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I'm definitely NOT LATE to days 5 and 6 and the sole reason for this piece was because doing them together was thematically cool and NOT because I had stuff to do yesterday and
Hey do you ever realise these two start out on the same road together but go through the exact opposite tertiary character arcs? And how they started out as close colleagues but get driven further and further apart as Henry keeps doing his thing? Well I did. So here.
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captain-amadeus · 1 year
I love that cloak so much
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tanuki-kimono · 2 months
Hello ! I've been really into Gegege no Kitarou recently, and looking at his mom made me wonder : back when kimonos were worn on a daily basis, how did pregnant people style them ? Did they wear other types of clothes that don't compress the stomach as much instead ? If you happen to have any info on this, it would be very cool :)
Hi! It's hard to imagine as many kitsuke pictures now promote perfect tubular silhouettes with not a fold out of place, but in the past kimono were worn far more loosely than they are today!
Kimono was then worn everyday (=no time for perfect polished photoshoot looks ;), many kistuke accessories we now use didn't even exist (=they were not needed!).
During Edo period to late Meiji, feminine silhouettes were far more flowy/willowy than what we have today:
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Kimono tended to be longer (hikizuri for ex.) and adjusted far less tighlty on the upper body (=people were working!). Depending on the period obi were narrower, or worn differently (criss crossed for ex.) or laxer than what we do today.
Pregnant women had no trouble adjusting their clothes to their changing bodies :)
The kimono was worn looser and looser as belly and boobs grew. If possible, kimono could have been unstitched and retailored (if fabric allowed it) to the bigger size needed.
Obi and ties were set above (and/or under the belly depending on time), like so:
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And pregnancy belts were widely used.
One belt was a type of sarashi (soft cotton roll, which was also used for chest) named hara-obi 腹帯, which provided support:
Another special belt was the Iwata-obi 岩田帯, used during Obi-iwai 帯祝い, a ceremony taking place on the day of the dog during the fifth month of pregnancy. This was meant to ensure safe birth, as dogs were thought to give birth easily - hence why inu hariko are good luck charm for expecting women:
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The obiiwai was also a way to announce a pregnancy to the community (as miscarriages, abortions, and infanticides were sadly quite common then).
Iwata obi are still a thing, here are modern ones:
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Finally, as a side note, what pregnant women could do if they felt smothered by their kimono? Well, just open the damn thing to wear it much like a robe!
Japan had not the same shaming view of female breasts than the West then. It was quite common to see some working class people in underwear/loosely dressed, or have both sex share spaces in the nude (baths for ex.).
Tbh, unless she was living a sheltered life (no work, servants, etc.), I don't see why a pregnant woman would have bothered with a properly adjusted kimono, when she could have just be much freer and comfortable xD
Hope this helps!
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raccoonfallsharder · 27 days
How do you think Rocket's tail was accounted for with the Endgame nanosuit-up? I've tried to get screen frames of it to see how it's covered but I can't seem to get a good view. I wouldn't be surprised if they just cut off his model's tail for that scene. Would track with the lack of respect the Guardians got from the writers and directors for E and IW...
darling. yo. they for sure didn’t think about it at all and also fuck that movie. good news is it’s our headcanon so we get to do what we want.
i had heard like fourth-hand that there’s some director’s commentary or something that says the quantum suit in endgame was based on a mixture of the pymsuit, stark tech, and the guardians’ spacesuits (which is really rockettech™). so i guess one possibility would be that rocket’s suit had a dual trigger, and when he triggered his helmet, it also activated the sort of bubble-spacesuit that we see them use in vol 2 to protect his tail and make sure it went along with him for the quantum ride. feels like kind of a lazy and unsatisfying solution, especially since we don’t see it.
actually, you know, i bet that in-universe, the avengers just fed their measurements into one of tony’s machines and printed out suits accordingly. when they were done, someone handed rocket a little pym-stark suit and when they gave it to him he was like where the fuck’s my tail go and they were like what and he was like unbelievable. gotta do everything myself. retailored the whole damn ass himself and added his very own patent-frickin-pending spacesuit-tech for tail-protection.
well now i’ve made myself bitter on a saturday night
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art-beyond-the-stars · 8 months
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A first look at Virus!AU Ragatha!
