#reupload cause I had to fix the background
rozahline · 1 year
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what did they do?
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steveart · 4 years
How does Vanessa feel about Perry basically being her stepdad?
Hello there! Thanks for the ask! Well Vanessa, this one is all yours!
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huevobuevo · 2 years
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oh mein gott anyways defect cores my beloved <:333333
Design notes under the cut because of fucking course i have notes
Okay i have reuploaded them but i made this BIGASS reference post with my “”au””’s basic premise of like the different personality core’s being androids and yadda yadda world building shit
In that post it detailed the different departments that cores could be placed in + the different features each core had depending on their job. So we had relaxation center cores, testing management cores, etc. etc.
Here we’re gonna focus on personality cores, research & development cores, and the construction & general maintenance cores. Personality cores were designed SPECIFICALLY for connection to GLaDOS, but due to alot of cores being rejected by her the scientists just transferred them to different departments (with body modifications to effectively do their jobs of course)
Personality cores were made to mimic specific emotion’s, and before the destruction of the Portal 1 cores they were considered the highest authority, next to GLaDOS. They had access to every file and testing track in the facility, and are also the tallest amongst the other cores- the shortest personality core (space core) being 5’6 while the tallest (optimism core) is 8 feet. They also had two tailchords made specifically for hooking onto the Chasis & heels similar to the long fall boots chel wears.
After they were deemed incompatible to GLaDOS, Fact & Space were sent to R&D while Rick was sent to Construction. Space & Fact had their second chord exchanged with the standard projector tailchord most Research Cores need and had their heels removed (any long fall boots are welded into the cores legs). Rick had a second pair of arms stuck onto him, his boots were exchanged for the long fall shoes needed for construction, and his tailchord was shortened due to the regulations stating that longer chords could cause a safety hazard on sites.
Once a core is deemed “Defected”, any extra body modification is stripped away and they’re sent to the junkyard to be scrapped. I have a whole other thing for the junkyard but thats for another day. I forgot to add in the scars left behind from this surgery, but Fact & Space had their second tailchord cut alltogether and Rick had his second arms & feet torn apart from his body. Yeesh!
Some more specific notes & backgrounds on the defects:
🟣 Fact Core [5’7, Transmasc Enby, They/Them, Bisexual]; Fact was the head of the Research & Development Department, but after their motherboard fried from neglecting regular maintenance checks they were labelled defected. Fact is infact the least defected amongst the other cores, being able to function just fine. The most that would happen was huge sparks flying out from their optic & excessive twitching. However, they were unable to properly communicate due to glitches and their words getting mixed up, so to everyone else they were speaking nonsense. Thus they were thrown away, their position taken over by Dr. Alma in Meet The Cores. They dont hold any grudge against Alma of course, they understand how the symptoms work. They’re more or less disappointed in themself for putting themself in this position. Luckily, after the events of Portal 2, Fact Core was able to find a mechanic who could properly fix their motherboard- somewhat. They still deal with occasional glitches and sparks, but its better than nothing. In the Junkyard they had dents on their body & their optic’s lid was burnt due to the constant sparking, but generally speaking they were in pretty good shape!
🟡 Space Core [5’6, Transfemme Enby, He/Star/Neb, Cinthean]; Space was also transferred to R&D alongside Fact. Space was very outgoing, but although he had alot of friends in R&D he was extremely close to Fact Core & Ray (mtc 3). Due to a nervous breakdown induced after Fact was thrown out, Space Core had to be excused from work until he calmed down. Despite the best efforts from his colleagues this break didnt help his mental state at all. He was too distraught to continue working and had a hard time communicating with everyone in the lab. Aperture’s standard Therapist Core was… defected, as well, so he was just sent below to the Junkyard before he got another nervous breakdown. Luckily Fact wasn’t scrapped like they initially thought, so the two of them just chilled together being autistic beasties or whatevas. He didn’t seemed to mind staying in the underbelly of Aperture, as long as he had his best friend[/homoerotic] by his side again. Space Core is considerably more dirtier and covered in scratches, since he’s usually the one that goes out get supplies due to Fact’s condition- he oftentimes gets himself in trouble, but Space usually comes out of it alive. Despite the obvious communication issue, Fact & Space managed to survive the junkyard for a pretyy damn long time and can understand each other better than anyone else.
🟢 Rick The Adventure Core [6’8,He/Him, bisexual]; latest addition to the junkyard polycule & the token cis dude in the relationship LMAOOOO‼️‼️ Rick was in the construction team working on repairing any damaged testing tracks. His cocky attitude and impulsive nature ended up being his fall, as during a routine checkup he attempted to jump across a lake of toxic goo to impress some of the other cores on his team. He ended up missing the goo entirely and got himself caught by a jump-pad that sent him flying into ANOTHER testing track where he crashed onto the floor… and then shot by a brigade of turrets. Rick was given permission to rest while a mechanic was on their way to fix him but he refused to get any repairments in fear of being labelled as broken. Later on while working with nanobots on the side of a track his tailchord malfunctioned and he fell from his management rail, crashing into a catwalk and damaging his body even MORE. The manager practically begged him to consider a week off but then Rick just. tried to fight him. And failed. Like, miserably. So he was fired from his job and sent to the Junkyard. In this image i completely forgot about his leg injuries so imagine like a shit ton of dents & he’s leaning on this big iron pole for a crutch because im stupid and an idiot. Despite his long fall shoes being destroyed he managed to find another pair in the trash and welded them back on himself, but since the body’s motherboard detects the shoes as an outside foreign object there are times where his feet dont work. He covers the holes in his jumpsuit where his second pair of arms used to be cause frankly its.. kind of embarrassing for him. He’s covered in oil and grease stains from both the junkyard & his time in maintenance, with a shit ton of dents all over his body. He meets Fact Core and Space Core during his time in the junkyard and decides to chill with these little freaks yeehaw!
Also i just realized how teensy fact and space are compared to the other personality cores, this could be another reason why theyre pretty close since they would’ve been considered “runts” of the Personality Cores
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kingkatsuki · 4 years
Compliance | Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
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This is a reupload from my other Tumblr account!
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This is the first time I’ve actually liked my writing for a long, long time. So I was super excited to post this! I based Bakugou’s villain outfit on his suit from one of the popularity polls because he just looks SO good in it.
Thanks to the lovely Kitty who beta-read this for me and helped me fix it up. 😭
Tagging @katsukikitten because she’s always so supportive of everything that I do🥺
A special thank you to @kuroos-babygirl​ for making the Bakugou transparent for me!💕
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Warnings: 18+, dub-con(ish), villain!Bakugou, assplay, rimming, degradation, public sex.
Word Count: 6224.
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The day the world lost Dynamight as a hero was the day the world changed forever. The man who was once regarded as one of history’s greatest now nothing but a failure. Your room was an undisturbed shrine for the fallen hero. His fans were quick to turn their back on him, destroying his merchandise or trying to sell it to collectors as a piece of history. Proof of the rise and fall of a great hero. But you weren’t like these other fans, you weren’t rushing to eradicate proof of his existence. He was still your number one. Your social media was full of proof of your love for the once-popular hero; posts declaring your love for him and updates on sightings. Of course, you were worried in the back of your mind that the authorities would use this to try and capture him, but Dynamight was no fool. He wouldn’t be trapped so easily and he definitely wouldn’t be captured by anyone lesser than him. There were moments when you were out in the dead of night in Kamino ward where you watched him violently battle heroes that tried to stop him, hell bent on causing destruction with no apparent goal. There were times you’d bolt towards him, trying your best to talk to him or just be in his presence, but he would always be gone before you had the chance. The evenings you weren’t spent out looking for him were spent inside thinking of him. Watching the news you’d see stories about attacks and acts of villainy, the headlines flashing things like “Red Riot saves hundreds from a burning building” or “Deku fights off another villain,” But you were always looking at the footage, scanning the background to see who they were fighting, if it was your favourite fallen hero or someone else. Most times you were left disappointed - Dynamight seemed to be showing up less frequently than he did when he had first turned his back on the city of Musutafu. You missed seeing his face in those reels, the ones where he’d glare into the camera like there were a million places he’d rather be, but you could still see the proud way his chest puffed out at the fact that he’d won the battle. That he was a Hero. How had everything changed so much? 
