444names · 2 years
greek islands BUT excluding "s"
Aegalona Aeiragia Aeiriki Agina Agira Agoneira Ainandra Ainaxi Aitro Alafiapaxi Alenthana Alerina Alkoi Alolittoni Alonimarna Amili Amilo Ampra Anavi Anaxi Anderina Andia Andonoi Andra Andraki Andramiago Andro Androkoni Anergo Anero Anthoura Antia Antiaeira Antikea Antikera Antikorfu Antikou Antimoti Antinana Antiperi Antza Antzara Aranalako Ardia Arevi Ariammeza Arina Arionia Ariotimia Arkou Arlougraki Armarinia Arnaroi Arofia Arpioinou Athaca Atharana Athergo Athydroni Atraca Avala Avathadi Aviandra Avrokoi Cephaca Cepida Chilida Chilonti China Choneri Crephantia Creta Cretalikoi Crevida Delara Delouroi Deria Dianti Diomvi Dokio Doleia Dontithaca Dopadaki Doponimaki Doporo Douda Drada Draki Drana Drantzou Drati Elainou Elaraki Elaza Eleiaki Eleira Elidioi Eloni Eloura Elouri Erephada Faloni Farakravgo Farkoi Faronia Faroponada Farpigo Flega Flegathira Flekho Flenti Fokyrna Fopaximadi Foponavi Foraki Fouria Galaxi Galia Gallo Gandra Gandro Ganti Gantili Gavdouti Gavroinavi Giotikara Glafia Glamou Glavgo Gracho Grakyroi Grikro Gyalarna Gyara Gyarago Gyarda Gyaria Gyaro Gylia Gylioudio Hacha Hachlonia Hacte Halenti Haloni Harko Herak Heria Hroko Hryoni Hryonti Htera Hteri Hydoperiza Hydrago Hymilouri Ikala Ikeloria Imaki Imini Iouforfu Iraga Iraki Itheri Ithia Ithoi Itikeria Itilimina Itria Ittakri Kalada Kaladokia Kalaitria Kalaki Kalaza Kalia Kalki Kalonoi Kalori Kaloulaza Kalouria Kalova Kalyala Kalydroni Kammoulon Kanadoklia Kanafoni Kandera Kanderi Kandra Kantiko Kantimia Kantiperi Karago Karaki Karakia Karda Kardia Kareia Karevi Karia Karko Karmadi Karmavala Karna Karoi Karopon Karpioponi Kavdokytha Kavdopla Kavgouda Kavgoudia Kavia Kavra Kefalenti Kefka Kefon Keforfu Kelampri Kelou Kerakakra Keretali Keria Kerini Keroi Kimada Kitri Kleia Klolorfu Koleiaki Kolia Koloni Konderina Konia Konikala Kopoudia Kouda Koudi Kougri Kouli Koulia Kounougria Kouria Kourli Kragia Krakiti Krioti Kynti Kyntia Kyrna Kyroi Kytha Kythalydra Kytheta Kythoi Kython Kythoneria Kythoni Lammoutia Lamou Lantzo Lathouri Lefkara Leforava Leiakron Leikra Leipaxi Leirak Leiri Lemnoi Lemnoudak Lendia Lentia Leria Levia Levythina Lichra Lidoki Limaidi Madakro Madela Madia Makia Makinia Makinoli Maklefara Makouraki Makra Makyria Mandi Mandra Mandraki Mantza Marda Mardi Maretta Maria Marlo Marmada Marmaki Marnari Marongeli Martemi Mathnoi Matmoulo Megana Megantheri Meganti Megathero Megava Megavrofi Megia Megirova Mikonia Mochioi Mykouri Mythia Naoura Navia Nianti Nimakori Omvonti Omvouda Othoula Oxeira Oxeiri Oxeiria Paderi Padia Palaxi Palki Panthou Papaximili Paraca Paraki Parevi Parpio Patalafi Pataliti Patha Patho Pathoi Pathra Pathydoki Patoki Patrineria Patrinoi Patzouraca Paximakra Paximi Paximia Pelafotina Pergali Pergo Peria Perinou Petili Petiti Petta Pettaleia Pettali Pettalorfu Pidologia Piganolia Pigati Pinada Pioperi Pipaxa Pipeta Pithakina Pithizo Pladia Plaxi Polia Polydrona Ponaoura Pongyarda Ponia Ponou Ponthoniki Poraki Porfu Potheta Pouda Poundia Poura Pouro Praca Prada Prafonia Prafori Pragia Pramora Prokon Promforina Pronikalou Prova Provolmaki Refaroki Reiraki Relafoli Releria Relli Rello Retela Retia Retiania Rettalaza Rhada Rhani Rhioula Rhirada Rhoupona Thakria Thaleri Thalia Tharo Thathina Therovali Thina Thira Thraca Tilia Tipari Titta Tokouda Trimoni Trina Trochizo Valoni Valymakro Vathou Vatitto Vitharo Voudia Vouforia Vourofi Vrafopaxa Vraki Vropoi Vropouda Zardi Zarna Zarnaou
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staelofficial · 4 years
Cover sa jus tro lit 🔥 #ReteLa by my man @jaydeeb_official youtube it now guys👉 https://youtu.be/EBm5I0K7Zew https://www.instagram.com/p/CBTXICUpI1e/?igshid=15zpk37t8our5
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telodogratis · 2 years
Mazara del Vallo oltre la rete, immagini e parole nella cittadina del sogno e della realtà
Mazara del Vallo oltre la rete, immagini e parole nella cittadina del sogno e della realtà