During Caine's corruption, someone had to be crazy enough to fight back against the Mad God. A strong soldier, she patrols the circus in search of corrupted NPCs, or even the fanged demon himself.
Her dress has been cut and retailored into a jumpsuit, for better mobility, and she wields a massive rubber mallet. Cartoon physics are surprisingly handy when facing down terrifying monsters!
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hey henry i was going through ur circus au tag and i was wondering do u have any lore for this specific au??? im VERY curious i really like the designs esp mingus and norm (worlds most predictable phrase) :-)
HII MICH :-) smile! my circus au started as "lol wouldnt it be funny if cowboys instead of clowns were a separate species & went extinct". & now it makes me sick
ITS NOT EVENthat much different than the canon story ingame!!!! its just flashier & showy-er & LOUD. mingus demands attention, especially. her being a lioness does in fact mean callum had a pet lion. Alot wrong with him
she had callums ringleader outfit retailored to fit her, fun fact! (shes VERY large, almost scraping 7ft). its different cloth though & the gold studs had to be replaced & coattails needed lengthening & etc... so maybe it really isnt the same
(GINGIs made up of the same cloth as callum, however! the original CIRCUS tent, with polka dots and all !!! and who am i to argue that callum didnt embody the entire city of dialtown?) (mingus is very mad about this fact & actively denounces it)
rather than living on the outskirts of town, norm was found as a lone ranger out in the open prairies of Wisconsin (i cant elaborate here. thats another rant & theres too many parenthesis already) . instead of being immediately executed As is normal procedure, mingus recognizes him as a fragment of history & essentially forces him to join the ragtag rundown circus she runs
since dialtown is already a group of misfits, not many of the cast oogled at the new rodeo clown (it was a HUGE fight on what he'd "star as", & mingus finally relented to him keeping the cowboy hat & paper bag) (if he acts up she threatens to categorize him as a "freak show" and shred his bag)
mingus doesnt treat him as a thing with feelings alot of the time & moreso a thing to help get her pawpaw back. since right now hes. kind of a statue. shes opened up & put back together his head so many times & had to repair him & ward off rust so often that now ALL of his head is golden. not patchworked, but rather, polished
the city is only KNOWN as a city & NOT a travelling circus anymore is because of this, actually. its too much work to transport callum around in the state he is. so mingus dug her heels in & hammered in the tent poles hard. immovable force. not going anywhere til she can step down & let her pawpaw lead again
he was objectively better at it, anyhow. she knows this but WILL bite you if you say it to her face. callum was a magician too, after all! had tricks up his sleeve. much sneakier when hes pulling strings behind the curtains. he had his "assistant" too (aka the other half of the entire show) , which mingus TRIES to replicate, which... i love tango, but nobody can compare to marla
all of this is very upsetting to norm. everything about it, really. worst anyones ever done it. however hes just as stubborn as mingus and will NOT be used as a tool! (thats the ONLY reason, trust) (theres totally nothing about how he'd rather idolize crown in his mind & is a little terrified of whatd happen if he came back & saw the state of everything)
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milkywayan · 8 months
Saturday, it is -13C outside, and going to snow later, I am retailoring an old wool skirt from my grandmother so it fits me, and am making brokkoli creme soup from scratch, because I finally got a handmixer :)
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loriahlikeswriting · 5 months
Hi! I recently started writing fanfic again. With Hazbin Hotel finally getting a season I was really inspired to dabble into writing something pertaining to Angel Dust, and so I really got hooked on the idea of a human alternate universe taking place in modern times following not only Angel’s struggles but Alastor’s as well! It’s really just a character analysis and me trying to write different characters (one being kinda loony) but regardless I put a lot of effort into each chapter and would love to get feedback! ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
I’ve also drawn some pictures of all the characters here and will post some art I have made pertaining to this fic.
