#revenge magic
xerxeswitch · 5 months
When My Bane Magic Actually Works...
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-- Well... My energy specializes in bane magic more than healing magic. But, no matter what, I am always shocked when it does work. Even if it works every time... -- Long story short, a bitter individual was trying to get me in trouble for things I didn't do. Eagerly looking for anything to use to get me closer to being fired for some reason. I did nothing to do this person other than just being a quiet coworker, but I noticed she also targeted another coworker who happens to be the same race as me. In reality, other coworkers were the ones violating guidelines and she turns a blind eye to. I won't go too much into my suspicions...other than I did what I did because my intuition tells me it's right and it's self defense. Two days after the intense hex spell, the coworker stopped coming to work for a good amount of days. That never happens because she always comes in no matter what. Turns out she went to the hospital...and suddenly fell under two types of infections. ... Do I feel bad about it? Admittedly, a little. Do I truly regret it though? Not really. I will always follow my policy.
I always follow this policy: You mess with me? I mess with you. My hexes are used for individuals who only have direct ill intentions towards me or my loved ones. Be responsible. This stuff CAN...and DOES work.
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leulahart · 7 months
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the alayne sample chapter from winds is actually something that can be so personal
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kaitokitty19 · 7 months
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Aptx!AU fancomic (read right > left)
A (kinda) follow up to this
My Aptx!AU sypnosis is here.
(Cont.) Arthur LeBlanc (shrunken Hakuba) joined the Detective Boys and was invited, along with the KID Killer (he already hate that name) to a heist at one of Suzuki Jirokichi’s wealthy acquaintances’s. The target this time is a Chalice, recent excavated from a sight of an ancient holy battle.
Despite telling Kaito that he would not compromise his conscience and aid him in the heist, Hakuba found himself easily disregarding that boundary when the situation became complicated (a person presented at the heist is a BO member) and Kaito’s identity is at risk. In the end, he would always choose Kaito. What he didn’t expect was for that sentiment to be reciprocated…
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cherry-pop-elf · 7 months
George Weasley x Reader
You broke up with your ex, but said ex refuses to believe you moved on. That you found better than him. So, you figured you had to prove you did. Time to call a favor
Warnings: 18+, topics of abusive ex, satisfying revenge, ablism, oral sex (male receiving) public, choking (very light) fake dating, voyeurism, peeping Tom, Very Soft George, cuckholding? Sorta? Not really? But like maybe on a technical level?
Writing Comission’s Open
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“George, pretend to be my boyfriend.” You asked, quickly. Hardly gave him a chance to even look over his shoulder, when he saw a man storming into his shop. Looking utterly pissed, and you anxious. He’s got a little sister, and plenty of brothers. As if he needed to put two and two together. His arm was quickly around your side, and he leaned into you. As if it was all natural.
“Was wondering when you would get here, Jellybean!” He announced, making your ex quickly look over to you two. His stare hardened, and George stared right back. Snearing. Keeping up a smug complexion through it all. You quickly stuffed yourself into his arm. As if trying to hide, as your ex came over. Nearly stomping in the process.
“The hell you doing with em-?Your ex demanded. “Uh…..Snuggling? Kissing? Whatever we want in MY shop-?” George would puzzle, as he was wondering where the such nerve came from. George would make sure to keep you close, with a hand on your hip, as he protected you. You would rest your head on his shoulder, and took in the comforting scent of fireworks and sugar. Helped you get grounded, as your ex was looking ready to fight.
“That’s what Im suppose to do, you fucking cripple-“ The man snapped, making you gasp. You were about to say something, but George was quick to slap a hand on your mouth. Knowing damn well what you would say next might get you slapped. As if he wanted that.
“Really? That’s your first course of action? Get creative buddy. Could have said something impressive. Like One Eared Arrogant Bastard. Like that’s creative. Just dropping heavy words like that doesn’t make you smart. Even Malfoy got creative.” George mocked, making you giggle. That was something you admired about him. His ability to go with the flow. Able to fight with words so easy.
“I-“ He tried to say something else, but George cut right in. “Do you sound smart to make up for the fact you don’t have a personality? Even Percy had more of one than you. What about that temper? Short temper isn’t the only thing short, is there?” George egged on and on. Wasn’t long before people were watching, and giggling. Leaving him red faced.
“How about-“ And the man was storming off. You couldn’t help your relief, as you relaxed into George. He seemed gone, but not entirely. You noticed he was still outside. Just far enough away from the shop to not be loitering. That made your stomach drop. Seemed you were dodging a bullet, and George was making sure there was plenty of cover.
“Guess he isn’t buying it…..Wanna help make sure he does?” He offered, as you rose a brow. At this point, you would do anything to get that bastard off your back. Was being a total creep now. Just waiting for you outside. With a nod, you gave your consent. George would soon whistle at someone, who would nod, as he was taking you towards the back.
“Let’s give him a show~” He offered, before you were pushed out of a side door. Your body hit against the neighboring building, as your lips met. You were wide eyed, until you noticed your ex peeking from around the alley way corner. Guess a show will be what it takes. Couldn’t imagine a better person to trust yourself with anyway.
You couldn’t help it either, as you melted into the kiss. Your hands fighting at his suit jacket, while he explored your mouth. Leaving your tongue to taste like sweet orange flavored candy. The scent of ash, the taste of sweet, and the feeling of heat. It was getting you more excited than you wanted to admit.
“Come on, love, on your knees.” He whispered, as he threw the jacket to the ground. Despite how rough he was acting, the fact he gave you his suit jacket for your knees spoke volumes. Even in the heat of the moment, he was trying to make sure you were given the best care. Made your heart sing, as you let your knees rest on the expensive fabric. Right all over the dirty alley way.
He was quick to take his belt off, and adjust his vest and dress shirt. Everything was moving so fast. There was such a thrill from it. A spur of the moment. Just no thoughts, only desire. Was so exciting. Gave you such a pleasure you didn’t know you could get. Weren’t even doing anything. Yet.
“Open that pretty little mouth-“ He asked, and you did. Just as he pulled his cock out from his pants, making your heart pound with excitement. You were really about to do this. You felt like you were in a wet dream. You always did find George so attractive. Never thought you would ever score a chance. Yet, it was this easy. Those Weasleys and their big hearts.
You let the tip pass your lips, and swallowed. His hand was gentle in your hair, as he let you go at your own pace. Not forcing it down your throat, and letting you take your time in adjusting. Letting you control your breathing, as your hands found his thighs. Just those deep breaths of fire works, and sugar. Was hypnotic.
Once you felt well adjusted, you forced your head further down. Your signal to let him keep going, and going he did. How he tangled his fingers in your hair, and forced you deeper down his cock. To the point your nose brushed against that ginger hair. Made you gag, by how much, but you quickly relaxed. Knowing you were in safe hands.
“Better be louder. I’m crippled, after all~” He teases, making you unable to stop the giggle around his cock. That earned you a moan from him, as the vibrations ran up through his body. God did his moans sound like sweet music to your ears. It gave you the motivation to try and take lead a little bit. Pulling yourself to the tip, and moaning around it.
He was soon leaning against the wall of his shop, as he was at your mercy now. His free hand busy with keeping his vest and shirt up. Exposing that slender stomach. Happy trail, freckles, and ink. Such a dashing man, with many scars. You were the lucky one to get to see it. See it all. Like how his face was flushing, and his kept hair ruffling. It was addictive.
Up and down you bobbed, as you kept your grip tight on his slender thighs. Not quite as meaty as his upper arms, given his beater history. Still was great to grab, as you milked him for more sounds. Such as the hisses, and whimpers when you ran your tongue over a vein just right. Oh you didn’t know who was in more heaven.
