#responding to confessions of love like ‘you’re taking this prank a bit too far… go bother someone more gullible’
carnivorousyandeere · 10 months
charismatic, manipulative yandere who is completely confident they can wrap their darling into their finger and would otherwise be completely able to hide their yan nature/the intensity of their feelings/their complete insanity but who ends up getting more and more extreme and desperate and needy in their displays of love until they're reduced to a complete mess since darling is the type of person who is too insecure/paranoid/distrustful to actually believe someone would actually love them and as such ends up just not taking the yan charms seriously🤔
Ooooooooooooh I love this so much…… thank you Anon 😩🤌✨
Thinking about the yan becoming increasingly distraught, kidnapping their Darling…
Crying into your shirt, hands digging into the back of it as they beg to know why you won’t let them love you. Are they not good enough for you? Have they not done enough? What would it take? They’d kill for you, and they have. They’d die for you. It feels like they have, a dozen times over, with each rejection from you. They live for you. Their heart beats for you. Why can’t you see it? Why can’t you accept them?
The well-put together figure you once knew is gone, unraveled by your mere existence.
“Please,” they sob, voice broken as their heart, “You don’t even have to love me back. Just let me love you.”
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thebeautyoffanfics · 3 years
TBHK boys get break up pranked by reader ?angst to fluff please!!😢👉👈
kou minamoto x gn!reader, teru minamoto x gn!reader, akane aoi x gn!reader, tsuchigomori x gn!reader, hanako x gn!reader, tsukasa yugi x gn!reader, mitsuba sousuke x gn!reader
a/n: heck yea, we love angst to fluff!!!! Thank you so much for requesting <33 (also, by tbhk boys, i just kinda,,, threw my favorites, and some characters that seem to be requested fairly often in there! If i missed anyone you particularly wanted to see, feel free to let me know, and i’ll gladly add them <3)
Also, I’m sorry that these are so short,,;; i’m not entirely sure how to lengthen them;;;; and I’m not sure how well they fit into angst to fluff,,,, i’m really sorry;;;
warnings: none <3
word count: 1,939
Kou Minamoto <3
“Kou, I… I’m sorry, I don’t think it’s going to work between us. I think we should break up.”
Please, don’t make me describe his face… please, don’t do this to me… my heart, my heart hurts just thinking about it. But- his heart hurts worse.
His eyes will widen, but they won’t be filled with the usual sparkle of joy he gets when looking at you. His usual smile and blush will quickly drain from his face, as he narrows his eyebrows in confusion.
“H… huh-?”
“You heard me, Kou. Don’t make me say it again.”
He does his best not to cry on the spot, and you’ll instantly start to feel guilty. You try not to let the guilt get under your skin just yet- it’s a prank. You know it’s a prank, but Kou doesn’t.
“Why? What- what did I do?”
“It’s nothing you did, Kou. We just… can’t work out. Really, it isn’t you.”
His mouth forms a straight line, slightly panicking, but he’ll nod. That… makes sense. No- no, it really doesn’t- not for your relationship. You seemed happy, didn’t you? Did he say something? Did he hurt you? What happened-??
“No, wait, Kou, no- don’t cry, don’t cry-”
“I’m not! No worries, (Y/N), it’s fine, I’ll-”
“It’s a prank, Kou! Please, don’t cry-”
He’d pause, blinking a bit, then tilting his head slightly- confusion written all over his face.
It settled in for a moment, as you hugged him, Kou hugging back instantly. Once it clicked, he was instantly relieved, tightening the hug a bit and huffing.
“You scared me, (Y/N)... I wasn’t crying though. But you did scare me- please, don’t do that again.”
“I’m sorry, Kou, I’m sorry. I won’t do it again, I promise!”
Teru Minamoto <3
“I’m sorry, Teru, but I don’t think things can work between us anymore. It’s not you, I just… think we should see other people.”
He’ll raise his eyebrows, then narrow them, confusion evident on his face, much like his brother reacted. He wouldn’t lose his cool- he wouldn’t get emotional. However, he did feel his heart aching.
“Ah… alright. I’m sorry if I did anything, (Y/N). Is there any way we could make things work? Talk to me.”
“You didn’t do anything, Teru. I just- I just don’t think it can work. Sorry.”
Teru bit his lip a bit, nodding. He turned, planning to walk away, but-
But you wouldn’t let him walk away :)) so, you grabbed his wrist.
He’d turn around, offering you a confused expression, the hurt still evident on his face. Honestly, he really needed to get home to sort out his emotions. “If you would, please, let go, (Y/N).”
“Sorry, sorry, Teru! Can’t do that!” You chirped, tugging him a bit so he’d face you.
Our boy is so confused- why are you suddenly in a better mood??
“It was a prank!” You declared, tossing your hands up, “don’t be mad, please!”
Teru sighed, placing a hand on his chest. “Oh, thank goodness, (Y/N). I was so scared… of course, I wasn’t about to let you go that easily, but, still-”
He pulled you into a hug, resting his head on top of yours. Expect a slightly more affectionate Teru- he’s gonna be a tad bit paranoid now. No way is anyone gonna take you from him >:((
Akane Aoi <3
“Akane, I think we should… break up.”
Panic. Instant panic. You can see the panic on his face immediately, as his eyes widen.
No, no way. This couldn’t be happening to him- years of pining after Aoi, only to have you introduced into his life. You were someone he loved as dearly as he did Aoi. Someone who returned his feelings.
Having you love him was the best feeling ever… this, on the other hand, was anything but nice.
“Break up-? Why??”
He’ll reach for your arms, heart breaking when you stepped back, looking away from him. To him, you were looking away because you felt bad for having to split up. In reality, you were looking away to avoid the guilt slowly bubbling up in your stomach. It’s a prank- that’s what you had to tell yourself. In just a few moments you could hug him and smother his precious face in kisses.
“Because… you’re,” You stepped forward, booping his nose, “too cute!”
“........(Y/N), I promise you, if this is a prank-”
“It’s a prank~!”
Akane groaned, rolling his eyes, but placing his head against your shoulder. “(Y/NNNNN), honestlyyyyy.”
You patted his back, then wrapped your arms around him, kissing the side of his face gently. “I’m sorry, Akaneeee...”
“You’re fine…” He responded, wrapping his arms around you. He may sulk just a tiny bit, but he won’t be like that for long. By the next day, he’ll be acting normal- though he may use that prank against you lightheartedly.
Tsuchigomori <3
“Tsuchigomori… I’m sorry, but I think we should see other people,” You spoke. Goodness knows you had to put all of your acting skills into this one, since Tsuchigomori could see through lies easier than anyone else you knew.
“You’re lying.”
“I’m not.” “(Y/N), you literally cannot keep secrets from me. Lying is no different. What kind of prank is this? A trend?”
You sighed, running a hand through your hair- your reaction brought a grin to your spider-like boyfriend’s face.
“For what it’s worth, I’m sure I would have been fairly hurt if you were being genuine, so… don’t bother with jokes like that.”
(Actually, there was a part of him concerned that you were being honest. But! He trusted his instincts, praying that you were just joking. He had never been happier to tell truth from lies.)
Hanako <3
“Hanako… I’m sorry, I don’t think things will work between us. We should break up.”
A million thoughts run through his mind, despite his somewhat unreadable expression. Was it because he was dead? Of course- he knew it would happen. Who would be willing to date a ghost? A murderer at that. He was unlovable. He knew it.
“...I understand, (Y/N), but… don’t play with my heart like that.”
“I’m not playing around, Hanako. Stop taking everything like it’s a joke.”
Hanako shrugged, ignoring how his heart ached. “I think the joke is you not considering things like the obvious before you accepted my confession. Dating a supernatural is clearly not easy, and you walked into this knowing that.”
This time, you were the one with an unreadable expression. What… did he mean? Was he scolding you? Or… rejecting your rejection-?
“What do you mean?” You sighed, faking annoyance as you placed a hand on your hip.
“I mean, you got yourself into this relationship, so you should be willing to stick with it until the end~. I get it though, so, if you really didn’t think that far, then so be it-”
“Fine, I give in.”
Hanako raised his eyebrows, holding a hand to his mouth, curious as to what you were about to say. Did he really just uno reverse your break up?
“It was aaaaaa prank,” You added, pulling your lower eyelid down and sticking your tongue out. It was impressive- you almost seemed similar to him! Impressive indeed!
Hanako grinned, the pain on his heart being suddenly lifted as he basically tackled you into a hug. Kisses were placed against your cheek, before he nuzzled the side of his face into yours.
“I knew you couldn’t do me like that, (Y/NNNN)~.”
Did he really know that? Of course not. And that fear would never leave him, worrying that he would one day not be enough for you. But! For now, the two of you were together, happy in the relationship you were in. That was enough for him <3
Tsukasa Yugi <3
“We should break up, Tsukasa. I’m really sorry, it just… can’t work.”
Won’t let you break up with him. He won’t- he genuinely won’t.
Clings to you, pouting up at you, as you look down at him, feigning sadness.
“I’m sorry, Tsukasa- please, let go of me.”
“Nope! You’re mine, (Y/N). You can’t break up with me!! You’re mine- forever and ever, no matter what!”
(His expression was wide-eyed and somewhat innocent, but thinking about his words… they were certainly questionable.)
You tried to play along a bit more. Telling him you were serious, attempting to push him away. But, that was to no avail. Tsukasa wasn’t giving in, so you eventually had to-
“Alright, alright. It was a prank, Tsukasa… though I guess it didn’t get far with you.”
“Haha! Nope! And you won’t get far either <3”
Honestly? Who knows what that meant. You didn’t get it, and you couldn’t be sure Tsukasa understood either. All he knew was he loved you- therefore, he wouldn’t let you do something so silly like break up with him! Like Tsuchigomori, he's virtually impossible to break-up prank- like Hanako, he's virtually impossible to actually break up with.
Mitsuba Sousuke <3
“I… I think we should break up, Mitsuba. It’s not you, really-”
“Tch. Of course it isn’t me, idiot,” Mitsuba interrupted. He wasn’t there to listen to the extent of your acting skills (though he didn’t realize you were acting). “If you’re gonna split up with me, just get it over with. We should break up? Fine. Not like a pervert like you deserves someone as cute and pure as me anyway.”
Despite his words and furrowed eyebrows, his eyes alone showed how heartbroken he felt. His lower lip trembled a bit, though he attempted to stop it by pouting. No, he wouldn’t be the one crying in this situation! Not yet, at least-
“Great then. I’m glad we’re on the same page.” You retorted, laughing bitterly. Ahh, no, this was getting too real for him- you were serious, weren’t you? Could this be a joke?
Mmh, who cared? Mitsuba was here to defend himself, even if it was at the cost of your feelings. If you were going to hurt his heart like that, then he’d do his best to take a jab at yours- or at least your ego.
“Great. Then, why are you lingering? Getting a last look at my cute face?”
“Hm… yeah-”
“Excuse mE, let me finish,” You sighed, ruffling his hair lightly, “surprise! It’s a prank!”
His face was honestly golden- his reaction to hearing that it was a prank even better than his reaction when the prank was in action. Eyebrows furrowed in confusion, though watering just barely from the previous aching in his heart, mouth agape slightly.
Then, his eyebrows furrowed deeper, displaying anger. The way his shoulders sank for a moment showed his relief, though they tensed up quickly, as he prepared himself to yell at you. “Idiot! Pervert! Who do you think you are, trying to play with my heart like that?! What right do you have to-”
You cut him off by cupping his face, pouting slightly- his face burned as he avoided eye contact, hand raised slightly as if contemplating pushing you away. It was clear he didn’t really want you to stop though.
“Sorry, sorry~. I just wanted to get a reaction out of you, Mitsuba. You’ve got very cute reactions, you know?”
“Hmph. You sound like you’re quoting porn-”
“Mention porn one more time and the prank won’t be a prank anymore-”
“Liar. Idiot. Stupid pervert, you’re a liar.”
You laughed lightly, squishing his face as you closed your eyes. “Maybe I’m a tad bit of a liar. But, when you pretend to not be upset, I’m sure you’re lying as well~.”
“Hah. I don’t lie.”
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hypnomicimagines · 3 years
Hi, who would be surprised when you accepted their confession/confessed to them or would have known from the start that you will accept/confess to them? Thank you so much
(this was probably meant to be a this or that but I have opinions)
Buster Bros
Yamada Ichiro: 
Ichiro felt something coming but he didn’t want to get his hopes up, wondering if the romance light novels he read were just too deeply embedded in his head. When you do confess he manages to keep the surprised look off his face as he returns you feelings, quite pleased that his romantic instinct remained on point.
Yamada Jiro: 
Jiro is completely blind-sided. He was stuck in his own little world thinking of how he might confess but he was quite ready to do so, he still felt like your relationship was on shaky ground. He considered you a friend that he didn’t want to live without, plus it would be embarrassing to be rejected, so he’s stunned into total silence when you actually confess to him. 
Yamada Saburo: 
Saburo had absolutely no idea you had those types of feelings for him. He simply thought this was a friendship, and since he didn’t have much experience with crushes and the like... He didn’t really know how to react at first. You’re met with a total brick wall, no emotion as he tells you he needs time to think, confiding in his brothers before he finally makes the right move. 
Mad Trigger Crew
Aohitsugi Samatoki: 
He had an inkling of your feelings but he had been in deep denial that they existed because it would mean having to confront his own feelings for you. Part of him almost wishes he could deny his draw to you but he’d never been one to not go all in, and this applied to you, dedicating himself to your happiness once your feelings are exchanged. 
Iruma Jyuto: 
Jyuto felt stupid for never realizing, especially when he looks back on how you acted around him, knowing he probably could’ve figured it out before your confession if he had paid closer attention. He’s flattered by it but he needs time to think on it, knowing how big a commitment it would be and not wanting to waste your time if he wasn’t in a good enough place to offer said commitment to you. 
Rio Mason Busujima: 
Rio didn’t quite understand the extent of your feelings but he had known they were mutual; he was quite fond of you and he found your company to be more enjoyable than most. He was content with allowing things to unfold between you naturally meaning your confession was a pleasant surprise, confirming that he felt the same (and that he admired your bravery for confessing first). 
Fling Posse
Amemura Ramuda: 
Ramuda would act like he saw your confession coming from a mile away, he was very well loved so why would you be any different? But behind this unnecessarily haughty response is a man who very much wants to be truly loved by someone. It’s almost embarrassing to receive a confession so full of genuine feelings that he initially reacted with his fake, peppy persona. When he looked frustrated is when you realized the truth of your feelings was sinking in for him, Ramuda having never suspected that he’d be on the receiving end of this.
Yumeno Gentaro: 
Gentaro would have to be purposely ignorant to say he didn’t notice a few signs that suggested you were harboring feelings for him, but he liked to blame things he noticed like that on his imagination. He’s not at all surprised about your confession but to say he doesn’t appreciate you coming to him first would be a lie; he’s quite pleased to hear your words, it makes the feelings seem a little more solid. He beats around the bush at returning these feelings but they are there, just buried deep beneath a pile of denial and fear. 
Arisugawa Dice: 
Dice is completely blind-sided. He was busy being so hopelessly in love with you that he didn’t notice those feelings were returned at all. You think he must be some type of fool to not realize as it was hard to hide your care for him but Dice admitted it was because he didn’t care if you returned his feelings, because he’d still love you either way. Not to say he isn’t thrilled to hear that you love him too but his love for you was unconditional and it would remain that way no matter what happened.
Jinguji Jakurai: 
Jakurai was well-aware of your feelings, so painfully aware that it hurt to have to continuously deny them to himself as he felt unworthy of receiving them. The happiness it would bring him to have you by his side would be immeasurable but does he truly deserve it after all he had done? Would he truly make a good partner for you? It’s easier to ignore his feelings than act on them but when you confront him with your own, he gives in instantly. 
Izanami Hifumi: 
Hifumi was adept at detecting real love from infatuation, at knowing when someone actually felt a certain way about him or if they were blinded by his beauty. It still made him nervous because having a genuine love was a heavy burden to have but he welcomed the challenge if it was you who loved him. He knew that your heart was good and that your confession was delivered directly from it, hoping he can do it justice when he returned your feelings. 
Kannonzaka Doppo: 
Doppo is in complete shock that you accepted his confession let alone confessed right back to him. He doesn’t know what to do with his swimming thoughts or sweaty hands, wringing his tie between his hands as he waits for you to take it back and say it was all just a prank. When you instead take his nervous hands in your own, managing to calm him with just a touch, he feels his heart suddenly overwhelmed and he could practically cry at how lucky he felt.
Bad Ass Temple
Harai Kuko: 
Kuko had made his feelings for you apparent from the very start, his crush on you quite open as he unabashedly flirted with you when he had the chance. Whether you felt the same or not hadn’t mattered because Kuko would care deeply for you either way meaning he didn’t look too deeply into how you acted around him, taking each day as it came until he felt he could truly be a good partner for you. 
Aimono Jyushi: 
Jyushi is completely caught off-guard, his own feelings having completely blinded him to yours; he had assumed all the returned affection was him simply seeing what he wanted to. He had planned on confessing to you himself, thinking about it over and over, stopping you mid-confession so he could go first (that’s how it had been rehearsed after all). 
Amaguni Hitoya: 
Hitoya knew. He would have to know, it was his job to carefully observe, to pick up on the tiny little details, but it didn’t mean he realized just how far those feelings went. He didn’t think he was worthy of them, thinking he would be a disappointment of a boyfriend but having to admit to himself that he’d regret it if he didn’t at least try to give himself a chance at happiness with you. 
Dotsuitare Hompo 
Nurude Sasara:
Sasara is in an odd in-between world where he’s both aware of your feelings and in complete denial that they actually exist. He thinks you might be trying to strike up a comedy bit with him when you confess, taking on the role of the dramatic dame who felt the romance was too tragic to ever work out. Fortunately for him, you were not attempting to recruit him for some comedy duo and that your confession was genuine, Sasara scrambling to gather the rest of his pride before you left him in the dust for the stupid joke he tried to make out of your confession.
Tsutsujimori Rosho:  
Rosho can’t fathom where your feelings for him came from. Being surrounded by interesting personalities like Sasara and Rei left him feeling uninteresting, not that he held any bitterness towards them about it as he was who he was. But to hear that you wanted him, to hear that you were so fond of him you were willing to put yourself out there for potential heartbreak just to get your feelings across to him. He had no idea this was coming and is thus unprepared to respond, losing his composure entirely as he fumbled to find the words to show he returned your feelings tenfold.
Amayado Rei: 
Rei is well-aware of your feelings, so strikingly aware that it almost feels like he’s purposely stringing you along by indulging you in him. He’s always had this way of making you feel special and while you’re sure he’s working this magic on other women, you do your best to accept your place in his life. You are, at least, in some way very important to Rei and he tells you that while he hears your feelings, there’s a few more things he must do before he can accept them. He hoped that you were ready to rule at the top beside him, promising your patience would be rewarded in some way.
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theshiningg · 4 years
you don’t love me the way you love her
hogwarts au
fluffy, a pinch of angst
draco x slytherin!reader
warnings: none that i could think of
word count: 7.1k (my longest ever lol)
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you stare at the obnoxious faces your best friend makes at you as you stare at him across the dance hall. mcgonagall was teaching dance lessons prior to the yule ball and he was currently laughing at ronald weasley and the professor.
it was time to get partners and practice and you stare at draco from afar as he walks toward you. “hey y/n!” he speaks as he stands right in front of you. “care to dance?” draco lifts an eyebrow and you let out a small lighthearted gasp, “draco malfoy asking me, to dance?” you joke around as he wraps his arms around your waist. slightly embarrassed about the actions of your best friend, your ears and cheeks blush a light pink. you’d hate to admit it but, you were in love with your best friend.
later in the day at dinner, your eyes unconsciously drift over to draco, who was also unconsciously staring at a girl at the slytherin table, astoria greengrass. pansy lightly taps you on the shoulder to snap you out of your trance. “hey y/n, can i borrow your notes for potions? i skipped yesterday and now i’m a day behind.” you smile and nod at your friend before taking out your parchment of notes. “just give it back to in the dorm.” glancing at draco one more time, you turn to leave, walking to the lake to finish your book.
falling snowflakes land on your hair as you weave your way through the blankets of snow and under a tree. the crunch of footsteps quietly followed you as you feel a coat on top of your shoulders and turn around to see draco. he sits next to you, not too close but not too far, “can i ask you something?” you let out a hum of acknowledgement, “what do girls like?” taken a bit back, your eyes dart to his grinning face, “well,” you slightly laugh, “we appreciate even the smallest gestures, not too many gifts. for skinship, it honestly depends on the girl.” as you continue to talk, draco stares at you intentively nodding his head every once in a while. he stands up abruptly before extending his hand out to you. grabbing his hand, you stand up and give him a small smile. the both of you walk in silence to the castle until draco stops and stares at you, “y/n,” he pauses as a tiny grin appears on his face, “i think i’m gonna do it.” you lift your eyebrow at him and smile back at him, “do what?” he smiles to himself, “i’m going to confess.” your shoulders shrug down and his coat slips off, hitting the icy floor. his expression changes to a worried expression as he walks over to you, “are you alright?” he places his hand on your shoulder after picking up his coat, “yeah.” you barely whisper as you push his hand off your shoulder, “whoever she is, she’ll be lucky to have you. sorry, i’m a little out of it but i have rounds tonight so, i’ll see you later,” you speak before walking away.
the next day, you sit at breakfast with draco. he stares over at you while you try to teach pansy the lesson she missed the other day. “pansy, you have to grind up the occupy eggshell, not just crack it.” pansy whines at you, “y/n, please, no more,” you shake your head to your best friend, “then you shouldn’t have taken advanced potions,” you taunt. she quiets down and pulls you close to her, “how are you feeling?” your eyes look around the great hall before turning back to pansy, “i’m fine. honestly, plus, last night during my rounds, i caught the weasley twins out of bed after curfew and, they gave me a coupon for anything out of their box of mischief for their freedom.” pansy’s face twists up in disgust, “you’re too easily persuaded.”
you sit in potions, reading the instructions for your next potion to be made, a drought of peace. the classroom was quiet with only you and professor slughorn. “ah miss l/n,” he speaks up enthusiastically before quieting down, “what’s wrong?” you shake your head with a smile, “nothing.” your conversation quickly gets interrupted as draco and the rest of your friends enter the classroom, loudly. draco walks up to you instead of going to seat and drags his hands throughout your hair while standing behind you, “why’re you here so early?” you continue to read your book, “i’m getting ready for class.” he walks over to the front of your desk and stares you, “you’re upset.” you finally look up at him, “i’m not, i just like to be prepared for class.” draco rolls his eyes before leaning closely to your ear, “we’re not done with this conversation,” he trudges back to his seat annoyed.
the class starts with professor slughorn introducing the potion you read about earlier and pansy groans as he releases the class to grab their materials and begin their potion making. you tell pansy to grab the materials while you go grab the cauldron and potion glass. pansy sits in her seat while you stir the potion, “pansy did you bring the porcupine quills?” she shrugs, “well continue to stir while i go get it then,” she nods her head and grabs the rod from you as you go to the ingredients cabinet. unluckily, on the way there, you were a bit distracted so you bump into another student with their unfinished potion in their grasp that spills on your hand during the collision, burning it a little bit in the process. the glass ends up the floor broken and you bend down to pick up the pieces of the glass while the girl freaks out. you get pulled away from the glass by draco, “what’re you doing, y/n?” draco says as he begins to freak out a bit as well, “picking up the glass,” you answer dumbfound at everyone’s concern before looking down at your slightly burnt and bleeding hand. professor slughorn quietly cleans up the mess, “miss l/n, i think its best if you go madam pomfrey to have your hand checked out.” the girl walks up to you, “y/n, i’m so sorry.” she apologizes scared about how you were going to react, “its alright, don’t worry about it,” before walking off to the direction of the hospital wing.
as you arrive, madam pomfrey instructs you to wait on the bed while she gets bandages and medication for your hands. while you get treated, draco walks in the wing with your books and robes which you took off when you started your potion. madam pomfrey treats your arm and you finally leave with draco to dinner. on the walk to the hall, astoria pops out from behind a pillar, surprising you and draco. “draco, i have to tell you something,” she then turns toward you, “sorry about your arm, y/n. i heard what happened.” shaking your head, you reply, “don’t worry about it, it didn’t hurt that much,” before walking a good distance and turning around to give draco a reassuring smile about his confession. you start to walk down the long, lonely hallways, you’re not gonna lie to yourself, but you saw the way they looked at each other, specifically draco. you noticed the way he would smile to himself whenever she walked by at any meal time or the way he always unconsciously mentioned her in his stories when he had parties at his manor. making it to the great hall, you sit next to pansy, quietly. “where’s draco?” you let out a soft sigh, “he’s with astoria.” pansy leans closer to you, “are you okay?” you nod and reply, “yeah, my arm doesn’t hurt that much anymore.” she glances over at you sympathetically, “i don’t mean your arm, y/n.” you turn to face her with sad eyes, “i know.”
before you could continue with your conversation with the rest of your friend’s, you notice draco and astoria entering the hall, hands intertwined. you immediately turn your head back to look down at your palms on your lap before realizing tiny droplets of water were falling. bringing your head back up to look at the ceiling, you realize that the ceiling had been bewitched and turn your head towards the two most mischievous pranksters in the school, the weasley twins. george looks at you before giving you a noticeable wink and running out of the doors to pretend that he had no part in this prank. a smile lights itself up on your face as pansy drags you out of the hall with her, completely soaked. again, after exiting the hall, you match eyes with a weasley twin, this time being fred. he gives you the signal of zipping his lips up and throwing the key, in which you respond with a small smile and the nod of your head. draco and astoria both walk up to your friend group, “what the bloody hell? who would enchant the sky?” you stare at astoria’s wet state and shrug, “what a coincidence?” draco tries hard to look you in the eye, but avoids eye contact when you stare at him.
as you walk back to your dorm with pansy, she begins to complain about astoria, “ugh, she’s so annoying? do you understand what i’m saying?” you nod in confirmation for your friend, “just because she’s dating draco now, doesn’t give her the right to act all powerful and mighty because their families are probably the most powerful and influential in the whole wizarding world!” pansy’s rant goes in through one of your ears and out the other as you just continue to nod and pretend to acknowledge her annoyance. “uh, pansy. i’m have to get something from potions, i left my,” your eyes search the hallway for an item before landing on an owl, “my quill. draco forgot to bring it for me, so i’ll meet you in the room in thirty minutes.” she gives you an okay before continuing her rant with blaise.
your breath unveils itself in the frosty breeze as you walk back to the same tree as the night before. sitting yourself down, you let out a large sigh before getting interrupted by a clearing of a throat. “fred, george. pleasant evening?” they both give you their signature smirks, “indeed.” george sits down first with fred following next, “i suppose you want the coupon back? for the prank, i mean.” they both shake their heads in sync, “of course not,” fred replies, “that one was for free,” george adds on. you slightly chuckle at their response and they stare over at you, “well, we better get going,” george speaks up after several seconds of silence, “a specific blond is looking for you,” fred speaks after his brother as the both of them stand up and walk towards the castle. as they leave, the crunching of incoming footsteps disturb the silence, “y/n, didn’t i tell you to bring a jacket whenever you leave the castle?” a small smile makes its way to your face, “of course, your majesty,” you taunt as a pout appears on his face. “what were you talking about with the weasel twins,” you roll your eyes, “weasley twins,” you enunciate, “and we were just talking about the coincidental raining sky at dinner.” draco takes off one of many layers of coats and drapes it around your shoulders, “can’t have you catching a cold, miss beater.” with the recent events occurring in your life, you totally forgot about the quidditch match you had on saturday. “oh my god, i totally forgot.” draco gives you a deep chuckle, “well don’t forget that we have practice tomorrow, or else flint is going to murder you.” you nod at his caring yet sarcastic sentence, “alright, i’ll see you tomorrow morning, astoria is waiting for me in the hall, didn’t want her getting cold,” he speaks before using his knuckle to rummage up your hair. your head turns toward his receding figure and then back at his coat. you think to yourself, “if you turn around and wave like you always do, i won’t give you up, but if you don’t, i’ll back down.” draco continues on his way until he becomes a tiny figure in the distance and you begin to give up on hope until you hear, “see you tomorrow loser!” followed by a tiny wave from the faraway boy. a tiny smile makes it to your face, “i’m sorry astoria, but i can’t give up right now.”
about two days later, you snuggle closer into your blanket, you get awoken by the abrupt flash of light in the room. your eyes barely open because of its sensitivity of the light. pansy stands by the door in her quidditch gear and stares at you, “you have ten minutes to get ready and be at the pitch, you know how flint is about being late.” after she exits the room, you sit up in bed and let out a yawn while walking over to get changed and refreshed.
by the time you reach the pitch, your teammates are already in the air taking laps while marcus flint stands at the entrance of the pitch. “why’re you late?” he asks with a stone cold expression, waiting for your answer. but before you could even open your mouth, he shouts at you, “ten laps around the pitch, running! go!” annoyed you start to jog. draco flies low to be right beside you, “how’s it going?” he teases with a grin, “buzz off malfoy.” draco brings one hand to chest, acting offended, “using last names now are we?” you give him a glare and start to jog faster, which he follows with flying a bit faster on his broom. you act annoyed but really, feel warm on the inside until a melodic voice interrupts. “draco! over here!” she shouts from a far. it was about six in the morning and all of the team quickly turns their head to the voice of astoria. you raise your eyebrow at draco, “your princess is waiting, go.” he gives you a small smirk and a nudge before flying over to her. as you finish up your final lap, you wipe the cold sweat off your forehead, mind you, its still winter and snowy. you get on your broom and fly up into the air, finally joining the practice.