I’ll attach a link to ao3 story after the summary and snippet of the first chapter <3 thank you so much for taking your time to read this post and I hope you enjoy!
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Am I Making You Feel Sick?
TW: abuse and violence, disordered eating, death, abuse of a minor, SA
Anthony Di'Angelo wasn't always like this, he had dreams like any other kid. Yet here he was at the ripe age of twenty, a crack whore with a shitty ass pimp and an even shittier means of living. As far as anyone was concerned this life would consume him and leave him to rot on the streets like many of those before him. His decline is ever apparent, especially to his next door neighbor who just happens to be a novelist from New Orleans who after many successes has begun to lose his spark. A wannabe lyricist who is damned to live life as a whore stuck in poverty and a twisted writer aren't quite a match made in Heaven but maybe the heavens weren't meant for them anyway.
Chapter 1 Snippet 🫶
Anthony’s life wasn’t really one worth living if he was being honest. He had a lousy apartment, lousy job, lousy friends, lousy attitude- he himself was simply lousy. Recognizing just how miserable he was did little to change anything, though, so he kept going with some weird faith that things may somehow, some way get better. Between being disowned by his family only to be taken in by a pimp disguised as a lover he wasn’t sure what else could possibly go astray.
He’d lost another ten pounds, which meant another size or two down, and another shopping spree which would soon enough result in spending funds he really didn't have right now. Maybe he shoulda picked up sewing like Molly- that perfect little angel- just so he wouldn’t have to waste time getting shit retailored. Staring at what became of himself in the mirror was fucking trippy. What stared back at him were large muted blue eyes smudged by smeared eyeliner and mascara, sunken in freckled cheeks, pale skin which was once sunkissed now tainted by bruises, a thin frame no longer toned and instead starved. Mobster to crack whore- what kinda transformation was that? A laughable one. Damn, if only Pa could see him now. Naw, Anthony didn’t wanna imagine it if he was being real honest.
Pulling off the slightly loose sticky latex one piece, the blonde reached over into his dresser for a tattered old tee he managed to convince Val to let him keep. He had to let Valentino know if he could wipe his ass for fuck's sake, God forbid he had a shirt the man didn't fuck with. Sliding on the shirt and some boxers which loosely fit his frame, Anthony quickly flung himself into bed. His mattress was stiff and his blankets were thin, but at least he managed to get a place to call his own. Moving out of Valentino’s was such a step forward- no more nightly beatings, no more degrading insults outside of work, no more being used and abused whenever wherever. Sure, he dealt with allat on the clock but the minute his shift ended he had somewhere to return to that was his own. He hadn’t had something to call his own in a long fucking time.
Staring up at his ceiling, Anthony couldn’t help but toss and turn, his head pounding and begging for attention. The boy was a mouthy one, and mouthy ones get put in their place real quick. Today was extra humbling for the blonde, his eye was puffed up and colored purple, a testament to his treatment. It wasn’t just his eye, he’d gotten a full body beat down today, but that meant he could stay out of work for a day or two til they gradually lost their color. Two days of lazing about? Fuck yes. He could really use the break.
Huffing, the thin blonde shoved his blanket aside as he stumbled onto his feet. Grabbing his lighter and a pack he kept ready at his night stand, Anthony made his way to his small balcony. The crisp air burned the blonde’s nostrils, a sensation he'd learned to adore as time went on. Shivering, he made his way over to the iron rails. He was hardly dressed, but that was something he was used to. Shutting his eyes, the blonde let himself feel the night’s frigidity, wanting to succumb to the numbness which would eventually overtake his limbs.
