#repost and i will find u
rowwiz · 3 months
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edgeofn1ght · 1 year
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He'll never be normal about that old man
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crandairy-juice · 3 months
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prom night (htn debutante ball)
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sungtaro · 5 months
good evening wayvtuals
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i made these gifs for us
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bc i know we are all clowns who love a reaction gif
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feel free to save and use to ur heart's content <3 LOVE U !
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sanjiaftersex · 2 months
ahh yes sanji's secret weapon : chocolate soufflé baguette breakdance
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bet-h · 5 months
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As u can see, no u don’t.
*throws glitter at you*
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vllergy · 5 months
relations & afflictions
random allergy fic, 2.3k, old ocs of mine jin-young is a cop (he has the kink because of who i am as a person) vesen is a big tall hot alien assassin aliens and humans are working together but it's still pretty new and things are awkward jin and vesen 100% fall in love with each other eventually that's basically all you need to know
Something’s been bothering Vesen’s nose ever since they left the warehouse. His insistence on delaying the inevitable is only driving both the offending appendage, and Jin by extension, insane. 
There’s a lot Jin has yet to figure out about his alien partner. Human and Kheelen relations are touch and go as it is, and the fact that they’ve paired officers up like this for police work is a shoddy effort at best to keep the peace. There’s just still too much they don’t understand about one another for anything to go smoothly. Case in point—until today, Jin didn’t even know if the Kheelen could sneeze.
It’s not that they look all that different. Bipedal, humanoid, all the same parts and facial features—Kheelen just do everything more elegant and longer it seems like. Even now Vesen has to hunch over slightly to fit all the willowy six foot eight of himself inside Jin’s squad car, and he’s one of the shorter ones of his species. Vesen’s face is similarly angular and lean, almost feline, with deep black eyes and a nose that angles regally off the front of his profile. Jin has always thought the Kheelen look how high fashion used to think supermodels ought to look—distinctly alien, a little off putting, but still undeniably beautiful. 
It helps that their skin comes in almost every shade of the rainbow. Vesen’s is a soft lilac, though you wouldn’t catch Jin admitting it. Nor should he even be thinking about how Vesen’s slightly-leaner-than-human nostrils are a little darker purple at the moment as they wriggle and flex with what looks like blatant irritation.
Thankfully, Vesen’s attitude keeps most amorous thoughts of Jin’s to a minimum. The guy’s taciturn, stoic, and doesn’t really give a shit about anyone but himself. He’s got a superiority complex too, but no one at the precinct seems to care. Everyone’s dealing with their own Kheelen partners and the messy diplomatic shitstorms they tend to kick up. It’s just unlucky Jin got the biggest fucking prick of the bunch. 
He’s good at what he does though. They call him the Wraith. Jin has never seen anyone move like Vesen does, not even other Kheelen. At the very least, he’s not going to die with him as a partner.
At least, not from phaser fire. He may die from another problem entirely if the guy doesn’t stop sniffling like a leaky faucet next to him for the rest of this ride.
Jin squirms in his seat slightly and tries not to glance at Vesen out of the corner of his eye. Lean, purple forearms are braced against raised knees as the alien sits slightly crunched in the front seat. The seat is pulled all the way back but his legs are so damn long it’s impossible to make him comfortable. Jin thinks about getting the chief to requisition them some new vehicles. This is hardly fair.
Vesen’s dark silk hair is shaved down the sides of his skull and then braided across the top of his head and hung down his back, the braid extending all the way to the bottom of his spine. Self-consciously, Jin runs a hand through his own dark hair. Regulation cut. No frills. Pretty underwhelming all things considered.
His fingers come away dusty when he sets his hand back on the wheel. He frowns at his fingertips, rubbing them together slightly. The warehouse they raided today looked like it had been abandoned for decades. Maybe longer. He’s going to need a full decontamination shower after this—
His stomach drops. But coolly, he slides his eyes over to his passenger and finds Vesen as relaxed as ever. He’d stifled with barely a sound or movement at all. Only a slight irritated blink gives him away as he recovers
Jin could ignore it, and probably should. But the words are off his lips before he has a chance to stop them.