you enter breakfast with the biggest yawn and frown about the excruciating practice. your thoughts get interrupted as you see your taken seat. the seat you sat in since first year, the seat you’ve eaten in for five years, the seat next to draco malfoy. pansy pats the seat next to her and as you begin to walk towards her, you get pulled towards the gryffindor table before being sat down next to hermione. your face slightly gives off panic before turning towards the people who sat you down, “morning hermione,” you say before turning to harry and ron, giving them a nod of your head, then turning back towards fred and george. “weasleys, did you need something?” you ask them, “am i even allowed to sit here? i obviously stand out.” the dark green of your uniform definitely sticking out in the sea of a vibrant red, “of course buddy-o.” most of the gryffindors at the table now staring at you before hermione rolls her eyes, “everyone mind your own business.” hermione gives you a small, polite smile to look over the fact that you were best friends with their own personal annoyance. “thank you hermione.” you whisper, giving her a small smile. harry glances down at your hand, “is it alright?” he asks as you look up from your plate of breakfast, “yeah, its been healing, minor burns,” you answer, thankful for his attempt to start up conversation.
while keeping a small conversation with the trio, your arm gets grabbed and pulled. “y/n, what are you doing associating with the enemy?” you scoff, “we’re just talking, draco,” he scoffs back at you before releasing your arm, “never thought you could betray your own house.” your eyes widen and narrow down to glare at him, “well maybe if you didn’t give my seat away, i would have room to sit at slytherin.” draco lets out huffs of annoyance, “there were plenty of seats, y/n. just look at anywhere on the table.” you also let out a sigh, “i would’ve had to sit by myself.” the whole hall stares at your confrontation with your best friend, “well y/n, here’s the truth, maybe nobody wants to sit next to you in the first place and-“ he gets cut off from the rest of the sentence by a slap to the face. his grimace softens as he realizes his words, “y/n, you know. i didn’t mean that.” your eyes fill up annoyance as you walk away. pansy stands up quickly and walks off to follow you, but before she fully leaves the hall, she turns towards draco, “you’re a love blinded idiot.”
instead of getting emotional, you just sit in silence, induced by your anger, next to the lake. pansy left you to grab your books from the hall, leaving you in the silence of nature. once again, the crunching of familiar footprints fill the air. “y/n. you know i didn’t mean any of that but i was just jealous, i guess. just seeing you with friends other than our little group made me jealous. just wanted to come and apologize. i am sorry, y/n l/n.” you stay silent for a few seconds before replying, “its fine. thank you for apologizing. i forgive you, i’m just a little embarrassed and hugely annoyed.” you let out a tiny chuckle, “you have to do something for me now, as compensation for your childish behavior,” he continues to stare at you, scared of what you could say, “you have to do my astronomy homework for a month.” you stretch your hand out, in which he responds to by shaking it. you stand up, “come on, we have history of magic to get to.” you finally look at his face, red by the slap mark you left on it, and try not to laugh, “sorry about the slap,” you say after suppressing your laughter, “its fine, i probably deserved it.” you nod your head in agreement, “i’d say so.”
during dinner, you sit next to pansy, giving draco a wink of access for astoria to sit in your seat. you listen to pansy while you platter on whatever was served at dinner on your plate and wait for dumblebore to finish speaking about the daily news. astoria gives draco a smile while using her fork to scatter around the food she didn’t want to eat. when she finishes eating, she glances over at your plate before finding a comment to say. “y/n,” you turn your attention away from pansy, along with draco and blaise, “are you really going to eat all of that?” you put a fake smile on your face and pretend to think, “hm, i think i am going to.” her smile turns into a snide look, “i just didn’t expect a girl of your stature to eat that much.” you widen your eyes at draco asking for help while laughs your encounter with the older girl, “i have a high metabolism?” she laughs softly, “i can see that judging by the fact that you’re not overweight after eating all of that food.” you give her a small smile before turning back to pansy. in all honesty, you couldn’t tell if the girl was being nice or extremely sarcastic.
the next day was saturday, meaning, game day. sitting at the slytherin table, you pick up an apple and bite into it, in replacement for the hefty meal yesterday night. the hall is mostly quiet besides the tiny murmurs of conversation amongst the few students there early, most probably sleeping in until the game. while you eat your apple, you spot the entrance of the weasley twins. george passes you a wink while fred gives you a slight smirk before they start stalking towards you, “morning,” you pass them a small smile, “morning weasleys,” the both of them give you a pat on the back, “this is for when gryffindor beats slytherin in todays match,” your eyes widen and you scoff at their bluntness, “i’ll make sure to return it when slytherin wins.” fred shakes his head while george speaks, “that won’t be necessary,” and before you could give one last remark, the both of them walk away to go eat breakfast. next, you saw astoria enter with her friends and not draco. you turn to pansy and whisper, “wheres draco?” she looks up to see astoria by herself, “maybe he’s sleeping in?” astoria sits down in her usual seat next to her friends and you walk over to her, “where’s draco?” she shrugs and continues her conversation with her friends. you walk back to pansy and grab your coat, “i’m going to go check on draco, maybe he did sleep in.” walking to the dungeons, you begin to worry about the boy.
entering his dark room, you squint your eyes to look for him on his bed, and to your prevail, you find him. you tiptoe into his room and quietly whisper, “draco,” he continues to stir in his sleep. you then slightly open the blinds, letting in a tiny bit of daylight to illuminate the boy’s face. you sit yourself on his bed and feel the warmth from his covered up body. he opens his eyes in alarm at the intruder, but relaxes when he realizes it was just you. you stare down at your best friend, “are you gonna come to breakfast?” he immaturely shakes his head no and buries it within his blanket. draco then grabs your hand and brings it to his forehead, “don’t tell me you’re sick.” he gives you an unamused look, “its all because of you.” your eyes widen and you let a tiny laugh, “me? you’re the one that came out last night when you were wet.” draco lets out a low groan, “fine, i’ll tell flint you can’t make it today and i’ll be back to bring you some food during the meal times. just go back to sleep,” you say and close the blinds, but before you leave, you whisper, “goodnight princess,” in which draco replies to with a low and annoyed, “y/n.”
before your quidditch match starts, you stretch your body after the trouble you got into for draco’s absence. as dean thomas announces the teams, you fly into the field and take a few laps before stopping in front of the twins. “get ready to lose y/n,” fred inserts, “you wish,” cormac mclaggen comes to taunt you further, “where’s your little boyfriend, l/n?” you roll your eyes, “he’s sick, have you got a problem?” he sniggers, “nope.” he replies popping the p. george shakes his head at his teammate, “just ignore him. that’s what we do.” he gives you a wink and goes back to pretend to listen to madam hooch.
halfway through the game, you wipe the sweat off of your forehead and keep your eye on one of the bludgers. successfully knocking the bludger out of angelina johnsons’ arms, you follow closely to it, head to head with george. you block the second bludger from hitting graham montague, your chaser, as he holds one in his arms to score. unfortunately, the bludger gets caught by mclaggen as he montague a small smirk before throwing the ball towards you. not reacting fast enough, it hits you in the gut and you fall backwards off your broom. blinded by the pain in your gut, you don’t notice how far away you are from your broom. luckily, george catches you and slowly carries you to the ground. madam hooch runs up to you in the middle of field after giving cormac a time out, having a hard time breathing. taking in raspy breaths, your eyes water up. you lay on your back as a stretcher takes you to the hospital wing. to ease the pain, madam pomfrey gives you pain relief potion as she examines your abdomen, “nothing broken my dear, just severely bruised.” you nod solemnly at her, “just stay here for overnight and continue to talk this potion to heal.” pansy enters the wing and gives you a smile, “that was awesome.” the both of you break out in laughter until you groan, “the way george caught you in the air, i thought i was going to lose my best friend today.” your conversation with her goes on until you interrupt, “so, draco is sick and i promised to bring him a meal at every meal time but, i can’t now so as my best friend, will you do it for me?” her face turns stone as she stares at you before bursting out into laughter at you facial expression. “of course silly. anyways, back to my story…” she continues.
after leaving you at the hospital, pansy packs a plateful of food before unlocking the door to draco’s bedroom. “wake up dork,” he opens his eyes to see pansy instead of you, “where’s y/n?” draco asks annoyed, “she got injured at today’s quidditch game, mclaggen threw the bludger at her and she’s in the hospital wing but-“ before pansy could finish her sentence, draco runs through the hallways, clad in his pajamas. finally reaching the hospital wing, he bursts through the entrance and spots you, “y/n are you okay? i should’ve gone to the game today.” draco spews out words and you stare at him before cutting him off, “i’m alright draco,” you grab his hand, “thank you for worrying but you’re sick. you shouldn’t be out of bed,” he takes in deep breaths, wiping the sweat off his forehead, “i just needed to see if you were alright.” your thumb rubs against his palm, “i’m good, so go back to your dorm and rest. if you’re not better by tomorrow, i promise i’ll be there.” he nods and reluctantly lets go of the warmth your hand held. you let out a sigh as you watch him walk away until the curtain next to your bed rips open, unveiling two redheaded twins. you slightly jump, “well, well, well. just tell him you love him.” fred starts, “i mean, its sort of obvious.” you shake your head at the boys, “i can’t,” they both let out huffs of annoyance, “why not?” george questions, “he’s with astoria right now. and he seems happy for the first in a while. i don’t want to take that away,” you pause, “anyways, you should go to dinner. i’ll be eating whatever madam pomfrey serves me.” the twins laugh at you before fred leans in close to your ear, “we have tons of pranks up our sleeves so if you want anything to do to mclaggen, we’ll be happy to provide.” you push the boy away with a close lipped smile, “thank you for the offer, but i’m going to have to pass it up for now.” fred lets out an, “understood,” as he and his twin walk out of the wing.
the next day, madam pomfrey releases you to breakfast after giving you one last potion for your bruises. you enter the hallways and a breeze blows through your hair as you start to speed walk to the hall. entering the great hall, all of your friends stare at your incredibly quick recovery. pansy runs up to you and squeezes you tightly, “pansy, a little looser please.” you laugh along with her and greet your other friends before spotting a seated draco with astoria’s arm looped around his own. he gives you an apologetic look and you return a small smile with a shake of your head to reassure him that it was alright. pansy informs you about their incoming trip to hogsmede later and asks if you could go, “yeah, i can go, i have to buy some more ink for my essay.” blaise then turns to draco, “oi malfoy, you coming?” draco sits still before opening his mouth to complain, “its cold and i’m sick. do you really think i’m going to go?” a small smirk appears on blaise’s face, “i heard y/n agreed to come.” draco’s head turns towards you with super sonic speed, “really?” you give him a closed lipped smile and very slow head nod. “then i’ll be there,” draco says, “me too!” astoria adds on. pansy gives her a look of disgust, “uh astoria, this is just for our friend group. we made a rule that there are no plus ones.” astoria then pouts and turns to draco, “draco, i could come right?” pansy rolls her eyes and pretends to gag. draco turns towards you and looks to you for help, “astoria, if you’d like to come, you’re welcome to come,” you say, earning a whine from pansy. “great! we’ll meet you at the exit of hogwarts.” you nod and send an extremely small smile towards her.
while you get ready, pansy waits for you on your bed. “y/n, i have no idea why you invited her, she’s literally the bane of our existence.” you chuckle at your dramatic best friend, “she’s dating draco, so we have to include her or else who knows what draco would do?” browsing through your closet, you pick out a slytherin sweater and a vintage poofy jacket. “y/n, the only reason why draco decided to come was because blaise told him you were coming. doesn’t that scream something to you?” you continue to look at yourself in the mirror, “no, it doesn’t. we’re just best friends pansy, nothing more.” her face droops down and she rolls her eyes, “you, my best friend, are the smartest witch in all of hogwarts but you’re too blinded by draco’s happiness to find your own,” shaking your head, you turn away from the mirror and walk to the door but before you exit, you stop, “i’m happy for him so it’s fine,” you say, sounding more like you’re trying to convince yourself rather than pansy.
your group of friends all meet at the exit of hogwarts and while you wait for draco and astoria to show up, you see the weasley twins. you smile and wave at them until fred waves you over to their location behind the tree. you look over at your occupied friends and walk over to them, “what’s up, weasleys?” they both stand towered over you, “y/n, we might’ve done something we weren’t supposed to do and now we have to go clean it up,” george begins, “mcgonagall’s orders,” fred adds and george continues, “we’ve got the trio but it’s too big of a mess so we’re recruiting people to help us clean.” you let out a sigh but nod your head, “okay, give me a second to tell my friends. wait for me at the entrance of the castle.” they both give you a salute and march over to the entrance as you walk towards your group of friends, now including draco and astoria. “hey,” you say as you see draco, now turning towards all your friends, “i have to go help the weasley twins today so, no hogsmede for me today,” you slightly pout, “y/n, why do you have to help the weasel twins?” you lightly punch him on the arm, “i’ll be going now,” your friends wave to you as you walk away until you hear, “wait y/n!” and you turn around to see draco jogging towards you, “i’m not going to go either,” your eyes widen at the boy while he gives you a smirk, “what about astoria?” his smirk falters as he gives you a genuine smile, “always thinking about others before yourself, i really don’t think slytherin was the right house for you. maybe hufflepuff?” you roll your eyes as you start to walk and his arm lays on your shoulders. “if i was in any other house, i would’ve avoided you at first sight,” he chuckles, “ow, that hurt,” he replies sarcastically.
as you enter the entrance of the castle, you see fred waiting for you and his eyes shift to draco, “you here to help, malfoy?” draco rolls his eyes, “yes weasley.” you pat draco on the back, “good boy,” his ear slightly turn red but the action goes unnoticed as you start a conversation with fred, “what did you even do in the first place?” a mischievous glint grows on fred’s face as he opens the door to an explosion of soap bubbles in mcgonagall’s classroom, leaving your eyes wide along with draco’s. “freddie!” george yells from across the room which attracts the attention of the students helping clean. you turn to draco, looking up at him in equal surprise as him. george comes and hands you a wet rag along with a bucket to help dissolve the bubbles surrounding the room. for the whole time, draco stood next to you and cleaned about two percent of the hundred percent you cleaned. on your way to dump out the bucket in the lavatory, you bump into graham montague. “hey y/n. sorry about the bludger the other day. if i blocked it for you, you wouldn’t have gotten hurt,” you shake your head, setting down the bucket full of bubbles, “no, it wasn’t your fault. if i had paid attention i wouldn’t have gotten hurt. don’t blame yourself.” he tilts his head to look down at you, “what’s the bucket for?” your head then tilts down to look at the bucket, “helping fred and george clean up their most recent prank,” graham nods his head in understanding, “do you need help?’ a tiny chuckle leaves your lips, “if you could help, it would be much appreciated,” he nods and takes the bucket from your grasp as the both of you continue to walk to the lavatory.
upon your return to the classroom with graham, draco looks at you before turning towards graham. he struts up to you and stretches his arm over your shoulder, getting face to face with graham. you sigh at his childish behavior, “thank you for helping graham, we’ll see you at quidditch practice tomorrow.” draco continues to stare graham down, “yeah, see you tomorrow y/n.” you push away from draco’s grasp and go to continue cleaning.
at the end of the weasley’s cleaning fiasco, you walk to dinner with draco in silence. not an awkward silence but a comfortable silence, “so how’s it going with astoria?” you ask out of the blue, “it’s alright but it’s a good thing she’s not as annoying as her younger version, daphne.” he retorts “daphne’s kind.” you retort back, “oh y/n. only seeing the positives in people.” draco stops to fix his dress robe while you continue to walk without him until stopping to turn around and check on him only to notice astoria clinging onto to his arm. draco tries to find you over astoria’s shoulder only to find that you had disappeared. you walk out to the same spot next to the lake. the wind blew through your hair as you stood by the edge of the lake, glancing at the icy water. you hear the noise of rowdy boys behind you before feeling a push in the back, towards the lake. landing with a splash, you hold your breath and try to swim back up to the surface but the weight of your wet clothing dragged you back down, along with the unhealed bruises around your abdomen. floating down peacefully, the cold water engulfs you whole and you let out a final breath of air.
in the meantime, draco stands next to astoria as she smothers him. he firms himself up as he prepares himself to break up with her. “astoria, i think we need to take a-“ but he soon gets cut off as he sees you in the arms of cedric diggory, unconscious. “what the hell did you do to her, diggory?!” he shouts, worried about his best friend. “i saved her from the lake when mclaggen pushed her in, now move out of the way so i can take her to the hospital wing.” in that instant moment, draco realizes that it wasn’t the thought of being with astoria that mad him happy, but the fact that you would be there for him no matter what decision he makes. rage fills draco’s whole body as he moves out of cedric’s way and to find cormac.
when you wake up, you find yourself surrounded by your friends and a bloodied up cormac mclaggen. pansy notices you and mouths a quiet, “are you okay?” to not wake the other boys up and you reply with a nod, unfortunately, actually waking the boys up. draco releases his hold on your hand and goes to hug you. he chuckles in your ear, “you have no idea how relieved i am that you are okay.” you chuckle back at his words, “what, you didn’t think i could swim?” he releases from his hug and then looks at you with a serious face, “i’m sorry i wasn’t there for you. i just got caught up with astoria, but i have something to say,” he pauses as he looks at your reaction, “guys, i hope you still know that we’re all here.” pansy interrupts.
draco turns around to mouth a get out before turning back to you, “y/n, over the past weeks, i realize that i spent less time around and to be honest, it was killing me. it killed me to see you around the weasel twins more,” you interrupt him, “weasley twins, can’t you get it right once-“ he cuts you off by putting his hand over your mouth to silence you, “y/n, i’m trying to be serious. i want to spend more time with you, my best friend. i hope you know that i love you even though i don’t express it everyday.” he jokes while your expression changes from joking to a straight face. “draco, i know you love me because we’re best friends and we have been since we were little but,” you give him a sad smile, “you don’t love me the way you love her. because all i’ll ever be is your best friend but she could be your wife. so maybe save the i love you’s for her.” draco’s face falls at your words, “yeah you’re right, i don’t love you the way i love her because i love you more. hell, i get nervous every time i’m around you alone or when you let me play with your hair when you study or when you come to take care of me when i’m sick. y/n, i love you so much and i want to be more than just best friends.” your eyes widen and tear up slightly, “but we can’t if you think that way.” you let out a big sigh but a large smile erupts on your face. “draco, i’ve loved you since our first year when hermione told me the story of you in the dark forest. but you can’t do to this to astoria,” his face turns a bit guilty, “i forgot to mention that i broke up with her while you were being treated. supposedly she asked mclaggen to push you in. she didn’t take it very well so i would sleep in my room for the time being,” you chuckle at his confession, “will do,” draco quickly shuts you up by pressing his lips against yours. the both of you hear a “finally!” from outside and you feel a smile form on draco’s face. he pulls away and smiles at you, “come on y/n, lets go.” draco says as he grabs your hand but you make no attempt to leave your bed, “oh i actually have to stay here for one more night because i need to more potions, but i’ll see you tomorrow at breakfast.” he lets out a noise of disappointment and kisses you on the forehead before leaving the room.
the next morning, you wake up from your bed in the hospital wing and walk to breakfast by yourself until you meet cedric. “oh cedric, thank you for saving me.” he gives you a relieving smile, “it’s no problem but i almost got killed by malfoy for carrying you while you were unconscious,” he chuckles at you surprised reaction, “i am so sorry about that,” cedric shakes his head, “it’s alright, it’s good to see he cares.”
after waving goodbye to cedric, you walk out to the snowy lake once again, only to see draco already there waiting for you. “draco? why are you here?” his face lights up as he spots you, “i was tired of waiting for you at breakfast and i knew you normally come here so i just decided to wait for you here.” draco opens up his coat as you walk towards him and he wraps his arms around you, engulfing you in his coat’s wings. he leans in closely to whisper in your ear, “i can’t wait till i marry you and we start our own family,” you give him a small laugh at his cheesy words, “calm down mr. malfoy, we only started dating yesterday.” he pulls away from you and stares at your face, “but i feel like we’ve been dating for seven years,” draco leans closely to you and kisses you gently as both of your rosy cheeks illuminate off of each other.
pansy and blaise watch the both of their best friends from a far. “could they be any grosser? like calm down, it’s only eight am on a monday morning.” pansy rolls her eyes, “let them have this moment, i honestly was getting tired of listening to both of them complain about their ‘unrequited’ love for each other.” blaise nods his head in acknowledgment.
draco and you watch as pansy and blaise stuff each other’s face into the fluffy snow, “i love you draco,“ you say as he has your face cupped in his hands, “i love you more y/n. now lets go to breakfast, can’t have you hungry today.” you give a large close lipped smile as draco grabs your hand and stuffs into his pocket while the both of you walk into the castle. as the both of you near the castle, you ask, “did you beat up cormac?” draco continues on his path in silence before answering, “of course. he hurt my girl, and we can’t let him get away with it.” you roll your eyes, “thank you, i guess?” he laughs at you and kisses you on the forehead as the both of you continue your walk to the breakfast hall.
a/n: hi! this is probably one of my longest fics and it took legit 4 business days to write this lol. also, this may be the last fic i post in oct, but please enjoy it along with my other stories!
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robinofgothamcity · 3 years
♡ prompt: "falling in love with her wasn't apart of my plan but I'm not mad if it happens."
♡ pairing: leo valdez x latina, fem! reader
♡ note: not checked for grammar or spelling mistakes / my schedule is going to become more sporadic starting this week :/ but also, writing for Leo is my ultimate favorite thing to do bc I'M MEXICAN AND SO IS HE AND I JUST GET TO UNLEASH ALL MY MEXICANESS INTO ONE FANFIC.
being the daughter of Nemesis, it wasn't unusual to see you messing with the Hermes cabin....a lot. your partners in crime were the Stoll brothers. all the meanwhile, everyone who saw the three of you together knew to book it. it usually meant that all of you pulled a prank and they were terrified to know which cabin it was that got shit end of the stick.
it was usually ended up being the Demeter kids considering they were so easy to prank. you swore that Demeter was going to bite you in the ass one day for how much you messed with her kids but you couldn't lie, they were so easily prankable that it was hard not to do it.
"I'M GOING TO HURT YOU!" you heard someone scream as you and the Stoll brothers ran away from the cabin. the three of you booked it until you saw them stop and ultimately give up, "NO YOU WON'T!" you yelled back jokingly before you accidentally ran into someone.
you heard the chuckles of Travis and Connor as you looked up, "sorry Leo, didn't see you there," you murmured. he gave you his hand, helping you up as Travis and Connor started mocking you, "it's okay but be careful! wouldn't want your beautiful face to get all messed up," your eyes widened, right alongside's Travis who started going into hysterics.
"thanks Leo, at least someone knows how to treat a woman," you poked back to Travis who immediately stood quiet. Leo laughed, "no problem but here, you got some grease on your cheek," he said, seeing the slash of it on your face. he pulled his sleeve out a bit and tried wiping it off, "uh, you kinda made it worse," Connor inquired.
Travis smacked his brother, sensing that this was not the time to make a joke. he quickly dragged himself along with Connor away as you got left with Leo, "I still think you look pretty," he tried to rationalize. he knew the story behind you and knew if you managed to take what he did the wrong way, he would be at the receiving end of a prank and no one ever wanted to be involved in a prank that had your name attached with Travis and Connor.
"have a mirror in your bunker? don't really feel like walking all the way to my cabin to clean it off," you admitted. Leo nodded excitedly, practically grabbing your hand and dragging you away, "course I do. gotta see this perfect face somehow," you giggled at his comment making Leo proud that he wasn't scaring you off yet.
the bunker from where you were originally wasn't too far but when you stepped in, you couldn't help but stand at the doorway, stunned at the organized mess he had inside. "you build a lot, don't you?" you asked. Leo saw the way stared mesmerized at the unfinished project, "yeah, half of these aren't done yet and I haven't even started on those yet but that's what happen when you're the son of Hephaestus," he groaned.
you saw the mirror that was on the wall and wiped it away with a clean rag. as you finished up, you heard music playing lowly throughout the bunker.
"is that....Banda MS?" you asked, whipping your head around to get a clear answer. Leo and you both stared at each other in complete shock, "NO WAY!" you both screamed. you immediately felt a tug at Leo, getting some sense of familiarity from him, "my dad used to blast this song all the time as a kid!" you exclaimed happily.
Leo didn't respond as he was still too much in shock to process what was going on. he hadn't met anyone who ever recognized the music he listened to when he worked. it's one of the memories he had with his mom was that she blared this music when they used to work on things together, "my mom did too," he replied. you found the tiny remote and turned it up as you sat in shock.
"sorry but I really haven't heard this music play in years, it brings back so many memories of my dad," you confessed, "holy Hera I might start crying," you laughed, trying not to cry in the process.
"Me gustas, te gusto, pa qué nos hacemos? te llevo la banda y nos amanecemos. seré detallista, me encantas la neta, te lleno de rosas mis dos camionetas. no es por presumir, pero soy buena opción, bonita pareja haríamos tú y yo, Piénsalo."
you sang out the lyrics right alongside Leo as the two of you immediately felt in your own little world. Jason, who was passing by Bunker Nine with Piper, poked his head in when he heard Leo's singing voice.
"no way," he whispered to Piper who managed to jump over her boyfriend to poke her head inside, "a girl is in his bunker? holy Hera," she murmured to him as Jason stared at his best friend in pride. Jason knew if anyone deserved a girlfriend, it was Leo. despite the front Leo put up constantly, he knew Leo craved love from a significant other so to see you inside of the bunker, not only singing to music in Spanish but to actually understand Leo from a side no one else could made Jason proud of him.
"I have a bunch of music on my iPod I always play in my cabin since Damien is hardly inside, it doesn't really bother anyone," you mentioned as you took it out. Leo quickly put the iPod on the adapter and played the first song which happened to be 'Se Amerita' by Junior H, "I usually played it around Jason and the others but they didn't really understand so it didn't really bother them."
you heard your name being yelled by Travis from across the camp making you sigh. Leo felt himself deflate, realizing that you were leaving, "talk to ya later? I'm pretty sure one of those got caught in a prank and are going to use me as an escape tactic," you murmured, jumping off of the stool.
"bye Amor!" you turned around, not expecting the nickname so suddenly, "goodbye Valdez," you replied, giving him a wink.
you walked out of his bunker, not noticing Jason or Piper who were hiding on the side as you sped off to Travis. Jason and Piper walked in, giving Leo the biggest shit eating grin they had ever had on their faces, "well, well, well, what was that?" Piper asked, "flirting it up with the daughter of Nemesis are we?" Jason added on.
"shut up, it wasn't even-," Leo looked to Jason who immediately told him to cut the shit, "falling in love with her wasn't apart of my plan but I'm not mad if it happens," he confessed, slamming the tool on the table and running his hands through his brown hair.
Piper couldn't believe her ears. Leo had said he had fallen in love multiple times over multiple women he had met but this one felt real. it felt almost raw.
"you didn't tell her that, did you?" Jason asked, now in a kind of panic. Leo shook his head no, "okay good but honestly, it's really surprising. everyone in the camp kind of assume her and Travis had a thing considering how much time they spend with each other," Piper said out loud.
that was the thing that was throwing Leo off. he saw the way you acted around Travis. it wasn't the way you were around Connor. you seemed really close to Travis. the two of you were secretive with each other. just know, he heard Travis calling for you and although you were reluctant to go, he felt some kind of competition with the older Stoll brother.
"no, I don't think they see each other that way, they have more of a sibling relationship if I have to be honest," thank you Jason for being the voice of reason, Leo thought. he stood up and stretched himself, "well, if the Gods want us together then so be it but if they don't...I'm going to make em," he joked.
the following morning was thankfully a Saturday. no training was mandatory and it gave everyone a chance to sleep in. Leo tended to be a late sleeper on these days but as he was getting up to go to the mess hall, he heard your laughs from the campfire area. you were sitting with Travis, looking at a notebook with something written inside it as Travis let out another laugh.
Leo felt himself getting slightly jealous as he went for his late morning snack. you had given a bright smile, one that made him melt on the inside, and a wave before going back to talking to Travis. he hadn't seen Connor around so he figured that it was just the two of you which didn't make his jealousy dim down any less.
you had ditched the plans of pranking the Ares cabin with Travis as he wiggled his eyebrows, joking that you were replacing him with Leo.
"hey Leo, what're you up to?" you asked, scaring him a bit. he shrugged, showing you the snacks in his hands, "late sleeper, huh?" you asked. you could sense the slightly different mood Leo was in, in comparison to yesterday, "well, if you need any help with anything, I'll be free all day," you mentioned, hoping he'd invite you to maybe help him in some kind of project.
Leo nodded, not saying anything back before heading back to his bunker. he didn't know if it was just his heart playing with him but the way you were around Travis made him irrationally angry. it was as if only he could be that way around you. Leo knew one of his downsides as a person was being extremely clingy and having a bit too much faith in someone but he was hoping that if he placed all his marbles into a bowl that maybe you'd reciprocate the feelings he got for you just as quickly as he did.
"what're you doing in here trapped?" Jason asked, a little later in the day. Leo continued working on his useless project as he didn't respond, "dude, are you listening? I would think you'd be with ( your name ), trying to ask her out and all," Jason reiterated.
Leo slammed his nail gun down on the table, frightening Jason.
"I saw her with Travis earlier, giggling and laughing with him so I figured that maybe Piper was right and that they like each other," he admitted, frustration evident in his voice, "gods you're in idiot," Jason screamed to Leo as it was Leo's turn to be left in confusion.
