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Fear is my friend. Fear wants to protect me. It wants to keep me safe. Today I am living in a place which is mostly safe when it comes to surviving. There are no deadly animals or great dangers. So fear, when you come and knock my door next time, I'll say: "Hey friend, nice that you're coming over again. I see you and I feel you. But now it is time for me to move on without you as my life is waiting for me to be created by me. Nobody else is going to do it for me so I am stepping into my power of being the creator of my own reality. Thanks for gifting me so many lessons and please leave my house now. I love you"
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Voodoo magic is one of the strongest magic in the world. I inherited the gift in my family, lived in Cuba and Haiti. where he consolidated his knowledge in the tribes. with the help of voodoo magic, many ceremonies are performed. with it, you can evoke the desired feelings and emotions of another person and even manage it. #magic #spells #magia #voodoo #love #blackmage #returntolove #family #magichelp #clairvoyance #moneyspells #blackspells #mage #magician #mylove #returnhusband #restorelife #life #spainlife #spain #loveman (at Catalonia, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2QLKT1BGZN/?igshid=1gl7kf0mzju2r
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“Everything we do is infused in the energy with which we do it” #returntolove https://www.instagram.com/p/By_aehJge5y/?igshid=z99exacaesha
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it was incredibly powerful last night to embrace @mariannewilliamson last day of her spiritual lectures @marblechurchnyc // she is now ending this chapter of her life to start a new chapter preparing to run for President😍❤️🙌🏾and we’re here for you // #keepgoing #riseandshine #thepoweroflove #courseofmiracles #returntolove #gogetem #thefutureisfemale #mariannewilliamson #mariannewilliamsonforpresident https://www.instagram.com/p/Bssz5D5FT0a/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17062ua6k7b9k
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You are not the things you do,
but the way you are being.
Your State of Being is the way you express your very definition of self. This has nothing to do with what you are doing, what you have done, or what you imagine you will do in the future. It has to do with the quality and the essence of the energy that emanates from you
right now.
Is it love, or is it fear?
Everything you express emerges from one of these two starting points. Yet you can return to love, as Marianne Williamson famously wrote, at any time you wish. For each day, each moment, offers a new beginning. -- Neale Donald Walsh
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Word for word this is what Higher Self says, "Earthians love to put labels on everything. Humanity has not learned to recall that everything is energy and is part of you. When you label it ~ it diminishes the sovereignty of its frequency. Learn to accept everyone and everything for whom they truly are, the highest frequency of love and lght. Meditate and concentrate on Higher Self. Let your love and light elevate globally sending that energy to all brethrens. Peace and union shall be restored through this quantum leap process. With good intentions be willing to love, forgive, unite, align, and ascend to reunite with the highest frequency of Love. In the end, this is what you all want." Note: We forgot that the telepathic communication system is our original language. When we return to it, labels and devices become obsolete. Who needs labels and devices when we are consistently connected through the thought network? Peace all you majestic souls of love and light!🕊🙏💞💞💞🕊 #labeling #label #diminishes #frequency #vibes #dontlabelme #areyoublind #cantyousee #myessence #narrowpath #narrowpathway #blinders #soundofsilence #majestic #telepathiccommunication #labelingobsolete #obsoletetechnology #returntolove #higherself #sovereignty #positivevibes #andsoitis #allnegative #energy #isexhausting #positiveenergyalways #liftsthespirit #connected #telepathic #thoughtnetwork https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch-kIaMPTpa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Crane peacefully watching in the set over Biloxi Bay #namaste #peaceful #spiritualgrowth #growingtogether #one #onelove #love #lettinggooffear #bodymindspirit #returntolove #radiantlight #free #truth #yourtruth #peace #unity #respect #music #shadow #happy #joy #forgiveness #davideltonholder (at Biloxi Back Bay) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgNwQZ0N15s/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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The Circle is here. Have you ever sat in circle? Women with women. Togetherness. Witnessed. Held. In harmony. When I became a certified circle holder last year I learnt the gift of being yourself. Tuning into your own magic and identity to create even more magic. That is why I love circles. They weave a web and are a safe and sacred opportunity for you to be witnessed and held. It’s not about someone else fixing you. It’s not about advice. It’s not about someone else being your mirror. It’s about you seeing you. Witnessing your own greatness and allowing your shadows to be revealed and seen. So they can then fall away. The Circle is your gift to yourself. A sacred container where you can put yourself first, And lean into your identity. Whilst being witnessed by an intimate group of soul sisters. We see you. If you feel the call, join us for the founding collective in 2022. We will meet monthly for our circle with a closed community to connect and reflect. Let your soul be seen. Join now. We start the week of Jan 10th 2022. Link in bio. #womenscircle #womenscircles #higherselfhealing #selfsabotage #returntolove #soulsistercircle #intergenerationalhealing https://www.instagram.com/p/CXtIrDzJCIF/?utm_medium=tumblr
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There’s always a #path #returntolove #rememberwhoyouare #compassionate #compassionatetogether
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It is time to come home now at this most historic Age of Aquarius. Reclaim and reunite all your soul fragments across all timelines, lifetimes, and dimensions. . . . . . #ascension #awakening #consciousness #karma #lifelessons #life #soulfamily #souljourney #soulmate #kundalini #Shakti #shiva #divinemasculine #divinefeminine #mindbodysoul #returntolove #love