“I didn’t even know you could sneeze.”
He can feel the simmering fury radiating from the seat beside him as Vesen turns his head. Dark eyes bore into the side of his skull. Jin knows that look without even having to see it—imperious, infuriated.
Then, flatly in the dark baritone he’s come to loathe, Vesen responds, “Why would we not?”
Jin shrugs, “I dunno. Your biology is different from ours in a ton of different ways, I thought maybe you guys just didn’t.”
Vesen sniffs softly. The sound lashes a current of electricity up Jin’s spine.
“That is preposterous.”
“Yeah, I guess,” Jin concedes, “You have noses and you breathe air, so it stands to reason.”
“You—hh?” Vesen pauses, gasps and turns his head away, pressing his knuckle to his septum and flinching into another soundless stifle. He recovers with a dry sniffle and swears in his own language. Jin hasn’t picked up the translation just yet, but he understands the intent just fine.
“Bless you,” he says, and feels a certain thrill at saying it. Especially to Vesen, who by all accounts probably is taking this all as a knock to his pride.
As if on cue, the alien gives him a reproachful look. “What?” he snaps.
Jin waves a hand, “It’s a human saying…well, in some regions. When someone sneezes.” 
“What do the Kheelen say when someone sneezes?”
“Why are you so interested, Jin-young?”
Jin’s cheeks flush slightly. The question is an honest one, but it’s said with just the right amount of judgment that it feels like it’s getting too close to the truth. He clears his throat and shrugs his shoulders.
“Just making conversation. We’re supposed to be learning about each other, right?”
There’s a long pause. The inside of the car is tense. Finally, Vesen sniffs lightly and sighs.
“We do not say anything. It is not a…common occurrence.”
He says this with a bit of embarrassment, which piques Jin’s interest tenfold. No wonder he hadn’t been sure if the Kheelen even possessed this biological function—he’s worked with enough of them for long enough now he was bound to have seen it happen at least once. But it’s never come up before. Not until this at least.
 Trying to keep the angle of the conversation on scholarly curiosity rather than selfish, Jin tilts his head.
“Oh? Why’s that?”
Vesen doesn’t answer for a moment, and when Jin looks over he sees why. The alien is caught with his eyes half-lidded, mouth parted slightly, a shuddering breath quaking under his vest. He shakes his head and suddenly bows it, steepling his hands over his nose and mouth. A very human pose, Jin thinks, despite only having four fingers on each hand.
Vesen rises from his hands instantly and doesn’t give Jin time to bless him, or even react, “We are a very hardy species. Unlike humans, it takes a great deal to afflict our sensibilities.”
Just to be a dick, Jin blesses him anyway. Vesen cuts him a watery glare before Jin continues, struggling to keep his eyes on the road, “But…something is clearly uh…afflicting you now, right?”
Vesen sniffs pointedly, “It appears so.”
Jin’s boiling alive under his uniform all of a sudden. He knows he should stop fanning the fire but his mouth is moving faster than his brain, and he can’t help but keep asking questions. The slightly stuffy quality to Vesen’s deep voice as this progresses isn’t helping things either. He white-knuckles the steering wheel.
“I wonder what it is,” he hums, “Are you allergic to anything?”
“No.” Flat, unmoved, typical Vesen. Jin almost rolls his eyes.
“Then, are you sick?”
“I am not ill.”
“Then I’m at a loss, bud."
“It is not your concern, Jin-young,” Vesen assures him, but in that slightly dismissive way that seems to suggest it never was to begin with. 
That might have been it, and for a few moments Jin thinks it’s over. But after a lengthy pause, he hears Vesen take a clipped breath beside him. Then, he lowers his face slowly into his hands once more and Jin tenses, waiting for the inevitable. Out of the corner of his eye he sees the alien’s massive shoulders rising with a swell of breath before—
“hhH-rrSCHH!” Stronger and harsher than the one that came before it. Vesen lifts his head, thinking he’s finished, but is taken by two itchy sounding ones almost immediately after. He doesn’t bother lowering his head again and merely sneezes freely, misting his own palms as he shudders into them. “Chhssyu! ccHSH!”