Lighting his cig, the boy scanned the night sky for some type of reassurance when the cold hadn’t done its job. Disappointed, the blonde knew the stars couldn’t give him any answers no matter how much he bothered them. So he pressed his lit cigarette to his lips, breathing in a burn which would warm his rotting core. The first huff wasn’t satisfying, nor was the second. Anthony was used to more nasty shit, nic did little to ease his mind. Well, it did help with the headaches, but the dancer was itching for something stronger tonight. Flashes of his last client wormed its way into his skull and Anthony could feel his shoulders tighten in anger and resentment. Clenching his jaw, the blonde rubbed at his eyes aggressively wincing in pain once he was reminded of the bruise that bitch left behind. That motherfucker was extra sleazy on the floor and in private, and he was a recurring patron. Lucky him, huh?
Frustrated, the man put forth all his weight onto the railing, letting his forehead rest against the cold metal, hoping some contact would relieve the pressure. Rubbing his forehead against the bar, Anthony felt his eyes burn familiarly. A pain settled in his throat, an achy pain that continued to increase in strength. His face burned in shame as he felt himself begin to sniffle. Ah God, he hated these types of nights. Everything was just too fucking much and he was just so tired and in so much pain. Whiny bitch he was, but at least he was a whiny bitch by his lonesome.
“God, I can't do this shit sober.” The blonde huffed, as he finished up his cigarette. Putting out the cigarette onto a used up ashtray, Anthony pushed himself off the railing. He just got through his last bottle of booze and he was aching for more. What? Cheap shit was all he could afford when he was away from Val. Matter of fact, Tony came to crave that shit simply because it signified he wasn't anywhere near that fucking cunt. He promised himself he wouldn’t spend any more pocket change on shit that was bad for him, but that obviously wasn’t going great. Nothing was ever going great, so drink til he got crunked was what he was gonna do. Slipping on some fuzzy light pink slippers and grabbing a coat, Anthony wrapped himself up real tight. Rummaging through his nightstand did he find his house key, some change, and his ID. Aw fuck, he had to get that shit updated. Staring back at him was his wide eyed seventeen year old self. If only he knew there wasn't anything in life to look that excited for. Smiling slightly at the picture of himself, Anthony shoved all that shit into his right pocket, shaking any longing that started to yank at his heart strings. He'd cry after he got fucked up.
Shutting his door and quickly locking up, the lithe dancer shoved his shaking hands into his pockets. His apartment complex was nice, not necessarily cozy but livable. Making his way down the stairs Anthony lost himself in thought. Nights like this he reminisced on back to when he didn’t rely on substances to feel warm, before he was labeled a deadman by his father, before his mother died. He thought back to sibling banter, Sundays post church, elementary school playgrounds. The blonde could feel himself getting choked up again, but he couldn’t stop himself from spiraling. If the man was being honest, dysthymia was such a comfort. Being sad was all Anthony knew how to do properly, and that in itself reassured him. The tightness of muscles when he was on the brink of a meltdown felt akin to the ghost of a hug, something the man was desperate for. Funny thing was, he got hugs all the time- none of them were fucking genuine though.
Making his way down the staircase, the boy felt a bit of his mind dwindle with every step. His mind was going numb, instead he focused on his breathing and the way his bones felt like they were being suffocated under his skin. He focused on the way his hips ached, and his eye burned, barely able to keep itself open because of how swollen it'd grown to be. He could feel every spot that man touched him, like his finger tips were pressed so deeply into his skin they left a mark not just on skin, nor fat, nor muscle, but on his fucking nerves. He could see the way the man looked at him in a disgusting lustful haze, and how he had to pretend he liked every second of getting his ass handed to him. He saw himself, and he saw himself drowning deeper into the pit he had created for himself the second he got disowned. He could feel just how much it hurt to breathe, so Anthony forced himself to gasp heavily like a fish out of water. The sting was nice, he wished that was all he could feel for forever. His body on autopilot, the dancer was met with a light which dimly lit up the corner store before he knew it. Cheap liquor? Not his favorite, but it did the trick. It made his brain fill with static. And static was all he wanted to hear and see for the rest of his shitty life.
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char-lady-customs · 1 year
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Ever After High Blondie Repaint and Rework! I spent a lot of time and effort on this repaint. I cut up her dress and retailored it, added so much gold thread. Also added ribbons and buttons and a crimson under skirt. Restyled the hair, obviously redid the face, painted her accessories.
