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kaitokitty19 · 1 year ago
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Aptx!AU fancomic (read right > left)
A (kinda) follow up to this
My Aptx!AU sypnosis is here.
(Cont.) Arthur LeBlanc (shrunken Hakuba) joined the Detective Boys and was invited, along with the KID Killer (he already hate that name) to a heist at one of Suzuki Jirokichi’s wealthy acquaintances’s. The target this time is a Chalice, recent excavated from a sight of an ancient holy battle.
Despite telling Kaito that he would not compromise his conscience and aid him in the heist, Hakuba found himself easily disregarding that boundary when the situation became complicated (a person presented at the heist is a BO member) and Kaito’s identity is at risk. In the end, he would always choose Kaito. What he didn’t expect was for that sentiment to be reciprocated

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loservillepopulationtwo · 2 months ago
DCMK AU - APTX Kaito Kid au
Eight years ago, Kuroba Chikage showed up with a sickly child no one had heard of before.
Soon after, Kuroba Toichi was legally declared dead.
Snake was right about Kaito being the original Kaito Kid, in a certain way.
Shinichi is a believer of logic. Naturally, immortality sounded insane to him. Time was just one of those constants, like a river running to the ocean. It’s flow doesn’t stop and it definitely reverse.
And then he encountered a poison capable of such things.
So it wasn’t Shinichi who ever paid to the certain smaller details that didn’t add up about Kaito Kid, it was Conan.
Kid always knew more than his experience implied.
Kid was undeniably an amateur, but somehow had the skills of a master (even if used childishly)
Kid has some odd, old habits
Kid was the son of Kuroba Toichi but he could never remember meeting him in his childhood (and Shinichi has a good memory)
Conan didn’t dig into those details as he usually would, as he deemed the thief a public nuisance but not harmful. It was a nice change of pace, dealing with a relatively harmless criminal, compared to his usual murders.
He was really annoying, dressing up as him constantly. But when it came down to it his motto of ‘no one gets hurt’ at a heist has saved Conan a few times. So maybe that’s why he let’s him go so often.
And he saved Haibara, on that train. So maybe that’s why he went out of his way to save him in turn.
Seriously- what kind of criminal would jump in front of a bullet for a detective?!?
It’s not looking good he’s losing a lot of blood-!
“No hos-hospital-“
“I know!” At least that got the thief to stop struggling.
Conan took him back to Professor Agasa’s house, and the fact that the thief made no quip about it was concerning.
Kid was in no position to even say his blood type let alone protest when Haibara took some to test.
In the end Kid got out of the danger zone. His face was pale and sick with sweat and he had at least 5 stitches in his body but his condition stabilized.
Conan let himself breathe a sigh of relief but he noticed Haibara biting her nails, signs of anxiety still present as she wen’t over the blood results for the thousandth time.
Kid wouldn’t have to worry about them using his blood against him- the same thing could easily be done to them- what, with the APTX in their systems. He knows Haibara agrees with this so why is she so

“What’s wrong?”
Haibara pursed her lips, eyes darting back to the blood work quickly.
“Is there something wrong with Kid?”
“There is APTX in his system.”
Conan felt his blood freeze. “What? How does he have traces?”
“No that’s the thing- not traces”
“How is he still big?” Does he have an antidote? Is there a cure-
“It’s not the APTX I made.”
Conan tensed, not liking where this was going.
“It’s a complete version.” Haibara bit her lip in thought, a storm brewing behind her eyes.
“Your parents
“We need to find out what Kid knows.”
Conan nodded, thought there was one thing tugging at his mind, “Can
 can you make an antidote with it?”
Haibara didn’t answer, but he could see the tenseness holding her in place. Grim thoughts crept their way into his head. If it’s been this long after Kid consumed the APTX
 is it even possible to make an antidote?
Kaito is in for a world of surprise when he finally becomes coherent! He has no idea what to make of the weird interrogation.
“Wh, huh? HUUUUUUH???” was Kaito’s elegant response.
He has no idea why they think he got shrunk! He’s still perfectly 16, thanks!
He has no idea how to answer the starting to get weirdly pointed questions about his childhood.
Kaito doesn’t actually remember anything from his childhood- back when he was sick. His first real memory is waking up in his ‘Mom’s’ arms, in a small, chubby, child’s body, in his bedroom. When he tries to think of before that all he can remember is blurry feelings of intense pain which he chalks up to his childhood sickness
Huh. Conan and Haibara are making the funniest face right now. They should invest in a poker face, like him.
Wait is he like diseased in a HouseMD way? Is a random tidbit of information going to reveal it wasn’t lupus all along?!?
Unbeknownst to him, the pain he described was of APTX activating. Something both Conan and Haibara know intimately.
Kaito is, naturally, the last person to learn of this entire thing
Besides, who would he even be? The only people he knew from Before were his Mom and Dad. Not even Jii-chan had met him!

