vanderwood-stark · 6 years
        Continued from an ask with @resetgod 
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        The hand swatted away was retracted and dropped to his side. If Seven hadn’t realized by then that fussing over him was part of his job, maybe he shouldn’t have spent so much time goofing off. And be aware of his surroundings, both on computers and in person, more often.          It took all his strength to not roll his eyes in frustration, particularly at the use of Mary. But since Seven was sick, Vanderwood decided to give him some slack. Didn’t want him to start puking all over, since he’d be the one cleaning it up anyway.         “Will you just-” Vanderwood was cut off by Seven’s question about staying. Unexpected, since even if work needed to be done, Seven would never normally ask such a thing.          The fever had to be making Seven delusional.         Vanderwood moved back, both feet rested on the floor and folded his arms.         “Guess I’ll have to since no work will be getting done otherwise, right?” he asked, gazing at Seven’s down-turned face then sghed. “Here, drink this.”          He grabbed a bottle of water from the table and held it in front of him.  
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blurredsun-blog · 6 years
❝ ———— ok sure, but have you ever considered dying your hair neon pink? ❞
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          “Um....no. I don’t think I have before. I’ve considered other colors, but never neon pink. You’re not trying to get me to do that are you? I fear it may draw more attention than my hair already does. But, if you’re willing to do it with me then maybe...”
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resetgod · 7 years
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               ( indie rika & reset!707 from mystic messenger. hosted by ailli ♡ hacked by rowan ! )
                                                                                                    * no personals please !
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purposebound · 7 years
You must be a keyboard, because you’re just my type
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               ‘ was that supposed to be a pickup line ? ‘          a  moment  passes  before  she  responds  again.          ‘  is your real name wifi  ?         because i’m really feeling a connection. ‘  
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marmoric-blog · 7 years
Can I tie your shoe? I cant have you falling for anyone else.
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“ choi luciel i swear to god, when will you stop with the cheesy pickup lines? ”
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bcbybats-a · 7 years
You remind me of fire, cause you’re hot and you make me nervous.
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   If you had eleven roses and you looked in the mirror; then you'd see twelve of the most beautiful things in the world.
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rationalclover-blog · 7 years
Babe, you make palms sweaty, knees weak, arms spaghetti
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         “Who are you?”
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tailoredsuita · 7 years
Of all your beautiful curves, your smile is my favourite.
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unmegami · 7 years
My friends bet I can’t talk to the prettiest girl. Wanna use their money to buy drinks?
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            ❝ Oh ? what a strange thing to bet on ! all the young ladies around us are very beautiful. is there something that impedes you from talking to them ? ❞   of course, should he puck up the ability                  or courage, maybe ?                  to talk to this girl, she would love to join him for some tea ! still, a little prodding into his thought process and she came to understand his meaning.    ❝  do your friends not think you’re ‘cool’ enough to talk to girls ?  ❞
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locksfate · 7 years
I just had to come talk with you. Sweetness is my weakness♡ ;)
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       ❛  —  I’m  grateful  that  I  seem  to  be  the  ‘sweetest’  staff  member  you’ve  seen  here  so  far ,  but  mentioning  it  to  me  won’t  give  you  any  discounts ,  sir .  ❜
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trueheartd · 8 years
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GOODBYE 2016, HELLO 2017!
2016 has been one HELL of a rollercoaster ride for me, you, and the rest of planet Earth. I have both fantastic and terrible memories regarding this year; there are many things I want to bury and never want to remember, but there are also many things I want to hold onto with everything I’ve got. I hope and pray that 2017 brings better days, lasting GOOD memories, and new horizons! 
TFW you didn’t even notice when you hit 100 followers let alone 150?!? I have no idea when this happened or how I got so many people to click that follow button on my blog, but I have a few things I’d like to say.
       Firstly, thank you to everyone that made the decision to follow this blog of mine--mutuals or otherwise! I know sometimes that someone you follow is just another blog on the dash, someone with rebloggable memes and content, but there’s also those who have brilliant writing, interesting portrayals and characters, and great presentation. Whatever the case may be, I am delighted to have SO MANY people that wanted and have kept me on their dashboard.
       Secondly, I’d like to get a sentimental with you guys. Mystic Messenger, like many others, means a lot to me. I don’t play it JUST for the cute boys (and beautiful jaehee~) or the romance or storyline; this app has played a major part in my life the past few months and has actually made an impact on my mental health. I suppose it’s due to the EXTREMELY relatable back stories and secrets of the characters, but definitely to the way the player is treated throughout the entire game. I’m not going to go super in depth, but the amount of care the RFA shows the MC is VERY IMPORTANT and I know I can’t be the only one that feels this way.
       Here’s where it gets a little more real. The MC, specifically the one on this blog that I have PERSONALIZED, holds a fragment of me. Over the course of many years, I’ve changed in ways that...I can’t say I’m proud of and Soh-ra is a piece that I wish to preserve by any means possible. She--while her own independent character and very diverse from me in general--is what’s left of my childhood innocence, my caring heart, and my selflessness. She’s got several bits and pieces of my most cherished interests and my favorite parts of myself, but AMPLIFIED. However, she also has some key issues I struggle with more than anything: family, my place in the world/my life’s purpose, and mental illness.