Jason sat down on the wooden chair in annoyance.
"( your name ) is currently by herself by lake and you're in here moping around because of a scenario you made in your head?" he practically yelled. Leo was about to speak up when Jason cut him off again, "I told you already, she is like Travis' sister! what're you not getting? I heard what she told you this morning and now she's alone when she could be in here with you!" he yelled, shaking Leo's shoulders.
Leo took a step back, letting what Jason was telling him sink in. once it finally processed, he put his tool down and took his belt off, "think she'll be down for me to join her?" Leo asked him. Jason nodded yes, "go to her you idiot! it's about time you found your soulmate and you're about to ruin it!"
Jason remained in the cabin as Leo quickly walked out. he went to the place where Jason had told him you were currently at and thankfully, you were still there. you were poking the water with a stick before chucking a large rock inside of it. something Percy probably would've yelled at you for.
"what're you doing here alone?" he asked, walking up behind you. you instantly perked up, "I'm bored and didn't really have anything to do today so I usually go to the lake to throw rocks," you replied as Leo got comfortable next to you, "I thought you'd be working on some project right now."
Leo shook his head, "figured you'd probably want to help me start a new project. I don't know how great the daughters of Nemesis are at building things but I can imagine someone as gorgeous and smart as you can be of help," he flirted as he noticed the flustered reaction.
"me vas a matar estupido," you joked, pushing him playfully. Leo shook his head, "how can I kill me reina? it would be really stupid of me." you didn't bother to reply as you let out a flustered laugh.
Leo took in the situation as you grew quiet. the slight Long Island breeze made your hair get pushed back as Leo thanked his lucky stars. Leo knew he went through hell and back. literally. and maybe it was finally time he got what he deserved in return.
never did he think he would be at the receiving end of good karma. his life until recently had put him through trials and tribulations that he didn't think he'd make it out of but thankfully, he did and when he did, he figured that's when the God's placed you in his life. the gorgeous daughter of Nemesis.
"well, let's get crackin' partner," you said getting up. Leo nodded, grabbing your wrist and practically dragging you away to his bunker, "whatever you say reina," he replied, finding comfort in the nickname he gave you.
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blu-joons · 3 years
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Changsub is always incredibly cuddly around him, it’s very much a habit of his to wrap his arms around you whenever you’re in reaching distance, he can’t help but have you as close as he can into him as often as possible.
Your first meeting was all a bit of a misunderstanding, you caught Changsub pulling a funny face, presuming that he was doing it in your direction, pulling one back. It was only when you noticed a guy behind you, you realised it wasn’t actually at you, but Changsub was far too much of a tease to ignore what you’d done.
It all ended up working in your favour though, and the two of you got to know each other well. Changsub ended up confessing how much he enjoyed getting to know you through a short song that he’d written. Music was his best way of expressing himself, and so he invited you over to his place one day, with plenty of instruments laid out in the living room, inviting you to sit down and listen to what he had to say.
His love for music often resonated into your dates as well, Changsub loved to take you to live gigs and other events in the city, whether it was music, a film, or even sometimes a comedy event, he loved seeing someone else go through the adrenaline of being on stage as he often experienced. You just tended to trust him and his suggestions on places that the two of you could go to, but they usually turned out to be a pretty good time anyway, with only a few minor hiccups along the way with some acts.
Changsub had some old dating rumours which certainly played on his mind when the two of you began to get together. He was determined to keep you protected out of the vicious cycle that the Korean media could be, and make sure that you were sure that a relationship was something that you definitely wanted before things got too serious between you both. Changsub couldn’t help but worry, and also the last thing he wanted was to deal with the attention of a dating rumour once again.
If there was one thing you learnt about Changsub quite early on in your relationship, it was that no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn’t hide whenever he was in a bad mood. It usually ended up working in your favour as you’d know when to steer clear of him and when not to start an argument because he was feeling pretty low. But if you managed to catch him off guard, then the bad mood would very quickly be very obvious to you, and once you’d been caught by his vents of frustrations, it was usually a pretty terrible loophole for you to find your way out of without the two of you arguing with each other first.
Changsub was incredibly close with his family, which made you incredibly anxious to meet them all. You were terrified, putting off your first meeting for as long as you possibly could, until his sister’s birthday came around, and Changsub promised that you’d be in attendance without even asking you to join him.
You were quite quick to move into Changsub’s place, he loved having you there and the company that you brought. It was no fun for him to mess around in such a nice apartment all by himself, and so having you there to enjoy it with him was definitely something that he wanted sooner rather than later in your relationship.
Changsub ended up being the first of the two of you to say, ‘I love you,’ on a letter that he wrote whilst BTOB were in the middle of a tour. He was far too nervous to ring you or say it in person, so at the end of a lengthy letter about all the adventures he’d been on so far, he signed it off with his name, and his confession too.
Just like with his bad moods, it was very apparent to you too when Changsub would be feeling jealous too. His face always managed to give it away, how his eyes would narrow at whoever was making him feel jealous, and how he’d always poke his tongue against the inside of his cheek. Whenever you’d challenge him about it, he’d always vow that he wasn’t jealous, but as soon as you’d imitate the face that you saw him pulling across the room, he’d know the game was up and that he didn’t have a leg to stand on.
You certainly felt the pressure from his family to start considering a family of your own quite soon into your relationship. They knew the two of you were great, and it was obvious to them all that the two of you were going to stick together, and with that, their minds instantly looked to kids. Changsub could often only apologise for how forward they were, assuring them it was something you’d think about when the time was right.
Changsub had plenty of quirks and weird habits that meant there weren’t many times around him that you didn’t have a smile on your face. You never knew quite what to expect from him next, one minute he’d be serious and an adult, the next minute he’d be running around the place like a kid, trying to get you involved in all sorts of pranks and jokes on the other members. Changsub loved to enjoy himself and was more than happy in expressing himself and how crazy he could be without the fear of what others would think. All that mattered was that you loved and enjoyed the person that he was.
Just like with many other stages of emotion, it was very clear to the group when Changsub was missing you on the road too. Of course, as with his jealous, he’d argue that he was fine, but the group hadn’t spent a decade together for no reason, they knew Changsub better than he knew himself sometimes. Eventually they’d manage to wear him down into admitting that he was struggling, but not before he made them all promise that they wouldn’t tell you how low he was feeling, because as he always told them, and you, the last thing he wanted to do was make the tour more difficult for you.
Changsub loved to give you cute nicknames that he knew would make you blush. He was always coming up with new ones, sometimes very random, but each one always managed to get him a reaction out of you.
He was obsessed with your eyes, he could always tell exactly what was going on and how you were feeling, usually just by the way that you looked back at him.
P ⇴ PDA 
You could never expect Changsub to be normal with his affection in public, he loved to clown around, and would often play up to any cameras that were around too, knowing that the fans loved to see the two of you too. No matter what, it would always take you by surprise, and leave him scolded when you got home too.
He’ll always make sure to check in and see how you are at various points throughout your day together. Your eyes are always a giveaway, so if you lie, then he’ll just keep asking until he gets the truth out of you.
You’ll often find yourself falling asleep with your fingers tracing over Changsub’s tattoos, usually with him already fast asleep beside you. You’ll often doodle new ones too, tracing random patterns along his arm or his ribcage. Although he never lets on, the feeling of your fingers trailing along his skin is definitely a feeling that helps him sleep tonight, although he’s far too scared to admit that to you in person.
S ⇴ SEX 
For the most part, Changsub is always incredibly loving when it comes to intimacy, he enjoys the moment and the adrenaline rush that comes with it. However, it usually isn’t long before he starts up with his usual antics, when he finds himself falling too deeply, he’ll come out with a joke or make a funny remark to try and make things a little less intense between the two of you, never quite knowing how to cope with the sudden passion.
If he can’t ask you in person how you’re doing, then Changsub will often text you instead. Although he never wholly trusts in your response, the fact that you responded alone is usually a good enough sign for him.
More than anything else, Changsub loves that you’re someone who can really appreciate his sense of humour and give him somewhere to be himself. He never has to hide or pretend around you, because you love every part of who he is.
It had been quite a while since Changsub got to spend some time with his family, and so when the chance to go away came around, he decided to create a huge trip for you, him, and his family too. It was also the perfect chance for you to get to know them more too, and another event that you couldn’t back out of.
There were definitely times that Changsub would whine, whilst he didn’t crave attention, sometimes he just couldn’t help but want your eyes on him.
He would love nothing more than when he was able to tease you with his kisses, he loved to pull away just as you began to deepen a kiss, or tug gently against your bottom lip when you were busy in the hope that it would distract you from what you were doing and put your attention on him. However, if you ever did that to him, you could be guaranteed to be in big trouble with him, unimpressed by your antics.
Y ⇴ YOU 
You were his best friends, together you were the best possible team.
Z ⇴ ZZZ 
The struggle was definitely real when it came to trying to wake Changsub up in the morning. You’d never known someone sleep as well as he did, often resorting to dangerous tactics to try and wake him up and get him out of bed.
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sundance201 · 3 years
Would you take a Sifki prompt that's pretty smutty? Because I loved the prompt from your list “Sometimes you get so close to someone you end up on the other side of them" and it made me recall a smutty scenario where Loki uses his illusions to mimic Sif to get to know her body more intimately. Maybe he thinks he's alone, but Sif walks in and doesn't mind at all – maybe even joins in to help him/her finish.
This was FUN. I've never written anything like this, so at first I wasn't too sure about this prompt, but the more I wrote, the more I was into it. :P Thank you, dear anonymous!
You can read on, or you can read on Ao3. Please be warned that it is absolutely not safe for work.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
As a lover, Loki had never gotten complaints before. He had earned his Silvertongue moniker in more than one way, after all. And it wasn’t as if Sif was shy in her desires – he almost always knew what she was thinking, even when she tried to keep it to herself. Which was why it was so disquieting that she’d seemed distant as of late.
He’d tried to get her to sneak away with him the last few nights and she’d smiled weakly at him and declined, saying that she hadn’t been feeling well or that she was exhausted from training.
And it wasn’t that Loki didn’t have his pick of bedfellows, it was just…Sif was his favorite. So often his partners could stimulate his body, or they could stimulate his mind, but not both. But any sort of physical and verbal sparring with Sif, whether in the training rings, in bed, or lounging in front of the fireplace, was always a good time.
There was also the fact that Loki had been in love with Sif for hundreds of years now.
So there were many reasons why the thought of Sif losing interest in their little clandestine affair sent Loki’s stomach plummeting to the ground. This was hardly a problem that he could go to Thor or his mother about. So instead he chose to do a little research on his own.
Magical research obviously.
Which is how he came to be admiring his figure, which was now Sif’s figure, in the mirror. He’d spent enough time cataloguing her body, he was fairly certain that his magical copy was nearly identical. But he wasn’t sure if the body would react as Sif’s actual body, or if he would be reacting as himself in Sif’s body.
His hands trailed over Sif’s breasts (his breasts?) and down the flat planes of his stomach, shivering as he watched himself in the mirror. He watched as Sif’s familiar fingertips trailed over her thighs and then palmed herself between her legs. He gasped as he felt the wetness there, familiar yet foreign at the same time.
His other hand kneaded his breast and plucked at his nipple, gasping at the action. His nipples were usually quite sensitive, but he knew Sif enjoyed a rougher touch, so he pinched his nipple again and then twisted. He shuddered and let out a soft moan at the touch – definitely rougher than he usually enjoyed, but he seemed to be enjoying the sensation in Sif’s body quite a lot.
Before he could contemplate that further and try to decide if that meant that this would be how Sif’s body would react and then continue on with his little experiment, his door quickly opened and shut. He spun around, mortified and wondering how he would possibly explain this to her. The intruder’s jaw dropped as she took in the sight before her.
“Loki?” Sif whispered, looking bewildered at the sight of her naked body standing in front of the mirror. “What is the meaning of this?”
“Sif, it’s not what you think,” Loki said and both of them found it strange that his illusion only went as far as his body, but not his voice. Loki’s voice coming out of Sif’s body was a strange thing indeed. “It’s not for some trick or cruel prank. I…I just wanted to know if there was something I could be doing better, to please you more…”
Sif’s eyes were still wide, but she took a step forward, towards him. “So you…magicked yourself into my body?”
“Not actually your body, since you’re standing here. Just a facsimile of your body. I wasn’t sure if I’d respond like you or like me and I was just testing-”
Sif stepped forward again, within touching distance now, a strange look in her eyes. She reached out and trailed her fingertips down Loki’s arm, but it looked like her arm. “My skin is that soft?”
Loki swallowed and watched as Sif’s fingers continued to touch his skin. He thought about changing back, but Sif seemed oddly entranced. It wasn’t as if he hadn’t conjured doubles of his own and had a similar reaction, but he hadn’t imagined Sif reacting with the same sort of curiosity. “Yes, Sif. Your skin is that soft.” He stepped back from her touch and did a slow 360 degree turn, his arms out to the side. “Did I do well?”
Sif bit her bottom lip and Loki mimicked her. “You did this for me? Because you thought you weren’t pleasing me?”
“I wanted to know if I could please you better…if there was something I could do…if I knew how it felt…” he trailed off as he looked helplessly at her. Sif smiled, seemingly taking pity on him as she stepped forward again.
“You’re incredible, Loki,” she murmured, cupping his cheek and drawing him forward for a kiss.
It didn’t feel differently to him, not really, other than being the exact same height when he was usually taller, but he could tell she felt strange. Her kisses were gentler than they usually were, more hesitant as she cupped her own cheek and kissed her own lips.
Loki moaned as Sif’s tongue flicked into his mouth and his hands went to her hips, creeping under her tunic to stroke at the skin right above her leggings. They broke apart and Sif smiled wickedly at him. “Do you want to see how I touch myself?”
“Yes,” he whispered, nodding absently as Sif turned him back to the mirror and slipped behind him.
She giggled slightly and pressed a kiss to his shoulder. “This is so strange,” she said, running her hands down his torso, before cupping his breasts and taking his nipples in either hand, pinching harshly. Loki’s breath stuttered and he sighed, opening his eyes to take in the sight before him.
It was strange to see two Sifs in the mirror, with the real Sif standing behind him, her tunic scratching at his back as he leaned against her. Her fingers twisted his nipples again and Loki gasped, the action sending a bolt of lust straight to his core. He could feel his thighs getting sticky with wetness and he tried to catalogue the uncanny sensation.
“I usually am picturing your fingers when I touch myself,” Sif whispered to him, one hand continuing to pinch and grope his breast and the other drifting down his side, over his hip, until her hand was resting between his thighs, much like the position that she had caught him in initially. “I’m sure you can appreciate the irony here, my prince,” she murmured as her fingers teasingly stroked at the wetness between Loki’s thighs, before pressing her fingers in deeper in order to gently circle his clit.
Loki gasped and arched against her. “Do you like your own touch as much as mine?” he asked her.
She hummed contemplatively as she stroked her fingers through his silky wetness, trapping his clit between her pointer and middle finger and rubbing up and down. Loki made a note of how good it felt and resolved to add the move to his arsenal. “I don’t know if I can rank it. I enjoy my own touch because I know my own body so well. But your touch…there are things that your body can do to me that I cannot do to myself.” At that declaration, she slipped two fingers inside him and Loki moaned, his head lolling back against Sif’s shoulder. “My fingers are not nearly as long as yours, for instance,” she whispered teasingly.
“They feel perfectly fine to me,” he replied, his voice weak and breathy. Sif chuckled in his ear and continued to finger him.
“If I make you come like this and then you change back into your own body, do you think your cock will still be hard?” she mused, tweaking his nipple for good measure.
He laughed and shook his head, feeling the long dark hair brush against Sif’s body. “I don’t know, Sif. But you were just extolling the virtues of my fingers, were you not? And you usually can find enjoyment in my tongue as well.”
Sif crooked her fingers just right at that moment and Loki’s knees nearly gave out. Her hand left his breast and wrapped around his middle, helping support him. “I love your fingers, Loki, and your tongue,” she murmured. “But right now I want your cock.” She removed her fingers and then nuzzled against his neck.
“Well the whole point of this exercise was to better please you, my lady,” he said. With one last look in the mirror at the alluring sight of Sif holding her double, he waved his hand and a flash of green wove around his body, returning it to his own body, and no longer the form of the Lady Sif.
Sif grinned at him in the mirror, her hands rubbing at his stomach, before dropping down to his cock. Her hand gripped him and Loki groaned as Sif teasingly stroked him. “Ah yes, something I’ve never managed to quite replicate. Even with the false phalluses I have in my possession, nothing compares to this.”
Loki’s eyes widened and he spun around to look Sif in the eye. “You have false phalluses?”
A wicked grin spread across her face. “I do. Any interest in using them with me, Odinson?”
“You are perfect, my lady,” he murmured feverishly, grabbing her hips and all but tearing off her clothing.
They barely made it to the bed before Loki was inside of her. Sif moaned beneath him, arching her back and hooking her arms behind his neck. “You feel so good, Loki,” she murmured, pulling him down for a kiss.
“You do too, Sif. But you already knew that,” he teased. She laughed, which turned quickly into a gasp as Loki slid his fingers to where they were joined and placed his fingers on either side of her clit, just as she had done to him.
“Mmm, you’re such a quick study,” Sif praised him, as his fingers slid up and down the length of her clit. “I love that about you.” Her eyes popped open at her confession, but Loki was too focused on his movements to see the slight panic in her eyes.
“It helped to have a good teacher,” he said, looking up at her, but she’d managed to soften her expression, so he saw nothing out of the ordinary on her face. “Will you come for me, Sif? I want to feel you clench around me. I want your release.”
She bit her lip and nodded, closing her eyes tightly and throwing her head back as she felt her body clench him in her release. “Loki!” she cried out, knowing that he’d set a sound-silencing charm around her chambers a long time ago. She could call out for him all night long with no one being the wiser and had done so multiple times throughout the past few years.
Loki’s release wasn’t far behind, as he moaned her name desperately to the air, before collapsing on top of her, his face buried in her neck.
Normally he was quick to roll off her, never wanting her to feel trapped, but this time she wrapped her arms around his back, ensuring he’d stay put, and pressed a kiss to his neck. “So I will assume I pleased you?” he panted against her shoulder.
She laughed and he raised his head enough to see her smile at him. “Of course you did. You always do.”
“Then why did you rebuff my past few offers?” he asked. He didn’t want to seem desperate, but after what she’d walked in on, he figured he had little to lose.
Sif was quiet for a moment and then she sighed, pushing at him. He rolled to the side, and then fully onto his back, tucking a hand beneath his head in an affected nonchalance that he hoped was convincing. She turned on her side and propped herself up with one arm, looking down at him seriously. “I can’t hide it anymore. Not from you. That’s why I burst into your room without warning tonight.”
“Can’t hide what, Sif?” he asked softly, afraid of what her answer might be. Her face looked so grave, so stricken, that it must have been something serious.
“My…my feelings for you, Loki. I didn’t think you returned them, but then I catch you turning yourself into me just to see what pleases me…in a strange way it made me hope…” She trailed off and sighed in frustration.
She sat up fully, crossing her arms over her chest defensively. She couldn’t seem to look down at him and Loki felt that old fear creep in again. What could possibly have her so upset?
He reached out to her, brushing his fingers across her bare hip. “Sif, we don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”
“I love you,” she blurted out. “I’m in love with you, Loki. And I love what we have, but I want more. I don’t want to just sneak around or just share kisses in dark hallways outside of feasts. I want to hold your hand as we walk in your mother’s gardens; I want to be on your arm when we attend balls. I want to be able to punch Lorelei in her stupid face when she flirts with you.” She blew out a breath and finally glanced down at him. “I want to kiss you where everyone can see us and declare that you are mine, Loki,” she said gravely, as serious as she had been when she’d taken her warrior’s oath.
Loki was completely gobsmacked. All this time he’d thought she was losing interest, but instead she loved him? He pinched the crook of his elbow with his nails letting out a yelp of pain when it hurt. Sif looked at him in confusion and he chuckled as he sat up. “Had to make sure I wasn’t dreaming.”
She smiled softly at his confession and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She looked down at her lap, clearly nervous to hear his response.
“Sif, my lovely Sif,” Loki murmured, hooking his fingers under her chin and making her meet his gaze. “I’ve loved you since we were young, Sif. I never imagined that you would actually reciprocate my feelings.”
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“Because I’m not Thor.” Sif scoffed and Loki shook his head, grabbing her hands as he explained. “He’s the first choice for everything. He’s everything a prince of the realm should be and I’m…his opposite in every way.”
“You are my Loki,” Sif whispered. “You are my prince and the one who warms my bed and the one who makes me laugh and the one who I love.”
“Well, I’m glad that we’re on the same page,” he teased, leaning in for a kiss. When they broke apart, Loki couldn’t help but grin at her. “I believe that there is a ball next week to welcome a delegation from Vanaheim. Would you be interested in accompanying me, Sif?”
She grinned brightly and nodded. “I’d be delighted, Loki.”
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shirophic · 3 years
close nights | mm!naegiri fic
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here’s the mastermind!naegiri fic i promised  BAAHAHAHA VERY INSPIRED BY SONGS AND THERES A FAMILIAR QUOTE AT THE END IM PRETTY SURE MOST OF YALL HAVE HEARD ngl i feel like it went too quick but honestly idc give me feedback warnings: mentions of death, blood, stabbing, major character deaths
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The night was cold, colder than usual.
Kyoko Kirigiri entered the security room, sighing as she sat down in the cool, blue chair. As she scanned her eyes across all the different cameras, quite a few things were on her mind. The 4th trial had ended, with alter ego’s death replaying in the minds of the students. Despair rotted within the students as fear shook them. Alter ego was their only hope, and now they were crushed.
Kirigiri watched as Asahina sobbed in her pillow, Hagakure trying to calm himself down, Togami reading as if nothing happened, Fukawa having a panic attack... Kirigiri bored her eyes into each of the footage from the cameras. Careful trying not to miss anything. Up until she reached a certain CCTV footage caught her eye. 
A boy holding up a sign. The boy was Makoto Naegi, Ultimate Lucky Student. Kirigiri knew better than that, she was the Ultimate Detective for a reason. She knew that talent was a deception, after all, what kind of talent is the “Ultimate Lucky Student”?
Kirigiri knew his real ultimate was despair, a sickening depth of darkness, tearing down others. 
To put it down to simpler words, It was his specialty.
Kirigiri never really understood the reason for despair. Sure, without despair there is no hope, but what was the real meaning behind it? Her ultimate was the Ultimate Detective, aren’t detectives supposed to be fighting against despair in the name of hope? Oh well, she was pretty much forced into this.
Turning her attention back to the green-eyed boy, she noticed there were words on the sign, with a grinning Naegi as he tried to stand tall enough to show the message.
“What an idiot. How did he become the Ultimate Despair again?”
The sign said “Come meet me in our special spot! Wear something pretty!” with a lopsided smiley face.
Once holding it for about 10 more seconds, he ran with the sign. Kirigiri had no idea what he had stored in that deceptive of a mind, but probably something not good.
- - -
As Kirigiri strode over to their “special place” Naegi was setting up something. Something like a room filled with candles and roses.
Rose petals and rose vines adorned the walls and floors. Candles were set up as yellow light shown in the darkness. Vodka and other drinks were lined up on a table, all set up for the night. Sure, it was cheesy, but something he put too much effort in. About a minute passed until Kirigiri arrived, Naegi staggered to fix his tie and suit, waiting at the entrance. As he looked up to meet with her eyes, he paused in amazement.
Kirigiri was wearing a deep purple dress that went just above her ankles with long gloves. Purple heels allowed her to have a little more height against Naegi. And her hair was up in a ponytail, with a purple bow to match. In all words, she was stunning. Naegi stood there agape as he looked at Kirigiri (respectfully of course.)
“Well? Are you just going to stand there looking like a reincarnation of Kuwata’s hair? Or are you going to explain what this is?” smirked Kirigiri, Naegi could have sworn he saw Kirigiri blush.
“Ah yes of course..” Mumbled Naegi as he looked down. “I.. I wanted us to take some time alone with each other, seeing as we get too caught up with the killing game and making sure none of them finds out about… about us..” spoke Naegi, softly.
Kirigiri’s smirk softened, seeing a side she saw many times, but not like this. Was this a confession? Perhaps a prank? She had known the boy for far too long to just not expect this wasn’t one of his other little pranks.
“Well then… In that case, let us take some time with each other.”
With that, Naegi and Kirigiri spent time talking and letting out their struggles. “It’s hard to keep track of what I've said and what I've not! It’s like I have to create a mental script..”
“You.. don’t have a mental script?” “You do!?”
As the night went on, Naegi played some music.
“Oh.. Isn’t this Lacrimosa?” questioned Kirigiri.
“Yea! Sometimes it calms me down when times are rough for me,” exclaimed Naegi.
Kirigiri didn’t respond as she looked like she was lost in thought.
“You’re thinking about your past again, aren’t you?” whispered Naegi.
Kirigiri turned to glance at Naegi, a stoic but slightly saddened expression on her face, “You.. You don’t need to worry about me. I can handle myself perfectly fine, just some… memories.”
Naegi examined Kirigiri for a while before standing up and lending Kirigiri his hand.
“Hey, I’m no doctor or therapist but, maybe a waltz will get it off your mind,” suggested Naegi.
Kirigiri opened her mouth for a bit, but completely drew a blank. Eventually, she surrendered and took Naegi’s hand.
They danced to Lacrimosa until it came upon an end.
Naegi slightly lifted his head to Kirigiri’s lavender eyes, yet couldn’t make out what was in them, sadness? Regret? Anger? He’ll never know.
Kirigiri had many thoughts as she slowly danced with Naegi, but she held them off for the time being, as they both wanted time together. And she didn’t want her depressing thoughts to ruin it.
Kirigiri and Naegi made eye contact as their thoughts disappeared, only focusing on each other now.
Kirigiri suddenly stopped, being aware of her surroundings and what she was doing - dancing. And with whom she was dancing with. “I.. Don’t you think it’s a bit… well, late for this?” Kirigiri questioned, “I wouldn’t want to be caught, god knows what they’re up to…” Naegi paused and chuckled for a bit. “We’re the ones in charge, aren’t we? Where is their god now?” Kirigiri looked down, not saying anything. “Where is their god now?” typical Naegi…” “if you don’t want to do this right now, why not grab a drink with me?” Kirigiri looked at Naegi with slight amusement, “why the niceties now?” but gave in, as her throat ached with thirst.
Naegi laughed quietly, then led Kirigiri to the food and drinks stand. Naegi grabbed a bottle of vodka and poured 
“Hm, don’t you think we’re too young to be drinking?” “We’re 18 now, did you forget? Oh yea, Junko erased your memories as well.”
Kirigiri got lost in thought as she remembered the previous ultimate despair Junko Enoshima was the previous despair. Keyword: previous. Naegi and Enoshima had been partners for quite a while, a feared duo. After “The Tragedy” and after class 78 got converted to a new school for a safe shelter, Enoshima and Naegi were already putting their plan into action. They made sure everything was sealed and “safe” and after about a year, Enoshima forced them into the killing game. Unbeknownst to the other 15 students, Naegi was also in this plan from behind the scenes. And after the first death (Ikusaba), Naegi and Enoshima got into a fight.
- - -
An angry Naegi burst through the doors of the security room, opening to a gleeful-looking Enoshima.
Naegi never had any thoughts on Ikusaba, she was just another pawn in Enoshima’s plan. But she always had to make things complicated for him.
“Enoshima!” Naegi yelled, “How could you just let Ikusaba die like that? Do you know how risky that was.. If they found out-”
“Which they won’t, honestly Naegi you’re too paranoid,” Enoshima said unbothered. “And If they did I’m sure you can just kill them off like a fly.” 
Naegi had a dark look on his face, “And what would be the explanation for that? Tell me.”
“Oh! Togami just pissed me off! So I killed him in cold blood, upupupupu!”
Enoshima took a stand, an annoyed look displayed on her face. 
“Look Naegi, if you’re just going to argue about the past, fuck off, it can’t be changed and you know that.”
Naegi quietly chuckled, which turned into full-on laughter.
“AHA- HAHAHAHA, you think I’m just going to accept giving up like that? Well unbeknownst to you, Enoshima, I have a few cards up my sleeve as well..”
Naegi swiftly threw a card at Enoshima’s face, giving a fresh cut to her cheek. Enoshima looked at Naegi in disbelief, gently touching her face.
“H- How dare you,” Enoshima said, bewildered.
Naegi looked at her in amusement, “Was that not entertaining for you enough, Enoshima?”
Enoshima growled, spitting at Naegi. 
“Fuck you,”
“Pay me.”
Naegi quickly moved behind Enoshima, slicing the back of her neck, then putting her up against the wall with a knife under her chin, complimenting her facial features.
“Well now, the shorty finally decided to grow some balls, huh?” Enoshima teased, wincing as the cut behind her neck burned.
“You know damn well I grew some balls ever since I even started our little plan. Have a nice time in hell, Enoshima.” Naegi sneered, looking up at the despair twin.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be saving you a seat.”
Naegi then sliced her neck, pink blood dripping from the knife and onto Naegi’s hand.
Naegi hummed, dropping Enoshima on the floor, disgust filling his senses. “As much as I love bringing people into despair, the stench of blood is disgusting.”
Naegi then washed his hands and ordered monokuma to clean the mess up before heading towards his dorm room, pretending as if nothing happened.
- - -
“Hello? Earth to Kirigiri?” Naegi waved his hand in front of Kirigiri’s face.
Kirigiri was brung back into reality, realization striking her that she was lost in thought. 
