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quantumleper · 11 months ago
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25th World Martial Arts Tournament | Dragon Ball Z | World Tournament Saga
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hozonkai1 · 11 months ago
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weeblmaodotcom · 2 years ago
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Also Toei: *allows Videl being battered by Spopovich in Dragon Ball Z* , Meme by Weeblmao.com
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sulan1809 · 1 year ago
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Dragon Ball "Z" teve muitos momentos mirabolantes e esplêndidos, como por exemplo, a derrota de Cell pelas mãos de Gohan, no entanto, houve momentos revoltantes na obra de Akira Toriyama, como por exemplo, a luta entre Videl e Spopovich. Estaria ele tentando matar a filha de Hercule Satan por vingança? Não se sabe ao certo, mas a covardia que ele fez contra Videl é imperdoável e inadmissível. A luta entre Spopovich e Videl foi a mais injusta de todas, pois ele estava massacrando a garota sem piedade. Son Gohan tentou intervir por ela, mas foi impedido por Son Goku. Sim, Goku, pagando de falso moralista, aconselhava o filho dele a não se intrometer. Videl apenas escapou da morte porque o filho de Goku deu a ela um senzu para que ela se recuperasse rapidamente. Então, mesmo sendo um antagonista menor, Spopovich entrou para a lista dos vilões mais desprezíveis e desonrosos de Dragon Ball.
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Depois de assistir aquele brutamontes covarde machucar uma garota sem poderes especiais como ele, você provavelmente pensaria que Spopovich iria se safar dessa, certo?! ERRADO. Babidi, o manda-chuva e mandante de todos os esquemas relacionados ao Majin Buu, embora desintencionalmente, assassinou Spopovich, enquanto que Yamu foi exterminado por Pui Pui. Não houve melhor satisfação do que ver esses dois facínoras recebendo o que eles merecem, levando em consideração que eles atacaram Gohan para absorver um pouco da energia dele para dar a Majin Buu, que ainda estava encapsulado, então, tudo o que podemos dizer é: GOOD RIDDANCE...
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theanimationalley · 2 years ago
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modeus-the-misanthrope · 3 months ago
Aye yo,
So I was thinking about character changes between dragon ball Z and Super, and I would like two cents on what you think?
Particularly with Videl, who, as far as I can remember, went from a strong upcoming fighter with her own goals and motives to.. Gohans wife
While I have a lot of gripes and complaints about characters getting noticable amounts of character development undone at the start of Super...Videl is ironically one of the ones that could have been turned into plot/character development with one scene.
Piccolo taking Pan out to train: Hey, you know you're always welcome to join us, correct? You were a decent fighter when you and Gohan weren't trying to recreate your favorite Sentais.
Videl: ...Aren't the people your fighting now hundreds if not thousands of times stronger than who we fought prior to Buu's ressurection?
Piccolo: Yes. Why do you ask?
Videl: *Spopovich PTSD activating*
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Videl: I think I will just stay here, watch some tv, read a book, and maybe get a nap in before making some dinner for everyone. Bye~
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gokusclit · 10 months ago
I hate it so much when a shounen manga author has one burst of really fleshing out his female character and writing her amazingly and then immediately goes back to making her insignificant and putting her in the background cuz it just proves that yeah u CAN write women well u just choose not to
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storylessposts · 16 days ago
I think it could be possibly doable to salvage Videl with a post-Buu-only rewrite, since the biggest slight the Buu arc does to her is randomly awkwardly shuffle her and her arc off the field halfway through the story so it can focus on Goku Hour again. I understand if it struggles a little, since post-Buu shuffles Gohan out of the major character deck (with him finally retiring his own Goku Successor ribbon and moving into academia as he wants), and since randomly ejecting her halfway through the story does damage her narrative character, but I think it would be doable to take what had been set up + awkwardly unresolved and build on that for her, and I think promoting her would also lessen the loss of Gohan for her arc.
But I do agree rewriting Buu is probably gonna be better for Videl than trying to clean up the mess the story leaves her arc in. Honestly, I’d argue we might need to go one further — instead of just giving her a Spopovich resolution and retaining her in the main combat team for the rest of the arc, I think we should go back and mess with her introduction as well.