“Fuck, Im going to cum. Oh fuck-“ He gritted his teeth, and made an attempt to pull you off. How considerate. You figured that kind gesture deserved a reward. So, you fought against his hand. That surprised him, as you would force yourself deep down again. Moaning, as you returned to his base. Looking right up at him, and locking with those pretty doe eyes. That was the last straw.
He let his head roll back, as he came down your throat. You coughed, but you were handling it like a champ. Using those thighs for support, as you watched his stomach spasm from the pleasure you gave him. How those pretty cheeks were so flushed, and his ear so red. Oh what you would give to see more of that.
Once he was breathing steady, you finally pulled off. You panted, as he cupped your cheek. His thumb rubbing away at the spit that ran down your chin. You didn’t know if your ex was still there, and genuinely didn’t care anymore. The tender moment was to sweet to make you think about anything else.
“Say….Think maybe we can do this again some time? Gotta keep up appearances and all~” He winked, as it was your turn to be blushing. All flustered, as he would put himself away. Along with being a gentlemen, and helping you off the ground. With his jacket as well.
With a quick spell, the jacket was clean. Just some tidying up, as you were still a soft pink. Same for himself. A stupid grin on his face was keeping you flushed as well. Especially with the arm hooked around you, as you returned inside. Having to keep up appearances after all. Just for appearances.
“My lunch break should be soon, wouldn’t mind some drinks with you. Gotta wash that down after all.” He offered, making you elbow his delicate rib. He wheezed, but laughed. Yeah. Maybe this fake dating thing will really put your ex in his place. Severs him right for losing such a catch like you. Least George was the lucky one to nab you, wasn’t he?
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mysterycitrus · 7 months
also i think it kinda goes without saying that all the robins are happy and angry and smart and loving but acting as if the mantle of robin, its existence as a symbol of light in the darkness and human perseverance and joy in the face of suffering, did not originate from dick grayson, that mary grayson’s love for her son did not inspire that hope, is absolutely unhinged
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starstriix · 7 months
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the boyssss
i know sam seems more like an earth pony or something, but i think making him a pegasus who never uses his wings helps to emphasize his laziness. and it balances out the species ratio of the cast!
The girls are here!!
I’ve explained the species choices and cutie mark designs in this post!
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pink-psychic · 2 months
Just realized that Sol Regems death mirrors Leola’s, he was the (indirect) cause of her death.
And like Leola, he was burned from the inside out with his own fire leaving nothing but charred bones behind
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thefollow-spot · 5 months
I know the real reason they put Morgana in all black once she turned evil was to make her look like a witch, but I headcanon that she wears black on purpose, as a symbol of perpetual grief for all the people Uther killed in the purge. Does anyone know this? No! But she walks around feeling like she's Saying Something and Making A Statement by dressing as a perpetual mourner.
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rileyclaw · 2 years
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ok but has anyone considered: glowy eyed Emerald Trio . upgrades people
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.1 celestia
.2 give em hell pony
.3 to the park
.4 you know what they do to pony's like us in Tartarus
.5 I'm not a simp ( I promise )
.6 the ghost of dude
.7 the alicorn life is gonna kill you
.8 mordy moments
.9 thank you for the friendship
.10 bird-like guy
.11 it's not a fashion statement, it's my emotions, darling
.12 park walk
.13 I never told you what I wished for in the beginning
Guys please this took so long please
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verus-veritas · 9 months
Taking Down the Jocks
Reworked Interactive Story from CYOC
Part 1: The Set-Up
You were kicking a stone along the footpath, walking after it, and kicking it again when you reached it. It was Thursday afternoon and you were walking back to the dorms after some classes. You, being the relatively unpopular, unassuming, and unattractive nobody. Not that you were actively disliked, just that nobody really paid attention to you, apart from the football jocks at the campus. They loved to make fun of anybody that wasn't in their group, and that was often directed at you. Even though you often tried to avoid them and disliked them for being a clique, you secretly thought most of them were hot.
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You kicked the rock again and it bounced off the footpath into a muddy patch that was a consequence of all the recent rain your town had been having. As you passed the mud, you looked down at the rock and noticed a spot of brightness in the brown, a speck of gold. Leaning down to see if it was anything interesting, or just a candy wrapper, you saw it was a small band of gold that was half buried under the dirt. Pulling it out of the mud, you found it was a gold ring, adorned with a circle of a green raw cut gem, or crystal. Rubbing off the mud, you put it on to see if it would fit, and it surprisingly slipped onto your finger with ease. 
A gust of wind blew through the leaves on the trees around you, and the world went dark, the footpath, trees and road all disappearing from your sight. You were about to shit your pants in fear when you heard a voice whisper behind you.
"At the dawn of the universe, 5 gods emerged from the light of the galaxy's formation, and they ruled over the Earth for millions of years, each using their individual and unique powers for the betterment of the Earth."
You turned around in the darkness, but nobody was there. You reached a hand out and grasped at only air. The voice continued, now coming from directly in front of you.
"But 3000 years ago they gradually lost their powers, withering away. Before they eventually died, they all agreed to put the last of their life energy and powers into a stone, and laid the magical stone into a ring. The ring has been found and worn by many hands, but none survived longer than 13 days after they found the ring, betrayed by their own greed.”
And now you have the ring. The possessor of the ring has the ability to harness the powers of the Ancient Gods, and are able to bend reality to their will.
With that last sentence left to linger in the cold air, the light returned and the light and warmth of the sun touched your skin again. The Ancient Gods? That couldn't be true. But what other reason could explain the sudden darkness and cold that passed over you, and the voice with no physical body?
You decided the only way to test it was to try and use the ring's powers. You wished to be back at your college dorm with every ounce in your body, and you were suddenly looking into the dorm’s bedroom mirror. You jumped back in surprise though, as the face staring back at you was that of your jock roommate. You soon smiled. He was obnoxious, he was messy, and he left condoms everywhere, but at least he was hot...
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Still, slightly shocked at the fact the ring's power worked, you turned around, and attempted to close your roommate’s bedroom door with a flick of your finger. It took a few tries but it slammed shut with much more vigor than you were expecting on the fourth try. Thinking of what else you could do, you tried to float off the ground. After 5 minutes you figured out the trick was to jump with no intention of falling back to the ground.
After practicing a few other tricks while wearing the ring, you decided it was time to explore. You floated over to his bed, layed down and reached into your roommate’s mind with your powers, giving your borrowed body the best orgasm it had ever had, as you squirted your roommate’s seed all over his room. You swiped some of it off your chest and gave it a taste, clearly enjoying the musky and salty flavor of it. With a couple flicks of your hand, the sperm was cleaned off the walls, and you began to jerk him off all over again.
You woke up in the morning with the sun streaming in through your open blinds, and you rolled over to see your unconscious roommate lying on the floor, completely spent and drenched in his own white seed. You got ready for the day, making sure the ring was firmly planted on your finger, and made your way out the front door. You made sure to leave it slightly open so that someone might find your roommate in that humiliating state. 
You realized you needed more practice using the ring’s powers before you could attempt to change anything major, and the long walk through the campus was a great place to mess with people. Apart from there being nobody in sight at the moment. You used your powers to break a few tree branches, and you started to get the hang of it. It was less like having a giant invisible hand like you expected, and more like using your mind and hands to move the air around the branches.
You were already breaking your twentieth branch when you saw a couple of jocks harassing a bunch of nerds next to a dumpster, and you decided to help the nerds out… by giving them all the jocks’ muscles! You concentrated on their muscles, and the strength within them, and slowly transferred it all from the jocks to the nerds. The two groups quickly noticed and looked startled and confused, as the nerds' clothes ripped apart while the jocks screamed in frail horror. You decided the best thing to do was to walk by pretending you didn't notice anything, as you heard the screams of someone being thrown into the dumpster behind you.