You spent your evenings watching videos of him before he disappeared, clicking through your favourites, certain you were the reason they had so many hits. Your eyes focused on the way his muscles would contract when he’d set off a mighty blast from his palms as he flew through the air, as though he possessed the gift of flight. The way his quirk would propel him proving how powerful he was, how strong he had been. You are flooded with thoughts of how it would feel to have him touch you with those same strong hands. Thinking about how they would feel gliding along your skin, his lips against your neck as he whispered in his husky tone exactly what he was going to do to you. Your eyes clenched shut as you ran your fingers along the crotch of your panties, pressing down against your clit as you imagined it was Dynamight touching you instead. Able to paint the perfect picture of him in your mind from replaying his videos so many times and the photographs that filled your walls. All from happier times, when he was still the Number Two hero. Gasping as you reached up under the old Dynamight shirt you were wearing to palm your breast, trying to mirror how it would feel if it were the fallen hero touching you instead. “Dynamight,” you whimpered, pressing down harder against your clit as you worked yourself towards an orgasm, biting your lower lip as you felt the crotch of your panties dampen with your essence. Tugging the fabric to the side so you could glide your fingers between your folds, dipping two digits into your tight sex, feeling how tight you were and thinking about how much Dynamight would stretch you with his own fingers, or his cock. Whimpering at the thought as you continued to work yourself closer to your release. Throwing your head back against your plush pillows as you cum, you slowly work yourself down from your climax as your eyes open, the same YouTube video playing in the background. This time it was a close up of his face as the media interviewed him after he’d apprehended the villain. It was obvious he didn’t want to be there, but he dutifully answered each line thrown his way bluntly, adding in sarcastic rebuttals when he was asked obvious questions. “These villains better not forget that there’s no one else more powerful than fuckin’ Dynamight.” You remembered watching this interview live when it happened, the live feed instantly cutting out and back to the studio where the newscaster apologised profuselyfor the coarse language. But the tone of his voice had set you off at that moment, just the same way as it did today. His gruff, husky tone had the same effect on your body even years later. The thought of him speaking to you like that sent a flurry of electricity throughout your body, the feeling reaching all the way to your toes. Shutting your laptop off and leaving it on your bedside table you settled under your duvet, satiated enough to sleep now but still wistful as you were spending another night alone. Impossible to find another man that could match up to the perfect picture you’d formed of Dynamight in your mind or accept just how much of a supporter you were of him, even in his new line of work. The world may have turned their back on Dynamight since he’d become a Villain, but you were still his biggest fan. Weekends were your favourite time, not only because it meant you weren’t at work, but it meant you could go out in search of your hero. Tugging on your coat as you stepped into your boots, you made your way out into the cool evening air. Kamino seemed to be usual haunt of his, possibly as a dark ode to his own former hero. With no word of a change in his title, you assumed that even as a fallen pro Bakugou would choose to go by the name Dynamight. You walked down the dimly lit backstreets until you neared Ground Zero, eagerly looking around for any signs that your favourite hero turned villain would be here, desperate for any glimpse of him so this night wouldn’t be another spent in vain. Your hand wrapped around your cell phone in your coat pocket in case he appeared quickly, ensuring you were ready to take a photograph or video of the elusive fallen hero. Whenever you posted these updates online they were always met with disgust from the public, chastising you for wasting your time as they tried to thrust their love of other heroes upon you. “Why can’t you just support Deku. He’s almost died for us countless times and you’re wasting your time on a traitor.” “Fuck Dynamight, he’s a disgrace to the hero name. Red Riot forever.” But there were some out there who were like you and still supported him, the silent minority that followed updates to ensure he was still around, that he wasn’t captured or killed. The ones that still loved Dynamight. The chill from the brisk nighttime weather was beginning to get to you, you wrapped your coat tighter around your form as you debated making your way home, seeing no sign of movement in the quiet square. The only people who seemed to still be around were the intoxicated patrons of the various bars in the area that had just shut their doors after last orders, making their way home and paying no mind to you. You knew Dynamight had a fierce hatred of the cold, sightings of him less and less through the winter months, though you still insisted on trying. You’d be mortified if you missed him partaking in a big event again, having missed one of his mighty battles with Deku in this very area last year because you’d been certain he wouldn’t venture outside in the snow. This, however, didn’t seem as though it would be one of those nights as you loosened your grip on your cell phone, preparing to make your way back to your empty apartment. “Did no one ever tell you it’s dangerous to be out alone at night?” Your heartbeat increased as you heard a sultry voice from behind you, you’d recognize that tone anywhere. Spinning on the balls of your feet, you came face to face with your favourite hero. “What the fuck are you doing?” Dynamight watched as you seemingly fumbled for words, your mouth agape as though ready to speak but no words flowed. There he was, standing right in front of you. Closer than you’d ever seen him before, and what a sight it was. His red eyes glaring out from underneath the black mask, your eyes skimming down his new costume as you took note of the way his bulging muscles protruded from the orange shoulder pads, twice as many grenades of his sweat tied around his thick belt and the extra ammunition in the shape of an ‘X’ across his chest. “Oi,” A large gloved palm pressed against your shoulder, making your eyes dart back towards his piercing gaze, your entire body feeling flush even in the cold winter air as he’d just caught you staring at him. “N-nothing,” You managed to mumble out, trying to maintain your cool even though theDynamight was standing right in front of you. “Pretty late to be out on your own doing n-nothing.” He mocked, mimicking your scared tone as he gave you a snide smirk. You’d dreamed about this moment for the longest time, scenarios playing in your mind of how you would act and what would happen when your paths finally crossed but now it was happening you didn’t know what to do. You couldn’t think of anything else to say, you were finally after all this time in front of your favourite hero. Wishing you could profess your love to him and explain how much he meant to you, but instead, you were frozen in place. “You a reporter or summin’?” He had you cornered against a wall now, biting your bottom lip between your teeth as you shook your head. “No,” you mumbled, averting your gaze. “I’m a fa- a big fan.” You corrected yourself, still too nervous to look him in the eyes. You couldn’t believe this was finally happening, after months of admiring him from afar and fantasising about a chance meeting like this it was finally happening. Your heartbeat increased as you stood facing your idol. He looked even more amazing up close, you could make out the stubble that framed his jawline, the undercut and his messy locks as he glared down at you from under the signature black mask. “A fan? Tch. Do you even know who I am, Princess?” “Y-yes.” You looked down at his thick boots, the patent leather scuffed and worn down as you tried to steady your breathing, “Dynamight.” Dynamight, on the other hand, had caught sight of something else, his vermilion eyes squinting into slits as he took a closer look at your face, his intimidating gaze assessing your features as he took a step closer. The scent of charred smoke with a distinct undertone of burnt sugar and spice filled the air, wishing you could bottle the fragrance and add it to your collection as it invaded your senses, “I fucking know you.” He what. You almost stopped breathing at the declaration. Dynamight knew who you were. You felt a whirl of importance rumble inside you, being recognised by your favourite hero. It was like winning the lottery, a newfound excitement swelling within you and threatening to burst. Your lips involuntarily curving up into a grin as you raised your eyes to look at him. “Yeah, you’re the one running that crazy Twitter account right?” His palm rest on the brick wall beside your head now, leaning his face down to your height, “My fuckin’ stalker.” You supposed it did seem like you were a stalker, always wanting to be near him or find out the latest updates. But you were just a supportive fan, you just wanted to show that you were bigger and better than anyone else. “I’m not a stalker,” You whispered feebly, chancing a glance into his eyes, “I’m just your biggest fan.” “Yeah? Is that why you got a whole fuckin’ museum dedicated to me, Princess? I’ve seen the pictures.” You often posted your collection on social media, showing off the memorabilia you’d amassed over the years, able to find many rare first editions or single items that people no longer wanted once he’d turned to villainy, for next to nothing. The shirt you were wearing now was in fact limited to a press of under fifty. “Yes,” You nodded your head, “Do you think I could get your autograph?” You pulled a sharpie out of your coat pocket, making Dynamight throw his head back in a deep chortle at the sight, you were asking a villain for his autograph. “You want my fuckin’ autograph?” He started laughing, he’d signed his name a million times when he was a hero but he didn’t think he’d ever done it even once as a villain, “I’m a villain, sweetheart.” “I know.” You replied bashfully, still holding the sharpie out in front of you. “Okay.” He gave you a smirk, “Lift your shirt.” “What.” Your eyes widened in surprise as he grabbed the sharpie. “You heard. You wanted my autograph, let me sign your