#revenge is expensive
bafflement · 1 year
Deaged Oz AU - Shopping [extended]
Oz snarled up at Qrow in frustration, the latter snickering in amusement.
"It isn't funny, Qrow! You said the dye you gave me would be temporary!"
"It is, Oz. The red washed out. Mostly." Qrow, to give him his due, really was trying to stop laughing. Not that that was easy when Oz's normally silvery hair had a definite pink tint, like candyfloss from a local fair.
"It's PINK, Qrow. Just... tell me it will wear off, at least?"
"Well, yeah. Probably. If nothing else, it'll grow out. I'm sorry, Oz, you know I'd never do that to you deliberately."
"Then why did you tell me it was brown to start with?" Oz asked, sounding grumpy.
"Because I thought it was?" Qrow sounded defensive. "They're very similar shades."
"Please don't do that, Qrow? For what you did to my hair, I am allowed to be angry with you. In fact..."
"Aww, don't be like that little Oz! It's adorable!" Nora cooed. Oz turned to glare at her hotly.
"You're not helping, miss Valkyrie, not to mention that comment was highly inappropriate. I was your headmaster a few short months ago."
"And now you're not! You're just a cute little boy that needs a hug!"
"Miss Valkyrie. Desist. Now."
"Hmm. No. I don't think I will. You're too serious for a little boy!"
Oz sighed in frustration, turning to look at the others in the room who seemed to be mostly holding in their own laughter at his hair. Only Oscar really met his eyes, though, looking sympathetic.
"At least they won't recognise you with that hair? Especially dressed like we are?"
"... that's a good point, Oscar, thank you. Qrow, we'll need your scroll."
"Wait? What? Why would you need my... Oz, what are you up to?"
"Oscar raised a good point. Neither one of us is dressed for a long trip, but we will probably have to make several. I'm not too sure the clothes we are attired in will last that long. Besides, I need to find a more economical way of shading my eyes from the light."
Qrow sobered at that. "Of course. I'm sorry, Oz, I forgot. I thought the goggles we found were helping, at least?"
"A little bit, but not really enough. The headaches have been steadily getting worse over the last few months, so I should probably fix the issue in question."
"And I assume ya want me to pay for this?"
"Also the clothes, yes. For Oscar and I both. It's really the least you could do considering I have no idea just how long I might have to live with the consequences of that hair dye."
Qrow groaned, but held out his scroll anyway. "Try not to bankrupt me, you two."
"Qrow, I know how much you make, there's no way we could do that even if that was the intention and it isn't. We just need a few things."
"A few things. Right. New outfits and a pair of glasses?"
"About the size of things, yes. At least we should hopefully both be more comfortable? Besides, this way it will be easier later on, we won't need to stop again for awhile. We'll be in Haven for at least a few weeks, it is the perfect opportunity."
"I already said yes, pocket sized. Go, both of you. Be careful!"
"P...pocket sized?" Ruby interjected, voice shaking with amusement.
"Oscar's a pipsqueak, Oz is even smaller. He needed a smaller nickname..."
Scowling, Oz led Oscar out into the street. He didn't really wish to hear the rest of that conversation, he suspected.
The first few shops they passed were general stores, but they ended up in the clothing district soon enough, helped by the fact that Oz was not unfamiliar with this city. The further they walked, the more noticeable his limp became, but the wooden sheath that held Long Memory was more than up to the job of supporting his weight. Besides, it all helped with the image of a pair of harmless boys out doing some shopping. Haven wasn't somewhere that they were particularly likely to be attacked, especially not in this district, but he kept alert anyway, trying not to wince at the brighter shafts of light.
Oscar darted into one of the shops, pulling Oz along with him, going to stare at the racks of orange themed clothing. Oz sighed and started looking around himself. He knew what he would have wanted to dress in, but he also knew that a fully green outfit probably wasn't a good idea, so he was rather torn...
A gentle cough sounded behind him and he span, eyes wide, to meet the gaze of a motherly looking shop assistant.
"Hello, dearie. Having a few problems?"
"Perhaps. I'm not too sure what sort of clothing style I should be buying. My brother's over there..." He gestured towards an Oscar who was happily engrossed in his own clothing selection. "He seems to know but I'm... uncertain."
"That's just fine dearie. That's what they pay me for, to help! Although, aren't you two a little young to be out by yourselves, where exactly are your parents?"
Oz let himself blush, looking down and biting his lip. If it was possible, the shop assistants eyes softened even further.
"Never mind, then. Tell me, do you at least know the sort of colors you're after?"
"Well, I quite like green..."
"Oh no, child. Or not predominantly, not with that hair! Soft golds or white, perhaps, but green would look just ghastly against that pink."
Oz groaned. "The hair was an... accident. It isn't meant to be that color. I have been informed that it will wear off, but I'm uncertain as to when."
