For: Bilbo :: @respectablebaggins Specified Muse: Hal Verse: Hobbit :: An Unexpected Journey au
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"You've grown since I saw you last."
  Well. It was a greeting. Although possibly not one that the Thain's better half agreed on, given the rather pointed look being sent his way. A look that softened slightly at the faint half smile that touched the weary Ranger's features briefly. But it didn't stay softened for long, much to Fortinbras' misfortune.
  "In more ways than one." Hal agreed quietly, shifting slightly under twin sharp looks at their words. The Hobbits weren't a race that trusted outsiders easily but that had never been a problem when it came to the gender-fluid 20 year old. "Do you know if Master Baggins is home this afternoon?"
  "He is. Although... Gandalf the Grey came through earlier and now there's some kind of Rune on the door to Bag End. Could you check it, please?"
  The young Ranger tilted their head at the odd, coming from a Hobbit at least, request and nodded. Fortinbras wasn't one to ask for outside help, which meant no one actually recognised the Rune. "I'll go take a look. And send Bilbo your way if he gets annoyed." Hal grinned slightly at the resulting sigh from the Took and Lalia's laughter as they left the Great Smials.
   Walking the distance between Tuckborough where the Thain lived and Bag End near Hobbiton was never going to be an issue. Not for someone who had grown used to walking far longer distances as a child. And there were very few small folk on the roads, who didn't recognise them. So greetings were everywhere that day, given that it was Market day in Hobbiton.
  The newly painted white Rune stood out like a beacon against the green front door. Hal didn't need longer than a glance to recognise it and they sighed, since there was only a handful of Hobbits would know a Dwarf rune at first sight. A certain grey wizard on the other hand...
A moment later, they knocked and then stood back to wait for Bilbo to answer.
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cupcakesmuses · 5 months
Playing the Neverwinter MMO again on me PlayStation. If I know you, hit me up DM style for my handle.
Also how about some DND starters for my DND babies in this blog?
This includes my Critical Role sideblogs:
Oh and why not
Send me a meme, reply to an “open rp” thread or Like/Reply/Reblog for a starter. Specify who’s joining the party or I’ll choose some one at random!
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therapardalis · 1 year
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[ @thestorycontinues sent a random thing!]
Things happen-- and Thera finds herself traveling with the Fellowship of the Ring. What kind of a relationship does she have with each of her fellow... fellows? ------------
OK, realistically speaking? It doesn't happen. The 'traveling with' part, I mean. Aside from the Fellowship being a very specific group with a very secret mission and not likely keen on interlopers who might just be after the Ring - the whole thing is basically a Boys' Club. So, any stray they did pick up for any longer than it takes to reach the next town wouldn't be female.
However, that said ... if we're talking about her Middle Earth verse;
She would know Legolas already, at least in passing, from the times she's visited Mirkwood as Elrond's messenger. It's possible she's met Gandalf at Rivendell, but it would probably be a very superficial acquaintance. They would probably both want to send her off to deliver news back to Elrond.
The Hobbits may know her name since she's been to the Shire before, but not necessarily have met her. Merry and Pippin would likely pester her with questions all day. Sam would take a while to be satisfied that she's trustworthy enough to put hands on Mr Frodo, but then he'd encourage her to help/heal him. Frodo himself would probably resist in a quiet 'thanks but no thanks' sort of way, and otherwise keep to himself.
She may also know Boromir from her visits to Minas Tirith. Aragorn is less likely, unless she's met him on the road and only knows him as Strider.
(Unless of course we're going by her RP history, where she knows them both in a way that could make things Really Really Awkward (tm))
Boromir would likely be overjoyed to find a fellow Gondorian, but at the same time against her being there because it's dangerous and he is a gigantic overprotective lump. Aragorn would mostly agree on the second point, unless she proves more useful than a risk.
Gimli would grump and grumble incessantly about her, but still go Full Rottweiler on anyone or anything that tried to hurt her.