See, from the start, Videl is a narrative foil for Gohan. Plus, She was a Girl, He was a Boy, could Toriyama make it any more obvious? That’s where she enters the canon Buu arc — someone for Gohan to play off of, someone for Gohan to be compared to, someone who takes an interest in Gohan. She’s smart and strong, but since this arc starts out as Gohan’s go at being our protagonist, Videl quickly falls into step as a supporting character in his bid for protagonist-land. While culling Spopovich is the actual bullet that does in Videl as a major player for the arc (and, by effect, for the series), her shot at being a main character is hampered somewhat by how much her role in the Majin Buu arc revolves around where Gohan is in regards to his own character arc.
So if we’re making a rewrite starting with the Buu arc and aiming to introduce Videl as our successor to Goku’s narrative role (and, possibly, his Art), I think we ought to go back to her introduction and entry to the story, not just her half-baked canonical arc. Instead of casting her as a member of Gohan’s supporting cast, we should establish her with her own supporting cast, potientially even slotting Gohan in to them instead.
Don’t get me wrong, I think she works great as a foil to Gohan and I don’t want to lose that. At the end of the Cell arc, Gohan inherited all the power of Goku, and simply never truly had the drive to use it, and that’s interesting! Videl plays off that well, since where she starts is all drive and no inheritance. They’re narrative foils, and we want to retain that. Plus, because they’re narrative foils, they do make a decent enough shoo-in for a romance pairing, inasmuch as Toriyama is willing to do one of those. They’re friends with fathers who have a huge reputation weighing on their respective backs in different ways, and honestly I bet they wouldn’t mind being born into each other’s families instead. (That’s be a pretty fun one-off/filler-type storyline, actually…)
But getting back on track, while we should keep Videl’s relationship to Gohan as characters, narratively I think Videl would benefit from being introduced in a way disconnected from Gohan. It’s a bit of a balancing act to do, I guess, because the telling of the story would probably want to shift from Goku to Gohan to her, but I think it would help if from the word to you could tell that she’s got her own story to tell. She walks in and the narrative stops watching Gohan to see what Videl is up to, that kind of idea.
From there, absolutely develop her interest in going beyond, give her what she needs to show her drive. She wants to become stronger than her dad, partly because he’s become a terrible father in the wake of her mother’s passing, but partly because she thinks it would help him to get taken down a peg — she’s angry but she’s not apathetic to him. A lot of her early beats work both for developing her and for developing the Buu plot line, but all that in canon is somewhat incidental — so make it intentional, make it about her and not just about Gohan or about the both of them.
And then, I think, the most interesting thing might actually be — what if after she sets out to face Gohan at the Tenkaichi Budokai finals, after she’s learned Ki manipulation basics in impressively quick time and laid out why he’s the one she needs to beat before taking on her own dad, after the two are lined up to face each other in the finals for that good old Tournament Resolution — have Spopovich show up… and throw down with Gohan.
As much as taking the Videl vs. Spopovich rematch out of the original Buu arc hurts Videl as a character with a narrative arc, Spopovich 1 isn’t really a main character fight. He’s there to set the fear of Babidi into everyone, and to show off strange techniques that make him not especially fair to fight. He’s there for someone to lose to, so he can show off. And even though Goku is not above getting seven shades of tar beat out of him in pursuit of a fight, protagonists are just never good fodder for that kind of fight, narratively, so setting him against Videl would hurt the narrative role we’re trying to sell her as. Instead, letting Gohan job it against Spopovich would do a good job showing that 1) as strong as Gohan is, he’s not invested in the Art like his dad was and like Videl will be, and 2) whatever the deal is with Spopovich, it makes him on a half-Saiyan’s level, and it is more important than the Tenkaichi.
Gohan, I think, will handle Spopovich poorly. Gohan has a good foundation, but he’s already largely coasting on that foundation, rather than cultivating his Art. Spopovich would present Gohan a challenge that he hasn’t really sought out since the Cell arc — namely, a fight he has to actually try to think about. And while Spopovich would need to come packaged with a weakness so he can actually lose a rematch, Gohan will just struggle through throwing more and more power on the guy until he wears himself out.
(For bonus points, I think Gohan should also feel the need to hit Spopovich so hard that the dude’s neck breaks — canon Videl is at this point used to brawls that can go very badly very quickly, but canon Gohan was so over leveled for the Saiyaman fights he had that the presence of things like bullets and bombs just kinda went in one ear and out the other with him. This would be the first time he’s killed someone since he fought Cell, and I think however poorly Videl would react to Spopovich’s neck going snap, I think Gohan can react worse.)
