#rev Karla
sher-ee · 2 months
Important Project 2025 breakdown ⬆️
If you haven’t seen the Trump speech Rev. Karla references, please see my other posts.
Vote BLUE to save our democracy.
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A bill that would add child sex trafficking and statutory rape to the crimes eligible for the death penalty was debated Monday in a Missouri Senate committee — despite conflicting with U.S. Supreme Court precedent.
The legislation is sponsored by state Sen. Mike Moon, an Ash Grove Republican who said Monday that one of the “principal purposes of government” is to “punish evil.”
Rape of children under 14 and child trafficking of children under 12 would be crimes eligible for the death penalty under his bill.
“And what’s more evil than taking the innocence of the child during the act of a rape? Children are in large part defenseless and an act such as rape can kill the child emotionally,” he said.
“And so I believe a just consequence, after a reasonable opportunity for defense, is death.”
The Senate Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Committee heard the bill Monday.
State Sen. Karla May, a Democrat from St. Louis, pointed to Moon’s stance of “believing in life” as an outspoken opponent of abortion without exception for rape or incest, yet supporting expanding the death penalty.
“A 12 year old who gets pregnant, you believe that she should bring that child in the world, am I correct?” May asked.
“What crime did that child, that developing human child, commit to deserve death?” Moon replied.
“…But you believe in killing the father to that child?” May asked, if the father is a rapist.
“Yes,” Moon said. “If an attacker commits a heinous crime such as the ones that I mentioned in this presentation, I believe that if they’re charged and convicted, absolutely.”
The Rev. Timothy Faber testified in support of Moon’s bill, pointing to the “lifelong repercussions” of child rape and trafficking.
“It’s also a well established fact that those who commit sexual crimes seldom if ever change their ways,” he said. “Once a sexual offender, always a sexual offender.”
Elyse Max, co-director of Missourians to Abolish the Death Penalty, opposed the bill during Monday’s hearing.
“If the goal is to overturn established U.S. Supreme Court precedent, it’s far from a guarantee,” Max said, “and the amount of resources the state of Missouri would have to spend as well as the trauma to child victims during the process cannot be understated.”
The U.S. Supreme Court in the 2008 case Kennedy v. Louisiana ruled giving the death penalty to those convicted of child rape violates the constitution’s ban on cruel and unusual punishment unless the crime results in the victim’s death or is intended to. Only homicide and a narrow set of “crimes against the state” can be punishable by death, the court ruled.
“Adding statutory rape and trafficking as death-eligible crimes are a slippery slope,” Max said, “of expanding the death penalty to non-murder crimes that would bring the constitutionality of Missouri’s death penalty into doubt.”
“Instead of spending millions of dollars to possibly change long-standing precedent, Missouri resources should be spent to protect children from abuse in the first place, and ensure survivors have access to mental health treatment and proper support, following the offense,” Max said.
Moon said, regarding the Supreme Court precedent, that it’s worth challenging.
“That’s something that we need to start the conversation about,” he said, “and those things need to be challenged.”
Florida passed a similar law for victims of rape under age 12 last year. It received bipartisan support. In December, prosecutors in that state announced they’d seek the death penalty in a case of a man accused of sexually abusing a child.
Florida’s Gov. Ron DeSantis has said the state’s bill could lead the U.S. Supreme Court to revisit the issue.
Mary Fox, director of Missouri State Public Defender, which provides defense for the majority of death penalty cases in the state, argued Monday that the death penalty is “no deterrent to a crime.”
Fox also noted that an 18 year old dating a 14 year old could be executed under Moon’s legislation because that would be considered statutory rape.
Mei Hall, a resident of Columbia who also said she was a victim of sexual abuse, also testified in opposition.
“I don’t wish my abuser death,” Hall said. “I wish them to be sequestered away and unable to harm more people, for sure. But I don’t think it’s the state’s place to kill people in general and I don’t think it’s the state’s place to make it more difficult for child victims to come forward.”
Lobbyists from Empower Missouri and Missouri Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers also testified against the bill. A lobbyist from ArmorVine, testified in support.
Missouri was one of only five states to carry out death sentences last year, along with Texas, Florida, Oklahoma and Alabama. There are two executions scheduled for this year.
Three House bills filed this year would eliminate the state’s death penalty, but none has made it to a committee hearing.
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violottie · 3 months
"What is Project 2025?" by Rev. Karla Kamstra
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Today in Christian History
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Today is Friday, February 3rd, the 34th day of 2023. There are 331 days left in the year.
Today’s Highlight in History:
865: (traditional date) Death in Germany of Anskar, an early English or Irish missionary who had tried repeatedly to evangelize Scandinavia.
1238: Mongols surround the city of Vladimir, whose citizens, including Orthodox Christians, vow to resist to the last man to defend God’s churches. The city will fall on the fourteenth of that same month.
1399: Death in London of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, whose political struggles with powerful prelates led him to support the religious reformer John Wycliffe.
1469: Death in Mainz, Germany, of Johannes Gutenberg, a developer of movable type, which will become a powerful factor in the spread of the Protestant Reformation.
1738: John Wesley arrives in London, having fled the colony of Georgia, where his ministry had been a serious failure.
1767: The British House of Lords rules against the Corporation of London which, to raise money, had established heavy fines for anyone refusing to stand for office if nominated, and then nominated many dissenters, knowing that they could not take the oath required under the Test Act.
1788: Richard Johnson, first Christian cleric appointed to Australia, preaches his first sermon in that country.
1832: Death in Trowbridge, Wiltshire, England, of George Crabbe, a Church of England vicar and notable poet.
1943: The Allied troopship S.S. Dorchester is torpedoed by a German sub near Greenland and goes down with a loss of 600 lives. The event is notable for the selflessness of four chaplains, Rev. Clark Poling (Dutch Reformed), Rev. George Lansing Fox (Methodist), Father John Washington (a Catholic priest) and Alexander David Goode (a Jewish rabbi), who gave up their lifejackets to save other men.
1985: Desmond Tutu of South Africa becomes Johannesburg’s first black Anglican bishop.
1998: Execution in Texas of Karla Faye Tucker, a murderess, who converted to Christianity on death row and died praising Jesus. Movies and documentaries will be made about her life.
2005: The Islamic city council of Demre, Turkey (formerly the Christian city, Myra), votes to replace the town’s traditional bronze statue of St. Nicholas of Myra with an effigy of a fat man with a red fur suit.
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uufellowshipburlia · 6 months
UUFB Services for April 2024
April 7 - For generations, Henry David Thoreau has been a model of how to live according to one's deepest convictions. His writing inspired Gandhi's doctrine of passive resistance, and his experiment in living a simple existence at Walden remains a touchstone for the environmental movement. Thoreau was an immensely complex man, however, and now we have a modern biography adequate to his thought and his art, Laura Dassow Walls' Henry David Thoreau: A Life. Perhaps the leading scholar today on Thoreau, Walls puts her subject at the intersections of science and philosophy in nineteenth-century America. From the Chicago Humanities Festival in 2017.
April 14 - (Rescheduled from March) This morning we will have a recorded service from our sister congregation, the Unitarian Universalist Society of Coralville, IA. The service is entitled “Call Me By My Name”. From their website: “Join us for a special worship service as we explore the liberating power and possibility of the language we use, especially those little yet immensely powerful things called pronouns. Rev. Diana Smith and Trans Inclusion in Congregations leaders preaching.”
April 21 - Member Karla Mundt will lead our discussion today as we celebrate Earth Day. This will be the 74th observance of the day dedicated to both learning about the problems surrounding climate/environment issues and committing to take action to improve the situation.  Come join us this morning for discussion and coffee.
April 28 - Beltane (or Bealtaine) traditionally falls on May first, and is the first of three summertime holidays in many Pagan calendars. Our program this morning explores this Celtic holiday and our modern manifestation of it in May Day. Coffee and discussion will follow, as always.
