cy-lindric · 2 days
Dude!!! You costumes r so incredible!!! You make 'em mostly by yourself right??? Do you also make the patterns yourself or do you rely on pre-existing patterns? (Be it historical or reproduction?) do you also use period accurate materials?
Oh!!! As for making the clothes, how closely do you stick to historically accurate sewing methods? Considering how low making a whole garment can take by hand, do you kinda cheat a little by using a sewing machine??? (Which is fair tbh)
Sry if these r too many questions ;w; ur clothes r just soooo cool
Hello ! Thanks a lot ! Yes I do pretty much everything by myself, except for things made with leather. I sometimes start off with printable patterns from historical costuming stores like Reconstructing History, Laughing Moon Mercantile, Blacksnail Patterns and others to use as a base, but recently I've been drafting my own patterns more. I've no formal education in that so it's very trial-and-error, but I use books like The Medieval Tailor's Assistant or Patterns of Fashion as references and it helps a lot.
I sometimes do costumes all in period-accurate materials like for my landsknecht costume (I used only pure wool, linen and linen thread with wax, and I braided the lacing cords with wool yarn), but sometimes I don't ; for the gamurra I used reproduction brocade and duchesse satin that are only part silk. It really comes down to budget and occasion. I'm glad I didn't use super expensive period accurate pure silk for the gamurra because I wore it outside all day for two days and went dancing with it (and I couldn't afford it anyway). Also, that project was less made out of historical curiosity and more so for fun and flamboyance.
When it comes to sewing methods, out of preference I only use the machine for very long seams that won't show on the outside. I enjoy hand sewing a lot and I'm not very straight and precise with the machine so a lot of the time, I only do the most basic and discreet things with it. Then, I'll sometimes go full historical and research proper interlining methods and seam types, and sometimes speedrun a project and skip some of the steps when I feel like I can find another solution. It really depends. The research itself is a lot of the fun so I do tend to try and follow historical construction, but I'm also not a dress historical or a reenactor so I'll usually adapt to the current situation because there's no pressure to go either way.
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gideonisms · 2 days
I shrimply must ask: what is. The Chussy.
Spoilers for Nona the ninth. so in the locked tomb series a character dies from a large chest wound. then comes back undead, still with the wound. Well,
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queermania · 15 hours
I'm just wondering why you get mad when people make up things about Dean but it's okay for you to say Sam is a serial killer
ron swanson i have a permit dot gif
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tashacee · 2 days
Do you think that Aspect!Wild, whenever he told the story of how he met the chain and was shot by Wars, he makes it worse every time just to tease Wars?
Aspect!Wild, talking to Spirit for the first time: “Yeah it’s actually thanks to Wars that I lost my arm.”
Warriors, tears in his eyes from guilt and/or embarrassment: “Wild PLEASE!”
"So yeah, Warriors mistook me for a monster and shot first. He killed me and I had to be put into the Shrine of Resurrection for one hundred years..."
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bunabi · 2 days
I feel the same way about Rook's origins. I really hope they allow us some freedom in deciding how Rook feels about their organization, especially since it seems like a big part of their identity. For example, with Crows or Wardens, your character might not have had much of a choice in joining, and I hope there's an option to reflect that as well
[dav spoilers + theory that might not be true??]
Yeah. :(
Especially if speculation is correct & Rook does end up inheriting the title or powers of the Dreadwolf. Definitely not something I want, but if I can have some meaningful control before wolfy greatness is forced upon them I'd be happy.
I feel bad for saying the improvements or new features aren't enough, that I don't care half as much about dating companions or CC dress-up or seeing my Inquisitor, but those are my genuine feelings. I'm grateful for it all, but I'd be remiss to pretend I didn't fall in love with Dragon Age mainly for the freedom to make unique characters who impact the story in fun & diverse ways.
For what it's worth, I think a story where you're a chess piece of fate is classic and fun. It just hits different when applied to a game I really care about that's known specifically for player agency.
This will probably be my last time bringing it up haha. One of the downfalls of being a little more visible is having angels in my ear saying their enjoyment of DA is being directly impacted by my enjoyment of DA. I'll leave it there. 😭
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chio-chan2artbox · 13 hours
hi i just started my doofenperry phase more in full and found your stuff and even though the lyrics dont fit all of it ive been hearing not sorry for loving you from epic the musical while seeing the amazing art and—one sec grabbing the song so you dont have to
this thing! the music at the end the mmm uhh anyway bye! *scampers away*
MY HEAAAART 😩😩😩😩😩😭😭😭😭, I was like… oh this song is cool! I can see Heinz singing this to Perry… and then it turns out the guy didn’t felt the same waaaay!? Nooooo *cries*. I did a little doodle inspired on this song anyways lol, but I will pretend Perry realizes that he loves Heinz as well and then they kiss and live happy ever after :v (angst with happy ending simp here).
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nopony-ask-mclovin · 2 days
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Well it could be worse. Also I think it helped with the pod ponies?
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Soooo shadow as batman? whatcha think?
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He kinda reminds me of Jersey Devil:
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quinngefail · 8 hours
Imagine Lawrence going to John and asking him for his blessing to date Adam and John being the cancer ridden old slut he is goes "hgnhgnhnghfn FAGGOT"
Itd be really funny
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Just a little sneak peek to a flashback in Saw XLVII where we see John at age 29 (as portrayed by a 156 year old Tobin Bell)
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cometchasinglove · 2 days
favorite moment and character in tfone
Starscream walking with so much bravado up towards D-16 before getting his ass handed to him.
