sexual harassment, people who insist incessantly, mistreatment of weak people and animals, war weapons, enemies who want to eliminate Goku. Goal: n/a Hobbies: ikebana (the art of arranging cut flowers), grow roses and collect some feminine accessories Bio (History): W.I.P. Quotes: "Guys, I absolutely have to tell you something... I... I'm an android created by the Red Ribbon army!" - Momo reveals her identity to Goku, Krillin and Bulma
"What did you say?! Red Ribbon cyborgs?! Oh no... it can't be! That damn army again?!" - Momo scared by future Trunks' revelation to Goku
"...I cannot deny my origins or erase the evil I have committed in the past, but I would like to say that I feel grateful for having 'come into the world' knowing Goku, Krillin, Bulma and all the others!" - Momo tells her story to Videl, Gohan, and Goten Powers and Abilities: Bukujutsu, Ki perception, Kamehameha, Kienzan, Kikoha, Telekinesis, Psychic eyes Trivia: Momo means "peach" in Japanese, it is also referred to the color like all the soldiers present in the Red Ribbon saga
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100-yardstare · 1 year
Self Insert & F/O Master List
Main Romantic F/O
Dr. Eggman/Ivo Robotnik - Sonic the Hedgehog
Other F/O's (meaning I am not currently crushing/fixating on them, but they are still my faves)
Blinky/Blinkous Galadrigal - Trollhunters
All Might - My Hero Academia
Dave the Octopus - Penguins of Madagascar
King Candy/Turbo/King Candybug - Wreck-It Ralph
Astarion - BG3
Shin - Dragon Ball
Piccolo - Dragon Ball
Stanford Pines - Gravity Falls
General Grievous - Star Wars
Ingo - Pokemon
Other Fave Faves (Platonic)
Shank - Wreck-It Ralph
Aerith - Final Fantasy
Launch - Dragon Ball
Tracer - Overwatch
Tron Bonne - Megaman Legends
Wheatley - Portal 2
Samus Aran - Metroid
Ridley - Metroid
Ahsoka Tano - Star Wars
Steven Wheatfield - Started off as a parody version of Human!Wheatley but has grown into his own over the years. I use him in almost all my AUs and give him cameos frequently in my works. He is a British programmer and fills in for my "Smart Guy" roles.
Self Inserts
Atomic Ace (My Hero Academia) - Quirk "Adrenaline". Adrenaline gives her super strength, speed, and overall massive power. After many years she finally reached America's Number 1 Hero in her late 20's, only to lose it months later due to her quirk taking a toll on her body. In her youth, she hung out with All Might and David Shield during Toshi's American tour. All Might and AA both were in love with each other but were to focused on becoming hero's to admit it to one another. That is until AA comes to Japan years later during the show's events.
Kailey "Kat" Terranova (Metroid) - Kat is the Director of Development for Galactic Federation Space Research Station Number 2. In charge of keeping tabs with both the research team and Federation investors, Kat has been working with head scientist Steven Wheatfield to bring to light the transcendence of human minds into Artificial Intelligence. Unfortunately, things go wrong when the base is attacked by Ridley and the Space Pirates, and over the course of the Metroid franchise she becomes their unwilling genetically modified test subject.
Kat (Dragon Ball) - After her dad is killed by King Piccolo during the Piccolo arc in Dragon Ball, Kat sets off on her own with her newfound freedom. Little does she know that she will soon be making company with Piccolo Jr. Set between the end of Dragon Ball and DBZ. Later expands into DBZ as an AU where Kat and Piccolo know the events of the "canon" timeline, which causes Shin to get involved way early on to try and stop Buu and prior threats.
Kailey aka The First User (Wreck-It Ralph) - Is part of a test that sends people to digital space and is lowkey a Tron crossover insert and AU. She is the first person to have physical contact with Programs/game characters, triggering a series of events that lead the world to allow Programs to travel to and fro between digital space and the real world.
Kailey (Pokemon) - Owns a farm in west Unova. During her back and forth to the city after establishing her farm, news of one of the Submas brothers going missing is hard to miss. Little does she know that Arceus is about to use her, too, and soon she will cross fates with Ingo, the missing twin.
The Vulture (Spiderverse) - With her father abandoning her and her sickly mother, a new variant of the Vulture is soon to be added to the Spiderverse. Oscorp, having been experimenting on the poor population of the city, the Vulture is born with large brown wings as a result of her parents exposure to genetic mutagens. While her mother regards her as beautiful, society rejects her, burying her more into poverty. Ultimately, the illness takes her mother, and she seeks revenge on Oscorp and its hedge-funders.
Sarai Daan (Star Wars) - Sarai is a Togruta Jedi Knight and a survivor of the Clone Wars.
Kelda the Wild aka The Skrill Princess (How to Train Your Dragon) - A former hunter-trapper, Kelda once looked up to bounty hunters like Grimmel the Grisly during their youth and sought to appease her starving guild. However, her heart soon pulled her away from that life, and she would abandon all she knew to fight for the dragons, specifically a mother Skrill who left two children behind after she was killed by Grimmel.
Kat/Kailey/Kaleen/etc. (WoW, BG3, DnD, General Fantasy, etc.) - Always a Cleric with light or fire affinities, and always an Elf. Knowledgeable in Apologetics and religious texts of their god/gods and even other gods of their universe, and has a chaotic good alignment.
Kailey (Penguins of Madagascar) - is the human assistant to Dr. Octavius Brine aka Dave the Octopus. She is virtually the only human in the world to know his secret.
Guardian of Comfort (Rise of the Guardians/Guardians of Childhood) - Is the guardian of comfort and spirit of warmth and acceptance. Based on "comfort and joy" in the Christmas tune, she has fire abilities and is associated with candlelight. As a human, she died in a fire protecting the ones she loved, and was chosen by Man in Moon, to continue to provide her comforting presence to lost and despairing children all over the world.