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liquidheartbeat · 3 years
Rainy Dinner For Two
Iris grabs dinner from her and Barry's favorite diner on a dreary, rainy day.
Iris steps out of her car, underneath a dark gray covering of clouds.
They hang low in the sky, rippling past her quickly to the north. She hopes they’re signs of a passing shower, because she has a nice outdoor dinner with Barry planned tonight — and nothing will get in her way.
For the past six months, this has been their routine every Friday. She gets off work, then heads over to their favorite cafe and picks up their dinner. Usually, the weekend crowd has the place packed elbow to elbow, but the impending storm has run everyone indoors.
Everyone but her.
She takes in a deep breath as she walks, reveling in the earthy smell of incoming rain. The diner is nearly empty, except for the older gentleman in the booth, near the back. For as long as she’s eaten at this diner, there’s never been a day he didn’t occupy that spot.
He’s always orders the same thing. Two pancakes, three strips of bacon, an egg and Black coffee. And each time she walks into the diner, he greets her, tipping his hat forward.
Today is no different.
Iris smiles and waves, in return, then heads to the counter.
It’s a rare sight to see it completely empty, and she would take the chance to actually sit at one of the stools, but she’s already running a little late.
And Barry’s waiting for her.
At the counter, Karla, the evening waitress looks up from her phone, surprised to see a patron in this weather. Still, she smiles warmly. “Hi, Iris. What can I get for you today?”
“The usual, please.”
Karla’s nods as she writes it down by memory.
Steak, salad, potatoes au gratin. Fresh rolls. An entire pan of lasagna. And to top it all off, brownie sundaes, ice cream on the side — all of her and Barry’s favorite foods.
“Coming right up.” The woman smiles and heads to the kitchen to alert the cook that his quiet evening at work won’t be so quiet after all.
Iris is sure she hears him groan, but she doesn’t care.
She always leaves a generous tip, so he’ll live.
As she waits for her food, Iris pulls out her phone to pass the time. Her go-to app of choice is Instagram. It hasn’t always been this way;  as a journalist, she used to prefer Twitter to stay up on the news and gossip within her industry. But lately, Instagram has taken up special stock in her heart, serving as a living, breathing archive of her and Barry’s relationship.
So many beautiful milestones captured on film forever.
She finds herself scrolling through their years of pictures, at all hours of the day. Late at night when she should be sleeping at work.
Of course, her iCloud holds thousands more pictures than Instagram does, but what Instagram has that her phone doesn’t are Barry’s comments. His weird inside jokes, gentle mocking of her burnt food pictures, his excessive use of heart emojis on the rare selfies she posts, self deprecating jabs on their couple’s photos.
Invaluable expressions of their relationship through his eyes.
She smiles as she scrolls, grateful that her obsessive picture takING has served her well.
When Karla returns, Iris is deeply entrenched in her phone. “Iris?” She grunts as she lifts her huge order, tucked neatly into takeout containers. “I have your food.”
Iris looks up. “Oh.” She laughs and shakes her head, digging into her purse for cash.
The order always comes out to just under $50 bucks, another reason to love this diner. Not only is the food delicious, it’s dirt cheap. Iris always pays with a $100 bill. “Keep the change.” Her usual mantra.
Karla trades the food for the money and smiles. “Appreciate the business.”
“Of course.” Iris slides off the stool gathers the food.
As she turns to walk away, Karls says: “Give my best to Barry — he hasn’t been by in awhile.”
Iris pauses, stops dead in her tracks. “I will.” She smiles brighter glancing back at Karla, then heads for the door.
She steps outside and makes note of her surroundings.
The sky is darker, more menacing. The wind has picked up too. Iris walks in haste towards her car and packs up the food in the backseat, then rounds ducks into the driver’s side just as the first drops of rain begin to fall. Revving up her engine, she leaves the parking lot,and heads towards the sight of her and Barry’s weekly’s dinners. Her fingers tap along the steering wheel as she drives, her building anticipation fighting with her nerves.
It’s dumb to feel nervous. This is her husband, afterall. Her best friend. But the venue unnerves her. A large open plot of land, no dinner tables, no guarantee of privacy. Plus, the weather feels especially foreboding today. As she creeps down the road, the sky continues to darken. “God, this is going to be some storm, huh?” She says as she stops at a red light. Rolling her window down, she pokes her head out.
The temperature has dropped considerably and in only a few minutes at that. She glances at her backseat, checking to see if her jacket is still there.
She smiles as she realizes it is. If only she’d remembered to bring her umbrella.
For a moment, she considers texting Barry and asking him to run by the loft and pick it up. But she knows he’s occupied, so she refrains.
By the time she arrives, it’s drizzling slightly. But nothing too terrible. Her hair will be good as ruined, but she doesn't care. Her husband is waiting for her.
She gathers the food and her jacket, which she throws on her shoulder, and heads over to Barry. Thankfully, there’s no one else out, so they can have a private dinner. As she walks, she remembers that she forgot the picnic blanket to lie on the ground.
But it’s too late to turn around.
Guess she’ll have to toss these clothes once she gets home. Grass stains and mud do not mix. Still, she pushes forward, walking over the large plot of land.
“Sorry, I’m late,” she says as she sits the bag of takeout on the ground. “I got a little tied up at work.” Hands free, she slips on the jacket that’s cast across her shoulders, just as lightning illuminates the darkening sky.
She flinches slightly, but kneels to the ground in front of a large tombstone.
It reads: “Here lies Barry Allen. Born March 14, 1989. Died April 7, 2021.”  
She shakes her head to herself. Such a piss poor summary of a rich, varied life, full of service. Absolutely no mention of the sacrifices he made as The Flash, the same sacrifices that promised him an early demise.
But she knows that he gave his life for the city. So that the people he loved could live another day. She presses a hand to her heart, eyes welling up with tears.
His death had hit her like a ton of bricks.
But in the months since, she’d forced herself to hold things together and try to get as much out of life as she possibly could, so his sacrifice wasn't in vain. To keep living, to keep running. But once she’s in front of him, it’s hard to keep the promise she made to him.
These dinners are hard on her stomach, and not just because she’s eating enough food for a small family. But because there’s no goofy laughter at the end of her rant about her boss, no consoling breath when she expresses her insecurities about her position at work, no seductive crooning that foreshadows the next part of the evening, once they return home. It’s just her and the fresh air, and wilting flowers and Barry’s gravestone.
Thunder cracks overhead like a whip, pulling her from her thoughts. Lightning blazes across the sky. It’s a terrible day for an outdoor dinner. But then again, every day without Barry is terrible, when she really thinks about it. At least here, she’s closer to him.
The rain picks up, huge droplets pelting the ground. Iris pulls her hood on her head, and lays lengthwise in front of his gravesite. On a clear day, she’d trace his pitiful engraving with her fingers, but the weather has her seeking shelter inside her jacket.
She draws her arms inside her sleeves and holds the fabric together from the inside.
The food she bought is getting absolutely ruined, but truth be told, she doesn't have much of an appetite. Today, a conversation with her husband is the only thing she needs on her plate. “So, Barr,” she says, “I have so much to catch you up on…”
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janacariad · 2 years
Song Title Game
Rules: Create a new post, and spell out your URL in song titles!
Thank you for tagging me @charlotterhea!
It was hard not to get an overload of my two favourite singers, but I think I've kept it within reason 😅
J - "Just One Smile" - Karla DeVito
A - "Altitude" - Lifesigns
N - "No More Mr. Nice Guy" - Alice Cooper
A - "Aberdeen" - Avi Kaplan
C - "Catch The Wild Wind" - Steve Womack
A - "All Revved Up With No Place To Go" - Meat Loaf
R - "Rebel Without A Clue" - Bonnie Tyler
I - "Into The Blue" - Avi Kaplan
A - "All I Ever Wanted" - Bonnie Tyler
D - "Dacw 'Nghariad" - Eve Goodman
Tagging @ensnapemysenses @snapeysister @snaddy-issues @half-blood-slytherpuff @glowstar826 @maruke2003
Sorry if you've already been tagged or don't like these kind of games!