tits.” He pulled off the lid of the sharpie with his teeth, watching you expectantly. You trembled - partly from the cold, partly from anticipation - as you began to slowly drag the zipper of your coat down, exposing what you were wearing underneath to his gaze. Vermilion eyes widened in surprise as he saw his face on the exclusive shirt, remembering the exact battle they’d taken the image from. His hero name plastered across your breasts in bright, bold lettering at the top. “Shit, you really are a creepy fuckin’ fangirl,” He let his fingers stroke over the lettering against your chest as if remembering the time where he looked like this. When he was the number 2 hero and everyone wore his merch. The sight now probably almost impossible to come by. “How many times have you touched yourself in this shirt at the thought of me, hah?” You felt an uncontrollable heat rise to your face, instantly giving away your answer. Truth be told, you didn’t know. The number too high for you to try and recollect, but Dynamight seemed pleased with the response, watching your eyes widen in front of him. “That many huh? You naughty girl.” He laughed, his hand reaching towards the hem as he hoisted it up, groaning at the sight of your black lacy bra, your breasts framed perfectly against the sheer material. “Fuck, you came prepared didn’t you?” He moved a gloved hand down to squeeze your breast, “Did you plan this?” Dynamite watched as your eyes fluttered at his touch, goosebumps beginning to appear against your skin from the cold evening air. Leaning against you as he scrawled his name against the curve of your breast, writing his signature larger than necessary so it covered your chest. Once finished, he stroked his thumb against your hardening nipple, watching it poke against the material of your bra as your eyes shut in pleasure. “I could do whether the fuck I wanted to you right now and you wouldn’t even stop me, would you?” You shivered as you felt him move his hand from your breast, the material of your shirt falling back down as his palm circled your neck, easily managing to wrap around it as he squeezed gently. The surface of his glove was damp with sweat from his quirk and the smell flooded straight through you, “I could kill you and you’d still use your dying breath to thank me, wouldn’t you?” You didn’t answer, now the first time you’d actually felt fear in front of the man you’d idolised for so long. Your legs trembled as he lowered his face to yours once more, his warm breath fanning against your skin as his lips almost brushed against your own. “You don’t care, do ya?” You felt yourself shake your head without a second thought, unable to refrain from rubbing your thighs together to try and alleviate the dull throb in your core. He really was even more perfect up close. The movement didn’t go unnoticed by Dynamight as he kicked a booted foot in between your thighs, spreading them apart as he stepped between them. His body almost flush against your own now as he pressed you against the wall, the cold metal of the grenades at his waist digging into you uncomfortably as he kept his grip on your neck. “Wow, anything huh?” He smirked salaciously as his tongue slipped out from his mouth to lick your lips, “Didn’t know my stalker was a slut too.” You felt lightheaded as he tightened the grip around your neck, slowly cutting off your air supply as you tried to gauge what was happening. This felt like one of your wild fantasies at home when you were touching yourself at the thought of him, but now that you were in his presence you were scared. He watched your mouth open and gasp for air like a fish out of water, pursing his lips to spit down into the gap as he held you to him. A gargled moan left your lips as you struggled to breathe, his saliva blocking your airway as you began to choke. inally taking mercy on you, Dynamight let go of your neck, your head banging against the cool brick as you cough, chest heaving as you regained the ability to breathe. “My biggest fan, hah?” He grinned as you nodded your head in agreement. Dynamight grazed his hand down the length of your body, stopping to squeeze your breast through your shirt as it continued lower. Slipping his fingers under the hem of your oversized shirt, they brush against your thighs as he comes to rest against your crotch, pressing down through your tights and panties to feel your sex. “Aren’t you lucky you’ve got the real thing now?” You should have felt ecstatic, having the man of your dreams in front of you in this very moment, but instead, an intense fear bubbled inside you. You were in public, in the middle of Kamino with a villain that seemed to have no real care for you or what happened to you. “I-I should get home.” You mumbled, trying to get yourself out of the situation, feeling the back of his knuckle glide along your heat, “It’s late-,” “That’s not what you were saying a moment ago, Princess.” Dynamight cooed down at you, almost sincerely as he began to place kisses against your neck, his mental grenades digging into you more now your coat was no longer in the way, “And I thought you were going to show me what a big fan you are?” You whimpered when you felt his hands move down to rip your tights, the shrill sound filling the quiet alleyway as he tore his gloves off, dumping them onto the cold ground. His hands against your skin felt even better, an intense heat that had your mind clouding as you felt him move back to stroke along your panties, “Or maybe you’re not a real fan.” “I am, Dynamight.” You whined, offended at the accusation as you felt his waist jerk forward at the sound of your admission, feeling his hard cock pressing against your hip. Dynamight couldn’t resist you any longer, leaning down to capture you in a heated kiss, his tongue immediately delving between your parted lips to explore your cavity, brushing against your hot muscle as he grunted into your mouth. Teeth gnash against you in the ferocity of the kiss, his body pressed against your own firmly as he pulled on your hair. The need for air becoming evident as he broke the kiss, he pants as he presses rough kisses along your jaw. A delicate mewl leaves your lips at the sensation as you grind yourself against him. “Good lord.” He grunted, his teeth latching onto the pulse point in your neck as he began to suckle it feverishly, his fingers pressing down on your panties with more pressure, the material slipping between your folds as he moved to press a finger to your tight hole, feeling the wetness seeping from it as the material prevented him from delving deeper inside, just the tip feeling your tight walls around it. Your hands moved up to hold his shoulders, your forehead banging on the metal piece around his neck as you steadied yourself, desperately trying to grind yourself down on his finger. “Look at you, acting like such a bitch in heat and I’ve barely fuckin’ touched you.” He pulled back from your neck to look at your face, baring his teeth when he saw the blissed look on your features. He pulled the hem of your shirt up, wanting to see what lay under the fabric, and his eyes caught sight of the panties you were wearing. “You’ve got to be fuckin’ kidding me.” He laughed, thumbing the official Dynamight panties you donned, seeing little explosions all over the fabric as he slipped a finger under the crotch, tugging the fabric towards him as the material bunched between your folds, making you whimper as it brushed against your clit. He moved his hand from your cunt to your pouted lips, his thumb dragging down on the lower one as he opened your mouth, giving him the opportunity to slide his finger inside your wet heat. “Fuck.” He felt your wet muscle stroke against his finger, tasting your essence mixed with the taste of his quirk. The aroma makes you feel lightheaded as he begins to pump his finger in and out, watching you take him inside you as he slowly adds more. Up to four fingers, he watches you open your mouth wide to take him, his eyes catching the back of your throat. You heard the clang of the metal drop to the ground as he undid one of his utility belts, the grenades falling to the floor as he ripped his fingers from your mouth, replacing them with his lips as he pulled you into another impassioned kiss. He used his hands to unbuckle his other belt, this one dangling around his knees where it was connected as he unbuttoned his cargo pants. His teeth bite your tongue hard enough to draw blood making you taste metal andmaking him groan into the kiss as he tugs his underwear down to free his aching cock. The length curves up to slap your belly as his pre-stains against your shirt, his thick palm wrapping around himself to give himself a pump while threading a hand back through your messy hair, dragging you down to your knees. You could feel the cold, rough ground through your tights, and his grip on your hair was painful as he fisted his cock in front of you. The situation you were in now an obvious reality as he slapped his cock against your cheek, smearing his pre-cum against your skin. Your eyes began to water as you stared up at him, your lower lip trembling as he pressed the head of his cock against your lips, angling your head with his hand. “Please,” You mumbled, “Not here.” “Don’t worry, Princess. We can go back to your creepy stalker museum after this. You can show me everything you’ve got,” He pressed his hips forward, forcing the head of his length between your now parted lips “And how you play with that pretty little pussy at the thought of me.” His eyes rolled back as he felt your mouth vibrate around his length as you tried to give a response, your ‘no’ muffled by his cock as your tongue laps at the underside. “I don’t know why you were acting so innocent,” He growled, pressing your head down further on his girth, feeling your teeth scraping against the sensitive underside. “You keep telling me, no, but you’re doing anything I say. So fuckin’ compliant.” Your eyes roamed along his happy trail, following it towards the thick tuft of hair at the base of his cock. You’d dreamed about how he looked naked and he’d exceeded your expectations by far. He was perfect, a body crafted by the Gods, and as far bigger than you’d been expecting. A dull ache forms between your legs as you think about how he’s going to fit inside you. You allowed Dynamight to guide your head along his length however he deemed fit while you mindlessly sucked his cock. You gag when the tip hits the back of your throat, his hand wrapping around your neck to try and feel himself inside you as your nose brushed against his pubic hair. Tears prick the corners of your eyes now, a grumble at the back of your throat as you began to choke around him. “Aw, gonna cry, Princess?” He laughed as he watched the tears begin to stream down your cheeks, unable to breathe around his sheer size. You pushed the palm of your hands against his thick thighs as he finally allowed you to pull off him. Vermilion eyes watching from where he towered over you as you coughed and spluttered, a mixture of drool and cum spilling down your chin and onto your shirt. Dynamight took his cock back into his palm, languidly jerking himself as he pulled your head forward by the hair, pressing your face into his balls as he continued to stroke his cock, the length resting against your head as you tongued his sac. The sounds you were causing him to make were even hotter than you’d imagined. Feeling a fresh wetness seeping between your thighs, you moved a hand down to ease the tension, but this didn’t go unnoticed by the villain. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing.” He pulled your head back to look up at him with venom in his eyes, “Did I say you could do that?” “No.” You mewled, immediately taking your hand out of your panties, the feel of the rough ground against your knees starting to take its toll as you tried to adjust your weight to ease the pain. “Are you trying to upset me?” He gave you a look that made your heart lurch, “I thought I was your favourite-” “You are.” You whined, looking up at him with wide eyes for forgiveness, “I’m sorry, Dynamight.” “Do as you’re told.” He moved your head back to his balls, watching as you eagerly latch back onto his balls in an attempt to please him, sucking one of them into your mouth as you watched him groan in pleasure. His hand resuming his leisurely pace on his length, “Good girl.” You were shocked when he pushed down on head again, moving you past his balls to between his legs. You hesitantly slip your tongue out to stroke along his perineum. Hearing him moan in gratification told you that you’d done the right thing, pride igniting inside you as you made him feel good. It was only when he tried to push your head down again, moving you further back, that you began to panic, realising what he was suggesting you do. You’d never been near anyone’s ass before, nervous about trying something so taboo. You fought against his grip, shaking your head as you moved your hands up to press against his thighs. “Are you disobeying me?” He growled down at you, “You’re my biggest fan aren’t you?” You nodded your head frantically, so eager to please him. You feel an ache where he keeps a strong grip on the back of your head. “Then you’re gonna lick my fuckin’ ass and you’re gonna enjoy it.” He didn’t give you another moment before tugging you back between his legs. His muscular thighs squeezed your head, the position of your face making your neck ache uncomfortably as you angled yourself towards his puckered hole. Your tongue poking out from between your lips to brush against it. “Fuck. Yes.” He hissed, feeling the blunt nails of his fingers digging into your scalp as he moved a hand back to spread his cheeks, giving you better access as you began to swirl your tongue around his back entrance. “Bet you’ve never done this before, have you?” He smirked at the sight of you between his thighs, completely submissive to him, “But you’re enjoying it? Filthy slut.” You hummed in agreement, sending pleasurable vibrations through him. This was so taboo, you’d never done anything like this before, but here you were in a dark alley with Dynamight doing exactly that. “Such a fuckin’ slut. You really would do anything for me, wouldn’t you?” You nodded your head almost instinctively as you waited for your next instructions. Dynamight bent down to hook his muscular forearms underneath your arms and hoist you up, pressing you back against the brick wall. You were grateful he kept his grip on you, your knees burning from scratching against the ground for so long as you struggled to keep yourself upright. As if sensing this, he was quick to lift you, your legs wrapping around his waist as he held you as though you weighed nothing. An example of his sheer strength, there was a reason why he had yet to be captured. A hero turned villain was surely a force to be reckoned with. His hand came down to grab his cock, stroking it between your slick folds as he searched for your entrance; there was no kindness in his movements as he forced himself into your tight cunt. “Fuck,” He growled, feeling your tight walls begin to construct around him, “Good fuckin’ girl.” You felt a burn between your legs as he pushed his way inside you, his size stretching you almost uncomfortably as you struggled to adjust to him. The feeling of having the love of your life inside you sent a flurry of euphoria through you which helped numb the pain. “You should be fucking honoured that I let you fuck my cock,” he growled, a ripping sound filling the air as his hands tore at your tights even more. The hole doubled in size as he moved to cup your ass as he began to piston himself in and out of you. “Dynamight.” You cried out his name in pleasure, your head banging against the brick as you threw it back, but you didn’t care at this moment. His thick cock dragging against your inner walls perfectly, the thick veins forking along his length catching onto the sensitive spots inside your cunt with each roll of his hips. It was all you could do to hold onto his shoulders as he bounced you on his cock. Already feeling the first warning tremors of your orgasm. “Gonna cum already, Princess?” He grinned in pride as he watched your mouth curve into an ‘o,, feeling your toes curl as your orgasm hit you full force, screaming out his hero name as you came. “Fuck, that’s it.” He grunted as he felt you convulse around him, continuing his relentless pace as you rode out your climax, already feeling a second swiftly approaching thanks to his frantic movements. “Do you realise how fuckin’ good you look right now?” Dynamight growled, the sound of skin slapping against skin filling the otherwise silent alleyway,our skin illuminated by the streetlight on the corner as he continued his rough pace. “How fucking hot you look with my cock inside that pretty little pussy.” Your clit dragged against his pubic hair with each thrust, adding to your stimulation as your nails clawed as his shoulders, the cold metal around his neck pressing against your skin as you followed his movements. Unable to do much in this position as he lifted a hand to land a harsh spank against your ass, laughing as he felt your cunt clench around him in response. “You cumming again already?” He grinned, giving your ass another spank as you moaned in pleasure. “How many times have you touched yourself at the thought of me doing this to you?” He growled, already knowing the answer. “A lot.” You whined, your insides beginning to tremble as the coil inside you tightened. “Did it feel as good as me?” “No.” You cried, clenching around his thick cock. He was so deep inside you now, using the grip on your ass to pull you almost fully off his cock before dropping you back down on him with the help of gravity. The material of your panties dragged against his length with each thrust, adding to his stimulation. “Nothing feels as good as me, does it, Princess?” “No.” His husky voice was enough to let that wave crash through you, your body shuddering as you felt your impending release. “Fuckin’ say it.” The feral tone was all it took. “No one’s as good as you, Dynamight.” You squealed, your body contorting as the coil finally snapped, another orgasm flooding your senses. You continued to mumble out praises for your favourite hero as he continued rocking himself into your tight cunt. “Who do you belong to?” “You, Dynamight. You-” You were so loud if anyone was nearby they’d surely hear you. “Gonna tweet about this too you fuckin’ stalker?” He spanked you again, feeling your inner walls continue to flutter around him as he worked himself towards his own release, “Tweet about how dynamite wrecked this fuckin’ cunt?” You were already spent, but he was determined to rip another orgasm from your tired body. His fingers slipped between your bodies to rub messy circles against your puffy clit. You scrunched your face at the sensation, trying to stop him from touching your overstimulated bud by grabbing his wrist. “Get the fuck off.” He snarled, continuing to stroke furious circles against it, an unusual feeling starting to brew inside you as you felt the urge to pee throbbing in your core. “Please, Dynamight. Stop, I can’t-” You were shaking now in a futile attempt to stop yourself from letting go, terrified of urinating all over your favourite hero turned villain. “Fucking do it. Cum.” He growled, the force of your next climax was unlike any other. The unusual sensation inside you subsiding as you finally let go, a clear liquid spilling from your body as you screamed his name, soaking his crotch and cargo pants. “Fuck yes, you dirty bitch.” He howled as he watched the clear liquid stream out of you, keeping his thumb on your clit as he rubbed it side to side as he helped you ride out your release, making more streams flow from your folds, “Squirt all over my fuckin’ cock.” “Gonna fill this pretty little pussy with my cum.” He growled, his cock throbbing inside of you as he neared his own release. “No, not inside please-” But your plea fell on deaf ears as he emptied himself inside you with a grunt, hot white ropes of cum coating your inner walls as his hips began to stutter, his forehead falling onto your shoulder as he pumped you full of his release. Setting you back down on your feet, he laughed as you immediately dropped to the ground, your legs quivering as you tried to steady your breathing. His boot moved out to kick your legs apart so he could see his cum leaking out of your stretched cunt. Tucking his softening cock back inside his cargo pants, he buckled his belt before picking up the grenades from the ground as he fastened them to his waist. Your eyes watched his every move as you stayed in position, not caring that you were laid on the filthy ground. Not that you could have done anything even if you did, you were far too spent to do anything. “Are you just gonna leave me here?” Your lower lip trembled as fresh tears began to fall. Unsure of how you felt in this moment. “Aw, baby.” He crouched down on his knees, his thumb stroking your cheek gently as the pad of his thumb wiped at the tears that pooled down your cheek. A stark contrast to his previous actions, “Of course I’m not just gonna leave you here.” “You’re going to give me the grand tour of your creepy fucking Dynamight museum.” He said with a laugh.