not that he’s actually remembers his Dad

He knows he’s a Daddy’s boy! Mom would tell anyone who listened that he learned all the magic from his Dad. And got his demeanour from his Dad. And got his Dad’s face. Because he’s just that much of a Daddy’s boy from birth!
But the tapes of Dad he found in the Kid Room weren’t exactly aimed at him, or even acknowledged his existence. No, “Kaito would love this” or anything. They were just regular magician tricks, almost like a journal. It felt oddly nostalgic to listen to them. Mom played a few for him when he was a kid and then start crying from grief

Besides, Mom would tell him something that important, wouldn’t she?

She absolutely wouldn’t who is he kidding.
The “hehe i forgot (^-^’)\” won’t work this time!!!
Part of him wishes Mom (should he call her that?) would deny it- or even just respond with undeterred cheer but she just looked solemn when he confronted her.
Basically through scientific investigations, deductions, and connections they figure out this:
The Miyano’s wanted to create a miracle drug that could restore tissue to its younger form. A potential cure to Alzheimers, Parkinsons, Age-related Heart failure. The possibilities were endless! Maybe not a cure- not yet, at least- but it would buy the patients time. Time they desperately needed. Not many were willing to fund such a hail mary, and even fewer had good intentions.
But, in classic APTX fashion, it didn’t work as intended. It didn’t listen to any commands- it didn’t attack the faulty tissue they in small doses as they intended. It was a full, factory reset.
They knew what havoc this would cause the world if it got out- even just to their employers and destroyed their research, claiming it was a dead-end. They couldn’t find the cure no matter what.
At least Haibara can finally rest knowing what happened to her parents, even if she regrets her hand in creating APTX more than ever now.
Chikage comes to Japan to explain, not something she can do on call like before, no matter the encryption.
Kid fought a world class assassin group. The three headed hydra
 each one of the brothers was another head of this monster. They worked in tandem- the greatest threat he had faced. Phantom Lady had to join to take them down. He managed to take them down but he got hit as well

Toichi was poisoned and he was going to die. Toichi found it hysterical, he was poisoned and snake was going to get his wish but it wasn’t going to be Snake who did it. A snake without poison a poison without Snake.
Chikage wasn’t just going to let him die- he had so many connections and the poison was slow acting there had to be something.
Their friends had a experimental drug that if used correctly should heal the tissue. They still hadn’t refined it to only attack certain area but in this case, with the poison going through his entire bloodstream, that was better.
It worked at first, draining the poison and healing the damage it caused with a low dosage of APTX. It was slow but steady and Toichi was looking better by each passing hour. She isn’t sure what happened- it might have been the poison or maybe it was the medicine- but he had a seizure and his vitals were going down again.
They frantically tried everything to save him.
Have you ever heard the age old saying? “All things are poison, and nothing is without poison; the dosage alone makes it so a thing is not a poison.”
She didn’t know how old the body was so she decided he was 8. She really has no idea how children work she can’t be held liable for this if its wrong. No one has anyway of confirming so they all go with it. But the important part is that Chikage really doesn’t know shit ab kids lol. Only Kids.
Chikage made a new identity for him. It was a temporary cover to buy time while the Miyano’s fixed this. It was supposed to be temporary.
Chikage told everyone including Kaito that Kaito was just a sickly child who had spent so long sequestered away due to his health scares. Kaito was an odd enough child for everyone to believe this.
Soon enough, it became obvious the true danger lurking underneath the surface of APTX. The Miyano’s destroyed the ending to their life’s work to keep it out of the wrong hands.
Chikage arranged an ‘accident’ to misdirect everyone from the fact that Toichi had dissapeared.
No one could know he was still alive, for his own safety. (Though she’s positive some of their old friends, like the Kudo’s, realized- there’s no way Yukiko didn’t realize the instant she saw little Kaito)
Chikage has spent the years since looking for a cure.
Chikage looked at Kaito sadly and apologized. She never had any idea how to act with him. At first she thought it’d be over quickly if she spent enough time at it.
Chikage hoped that with him retaining his skills and base self he’d be able to regain other things as well. Despite this, To- Kaito would never react to anything she’d try.
Then the years grew and so did ‘Kaito’. A kid who genuinely believed she was his mother. A kid whose eyes she couldn’t look at without feeling an intense loss for someone whose technically still alive.
If she just found the cure, then everything could just go back to the way they were and none of this would even matter.
By the time Kaito had found out about Kaito Kid