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
'Mexican standoff' : an new chapter for "The woman with an strange name" is out !
Chapter Summary : Bell's first task as an deputy is not simple but she got no choices to do it : escorting, with the sheriff, Adler to an important talk with the mexican gang and she doesn't have an good feeling about it.....
To read it on AO3, click here !
Taglist : @snowgoldwaylon , @clxudtea , @efingart , @smokeywhalee (If anyone want to be added, feel free to tell me, same thing for my main fic "Redemption of an Spirit in an Cold War')
It could have been an nice & warm day to take an break but of course, it couldn't be the case for Bell & the sheriff who has now the obligation to stay with Adler to accompany him out of the town for an meeting with his enemies and in all occasions, they couldn't step back and have to comply as it was dealed about : the sheriff was reinstated, along to offer Bell an job as his deputy but both are under his control, they took the risk but they had to....
Once out of the mayor's house, Adler's horse was already brought up by his men as Bell & the sheriff has to get their own horses, the two of them in the doctor's stables and since days, Bell was able to reappreciate to be back with her horse, in an better state than when she was in that box and even when Bell first entered in town. For the sheriff, it was an brown male horse that was mostly staying in the stables than been outside.
As the two were up from their both horses that they could join Adler at the main exit of the town before they could ride off away to join up the place the meeting was supposed to take place with the mexicans. It was in an small ghost town near the US-Mexican border named Nothing Gutch, Adler knows the town because it was one of the numerous town him & his gang raided before coming in to Redemption...an perfect place the mexicans chosed....
"So, what's the problems with the mexicans ?" Bell asked him as they were soon arriving at where they needed to meet up with the other part of Adler's men leaded by Hudson, their horses trotting after running for an while.
"The sheriff didn't explain that to you ?" Adler asked back and both nodded behind him as he was moving his hands to reach an pack of cigarettes out of his pockets of his jacket. "Like always, it's mostly confrontations that turned into an secret war." He fully replied.
"That's why the mexicans are banned in town." Azoulay revealed to her, raising his shoulders behind Adler's back to her. "They try to enter the city discreetly as you saw two days ago." He added.
"And it seems that you're mostly the causes of those talks, miss Bell." Adler turned his head around, an cigarette between his lips to her.
"Must be because we have prevented them to kidnap miss...your wife." Bell corrected herself, feeling an taste of bitterness in her mouth about the last words.
"They want to know more and also an deal with us." Adler continued, blowing up some smoke out of his mouth. "At what my men told me, the mexicans were talking about an mysterious lady called Bell that managed to beat two of them like that." He said, looking at this woman that was just behind him at his left.
"I wasn't alone." She whispered, looking at the sheriff who shook his head.
"Like I said, you're the one saving her, not me." Azoulay clarified about it before coughing an little, hand in front of his mouth. "I was just here to help."
"At least, you saved her both." Adler spoke up, facing back in front of him.
"And why are we here exactly ? Not because we're forced but there's something else, right ?" Bell demanded to Adler as this question was in her mind since the moment she stepped out of that house.
"You want to know why I bring you both here ?" Adler peaked his right eye towards her by curiosity, his cigarette in his hand, between his fingers. "Because of what I saw & know, you two are good shooters and I need your skills in any occasions." He told them both, also looking at the sheriff.
"I never saw you shoot, sheriff." Bell exclaimed, checking the sheriff to look for any guns and seeing an revolver and an rifle strapped to his horse saddle.
"It was because Adler's men stripped me out of my guns when they installed themselves in Redemption." He explained to her as Adler was smirking at hearing him without been seeing by the two. "They gave me back everything last day." He added.
"As long as you don't try anything, you can keep them." Adler reassured him, an smile on his face, not looking at him at all as the trio were soon arriving near the meeting point with his own men awaiting, all armed and on the ground. "Hudson, is everyone here ?" He asked to his lieutenant, going down of his horse.
"Like you ordered, Russ'" Hudson responded, taking the rifle he got leaned on the ground, the others behind him, waiting for the orders. "We now need to know what's your orders."
"Well..." Adler started, placing his hand below his chin after throwing away his cigarette. "I need men to intervene at the first shot fired if it's by us or them." He stated, looking at Hudson's right, gesturing to his men to go hide in an safer place as they were already knowing the place. "I premuse that the mexicans are already here ?"
"Exactly, we've been looking them since we arrived, Rivas is awaiting in the middle of the main street for us." Hudson said as Bell & Azoulay were staying behind Adler, both not having draw any of their guns for the moments. "Seems that you bring the sheriff and his deputy." He scoffed.
"We need them close to me during the deal, you know how much they can be used until we don't need them anymore." Adler whispered silently to him, not wanting to be heard about that subject. "You'll be coming with me and them, the others are hiding at safer places and you know the rules : first bullet to be shot and you all arrive." He added before going back to his horse to take an Krag-Jørgensen rifle from its saddle. "Come on, let's go." He ordered, gesturing to Bell, Azoulay & Hudson to follow him behind.
Their meeting point with Adler's men were just at 100 meters from the town and it was hidden by rocks so it was helpful for them to think of an strategy at hidden sight and now it was time to get along what Adler was planning, Bell & Azoulay walking with him slowly with Hudson on the road that were leading to the city and above everything, stress wasn't here at all despite Bell who knows that something not right will happen...it couldn't happen without any problem...
The ghost town was really an abandoned town : the buildings were in ruins, the church at the main entrance burned down and what was the former prison was no more and all of this could be observed by Bell as the group were entering the main street, thinking that everything was Adler's work, must be his work. As the group were advancing, everyone was now looking on top of the building to see if there weren't anyone to surprise them.
"Well, well, well...." An loud female voice was beginning to be heard, coming out of the former saloon and she wasn't alone, having two of her men along with her, holding two rifles in their hands as two other mexicans were going out of the building facing the saloon. "Russell Adler in person." The woman exclaimed as Bell could see an women with an skull painted over her face, all dressed in black too like him.
"Karla Rivas, what an surprise." Adler spoke up, stopping the group in the middle of the street, Hudson been the only one to have keep his rifle in hands while Bell & Azoulay were having their hands above their guns, Bell mostly her Colt and Lazar his rifle. "I didn't thought that you will come here."
"I'm an women of my word, not like you." She taunted him back, holding her belt around her pants, each group now facing each other.
"If I wasn't an man of my own word, I wouldn't be here." He told her back in an funny tone, his hands positioned like hers. "What do you want exactly ?"
"Well, I heard rumors about an woman in your town harrasing my men in work." She started, knowing that the woman she was talking about was just here near Adler. "I suppose you're the mysterious miss Bell ?"
"Yes." Bell replied in an normal voice, trying to keep her cool in that situation as she was thinking that they are probably encircled by Rivas own men...what an day....what an day...
"I'm very curious about why are you working with him ?" Rivas demanded to her.
"I'm not working with him, I'm helping him." She clarified, making sure that she was just here to help despite been obligated to be with Adler.
"Ya lo veremos [We'll see about that]" Rivas said, directing towards Bell.
"Podría ser ahora o en el futuro, estoy lista ! [It could be now or in the future, I'm ready !]" Bell commented to her, using her perfect spanish tone that caused everyone to look at her with great curiosity, been the only person in Adler's group to speak spanish.
"Oh....I didn't know that you start hiring people to speak spanish." Rivas scoffed towards Adler, an smile on her face.
"Let's just get down to business, shall we ?" Hudson suggested in an harsh tone, speaking about everyone here, he hate the place and he wouldn't want to spent any more useless time here.
"As you wish, gringo Hudson." Rivas muttered, taking an step forwards in the sort of no man's land between the two group. "At first, I want to make....an peace deal and also I want your ban on your city lifted." She proposed her deal as Adler shook his head away, not for not agreeing...