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pikablob · 4 years
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I spent way too long making this - Far Cry 5-style album covers for the (hypothetical) soundtrack to my Forests of Oregon AU, featuring Connie Maheswaran, Hilda, Max, Frank, and Reggie Abbott! (reupload cause I had to fix one glaring issue with the stroke on the background)
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 4 years
Hakuoki Zuisouroku Vita Saito CG Character Perspective Eng subtitles
subtitle video for Saito’s cg lines (edited out the cg menu) from the vita Zuisouroku game (this/Saito’s portion for the ps vita 触れる想い achievement) is now available on my private blog... it’s an mkv right now since every attempt i had at converting it caused video problems... or made the file a lot bigger. might try fixing it later...?
unfortunately, while i did record game footage for all of the cg dialogue, parts of the audio are extremely garbled and choppy at times (I’m now streaming the audio over wi-fi since it gives me less grainy background noise when compared to line-in audio), which was why I had have several of the lines repeated multiple times to have them recorded clearly... meaning I would need to edit those videos to cut that audio out before I can start doing anything... and I don’t really wanna do that lol. 
i honestly only did this video for myself... so iuno if i wanna bother with doing that for the others...
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also I reuploaded the Kyoka-roku intro (mkv since same problems as ^ video) since those errors bothered me... and i just found that all the LIVE hakuoki drama readings on youtube have copyright claims restrictions on them (i’ve been uploading/downloading/deleting files on my alt youtube account since I really need to cut down on space and using a youtube downloader is a great way to get the file with about the same quality down to a significantly smaller file size. Those downloads are also what i end up uploading to mega to save on space). i suppose those are the only videos that I’ll keep private come February, assuming nothing happens til then.  
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--bang chan--
words - 4.5k
warnings - phone sex, mutual masturbation, hints of D/s, slight angst, bunch of fluffy and sassy couple talk
note - i had to reupload cause apparently trying to fix the warnings on my phone fucked everything up, but here you guys go!
You stared at your phone screen, completely entranced by the Instagram video in front of you. It wasn’t anything too crazy, just a short video of your boyfriend Chan during the fan chant video for Levanter. You had watched the video earlier when it had first released, and here you were watching it again for the thousandth time. Between his hair, the eyebrow slit, and just that fucking face… he just looked so good. 
“Hellooo…? G’day, mate!” 
Wincing, you jerked your head back into your pillow in shock as you heard Chan’s voice loudly in your ear. “What the hell was that for?”
“I called your name like five times. You kind of zoned out on me. Is everything okay? if you need to go to bed, you can. You don’t have to stay up to talk to me, you know.”
“Uhm... to be completely honest, I got distracted,” you answered as you rolled onto your left side. Making sure the blankets didn’t twist as you continued to lie in bed staring at your phone, you snuggled into your mattress. 
Chan gasped dramatically, making you roll your eyes in fondness. “How dare you? And here I was telling you an amazing story.”
“Oh?” Your eyebrows rose. “What kind of story?”
“Mhm. May I ask what got you so distracted?”
Fixing your headphones that had gotten tangled when you turned on your side, you made a sound in your throat as if you were thinking about it. “I mean I guess, but you have to be cool about it.”
Chan’s voice went from teasing to curious. “Cool in what way?”
“Well…” You watched the video of him one more time before smiling wickedly. “I found myself distracted by this really hot guy I found on Insta.”
You could practically hear the badly hidden jealousy in his voice, and you took a moment to relish in it. “Oh? ...What’s his name?”
“I think his name is Bang Chan? I don’t know,” you teased as your smile softened. “I think he’s in some kind of kpop group. They recently posted a video on YouTube of a fan chant? I don’t know what those are or even what they’re saying, but this Chan Bang guy really just looks hot as hell. His hair is tousled and kind of off of his forehead, and that one prominent dimple when he smiles? Mmmmm,” you fake a whiny groan. “And that eyebrow slit? Fuck.”
A slight sound on his end was heard after your fake whine, and you smirked while watching the video again. A hint of warmth caused a short throb in your clit, and you remembered just how sexy he could be when jealous. “There’s just something about him that’s so attractive. I would totally leave you for him to be quite honest.”
He chuckled. “You don’t say.”
“Oh, yeah. ...Hey! You live in Korea, he lives in Korea; do you think there’s any way that you can get me his number?”
You knew he was probably rolling his eyes at you at this point. If you didn’t know any better, you also thought that he was most likely blushing from the compliments. The two of you had known each other for so long that you practically knew him better than he knew himself, even though he lived a 20 hour plane ride away. 
“Yes,” he replied back with a hint of sarcasm. “Let me totally get my manager to contact his manager, and I will one hundred percent be behind you leaving me, your long-term boyfriend of three years, so you can date this ‘Chan Bang’ dude.”
“Thanks, babe! Who knows, maybe I’ll let you watch us have sex for funsies.”
“I can’t wait,” he deadpanned. “Oh! That reminds me actually. Did you ask off for the tour? Hopefully I can see you at least once since I’m coming to Miami and you live in Orlando now. That’s only what, five hours?”
“In good traffic, yeah,” you agreed. Narrowing your eyes in confusion for a moment, you chuckled quietly. “How did me talking about sex remind you of the tour?”
Chan jokingly scoffed, earning a judgy face from you. “Because it’s been six months since I’ve last physically saw you in front of me, and I’m horny as hell and want to have amazing sex with my precious girlfriend who I love deeply.”
You felt a blush erupt onto your cheeks from his words. After taking a moment to calm down, you winced, and hoped he wouldn’t be able to tell that you were going to lie to him. “Uhm, well… that’s the thing? I don’t think I’ll be able to make it.”
It became quiet on his end, and while you knew you were actually going to be there for most of the tour because your manager understood the situation and allowed you the time off, you still wanted to try and surprise him. You were going to be able to be with him for weeks, and even share a room with him, and you wanted to personally see the smile on his face when you told him so. The silence from him though told you how much this lie hurt him, and it brought an anxiety pain to your chest. It’ll all be worth it when I surprise him in Atlanta. I just have to keep telling myself that. His reaction will be worth it. 
“Really?” He finally asked quietly with a hint of raspiness in his voice. “I thought you said that your GM could most likely give it to you? You said since the tickets and everything were gonna be paid for, that you just needed the time off since you have your savings from the money I send you.”
“Yeah, I still wish you’d stop sending me money-”
“-I’d spend it on you regardless, even if you actually lived here-”
“-and I thought he’d let me, but since I just recently got promoted to being a manager, it’s a little harder than I thought. You know how Disney property is… the tourist season never ends.” You heard Chan sniffle, almost making you want to give in and apologize. Just knowing that you were hurting him even if you were making it up to him later made this hurt you way more than you expected. “Baby, please.”
“But you don’t work for Disney, you’re third party, so you said it was easier to ask off.” He sniffled again before clearing his throat. “LIke I know that I kind of signed up for this when we decided to go out and were finally able to but wow, this really sucks. Why don’t you seem more upset by this? It means it’ll be almost a full year before the next time we can see each other again in person, and not over FaceTime or just talking on the phone.”
You felt tears sting your eyes at the reminder of the distance, making you bite the inside of your cheek as you attempted to hold them back. “Trust me,” your voice cracked a little bit without meaning to. “I am upset, I just didn’t want to let you know how much.”
He sniffled loudly at the slight whine in your voice, and you heard things shuffling in the background as if he was wiping his eyes. “This is definitely not how I intended this phone call to go.”
“I know, Chan. I’m so sorry. ...How did you intend it to go?”
“Well,” he cleared his throat a few times as if he was trying to return to the earlier moment. “I was trying to tell the story about my last trip to the gym so I could hopefully turn this into phone sex, but now…”
“Oo, you know how much I love gym stories.”
