#replaying the game makes me notice how sweet she actually is. like genuinely
heshemejoshi · 1 year
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when i think about her i feel like crying (in a very good way)
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lomappreciationblog · 2 years
Overall Review for the LOM Anime
Well, all episodes of the LOM Anime has been released! So after watching everything, here are my final thoughts. And if you want to see the whole show, here's a link to the playlist I watched!
For the spoiler-free part:
I do think this was a solid adaptation and well worth watching, as someone who loves the videogame and has replayed it more times than is probably healthy, hah.
I've gushed over it so many times, but the art is generally good and really brings the storybook vibes of the original game to life. Domina, Polpota Harbor and Geo look fantastic. There aren't a lot of flashy sequences, but in general everything looks good. One of the strongest points for the anime is the voice acting - all the VAs delivered and were fitting for their roles. I was initially a bit thrown off by how deep Elazul's voice is, but you get used to it and he ends up having some of my favorite lines, too! They bring new life to the dialogue I've seen so many times.
As an adaptation, it does change up a lot of things, so fair warning, but these changes were made for a smoother flow of episodes and for the most part it works. We even get a few glimpses into other quests, such as Summer Lovin', and they expanded a lot on a quest that otherwise had pretty minor involvement with the whole Jumi arc (Drowned Dreams).
Do I think you will understand this show if you haven't played the game? I think they do a fairly good job, but I feel that on the whole, this is a show that will be best appreciated by fans of the game.
Overall, I'd give this anime a 8/10. Some episodes are better than the others, which really is a detriment to enjoying the whole thing, and unfortunately, the worst episode for me was the last one. It's not so bad as to ruin the whole show, but the ending could have been much, much better in my opinion.
But there will be a director's cut released next year, so perhaps that will solve any lingering issues I had with the ending.
Now, for specific stuff with spoilers:
I really quite enjoyed the plot twist that Serafina is actually an antagonist and a loyal ally to Sandra at that. I wish I could say I saw it coming, but what I can say, I was also fooled by her sweet attitude that I failed to notice the very odd coincidence that she keeps showing up in Jumi incidents. But when the anime does reveal it directly, it really brings the previous episodes into question and makes you watch it in a different light. What a great plot twist and I am still so mad that it isn't given proper resolution in my opinion. Why would Serafina go back home with Shiloh in the end is still baffling to me, it would have made better sense for her to go look for Sandra.
Even the intro animation is a huge fake-out, making it seem like Serafina will be fighting alongside Elazul and Shiloh. Clever of them.
I do appreciate the anime fleshing out the other Jumi characters - it is nice to see more of Esmeralda, and Diana and Florina get to shine with their own moments too! Sadly, the two new Jumi, Sappho and Marina, Marina especially, are fairly minor characters and I feel like there was wasted potential there. I also wish Rubens was shown more, poor man just gets the worst of it.
The Lord of Jewels also gets it pretty bad. To be fair, even in the game he kind of comes out of nowhere and he's never properly explained, but he's very interesting - he's not outright evil, if anything, he's fairly sympathetic to the Jumi and while he does speak of them as beautiful gems, I do think he genuinely cared for them and wished them well. He's got a mournful, grand personality to him that you can get in the game. Interestingly, in the art book, the character designer Nao Ikeda says he's got an ugly appearance but he does have the heart of a gentleman, which I can really get from his design. Nao Ikeda's designs are amazing.
In the anime, though...he's just kind of...there.
In the game and even in the manga he asks for exactly a thousand cores and in both cases it works - in the game he takes his 1000 form, and in the manga he, well, explodes but they definitely did something with his character. In the anime...
I have no idea what happened to him. It looks like they did the manga route where he failed and he kind of...disappeared, but no one ever really comments on it after the screen whites out. It's so confusing and it's such a shame. I really wish they had a proper fight against his 1000 form, but for some reason they keep depowering Shiloh in actual fights. Poor guy.
I hate to be that person, but definitely don't watch the anime if you want well-animated fights. It doesn't have much and if there they sort of cheat it with how fast things are moving. More often than not Shiloh gets very beat up too, which I can excuse for most encounters, but there are some fights where I feel like they made him lose way too much. At least, like I mentioned, the visuals are generally good so I can forgive this.
I still think the very first episode is actually the best one, it just really captures the dreamy essence of the game. The adaptation of Drowned Dreams and Lucky Clover quests (Episodes 4: Sapphire and Episode 6: Emerald, respectively) are also fairly good. Episodes 10 and 11 are among my favorites, as well.
Really, the most rough episodes for me is the final episode and episode 8: Blackpearl, everything else was fairly good so those two kind of stick out with how the quality dipped in terms of visuals and writing. I'm afraid they rushed to complete this whole arc within 12 episodes and it shows sometimes.
Any other thoughts I have will be added to this post, but that's the points I can think of for my overall review!
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Hi love, pretty sure you're requests are open (if not just ignore this) n e ways what about Inarizaki with manager who's like intimidating (i've been told i am intimidating lol) and very sarcastic, much Tsukishima Kei vibez cuz that's basically me😃
Just like how would our boys react, very curious and take your time btw don't have to rush it, do it whenever you feel like :D
Oh my gosh Nat, it's literally my honour to write this for you. You can request anything, anytime, and you'll be a top priority (ily<3)
Inarizaki with a tsukkishima-ish manager.
Specially dedicated to @sunasthing <3
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So first of all, if you think that's gonna stop the boys from simping over you, you've got it wrong 😖🖐️
The boys would literally take it as a challenge to get your softer nature out, especially Atsumu.
I GENUINELY think he'd find it really hot whenever you snap back at him, or tell him off. (maybe he's like Nishinoya and Tanaka in that sense 🙄)
Constantly pesters you, and although you don't give him a reply often (because he's annoying as fuck), if you ever acknowledge him slightly, he WILL flirt with you.
Beware tho, even if he comes off as flirty and charismatic, he's literally just a dorky small baby and genuinely wants your attention because he thinks you're the coolest person ever.
And if you're ever nice to him, you can best bet he'll replay that moment in his mind before sleeping EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT.
Y/n, earlier that day: don't get hurt. I don't want to have to deal with anyone on this team being injured
Atsumu at 3 a.m: s-she cares about me 🥺🥺
I think Osamu would vibe really well with you. He's not annoying, he's really really chill, and he has a pretty sharp tongue himself.
Judges people as an attempt to make you laugh, and he sees it as a personal victory if he can get you to crack a smile or smirk. He just doesn't make a big deal about it, unlike his twin xD
Osamu: y/n look at that guy. he's totally crushing on his brother's best friend, could he not be more obvious about it??
Y/n: *cracks a smirk* yeah, it does seem so.
Osamu, internally: ✨v i c t o r y i s s w e e t✨
He also cooks for you pretty often, and even if you protest against accepting it, you'll usually find a bento hidden in your locker or bag.
He knows you might not accept it straight, so he finds other ways to get it to you. Osamu actually thinks of you as a cooler sister that he says "he'd trade Atsumu for"
In general, the twins are the life of Inarizaki and although they're sometimes annoying, they mean well and it's plain to see that they love you.
Kita loves how smart and analytical you are. I've said this before, I'll say it again— Kita thinks brains are sexy 😤
Especially when you call the team to give your insights about their opponents, or give them ideas on how to improve their play, Kita is literally there like “I'm so glad she's ours”
Because you would be a dangerous asset to other teams, and Kita is the most thankful that you're with them.
He's also a really good leader and although the two of you don't have heart-to-hearts or conversations like the twins, you know he'll ALWAYS be there for you.
Like once, it was raining and practice was cancelled, so you decided to wait in school until the rain subsided (because you didn't want to get wet), and our sweet Kita searched for you in every single classroom until the finally found you and walked you home. That's just the dynamic you had with him
He also often checks up on you, even when it's unrelated to volleyball. Have you done your homework? have you ate breakfast this morning? although you're usually sarcastic with the twins and most of the other members of the team, you can't bring yourself to do so with Kita.
The respect you guys have for each other is unmatched and that's probably why you're such a golden duo in Inarizaki. The leader and the analytical manager.
And now Suna. I think Suna would be the member you have the deepest bond with. you truly allow him to see who you are inside, and he does the same. You guys really just click.
It started with him complaining about Atsumu, and slowly progressed into you letting Suna be the only member to have physical contact with you, but only when the others aren't looking.
Sometimes, if you guys are the only two people in the gym, he'll nap on your lap or lean on your shoulder.
If you didn't already know, like everyone else in Inarizaki, he has a crush on you 😖🖐️ like damn you thought Atsumu had it bad? nah, Suna has it the worst.
He literally asks his little sister to let him practice braiding her hair, just so he'll be perfect when he someday asks to do yours.
But he always chickens out because he's scared you'll say no 😭😭 he's internally very shy, okay? 🥺🥺
He's literally your best friend. You guys have study sessions together, anime nights, literally anything, he's right there with you. The rest of the team are literally not aware of how close the two of you are.
Until one day, Atsumu tries daring you to kiss Suna on the forehead, and instead of flat-out refusing (like you've done before when he's dared you to kiss him, or Akagi) you shrug and gently kiss Suna on the forehead, causing Suna to smile and ruffle your hair.
The rest of the team is just shocked.
Atsumu: what is this FUCKERY?? is y/n literally WILLINGLY touching someone ??¿¿
Y/n and Suna: *smirks*
Atsumu, close to tears: okay
But the rest of the team soon accept you and Suna have a pretty special bond, and that you're genuinely softer when it comes to him.
You don't snap at him much, and as they've noticed, Suna has started being more brave about leaning on your shoulder or sleeping on your lap.
Of course, the rest of the team (with the exception of Kita) is jealous. But hey, they just don't have Suna's charm, okay? xD
You make Suna want to try harder, and he's way more motivated to give it his all in every single game. Mostly because he wants you to be proud of him.
He definitely has a nickname for you, but he will only use it when he's sure you guys are alone. And in return, you call him "Rin" which makes his heart flutter 🥺🥺
Now onto Aran !! Aran is a softie who (like Kita) respects you a great deal. He'll fend Atsumu and Osamu off if he senses you aren't having a great day.
He's also pretty good at giving you your space but he checks up on you every once in a while if anyone is bothering you.
Although he's shy about it, Aran actually comes to you when he doesn't understand a homework question. You're super smart and he knows you won't make him feel bad about not knowing.
And it makes you feel happy to know he trusts you, so you help him as best as you can. It's a little secret of yours that the other members don't know about.
It especially lights your day up when he gets a good grade and whispers a silent "thank you" to you in class.
In return, will help you with anything you ask for. No questions asked.
And now, last but not least, sunshine Akagi!! I think he's a total Hinata Shoyo, so he might annoy you a bit at first because of his bright personality.
But deep down inside, you love how easily he gets people to smile and slowly find yourself warming up to him.
And Akagi is really determined to get you to smile (at least once a day) so he cracks the corniest jokes or makes puns.
It has become a thing between the two of you, where Akagi tells you a joke a day, and you rate it out of ten.
Gone are the days when you found him annoying. And now, even if you won't tell him outright— you really do think he's one of the brightest people in your life.
Additional headcanons
CHEERING YOU UP— whenever you feel quieter than usual, or a bit more sarcastic, the boys immediately know something is wrong and rush over to make you feel okay. Literally, it's almost like they've abandoned practice. And eventhough you tell them to get back to it, they refuse to leave until you're feeling better. Suna usually gives you a hug and kisses your forehead, whilst Akagi cracks jokes. Then, (and eventhough you protest) Atsumu lists off all the things you should love about yourself, whilst Osamu buys you ice cream (food is, after all, the best cure for anything). Aran is literally ready to HUNT the person who affected your mood down, and kill them, whilst Kita is literally just holding him back and making sure things don't go overboard. Even if you aren't fully cheered up by then, you'd have laughed a whole lot and know how much they care for you, so honestly... how could you stay sad?
REACTING TO YOU TELLING THEM OFF— Suna is literally just meh about it. He can't take you seriously because he's a dork who thinks he's not included in the list of "idiots" (but no Suna, u mf, you ARE included -_-). Atsumu thinks it's hot 👀 (as I mentioned above), Akagi is genuinely upset/ready to sob and vows to do better. Kita is proud of you for telling them off before he could do it (Kita is not included in the "idiots". How could he? he's PERFECT 🖐️). Osamu and Aran have similar reactions, because they end up apologizing and try to change tactics and do better.
HOW THEY'D ACT WHEN YOU START DATING SUNA— (because this is honestly inevitable, wbk 😭❤️). Atsumu would be jealous. Petty and would call Suna "pretty boy" every chance he gets. Leave him, im sure he'll get over it 🥺🥺 Osamu is pretty jealous too, but he'll never show it and focuses instead on your happiness. Kita approves, and honestly thinks you're a good influence on Suna. Aran is protective of you, and would literally gun Suna down if he ever hurt you (but he won't. Suna loves you, he'd literally jump down a cliff before ever hurting you 😤🖐️) and Akagi is cheerful as before, but extra glad because you seem to smile a bit more often (and Akagi loves your smile).
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I took a lot of effort on this <3 hope you like it, bae !! Taglist— @dai-tsukki-desu @sunasthing @k-sakusa-old @tilli-san
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ariendiel · 3 years
Hey, I hope this isn’t a super annoying question but you’ve altars got such beautiful and positive content - what helped make a Noah route more enjoyable in the actual playthrough? Any advice you can impart?
Not annoying at all! I love these kinds of asks, so thank you! 💗 I'll make this my detailed guide to how I make the Noah route enjoyable (to me at least), but without playing it as a burn-the-villa route because I actually don't enjoy my MC being mean... Hope it might help some of you at least!
Please note this all requires projecting a lot of feelings etc. onto MC, which I think is a requirement for most routes to be fair. I'll add this post to my masterlist and will replay the game soon-ish (and for the last time) to make sure it all makes sense with any possible changes etc.
My guide to a nice* Noah route
Day 1: Choose Noah, I never minded that Hope "stole" him (it happens) but it does help if you – like me – want to create a "what if?" storyline in your head while playing. I've also never been a Bobby stan**, so I don't mind being in a friendship couple with him and just reject him. ** If you're a Bobby stan, probably choose someone else.
Don't flirt with anyone else at first, that way he will approach you during the evening and you can chat for a while before Hope comes to, uhm, collect him.
Day 3: Since MC is in a friendship couple with Bobby, and not really interested in anyone else here, flirt with and couple up with Rocco. The sympathy you get throughout Roccogate, while also forgiving Marisol, is quite nice – especially because you get protective Lucas.
Speaking of Lucas, I tend to flirt with him during etc. but then purposefully don't save him so that MC is again left feeling like there's no real option for her (Bobby is her friend, Rocco grafted on someone else, and now Lucas has left). This helps in the build-up to Operation Nope. Choose Henrik here if he's your preferred part of Lurik.
Day 7: Help Noah win the Mr. Love Island competition (I'm still salty they changed it so that Bobby is the one to approach MC initially. But just imagine Noah is the one doing it).
Day 9: Choose Noah for your Villa date. At this point, I headcanon MC and Noah as very good mates who increasingly look longingly at each other. Nope is rapidly falling apart, and book boy is feeling lost. The date is also just lovely in general. Hope picks first at that recoupling though, so pick Bobby.
I would recommend coupling up with Bobby here, but this time because he actively will encourage you to participate in ON. Like, you can project onto him whatever motivations you like, but it definitely makes MC kissing Noah feel a bit more... valid?
Day 10: Kiss Noah during Operation Nope (I don't like to be too enthusiastic when they plan it though, feeling pity for Rahim especially).
Day 11: If you don't like Jakub: Go on the date with him, and hate every moment of it. Break up with Bobby, saying your head's turned.
Day 12: Listen in on the conversation between Noah and Priya, it's quite cute I think – and makes it clear that Priya is quite bitter Noah is into MC and not her. This, I think, is why she later is the one to purposefully tell Hope in front of pretty much everyone that Noah is into MC and wants to couple with her.
That night, when the big argument happens, there are a few dialogue options I'd recommend over others: 1. Suggest coming up with a compromise. 2. Suggest giving Noah space to think. 3. Admit you like him, but say you won't act on those feelings. This way, Noah won't snap, Hope will forgive Priya, but not you, and at least to me it feels like MC is genuinely just tired of the whole thing and Hope yelling at her. Note: I haven't played the game in a while, but will do so soon to make sure these are all the same as they were over a year ago.
Day 13: Disaster recoupling! Noah will pick you, and just enjoy this for as long as it lasts. Literally it is so lovely to be coupled up with him and you get to learn quite a lot about him. Kiss him before going to CA.
CA: Ugh, just get through it. I prefer to stay loyal to Noah throughout, mostly because suddenly MC's girl"friends" don't think she wants to be serious with him and at least this way it proves them wrong.
Day 17: Noah switches to Blake. This man's a notorious over-thinker, and a combination of insecurity and Blake playing the game made him switch. Don't think too much about it, other than take note of how he switched to the girl that managed to "mimic" MC in how she behaves, rather than the one that looked like Hope. It's the little things, really. Say you're happy for him, and just enjoy how genuinely sad and apologetic he is, but also how he almost certainly thinks he's completely blown his chances with MC for good.