"But if you put conditions, I put mine too." Adler told her, also making an step forwards. "You let my men alone and you allow me & my mens to raid your side of the country." He put this on the invisible table of the deal, she wanted to make an deal, he willl give one.
"You think I'll accept that ?" Rivas stepped back, spreading her arms around to show that she wasn't going to agree.
"You wanted an deal, so let's make one !" Adler raised his voice but as the second he finished that one of the mexicans put his hand right on his revolver grip, causing everyone to do the same.
"No, that's not what we want !" Bell warned, her hand also on her Colt grip and putting her left hand towards the mexicans, everyone now frozed in place
Everyone was now looking at each other, the two group facing in an silence of death that will put the cemetery of the ghost town in shame with only the sound of the wind and the noisy cracks of the buildings ruins because of the wind, it was like an standoff, everyone waiting for something that will launch the inevitable confrontation and nothing could disarm the whole blood situation both groups were now...
Bell was having an drop of sweat on her face, the first in days as she was facing an mexican ready to draw against her and the others, she just needed to stay calm & cool, she got this well and she know how this will happen. She looked at one second at her right, seeing Hudson winking with his eyes towards the mexican he was facing before she could see from this distance, the mexican's eyes going wide, she knows now....
"Oh my god !" She spoke up, knowing that it was too late to back down as everyone was starting to draw their own guns, causing her to follow the movement and she was the first one to draw despite been the last to start it.
And of course, she was the first one to shoot, drawing her Colt to fire 3 bullets in an rapid succession against the mexicans that were facing her & Azoulay, hitting them successfully as the others couldn't fire any bullets that they were all going to run into an direction, Adler & Hudson going to hide in an building near the saloon, Rivas & her men going backwards as her men were making supressing fires as Bell & Azoulay quickly run to get inside the building the two mexicans she shot down came out.
"That escalated quickly." Azoulay stated as he was looking outside before putting his hand back into cover as the mexicans who were awaiting for the group fired at them and the reinforcements that Adler used to have were slowly arriving.
"Hudson started it all, I saw him wink towards the mexicans with an smile." Bell explained, taking back her Winchester 1886 in hands before trying to fire some bullets with her rifle. "It was sure that it was going to be like that."
"Hudson was always this ruthless so it isn't hard to prevent." Lazar said, peaking his head towards the direction they came from. "Seems that Adler's men are here." He added, watching Adler's men arriving and opening fire on the mexicans that were firying back at them.
"My first day as an deputy and it has to happen like that." Bell scoffed, trying to stay cool in that situation, firying bullets going towards some mexicans on the rooftop of the saloon.
"Welcome to be an deputy, miss Bell." Azoulay joked, opening fire with his revolver before watching from afar, Rivas entering the old bank with the two henchmen that were with her. "Shit, Rivas is going to flee soon."
"It's sure that Adler would want her prisoner or dead" Bell quoted, peaking her head towards the path she could take to get out and enter the bank while been covered. "I can try to make an path to the bank and persuade her to surrender."
"It's dangerous, how you will do that with the gunfight" Azoulay asked her curious.
"I heard that you were an good shooter so I'll let you cover me." She winked at him before she start to move near the door they used to enter, ready to make an run as Azoulay was getting ready without any choices. "You're good ?" He nodded at her and it was enough to make her go.
She started to run at high speed with her rifle in hand towards one of the multiples covers that she saw she could use to make an perfect path under fire to the old bank while been covered by the sheriff who proved to be exactly an great shooter with his rifle and his revolver, managing to kill with only two bullets two mexicans that were going to charge Bell's position and he continue to provide cover to her until she arrived near the bank and then, concentrate his bullets to help Adler's men to make an perfect path too.
Bell arrived in front of the bank, drawing her two Modele 1899 in her two hands after putting her Winchester in the back before she force open the front door with her feet and then, she started to blast with her two pistols, killing the two henchmen that were keeping Rivas alive and hidden behind the counter before Rivas actually try to charge her herself with an knife, Bell succeeding to counter her attempt by blocking her arm before it could hit her.
All of this while keeping her pistols in hands, she was dodging every attack that Rivas was trying to do on her until she decide to take the lead, to fight back as she managed to release Rivas's knife off her left hand before she throw her on top of an table after making fly away, an table that couldn't resist to the shock of her body and broke down, Rivas now on the ground and trying to crawl towards an revolver before Bell put her feet on her back, stopping her.
"Not an good idea, miss Rivas." Bell said, taking an breath after that fight, holding at gunpoint Rivas on the ground with her pistols. "You're under arrest !" She told her in an half-joking tone.
"Putà ! [Bitch !]" Rivas cursed towards Bell, all angry but powerless to remove her feets away from her after she flied through an table. "You're just one of Adler's good dogs !"
"No, I'm not one, never was one." Bell clarified, taking back an normal & serious voice. "He can burn in hell for what he has done." She revealed.
"But....why are you here to help him ?" Rivas asked in an shock, wondering why but she didn't receive any responses as some people were arriving near the bank to see the two.
"Miss Bell !" An voice spoke up, Bell seeing Adler arriving with his lieutenant and the sheriff as the gunfight outside was finally done, blood on their clothes, not theirs. "Oh...miss Rivas, seems that the sheriff deputy managed to arrest you."
"What are we doing now, Russ ?" Hudson demanded to his boss.
"Hogtie her, we're bringing her back to Redemption for some work on her." Adler ordered as Bell moved aside and let Hudson & two other men to get an rope and tie up Rivas with an rope and putting something to make her stop cursing around. "Well, you did all an good work here." Adler complimented especially the sheriff & Bell. "It's time to leave this place, bank's already been raided." He joked, breaking an laugh before leaving with Hudson and the hogtied Rivas and letting Bell & Azoulay in the bank, Bell still thinking about what just happened....
"I hope that this day isn't going to give us any more surprises !"
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transtranscendence · 3 years
1995-1999 - We will not be silenced. We must fight back against transphobia.
For the unknown person murdered on January 1, 1995, in Philadelphia, PA.
For Mara Duvouw, murdered on January 1, 1995 in New York, NY.
For Gisele Gaga, murdered on January 31, 1995 in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on July 10, 1995, in Oakland, CA.
For Valerie Hill, murdered on July 12, 1995, in Akron, OH.
For Rev. Gypsy Prowett, murdered on July 12, 1995 in Memphis, TN.
For Tarayon Corbitt, murdered on August 10, 1995 in Dale County, AL.
For Quincy Favors Taylor, murdered on October 11, 1995 in Atlanta, GA.
For Steven Wilson, murdered on October 14, 1995, in Middletown, DE.
For Tatiana Rivers, murdered on December 30, 1995, in Oakland, CA.
For Logan Smith, murdered on February 22, 1996, in Hoffman Estates, IL.
For Christian Page, murdered on March 22, 1996, in Chicago, IL.
For Rodney D. Neadeau, murdered on May 31, 1996, in Minneapolis, MN.
For Janice Ricks, murdered on June 13, 1996, in Cleveland, OH.
For Keooudorn Lily Phothisane, murdered on July 20, 1996, in Minneapolis, MN.
For Thomas Hall, murdered on August 15, 1996, in Wahiawa, HI.
For Dion Webster, murdered on November 4, 1996, in New York City, NY.
For Alan Fitzgerald Walker, murdered on November 9, 1996, in Fayetteville, AR.
For Lynn Montana, murdered on January 1, 1997, in Washington, D.C.
For Toya Charlton, murdered on January 1, 1997, in Tuscaloosa, AL.
For Curdell James III, murdered on January 1, 1997 in Tuscaloosa, AL.
For the unknown person murdered on February 20, 1997, in Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala.
For Robyn Brown, murdered on February 28, 1997, in London, United Kingdom.
For Martine Bohn, murdered on March 22, 1997, in Mons, Hainaut, Belgium.
For Gracie Detzer, murdered on May 28, 1997, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
For Kevin Freeman, murdered on June 20, 1997, in New York City, NY.