“O-oh, Naegi. Sorry, I was lost in thought… again.” Kirigiri said rather embarrassingly, glanced at the shot she was holding, and gulped it down.
“It’s okay Kirigiri,” Naegi spoke as he had doubt in his eyes. He then took a shot, shaking his head.
“Hey Kirigiri, I know I invited you here myself but, there’s another place I wanna show you, care to join me?”
Kirigiri pondered for a minute, should she really go with a murderer who killed the ultimate despair only just to become the ultimate despair himself? Kirigiri sighed, he couldn’t kill her because of her secret anyways. Kirigiri remembered how desperate he was to know the secret.
- - -
(beginning of chapter 3)
Naegi whined as he followed Kirigiri around pleading. 
“Oh Kirigiri pleaaase!” he begged, “Let me know your secret!”
Kirigiri stopped and looked at Naegi, “why do you want to learn my secret so much?”
Naegi scoffed, “Well obviously because you’ve mentioned it once before and never told me! I thought I was your best friend..”
Kirigiri shook her head and continued to walk towards the physics lab, a click in her steps.
- - -
Oh well, it’s not like she has much of a choice.
Kirigiri sighed and followed Naegi, hoping that it would mean something good.
- - -
Naegi led Kirigiri up to the roof of the school, looking back from tie to time with a smile on his face.
Once on the roof, Naegi invited Kirigiri to sit down. The area was outgrown, plants growing everywhere. Fires all around the building, blazes and flames of fire all around the base of the school, the sun setting with a red aura.
Smoke filling Kirigiri's senses, she coughed. “W-Where are we Naegi?” she said as she looked at Naegi. Naegi’s face was lightened with red, orange, and yellow hues as he grinned down upon the world, eyes sparkling with delight.
“We’re.. We’re at the top of the world,” Naegi smiled.
Kirigiri glanced at Naegi with a confused expression but stoic eyes as she looked Naegi up and down.
“Quit the act, why did you bring me here?” Kirigiri demanded.
Naegi turned around, surprised. “Kirigiri, I just wanted to spend time with yo-”
“Stop, I know you’re lying to me. Spit it out.”
Naegi sighed with an annoyed tone and looked Kirigiri directly in the eye.
“I want to know your secret.”
Kirigiri was disappointed, but not surprised. Naegi was an awfully ambitious person and would go to extraordinary heights to get what he wanted, but Kirigiri was awfully stubborn.
“And exactly why should I tell you? For all I know, you could kill me instantly after.” Kirigiri doubted.
“Well for one, you can get out alive!” Naegi laughed, “But you’re not getting away this easily, Kirigiri.”
Kirigiri carefully examined the options she had; A: make a run for it, B: punch him and run, C: tell him and live. She knew with plans A and B he could easily either send monokuma after her or just kill her himself. And with plan C he could also be lying. So in all, it’s a win-lose situation.
Kirigiri sighed and made up her mind.
“I’m not telling you, whether you kill me or not. And besides, even you don’t know the secrets of this school, you need me.”
Naegi examined her closely again, then swiftly took out knives, throwing them all at Kirigiri. Which she dodged them all, even catching one. She threw the knife aside and stepped forward towards Naegi.
“You know you need me, you can’t do anything without me. Give up.”
Naegi growled, “shut up, shut up, shut up!”
With a few knives cutting Kirigiri’s dress and skin, she fell on the ground, backing away from Naegi.
She winced in pain as she looked up at Naegi, her vision blurring as she tried to make out what to do. Naegi stopped in front of her, playing with the knife in his hands before kneeling down in front of her face, lifting her chin up with the knife.
“You know Kirigiri, you’re an intelligent person with lots of room for improvement. I never wanted to come to this conclusion, but if you’re not going to work with me here, we’re going to have a problem.” threatened Naegi.
Kirigiri glared up at Naegi, keeping full eye contact.
“I’m not giving in, no matter what little tricks you have in store.”
Naegi rolled his eyes in annoyance, then putting his knife hard against her neck, “if you oblige, I’ll make your death quick and painless, if you don’t - well then you’re gonna have a fun time suffering.”
Kirigiri stared at Naegi in silence watching as her blood dripped down from her neck and onto everywhere.
Naegi then grew tired of waiting and sliced Kirigiri’s throat leaving her dead blank face the last expression she’ll ever make again.
He then stood up and started walking towards the exit down back to the school, when he heard something.
“I-Ikusaba… she’s alive, an…” Naegi whipped around, anxious, as he urged Kirigiri to continue. “And… she’s o-out for you..”
Naegi was stunned into silence. Ikusaba.. was alive? And she wanted vengeance? Naegi was very confused about this whole proposition. This was Kirigiri’s secret? Naegi then looked at Kirigiri again waiting for more information. But to no avail, Kirigiri’s eyes rid of the light and grew dead.
Naegi then started pacing around, wondering what to do next. Should he try to find Ikusaba? Should he kill Ikusaba once and for all? Should he-
Naegi was then interrupted by a figure in the shadows. He turned around to look who it is, but he couldn’t make out who it was until they stepped into the light.
“Naegi,” a cool monotone voice spoke, “We meet again.”
The figure then stepped into the light - a face known too well.
Mukuro Ikusaba. The other despair twin. Also known as the ultimate soldier. The last time Naegi and Ikusaba met was when they were putting the plan into action and putting the students in the classrooms. After that they barely interacted.
Naegi knew Ikusaba was dangerous. Her talent gave it away, after all. She knew tons of different strategies, and while Enoshima liked to say that the strategies were hers’ - spoiler alert: they were not.
Turning back to reality, Naegi began thinking of different tactics to well ah, slaughter his close friend.
Ikusaba read Naegi like a book, and took out her dagger - to which Naegi replied to taking his own out as well.
“Impressive, I saw what you did with Kirigiri. You’ve worked on your reflexes.” complimented Ikusaba. “But you’re no match for me.”
“You think so?”
“I know so.”
“Alright, let’s dance.”
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satin trim
duet masterlist
description: your love with george is quite dramatic. not in the ways of your romance books where true loves are separated by a villain. but in the little teenage ways where you’re certain no one understands your feelings, or how you’re waiting for the other to see how beautiful you are. 
 a/n: this is the ???? 3rd installment of my collab with @ickle-ronniekins! Erica is the most wonderful writer on this platform tbh and i’m blessed to be able to write with her. we’ve been talking about these overly dramatic babes so much these past few days, and i’ve been enjoying the hell out of it. i hope you do too! 
wordcount: 3K
warnings: nada
You fell onto your four poster bed in the most dramatic fashion your seventeen year old self could manage. The hand embroidered pillow case your grandmother had sent you, currently had your entire face smushed into it as you kicked your legs while you laid on your tummy. “I don’t have a date for the Yule Ball! I’ll be alone forever!” 
Sarah, your dorm mate gave you a chuckle, “Ask out Weasley.” 
Puzzled, your ribbon now halfway out of your hair you looked at her. “Which one? There’s four.” 
“No!” sitting up abruptly, the thin blue ribbon end covered your left eye. “Then he’ll know I like him!” 
“That’s the point, Y/N!” 
“He can’t though! Clearly he doesn’t--”
“How do you know he doesn’t?” Sarah demanded you, “How do you know?” 
There was a long pause before you spoke. “He can’t like me. George hasn’t said that he likes me.” 
Oddly, you found yourself being stared at as if you were a child again. People always seemed to look at you like you’d said something silly.
“But you like him.” 
“I don’t like him! It’s deeper than that!” you watched her eyes roll with increasing amounts of distress. “I love him!” 
“Fine, whatever, you’re in love. But you haven’t told him yet.” 
“No. Of course not.”
“Because you don’t want him to know?” 
You nodded, “I don’t want him to know.” 
“So, don’t you think he’s doing the same thing? That maybe he’s too shy?” 
For a few moments you stared at her before speaking again. “No, that can’t be it. He doesn’t like me.” you fell back onto the bed with a dramatic flourish and kicked your legs again. “My secret admirer hasn’t come forward either! This isn’t anything like those muggle romance books my grandmother sent me!” 
Sarah got off her bed and left the dorm room, “Alright, I tried talking some sense into you. See you later, Y/N.”
With another sigh, you looked towards your neat rows of ribbons on your dresser. Carefully you took out your light blue one from your hair and put it with the others. You’d picked it because you’d been so down this morning that your own love story hadn’t unfolded yet. Gently you fixed your hair with a dark blue ribbon. 
You felt much sadder, and it seemed that your love was quite misunderstood. 
Fred allowed his head to fall rather hard onto the wooden table of the Great Hall the next morning, already exasperated with his brother George. “Just ask her mate.” 
“It’s too late. She’ll say no now. She’s probably thinking about her secret admirer--”
“Which is you George--” Fred’s statement was rewarded with a swift prod into the ribs by his twin. “She’s mad about you, idiot! Bet that’s why she’s been moping around.” 
That Saturday morning you’d walked down with your fluffiest sweater and no ribbon in your hair. You took off your book bag and sat across from Fred and George, gently you plucked a slice of toast and began to chew quietly. When Fred kept his eyes leveled on you, you frowned a bit and then swallowed your food. “What is it?”
“Why’re you sitting over here?” 
You pouted, “My dorm mates are calling me dramatic! Can you imagine?” 
George looked fixated on your hair, quite flushed and silent for once. You still couldn’t understand why people had laughed when you called him the ‘shy one’. Especially when it was true. 
Fred looked between the both of you, and let out a long sigh. “No darling, can’t imagine at all.”
“Why no bow, Y/N?” 
George had never seen you without a bow before. Without ribbons in your hair. It made his ears heat up a bit, it felt almost as intimate as if you’d come into the hall without a shirt on. He watched you pull an irritated face as you brushed the hair out of your face. 
You looked at him with a deep frown, “None of the colors felt right. I’m in too foul of a mood.” 
“And what’s got you in that foul mood?” The twins spoke at the same time, though while George’s tone conveyed concern, Fred’s seemed much more indulgent. 
Your face began to heat up, and pointedly you avoided eye contact with George. “I thought I’d be asked to the Yule Ball, but I haven’t.” 
It was hard for Fred to keep from laughing at the entire situation, or to keep from smacking both you and George upside the head. “Yeah, Georgie is having the same problem. “ 
Fred thought, that if you had any sense or your head wasn’t so far in the clouds that you would take that opportunity to ask George to go with you, even as friends, but it seemed that both you and George were too lost in love to use logic at the moment. “Oh George it’s awful isn’t it? I’m surprised. I thought that you’d have loads of people asking you to go.” 
You watched the poor boy grow more flushed, and felt a pang of sympathy. You could be quite shy too and it seemed that he still hadn’t outgrown it since you’d become friends three years before. His long fingers reached to scratch the back of his neck before he spoke. “I’ve had a couple ask me out, but it wasn’t who I was hoping for so I said no.” 
Your delicate brow knitted itself together, wondering who George had hoped for when the sound of owls flying filled the Great Hall. One swooped low over you and dropped a rather large parcel into your hands. The pout on your face finally evaporated away as you read the card. “It’s my dress!” your voice was loud and joyful, the typical shyness gone far away. “Grandmother said that she’d just finished it for me!” 
Fred, knowing that you weren’t about to notice all the food around you that could stain your dress began to move plates and saucers away from you. A glance to George showed his brother had the same thought, both of them trying to hold back any chuckles. Of course the idea of a dress distracted you. 
Quickly your nimble fingers made work of the bow and wrapping on the parcel before lifting off the top. There was a delighted gasp at the white lace and satin trim that seemed to explode from the confines of the box. “It’s so pretty!” pulling the dress further out revealed more volume in the skirt and delicate lacework around the sleeves and neckline. “Oh, isn’t it wonderful?” 
“Feeling better, Y/N?” Fred asked, clearly amused at not only your reaction, but at George’s red face. 
“Of course!” you didn’t notice the indulgent tone, or George’s open mouthed reaction. Instead you smiled at George brightly. Surely this would be how it went. He’d see how pretty you were going to look, ask you to dance and confess his love for you! It would be just like a love story. You held it up to you, “Isn’t it pretty, George?” 
He nodded slowly, with a smile on his face you saw often but could never decipher. “You look beautiful.” His smile grew as you let out a delighted noise and gathered up your parcel just to scamper towards your dorm room to properly try on your dress. 
So lost in his little world, George hadn’t noticed the curious glances from Ron. “What was all of that about? You’re smiling like a git.” 
Any trace of a timid nature had gone away once you had left, leaving George with an annoyed expression for his brother. “Careful who you’re calling a git, Ron.” 
Unfortunately for George, Fred piped up from beside him, giving his youngest brother a grin. “You’ll understand one day Ickle Ronniekins. Once you’re in love.” 
Ginny spoke loudly, from her seat a little ways away, “He’s moony over Y/N, Ron. It’s why he always looks like a git.” 
“Hey!” George attempted to launch a piece of toast at his sister, though she waved it off with her wand. “Aren’t you three supposed to be on my side?” 
All three responded at the same time. “Nope.” 
You could not stop giggling as George twirled you around in the center of the dance floor. The satin trim of your dress flared up around you, pattering George around his knees. It was like always, you were in your own little bubble with him. Oblivious to the world you just focused how his fingertips atop your own made your tummy feel full of sparks and butterflies. “I think you like my dress, Georgie!” 
“If you don’t stop calling me that Y/N, it’s going to catch on.” 
“I think it’s a lovely nickname.” 
“My mum would agree.” George grinned at your delighted giggle and gently twirled you closer to him. Off towards the corner of the Great Hall. Often George wondered where he would be if he hadn’t fallen in love with you those years ago, and often the answer that came to him was the center of attention. 
This quiet moment though was lovely. George loved his pranks and his mischief just the same. He still pouted for days when you would tell him he’d gone too far on something. He still spent nights planning out the next big idea with Fred. George Weasley never felt himself lacking from the attention he desired. Except when it came to you. It made him feel greedy, how much he wanted to consume your time. 
Perhaps it was the middle child in him. The younger twin. The one often mistaken for another. He wanted something of his own. He wanted you. 
You who knew who he was from the start, even if it was because you were so sure it was because he was shy. 
He wasn’t. Though you hadn’t seemed to notice it was you who set him off kilter. Twirling and rocking back and forth like a top that had been spun all wrong. 
It was you. You’d stolen his heart and run off with it. So unaware that you’d become a thief that George doubted you could ever be convicted of it. 
The white ribbon that ran through the plait in your hair. 
How had you not figured out he was your admirer yet? George had seen your marks, they were well enough for you to be able to figure it out. 
He pulled you closer, content in this quieter corner. It was little moments like these, where your eyes sparkled, when you’d spent the entire night by his side, that George wondered if it was possible you loved him back. It was a tempting thought, especially as you eagerly walked with him through the makeshift waltz he was leading. 
You loving him. Marrying young. Living in a little cottage. Running the joke shop, and coming home after work to start dinner before you arrived back. Little children. A smattering of flowers everywhere he turned. 
Such a tempting thing. So terrible that he was certain it was impossible. 
You’d confided the year before that you were in love with someone else as he’d helped you look for your secret admirer. How you’d hoped that it would be the person you loved. 
He’d cried a bit after that one. That one hurt quite a lot. 
George felt himself shocked out of his thoughts at the featherlight touch of your fingers to his cheek. “What’s the matter, George?” 
There was sweat at your brow bone, you’d danced with George so long through the night that even the comfort charm in your shoes was about to wear off. Your heart beat so fast in your chest that it hurt. Surely this would be it then. He would finally notice you. Fall in love. A beautiful moment with lots of kisses and giggles. 
Surely, this was that moment. 
The familiar voice of your headmaster spoke over what was left of the crowd. “Alas, our festivities must end here. The sun will be rising in just a few more hours. You’ll all need your sleep, as will I. It takes me much more beauty sleep than it used to I’m afraid. Now off to bed, everyone.” 
A cacophony of groans from students came around and you found yourself groaning with them. No! No. You hadn’t had your moment yet. The little dream you’d imagined hadn’t come true yet. Damn the sun! Damn sleep! Your love story was supposed to start here. 
George seemed to notice your pouting and gave your hand a gentle squeeze. “Don’t fret Y/N. I’m sure you’ll have another chance to dress like a princess again soon.” 
Absentmindedly you nodded, noticing the stern stare Professor Sprout was sending your way. You’d gotten in a fair bit of trouble a few days prior, being out and about with the twins to help with a prank. 
A glance around showed that you were the last Hufflepuff on the floor. 
Quickly, without thinking you pressed a kiss to George’s cheek. A poorly aimed one at that, closer to his lips than to his cheek bone. 
You felt your nerves explode like fireworks, your brain thrust itself into overdrive as it attempted to figure out what in the ever loving hell you’d just done. George looked at you with wide eyes, bright red-- the poor boy. Why had you done that? You knew he was shy!
Your throat constricted even more when you heard a loud sigh from behind you. 
“Finally!” Fred said, louder than you would have wanted. “I was waiting--” 
The elder of the twins was caught off guard by you putting a kiss to his cheek as well. A much more well aimed one this time. 
“I know! Waiting to go to bed. Sorry boys! Good night-- have pleasant dreams. No causing trouble on your way out.” You fell into a nervous fit of laughter before swiftly exiting the hall, holding the hem of your dress in your hands so you could escape quickly before you burst into tears. 
Silly! Silly girl! So silly you’d ruined everything. 
George who’d found himself silent for so long finally found his voice. He frowned at his twin, who always had so much to say about his relationship with you. “So what do you say about that then?” 
Fred shrugged. “Dunno.” 
The sun had just risen, but neither brother was asleep. George stared up at the common room ceiling with dry eyes as his twin was half asleep in the corner. 
“She looked so pretty.” George’s voice was soft and hoarse, as he tried his best to stay awake. 
“She got kinda pink when we danced.”
“Put her head on my shoulder.” 
“Laughed at all my jokes.” 
“Kissed my cheek.” 
George turned to glare at his twin, “Kissed yours too.”
Fred, who felt rather fed up about all of this gave his brother a smirk, “Clearly it’s me who she likes then.” There was a loud yell, when Fred received a very firm and very old pillow square to the nose. “You’re thinking too much about it George! She probably got nervous or something silly like that. She damn near ran out of the hall.” 
“Because she doesn’t like me!” 
With a dramatic groan, Fred rolled out of the chair he’d draped himself across and walked up the stairs to their dormitory. “That’s it. I’m done. Going to bed. Keep pouting if you’d like. Bet she’s doing the same.” 
It seemed that Fred was right. The next day when he saw you, you looked absolutely exhausted. Dark bags under your eyes, halfway dozing off underneath a tree with a romance novel in your lap. 
You were nothing, if not consistent. 
He eyed the pink ribbon holding the hair out of your face, and pointed a finger towards it. “Feeling in love then?”
With a frown you pulled a bundle of sweets from your book bag. “If you tease me I won’t be sharing with you.” 
“Won’t share with the twin you’re in love with?” 
It felt like you were going to choke on air for a moment, or that your face would burst into flames. You tried your best to kick him in the knee as he sat down in front of you, but only mustered a small shove. “I said don’t tease me Fred! I haven’t the foggiest of what you’re on about!” 
“You kissed me.” 
“Kissed George too! That doesn’t make you special.” 
Fred put a hand over his heart and pantomimed being in great sorrow. “So mean! And here I thought you wanted to move away together.” 
“I said stop teasing me!” your voice came out as a whine as you slammed your book shut. “I got nervous okay? Panicked after giving George a kiss on the cheek, so I kissed yours too so it wouldn’t seem weird.” 
“It was kind of weird.” He laughed as you tried to kick him once more. “I knew that was it.” 
“Shut up Fred.” 
“What happened to being sweet Y/N?” He frowned when he watched your lip wobble, and laid upon the grass. “Are you going to cry every time I tease you about this?” 
Your voice wavered, “I’m not crying, dummy.” 
With a sigh, Fred spoke. “That’s a yes then. I’ll lay off it. But you can tell him. It’s not a big deal.”
“I won’t tell him.” 
Fred groaned loudly before covering his eyes with an arm. “He said you looked pretty, you know.” 
Finally you managed to kick him properly in the knee. “Stop fibbing just to tease me!” 
“Hopeless! The lot of you! Hopeless and stubborn. Bloody hell.” 
Unsure of what he was on about, you peered at him. “Did I hurt you badly?” 
“No. Just think you’re being silly about all of this, is all.” 
“Everyone seems to call me silly.” 
“Can’t imagine why, darling.”
tag list: @georgeweasleyx @seppys-return-to-madness @fopdoodledane @fredd-weasley @iprobablyshipit91 @darling-details @laneygthememequeen @lupinsx @keoghans @helloallthethingsilove @bobduncanlover @dreamer821 @feffffffy @the-hufflepuff-of-221b @62442-am @wtfweasleyy @obsessedwithrandomthings @sleep-i-ness @shadowsinger11 @shadychaoticcollection @haphazardhufflepuff @afriendlyneighborhoodhufflepuff @hood-and-horan @geeksareunique @insearchofnewdreams @notstandingstill-imlyinginwait @lumos-barnes @thatfuckingliardavidtennant@slytherinqween @xinyourdreamsx @skiving-snackboxess@wildfire-whizbangs @dwarfwizard-from-panem @diary-of-an-onliner @answer-the-sirens @woakiees @black-widow-fangirl@theheirofnightandday @summerstardust @whysoseriouspadfoot@chocok22 @myhopesareanchoredinyou @siriusblackisme@illusivedaydreamer @zeeneee @writingwitchly @wolfpotter12@obsessedwithrandomthings @carolinesbookworld@shadowsinger11 @pit-and-the-pen @summer-writes @peachesandpinks @gweaslvy @alpinewinchester
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queervibesmydude · 4 years
Fluff Alphabet
this took me forever to write but I have no regrets.
Nick Scratch x Reader
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A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
Nick absolutely adores your eyes and your smile. He’d do just about anything to make you smile; whenever he sees it, he lights up on the inside and falls for you just a little bit harder. As for your eyes, he could lose himself staring into them. He believes that eyes are the windows to the soul and he loves the connection and intimacy that comes with making eye contact with you.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
All of it. He can’t choose just one part, when he’s in love with every single part of you. That said, he loves wrapping his hands around your waist and tracing patterns on your back.
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
When you’re just talking, about anything and everything, he likes to keep his distance while still being close to you. He’d lay on his side, focusing all his attention on you, with your feet and hands overlapping, so there’s always some contact. 
Otherwise, especially when you’re falling asleep, he loves to keep you as close as possible, wrapping his arms around you and keeping you safe as you drift off to sleep. He’s personally a fan of you resting your head on his chest and moving close to him; that way, he can feel your heartbeat against his body and he can play with your hair and run his finger up and down your spine.
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
You could go literally anywhere and do literally anything, but as long as he got to do it with you, he’d be happy. He always loved to take you out on elaborate dates, dressing up as nicely as he could, bringing you to dances and showing you off. He has to admit, though, he really does love it whenever you grab him to sneak off on whatever spontaneous adventure of sorts you felt like going on at the moment. 
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
He’s certainly much more expressive around you than he is around everyone else. The facade of being suave and charming but otherwise expressionless that he normally keeps disappears entirely around you, especially when you’re both alone. He’s more open and vulnerable around you, and expresses how passionate he is about the things he cares about when he’s around you.
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
He would love to have a family with you in the future, as much as the concept does scare him sometimes, but he’s in no rush to make it happen. For now, and for the next couple of centuries at least, you and his friends are all the family he needs.
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
He never hesitates to spoil you with the most precious and elaborate gifts he can find. That said, the gifts that matter the most to you are the small ones, the ones that tend to be quite simple in nature, but remind you of some of the best memories you’ve had together. Your favorite gift, to this day, is a simple bracelet he created just for you, made with some dried sunflower petals from your first date.
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
Nicholas Scratch loves to hold your hand. He loves taking it and moving his thumb across your knuckles. He loves interlacing his fingers with yours, squeezing it to remind you that he loves you. He loves being by your side, no matter the situation, and holding your hand, just to remind you that he’s there for you, he loves you, and he’ll support you with whatever you need. He’d follow you to the ends of the earth and back, as long as he gets to hold your hand.
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
It goes without saying that Nicholas Scratch is incredibly protective over you. Not that he doesn’t think you can handle your own - you most certainly can and he knows it - he just loves you so much he can’t bear to lose you. If you got hurt he’d rush to your side immediately and teleport you somewhere you’d be safe before getting help if he needed to. He’d stay with you until you were okay enough to defend yourself on your own, making sure nothing else would hurt you until then. And of course Nick Scratch is an adorably attentive boyfriend, making sure you’d have everything you needed.
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
Absolutely, yes. Teasing and joking around with each other has always been a part of your relationship that you both love so much, even when it escalates into a prank war that almost got the two of you banned from Dr. Cerberus’s, much to Sabrina’s dismay.
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
He loves to lavish you with kisses. He loves grabbing your face with both hands and pressing his lips to your forehead. He loves kissing your cheek and wrapping his arm around your waist in public, just to show everyone that you’re with him and he loves you. He loves kissing you on the lips any chance he gets, either to comfort you, show you how passionate he is about you, promise you he’ll be there and he’ll be okay, or to seek out love and comfort for you. He loves the feeling of your lips on his and would drink you in forever if he could.
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
He shows you he loves you by supporting you in your endeavors, always standing by your side. By listening intently whenever you had something to say, always being your shoulder to cry on. He always shows up for you in so many ways, making sure you know that you will be loved and supported, no matter how difficult or challenging things get.
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
Undoubtedly the time you beat him, hard (not physically), in a competition of sorts. On a day off at the Academy, a bunch of the students had decided to make an amateur competition of who could best the other witch/warlock in a game of combative spells. Everyone made a bracket and the miniature battles ensued, until you and Nick were the last ones left, both pit against each other. You were newer to the Academy and had seemed to have started growing a soft spot for Nicholas Scratch, so everyone assumed he’d beat you. They couldn’t have been more wrong. After quite an intense fight, you cast a spell no one else knew how to do that threw Nick across the room and rendered him momentarily powerless, beating him and winning the competition. Your rebellious power and ability to overcome all expectations without a care about what anyone else thought of you pushed Nick over the edge and made him fall even harder for you than he thought he could. Even though you weren’t dating at the time, that is, without a doubt, his favorite memory of you.
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
Losing you. More specifically, losing you or you getting badly hurt because he wasn’t there to help or protect you. He’s something he gets nightmares about somewhat frequently; thankfully, you’re always there to hold and reassure him whenever he needs it.
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
Nick seems to be living in the world of his own thoughts quite frequently. You’ll often catch him thinking hard about things, or simply exploring things in his own head, taking a few seconds to respond to you calling him at times. You absolutely adore it; he’s brilliant and you love to watch him think and hear all about it whenever he’s willing to share.
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
Darling and Sweetheart when he’s being flirtatious, he calls you Babe casually, and Baby when he’s being really soft and sweet.
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
He loves to get all the time alone with you he can get. Whether it’s going on walks in the woods together, lying under the stars and talking about anything and everything, or falling asleep together in his room, he just loves being by your side and feeling your presence next to him.
R = Rhythm (can they dance? are they a good dancer?)
He can dance quite well when it comes to parties and the like. When you first met him, he wasn’t as knowledgeable about more formal or complicated dances, but you have to admit, once he knew you were interested in it, he learned pretty quickly.
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
It took him a while to open up to you. Not that he wasn’t trying to, but after having to rely on only himself for so long, it became incredibly difficult for him to open up to someone and allow himself to be vulnerable. He made the effort to trust you though, and while he’s still hesitant to tell you about things sometimes, he’s much better at it. However, under no circumstances does he keep any secrets from you, not unless it would be necessary to keep you from getting hurt, but even then, he’d do it reluctantly. 
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
It took you forever to get together. Forever. It drove everyone insane, watching you two build up enormous amounts of romantic and sexual tension over time without ever actually doing anything about it. One day, when you were sitting underneath the night sky together after a raging party, you couldn’t take it anymore and you grabbed his face in your hands and kissed him. You spent the rest of the night together, molding your lips together and whispering confessions of the feelings you’ve both had for each other for far too long.
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
Depends on what you’re upset about. If you’re angry at some sort of injustice, he’ll listen to you attentively and help you create some sort of plan for action to change things and make sure they don’t happen again. If you’re stressed, he’ll help you take a break and relax for a bit, and then he’ll help you finish whatever you need to so it won’t be causing you stress anymore. If you’re sad, he’ll offer a shoulder to cry on and give you all the comfort and love you need until you start to feel okay again.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
Nick Scratch is certainly a confident individual, and it shows in the way he acts and carries himself. What Nick is more than proud of, is you. Not only is he proud of you as an individual, he’s so proud of the fact that he gets to be with you, and never hesitates to boast about you or show you off whenever the occasion calls for it.
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
He’s never been one for the whole damsel in distress trope, no matter what gender the so-called “damsel” was. He prefers to fight beside you, both of you empowering and protecting each other, being the iconic power couple he’s always dreamed of. That said, if you were ever unable to fight, he wouldn’t hesitate to fight for you and do whatever he needed to do to protect you.
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
He has to admit, learning how to read you had been a challenge when he was first getting to know you. You’re pretty good at keeping your emotions checked and only expressing whatever you chose to at any given time, which can make it hard for people to know how you’re really feeling if you’re not telling them. You’d catch him studying you from time to time, trying to figure you out. By this point, he can read you like a book. He can sense how you’re feeling and know when something’s off, just by noticing a few mannerisms.
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
Let’s be honest, he was never one for the whole turtle dove hearts thing; he always adored how mortals gave a ring to the other when they wanted to get married. You were never a fan of rings, though. Always found them way too easy to lose. You casually mentioned one day that you always found a necklace to be the most fitting, since it’s the closest to your heart and it’s much harder to lose, and Nick took that to heart. 