Day 18: THE PAIN. Everyone ignores MC and her feelings completely, instead working together to get Hope back with Noah for some bloody reason. The worst day on a Noah route, but you can tell Noah isn't really into it, and by this point it's hard to tell if Hope is just playing the game or not (I choose to imagine her knowing she has to be with Noah to have a chance at winning. I love her, but she's competitive and wants to win).
During the recoupling, I usually choose to save Jakub and stay with him in a miserable couple until the end. But choose whoever you're not really interested in from here on out.
Day 19: Fail the ‘Mister and Missus’ challenge. Your partner, or Jakub at least, will be genuinely mad at you for it. If you have low enough relationship points, Noah will make you breakfast the next day. ❤️
Get through these days and the gossip-sneezer drama as best as you can, ignore Hope and flirt with Noah when you can. Honestly, the chemistry and building (s*xual) tension between him and MC is so good if you're into him.
Admit to Chelsea you're into him***, that way you get to chat with him on the roof terrace, say you like him. *** I can't remember the day this happens on, but will check later.
Day 22: Flirt with Noah that morning, and notice how Hope is acutely taking note of it, because not much later she'll corner MC and ask her who she fancies. Here, you can't say Noah, the game forcing you to say someone else (I say Jakub because my poor MC is coupled with him and it feels like the "right" choice, but choose whoever you want to couple with). After you say a name, Hope will literally sprint out and tell this person, before quickly going to Noah – most likely to tell him about how much MC fancies [insert name here]. This, combined with literally everyone expecting it of him, is why Noah blows his last chance at being with MC and chooses Hope at the recoupling.
I think we mentioned it quite a bit in our Noah character analysis (here), but note how his speeches when choosing Hope get less and less emotional and more robotic as time passes.
Don't do any gem options with your partner by the way, and don't kiss them etc. Treat it like a simple friendship, and nothing more. It makes it a lot easier to imagine that they're only really with MC and laying it on thick at times because they're in it for the money.
Day 24: Whoever you sent home out of Lurik comes back, you can swap to them without hurting your chances with Noah if that makes it easier to steal the money. I still don't like to outright cheat or flirt with them though.
Again, just enjoy and take every single moment you get with Noah to flirt with him. He flirts back and is so very clearly into MC it hurts.
Day 28: Say no to being your partner's girlfriend (if you haven't flirted with them much up until here it's super awkward and feels forced). Noah won't have asked Hope to be his girlfriend either, so neither of you will technically cheat later, as they're pretty much just formally coupled up. Agree to chat with Noah on the roof terrace that night, and straight out admit you like him – don't go for the kiss... yet.
Day 29: Just get through the prom knowing that all Noah and MC, depending on how you project, can think about is the other. Hook up on the roof terrace that night, and accept that Noah won't just run back in and break up with Hope right away (it doesn't make much sense to do so, and Noah is not one to act rashly).
Day 30: Steal the money. Go talk with Noah and Hope first. Noah breaks up with Hope and you get that wonderful pool scene with him where he says "I love you".
Good luck, and let me know how it goes or if you have any questions! Now go get that sweet pixel librarian 📚
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chaeiimimi · 3 years
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06 𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂 𝓟𝓪𝓷𝓲𝓬!
Synopsis: Sakusa Kiyoomi, a young ravishing man, an athlete for the Japanese volleyball team and comes from a very prominent family around Japan. He was perfect, looks, wealth and fame. But you can’t have everything in life, can you? Sakusa, the germophobic athlete, suddenly wakes up one day and sees a baby boy in a basket in front of his door step, in the basket was a letter, a letter from his past lover, saying that the child was his. The panic look on the spiker’s face was almost comical, knowing that his life would turn into a complete 360, that day was his first time ever to miss a volleyball practice and to call Komori to ask for a babysitter. You.
Notice: the only thing I own is the plot, the art and the characters aren't mine and they all belong to their respective owners.
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Safe to say you didn’t get as much sleep as you hoped that night
“eh?” you were shocked, you didn’t expect him to do it so soon
“yeah, they work from home tomorrow, we should pay them a visit”
“we?” you were flabbergasted, you? You’re meeting the elite and respected Sakusa Family?
“yeah, do you have any problems with that?” yes, a lot
“n-no sir”
So now you left a note on the kitchen counter saying you are going to the market to get some ingredients for the dish you were going to cook for Sakusa’s parents
Since you were young, your parents always taught you that you cannot visit a home empty handed, it was proper courtesy and showed respect and appreciation for having you in their home.
You strolled along the market looking at fresh produce, you opted for seafood, since it’s healthier for older people
A huge salmon caught your eyes and miso-zuke salmon immediately popped in your head, you looked at your watch, it was only five in the morning, you can let it marinate for how many hours and grill it for 30 minutes, which will be enough time to bring it for lunch
You bought it from the vendor who was very kind and even gave you a discount, after that you went to a bakery supplies to get some carrot décor and some ingredients to make icing, you were planning to make a cake less sweet so Sakusa’s parents can eat as well
With that, you head home
You saw Sakusa seating by the coffee table, sipping coffee and reviewing the forms you filled out
“good morning sir” you say as you take the things you bought to the kitchen
“we really don’t need to bring them anything you know” he says as, eyes still not leaving the papers
“I know, but my parents always tell me to not visit anyone’s house empty-handed, it’s a sign of courtesy”
He just nodded and said “suit yourself”
You begin making the marinade, thankfully the fish vendor was kind enough to slice the salmon up for you
About half way through you heard Kaito’s cry and you were about to wipe your hands to get to him when Sakusa stood up
“I got him, continue your work”
You nodded and did exactly that, it took fifteen minutes to make the marinade, you soaked the salmon in it , coverd it, and put in inside the freezer
Sakusa went out with a calm Kaito, he sat in the coffee table , his son carefully cradled in his one arm as his other hand held the forms he hasn’t reviewed yet
Looks like he got the hang of carrying Kaito you said inside your head as you smiled to yourself
You slowly mixed the ingredients together not noticing that Sakusa was now behind you
“what are you doing?” you flinched , surprised by your boss sudden speaking
“I’m making a cake sir” you said holding your chest
It wasn’t clear, heck if you didn’t spend your three months with him you wouldn’t have noticed the small smile grazing his lips
And you regret noticing because you were now flustered
You cleared your throat
“where’s Kaito?” you asked, focusing your attention back to your task
“he’s sleeping” he answered
Your mouth formed into an ‘o’
“is it normal for babies to sleep so much” he asked, his voice genuinely concern
You chuckled  “apparently, it is sir, sleep is actually healthy for baby, aside from them having small stomach and get full easily, their tiredness can also be the cause of a growth spurt or developmental leap” you say in as-a-matter-of-fact tone
He nods as he watches you pour the mixture to a cake mold, which he didn’t even know he had
“does your parents like cake sir?” you asked as you put the dough into the oven
“my mom eats it occasionally, my dad is a sucker for it, we try to make him cut it out for a bit, it’s bad for his health”
You nod, Sakusa has been a bit talkative since your talk last night
“in that case, I’ll make the buttercream frosting less sweet” you say as you washed your hands to prepare to make the frosting
Sakusa watched you as you make the frosting, a lot of thoughts inside his head
“is she doing this to impress my parents?”
“why would she want to impress my parents?”
“does she likes-“
Sakusa shook his head profusely muttering small no’s you were just nice and polite, yea, that’s it
He cleared his throat and went to the coffee table, he finished reviewing the forms you filled out and all of them were perfect, he opened his desktop and began with his work at the company again
The timer went off and it was time to take the cake out of the oven
Kaito was awake and mindlessly babbling in his crib while Sakusa watched replays of some volleyball games
You set the cake on a cooling rack to let it cool down for a while
You decided to clean the house while waiting for the cake to cool down
you wiped some shelves, throw out the trash and vacuumed, by the time you were finished cleaning , the cake was already cool, you begin frosting it, putting crushed nuts at the side of the cake and decorating the top of the cake with candy carrots and some edible decorative leaves, you slowly put it in the fridge
you sighed
“you need to rest” Sakusa says as he gets himself some water
You looked at the time and it was already 10
You shook your head “I just need to grill the salmon sir” and so you did grill the tuna for thirty minutes, gave Kaito a bath for twenty minutes, showered and changed yourself into a simple sundress
By the time you were done packing everything it was already 11:30
You and Sakusa made your way to his car, Kaito was in his baby seat and his father placed him on the back seat, you were about to seat beside Kaito when he cleared his throat
“won’t I look like a personal driver if the both of you sat there?”
You immediately got up and sat at the shotgun seat
The ride was quiet, it was a comfortable silence though, Kaito’s occasional babbles while you were still amazed by the rich neighborhood and Sakusa’s eyes are focused on the road
You arrived at his paren’ts place in fifteen minutes and you could hear the voices of people from afar
You entered the house-no, this was a freaking castle, it was huge, there was a guard, some gardeners and maids
Sakusa parked his car, you got out, he carried Kaito’s baby seat which had a handle while you carried the cake and the salmon-sizu
You walked to the backyard where you saw some children, you recognize some of them as Sakusa’s older siblings’ children, they looked like they were having an outdoor barbecue by their pool-side
Sakusa cleared his throat
They all stopped dead in their tracks eyes wide open
Sakusa glared at them “geez you guys don’t need to act like you saw a ghost”
“well what do you expect you barely visit us here?!” you assumed that it was his brother you spoke
His mother and father looked at you, and you felt very small
“woah and you- you- holy crap your married?!”
And with just one sentence there was a fiasco
“Uncle Kiyoomi is married? We have a new aunt?” a kid who was about nine said and rushed towards new but his sisters were already all up on you
“woah when did you guys get married?”
“when did you meet?”
“what company does your family own?”
“your dress looks so good?”
“do you like chanel?”
You were overwhelmed and couldn’t talk
Your boss sighed “she’s not my wife, she’s my son’s nanny and househelper”
They stopped on their tracks, as you stood there and smiled awkwardly
“but you’re too pretty to be a nanny!”
One of his nieces explained
“you have a son?!” Sakusa’s brother exclaimed
“I know right” Sakusa says nonchalantly
Sakusa was a calm compared to his very lively family
“you impregnated your househelper?” Sakusa’s father asked confused
Your eyes widened and you shook your head profusely
“it’s Nami’s” Sakusa sighed and handed his parents a letter, his brother and two sisters stood beside their parents to read the letter as well
They were dumbfounded when they finished reading, you can’t blame them, you had the same reaction when you first read that letter as well
“what a cruel woman…” Sakusa’s mother says, it seems like she was the first one to recover
Sakusa looked at his son who was looking up at him while sucking on his pacifier
“I don’t need her to raise my son” Sakusa says sternly, his family members looked at him
Sakusa took Kaito in his arms “everyone, this is Sakusa Kaito, my son” he says while Kaito babbles and cracked a toothless smile
There was a moment of silence
 “Oh my lord! what a handsome baby!” Sakusa’s mother gushed and approached Sakusa and took Kaito from him
“holy hell bro he looks just like you!” his brother also says, as he pinch Kaito’s cheeks
“I want him to model for my baby line AAAHHHHH” his sister, which you assumed to be Aiko Sakusa a famous fashion designer
Sakusa Kairo the eldest among the siblings, a pilot and owns an airlines company
Akemi, the third child, a famous architect, she owns an architectural firm
And Sakusa Kiyoomi the youngest, Athlete-Entrepreneur manages a chain of hotels and restaurants
And of course Sakusa Arisa and Sakusa Katashi, the founder of Sakusa Empire
These people are one of the most influential family in japan, yet when you looked at them they look quite normal
Sakusa looked kind of distant, but you could see the softness in his features as he stares at his son being cradled and passed around by his family members
You did notice that his father was emotionlessly staring at the scene
“Kiyoomi you haven’t introduce your “helper” to us yet” Akemi says teasingly
Sakusa shook his head
“this is Y/N she’s Komori’s friend , she helps around my house and takes care of Kaito” he says as stood beside you
The whole family except for Komori’s dad looked at you with almost teary eyes
“thank you for dealing with our ill-mannered kiyoomi” his mother says
“You’re too pretty to be a nanny though, if you ever consider modeling come to me” Aiko says as she held both of your hands
You bowed to them politely “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sir Kiyoomi is a good boss to me” you said, feeling all stiff and awkward
“chill out Y/N-san we don’t bite” Kairo chuckled
You nodded awkwardly, Sakusa nudged you and pointed at the items you were holding
“oh, we bought you some salmon-sizu and carrot cake, I hope you like it” you said as you showed them the things you bought
“Y/N-chan I love you already” Akemi says as she took the carrot cake from you and led you to the table
 In no time the family were all eating and having fun, you had Kaito in your arms and was feeding him
“Y/n dear, this salmon and cake are so delicious, where did you buy them?”
You quickly realized that your boss’ mother was a sweet lady
“oh, I made them ma’am, my mother is a baker, it’s her recipe, I tweaked it a bit for it to make it less quick, my father is a fish broker, he told me that salmon is a healthy fish to serve” you smiled at her
“Y/N-chan you’re too kind, I hope my brother isn’t being a jerk to you” Aiko says as she eats cake
You chuckled at them
“Y/N-chan, how is our Kiyoomi?” Akemi asked
“Sir Sakusa is doing fine I think, he’s just a bit tired from volleyball and the company, he also makes time for Kaito whenever he can, he’s still a little bit confuse and clumsy”
Kairo, Akemi, Aiko and Mrs. Sakusa nodded together
“Y/N-chan do you like Kiyoomi?” Aiko asked which made you flustered
“I-I- yes-yes b-but- as a boss- I like him as a person-like a boss-“
“geez no need to get flustered now, we were only asking” Kairo said as he chuckled
“we don’t mind if you like him though, we’ll be delighted to have you here” Akemi says and smiled at you
You were now as red as a tomato
After the conversation, you were left with Kaito, he was now wide awake and you were playing with him
Only then did you noticed Sakusa’s father staring at you two
You cleared your throat, you got up, carrying Kaito, you cleaned up the plates near Sakusa’s father
Kaito pointed at his grandfather
You quietly approached the man
“sir, do you want to hold him?”  you asked
He looks up at you, you smiled at him and slowly sat Kaito on his lap
He looks at Kaito emotionlessly, when Kaito smiled at him and babbles “babababa!”
For the first time today, you saw a soft smile made its way to Sakusa’s father’s face
“he looks just like him” the elderly man mumbles
“I can see that sir” you smiled softly at them, slowly taking out your phone and quietly took a picture of the scene, not knowing that some of the eyes of the family were on you
 “she’s a good woman” Sakusa’s mother says to his son
“she is” Kiyoomi says as he stares at you, having a small conversation with his father, it’s very rare for him to communicate or interact with people other than business matters, but he doesn’t seem to have any trouble conversing with you
“do you like her Kiyo?” his mother asks teasingly
“mom, no” Kiyoomi sighs and takes a sip of his lemonade
Although his parents were mostly absent during his childhood, him and his siblings maintained a close relationship with them, and both his mother and father always made time for them on the weekends
A lot of people assumed that they were like the rich family from dramas, the tension and stuff but it was far from that, they were pretty normal, and chaotic at times
 “Your salmon-sizu was very good” your boss’ dad says as you took Kaito from him, the baby has already fallen asleep
“thank you sir, it was my dad’s recipe, he says it’s good for your health” you smiled as you cradled Kaito
He smiled and got up from his seat to join the rest of his family, you laid Kaito on his baby seat and wiped the sweat off his forehead
 The rest of the day were spent with you helping the maids with grilling, but Aiko quickly swooped in and wanted you to join the party, so there you were surrounded by your boss’ nieces and nephews
“you’re not uncle Kiyo’s girlfriend?” Arata, who was around seven years old asked you, he was Kairo’s son
You chuckled and shook your head
“but I want you to be my aunt, aunt y/n” Chizu who was Aiko’s daughter, said with pleading eyes
You just chuckled at them and diverted their attention to something else, you told them stories your parents and sister used to tell you when you were young, their eyes sparkled with fascination, even Mika and Eichi who were both teenagers were interested in your stories as well that they tore their eyes off of their phone screens
Later in the night you guys played uno, you taught them the basics, these kids didn’t know anything about games outside their phones
You couldn’t really relate to the adult’s conversation since they were talking about businesses so you hang out with the kids, and you were loving every moment of it, despite being born from rich families, they were really nice and humble, Eichi was very similar to his grandfather and his Uncle KIyoomi but he was polite nonetheless
It was finally time to leave, the kids were tired and the same to the adults
“come visit us soon aunt y/n” Mira says sleepily she was Akemi’s only child
You smiled at them and waved
“you better come back Y/N-chan we want another one of your carrot cake” Aiko says as you bowed to them
“dear, if ever Kiyo fires you, you are free to apply at our house” says Kiyoomi’s mother says as you leave
Your boss sighs as you finally entered his car
“they really like you” he mumbles
“I guess they do?” you chuckled
“hey y/n, thank you”
You tilt your head in confusion “for what sir?”
“just, thank you”
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Taglist: @meri-soni-meri-tamanna @seashellmichellee @tetsuhoes @akaashislovelywife  @strawberryzos  @kuroohoeee @underratedmage @popping-cherries @uwu-iwanttodie @wonhyuksstuff @  @knmsapplepi    @stormcastello @si-m-p
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magnoliapip · 3 years
Ranked: Mother of the Year (Choices) Main Characters
I can’t sleep so that means I need to make another list that I’m not going to proofread before I post, right? Of course it does. But before we start, please remember this is my opinion on who I liked best. Not who impacted the story the most, not who was the best written fictional character of all time, yada yada. This is my personal opinion of the characters I liked best.