In a nutshell, she would be too much of a distraction in different ways, and as such shouldn't stay with them for long!
(Also nudging @sonxofxgondor, @swordoaths, @luminescenc1e, @multipleoccupancy, @respectablebaggins, @yourehomesickiunderstand and @newromanticsmuses for the lulz ;))
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chainsxwsmile · 3 years
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Bruce is not making the best impression with Bilbo— a screenshot of the thread between @respectablebaggins and myself!
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sarcasticamaleont · 3 years
Petition for making Bilbo not using swear words because that's not proper for a respectable hobbit.
Instead he just use Sackville.
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toymvker · 3 years
hospital :   my  muse  awakens  in  a  hospital,  finding  your  muse  by  their  side,  asking  what  happened.- @respectablebaggins 
Bofur had been restless. He did not particularly enjoy when someone that he cared about was hurt. The past few hours had consisted of him walking back and forth, frowning to himself as he paced outside of where Bilbo was. Initially, he had been at the bedside but they’d thrown him out for a bit. Which, Bofur guessed, was so they could check him over without an extra person who had no way to actually help. 
But that didn’t mean he liked it. 
He came to a stop, tugging unhappily at his hat before he turned back around and stepped into the room. It had been a half an hour since they’d left, but Bilbo hadn’t woken yet. Bofur had been anxious about going back in but now he was more anxious about Bilbo waking up alone. He tugged a chair up to the bedside and plopped down, sighing as he looked down at his friend. 
Timing was just right. When Bilbo woke up, just as Bofur was taking one of his hands, he straightened up. “It’s okay,” he said quickly, squeezing Bilbo’s hand. “You’re okay. I mean, I think you’re okay. They didn’t say you weren’t okay.”
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fvcechanger · 3 years
"There is nothing you cannot do." - Bilbo to Beli, @respectablebaggins
Beli tucked herself more comfortably into the chair, smiling - just a bit shyly - at Bilbo over her teacup. His words meant more to her than they likely should have, but she had never had the best relationship with other hobbits. She’d likely have been better off in Bree, because even in Stock, her constant wandering off and finding herself in trouble hadn’t led to much respectability, as it were. 
Nor did Fenrir, the large bear that lumbered after her. 
And she wouldn’t have expected a Baggins to show her any courtesy at all, but Bilbo Baggins was different, after all. Perhaps one of the few hobbits that seemed to understand that longing to see the wide world. 
“Thank you, Mr. B... Bilbo,” she corrected herself, sipping at her tea before she flashed him a larger smile. “That... does mean a lot. I do appreciate your insight about traveling. But it’s still rather... a daunting task.” 
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murkhith · 3 years
What unpopular archetype are you?
the taken
it was a rough ride over and you have the scrapes to show for it. they ripped you from your bedroom and locked you up in the highest tower. you never felt like yourself at home, but you were loved. whenever you vanish, they stay out all season looking for you. 
but what does that matter to you now? 
for now, you have altitude sickness. for now, all the stone walls are closing in. for now, you can feel the heat of its breath right above your spire. friendless and bored is the worst thing for you to be. when this is all over, they’ll tell stories about your rescue. but nobody ever asks what those long months in shackles felt like for you. hang in there, jailbird! your knight will come eventually!
personality: fun-loving, youthful, naive / / counterpart: the omen
tagged by @storiedocs 
tagging @unsungxheroes @multimuse-online @respectablebaggins
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smaugthcgolden · 9 years
“Because…” Bilbo swallowed hard, standing as the boat swayed closer to the pier. He felt his mouth going dry as Sigrid whimpered and Tilda shouted again. The boat rocked, nearly making him fall, knocking against the dock. Bilbo scrambled to the pier, getting up and walking towards Smaug. He left his sword in it’s sheath. He couldn’t afford to make the dragon more angry.
“Because I’m responsible.”