He made an enchanted pendant that had gold, black, and red wire woven in a circle with the sigil you two created to represent your relationship in the center, adorned with the tiniest crystals that shone in the light. He took you on a walk to the spot where you normally sit and watch the sunset, took your hand, and told you everything he loved about you and how he couldn’t imagine living his life without you. He then pulled out the necklace and showed it to you, asking if you’d be his partner for life.
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
Being around you. He certainly does enjoy spending time on his own to recollect his thoughts and take care of himself, but being next to you, taking a break from the world to simply enjoy one another’s existence? It makes everything that’s constantly moving at such a rapid pace inside him settle down, even for just a moment, so he finally feels… still.
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chibienvychan03 · 4 years
My Fictional Secret Admirer - Part 1 of That Damned Pikashaw Series
Secret Santa gift for Sakurras on a MLQC Discord I’m a part of.
Pairing: Gavin x MC, side of Minor x Willow
 Warning: potty mouth/pervert Shaw, Sassy MC, little shit Zappy
 Summary: Argh a certain someone is moving slower than an ice berg on a cold day. You voice your frustration to your gal pals, but a certain brat happens to overhear. He somehow convinces (ropes) you into pranking Gavin big time.
After a long day, you and a few female employees decide to have a girl’s night out. Sorry, not sorry Minor. It’s been awhile since you’ve done something with only your gender, and you’re going to have fun, not worrying about the opposite gender especially a certain someone who moves slower than an ice berg on a cold day, and that’s his good day too.
 “And I’m not kissing him until he gets lessons.”
 WHAT?! This sends you crashing back to reality. 
 “Ouch. So mean to your boyfriend,” Kiki pouts as she plays with the straw in her drink, twirling it around and sometimes blowing bubbles just because she can.
 “And what about you? You haven’t kissed yours,” Willow points out as she’s stirring her drink. At least she can drink alcohol. Due to your low tolerance and Kiki turning the age where she can legally drink alcohol, you’re the designated safe person/driver.
 Kiki sticks out her tongue and blows a raspberry. “We’re taking things slow. You’ve told me not to rush into things.”
 This statement Willow can’t refute. “For once, you actually listen to me.”
 “HEY! I listen to you, but that doesn’t mean I’m paying attention,” Kiki replies with a cheeky grin. “But at least we have boyfriends.”
 You want to say the two of them have boyfriends. On the other hand, you do not as someone is taking his sweet time and NOT asking you. You’re not even sure he wants to be with you on that level. Instead of responding, you flag down the bartender and ask for another soda, but this time with a few cherries in it. The bartender doesn’t give you a look this time as he knows you’re the designated driver, meaning you can’t become impaired. He doesn’t question it once he finds out.
 The two are looking at you. “What?”
 “You have a boyfriend, right?” Kiki pokes you.
 “Er… I’m too busy with work to consider having an intimate relationship.” In other words, you have no boyfriend even if you want one in the first place.
 “Aren’t you dating that handsome cop? Gavin.” Willow prods while waggling her brows. How she manages that move, you don’t know nor do you ask.
 In response, you turn a bright red, enough to make a tomato green (red) with envy. “He hasn’t asked.”
 “He what?!” Kiki shouts after she almost chokes on her drink. She hits her chest to clear her airway.
 “He didn’t ask her,” Willow reiterates your response, saving you the trouble of answering two times. She picks up her cherry by its stem before twirling it. “Then why don’t you ask him?”
 “I don’t know if he feels the same way I do, and he doesn’t give other women any thought,” you say after some hesitation. It’s not that you’re jealous of the other women. More like frustrated with him and how slow he’s moving. Sometimes you wonder if he’s even moving at all.
 Willow snorts upon your confession. “Girl, have you seen how he’s all over you? He’s crazy about you. And you’re crazy if you let him go.”
 “He’s worried about me,” you say, not wanting to admit it… just yet. “Being his junior from high school. You know?”
 This time Kiki snorts. “Oh it goes beyond worrying about junior classmates. You’re too blind to see it.”
 “What do you mean by that?” you huff and cross your arms over your chest while waiting for your soda to arrive so you can have something to play with.
 “Oh my gods, the two of you are painfully ignorant. It’s ridiculous.” Willow picks up her drink and starts sipping from what remains of it. “Woman up, ask him on a date. It’s the twenty first century. Unless he grows a pair of balls, it’s up to you.”
 “What do balls have anything to do with dating and boyfriends?” You glance between the two of them who in return are giving you looks of exasperation. What? “Aren’t they toys for kids and pets?” Last time you recall, balls are spherical objects mean to give joy to whoever played with them whether it be for sport or simply having for.
 “Even I know what that is, and I’m younger than you.”
 Like ouch. Does Kiki have to point that out? “Gavin does have a ball cactus.”
 As if on cue, both Kiki and Willow bang their heads on the bar like you see in the manga you’ve read where someone is exasperated at another person. What? Is it something you said? You’re left in the dark again. Maybe it’s time to do research on this kind of stuff… if you ever have the time. Between your work, taking care of yourself/home, and hanging out with friends, you don’t have time to do this research. Besides you do a lot of research for your work and sometimes you’re researched out!
 “His name is Thorny and is surviving.” Surviving from Gavin giving it too much love (more like water).
 “So is Gavin’s love for you,” Willow adds. “Don’t keep him waiting too long.”
 “Yeah, you don’t won’t to become that old cat lady.” Gee thanks Kiki.
 “HEY!” You huff. “It’s not my fault he’s moving slower than an ice berg on a good day.” Finally the bartender arrives with your soda, and he’s given you a little umbrella. Oh how sweet. It’s your favorite color too, pink.
 “This dance is never going to end,” Kiki sighs a long one. She knows something or maybe it’s the alcohol talking, but either way, you want to know.
 “Touche. It’s too painful to watch these lovebirds dance around each other.” Willow glances upward as if she’s asking some heavenly deity to do something about these two lovebirds.
 “Someone has to get it going,” Kiki says as if you’re not sitting right next to them at the bar.
 Willow nods her head. “Indeed. Dropping hints is useless since we all know how excruciatingly painfully oblivious both parties can be.”
 Ouch and double ouch. Are you really that ignorant? Scratch that, you don’t want to know. “You two are drunk.” Yeah, that has to be the case.
 Kiki bursts out in giggles. “You wish. I think I’m a bit tipsy, but I still can think! Unlike a certain someone we all know too well.”
 Great. Now Kiki’s roasting you too? It makes you wonder if she’s been secretly spending time with a certain CEO who has a penchant for roasting you on a regular basis. Nah, it couldn’t be, could it? Between her school work, work, her boyfriend, and close friends, you doubt she has much time to learn the fine art of roasting people.
 You smack her with your purse, not too hard since you need her to be able to work in a couple days.
 Her response? She starts giggling hysterically.
 “Ignore her. She’s drunk.” Willow waves her hand, the one not holding her drink. “But all things serious. Be direct and up front with Gavin. Dropping hints will get you nowhere.”
 “I don’t know. What am I supposed to do? Walk up to him and demand to know why he hasn’t asked me on a date?” Or kissed, but that happens after you start dating. It’s not like you’re complete strangers. You already have a long history with him even if a fair chunk of it is you misunderstanding him.
 “I’m sure you’ll figure something out. You always have.”
 “Or you can pull him down by his tie and kiss kiss.” Kiki makes kissing sounds.
 The mere thought of doing what Kiki suggests causes you to turn bright red. “I don’t think he’s into PDA.” As for you, you don’t think your heart can take it even if you want it.
 “Oi vey. Of course he’ll want to stake his claim on you, but it’s only if you let him. Guys are like that. Trust me. He’d want to let the entire world know you’re his.”
 “Wow, I didn’t know Officer Gavin has a possessive side. Maybe Kiro would be a better choice.” Ah the Kiro fangirl emerges.
 Willow rolls her eyes. “Not that kind of claiming, more like being in an exclusive relationship, and you’re off the dating market.”
 “I’ll think about it.”
 Just not that night. All you want to do is go home and sleep.
 But first you need to make sure your drunk and slightly drunk friends make it home in one piece. After all, you’re the designated person… and a responsible boss.
 Gavin <3 Gavin <3 Gavin <3 Gavin <3 Gavin
 Unlike your so called friends, you wake up the next day hang over free, which puts you in a very, very good mood. Good enough to tease those two through texts about what a wonderful day it is. When they do not reply, you’re not surprised. They’re probably hiding underneath their blankets and covers, waiting for the world to stop spinning or for the loud noises to go away. You’re tempted to suggest getting noise cancelling headphones. Being an unfortunate traveler (for work sigh), you procured a pair of your very own. Plane and train terminals tend to be quite noisy. Sometimes you want to hear yourself think.
 When you unlock your phone, you notice you have a few messages. You start reading your messages. 
 Levi : When’s a good time to bring over my gifts for you?
 “Big brother spoils me,” you giggle. While you’re not officially related or by blood, he’s taken you under his wing. The last time someone tried coping a feel, well let’s just say he wound up in the hospital with two broken hands.
 You then remember him saying something about an overseas trip he’s taking back to the States, something about visiting his adopted family. He rarely mentions them and when he does, it’s bits and pieces. Since you respect his privacy, you try hard not to poke your nose into it and ask too many questions. If or when he’s ready, he’ll tell you. So far, you know he’s adopted and has one adopted brother but no sisters.
 MC: How about having lunch? It’s been a long time since we got together.
 Levi: Sounds like a plan. That new café? The one you mentioned in your moments post? :D
 Wow. Does he have his phone in his hand all the time? Or maybe you’re lucky and catch him when he’s actually looking at his phone?
 MC: That sounds great, and no we’re going double dutch. You’re NOT paying for mine.
 Levi: ): I’m catching up on all the years I haven’t spent with you.
 MC: I bet you bought me a ton of souvenirs. 
 Levi: XD Caught red handed. Okay, we’ll pay our own bill.
 Seeing those emojis, you can’t help but giggle again. It’s not that many, however, you don’t recall any male you keep in contact using them on a regular basis. You decide to not say anything about it especially since it appears he’s having fun.
 Anna: You forgot to text me when you arrive safely at home.
 Oh oops?
 MC: Sorry! D: I knew I forgot something, but I couldn’t remember. Next time I’ll write myself a reminder.
 Okay next text.
 Kiro: Miss Chips! Hear anything about Souvenir? QAQ They haven’t been opened lately, and I’ve been craving their food.
 Kiro: Forgot to tell you, I’ll be busy for the next 2 to 3 weeks. If they open, you have to let me know. K?
 MC: Are you planning on sneaking out if they’re open?
 Kiro: Please don’t tell Savin! I’m tired of the same old, same old food.
 MC: Fine. You owe me for keeping an eye on that restaurant.
 Kiro: Miss Chips is the best! Crap. Gotta get back to work. Chuu.
 You stare at your phone. Did he just? Nah, you’re probably reading too much into things like a certain couple of busybodies do on a regular basis. Since you don’t want Savin to catch him texting you, you decide to text him later with an update on his favorite restaurant.
 Gavin: I’m free today. Would you like to have lunch with me? My treat.
 Er… You already made plans to have lunch with your big bro. But the more the merrier, right?
 MC: You can join me and my big bro for lunch. He got back from his trip.
 Gavin: Since when do you have a big brother?
 MC: A few months ago. I meant to tell you then, but you were swamped with work and then it slipped my mind. Sorry! It wasn’t on purpose I swear.
 Gavin: He sounds kind of fishy if you ask me.
 MC: He’s not like that. Just wait until you meet him. 
 MC: For the record, he broke two hands of someone trying to touch me.
 Gavin: Why didn’t he beat the guy up?
 Unbelievable. You can’t believe Gavin would suggest such a thing.
 MC: It was crowded and we’re in public.
 Gavin: Give me his contact info. I can help him.
 Something tells you between the two of them if anyone so much as looks at you the wrong way, he’d be sent to the hospital with multiple broken bones, and that’s if they’re feeling generous enough to let the guy live. You’re having second thoughts about the two meeting, but then again, big bro has been pestering you about the guy you’re interested in.
 MC: Ask him at lunch.
 Gavin: Understood. 
 The next text you send is where and when to meet. You hope this won’t be your worst decision, letting these two get to know each other and having team up against anyone who bothers you. “I’ll worry about that later.” While you hope they get along, you hope they don’t get along to the point of being accomplices.
 The last few texts are spam. Didn’t you sign up for that thing about spam texts? These companies obviously aren’t letting that stop them. Whatever. You delete them.
 Thaw: Unlock your window. I know you’re awake.
 MC: Why are here this early?
 Thaw: Just open it!
 MC: It’s early for YOU! *suspicious eyes*
 Thaw: You want to know why I’m here or not?
 This guy. Although you’re tempted to leave him out there in the cold, your curiosity once again gets the better of you. Wait a second, Shaw never said which window, leaving you to look out of every window until you manage to find the one he’s crouched next to.
 “Took you long enough,” Shaw grumbles once you open the window and slips into the warm room. The way he’s dress, he resembles a punk snowman. It causes you to giggle and him to pretend he never heard or saw what you did.
 “If a certain someone told me which window he’s behind, I would have opened it five minutes earlier. Did you forget, I have a lot of windows?” You poke him on his chest, which he swats away your finger.
 “Whatever.” In his language, it means he admits his guilt without actually admitting it. “A little birdy told me something interesting yesterday.”
 “What the hell?”
 “You describing me or yourself?”
 “The fuck?”
 You’ve run out of birds you know, which is a total of four who belong to a certain Birdcop the one you want to move faster. Sheesh. Sometimes you wonder if he’s moving backwards in spite of him wanting to spend time with you.
 “Forget about the birdy. Don’t you want to know?”
 “Something tells me I don’t want to know.” You close the window as soon as you’re reminded you have yet to close it. No need to let perfectly good warm air outside or let the cold air into your warm home.
 Shaw pretty much laughs in your face, to which you’re tempted to slap him… using both hands. “My brother is an idiot.”
 “That’s not nice to say,” you pout. Sometimes you wish you had biological siblings, but you suppose your adopted big brother is better than nothing. His spoiling you has no part in your decision. How does he have all that money in the first place? His first job must be well paying though he never tells you nor do you think he will.
 “I could call him something much worse. You want to hear?” One shake of your head. Nope. “I admit he’s damn good at his job, but when it comes to his personal life, he’s very shitty.” While you don’t appreciate his language, you do agree with him.
 “What about it?” 
 “Grab your laptop or a pen and paper. We’re going to get my fucking moron of a brother to ask you on a date.” Did he just say what you think he said?
 “What are you waiting for? Chop, chop. Unless you want me to look for them myself.”
 On second thought, you’d rather find the items he requested than have him poking his nose or any other part of his body where it doesn’t belong. You grab both your laptop along with a pen and paper. Laptop for research and the pen/paper for keeping notes. Sure, you can use your electronics to keep your notes, but your older brother has told you many times that even if you delete it, that incriminating information can be pulled from the depths of the hard drive. You’d rather not take any chances.
 “Pen and paper? Old fart.”
 You scowl. “It’s called decreasing my paper trail. Did you know they still can find what you’ve deleted on your computer or laptop?”
 Shaw gives you that disbelieving stare. “You finally said something smart for a change. Who told you that? I know you couldn’t have figured that out.”
 Why you! Then again… “I also have a big brother. Want to meet him?” you tell him as you bat your eyes in a suggestive manner. More like you want his face to meet your big bro’s fist.
 “What the hell? You don’t have any siblings. Quit fucking messing with me.” As if he doesn’t do that to you on a regular basis.
 “Well I do now. A few months ago. Got a problem with it?”
 Shaw plops himself down on one of your plush chairs. Hey. Shoes! But he doesn’t seem to be too concerned with it. “As if I care about your family.”
 You tap your foot while crossing your arms over your chest. 
 “Next time have a pair of fucking slippers next to the window.”
 “Normal people enter through the front door.”
 “Have I ever been normal?”
 Point taken. You use his distraction to yank off his shoes, much to his surprise and bring it to where he’s supposed to place them. Since you never know when your older brother or Gavin will drop by, you have a few larger slippers waiting for them. You grab a pair and then throw it at him.
 “Feisty. No wonder my stupid brother is smitten.”
 Shaw pushes off the slippers until they fall onto the floor near him. “But he’s too much of a damned chicken to ask you.”
 “Ask me what?” Not that you’ve actually gone on a date with him or been together long enough for him to pop the question.
 Shaw sighs a long one. “You’re just as stupid as he is. No, it’s not marriage. You haven’t even kissed or gone on a date. So what do you think?”
 “If it’s not that, then… on a date?”
 “FINALLY! She gets it. Yeah, we need him to get his shit together and grow a pair of balls.”
 “We?” There’s that reference to balls. You’ll have to ask your big brother later.
 “Being the ‘loving’ little brother I am, I want him to be with the woman he’s heads over heels over.” Loving? Ha, yeah right. What’s his motive?
 “And how do you propose we do that? You plan on pranking him?”
 “Heh, maybe you’re not as stupid as you look.” Grrr….
 “Like whoopee cushions? Stink bombs? Switching the salt and sugar? Bucket of water on his head?”
 “I take that back. You’re fucking stupid.” Geee thanks, THAW!
 “Whatever you say, Thaw.”
 “You want my help or not?” He’s about to put his stinky feet on top of your nice and clean table. When you glare at him, he plops his feet on the chair nearest to him.
 “Is it illegal?”
 “Is it illegal to be this stupid? If things go according to plan, it shouldn’t.” How many times has he told you his fool proof plans only to have them spectacularly backfire in both of your faces?
 “Then what is it?”
 Your stomach interrupts him as it reminds you that you have yet to eat breakfast. Oops? Since you know the big brat of a mooch is on your chair, you might as well feed him before kicking him out of your apartment. 
 “Is that a stomach or a dragon?”
 “You want free breakfast or not? Yes, I do have Pepsi and Coke.”
 Shaw shrugs and follows you into the kitchen area where you have a table for everyday meals. “I like living on the edge. Why not? It’s free food.”
 What is that supposed to mean? It’s not like your cooking is hazardous to one’s health, not after all those lessons from the certified teachers and your mentor (big brother) and even rare, a certain Tsundere who happens to be a 5 star chef in the disguise of a CEO. You pull a can of Pepsi and Coke from your fridge before placing it in front of your so called guest. Next you set a large plastic cup in front of him.
 “Plastic? I’m not a kid.”
 “I’m not taking any chances.”
 Since you’re going to be discussing… plotting how to get Gavin to “grow some balls and ask you on a date,” it should be something that doesn’t require much concentration. You decide on egg scrambles. As to what you’re going to put in it… Your fridge is nicely stocked thanks to you having gone on your weekly grocery run. You’ll put in red bell pepper, spinach, onions, sausage, and a bit of cheese.
 “No complaining,” you say this as you’re about to start chopping the veggies, waving a large (and sharp) knife at him.
 “Gee. My brother is going to be so whipped when you two get hitched.” He holds hands up in a mock surrender. “Smitten kitten.”
 “So what is your big and glorious plan to get him to ask me on a date?” Thanks to your big brother, your knife skills have vastly improved to where you’re no longer cutting yourself… unless you’re surprised or startled. Since you pretty much live alone, there isn’t much to distract or startle you.
 Shaw props himself up on his hands, his arms on your table. “We are going to give you a secret admirer.”
 “Say what?!”
 Shaw winces and in an exaggerated manner tries to clear his ears. “Gods… I don’t think they heard you in Japan or Australia.”
 You ignore the comment on the volume of your shout. “What do you mean by giving me a secret admirer? Is that supposed to be you?”
 Once Shaw ceases his fake deafness, he becomes as serious as he can be, which compared to others isn’t that much. “No, it’s not me. Why would I want to be a secret admirer of an idiot?” Intense glaring. “We’re going to make up a secret admirer.”
 Of all the ludicrous plans of his, this takes the entire take and then some. “… Are you planning on hiring someone to give me gifts?”
 This time Shaw laughs, but stops when he sees your knife. “No, we’re going to do it ourselves. Mail takes too long. Borrow Zappy from my idiotic brother.”
 Eh? Does not compute. How does Zappy come into this? “Why Zappy?”
 “The little guy is like me. He’ll be more than happy to be a little shit to his owner.”
 “And he’s easier to bribe. Hope you have canned mandarin oranges.” Recalling your most recent grocery run, you remember picking up more than a few cans of mandarin oranges. What? You like eating them out of the can when they’re stored in your fridge.
 After chopping your ingredients, you crack several eggs before you beat them in a bowl, imagining each yoke to be a certain annoying person’s face. It’s a productive way to get your frustration out. “Yeah, I have some cans.”
 “One less thing to take care of. Knowing you, you wonder what Zappy’s involvement in it is. Remember way back when, birds were used to deliver messages?” Nod. “Zappy is going to be our delivery bird.” Wait a moment, how would this cute little bird know where you are? Or carry anything? “Trust me on this. That little shit can find anyone when he wants to and I’ve seen him carrying several kilos in weight.”
 “But how would he get what needs to be delivered?” Now you’ve moved to your pan and heated up the oil. Your next move is to stir fry your onions, sausage, and veggies until they’re mostly cooked. If you put them in all at the same time, your eggs will end up burned before the veggies and meat finish cooking.
 That’s when he points to himself. “I’ll be holding onto Zappy until it’s time for delivery and you get back home. My idiotic brother doesn’t recognize my handwriting.”
 “Then how would you get the gifts to give me? I know you’re not fond of shopping for anything you’re not interested in.” Not to mention, he was a cheapskate… most of the time.
 “We’re going shopping today.”
 “I’m having lunch with my big bro and Gavin.”
 Shaw scowls at first but then brightens up. “You can ask your soon to be bf for Zappy.”
 “Won’t it be weird if I ask him?”
 “Heh. Must I explain everything to you. Never mind. I’ll go ahead and do it. You’d think the wrong things. Tell him you need Zappy for a project you’re working on. Technically you’re not lying to him. You have a project but it’s not for work.” Ah that smug smile whenever he comes up with a brilliant plan.
 Since you’re not lying, you decide to go along with it. What Gavin doesn’t know won’t hurt him in this case. “Logistics taken care of. What is my ‘secret admirer’ going to give me?” He gives you a blank stare. “You don’t have any idea.”
 “How am I supposed to know what you like? Remember the key is to make him jealous enough to ask you. That means your secret admirer knows your every preference.”
 That totally makes sense. “And I guess we’re going to be buying everything today?”
 “Most of the stuff. Your secret admirer will be buying you meals to be delivered to your work.”
 Once the scrambles finish cooking, you start toasting the bread. It’ll be done by the time you finish plating your creation. “I guess you’ll be making those calls?”
 “Correct. He can’t see or know you’re ordering them for yourself. Otherwise what’s the point in creating your secret admirer? He’d have to be blind and deaf.”
 You nod your head. “Minor tends to be a blabbermouth.”
 “Fuck… I knew I was forgetting something.” Eh? So Shaw does make mistakes. Good to know.
 “Um? He can tell Gavin what I receive?”
 “I was going to say post your gifts to your moments…”
 “Can’t I do both? It’s one thing to hear about it, but it’s another to see.” You slide over his share, toasted bread and fork included.
 “So you do have a brain. Why don’t you use it more?”
 You reach over to your used frying pan. “How about I start using this more?”
 “You’re perfect for each other.” What is that supposed to mean? “Since you have time, we’ll need to figure out what your secret admirer will be giving you. Minimum of three per day.”
1. Favorite tea
2. Favorite snack
3. Fine candy from overseas
1. Bouquet of flowers
2. Lunch delivered from fast food restaurant
3. Cute cell phone case
1. Tea set
2. Lunch delivered from fancy restaurant
3. Coupon for massage
1. Earrings
2. Bracelet
3. Necklace
1. Lunch for employees
2. Candy making machine
3. Me in a naughty lingerie
 You make another list and group them according to where you’re buying them. Grocery, candy place, cell phone store, your fave tea place, jewelry shop, massage parlor, and that naughty ahem. Seven shops. Looks like you have your work cut out for you that afternoon.
 “Don’t take forever to eat lunch.”
 You roll your eyes at him. “Of course not, we have a full day of shopping and not a lot of time to do it.” The New Light mall should have everything you need except for that shop. For that, you’ll need to walk a block down, but that’s the last thing on your list as it’s open much later than the others. You guess it’s due to the cliental and emergency purchases.
 When Shaw starts talking about the naughty lingerie, you decide it’s time for him to leave so you can prepare for your lunch date. You kick out a hysterically laughing Shaw.
 Gavin <3 Gavin <3 Gavin <3 Gavin <3 Gavin
 When you arrive at the restaurant on time, you notice two things… or rather two people having a nice conversation with each other. Your big brother and Gavin. Seeing their phones out, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out they have exchanged contact info. You hope it won’t end up with either of them in the hospital as you care for them both in different ways. You race up to them.
 “I hope you haven’t been waiting for long.”
 “Nope. I’m excited to see my little sister.” That’s when you notice several bags near him. “These are all yours.” How are you supposed to carry them?
 “I’m too early, and I can give you a ride,” Gavin offers. 
 Speaking of which, you remember what Shaw has told you about your plan. “Er… mind if we swing by your place?”
 Gavin blinks several times in response.
 “Mind if I borrow Zappy? It’s for a project I’m working on. Please?”
 Gavin runs his hand through his hair. “Sure, but don’t expect him to cooperate. He can be… a pain to deal with.” That’s what he thinks. You know how to bribe this little birdy so it’s no problem. The three of them are smart and each have their own personalities.
 “I have my ways. So let’s grab a table?”
 “Why don’t we put this in my car?”
 Eh, car?
 This time Gavin blushes. “Bought one.”
 Oh. You recall you complaining about the rain and snow whenever he drives you anywhere. While he doesn’t mind it, you do. Not that he’s a horrible driver in inclement weather. You know you’ll arrive in one piece, but that doesn’t mean you’ll enjoy the ride there.
 When you carry your gift to Gavin’s car, you notice your big bro’s truck parked nearby. While it doesn’t stand out, you’ve ridden in it enough time to be able to recognize it even if it’s raining or snowing. Considering how much he’s given you, it makes sense for him to drive this beast of a vehicle. It seems your big bro and Gavin approve of each other so far.
 After you placing your order, an awkward silence ensues. You fidget in your seat as you’re unsure what to start talking about, and you notice your big bro is tired in spite of him trying not to show it. Also you have no clue as to what they’ve discussed in the time before your arrival. You want to know, but at the same time, you know both of them well enough to know they’d clam up before they tell you anything they don’t want you to know.
 “So how was your trip?”
 “Eh. It’s okay. My little brother wasn’t his usual pain in the rear self. My parents were their usual selves.”
 “You mean pestering you about getting a boyfriend and adopting a kid?”
 Your big brother chuckles as he scratches the back of his head. “Yeah. I haven’t found the one, you know?”
 You nod your head, glancing over at Gavin who has taken to playing with his drink as the two of you chat. “You can say that again.” You pause. “I found someone, but… I don’t know if I’m good enough.”
 “Pah. He should be grateful you’re interested in him. If anything, it’s he who isn’t good enough for my little sister. I mean you’re funny, friendly, caring, generous, talented, and hard working.” Just like your one, your brother says what he means and means what he says. So in short, he’s being his genuine self. “If he breaks your heart, let’s just say he’s going to need an ambulance.”
 “Er… that’s not necessary. He’s sweet and caring, but he’s kind of slow on the uptake.” You say while you keep watch of Gavin from the corner of your eye. It seems he doesn’t take a hint as his demeanor becomes sour. Maybe you should stop talking about this as you want him to be in a good mood. “So what are you looking for in a guy?”
 “Hm… Someone strong, honest, loyal, direct, caring, and has an open mind. It helps if he’s smart.” Oh wow, your big brother has really given thought to this. Your thoughts wander to the guys in your life. Two of them fit his description, but one of them happens to be the person you like and the other… well you’re not sure which way he swings. Hell you don’t know if he’s interested in a romantic relationship with anyone. “Not anyone would do.”
 You nod your head. “Agreed. You need to have that special connection.”
 “So who’s your one?” Your brother just had to ask that question. In spite of you two knowing each other for about a year, it feels like you know each other since you were kids. You know he can’t read minds nor see into any time. He so happens to be too smart for his own good.
 Seeing as Gavin is focused on his drink, you nudge your big brother with your foot and then point to Gavin from under the table. It takes him less than a second to get the hint. Could get any more awkward? You have the feeling the answer would be yes, it could. “It’s a secret,” you answer in a sing song way and then stick your tongue out at him.
 Your big brother chuckles before reaching over and ruffling your hair like a pet. By now, you’re used to this and actually don’t mind it. He’s your first sibling, and it gives you the warm feels. “All right, keep your secrets. When I find mine, I’m not telling you.” He glances over to the silent Gavin. “What about you? Have you found your one?”
 Gavin stops playing with his straw and profusely blushes. He attempts to say something, but it comes out as gibberish. Between you and your big brother, you have no clue what to make of it other than he’s completely embarrassed about who he likes. Part of you wants to poke him until he confesses, however, you want to respect his privacy just as he respects yours.
 Although a blushing Gavin looks incredibly adorable and you somehow manage to sneak in a short video of him playing with his straw, you decide to help him out of this. “What about kids? You said you’re going to adopt once you find the one.”
 “Probably two, one girl and one boy. Personally I could care less what their gender is so long as they’re healthy and happy, but I suppose that’s how most parents feel about their kids.” 