Spoilers WILL be featured below. You have been warned.
#13 -- Tallulah Copeland
Tallulah is a parent to a child at Bernhardt Academy, a friend of Vanessa Blackwood, and an active member of the PTA. Hugo is her partner.
This woman. I would flat forget this woman existed until she would show up again just to wreak havoc on MC’s day, usually at someone else’s urging. Every single time she spoke, I just wanted it to be over and she is just an awful, AWFUL person. She’s also the only awful person in this book who never pretends to be nice and/or never apologizes for her actions. Just an all around nasty person.
#12 -- Hugo
Hugo is a parent of a child at Bernhardt Academy and an active member of the PTA. Tallulah is his significant other.
If you’re actually reading these little blurbs, you have to be wondering “MagnoliaPip? How in the hell is Hugo ranked lower than two other unmentionables in this story?”
Thank you for asking, no one ever.
Put frankly, Hugo just annoyed the crap out of me. I know that’s supposed to be part of his character, but it went above and beyond the scope of acceptable annoyance. I grew to hate every second he was speaking. He never really contributed anything to the plot other than some irritating drivel. He wasn’t an antagonist, but he also wasn’t a pleasing good guy. He’s also the reason I’m considering not re-reading this book again right away like I want to.
#11 -- Guy Ledford
This man. This. Man. THIS MAN!
This part is going to include major spoilers, y’all, so if you haven’t read it and are still intending to, skip away now!! Again, major spoilers from here on out kids.
Guy Ledford is your main character’s ex-husband who has been absent for four years since the start of the book and wants to reconnect with his daughter. He is also a CEO of a snack food company/app, Nomme. He is the main antagonist of the book.
The reason I didn’t rank him lower is he genuinely adds something to the plot. He IS the plot. He’s the reason this book exists. However, he is such a scumbag he deserves nothing. He feels like a trope for quite a lot of the time, but at least he’s not physically abusive like a true trope could have been (at least, I never noticed him being physically abusive). Just, you know, a gaslighting, manipulative, arrogant, rude, selfish son of a-
I also love that they named him “Guy”. I’ve only ever met one man named this in my life, so it’s funny to me that they named this jerk “Guy” so it’s not only the most generic sounding name (did his parents also get a dog named “Dog” and a cat named “Kitty”?), but also one that a lot of men won’t likely have so they don’t have to get name checked in relation to him.
I like that you can get a good outcome (Guy ends up with joint custody with visitations  every weekend and having to back pay) without spending diamonds in this game as long as you make the right choices, but for those who DID spend all of the diamonds, I would have liked to have seen Guy end up with worse. I would have liked to see, if you made most of the right choices and bought all of the diamond stuff, him ending up with every other weekend or maybe just visitation. I know he’s trying to be a good dad (but still an absolutely terrible human being), but every weekend seems like so much when your daughter is in school.
#10 -- Augustus Blackwood
August Blackwood is one of Vanessa Blackwood’s sons and is a student at Bernhardt Academy.
I’m not going to spend a lot of time on this one. But he hurt my daughter and that’s enough. I would have liked to have seen him fleshed out a little bit more beyond being basically just a schoolyard bully. His motivations for his actions are hinted on, but nothing is really ever done and he’s mostly just a prop for something to hurt your daughter.
#9 -- Vanessa Blackwood
Vanessa Blackwood is the president of the PTA, a single mom, and a lawyer and becomes an antagonist to your character.
I’m probably going to get hate for this, but I want to like Vanessa. Obviously, she’s hateful and offensive, in some very, very unredeemable ways, but there’s something about characters like that which makes me want to forgive them and teach them how to be better. How to rehabilitate their bitterness. I felt it with Olivia Nevrakis, I felt it with Victoria Fontaine, and I know certain people in the fandom felt it with Becca Davenport and Poppy Min-Sinclair. 
**DISCLAIMER** Keep in mind, I’m not trying to excuse homophobia and racism here. They are both despicable things and should be accounted for. However, after having grown up in a homophobic and racist home and learning to leave that shit in the dust by the time I was eighteen and SLOWLY teaching my family to do the same over the course of the last 10 years, I believe people can change if you give them room and help to. Not everyone will, not many people will, but I believe in giving the chance. We need to force people to take responsibility and learn from their mistakes. Should the book have been approved as a series rather than a stand alone, I think this might have been a very real option within book 2.
#8 -- Ajax “AJ” Blackwood
Ajax Blackwood is one of Vanessa Blackwood’s sons and a student at Bernhardt Academy.
AJ is the quieter of the Blackwood boys, AJ is a shy kid who hates that his brother is mean just as much as your daughter does. He finally has enough within the book and stands up to him, which was more than a little satisfying and he does seem to have a genuinely good heart. I think it would be so cute for him, your daughter, and Luz to be their own adorable trio of friends. 
#7 -- Levi Schuler
Levi Schuler is your neighbor who helps save the day for MC early on in the book and becomes a friend to both her and your daughter. He is also one of your love interests.
And if this list is going to invoke hate from the masses, it will be this entry that does it. I know how loved Levi is. And I love him too! I just find him, and his musician plot, to be a bit tiring. He’s a wonderfully supportive friend/love interest, just about one of the nicest people, and he’s great with your daughter. I swear, all of the love interests in this book would be god tier in any book. It’s truly unfair to the others that we got three amazing ones here along with a great cast of characters. However, since that did happen, Levi will sit here at #7. He can have a consolatory rugelach while I continue on.
#6 -- Faye Devore
Faye Devore is your ex-husband’s new girlfriend, a younger social media influencer.
I loved Faye. Right from the start, I loved Faye. I prayed they weren’t going to make this into one of those books where we were supposed to hate the “other woman” because those plots are old, outdated, and overused. Thankfully, MOTY lets us skirt right around it and we end up with a wonderful character like Faye, who is the human definition of having the best intentions.
She gets on well with your daughter, even pointing out to MC at one point that she thinks of her like a little sister, and goes above and beyond to make her happy. She is genuinely upset about going against MC’s wishes about your daughter appearing on social media and doesn’t appear to want to cause any harm or hard feelings with MC at any point during the book. In fact, she wants to be friends. 
I would have loved for this and for it to be fleshed out more, again, if we had ever gotten a book 2. I’m also that jerk who would have totally romanced her in a replay and would have emptied my wallet to get a scene in that hypothetical book 2 where Guy finds out. Take that homophobe!
#5 -- Dr. Eiko Matsunaga
Dr. Eiko Matsunaga is a science teacher who teaches at the private school your daughter goes to and becomes friendly with MC because of your daughter. She is also one of your love interests.
If I would have had a teacher like Dr. Matsunaga when I was in school, maybe I would have cared about science at any point during my childhood. Eiko is so incredibly smart but has a heart of gold. She could be off teaching at colleges or writing published journals, but she’s teaching elementary science at a private school and honestly enjoying herself! She wants to see children succeed and will give any child who wants to do so, like your daughter, all of the help they need.
I want to romance her. I want to be her friend. I want it all because I’m selfish even when I don’t because I could never possibly be worthy of the supremacy that is Eiko. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
#4 -- Your Daughter / Zoey
Your daughter is 9 years old at the start of the book and desperately wants to be an astronaut. She is a science whiz and moves from public school to Bernhardt Academy at the beginning of the book to kickstart her education.
It makes me so sad that I will never actually have this child. “Zoey” is just so smart and funny and sweet and I love her so much. I spent so many diamonds on her. She’s a pixelated little bundle of amazing and I would die for her. That’s it.
#3 -- Alma Velasco
Alma Velasco is your neighbor, best friend, and (for part of the time) co-worker.
What did our character do to deserve such an amazing ride-or-die friend like Alma? She never disbelieves MC, is forever supportive as a shoulder to cry on and a supplier of good wine, and also helps MC out of more than one pinch. Seriously an amazing friend, and I wish we could have done something equally amazing for her to reciprocate.
#2 -- Thomas Mendez
Thomas Mendez is a lawyer and a single dad who becomes friends with MC very early on in the book. He is also one of your three love interests.
A big reason for why Thomas is at #2 is because of who #1 is but we’ll get there in a second.
There’s also something about Thomas that speaks to me as a person. It’s more than just being interested as a love interest or as a friend. There’s something about who he is. His awkwardness, his humor, his kindness and his generosity all make him someone I envy as much as I admire.
He takes on MC’s case pro bono when he doesn’t have to. He shrugs it off like it’s no big deal, but stepping back and looking at the it, by all accounts he was walking into a handily losing situation. He was also super busy at this time being a single parent himself and working on his class action lawsuit. That’s not even saying anything about him still grieving for Soledad.
However, the biggest reason I love Mr. Mendez is...
#1 -- Luz Mendez
Luz Mendez is a student at Bernhardt Academy who becomes best friends with your daughter early in the book. She is a soccer and art fan.
This little girl is the best thing I have ever read in my entire life. She made the entire book. Every character that came before her pales in comparison to her majesty. She is a goddamn queen and deserves everything.
Every scene with her is gold and I wish we had more. This little girl was completely willing to curb stomp someone with her cleats at the courthouse if something would have happened to your daughter. She is so aggressively herself and it is a joy to see. The relationship between her and her father is what really kept me going through the book’s more difficult spots. There is such true love and acceptance there, as well as the drive and desire to do better for the other than I just...There is really no way for me to properly explain the perfection that is Luz Mendez so I guess you’ll just have to read it yourself.
I’m not sure why it took me so long to start reading Mother of the Year (MOTY), but I’m so glad I did. In 3 days flat I binged the entire book, wasted so many accumulated diamonds, and had the time of my life. The cast of characters in MOTY is perfect and I wanted to rank them according to my opinion on which ones were the best. I ranked all of the characters I found to be profound enough to matter to the storyline or that MC or “Daughter” had enough interactions with to matter. As a result, there are several characters who didn’t make this list. 
Sound off below if you wish.
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crazy-loca-blog · 3 years
Thanks to @chaoticchopshopheart and @takemyopenheart for tagging me!
Open Heart Gratitude Post
When and how Did I discover/read Open Heart for the first time?
When it was first released, back in 2019. I’m always cautious when it comes to new books, because I’ve seen too many stories that seem to be boring during the first 10 chapters and then they become extremely popular after some unexpected plot twist. But in this case, by chapter 3 I already knew I was falling for the medical drama. It was so well-written that it truly caught my attention.
Bonus questions: why did i decide to read Open Heart? How long did it take to read everything?
It wasn’t a decision actually. I’ve been playing Choices since 2017, and since I installed the app, I’ve always been up to date with every new release. However, this is the only series in the whole app I’ve replayed several times just because I love it so much.
Which book is my favorite and why is it my favorite?
The first one. It’s a masterpiece and a Top 10 book in the app for a reason.
Which chapter is my favorite and why is it my favorite?
I don’t know actually! But Chapter 8, Book 2 is very special. I played the series in a way that I always tried to understand not only Ethan’s timing, but also why having a relationship with the MC was complicated for him. So in my game, the kiss after the infamous chicken scene definitely marks a “before” and an “after” in their relationship.
Which scene is my favorite and why is it my favorite?
I’d say taking care of baby Ethan. It was the perfect moment for my MC to show that actions speak louder than words. She didn’t do it because it was an obligation, she did it because she genuinely cared. That moment not only showed the type of doctor she wanted to be, but also how she was truly far superior to the other interns since the first day (and Ethan noticed it, you can’t tell me otherwise). The fact that we got to know a diferent side of Ethan and that at this moment he began to trust us some of his secrets (now that I think about it, it’s funny to realize how everything began with a coffee machine) are just some added bonus here.
What is my favorite dialogue and why is it my favorite?
“I thought my time here was about the medicine, but... somehow, I ended up meeting the love of my life.”
My Top 1 was a completely different dialog... but then I read this one in the series finale and it just clicked. Since book 3 was released, I’ve been trying to give my MC some backstory because my brain is asking me to fill some voids, and this dialog is exactly what I imagined her saying by the end of the series, like word by word... and I can’t believe how perfectly matches the backstory I have been giving to my MC.
Which event/happening is my favorite and why is it my favorite?
Landry’s betrayal. First, because it was so unexpected that no one saw it coming (the only one who didn’t trust him was Rafael!), but then because, after many replays, I noticed that he always looked down on the MC but he knew how to disguise it. Since that moment, the betrayal felt even more awful than it originally was.
Which LI is my favorite and why are they my favorite LI?
The Ethan Ramsey. However, it wasn’t love at first sight. At first, I was very, very confused on whether to choose Ethan or Rafael. I think in the end, I went with Ethan for several reasons: first, the complexity of the character seduced me a lot (the fact that he has so many layers that you have to be constantly discovering is super interesting). Second, the brains (I can’t resist a guy who is briliant at what he does). And finally, it’s hard for me to resist the combination of dark hair and blue/green eyes.
Which non-LI character if my favorite and why are they my favorite non-LI character?
Sienna Trinh. She deserved much better just because she is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!! She was our #1 ally since day one and until the very last minute, and I think PB didn’t give her enough time to show off her BFF badge (so unfair!). I also expected to see more interactions between Siennah and Ethan, that was a friendship we didn’t know we needed until we saw them together, and now I live for it! Of course, she also deserved all the happiness in the world after all she went through in books 1 and 2 (I swear that since the incident, and especially because of all the time they spent together in the peds area in book 3, I can’t stop thinking about Sienna x Rafael, so they’re canon in my head). At least PB gave her a cute closure to her story, we all knew she was always made to become a pediatrician.
What are my other favorites and why are they my favorites?
Characters? Bryce Lahela... he is a national treasure! I could never see him as more as my MC’s BFF, but he is so sweet, he has so much faith on my girl, he believes in her so much and he gives the best pep talks I’ve ever seen... I could praise him forever!
Scenes? So many! But the incident and every chapter dedicated to it (beginning with the TV appearance and ending with the diamond scene after the funeral) are masterpieces by themselves... everything is so well-written that it becomes a rollercoaster of emotions and I love it.
A memory associated with Open Heart that makes/made me smile:
The moment I realized I wanted to go back to work on medical translation (especially patient-centered documentation) because I wanted to “help people” through my job, just as the MC does.
What is the best thing the series has given/giving you?
It literally changed my life and what I wanted to do with my life. I can’t think of anything better than that.
Tagging: @adiehardfan @starryeyedrookie @polishchoicesfan @jerzwriter @custaroonie @parisa-kh and whoever wants to answer!
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ghostlyhamburger · 4 years
Something Sweet
Truth or dare is a sweet game.
Rated E
Read on Ao3
“Marinette, truth or dare?”
Marinette glanced around at the large circle of friends. What was supposed to be a girls’ sleepover quickly turned into a much bigger hangout as Alya invited Nino over, Mylene invited Ivan, and suddenly it was the entire group of Marinette’s friends gathered in her living room while her parents were away.
Well, all Marinette’s friends and Lila. But she was determined not to let the liar get under her skin—their feud had mellowed out over the years, and now they were frosty but polite to each other.
Still, Adrien was at this party. And he was single, having broken up with Kagami a month before. Even better, it was a mutual breakup, so Marinette didn’t have to feel bad about her old feelings for him hitting her tenfold.
But she’d be damned if she let Lila get her claws into her friend.
At Alya/s insistence, she’d dressed a little more daring tonight, a strapless burgundy dress that clung to her waist before flaring out around her hips before ending at her knees. She did feel damn cute in it, even if the cut meant she had to skip a bra and just wear a thong beneath.
And, at Alya’s quiet urging, Marinette chose, “Dare.”
Alya’s smile grew to what could best be described as wicked. “I’ll get back to you. It’s a two-person dare.”
Well, it was pretty goddamn obvious the second person was going to be Adrien, so once Marinette had passed on her turn (Mylene chose truth, and Marinette tossed her an easy one) she headed to the kitchen to grab a drink.
“So, what do you think Alya’s going to make you do?” A voice came from behind her.
She spun quickly. “Adrien! I, uh, I don’t know.”
He nodded, reaching past her for a bottle of beer. She took the opportunity to look at him, admiring the way his more mature and muscular body stretched out beneath his black T-shirt, the way the dark jeans he wore hung off his hips. He definitely was not the golden boy she’d fallen in love with, but now…he was sexy as fuck.
As soon as he’d grabbed the bottle, she quickly schooled her expression like she hadn’t been checking him out.
“You know you don’t have to do what she says if it’s too much, right?” he asked, grabbing a nearby bottle opener to pop the top off the beer.
Marinette nodded. “I know. But, she’s good at pushing me when I get scared to do things, so I trust her. I mean, I wouldn’t have worn this tonight if she hadn’t insisted.”
“That would’ve been a shame,” he replied, his gaze sinking lower. “It looks really good on you.”
Her cheeks warmed. “Th-thanks.”
He gently patted her shoulder, a friendly gesture that set her on fire without any fabric to block his hand. “I’ll see you out there. Just—this is your house, your party, you should be comfortable, okay?”
“Okay,” she said, a genuine smile crossing her face. “Thanks, Adrien.”
She poured herself a glass of wine before returning to the living room, just in time for Alya to ask, “Adrien! Truth or dare?”
How had it gotten back to her already?
“Dare,” Adrien said.
Marinette took a long drink of her wine as Alya grinned. “Great! This is going to be part two, then.”