Read More La Mazara viene raccontata in questo regesto di immagini e parole, The post Mazara del Vallo oltre la rete, immagini e parole nella cittadina del sogno e della realtà appeared first on BlogSicilia – Ultime notizie dalla Sicilia. Palermo, giovanni franco, mazara, nicola cristaldi, oltre la reteLa Mazara viene raccontata in questo regesto di immagini e parole, The post Mazara del Vallo…
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iafisco1960 · 4 years
Ue, stretta sulle big tech: multe fino al 10% del fatturato e separazione in caso di recidiva
La Commissione europea ha presentato il Digital Services Act e il Digital Market Act, due provvedimenti per evitare pratiche sleali sul mercato e contrastare la diffusione di contenuti illegali tramite la ReteLa Commissione europea ha presentato il Digital Services Act e il Digital Market Act, due provvedimenti per evitare pratiche sleali sul mercato e contrastare la diffusione di contenuti illegali tramite la Rete source https://euractiv.it/section/digitale/news/ue-stretta-sulle-big-tech-multe-fino-al-10-del-fatturato-e-separazioni-strutturali-in-caso-di-recidiva/
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deshojemianhelo · 6 years
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Ayer la banda de mi bff+ 2 más de Valpo se presetaron con Protistas. Fui su bartender jsjdj entre backstage, público🤣 fue todo muy bello y son retelas ♡
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universalmovies · 6 years
Candida Qui Universal Movies ai Macchianera Italian Awards 2018
Candida Qui Universal Movies ai Macchianera Italian Awards 2018
Torna anche quest’anno l’appuntamento fisso con i Macchianera Italian Awards, ovvero i premi assegnati dalla rete ai migliori siti, ed ovviamente Universal Movies spera di essere tra questi.
La premiazione ufficiale (con tanto di consegna premi e cerimonia) si terrà quest’anno a Perugia nell’ambito del programma della Festa della Retela sera del 10 novembre 2018 presso l’Auditorium S. Francesco…
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yzskull · 7 years
Deberíamos retar a la moral. Dejemos que nuestro instinto carnal nos lleve, que nos guíe. A quien sabe donde, pero que nos lleve. Vamos a permitirnos que ese centro en nuestro cerebro encargado del deseo sexual nos conduzca. ¡Vamos dejémonos fluir! en este momento me interesa poco si se puede, si se debe, quienes somos y quienes seremos después. Porque ¿para que saberlo? Nos queremos para ahorita y nada mas, mañana ya nadie sabe. Venga usted acompáñeme a retar a esa moral tan falsa que se nos repite, esa moral que todos dicen tener, vamos a romper con ella y hagamos lo que todo a lo que los demás le temen. Seamos esos que arderán en el infierno, venga a condenarse conmigo. Desconectamos nuestras ideas por unas horas de todo aquello que nos dijeron que esta mal, que nos obligaron a rechazar sin haberlo probado. Nos han dicho que todo esto que hacemos esta mal. ¿pero ellos que saben? Si jamás han seguido su impulso, nunca han sentido esta adrenalina, jamás han probado, no han sentido en sus labios lo que es tener un algo momentáneo, que se disfruta por el simple hecho de ser pasajero. Ya que te hace disfrutar al máximo, das todo en un momento y después, después te vistes y te vas, no hay más. Debería dejarse llevar, pero dejarse llevar conmigo. No le hablo de sexo como tal, primero déjeme escucharle, escúcheme, exciteme con sus palabras con su manera de ver este mundo tan desaliñado, invíteme a beber. Deje que mi cabeza domine mi garganta y le cuente de todo, usted cuéntemelo todo. Venga, acérquese a mi boca, béseme, besemonos y aun que sepamos que no debemos hagámoslo. Me gusta, le gusta y la vida se nos dio para brindarnos el placer infinito. Continuemos, toqueme y sienta como voy temblando de nervios, déjeme tocarlo, observe como después de cada beso muerdo mi labio inferior. Ya me tiene. Rete a la moral, pero conmigo.