For Marcela Arias, murdered on July 29, 1997, in Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina. For Michelle Gardiner, murdered on September 30, 1997, in Snowtown, South Australia.
For Stacey Estupinian, murdered on October 1, 1997, in Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala.
For María La Conchita Palencia, murdered on October 2, 1997, in Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala.
For Robert Jones, murdered on October 15, 1997, in New Castle, DE.
For Vanessa Lane, murdered on October 31, 1997 in Snowtown, South Australia.
For Maurice E. Murray, murdered on November 10, 1997, in St. Louis, MO. 
For Jerrell Williams, murdered on November 30, 1997, in Mobile, AL.
For Yamile Lee, murdered on December 4, 1997, in San Diego, CA.
For Ali “Luscious” He’shun Forney, murdered on December 5, 1997, in New York City, NY. The organization Safe Space opened a special home for transgender youth, the Ali Forney House.
For Vianna Faye Williams, murdered on December 24, 1997, in Jersey City, NJ.
For the unknown person murdered on December 31, 1997, in Madrid, Spain.
For Tasha Dunn, murdered on February 14, 1998, in Tampa, FL.
For Jacqueline Julita Anderson, murdered on February 24, 1998, in Portland, OR.
For Leslie Re’Geanne, murdered on March 24, 1998, in Chicago, IL.
For Regina Haskins, murdered on April 4, 1998, in New York City, New York.
For Karla Barrahona, murdered on May 5, 1998, in El Salvador.
For Sigfrilda Shantall Pastor Arguelles, murdered on May 15, 1998, in Catacamas, Olancho, Honduras.
For Tiny, murdered on July 31, 1998, in El Cajon, CA.
For Luana da Silva Lago, murdered on August 4, 1998, in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.
For Jamaica Green, murdered on August 18, 1998, in New York City, NY.
For Victor Olvera, murdered on September 8, 1998, in Fort Worth, TX.
For Monique Thomas, murdered on September 11, 1998, in Dorchester, MA.
For Chanel Chandler, murdered on September 20, 1998, in Clovis, CA.
For Lauryn Paige, murdered on January 9, 1999, in Austin, TX.
For Steve Dwayne Garcia, murdered on February 6, 1999, in Houston, TX.
For Chris Muzett, murdered on February 20, 1999, in Detroit, MI.
For the unknown person murdered on February 25, 1999, in Houston, TX.
For Margaret Ingalls Bodfish, murdered on June 24, 1999, in Orinda, CA.
For Pvt. Barry L. Winchell, murdered on July 5, 1999, in Fort Campbell, KT.
For Barretta Williams, murdered on July 27, 1999, in Chicago, IL.
For Carol Wright, murdered on July 30, 1999, in Pitsmoor, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK.
For Kareem Washingston, murdered on August 29, 1999, in Passaic, NJ.
For the unnamed baby murdered on December 8, 1999, in Dallas, TX, just three days after they were born into this world, simply for having ambiguous genitalia.
For all the other trans siblings who were murdered or went missing.
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karlaavilas7 · 4 years
A medida que evoluciona la sociedad, los cambios económicos, políticos y socio-culturales a consecuencia del progreso tecnológico, son un hecho que no se puede negar. Sin embargo, se debe hacer un análisis profundo acerca de la beneficencia o perjuicio que causa esta evolución de la tecnología a la sociedad, debido a que el uso irracional y anti-ético de la misma puede causar desastrosas consecuencias en la colectividad. La tecnología ha tenido bastante influencia en el campo de la producción, la agricultura, la farmacéutica y la medicina, entre otros. Las empresas multinacionales son las principales beneficiadas de todo este cambio tecnológico, porque invierten exuberantes cantidades de dinero para el desarrollo de productos que son comercializados en todo el mundo. A pesar de que estos avances pueden producir grandes beneficios a la sociedad, como encontrar la cura para enfermedades letales, mejorar los estándares de vida de las enfermedades degenerativas o aumentar la producción de un bien específico, la justificación de fomentar la investigación ha sido también objeto de controversia sobre los problemas éticos que puede conllevar la misma.
La especie humana está perdiendo esta calidad que la diferencia del resto de animales, al ser objeto de experimentos que puedan poner en riesgo su integridad física, además de la utilización del material genético humano para procesos de clonación o incubación en máquinas con la información genética modificada. El estudio del cuerpo y de la vida misma debe estar fiscalizado por un criterio ético para determinar el alcance justificativo de la manipulación de la tecnología en favor al progreso social, caso contrario, la biotecnología, puede ser una rama de la ciencia que genere más perjuicios que beneficios a la colectividad, llegando al punto de cosificar al humano y someter a la sociedad a situaciones experimentales con fines de lucro, sin tener en cuenta sus límites éticos. (Sutton, 2007, pág. 3)
Es sumamente importante que la biotecnología sea analizada desde un punto ético puesto que aborda temas trascendentales como es la manipulación misma de organismos vivos con ayuda de la tecnología a fin de obtener un beneficio para el hombre, sin embargo, esta práctica se ha extralimitado y ha salido de orbita al dejar de realizarse con consideraciones éticas de por medio. El hombre en su visión soberbia y arrogante hace uso de la misma sin medir el riesgo y los perjuicios que se pueden generar para la humanidad, como por ejemplo el uso constante y exagerado de transgénicos en un porcentaje significativo de alimentos de consumo humano y la manipulación que se da en productos agrícolas y animales que sirven como medio de alimentación genera implicaciones de problemas de salubridad, cuestiones que son evadidas por el hombre en estas prácticas. El deseo desmedido del hombre por enriquecerse genera que se deje de tener una visión objetiva en lo que implicaría el uso de la tecnología, que si bien en principio podría ser muy fructífera y generaría varios avances, termina reduciéndose a manipular flora, fauna e incluso material genético humano rápidamente obteniendo una mayor productividad que por ende al comercializarse genera riqueza al hombre, manipulación que se produce sin establecer parámetros éticos y limites que abarquen el bienestar, integridad, cuidado y desarrollo del hombre.
La biotecnología deja de observar al medio ambiente como el medio principal de subsistencia para la humanidad y lo conceptualiza como un negocio, situación que se debe mitigarse a toda costa, implementando políticas conducentes a una intervención ética, que regule y fiscalice esta praxis para así generar verdaderos avances guiados hacia el desarrollo de la comunidad y no hacia la destrucción de esta generada por una inmersión del hombre en el gran contexto de la soberbia. (Carracedo, 2009, págs. 69-95)
Un punto que se debe analizar detalladamente es la experimentación que se realiza con seres humanos, ¿Cuáles son los límites para disponer libremente de nuestro cuerpo? Esta situación evidentemente debe llevarse a cabo desde una óptica ética para comprender que no se está experimentado con una simple cosa y que el ser humano no es un mero instrumento de comercio para así evitar que se produzcan incidentes como malformaciones y alteraciones producto de esta manipulación que excluye todo tipo de parámetros éticos y morales.
La licitud o ilicitud de intervenciones que parecen alterar la naturaleza es un tema central. Puede objetarse la manipulación de la vida por principios filosóficos o religiosos. Se discute si lo factible técnicamente es siempre legítimo moralmente. La aplicación de innovaciones a la vida humana siempre ha tenido una faz de dos aspectos. Por una parte, beneficios. Por otra, dificultades, riesgos, daños. Parece evidente, según el registro histórico de las tecnociencias, que nunca se ha detenido su progreso, solamente se lo ha retrasado o, a lo sumo, reorientado. “Ha sido imposible impedir la difusión del conocimiento o su potencial abuso por parte de personas inescrupulosas. Las declaraciones de moratoria o prudencia son superadas por la idea de que el conocimiento es intrínsecamente bueno y su adquisición no debe prohibirse o impedirse. Cabe examinar cómo los beneficios pueden contrarrestar los posibles efectos negativos.” (Stepke, 2010)
En conclusión, la cuestión es definir si se pueden y se deben detener los avances científicos hasta tener claras las implicaciones éticas y los impactos sociales a futuro. Los científicos y los médicos presionan para que la biotecnología aporte las respuestas que permitan aplicar tratamientos terapéuticos a los padecimientos. No obstante, los gobiernos y otras instituciones de índole moral, como las religiosas.