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There was a long moment of just looks, and the dragon kept his talons curled dangerously against the nape of this child’s neck... A single nail digging threateningly into her pulsing vein there on the side. Locking his burning eyes towards the approaching halfling...         “You...?... You...? Really? A tiny little morsel          like yourself, causing all of this? Those dwarves...?          And just why are you claiming to be the one          responsible for their intrusion?” { respectablebaggins }
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Starters owed
Known @respectablebaggins :: Bilbo | Done | before the Dwarves appear | Muse: Hal @storiedocs :: Erui | TBD | Freezing starter | Muse: Undecided @roquenxnar :: Myndilon | TBD | AU | Muse: Arathorn @gezelligheiid :: Elen | Done | ? | Muse: Undecided
If you have liked a starter call but your name/muse isn't on here, let me know as I'm being a tiny bit forgetful due to a headache. side eyes @gezelligheiid 😅
On the other hand, poke me if you haven't liked a starter call but would like one anyway.
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cupcakesmuses · 3 years
I feel like I should apologize
My brain has been
No thoughts
Only Baggins
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Go play w him over on @respectablebaggins
He does have a modern verse 🙃
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chainsxwsmile · 3 years
Mun vs Muse(s): Height Edition
Using this site, see how you compare with your muse’s size!
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Bruce is 5’7” belly to top of his head (or 20’ tail to snout), and I’m 4’10”!
Tagged by: @cornerstonc
Tagging: @marinemarvels, @respectablebaggins, @rxwords (with Legolas, or any muse you want), @evisconti, @houseflyy
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modernbowman-blog · 10 years
respectablebaggins pt 2
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toymvker · 3 years
📖+ that adorable bookstore meet cute we mentioned. Modern Bofur and Bilbo! - @respectablebaggins
There was not often a time where Bofur ventured far from the bar. He liked it there, the ales, the people, the food that his brother made. It was good life. And maybe, sometimes, when there was enough of a lull, he’d have a chance to whittle away at one of the strange little creatures that he and cousin Bifur had dreamed up years ago. Neither of them quite had the talent to string words together, but they could bring those to life in other ways. 
But the bar wasn’t open until mid-afternoon, and he’d ducked out from the kitchen, heavy with good smells as Bombur cooked, and walked down the main street. There were dozens of stores and restaurants about, but he didn’t have a real aim in mind. 
In the end, Bofur had somehow wandered into a bookshop. He had a bag slung over his shoulder, his always present hat, and he was ducking between shelves. He had never been an avid reader, but he liked seeing what sorts of books ended up in out-of-the-way bookshops. And it never hurt to peek into the children’s section. He had enough nieces and nephews that he was almost always picking up gifts when he had a free moment. (Though they liked the toys he’d been crafting, but Nali, his sister-in-law, had insisted that Bofur actually buy them something. Bah.)
He wasn’t really paying attention as he ducked between shelves again, trying to find where the colorful children’s books might be. So he knocked into a smaller figure, and almost sent them both tumbling over. Bofur caught the other man’s shoulders before that happened, though. “Ach, sorry!” He took a step away, straightening his hat. 
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(closed rp) Half halfling
Bera entered the room Bilbo sat in quietly, driven by her distress and determination. “Dad,” she said, fondling her hands out of nervousness. Though she was no stranger to confrontation, she had never had to ask something so important. “The other Hobbits said something to me today and-” she paused, the backstory wasn’t important, “they told me the reason I was different - taller - is because I’m not really a Hobbit… Is that true?”
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moon ☾ you’re quite quiet, and your head is often in the clouds, but you’re possibly one of the kindest people. if you’re told a secret, you will not share it with anyone. you’ll do anything to feel stable emotionally, and when you find an interest you let it consume you. you’re simple, but on the inside there’s so much more to learn. people often find you mysterious, and are somehow drawn to you. embrace it, you’re awesome <3
tagged by: @orcristwielder tagging: @lordsxfgondor :: Faramir, @gezelligheiid :: Maedhros, @storiedocs :: Erui, @respectablebaggins + anyone else who wants to do this.
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