 Gavin’s mood goes down. You know bits and pieces about his past, but enough to know that his shit of a father never treated as a son, more like a useless tool. Hah. Useless. Just because someone doesn’t have an evol doesn’t make them useless. Sometimes having an evol is more dangerous than it’s worth.
 “Until I find that person, my kids have feathers and beaks.”
 “Birds?” You hope you can pet them or maybe birdsit them while your big brother is away.
 “I’m in the process of adopting three siblings.”
 “Three at once?”
 Your brother scratches the back of his head. “I’d rather not separate them. They’re close.”
 “Then what’s the delay?”
 “They’re not old enough to leave their parents.” That makes sense. Young birds need their parents just as humans need theirs. “I’ll let you know when I bring them home.”
 “Do you know their genders?” You plan on spoiling his babies, but you need to know their gender, not that they care about colors.
 “Won’t know until their first molt unless I get them tested.” Levi pauses. “I don’t plan on getting them tested. They’re all getting unisex names.” Before you can ask, he answers your question. “They’re normal grey cockatiels. My friend thought he was getting two guys. Turns out he has one guy and one gal. He never saw it coming.”
 “They’re going to a good home.” Between the two of you, they’re going to be so spoiled. Thinking about it, you notice Gavin has gone back to playing with his drink. “How’s Pearly, Fiery, Icy, and Zappy?”
 Gavin looks up. “They’re doing okay. Those three keep breaking out of their cage.”
 “No way. I lost count on how many locks you’ve tried.” It appears all three of them are master escape artists. Good thing they’re well behaved and don’t cause much damage. Before you can ask more questions, your food has arrived.
 You each ordered something different. Gavin has a burger with fries, your brother some pasta, and you have their house special salad. Your brother decides he also wants fries so he orders two. Why two? Because he knows you like them. Ah screw it. You need your carbs to keep you full longer. Plus since your salad is healthy, you can afford to eat the fries he ordered for you. Since he ordered it, he said he’d pay for it. You two squabble over it until you hear someone chuckling and look over to find it’s Gavin. It seems the two of you behave like siblings. You let him buy you the fries since they don’t cost a lot, but you’re not budging on the salad. However, when you go to pay for it, you discover someone already has paid for it. You round on your brother who shrugs and promises you he only paid for the fries. Additionally Gavin is acting strangely around you. It appears he paid for your salad. Your brother has kept his promise, however, you know Gavin made no such promises.
 Oh well. It frees up funds for your next project. After giving your big brother a few hugs and telling (warning) him to get some sleep, you join Gavin in his car and head to his place. He doesn’t ask you what or why you need that specific bird to which you’re thankful for. 
 At his door, you hear all four of them making a racket. You wonder if they know you’re there. Since the three birds keep clustering up in one cage every single night, Gavin sells two cages (reserves third for transport) and buys one large cage for the three of them. They’ve been content. Once he unlocks and opens the door, the three birds rush out to greet you, chirping happily. Meanwhile Gavin groans and covers his face with both hands.
 Once again, they’ve outsmarted him. Birds: a lot, Gavin: 0
 “Nice to see you too.” You give each of them scritches as you greet them.
 Gavin relieves you of Fiery and Icy who are annoyed they’re being taken away from you. Zappy cuddles against you, enjoying the attention you’re giving him.
 Gavin <3 Gavin <3 Gavin <3 Gavin <3 Gavin
 After acquiring your delivery bird and dropping him off at your apartment, you head over to the New Light Mall where you plan on meeting your partner in prank. Unfortunately, you’re not dealing with one little shit, but two of them. You feel something on top of your head and then comes that familiar chirping. 
 “Zappy, you’re really an escape artist.”
 Zappy happily replies as if to confirm your statement. They jump off your head down to your shoulder and snuggle against your neck. Since it’s more of a pain to go back home and put him in their cage, you let them be. More than likely, Zappy will escape again and again until you let them stay with you. They maneuver to underneath your hair. Silly bird.
 Your wait for Shaw is rather short.
 “I see you have that bird.” Shaw skateboards towards you. When he’s close, he hops off and does this weird trick where he flips his board so he can grab it.
 “He followed me,” you grumble. While you don’t mind them, you prefer they stay in their cage where you leave them. “Reminds me of you.”
 Shaw laughs. “You don’t say.” He reaches over to pet the bird who hesitantly accepts it. His expression is all too clear, the ‘I told you so’ one.
 “Let’s start from one end and work our way to the other,” you suggest. It means less walking, which your feet greatly appreciate.
 “Works for me.”
 Gavin <3 Gavin <3 Gavin <3 Gavin <3 Gavin
 Once you’ve finished your errands at the mall, you’re more than ready to go home except you have one last store and the most important one according to Shaw. However, you’re completely embarrassed to even think about going there. You have a feeling you’re going to be resembling a tomato until tomorrow at this rate. Your little stowaway doesn’t care where you go. You don’t think they’d be embarrassed by anything.
 “You can’t chicken out on me. I don’t know your size, and you’re not willing to tell me.” Point taken.
 You pull your hood over your head, dislodging Zappy in the process. They squawk before poking you with their rather sharp beak (not enough to break skin) to voice their displeasure. When you get to see them, their feathers are fluffed up and they’re glaring at you. They wait until you finish adjusting your hood before they crawl into it and settle between your neck and your hood.
 At least you know where they are and don’t have to chase them like at the mall where you had to chase them more than a few times. It takes bribing them with mandarin oranges to get them back to you. Good thing there’s a supermarket in the mall. You buy extras even if it means carrying those heavy cans. Actually you make Shaw carry them since he’s usually the main reason why you have to chase after that bird. Shaw grumbles and makes threats against Zappy, but he sees the little guy as a bird version of him. In fact, you swear they can be siblings… if they’re the same species.
 “Fine, let’s get this done and over with.” You really want to go home before you die of embarrassment or are mortified (petrified) in place. 
 Zappy keeps your neck warm the entire walk there. They’re like a little heater though not effective unless you’re trying to warm your hands or in this case your neck. Every now and then they poke their head out to see what’s making that noise. What a very curious little imp you have there. It makes you wonder how Gavin manages to deal with all three of them. You recall him mentioning this little one is the ring leader whenever they’re up to their shenanigans.
 Once you reach the door, you hesitate until a certain someone shoves you into the store. It turns out Shaw predicted your hesitation and made you go in first so he could give you a little push when you stall at the entrance. You stumble a little inside, causing Zappy to fall off their perch, but you manage to catch them in spite of your bags. They climb back up your arm before snuggling against your neck and chirp in appreciating of you saving them from a harsh meeting with the hard, unforgiving ground.
 Shaw grabs your hand and drags you to where they display the lingerie most men would like to see their women dressed in. He scans the racks as they have quite a selection of them. Anything that catches his eye would be pushed in front of you as he determines whether or not it would look good. They end up back on the racks as he doesn’t think it suits your complexion and/or figure. How would he know what you’re figure is considering you’re wearing baggy clothes, thanks to the weather. At least by now, it’s dark outside. You hope it’s enough to make you less conspicuous. It would help if they place your purchase in a plain bag with no store logo on it. Somehow you have the feeling they would.
 “Are you planning on looking through the entire lingerie section?” you ask as you reach in your hood to pet Zappy, who is more than happy to receive this attention. They say petting animals can calm a person. Right now, you need that calm before you strangle your accomplice in this prank.
 “If you had a better figure, I wouldn’t have to.” Now you’re tempted to throw a bag at him, but since you paid for it, you’d rather not waste it.
 You look beside you to find a cute pink lingerie and pick it up to inspect it. When you hear Shaw snort, you lower it to see him giving that disappointed look. “What?”
 “You want it to contrast with your skin, not blend in. What are you not thinking?”
 “I’m thinking I want to get this done and over with,” you grumble as you place it back. So pink and skin tones are out of the question. That’s when you see something shoved behind the lingerie Shaw vetoed. Reaching over, you somehow extricate it. Oh, it happens to be your size.
 Shaw sighs and is about to tell you not that pink lingerie, but stops when he notices you’re holding a red one. He tilts his head and then grabs it to place it before you. “This will do.”
 As he’s inspecting the garment, you notice a certain STF uniform. You can’t see who it is, but you’d rather play it safe than sorry. They know who you are thanks to you knowing a certain someone and being friends with his friend. Gossip travels faster than Shaw to his favorite band playing in a concert. You shove an unsuspecting Shaw behind the taller racks, hoping that the person hasn’t seen you and that they’d go away soon.
 Shaw squawks, but at least he hasn’t dropped the lingerie. “What is it?”
 “It isn’t illegal to be in this shop,” Shaw points out.
 You counter with, “But you forget a certain someone will find out when word gets around.”
 Instead of giving you a complement, Shaw peers in the direction you’re looking. You both watch as that STF officer talking with someone who you don’t even know is as they’re standing in the shadows. When are they going to leave?
 Minutes go by.
 At last! They leave. You two scramble to the cashier who doesn’t question you about your odd behavior. Maybe it’s normal for people to hide in there? It’s better you don’t mention it at all. You pay using cash. Good thing they have ATMs at the mall since you were running low. You try not to keep that much on you as you don’t want to be a walking target. Since you’re with two living stun guns, your safety is assured. Zappy wouldn’t let anything happen to you as you spoil them along with the other birds, and Shaw needs some entertainment in his life which unfortunately happens to be you.
 When you see the nondescript bag being used, you let out a sigh of relief. The cashier doesn’t bat an eye. They’re probably used to this kind of behavior from new people. However, they raise a brow when they see the two of you together.
 “Something you’re not telling me?”
 Shaw rolls his eyes. It seems the two know each other. “Not what you think. She isn’t my type. I prefer messing with her and my brother.”
 “So you’re her advisor?”
 “She’d be completely lost without me.” Shaw leans close to that person. “Trying to seduce my idiot of a brother.”
 “I thought you hated each other.”
 Shaw shrugs. “He’s okay. We tolerate each other now.” He glances over to you. “A certain someone played therapist.” Gee thanks, Pikashaw. “And I get to mess with him.”
 “Nice. Good luck on seducing Gavin.” Just great, they know.
 Leaning forward, Shaw whispers something in their ear and both have impish grins. “I’ll let you know what happens.”
 “We have your favorite flavor in stock.”
 “I’ll grab some later.”
 The person reaches below the counter and pulls it up. “I came prepared. How many you want?”
 “I’ll take them all.” Shaw then tells the guy a size and requests double his usual.
 When he’s finished, you try to see what he bought, but he keeps it above your head, and you’re not about to jump on him to find out.  You’re tired and you’d have one unhappy Zappy, one unhappy combo. Not to mention, by now the little bird is most likely full, thus, not as easy to bribe. Well outside of finding something shiny they’d be interested in. A glittery ball (one that doesn’t have glitter glued on) will suffice. Alas, you’re short one glittery ball.
 After you arrive at your place, you’re both dead tired on your feet. You order take out to be delivered, and oddly enough Shaw is willing to fork over the money this time. With the exception of lunch, you paid for everything including Zappy’s bribes. Good thing Shaw doesn’t like to move when he’s tired. You’d rather not have to explain to your neighbor, Lucien, why you have male company who isn’t him or one of your employees.
 As you’re digging into your Chinese take-out, you feel something brush up against you. You’re first instinct is to scream, but your mouth is full of egg roll. Oh, it’s just Zappy who’s stealing a noodle from you. HEY! You doubt you’re supposed to feed them that since it’s probably not healthy, but something tells you that they most likely snag some from Gavin when he’s not looking, It’s just one noodle.
 On the other side of the table, Shaw laughs at the sight of the bird pilfering one of your noodles. Why don’t they grab one of his noodles? Since he paid for dinner, you let it slide. After you finish eating and throw out the empty containers, you plan on kicking Shaw out, but when you’re back from getting ready for bed, you see him out cold on your couch. Perched on top of his chest is a sleeping Zappy.
 Just this time, you’ll let him stay. After all, you don’t want to wake up the cute little bird.
 Day 1 <3 Day 1 <3 Day 1 <3 Day 1 <3 Day 1
 When you wake up this morning, you find Shaw organizing your purchases and nearby him are materials to wrap the gifts from you “secret admirer.” Next to him is a playful Zappy. They’re rolling around with one of those shiny bows. You figure Shaw threw it at them or let them have it to keep them entertained while he worked on the prank.
 “Chirp!” Zappy’s on their back with their legs holding the bow up. What an odd position, but the bird seems fine and isn’t panicking.
 “Breakfast is on the table.”
 You glance over in the direction of your kitchen. Did he cook something? You’re not sure how good of a cook he is, but you definitely know your culinary skills are much better than his.
 As if reading your mind, “I woke up early and got breakfast.”
 “Okay, who are you and what have you done with the real Shaw?”
 Shaw rolls his eyes. “I can wake up early if I have an incentive.”
 “And pray tell, what is the incentive?”
 “I get to mess with my brother.” Why doesn’t this surprise you?
 In addition to breakfast being on the table, you see he brewed a pot of coffee. You squash your giggles. The brothers are more alike than they care to admit. Breakfast is on the cold side, but it’s edible and tastes good. Coffee could use improvement on. At least he tried.
 Once you’ve changed in your room and grab what you need for work, you give Zappy some scritches which they want more of and leave a surprised Shaw a spare key to your apartment. You tell him it’ll be a pain if he keeps breaking in, and when he leaves to do whatever he does, you’d rather have your place secured. He can’t lock it from the outside.
 When you reach the spot, you find your ride nowhere in sight. You glance at your watch to find you’re actually early for a change, early by ten minutes. Normally you’re a patient person, but with this weather, you’d rather not be waiting outside. Three minutes after texting, your ride arrives.
 “Good morning, Gavin,” you greet him as he hands over the second helmet.
 “Morning,” Gavin replies. Something is bothering him like really bothering him. It’s not your place to poke your nose in his business. At the same time, you don’t like seeing him this way.
 The ride becomes awkwardly silent as neither of you know what to say other than your greetings. It’s as if you’ve gone back to square one. No matter, by the end of this week, he will definitely be happy. You’re sure of it.
 At your place, you hear your employees gossiping. Haven’t you given them enough work? Working and gossiping at the same time? Meh, you’ll deal with it. However, it’s the topic of their discussion that grabs your attention. A few of them move out of the way so you can get to your desk. On top of it, you see a very familiar package.
 “A gift? It isn’t my birthday,” you say pretending to be surprised.
 Kiki slides over to you and starts shaking you. “Open it. Open it!” She’s more excited than. Granted she has no idea about your plan.
 When you reach your desk, you notice the gift has been meticulously wrapped. Not a single crease or ribbon out of place though it’s a bit bent in a few areas due to delivery. You open the card first. In it, Shaw has written some sappy poem and signed it with Secret Admirer. Knowing your employees will not get any work done until you tell them, you read it out loud. A few catcalls and one shut up glare later, you’re tearing through the wrapping.
 “How did he know I’m running low on my favorite tea?” He doesn’t. You picked it yourself. Having received random gifts in the past, you take it in stride. The idea of it being poisoned doesn’t pop in your mind.
 “Oh wow, Boss,” Kiki whistles. “I bet it’s from Kiro. You two like the same stuff.”
 “I doubt it. He’s been too busy with work.” You decide to make yourself a cup. As you’re heading to the kitchen area, you realize the tea arrived before you did. Not to mention, Shaw was in the middle of getting it ready when you woke up.
 Oh right, messenger has wings so of course they’ll reach your work faster than you.
 When you return from making your tea, everyone scrambles to look busy. You know they’re very much curious about who your secret admirer is. Trying to ignore their stares is harder than it appears. How does Gavin do it?
 Time to enter the battlefield.
 Some time later, Willow calls for you. She doesn’t sound panic, more like confused.
 At the window, you find Zappy outside, tapping the window. No one has opened it. You open the window to let them in. They stay for a whole minute before high tailing it out of there. What they leave you is another package wrapped in a similar style as the tea.
 You pull out your phone to take a picture of it and then proceed to open it. As to why you hadn’t taken a picture of the previous present, it didn’t occur to you until now. After you read the cheesy romantic poem, you tear through the wrapping and reveal your favorite snack. Good timing too as it’s too early for lunch, but your stomach says it wants something. You (along with your employees) take a picture of it. As you’re nibbling on it, you make a post on moments and include the photo.
 By the end of the day (no need for OT yet), you’re gathering your belongings and ready to head home when you hear something run into a window. You (along with your employees) rush over to the window and find that same bird. Zappy appears to be fine, making you wonder if they purposely flew into the window.
 You open the window and go over the same process. This time it’s foreign chocolate. Wait a moment, this isn’t the one you picked up with Shaw. You wonder if the brat went out to buy something else. Nah, he’s too lazy to do it when there are acceptable options available to him.
 Now your entire office is buzzing. Perfect.
 Instead of Gavin coming to pick you up, it’s your big brother. “Lev! What’s up?”
 Levi crosses his arms over his chest. “Your last moments post.” Eh? “Those are the chocolates I bought you.”
 Aw crap, they looked familiar to you. “Ehehehehe. Funny you should mention that.” You break down and tell him your secret admirer plan.
 Instead of being angry or annoyed, Levi seems to be on board with this. He offers his help without being prompted or hinted. You hug him before you put on the helmet and hop onto his motorcycle.
 What’s up with guys and their motorcycles?
 Day 2 <3 Day 2 <3 Day 2 <3 Day 2 <3 Day 2
 Second day. Gotta hang in there and keep it a secret. When Shaw found out you told your other brother, he almost lost it, but you reassure him that your brother is on board with the plan. Now you have someone who can assist should you need it. Somehow you have the feeling you’ll need all the help you can get.
 An hour into work, a delivery person shows up with a bouquet of flowers. He asks for you since you’re the recipient. When you make yourself known, he hands over you the bouquet and an electronic device for you to sign it saying you’ve received the package.
 In this time, your employees gather around you, whispering and of course gossiping. They also pull out their cameras and are openly taking pictures of it. Are they paparazzi? You search for the card and read it out loud, the customary poem and signature. Thankfully you have the foresight to buy a vase to be delivered with it. After a moment arranging it on your desk, you take a picture for you moments post.
 Concentrating on your proposal, you forget you’re supposed to eat until another delivery person arrives. Instead of flowers, it’s your lunch. He hands you the bag and an envelope as if he does this on a regular basis. You tell him to wait a moment and tip him with a snack as you don’t have time to dig through your purse. Also, it looks like he could use something to eat. He thanks you for noticing it and heads on his way to his next delivery.
 By now everyone is crowded around you, you use your outdoor voice to tell them the latest poem except this time you leave out who sent it to you. They should know it’s from your secret admirer. After all, who has been giving gifts on a regular basis? Well yesterday.
 You, Kiki, and Willow have lunch together. It’s almost like a pot luck with the way you’re sharing your lunch. Both Kiki and Willow spend time trying to figure out who your secret admirer is. Kiki believe it’s Kiro while Willow says it’s from Gavin due to the poems. You remind them poetry is more of something Lucien would do. They have forgotten him.
 Close to the end of the day, you manage to have good timing when you look out the window and see that familiar yellow/black bird flying in your direction. You abruptly stand up, startling your employees and open the window. They stare at you until they too see that bird drop off your latest gift and leave.
 The same routine happens and you open your gift to find a cute cell phone case. “Oh wow, how does he know I have this model of phone?” you gasp in (what you hope) surprise.
 Willow frowns. “Your secret admirer knows a lot about you. You sure this person isn’t a stalker or something?”
 You wave her off. “I doubt a stalker would go through this.” Once you take a picture of the case, you replace your old one with it. Then you upload the picture onto moments.
 Day 3 <3 Day 3 <3 Day 3 <3 Day 3 <3 Day 3
 “Hey Boss,” Minor says hesitantly as if you’re going to attack him. Or maybe it’s Gavin.
 “Bro is upset. I mean really upset. Haven’t seen him this way since… high school.”
 “Which bro are you talking about?” Your question reminds him that you have a bro, and that he should specify which one when referring to them.
 This worries you as it’s way too early. “He hasn’t done anything, has he?”
 Minor shakes his head. “I mean I like hanging out with him and all, but all he does is sulk or rant about your secret admirer.”
 “He’s not drinking?”
 “I offered him a can, but he refused. He takes his job seriously.” Minor sounds proud of Gavin as if they’re father and son instead of being high school friends.
 You lean closer to Minor. “Whatever you do. Do NOT give him alcohol unless you want your New Year’s bonus to disappear.”
 “Yes, ma’am.”
 “And no telling Gavin I told you this.”
 Minor gulps. “I’ll try.”
 When you return from making your morning tea, you find that tea set, sitting on your desk. How Zappy delivered it without breaking anything leaves you confounded. You scurry over to your desk and open your gift. The rustling draws the attention of your employees. After removing the last piece of wrapping, you hold it up as high as you dare to show everyone. Unlike the other gifts, the note is in the tea pot. You open it since you hadn’t seen any note. Where is Shaw getting all these poems? You don’t think he’s into poetry.
 Then it dawns on you… big bro is helping.
 Anna brings order to the office as she ushers everyone back to work. “How many presents have you received?”
 You start ticking off each one. “I think this is the seventh.”
 She shakes her head. “Don’t lead him on. If you’re not interested, tell him.”
 “Uh… how am I supposed to tell him when I have no clue who he is?” You’d give yourself a pat on the back for that superb performance if it wouldn’t look foolish as no one would have a clue as to why you’re congratulating yourself, and you’d rather not them questioning your sanity… what’s left of it once you and Shaw finish this plan.
 When you open your moments, you notice a number of replies. In fact, this is the highest number you’ve received ever since you started the account. It’s what you don’t see that starts worrying you. In all your posts, Gavin has yet to make a comment. You know that he knows, thanks to Minor blabbering to you.
 What sounded like a good idea at the time is now sounding like a horrible one. You don’t want to see Gavin this depressed or crushed. It’s almost the halfway point. You can do this. You just hope the other two birds can keep Gavin’s spirits from sinking way down. Sure, Pearly is cute and cuddly, but he doesn’t pick up on emotions like the other two do.
 You text your big brother asking him if this is the right thing and that you’re questioning yourself whether it’s a good idea or not. His quick response doesn’t surprise you by now. You’re used to it. He tells you it’s like going to get a shot at the doctors or pulling off a bandage. The thought of what’s to come is worse than the actual act. You thank your big brother. He always knows what to say to encourage and support you even if it’s something you regret much later on.
 Lunch is delivered and served from a fancy restaurant. The chef herself has put on a performance for you as she prepares your meal. Your coworkers look on in awe by the way she moves her cooking utensils and the food goes where it’s supposed to go, not flying all over the place. At the end of her performance, she hands you the card with the cheesy, romantic poem.
 Your female employees are gushing over how you have a very generous and thoughtful secret admirer as he’s giving the stuff you like. Not to mention, he isn’t cheap either and going all out for you. You laugh nervously, saying that one day you hope you can see who likes you enough to go out of his way. The girls swoon over the thought and their vision of what/who he is.
 The next delivery is a simple envelope via Zappy. When you show what you receive, they’re clearly disappointed and go back to working except for those two and Anna. You open it to reveal a coupon for a complete massage package at the trendy massage parlor. When Kiki squeals in excitement, your other employees snap their attention back to you and gather around you. This has become quite normal.
 “So what are you planning to do?” Kiki asks as if you’re planning to give it away, and she hopes you’d pick her.
 “Go after work. I haven’t been sleeping well.” Your thoughts drift over to Gavin and how he’s coping with all this.
 You chuckle before tapping her on her head with the envelope. “Last time I checked, it’s addressed to me.”
 “This secret admirer must want you badly.” Willow whistles. “They only have the highest quality service and equipment.”
 Anna gives you that look, but at the same time, you promised not to tell anyone else. “Kids these days.” She sighs and heads to wherever she is before your envelope arrived.
 Day 4 <3 Day 4 <3 Day 4 <3 Day 4 <3 Day 4
 That was one of your best night of sleep ever since you could remember. Ever since the first day, your big brother has been playing chauffeur. He doesn’t mind since he can arrange his work schedule around to fit yours and has assured you many times that you’re not a burden to him. In fact, he’d be quite troubled should you ask someone else to drive you to and from work.
 You hear bits and pieces of a conversation you’re not supposed to be a part of. It’s not that you’re trying to eavesdrop. More like, your entrance isn’t noisy so they don’t know you’re here. You frown when you piece together the info.
 When you appear, they cease their conversation and act as if nothing has happened. You decide to let them off with a warning this time.
 “There will be no gambling here so you can stop wagering on who is sending me these gifts.” Your employees groan and grumble, but they comply with your wishes or at least they appear to. You hadn’t thought this far ahead. As for Shaw, you’re not sure he has even considered this.
 When you reach your desk, you find a small jewelry box. Unlike the other gifts, it’s not nicely wrapped but placed in a see through bag for transport. You read off the poem. The first part of today’s gift is a pair of earrings.
 “Oh my, he is serious,” Anna says as she looks over your shoulder.
 “I’d answer only if I had someone to give that answer to.”
 Anna gives you a supportive smile. “I know. You’re not the type of person to play with someone’s emotions.” She heads to her desk.
 Hearing her say those words, you start feeling guilty. Are you playing with Gavin’s emotions? You’re not stringing him along as you’re trying to get him to ask you. The easiest way is to go up and tell him to his face, but as they say, easier said than done.
 Willow leans back in her chair. “Why are you moping around? You have a very generous and wealthy secret admirer.”
 You sigh a long one. “I just don’t want to be seen as taking advantage of his generosity.” Yeah right, you paid for all of these.
 “Then he should grow a pair and tell you how he feels.” You know Willow is on your side no matter what you do and that includes the amateur mistakes you made when you first started. Not to mention, Kiki and Anna feel the same way. As for Minor, you’d rather not have him choose between you and Gavin.
 “I hope he does soon. For my sanity.”
 “And for Bro’s too,” Minor chimes in the conversation.
 Everyday you’ve brought your own lunch even though you know you’re going to be receiving something from your secret admirer. If you brought your meals on the days you’re not going to have food delivered, then it would appear suspicious. As you’re about to tear into your sandwich, you hear a familiar chirping. You grab a mandarin orange, hiding it in your hand and head over to the window where an expectant Zappy is waiting with your gift. Positioning yourself between you and the bird, you use the hand with the orange to reach over and grab the parcel. However, you let Zappy grab the orange and let them take off.
 “What is it?”
 “Calm down, I’m opening it.” True to your word, you read the poem and open the jewelry box to reveal a matching bracelet. By now everyone knows the drill. They gather around you taking pictures. However, you decide not to post anything in moments as you know certain people are following you.
 “I bet you’re going to get a necklace,” Kiki giggles from her seat to which you roll your eyes.
 “We’ll see.”
 Hours later, that necklace arrives. Kiki gives the ‘I told you so’ look. You two tease each other for a few minutes. Now that you think about it, she’s like a sister you never had, a younger sister. Maybe this is how Levi feels towards you. It takes Willow pulling on her ear to get her back working until you all call it a day and head home.
 “Having second or third thoughts?” Your big brother asks when you approach him.
 “Yeah. I just wish he’d do something, but he hasn’t contacted once,” you grumble and take his place behind him on his bike. Of course, you wear a helmet.
 “Oh he’s been doing something all right,” Levi says though he doesn’t start his bike. “He’s been bothering me about who your secret admirer is. He believes you tell me everything.” Yeah, while you do tell him a lot, it’s not everything.
 “Did you tell him?”
 “I told him to ask you directly.”
 Day 5 <3 Day 5 <3 Day 5 <3 Day 5 <3 Day 5
 When nothing arrives for you in the morning, your employees are greatly disappointed. Don’t they have something like work to do? You suppose it has been their entertainment for this otherwise boring week, and they need something to help them get through it.
 “Everyone!” Anna yells over their chatter. After it becomes quiet, she continues. “Courtesy of our boss’ secret admirer, we have lunch!”
 Your employees cheer and anyone close to you thanks you for having such an awesome secret admirer. Some even tell you to keep this person. You’re relieved when they don’t ask any questions. Between you and Anna you organize how the lunch is to be distributed. There will be four different groups, going at staggered times to pick up their meals. When the current group is almost finished, you call for the next group to line up and begin. It’s like one of those buffets or pot lucks where people fall in line and then pick up what they want.
 Later that afternoon, you hear a thud and a squawk at the window. You rush over since you know who made that noise and find a very tired Zappy on top of a very large box. Poor little guy. You pick up the bird and take them in, leaving the box for now. Once they’re at your desk, you go back for the box. It’s heavier than you thought. No wonder why Zappy struggled to fly it over.
 “I knew it. That bird looks exactly like bro’s,” Minor announces to the entire office. He reaches over only to pull his hand back when the bird snaps at him. “Maybe not. Zappy’s nicer.”
 You keep the window open for when the delivery bird feels ready to make the trip back to your apartment where you know Shaw has been hanging out lately. He claims he doesn’t want to haul your gifts to his place and would rather crash at yours. You’re annoyed at first, but then realize, it’s more practical for him to stay there with you, the gifts, and the bird.
 “Boss, do you even know how to use it?” Kiki asks as she reads the side of the box. This isn’t wrapped, and instead of being in an envelope, your poem along with signature has been taped to one side.
 Your eye twitches. “That’s why they come with instruction manuals.”
 “How many instruction manuals have read and understood?” Trust those two to give you a hard time. They’re not doing it maliciously. It’s more on teasing in a good way. Like you’re three sisters.
 They both sport this ‘oh’ look as if they practiced doing it in synch. You guess you’ve been around each other long enough that your small habits have rubbed off on each other.
 “And here I was going to share the candy with you.”
 The two become much more friendly and helpful. When you open it, they’ll help you use it… at your place on the weekend.