Quiero retar a la moral y ser esa a la que muchas veces sus amigas, sus conocidas harán críticas destructivas, aquella a la que envidian indirectamente porque hace lo que le place.
¡venga! E invítame entre semana a retar esta moral asquerosa, frígida y helada. Vamos a retarla, romperla y quemarla.
Retela y siéntase libre conmigo, por un momento. Pero recuerde ese momento toda la semana, ¡retela! Permita que su pene y mi vagina dominen el momento, somos dos cuerpos que solo de dan placer mutuamente, somos dos mentes que se dan lo mismo. Porque conversar con usted igualmente es un placer. Juguemos a no conocernos, juguemos a ser compañeros, ¡engañemos a todos! Hagamos que el mundo se escandalice con nuestros actos y terminemos torcidos de la risa.
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retela · 10 months
Mastering the Art of Spontaneous Thinking: Thriving in Unexpected Speaking Situations
Are you ready to conquer the fear of speaking in unexpected situations and unleash your spontaneous thinking skills?
In this empowering video, we dive into the art of thinking on your feet and thriving in unexpected speaking scenarios. Join us as we explore practical strategies, share personal anecdotes, and provide expert insights to help you become a confident and effective speaker.
From impromptu presentations to Q&A sessions, we guide you on a journey of mastering the art of spontaneous thinking. Get ready to captivate any audience and excel in unexpected speaking situations.
Check out the full article under the Tab Business Articles that will help you drive Productivity here.
Check out and sign up for the course under the Tab Retela Business School here.
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yfukuoka · 2 years
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【3380目】2022-04-19 basis Aのポップアップは最終日。名残惜しい… rétela 企画展 Translation ー平行移動するー展 with cafe room basis Aの出張インディアカフェ in hako gallery@代々木上原 ‪____________________________________ *ウェルカムティー “チャーパティのマサラオムレツサンド” *マサラオムレツサンド *サラダ *スイート&スパイシーチャトニ *トマトチャトニ “チャーパティと本日のカリー” *パニールと辛子菜のカレー *チャーパティ *トマトチャトニ 今日もgreen fennel teaからスタート。 マサラオムレツサンドは、インド・コルカタのエッグロールの要領で、チャーパティの上にとろとろのスパイスオムレツを載せたもの。むちゃんこ旨い。 今日はトマトのチャトニが出てきました。これがまた濃厚かつカシアシナモンの香りが甘くて素晴らしい。この意外な組み合わせがとても気に入ったので、チャトニをカレーのプレートにもつけてもらいました。 カレーは、ケールと辛子菜を使ったサーグに、カッテージチーズのパニールを合わせたこちらもbasis Aらしい料理に。素朴な味わいの中にも複雑な香りが感じられ、食べた印象が軽くてペロッと全部いただけました。今日もギーたっぷりのチャーパティと合います。 この日は、扇子絵師さんと茶道の家元の方と同席。五感と心に刺激をいただく3日間でした。ありがとうございます。またどこかで。 ‪____________________________________ 🇮🇳 #lunch #cafe #roon #basisA #curry #India #spice #curry #hakogallery #retela #rétela #代々木上原 #ハコギャラリー #ベーシスエー #インド #カレー #カレー好きな人と繋がりたい #‬フクドローン #ふくすたぐらむ ↓ rétela @retela_official ↓basis A @basisa.madam (hako gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/CctqbKNPO-7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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norcalnews · 8 years
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On today's @GoodDaySac @GoodDayMelissa @deucemason talked w/ Isela Perez from @FEMdanceSac which was created April 2016 with the mission of providing an energetic pro-dance style class to Sacramento dancers. Did you miss today's @GoodDaySac #ICYMI Dave and Melissa talked with Simon from Davis Fencing Academy who was at Sierra College learning more about Placer County Pentathlon joining with Davis Pentathlon to form the Northern California Pentathlon Circuit. Dave was with Chef Ethan Speizer from Got Milk and as we end the month of January and with the New Year. Melissa was with George Retelas the Grandson of WWII Navy Torpedo Plane Pilot James Retelas. Today at 330pm you can help Local veterans who will be honored at a film screening of Eleven" at Greek Orthodox Church with Proceeds from the film going to the Sacramento Stand Down for Homeless Vets. Kevin was with Ryan at SorD Boardshop which is a company based out of Woodland that the owner wants to promote that skating is much more than just a sport or a hobby, it is a way of life. Kevin was at The Quinceañeras Expo at McClellan Conference Center taking place from 12-5pm that will have new Quinceanera dress collections and more with over 60 exhibitors. Nha was at Beverly's Unique Scrapbooking a great place for scrapbookers to go for their stickers. Nha was with Jeff at American Bottle Auctions who are gearing up for another show Feb 10th. Marlene Simon The Plant Lady Answered Viewers Questions. For all these stories and more please check out #FoodSunday #Dance #Plants #Vets #Quinceañeras and More Today in the News http://norcalnews.blogspot.com/2017/01/foodsunday-dance-plants-vets.html  or https://norcalnews.wordpress.com/2017/01/29/foodsunday-dance-plants-vets-quinceaneras-and-more-today-in-the-news/  Good Day YouTube Channel:  https://www.youtube.com/c/GoodDaySacramento
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retela · 10 months
Embracing Uncertainty: The Path to Successful Leadership
In this thought-provoking video, we delve into the transformative power of embracing uncertainty on the path to successful leadership.