She stood and crossed the room to grab a box from her bag, holding it up for the party to see: Candy G-String.
“Marinette, you’re going to wear this and let Adrien eat it off you,” she said, face still with a devilish grin. “You can put it over your actual underwear, no worries.”
She swallowed hard, glancing towards Adrien. “A-are you okay with this?”
“It’s just for fun, right?” he said, shrugging. “But if you don’t want to—”
“I’m good!” she replied quickly, finishing off her wine before grabbing the box from Alya’s hand. She opened it, pulled out the thong of chalky candies, and rapidly yanked them up under her skirt, snapping the elastic string against her hip.
Adrien stepped towards her, some concern on his face. “Do you want to sit down? You look a little pale.”
“Yeah, probably a good idea.” She barely trusted her legs to keep her up now, let alone when Adrien started to touch her!
He led her to the couch, a few of her friends vacating it so she had room to sit sideways. Adrien knelt beside her on the cushions and then—his head disappeared beneath her skirt.
He was careful to hold the skirt so she wasn’t flashing the whole party, which she was grateful for, but she still gripped the couch tightly as Adrien Agreste’s mouth touched her. He seemed to be starting with the candies at the top of the g-string, and she could feel the brush of his lips as his teeth broke the candies and his tongue picked them up.
Marinette bit her lip as Adrien made his way south, the party around them continuing as people grabbed drinks and watched them, or mercifully turned away to talk to each other. She tried to focus on Adrien, memorize every little touch to replay in her mind again and again later.
She felt her thong shift slightly, the candies between her legs rolling against bare skin, and she tried to remember when she’d last shaved.
Her thoughts flew out the window when Adrien’s lips were at the top of her pussy, still covered with fabric for now, but he was getting dangerously close. He bit another candy, momentarily pushing it against her clit through the fabric of her underwear, and she had to gasp, gripping the couch harder as she fought the urge to buck her hips against his (warm sinful wonderful) mouth.
His lip brushed bare skin, and she jolted as though his mouth was a live wire against her. She knew she was so wet, she just had to hope he didn’t notice. Somehow.
She shifted her hips slightly, and bit her lip hard as she felt a candy roll inside her, resting just at her entrance. But then, Adrien’s tongue chased that candy, dipping just slightly inside her folds to pull it out, the tip of his tongue running along her pussy for what was maybe longer than necessary. He carefully bit off the candy before letting the string snap back against her.
A familiar heat started to roll through her body as he sought out another candy with his tongue. This was a special kind of hell, absolute bliss and pleasure at Adrien’s tongue, but she had to hold herself back because if she made any sort of noise—he might stop.
She didn’t know if she wanted this moment to end or not, but Adrien bit another candy and his nose rubbed against her clit and she realized she was going reach her peak no matter what she wanted, so she might as well shut her eyes and enjoy the sensation—
“Time out,” Alya said abruptly.
Adrien froze before drawing his head out from under Marinette’s skirt. “What’s up?”
“You’re not done till that candy’s gone,” she said, “but get up to M’s room or this party’s going to get X-rated.”
Adrien glanced over at Marinette with a grin, and she noticed his lips were wet. “Are you okay with that?”
She nodded wordlessly, and took his hand as he helped her stand. He led her to the stairs, twining his fingers with his as behind him, mostly everyone gave her an encouraging thumbs-up.
He’d been in her bedroom a number of times, so he was able to easily lead her to her chaise, guiding her to lay down again.
“So, uh, now that we’re alone,” he said, and god had his voice always been that low? “Do you mind if we get the underwear out of the way?”
“Go ahead,” she murmured, distracted by the way his hands were running up her thighs as he hovered over her.
He shot her a wolfish grin before hooking his fingers into her thong and tugging it down her legs, along with the candies, leaving her completely bare and spread before him. She barely had time to register what he’d done before his face was between her legs again, his tongue slowly licking along her folds before dipping inside her for just a second. He closed his mouth around her clit and sucked, the sudden rush of god yes good finally breaking her silence and making her cry out, “A-Adrien!”
He pressed a soft kiss to her inner thigh and raised his head to meet her eyes. “Marinette…fuck, you taste so good.”
She could only moan, letting her hand drift to his head, fingers running through his hair as he licked her with his tongue flat before pushing it inside her, swirling and licking all that he could reach. His hands gripped her hips as he fucked her with his tongue, and she no longer held back her moans and gasps.
He slid one hand between her legs, replacing his tongue with two fingers crooking inside her as he licked and sucked her clit again. Marinette cried out with broken moans, inadvertently closing her legs around his head as she approached her climax.
“A-Adrien,” she groaned, “Fuck, god, Adrien yes!”
The world seemed to go white for a moment when she came, nothing mattering anymore besides the feeling of Adrien’s tongue softly lapping at her clit. She returned to reality as he pulled back and slid his fingers out of her, moving them to his mouth to suck them clean.
“Good?” he asked.
“Amazing,” she replied, her head falling back against the arm of the chaise.
Adrien smiled, leaning over to place a soft kiss on her cheek. “Good. I’ve wanted to do that since…well, pretty much since I learned what eating pussy meant.”
“Really?” Marinette asked. “You mean—with me?”
He nodded, his cheeks reddening slightly. “We, uh—we can head back down now, if you want to.”
She didn’t want that. She’d just had the best orgasm of her life given to her by the love of her life, and she intended to return the favor. But words were hard and escaping her, so she settled for actions instead.
She kissed him.
His mouth tasted like her, and he was eager to part his lips against her and allow her tongue to slip against his, his arms winding around her, holding her close.
“I’ve been in love with you since the day I met you,” she blurted when they parted, quickly biting her lip as soon as the words left her throat.
Adrien smiled, blushing slightly. “Really? That long?”
Marinette nodded. “I—it wasn’t as strong when you were dating Kagami, but—yeah.”
“You know, we broke up because she pointed out I was in love with you,” he admitted, pressing another soft kiss against her lips. “I hope you don’t mind that I’m kind of an oblivious idiot.”
She giggled. “I think I can manage having the brain cell in our relationship.”
“Relationship?” He raised an eyebrow, but his smile didn’t fall.
“I—I mean, I sort of thought—if you want to—”
He kissed her again, passionately this time, pushing her back against the chaise as his body pressed to hers.
“I’m your oblivious idiot,” he murmured with a wide smile. “If you’ll have me.”
She gave him a wicked grin. “Want to go up to my bed and let me have all of you?”
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hotel-japanifornia · 5 years
What’s your feelings on godot i do feel sorry for him and i don’t hate him but he was a huge prick to Phoenix
Godot is a rather complex character. I like him as a character in general, however the fandom does seem to misunderstand who he is and what his motives are, even his fans.
When we first meet Godot chronologically, we meet him as the defense lawyer, Diego Armando. Diego is honestly pretty charming, he’s smooth, he’s confident, he’s cool, and I like the way he plays off of Mia. I personally never found the “kitten” nickname sexist nor do I understand why it would even be considered that way. It’s never said once that Diego doesn’t think Mia is lesser for her gender. In fact, in their first conversation during the case, this is said:
Armando:No, no, no… You’ve got it all wrong! Today, YOU’RE the finest! After all, it took an amazing amount of guts to take this case! Imagine… An escaped death row convict for a first client!
If anything, I think the whole kitten thing is probably just his nickname for rookies in general, and not necessarily women. I’ve seen people think it’s his way of flirting with her, and that’s possible too, just not necessarily how I see it. Anyways, at the end of the case, Mia beats herself up because she thinks that she was the reason her client died and Diego gives her this piece of advice:
Armando:Don’t you get it? You can’t cry yet. The only time a lawyer can cry is when it’s all over.
Mia:M-Mr. Armando…
It’s honestly a good piece of advice, and I love how Mia takes inspiration from that quote and uses it towards Phoenix even if it’s said in a different way:
“The toughest of times are when lawyers have to put on their biggest smiles.”
It’s not exactly the same as what Diego said, sure, but it does have the same meaning. In that way at least, you can see the impact he must have left on Mia. Regarding the two’s relationship for a moment, I do think they had just started dating when Diego was poisoned. It does explain why Grossberg calls Diego Mia’s boyfriend, but I digress.
When we meet him in 3-2 and 3-3, it’s obvious he dislikes Phoenix but we don’t know why yet. Honestly, Godot is probably one of my favorite parts of 3-2: he’s mysterious and confident, but he also has some goofy moments like when he refers to himself as a legendary prosecutor because he’s never lost a case but he’s also never won one either. I don’t know that it was intended to be funny but it’s always made me snicker a little. He comes off as being a jerk sure but so did Edgeworth and Franziska, and like them, we learn more about Godot and his motivations later on.
Godot in 3-3 is why I can never agree that T&T has a filler case. For one, in 3-3, you learn about Godot’s inability to see red on white when he fails to notice the ketchup on Maggey’s apron. It’s an extremely subtle moment, but it’s given quite a bit of focus so the player could then assume that that unique feature will be important later on. Godot is still mysterious and a jerk but I love the way that he handles Furio and willingly admits to being the one who summoned him to court. Like Nick said after the fact:
(T… Too cool…) 
Not only that, but he does manage to have a somewhat nice moment with Phoenix at the end of the case after throwing coffee at him:
Godot:Well done… Trite. I saved my 17th cup of coffee just for you. Savor it… While you watch your caged prey. 
While we don’t learn that much more about Godot than we did in 3-2; what we do learn about him plays a very important role in a case later on. 3-3 isn’t directly involved with the Feys at all, but it does have some importance to the overall plot of the game.
We meet Armando in 3-4 which is the first playable case chronologically in the trilogy’s timeline. Right off the bat, we notice he looks similar to Godot, the two even have a similar suit to each other, just different colors and have a similar hairstyle. I’m not entirely sure how many people guessed that Godot and Diego Armando were the same person right away but I think people might have at least thought the two were related at least (I’ve even seen people think that Godot and Diego were identical twins!). As for me, I kinda had a feeling since the two look alike and have the same love for the hot, bitter lady known as coffee.
Godot is extremely important to 3-5. If it wasn’t for him forming a plan to save Maya with Misty and Iris, Maya would be dead. Thing is, I don’t agree that Godot is entirely to blame for not going to the police and bringing the plot to them or just burning the note the whole way through. If the latter had happened, Pearl would have told Morgan she couldn’t find it and Morgan would definitely suspect that something was going on and possibly even relay the plan to Pearl herself. The former happening is unlikely because of reasons that I will go into a bit deeper. Another problem lies in that Misty also shares some of the blame herself but this post isn’t about her so I won’t go deep into it. 
We don’t see Godot until the second investigation period when Dusky Bridge has been rebuilt and Phoenix enters the Inner Temple, desperate to find Maya. It’s there that we learn why Godot hates Phoenix so much. Godot blames Phoenix for the murder of Mia Fey. He states that since Phoenix was there at the time, he should have protected her and by failing to do so, he in a sense, killed her. And because Maya is missing at the time, he goes further and says that Phoenix killed Maya indirectly by failing to protect her when she needed it most.
Personally, I find this conversation to be more Godot venting out his frustrations on Phoenix. Think about it, the guy spent 5 years in a coma because a psycho killer poisoned his coffee. He wakes up and he finds out that his girlfriend was murdered while he was in a coma. He feels mad at himself for not being able to protect Mia and thus sought to protect Maya as a way to make amends. While it seems like a weird conversation and just another example of Godot being a douche during one’s first time going through the case; a replay of the case after finishing it helps shed new light on the conversation the two have. 
We also learn more about Godot’s inability to see red on white during that same encounter in greater detail. He says that his eyes are messed up and that mask is the only way he can see. Although it’s not much, it is something. 
During the first trial portion of the last trial day, Godot starts acting rather strangely. When he learns that there was writing in red on the stone lantern in the Inner Temple Garden, he starts freaking out. Not only that but he actually helps calm Phoenix down when he freaks out over Dahlia’s suggestion that Maya jumped into the Eagle River from the Inner Temple side, and tells him that would be impossible to do.
Eventually, after Dahlia has been exorcised from Maya’s body, the Judge attempts to hand down his verdict. Godot immediately objects and says that they still don’t know who killed Misty, and the only person who can testify about that is Maya Fey. Some people have called this move callous and insensitive to the state that Maya is in, but it really isn’t. Godot could have simply let the Judge hand his verdict down and get away with his crime. But he doesn’t, he requests that they summon the one person that could incriminate him. Also, he does show a fair bit of empathy towards Maya in this exchange of dialogue towards her before her first testimony:
Godot:Straighten up this moment, young lady!
Godot:Pick your head up and speak clearly. There’s always time for crying later.
Maya:B-But I…
Godot:Your mother was killed right in front of your eyes! There’s nothing you can do to change that fact.
Godot:But there’s something you can do… You can finish this. You’ve been watching the whole thing right? You’ve seen the witnesses come out and you’ve seen us squeeze the truth out of them. Now it’s your turn. …Let’s hear your testimony. On the night of the crime… what exactly did you see happen!?
It’s pretty obvious during Maya’s testimony that she’s willing to protect the identity of whoever killed her mother, even to the point that she begs Phoenix not to reveal his identity and even suggests that she thought it was a man for other reasons than the three red glowing lights. We also get to hear about this one cute little story about an interaction between him and Pearl in which he actually comforted her and gave her coffee. That’s pretty sweet…and kinda dangerous.
Still, it’s quite obvious upon cross-examining Maya that Godot is the killer, so why is she covering up for the man who killed her mother to the point that she’d be found guilty otherwise? Godot did save Maya’s life in the process of killing Misty who was channeling Dahlia at the time and would have killed her if Godot hadn’t intervened. Maya is plenty aware of this and it is in character for her to do something like that.
We also learn through Godot’s self-reflection that he knows that he could have killed Pearl instead of Misty that night and that Misty’s murder was out of a fit of rage against the ghost of the woman who ruined his life. He also goes on to say that he’s not really sure that him saving Maya’s life was out of a genuine will to protect her, and even tells her that if he genuinely wanted to help Maya, he should have gone to Phoenix instead. Despite this, Maya genuinely believes that he wanted to save her life and so does Phoenix even despite the way Godot had treated him up to that point.
Godot is an extremely gray character and it’s really interesting to study him as a character, who he is and what his intentions were. I don’t think he truthfully wanted to kill anyone that night in the Inner Temple Garden, all he wanted to do was protect Maya the way he wanted to protect Mia. He was never willing to actually kill anybody and even helped Phoenix catch him in the end. Iris and Misty both played a role in this plan too and made their own share of screw-ups so I don’t understand why people shift so much of the blame for it onto Godot?
Honestly though, I think that the whole black-white morality lens that people typically view characters through doesn’t really work with characters like Godot. Godot is not a good guy but he’s not a cookie cutter bad guy like some of the culprits in this series seem to be and that’s what makes him so intriguing to me. He’s not my favorite character, but I can see why someone may say he’s their favorite.
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whatshockey · 5 years
lua - w.n.
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in which two people find that their worlds aren’t as simple in the morning as they’d left them the night before
song used *loosely* for inspiration: “lua” by bright eyes 
warnings: mentions of alcohol, cursing, light smut? is that a thing? pretty angsty, but that’s nothing new.
word count: 2.5k+
a/n: none of my writing has to do with any players’ actual personal lives, so if william’s still with penny (or anyone), this is all completely unrelated! nothing but love and respect here, folks. this is a very ~fake~ concept. [EDIT: fun fact! just found out that the girl in the photo is @madds-hay in case anyone wants to give a follow or ask her what willy’s like in person!]
Tempestuous honey laced in her sighs, with sweet amber dripping down and embracing them in the midst of the setting sun and tangled bedsheets. Her lips bit swollen, drunk off of his heavy exhales upon them, and she found herself swimming in the pale pools of blue and ice that bore into her own line of sight. His smirk drenched her in gasoline while his fingertips held the lighter, and it was no question that her skin was set ablaze. Yet nothing compared to the pain of knowing that this fire would soon be extinguished once again.
The first spark lit on a haunting October evening, a thunderstorm stumbling into their lives and banging on their windows, begging to sweep them away. The season had just begun, and she’d found herself wrapped in the arms of a large cable knit sweater she’d patiently waited to return to as the winds blew without rest. A nature documentary illuminated her apartment’s walls alongside the occasional flash of lightning to blind, and served as background noise as her eyes focused on her phone screen in front of her, mindlessly scrolling through viral videos and gossip threads with a now empty glass of Merlot resting on her coffee table.
A harsh knock at her door broke her from her daze, causing her to scramble to her tiptoes and look through the peephole of her front door. What she saw, however, had sent her stumbling back, clambering to unlock her door to the sight of a man clad in an expensive suit, running his hands through his silky hair and resting a frown across his face.
“She’s been sleeping with someone else this whole time.” He stormed in, throwing himself onto her sectional and resting his head in his hands, bouquet of flowers now a mess on her living room floor, no doubt for the woman he’d been referring to.
It was overwhelming. The two could barely count as friends, meeting by chance at private events here and there. They’d come from two very different worlds, with hers found mostly out of the limelight and his not quite the same.
“And he’s a fucking accountant, probably has the personality of a thumb.”
She hadn’t moved from her spot by her door, still shocked and now closing it quietly, padding her way into her kitchen and leaving him to rub feverish circles at his eyes, but only after punching the throw pillow placed next to him.