 Zappy is too tired to fly back, and you hide them until everyone has left. Then you call your big brother up to your company and have him carry down the candy making machine while you carry the little bird. On your way, you give a slight nod of your head to the security guards who do a double take when they see your little bundle. By now, they’re used to having your big brother come and go from your work place. It also helps he’s on friendly terms with them.
 Instead of his bike, Levi brings his truck along with Shaw and Zappy’s cage. You hand over the exhausted bird to Shaw before hoisting yourself into the front passenger seat. Then you notice the gift you’re supposed to be wearing and the other items to set the mood.
 Your next stop is Gavin’s place. It dawns on you that you don’t have a key to his apartment. How are you supposed to enter his apartment without one? You glance over to Shaw and then your big brother. It seems they have it planned out or so you hoped.
 When you reach Gavin’s apartment, Levi pulls out what looks to be a lock picking set. He gets to work on the door. A few seconds later, you hear the sound of a door being unlocked.  He gives you a cheeky grin. “Bet you didn’t know I could do this.”
 “You never told me.”
 “You never asked.”
 Levi apologizes for driving you there and running. He has an appointment with a client. You’re grateful he at least brings up Zappy’s cage. He tells you he’ll drop by your place after to deliver your candy making machine.
 Shaw shrugs. “He demanded I give him your spare key.”
 Right. You thank every deity Levi has taken things into his own hands and got your spare key back. Knowing the brat, you figure he’d give you a hard time for awhile and then let you have it. It occurs to you he may have created a duplicate. You’ll ask your landlord if you can change locks later at your expense. Your landlord can be a real piece of work, but if you’re offering to cover the expenses and the request is within reason, he’ll give it the green light.
 You place Zappy back into their cage with the other two who are very worried for their companion. The birds start chirping up a storm. You have no clue what they’re talking about and figure they’re catching up on whatever they missed. Not like Icy and Fiery have anything interesting to say except for how Gavin has been behaving lately.
 Shaw takes out your lingerie. “You get changed. I’ll set up here.”
 Since you’ve been there quite a few times, you know your way around even without any lights. You can walk around there in your sleep for crying out loud. “Thanks for everything.”
 Instead of replying with ‘You’re welcome,’ Shaw motions for you to get going and rifles through the bag for something.
 Once in the bathroom, you realize you’re not sure how to put on this lacy garment without accidentally ripping it. You were too embarrassed to ask the person who sold it to you, Shaw’s friend… acquaintance. Turning it around and around gives you no clue how to don it. As you become frustrated, you take a deep breath. What did you say about Youtube? Oh yes.
 Good thing you take your phone with you and start searching for instructions on how to put the thing on. You find something, but it’s not on the website you thought you’d find it. As you’re following it step by step, you see something off. Oh Shaw has removed all the tags. How thoughtful of him… when he wants to be. You swear he does most of the things on purpose to get a reaction of you.
 Since you’d rather not rip it before you have a chance to actually wear it, you go through the motions slowly and handle the lacy gently. With the tags removed, there goes any chance of returning or exchanging it. You swear it should come with a set of instructions on how to wear it.
 You look at yourself in the mirror and turn around to make sure you have everything where it needs to go, not that there’s much in the way of fabric or lace. This is for Gavin so it has to be perfect. He’s given so much to you and you want to show how much you appreciate him. You squash your rising feeling of guilt for what you’ve most likely him through these past… four and a half days. This day isn’t over so it doesn’t count as a full day.
 Seeing everything in order, you blush as you think about how Gavin would respond. Would he be a stuttering and blushing mess? Tripping over his words? Or would he be like a hungry wolf ready to pounce on his prey? It brings up memories of when you dressed as Little Red Riding Hood while he was the Big Bad wolf for your Halloween party. You’re not the only couple who came dressed as a set. Kiki and her boyfriend came as Cinderella and Prince Charming while Minor and Willow as Snow White and her Prince. Before the party, you decided to go with a fairytale theme.
 When you pick up your phone, you notice how much time has passed. You place your hand on the knob ready to exit, but… do you want Shaw to see you like this? Maybe you can cover yourself with your jacket until he leaves. No, that won’t work as he needs to help you arrange yourself on Gavin’s bed. That means he’ll have to eventually see you wearing it.
 “Here goes nothing.”
 As you open the door, you involuntarily hold your breath. Your body reminds you to breathe once you step out of it. “Shaw, we need to hurry up!” With your attention on carrying your clothes and cell phone, you miss seeing something important.
 That is until…
 “Shaw, what the hell are you doing with her?”
 This voice could only belong to… Gavin. You raise your head to see Gavin on the verge of strangling his own brother who was trying to fight back the tears… no, laughter.
 “This isn’t what it looks like!”
 Gavin’s eyes drop onto the bed where Shaw has laid thick ribbon, a bow, a flower, and a pair of fuzzy handcuffs. Then his gaze moves over to you and your huge blush.
 “SHAW! When did you get this?” You point to the fuzzy handcuffs. The ribbon, bow, and flower, you already know about it. But that adult toy is something you’ve never laid eyes upon until now.
 “You two are boring. I’m spicing things up between you two so sue me.” Shaw shrugs as if it’s an everyday occurrence to break into a brother’s place with someone who likes him and that kind of toy.
 Gavin frowns before he slams Shaw into the nearest wall. Good thing they’re not far away from it. “You…”
 Instead of being upset or angry, Shaw starts laughing hysterically as if he’s lost his mind. You stare at him as if he’s grown an extra appendage. On the other hand, Gavin is too furious to care.
 “Date. Date. Date. Date.” Since none of you are talking and no one else should be in the apartment, you and Gavin start scanning his room for the source. Meanwhile Shaw is laughing so hard he looks like he’s crying. If isn’t for his older brother, you swear he’d kiss the floor by now.
 As soon as the chanting resumes, you and Gavin stare in disbelief. Never in either of your wildest imaginations (and you have a very active one) did you think any of these birds can speak, but here they are chanting one word. Date.
 With Shaw out of the picture (laughing), Gavin turns to you for an explanation and when he really gets a good look at you, he too resembles a tomato. He averts his gaze to anywhere except you.
 After taking take a deep breath, you somehow manage to get your feet moving over to him. You place your hands on his arm as if reassuring him. “Nothing is going between us.” You point to Shaw and then to yourself. “Promise.”
 “Then why is he here and you’re wearing… that.”
 Shaw manages to calm himself down to where he can speak. “My idiot of a brother needed to grow a pair of balls.”
 “What did you say?” Gavin pushes him back into the wall.
 “Man up.”
 “Isn’t it obvious why she’s doing this?”
 “…. No.”
 “She wants you to fuck her.”
 “SHAW!” You’re tempted to slap him, but with the way the two brothers are positioned, you’re not tall enough to reach over and give him a smack.
 “All right. All right. Since you’re too much of a coward, she needed to take drastic measures.”
 “You’re not the secret admirer?”
 Shaw snorts. “There never was one.”
 “Then how… what… those gifts.”
 “I bought them and Shaw helped me send them to myself,” you finally admit. “Are you mad at me?”
 Gavin exhales in relief, all that pent up anxiety and frustration released at once, now that he knows you never had a secret admirer. At the same time, he’s a little annoyed. “But why him?”
 “Err… he knows you better than I do.” You hope this will suffice. It does to a certain extent.
 “Now that you know, you can let go.”
 “Why should I?”
 “You plan on going on a date with her holding me like this?” Shaw motions to the two of them.
 “No. Why didn’t you tell me?”
 You puff up your cheeks. “For the same reasons why you didn’t ask me.”
 Conflicting emotions appeared in those amber eyes. “I see.”
 “Great, now that you two lovebirds have made up, you can release me.” Shaw pauses. “I left you a little surprise under the pillow.
 Curiosity gets the better of you and you reach over to yank the pillow off. What you reveal causes your blush to intensify, Gavin to become a stuttering mess, and Shaw to laugh hysterically again. You hastily shove the pillow back over the items, wanting them to disappear.
 “Gavin, I—”
 You notice Gavin on the move still holding a hysterically laughing Shaw. You follow him until he reaches the entrance and literally throws his brother out. He slams the door with a little too much force, causing the walls to rattle along with your nerves. You gulp.
 Man, you’re in big trouble.
 The loud pounding on the door diverts both your attention. “I forgot to mention. I left a book in the bag. You’ll need it for tonight.”
 “The bag” happens to be on a table close to Gavin. He reaches over to open it and then closes it immediately.
 All three birds wolf whistle and make suggestive chirps. At least they’re out here and not in the bedroom. You open your mouth to say something when you’re swept off your feet and carted off to his bed.
 Gavin uses his weight to pin you. “A little bunny has been very naughty.”
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What the future holds
Summary: The day of the battle of Hogwarts comes, and it is a specially complicated day for you, because you have the hability to see the future. So you have one mission, save Fred Weasley
Screams, curses, people running without any direction in specific. Everything was a mess. Hogwarts was a mess and you didn't like it at all. You hated those nightmares, mostly because you knew they were going to be true eventually.
You woke up screaming one name. His name. You saw all of those people that were going to die in the battle Their terrified faces and their loved one's crushed spirit. You saw Lupin and Tonks, Snape, the little boy with the camera that wasn't a little boy anymore, but you woke up screaming one name. Fred.
Fred Weasley probably didn't even know you existed, and if he did, he would know you were a freak. You could predict the future ever since you were a little girl, but no one freaking heard you. Ever. They took you for a lunatic despite your predictions always happening. Cedric didn't hear you, Harry didn't hear you and now you were one hundred percent sure none of these people were going to hear you, but that didn't mean you weren't going to try. The only people that really listened to you were the aurors, and that was why it was your job, but they still call you a freak and mock your predictions sometimes. However, this time was different, because he was going to die. Fred Weasley. your crush since you were eleven was going to die and his family was going to be devastated, but you swore you would never let that happen.
The battle of Hogwarts iniciated that same day, and you were glad it did, so you could recall your dream better and save as many people as you could, but he was your priority.
"have you seen Fred?"
You asked Ginny, who was always kind of nice with you in your years at Hogwarts
"why? Did you  dream about this?"
She asked. You knew her, she was going to freak out and get distracted from the war, so you just shook your head. Ginny's smile widened
"so you are finally telling him you are crazy about him, aren't you?"
You furrowed your eyebrows, you had never told Ginny about your dumb crush on her brother, she caught your confused look
"what? You are not even that subtle and neither is my brother, you guys check out each other always but never talk, because my brother always chickens out when he is about to talk to you"
Fred Weasley chickening out. Yeah right. You left Ginny and looked for Fred on your own, but still nothing. You weren't going to give up that easy, so you didn't stop looking until you found Harry, Ron and Hermione. They were obviously on something important but you didn't let that stop you
"(y/n)!" Harry saw you first "did you- did you see anything that can be helpful to us?"
He asked, you replayed your dream in your head, but you couldn't concentrate when you knew Fred could be dying in this moment.
You started, but someone interrupted you. Fred and Percy were approaching the four of you, and a sight of relief left your lungs
"you're okay"
You said without thinking, and suddenly all of the stares where on you
"what do you mean?"
Ron asked with furrowed eyebrows
"do I-?"
Started Fred, but Percy interrupted him
"is that the minister?"
Everyone were following Percy's stare and there he was. Just like in your dream. Percy kept talking but you didn't hear it. For you the time slowed down, and your heart felt like it was going to get out of your chest, and you could barely hold your thoughts together long enough to push Fred out of the way as far as you could.
Then you felt it. The explotion. A blinding pain shook you to your core and before you knew you were on the ground, with a lot of dust in your eyes. You couldn't see anything and you couldn't hear anything either because a ring in both your ears was louder than any sound anyone could make. Your legs were buried in all the debris and your arms were too weak to help you in any way, so you just didn't move. A pair of arms put you out of the debris
"(y/n)? Are you okay?"
It was Fred. How did Fred knew your name?
You muttered with the little bit of strength you had
"No, it's Fred. Fred Weasley"
He said, and you felt a hand rubbing your forehead softly
"No. You need to find Lupin, and Tonks and Colin Creevey"
Those were the only names that you remembered at the moment and Fred was the only one who was close enough to you to hear you right before you passed out.
"She saw more. Lupin, Tonks and Colin Creevey. Perce, you find them, I'll take her to madame Pompfrey".
You heard someone beside you as soon as you opened your eyes, and when you turned your head a little to see who it was, you found Fred Weasley sitting beside you
You said in return
"how are you feeling?"
He asked, and that was when the memories hit you. The war, the explosion, the soon to be dead
"Doesn't matter, I need to help them"
You tried to get up but an intense pain in your head stopped you from moving, Fred stood up and helped you to lay down again
"you don't need to worry, Percy and the others are making sure they're okay"
A sight left your lips and Fred started talking again
"thank you, you know for saving my life"
You dedicated a wide smile to him
"even if I had died or you were the only person I could've saved today, I'd do it again"
It was hard to know why you confessed that. Maybe the meds madame Pompfrey gave you were a little too strong, but to be fair, you were telling the truth and it felt bad and selfish because Lupin and Tonks needed to raise a son and Colin Creevey was just a kid, but none of this mattered, because even though you were sure he thought you were a freak, you knew your life would never be the same without him.
He dedicated you a small cuckle and half a smile illuminated his face
And like that you regretted what you just told him, but it was to late to back out
"because I've seen a future without you. Without your smile, your pranks, your precense, and I don't want it at all"
You answered truthfully, and then, without you expecting it, Fred leaned and kissed your lips. Was that a dream? Because not even in your wildest thoughts you were in that scenario, and it was suddenly happening. Fred noticed you didn't respond and pulled away
"I'm sorry, I didn't-"
He started, but you interrupted him with a kiss. He leaned more and put his hand on your cheek, and that resulted on shivers all over your spine, and even though you were enjoying the kiss, a doubt made you pull away
"is this because I saved you?"
You ask hesitant to hear his response. You got a lot of those people in your childhood. People who only wanted to take advantage of your power and didn't see through you. Maybe Fred was your crush for years, but you couldn't live with the thought of him being one of those people
"No! No, I- I've had the biggest crush on you ever since I saw you fight against the death eaters the night were Dumbledore died. I think you're the coolest girl I know. Me liking you doesn't have anything to do with your power. I swear"
And you believed him. With that answer you didn't need to see the future to know that you were going to be the happiest girl on earth for a long time.
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moonflower-31 · 4 years
Prank Wars - Gabriel x Reader
Warnings: None really. If you notice any, let me know.
Pairing: Gabriel x Reader
Character(s): Gabriel, Dean, Castiel, Sam.
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You and Gabe had been in a prank war. You didn't know why or how it started, but it did. All with one sentence. "I'll get you back for that. One day. Mark my words." And it was annoying everyone.
The farthest back prank you could remember was about four months ago, when you had replaced some of his candy with mints, and he had hollered your name at the top of his lungs.
Gabriel had retaliated by changjng your hair products to temporary dye and you had woken up the next morning with bright green hair. Oh it was on.
You had responded to that prank by putting his candy somewhere he couldn't find it, and he had to apologize and fix your hair to get it back. He had grumbled but apologized.
However he then played a similar prank to what he did to Sam, playing 'Everybody Loves Me' by OneRepublic everytime you walked into a room.
This had gone on for the past few months. And Dean and Sam were tired of it.
Now you were planning on doing the ultimate prank, at least in your mind. You were going to stick candy to his vessel as he slept. (Cause he slept now, especially with his low grace) and then blast the most annoying song from Dean's playlist in his ear. Of course, you had to get candy into the bunker first. And without Gabriel eating it all.
"This is stupid." Dean grumbled, stealing a sucker from the bag as he helped you haul the two large bags of candy into the kitchen and onto the highest shelf so that Gabriel couldn't reach it, or see it.
"No its not. He's done something similar to me! And besides! This is so much better than your idea!" You protested. Dean rolled his eyes as he shoved the bag into the cabinet.
"My idea would have been great. You, me, and a couple of rigged bags of garbage put into wrappers? And then eating actual candy ourselves? Ultimate revenge! And it would finally make him ask for a truce!" Dean grumbled, locking the cabinet shut so that no one else could get into it but him or you.
"Make who ask for a truce?" A voice entered the conversation. You jumped and looked behind you, seeing Gabriel with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face.
You didn't know what to say. Pranking Gabriel was one thing. But actually talking to him? You were destined to fail at that. He was so confident in himself! And you were... the opposite. He was a total flirt! Who had a type that most definitely wasn't you. Besides, you were human. And humans had short lives. Gabriel was an archangel. Something that was set to live forever. Unless they were killed. What good did it do you to try and tell Gabriel how you felt? It did nothing! And you knew it.
"Uh...no one! And why are you even eavesdropping? Its not your turn for a prank anyway!" You insist. Gabriel smirks.
"Oh come on, you love me~" he teased. You rolled your eyes.
"Fat chance." You taunted back, looking back at Dean who gave you a warning look.
Gabriel rolled his eyes. "Oh come on! Everybody loves me~!" He sing-songs, making you groan.
"Oh shove it Gabriel!" You taunt, stomping off to the other room.
Dean sighed, and went to follow you, giving Gabriel a side glance. "This has got to stop. Both of you." He grunts to Gabriel before he went off and found you with Sam and Castiel in the library.
"He's just like that. You'll get used to him." Castiel had said to you, making you groan and slam your head into the table. Sam rolled his eyes.
"Come on, we all can see it. Even Dean can and he's not even out of the closet yet!" Sam exclaimed, making Dean look at Sam in shock and confusion.
Sam rolled his eyes. "Oh don't deny it Dean! You and Cas? The staring? Just go and kiss already damn it!" He grunts. Castiel blushes and Dean clears his throat in embarrassment. You snicker a bit before Sam looks at you.
"You aren't off the hook either! I've seen how you look at him. Its not far off from how Cas and Dean look at each other. It's literally eye sex!" Sam groaned. You felt your face brighten as bright as Castiel's. You covered your face and sighed. They were right. You'd had a crush on Gabriel since you first met him and he had flirted with you, like he did everyone who had a vagina. And sometimes people with dicks.
You'd always told yourself that you'd never tell him. Because you knew he would never feel the same. But you supposedly weren't as subtle as you thought you were. Because almost everyone in the bunker knew. Except for Gabriel.
You sighed and ran a hand througy your hair. "I can't tell him Sam, I just can't..." you started. Sam shook his head and rolled his eyes.
"Why? Cause you're too scared to? Cause you're just 'not ready'? Y/N, you have been crushing on him, for 8 years! I think that's plenty of time to know you're in love with someone!" He exclaims.
"Who's in love with who? Dean and Cassie? Finally." Gabriel starts, walking into the library to join in on the conversation.
You immediately hid your bright red face and Sam glared at you, gesturing with his head for you to talk to him. You shook your head immediately. You weren't ready. You never would be.
Sam rolled his eyes again and then started to talk to Gabriel while you sat there, thinking of a way out.
It had been another two weeks of pranks and ignoring feelings. And Dean and Sam were tired of it. Cas was even starting to get annoyed.
It was Gabriel's turn to prank you next, so you were on edge. And Gabriel had been ignoring you for awhile. Ever since you had disappeared from the library after the 'You need to tell him how you feel' conversation. You hoped he hadn't heard you, but you never know.
So now, you were reading a lore book. Nothing special. Dean and Sam had a hunt planned for you all to go on that day, so you were just getting prepared.
It was about 2:30 in the morning, and you were flipping the page, when something crashed, and Dean called out for help. You immediately dropped your book and grabbed your knife, racing out to find Dean and help him.
You followed the sound of his voice and found him in the bunker's dungeon, waiting for you with a pair of handcufs. You didn't have time to react as Sam came up behind you and put one of your wrists into the handcuffs and then low and behold, Castiel dragged Gabriel into the room and put the other handcuff on his wrist. You looked up at the three, confused.
"Wh-what is this?" You ask, trying to take your wrist out of the handcuffs when you noticed they were warded. Not even Gabriel could undo them.
"An intervention. You, and Gabriel have been doing this prank war for long enough. And you need to tell him. You know what I'm talking about." Sam says, glaring at you. You huff at him, and avoid Gabriel's confused gaze that he turns to you.
"This isn't fair boys, come on. We were just having a bit of fun-" Gabriel started.
"Yeah, a bit of fun that has been drawing on for long enough." Dean says, glaring at Gabriel. "Now I don't approve of it, but she's got something to say. If I have to confess, so does she. You both aren't getting out of here until you call a truce, and she says what she needs to say." Dean says, grabbing Castiel's hand as they begin to close them in the dungeon.
"B-but what about the hunt?!" You ask. Dean rolled his eyes.
"We're good on hands! You two need to sort this out, we're sick of it!" Dean grumbled as they finally closed the entrance, and left the room.
Immediately you growled, and you felt like crying. You weren't ready. And if you told him how you felt and he didn't feel the same? You would have to end up standing here with him and face rejection until Dean and Sam came back.
Gabriel sighed, grumbling a bit to himself. "I don't understand how they can't take a joke. I mean come on, its not like you or I were hurt by any of the pranks, right?" Gabriel asks you.
You squeeze your eyes shut and shake your head, refusing to look at him. Gabriel frowned.
"Did... did I hurt you Sugar?" He asks. You let out a half sob at the nickname. It always made you feel good when he called you that. Always. You didn't want to ruin what you had.
"No... no you didn't..." you say, forcing back tears. Gabriel sighed again and turned you to face him, and lifted your chin up.
"Hey, I think I did. Can you look at me? Please?" He asks. You forced your eyes down, refusing to look at him. "Please?" He asks again, using his handcuffed hand to squeeze yours. You finally gave in and looked up at him. He gave you a half smile that soon faded as he realized what he was doing to you.
"Hey... truce, alright? We'll call a truce. We can just say that you told me if you really aren't ready, Sugar. Alright?" He says, giving you a genuine smile. You sniffled and wiped your eyes, sighing a bit.
"I...no... no I...I want to... before I decide not to again..." you say, a strange string of confidence filling your chest. Gabriel gave you his full attention, his hand on your chin moving to your shoulder in support. You smiled at the touch, and then looked him in the eyes, your heart pounding a mile a minute.
"Gabriel...I-I... I like you. No...I... I love you. I have for a long time... since I met you actually..." You trail, squeezing his hand as if he could leave your side. "It was so much easier to keep how I felt a secret, than to face rejection. Cause I'm just human. My lifetime is a blink to you... So don't feel bad if you don't feel the same..." you finally confess, letting his hand go. You feel like crying harder now, and you wish you weren't handcuffed so that you could curl up in the corner. But then he surprised you. He took your hand again and squeezed it tighter. You look up to him in shock.
He holds your chin again and smiles at you. "Sugar... you have no idea how long I've wanted to hear you say that. I thought you never would. Kept thinking it was me. That you just didn't want me to grieve over you. Or that I was too good of a friend. Y/N... I don't care that your life is short. I want to spend every moment of it I can with you. And only you. I love you too." He confesses. "Don't go telling the muttonheads I got all mushy though. They would never let me live it down." Gabriel says. You giggle and smile at him, happy tears straying down your face.
"I promise. Cause I guess a reputation is all you've got, being a man and all." You tease, using a Tangled line on him. He laughed.
"Oh yeah, definitely wouldn't want that." He responded, pulling you close with his handcuffed hand. "Cause now its the only thing I can afford to lose."
You were happy, entirely. You hadn't faced the rejection you thought you would've. And he loved you. And you loved him. That was all there needed to be.
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blu-joons · 4 years
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Jeongin is quite affectionate with you, but usually when you’re by yourselves. He quite likes to be the big spoon in your relationship and take on the role of the protector rather than be protected. He enjoys taking care of you rather than always being the maknae who gets looked after.
He made a conscious effort when he first met you to smile a lot, he’d been told several times before by his friends how intimidating his resting face was. He was quite keen to get to know you, and turned to his members, especially Hyunjin, for advice whilst trying to get to know you and figure out his feelings.
There was little rush to confess to you, but Jeongin wanted to make sure he did it before someone beat him to it. Slowly you began to come under the impression that he liked you, waiting until he confessed. He didn’t plan much towards his confession, one night he just accidentally told you how he felt without giving it much thought. Like his actions, his words were clumsy, but luckily it ended up working out in his favour.
Just like his confession, Jeongin never planned too much into your dates, he liked to see where the day would take you both. One thing he did like however, was for food to be involved. It never had to be fancy, but he liked trying out new places with you and finding spots for more of your dates to be the location of. He loves trying new things in general, he can’t sit down for long, so he’ll usually try and arrange something adventurous and active. You’re open to trying anything on your dates which Jeongin definitely takes advantage of.
Being so young, Jeongin had never experienced love before. He’d had a couple of crushes during his time at school, but he’d never felt the feeling of a relationship before. There was plenty of time ahead of him for relationships, but when he met you, he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to date for the first time. You knew he had a lot of people who cared for him and looked out for him being the youngest of the group, but equally they all knew that Jeongin wasn’t the same person anymore and he could make his own mind up.
If the two of you so much as raised your voices at each other, it would terrify Jeongin. Whilst he liked taking on the strong role of the protector, arguments were where the line was drawn. He’d worry the second he knew something was wrong and do anything to fix the situation before you both let it run away from you both. He’s mature in the sense that he knows talking is the logical solution to an argument, he’s seen his other members squabble plenty of times before. He won’t ever give you time in an argument, he’ll wanted it fixed and forgotten about in that very moment, not letting it drag on any longer than needed.
Just like his friends and members, you knew his family were protective of him too. But he wasn’t the youngest, which meant they trusted Jeongin a little more. Meeting you, of course, they had expectations, but seeing how warm and inviting you were when you first met them, they knew you far exceeded those expectations.
He relies on his members a lot, even if he doesn’t want to admit it. If you so much as mention moving out, he’ll quickly shut you down. He’s still learning a lot, and whilst he does, he wants to be around his older brothers. One day he knows he’ll move out with you, but he doesn’t plan on it being any time soon.
He was the first to say, ‘I love you,’ one night, in exactly the same manner as his confession. His words ran away with him as he tried to talk to you, without even thinking he just came out and said it. You were slightly taken aback, but knowing he felt that way about you, confirmed all of the feeling that you had towards him too.
Jeongin knows better than to let most situations make him jealous, he knows that the boys like to tease him, but he knows better than to give them a reaction. If he does get jealous, you’ll quickly be able to tell as he’ll stand a little bit closer to you or wrap his arm a little bit further around your body. You’d try and ignore it as you knew Jeongin didn’t like for a big deal to be made out of things, but when the two of you were alone, you’d be sure to mention it.
He was still far too much of a kid himself to even consider himself having kids. He required a lot of looking after, as his members knew all too well, and the responsibility of looking after other humans terrified him. The two of you shared the same feelings, and knew it was best to put the conversation of kids off for a long time, and maybe reconsider when the two of you were a bit more grown up and responsible.
Jeongin isn’t afraid to make a fool of himself in front of you. He might give off the impression that he’s nervous about humour and making a joke of himself, but as soon as he sees you sad, he doesn’t care what he looks like just as long as it’ll make you smile. He makes it a personal goal of this to try and make sure you’re smiling as often as possible, if you’re not smiling, he’ll always feel like he’s failing as a boyfriend and try absolutely everything that he can to try and make the situation better for you again.
From a young age Jeongin had gotten used to being away from his family, but that all changed when he met you. It always took a couple of weeks for him to settle into the tour and try and forget about you, but it was hard. He’d text you and call you a lot, especially when he’d had a bad day, and if you didn’t pick up, he couldn’t help but worry. These were the moments when he remembered how young he was again as he turned to his members to try and pick him up and make him feel better. He wouldn’t stop worrying until you eventually replied and reminded him once again that there were several time zones between you both.
Your nicknames for each other were when Jeongin most liked to feel like a kid in love. You never stuck with a particular nickname for him, it varied often, but he loved the surprise of wondering what was coming next.
He was obsessed with your waist, he loved to hold onto it and wrap his arms around it when he wanted you nice and closer. He could often be found falling asleep laying across your waist too when he was sleepy.
The two of you weren’t into massive affection in public, but Jeongin certainly gave you enough to make sure the message was clear to other people that you were his. He knew the two of you always got a lot of attention from the media, so he’d make sure to use his affection in public to protect you from everything.
If there was one question you anticipated from Jeongin more than anything else, it was for him to ask how you were. As long as he was keeping you safe, then he was a happy man, and that was what was important.
He loved to use you to try and tease his members as revenge for all their antics. He’d somehow manage to encourage you to join in with his pranks, maybe trying it on with another member, or hiding something of theirs and protesting your innocence, he liked to push the boundaries and really wind them up. You’d make sure however, that you never got the blame and that they knew Jeongin in was the mind behind the mayhem.
Whilst he likes to try and maintain his protectiveness over you, intimate moments bring the soft side out of Jeongin. He can’t help but blush and get shy whenever he gets close to you, the feeling of your body so close to his makes him incredibly nervous. You love seeing how red you can make him, his eyes will often look away from you, but you’ll always bring them back to find yours and enjoy the moment together.
He’s a very nervous texter, if he doesn’t receive a reply within a couple of hours then he’ll text you once again. If you don’t respond, he won’t stop texting until you do, and then his mind can begin to settle.
You were his favourite person in the world, he loved having the responsibility of having someone to love and care for. You’d exposed a whole new side to Jeongin that everyone loved, a side he never thought would be possible.
Adventures are a must whenever the two of you go and travel. He loves to explore, and he loves to try as many new things as possible. Each day you’ll do something new and each night you’ll try out a new restaurant. If you want to sit down for so much as a second when the two of you are on holiday, Jeongin will quickly pick you back up.