And I made her a little bear friend! I hope you like her, I put a lot of love into her!!
She’s for sale here : https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/CupofCustoms
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Today’s one of those days where I wish I could be normal about my interests but unfortunately for everyone who knows me- I cannot do this. I just can’t.
I’m annoying. I’m obnoxious. I… do not shut up about the latest hyperfix until it is completely out of my system- except for apparently, RC9GN. I deeply, and i do mean, deeply relate to Randy- and it’s absolutely embarrassing when you’re a whole ass adult. But this isn’t about that.
This is about coming to the fantastic realization that - ONCE AGAIN, if I cannot consume something for my fixation, if I cannot get even so much as a stick figure, I lose my damn mind. I might have to start retailoring my dash for RC9GN after the MCU stuff.
But here’s the fucking thing-
I feel like a waste of space right now. I can’t just enjoy the media- I have to find fanart, merch, fanfic, ALL OF IT or I just feel empty on the inside. And I have constant brainrot, constant AU’s, constant… just so much cooking daily - it never stops.
I love all of my stupid interests but sometimes I just can’t get enough off of it. I need more and more and I… am so goddamn pathetic.
There’s a reason I have so many AU’s.
There’s a reason i reblog, there’s a reason I have an entire Pinterest board dedicated solely to RC9GN. But I need more.
And more.
I just want to be normal.
To not have battling and raging conflict between my autism and ADHD, and I just wish for one damn second, I could just look away from content of my interests.
Autism is a fucking curse and I’m so SICK and tired of being told by people that “oh but you don’t look autistic!” “It’s okay. You have very little autism!” “You don’t have that much autism!” Except. I. Do.
I… am a train wreck.
ADHD also doesn’t help.
I don’t know. I-
I’ll be fine soon. Peace out, loves.
I’ll be back…
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hyunsvngs · 9 months
Just wanna stuff my face into Changbins tits but anyway… Grinding in his forearm while he fingers you 🤤
My mind has been entirely overwhelmed with how beefy he’s gotten and the way the stylists had to cut the sleeves and retailor the back because he’s just so big UGH he makes my panties too wet…
- 🐭
IM SO THINKING ABOUT THIS i feel like i’m in heat every time i look at him friend
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Weight Cycling and Clothes
I try to minorly retailor Ready to Wear (RTW) clothes to fit ME.
I'd taken in some pants about ten pounds ago.
When those ten pounds came back to hang out for awhile, I was griping to myself about the lack of good fit and griping about buying new pants when I realized, hey, I'd taken in the crotch a bit.
Now I have pants that fit.
(If you buy clothes, find that your body size increased and don't want to buy new clothes, you can go up a size or two with the magic of gussets, too)
Your clothes should fit your body, not the other way around.
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blindmagdalena · 2 years
Since it's a week to Halloween, I will indulge myself by imagining Homelander referring to you as "pumpkin". <3
"—and pumpkin for my pumpkin," Homelander says, setting down the drink you asked him for.
You're fully aware he's never actually the one stopping by a coffee shop to pick you up a coffee, but you also know he enjoys it when you ask him for things. He tells a Vought PA to go pick it up and bring it to him solely so that he can take the credit when he hand delivers it to you.
It's basically the same thing. "Oh, one pumpkin coffee, and now I'm pumpkin?" You ask, hiding your smile behind the lip of your drink before you take a sip. "Ooor because this is the time of year you wear almost exclusively orange," he counters, giving your sweater a little pluck as he sits next to you. He stretches his arm out along the back of the couch behind you, giving you something to lean your head against. You purse your lips, amused. "You're not going to call me out on 'exclusively wearing' anything, mister," you say, giving him a playful poke in the chest of his bright blue suit. He feigns a brief look of offense. "It's my uniform. You gonna start saving the world in your cozy orange sweaters?" His smile is relaxed, his eyes crinkled at the corners. It warms you more than the hot coffee ever could. "Mhm," you hum through a sip, swallowing it. "They'll call me The Pumpkinator. My mission is to destroy all retailors shelving Christmas decor in October." Homelander barks out a laugh, dropping his arm from the couch to your waist, pulling you against him. "Sure thing, pumpkin."