The situation was ironic - the two had met in similar situations, with her shedding a few tears of an ex lover and him offering the most comfort that a stranger, or perhaps acquaintances at best, could provide. The party was left roaring behind them, shut away by a sliding door as she perched herself on the balcony of the apartment, wondering why she even attended in the first place. She attempted to distract herself with the skyline surrounding her, but after feeling an unfamiliar presence by her, all that she could focus on were the ocean eyes shining under the city lights, sending her a friendly smile and sheepishly shoving a beer in her direction.
“You look like you could use one.”
The same boy was having a mental breakdown of his own now, except this time it was in her own apartment that did not have the luxury of an attractive view or breeze to cool a hot head down. There was one thing that, however as toxic as it may be, always seemed to numb their pain.
“I can’t believe she did it,” he laughed, and for the first time, she noticed it felt soulless. “More than once too.”
Hearing her return, and she doubted he noticed she was away to begin with, he looked up from his palms, eyebrows furrowed at what she was doing. Wordlessly, she poured him a glass, sat down next to him and crossed her legs, and urged him to go on. And he did.
Eventually their talks had become routine, occurring weekly and topics ranged from everything and anything in between. Yet as alcohol continued to replace their blood and lust covered their conscience, he began punctuating his sentences with his lips on her own. And neither could find it in themselves to stop.
Since then, her mind was constantly clouded with images of his lips grazing her thighs and mouthing promises meant to last solely for the night. However, it had soon become clear that roulette wasn’t a game for the faint at heart. That there was no time to prepare, nor dwell on a past move as another is made. Still she balanced on a tightrope, with her heart in one hand and regret in another, playing into the tiring game of charades and deceit as he continued to pull her strings tight, mercilessly suffocating her. And she never asked him to stop, even when she knew he was going to.
How pitiful it was that she missed things that were never hers to begin with.
She cursed herself for not stopping it all to begin with. Had the two just relied on each other for a sense of escape, and it was her fault that she fell harder than intended? That as he crept out her bed at dawn and dressed for practice, she relished in the warmth that remained after he’d left. Only once her bones had ached and her sheets grew cold could she find the strength to stretch her feet to the hardwood floors beneath her bed, the same she wished to stay in with him.
It had been about a month since they’d started this, well, whatever it was. They’d been laying in bed, his smooth skin blanketing hers, and his palms resting on the swell of her hips. Her phone was connected to the speakers, drowning out the noise of his heartbeat matching her own, and a familiar melody strummed out and echoed across the room. One that she’d attached with many fond memories, but with another man she’d once been equally as fond of.
When she attempted to bring it all up, about how it happened and whether he was genuinely okay, he’d respond with a shrug and a  “it gave me an excuse to break up with her, I guess”, sitting up on his elbows and bringing a gentle finger to her face. Once he pushed hair out of her eyes and behind her ear, and she knew that would be the end of the conversation.
She hadn’t known how much time had passed, yet the conversation continued to replay in her mind, although her stomach twisted due to another unwelcome guest. She’d indulged in the only other constant in her life, licking her lips as the poison cascaded down her throat, and her phone rang a familiar tune.
She heard her own voice stammer as he answered her phone, knowing what he’d be calling for at this hour anyways. But her fingers instinctively answered the call, and she could already feel her body crave for his touch.
“Come over?”
She shifted her weight on her feet, biting the inside of her cheek
“I’m busy tonight,” and she knew that he was aware that wasn’t a true statement, as every other week she’d spend her evenings curled in bed binge-watching the latest docu-series she came across.
“I can wait up,” he insisted.
“I seriously can’t.”
“I said I can’t,” She took a deep breath, rubbing her forehead as she grew more irritated.  “I’m on my period, Will.”
“Oh,” he stuttered, couging to clear his throat. “I was actually thinking, um, we could just hang out tonight.”
She could feel her throat run dry as she struggled to form a response. The thought frightened her, and she reached down to her thigh to pinch herself and make sure she wasn’t, in fact, in a strange dream. They’d never just hung out. In fact, there was always a motive behind each of their times spent together, whether that be one comforting the other, or the two of them finding comfort in each other’s bodies.
Perhaps he could sense her hesitation, as he quickly told her that he had already bought snacks and is waiting on his sofa with too much food he could finish on his own, nor should he be allowed to eat it in the midst of the hockey season. And not too long afterwards was she tucked into his side, curling her legs onto his lap and accepting his offer to relieve the pressure that built up during this time of month, his knuckles kneading out her knots and strains.
She wondered what the look he gave her that night, when he’d asked if she was sleeping with anyone else and she immediately shook her head no, had meant. How his eyes flickered with an emotion she never saw before, and how his fingers twitched across her waist before he turned his attention back to the screen before them. She even wondered had he scowled or smiled, but he’d brought his drink up to his own lips before she could see.
It wasn’t long before she was in his apartment again. However, this time in a number he’d cheekily sent to her office with a red ribbon and note that read, “Wear nothing but this tonight.”
What she hadn’t expected was a silk dress to be sitting inside, its expensive material slipping through her hands as she grabbed at it, and silking easily off of her body later that night.
She rolled her eyes as her neck grew warm, and quickly texted to let him know that she received his gift, to which he responded with only one message: “See you at 7.”
He’d picked her up from her apartment,  and drove both of them to some high-end restaurant overlooking Lake Ontario, and if he had told her the plans beforehand, she would’ve declined. While he seemed to be keeping his cool, her chest tightened as the realization hit that they were going somewhere outside of the privacy of their own apartments, and somewhere together.
He hadn’t said anything to her as she knelt to pick up her heels, moving to sit down and put them on. He had, however, watched her with an unreadable expression.
“How’d you know my size?” she asked, tilting her head to the size as he drank in her figure.
He smirked, taking her heels from her hands and kneeling before her to slip them on her feet.
“I’d say I know your body pretty well.”
His response had left her cheeks flaming, and his remarks throughout the night continued to. The thought alone that she followed his orders to truly wear nothing but the dress he had given her was enough to cause the temperature to rise. But right now, as she stood bare in between his legs with a shy smile and uneasiness spreading throughout her bones, her skin was left burning under his igniting gaze, and she melted under his fingertips.
The fire grew unmanageable, however, once he uttered three words into the crevice of her neck, outlining her collarbone with hunger, beginning to devour her with every little taste. His voice was low, yet vehement. But she knew she’d heard him loud and clear.
“I love you,” he groaned, and she had no response except to her clenched her thighs and force an even more breathy statement from him. “You’re so fucking perfect.”
Oh my god.
She wanted to push him off and hit him over and over, to scream and tell him that he can’t, and that it was a mistake. He loved her body, how she made him feel. He loved the momentary satisfaction he received wrapped in her, the state of bliss they’d reach together. He loved how easy it was to find this in her, and not worry about what she’d make of it, because she just didn’t know what to make of it.
She’d left his apartment particularly early that morning, before he could even wake up for practice and kiss her forehead as they parted. She hadn’t responded to his texts asking where she was in the morning or if she was okay.
She should’ve known, however, that he’d be back banging on her door as the moon returned, rushing in to embrace her with heavy breaths as she opened the door. She didn’t know what he expected her to look like, maybe he even thought she was dead, because his grip on her was tight and his face was buried in her hair. She moved her hand to run her fingers through his hair before he began to speak.
“Babe,” he sighed, rubbing his palms up and down her spine, causing shivers to follow. “I’m so glad you’re okay, I was so worried.”
Her eyes shot open and she began untangling herself with him, taking a deep breath and turned to look at him directly as she calmly spoke.
“You need to leave.”
Her heart swelled at the confused look on his face, eyebrows furrowed and an anxious lick at his lips.
“What’s wrong?”
She stepped away from him, asking him again although it pained her to no end.
“Let me help you,” he reached towards her, but she jumped even further back.
“You don’t get it, do you?” she raised her voice, rubbing her temples “I don’t want to see you anymore. Now, please, get out.”
“Is this about what I said earlier?” he asked softly, taking a slow step towards her. “Because if it was too early, if you weren’t ready, I-”
“What?” she almost laughed at how big of a deal it was for her, how embarrassing this whole thing was for her. “You don’t just throw around words like that.”
He moved forward again, but she stepped even further back, tailbone coming in contact with her countertop. “I wasn’t throwing them around, I swear. I meant-”
“I’m scared, Willy.” Her voice wavered, and she couldn’t look at him any longer. “I just don’t want this to change anything between us. Things can’t change between us.”
“Why not?” he questioned, grasping her arms in his own and forcing her to look up at him, eyes pooling with more emotion she thought she had towards him. “What’s so wrong about that? What are you scared of?”
He moved to tuck her hair behind her ear like he did before, except this time he brought his hand to rest at the back of her neck and rest his head against hers.
“Please,” she begged, but her body already gave away, “Just go.”
“I’m right here,” he whispered, as if he’d known that she’d run from his grasp before he could stop her. “I promise.”
She wanted to tell him that she knew that wasn’t true, that their lives were too different and far more complex than he made it out to be. That something could change in mere hours from now, and he could edge his feet away, slip from under her nose and never return.
But as their lips molded together and their bodies pressed into one, her own fears were left shattered at their feet. Time was put on hold, and the chaos that surrounded them outside of their homes’ walls seemed so much more simple when they were together.
And sometimes, things don’t look so different in the light.
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rpdwong · 6 years
[LET’S TALK RE2MAKE] Ada and Leon
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There is so much I want to talk about regarding this game, that I’ve decided to just divide it in different posts because, wow, there is A LOT to unpack here. It’s no surprise that I started playing Leon’s scenario, mainly because I wanted to see Ada in this new rendition (and also Leon and Ada/Leon, of course!). A heads-up: this is probably going to be very convoluted and not-at-all-organized, but I need to get it out and talk about these two.
I’ll admit my main fear was that Capcom could’ve butchered Ada’s characterization, but in the end I had nothing to worry about because we could argue this Ada is even better than in any previous appearances. Mainly because RE2make has probably the best writing/acting in the series (it’s still campy at times and that’s good as well! but you know what I mean). This also applies to her relationship with Leon, which also has been improved and now feels more grounded.
First things first, I love the original RE2 to pieces. It was my favourite game in the series, it was the first I played, Leon and Ada are literally the first ship that I ever shipped without knowing what that was. But when you look at it now, even if the writing is good  in certain scenes, it’s… well, it’s not RE forte. I mean, Ada goes from running away from Leon to sticking with him and then saying she cared about him all of a sudden. It’s not that you can’t believe it, but because the game is too short, she gets very intense very quickly. Again, we have to suspend our disbelief here a bit because this game was made back in 1998, and narrative in games was limited. For its time, it was kinda good—but some of those scenes would have looked a bit out of place under the tone RE2make has set. Like the “I’m just a woman who fell in love with you”. I mean, I love it in its original context, but it was cheesy af at its time and I don’t think they could have pulled it off here in a believable way.
(I also think Capcom wants to keep the romance tone very subtle, as they have always said they don’t “include” them in their RE games <s>except they kinda do but anyway</s> and that love confession was by far the most blatant romantic scene in a RE game).
But I digress, since this is about what RE2make does well in regards to Leon and Ada, and I’d say pretty much everything.
The first thing I noticed I quite liked about this Ada was the contrast between her demeanor and what she was doing: she acted cold and distant, but still kept saving Leon’s ass (and she does save him here a lot, more than in the original). This really resonates with their later interactions in other games, even though here she is colder than usual because, well, this is their first meeting so they still don’t have that history and shared background.
[And they keep pointing guns at each other (another great detail, since this is pretty much their dynamic when they meet).]
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Now, in the original we know Ada tried to leave Leon behind multiple times— she had a job to do, and having a rookie cop with her wouldn’t help. But she just kept running away without saying anything and since we don’t know her true intentions until the end, it may come across as a bit strange, given her supposed circumstances. In RE2make this is more nuanced, I think. You can see she’s trying to push him off constantly, telling him to leave as soon as he can and escape the city. Some people always bring up that Ada manipulates Leon into doing things so she can accomplish her mission— and that is true to an extent (let’s remember, again, that she also keeps saving him just as much before even accepting his help). But you can also see that wasn’t her first intention, she just wanted to get rid of him and continue her mission. However, Leon is very adamant about not leaving her behind and helping her, because he wants do something for the city and bring those responsible down (I love that he repeats it like two o three times, the “you’re stuck with me” line basically).
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Even in her attempts at getting rid of him, there’s a difference between their first interactions and the ones they share later, from the sewers on. When he finds her in the dumpster wounded, she stills tells him something like “get out of here”, even if she knows she needs his help now to survive.
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When finishing Ada’s segment, you can even see she’s scared at the end after the fall (and, indeed, where’s Leon when she needs him xD). But what Leon says here is one of my favourite things:
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Now this is not only about uncovering Umbrella’s plot and bringin them to justice for him: they are a team and they protect each other to survive the hell they have been thrown into (which is very reminiscent of their interactions in the original game aka “We’re a team. I can’t just leave you behind”, even Leon points at this with his “Y’know we make a good team”, which only makes it all sadder because yes, they do, but now the truth has come out and they are “enemies”).
So, yeah, what was Ada supposed to say here? She goes along with it, and yes, she tricks him into retrieving the G virus for her, but that’s to be expected because she’s just not going to drop her whole mission and leave everything she’s ever known “for a pair of pretty eyes”, as Luke Skywalker would say, when we can see she’s very reserved and hides her true feelings/intentions constantly.
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Yet she doesn’t want to hurt him (as she admits during their confrontation and this is genuine, no lies here), so that’s the best scenario in play: Leon gets the G virus, he gives it to her under the pretense of taking it back to the FBI, they escape, go their separate ways, she succeeds in her mission. End of story. Thankfully, Leon is not such a naïve ass in this game. Seriously, I replayed the original RE2 just before the remake’s launch and Leon is incredibly gullible to the point of no reason— though it’s endearing in its own way too. But I definitely appreciate more that this Leon still has a hopeful, positive vibe and he really wants to trust Ada, without coming off as an utter fool.
Then the confrontation comes (in a walkway with no railing, guys, haven’t you seen Star Wars??? THAT DOESN’T BODE WELL, NEVER) and it’s beautifully made. They could have gone the Leon B route with Ada dying in his arms, but the Leon A version was incredibly poignant— and it remains the same here, even more so because the acting was top notch for me here. (It’s true Ada “died” in Leon B to save him and that’s powerful as well, but… she has saved him so many times in the remake, it wouldn’t have felt that “special” I guess?). Even though Ada has been actively more deceitful in the remake (she takes advantage of the FBI lie much more than she did with the “worried girlfriend” thing), in the end she is not able to shoot Leon— and he knows she won’t. 
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The moment he says “but I don’t think you can” and lowers his weapon is SO GREAT and is a perfect summary of their whole dynamic: they are usually on opposing sides, yet he still trusts she will never harm him; because she can’t. They always walk a very thin line between friend and foe. We as the audience know Ada won’t shoot him, but it’s a such leap of faith for Leon here, at this moment— especially because now he is certain of what Ada is and what she is doing with the G virus. Rationally, there’d no reason for her not to shoot him and get the virus— but despite Ada’s lie, the connection they have developed is real. And Leon knows this, trusts his instincts and it pays off. It’s so much more fulfilling than the original scenes or even later ones.
Then we have Ada’s “death” and it’s heart-breaking. That “Shut up I’ve got you” from Leon KILLS me every time, and Ada’s “it’s not worth it” says so much about her, as I understand the implication is that she thinks saving her is not worth it. 
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Again, this is something that was also present in the original, so I think they’ve managed to blend all versions of Ada quite well (she can be standoffish, independent and sassy, but also show warmth, sadness and compassion). Not only that, I found it quite endearing that she also comes off as very proud and hates feeling weak, rejecting Leon’s gestures of kindness when he finds her wounded in the sewers. There’s the “don’t push it, rookie” and she claims she would feel even worse if Leon carried her. I don’t think this was a trait we had witnessed before in Ada, even though you could assume she doesn’t like being thought of as weak. But it was really nice to see that on screen and it’s just another detail that helps to make her feel more human.
What about the kiss? I’ve seen some people having mixed feelings about it, but I actually liked what they did— again, because this time it all feels more grounded and less “melodramatic” (which isn’t bad per se, but the tone is different, as I’ve mentioned). We weren’t getting a love confession out of nowhere because it didn’t fit the character, so… how can we get a kiss in this situation? Well, now it’s part of Ada’s manipulation in a way— but that doesn’t invalidate that she’s starting to care about him in some way and viceverse.
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But they are still walking on thin ice: Leon wants to trust her, but he doesn’t know if he should, and she knows she’s lying to him. So she just shuts him up when he starts blabbering about keeping her safe. I don’t mind that it’s part of the manipulation because, once more, this is their first meeting and I also think part of her was also being genuine about it, like she thinks he’s very sweet for worrying so much about her. This is my interpretation, of course, but I think it fits the scene when she says “don’t worry about me” and claiming she’d like to see him again, that she has plenty to live for. This is of course all up to debate, because it’s made ambiguous on purpose, to make us feel as confused as Leon is. But, in the end, we know what happens in later games (even in this one, when she is unable to shoot him), and whether you like Ada or not, we can’t argue that she cares about him enough to put him before any mission.
Leon’s line in the train is also very telling and so much better than the original “Goodbye, Ada” or “I’ll always remember you”, in my opinion. He says “I can’t believe I actually miss her” and that rings so true, because, despite the deception, the connection they had was true, they worked well together, they teased each other, they bantered. They made a good team, and Leon made it out alive thanks to her as well. It reflects much better that duality they have, whether they can trust each other or not (as he says in RE6: it’s complicated).