I’m sorry, I just really love Starscream.
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cy-lindric · 2 days
hey there! i LOVE your historical costumes... i have fawned over historical fashion for the better part of my life and would love to get into sewing my own outfits— did you have prior experience with sewing before you started? i have almost no experience and no equipment. :") i still intend to try at some point, but am daunted by and wondering how difficult it is considering how complex the outfits look!
Hello ! When I started a couple of years ago I had learned to sew a button as a kid and that was pretty much it. I'd never done as much as follow a commercial pattern before. I did have a basic sewing machine that I got from my grandma when she passed, but I didn't know how to use it, and my friend (in the pictures with me) didn't have one at all and did all of her first costume by hand. Sewing with a commercial or printable pattern is like following a cooking recipe, I really think anyone can do it (with varying degrees of perfection depending on your experience, but still). You should definitely pick something simple but cool and go for it ; look at youtube tutorials for the steps you don't understand, use cheap fabric at first and try again and you go wrong. Tbh the only big lesson I had to learn at first was to accept the fact that sometimes you'll have to be patient and start over.
I think everyone can start sewing by themselves at any point and do cool things quite fast with the ressources we have today ! Especially if you're powered by brainworms !
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eirianerisdar · 2 days
Totally agree on the development front. And doing this without giving official confirmation, and having it just be speculation from everyone is horrible. If you're going to pull him, just say it and allow him to have an actual goodbye. This is just awful on all fronts.
The worst thing is he wasn't. Media prepared for it. All weekend.
Even if it's true they should have at least prepared him for it. They didn't protect him at all this weekend and just let the press hammer away at him until now. If it does happen they took the opportunity for a proper goodbye away from him too. He gave years of his life to Red Bull and this is what they do to him.
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novella-november · 2 days
I forgot to take a screenshot of the full anon before I blocked them, but if you try to send in mile-long ""polite"" rants about, and this is a very very condensed summary:
"you're my new favorite writing motivation blog, but could you please consider not reblogging so many Palestine posts? could you please consider not posting stuff for Palestine? its really fracturing for the writing community and there's plenty of other bloggers who are sharing them, you don't need to do it too. I know it's probably an important cause to you but don't you think you should try to keep the community focused on writing?"
you will just get blocked.
If you have a platform, you are morally obligated to speak up against genocide.
I am no celebrity, but this blog has reach, and I will use that reach where I can to post once a day, as I have been, links to Gazafunds where you can donate to a random, vetted fundraiser, as well as the link to where you can click a button on a page once a day for six causes and generate ad revenue to help charities and NGOs when you don't have the money to donate directly.
""Theres already plenty of people sharing those posts"" --
-- until the genocide is over and Palestine is free there will never be enough people sharing and reblogging these posts.
If you have a platform you're morally obligated to speak out against genocide. And I will continue to do so until the genocide is over and the people are freed from tyranny.
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[ID: a cropped Tumblr Mobile notification for an anonymous Ask that partially reads "Hi! I'm following your blog to have some motivation..." The rest of the text is cut off by the small notification size. End ID]
Hopefully I'll only have to make *this* post just once, and after today I will continue my daily reblog of the art post, but if you see me self-reblogging this post again in the future, it's safe to say someone else *tried* to come in my inbox to complain again.
Don't forget your daily clicks:
If you have the actual money to spare, please consider donating using GazaFunds to donate directly to vetted fundraisers
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tashacee · 2 days
So how do you feel about the fact that BOTW/TOTK was confirmed not apart of the main timelines but it's own thing?
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I....... politely refuse it.
Nah, for my fics I kind of go with the War of Eras with its inter-timeline shenanigans being the catalyst for the three timelines to merge, and then for BOTW/TOTK to come WELL after that.
But, well, Hyrule Warriors isn't canon either, eh. Whatevs.
Who knows! Maybe someday we'll get another game that connects it all! Either way, it's great fun.
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bunabi · 3 hours
Sorry for bothering you, but I’ve seen you mention having a gamedev degree. My little sister is applying for college next year and gamedev is our most likely route so far.
Could you please share a bit of your own experience and elaborate on why you think the degree was useless? Granted, we live in another country, but any bit of info would be very helpful!
Useless may have been too strong a word haha. I just ended up taking a completely different route to an illustration career. The skills I learned during college are still useful in my work!
That being said: I injured my shoulder halfway through college & the attitude most of my professors had towards that was. Illuminating. The culture of destroying your body for productivity is especially bad. And after dipping my toes into gamedev work post-grad I knew with 100% certainty my heart just wasn't in it.
I started school during the big mobile game boom — when Angry Birds & Candy Crush were at the height of popularity and devs were in high demand — and even then there were issues with layoffs, crunch, little to no worker protections. And in the US that's gotten even worse over the past three years. I prefer having a little more stability.
It's different for everyone! I try not to steer folks one way or another based on my specific experience with gamedev. It's still a viable profession I think.
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wellntruly · 15 hours
re: artists standing next to their art gallery wall: please definitely include lucy liu!
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Ohoho you KNOW it
She would be there, also these ones of Christo and Basquiat
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