Carracedo, J. R. (2009). La ética ante los retos de  la biotecnología. Introducción a la bioética. Madrid: Ética del siglo  XXI, Ed. Proteus.
Stepke, F. L. (2010).  Biotecnologías y ética: Con especial referencia a la ingeniería genética. Scielo  , 5.
Sutton, A. H. (2007). Ética y  biotecnología: más allá de los tratamientos médicos. Rev Fac Med UNAM  Vol.50 No.2 , 3.
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go-diane-winchester · 6 years
New ask about Misha Collins
I was sent the following ask from @not-fandom-porn.  Apologies for the late reply.
Out of curiosity, why are people so against Misha? Been a hot minute since i’ve been in the fandom
I will be glad to answer that.  Misha Collins has divided this fan base for his own benefit.  He has:
badmouthed his employer and rallied his fans against them demanding for more female representation which resulted in a spin off that failed.  He cost his employer a lot of money with nothing to show for it.
disregarded direct instructions from his employer not to divulge information.  There was a line removed from a scene between Dean and Cas.  They elected, at Jensen's behest, not to use it and told Misha not to tell anyone.  Misha disobeyed them and Jensen had to deal with the repercussions online
overrode Jensen's authority regarding his own role by telling a fan that Dean is bisexual.
use profanity to shut up a fan, who questioned his charity, rather than explaining himself.  It was with regards to his flopped orphanage in Haiti. 
tried to make himself look like liberal figurehead by speaking incorrectly about topics he doesn't have any business about.  That is where the spin off idea came from and why J2 are called racist, sexist homophobes. 
got implicated in the Travis Aaron Wade scandal where a bunch of female fans complained about sexual harassment from Travis.  Everyone of them was a Misha fan and most were destiel fans.  One of them told Travis that Misha hates him.  So this might have been Misha's doing. 
allows his fans to verbally bash his co-stars and friends, on social media, and never intervenes.  That includes Jensen, Jared and William Shatner even though he is tagged in the hate and is known to read many of his tweets. 
Made a sexual remark involving children in a playground.  He said filming for Karla made him do it. 
Made a sexual remark involving his own children and Jensen.  He said the children have seen Jensen have sex plenty of times. 
Constantly tweets racy things about Jensen, which revs up his shipper fans to harass Jensen for a response.  Jensen never responds.  Jensen never tweets Misha unless its a group tweet where a bunch of their alumni or Jared is involved.  Sometimes he will tweet something to do with a charity.  Other than that, he refrains from tweeting Misha.
Speaks about j2 pranks in a way that makes his minion fans believe that its abuse.  And they take that anger out of J2 via social media.  I have receipts on my blog. 
It put it in point form.  If you want to know more about each thing, read my blog.  I haven't even mentioned what his fans get up to, including death threats.  I hope this answers the question.
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wintrcaptn · 6 years
Unfold Drabble Imagine 2 | Steve Rogers 🥀
Summary : Wanda sets you up on a blind date with Steve Rogers requested by : @alwayssomeoneelse
Unfold Masterlist
A/N : I was not expecting it to be this long! I apologize!!
*this is set 2 years before the wedding*
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“Come on! Just give this guy a chance!” Wanda exclaimed.
You sat on the couch, FaceTiming your friend, while eating a bowl of cereal. “I told you I don’t do blind dates.” You said. “I am too busy with work and—“
“Bull shit, you and I both know it’s about Bucky.” She cut you off.
Suddenly, heat began to radiate off you, as you became a flustering mess. Trying to brush it off and pretend you had no idea what she meant.
“Just think about it, okay?”
You only nodded, before she waved goodbye and hung up. Leaving you to your thoughts. Maybe she was right? Maybe deep down, it was about Bucky. Subconsciously, you were putting off the dating life because of him. And you didn’t realize it.
In that very moment, Bucky had stormed into your apartment, creating you to jump.
“Fuck, you scared me!” You yelped, clutching your chest with your hand.
He strode over to your side and pulled you up to your feet, his smile never faltering. “I bought a ring.” He said.
You furrowed your brows, trying to understand his statement as you quickly placed the bowl down onto the coffee table. “A ring?”
He nodded, as he pulled out a little black box from his pocket. Just then, you knew exactly what he had meant, and suddenly you could feel your stomach begin to churn.
“I-Is this what I think it is?” Your voice shook.
“Yep! I am going to ask Nat to marry me.”
And just like that, a sharp pain had struck across your chest and you felt sick.
“I’m so nervous but also excited. I have it all planned out—“
You were too busy gazing at the diamond ring, you sort of tuned him out without realizing. You were in shock, and had no idea what to think.
“I’m going to ask her tomorrow night.” He said, snapping you back to reality.
“Yeah, but I have to go. We are going on a little getaway trip.” He winked. “I’ll call you tomorrow after everything.”
Bucky gave you a quick, yet warm hug before running out of your apartment.
The moment you were left alone, you felt broken. Small even.
But you knew how he felt about Natasha.
Immediately, you grabbed your phone and texted Wanda.
‘Fine. I’ll do it.’
A few minutes later, she replied.
‘Omg yay!!! Okay, I will send you the address to the restaurant. And his name is Steve. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed.’
You let out a long sigh once you realized what you had done. Agreeing to a date with someone you didn’t know wasn’t something you did. Ever. But for now, you needed a distraction.
The next day, after the day had come and gone, and you had gotten ready for the date, you were on your way to meet the mystery guy.
Every part of you felt hot, as if heat had formed a layer over your skin. You were a nervous wreck to say the least.
Once you walked into the restaurant, you couldn’t believe how beautiful it was. Everyone seemed so formal and overdressed. You were at lost for words.
“May I help you?” The host asked.
“Y-yes. Um—I am here to meet Steve. Steve Rogers?” You said hesitantly.
She smiled and nodded. “Right this way.”
You followed her into the dining area, feeling your heart pound with every step you took. It felt as if it could jump out of your chest.
“Here you are.”
Your eyes had met a pair of beautiful, alluring blue eyes and suddenly, you almost forgot how to breathe.
He propped up to his feet, with a cheeky smile forming on his lips. “Hey-hi. Um you must be Y/N?”
You nodded, with a grin. “Yea, it’s nice to meet you.”
He stared at you longingly for just a moment, admiring your features. Steve was taken aback, and mesmerized by you.
But he cleared his throat and pulled out a chair for you. “So you’re a friend of Wanda?” He asked, as you sat down in the seat and watched him return to his.
You nodded, feeling more nervous now than before. “Yep, she and I work together.” You said.
It was a bit awkward at first, not knowing what to say or how to act. It was beginning to make your stomach churn.
But that was until a couple a few tables away created a scene. You couldn’t help but laugh.
It somehow broke the ice and suddenly, you had so much to talk about.
Sitting with him, almost felt as if everyone around you had disappeared and only you two were left in the restaurant.
He was sarcastic but funny, he kept you laughing and smiling so much, your cheeks began to ache.
The waiter had come to take your order a few times and every time, neither you or Steve were ready to order anything. It was probably annoying the staff since it was a high end restaurant but you were too busy talking about whatever came to mind.
“Honestly nothing really sounds good to me.” Steve exhaled, going over the menu for the tenth time.
You nodded in agreement, looking at the prices. “Yea, this isn’t somewhere I would have chosen to eat at.” You chuckled.
Steve placed his menu down, “how about we ditch this place.”
You met his gaze, with your lips curving at the edges. “That’d be perfect.”
And with that, you both propped up to your feet and made your way out of the restaurant.
Steve had a motorcycle which he brought. And though this was something you had never even thought of doing tonight, you got on the bike and wrapped your arms tightly around him.
“What do you feel like eating?” He asked before revving the motorcycle.