Chan snickered quietly, making you smile, and you slowly felt the grief from before lifting. “I know, that’s why I was surprised when you said you got distracted, but now knowing that it was because of a video of me and that it was turning you on…?”
“If you’re still down for it, I’m totally into turning this back into a phone sex call. It’s been a minute, and to be honest, all of these videos of you have been teasing me. Plus those new pics and vids of you as an airline captain? Fuck, Chan.”
“I miss you so much and I’m always so fucking horny; I’m always down, baby girl.”
The warmth from earlier returned to your crotch, making you bite your lip as you rolled onto your back and let your left hand roam down to your breast. “I actually prepared a surprise for you to make up for not being able to go on tour. I’m not sure if you can handle it.”
He groaned. “What kind of surprise?”
“How much time do you have before you need to go? And are you in a ‘not safe for work or the kids’ space?”
“Mmm…” He was quiet for a second, probably checking his schedule. “It’s 3:37P now, and we were gonna have dinner before getting everything prepared for Inkigayo so… an hour? And the boys are in different places. The only one home is Hannie-ah, and his room is on the other side of the house. Plus my door is locked, so even if my roomies came home, I’m pretty sure that after years of living with me they know that if I’m on the phone it’s most likely with you, and they know to most likely stay away.”
Your nipple had become hard underneath your shirt from your teasing. You pinched it which made you release a small groan as he finished speaking.
“Baby girl,” he growled. “What’s the surprise? You better show me before you touch yourself. You know the rules. You can only touch yourself when I tell you to when we’re on the phone.”
“Sorry, sir… it’s been so long since you’ve last punished me that my hands have grown bold.”
“I’ll make sure to remind you when I see you next.”
“Please do,” you purred.
Releasing your breast, you quickly went to the Kakaotalk app where you and Chan texted each other daily, and sent him a teasing picture of your newly bought black lingerie. There were multiple pictures that you took of yourself modeling in them, and the one you chose just showed you in one of his oversized black shirts that reached your upper thigh. You wore stockings with garters that were just barely visible, and you knew those alone would make him instantly harden since stockings with garters were his favorite. The sexy pose was simple; just you standing in front of your full-length mirror in your bedroom with a hand lifting the shirt slightly above your left thigh, up towards your hip. Your left leg was bent and you faced the mirror at an angle, that way he could see a hint of your wonderful ass from the side. 
You heard when he received it; the gasp he let out turning into a gravely moan.
“Is that my shirt?”
“And what looks like new lingerie too?”
“Bought just for you.”
You heard shuffling on his end of the line again, and noticed his breath had started to pick up. “My dear Chanstopher, are you touching yourself from just the first picture?”
“There’s more?” He sounded slightly scandalized, making you hold back a giggle.
“Of course, silly. There’s an entire ensemble that I modeled with. I had to make sure you got to see all of it,” you teased, making sure to use a slight French accent on the word ‘ensemble’.
“May I see the rest of it?”
You tsked him. “A Dom begging? So unbecoming.”
“You are walking a very fine line, baby,” he growled. God, I love it when he does that!
“I guess since you asked so nicely, I can send you another one. If you were already touching yourself before, just wait for this next one.”
Going through the photos, you chose the one where you’re sitting on the bed in front of the same mirror with your legs drawn wide, using that same hand from earlier to lift the shirt up to right below your chest. What was really going to kill him was the sight of the pink app controlled vibrator sticking out of your black lacy underwear, and the resounding moan that released from his lips when he received it made your clit start to throb incessantly.
“You were wet at just the thought of me seeing these, yeah?” His voice sounded shaky, and you swore that you heard his hand gripping his cock solely based off of the timbre of his voice. 
“I’m always wet when I think of you, Sir.”
“You being a good girl?”
Biting your lip, you nod as if he can see you as you grip the sheets with your left hand. Returning back to his rules; you laid your phone down on your bed beside you as you waited for him. The only thing that existed in your brain now was Chan and whatever he had in store for you. “Yes, Sir, I’m being a good girl. I always want to be your good girl.”
“Go grab that vibrator from the picture.”
You took in a shaky breath at his command as you squeezed your thighs together, giving yourself a hint of pleasure. “But you’re not here to control it,” you whined.
“No, I’m not, but you’re going to follow my commands, yeah, baby girl?”
“Yes, Sir,” you whispered breathlessly.
Flipping the covers open, you feel the sting of the cold air that you and your roommates normally kept the apartment at hit your skin, causing goosebumps as you left your phone and headphones behind. Your room was normally colder than the others because you had the master and it had the most outer walls compared to the other rooms, making it super cold even in December in Florida. Normally you liked it, but right now, with how heated your skin had become, it felt like a mild punishment from him. He calls me baby girl and suddenly I become a dripping wet human furnace. 
Walking into your bathroom, you opened the drawer connected to your sink that housed your toys and pulled out the required pink vibrator. You hastily went back to your bed, dying to be under the covers. Putting the headphones back in your ear, you got comfortable and held the vibrator on top of your stomach. “I have it, Chan.”
“What’re you wearing?”
“Uhm,” your eyebrows kit together in confusion, having expected a command. “I’m actually wearing the same shirt in the picture. It’s my go to for bed. All of your shirts are.”
“And your underwear?” He asked.
“The blue boy shorts you saw the last time you visited.”
“Mm, I just want to set the picture so I can help myself along. Are you ready, sweetheart?”
“Yes, Sir, but can I know what you’re wearing too?”
“I’m wearing my black Dolls hoodie and my black sweatpants.”
“Such an emo baby,” you quipped with a soft smile.
“Emo for you.”
The two of you laughed at his corniness, and when you both finally calmed down, he asked if you’re ready again. You told him you were, and you heard some movement on his end of the line, making you wait patiently for him as he most likely got comfortable.
“All right, my love. I want you to lift your shirt as high as you did in that last picture, and then I want you to turn the vibrator on the lowest setting.”
You do as you’re told, turning the vibrator on through the phone app. You briefly wondered what he was going to have you do tonight, and you loved the anticipation of it all. “I did it.”
“Good girl,” he rumbled nearly an octave lower than his normal voice. The praise and the sound of his voice sent a shiver down your spine. You wanted to hear more of it. “Now I want you to lightly run the vibrator up and down your exposed stomach. Imagine I’m there above you, doing it as I suck on your earlobe.”
Your breathing started to pick up as you followed through, and the small vibration on your abs increased the warmth in your nether region.
“Does that feel good?”
“Yes, sir. Can I ask what you’re doing on your end?”
“Of course, baby girl. Seeing those pictures got me hard, and I’m rubbing myself over my sweats as I picture you following my commands, dressed in my shirt,” he answered. 
His love of you wearing his clothes was overly apparent, and it filled you with a sense of joy, knowing you pleased him. 
“Do you like the pictures?”
“I love them. You are… breathtakingly gorgeous and sexy.” Chan groaned loudly, making your clit throb harder as you wished the vibrator could move lower. As if hearing your inner wish, Chan spoke again, “Now I want you to move the toy down to your pussy, over your underwear. Let it trace around your folds, but you are not allowed to touch your clit or slit. Follow my lead, baby.”
Whining loudly, your hand moved the vibrator as you opened your legs as wide as possible, and the second it touched your folds, you had to stop yourself from going straight to the source of your pleasure. You waited for what came next, knowing that by ‘following his lead’ it meant doing what he said he’d do, therefore helping you imagine him actually being there. 
“I’m right there with you, moving the toy above your clit but not touching it as I slowly grind into your thigh. My mouth is working down your neck, having just reached the edge of my shirt. Moving my other hand, I lift the shirt further up, and the second your breasts are free I have your nipple between my teeth…”
“Chan—“ your chest started heaving as you tried to breathe. The mental visual of him being there, doing what your hands were doing was already messing with you. It had been so long since you had actually touched yourself, and even longer since you both were able to have enough time for phone sex that you were already lost. Your right hand continued moving the toy over your folds, while your left tugged lightly on your nipple. “Please, sir.”
“Sucking your nipple into my mouth,” he continued with a slight growl to his voice, “I move the toy down to your slit, still over the underwear. You buck your hips, making me press mine harder into your thigh, and as punishment for moving when I didn’t tell you to, I bite the skin of your breast, just hard enough for you to know I’m displeased. You can feel all seven inches of my dick on your thigh, and knowing it’s so close to your cunt, you moan into my ear.”