If you ignore him for long enough then Jeongin will start to whine, it’s not necessarily a cry for attention, but one of worry that you’re not talking to him.
He’s much more of a cuddler than he is a kisser, but that doesn’t stop him from kissing you often. For a long time, he was insecure with his braces so he tended to hide his lips away from you, but now that they’re off, you try and encourage him to kiss you as often as he can to boost his confidence. He tends to kiss you a lot more in private, especially when he’s in a bit of a needy mood for some attention from you.
You were his best friend, someone who had shown him a whole new world.
He tended to get quite restless when he slept, but that would never stop him from clinging to you. Before he sleeps, he likes to reflect a lot on his day, which is something you’ll always join him with, allowing you both to sleep with much clearer minds.
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Title: Love, Maybe? {21}
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Chris Evans X Reader OFC Vixen Giovanni
Warning: Slow Burn, Cursing
Word Count: 4.6K
Summary: After a night of drunkenness you wake up next to warm, hot as hell body, a migraine and no memory of the night before. When you come to realize that the hot body belongs to none other than Hollywood’s golden boy Chris Evans you freak out. As events unfold you become even more panicked to find out you got married in your drunken haze. What else is there to do but get it annulled, right? Before walking away, you share one more night of molten kisses and passion. Three years later you are still living with the repercussions of your brash decisions, but the surprises don’t stop there. The past has a way of coming back and have you questioning is this fate that you’ve been running from, hell could it have been love, maybe?
Note: Italic texts is an inner Vixen thought. Bold Italic texts is an inner Chris thought.
**Slightly Edited/Proofread**
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Chapter 21: Confession
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   He rubbed his face and trailed his hands to the back of his neck.
   “You’re fucking with me.”
   He knew it would be hard to believe. He shook his head and rested his head on his fists. “No, not fucking with you.”
   His brother, Scott just gaped at him over the Facetime call. “Nah man, you’re fucking with me. this is some prank.”
He leaned back and stared out the window of his home out to the cliff, but he didn’t speak. “Chris. You’re messing with me, right?”
   Again, he shook his head no. “Hand to God, not a joke, or a prank, and I’m not fucking with you.”
   Scott just stared at him speechlessly, his face whiter than usual. He would have laughed if this wasn’t serious. Unable to keep it in, he snorted and laughed out loud. It was serious, but he couldn’t help it. “Why the fuck are you laughing bro?”
   That only made him laugh more. After a few moments, he got a hold of himself and cleared his throat. “Sorry, your face was just priceless. It makes me wonder if that is how my face looked when I found out.”
   “Found out? What the hell does that mean? Are you telling me you have a kid and you just found out? When?” Scott fired off question after question without giving him any time to respond then he mimicked the motion for mind blown which made him laugh again. “Come on be serious!”
He held his hands up in surrender and snorted at how chill he was about this now compared to when he first found out. “Okay yes, found out. I didn’t know until a little over a month ago, five weeks maybe,” he confessed. Scott’s eyes bugged out even more.
   “What! Bro—what!” He nodded while pinching his lips, not wanting to laugh again. He knew this was a lot to process. “Say that again.”
   “I have a kid, wait start over. I have a daughter. I found out maybe five, six weeks ago. She’s almost two; she’ll be two in a few weeks actually.” He smiled wide.
   “Two? Wow, wow, wow. With who?”
   He knew this question was coming and while he thought he’d prepared for it, he realized at this time he hadn’t. “Uh, whooo uh--.” He cleared his throat and used those few seconds to gather his thoughts. “It was a girl I met in Vegas a few years ago.” Nothing added. Scott didn’t look satisfied with the answer.
   “Did she just realize you were the father? Two years is a long time to have a kid by someone and not tell them. Are you sure you’re really the father?” He nodded, and he’d be lying if some of the hurt from your decision didn’t come up.
   “Yeah, she knew. She uh, she didn’t tell me until recently. Yeah, I’m sure she’s mine.” Scott stood up, and he knew he was pissed for him. He understood his outrage; he’d felt the same anger. “Calm down, Scott calm down. I know you’re mad, I get it. I was too, but we’re here now.”
   “And where is here, Chris?” He took a deep breath and slowly released it. “Here is accepting it, having it registered and ready to tell you.”
   Scott sat quietly for a little bit and nodded. “Wow, you’re a dad. I’m an uncle. That’s crazy, bro.” He nodded and smiled. It was crazy. “You’re an uncle.” Scott smiled, then studied him.
   “What’s her name?”
   “Ella, that’s what she’s called, but her full name is Kristella.” He couldn’t help but smile as he said her name. He’d slowly began appreciating that fact that though he’d missed so much time, a small piece of him was in her day to day life, even something small as his name.
   “Wow. What does she look at?” He dug into his pocket for his phone and scrolled through his gallery for the picture that you’d texted him from this morning. He smiled once he saw it; her smile was that infectious. He attached it in a text to his brother and heard when it came in. He watched Scott open the message and take a deep breath then smile. He looked up into the camera then back down to his phone and finally back again. “Yeah, she’s yours.” That was the only thing that needed to be said.
   Over the next thirty minutes, Scott asked a lot of questions from what Ella was like to what you were like and then everything in between. He answered what he knew and avoided what he didn’t want to talk about which was anything pertaining to you. He could talk about Ella all day but you—you were a root of stress for him. The stress wasn’t precisely negative; it was something else. After swearing Scott to secrecy, he ended the call. It was imperative he didn’t spill the beans to his sisters because once they knew it would be a matter of time before his mother found out and he wanted to tell her himself, he just didn’t know how.
   Over the last few weeks since spending the day at the beach with you and Ella the time you’d spent alone with him had decreased exponentially. If he were to see Ella, it was with Nexus, and she always gave the same excuse “she’s busy with the restaurant.” That excuse sufficed the first week or two, but he began to wonder if it were just that, an excuse. He loved his time with Ella, whenever she saw him, she always smiled and chattered happily. Unless he initiated touching her, she didn’t touch him, and he didn’t initiate because he didn’t want to overstep a boundary. Nexus always tried to reassure him that if she touched him once, she’d okay if he touches her, but he was still hesitant.
  There were times he just couldn’t tell if she liked him at all and he tried to remind himself that he was new to her, and she would warm up to him eventually, but he worried eventually would be never. He took out his phone and sent a message to you confirming dinner that night. The three of you had gotten into a pattern of having dinner three times a week now, and it had been successful so far. He looked forward to those dinners and the time he spent with you and Ella.
   MSG: Hi. How’s your day going so far? Are we still on for dinner tonight?
   Since the night the two of you were in Ella’s room he’d felt even more distance between the two of you, and he didn’t know how he felt about it. When he’d found out about Ella he was furious and felt something very close to hatred for you, but it never quite got there. Every time his rage sparked when the hurt got too much he wanted to shout out to you how much he hated you and would never forgive you, but he could never. Deep down he knew he didn’t hate you. He feared he couldn’t, and if he couldn’t it meant the way he’d felt those years ago wasn’t some fluke or him needing to get you out his system, it was possibly something more. You still hadn’t called him out on what he’d said. He wondered if you forgot or if it really didn’t matter.
  MSG Vixen: It’s okay. Things are definitely off to the races. Construction on the interior is done. Things will pick up more now.
MSG: That’s good. Sounds exciting.
MSG Vixen: Yeah. The next few weeks will be design focused and promo. I don’t think I’ll make it for dinner tonight. I texted Nex, and she said she’ll bring Ella to some restaurant cause she’s not cooking. If you reach out to her you guys can sync. You already have her number.
   He took a deep breath. He didn’t know how to feel. He thought long and hard about his response.
   MSG: Okay, don’t work too hard.
   Nonchalant and cool was how he decided to play it.
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That night after driving twenty minutes trying to lose the paps that tailed him, he met Nexus and Ella at low key diner she’d found on the strip. Ella smiled when she saw him a smile he loved already. When he sat down, she wasted no time sharing her crayons and coloring with him. Hours passed, and he barely noticed. He only noticed when Nexus left him alone at the table with Ella to use the bathroom. Her phone rang, and he saw your face on the screen. Ella shouted mama and gave the biggest smile. Seeing the way she loved you softened his anger toward you and seeing the way you loved her and really dedicated everything you had to her made him see you differently. You were a great mom.
   When Nexus returned, he had some things he wanted to know. “Is she really too busy tonight?” Nexus looked surprised then speechless as if he’d caught her off guard.
   “By she, I’m assuming you mean--.”
   “You know who I mean,” he said, cutting her off. Nexus nodded and looked at her phone no doubt seeing the missed call. She didn’t respond, but he saw her fingers tapping away. She was probably texting you. He sat quietly and waited for her to finish. When she looked to him she put her phone face down.
   “She is busy.” He nodded and looked back to Ella. “You know what? What do you want here, Chris?” He knew what she meant, and even though he did he didn’t know what to say. After almost a minute of silence she nodded. “Maybe figure that bit out first and really figure it out before things get misconstrued, again.” With that he wondered what she’d meant by “again.” Before he could ask Ella began crying out of nowhere.
   “What’s wrong, sweetie?” Ella reached for her. Nexus stood and lifted her over to her lap and hushed her. Ella rubbed her eyes. “Ah, you’re tired. All right. I’m sorry Chris, she's--.” He raised his hand and nodded.
   “I understand. Bye, Ella.” She smiled then hid her face in Nexus’ chest.
   He walked them out to the car. When he was turning to walk off to his car, Nexus’ voice stopped him.
   “Look, I didn’t mean to sound like a b-i-t-c-h back there--.”
   “You’re fine. I get it. She’s your sister you have no loyalties to me.” Nexus sighed and mumbled something underneath her breath as she shook her head.
   “I don’t,” she responded while writing on a piece of paper. “Here.” She held out the paper to him. Reaching in the car, he grasped the small paper and glanced at what she’d written.
   2570 Sunset.
   “She’s there right now, but I don’t know for how much longer.” Slowly his face spread into a smile as did hers. “God, I see why she fell for your face three years ago.” He smiled wider and rubbed his bearded jaw.
   “Thank you.” She nodded, and with that, she took off, Ella waved to him from the backseat a wave he happily echoed.
He was thankful that he made it across town without being seen by any of the vermin that plagued his life. The paparazzi was one part of the job he still had yet to get used to. Every encounter they only got worse and worse. It took serious work to keep you and Ella out of any potential shots or scandals. He knew, though that in this business, everything always comes out sooner or later.
  When he arrived at the address, it looked like a construction site outside, but it was quiet. He slowly approached the door and peered through the glass windows. Inside looked like a work in progress. After trying the knob that turned freely he walked inside careful not to touch anything. From what he could see there was no one there. Then he saw a woman’s purse then heard hushed voices.
   “I’m sorry, I—I don’t know what to say.”
   “Just say what you feel. I’ve only ever cared about how you feel Vixen.” At the mention of your name, he stopped walking and looked around the bend. He could see your face and the back of a taller man. Quickly he pulled his head back, not wanting to be found. He contemplated leaving, but when he heard you speak, again he stopped.
   “I don’t—I don’t do feelings, Zack. It’s been a very long time since I allowed myself to even enter something that takes time away from Ella.” Hearing Ella’s name made him slink closer all the while ensuring to stay out of sight. This was eavesdropping, but he was curious. As he got closer, he came from a different angle, an angle that allowed him to see the guy’s face clearer. It was the same guy you’d been within the restaurant when he saw you. He’d heard some of the conversation before he’d left and he remembered thinking poor guy.
   “I understand you want to dedicate all your time and attention to her, but you’re a woman Vixen, you have needs,” the man retorted. He scoffed, that was the cheesiest thing he’d ever heard.
   “Zack, look—I appreciate the connection you introduced me to, and I know without you this all probably wouldn’t have happened for a while longer. I’m grateful, believe that--.”
   “But you don’t feel for me what I feel for you,” the blond filled in. He peeped around the corner and saw a sympathetic look on your face. It was the look of a woman trying to let a man down gently. He’d given that look to quite a few women over the years. He held his breath wanting to hear the words from your mouth.
   “I’m sorry, I don’t, and it’s not you, it’s me. I’ve been through a lot, and as a result I’m just—different.” He wondered what that meant. His elbow collided with a paint pan, and it clattered to the floor beside him.
   “Who’s there?”  Annoyed with himself, he stepped out the shadows.
   “You’re trespassing dude, I’ll call the cops,” the man threatened.
   “That’s not necessary.” Vixen stepped out from behind him and squinted.
   “Hi, Vixen.” He felt like a stalker. The two of you approached him. You look confused, and the blond looked blown away.
   “What? Chris Evans? As in Captain America?” He nodded.
   “Wow, I’m a huge fan, so huge.” He smiled and turned on the Hollywood persona.
   “Thank you; it’s good to meet you.” Looking at you he shot over an apologetic look.
   “What’re you doing here?” You crossed your arms over your chest.
   “Uh, your sister told me where you were, and I wanted to bring you some food.” He held up the bag in his hand for emphasis.
   “Wait, why are you bringing her food? How do you even know her? How do you know Chris Evans?” You didn’t make a move to answer, and he was absolutely going to let you take the lead. Part of him wanted you to say he was your ex-husband, but he knew you wouldn’t say that.
   “We knew each other from way back, I was just in the neighborhood,” he partially lied. Thinking about it though, none of it was a lie, it was just vague as hell and completely out of context. The guy looked between him and you before he scoffed.
   “Wow, Captain America just saw me get dumped.” He felt kind of bad for the guy.
   “I’m sorry, Zack.” He nodded before he sighed. “Good luck, Vixen. I hope you get that beautiful life you deserve.” You looked down, and he walked away and out the front door leaving the two of you standing in silence.
   “Out of curiosity, how much of that did you hear?”
   He made a guilty face. “All or most of it.” You groaned and rubbed your forehead.
   “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude or eavesdrop. I didn’t want to interrupt, and after ten seconds it would have come off as snooping and that would have been weird and embarrassing, and I didn’t want that,” he blurted. You smirked.
   “Because this isn’t weird or embarrassing now?” He paused and thought about your point and nodded. “Touché.” The two of you laughed together until you sighed.
   “God that was a disaster,” you rushed out.
   “What? No, it wasn’t. It was fine and normal. People break up every day.” You snorted and shook your head before you groaned.
   “And he was my ride.”
  “I can give you a ride.” You looked at him with one eyebrow raised. He knew how it sounded but decided not to correct it. “Anywhere you wanna go, and I won’t even turn the meter on.” You smiled and shook your head.
   After you locked up and turned off all the electricity, you walked out onto the sidewalk. He waited while you locked the door and made sure it was secure. When you turned to him, the two of you stood there just staring. Suddenly, he saw the flash of one then two cameras that brought his attention to around him. In an instant, like a Houdini trick about eight photogs surrounded you all snapping pictures. “Oh my god!”
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Your eyes met, and he saw your panic. “Run!” The minute you heard his shout, he saw it; you took off down the street pushing your way through the group of people. He followed hot on your tail. He could hear them chasing behind you. Glancing back your eyes landed on him. He fell into pace with you. “Down the street, around the corner.” You nodded and followed his instruction and halfway down the block he saw an open ally like corridor. Looking back he didn’t see the swarm and dipped into the narrow entryway before you ran past he grabbed you pulling you into him. Quickly he pulled the metal tarp like screen closing it off. From the outside, it looked like a private screen many restaurants used to block entry from the side.
   He pressed his finger to his mouth, signaling you to be quiet. The two of you could hear the footsteps as they ran past your hiding spot. You stared at the metal as if you could see through it and he stared at you wishing he could see into your mind.
   “God, she’s beautiful.”
   When the footsteps faded and shouts for his name died down, you looked to him but didn’t speak. Everything he’d felt the first night with you came back. He recognized them now as feelings and not effects of the abundance of liquor he’d consumed. He hadn’t had a drop in weeks, and here he was yet again in front of you, feeling like his belly was on fire, and all the air was being pumped into his heart making it expand in his chest. It was a similar feeling to heartburn.
   Just then, as a monstrous clap of thunder filled the air, the sky ripped open and down came a monsoon. The two of you stood frozen, still not moving or caring that you were both getting thoroughly drenched. Before either of you made any moves, a bright lightning bolt decorated the sky and brought an even louder thunderclap with it. You flinched and looked up.
   “Let’s go!” He pulled open the metal and scanned the sidewalk making sure no one was awaiting there to snag a picture. There was not a soul in sight. Nodding his head as the signal it was all clear you stepped out behind him. The two of you scurried back down the street to your restaurant and across to his waiting car. You hopped in, and he quickly made his way around to the driver’s side.
   “Oh my god, it’s coming down.” He nodded and rubbed his hands through his hair then looked to you. “You okay?” You nodded using your hands to wipe the water from your face. “Let me show you something amazing.” You didn’t answer right away; instead, you stared at him then slowly nodded. Smiling he pulled off hoping the rain would continue for another thirty minutes at least.
   -Twenty Minutes Later-
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The rain continued, and because there was barely a car on the street, he made it in nearly record time. As he parked on the cliff right under the clearing of trees your jaw dropped. “Oh my god, wow.” He smiled as he stared at you, experiencing the sight through your expressions. You looked amazed scooting to the edge of the seat to peer out the windshield. When you angled your head to look up into the sky he scoffed and looked out for himself. “Pretty cool huh.”
   “Yeah.” Again, he rubbed his head hoping to get the water drops out. “I only come here when it rains. Since we’re up a bit you can really see the definition of every raindrop. It almost looks as if it drops in slow motion like the world just slows down here. I come when I need everything to just stop.” Silence.
   “Is that often?”
   Taking a deep breath, he nodded, not wanting to be anything but real with you. More silence filled the car as the two of you just watched the rain streak across the night sky. After almost fifteen minutes of silence, the rain slowed to a heavy drizzle.
   “My God, what did you bring it smells so good!” He smiled and reached back, then produced the bag to you. You opened it took out the container and revealed twelve tacos. You gasped.
   “Your favorite,” he said. You snorted and laughed. “I can’t believe you remember that.”
   “Are you kidding! It’s not every day a woman scarfs down five loaded tacos right in front me in less than eight minutes,” he recollected.
   “What? Excuse me. It was seven in under eight. Put some respect on my name!” He snorted, and the two of you laughed unable to control yourselves. “It was impressive.”
   You smiled again and took the oversized container out the plastic bag and took a deep inhale. “Oh my god, this is what heaven smells like.” He nodded and watched as you took a hearty bite. Smiling to himself, he was pleased this was still the same about you. He liked this you. You moaned as you chewed and didn’t bother to wipe off the salsa and sour cream mixture at the side of your mouth. “Is it good?” You nodded and rolled your eyes to the back of your head.
   “Eat, please.” He took a taco for himself and tried it and nodded his agreement. The next few minutes passed with the two of you devouring the tacos with little to no speech except the muffled mumbles of full mouths. It was comfortable, a comfort he hadn’t felt in three years.
   Once the tacos were finished, you chattered about everything and nothing at the same time. He told you about filming Captain America and the craziness he’d seen because of it, you told him about opening your restaurant back in San Fran and how you worked your ass off to be successful and he found a new thing he loved about you, your drive. The conversation turned to rumors of the entertainment industry that a lot of people had, rumors and myths he happily demystified. In truth, his life was not glamorous, and it was not something to be envied.
   Hours later, you now sat looking absentmindedly at the twinkling city lights of Los Angeles. You looked far away. “You were wrong back there.” You turned to him and rested your head against the headrest. “Hmm?” It sounded like a calm, relaxed moan, one he liked—a lot. “In your restaurant with that guy Zack, you were wrong. Without him, it wouldn’t have taken you a lot longer to get here. You’re talented and ambitious and so damn resilient, you would have gotten here no matter what. You didn’t need him.” You didn’t speak just stared at him. He wasn’t sure you would respond. “Thanks.” You looked down to some spot.
   “Honestly, it was my fault. I shouldn’t have even agreed to the first date. I knew it wasn’t something I really wanted.”
   He really didn’t want to talk about you dating other men. It didn’t sit well with him. “Then why’d you do it?” You released a loud melancholy sigh.
   “Peer pressure. It’s been years since I did the whole song and dance and Nex said it was about time and I figured maybe it was I’d avoided it for three years and said what the hell.” He watched you; his brain stuck on one fact. You’d avoided dating for three years.
   “Was that after me? After us?”
   You finished your beer and groaned. “Three years, huh.” Your head snapped to him; your eyes were wide then closed. “Oh, damn I said that out loud.” He laughed and nodded. “Yep, out loud and very clearly.”
   You dropped your head in the palms of your hands and shook it. “It’s all right; you have a reason—Ella. I haven’t done a lot of things in three years.” You looked at him with a quirked eyebrow as if calling his bullshit. “Like what?” He smiled and debated with himself, he wanted to be real, but he didn’t know if he wanted to be this real or if he had the guts.
   “For one, gotten married.” You kept a straight face. “Too soon?” You snorted and laughed out then pushed him back, forcing him to laugh as well. “That was super corny.” He shrugged. When he looked back to you your eyes were already on him. “You look crazy.” His jaw dropped. “Me?” She nodded and smiled.
  “Yep, you. It’s not a bad thing. I just—you always look so put together and groomed and now you just—don’t.” A few more moments passed with him staring at you and you not looking away.
   “I like it.” Your admission made him feel like a little boy all over again when his crush told him he looked nice in his new Fila sneakers. He smiled. “Yeah well, you still look perfect, as always.” Your teeth sank into your bottom lip, and the moment felt right for claiming those lips. It was then his phone rang sapping the two of you out of whatever haze you were in.
   “I’m sorry.” You motioned for him to go ahead. When he took out his phone, he saw it was a Facetime call from his sister Carly. Hesitating he looked to you. “Get it, please,” you said.
   He pressed the green button, and her face came up on the screen with his other sister Shanna and Scott sitting in the back looking sheepish as hell. Instantly he knew Scott had ratted him out.
   “Oh fuck!”
   “Fuck is right. What the fuck, Chris?!” He looked across to you, and your eyes were wide. “I’ll call you back.” Without waiting for a response, he ended the call. “She sounds pissed.” He nodded, he knew when Carly got pissed, she was really pissed because she was usually very chill. “Ha, yeah she’s pissed, my sister.”
   You nodded and buckled your seat belt. “I should get home; Nex is probably wondering where I am. He nodded trying to keep the disappointment at bay. “Yeah, I’ll take you home.”
   With that, he pulled out and began the drive to your house. Half of him was worried about the shit storm to come when he got home, and the other half was thinking about the what ifs. What if he hadn’t gotten a call? What if he would have leaned in for the kiss? What if you would have pulled back and told him no? What if you kissed him back? Nexus was right. He had to get his shit together.
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bleufrost · 5 years
Hello! Could you do a George x reader where the reader has a crush on him and George finds out and they have their first kiss? Thanks in advance!
George Weasley x reader
a/n: my first george request! I love him so much and I hope this is what you wanted 💛
warnings: a little angst, fluff!
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From the moment you stepped foot into the wildly colorful joke shop, you were hooked. The sweets, pranks, and interesting snack boxes that caught the eye of every patron went completely unnoticed in stark comparison to the redhead who had greeted you. He had rolled over on the top of a ladder, extending a hand out in warm welcome as he flashed a dazzlingly goofy grin at you.
George Weasley was his name, and pranking people was apparently the game he liked to play. After that day, you returned almost constantly. You became a regular in the shop, meeting his twin brother, Fred, and slowly falling into step as their newest assistant and lab rat.
Initially you felt some form of attraction to George. He was warm and kind in a way that wasn't expected after all that had occurred just a few years before. Not everyone can escape a war with their ability to laugh still intact, so the cheery exterior of the twins' was a breath of fresh air in a world full of smoke.
It wasn't until the two of you had spent a day alone together that you realized his smile had become your entire world. After that day, everything changed.
All that being said, today you were in a panic. Fred had called you saying something serious had happened to George and he needed to speak to you immediately. The fact that he hadn’t spoken to you himself and told you made you worry that something bad must have happened. Pulling on your jumper, some leggings, and the pair of sneakers you left by the door, you darted from your apartment and made your way down the cobblestone streets to get to the alley that would lead you to their shop.
You saw the problem immediately. Opening the door, the smell of caramel and chocolate invaded your senses and you were in shock at the mountain of wrappers that appeared to flood from the door and make their way under your feet. On the counter was none other than George himself, a handful of chocolate in one hand and a caramel apple in the other. It was an odd sight considering he had never cared for caramel apples, but the smell was welcome since the combination was your absolute favorite pair of sweets.
His eyes lit up the second he saw you, and he jumped off the counter greeting you in the biggest hug you had ever received. Him hugging you wasn’t too far out of the ordinary, but the way in which he placed his head upon yours and kissed it gently gave you reason to pause. When he pulled away, or rather you did because he didn’t seem to be moving any time soon, he had the sweetest puppy dog look upon his face. He almost looked in love, but certainly that couldn’t be.
“Hey loverboy, leave the poor girl alone before you scare her off!” Fred’s voice rang through the shop; which you just now noticed was completely void of any other people. More importantly than that though, why had he just called George loverboy?
“I’m not scaring her, I’m just admiring the view. She’s so pretty, isn’t she?” You fought the blush that rose to your cheeks, desperately trying not to give away the fact that this truly was a dream come true in more ways than one for you. Something was off though, George was never one to hide his affection, but outright saying these things out of nowhere was far from normal for the boy.  
Looking from Fred to George and back again, you decided to speak directly to the twin who was acting the most common. “Fred, is something going on?” When George noticed your attention distracted from him, he grabbed your hands in his, instantly pulling you back to the warm sensation of his large palms wrapping around your smaller ones protectively. “Nothing’s wrong, love. I’m just in awe of you. It’s a beautiful thing being in love, isn’t it?”
That weirded you out for sure.
“Fred?” The panic in your voice rose and Fred walked over to pull you away from his brother. “Alright so it’s a long story, but let’s make it quick. We were testing out some new product and good old Georgie here decided to not read the bloody labels.” Fred was rolling his eyes and the annoyance was clear upon his face, but you didn’t have time for him to be annoyed because you desperately needed an explanation. “Fred, what happened?”
“Right! He ate like four amortentia chocolates from that batch you helped us make and, well I suppose you could kind of guess the rest.” That made your heart drop. Of course he wasn’t actually in love with you, it was crazy to even think that he would ever see you as anything more than a friend, at most an extension to their pranking duo. You had to get out of there immediately or you knew the stinging from behind your eyes would soon spill over in the familiar liquid crystals that signified your pain.
“Just baby him for a bit, it’ll wear off in no time if you don’t let him feed into the fantasy of us being together for too long.” You wrote down some basic instructions and told Fred to call you if anything escalated, then made your way out the door. Walking out onto the cobblestone, you finally let yourself breathe and with that breath came the tears. You could have stayed and fed into the dream for a little longer. You could have let him love you and cherished that memory, however brief it may be. No, that wouldn’t have been right to force your best friend into a situation that you knew would only serve as a mark of humiliation on his life. That would have been taking advantage of him and no matter how much you wanted to have him hold you and tell you how much he cared for you, you knew it wouldn’t have been genuine. It was wrong to feed into the fantasy and you knew that it would hurt you down the road, but even the brief interaction that you had with him upon entering their shop was enough to break you down. It wasn’t real. He didn’t love you.
The next day came and went without any word from Fred or George. After three days you started to worry. After a week, you were upset. Part of you wanted to go visit them and see what exactly was up, but you knew that you were far too afraid that he would reject you to do that. It wasn’t until a week later that you heard from George.
You had been sitting on your sofa reading when a soft knock sounded from your apartment’s front door. Bookmarking your place, you got up to answer it without even really thinking to check who it was. He stood there, caramel apple in hand and shy smile upon his face as he waited for you to hopefully let him in.
“Long time no see, George.” He looked down nervously before chuckling. “Glad to see a week apart didn’t change your ability to tell me from Fred.” That had you smiling slightly. It had taken some time for you to be able to tell one twin from the other when you first met them. Eventually you had gotten the hang of it and knew without them even speaking who was who, and you hadn’t gotten it wrong since.
“Why don’t you come on in.” Moving to the side, you let him enter and shut the door. When you turned around you found him standing awkwardly in the living room. Grabbing his arms you led him to a seated position next you on the couch and folded your legs under yourself to look at him. “There something you want to tell me?”
George breathed in a shaky breath, tossing the foil covered apple back and forth between his hands before holding it out to you. “I’m sorry I made things so bloody awkward between us. I wanted to come speak to you sooner, but quite honestly I didn’t know how to apologize without discrediting everything I said that day.” As you took the apple in your hands and thought over his words, your sadness turned into confusion.
“Georgie, what do you mean by that?” He rubbed the back of his neck and let out a nervous laugh. “Well, I’ve got to be honest with you, only a small part of what I said was because of the chocolate. Don’t get me wrong, it was a great batch you made, but I guess it doesn’t work as well when you’re already sort of in love with the person you got it from.”
Your eyes began to water as you realized George, your best friend and the man you’ve had a crush on for nearly as long as you’ve truly known him, was confessing his own feelings for you. His hand came up to brush your tears away and the sadness on his own face confused you to no end.
“I’m so sorry. If you don’t feel the same I completely understand and I swear this doesn’t have to change anything between us.” You laughed and brought your hands up to hold his against your cheeks. “George, I feel exactly the same way. I was just too afraid to say anything about it.” He grinned widely, laughing which in turn made you laugh as well. “Would you mind if I kissed you?”
You responded by leaning in closer to him and slowly pressing your lips against his. He tasted of chocolate and caramel, but he made you far happier than any sweets could ever dream.
a/n: I really hope you guys liked this! any feedback is super appreciated and I love you all so much, thank you for reading <3
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