“Okay, see, it is kind of my concern,” Jin reasons, and leans over to reach past Vesen’s knees for the glove box, “Because you’re my partner and now I’m officially worried.”
Vesen isn’t listening. He’s lost in the throes of whatever it has meant to finally give into this tickle that’s been plaguing him since they left the warehouse. His hands still cupped in front of him, his upper lip curls back slightly as he gears up for another. Jin unlocks the glove box, the back of his hand drifting against Vesen’s knee for a moment.
“Sorry,” he says, his heart pounding.
Vesen responds in kind with a stuttered gasp and another powerful sneeze. 
 “hH? hhH! ehH’HDJSshoo!” 
He wrenches to the side at the last second to try and direct it against the window but Jin still feels the spray of it against his forearm and nearly loses control of the fucking car. He manages to somehow keep them alive and also force a wad of napkins into Vesen’s hands. 
“Here, Vesen.”
 Vesen gathers the crumpled paper and presses it to his dripping nose. He blows hard—Jin didn’t know they did that either—which seems to help just for a moment.
“I’m gonna get you back to headquarters, okay?” Jin says, trying not to let his voice shake. He’s almost certain Vesen can hear his heart pounding but he’s hoping he’s a little too distracted by the itch to notice.
Vesen nods blearily and gets one liquid sniffle in before something sets him off again. He holds the sodden napkins just slightly away from him and sneezes against them in short bursts. “aeh’ESSCH! chSSCH! t’SHH!”
“Jesus, you gonna make it?” Jin asks. Am I?
“Focus on your driving, Jin-young,” Vesen says evenly and dabs at his nose, “There is no need for alarm.”
Ah, good. So Vesen can hear his heartbeat, but he thinks it’s anxiety, not anything else. Good. Jin can roll with that, at least. Interspecies relations are hard enough without adding weird kinks to the mix. 
“Are you sure? Because—“
“You sound like—“
“hHuh’IISH! ISHH! hh-Hh?…”Vesen pauses on the last one, hanging in limbo with his gaze flickering on the horizon. Jin waits for him, watching his throat bob as the urge takes him.
Vesen cups that one into his palm, though it does nothing to lessen the volume.
Jin swallows, “Wow. Because you sound like you’re getting worse.”
“A passing ihhritation,” Vesen says, somehow managing to sound cold while his voice wavers. 
In other words: drop it. 
But Jin can already see his face twitching around the need to sneeze again. It’s five more minutes back to the station and god, if he can even get out of his squad car to walk in it’ll be a fucking miracle. Either way, he’s in trouble. They’re supposed to watch out for their Kheelen counterparts in the field. Have each other’s backs. Bringing one back sneezing his goddamn head off seems like the opposite of that. 
“Should we open a window?” Jin asks.
Vesen nods through his next sneeze and fumbles for the controls on the side panel as he snaps forward.
Jin gets the controls going on his own side for him and both windows peel open. City air streams through the car. It’s not exactly pleasant, but it’s not terrible either. Jin grew up here so it’s part and parcel of his being. He can’t imaging what it must be like for the Kheelen. Breathing sweet, fresh air every day of their own planet to now…this. Maybe that’s why Vesen in particular is so sensitive. Or maybe he’s overthinking it.
A tired, weak sneeze is directed out towards the open air and into Vesen’s curled fist as the alien leans to the window. “hh’iIShoo!” 
“Bless. Any better?” Jin asks.
“It smells of smog and metal,” Vesen complains and slides his finger under his nose, wicking moisture away petulantly.
“Everyone’s a critic.”
They ride the rest of the way in relative quiet, Vesen with his head out the window like a dog and Jin lowering his body temperature to acceptable levels. By the time they get to the precinct he’s actually able to stand up and get out of the squad car and can feel everything below the waist. 
Just in time for Vesen to come around the side of the car and pin him by the shoulder. Jin has to look up at him because he’s so tall, and his hand feels like a vice against him. Vesen could snap him like a twig if he wanted. Something he’s fond of reminding him.