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Just to end this, because I’ve been blabbering long enough, the other thing I’m forever grateful this remake has given us is Leon and Ada bantering and even their own sort of recurring catch phrase, with the whole “keeping scores” that comes full circle: first in a negative way, then it shows up again in a moment of tenderness between the two.
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It’s also such a nice way to tie all their history together, because that’s what they always do: they might be on opposing sides, but they always end up saving each other.
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Game Over (3/?)
Author's note: This is a vollab with @starlighttaek8. Thank you @babybee05 and @tanithrea for wanting updates for each post
Word count:1612
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He was slurping away at his ramen, so content with his free meal. Earlier, you had bet he couldn’t do one hundred push ups after the long day of practice, and Hyuk went ahead and did one hundred and one just to make you mad.
“Why aren't you eating?” he asked between slurps, mouth full, and the broth dripping from his lips disgustingly.
“I’m too tired to eat.” you lied. You rested your head on your hand, your chopsticks lying limply in your other, occasionally lifting up some noodles, but then allowing them to slide back off into the bowl.
“You've only been a backup dancer for a month, are you already so tired with it all?!?” he asked jokingly.
“No. It was just a bit different actually doing everything on the set…”
“Yeah, everything is more stressful on set. I hate when the director is always yelling.”
“Yeah,” you say with a chuckle, adjusting the hold on your chopsticks as the noodles kept slipping through. “He’s a butt that's for sure.”
“But he makes the video good.”
“Yeah, they would be better if your face weren’t in them though.” You still had to take a jab at him.
“Screw you!” he laughed before taking another slurp.
You continued to sit there. You weren't on your phone, you didn't touch the food, you were just there blankly staring at a spot at the side of Hyuk’s head.
“Y/N, what’s with you seriously.”
“Nothing.” you insisted.
“It’s obvious there is something wrong with you. Just tell me.”
“Nah, it isn't a big deal.”
“If it isn’t a big deal, you would just tell me.”
“Fine, but it really is not at all a big deal… It's just- goodness this is stupid… I feel like Leo doesn't like me…” you suddenly said in a whisper.
“What? Doesn’t like you? What do you mean?”
“Well- Like… I don't know. I feel like I am annoying to him or something. He never seems happy when I am around. Like, I will walk into the practice room and you all will be laughing and then when I go up to you all, he gets quiet and like walks away a bit. And I try to talk to him, but he kinda stares me down, and he like either says one or two words or he won't say anything at all!”
You couldn't help but come off as whiny over it all. You hated the tone of your voice, but you couldn't help it. No matter what you did to get on Leo’s good side, it didn’t work, and it was getting to the point where you were actually starting to hate having to practice with Vixx. Everyone was so accepting of you except for Leo.
You consider yourself a strong person, one that accepted the fact that you couldn't please everyone, but with Leo it was different. You weren't sure why.
It could be the fact that he was your best friend’s very, very, very, very close “co-worker”, a person that was almost his brother. A person that he was with 24/7, one he ate with, worked with, lived with, traveled with. It could be the fact that he secretly was a genuine bias of yours. He was your secret crush ever since Vixx debuted. From what you saw on lives and shows, you just loved his personality and his looks and just his everything. A lot of what upset you was the fact that a person that you admired, (and formed a crush on after meeting in person), so much, just seemed to hate everything about you, and it drove you crazy.
“Hm… Well… I haven't really noticed him acting any different…” Hyuk mumbled as if her were lost in thought.
He was a quiet for a moment before he finally spoke “I- I don't think he hates you.” he said with an optimistic tone. “And I don't believe he doesn't like you. Taekwoon is a shy person at first. He takes a while to warm up to people.”
“Well I guess but it’s been a month already.”
“But think about it. You mostly talk to me, and- and the guys butt in when they want but for the most part it is me or your dancer friends.”
“But I have tried to talk to him.” you insisted
He stared at you for a bit, the gears in his head churning, coming up with what he can tell you next.
“...Well I have seen you try to talk to him.” he mumbled under his breath. “...He’s just shy that's all I can say. Taekwoon isn't the type to not like someone. Heck, he deals with me and Ken all day and he doesn't hate us… not that much… Why don't I talk to him for you?”
“Why not?”
“I’m not some kid that you talk for! Hi CaN YoU bE Y/N’s FriEnD PleASe?!? Like I said, it isn't a big deal anyway, don't worry about it.”
“Alright, alright.... So you gonna eat the rest of that ramen?” he asked just eying your half empty bowl
You lazily pushed the food to him “Take it.”
He was just in his room, alone…, very alone. Lights off, head under the sheets. Too tired to even watch TV, but too mentally awake to sleep.
His mind was just going a million miles an hour replaying that dreaded moment over and over. It was torture. It was just him saying no to yet another offer to dinner, and seeing the frown on your face at his response, before he walked away. He was so ashamed by his cowardice to actually say a sentence to you.
“I’m so stupid.” he thought to himself “What is so hard about saying the word yes? I say it all the time! Like-”
He heard a small knock at his slightly open bedroom door.
“Come in!” he groaned wondering which of the five morons was going to annoy him now.
“Hey.” Hyuk smiled poking his head in the room.
“What do you want.” Leo disdainfully remarked with an annoyed look.
“Oh nothing, just to let you know that I was back from eating with Y/N.”
‘Rub it in, why don't you.’ he thought.
“And?” he asked the youngest in annoyance.
“Just thought you would want to know.” Hyuk said oddly.
There was something weird about him, weirder than usual, he was just too tired to care why.
“Well, now I know, so you can leave.”
“What’s got you all grumpy.” Hyuk went ahead and invited himself into his room. His loud footsteps traveled across the room and he threw himself at his desk chair.
“Cool then you are up to talk right?”
“About what?”
He sat up. His body went on high alert. The last thing that he wanted to do was talk about her. If Hyuk even had the slightest idea that he had a crush on you, it would just open a can of worms that he was not prepared to deal with.
“What? Wh-what about her?” he choked
“You like her?”
“What?!?” this whole conversation was a nightmare coming true.
“What d-do you mean?” He looked around the room, and licked his lips as he tried and failed to keep his voice steady.
“You think she’s cool? I can't help but notice that you don't seem to really talk to her like the others do.” Hyuk said seriously.
“Yeah, I do.” Leo’s pitch rose slightly, nervous about any further questions Hyuk might ask, as he slowly ran his hand through his hair, in an attempt to look relaxed.
“Eh, I don't know. You seem so quiet when she is around.” Hyuk's eyes were alert, studying his every move.
Suddenly the room felt scorching, as if his light sweater was burning.
“No I’m not. I’m always quiet. I’m not any different when she's around.”
“You sure? It’s just, I really want you all to like her. She is my best friend, and I just want you all to be cool with each other…” he said more sincerely. “It would mean a lot if you all could be friends with her.”
He calmly shook his head. “Don't worry. I think she’s cool.” he tried to say normally. “I do like her, not that way.” he lied. “But she’s… nice…”
“Nice. We all know that is never a good way to describe someone.” now there was a slight frown on Hyuk’s face
“No! I mean it, she’s nice!” he emphasized. ‘And pretty, and talented, and sweet.’ he added in his inner monologue.
“Whatever you say.” Hyuk said after a long moment.
The maknae stood up from the seat and headed for the door. Finally the stupid interrogation was over. He was free. Or at least he thought.
Hyuk stopped shy of the door knob. “But Taekwoon, seriously, can you try to be friends with Y/N? Please? It would mean a lot to me…” He stared down at him with those puppy dog eyes.
The request itself was one he didn't want to fulfill. He couldn't see how being friends with you would help him get over you. Being in the same room with you for hours was bad enough. Already holding himself back from trying to flirt, but also being too shy and awkward to be a normal person when you was around. It was already torture as is.
“I already said I would! Now can you hurry up and leave so I can fall asleep?!?”
Thankfully for him, all he heard from Hyuk was a sigh as he shut the door.
-Admin Boat
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Omg can I please ask for a one shot using The Night We Met from your prompt list with JDM and my name (Jess) in it? 😍 thank you!
Author’s Note: This is a JDM without the existence of Hilarie. The italics are flashbacks (or Jeffrey talking to himself) and the bold are the lyrics to Lord Huron’s The Night We Met, which is what this one-shot is based on. Hope you like it, anon!! 
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Jeffrey looked around at the empty house and tried to keep the tears from falling, from betraying him completely. Norman didn’t deserve to have to deal with his blubbering ass. None of it was fair, but he knew better than to make his friends deal with his mistakes like that. There was literally no one else to blame here.
I am not the only travelerWho has not repaid his debt
“Talk to me, dude. I can see this is driving you crazy. Just fucking talk to me.”
Andrew was begging and Jeffrey was seconds away from unleashing, but he kept himself in check. All he really wanted was for this pain, the gut-wrenching pain, to go away. He felt like he couldn’t take a full, deep breath without her around. He felt a lot of things, actually. All of them awful.
“I lost her,” he said simply.
It was almost as if he was discussing something boring, like the color of the sky. It just was. Jess was gone. He couldn’t do anything about it. What would talking help?
“Yeah, you did. But, man, you can’t sit in this damn house. We gotta get you out of here.”
“I don’t wanna leave,” he admitted. I just want to wallow. Let me wallow.
He knew better than to ask that out loud. No one would listen. And they were already more worried about him than they needed to be. Not that he blamed them. He’d been a goddamn mess since his wife had walked out the door. She hadn’t even looked back. He’d screwed up long before he’d realized. He just wanted to fix it.
I’ve been searching for a trail to follow againTake me back to the night we met
“Hey, there,” Jeffrey said, holding out his hand for the pretty lady to take. “What’s your name?”
She blushed. He smiled. He was screwed. He could tell already. She tucked her hair behind her ear and stared up at him for a second before shaking his hand.
He’d never forget that damn night. That cursed moment when his whole world shifted, making her its center. It was the best night he’d spent with anyone before then. Of course, after was filled with her too. Which meant one thing: there were no safe memories anymore.
“Whatcha doing, man?” Norman asked, flopping down in the chair beside him.
Oh, ya know, just daydreaming about my ex. No big deal, he thought. I’m just fucking over here like an idiot replaying that moment like someone replays a voicemail. Trying to dissect the smallest meaning out of every-fucking-thing.
“Nothing,” he lied.
And then I can tell myselfWhat the hell I’m supposed to doAnd then I can tell myselfNot to ride along with you
He listened half-heartedly to everyone around him, his hand propping his head up to make him look interested. Most of them knew that wasn’t the case and they’d stopped trying to get him to care. It was nice, but they weren’t going to just let him waste away either.
He was supposed to be grateful. He knew that. He was supposed to do a lot of things though, like give two shits about breathing and bathing and getting dressed, but he didn’t and he couldn’t.
Jeffrey forced a smile as everyone around him was laughing so hard they were crying. He didn’t even know what the joke was. Not that it mattered.
Norman leaned over to him, “Wanna go out? Get wasted?”
“Boys night,” Andrew said, leaning over from his other side.
They were usually flanking him lately. “Nah, that’s okay. Boys night with two married, old dudes isn’t as much fun as you’d think.”
He smirked as they protested, but it wasn’t all that genuine. They smiled, though. He was miserable, but they didn’t have to be. And he shouldn’t be the one who was the cause for theirs either. They were happy. People were allowed to be happy around him.
I had all and then most of youSome and now none of you
“Nervous?” Norman asked, adjusting his ascot.
“Nope. Not even a little bit.”
“But one woman, like, forever?”
“Yes,” he chuckled.
“And you’re not upset? You’re never gonna be able to sleep with anyone else.”
“You are the worst best man ever,” Andrew joked.
Jeffrey stared at his friends for a second, as they pretended to argue with one another,  thinking of what was about to happen. Today, this day, he got to marry his best friend. The woman who still, after all his time, made him blush and stutter like a lovesick teenager when she was around.
He had no idea how he got so lucky. He was here with her. Not a whole lot else mattered.
Take me back to the night we metI don’t know what I’m supposed to doHaunted by the ghost of youOh, take me back to the night we met
“Jessie, baby, come here,” he crooned. “Don’t make me chase you.”
“You love chasin’ me,” she winked.
She was right. It was their game. She’d tease. Beckon. Tease some more. Then he’d chase. And she’d run. Just out of his reach. Until she was ready to be caught. She didn’t get within arm’s reach before that moment. Something he loved about her. When she was ready, she let you know.
Jeffrey blinked rapidly to rid his vision of the hallucination. She wasn’t here. She hadn’t been for a long time. He didn’t have to chase her anymore. He should be happy. Even relieved, maybe, but not this. He wasn’t supposed to be like this after all this time had passed.
If he was being honest, and he rarely was these days, he wanted to go back in time. Back in time to shake the shit out of himself and say don’t go for this girl. Yeah, she’s gorgeous and funny and sweet and oh so kind, but she’s not for you…
In that moment, he wanted to believe if that were possible it would have changed anything, but he wasn’t so sure.
She wasn’t for him, but he wasn’t convinced he would have cared. Her eyes had pulled him in, casting a spell. Not even an appearance by his future self, wrecked and wretched like he was right now, would have changed his mind. He hated it.  He even tried hating her. It never worked.
When the night was full of terrorsAnd your eyes were filled with tearsWhen you had not touched me yetOh, take me back to the night we met
“Jeffrey, talk to me. Please.”
“I am talking to you,” he answered, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“You never see me anymore. It’s like I’m invisible.”
“What the hell are you talking about, woman? Of course I see you.”
“No. You don’t.”
She stared at him for a second longer and then turned on her heel and walked out of the kitchen. He braced his hands on the counter and tried to calm himself down. He had no idea what was going on with them lately, but he felt like she was slipping away. He hated this for both of them, and he realized he wasn’t chasing her anymore. Maybe that was the problem.
He heard the door to their room slam and he let out a deep sigh. Another night on the couch for him. The damn thing was uncomfortable as fuck, which is how he thought it was supposed to be. If it was comfortable, he wouldn’t care and he’d never leave it. He’d probably stop trying altogether. Not that he basically hadn’t already.
God, he had no idea how they came back from this. He had no idea how they’d gotten here. He just wanted his best friend back. He’d trade everything else to have that side of her again.
I had all and then most of youSome and now none of you
“Jeffrey, I can’t help you unless you’re ready to help yourself.”
He folded his arms across his chest. It wasn’t even his idea to be here. But his friends had given him an ultimatum and so had the studio. He had to get therapy, or he was going to lose it all. Which, of course, didn’t mean he had to actually participate.
“I don’t have anything to say,” he admitted.
“Yes, you do. Everyone does. You just aren’t ready to deal with any of the emotions surrounding your divorce.”
“I’m not divorced yet,” he growled.
“And why do you think that is? Your ex-wife is making it very clear how she feels. Why are you making it harder on her?”
“She’s not my ex-wife,” he said, standing up quickly. “Stop saying that.”
“Is it possible you’re not ready to let her go, so you think if you make it harder on her she’ll stop everything and come back?”
He stood there, breathing heavily as she told him all the things he didn’t want to hear.
“I think it’s time for you to let her go, Jeffrey. Let Jess go.”
“No,” he yelled. “I can’t.”
The therapist gave a knowing smile as he admitted it to himself. He wasn’t ready to let her go. He wasn’t ready for any of it.
When he sat back down, he put his head in his hands and gave himself permission to cry. He wasn’t ready, but he had to be. He’d put her through too much and he’d never once apologized. It wasn’t fair to her to keep her holding onto something she clearly wanted to let go. He’d just have to do deal with it alone.
Take me back to the night we metI don’t know what I’m supposed to doHaunted by the ghost of youTake me back to the night we met
“Hey, there,” a voice said behind him. “What’s your name?”
He’d know it anywhere, too. He whipped around, almost knocking several people over in the process. His eyes got wide, wider than he thought they’d go as he drank her in. He wanted to look at everything at the same time. He wanted to reach out to her.
She had her hand out, but it didn’t feel real. It didn’t feel like he was supposed to touch her. She was too foreign to him now. Her hair was different. Her smile was off, but it was there.
Norman gave a well-placed cough to keep him grounded in the moment and he shot his hand out to meet hers. His own was trembling and he jerked it back before she noticed.
“Hey, uh, how are you?”
“Umm, good.”
She didn’t meet his eyes as she said that. She was lying. He didn’t know how to make it better, but he wanted to.
“Can we talk?” she asked quietly, almost a whisper over the dull roar that was the convention center.
“Like me and you?”
She laughed, “Yes. Please.”
“Uh, yeah. Yeah, of course.”
He turned around to tell someone where he was going. Andrew, Norman, and Melissa were all smiling wide and telling him to get out of here. He didn’t hesitate either, grabbing her hand and leading her to a semi-private spot.
“How, uh, how are you?”
“We did that already,” she joked.
“Yeah, uh, sorry. I’m just…”
“No. No, not upset. More confused. What are you doing here?”
She took a deep breath and stared at her feet before falling silent. He waited patiently, or as patiently as he could with his sanity on the edge and her in control of which side it fell on.
“I miss you,” she said finally, almost choking on the words.
And when she looked back at him, tears swimming in her eyes, he fell apart. He didn’t think. Just let his mind go blank, as he pulled her close. This was where she belonged. With him. Right here.