You continued forward, looking at the floor, and when you looked back up you saw you were almost there. You couldn't be bothered to walk so with a quick look around to confirm nobody could see you, you teleported in front of the gates, and walked in. On your way to your lecture hall you saw all the obnoxious jocks goofing around and throwing stuff at others, and you couldn't help but take a second look at their muscular bodies and beautiful faces. Arriving at the lecture hall, you thought about what to do next. You still had some time until your first class, and the ring was pulsating with excitement to be used.
You looked around at the crowds and groups that were all standing in the open campus area. Everyone was either conversing with friends, or studying for their first lessons. You looked around and caught sight of the two people who you've had a huge crush on ever since you enrolled here:
Your eyes glanced over at Jack, who was busy rallying a group of jocks into harassing some studying girls. The heartthrob, the narcissist, and of course the leader of the biggest fraternity of jocks. Anything he said goes, and if you fucked with him you’d be left royally screwed. Not only was his family filthy rich, but they also owned half of the college buildings. Which meant he could get away with literally anything, like the time he almost beat to death a guy behind the bleachers or left a cheerleader pregnant. No one ever heard from those people again…
Still, there was no doubt in your mind that he was one fine specimen. Blue eyes, hot face, amazing jawline, and a fucking amazing plump and firm ass. Although he was slightly shorter than most of the other jocks and clearly wasn’t as talented on the fields, he made up for it with his dashing looks and charisma. He also spent most mornings at the gym, and it showed with his broad shoulders, slim waist, extremely defined muscles, great thighs, and great posture. Looks, money, privilege, he had it all… even if he didn’t truly deserve it.
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On the other side of the hallway you caught sight of Shawn, followed by an entourage of admiring football jocks and worshiping cheerleaders. He was the so-called “Starchild”, who made miracle plays every game and had a whole career already planned out in the future. Star quarterback, the pride of the college, and childhood friend of Jack, no one ever dared to mess with him. Although he always carried himself with respect and never specifically bullied anyone, he always looked down on anyone weak, worthless, and not worth his attention. Which was basically anyone not part of his group of jock friends. Those deep glaring eyes and imposing aura of his made that very clear.
As for his appearance, Shawn was a complete adonis, as if sculpted by god himself. An incredibly tall and handsome jock with short brown hair and stubble, who stood at 6’3 feet tall and was made of pure solid muscles. Biggest, strongest, and fastest, his body would glisten and shine with pure sweat as he ran across the football fields. With his amazingly broad shoulders, broad hips, great thighs and calves, and stunning biceps, it wasn’t a surprise then that he apparently had the biggest penis on campus, measuring at around 8 inches. The so-called “Star Piercer”.
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The bell rang and you made your way through the halls to your courses. You sat and thought about your powers instead of doing the work set for you, and when the professor called on you, you weren't prepared with an answer, and asked to go to the bathroom instead. When you got to the bathroom you closed and locked the door, and looked in the mirror, deeply considering what you could do with your crushes. Your penis was getting excited at the thought of having full control over those sexy jocks, and you took one final look in the mirror as you realized what you truly wanted: 
To BE one of them.
Part 2: Taking down the Star Quarterback
Your thoughts went back to Shawn for a few minutes, thinking of the big muscular jock as he strutted his body through the hallway. His physique alone had caused the rest of the hallway to part when he carried himself by. Between him and Jack, they commanded a sort of subconscious presence, a dominance that caused everyone around them to both notice them, fall into awe of them, and then either get out of their way or do their bidding. Everyone either respected them or were terrified of them. Whereas Jack was the complete asshole and the leader of the jock clique, Shawn was the pride and star of the town, a confident but quiet man who just told people what to do and they listened.
You envied that seeming feel of authority, of dominance. Shawn didn't even realize that he had it, he just worked to be a great athlete, but with his body and with his talent, he had created a much bigger presence at the college than even he realized.
As you stood there in the bathroom, staring at yourself in the mirror, you thought for a moment about possessing Jack, after all, that jock had humiliated you time and time again simply for being a non-jock, an outsider to his clique. While Shawn had never directly bullied you, he was just so damn intimidating that you had never wanted to cross him. But that lust for his presence was making you want to take him. 
"If only I could be him and live his life, just to feel what it's like to be such a dominant and successful jock," you told yourself.
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The ring started to warm up on your finger. Looking down at it, you realized that you could use it to will this very wish into being.
"But how?" you asked yourself.
The ring seemed to understand your desire because right as you asked the question the bathroom door opened and Shawn stepped in. You turned your head and your jaw nearly dropped. Shawn turned his broad shoulders toward you and looked back. At first a glance, and then again with annoyance. "What do you want, shithead?" he asked, before stepping into the bathroom and toward a urinal. He walked with his usual, confident swagger toward the urinals, still 10 feet from them, he unzipped his jeans and pushed his hand into his crotch, already feeling to pull his dick out well before he reached the urinal. As he stepped into it, you could tell that he pulled out his monster cock and aimed toward the urinal. A strong splash of piss hit the ceramic.
Shawn shut his eyes, completely ignoring you, and meditated for a moment. You wanted to listen to his thoughts, so you ordered the ring to help you read his mind. Just as you had suspected, he had already forgotten that you were even in the room, he was thinking about his conditioning after school today, and the fact that he wanted to get to benching 300.
You chuckled to yourself for a moment. Of all the things for anyone to think about, all this jock cared about was getting more swole and showing off to the rest of the team.
You looked back down at the ring on your hand. This single artifact, this one find that you had discovered, it was able to give you whatever you wanted. And you were ready to make your first life-changing wish. To become the incredible jock standing a few feet away from you.
The thought of being Shawn was making you excited, so much so that you could feel your dick starting to push hard against your leg and jeans.
"Yes, I made up my mind. I will possess him completely and live his perfect life!" you told through thoughts to the ring, and as you did so, you noticed your hand started to fade and became more ethereal. You started to become more transparent, like a ghost! But no, it was more than that, you were turning into smoke! "Ahh," you told yourself as you directed the smoke of your hand, causing it to flow towards Shawn. "I can just force my way right into his body!"
The urinal flushed. The distraction caused you to form back into your human body once more.
Shawn walked over to the sink next to yours and started to wash his hands. You turned your head again toward him, then down his stocky arms and toward his hands as they scrubbed the soap between them. He carried a hefty amount of thick, brown hair on them. You figured that he was probably a pretty hairy guy underneath his clothes.
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"What are you looking at, Fag?!" Shawn retorted to you. Then he took his left hand and shoved you backward. "I asked you a question, you piece of shit!" he shouted before stepping toward you again.
You smirked, Shawn had no idea what he was getting himself into.
When he went to push you once more, you grabbed his left forearm with your left hand. The powers of the ring allowed you to hold his thick physique in your grasp despite the fact that he was so much bigger than you. "What did you call me?" you asked him.
For the first time Shawn started to get worried. His eyes widened as he realized that he wasn't able to free his arm of your grasp, but also that you were able to hold him in place.
With your right hand you reached out and grabbed his cheeks, puckering up his lips. "What the fuck?" he said as he realized that you had him completely in your grasp. You pulled his face toward yours until he was only a couple of inches away. Despite being over 50 pounds bigger than you, he could barely move away from your grip.
"I can’t believe soon I’ll be Shawn, the Starchild." you tell him through a form of thought-speak. His eyes widened in horror. "In a few minutes, you'll be nothing but a husk, and I'll have complete control over your incredible body."
Thinking for a moment, you figured you would try something you had never done before, to give the jock a taste of you before you took over his life. You leaned your lips toward his and gave him a long, deep kiss, massaging your lips against his for a few moments.