He didn’t have an ounce of recognition, even as he donned the costume. Chikage didn’t have much hope as she regaled all the tales she had been holding back. It felt like half assed attempts by then.
Kaito had nothing but adorable childish annoyance when she said her tale of meeting Toichi. And despite herself, she felt like a mother teasing her child
She wasn’t surprised when the apparent recreation of the night, and her giving him her stash did nothing but have Kaito whine about having to do chores and dealing with her problems.
That’s when it really started hitting her that he’s truly gone and this is practically a separate person now.
And then, it was so awkward. She had no idea what to do with this. She can’t suddenly change her tune can she?
She used her own Phantom Thief persona, she had been using for finding a cure, to instead test Kaito. To see if he could truly handle it. He isn’t Toichi so she needs to stop expecting things to work out like they did with Toichi, who had so much more experience.
Chikage laughed.
Kaito gave her the stink eye.
“So, I’m Mom?”
“What else would you be? That’s a dumb question. I mean apparently I’m also my dad but I already had an identity crisis. Or 3. It’s been an eventful year.”
“Maybe, it’s like reincarnation.”
“Mom, please, I don’t want to increase the number to 4- clearly I’m an asexual reproduction.”
And so, it became clear for the Kurobas. Chikage learned to let go of the past and Kaito finally got to have a parent who was around. Chikage and Kaito proceeded to have a weirdly normal mother-son relationship. Well, normal for Phantom thieves anyways. (what better bonding activity after having a strained relationship than working to take down evil orgs together!)
Conan and Haibara realized that alcohal has no effect on Kaito aka on the complete APTX, his version destroyed everything before saving it. Theirs is incomplete, thus retaining their memories and the temporary cures. They still had a chance.
Kaito couldn’t be cured and he’s happy with that. Haibara chose not to, preferring her new life. Conan went back to his life as Shinichi in the end.
APTX trio đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„
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lilghost1412 · 1 year ago
I really Like this au idea especially because it has it's roots in Canon.
Now the two Things that Link this Idea to canon. First is Vermouth who doesnt seem to age anymore.
The second is in chapter 1110.
At the beginning the Detective Boys are talking about how much they have grown and Conan remarks to haibara that He doesnt seem to have grown at all since shrinking and Wonders wether or Not it's because of the aptx4869. And while haibara Denise this , the next Panel is a Zoom in one haibaras face with a "..." Speach bubble.
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So I would argue that this au idea is Not stupid at all.
It is still an au because we don't know how they will resolve this in Canon yet but it's pretty cool
Also the scene you described of the aftermath I find pretty Cool and interesting
Dumb au idea
You know, i have this little idea in my mind that wouldn't leave until i write it down, so here you go.
What if Edogawa Conan stay as a 6 or 7 years old?
Like, his body didn't age at all, refuse to age. The poison killing all the aging cell, so that his and Haibara body will remain as a child forever... i guess? They could still die, but dying of old age? Nope, never happen.
Has this idea already wrote down? I would like to know if somebody already make a fic of it. The poison working as an immortality elixir and it's working. That would be cool.
And the reason the antidote work because it is a poison. Like, there's a new cell in their body preventing aging, and the antidote is the one removing that cell or something.
Obviously at first nobody know what is happening, and Haibara didn't know that the poison work like that (If i remember correctly, she only observed the mouse experiment for only a day or hour? Not enough to know that the mouse will never become big again)
And that is, i guess. After a year or two, Haibara notice something and inform Conan about this discovery. Well, they probably have to go into hiding and never resurface again (Until the organisation taken down and they have the antidote)
Lastly, because they never age, once the antidote complete, i imagine that they will revert to their original age. Meaning their body stop aging when they were poisoned. Just a fun fact i guess.
Imagine Ran notice after Shinichi came back like "Shinichi... you... you look exactly the same after you left..."
Dunno if it's an interesting idea. Just wanted it to get it out of my head.
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avoiltaire · 2 years ago
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day 19: as a child ♡
tell me ishikawa arsene sounds cool (kaito takes aptx4869 au)
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alizardjae · 8 years ago
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oops my motivation died before i was done take this for now maybe i’ll do more some other time
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coai · 7 years ago
Would it be okay if I deviate from the prompts and make seven pieces for ConAi week?
(,, ∀)ïŸ‰ă‚›Hello friend, thanks for asking!
As mentioned in our FAQ:
The prompts have been provided to inspire contributors to produce something with a uniform theme for each day of the fanweek. Creators don’t have to strictly follow the prompts and may freely interpret them in any way. However, if you do come up with content that you think doesn’t align with any of the prompts, you can save them for after the fanweek. We’ll still gladly feature you in this blog should you tag or mention us. After all, the purpose of the fanweek is to celebrate CoAi.
It’s totally okay to deviate from the prompts! You can even come up with your own prompts or tweak them a bit if you’re not feeling any of them. Here’s some ideas as per how you may interpret them:
Trust: Partners, rely, depend, confidence, etc
 Protect: Hurt, haven, safe, danger, heal, etc
 Poison/Alcohol: aptx4869, sherry, baijiu, drunk, sober, intoxicated, etc
 Disguise: Child, code name, glasses, hat, mascarade
 Secret: Identity, unrequited crush, past, etc 
 Genius: Detective, scientist, prodigy, etc 
 AU: crossovers, movies, books, fantasy, etc etc 
As you can see, you don’t have to use the exact word, but you can interpret it in a different way that better suits your inspiration!
Good luck and we’re excited to see what you come up with this Coai Week!
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momocicerone · 7 years ago
Hey!! What are your theories regarding the relationship between Gin and Shiho? Like the fact they went together on mermaid island? Thank you!
asl;f  a GinSherry ask I am honored hahaha!
[rubs chin] See, I’m not really into the fandom so I wouldn’t be the most adequate person to answer you this, but I do ship pre-aptx4869 GinSherry and 
 why not? Even in an AU kinda way!
However in an official drill a few years back Gosho kinda confirmed that Gin and Shiho were sort on a (dubious) romantic (?) relationship.
tl;dr: GinSherry IS canon.
(fight me!)
I love Shiho and I love the idea of her making terrible choices with her naive, teenage heart. Gin is easily someone who she could have fallen for (and our gal has incredibly high standards). That said, you don’t recognize someone by a single strand of hair, and when Conan was about to ask her about their relationship after she escaped from the rooftop, she deliberately changed the subject.
(This is a ghetto translation on my part but you get the idea)
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Conan: But what’s concerning is that they seem to know Haibara’s movements a little too well
 As if they were completely sure that she’d be there. 
Recognizing someone just by their hair, usually
“Hey, when you were in the organization, did you
Haibara: What? Did they found about my body shrunking into a child?
When he says “usually” , he was gonna allude at the kind of relationship it would imply, that is, the what kind of relationship between Gin and Shiho. I’m still bitter that 20+ years later we don’t know what was Conan going to ask her! “Did you..?” what?? did you date Gin lmfao?? What were you gonna ask Cone oh, come onnnnnn. I wanna know.
And Shiho, sneaky lady. She knew where this convo was leading to. She cut him off mid sentence. (Because that’s none of your business, Kudo-kun)
(i’m still pissed lol)
anyways, theories