And just like that, his heart started beating again.
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what-is-yeet · 6 years
Partners Against Crime
Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
request:  Can I you maybe write a angst one where Peter cheats on the reader and then the reader gets taken by a villan, and he has to save her? Cheesy, I know. Thanks!
warnings: swearing, kidnapping i guess, ANGST
this is my first angst, so its pretty bad
special thanks to @softboy-holland for helping me with the villan’s name
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You slammed the door behind you, and everyone immediately knew something was wrong. You stomped your way to the kitchen where Bucky and Steve stood, chatting about who knows what.  
"Hey, kiddo, what's with all the loud noises? Something happen at school?" Bucky sipped his water and cocked an eyebrow. You made your way to the fridge, trying to ignore him. 
"You know, if you are having a hard time with people at school, you can just tell people that you're a Stark, and you live with the Avengers. That should shut them up." You huffed and slammed the tub of ice cream on the counter. 
"Thanks, Steve, but I think that would make it worse." You started rummaging around the cabinets for a bowl. "I'm fine, really." 
"No you aren't, Y/N" Pepper appeared in the doorway. You focused on scooping the ice cream, knowing that Pepper's expression would not help your situation.  
"What makes you think that?" 
"First of all, its 50 degrees out, and you're scooping a giant bowl of ice cream. Most of the time that means your heart was broken." You stop scooping, defeated. Pepper walks over to you and lifts up your chin so you were eye-to-eye. "Did something happen with Peter?" 
You broke at his name. A sob escaped your lips, you didn’t want to break down in front of everybody. Even though everybody was only Steve and Bucky, who were basically family. But now you couldn’t stop thinking about it. You wrapped your arms around Pepper, and she rested her chin on your head.  
"Steve, Bucky, go get Tony." She ordered over your sobs. The thought of having to explain what happened with Peter to anyone, especially your dad, was unbearable. You still couldn't believe what happened. 
"Hey, Stark, you're dating Penis Parker, right?" Flash asked, turning around in his seat to face you. 
"Yeah, and please don't call him that. Why are you asking?" You were done with Flash's bullshit. 
"He was caught kissing Theresa in the library this morning." Flash smiled mischievously. "Sorry, sweetheart!" 
No. No, that couldn't be real. It was Flash you were talking to, after all. He makes everything up. You still sat there, in shock. Peter would never kiss another girl behind your back. You had just seen him in the library before school, right before you left to go to class. Peter stayed behind to put some books away, and it was just him, Stan, Corey, and...Theresa. Fuck. You remembered you were hesitant to leave because Theresa was a known admirer of Peter. But you guessed Peter would be smart enough not to do anything. Guessed wrong, apparently.  
"Y/N, hey, can we talk for a second?" God, his voice. You dodged him, trying to walk into class, but he blocked you. 
 "Peter, let me in. I don't...I don’t want to talk to you right now." He sensed something was up, mostly by the choke in between words.
"You heard, didn't you." Peter's shoulders and head dropped, and for a second you felt bad for him, this obviously hurt him, but still. You were sure it hurt you more. 
"Heard what? That you kissed fucking Theresa in the fucking library? Of course I heard! It's everywhere! I can't walk down the fucking hallway without people whispering!" You yelled at the boy. 
"Y/N, can you just hear me out, it's not what you think--" Peter interrupted you. 
"Not what I think? Then what is it, Peter? What is it? I thought I could trust you to be alone with that bitch, but apparently not. You broke my fucking heart, Peter Parker. Never talk to me again." You walked past him, into the classroom, where everything was silent, everyone trying to listen to the fight between what used to be the happiest couple in school.  
"Y/N...wait." Peter's voice was weak, and quiet. You turned to face him, tears pouring down both of your faces. 
"Don't. Fucking. Talk." You growled, and took your seat. 
By the time you replayed the day, your dad ran to the kitchen, and he caused so much commotion, that most of the team had followed him down from whatever they were doing. When he saw you standing in front of the little island, bawling in Pepper's arms, ice cream melting on the counter, he knew someone might die. And it was probably whoever hurt his daughter. He knew she could fend for herself, and at this point probably beat him in battle, but he couldn't take it, seeing his daughter like this.  
"Y/N...Y/N, please look at me." You turned to him, your makeup smudged and running down your face, your eyes trying to focus on your dad and not the rest of the team standing awkwardly on the sidelines, not sure what to do. "Oh...no. No, no, no. Y/N, tell me who did this." 
"P-Peter..." The tears had stopped, but the heartbreak hadn't. The room went silent, no one dared to breathe. 
"How? Y/N, what did he do?" Tony was furious. He loved the kid, but how could he break your heart? 
"He...um...he..." You could barely bring yourself to say it, it hurt so bad. "HekissedTheresainthelibrary!" 
Your dad threw up his hands and kind of looked up at the sky for a second, and rolled his neck to the side.It was accompanied by chatter from the rest of the team. 'Well, fuck.' 'That’s worse than I thought' 'are we talking about the same person?' 'poor girl' etc, etc.  
"I'm sorry, I can't take this." You whisper as you pack up the ice cream and put it in the freezer. "I'm going to sleep over at MJ's house, that should take my mind off things." You grabbed your purse and a coat and headed to the door. "Bye, guys. Love you." 
"Wait, Y/N, do you need me to drive?" Happy offered. You didn’t even notice him enter the kitchen. 
"Nah, I'm gonna bike. Exercise will probably help. Thank you, though." And you were gone.  
On the way to her house, you decided you would surprise MJ with some snacks. You parked your bike outside a gas station and came out 10 minutes later with a bag full of junk food. You were struggling with the lock when you felt a hand cover your mouth. You tried to scream for help, but the strangled sounds were blocked by the hand, another one quickly bringing a cloth to meet your lips and nose. You tried to scream once more, but then it all went dark. 
What the fuck is happening...you looked around at your surroundings, expecting and abandoned warehouse, but soon figured out it was a library basement. There were boxes and shelves everywhere. You twisted around, trying to see more. You were tied to a chair. Expected. An Edison lightbulb hung by your head, unlit. Expected. Nothing blocking your mouth. Unexpected. You had seen enough action movies to know all the tropes.  
"Why am I here?" You called out to no one, or no one you could see. The lightbulb flicked on. "Fuck," you replied to the blinding light, distancing yourself the best you could.  
"You're just here so that I can get my hands on your little boyfriend, Spider-Man." A figure emerged from the shadows, revealing a tall, dark-skinned man who looked to be about 32.  
"He's not my boyfriend anymore." You didn't want to think about it, still.  
"Well, shit. I'm sorry. Uh...do you think he'd still show up?" The man seemed genuinely concerned.  
"Yeah, yeah probably. He's always talking about how he's the 'friendly neighborhood Spider-Man' so..." You really did not want to talk about Peter right now.  
"Sorry, touchy subject, probably." You nodded your head. The man pulled a chair up to the table you were seated at. "I already contacted him and told him where you are...now all we have to do is wait." 
"Um, you're actually really nice for a bad guy." You said, wondering why this sweet dude was capturing teenagers. Actually, don't think about it too hard. It gets weird.
"It’s the family business, as the only child, I couldn’t step down. But it's fun once I get past the guilt." He extended his hand. "I'm Solar Flare."  
"I, uh, can't shake..." You nodded to the rope. "I'm a little stuck." He nodded, got up, and untied your hands. 
"I think it's okay if you go, Spidey thinks you're here." He said when you were free. 
"Nah, I wanna see how this plays out." Odd. You went from not wanting to even think about Peter to wanting to watch him fight someone. For your safety, of course. That could be a contributing factor.  
After a few games of cards and half a round of the Game of Life, there was a knocking at one of the windows, threatening to break. And it did. Peter practically flew inside, donning his suit equipped with advanced technology. And Karen, too. You smiled at the joke.  
"Y/N! Good, uh, good to see you!" Peter was nervous to see you, especially after what happened earlier that day. 
"Don't." Your smirk was replaced by a death stare, telling Peter now was not the time. He turned to Solar Flare. 
"Who, uh, who are you?" He stuttered. Solar Flare turned to Peter and smiled evilly. Or what he assumed was evil. 
"Solar Flare. And you must be Spider-Man. I've heard a lot about you." He pressed a button and a line of red fire raced to Peter's feet. 
"No, wait!" You yelled, standing up as Peter emitted a list of profanities. "Peter! Get out of the way! Peter!"  Peter ran away from the fire, the feet of his suit burnt.
"Y/N, can I just explain what happened today?"  
"I don't think this is really the right time, Peter." You let out a scream and jumped to the side as another line of fire shot between the two of you. 
"Y/N, listen, it wasn't my fault!" The boy pleaded. 
"Peter!" You snapped. "There are more important things to do right now! Like fight this dude!" 
"Right! Right." Peter jumped up and kicked the guy in the chest. "You know, Y/N, I am a multitasker." 
"Peter..." He stood up behind the fallen man, hands on his hips, proud of himself. "After you left, Theresa came up to me and asked me if we had any homework in English. Which doesn't even make sense because we're in different grades and have different teachers." 
"I know, sketchy, but I told her I didn't know because we had different teachers, and she was like, 'I like your shirt' which also doesn't make much sense," 
"And I was like thanks and then she kissed me, and I immediately pulled away because I'm dating you, Y/N, and I only have eyes for you, and I said to her, 'That's really not cool, you know I have a girlfriend.' And she said she didn’t care and," 
"Anyways, if you don't believe me, ask Corey." 
"No, Peter, I believe you, just, turn around!" You pointed behind Peter, and before he could even turn around, a blast of light pushed him to the wall, slamming his body against it hard. "Peter!" You screamed. "That's my boyfriend!" You growled at the man, starting towards him. 
"I though you said he wasn't your boyfriend anymore." He smirked. He thought he outsmarted you. 
"Turns out he was the nice one here, and you were the lying asshole." You ran up and kicked Solar Flare in the face. While he was holding his probably broken nose with his hands, you kneed his groin, and kicked the back of his knees and he fell to the ground. You ran over to Peter. 
"Peter! Peter, wake up!" You screamed. He didn't move. "Peter! Don't fucking die! Don't you dare!" You screamed, tears started to fall down your face. You checked for his pulse. Still there. Thank fucking God. "Peter, please wake up!" You were bawling by now, even though you knew he was alive. "Peter! I need you to wake up! Wake up!" You pulled him up, still unconscious, and put his arm around your shoulder to carry him over to Solar Flare. You grabbed his free hand with yours and hoped that the web fluid would work. You placed his fingers in the position and hoped and hoped and hoped. When you opened your eyes, the man was stuck in place by the web. You collapsed Peter into a chair and whipped out your phone to call the police.  
"Hey." You almost whispered when Peter woke up the next day in the hospital. You were sitting on the side of his bed, holding his hand. Your smile warmed the room. 
"Hi. I'm uh, sorry about Theresa." He frowned. Unsure if you forgave him last night or not. 
"Thanks. Um, I'm not mad anymore, now that I know the story. I did get Corey to confirm, though." You both awkwardly half-laughed.  
"What happened last night?" Peter asked. He couldn’t remember anything past slamming into a wall for no reason. 
"I'm still trying to figure it out. Well, Solar Flare slammed you into the wall with some sort of energy. I kicked him unconscious. You didn't wake up, no matter how loud I screamed. It was horrifying, Peter. I had to carry you over to Solar Flare and use your web shooter on him. Never do that again." You looked into his brown eyes, which were watching your lips spell out last night's occurrences. 
"Never do what again?"  
"Kiss someone else, even if you didn't initiate it. Almost die. You know, things that decent people don’t do to their partner." You shrugged, then bent over, silently laughing. Peter loved your silent laugh. The way your eyes crinkled at the side, and your smile was so wide you could see your gums.  
"Partners in crime." He whispered. 
"Partners against crime." You corrected him. 
And that's when he kissed you. 
ahhhh that was really bad oops. im disappointed in myself, but i dont know why i expected anything more :)
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justjen523 · 7 years
Make Me Forget
Ichthys x MC
(Rating E 18+)
I felt like the wind had been knocked out of me. The pain felt like a thousand needles in my heart as I raced down the hallway tears spilling from my eyes. I really loved him and thought he felt the same way. How many times had he told me so with such love in his eyes? Had all of it been a lie? Was he playing me all along? We had been together for nearly six months and hearing his words replaying over and over in my mind felt like a cruel joke.
'I must admit Teo, I never expected you to settle for a goldfish. She must be pretty great in the sack.'
'Pfft are you kidding me? She still hasn't let me go past second base.'
'Oh-ho? And you still waste your time with her?'
'Geeze Leon, you just don't get it do you? It's all about the game.'
'Pffft, sounds like a lot of work for a whole lot of nothing. Why bother when you are constantly knee deep in noble goddesses every time you set foot in the Heavens?'
'It's too easy with them. They only want one thing. Goldie actually cares about me and even told me she loves me.'
'Dont tell me you said it back to her.'
'Of course I did. She ate up every single line like candy. It was too easy.'
'But you don't actually love her do you?'
'Ahaha that's a good one. Me love just one woman? Are you outta your mind?'
'Then tell me what good will come of all this? You're just gonna break her heart and make her cry. These weak goldfish put too much stock in their ideas of romance and fantasies.'
'Yeah maybe but I bet she's super cute when she cries. I'll just string her along like I do with all my women and she can be my very own special Goldie toy.'
I couldn't bear to stick around any longer after hearing that. The shock at how coldly and cruelly he said those words made me instantly nauseaus so I took off running. He had no idea I even heard what the two of them were saying as I stood outside the door ready to knock. I had popped over to surprise him with his favorite, homemade milk cookies, but after hearing all that I threw them in anger as I made my hasty escape.
The tears were overflowing as I tried desperately to reach the front door but it was no use, I was practically hyperventilating from sobbing uncontrollably. I needed to gain composure first so I made my way down the Punishments hallway desperately trying to put as much distance as possible between myself and any Wishes gods.
Thankfully since it was already evening no one would be using the reflecting pool so I made my way there as quickly as possible.
Rounding the corner I quickly flung open the door hoping none of the Punishments gods would see me. As soon as I made it inside I quickly shut the door behind me and rested a minute trying to catch my breath. As soon as I did the overwhelming pain once again consumed me and I fell to my knees clutching my hands to my chest sobbing uncontrollably.
Completely lost in my grief I failed to notice that this entire time I had not been alone.
"Woah what's up? You okay?" Upon hearing his voice I nearly jumped out of my skin before spinning around and scrambling to my feet.
"I-Ichthys! W-What are you doing here?" As soon as he saw my face his eyes went wide.
"Working late but nevermind that, what happened?" Ichthys' uncharacteristically serious expression only served to once again remind me of what a fool I'd been. Goldfish had no business in the realm of the gods, a fact I learned the hard way.
"I-Im so sorry to interrupt, please forget you even saw me. I'm gonna go-" As I hastily tried to make my exit a cool hand grabbed my sweaty palm pulling me back before turning me around to face him.
"Unh Unh. You can't possibly believe I'd let you go after seeing you like this. What happened?" The genuine concern in his eyes did nothing to stem the river of tears flowing down my puffy red cheeks.
"I...*hic*" Unable to get anything intelligeble out I once again break down and this time willingly accept his gesture of kindness allowing him to embrace me. Though he is obviously worried he doesn't press me any further and just holds me gently stroking my hair as I cry.
After the initial overload I slowly started to calm down. For whatever reason being held this way by the god of Pisces is oddly peaceful and comforting. Not the words that usually come to mind when describing Ichthys. However, tonight he is everything I need at the moment and I am grateful for it. Feeling nearly exhausted after balling my eyes out, trying to process and mend a broken heart, my eyes feel extremely heavy. Ichthys smells so good and though his hands are cool to the touch his body is warm making me nod off still nestled comfortably in his kind embrace.
As my eyes slowly open I am greeted by a pair of soft grey troubled one's. His cool hand rests upon my forehead, his eyebrows upturned in distress.
"Where... I"
"Shhhhh. Don't speak, just rest. You're safe. You collapsed so I brought you back to my room. I was just about to go get Teo-"
"NO! God please no! D-Don't..I.... never wanna see his cruel face again!" Instantly in tears again Ichthys' eyes go wide upon hearing my words before his expression turns pained and then dark. Without having to even say a word I can see his thought process as he finally pieces it all together.
"What happened?" The way he's looking at me right now with such compassion is more than I can bear. I don't even realize what I'm doing until it's too late.
My lips eagerly claim his as I grab the sides of his face pulling him on top of me. Too shocked and stunned in disbelief he doesn't immediately pull away as it hasn't fully registered what I am doing to him yet. It isn't till he starts to kiss me back that he stops himself and pulls away.
"Woah wait a sec! I...can't! I mean, you're Teo's girl and-"
"No, I'm not. Not anymore."
"Okaaay buuuut, you guys obviously just broke up or whatever and this is... probably a really bad idea." Unable to handle any more rejection I suddenly feel very determined to get whatever I want at this moment and right now that happens to be Ichthys.
"It hurts Ichthys. It hurts so bad I can't stand it. Please, I beg you, make me forget. Even if it's just for tonight." I feel guilty watching how conflicted he looks as he is debating what to do next, but I'm surprised when he wipes the tears from the corner of my eyes away.
"A-Are you sure this is what you want? I mean if you're looking for a one night stand the other guys are probably way better than-" I cut him off by kissing him deeply once again only this time he stops hesitating and fully gives in.