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theamityelf · 1 year
:3c if izuru were actively attempting to woo makoto, how do u think he'd go about it? being as useful and necessary as possible to him? dazzling him with his talents? or do u think he'd have enough self awareness to try and play up traits he thinks makoto might find charming? or something else??
This is actually something that will be coming up later in my Kamuegi fics! 😁 I'll try to navigate around any spoilers, though, lol. And as always, I lean more game canon than anime canon.
I definitely think he would emphasize his talents and uniqueness first. Impressing Makoto by effortlessly finishing things Makoto's working on (schoolwork, Future Foundation work, etc.) or protecting him from danger. Whether he would be coming from a place of "Look! I can polish off any mild inconvenience in your life, so you have to love me," or "Look how lucky you are to have my attention. Do you see how special I am? So you should be very grateful that I want you, right?" depends on where we're at in the timeline and what the surrounding conditions are. He has the potential to fall on the more submissive, "I saw that there was a torn hem in one of your pant legs, so I've taken the liberty of retailoring all of your clothes while you were out. Did I do a good job? Are you pleased with me?" side, or the more dominant, "There, I corrected a mistake you made on this school assignment. You can expect a five percent increase in your unremarkable score. You may now praise me," side, or the patently insecure, "I saw that you enjoyed the dinner Hanamura made yesterday, so I made the same meal. Taste this one. Now. Do you agree that it's better than Hanamura's? So, you don't want to eat his cooking anymore, right?" ...side. It really just depends where he's at on his self-discovery journey, lol.
He has the self-awareness to adjust aspects of his personality, of course, but that's more a matter of convenience (and instinctive adaptability) than something he believes he needs. His worldview just isn't in a place where it even occurs to him that anyone might think, "Yeah, he has all the talent in the world, but he isn't very nice, so I'm not attracted to him," until he actually sees a not-positive reaction. He's not coming from a place of deliberate or active malice; it's just his understanding of how things work, as a product of Hope's Peak. Makoto being attracted to anyone else would fundamentally confuse him, because in his mind, he's surpassed everyone. So it's like, "I must not have explained this: I have more talent than her." (Again, though, this depends on where we are in the timeline.)
Of course, this is all just for distilled Kamukura. When he's merged with Hajime, he knows how to be a person.
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mud-muffin · 1 year
I’m just imagining Dick raising his little kitten children. Like when he gets angry their little tails hang down and when they are happy to see him it swooshes side to side. When his kids try to run away during bath time he has to try to catch them by their tails. When they are born they have the tiniest tail and when he takes them over to the manor one day to see Bruce it curls around his finger and grandpa Bruce is extremely happy. Alfred tailors their clothes for their tails.
i mean since they are cats it would more be the opposite tail reaction😅 but i get your vision!
AND HELLYEAH Alfred would totally help them retailor all their clothes 😂
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capitalcurrents · 19 days
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Is the Nike hype gone?
In recent years Nike, a well established brand in the shoe market, is starting to see a slow downfall in terms of its "trendiness" as other brands like New Balance, Hoka, On Cloud, Adidas and others are taking the spotlight, especially within the running shoe industry and the rise in running shoe popularity. This has led to its stock tanking 20% due to its low sales which are causing concern to many investors and retailors. As in May of 2024, the stock saw the biggest single day drop ever which erased 28 million dollars from its market cap after a terrible earnings report. In response, they state they are now trying to remediate the issues with sales by bringing out a new line of $100 and under sneakers in certain countries to get back on track. Now the question is could this be the end for Nike? Personally I don't think so as Nike is a well established brand and won't disappear in a day but this slow decline seems to be a very troublesome issue that needs to be fixed in order for a brighter future in the company.
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