The only theory (which borderlines in wishful thinking hahah) I can think of is one that @ask-gin-vodka and me have been entertaining for a while and it’s that Akemi is actually not dead but instead is being kept hidden by Gin who’s like either this super secret spy or had a change of heart because his undying obsessive love towards Shiho :’D
Again I’m not the most adequate person to be asking this but thank you so much for your interest
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kaitokitty19 · 1 year ago
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Aptx AU
I wanna draw the scene where Hakuba get drugged with Aptx đŸ« đŸ« đŸ« 
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kaitokitty19 · 1 year ago
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I made a little APTX!Hakuba comic based on this post in response to @witchhakuba since I just couldn’t get the idea out of my head 😅😅😅
I also just really-really want to draw tiny-Saguru 😭😭😭
Bonus: bocchan is solving crime 🙉🔎
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Next part: Conan vs Arthur!
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kaitokitty19 · 1 year ago
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Continuing my previous post of KID shrinking
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kaitokitty19 · 1 year ago
(from @witchhakuba it won't let me switch accs) we've seen saguru and tiny kaito. but what about kaito and tiny saguru? 👀
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Ahhhh thank you for the ask and sorry I took so long to reply (I was sick đŸ€’)
Buttttt god, thank you for giving me the excuse to draw tiny Saguru 😘😘😘
Imo, if Saguru were to be drugged with APTX4689, it would be because he stumbled upon the Black Org at a heist and stepped in as they were about to harm Kaito. Kaito brought him home and they work together to find the antidote (and pandora). Now, instead of chasing after KID, Hakuba is put into a position where he has to cover up KID’s trail against other detectives (which he will have moral crisises about) and fend off the Black Org.
(Kaito becomes very protective of Tiny-guru because he felt guilty Hakuba’s drugged because of him).
Hakuba’s alias would be something like Arthur LeBlanc (Arthur Conan Doyle and Maurice LeBlanc - author of Arsene Lupin and Blanc means white, which Saguru took quite an offense to, but hey, Kaito’s the one forging documents here đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž)
Unlike Conan, I don’t think Hakuba would let his parents know about his predicament. He doesn’t seem to be close with his parents and wouldn’t want to bother/endanger them. Each of his parents just thought he was staying with the other one. At most, he tells Bayaa.
Arthur enrolled into the same primary school as Conan, and immediately arose suspicion when the Detective Boys arrived at a murder scene only to be informed that the crime has already been solved by another first grader. Ai Haibara, especially, did not trust him and avoid Arthur at all costs. Conan further suspect him when Arthur shows up at every heist.
Ahhhhh please feed me more ideas! This was fun. I’d likely draw more atpx!Hakuba in the future!
Click here for the mini comic I made for this AU đŸ«¶đŸ»
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kaitokitty19 · 1 year ago
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Kid shrunk. And with te BO on his tail, he came to the one place that they didn’t expect