Shawn was disgusted with the act but more terrified that you were continuing to hold him into a grip that you were. "Your body and life is mine now, Shawn. Thank you and goodbye, forever." you said.
It was then that you ordered the ring to give you the power to possess him completely and wholly, and as soon as you released your lips, you felt your body turn into the ethereal, smoke-like form once more. Not just your hand this time, but your entire body. You felt the weight of your physical clothes fall to the floor and you could feel yourself in your new form as a type of weightless, flyable cloud, an amorphous cloud of vapor.
You directed yourself into Shawn, covering his rugged face and feeling yourself pulled in as Shawn took a terrified breath.
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As you did you felt yourself quickly get swept into the jock's muscular body. You distilled yourself throughout him, feeling yourself flow into his lungs, then his blood, taking over him from the cellular level outward. After he took the first breath you quickly gained control over his lungs and subsequently pulled yourself into him, further and further integrating yourself into his physical body until your entire being became completely integrated into him. You then continued further, deeper, until you found his inner core, his soul. It was warm and pulsating with life, and you quickly decided to envelop it, absorbing it into yourself.
All of your senses quickly fell into line. You took over his vision, hearing, sense of smell and taste, and you could feel his body become your own as his own blood circulated you throughout him. When you finally nestled yourself into his mind you felt yourself adapt to his entire memories, his personality. You became Shawn, the cocky, confident football jock. "Exactly what I always wanted!" you told yourself as you felt his body and mind become your own. Your sense and feeling of strength was amplified tenfold. The body you now held was a tank of power, of endurance, and you could feel the jock's body as one of pure athleticism.
But it was now your own. Truly and completely.
You took one final deep breath as you opened your new eyes. "Ahh! Fuck yea!" you whispered to yourself. Looking back at the mirror, you noticed the jock still looked the same as only a few moments before. "Only this is me now," you told yourself, smirking.
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Looking down at the pile of clothes next to you, what were your old clothes, you took out your old student ID and wallet and picked up the pile and threw them into the trash can. You had no need of them anymore. Looking down at your left finger, you realized that the ring automatically moved with you onto Shawn's body. No, your body. You continued to have possession of and own its powers.
You strutted yourself back to the mirror and pulled back Shawn's t-shirt, revealing a massive bicep. Flexing for a few moments, you pulled up the front of the shirt and admired your new six pack, crunching them and rolling your finger between the brown hairs and valleys on the jock's abs. Relishing into the body that you now owned, you pondered what to do next.
"ARGH!" You shout as you give yourself a big stretch. Every pulsing nerve in Shawn's body felt like so much more life than your old body had. The sheer weight of muscle that encapsulated Shawn's body felt like one pulsing piece of pleasure after another. You smiled again, a wide, cocky, arrogant, proud smile as you looked back in the mirror. You bit your lower lip as your glistening white teeth showed through, cracking another smile and admiring the jock's beautiful and handsome face, deep brown eyes, and intensely masculine muscle on this body, now your body that you held.
You knew everything about Shawn, his history, his personality, his skills. You were in control, in complete possession. After all, Shawn's brain along with his talents now belonged to you, so it wasn’t weird for you to be able to perform as him perfectly.
"First thing's first," you told yourself as you lifted up your arms so your biceps were parallel to the floor. Flexing upward, you watched your muscle bulge against the t-shirt, stretching the fibers as they gave outward. Crossing your arms you flexed again, admiring your new forearms with wisps of brown hair covering them. Your chunky, thick hands had fingers of steel, well cut fingernails and thick, calloused palms.
You couldn't help yourself, you had to see what was underneath. Who the fuck cared if someone walked in. You quickly pulled the t-shirt off as you stepped out of your tennis shoes. Dropping the t-shirt your smile widened as you saw your new, broad shoulders and thick pecs. You traced your hand down your abs, rolling the tips of your fingers over the valleys of muscle as you reached your belly button. There, a thick puff of hair concentrated down to your waist underneath your underwear band. You turned to admire your backside where your lats rippled down your back and your thick shoulders were apparent up against your thick neck.
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"This is too fuckin much!" you whispered. Checking yourself out, you couldn't help but notice that your dick was hardening with every second.
You had to see it.
You unbuckled your belt and unzipped your jeans before shoving both the jeans and gray boxer briefs down to your ankles. The breeze of air hitting your loins caused your dick to jump. You looked down and chuckled as your newly-acquired dick hardened to full mast. The stock of meat was massive, a pulsing eight inch hard monster. Your balls were equally huge and despite being pulled up into your body they were like huge eggs waiting, begging to be touched.
You quickly stepped out of your pants as you turned back to the mirror, moving between a full frontal and a profile angle, admiring the massive football bubble butt and bulked quads that Shawn's body owned. As you looked at your ass, you slid your hands down your abs once more and cupped your balls, shuddering as a new wave of orgasmic pleasure rippled through you. "Ugh," you whispered. Shawn's balls were churned full and ready to explode. You weren't sure if it was caused by the ring or if Shawn was always like this.
Sitting nearby the radiator in the bathroom laid a couple of freestanding cinder blocks. You lifted each with one hand and practiced curls and then presses with your arms, staring at the mirror and admiring the fine contours of muscle bulge and twist with each move.
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Your dick started to leak pre with each press, and you knew you had to give it the attention it deserved. You sat the blocks down and traced your fingers across your dick and balls, feeling them carefully as they cocked into your body and ready to release your new seed.
One hand around your dick and another cupping your balls, you began to pump, each successive thrust brewing a greater and greater orgasmic ripple, a greater wave of pleasure, a greater feeling not only of masculine sex but one of extreme satisfaction, you were now Shawn, you were now the star quarterback, you were now everything you had wanted to be and you would live the most successful life ever.
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But that wasn't all, as you held what you thought was the most powerful ring of eternity, something that could allow you to literally manifest anything and everything you could imagine. What else would you do with it? Who else would you change, who else would you control and influence and seduce. "Umm," you whispered as all these thoughts swirled in your head, you could feel yourself brewing closer and closer, each pump a greater feeling of pleasure than you had ever felt before.
It was time, you knew it was here. Ready to release, you aimed your dick at the mirror in front of you, "ARAGH!" you shouted, a deep guttural moan of pleasure as your dick cocked and exploded. The first shot hit out with such ferocity that it slapped the largest splash of cum you had ever seen, shooting all the way to the mirror in front of you.
Your body rocked in pleasure as a wave of goosebumps and a spasm of pure delight rocked your body, warm cum rolling out of your dick and like a waterfall spilling a puddle in front of you.
"Ummm, fuck yeah!" you groaned as you continued to pump, More and more and more until, finally, it slowed.
You shook your hand to fling off the spooge that had caught onto your hand. Deep, controlled breaths as you reflected on what was the most powerful orgasm of your new life.
"I can do fuckin' anything!" you realized again, smiling at yourself in the mirror. You stretched and turned again to see your dick fading back to its flaccid but extremely impressive state. “But first, let’s find Jack…”
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Part 3: Taking down the Top Jock
You entered the locker room and were immediately hit with the stench of pungent jock musk, a smell both foreign yet familiar to you. A sense of familiarity washed over you as you stood within the metal lockers and cold floor tiles, as if you belonged here, as if it was your second home.
A group of rowdy football jocks stood on the other side of the room, obnoxiously laughing and playing around with the equipment. One of them was kicking the ball against a brick wall with their muscular thighs and calves. You had always fantasized about fucking them, and now you had the power of the Fallen Gods on you finger to do so. Fuck it, you thought, you could literally do whatever you wanted now and nobody could stop you.
You walked over to the locker labeled with your name “Shawn”, and subconsciously entered the code for the lock without any effort. Some old worn sports clothes and a jockstrap laid inside, which you couldn’t help yourself but grab and push it close to your face, giving it a deep long inhale. It smelled just like you, and that was euphoric.