“Tell anyone of what transpired here, Jin-young, and you will not live long enough to regret it,” Vesen hisses at him, pointed teeth flashing. 
It would be intimidating were it not for the inadvertent sniffle that follows as Vesen backs off. His eyes grow slightly hazy even as they try to bore into Jin’s and his hand loosens on his shoulder.
“Aw, c’mon big guy, one more?” Jin asks, eyes flashing.
Fury sparks in Vesen’s face before the need overtakes him entirely. His expression crumples as he releases Jin to cover his nose and mouth with his hand and flinches into it.
A full body shudder runs the length of Jin’s body. He can feel his lower belly melting again. 
He smiles, “Bless you.” 
Vesen growls and shoves at Jin with his opposite hand as he sniffles in recovery. He bares his teeth at him. 
“Be quiet,” he says before turning away and heading toward the precinct steps.
“I think we bonded today!” Jin calls after him, “We’re making progress! Pioneers of human and Kheelen relations, you and me!” 
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cryiling · 2 months
"guys mha is actually a decent show but the FANDOM ruins it–" brooo shut the fuck up, have you never heard about curating your own fandom spaces. EVERY fandom has their weird ppl, but every fandom ALSO has people who interact with the media the same way you want to. you don't need to write 50 disclaimers before saying you like a show, and you don't need to hate on a show just because there's some weird people in the fandom. you guys are sounding real immature rn
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o-mellowy · 6 months
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Lotty! <3
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I have such a crush on her oh my god
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miutonium · 1 year
Commission info and art samples here heehee (yes guys this video is pretty old i swear i have better arts samples in my link) thank you for ur attention mwa mwa 🥰🥰🥰🔥
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talentlesshuman · 12 days
Hi, sorry if this ask is misguided, but I was seeing your art twice on my feed and realized @ communist-hatsunemiku had reposted your art from Twitter and didn't see any indication that you had given permission. I would want to know if it was my art, so I apologize again if it's nbd 👋
Nope! I didn't give permission. I'll go ahead and start reporting the post, if anyone else wants to join me i greatly appreciate it :)
Edit: I've decided to send them messages before i send the copyright infringement report (i'd like to avoid putting my irl name and address out there whenever possible, since filing the report might have the work and my identity stored in a 3rd party website). under the cut is screenshots of my messages to them
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#not art#answered#anon#thanks for the heads up. In the end I guess this isn't something I can stop when I make fanart#it's one of the reasons i did original works for a long time..#I’m adding an additional edit here in the tags because i want to complain but i don’t want to make too big a deal about it#communist-hatsunemiku did remove the post but responded to my sidenote by saying that artists have a capitalist mindset because#of their wish to police the spread of their work on the internet and content generation and engagement maximizing#i explained why artists and those who support artists find reposting harmful and repeated my sentiment that i find them#disrespectful and thoughtless towards artists and told them to change if they want me to change my perception#they denied saying that how could they not care about artists when they repost with credits#i reiterated and also mentioned that i have my repost rules in multiple placea and list tumblr as a main social everywhere so#so the fact that they didn’t know i was on tumblr meant that not only dod they not ask permission. but also not even try to find any#additional info before reposting.#I’m just like a little upset that this person is presenting themself on a moral highground while not making any effort to respect artists#like ok even if you have your anticapitalist ideas about policing reposting you stated that you prefer to reblog instead of repost#but u don’t even make an effort.#it also makes me upset for the other artists out there. especially those who hate reposts more than me#I’ve seen artists abandon their accounts because of this
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puppyeared · 1 year
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l1veleak · 1 month
when i’m in a “getting on my teammates’s nerves” competition and my opponent is Nick Tandy (x)
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isabelguerra · 10 months
zack released an illustrated prose version of ch1 on patreon and everyone needs to join+ read that shit Now
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halseytorched · 4 months
Hey!! Do you remember me from the burger moat?? I didn’t know you were on here too! - @mistamiyagi
Hm, yknow yeah. I remember you, the sweaty karate guy who looked as if he were bout to pass out. Glad to know ur still alive
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