“Mm pizza! You can never go wrong with that.”
He let out a chuckle but nodded, as he turned his attention to the front of him. “Pizza it is.”
The moment you were off, you could feel your heart begin to beat rapidly. This was something you have never done before. And it was thrilling to say the least.
Feeling the air blowing against you felt refreshing, and you somehow felt free.
It was weird, but you didn’t want this moment to end.
Once you two ordered the pizza, and bought some beer, you had decided to head back to his apartment. Maybe watch a movie or a show.
He lived in a small studio on top of a coffee shop. Something he said he loved more than anything. Mostly because he never had to make his own coffee.
You two decided to sit on the floor in front of the tv and watch game of thrones. Or at least try too.
The alcohol had created your mind to haze and suddenly you were feeling more flirtatious than before.
Steve wasn’t shy about it either, and would flirt back.
It was like two high school kids who liked each other. Something so pure and innocent but so tense and hot.
But then, being the klutz that you are, you had accidentally spilled the beer all over his shirt.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry!” You said, feeling panicked as you tried to wipe it up with napkins.
Steve couldn’t help but belt out into laughter, his head tilted back as his eyes squeezed shut.
Seeing him sit there, so carefree, you found yourself laughing along with him.
“Hey, it’s okay.” He said, taking your hand into his. Suddenly, your stomach fluttered and chills had covered you completely. “Luckily I live here, so I have plenty of shirts to change into.”
Steve propped up to his feet and walked over to his dresser which happened to be only a few feet away.
You weren’t trying to stare but it was hard to look away. Especially the moment he took his shirt off and exposed his bare chest. You could feel yourself grow hotter just by looking at him.
He caught you staring which made you feel embarrassed. But Steve only thought of it as cute.
Instead of putting another shirt on, he decided to just slip on a thin jacket, leaving it open for you to see his body.
“Hey, do you mind passing me my beer.” He asked.
You looked at the bottle which wasn’t far from his reach. It hit you almost instantly when you realized what he was trying to do.
Without hesitation, you got up and made your way over to him. Nervously biting on your lower lip.
He held your gaze with his. Not once looking away.
“Here you go.” You said, now just inches away from him.
His hand grazed over yours just before taking the bottle. Still locking his eyes on you.
“Thanks.” He whispered.
Suddenly, you had forgotten the show was on. You even managed to forget pretty much everything that was going on in your life.
In that moment, you felt yourself lean in.
Steve’s heart was beating erratically in his chest, he was just as nervous as you were. But he knew he was hooked the second he laid his eyes on you.
And with one breath, you both caved into each other. Crashing your lips, and taking each other in.
It wasn’t long before you had reached his bed, and before you knew it, you were taking each other’s clothes off.
Catch up with : Unfold Series
Tagging (closed) : @writingsleepless @marie-is-in-the-dark @crazybutconfidentaf @notmyfault404 @phenomenalgoober @the-solivagant-alien @aless-131 @angiekurosaki @yourmarvelfanlove @not-without-bucky @jenrockz203 @brrabbitt @alexandra-ash @ria132love @burningthroughmybones @amisha25 @karla-silva @sarahp879 @marvelfanatic @buckysclub @plusultnya @anxietysucks @sparkyrosewood14 @fyeahashley88 @callmebucknasty @tia-the-turtle @ittybittywallflower @lordemjay @sammmnmy @mrssebbiestan @bucky-barnes18 @amy-brooklyn99 @metal-armed-dino @jediturtlelover @jellyfishflowers @cauraphernelia @paigeyisme @bucky-barnes-child @emptyrosesreputation @they-are-not-only-fandoms
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afternoonteawithme · 6 years
Levi lay flat on his back in the middle of the living room floor, eyes shut, arms spread out as far from his body as he could manage in an attempt to keep as little skin from touching skin as possible. He wore an old pair of pajama bottoms he’d cut the legs off of, and an ancient, thin tee that he’d washed so often the cotton was barely more than threads.
Even lying motionless on the sheet he’d spread over the carpet, he felt droplets of sweat trickling down his forehead and blending with the dampness at his hairline, left over from his last shower. The ceiling fan above his body didn’t do much more than move the hot, heavy air around, but the moving air felt mildly cooler against his sweat sticky skin, so it was better than nothing.
He’d overheard one of his neighbors say that this year’s summer had hit like a cement truck, which had struck Levi as a pretty accurate description, seeing as he spent most of his day feeling as if the air around him had been poured into place.
Angling his head back, he glanced at the clock over the kitchen doorway, and sighed. It took so much effort to move that he mostly didn’t bother, once the sun was up, and he’d decided to try sleeping through the high heat at the middle of the day, so he could get his chores done at night.  
Which would have worked out really well, if he could actually make himself sleep when he was so unbearably hot and sticky.
There was an air conditioning thing, attached to the house. He’d found the controller on the wall in the laundry closet, and the manual neatly tucked into one of the kitchen drawers. But air conditioning used a lot of electricity, which cost a lot of money, and he refused to become any more of an expense to his uncle.
Besides, his mom had never had to run the air conditioning, when it wasn’t included in the rent. Levi remembered some days when it had been so hot it had felt as if the city around them might melt and she’d brought him to hang out at the library, or public museums, while she went to work. Or if she’d had the day off, and felt well enough, she’d take him into department stores where they’d go from floor to floor admiring and giggling over all the things they’d never in a million years have been able to buy.
Once, she’d taken him to a public pool, but Levi had taken barely a step in before  he’d spotted another  boy standing on the edge, seeing how far he could pee into the water.
They’d never gone back.
But Levi’s mom had taught him that there was always a way to live with the heat, or the cold in the winter. Food, and not being without a roof when they needed one, was always more important.
Of course, he had a roof all to himself now, and no shortage of money for food. His uncle sent  envelopes full of cash every week – though Levi hadn’t even made it through the first wad he’d been handed before his uncle left – but Levi still wasn’t going to waste his uncle’s money on the air conditioning. Even if it was stupidly hot, and humid, and he couldn’t risk going to the library or any museums or department stores on his own, in case someone started wondering where his parentals were.
Levi closed his eyes again, willing the sun to move more quickly across the sky.
All the windows were open – for the first week, after the cement truck of summer had hit, he’d tried to keep them shut, or just slitted enough to keep the air from getting musty, but after the day he’d gotten so hot that he’d realized he was either going to throw up, pass out, or both, he’d thrown them all wide open.
So the windows were wide open, the blinds loosened at the bottom so they made clacking sounds against the sill when there was any wind to blow them. Of which there was none today.  
The fan over his head whooshed steadily, and he could hear the steady snip-snip sounds as his neighbor, the ancient Mrs. Jenks, worked in her garden, as she did every afternoon, rain or shine or scorching sun. In the distance, somewhere, Levi heard a dog barking. A few more dogs in the neighborhood barked lazily in sympathy, but even they didn’t seem too interested in wasting the energy.  
There wasn’t much traffic here, almost any car he heard on the road outside belonged to one of his neighbors. This neighborhood was pretty quiet, a dead end street branching off a curvy, residential road that didn’t go anywhere but to more dead end roads. His row of houses backed onto a small patch of forest, not more than a half mile across before it disappeared into fields and farmland.
It was worlds away from the life he’d lived with his mother. That had been noisy, cramped, crowded. Never lonely. This place was so quiet he’d had trouble sleeping, the first few weeks.  
The snipping sounds stopped, and a second later he heard Mrs. Jenks’ wavery voice, as she called out to her husband.
“Could you bring me out my sunhat, dear?”
“My sunhat, dear, could you get it for me? It’s on the kitchen table.” Mrs. Jenks’ voice was patient, as endlessly unruffled as it always was when she spoke to the slightly more ancient, very hard of hearing Mr. Jenks.
“My hat, dear. My hat.”
“We haven’t got a cat! Ain’t had one in years!”
“No, dear. My hat. On the kitchen table.”
“My hat. For my head.”
“Oh. Your hat!”