Videl can also help cement her role as Goku’s successor by not having the Spopovich 1 fight, too — Goku’s counter-fighter antics can make a return in Videl, as she watches Spopovich eat everything Gohan can throw and find some weakness to exploit. It would be a nice little call-back of sorts to Tenkaichi fights like Goku v. Tenshinhan, and help sell the idea that Goku’s legacy will be ultimately inherited not by any of his kids, but by the random human girl.
(Though, Spopovich’s weakness would probably have to be added in by the rewrite of his first fight, since the Spopovich rematch being unceremoniously cut also deprived him of an exploitable weakness in the first place. He takes punishment like an Android or like Nappa (you basically have to land a kill shot because he’ll keep fighting through anything less), and he doesn’t die when he’s killed, so I almost wonder if Babidi randomly discarding him with only a fraction of his value claimed is because Toriyama had no idea how anyone could actually beat him when he still had the M?)
From there, Gohan and Videl would have an interwoven arc into the Babidi/Buu stuff, where it becomes clear that while Videl never got the power necessary to handle the kind of fights Gohan can, she still has the mind for it, backed by an unyielding drive to prove herself any way she can. Even though Videl only knows baby’s fist Bukūjutsu and not even a basic Kamehameha, Videl should prove instrumental to defeating (or more likely, solving) antagonists in the Buu arc. the ‘old guard’ would probably have to provide the power, and there’s a decent chance that keeping this arc’s sends offs for Goku and Vegeta mean they have to lead the ultimate resolution fight, but to let this arc set Videl as the narrative successor, she needs to not only stick around and talk to the rest of the cast, but play important roles with the tools she has (and prepare to pursue all the tools she doesn’t have).
hello. odd question: if you were given the choice, what sort of post buu sequel would you personally want to see? you don't have to write a whole story or anything, just, what kind of story would you want to see told if it were up to you? in terms of basic premise, tone, or "gimmick" if you'd like to see one.
Probably unpopular opinion but my ideal vision of a post-Buu Dragon Ball sequel would be to retire Goku and Vegeta after the Buu arc for good. Goku's story ended very satisfyingly with the Cell arc and I don't think Vegeta could ever go out on a higher note than what Buu gave him. I think Dragon Ball has a lot of potential for future storytelling beyond Buu but if we're working from scratch then these two characters, specifically, I'm ready to be done with.
What Dragon Ball needs to give it that shot in the arm is to have the courage to do what it wanted to do post-Cell: to start over and reinvent itself.
I do understand why that fell apart with Gohan. Gohan doesn't like martial arts. He never has. He enjoys it as an activity he can do with the people he loves, but he isn't a martial artist at heart. He has no drive for it as a hobby; His only relationship with it is as a necessary evil he sometimes has to engage in to protect his loved ones.
That's not a spark that can drive a Dragon Ball protagonist down a road of self-discovery and personal improvement through a deep, personal relationship with the art. And all the attempts to make Gohan relevant again just amount to giving him free power-ups and browbeating him into doing things that, on a fundamental level, he just hates doing.
Gohan doesn't want to be a Dragon Ball main character. He has never wanted that, and we shouldn't force him to. It's better for him and better for the story to just move along.
So where does that leave us?
I think the Buu arc gave us all the tools we need to reinvent Dragon Ball already. I think the characters who have the most potential in telling new Dragon Ball stories are the ones the franchise kinda just... wants to sweep aside. It's Goten, Trunks, and Marron. Pan and Bra. And our new green god Dende. The next generation of Dragon Ball heroes.
It's Goten and Trunks looking at their fathers' backs and knowing that these are the mountains that they are meant to climb. To become more than Goku and Vegeta ever were. And questioning if that's even what they want for themselves. What is their relationship to the art, independent of their fathers? Independent of each other?
Who even are they to each other? Are they to be a reflection of their fathers? Are they to be their fathers' mirror opposites? Or are they to be something else, something independent of their fathers, something only they can identify?
And what does the art mean to them personally? When it stops being "I'm doing this because my family does it," what is it to them? Is it even what they want or, like Gohan, do their destinies lie down another road?
Who is Marron? Who will she grow up to be? What does the art mean to her? In this world of Saiyans and Namekians, what are the limitations that her humanity imposes on her? And how can she break those limits and become something super?
