#rest in peace girlypop have fun being a spirit
goblinbugthing · 4 months
hi :) 24 for Hara….,,,
24 - What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
Well, there are a few different things she wishes she did, but not at the exact same point in time.
Let’s go chronologically. That makes most sense to me.
First off — Just before Galacta’s sealing.
At that moment, when a close friend of theirs (who also happened to be one of the Yonna) requested that Galacta follow her to Yama’s office-place (or whatever it should be called, idk ancient Halcandra, I’m not that old), Hara wishes she followed her git instinct to go with them.
Then she would’ve ben at the sealing event, and had the ability to stop it.
But she didn’t. She had a child to take care of in her wife’s stead. She chose to stay in her room, lulling the baby to sleep, and wait for her wife to return.
She never did.
Secondly — Immediately after the sealing.
Unlike in the original version of Soul Journey, Hara actually did something to get her exiled.
She regrets it. She could have done something else, but in a fit of grief and rage, she committed a crime. A crime she was rightfully punished for.
If she hadn’t done so, she would’ve gotten back at Yama in a better fashion; legally, at that, and she likely would have either taken her place as High Priestess or become the new Priestess’ right-hand warrior. She wouldn’t have lost her child.
She might’ve even been able to undo the sealing spell, considering she has Soul Magic and the spell itself was done improperly.
But she was too upset. She was grieving her effectively dead wife, and mad at herself for not being able to protect him. She acted on impulse, and thus ruined the rest of her life.
Third, and finally — Post-exile, before Nightmare’s attack on the planet she lived on at the time.
She wishes she never went to that planet in the first place. Maybe her cousin convinced her to go elsewhere, or she decided on her own that it wasn’t worth the trip.
By not going there, she wouldn’t have died. She’d still be alive in modern day, able to see her wife and in-laws in the flesh.
But she went there anyway. The time she spent there before the attack was good, she enjoyed living there, but she could tell something bad was about to happen. She’d had it too good the last seventy thousand-odd years beforehand. She felt the negative aura in the air, but she ignored it in favour of being able to visit one of the Serga System’s most popular tourist sites.
She could have been happier than she is. She would still be alive, she would still have her child, she’d still have her wife.
Unfortunately, Lady Luck was not on her side for these events, and her existence turned out like this.
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