You weren’t sure what to do next though, and it was hard to focus with all the loud jocks yelling and screwing around. If only everyone could stay quiet and calm down, you thought as the ring on your finger began to heat up. Sure enough, the ring heard your request and slowly everyone began to slow down until they completely stopped, as if frozen in time. Even the football floated in midair, halfway through its journey towards the brick wall. You had stopped time for everyone else in the locker room except yourself and now had all the time in the world.
Deciding to inspect the scene in front of you, you walked over to the jocks and smiled. Some of them were halfway through a step, others were bending over in awkward positions, and one of them was slightly suspended in the air with his leg raised into a kick. You got closer to him and were able to see his giant thighs on full display. With a devious smirk on your handsome face, you reached out and touched them, the softness and warmth of the supple skin still there. You continued tracing your hands up his meaty legs until you reached into his shorts and felt his underwear, which contained his sizable bulge. Suddenly you caught sight of your true goal; Jack, standing there by his locker completely undressed.
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Jack was the top jock on the campus, with his cocky and arrogant attitude, and lack of care for anything or anyone. With an unlimited resource of money, privileges, and the worst personality ever, it wasn’t hard to understand why everyone was terrified of him. Yet, you couldn’t help but salivate from your mouth as you went over and began exploring every inch of his frozen immaculate body.
He had a classic jock body, with broad shoulders that lead down into a smaller waist, creating a perfect V-shape. His biceps were giant and he had meaty pecs that jutted out from his chest. He had some powerful calves right underneath his firm thighs and plump ass, all dusted with light colored hair. You couldn’t resist putting your hand on his ass, and moved it all over his smooth body, fully feeling every inch of his muscles. You left it to rest on his left pec, and looked over his head. He had such striking features on his face, smooth with perfect complexion, almost innocent-looking had it not been for his privileged background and horrible personality.
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That gave you the perfect idea, after you’ve had your fun that is…
You stepped back from Jack and looked at the group of frozen jocks horsing around with the football.
"Holy shit," you tell yourself. You willed this. Every one of these jocks who you had lusted after for years are now completely at your, and only at your, disposal.
A smile crept across your handsome face. You looked around the hall and realized just what had become of you. You were no longer beholden to the rules of mortals. A feeling of superiority washed over your mind as you realized just what the ring has enabled you to become. A fucking god!
As you turned your attention to the ring, you noticed the powers that were embedded within it, and that it was completely attached to your will and want. Its powers simply waiting for your mind to command it to give you whatever you desire, at any time or place. You allowed time to restart as you stepped back towards your own locker, smirking at your newfound abilities. You had spent years jerking off to the thought of these buck naked men, not to mention a lust to touch them. Now you had not only touched two of them, but had one such body of your own!
Your attention turned back to Jack. He had gotten away with so much bad shit ever since his father literally bought the school. Whether it was hooking up with every girl in his sight or bribing the professors into passing him, the success had gotten to his head. He was also known for bullying the smaller guys on campus on multiple occasions. You remembered one time last year when you were sitting outside working on your math homework, only to have Jack's goons hold you down while he stuffed his used jockstrap into your mouth. His crotch musk filled your nose as they laughed at you, not realizing that they had satisfied one of your deepest lusts. Despite your humiliation, you remember exactly what the jock smelled like. And you wanted to capture it again.
"But this time," you told yourself, "it's not me who is going to be humiliated." You had lusted after Jack for the last few years, hoping they would introduce you to his jockstrap once more. Now it's you who would be in control.
The bell rang and the gang of jocks began to split up. "Hey bro, don't forget about the party at Mason’s tonight," another jock shouted to Jack as they bumped fists. "I heard Brie’s sister is gonna be there."
"Damn, really? Guess I’ll be fucking both sisters.” Jack responded, "Just imagine the drama… They gonna be so fuckin' mad! Crazy bitches!"
Jack turned around quickly, too fast for you to dart your eyes away from his own. He gave you a somewhat respectful nod, but briefly frowned before stepping away.
"Did he seriously get bigger since last time, the fucks wrong with him? Asswipe. Probably thinks he can look down on me just because he’s better at throwing a stupid ball…" You could read Jack's mind thinking to himself, as his feelings of jealousy and rage washed over you. You had no idea their relationship was this strained, even though they used to be childhood friends.
"Still, thanks for the compliments…" you thought to yourself as you looked down and flexed your beefy biceps. You loved how much power and potential this body had.
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You dove into Jack's mind for a moment while he walked out to his Tesla to unload his sports bag. Quickly, you flipped through his whole life like a book. The jock's talents, abundant fortune, shallow friends, heavy partying and reckless sex life. He lost his virginity years ago and was currently active with four girls that went to the same classes as him. He was currently lusting after a cheerleader named Brie, hoping they could get together tonight at his parent's house since apparently they were out of town. Although now he was debating if maybe he should go for the younger sister first.
You shook your head, not wanting to dwell more on the disgusting things he was planning on doing.
"Now, how do I get this guy alone?" you asked yourself.
The bell rang again, a sign that some classes and seminarss were starting soon. The hallway and locker room began to empty out. A devious idea quickly came into your mind.
"You have time, Jack, don't you need to take a piss?"
Jack grabbed some of his books before feeling the need to use the restroom. He turned and quickly started walking toward the nearest bathroom.
"Don't go there, Jack, you should use the locker room," you commanded telepathically.
Looking back into Jack's mind, you could tell that Jack was confused as to why he felt compelled to go to the football team locker room. Never before had he needed to go to the locker room before just to take a piss. But he obeyed his mind and continued down the hall, through the gym, into the athletic center, and into the men's football locker room.
Jack didn't pay any mind to the fact that you were still standing there inside, being too focused on emptying his own bladder. Before the door shut to the restroom area, you slipped in behind him. Using your new powers, you surveyed that the locker room before and the stalls were all empty, with the football coach in a morning meeting upstairs.
Jack quickly set his stuff to the side and proceeded to a long row of undivided urinals. You imagined yourself now being among that row of football jocks, taking pisses and sizing each other up buck naked. With you no doubt having the largest and girthiest equipment of them all. The very thought made you painfully hard.
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Jack unzipped and began to pee. "That's better," he whispered.
You took a step, just loud enough to draw up his attention. Jack turned and saw you staring at him with a slight smile across your face. The first time you've ever been able to be smug to a jock like Jack.
“The fuck?!” Jack jumped a bit, surprised there was someone else in there with him. The interrupted stream of piss resumed once he saw who you were. “Oh, it’s just you. What do you want?”
You decided to take a few more steps towards him, hoping to make him more uncomfortable. He turned again, giving you a long thoughtful glare before a smirk emerged on his devilish handsome face. It seemed Jack wasn’t about to be intimidated by you. “I knew something was wrong with you the way you were staring at me earlier…”
“You’re a fag, aren’t you?” he asked demeaningly with a malicious grin on his face, making sure to put extra emphasis on the "fag". Not that it mattered to you. Not anymore.
Jack tugged his dick then turned to flash it openly to you before zipping it back into his jeans. "Just wait till Coach and the other boys hear of this! The team is only for real men, not for homos like you. You’re done, finished. Hah!"
"Oh Jack," you responded with an amused tone. "I don’t think they’re actually going to care, not that you’ll want to tell them anyway."
Jack tightened his right fist. "Yeah, and why wouldn’t I tell them?" He asked, as he slowly took steps toward you and stared you up. "Now get out of my way or I'm gonna lay one on your eye, and knock you out till the New Year. I’m not afraid of you just because you’re bigger, you motherfucker!"