"Best to tone with it until it fades. Your brother appears to be gravitating towards oranges and reds, why not go with a similar color scheme. Similar, not identical, though. What works for him would just wash you out. Hmm... I think I might know something. Wait here for a minute, please."
Oz sighed and did as he was told. Oscar looked over and winked at him. He, at least, seemed to have an outfit, though what he wanted with that many belts was anyone's guess. The jacket he'd picked out for himself was a bright orange and red combination that he suspected only Oscar could really wear comfortably, but he was happy, which had been one of the main points of this trip.
The assistant came back, smiling brightly. She carried a simple white shirt, dark trousers and a long coat. Shaking it out, she offered it to Oz with a flourish. True to her earlier statement, it was mainly a soft golden hue, but there was dark green embroidery at the hems and trailing up the sleeves. Oz grinned, happily. Well, it looked like they both had clothing now.
"Thank you!"
"You're very welcome, young one. Would you need anything else?"
"Sweaters, maybe? I'm uncertain where we'll be travelling next, but there are quite a few of us and warmth is probably a good idea? We were told to buy the necessities after all."
The woman smirked knowingly and led him across to a pile of jumpers. "Pick out the ones you think will fit you and your friends the best. Be mindful of the sizes, though!"
"Yes ma'am." Oz murmured, one hand already stroking the edge of one of them, considering. By the time they had travelled far enough to need them, his hair would have either faded to its original hue or grown out. He could indulge his love for his favorite color here, at the very least. There was also a copper orange that would work for Oscar, a deep red for Ruby, dark blue for Jaune...
True to their word, they only bought clothing at the store, though the total was slightly more than they'd anticipated. Ah well, Qrow's accounts could easily stand the drain and by buying a warm woolen sweater for each member of their party, they might even be saving themselves some problems later on. They were probably going to need to travel to Atlas at some point after all, and everybody knew Atlas was very, very cold.
"Oscar? There's something I need to do for a few minutes, if that's alright with you?"
"Oh! Right, the goggles... sure. Want me to wait here, or?"
"Probably not the best idea to seperate. Luckily I think there should be somewhere near here that should be able to help?"
The man in the shop blinked as a pair of boys wandered in, the younger seemingly very focused on the far wall where the racks of glasses were displayed.
"May I help you two?" His voice was soft, yet carried strangely in the small, slightly dusty shop. Oscar shrugged, looking to Oz who sighed.
"Hello. Yes, I think I could probably use some assistance. I have a medical issue, my eyes tend to be overly sensitive to the light. I had some glasses but they... broke."
"Ah, right. Yes, I believe I should be able to help, young man. I assume the goggles you're wearing are less than ideal."
"Indeed. I..." Oz took them off, sighing. The man glanced briefly into each of his eyes before nodding to himself, obviously deep in thought.
"Yes, I think tinted lenses would help you best. Why not go and pick out a set of frames you think you'd like? Your companion may be able to help you there. Thankfully, tinting them will be easy enough to accomplish. Do you have anywhere else to be today, or would you rather wait until they have been completed?"
"I think waiting might be the better idea? I tend to get headaches the longer my eyes are unshielded, lately they've been happening with increasing frequency."
Oscar had moved to the back, scanning the frames.
"Hey, Tip? I think these might work." He held out a pair of rectangular silver frames that looked nothing like his last set. Oz nodded, the more differences there were between the two appearances, the harder it would be to realise the similarities.
"You might want to try them on, first, young one." The man suggested, gently.
Oz slipped them on and gazed into the mirror. The frames seemed to alter the shape of his face slightly, but he was pretty sure they suited him. He took them off again and nodded.
"These, please, sir."
"Of course. They should take half an hour to complete, so you can wait here or you can come back later. Up to you."
An hour or so later, they walked back towards the house they were staying in, both of them dressed in the new outfits, Oz's new glasses securely on his face. The headaches were unlikely to fade so soon, but he fancied he could already feel them helping.
"Qrow's going to murder us, isn't he?" Oscar asked, glancing at the bag with the multicolored sweater selection in it.
"He knew that this was likely to happen. He never thinks about contingency plans, but they'll be useful later on. Besides, this way we got something for everybody so nobody can complain that we got special treatment."
"Well we... kind of did?"
"Perhaps, perhaps not. We are now all on an even field clothing wise, at least."
When they got back, Qrow glanced up at them, happy that they at least seemed far more comfortable than they had done previously.
"Looking good, kids. Uh, what's in the bag?" He sounded suddenly suspicious.
"If you're right that Leo is... not acting under his own power anymore, we might have to make a detour to Atlas sooner rather than later. Atlas is very cold, though, and with the possible exception of Miss Schnee, we are none of us really prepared for it. Thus, a warm sweater for each of us. Just in case."
Qrow sighed but accepted it. The others, suddenly excited, crowded around the two boys, eager to get their hands on their new sweaters. Oz, grinning, passed them out, saving Qrow's until the very last.
"I got you one, too. As said, none of us are that used to the cold."