       She may seem like a bit of a Mary Sue at first, but she is very real, very NEAR AND DEAR to me. Soh-ra is an anchor for my positivity, for my self-love, and for my love and care of others. She is what I wish to be, where I strive to be at in life, and exploration of the ways that I know will help me. This blog is very self-indulgent for me, but it is also something I cherish and a way for me to connect with others.
       This is the very reason that I am so thankful to everyone that follows me, supports me, and takes interest in what I do. THANK YOU from the bottom of my effed-up heart. Thank you for acknowledging me, sending me things, chatting with me, BEFRIENDING ME; thank you for screaming about and expanding on characters I love and thank you for discussing plots and relationships with me.
Without further ado, here are some mentions of those that have helped me along in life/been dedicated and caring friends, those that I’ve interacted with and received things from, and those that I love seeing on my dash / admire from afar.
In no particular order!
@of707​ / @ofargentum​  ||  @glissxndo​  ||  @renthemechanic​  ||  @avarixing​  ||  @adiverte​ / @ashielde​ / @warfares​  ||  @brigadierdad​  ||  @prometheansins​  ||  @starscar / @nobleisms​  ||  @ofbookman​
@australianmc​ / @shclia​ ||  @maetda​ / @aeternampenumbra​  ||  @visionsparked​  ||  @stressbled​ / @faithflamed​ / @mortifcra​  ||  @crimsonandcarbon​  ||  @bratjas  ||  @prospere-risu​  ||  @seeliesoldier​ / @valorandheart​  ||  @mintainted​ ||  @gcdseven​  ||  @interimplexa​  ||  @fxrmosus​  ||  @htmlntwrk​  
special shoutouts to @alyssjuu​, @soardraws​, @asking-v​, && all those other wonderful artists on my dash, big and small!!
@versparadis  ||  @zendererla  ||  @miscricordiac / @dcpaysc  ||  @codedly  ||  @frystsnow  || @sancctus  ||  @shiicn  ||  @villagerbee / @sacrilegd  ||  @geimhaja  ||   @genuspuella  ||  @fategiven  ||  @hatredgeneral  ||  @jrbookman  ||  @calamitouscyan  ||  @feltwinter  || @itaidoshin​  ||  @blindingsol​  ||  @codegcd​  ||  @nunchiis​  ||  @crimsonstars​  ||  @amouriie​  ||  @solisavior​  ||  @heonsa​  ||  @loyaltist​  || @lovsickening​  ||  @ycnghae​  ||  @travaile​  ||  @svagefaith​  ||  @sevenohs​  ||  @reseterr0r​  ||  @obsessiiones​  ||  @sprecatois​  ||  @hckrgod​  ||  @oraclecode​  ||  @maskedpride​  ||  @splitpaths​  ||  @resetgod​  ||  @resetheir​  ||  @resetheroine​  ||  @sarxng​  ||  @pxnkisms​  ||  @sentendre​  ||  @rosideae​  ||  @solarphotos​  
&& the rest of my blog roll!
       Y’all are the real MVPS, the phenomenal writers, the character analyzers, the fantastic artists and editors, and so much more. Please, PLEASE keep doing what you’re doing; keep writing, drawing, & editing. Keep spreading positivity, love, and care, keep spreading your light.
       Never give up on your dreams, on the things that you love and the things that make you happy. Never let go of them, chase them with all you’ve got!
       You mean so much, YOUR EXISTENCE IS SO IMPORTANT. You’re here for a reason, even if you haven’t found it yet. When things get hard and life is keep knocking you down, you can always get back up again. Please remember that you are NEVER a lost cause, that things WILL get better in the long run--you are much STRONGER than you think. Given time, circumstances will change and, if they don’t, you have the option to CHANGE them.
       YOU WILL NEVER BE ALONE. My inbox, tumblr IM, and available social media are always open and I will welcome you with open arms. I’ll do my best to help you out with whatever you need! I LOVE YOU!
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bcbybats-a · 7 years
are u a magician because abracadayum
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Your daddy must have been a Baker, cos you got the nicest set of buns I've ever saw.
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unmegami · 7 years
archetype quiz.
Post your results on a separate text post !!! TAGGING: @rosalithe​  //  @resetgod​  //  @gamertard​  //  @bloodsymphony​  //  @emperorled​  //  @futureheld​  //  @finalpromise​
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Result: the defender
traits: loyal, selfless, guardian, youthful, honest, unguarded, courageous 
the defender is most commonly used to symbolize the motivator, or the helping hand of the chosen one/the main protagonist. they would give their life for what the believe in, and is invested in every relationship they build. friendship means everything to them, no matter how insignificant their interactions were. they are selfless, and caring, and try their best but they can also be ignorant, and insensitive. they will always mean it when they apologize, even if they need to be reminded in doing so, and they love so openly and fiercely, it's heartbreaking. they are often left behind in social situations, but they are the ones that try to include everyone.
fictional characters that are defenders: ronald weasley, queenie goldstein, eowyn, bilbo baggins, samwise gamgee, xander harris, maggie greene, albus dumbledore, luna lovegood
other personality types that go with this: hestia, apollo, hufflepuff, pukwudgie
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