You smiled as you ordered his legs to stop. Jack's expression turned from aggression and anger to surprise. "Woah!" he said, catching his balance, trying to stop himself from falling over.
"Time for a little payback, Jackie Boy," you said, as you ordered his hands up to his hoodie. Jack involuntarily pulled it off, revealing the jock's tanned arms with a thin but noticeable layer of blond hair over them. They were sculpted up to his biceps, thick, meaty arms that he had spent years on in the campus gym.
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Jack threw the hoodie to the side. "Oh what was that?" He asked, his breathing intensifying out of his surprise and fear of what his body was doing without his control. "I didn't do that just now, did I?"
He turned to you with a look of pleading. "W-what's going on?" he asked, finally with a look of fear in his eyes.
"You're under my control," you told him, with your smile widening. "I can do whatever the fuck I want now, and what I want is for you to get out of those clothes."
"Huh?!" Jack said, his demeanor quickly turning to a submissive, confused and vulnerable man. "Wait, what is going on?" He kept repeating.
"Kick off those shoes," you commanded, and ordered Jack to cross his feet and kick off his tennis shoes.
"Holy shit," Jack whispered, continuing to pull his socks off. It was the first time in his life that he felt truly without control.
"And the pants, jock boy," you commanded again, Jack quickly unbuttoning as he watched his hands in horror.
He shoved down the sweatpants to his ankles, revealing his dark gray boxer briefs. Sitting squarely between his legs, his six inch, fat, uncircumcised dick resting in front his fat testicles. Your smile widened. You had never seen the top jock this close before, and he was now finally yours.
Jack stepped away from his undergarments, his face still one of complete shock. "Wait wait wait wait, what are you doing, Bro? What the fuck is going on?" his voice was getting louder and more fearful.
"Don't worry," you reassured him. "Just having a little fun before I seal the deal..."
You dropped your backpack behind you and started walking toward Jack. As you did, you willed your clothing off of your body, peering down as your t-shirt, jeans, shoes and socks incinerated off of your jock body. You were left only in your musky jockstrap, that you had decided to wear earlier from the locker. You walked up to Jack and, ordering him to lift his arms, you slid your hands up his chiseled abs, rested them on his pecs for a moment, and then pulled the shirt off of him. "No, no, no" Jack whispered desperately.
"Come on, big man, why don't you just give it a try? You've never lusted after a dude before?" you whispered close to his ear. “I’m sure you’ll enjoy it…” you ordered him, as the ring on your finger warmed up.
You reached your hands to his package and stroked his underwear, feeling his engorged rod as it began to stiffen. You stroked it at just the right rhythm to turn the arrogant jock on, pushing right where his sensitive points were. "Ugh," he responded, and somehow started to feel more and more lust for the situation despite being straight all his life. "Umm," he groaned again, his hardening dick approaching the band of his underwear.
"You like that?" you asked, arching your neck down to kiss his neck and cheeks, giving him little taps of kisses as you started to head toward his mouth. Jack had now shut his eyes, completely lost in the most orgasmic build up of his life.
You pushed your hands around to the sides of the jock's toned ass and rolled his underwear down, feeling the peachfuzz of blond hair across the sides of his asscheeks as you did so. You let the band snap over his dick as it bounced to attention, finally free from the underwear. Jack stepped forward to facilitate pushing his underwear down to the floor, and he stepped out of them.
Jack opened his eyes, "don't do it, bro" he pleaded. "Don't do it."
"Do it" you ordered, and with that Jack shoved down your underwear and began to massage your dick.
You began to grapple with Jack and felt his body up as he did to yours, too. You then ordered him to reach his hands to your dick and begin stroking it. He looked down at your incomparably larger dick as tears began to well up in his face. "Why?" he whispered.
"Bend over," You responded, as you shoved the jock back before pushing his head down onto the urinal in front of you. He held on as he bent over. You dragged your rugged hands up his legs to his rear and positioned yourself perfectly.
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"No! Don’t you dare-" Jack threatened, but you simply grinned as you thrust your dick into his hole, pushing with as much force as you could muster.
"OH FUCK YEAH!" You groaned as Jack whimpered. As you began pumping, you realized you are fueled just as much by your want to humiliate the school’s most arrogant jock, as much as your want for him to notice and love you.
"You're mine, little man!" You shouted. "Every last inch of your being, you're now under my control, let this act be the mark of my dominance. OH FUCK!" You could feel your hefty balls ready themselves before churning, pumping your thick starchild seed, volley after volley into the spasming jock.
You wished for your body to produce more, to keep going, as you had a second, then a third full on orgasm, each better than the one before. Your seed began to leak out and dribbled down the jock’s athletic legs as he began to cry. "Stop it please, stop it!" he said between sobs.
You kicked his legs and shoved the naked jock onto the floor of the locker room as you stepped back. Your still hard cock bounced up and down as you admired and flexed your own sweaty body. "Oh fuck that felt amazing!" you roared. "I’m Shawn, and I can fuckin do anything now!"
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Jack tried to crawl away on the floor for a moment before stopping from exhaustion. You turned back to him. "Hey Jack!" You shouted. “It’s time!"
Jack turned his head from where he sat nude on the floor towards you, fear in his eyes, all traces of the cocky confident jock from ten minutes ago gone. You stepped towards him, reaching out your arm, until you were close enough to rest your hand on his shoulder. You rubbed his shoulder and knelt down until you were at eye level with him.
"Jack, I'm going to tell you what I'm going to do to you so I can witness your reaction before it happens. I'm going to use the same powers I just tested on you to make you fall deeply, and passionately in love with me. In fact, we’ve been together ever since our childhood days, a love between us so strong and persevering through time itself. A true love story of sorts, so secret no one knows but us."
Jack's face turned from showing an expression of fear to one of horror, his mouth and nose contorting to show his obvious disgust at your plan. You leaned in closer and added more things in a low husky voice.
"And you’re going to be a much better person. Kind, compassionate, and supportive of others no matter your differences, but still confident and proud of who you are. You’ll spend more time on your studies to make your parents proud, but also keep going to the gym to stay in perfect athletic shape, for me. You’re going to use your prestige and family’s trust funds to help those in need, while keeping just enough to give us a lavish lifestyle. Such as taking me to your family’s private beach house every weekend so I can fuck that plump ass of yours."
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He looked into your eyes, his face still reading disgust, and in a last-ditch effort he spat into your open mouth, and catching you by surprise he launched upwards, grabbing your upper arms with his hands and pushing you to the floor so that he was above you, looking down into your eyes. Your dick sprung upwards at the sight of him above you, excited by the closeness and feeling of his naked thighs on yours.
"You're not doing anything to me you deranged faggot, I'm going to fucking snap your neck and you'll never speak to me again!" he said, recoiling one of his arms in preparation for a punch to your face. You used the opportunity to quickly break free from his grasp, which required barely any effort given your enormous strength, and in one quick move wrestled him stomach-first down onto the cold hard floor. He laid flat against the tile floor as you held your knee on top of him, using your entire weight to keep him from moving anywhere.
“Stay still. This will be over before you know it.” You felt the ring on your finger slowly heat up, and subconsciously tell you it required direct contact to rewrite a subject’s whole life and reality. The heavy wheezing and thrashing underneath you made it apparent that Jack was beginning to panic.
“W-wait! Fuck!! You’re basically turning me into a pussy! A loser! No, no, no!! Please, stop! I-I’ll work under you, I’ll give you all my money, I’ll even make sure no one threatens your career! Just, please anything but that! I can’t possibly live like that! I don’t deserve-”
You didn’t let him finish his sentence before you brought your enormous hand against his plump ass and gave it a loud and hard slap. The ring burned hot on your finger as the red imprint of your palm slowly emerged on Jack’s right butt cheek.