His kiss tastes sweet and is intoxicating. Seeing this more mature side of Ichthys is turning me on immensely and I wrap my legs around his waist pressing our bodies together tightly hoping to feel his arousal. He doesn't disappoint. Though obviously excited I can tell he's still worried and starts holding back.
"Ikky it's okay. I want this. I want you. You're being an amazing and great friend by being here for me when I need you most. So please, don't hesitate. Stop worrying." He stops a moment to look at me as if he's pondering something.
"Touch me. I want to feel your hands all over my body. Make love to me Ichthys, I want to feel you inside of me." I mean every word. I never got this far with Teorus because I wanted it to be special and at the "right time." That's no longer the case. I just want to be swept up in a real man's passion. One who has a good heart and actually gives a fuck about me like Ichthys. He's far more worthy than someone like Teo could ever be.
We stare into each other's eyes a moment before he claims my mouth hungrily letting his carnal desires take over. His hands roam all over teasing and caressing my skin making me so wet it's nearly uncomfortable. When his hand finally snakes it's way down my pants and between my legs I quiver at how good it feels.
"Mm...yeah... more Ikky. More.. please." In one swift motion he rips all of the clothing from my body. Staring down at me with lustful eyes I spread my legs wide for him which is his undoing. There's no turning back anymore. He snaps his fingers and his perfect nakedness hovers over me leaving me desperate for more. He's beautiful. Perfect and carved like a marble statue. My hand travels south massaging myself to ease some of the tension building inside of me.
There's no need for foreplay tonight. His hardness slides into me with ease making me hungry for more. We start off slowly, moving together as his hips rock against mine. The weight of our bodies coupled with the way we move causes his bed to creak and groan below us.
"Mmm..yeah. Oh god yes Ikky, you feel SO good." Wrapping my legs around him I grind my hips against his trying to increase our momentum and friction further still. Sensing my desperation he begins thrusting harder, deeper and faster. Burying his face in my neck as we deliciously grind our bodies together it doesn't take long before we are both about to climax.
"I want to see your face as you cum, I bet you are even more beautiful" I whisper in his ear. He kisses me deeply now fucking me hard as the sounds of our bodies coming together over and over echo off the walls.
"Mm...yeah...right there, don't stop! I'm so close!" I can hear him practically growl in response with such a deep low voice as his cock throbs inside of me. When I dig my nails into his back I push him over the edge causing his orgasm to spill out deep inside of me. With his sexy bedroom voice in my ear just hearing the sounds escaping him as he fills me with his cum is more than enough to cause mine to rush forth. Screaming his name and clutching onto him for dear life I ride it out blissfully lost in nothing other than how good I feel at this moment.
Ichthys collapses on top of me as he catches his breath and I contentedly stroke my fingers through his hair. Lost in the afterglow, our bodies lovingly entwined we have no idea that on the other side of the partially ajar door, a dumbfounded and speechless Teorus stares on in bewilderment.
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raeyvies · 7 years
Hi! What about a Headcanon about how everyone would react to MC who does Mukbang's?? 😊💜
RFA + V + Saeran reacting to MC who does Mukbangs  (vlogs while eating food) 먹방
Oh my god I loved writing this headcanon ^_^ I’ve never seen anyone do an HC about this and I actually thought it was so creative! For those of you who don’t know, Mukbang is just livestreaming while eating food and interacting with the viewers. It’s actually something that’s getting popular lately in Korea so I totally see MC actually doing this xD Also, some who do mukbangs actually get money for it~ Thank you for requesting :D
This boy was literally playing his video games while supposedly studying
Of course it was LOLOL and he was legit hacking at his keyboard
It’s a miracle that his computer is still alive up to this day
You had texted him a few times to see what he was doing before you started your live stream.
It’s not that you wanted to keep it a secret from Yoosung but it’s a natural reaction
No one really likes explaining themselves for what they like to do right?
It’s just one of those things you kind of hope that someone else doesn’t find out about
You already had a pretty large fan base for your vlogs and live stream as so it would be a matter of time before your boyfriend found out
You were sitting there on the floor with a large bowl of spicy rice cakes and a side a kimchi.
Today’s theme was comfort food on a budget and you talked about how easy it is to cook all this stuff and how satisfying it is when you taste it
While live streaming you always read the comments and answered them because it was fun
Some were so cute and some were extremely nice
You would make this little motion if shaking your shoulders when you read cute comments
Oh the flattery.
Yoosung started noticing that a lot of his friends were logging off and was so confused
They were in the middle of PVP and like no one ever logs out in the middle of a battlefield.
He quickly asked those still online why they were logging out and they said it was to watch a Mukbang live stream
They said that the host was really cool and sweet and cute
They sent yoosung a link to the video and his reaction was priceless when he saw your face
He started sending in a spam of comments hoping for you to read them
Oh the secondhand embarrassment.
With a slightly full mouth, you cough in surprise
Not graceful at all
“Yoosung!! What the heck! You’re supposed to be in class right now. Get back to class”
And then you tell everyone who was watching that commenter “yoosung⭐” was your boyfriend
And after that, all comments during the video turned around to be about you and yoosung
What can you say, your fan base really wanted to know who you were dating
And Yoosung gained some serious street cred in LOLOL for being your boyfriend
You began the livestream fairly late at night but it was the only time you were free
And really, the only time you were hungry that day
Jumin hadn’t arrived from work yet while you got off work very early that day
So you set up your camera you had secretly bought “borrowed” from V (woops)
You decided to livestream outside on the penthouse balcony and also for the good lighting
You start and give your wacky introduction with some funny chopstick moves
“Alright guys, I know it’s been a while but I’m back tonight! I’m outside for a change and we’ll be having late night snacks today”
You showed them a box of gyeranppang (계란빵)/Egg bread and some hotteok (호떡)/Korean pancakes.
“Actually I didn’t make this. I was feeling lazy and craving some street food. You can’t ever go wrong with street food!”
As per usual, you interact with your viewers asking them questions about their favorite street foods and late night cravings
It was all fun for you and you had missed doing these broadcasts for a while
You were surprised you still had a solid fanbase
Then suddenly the comments started blowing up, saying that there was someone behind you entering through the door
MC there’s someone in your house!
Intruder alert intruder alert!
Turn around and run away MC!!
So you were a little frightened by their reactions until you looked back and found Jumin right behind you
And you looked glamorous
Half a hotteok pancake was sticking out from your mouth, so instead of Jumin giving you a kiss as a greeting, he simply took a bite directly from the same pancake sticking out
Oh God you were blushing so hard as everyone tuned in was watching this unfold.
Jumin saw the camera and the video being recorded and simply asked
“Commoner food all of a sudden?”
You still loved it when he considered your favorite foods commoner foods. It was really cute in your opinion because he liked that type of food just as much ever since you married him
You finished your hotteok with wide eyes and turned back to the screen for a moment
“I forgot to tell you guys something. I actually got married while I was away from mukbangs! He’s actually my husband not an intruder.”
Jumin caught on and introduced himself super formally (chill boi, just let loose)
“Long story short, I married him in 11 days– Ya! Jumin get back here and join me!”
He changed clothes first before joining you. He was actually really delighted to do a mukbang with you
Given, he had no idea what a mukbang is because “commoner” things
“So. What exactly do I do here?”
You couldn’t help but laugh. He actually needed help with this
“Well first of all, sit right next to me. Really close to me. And then eat. Oh and talk to the viewers too! Looks like they want to meet you. And, I think we’re going to need more food…”
Jumin couldn’t deny that the food was so delicious. Remind him to buy more of this food when he gets off work
After a while he got comfortable with the live stream even though it was his first time and you left him to it while you went across the street to buy more food
You were overjoyed to come back and see him actually enjoying himself.
You loved seeing him doing “commoner” things after all
The live stream went well into the night and the both of you weren’t no strangers to PDA.
Besides, it was fan service anyway.
“And on today’s episode of Vlogs with MmmmmC, I’ll be doing something different”
Today, your mukbang wasn’t the traditional livestream. Usually you would just be at your apartment eating food that you made for Jaehee because Hey someone’s gotta make food right
You were actually doing a lowkey promotion of yours and Jaehee’s Cafe.
Considering how large a fan base you had, you decided to use it to your advantage honestly
It would make jaehee so happy to know that a lot more people were coming to her Cafe.
IT would be a little gift to her from you.
You were live streaming from your phone as you walked over to the Cafe
“Alright so today, I’ll actually be going to a Cafe and tasting food from there. It’s a somewhat new Cafe but the food is soooooo good.”
As you walk in through the door, Jaehee sees you and is suddenly confused. She was cleaning things up before planning to close for the day.
“You guys want to know why the food is so good here? It’s because I work here and my girlfriend owns this place! Jaehee come here!”
You tell her to introduce herself to your viewers and she does so but very shyly.
You give her a little kiss and ask if it’s okay to show them some of the pastries that were in the fridge.
Jaehee was totally on board with this and actually took your phone and started showing the viewers around the cafe even though this was her first mukbang
The comments coming in were super friendly and positive
Most of them were anxious for you to reveal the address of the cafe because for one they wanted to meet you but the food also genuinely looked delicious
Some of the fans even begged for more fan service and how could you deny it
You loved Jaehee so much, no one had to tell you when to kiss her or not anyway.
Every chance you could, you gave Jaehee a peck on the cheek and at one point of the live stream, you were being a cringe cuddly couple as you both fed each other desserts.
At the end of the live stream you revealed the location of the cafe and the next morning there was a line outside the Cafe
Jaehee was just wonderstruck
But she couldn’t thank you enough
A part of her was also thinking that there was going to be so much work ahead of you.
But it’s okay. You made sure to get Zen and Yoosung on board to help out with baking
You already knew you had a large fan base but you didn’t expect them to be this dedicated
Zen found out about your Mukbangs the same day it came out into the news that the two of you were dating
“And in breaking news, famous actor Zen Ryu has been found to be in a relationship with Ms. MC, a well known mukbang online celebrity.”
Okay it was a stretch for you to be called a celebrity but you were definitely well known online.
You were surprised that Zen didn’t know yet but it made sense.
He was always busy with rehearsals  
What he didn’t know was that you also make it rain with your live streams.
As the news continued, clips from your old videos were replayed along with some newer ones
You were cringing at the old videos
Oh my god you were actually a very embarrassing girl back when you started these videos
What even was up with your hair and clothes??
You couldn’t bare to watch the news so you were going to change the channel but Zen took the remote from you, chuckling at your reaction.
“Oh come on MC. You were adorable back then. What happened to you? You became so gorgeous.”
“Noooo, it’s so embarrassing! I don’t even know what I was doing back then. Why was I even dying my hair back then oh god what was I”
Zen was trying so hard not to laugh
For the rest of that day, Zen insisted in re-watching your most popular mukbangs and you gave in
You actually laughed at yourself.
You were so messy when it came to eating ramen and other noodle dishes
Then you got the idea to film another mukbang
After all, it had been a few months since you did one and you were feeling kind of nostalgic
You looked in the fridge and saw some left overs and thought that was just fine for this episode
Finding a camera wasn’t hard and you set up the live stream
The viewers came swarming in as they were super excited to see you again especially after the revealing of your relationship with Zen
“HI everyone! It’s been a while hasn’t it? Well I’d like to introduce you to a new member of my mukbang Vlogs!”
The viewer count reached a new record for you
This kid knew about your mukbangs since the beginning
Surprise surprise
Even if he was in the middle of work he would always join in and watch your live streams
He thought you were always so cute but one day he started seeing comments in the chat asking whether or not you have a boyfriend
You were both actually at home that day but he was in his office working
You were actually surprised when someone asked you that, that you ending up coughing while you had food in your mouth
You cleaned yourself up first before telling your viewers about your boyfriend
Oh god it was like a slippery slope. One person asked and then a flood of chats came in only asking you about your current relationship status
You have no idea why but it made you blush all of a sudden to talk about it
But looks like you didn’t have to because Saeyoung actually hacked your livestream
So now he was the star of the show and you were just completely dumbstruck
“Hi MC! Guess what? I knew about your mukbangs all along *insert cackling noise*”
“So you guys were clearly asking her about her boyfriend and let me tell you, she’s taken. By me. And a space ship”
He was literally doing his own mukbang with your viewers as he ate honey Buddha chips and talked on and on about you
Some viewers were still not convinced about him being your boyfriend as you continued reading the comments
Since he was pranking you, you had to get some payback.
You grabbed the ramen plate and the udon noodles and went downstairs to his office
You casually entered and Saeyoung didn’t notice you there so from behind, you dumped ramen and udon all over his head.
Then once again you appear on his camera and say
“Yes everyone. This noodle boy is my boyfriend. And well I didn’t really give him permission to hack my livestream. Did I, Saeyoung?”
You were literally a laughing mess as Saeyoung was still frozen in his seat.
You sat on his lap and well you gave him a kiss on the lips that clearly tasted like spicy ramen
You look at the camera, chuckling and say
“I think ramen tastes better this way. I encourage you to do this to all your boyfriends and girlfriends *wink wink*”
You decided to end the livestream there because you two were about to do some NSFW things
It all started after you took his glasses off that were covered in soup
V started catching on when he was finding that his video camera always went missing
He had it stored with all his cameras so of course he would know what’s missing
The only other person who knew where he stored his cameras was you so he went to ask you where it was or if you happened to be using it
It didn’t bother him that you just took it, after all he does trust you with all his equipment considering that you also did photography as a hobby and video editing as well
You were up in the attic when he found you doing a mukbang livestream
It’s called an attic but really it’s your own little secluded room that V had remodeled for you
It was a little private space for you to do video editing and pretty much anything
You actually didn’t go up there all that frequently because you enjoy being by V’s side rather than away from him
When V walked in, you were in the middle of eating Korean fried chicken. So of course your mouth was full and you were messy when he saw you
He noticed that you were live streaming as he saw the camera he was looking for and it was hooked up to your computer
“Oh my bad. I didn’t mean to bother you MC!”
Before he could leave, you grabbed him and sat him down next to you in another seat
The comments were flooding and they were asking if this was the guy you always talked about
They asked if he was your boyfriend but all you did was kiss him on the cheek to show your viewers the man you loved
“V, I never told you that I do these kinds of videos sometimes.”
Then you whisper in his ear, “I actually make money doing this”
You just didn’t want to rub it in your viewers faces that you make some decent money from mukbang
You pull away and ask him to get comfortable and interact with the viewers
He talks all about his occupation and he’s so distracted that he didn’t notice you left to get one of his cameras that had recent photos on it.
When you come back, you asked him if you could show them some of his photos
Seriously you wanted to brag all about V now
Of course not to be overbearing or anything.
He let you show them some of the photos after all
After the live stream ended, you checked your bank account once again and finally you reached the number you wanted so you smiled
You pull him out of his seat and downstairs giving him a moment to put on his shoes
“Come on, hurry up! I think the store is gonna close soon!”
V had no idea what you were trying to say but he quickly got ready and went to the car and you drove to this high end photography and camera shop
Once inside, you point at the one camera that’s been on display for so long because it’s legit the best camera in the store
“V, I’ve seen the way you look at this one. I know you want it”
Oh god V was so flattered and insisted that you shouldn’t buy it for him
Ignoring him, you asked the nearest salesperson if you could buy the camera
You had absolutely no regrets even if all your money in your side account was drained
V had absolutely no words
He couldn’t believe what you just bought him but he showered you in so many kisses
You tell him that it’s a belated anniversary present. You were saving up for it
Then he suggested getting some take out food and added
“From now on, can I join you in your mukbangs?”
Explaining what mukbang was turned out to be harder than you thought
Not to say he was dumb or anything of that sort, he just wasn’t up to date with all the trends
Because honestly he couldn’t care less about trends
So you settle on just showing him instead
He helped you make the food but after all that he still decided to only eat an ice cream cone
As you turned on the live stream, he sat in the far back behind you watching.
What was up with this kid???
He legit looked like a ghost in the back of the camera and people in the comments were actually asking if there’s a poltergeist in your house
You take this chance to poke at saeran and when you looked back you said you saw nothing even though saeran was there
Oh it bothered Saeran that you were messing with him like this
Then the chats started blowing up as you ate. The viewer commented with tips on how to get rid of a ghost
You looked back and continued to say
“Guys I don’t see a ghost!”
Finally, Saeran got up and got closer to the camera but you acted like he wasn’t there while everyone was just freaking out that your camera must be supernatural or something
Now that you got his attention, you took Saeran’s ice cream cone and ate it
The poor puppy face he made (>﹏
But you also pouted and that had him melting
“Saeran-ah, you haven’t eating all day! Just eat what I made and I’ll eat your ice cream. Deal!”
So he conceded and pulled up a chair and basically did the mukbang for you
Of course it was super awkward but you helped him out
Before ending the live steam you said
“And that’s how you live with a ghost as a boyfriend! Stick around and maybe in the future you’ll see more of my ghost here!”
With his pretty much blank face he literally just shoved some food in your mouth to get back at you. Of course he wasn’t aggressive when he did it
that had him chuckling deep inside
Then he told you
“I’ll join your Mukbangs. But not as a ghost”
You were surprised that he even said that he would accompany you
You never even mentioned or suggested that to him
But looks like he actually enjoyed it despite looking a little peeved
Then you returned the favor and shoved food into his mouth
“Eat up. Unless you want to actually become a ghost, Saeran”
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