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I saw this post this morning. It came from a great guy. He was very religious. So I really spent a chunk of time pondering that. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ You see, I’m really not religious at all. What I am though is that I’m highly spiritual (I also like walks on the beach, laughter, coffee and meditation .. back to topic.) ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ So I thought, “what is the one thing we all have in common, regardless of where we are, what we believe, our religion or lack thereof, culture, race, orientation, gender, politics or economics? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Love. That’s right, Love. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Love is what we all have in common - it is the common thread that binds us all regardless of our religious orientation. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I completely honor your sacred walk and how you got here to this summit, to this plateau and stage of your journey. I greet you as a kindred hiker and soul. I see you. I bow to you. And I refuse to disrespect or dishonor you by telling you that you should go back down the mountain and come back up the way I came. Your way was highly personal, intimate, sacred. I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, “a house divided against itself cannot stand.” I think this has been sorely misinterpreted on a mass scale historically, empowering those of other beliefs to essentially disregard the walks of others and honor their right to be. This has become universal. And it needn’t be. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ What it tells me (and speaking to me loudly) is that the “house divided” doesn’t mean our beliefs have to be a one size fits all garment. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ What we DO have in common, however, is LOVE. Love is the common thread in most religions, from Hindi to Buddhism, from Christianity to Judaism, from Islam to Unity, from Atheism, Agnosticism, from Rosaries to Prayer Flags, whether we are black, white, yellow, red, female, male, Republican, Democrat, regardless of country, politics, ethnicity, our common thread is LOVE. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ My only message to everyone, everywhere is this: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ RETURN TO LOVE. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The house divided isn’t how we got there. It’s about the love that Inspired us to pick the journey in the first place. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ —RETURN.TO.LOVE— #bethechange #returntolove #coexist #loveoneanother
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I want to thank all the Goddesses in my consciousness who unknowingly share wisdom with me that shape who I am. Here is the @mariannewilliamson speaking on #TheAuthorshipProblem. I hope it sparks something for you today. . #ReturnToLove . #YouKnowWhoYouAre #ISenseYou #8thSense #astralconnection #spiritualawakening #mariannewilliamson #ReturnToLove #manifestation #affirmations #BullByTheHorns has a whole new meaning. I hope it helps you all. Let go then let us go.
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~~~Return to Love~~~ Love and Light is all there is everything else is illusion!🕊🙏💞💞💞🕊 Spiritual wisdom: The innocent of God is the true state of mind of humanity and all life forms, universally. In this state, you remember He is not symbolic, He is fact. In this realization, you know that the appropriate gifts are Salvation and Atonement not condemnation and sacrifice. Salvation offers the recognition that every thought we have manifests peace or war and love or fear. It's a choice. In the Atonement is nothing but perfection, wisdom and understanding of truth. This is why the altar in the soul is as radiant as Christ. No need to fight over anything. Manna rains down from the Heavens and you eat in contentment. Scripture: "I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever.." (John 6:51, [KJV])🙏 . . . #returntolove #returntolight #everythingelseis #illusion #godmultiplies #godexpands #godreplenishes #nooneisdeprived #goddeprivesnoone #eatuntilcontent #manna #spiritualfood #poetryforthesoul🌸 #poetryforhealing #poetryofwisdom #poetsheart #heartsofpoets #alignment #themindofapoet #holinesstriumphs #betriumphant #fearnot #becourage #belove #belight #everyone #isbeloved #nomatterwhattheysay #holinessiscool #altarofsoul (at Worldwide) https://www.instagram.com/p/CT0BJvmoto2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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What does it mean to live without offense? New episode of The Power to Pivot Podcast just launched... find out here...🤩😱. --- > https://bit.ly/3guHVqR . I get to sit down and chat with Spiritual Practitioner, Steve Duncan, who is on a mission to share the message of living without offense. Learn about Steve and his background, as well as what this powerful message means for us all. 💜🤩 . Listen here --- > https://bit.ly/3guHVqR . Do you know someone who needs to hear this message today? Like, comment, and share! Together, we uplift and inspire the world together. . And don't forget to visit us at www.marchforthmediacompany.com to sign up for our newsletter - stay up-to-date with upcoming classes, new podcasts, and announcements.. . . . . #livewithoutfear #livewithoutoffense #powertopivot #podcasthosts #newpodcasts #newpodcastepisode #applepodcast #spotifypodcasts #anchorpodcast #amazonpodcast #shareyourstory #positivemessage #authenticself #spiritualgrowthjourney #spiritualguide #spiritualworld #returntolove #powerfulthoughts #mindsetgrowth #frolicking #powerofplay #loveyourlife❤️ #healthyboundaries #youareenough❤ #youareworthyoflove #podcastersofinstagram (at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CImXelAH6qL/?igshid=1prmqrw8wj5oy
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You're going to get everything you want. Breathe. Relax in Love. Surrender to Peace. It's always good. It's already yours. #sacredsaturday #abundancemindset #achievegreatness #bepatientwithyourself #changeyourthoughts #doingbetter #empowereachother #focusonthegood #graceandgratitude #heartbliss #itsnottoolate #joy #keepmovingforward #learning #mindsetchange #nolimits #oldsoul #peacefulmindpeacefullife #quietmind #returntolove #spiritualevolution #thinkbigger #universalguidance #vibehigh #wegotthis #youcanmakeit #lifecoach (at Buffalo, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIau_g-gDpQ/?igshid=1rv9yxpw18vvn
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