Kailey (Sonic verse) - A human. Boom!Kailey is actually an isekai that gets sucked into the shenanigans of the universe taking place in the cartoon Sonic Boom and serves as the focal point for my other inserts in the many Sonic universes. Main!Kailey is a test pilot, with aspirations to have a "lazy girl job" and has goals to have what Boom!Kailey has. Both versions are in love or married to Eggman and the trend is that in every universe they always get together with him in some form, good or bad.
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yahoo201027 · 2 years
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Introducing the Group B Candidates...
Feliciano Vargas/N. Italy (Hetalia): Former candidate from the 2021 season who was the Alpha Party Nominee that year and was the runner-up (lost to Luz Noceda for the championship). One of the main characters of the series representing the country of Italy (the northern side). (Voiced by: Daisuke Namikawa (JPN); Todd Haberkorn (ENG))
Piccolo (Dragon Ball): Part of the Z warriors and fighter for the Seventh Universe during the Tournament of Power. The son of King Piccolo who used to vow revenge on Goku before turning good and became a good friend to the family, especially Gohan. (Voiced by: Toshio Furukawa (JPN); Christopher Sabat (ENG))
Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach): Former candidates from the 2014 (runner-up, lost to Mabel Pines in the championship) and 2015 (lost in the group stages). Substitute Soul Reaper. Son of Isshin and Masaki. Brother of Yuzu and Karin. After the TYBW, the husband of Orihime and father of Kazui. (Voiced by: Masakazu Morita (JPN); Johnny Yong Bosch (ENG))
Shikamaru Nara (Naruto): Part of the Nara clan over at the Leaf Village. A member of Team Asuma (Team 10) who was promoted to Chunin at the start of the Sasuke Retrieval Arc. Became an advisor to the Hokage at the end of the war to Kakashi and Naruto. Husband of Temari and father of Shikadai. (Voiced by: Shōtaro Morikubo (JPN); Tom Gibis (ENG))
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deusvervewrites · 6 months
Saiyan AU: So, I know that Garaki was captured (or worse, which would be fine). But what happened to Tsuyu’s siblings and the rest of Garaki’s League? Or did they all become part of Super Mina as well?
Asui's siblings are more loyal to King Piccolo than they are to her. Much like Kami originally did, they assume she'll be picking up the slack. Finding out that she's really not interested sets them off. She ends up having to fight them, but in the end doesn't kill them. They're apprehended like Garaki.
As for the rest of the League, I think it really is just Shigaraki and Kurogiri. I'm not even sure Garaki knows about the whole Shimura thing. With AFO dead, Garaki's ambition squarely on revenge on specifically Inko and All Might, and no leadership position, I'm not really sure what Shigaraki is up to.
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fanfic-lover-girl · 11 months
Examining Goku's Claims About Villains at the End of the Cell Saga
I have never liked Goku's reasoning for staying dead at the end of the Cell games. I still think the reasoning was superficial and hurt Gohan and his family more than necessary. But I want to go over each of the DB and DBZ villains that I can recall and validate Goku's claims because I am curious. This may not be 100% accurate since it has been a while since I watched the series.
Dragonball Villains
Pilaf - He wanted the dragonballs to rule the world. His quest had nothing to do with Goku. Bulma had more to do with the world domination attempt since she was the one actively looking for dragon balls. X
Red Ribbon Army - This army also was not a response to Goku. They were taking over the world and gathering the balls too. Goku kind of fell into the conflict. X
King Piccolo - Pilaf is the moron who released him. Maybe fear of Goku encouraged Pilaf's idea that he needed help to rule the world but I still would not blame King Piccolo on Goku. X
Piccolo Jr. - King Piccolo created Piccolo Jr. as a last-ditch attempt when Goku defeated him. King Piccolo, I believe, launched the egg away from the battle so it's not like Goku had an opportunity to destroy the egg. But let's say Goku is responsible for Piccolo Jr. Y
1/4 is Goku's fault
Dragonball Z Villains
Raditz - He came to Earth looking for his brother. Y
Vegeta & Nappa - They came to Earth because of the dragonballs. They don't seem to care much for Raditz so I am not sure they would visit Earth to seek revenge. X
Frieza - He came to Earth because Goku did not kill him off. So Frieza coming to Earth is 100% Goku's fault. Y
Androids - Dr Gero made the androids as revenge against Goku. Goku defeated the Red Ribbon army as a kid so you can't blame him for not being thorough. But still, the androids were due to Goku. Y
(Extra) Buu - It's a nasty coincidence that the Buu fiasco happened when Goku came back. Goku was the catalyst but ultimately it's not Goku's fault. It's mainly Vegeta's fault. And the Supreme Kai's fault for being so incompetent. X
3/5 is Goku's fault
Total: 4/9 is Goku's fault
So around half of the villains in Dragonball and DBZ are Goku's fault. And that was worth missing 7 years with his family?? What crap.
It's ironic. Goku hardly attracts villains when he is peacefully minding his own business with his family. And most of the villains that came to Earth that Goku was responsible for were due to Goku not finishing the job. Of course, you have outliers like Raditz. But if Goku did not seek out problems and eliminated villains without prejudice, everything would be fine for the most part. I am tired of people justifying Goku goofing off in the otherworld and leaving his family in the dust. These are the same people who defend Goku flying off into the sunset with Uub in peacetime, once again leaving his family hanging.
I love Father!Goku but only up till the Cell saga and dbz fanfiction. The Cell games took my rose-colored glasses off when it came to Goku's fatherhood.
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