The slap was so loud and so hard, it seemed to have completely paralyzed Jack, leaving him slack-jawed and staring forward in utter shock. He remained in that same frozen position for a minute or so, until a tingle seemed to pass through his body. Immediately his shoulders slumped, his whole body relaxed, and facial expression changed - to one of pure lust and ecstasy.
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“Oh, sorry. What were we talking about again, babe?” Jack asked, as he turned around with a smirk on his handsome face. His tone of voice seemed softer and more gentle, and his entire demeanor seemed to have changed. “That slap just felt sooo good!”
Seeing the change in his nature, you released him and helped him up, noticing immediately his engorged member poking against your thigh. “Oops, guess I got a bit too carried away…” 
You felt him lean in closer, moving his hands onto your thick and strong back, as his gentle hands rubbed it sensually. You opened your mouth to allow the tongue that was trying to open your lips in, moving your tongue into his breathing hot mouth.
Jack moved his hands down your back, grabbing your asscheeks and squeezing them lightly. You looked into each other's eyes and through what seemed like telepathy, which it easily could've been, you both got into position. You spreading your legs wider and him getting on his knees, with his lips almost but not quite touching the tip of your throbbing dick. You looked down on Jack’s flustered face before pushing your head onto his gaping warm mouth. He expertly wrapped his soft lips around your massive stick and began moving his mouth up and down it, causing you to moan in ecstasy and sending you straight to blowjob heaven.
You sped up, lost in the frenzy, before you finally climaxed down his throat. He kept sucking copious amounts of your salty man seed down into his stomach, as if he hadn’t had a single drop of water all day.
Then, before you even had time to recover Jack suddenly stood up and pushed you back into the locker room, grinning widely as he did. Pushing you down onto one of the benches with a loud thud, he quickly climbed on top of you and aligned his scorching hot hole against your still pulsating monster. “Now stay still, big boy. I’ve been yearning for your “Star Piercer” all day, and I only have half an hour left before my next class. You’re gonna let me milk you dry before then…”
You could only howl and moan in pure pleasure as Jack sat himself down, forcing you deeper and harder into him than you could ever imagine. You never would’ve thought of him as a power bottom, but you’re so glad for it…
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An undefined time passed before the locker room door opened and you both peered outside, making sure no one was in sight. You and Jack quickly walked out, acting as if nothing had happened. He suddenly pulled your neck down and gave you a sloppy kiss on the lips, before whispering deeply into your ear. “I love you, my big boy. You know I can’t wait for the weekend.” Jack beamed with joy, as he turned around and disappeared down the hallway.
You were still reeling from the afterglow of the entire encounter. You never expected that you would experience six orgasms within half an hour, and yet that was the reality. A reality given to you thanks to a small ring sitting on your finger. Just a few hours ago you were a nobody, always fantasizing and lusting after the jocks within your life. Now, you were Shawn, the star quarterback, destined to a life of success, with a rich and influential boyfriend to boot. A new body, a new identity, a new life, and a new love. The very thought made you chub up all over again, leaving you walking down the hallway while constantly adjusting your enormous crotch…
A few months had passed since the day you became Shawn and claimed Jack as yours. You were truly living the perfect jock life, with a successful career and loving boyfriend. Everyday you’d still find yourself amazed over the athletic prowess and sports experience your new body had. The feeling of blazing across the football field was exhilarating, and every goal you landed made you feel more and more proud over who you were and what you would become. You were Shawn, the Starchild, and you were planning on staying that way forever.
You and Jack were still deeply in love. There wasn’t a single day when you didn’t long to plow that plump athletic ass of his, and he desperately yearned for your creamy “Star Seed”. It also didn’t take long for you two to finally decide to come out. Though the other jocks were shocked initially, surprisingly many were very accepting of your new sexuality. Not that they had much of a choice anyways. It was either accept it, suddenly turn gay the day after… or be completely replaced. One prime example being Shawn’s dad, a former college jock turned body-builder, who refused to accept his son’s newfound sexuality. Everyone was surprised when the middle-aged man suddenly started talking and acting like one of the college’s openly-gay twink, who had suddenly disappeared the day before…
In the end, you had completely rebuilt the dynamics of the college and town. You had united the different groups of jocks, made your town one of the most gay-friendly neighborhoods, and had Jack and his powerful family spread their influence all over the world. Although you weren’t interested in world domination, with the ring on your finger nothing was impossible.
For now, you were living the life you had always dreamed of, and you were loving every single second of it. You truly believed it would never end.
That is, until a few months later when the old coach finally decided to retire. A younger, more experienced, and quite famous football coach was to replace him. You wouldn’t think much of it then, but you had no idea about the vendetta he carried against the former Shawn, nor that he had a special ring of his own…
For the next few months, the perfect life you had built up would be completely turned upside down...
To Be Continued...
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Merry late Christmas and Happy New Year to you all! Hope you enjoyed this present I prepared to end this year with! For those that wonder, I'm doing well health-wise and I just recently got a new job. The future is still somewhat uncertain, so we'll see how much time and energy I'll actually have for writing. Nonetheless, I'm looking forward to another year of great TF stories! /Verus
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elvestoneanzelote1 · 6 months
𝘐 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘨𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘐 𝘱𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘩 𝘢 𝘭𝘰𝘵 𝘴𝘰 𝘐 𝘢𝘮 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘱𝘦𝘰𝘱𝘭𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘤𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘨𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘥𝘰𝘸𝘯.
𝘍𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘰𝘧𝘧. 𝘈𝘭𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘠𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳.
𝘐𝘯𝘤𝘭𝘶𝘥𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘦, 𝘍𝘦𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘯��𝘶𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘭 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳.
Bungou stray dogs.
Port mafia.
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Ougai Mori:
My lover part one (yandere)
My lover part two. (Yandere)
Yandere Ougai mori x dazai mother reader x yandere Fukuzawa Yukichi + Platonic yandere dazai part1
Yandere Ougai Mori x dazai mother reader x yandere fukuzawa Yukichi +platonic yandere dazai part 2
Chuuya Nakahara:
Liar: Yandere Chuuya Nakahara x Guild! Male reader.
Smile for me: Yandere chuuya nakahara x fem reader, past sheep member
𝘒𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘪 𝘒𝘪𝘢𝘯𝘢 (𝘰𝘤 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳) 𝘹 𝘺𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘊𝘩𝘶𝘶𝘺𝘢
Platonic yandere chuuya x younger brother Male reader
Habit yandere Chuuya x clean obsessed fem reader
Yandere port mafia boss Chuuya x fem reader
Ryounosuke Akutagawa:
I love you: Yandere Atsushi x fem reader x Slight Akutagawa
With s/o And him (fluff yandere)
Kouyou Ozaki.
Smile: slight yandere fem reader x Kouyou Ozaki
Yukichi Fukuzawa:
Yandere Ougai mori x dazai mother reader x yandere Fukuzawa Yukichi + Platonic yandere dazai Part 1
Yandere Ougai Mori x dazai mother reader x yandere fukuzawa Yukichi +platonic yandere dazai part 2
Osamu Dazai:
Alchemists pm teacher! male Reader x Osamu Dazai (yandere)
My pretentious friend - Yandere Beast au Osamu Dazai x Yandere male reader.
A Goal--- Older fem p/m! Reader x yandere Dazai
Adopted bond: Platonic yandere Dazai x big sister reader
Adopted bond: Platonic yandere Dazai x big sister reader.