You followed through with everything he was saying, and when he said you moaned, you actually did as the vibrator seemed to barely touch you just below your clit. Just imagining that his perfect cock was right there, touching you, made you salivate, forcing you to bite your lip as hard as possible. It’s been so long since I’ve had him in my mouth. God, I miss it!
Chan seemed to moan along with you. Hearing his beautiful voice fill your ears caused your core to clench, making you whimper. 
“Your moan caused my cock to throb so hard, baby. Imagining I’m with you feels so good. Do you feel it too?” He panted quietly. 
“Yes, Sir—please, can I move the vibrator?”
“Yes, but you don’t get to touch your clit. I want you to put it into your underwear and to trace along your slit.”
Doing so caused your body to spasm slightly, and you felt your hips shake against the stimulation. 
“Now I want you to turn the vibrator up to half power.”
“Chan! I’m so primed already—“
“Do as I say, my love.”
You groaned in frustration and removed your left hand from your breast. Grabbing your phone, you turned the vibrator up to half power, and the second it increased against you, you gasped loudly as your body spasmed a bit. 
“Put it in, baby girl. Just like the picture.”
At this point you were panting through your nose, trying to make sure that if your roommates were somehow awake and out in the living room at nearly two in the morning, they wouldn’t be able to fully hear you. You were practically whimpering near constantly when you put it in, the toy setting your body aflame as it buzzed against your g-spot. Your nipples were harder than you thought possible as you ripped the blankets off of your heated skin. The chill in the air hit your soaked underwear, and the feeling of it rubbing against your swollen center caused your legs to squeeze tightly together. Not knowing what to do with your hands, you gripped the sheets. 
“Now,” Chan panted; having come undone slightly knowing that you were filled with pleasure. “I want you to power through and send me another picture. Can you do that? After you send it you are allowed to rub your clit.”
“Yes, Sir,” you breathed in excitement. Squeezing your eyes shut for a second, you shakily reached for your phone and tapped the screen on. It opened at your face and you sent him the ‘live’ picture you had been planning on sending next—you with the shirt completely off now, your breasts full and heaving in a black lace push-up bra as your left hand played with your clit inside of your panties, the vibrator still within your depths, just like it was right now. The short video was only three seconds, but it was abundantly clear what you were doing. 
The moan that left Chan seemed to echo within your mind when he finally saw it. The sound was so arousing that your hand immediately ventured into your underwear to rub circles into your throbbing nub.
At this point you could hear Chan moaning every few seconds. You were too deep into your pleasure to even fathom what he was doing other than fucking his own hand, but when your phone lit up and you clicked the message, a video of his beautifully veiny arm gripping his cock greeted your eyes. It was thirty seconds long, hopefully in reaction to your pictures, and you could see how undone he was as he jerked himself off. During the last ten seconds of the video you could see precum escaping the head of his cock as he squeezed the glands around his tip. 
“Oh! I wish I could taste you,” you whined loudly. Your other hand was holding your phone, and your eyes were glued to the screen. The combination of your fingers rubbing your clit and the toy making a mess of your insides was getting you close, but you knew you had to wait for him. 
“Yeah?” His voice was getting high and breathy which was a sign that he was getting close too. “I wish I could taste you too. You taste so good. ...Just imagine my head between your legs right now as the toy buzzes inside you. I’m sucking on your clit as hard as I can, making you buck against my face. Your hands are gripping my hair, tugging on it—fuck, I’m close, baby girl. I’m so close. I want you to come with me, okay?”
“Yes!” You loudly whispered. “Yes, I want you to come. I want to come so badly.” 
The thought of him between your legs after such a long time began the tinglings of a large orgasm, making you curl your toes. Your hips were shaking as the warmth in your core increased, signaling your rapidly approaching climax. Your hand was moving fast now, rubbing your clit as hard as you dared as you heard him jerking himself off, attempting to hold back his moans. Just as the pleasure began to increase, you held your breath, wishing his hand was lightly gripping your throat as you attempted to hold back the orgasm just outside of your grasp. 
“Baby girl—I’m, I’m gonna cum. I want you to come,” he said breathlessly in his haste. “I wish I was with you so I could cum inside. I know how much you love to be full of my cum. I—” 
Fireworks exploded behind your eyelids as your entire body spasmed, making you curl into yourself as you turned on your side. Your walls clenched fiercely around the toy, only making your orgasm last just that much longer. What part of your consciousness that still existed in that moment registered the sound of him coming on the other end of the line. He grunted, and you wished with your entire being that his cock was down your throat, letting you swallow his cum whole. 
What was probably just a moment of mutual panting as the both of you tried to calm back down, it felt like an hour had passed. You weakly turned off of the vibrator so the overstimulation could cease, and just spent the next moment existing as your heart began to slow as the edges of your orgasm faded away. 
“Baby?” He sounded just as wrecked as you. 
“Do—“ he took in a deep breath before blowing it out. “Do you need any aftercare?”
Licking your lips, your eyes fluttered open as you began to uncurl yourself. “No… I’m--I’m probably ready for sleep though. Let me, um, clean myself up and I’ll be right back, okay?” 
“I’ll be here, love.”
Leaving your bed, you quickly, but shakily, went to your bathroom. When you turned on the light, you had to squeeze your eyes closed for a moment--your eyes too sensitive after being in darkness for so long. As quickly as you could, you took the vibrator out, ignoring the shiver that ran down your spine as you cleaned it and left it out to dry, and then went to clean up the mess that was your nether region. 
Two minutes later you were all clean, and with a fresh pair of undies, sleepily sliding back into bed and pulling the sheets up over you. Putting your headphones back in your ears, you tap your phone on and smile when you see the call was still on. 
“I’m here.”
Smiling, and ignoring the tears that immediately came to your eyes due to just how much you missed him, you cleared your throat while covering the mic so he couldn’t hear. When you were good, you moved your hand back and whispered, “I love you.”
It was quiet for a second, but when he spoke again, you could hear the smile in his tone. “I love you too. What do you need to fall asleep, sweetheart?”
“Just your voice. Sing me to sleep, Chanstopher.”
Chan hummed happily at the endearing nickname before whispering, “Your wish is my command.”
Within a minute of him singing you a ballad version of ‘Tenerife Sea’ by Ed Sheeran, you were fast asleep.
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astoldbymercy-blog · 6 years
FunkMaster Flex, Radio Interview.
INVOLVED: Mercedes Jones. LOCATION: Hot 97 Radio Station; New York City, New York. TIME FRAME: August 21st, 2018. NOTES: Mercedes has a radio interview with Funkmaster Flex; mentions Samuel Evans and Danielle Harper. AUTHOR NOTES: Trigger Warnings; I am sure there maybe various ones in here for someone - please proceed with caution. 
+ Also this self para was not proof read entirely, due to me posting it late because forgive me for any grammatical errors or confusion. Will edit and reupload later this week. 
“What is the hardest thing about being in the music industry in your opinion? What are some challenges you do face or have faced?” Flex asked Mercedes.
“The hardest?” Mercedes repeated as she looked to the microphone “your imagine, but I think that’s across the board. I don’t think that’s just geared towards music alone” she told him. “I think the biggest challenge has maybe been me hiding some parts of me because of the fear I had of what others thought” she told him  being cut off by him immediately.
“Like the album, which is no sound you’ve ever touched before” he asked her as he shifted in his chair. Flex looked to Mercedes expectantly given how closed-off she usually is in interviews.
Mercedes smirked at Flex and nodded “well yeah. Like I was saying. I didn’t want my body to sell records, but with that I placed my sexuality and my comfort in my sexuality within that same grouping… if that makes sense” she told him. “I never strayed too far away but I wasn’t as vocal either. That doesn’t mean I don’t believe the things wrote and released before… it just means it were more to the story than I was letting on” she said adjusting the headphones on her ear.
“Which only makes sense because you have written music for other artist that totally go against most of your music. Or is in no relation to the vibes you give off” Flex said.
“Well that’s just what makes me truly gifted. But yeah, I’ve written for: Elle Varner, Emeli Sande, Neyo, Usher, Ciara..” Mercedes listed off on her fingers “I have written for movies” she said “I mean the list could go on, I actually song back up for a short time. Then I would open shows, but during that period I made most of the money I have writing for music” she said honestly. “I have featured on a number of stuff as well.”
“Who do you really wish to write for or with right now if you could?” Flex asked her.
