#resident evil 7 mold
coverfox-officia · 2 months
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I love my wife
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megamyceted · 4 months
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BIOHAZARD SCENERY 17 / ?? resident evil 7 : biohazard, 2017
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kumamaskart · 1 month
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Mold dad for your dash
Instagram: @kumamaskart
TikTok: @kumamask
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raisans-art · 4 months
Body horror
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It’s me y’all should’ve seen this coming tbh the potential is right there
He’s beautiful :) I think with a bit more time I can make him better and by better I mean worse but like in a cute, fun way
At the end of the day I think I just like torturing characters
Anyway yeah my fucked up lil guy who absolutely bites
Bonus sillies
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sweetmemorial · 2 years
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redraw of the ‘ETHAN MUST DIE’ DLC screen
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morguegause · 10 months
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fuck it up mold man
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fanfixdotnet · 16 days
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Was this joke made already?
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emfleaa · 1 month
My horrible, no good, very bad, terrible, awful Mold!Ethan design (or his mutation if he’d had one)
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clearly heavily influenced by the cleric beast from Bloodborne.
but I do actually have my reasons alongside the fact that I simply think the aesthetic fits well.
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To me, Ethan Winters is best signified as a stag; a deer. The cleric beast, while not being completely ‘deer focused’, does have notable traits.
Deer are often thought of as shy, meek, weak prey animals due to their herbivore nature. Though certainly that can be the case, other times it is not. Deer are powerful creatures, quick and nimble. Antlers grown by deer can be strong enough to puncture the body or even cause interlocking, resulting in the eventual starvation of the other male (as well as possible decapitation).
Deer can be dangerous despite their initial appearance. A deer's kick can generate an estimated 700 psi. In comparison, a human punch can generate around 200 psi. They can easily break bone, knock a person down or cause internal bleeding through striking someone.
Ethan is often a character seen as weak or lesser than other Resident Evil protagonists, which I think is quite ridiculous. Drawing the parallel of deer and Ethan being seen as meek is an easy gap to bridge. But both are powerhouses in reality. Ethan is an unstoppable force to be reckoned with, injuries or not. More often than not, he is injuried in some form during gameplay.
Deer, even being hit by a car can still kill a man by kicking him to death through the windshield. (If it survives the initial impact of course.)
His antlers, and by extension head, would be made up of a hard material- possibly bone like. Perfect for ramming, skewering and protection.
Fur, claws, fangs, Skin
As for the fur aspect, I’m going to explain that using headcanon power/kind of canonical shit.
HGT or Horizontal Gene Transfer is the movement of genetic material between organisms other than the ‘vertical’ transmission of DNA from parent to offspring(reproduction).
HGT is present within the games and it is quite literally why Ethan is still Ethan after he is made up from the mold. Miranda uses it as well, disguising as Mia, and even Marguerite Baker ended up as a chimera of various insect genomes intersecting with her own.
All this to say, I believe the fur would come from lycans. But how?? How, dear god, is that even possible if lycans are the result of cadou experiments, emfleaa??? This is where things get more headcanony if they weren’t already. The cadou parasite changes one’s body, altering them heavily or not so unheavily. We know that lycans were the result of the cadou not taking properly to villagers, yet they are still a result of the cadou itself! As for how the DNA would be transferred onto Ethan, my explanation is extremely simple that it’s frankly stupid but apt, in my eyes.
He got his fucking fingers bitten off.
Now, I’m not saying the bite ‘infected’ Ethan, because clearly it didn’t. But for the sake of my little mold critter, I do think some lycan dna was taken in by the mold making up Ethan as a sort of reserve. Probably through the absorption of the lycans saliva through the wound.
And hence, the fur, the claws, the sharp teeth.
The skin, as I could try to depict it, wouldn’t actually be skin. It would more so be like the texture of the Molded from RE7, made up of pulsing mold.
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Bloodborne is so fucking amazing and personally one part sticks out to me and really makes me think of Ethan.
Djura, the retired hunter in Old Yharnam says, “There’s nothing more horrific than a hunt. In case you’ve failed to realize… the things you hunt, they’re not beasts. They’re people.”
I personally believe this sentiment fits Ethan so goddamn well. Especially if he were to mutate at all, into a beast, a monster. He’s still a person, somewhere deep down (probably).
But how or why would he mutate at all?
BLAAARRGHHH if you’re here for non-headcanon explorations into this topic this is where you can check out because I AM NOT GOING TO CLAIM I AM AN ETHAN WINTERS EXPERT. NOR RESIDENT EVIL. I AM SIMPLY A FAN WHO LIKES THIS WHITE BOY.
I truly believe Ethan Winters wouldn’t mutate unless under extreme emotional distress. I don’t believe that extreme physical distress would trigger a mutation within him, as he’s unfortunately fairly used to extreme physical distress. (Hand cut off, leg cut off, hand cut off again, impaled so many times, thrown around like a ragdoll, etc.)
Because of this mutation during extreme emotional states, I think his mutation would be a bit different from the usual “IM KILLING YOU. IM KILLING YOU. I DONT CARE WHATEVER THE FUCK ELSE IS GOING ON, I AM KILLING THAT GUY RIGHT THERE” mutation. I do think Ethan is capable of reacting violently, no doubt. I think he would lash out and create problems, but I don’t think he would actively seek them. To me, Ethan is the best example of the human will to survive.
I believe his mutation would prioritize survival over anything else. Doing whatever he needs to do to survive, no matter the cost, while staying safe.
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I think on the chart of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Mold!Ethan would simply want the basic needs. While Ethan himself would want all of them, as is human nature.
Mold!Ethan would not seek violence, unless provoked I believe. (Which would probably happen anyways considering the conditions needed for this mutation to arise to begin with.)
What’s with the eyes/red marks?
On the topic of his eyes, you’re probably thinking, uh, where the fuck are they or why are they closed. Both great questions. My answers?
His eyes are on his face, they’re pretty massive. I imagine that he’d have them closed most of the time, as seeing through such large eyes would be incredibly overwhelming, possibly painful. Once more, I believe he’d only open them out of necessity, or extreme distress.
He’s got those big bulgy eyes like a dog or a rat boggling. (Eye colors were inspired by Jack Baker’s mutated form in the boathouse.)
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The red marks along the skin are scarring; I just made them red as a sort of undertone glow that some mutations in the series have. I tried to depict most of his more severe/memorable injuries through the scars left behind, including the exclusion of his two eaten fingers.
Okay that was a lot. Anything else?
yeah uhhh here’s molded Ethan freakin out I imagine him to be like one of those really nervous shaky chihuahuas despite being incredibly tall if he stood up straight (though he quite feasibly can’t, he wouldn’t be able to support his weight)
there’s a whole bunch of shit else but that simply delves into my headcanons of Ethan himself, and idk about exploring them too much here haha, I’m already nervous enough as is with my silly ideas
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if you read this far you can smoke a fat one with mold!ethan my thanks to you
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sodiumpentothol · 5 months
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Evie sketch
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megamyceted · 5 months
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ETHAN WINTERS resident evil 7 : biohazard, 2017
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bugfeather · 2 months
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ethan wimpers has big sad hampter eyes :>
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teoft · 1 year
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xejune · 5 months
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moldy man 🍄
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demelly · 1 year
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sobbing over them WAAUGH <\\\3
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character-kai · 4 months
Ethan Winters is just the dad with autism stereotype.
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