Join us as we explore the challenges faced by leaders in today's rapidly changing world and uncover strategies to navigate uncertainty with confidence. Through inspiring stories, expert insights, and practical tips, we guide you on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.
Get ready to embrace uncertainty, unlock your leadership potential, and lead with resilience in an ever-evolving landscape.
Check out the full article under the Tab Business Articles that will help you drive Productivity here
Check out and sign up for the course under the Tab Retela Business School here
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retela · 10 months
Securing Your Organization's Future: Empower Growth with Scalable Leadership Development!
Are you ready to future-proof your organization and cultivate a culture of sustainable growth?
In this empowering video, we unveil the transformative power of scalable leadership development programs. Join us as we explore how nurturing strong leaders can drive innovation, enhance productivity, and secure your organization's future success.
Through insightful discussions, real-life examples, and practical strategies, we guide you on a journey of empowering leadership development.
Get ready to unleash the potential of your team and create a legacy of growth and resilience.
Check out the full article under the Tab Business Articles that will help you drive Productivity here.
Check out and sign up for the course under the Tab Retela Business School here.
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retela · 10 months
🚀 The Future Belongs to Those Who Dare to Think Differently: Unlocking Success in Today’s…
Unlocking Success in a Changing World: The Power of Cognitive Skills
In this thought-provoking video, we dive into the limitations of relying on old formulas of success in today's dynamic business landscape. Drawing examples from various industries, we explore how static formulas fall short and discuss the importance of sharpening cognitive skills to adapt and thrive.
Join us as we uncover the secrets to solving today's business problems with a fresh perspective.
Join us at Retela Business School, where leaders are forged, careers take flight, and limitless opportunities for professional growth await. Take the first step towards unlocking your true potential.
Enroll today.
Remember, success starts with you.
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retela · 10 months
Can You Ever Beat an Internal Candidate for a Job
In this thought-provoking video, we dive deep into the age-old question: "Can you ever beat an internal candidate for a job?"
Join us as we explore the factors that come into play when organizations have to choose between internal candidates and external applicants. Through insightful analysis and real-life examples, we uncover the advantages and challenges faced by both sides of the equation.
From the perspective of career growth, organizational culture, and performance, we examine whether internal candidates always hold the upper hand or if external talent can truly surpass them.
Tune in to gain valuable insights and unlock the secrets to securing your dream job in an ever-evolving professional landscape.
Join us at Retela Business School, where leaders are forged, careers take flight, and limitless opportunities for professional growth await. Take the first step towards unlocking your true potential.
Enroll today.
Remember, success starts with you.
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retela · 10 months
Mastering Focus: Unveiling Habits That Set You Apart from 98% of People
Are you tired of feeling scattered and struggling to stay focused in today's fast-paced world?
In this enlightening video, we unveil a collection of powerful habits that can transform your ability to concentrate and skyrocket your productivity. Join us as we delve into the secrets of the top 2% who have mastered the art of unwavering focus.
Through engaging storytelling and expert guidance, we explore practical techniques, mindfulness exercises, and lifestyle adjustments that can set you apart from the crowd.
Get ready to unlock your full potential and embrace a life of unparalleled concentration and achievement.
Join us at Retela Business School, where leaders are forged, careers take flight, and limitless opportunities for professional growth await. Take the first step towards unlocking your true potential.
Enroll today.
Remember, success starts with you.
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retela · 10 months
The Art of Fair Performance Reviews in the Hybrid Workplace
In this eye-opening video, we delve into the art of conducting fair performance reviews in the ever-evolving hybrid workplace. Join us as we explore the transformative power of equity and growth in fostering a thriving work environment.
Through insightful discussions and practical strategies, we uncover the keys to conducting performance evaluations that inspire employees, promote inclusivity, and unleash their full potential.
Discover how to navigate the challenges of remote and in-person work arrangements while maintaining fairness and cultivating a culture of continuous improvement.
Get ready to revolutionize your approach to performance reviews and unlock the power of equity and growth for your team's success.
Join us at Retela Business School, where leaders are forged, careers take flight, and limitless opportunities for professional growth await. Take the first step towards unlocking your true potential.
Enroll Today.
Remember, success starts with you.
Read the full article here.
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