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kaitokitty19 · 1 year ago
Seeing lurking for a while but would love to ask more about your Aptx4689 aus, specifically tiny!Hakuba but Arthur's appearance is came right after Hakuba's sudden leave of absence to "solve a case". Probably means it'll be extra quiet for Kaito while the rest of the class moves on with their high school life since this is normal for them.
What do you think Kaito's reaction is when he's asked what he thought about Arthur as "the second Kid Killer"? And if Arthur is one day found waiting for him outside of their school? (Cue Aoko asking if Kaito babysitting Arthur because he missed Hakuba. Arthur is deeply amused as Kaito sputters)
hiiiii, sorry for the late response; your ask had me thinking for a bit 😃
I think you're right, for the class, nothing would seem out of the ordinary since Hakuba's already frequently absent from class. But for Kaito, Aoko caught him glancing at Hakuba's desk more, being more quiet. She charged this up to Kaito's having a crush on said detective (which Kaito does, he just didn't know it yet lol).
I don't think someone as careful as Hakuba would show up at Ekoda high, however, since he stay at Kaito's, one day Aoko just badge in while they're discussing the Black Org and saw him > cue reaction similar to Ran in the first chap. Except Kaito spluttered and said it's Hakuba's relative from abroad, which springs a boatload more question from his childhood friend. Luckily, Kaito's good at adlibing shits: "Yes it's Hakuba's cousin visiting"; "No, Hakubastard had to run to solve some case and is currently abroad"; "Am I watching over the kid because I miss him? Psssh, he paid me to do it!"
And I don't think Arthur would be the second KID Killer. If anything, Kaito would proclaim him "KID's biggest fan" because: a) it would make sense to Aoko that Hakuba would pay Kaito - a known KID fanatic - to babysit this "cousin"; b) it would explain his inaction at heists when he shadows the Detective Boys; and c) it pisses Hakuba off so much it's funny.
Another thing is that since Hakuba now knows there is such thing as aptx4869 exists, he pretty quickly deduced the real identity of Conan (Chalice of Selene comics where when Hakuba throw Conan, he said "Sorry Kudo" instead of "Conan"). But since he hadn't yet know how Shinichi is planning to act, what sorts of security and threats is on him, and fearing that associations with him would lead the Black Org members who might be watching Conan straight to KID, Hakuba has reserves about formally forming an alliance. Which is why he enrolled at the primary school: to watch Conan closely before making a decision.
It should also be noted that in this AU, Saguru is completely head-over-heels for Kaito, but had long since resigned himself to be contended with unrequited affection. He believes himself to be no more than a nuisance to Kaito and is only being kept around because Kaito felt indebted to him for saving his life. Whatever the case, Saguru is prepared to sacrifice much for Kaito. On the other hand, Kaito, being his tsundere self, acts all annoyed because he's flustered by Hakuba. In truth, he harbors quite a big crush on his classmate, but disregards the fluttering feeling he felt each time to the adrenaline of the chase.
so yeah, they're messy đŸ«  But as they work together and face various danger trying to dismantle the Black Org, I'm sure their truth would slowly be brought to the light 😉 (pun intended)
ahhh anw, sorry for the long post đŸ„Č if you haven't notice, I like to ramble lol
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kaitokitty19 · 1 year ago
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WIP - Tiny Hakuba đŸ€—
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kaitokitty19 · 1 year ago
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More APTX!Saguru shenanigan 😅😅😅
Aristocrat of Evil (3/3)
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kaitokitty19 · 1 year ago
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Aptx AU: Aristocrat of Evil (1/3)
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