These are the questions that I think could fuel a really interesting sequel series. I think the key to Dragon Ball's artistic future is in allowing someone else to go on a martial arts journey of their own, so we can watch them grow from a wide-eyed child to a wizened master as we once watched Goku.
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deusvervewrites · 5 months ago
Power Levels are only a measure of raw ki
Not even that, they're a measure of raw ki OUTPUT. Transforming species like the Saiyan, the Frost Demons and whatever Zarbon's species is can suddenly increase their power levels to overcome a stronger enemy, and with the right training one can learn moves that temporarily increase the power level (such as the Kamehameha or the Garlic Cannon), or to suppress it to conserve one's strenght, better control one's power, sneak around, and utterly make a fool of someone who is ignorant of such ability (see Goku vs the Ginyu Force, with Recoome and Burter being crushed because the scouters said Goku's power level was 5000 and he increased his output at the moment of the attack too fast for the scouters to pick it up).
Quirks just add another layer of uselessness by being biological and not ki based abilities, thus leaving scouter users completely unprepared when the big guy with a power level of six suddenly shoots fire hot enough to melt through their armor, or the weirdo with a power level of three hits as hard as a Frieza soldier and then does something weird.
Only guy they'd have a correct guess on is Spopovich, and that's because his lack of skill in basic fighting is a glaring red flag that something weird is going on as nobody that unskilled can possibly acquire ki powers without magic help.
I know Freeza won't appear but he'd get bullied so hard
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ap-kinda-lit · 1 year ago
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Spopovich will forever be on my shit list
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mazu-art · 1 month ago
Hey remember in “My Dragon Academia Z “ when Deku went Super Saiyan 2 after Spopovich beat up Katsuki’s heart?
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pulpfanfiction · 5 months ago
spopovich has gotta be the funniest addition to this team. who the fuck is expecting to fight spopovich like, literally ever
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sparking zero is really really good. i just rolled some guy playing an actually decent team with these guys becauise i wanted to play a Bald Squad
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small-screen-superman · 3 months ago
Ok, how would you feel about my idea for an alternate 24th Budokai AU: here, Vegeta and Piccolo manage to destroy Gero and 19 wholesale, Trunks takes them all at their word that the Androids were defeated handily, and with that everyone agrees to enter the upcoming 24th Budokai (timeline may need to be switched around a bit, we don’t know when exactly it happened. Satan’s overconfidence at the Cell Games may have originated from a quite recent Budokai win). Anyway, since we know this tournament also featured the inaugural Juniors division, Gohan ends up fighting a young Videl in the finals.
Meanwhile, the main tournament bracket turns out like:
Match 1
- Krillin vs. Tenshinhan
Match 2
- Son Goku vs. Future Trunks
Match 3
- Piccolo vs. Mr. Satan
Match 4
- Vegeta vs. Yamcha.
The tournament would take place shortly after Goku wakes up, so everyone is pretty much exactly where they were power wise at the beginning of the Android arc. A few notes:
- The quality of fighter has noticeably dropped - guys like Namu, Chappa and Tao remember how hopelessly outclassed they were last time, so the guys entering here are the noobs we saw at the 25th Budokai: Pintar, Jewel, Killa, Mighty Mask, (pre-Majin) Spopovich and of course, Mr. Satan himself
- Krillin-Tien would be a very technical, throwback to the old tournament fights, with Krillin winning to finally shut up the weirdos who supposedly genuinely believe Toriyama wasn’t including Tien when he stated the former was the strongest Earthling
- Goku and Trunks would quickly break the “no Super Saiyan” rule, with Goku coming out on top but Trunks still viewing the contest as a positive learning experience
- Piccolo-Satan would be a pure comedy bout. Piccolo wins with ease, although if the Buu arc still played out similarly in this AU it may prove to be disastrous later on
- Vegeta-Yamcha would play out similarly to Piccolo-Krillin from the 23rd tournament. Vegeta is overconfident, gives Yamcha a beat down initially but Yamcha turns it around and genuinely hurts (base) Vegeta with the Rōgafūfūken and Sōkidan, before he angrily ends the fight in retaliation. Goku, Krillin, Tien and Gohan all rush to the ring and congratulate Yamcha on the effort, while Vegeta quietly (and begrudgingly) gives out some praise
- Goku and Vegeta obviously advance to the finals. Don’t have much to say on a Goku-Krillin rematch, but I’m sure someone could come up with an interesting take on it. SSJ Vegeta-Piccolo is obviously a very popular hypothetical in the fandom
- The Goku-Vegeta finale would probably end with either A. A confused Imperfect Cell showing up and a big 1st Broly film style group battle taking place, or B. Perfect Cell showing up, who found Gero’s lab and absorbed 17 and 18 in secret, declare his intent to host the Cell Games and allowing the Z-Fighters time to train for it.