Qrow scowled down at the cheerful looking deep red jumper. It had a crow on it.
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 4 months
Draken and Rindou frequently have to drag them out of bed
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blood-drives · 1 year
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selling this jacket :<< ive been working on it for 3 years, everything is handpainted and hand sewn
free shipping if bought with shirt or patch and it comes with free stickers :-)
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pretty-toru · 1 year
Gojo's idea of getting your attention when you're a new teacher at Tokyo Tech is committing the crime of eating your bento box that you packed for lunch and stored in the fridge in the lounge. You can't believe when you went to retrieve it only to find it completely missing and nowhere to be found. This left a really bad impression of the annoying idiot who stole your entire lunch—Seriously, who even does that?? And you were adamant at getting down to the bottom of it so you wrote a note to the Bento Box Thief and stuck it on the fridge.
After the back and forth exchange throughout the afternoon, which became exceedingly clear that it's nothing more than a game from the culprits' end, you had a really strong desire to punch him in the face when you find him out. The last note Gojo writes to you is the time and address to a fancy restaurant as a way of making it up to you, and you almost want to stand him up but you couldn't possibly miss the chance to meet him and decide on your sweet revenge.
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puns-and-musicals · 1 month
Feeling like all I want in life is a boxset of OFMD. I want S1 and S2 DVDs.
I want to own it, so that even if (when) Max decides to get rid of it, I know I can always watch it. I want to be able to watch it if my internet’s being weird, or lagging. I want to know that no matter what, I can revisit the characters who mean so much to me.
I want to be able to celebrate Calypso’s Birthday by throwing on the episode and hanging up some tacky decorations. I want to know that they can’t be taken away from me, not again. That the story that matters so much to me, a story of acceptance and compassion - a truly impactful story of self-acceptance above all else - I want to know that it will always be there for me. ugh.
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xhunnybeeex · 2 months
going to buy hayden christensen photo opp tickets and then not having the money to buy them after thinking you had enough is not for the weak. i’m literally trying not to cry about not meeting a 40 year old man. send help.
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Analyzing volume covers
Number 19 – Haitani brothers
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First, Ran is wearing the top part of a outfit while Rindo is wearing the bottom/pants. The Haitani are about sharing most/every thing after all (while also remaining their own person).
The skeleton is most likely a gashadokuro – a yokai made of several corpses/skeletons of people who died of famine or in war and didn’t get a proper funeral ; they come together/merge and turn into a gashadokuro. It ‘dies’ when all its anger (about not getting a proper funeral and not going to the afterlife because of it) disapears, until then it comes out at night and eats humans
That aside, Ran’s clothes have orchids (since it’s his name) on them, as well as a sun and a mountain (maybe Mt Fuji) ; both being symbols of Japan. Rindo has bellflowers (since it’s his name) and also a snake (or several, but only one can be seen), which the brothers have as their back tattoo.
If orchids can have a meaning in Japan it would be wealth and prosperity, luxury. It’s a very expensive flower in Japan (since it isn’t a native flowers from the Japanese soil). The meaning of bellflowers would be (unchanging/endless) love, honesty, humility, gratitude – it seems to be influenced by the western flower language tho
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meownotgood · 11 months
what if I proposed to you with the aki ring?
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scumvillains · 2 years
i just think ran has a thing for your legs
more specifically he would looove to adorn your ankle in a dainty gold anklet. its subtle but his own little version of a collar
loves it even more when it dangles right on his shoulder when hes pressing you in half and drilling the life out of you
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jenna-louise-jamie · 6 months
im so tempted to buy all the alex rider graphic novels, but they cost $98 canadian dollars... and that's the cheapest set i could find too
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cattythespy · 4 months
I have to say, if my wife suddenly hands me five pills when all along I’ve been taking two, I would hesitate just a little.
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missmagooglie · 5 months
I don't love the way it looks like they're gonna turn Amir into a full villain. I really hope the way the trailer implied he's gonna try to straight up murder Bobby is an intentional misdirection.
(Someone please come tell me I'm reading this wrong. Please.)
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songpasserine · 8 months
put some kerrygold butter in there. I’m not driving.
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darklight-owl · 1 year
"How has Layton not snapped from all the trauma" because his story is that of grief and acceptance. He's known pain and has suffered from it but after many years he learned to move on because life will continue whether he wants it to or not so he may as well make the most of it. He carries the painful memories with him but is also capable of seeing the beauty in life. He cries for his loved ones who have died but appreciates the people he has in his life now. Layton is an amazing character BECAUSE he hasn't snapped.
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did you see this? they're releasing an official collab with Alpha Industries for Toman's jackets and i feel like i need this in my wardrobe or i won't be able to breathe 🥹🥹🥹
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Ahhhh that's so cool!!!!! I like how we as a fandom can run around like we're our own gang lmao
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watatsumiis · 9 months
wow the justice system in fontaine really rubs me the wrong way what the fuck
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