Yandere Ougai mori x dazai mother reader x yandere Fukuzawa Yukichi + Platonic yandere dazai part1
Yandere Ougai Mori x dazai mother reader x yandere fukuzawa Yukichi +platonic yandere dazai part 2
Yandere: trio dazai, Kunikida and Atsushi (separate) with fem reader with a very low self esteem
Yandere Dazai x Male inumaki reader x yandere Ranpo
Yandere Platonic dazai x twin sister reader x Fyodor
Broken lovers yandere dazai x male guild reader
Ranpo Edogawa:
Cursed speech: Yandere Ranpo x male reader x Yandere Poe
Cheater female reader x Yandere Ranpo Edogawa
My silent love- Port Mafia yandere Ranpo x male reader
Yandere Dazai x Male inumaki reader x yandere Ranpo
Doppo Kunikida:
Yandere: trio dazai, Kunikida and Atsushi (separate) with fem reader with a very low self esteem
Atsushi Nakajima:
Beast au, Yandere Atsushi x Male reader.
I love you: Yandere Atsushi x fem reader x slight Akutagawa
Yandere: trio dazai, Kunikida and Atsushi (separate) with fem reader with a very low self esteem
Akiko Yosano:
Memory: Yandere Akiko Yosano x fem reader.
Overall duo organizations.
Platonic Yandere Ada x child male reader x platonic yandere Port Mafia part 1
Platonic Yandere Ada x child male reader x platonic yandere Port Mafia part 2
Platonic Yandere Ada x child male reader x platonic yandere Port Mafia part3
Yandere BSD various x Zhongli/albedo (male)reader, pet favour
Yandere BSD various x Zhongli/albedo reader (male), Assistant Suhu
Yandere BSD various x Zhongli/albedo reader (male) initiative game.
Yandere BSD Port mafia various x Zhongli/Albedo reader (male) Barge into the room unnoticed.
Yandere Platonice Francis x son reader x yandere ada
Yandere platonic Ada x teen fem reader
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Nikolai Gogol:
Yandere Nikolai Gogol x fem reader
Venti reader x nikolai
Fyodor Dostoevsky:
Yᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ Pʟᴀᴛᴏɴɪᴄ Dᴀᴢᴀɪ x ᴛᴡɪɴ sɪsᴛᴇʀ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ x Fʏᴏᴅᴏʀ
Cult au, slight nsfw (yandere Fyodor x raiden shogun fem reader)
Venti reader x yandere fyodor
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Special Division for unusual powers.
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Yukito Ayatsuji.
Obessesion, Yandere Yukito Ayatsuji x male albedo/zhongli reader.
Birthday special, Yandere Ayatsuji x male albedo/zhongli reader
Hunting dogs.
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Yandere tecchou x Oc (kiana Komori) x yandere Jouno
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Edgar Allan Poe:
Curse speech: yandere Ranpo x male reader x yandere Poe
Louisa May Alcott:
Letter: Yandere g/n reader x Louisa
Francis Scott Fitzgerald
Platonic yandere Francis x son reader x slight yandere ads
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Mashle: Magic muscle and power.
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Mash Burnedead-
Sickness love hc- yandere Mash x g/n reader
Yandere Alder x venti male reader
Finn Ames-
Yandere Alder x venti male reader
Dot Barrette-
Yandere Alder x venti male reader
Lemon Irvine-
Yandere Alder x venti male reader
Lance Crown-
Yandere Alder x venti male reader
Rayne Ames-
Sickness love hc: Yandere Rayne x g/n reader
Yandere Alder x venti male reader
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Milo Genius-
Yandere Magia lupus x Venti male reader
Abel Walker
Yandere Magia lupus x Venti male reader
Yandere Abel walker x fem reader.
Abyss Razor-
Yandere Magia lupus x Venti male reader
Wirth Madl
Yandere Magia lupus x Venti male reader
Love Cute-
Yandere Magia lupus x Venti male reader
Doom x g/n reader.
General Yandere Mashle.
Yunan male reader x various Mashle yandere
Reblooged Yunan reader
Yandere Mashle x (yosano) fem reader
Genshin Impact
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Eyes: Yandere g/n Reader x Lynette
Lyney x reader who is hurt.
Moriarty the Patriot.
Sherlock Holmes.
Observation: Yandere sherlock Holmes x male (albedo) reader
Honkai Star Rail.
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Herta space station worker fem! Reader x yandere Caelus
Yandere aventurine x rengoku male reader.
Aventurine x reader who is hurt.
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𝘚𝘦𝘭𝘧 𝘈𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘎𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳.
Gᴇɴᴇʀᴀʟ Gᴀᴍᴇ Yᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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Tokyo Revengers.
Takemichi Hanagaki.
G/n Reader x takemichi (angst not yandere)
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Venti: (as a crossover)
In Lang! Fanart
Akiko Yosano (as a crossover)
In mashle, alder (fanart)
By me, Elvestoneanzelote1, You can also follow me in instagram. It is written. In the picture.
The master list will always keep on updating when I update. You can always rely on this.
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kaitokitty19 · 7 months
(from @witchhakuba it won't let me switch accs) we've seen saguru and tiny kaito. but what about kaito and tiny saguru? 👀
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Ahhhh thank you for the ask and sorry I took so long to reply (I was sick 🤒)
Buttttt god, thank you for giving me the excuse to draw tiny Saguru 😘😘😘
Imo, if Saguru were to be drugged with APTX4689, it would be because he stumbled upon the Black Org at a heist and stepped in as they were about to harm Kaito. Kaito brought him home and they work together to find the antidote (and pandora). Now, instead of chasing after KID, Hakuba is put into a position where he has to cover up KID’s trail against other detectives (which he will have moral crisises about) and fend off the Black Org.
(Kaito becomes very protective of Tiny-guru because he felt guilty Hakuba’s drugged because of him).
Hakuba’s alias would be something like Arthur LeBlanc (Arthur Conan Doyle and Maurice LeBlanc - author of Arsene Lupin and Blanc means white, which Saguru took quite an offense to, but hey, Kaito’s the one forging documents here 🤷🏻‍♀️)
Unlike Conan, I don’t think Hakuba would let his parents know about his predicament. He doesn’t seem to be close with his parents and wouldn’t want to bother/endanger them. Each of his parents just thought he was staying with the other one. At most, he tells Bayaa.
Arthur enrolled into the same primary school as Conan, and immediately arose suspicion when the Detective Boys arrived at a murder scene only to be informed that the crime has already been solved by another first grader. Ai Haibara, especially, did not trust him and avoid Arthur at all costs. Conan further suspect him when Arthur shows up at every heist.
Ahhhhh please feed me more ideas! This was fun. I’d likely draw more atpx!Hakuba in the future!
Click here for the mini comic I made for this AU 🫶🏻
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fullfriendnerdclutch · 7 months
They should have ensure that the perimeter is clear and watched out for suspicious activities for the safety of the President and his entourage from miles away as part of the sniper's team. But, they are too distracted to even do their basic job as the soul of the two wandering ghosts that mind their own business dragged by some powerful force into the sniper's studly bodies
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When the investigation rolls out the following week over the incident that almost took out the President's life, all of the snipers came out with fake stories on what they did during the attack of the President. The angry indigenous witch angered by the President's newly-signed policy that would destroy her land ensured that all those snipers briefed to the tee on what they should said. With her control over all those ghosts anyway, briefing them all at once is as simple as talking to a pot of water that transmit her messages and command directly to the mind of all the possessed snipers. She promised them permanence on their new bodies, and all of those spirits obliged with no questions asked, already enjoying their meat puppet a bit too much and couldn't let it go that easily
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hedgessketches · 30 days
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Me???? Drawing my actual body type?????? Unheard of. I must be hacked.
Started a new sketchbook bc the opps (thin paper that pens bleed through) PISS ME OFF 🗣️‼️
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starstriix · 7 months
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i love gen 2 girls and i love drawing ponies,, so i put em together
I’ve also ponified the gen 2 boys!!
Also, here’s a post with explanation of the species choices and cutie mark designs if you’re interested!
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