That’s a rough, very long winded outline anyway. What do you think?
This is a fun idea! I love Tien so a part of me wants him to win, but I know Krillin is supposed to be stronger...I just hope Tien puts up a hell of a fight :) If you ever expand on this, I recommend making the characters use some new techniques (either ones they came up with or existing techniques they haven't been shown using before but learned), as that was something I enjoyed immensely about past tournaments. Yamcha, Tien and Piccolo could use Kaio-Ken, for example.
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risingsouls · 1 year ago
Okay, first of all, Mr Satan is not as experienced as my character and plus, he's not even on the same level as her, and the way she moves when delivering attacks is accurate and precise, unlike the world champ who's too much of a wuss to act like a real man.
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[Uh...It's definitely obvious that Hercule Satan is a well-respected martial artist in his own right. Weasly, sure, but he actually does have a lot of skill and experience in that realm. From what I understand, it sounds like he's been training his whole life, too, so I don't know how you can say he doesn't have as much experience.
But let's go with an example we KNOW has trained her whole life like your muse: Videl. Girl almost got KILLED by Spopovich, someone probably everyone on the sidelines could have handily taken out. Do you think she would be able to stand in a fight against Vegeta, even at her peak strength?
THAT is why we're all trying to tell you a lifetime of training is not enough to spar on par with Vegeta UNLESS, UN-FUCKING-LESS that training involves ki. That is how it works in this world.
I went through it with my Zelda muse, Nabooru. If I didn't implement ki into her training, she would be at the same place as your character: a lifetime of training, natural talent, and she was easily the strongest of her race next to one. Her race ITSELF was arguably the strongest in Hyrule when it came to warrior prowess. But compared to fighters in this series? They're nothing until they learn to manipulate ki. That's literally all that's being said here. Not that your character is unskilled or weak. She just doesn't have the advantages that these characters have.]
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hxroic-wxlls-fxrever · 4 months ago
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//Every day, I thank myself for being able to reach Z rank in Singles and DP Battles in Sparking Zero early on into the game’s life, before people REALLY had a grasp on how to utterly cheese their way to Ws.//
//Seeing all the major YouTubers get driven to insanity by the ranked battle degeneracy in this game is wild. For all the talk that the playerbase did about the game ‘being for fun, use your favorites’, I don’t think using stuff like Wheelo, Spopovich, 19 and Gero sounds exactly like fun. That’s just my opinion.//
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unclerippuascension · 1 year ago
Speardovich? Really? What uncultured Nintendo/Squeenix localizer thought that one up? Its a totally pointless change, they just directly translated his name from Japanese ('yari' is a type of Japanese spear for the unitiated) like its a shitty 90s anime fansub. I'm actually so mad over this because all of these name changes are pointless and kind of take away the charm the original names had.
Mack is a reference to Mack the Knife, Frogfucious is a pun on Confuscious, and so on. Speardovich isn't even clever! Not to rant, but I hate it when changes like these are made and you can clearly tell they're from some localization team that really underestimate the intelligence of their playerbase. Like you think a little kid is gonna get confused on why the characters had their original names and the references? No, because kids in the 90s didn't! They'd probably think that Yaridovich was a funny made up name, or that Mack was just a normal tough bad guy name. There's legitimately no point to it!!
Again, really sorry for going on a tangent, but I just don't like it when these things happen, because it reminds me of the days of 4Kids when they assumed kids were stupid and had to edit media when bringing it over to the west. That and as somebody who played the original game a lot on emulators, its super immersion breaking. Yeah I know I can still call them their original names, but it still peeves me so.
my copy of smrpg for the switch arrived and i know it shouldnt matter but im so mad they changed the names of some characters like Mack and Frogfuscious. if they change yaridovich's name im gonna be so mad.
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