“There is this young lady by the name of Danielle Harper, she is a very amazing vocalist and lyricist. I would love to write something for her or even with her. She definitely needs to be put on the map, people are ‘sleeping’ on her” Mercedes said using air quotes. “She has a few songs that I personally have just fallen deeply in love with” she smiled at the thought. “And if I can help to get her noticed or even signed I am down for the cause” she told him.
“Oh yeah. Danielle Harper?” Flex repeated having never heard of the artist himself. He went on to ask “what is your favorite song by her or some of her songs?”
“My favorite is Stone Cold. It’s such a relatable piece of art man” she said with a head shake. “I was in aw the first time I heard it” Mercedes chuckled.
“How does it go?” Flex asked Mercedes.
You could faintly hear the radio manager asking if Mercedes could sing a portion of the song in acapella for them.
Mercedes chuckled “acapella?” she repeated to them licking her lips “stone cold, stone cold. You see me standing, but I'm dying on the floor” she song softly sitting back in her chair. “Stone cold, stone cold. Maybe if I don't cry, I won't feel anymore” she closed her eyes “stone cold, baby. God knows I tried to feel” she belted “happy for you. Know that I am, even if I. Can't understand, I'll take the pain. Give me the truth, me and my heart” she continued to sing sweetly resting her hand over her heart. “We'll make it through. If happy is her, I'm happy for you” she sung, trailing off. “I can’t give you anymore you have to hear it for yourself and give her a try” she said with a chuckle as she leaned back into her chair again.
“I don’t think I have ever gotten you to actually sing” Flex chuckled, excitedly clapping his hand. “Honestly, you have never sung for us but if I can suggest you cover that song. I am. Because your voice was amazing” he emphasized. “I would have thought it were your song honestly, for real” he told her.
“I could consider it” Mercedes said discreetly as she looked to the other interviewer in the room.
“What else do you have going on?” the guy asked “you have Sparkle, we heard…”
“Yeah. Sparkle, I’ll be portraying Sparkle herself. And I am excited. I have the scripts, I have been studying who she is, what she stands for, her overall personality” Mercedes said nodding her head. “Should be a good watch. Has Danielle Brooks, Kelly Rowland, uh some others I can’t name yet” she said with a grin. “It’s going to be great” she told them.
“Are you writing any original songs for that?” Flex asked her curiously.
Nodding her head, “I write one of the final songs Sparkle is set to sing in the movie. But much like Jennifer Hudson in Dreamgirls, I have to portray her throughout the movie first and then I’ll go back to record and write the song. They need that raw emotion and I guess grittiness from me. Which is by the way hard… naturally I have a very soft singing voice. That powerhouse everyone knows about forces it out” Mercedes said chuckling again.
“Which is right because you have this one song, I think it’s called breathe or pause?” the radio manger said in the background. “But your voice is so soft and angelic and, I can never really make out the lyrics I always thought it was sexual but I loved the vibe to it” she laughed softly.
“Oh yes” Mercedes said nodding her head “it’s called Pause off of my second album” she corrected the woman discreetly and she nodded her head listening before she released another laugh. “You’d be amazed the different explanations I get for that song. Everyone thinks it about everything but what it’s really about” she told them. “Hey, it’s me. I’m calling to schedule an event. No make that necessary breakdown” she said reciting the lyrics as she placed her hands on the table. “I won’t be answering anything. I’ll be to busy, with my knees on the ground” she emphasized “and my hands up towards the clouds. Confessing out loud, I’m not too proud to say I’m slipping. So I am calling to schedule a very necessary breakdown. Leave me alone now” she said in full. “It was titled Woman, I was coming into my own kind of. And Pause was something that was previously written when I was going through a rough patch in life to be honest” she shrugged. “I was basically talking about having a actual breakdown, cutting off the World, not answering my phone or anyone, getting on my knees and praying and lifting my hands up to Heaven asking God to help me help myself” she said sighing. “And uh, it’s a interlude so… I think any people miss that message a lot” she said running her hand down the side of her face. “Which is interesting, I thought it was self explanatory when I wrote and recorded it” she said to them.
“Whoa” Flex said.
“I honestly didn’t know that’s what that song was saying, we played that all the time back when the album dropped. ‘Cause she loved it” the another guy in the room said pointing to the radio manager.
“I always thought on my knees implied…” she gestured with wide eyes. “And I thought you were saying with my legs up towards the clouds!”
“Damn that’s wild!” Flex said as the room ruptured into a fit of laughter.
Mercedes chuckled shaking her head “that’s common” she commented grinning. “But no” she said shaking her head again closing her eyes, “it is not” she said truthfully.  
“I’m embarrassed” the woman confessed as she continued to laugh “wow”.
“That’s crazy” Flex responded “what’s something else crazy that has happened to you?” he asked her.
“Recently… I mean the most unexpected thing happened to me. You know when something kind of leaves you speechless?” she asked. “Someone I know kind of hit on me I think and the vibe ever since has been… crazy” Mercedes said. “But I’m taken so you know I’ve had to just kind of fix the situation. But yes, that was crazy” she said. “And I think every time I see my lyrics, song titles, or name tattooed on someone I am just like left speechless” she snorted.
“Really!” Flex exclaimed “I forgot you are in a relationship. Long term right?” he asked her.
“Yeah I am. Since high school practically” she said looking down at her shirt and brushing lint off of it. “His name is Sam. Well we all call him Sam” she said crossing her legs. “And off and on since high school we have been together. He’s the typical southern gentlemen” Mercedes said being cut off again.
“He’s not within your race right?” the other guy asked.
Mercedes looked to the man before looking back to Flex, “he’s caucasian yes” she answered.
“How is that, the two different cultures mixing and mingling? You are very vocal about the wrongful killings of plenty African American males be it men or boys. You even wrote a song with MAJOR expressing that disdain. And you speak a lot about your heritage in your music” Flex said looking to her as she sat back in his chair.
“The color of his skin doesn’t determine my actions and doesn’t sway the way my heart leans” she told them making a gesture with her hands. “If he were out here conducting himself in a manner that would make me question where he stood in correspondence to what I give off and I am about I would see the issue. The color of his skin means nothing. Love is love” she said looking off. “I don’t get into politics” Mercedes said cutting her statement off short. “If I were with him and felt I couldn’t embrace the skin I am in… well see we wouldn’t be together” she told them. “Although to correct you the song MAJOR and I wrote were about a number of things actually….”
“I can dig that, I have always just thought that was interesting. Kind of like Kendrick Lamar and Donald Glover” the other guy replied.
“Mhm” Mercedes replied back simply through closed lips as she turned in the chair from left and right. These were the reason interviews annoyed her so much, because she hated giving personal information and being spoken to in a manner that challenged her or her beliefs.
“We don’t have to talk about politics but we could talk about your album that isn’t even a month old and has sold almost 500,000 copies already!” Flex said into the microphone. “You have literally blow up over night! You were on the charts but 5 songs for 2 week straight? With all these other big artist dropping major albums around the time you have dropped yours?” Flex asked. “That is crazy!” he exclaimed. “It has gone gold in under a month! Were you expecting that man?”
“No, not at all” Mercedes said shaking her head. “I didn’t necessarily have the birthday I intended. It was finished. I called them up. Said drop it. It wasn’t the album I wanted so my attitude was much different. But boy does it feel good to live in the success of it all” she said chuckling. “Couldn’t believe the World loved it. I was in this pinch me please type of mood for like 3 days. And I am so very grateful, so very grateful. Words can’t express it.”
“What was the inspiration, why did you switch up your sound and look?” Flex asked wanting to get the juicy details from her if he could.
“Because it’s what they wanted. I had stuff written and usually I give the permission for me to look through the book of songs I have. And you know… stuff happened from there” Mercedes told him shrugging.
“So SONY did?” Flex asked her with raised brows.
“No!” Mercedes said chuckling “do not put that on SONY, SONY pays me WELL” she chuckled along with everyone else. “I don’t need any blogs or magazines spinning that crazy ass story. My team, or the team I had did” she clarified.
“Had? So you’ve fired your people man?” Flex pressed.
“Your words not mine” Mercedes said shaking her head “hey, I write the songs and record. I don’t handle anything else personally. At the end of the day I will always be in good hands, trust me” she told him seriously.
“Alright, I just want to say congratulations again. You are on the road to 1,000,000 copies, better known as Platinum. And I wish you all the success in the World girl, you have an amazing voice,amazing personality, beauty, brains, all of that and you deserve all the stuff that is coming to you thanks to the album!” Flex said confidently.
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