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ochre-mist-five · 2 months ago
Who in Starclan makes the decisions of what cats go where? Its it a majority vote? A trial with a jury? A council of elders? Surely they cant all be awful enough to banish a kit
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ohsalome · 2 years ago
found an awesome article on kazakhstan's support of ukraine and how russia's invasion triggered decolonization in the central asian country : https(:)//www.atlanticcouncil(.)org/blogs/ukrainealert/russias-ukraine-invasion-is-eroding-kremlin-influence-in-kazakhstan/
(the part about the yurts made me emotional ngl)
With Kazakhstan's proximity to and dependance on russia, it is understandable they can't help as much as other countries; but even little gestures of solidarity like this go a long way <3 I sincerely hope they get to stand firmly on their own and build a free post-colonial, post-authoritarian society.
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thelastspeecher · 1 year ago
vulpixen replied to your post: “okay hear me out Stangie AU where they are both...”
Maybe Angie's brother Lute is also a part of WWE. Wonder what Angie's wrestler name would be.
​idk if wrestling is Lute's scene. lmao I'm not sure why I'm fine with Angie being a wrestler but Lute being one is a step too far, but I can't see it.
that being said...while Lute doesn't become a wrestler, he DOES become a wrestling FAN. he doesn't understand this career his baby sister has chosen but he's gonna support her come hell or high water.
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askthelispingvampire · 2 years ago
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TA: brb whiile ii calculate iif iit’2 worth iit.
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helloheartspring · 3 months ago
Reflections on Acts 6
I had difficulty choosing one verse or section to map out. The beginning 15 verses are a response to conflicts and opposition that the new church faced. It gives us an example of how we can respond in the face of conflicts and why God allows such conflicts to occur. Part 1: verse 1-7 Opposition grew within the church. Hellenists, who were Grecian Jews, contrasted with Hebrew Jews, who were…
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primepaginequotidiani · 5 months ago
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PRIMA PAGINA Le Figaro di Oggi domenica, 06 ottobre 2024
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pocket-pal-salt · 1 year ago
I think the context is that people found out they can offer money that’s a lot greater than the max bidding rate during OTA/BTA adopts, since they added max bid for BTAs now since people kept bidding extremely high compared to the minimum. (ie the min is 15 and someone bids 200)
thank you for the clarification anon.
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immunobiz · 1 year ago
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10 choses que Dieu veut que tu te souviennes
10 things Gods wants you yo remember
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thebibliosphere · 2 years ago
I've talked about this before, but emotional dysregulation is such a mother fucker aspect of ADHD.
Like, sure, not being able to regulate my attention sucks, but it's genuinely fucking nothing compared to the absolute rollercoaster of emotions I just went on because someone said something in a shitty tone, and now I'm having to actively walk myself through DBT methods lest my idiot shit for brains 'shiny-can't-sit-still-disorder' drop the match on that particular bridge because the rejection sensitive dysphoria feels like my chest is burning and not being able to act on the hurt feels like I'm suffocating under the weight of emotions pushing down on me and lashing out in anger is quicker than taking the time to self soothe.
And the annoying fucking thing is I know it's me.
I've done enough therapy to know my emotional response to their shittiness is overblown and dysregulated. I know I'm taking it to heart more than they could ever imagine.
And I've got to fucking sit with that and process it because if I don't, I'll be the inconsiderate cunt in this interaction and hhnnggg--wailing, gnashing, biting my thumb at you in the marketplace, etc, etc.
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asktheisle · 11 months ago
[The duo at the cave entrance listened on as Riku tapped out the new information into the tree. The Infernape poked her head out as she timed her words to the spaces between the horn hits.]
Well hey, you'd fit in here just fine! Plenty of pathetic pokemon to go around, like that Xoloet-
[She was swiftly interrupted with a warning growl from the Luxray near her and the Absol shooting a dangerous glare, which she then backed away before the Luxray took her place.]
What she means-I hope-is that you won't be judged for such things here. At least not by our group and the humans. Knowing our trainer, they'll be happy to let you rest here while you recover.
That is of course, if you choose to stay for a while. This island was a rest point for plenty of pokemon in the past, legendaries and mythicals alike.
( Response to this post )
The disguised Mewtwo’s attitude perked up at the mention of humans on the island.
“I was raised by humans, actually! They took care of me, until…”
The Mewtwo’s face face drooped again as they remembered the lab incident.
“…this wild Pokemon came out of nowhere and attacked. They destroyed my home. I managed to escape, but not before I got this nasty cut on my leg.”
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The Mewtwo was no stranger to the feelings of joy of anger, but a new emotion stirred within them.
Guilt for having their home destroyed. Guilt for leaving the scientists in an attempt to escape the Mew. Guilt for intruding upon this cave and having its inhabitants come help.
Guilt for existing.
“… And… that’s how I ended up here. Pretty pathetic, huh? A Charizard that can’t even defend itself.”
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dungeonsandkobolds · 2 years ago
Hey friendos! Asks are Open!!!
(This one’s a good mood asks are open I swear lol)
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cloned-eyes · 2 years ago
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T: Crosshair?
C: I'm sorry, brother-
No thoughts just depression hours
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erinwantstowrite · 7 months ago
the sneak pics have me wondering why peter feel the need to keep apologizing all the time ? is it because adults used to get mad at him all the time ?
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yeah he has a LOTTT of unpacking to do with that. he still thinks that because he did things like this, it gave the adults around him the excuse to yell at/say nasty things to him. peter goes into a lot of detail with Dick about his previous foster homes in chapter 15, and this time Dick knows he has to ask because Peter's response to Dick and Wally realizing he knew about the "glitches" in some way and didn't tell Dick is absolutely heartbreaking
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ifwebefriends · 1 year ago
@general-sleepy thank you so much for this! Also yeah I actually don’t know the original source of the audio, I got it from this Instagram reel about Miraculous Ladybug (spoilers I guess) and I thought it was funny
I’ll see you all on the other side… 🫡
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primepaginequotidiani · 6 months ago
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PRIMA PAGINA Le Figaro di Oggi sabato, 05 ottobre 2024
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mechanicalinfection · 1 year ago
father of all springtraps.
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The 9 owners of the sillies :
@ravenmccookies @fnafmybeloved @springlock-suits @bxnnie-bxwl @dexcaru @skellyrayrat @bloodbunnys-mystery @fredbearsfamilypub @plan-bliz
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