“Yes, dear.”
“Where is it?”
“Hi, Mrs Jenks!”
Levi’s eyes popped open, his breath sucking in at the much younger, vibrantly enthusiastic voice. The kid talked so loudly he barely had to raise his voice at all when he greeted Mr. Jenks, too.
Slowly, Levi sat up, wrapping his arms around his knees.
“Eren dear, could you please help Darrick find my sunhat? It’s on the kitchen table.”
“Sure, Mrs. Jenks. There it is, Mr. Jenks!”  
Levi listened to the noises from next door as he stared down at his toes, wrinkling them into the sheet laid over the carpet.
“You’re late back from school, dear.”
“Schools out now, Mrs. Jenks! It’s summer, so I have to go to special classes and tutoring.”  
“Oh I see.” She raised her voice slightly. “You’re keeping him busy, Karla.”
Levi heard a woman laugh, her voice coming from the window on the other side of the living room. “I don’t have anything to do with it, he does that all on his own.”
“Hi, Mom!”
“Hello, darling. Hurry and wash up, dinner’s ready.”
“Ok, bye Mrs Jenks. Bye Mr Jenks!”
Eren heard murmuring as Karla – Eren’s mother – talked to Mrs. Jenks, and the thud of feet over wood, followed by the slam of a screen door as Eren ran into his own house.
The kid never seemed to do anything quietly.
Realizing it suddenly wasn’t as hot as it had been, Levi decided it was time to take another, proper shower, hopefully the last of the day.
As hot at it had been, the temperature cooled down rapidly once the sun started to ease down towards the horizon. When Levi stepped out of the bathroom again, he found himself shivering a little, and quickly pulled on a slightly less worn out shirt and actual shorts.
He’d just started towards the kitchen, ready to start on his chores, when he heard the rev of an engine next door.
Curious, in spite of himself, Levi edged forward until he could look out through one of the windows, from beneath the loose blinds. Karla stood, one leg in her car, calling to Eren who still stood on their porch, his left arm encased in the bright blue plaster cast he’d been wearing for the past month.  
“Be good, ok? I just have to stop by and check on the Hinneman’s, with their son out of town. I won’t be more than an hour, so I don’t want to call a sitter.”
“I’ll be fine, Mom. I’m ten years old.”
“Maybe we should ask Armin, or Mikasa to come over.” Karla clearly was not reassured by Eren’s words.
“Mom.” Eren threw so much disgust into his voice that even Levi’s mouth twitched. “I’m ten, remember. Not a baby. Besides, Mikasa’s camping, and Armin and his grandad leave for their fishing trip early tomorrow.”  
“Well, alright. Don’t go in the woods, ok?”
“Mom. I’ll be fine.”
“I know, darling, but-” She glanced at the watch on her wrist, then shook her head. “Alright, I have to go. Stay in the house, and be good.”
“Love you, mom!”
She slid fully into the car, shutting the door and backing out of the driveway. Clearly, she was distracted, because otherwise she’d never have missed Eren’s suspicious lack of agreement not to go into the woods.
Levi definitely didn’t miss it.
He watched Eren raise his cast covered arm, waving at his mom’s car as it turned onto the road heading towards town.
The sound of her engine hadn’t even entirely faded away before he turned and dashed back into his house. Barely a minute later the screen door slammed again – and now Eren was carrying a pair of large glass mason jars tied together with string, and what looked like an almost empty plastic grocery bag. The jars clanked as he jumped down the stairs and ran around the side of his house, out of Levi’s view.
Levi hurried to his own room at the back of the house, reaching the window over his bed just in time to watch a kid with messy brown hair and a cast on his arm slip on the grass at the bottom of his yard, catch himself, and then disappear into the trees.
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sjecblogarchive · 10 years
We know we are fully entrenched in the new year when the Vestry retreat is behind us and the remainder of the year lies ahead of us. This year’s Vestry, Parish Register and Treasurer along with Fr. Ben and Rev. Lyn had a fulfilling and productive retreat during which we deepened our relationships, oriented the new vestry members, reviewed our efforts from last year and established goals for the upcoming year and beyond.
One important goal we established was to be in better communication with you. One way we are attempting to do that is a commitment to be interactive with as many ministries as possible. The hope is for all of us to truly feel in community. Please note the list of Vestry Liaisons below. These liaisons will be the point of contact for the numerous ministries available here at St. James’. These liaisons will report back to the Vestry on a regular basis so that we can address any needs or concerns of those ministries.
Secondly, we want feedback from you personally. The Vestry asked themselves this question while we were on our retreat, “What do people seek from St. James’? “ Are we providing you with what you are seeking? Can we improve in any areas so that you are getting what you need? Our goal is to be here for you and support you on your spiritual journey. Please reach out to us when you see us in church (we will be getting name tags so you can find us!), email us if you need anything from us or just leave a message with Nancy in the parish office.
As Fr. Ben has detailed for us, there is a lot going on at St. James’ (it is truly an exhaustive list…whew!). Don’t be humble, everyone has a talent to share and we are looking to best utilize your and your families’ gifts to their fullest while we share our faith in God together. Let us hear from you.
God bless you all, Bill
Outreach: Dorothy Smith, Nancy Duggan, and Bob Dart
Parish Life/Hospitality: Patti Reid and Nancy Duggan
Communication/Evangelism: Susan Jefferies
Children and Youth Ministries: Chris Working, Ryan Wilvert, and Kathleen Nevill
Adult Formation: Nancy Duggan
School Board: Kathleen Nevill
Stewardship: George Burgwyn
Audit Committee: Susan Jeffries, George Burgwyn, Bob Dart, and Ann-Rodman Shook
Liturgy/Sunday Ministers: Karla MacKimmie and Bill Turnure
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Today in Christian History
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Today is Sunday, February 3rd, the 34th day of 2019. There are 331 days left in the year.
Today’s Highlight in History:
865: (traditional date) Death in Germany of Anskar, an early English or Irish missionary who had tried repeatedly to evangelize Scandinavia.
1238: Mongols surround the city of Vladimir, whose citizens, including Orthodox Christians, vow to resist to the last man to defend God’s churches. The city will fall on the fourteenth of that same month.
1399: Death in London of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, whose political struggles with powerful prelates led him to support the religious reformer John Wycliffe.
1469: Death in Mainz, Germany, of Johannes Gutenberg, a developer of movable type, which will become a powerful factor in the spread of the Protestant Reformation.
1738: John Wesley arrives in London, having fled the colony of Georgia, where his ministry had been a serious failure.
1788: Richard Johnson, first Christian cleric appointed to Australia, preaches his first sermon in that country.
1832: Death in Trowbridge, Wiltshire, England, of George Crabbe, a Church of England vicar and notable poet.
1943: The Allied troopship S.S. Dorchester is torpedoed by a German sub near Greenland and goes down with a loss of 600 lives. The event is notable for the selflessness of four chaplains, Rev. Clark Poling (Dutch Reformed), Rev. George Lansing Fox (Methodist), Father John Washington (a Catholic priest) and Alexander David Goode (a Jewish rabbi), who gave up their lifejackets to save other men.
1998: Execution in Texas of Karla Faye Tucker, a murderess, who converted to Christianity on death row and died praising Jesus. Movies and documentaries will be made about her life.
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playsthetics · 7 years
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Life in a John Hughes Movie If You Were Here - Thompson Twins True - Spandau Ballet Don't You (Forget About Me) - Simple Minds If You Leave - Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark Try A Little Tenderness - Otis Redding We Are Not Alone - Karla DeVito Twist And Shout - The Beatles Weird Science - Oingo Boingo Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want - The Smiths Rebel Yell - Billy Idol Fire In The Twilight - Wang Chung Young Americans - David Bowie Miss Amanda Jones - The March Violets Pretty In Pink - The Psychedelic Furs She Loves Me - Stephen Duffy I Go Crazy - Flesh For Lulu Rev-Up - The Revillos Turning Japanese - The Vapors
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